- DAILY-CONFEDERATE. 1ft ITS DAILY CONFEDERATE ADVKi;T -K KH KNTS wib l 4ii t.d at tkrk OLt.Aa per qun of lee lirjet' (or leAli for ,'h insertion. Mai ringe notc and OoitnarUa will b tharjfed st advert iseueDtn. JOB WORK of every dereription will be a ecuted at this Ofneo witb dinpjteh, and as ne&tlj' 4 T P.I-W EEK LY ,'fof months ' 41 I 't cnlTION.for C months RALEIGH, N: C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST!. 1864. VOL. IX'o. t80. OLD SERIES, 1 VOL. V. J tt can bt done in the Southern. Confederacy. "7Tm7 UUHAX, & t:0... Proprietors." IVAlLY EDJTIO-N, for montaa - My XSL JM i . 10 K. 6 ww7 .-V " , reived on any other terms List of' Casualty . rt 17 ll,nfX. C. -Troops, Martin's 7,-nW. " tyauMnl around - '"Wiii and uich,od, v" 18 iom IW. 1804. Cul. WM.-K . .Martin, CM.una. dm- : , Fld ad .s-,fl--.,.Vu M : LtC1 John C UniK on the 20-t May, aid died on the 27u, 18U4; U Cul Tru 11 Sharp, tu-sk wouud leg ;twJ fchouhier, on the 17th dun. . c0.pi,y"A, C.t IlifcgB cuu-m-wfhnS ICiilrd : Lt A T S.aro-. Lt Jonn D Perry Pr.vntcs Jolin IUkr, John K'ce, L L L Ji-own.Troa J'Nkw, iwi II IWe J.ss Kawies, AVilcv A ' 11 tton, Juhn Ilardif, Jaj ' K Hardis'nv flyman l'.e!e, Juh Pope, bt B F 11cm. Wounded: Lt Siuii Pop, din gerou,; Private Samuel Cl.airy, ver.: J Aleiacn Kdw.rdPi.elpM.lU Modliy. John Mel.., Wiley Hamilton, Lalajate Cherry, J, D-fi-.GeoTwiidy, severe (died), J i . Ilardiiton, right rm .iiuuteJ ; 1 ' WhitchaUr, right leg amputated ; John Har ris i , right lung, rortat, (died), John Groves, SlCon,'Cart I- M Charts, coraTading--Kiil- d: Corpl W II Juctt.piivAtrs iitn liiner, Srt J B Perry. Privates O II, ilton.-A Mid, W J Odcn Wounded : Lt Asa P .Slide, loot npu aid, (since dead), private.! W Taur, li.ht; K W Howard, Jlight; A J.T. oWy, slight; W II Ca.awxn, liiti; CiplN 15. YfUlikra. ls'f; d j1 ; Privfct- D W Eaateward, blight; J; Jarvis, alight, Private U W Dauie!d, W I Thorn psou ' Co C, Lt L F Evritt cimm i g Killed, I ri vatea Samuel P StrUgfield, Snmual keel. Yf oun-'e I, privates Joseph Uiroe'.l, Joseph Mon ger Jhn Knox, John Joae, James 11 Purvis, R Vati-han, James Cooper, Iracoire offemer ,d wf rigLt frciit mortal, Joseph Weede riglii cht-K lall pissWi5 c.t right ear severe, James. Ii Wodafd fracture upper jw severe. ' Co. I), Capt Normal L Shuvr coram! fi Kill-d, privates Johu Uountrce, K )u,1?l' ed private, Alfred Jam,?, IXandal , left fr..nt and right leg, rifi'it fo umpuiated. (.Jn"erus) Wifl Iiiiltier thigh eevere, Jasues - r"vr rigln elbow, arm amputated 4' niche v4e-' e i. w, H U lUrdisoa, Alfred Jumcs arm h.T.rf, Eli Dhuphty hand verc. Sw.ul Dow oy J:mf9 L'n't? hfRJ mortal, c i-fu Co. li, Capt John L Swiu ed.'privme Jau.ea II. Ma'Wvfs. l.'tit. ro. J 'tine l'iearcv, J i Ikiflow,-, V (J -a: W r.M,rtin, Kubt. Nol-ou. W . , d, (,apt John L private Johu Coltoin, 15 avae, frc t,ved arm severe, AHaMip fracture lett temp.e .evtrc rct James B Andrews right lung since died, 'print 0 Cudnpr amputated Mcond fiM2,r ri-ht hnd severe, 0 K (Jnme.-, ccrpl H I rett mortal. .. F fpt Ctc P, Dardrln comm-mding KlUeii :'PnvHt UoU J Wataon , S-r?t James U N UnU, private John LGiiflm. oud H M Cvton Sert P l H I1"' valVrt J T ll-nriftt,nek wr.ous; NV l G'-on, f wi.itoi ...!.- r W ll' hh: M Piir.ctt. wv,r,. H Hul.e.wd, lioth severe; Ivy P,i l H W Wyts n. fracture ifc'ill, :i"ii; Ad..iphi. 0U.rn, Krad vcre ; I. vis Wii Uerson, Minion (imr din!) J H fiarns: Lt. Wilf-n, G Luid) thh wnund scalp, Lt II ' D.r iel-, r.,rpl Iv.ra Gikley, CG, C-pt Tii. s N-ran commanding Killed: Pnvtes Pd.-cn 'Howell, Henry Olivrr, lUrvev DveMp..rt(i. Wounded: A Hand otic' W L Hman, J.dm' Williams arm and client 'fMVfro, 1) Weed ley, Sfrfft Stockton Nnrniiin. hiST, (' dead,-) E S Tarlw- tf.w, (-iiice 'dead,) Nvvtern Whtteliurht, se vcro, 11 M DXMp-.r-ie, head (uhk dead), pn Vate. iVloes ltoteion. hevere. Sergt Jolm I4ulitn. vor. Sert Andrew ! rman, hip severe. J j H Grillin. nck .-evcrf, Wm Blamj. scalp 'siijlht, J'o Purvi, Stanley Hoard, Lewi.-(irnt'clf, severe. Jnies Mariner, both hands and left foot sevr Thos Chr. n, se vere, H H Garrett sevt-ix". ll'udx'ii Ars. Cn H C -i t S L. .lohnscii coinm I'p Killed, j.rivate Umi-I Th mir n, VMn n hunei, Lewis lUH Kit Peat, Ara Hunt. CaUiH Boytt. ' Wi-uii.l-d, James Nowm, Curch C"piew pe Tfre. Mntlirw SleitfUr, Joueph Hardicun, 15.d Luc is "vere, McG O-born mrtfll Iah Tn..Hi -fvere, W S P.nley Bevere. Rbt Kerl cvi-re, TJioi Craft severe S-iuuel Norman left Laud, Jwixies Craddock. Cw. I, Capt TV m Powell, commd p kil.i, pnv;itea Ruben Turvirt, Lt .Inmrs Wiggins. Turyev Wliton, Rbt M Lnhcter, Lare co i.'-; v.iftft 15aK. llnnil llvbbio-, W H Pbil- lips 'Wounded Lt James M CutchinS, Lt James Jcnkin? tlh wounds scalp, privates J i w'-kk t .M-e. f)rol K McDowell leg " tWi." private Am Price Pbnulder severe,, h Ciiu.-sy chet severe Jrpc Fleminjr beiicl .eiuce died. Grey Jones, Jcreraiak Whitehead svoe. ,. Co Iv. Capt Howard YV ivel, ctmmnin . Kilted : Pi ivates Unlit Jon.n, H Wi.i.cbard, Miles Rrifi.n, CorTd Co Ko'rbuck, John J Grey, J C Mo th, Geo Frier. WundH : PiivAtex Wawdi"2in Ilir-io, Kli, bermons, 'thiph wverc. -siuce died. 15 D CorN'it, thi.uh and "bark fevero, J W Hardison, WI1 M iv, . J, .s L Wl.irchard, R W (irv, Tho Murphy. Kwie, Jatr.es P.irl. serious ince dud. Bryant ttak-r, feTere. Thcoptdlus Evns, ne ' vc.e. J C flladsnn, chest severe, to-.n'x Sutti, , flight, J L U s. bip..D Jones, Serjrt Bl.-uM SWpe. finder amputated, Geo little, arin pr vere Knoc McGowhao, nevprrt, John Virw ri-ht TU Flemming: Trmrtal. J II Perkmf bedVevei, Tl.eoplUlus B.kcr, v:tc. " Co L. Cat The II Gilliam cr mmardtn : t-:,i.i ..tr;..ta V Kirbr. J Goodr.mht, ' Fulton. SVuu.uk i: Albert L yld. Uth in-rul ice dinl, A M Mend-u. j tlumib amptttatrd, Dvid CVmb, Calvm L'- i. . Mining P)!:wlder l ct i never-. I). ca:or FeUnf left toot sdrejre, l,"ui , N a!. F t r., riaht Imrr since -Iied, W E " M'fK-'i'.-, d Fteru.an, W M Cardots 1 ' r L K.SAUNnKKS, Suru'. 17rh lit. N. C. T. ' Taiboro Stl.ernrr plaf r ?py. . B' swell tsiiip'ained tiv J s n that the . noife of the. o mp;:iv trie -other day md Ids " bfa-i ache. "No, n"r, i was not thenvise that made Tour Lead ache ; it was tbe seuyo we put 'iu it,""eaid J"bnwn. 4 lias n-e that effect . upon tbe haJ V inquired Bowell.' Yea, sir, on bead that are not used K it." II- wbn in his Drnlexitv resorts t i false . lrw). rnav w etn secure f. r n iit ! '.vldle. Int is fure t'he sooti rbrwheim?d with "tetter , pcrplexitv than before, jut the wav. i o, in a bower. takes relume under a tree, w pro tected artirst, and then fiids himself orte .than ever. Special Cor'r!pondenee of the Robel. A Toaching Story AngcP's Smiles. Montgomhrv. Ala., August 1. 1804. ll.w 1 do love littl jiirls, toav nothing of oi.o of mat,4irer yeirs. There is nothing in uaturc so l. vely, i-o inuoCvBt sj fascinnting. and at the aum tiras fu fml t niety aol .playfulness' Ths tender and delicate fff-jc-ti to which rheir -natuns are mou'.M, arn thrn Ugrinniwg urjcor.s.donslj to develop thenischerand eYerythit beautiful and af fect.ng nature tlaitad Km them a snrile or a tear a deep out iiK.me&t-try interest, t They have a ter for a wearied liuib, for the droop ing fl -wer, and even br the waBder'.c: rn n dicaiit. ibtugh atraid to approach him. The feel'icgs of th sur arc conspicuous in every' muse' o( the l'acanu turn of tl-.e eye. Their hearts ai like softened wax, and the iropres isious mad), Ut-t forever. Such beiajis au ricarestakin to angels, and are the connevtinj; links tSutt j 'in us tu a better world.' Those were little giris of wbem it vras said, "uff r little children to c.rne unto me, and torb:d then) not, forbuch is the Kipjftluw ot Heaven, 1 hrtve ju.it c merged from the b.ii iH;r tbop. bou(a:htii.e Moiitjoiiitrr ilnll, the abiilinjj place, in thinciiy, ol all Bohemians. . Thesnu was tiloiry with its earliest rays the domo f this fetnt'liuse; tne streets were quiet, only b(re ar d there i dustriwus tradesmen wcr rhr. via r -hutteis fr..tu !oorwa8 and win dows; i?lvawt girls wjre sweeping the dust tri tn ttir-; step.-, and rot far away two little hi, Aith wie.ttlf of n.es alftut their brow, tiii'i thft air .with the muide f th ir K,ft, hwe-t. v.icee. A thoughtful mother bad s'eiit them forth' to inhale the morning brseaos of sunnner time, whioh'wtrep so s ft!y. burdened with the peifurues' of another Paj-tum. over tbe queenly acd boauiiful city-of .Montgome ry. TwughtlesH iunncence and j-'jous ruirtb, unclouded ty nit Uii ies of relentless war, gave lustre to tu- ees and lightness to tho steps of tiur fairy -like litt!e A diay, fright':d with a rude coffin, came lowiy lis.vtn thf iryindle of the street. The iaz d iver was silent, and thJ vbip He b!J u .bx-b Tr, -Jy unuseu betid him ' An ol.l tr; peri apa seventy years of ge, with h ug : : hair, bowed .:oirn by the. lapse of years,, mart broken by iho loss of his o:.ly son, followed the diay with . unsteady s'es. Tbe smii had died in trie army hospital, and" th: ogf-a?atner whs the only u.unuv wh'-c-uoii.pauiei the body to the grave. As th dray pa-.-ed on', shop keeper? suod sti ! and retcter.tly raised their hats. Tbe f.ny lourg rs along the paytfcietits gazed son-owfuliy on (he s-d spctncle. such as thsy bad n-jver txpeted to behold. Thy read iu the t cts l fore them an episode in ibe history d the war vrhch m;ide them conscious of its (errille re.iiity. Seivaut girld leaded ou their brooma-adies, ajd with sorro iui lo As p bjted to tJ br. k n-heailed old mar. Vu wUikeJ on. s foeb y ami helid-ssly,as h tolloweU tbe corpse. The dray psseJ ner tbe to ince ;iris, a'U in ! t ii,! ainr.acr-.ed Their Onvri'-ueut c-ased; t fu u.nc of thir laughter was A- J ienced. 'J'ny hto-d still. ar) witj eyes vriJe j optmg'zed 'n the old m--:n, vbo downcast hw.ksa d. unsteadv sicy.stoid a tcnchirg st jry , so fimplf, tbaf even chib read aud sym- patl.iied.'. 1 heircd tt.e elder vay, 1 uis i; Uie old m.m vvh j came to tiur bon.o o get fm-d for bis son in the Hospital, lie aio they t!it tie po r boy could not live He is dead now, and hi"s father is taking him to his .grave. 1 am s sorry lister, that he is altme. Let us go and put tbtse flowers on the coffin, .is vre Hid :u. on our brot berV when he di'd." Tle dray drew tear and the Mttle cniioen j wat out to the old man. In b'uupio. t u h- j ii ';g accn's of heartfelt sympathy they made j their whhe.- kpown. For the first time, tears bedewed the checks j of . thH hi-oker-h(rted father. The dray stnod j Kitlf, an 1 with tri-mbloj band, he p'ticd the j wreaths of loses on' thvi impoiUh'-d coffin. j Tnruinj! to the little j;t!, he said, 'God b'S I y. u my c ldrcn. Ti e force ot this ten ib!e j blow is broken by y u r sympathy. Allhtiumu hearts fiavc oof been hardened by thi horrors ; of war. God's blessing shall re.-t- n yen al- ways. I have lost my sou, but there aie oih . ers yvt wwm I may love." ; Tt e dray moved slr,vly on, ar.d th old man ; Irdlovviti with lighter sfep than before; Angels had fieibd and soothed his . grief. The gold- ; ai th.-rd ol iiurnan Syu.-pathy ', which biods our brails together in the midst of ceaseless we, ; bad bet irelecuified. It links extend through t the reat heart c! hrmauity ffotn chiluhod i . . , lo axe, and are entwined about the Tnroi.e ot God. towards which the old mar looked up coi.ftdingiy. Pi-.teksuurg, Aug 20 th, 18G4. To tlit Editors - of the C '-nfednate : In a IMerboug paper a few days age., I was mo?t h-ppy to 8ff ilie earnest appeal made by your j-eUt s t ti f r 'od pet p!e of the Old North Srat-.io l..-bHiftd''lRMtJnH fitizetss of th'. p.ilrio k- iy ot Pen 'fcbuig, ui in behalf ol ; !h't. n win d tier-iit directions, baing ! :e-L r i:; o'ff eii i t .'-ft in tbe udjatt-nt c.,lilts ,K-c;-ify-G. fi Id and toy iasi?e c t it' , I'r-.tx.-o Geora'. Many who w-re. rich aim ei 'Vina ali t'ne coiv.t T:s of this lac, are tiw red. ice -.1 to pove? ty ; and tw.u.e to vant -Many no.v lema'idn in my couiMy.ouce well iff, are dr.itvir.y; ratioi.K fr-in tbe abominable V a-. keep. 1 Muctrely hope tbt all jiortu-L of the Southern Sai wuich have net suffer ul.amlbe ". iH Lnd a hheral anOpeedy ha. d ti alltviatft the wntsi f the ,1 ..crs :-ii"refUi.f, in t hi se times uf want. V ' iveti'i an insertion in ycur va'uab e P U"-r, d itju.t liters, in" aid of ufferin- .' ..unuui'v. v,d olli.-e viutruly, 'A Ki.fUo1,E NOW IN PlIEK-DUKG,- trom Prince Omi ge Co., Va. .. -) . fK,.-o il.ii. nt.near to he uni'.dured by the , Fall ;h!i4usHf birds, the biauty yf .wtrs, and i.t scaiits ii infancy, for it mfikult to ,oi:te v h .w .itlnr of th-se con.d have been ii. ore p rTtct had men remained- holy ; a if tiod wvuid leave us something pure to remit -tl us of tjjftt Paradise we have lost, aud to point us to that which we shall regain. Most murderers die in a very pious frame of mind, expecting to so to l ry at or.ee; et no man believes he shall meet a larger avc r rd piral'K ard cut-tkroats in the s-tre-'S ihV Ntw Jtrusd-m than of h-. nt tolks th-: die on tir.t ir beds O ura d e not cnsit in frt-lin;r n fear. but in co-. qcerinjr the 1 t4,S' ' tei-iug the li-.ma on th'-ir iifs, ;,oes stra'.ga: on, becai:?e there hiss duty lie?. For Sale. A No. 1 article of S-vrnp this day receirod. , V Call poon, as it is groin? oft' fast, by the gal lon, twro doors below the Krpress Olfice- Also for le a Ilouss and Lot, with three rooms, near the Railroad Depot. - . , ,r aug23-d3t J. II. KTRKHAM. Auclttt'si SalesSorgliuin Bollevs. "V" EXT Saturday, Aajrc-t 27tb, at 12 o'clock, I 11 will offer to the highest bilder, One Huudrid Plates of Iron for Sorirbum pns.- D. VV.C. BEN BOW, Commission Merchant, Greensboro, N. C. j auy 23-d4t . , . ' , ... For. Sale. ONE or the most desirable situations in Green. boro. North, Carolina. Dwelling- contains six rooms, tibtes larpi, other outlswuses "conTe ""Clnt. and in good rder. . If necessary to induce the .purchaser will also include a larg-e. and valuable new Brick Store on the lot adjoining. ' D. W. C BEN-BOW, aug ll-3tawtf Greensboro N.C " HATS ! HATS!! FOR everv tvro and a half pounds of clean and vrell washed WOOL, ue will give a wool hat. Parties at a distane- c.".n send weol per Kx-pre-s to Frariklintop. 'We will deliver the hats at that point, if desired. A. S. GILL & CO. Pacific Post Office, Fraktin county, N. C. Ju'y 2S, lSf,4-oaw-4t - MADAME SOSNOWSKI'S FEMALE T XSTITUTE, (bARHAMVM.LE, NEAR CrtTXMBr.A, 8. c.) rpHF EXERCISES of th-NTni-titute will becom- 1 inenced tbe 1st of October, 1S64. . The Berriefs of SIGNOR TORIANNI and oth er eminent Instructors have been secured for the 'institute. For Circular and information, apply to the Principal. augl5taw8t AFEWIMPOPvTANT FACTS , IN RKGARD TO THE "SOUTnER'N HEPATIC P ILLS," "1 TIIEV are prepared from the best quality .L of Medicine by the dissoverer, now an ageJ Minister of the Gospel, ano are fafe. 2. They have bcon known for years and tested by thousands. 3, Fiye hundred persons are known to have been cured by them. 4. They are not recommended by the proprietor for evorv tbing, but only .for diseases whicbarise 5. Directions und certificates accompany each ' a 1.1 A. i. . Ill ,1 l)(ix and iocs; oeriiucao's are uuiu wni anuw u sjuu most respectable indi viunal?. fi. Correenundevits rccr minend them a? rood for Liver Disease, (Thills and Fev-is, Pneumonia, .Jaundice, Dyspepsia, liiiiou? Fevers. Bilious IL!'"Uiiiati-?!P. Wo-ii1?. rlunsy, !! Muclotis, Ac. 7. SeveriiJ 'rentli2n stat that the nae of these Pilh has bfen to'tliciu an 'pnr.nal saving of from $100 to $200; . they are the best plantation mtdi cint! over ofiWitd to tbe public. a Sinn Pijvsicians of the hisrhest standincr rre- fcribc them to thfir patients, and hundreds of boxes have been oId to rralar practitioneic. y During the la.-t o4ua. fer, 2,8(J boxefl have b-en sold to Druggists, one in South Carolina and one in No th Carolina and some time zgn over ?, TOO bows were ordered by Dru-rgists in one town in- Viroinia. Pi 'k-.?. $ a box For $?,0 -a dozen boxes will be s nt.to any ad Irss. A very liberal dis count to DiUjjgiota and eoui.tiy mercliants. Cash (new tuneney ) to tccoropan;- ort.ci . AI.K. IN X-o'.tYH CAROLINA AS Fol.l.OWr,: A.dK'viP.e, K. J. A?'on, Liircrdnton, S. P. br-r Aibemni I. J. M. Hi-ins.! rill. j Chips-l Hilt, li. 11. San ' Lonisburjr; .1. fMifton, i !',.,., .Marion, Wn.. W.-ikjIb ld. Cbis-lotte.J. Nyellutch-i Pit fsooro', J. Long, inon, Raleigh, Wiliiamj A F. S. Cirr, , Havwood, Clintn, Hubbard Si, " P. F. Peseiid, Moslev, llockingham, J- P. Ncr- rtmeord, .1. Reid, ; tha.n, Er.'.ield,-.T Coeu, Salisbury, Henderson & -Vi etteville. N. A. Sted-! Ennis, ' its an & Co., - ' Shflhy, K. Froueberfrir, Gold.-boro', Lucas A: Wadvsboro', W . v. Uen- Moore,. ' 't--it. lU'.iiV.x, J. OMlrien, i Whiteville, K. Hiyr.es. Ht-ue: rson,. Wvtbe &. Wilmirton, Waiker Co., ' Hears, ' L. xinprtjn, J. P. Htim ; H. McLin, snn i W. 11. Lippitt. Address, GF.OUGL t . Dfci'-SlH. julv 27-dtawfwlsn Gobl.ro', N. V. I)?Mr?.blc Heal llsirao Ylr Saic, I7IVli miles from Grecnsvbrro', ors' the-road 1 leatlirg to Saieei , and in ?; d a mi! of New Gardcb Collg". Tbe Tract (.f !iar.d ii 221 acres, about one-thud cleared, and the balance in o; ig ii al growth uf oak, chestnut, Ac. There it upon uio place ayrmng orchard of three years' growth, embracing the mnst l are and choicest selection of of Peach, Apricot' and Apple tree, numbering 1000 trees. The improvements are, -a superior t.vo-story White Dwelling with nine rooms, all furnished and nearly n-'W, having beefi built in 18 0: two excellent out-houses for servants, with . yoodbrick chimnevs ; one store-room nd smoke bouse; a superior barn and stables; i:i a wor, thi iuiprcveaiei ts are cn?idercd equal to any in tii.. countrv. In tbe yard is a wt il of water that caniOot'be surpassed. This place beicsj in the healthiest pat t of the State and near the Dan ville railroad rnd. the thriving town .f Greens it i!iu fi-inst. jttrnetivo orooertv on the market. The owner would sell or exchange it for property in :!"igh. Address, 'Box 8G, Kaieigh, N. C- aog9-taw6t t Eli TIFWA Tt:SOFlSDE Ii TEBX ESS y hem: isg ti pel c ext. per axxijm ISTEUESr. AXP FKEEFkOM TAX AT 10 X. TarASCkY Department, C. S. A.. ) ricbmnd, August 8, 1S04. J BY tin 14th secth n of the art to reduce the - eurrencv, appiovfd . Ft-bruary 17tb, 1KC3, the . Secrutary of the TreaMiiy s autbori-ed to isue ihe above cci tificates, payable two ye.is after the raiitication of a treaty of peace with thi United States. Thev cannot be tUi,. but are only to be issued to such creditors of tbe Government as ore willing to receive the earr.Cn pprn?nt of their, demands. Ibey must also be given at par, though free from taxation. Tbe attention of purchasing agents and dis bursing otiicrs of tbe Government is called to this class of public seui ities. as offering peculiai advantages to those from whom tbe supplies of the Governaient are bought, and to facilitate tbe use of hem, checks ora n by disbursing oibcers upon tbe Depositaries boldirg these funds, and . rcai ked actoss the face "payable in ei tificates of indebtedness," will be paid in conformity there wi'b. ' . ' Depositaries are hereby authorized ard requir ed to complv with this regulation, ard to make application 'to thcLegistr for supplies cf certiti cates as required. Siurnd G. A. TRLNnOLM, au? 23-d26t Secretary of Treasury. Theascky Dfpartjiext. C. S. A., Pim.md Jlilv 28. lff4. f T AXED fuEASUuY NOTL6. In order to promote, as far as practicable the earlv liautdition hy the Treasury of th 'OUT- STNDING TAXED NOTES, tire Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Pay Depositaries in the difbr-nt States," are hereby authored to receive tbe fcaid notes, except iuu iv;u y centum on deposit, issuing for same Cei t.bcates !. cf Loan, upon hyptbt-cation of . non-taxab'e I boid. : he said n rtirieat' s to b payable on de i mind." aft-r tbe expiation of nicety days. nd all ncnts.for tbe f-ale f i tb- above lords ' art- her.b-. authorized te n-eeive the taxed rotcs ; witi- th-- vxceprioii above nan ed, in payment of ; " ,u 'ZW&Wofiir- I an 23 dl2t Secrataay of the Ti -canary. . . Postponement of Sale-. THE SALE advertised to take pi see on the 3d of August, at Elia & Cohen's Stre, is post- dnble eireum- s?tanees,) until tha 2. of August, at wh'.ch tnu it will certainly come. off. ! auyl-oawtds St A. KAURIS, Anct'r. i AIR AM' S SALVE. t THIS Salvo. ha3 been thoroughly tetted frr many yeats. and i3 now IT r ; 1 to th? puVic with tbf-guaran tee that it possesses all the valu able Healing rroperties claimed Tot it. p,.i-o11 K'ltn Krr:'sc Vinrrn srnlJs. fisinffS. f-d.ns. Jilietrsui3ers. excoiiations, rising end gHtbered .breasts, and for all tcounds of every description, it will bo fyaod eminently succcseiui in nuurumg io lief and efi'ectiag a 'care- m" ' '.. It is peculiarly adapted to wounia exhibiting syniptpis of erysipelas. Reference is made to tbe following persons who hiveuscS the Salve, and can testify to its healing powers ; P.O. Snowden, Serg. P. A. C. S ; Drs. Fans and Eerry, Pittsboronsh ; Rev. llobert B. Sutton. Rector ofSt Bartholomews Church Pitls borousrb ; Hon. A. Renoher. Col. Henry A. Londos Dr. W. F. HarP.se, mferaber of Exaiaing Boaid 7th Congressional District. . For sale by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, and ether Druggist in th tftate. and F. AIR AM, Pittsboro,! N. G. july ll-eod-13t Seasonablq and Desirable Goods' AT WHOLESALE A N D 11 ETA I L. r ALES Black and Colored Flax Thread, OU UO.doz. CosUe'a Whir Spool Cotton, 10 ttoz. Clark's aseiirted colors ditto, 500 gro?s shirt and coat rubber and pearl buttons, ' 200 gross black and white pant but toss, 3U gross lasticar coat and vtst button?, 2) ioz. fine and dressing combs, 200 yards liuos, " 150 yards black and whits muslin gingham, 500 yards black and white calico,, 1000 yards Mht colored, , do, 1000 yards dark colored do, 5!0 yards colored and black alapaccas, 600 yaidtt colored and black and n bite mu'.in, 40 dozen steel tkirt springs, 2 pi. ces black broad clotb, 1 piece blaek cafsimere, 11 pieces colored cassimere, 2 pieces silk poplia? 20 dozn gents' colored handkerchief's, 4 pifccs red and white Uann. 1, 30 pieces fine bleached cotton cloth, 35 doz. toilet scip, fcoma very line, Lead pencils, coda by thj keg or po':nd, tStoel pns aiid pn hold.-rs, 40,000 vhite and coh.red envelopes, 25 oz. quinine; Engliib paper, 20 dozen rolipr skits. Priase Uio Cjil'c!, and many other poods, at email profits. . . JAS. Y: WHITTET) dr CO.. F.ug5-eodl2t Hillsboro', N. C. i. liEADQ'RS ARJ1Y X, VA., AitjuH 10, 1304 J . Gknekal Ov.Dcns, 1 No. 54. All persons connectrd with this 8riny rh.i ar? absent wit.hout proper Kuibority. are enjoined to return tr tbtir respect ive conimands without dday. . This order is interred to e'r.ibrace thoso who hac rcmpined iibse.il boytf-;".d the t"ue limited for tb?ir return, or after tbe cans-? of thfrir aUrexce has cea.je(t. AH sucii pers nsare adu:(nihod that every dny they remain an ay from tbtir po t::. adds'lo the dar.avrs and labors of th'b- cano zd's. r-. hil it incr a--, s th' ;.r own re.pocudliy to ihe -laws, tbi v are ri'datirg. Tfie Comn'MTidiog G.Mieral deems it only r?cos if.uv to rern'ii.d ibi-su who bare ( cicd thriu.vi., th'ioahtftihu.s or :;ijli::nc'e, of the idiamc and ;i;--grsse?"ih"v will bi upon tbomsi-l vis ;.nd their f.i!'?iii..-s, it' !bcr shrink from tint mar. fill diebai vo of dutv'in the I'.ou.-of their country's lutvi, and b are tb-ir homes ti be d.efcndcd and iheir iiidu pv.oider.ee to be secured by the unaidvd, courage of e the i 5. "To those whose absence has been prolc?-ged titi ti! tbfy have incurred th guilt of des-.Ttion, be can ofilv say. that a prompt and voiuntaiy : etui n to dutv'aloiie can p liate lli-ir ollcuce, atjd eiititb' tb'in h f;vn t any clemency. f ai rrtt-d fili'i brought back. 'justice to the faithiV! and tru.-, as noil as lb.: h.t.'iests and sib' tv ot' i be country require that they shall sulIVi the exr-eni" i.enaitv of the law. Ihi-nvdj " E. Lf-JE. Gen. OrnciAi. : .1. C M cR'a A. A. (i-v. u5 2-.t:n iiFi .UHJ HS UESiru VK. N.C.I IMryk, Attj. 19, lc'il. j GENERAL OiiDI KS No. G. ' I. General Orders No. 3, paragraphs III.. IV. and V., Headquarters Rescrvo N. C, current ee ries. ar' hereby revokfd. II. Ail Exemption of persons within the jte serve ages, will b.? granted . und r gerernl in structions from the Bureau of Conscription, with out reference to the Lieutenant Genera! Com mimdirv Reserve. III. Applications for Detail of persons wn.iin the Reserve ages will not be received by the Lockl EnrolluigOllicers, until aftfr tbe ojganiztim of the company fr-m th county in which the appli cant tesitie's shall have been effected. They wiil thrn be carefully investigated, aifd actd uprn in couforuiitv with tbe provi.-iots of CirenUis No. .., 8 and 2D," Bureau of CoLseripfiou. ' eun -. nt se ries, except as hereinafter prescribed: fret, In cases of approval by th- District Enrolling OJli ccr, a furlough for ix.y days will not be grai-t.ed, when tbe partv would, within that time, bycojt e i'-btr n vears'old. S'ecoi.rf'jr, In cases of disap proval bv the District Enrolling Oilier, if the partv be between fo'-tv-fiv.; and bfty ears old, be wiil he forthwith asgned by th Enrolling UfJi ccr to tbe company ofSeiiii-r Keserv.-s from the cour.tv in which b resid.'s : if bi-twn tns aces of seyeuteen and eighteen ye ;rs, be will b sent (.,'...,-. ,r Ti.pnptiis. for sssiirnmeiit bv the Commandant of Conscripts, at coi ning tr, county anrfl cox.giessiv.nal dJs-trict. ThirtUy, Ail app.i-cati'.n.-. her-in i tferred to, ivjuired by the Circu lars fron the Bureau of Cor coriotion t b forward ed, will be transmitt' d. through the ctmmndant of Concrirts, to tlvisorlice tor final action, insK-ad of to tbe Sapeiintendfcct of the Bureau at Rich ttsond. - Bv command of Lieut. Gjn. JJolms. 7 JOHN W. HINSDALE, au- 20-7t A. A. G n. Tbe Wilmington Journal, Fayett-ville Obser ver. Ashville News, Charlotte Democrat ap. Wintoft Sentinel ropy seven times. SO,000 Pouatls r Leaf To3acco. IT 7 ILL sold t) the highest bidder, at II ILLS -W BORO'. ou TUESDAY, the 3C:h AUGUST, insiant, SO.OtO pounds ef excller.t LEAF TO. BACCO. It was, selected it Granville and Frank lin counties, two years ago; has ben carefully I housed", and is in line eon iition. In the lot arc I five bogshtads of tt.e celebratfcd VeseyJIobacco. j Teams to tuit j-urchaters. RSCpE HOOKER. , 19.dm Ilillehor.'. X. C. Nitrz and Mining Bubeic, . Richmond, Aug. 15. 161. ) UNDER ir.str.nctiotis from tbe Secretary of War. the Commissary Department wiil in fAur'e furni aiUuppliia required by tbe Bureau, ar.d all cScere or agents of the Ni're and Mining t..-. i,vL- Mi9!!ed co!lectir.;r Oommissarv Sorea ti the State of North Or.dina, v irgiu:a an.l L-rper j. TiMir. esse? wiil at once c-ae operations. Engage- j uients air-.'adv n.adi nil! be esiipbJ whb. I RICHARD .MORTON, j Lutemni C.donh i au" l?-6t ' ActiDg Cld.f of Bureau. 5lrl KKtatf For Sale. A VALUABLE Tract of Land in Ons-low coun f tr, t;ntaii.ing TOO. acim, baT of which is clear-1 nd in tultivution; and producing finely ; aboutIi.O acres br.t rate land to char. Elevated ar.d healthy, and gositaatcd 8 t?rcqdire but lit tle fencing. For particulars addrei.s d. a. nuifpimr.Y, auglSdDt Goldebn.'f C. OfficrRalei g hTciSon'R; R. Co pyT" It A LEI Gil, July 7, lt4. rfflllE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS A. Coinpany have d-clared a dividend of 1 per cent, on tbe capital ute payable r.ti and afttr after lstt.f August, 1S64. iu four per 'cent etrti ficates arid bonds of the Confederate States, or ia Confederate treasury rotes of tbe old Issue at face value, at the optical of the Company. W. W. VASS. "julSdtf " ; Treasurer. $30 tlKWAUD. MY boy MACK bai runawar. lie left oa Sunday evening last. I will give the above reward lor his apprehension and delivery to tr.e. Mack is about 19 . years od, black complexion, weighs about 140 -p'ounds, five feet three inches nigh. Ilr maxj:dearor maka his way t the neTgbboi b'.od .Vnieorgi? W. Thun.s n's, as bis mother be! on--, to tbe estate of Pel-? S. B c? is. July 20 tf JOHN C'KOIIKK. NEAV AUCTION AND COMMISSION STOKE WIL AND U. B. 7VCKKH AXO..S. Andrews, Vave this day soeiateu ibe?r Sidves to '"etbei undfr the. name und stU of TUCKER, ANDKEWS & Co., for tb puipcte or conducting a general Auction aud Coofuiission buiintss. All business enhu?ted to tbeUi will meet with pi-omvdm? and dispatch. TUCKER, ANDREWS A CO. june 23 127-dt Stolen. . 17ROM TI!K EXCHANGE HOTEL, lla'eigb, J. wn the 22ud of Jutiw- la.-t, ntif (iui.n lliiMisi.K, niaiktd A. L.. sdto a pair of Pearl aud .It it Eu Mxr.s. with hnir rncared. Anv information kit at THIS Oi l ICE. leading to the r ecovciy oi daid article. 5H' be liberally rewarded, july Sl-dSCt , LV UV IJOUY L3K THIS WAV. ILOUil, MEAL. CORN, BACON, MELL-. N-S, L Ac, Ac, for s:da at. W. X7. VOODl'hS. 2 doors West of the Presbyterian ('lurch, Raleigh, August 9. 18it. AugUrt I' -lf. Borglmm Boil rs I-OIl MAI.K. Tarn Manufacturing B'd'ers of al! iios. All oi tiers prompilv attended to. " ' P. T. NORWOOD. . Raleigh, July 22 Ctf (OFFICE AY EXCil AN G K.TiOT S I .1 i, OHice hours from 0 a. m. to 1 p. tu.; from 3 to j. in., unt l ltt Oc;.ber. aug 4-dtf - anu M' RS. Ml LLEIl continue? to Boarders, by the day, week acco'.n atodate or nnm'!i. Confederate Taxes ! II HE Con fede rate Tax Av-ss .i.s f.r the Cu-.s!y i of Wsiko, will attend -tt :h follo-a irtr tim.-s and piace.s, for tho purpose of a.-.-essing tb o TA X LS f.-.r ibe vear lfi:i. At . i:.i.-igh, Thuis'tay, Friday and S ttiuday. 1st, 'li niid IJiii S-pti B.'.nks. Mor.dav. .r'b li.ur.ev" .b-ne.-.', Ti:sdv, otb d.i T .i.l-Lv'i! !!,;ifis. fdin filj V. . ti . . . ' 'in t i r . - - - - - - f Green L- Vi 1. Thu'-S'-ay , Morii.iVil.p, l-iiclay, Burbt t-'s. Mofida , III Vh Htb .12 Ih to Ibxiil's Tutsd.i v, Wabcli dd. Wedr.fMlay, 1 iob;s.v i ! l, Tha: so ay , Foiwlvi'le, i'i-v, buntisvil'.e, Satdidav, Le'.s', Tec-day, (j.ik Grove. V'edn?sdy, (. W. Thomrfc'f . 1 i.'u'sday, rr!..j t iv-ii:.i.is it"f!..' ("!..io tv 13 H !! 1 .t'l Kill 1 ith Cffth 2 lit 22nd are Jico-t-bv rs i i - urii- fu ii i r att'sni nt the ti;:u s and pi ;: nbove 1 III. .rtrt J v ' ..... v ..1. M.-a.-st their respective iidcr.r.-.$. tnd -ii to th A.-?cx-srs a e: -lee: Si,! of the fol'owirg ! 'Ct; ol taxation, i j: hau l, htld aud ov r.i d ou tlil7th o! i'.-hi iirfi-y , I -. ;4 : Lund, number o'f uc:s s-ud V;ilu ia I'C.O. SUvt-s, numbrf . fex, age. ami va'.ae in lS; Horses. Muh'5, Asf '-. ar.d d. unc t s, aie.i a:n in iN' U. Carl. nui!ib,-r .nn-t'i alue. ir H'GO. Sh-p, Ooats -nid Hog, and valua in' 1'f). Coiion, Wool. Tobacco, ("tun, What. O.itt. lire. liuk wheat. itiee. Potatoes, t f ail kirds. Peas, (J i -'.st.d-piis. Pt-.ii.s. I Sour, Metil, Suuar, Molasri.. I'a-t-o:i, Lard. Spirituous Liquor;-. .vc (n band on t'o 17ln day of lb u u v. l4. nd not n cessa y for fuiily c'orsu'ujitifitj f-r 'tbe year 18'M. The numbji-of bahels and tli dr a!uo recttiveiy, miit b r stated t. arl. 1 V. HouseKo d and Ki chen i'urnitui". Agricultural iiaj.le:nti:t?, MeohAnical Tools, fnd Muricl jw struments. at:d their vali t iu lG'). Caniiiges, Caits, and Wagons. Dr:iy, Ac. ar.d valu.: in lMiU. I'lr.okH. Maps, Paintings Pictuses, tati. Ti er v, Ac, and value in 1m0. Propctty of all (V pdration. Joint Sloek Co'npr i v :oid Asrofid tions, Gold and Silver oi. tJold cbi't, and i. 11 or Silver bullion. Aieount ot all solvent creed's, Bank Bills, find all tlx r papers uu.-d a cunen cv, (exclusive of mm-iiiteie-t brai ing ' Unuoe rate Treasury NoK-s, and employed in k tiued buin ss;) Value of ail money s bdd abi o d. ar.d bil a of Exchange oa ortijin cour.liiv-s; and the valu. of .11 artic cs ot personal'or M.ix 'd pi.-pi i ty rot nnr.icrat d above, ar.d not fxrft.pt frn tix atioe. Land, Slaves, fi.ttou and Tobacco pur chased hii ce the 1st of J.-.nwarv, i'rt;2. n ut be listed at th- ani'iU'tt p:id f.'.r tbevn. Tbe Bar..n wsli alio be iieto M. A. BLEDSOE, . Ck(,r, R. ii. JONES. As-'-'r" I ng "-d26t hXXXWU lASDS E'Ofl H XI III L)UUSUANT to adec:eeof tlie"Sprer0 C. urt, wiade at Raleigh, June teim. li'4.- ib. tin-ci.-r;gn'.d, e tcutoi of tbe late Wi-. 11. Cais-n, wilt expose U public sal, at thtf Coarl H-mik do r, in Marb n, McD' well county, .Wi lli Ca.o Hna on Tnsdar, the 2Mb dav of Ser tcuiber r xt, a vi'ry deoirbfe TRACT " LAND, Jviig on B-fch Cret k adjoining the Pleasant (;atdvi, in"!udirg thi Ute resilenceof said drccas.d, v- n fainin abut sevt-n hur.drid acres, ab ut one budr d and tw. ntv fin-HM of which Is ffood bottom, and in a hgb l;t of culttrafi n ih r i on tbtj p ace a large and comforUb ft bn-.k house with f -v'-n rooms and all the neon ary r .it Uihdi'g. ireliding a rit Mill and Sa-.v ,id, and sev-ra! hundred choice f.uir trees. Also an undivii-d halt interes in four hundr?ci ar d twen ty acre- - ' ifii'ig the above, on- honcied and httv a"i es of w bicb is b-ttoi". A t tb-i f ao time ttud plac I i'd sell, as administrator of .Vm. L. Cars'm, dec-ad. under an order ot the County Curt, en undivid. d hah intref t in Wthkr.owo as the Gibb's piac-. i-djoining th J Bin k Ilwnsj place, co'-.taiotPT "b-ut livo hundred a iei", anrl kixtv' acres, seining tb-f Eane. I-"u:g n the Chestnut brar'b. and orpjtundred en a ivinc on Hie Pol Bridge bran' b.Also an -undivided ooe eixth int-reift in the Fork place, lying ou the rorta tork of the Catawba river, containing about si hundred acres ; and au undivided nae-R.vttb in terest in about two hundred and fifty aerm ot wood land, dj dnirg tbe town ot Mat ion. For any tuitner ia;ornation aoous tue pp-r- tv. c.ait on oi jan 8 lue iuhstnocr a .;anou, -Ik e..,.linl N.o-th TEKMS mad? knftwn on dav of -.!". - JOHN CAKSO.V, Executor of Win. M. Gar -n. dtc'd. arid adiniTiiitrator of Wm. L. Caion, 'a c'd. . aasr 12dl2t 3IOINTAV TflEpr.bscribe'r vill sell the above fart" on ibie'b be liv. about or. ruile Iioin Bnl.k levville, ard tl ittefn fr. in I.itt1ror, t or.tatr.ing 204 acies. fixtr .td which y c u" der rultivetidv, thehabts.ee purcipally ii bavy otijMual grout ht lying on Little FUbit g Ciiw-k an'1 Bear Swan p. which afford a supiiior wan fver. Alo tire 'og. heads rod tuhctu. p. w. y rri:ll. .augllfit " HiiakleyvLMe, X. C. AioLrn reus, W110LESA.LK TOK A (CO II (M SK, Commission Merchant, GOLOSBOllO. N. (. IIBERaL advBhcemeuts made or. Produce cn U iirncd to itse. july 14, lt;64 Ca.n. , " Bond 5 for Sale. Fl YE 11 VX UP Eli UlLLlOX VOX FEDE RATE SIX J ' E P CEX T. ll 0 XI) S. 'pnESE BOND3 precnt tb greatest induct I itif-nts for investments. They hare thirty years to ran, interest payable uMii'i-annually, anl are itv'rured Jr -import and cxpoit duties; are exempt, principal and interest, from taxation, and the. cou; ;U3 receivable s. cetn for custotu duti.s. ' The couu"s of these Bond, due January Ift, ii5, bavo i 'I'li'iN di vd to bercoeiv in pay im-nt of imiort duties iu advance of maturity. Apple to ALLEN S. GlifMS, Ag.'Lt Treasury D:f in tn. nt. . joly 22 tf Wilminct.pi, . C. 311. Vernon 5-Vm:&!c eiittnai y. Mineral Sjirinji, ChuthaM Coitn'y, X. ) rpHE hfxt session of t I.l Si boo! will commence 1 on the 1st of Sf'tmb( r. Every department v. ill bo supplied with competent and cxpnieneed Instructors. Circular containing fuli particulars as to t' t trs, Ac., vill be forwarded un.'.'i application to REV Wll, HOOPER, Or T. ('. 1HH1 Elt, Fyitteville, N. (h N. B.- Young ladies will be "received as l-oaid-crs at nir tim" daiiu; li e months of 1 uly at d Augu.st, if t'ticii' parents, ivrishh-r it advisable, v.-ith a view to tbe benefit to b rivd trom the mineral water.' . aug i d''.t JfiiCO liollars 3 :tasM.. F) N A W A V from use on Miir.d.iv l it. PUEW i. CV, aged 4 rear-, aud EMll-V. aged lh. Both are very bhi'-le and st'.ut iu Tlev are probably making their way to the Eastern part of tbe State, where they w.m'c brought frt'i. I will give the above rt aid 'or their von line men t in'ptil, e that I can get th ni. J 1JEN.1. KLLl-5, aug 17 d2C.t - Concord. N. C. Twish to bur on' hundred likely young Negro ? id' both sexes, between the ages l ti-n and fifteen yeai a. Also a fn.t rate Faiudng Hlack smith. . TIIOS. J. pi: KSON. aug!6-2Ct Cansbaig, N. C. QWlfi.T IKON FOR SOKGUCM HDllFPS O and f l fct b.s.g, i- lo iiieL t llnti and SO im !.i. fur 1:1 j:15y 2 1 .. dti CltrEPH A J.1T! :ll rOH I. TlTirSAPOXA OA No MILL J S TH V M o -'V P ll 1! t" 1 C T !) A t! t N K. I- u GKINDIIvTGr S'OFvG E.TJM, . .vi:r oi-ThUKivTo "MiK rrrddo. CAKEl'UI.LY C(.r.sti net d ei-ler t isMbate biipeivi. ion of a (vtlf-m.in rcsidi nt lor ev ral veal's on a storir plnts'tior, it ct inl.iits the ; c fiuit of his practical r r i (.nf 'ili !s.t tr.Me rial aid gjod wes ki . it d-i; . It ;inie- v-ty liflJe wooii work ia tto g u:-. n'lnirUnrs, in ?u en : sir nt ib gs cc, t.f, rei sy i: r.d tin-nbi'ity 0').:r Miiis of 2 a d V. lolois. bori.M 'al rr,-'. v. r'ic:d. S. rnp I - 1 ' r liosn 2t gall u.s o. 120 gal!, t s, for talc. Acdi -S' VA10NA 1IICN CO.. lavetl'-vHb. ". G. : V. B. Mil's and boifct deliv. r"' at Egypt on W'-st-rn d,;'.:-... d, or a'. fcLab ib, or Mcni-iilo.. ot. N. llailfoad . jjl. 21 . ' WOOI. IvCTICU. QUART E RS ' A ST E it' S DEPAlS'I .'! 1 N V, P.t uisii, Jim i -'.4. 1AM :0'V PItKPAR ED 1'J 1 'li ANti I O.ati.n Ytrii l.i Wol, uro. tbt l-.l-wirg toriruwiz , , Onulliinh of Va: '-r tht.e ) o.i!...j Wiohed Wool, and one horn b for !Vur pounds ns.v. a A g. atri have b. en Rppotl.'ed to n ak the ey. cl aoge at t!o U li U i; piauf : n', Tib'-lo, Kinst-.n, Catherine Lk. Cofcr'. ho 1 irgl. jji-nders'inviih". St-f csviE.. JSoxbi n ', A'b vine. Pilti-bo.-o'. Louitbai g, Fay tii i:'e, Cob i n, and at this place.. P -rsiujs tb'.ppir if wool to this: p'ac? v ill r-'-p'; n.ask on be packat.is who tbiy trc firm.' rt d tho iolti'0 ynin vil! br for w.tdiil i ir. ir.-r a t I v. 1 b pe tl;r people w 1 1 pa 1 1 i"t i i n I iy I '-l ' i '' to he r.b'ive i.otice, a? tbe Wcol is lot clotbn.g the N C. Tio ps. - . ' H. A. DUWD, A.Q. M., N.G. A. . julv 1 40 x oas. os run se i nirv or the pi v e nrxhpi.o Mi IJ.It IS' SIX PEP ri;r f)X TAAPf.; noxts r xppn tin: ; evp:: ru shi'THtx of the crjt upxrr la ;r. i) i.. V.te on call will be r- cei.J in trier,., r 1 tr tr-; iiitiistif't AfMH" i ii"". .-i,r-;,',nd .Mohi!. ard th Pep' it a. Wilt, i; g 1..n l:ale ;b. Coo... dp. A ngu.-ta. viirth iind M i.o! : i :u c-itih. ;.t. - will l ir.--,,d cr the ., bis- ii-g irirr.-t as th.- of-our r c,i,t per 4t.t.-.S and s. ar.-.i hy the 1 . j ot '.a tiuijof an atroutit ol the ijb.ii e b':tid. e.,t..l th" fim "i thc-c h'ai.s Th - b..r.ds to t ai a't tr the T - r. '.o" th. pi. . .!-. u.--ii hold', applied i'X.lii-ivIy t i tb- pym'K t!.. laid certiticat.r. , , , The security ind -onrcr.i i. atl. i !. : to L.tt k ard otb; r corVf"?ti and ot'-i j uMlc gi n.-r-aliv, lv this node ot tempo? srv inv stn.ei t . n? d h- IJert f th ?r. ure i- i'rsi!lv adof td, in -tto-i.trg the cuTtrirT within nilrtte ho und,, it is buped, wdl con.mer.d it to the la v rubW cor. f.idtt iti'.n rf the conmuritv, ar. iccuie their iot t t co-operation in rtrrvinj- it intoefif r t. 1 ii A. TKENHOhM. Si'Cietaiy uf the Ti i :o"i ry. . Richm!&, July 2, 14. july 27 dtf - OFFl'CE OF C. ?. .HFTO 1TAKV, DAi.i KiH .. . .. .u- :-o ? .. f T OLDE'iS rf eijbt ard p -vn )r rct. n ttl ri bca?.i, iKoi-d br V . Mriieca, latf Depo-itarv, r.d vf n per e;.t. r, rtiti..aV issued fcy th- nrdertigrsd. ar r qiie.t.'rt to i re. t tht m ar.drrc-ive tln ir BotiO. 1 be- " rt . due Jai.'Uary f.r tt ai d Juy f.t, U4, wi.l be p. id at the mr.e'tiw.e. ,'." , Hoidf rs ot Registered Stocks, who hjv hre ti.foi.' received iboir ipcrest at Wilmlrpton, ar aiMi irf.fmed tht tb same, will be paid at this rd r. irs fvtnre. H.tld -rsot oy !lr-gter-d Bonds c;.'n r-ciiv- tbir ie.t.re! Cm oli;-.., bv t . qu.ft Jng tb- Regintfr at hi'ii? cud to t:aru.l r b H.Tik lo the pa v-iol'. .f this t.fj..iti y. C P.. H UlllISON, je.lv 27 tf C . ! potitnry. C un't ta'ivi ct i n till lot hid.