DAILY CONFEDERATE. mi 1. AD v i: It T I S 1 N r . ADVERTISEMENTS will be iB-ertH ftrsU ooit.Aaa per equare of ten lines (or less) 'or aefc Insertion. Marrtarc ntirca and Obituerlis will rharged as advertisements. JOB WORK f every deacrlptloo will bees eented at this Offiee with illfpateh, aed M metJ as ean be done in the Southern 4?onfearery, daily edition, for 6 months...... ' 3 i tt "6 ..'.'" .$15 . 0 4 TRI-WEEKLY, .1 ... 10 WEEKLY EDtTION: " it RALEIGH, N. O. THURSDAY, SEPT'll 29, 1864. OLD SERIES, I VOL. V. J No sabacriptions received on any other terms thaa th above, nor for a longer or shorter period. VOL. I No. 209. nil Wflffl M f I iiLLiil il UAo i i I 1 1 1 1 ii i M ii in 1 11L lJJVlLd Reported especially for the Daily Telegraph and . Confederate President Davis in Macon. President Davis arrived quite unexpect edly oti the Central train at four o'clock yesterday: monrog. Indecdno nc io the city bad the least intimation of his com ing. A meet.ug wa3 advertised in the morning journals' to take, place at the JJaptist Church at 11 o'clock, for the pur pose ot devising mans for the relief t f the Atlanta t refugees. . A soon a the 4 1'reiideut's arrival became generally kn wn, it was determined to invite him to aJdress t e meeting. - After an organization hod been effected, a committee cootisting of Clifford Ander bou, Howell Cobb and II. 15. Troutrnan, waa sent to the residence of General Cobb, where tho President was stopping, to ex tend him a formal invitation. In a abort while tho Committee returned to the church eicortiflg the President in person. When be armed at the head of the right cand aiMrt, thote was a prolonged applause. The President turned to the audience and re rp.ii.tuW-r 3m I ; Introduced, by UeneraTTJobblilr. t)avis e aid : - - Ladies amd Gentlemen, Friends and Fellow Citizens : It would have gladdened my heart to have met you in prosperity instead of adversity. JLJut fruncU are drawn together in aJversity. The hon of a Georgian, who fough t through the fim Revolution, I would be uutrue to myself if I should forget the State in htr day of peril. ' . What, though misfortune ha befallen our arms from Decatur to Joncsb ro', our cause U not lost. Sherman cannot keep up hi- long line of communication, tm i retreat, sooner or later, he must. And when that day come9, the fate thatjaefel the army of the French Empire in its retreat from Moscow, will be re enacted Our cavalry and our people will hart ass and destroy his artuy as d.d the Cossacks that of Napolt-on, and the Yankee General, like him, will escape with only a body guard. - How can this bo the most spe lily ef frcted? By the absentees of Hood's army returning to their posts. And will they not ? Can they see tho banished exiles, can they hear the wail of their suffering country-women and children, and not come; 5y what influences they are made to stay away, it is not necessary to speak. If there is one who will stiy away at thii hour, ho is unworthy of tho name of Geor gian. To tho women no appeal is necessa ry. They are like the Spart n mothers of old. I know of one who had lost all her sons, except one of eight years. She wrote me that she wanted me to reserve a place for him in the ranks. The venera ble General Polk, to whom I read the 1 rf Irwmmvr that WUtUSU Well, OJld daiti that it was characteristic of her. But 1 will not weary you by turning aside to relate the various incidents of giving up the last sou io the cause of our country known to me. Wherever wo go wo find the heart and hands of our nobte women enlisted. They arc seen wherever the eyo oay fall, or the step turn. They have one duty to perform to buoy up the bcaita of our ptople. 1 know tho deep disgrace felt by Geor gia at our army falling b ck from Dalton to the in erior of the State; but I wts not of those who considered Atlanta lost wheu our army cioed the Chattahoochee. I resolved that it should not, and 1 then put. u nah in command who I knew would strike an honest and manly blow for the city, a'jd many a Yankee's blood was made to nourish tho soil before tho prize was won. It. ilnoa not become us to revert to disas ter. "Dcr the dead bury the dead." Let us wilh one arm and one effort endeavor to orush Sherman. I am going to the army to confer with our Gener-ds. The end must be the defeat of our enemy. It has been said that I hid abandoned vieor -ia to her fate. Shame upon such a falsehood. Where could the author have been when Walker, when Polk, and when Gen. Stephen D. Lee was sent to her es Miserable man. The man who Bia OUi,v. i l IT tmc a scoundrel, lie was not UHUIbll vui.i wo a man to save our country. . If I knew that a General did not pos ' , T.;r,tif nn.ilities to command, would Bi;n-" iuj -6"v x i V I not be wrong if he was not removed 7 tiTi-- .tr, rwiif nrnw was fallmcT back Vni.tlirn Georcriz. I even heard that I had sent Bragg Srith pontoons into Cuba. But we must do cuiiuuV-.c. The man who can speculate ought to bo fA al-A nn Kis musket. When the war is over, and our independence won, (and we will establish our independence,) t :n u Ar AMRtrrracv ? I hope ti e WUU Hill . limping soldier. . To the young ladies 1 choosinc: between an cu.pty sleeve and the man who had lemain i L,on o-mwn rich, always tike the empty sleeve Let the old men remain at home and make breau.. iue uyUW i oi vnnnc men -keepiim away fVn.n the service, who cannot be made to .nnthpr wav. let them write to the ; Executive. I rcd all the letters sent me frbm tho people, but have not the time to reply to them. , - 1Q i,.Tf tint manv men between io i.VU liw J - Th bovs God bless the boys-are a rapidly as they become old enougn going, v . , . auA stores, sick and luacon its uiic - . woi.n 'o 1. It must not be abandoned, when - bnf when th6 eDOsJiv oome, in to'.fl nf milling on Hood's army for defence, the old men must fight, and when the t nomv w driven bevond Chattanooga, they too can join m the general rejoic- injr.- Ynnr rvisnnois HT& kct)t OS a Sort Of VfinL-oa AinWal . T li.ire hea-d . that one of their Generals said that their exchange would defeat fcherraan. 1 nave tnea every luens. conceded everything to effect an exchange to purpose. Butler the 12a&t. with whom no Commissioner of Exchange would bold intercourse, had published in the newspapers that if we would consent to an exchange ci negroes, all difficulties might be removed. This is reported a an effort of his to get himself ... - i t whitewashed, by holding intercourse witn gentlemen. Ii an exchange could be effected, I don't know but that l might be inrlnnprl t rpncmize Butler. But in the luture every effort will be given as far as nnHiMp tn ofTWr. tW end. We want OUT soldiers in the fi?M. and we want the sick and wounded to return home. It is rii.t'.pioper for me to speak of the I WiTI'ci-iv ihut rtrn.thir is 01 TliC men wre at)df.nt s5ouie 'sick,' some wounded, lut most of them absent without leave. The men who reDresonts and goes buck to his commander voluntarily, . at once appeals strongly to executive clemency. But sup pose he stays away until the war is over and hi comraucs return uoilu, wucu every a an's history will bo told, where will he shield himself? It is upon these rpfWIons that 1 relv to make men return to their duty, but atter confering with our Generals at headquarters, if there.be any other remedy it shall bo applied. I love my friends and 1 forgive my ene mies. I hive been asked to send rein- fr.iin Virtrlnia t Georilia. In 1UI vv ax4 u Lo i.awuji t- cd Virginia the disparity in numbers is just a great as it is in "Georgia. Then I h ive been naked why the army seut to the Sj.pnandnnh VuHev was not sent here ? It was because an array of the enemy had penetrated that t ) the very gate3 of Lynch hi, on,1 rin E.irlv was sent t drive them hack. This he not only successfully did, but, crossing the Po'omac, came well- night, capturing Washington hs-.h, ana forced Grant to send two corps of his army to protect it. This the enemy denomina ted a raid. If so, Sherman's narch int Gcorcia is a raid.- What would preveut them now. if Early was withdrawn, peue trating down the valley and putting a complete cordon of men around li-chmona. th that ?reat and brave soldier, Gen. Lee, upon all 'hese points My mind roamed over the whoie neia. WUh tills wo r n Kiiciceed. If one-half flip mon now nhsient without leave will return to duty, we can defeat the enemy. . . " -m- . il L iith that hope I am gomg to me iruut ni- n-,i iwilisetl this llODC. Dtl- 1 KTIO W there arc men there who have looked death in the face too often -t ) despoud now. Let nn nnr flistvnst. jitnl remember tint if genius, is the beau ideal, hope is the re alitv fflin PfoMnnr, then alluded to the ob jects for which tho meeting had assembled, and expressed the hope that the retugees and exiles would be well provided for. His remarks were often interrupted by annlause. Gen. Hardee. Tu the above report of . the President s sDeeoh we unintentional iy omitted to mention the high and deserved ... . . . comnLinent paid bv the Executive to Len. Hardee. Whoever may nave iauea, said the Pre-ident, "that noble Georgian, Gou. Hardee, ha.4 done all that could be . .... " t r 1 1 , , expected of a soldier or asked of a patriot." Well said, the true to the letter. Fiaaneial Gold 200 ! The New York Tribune of the 24th inst. says : - Gold has hecn much excited under peace rumor?, aod closes lower. Tho opening: rate was 217. reiichins -t 10, closing at 2I1. The deiivcries were made wilh udin su;il facility, aud buyeri were notdispesed to operate largely. Stocks have neen in a smau panic uW dav, and quito low prices have been made upon 'the most productive as well as faucy tnureis. U jverumenc cecnrmes wti a littla lower, but no deciioe wid shown in thAt dircctioH, calling for particular notice. The tollowinsc tetc?rrtinaare irom me. itu tinv.ro American, of Saturday afternoon : New York, Sept. 24. Gold has had a de cided downward tendency this morning. From 212 it soon fell to 210; then to 207, and half-past twelve o'clock was offered at 206, with 1 still downward tendency. Oae o'clock. Gold has further declined to 205 under the influence of the news from Sheridan. 1:30 o'clock, p. m. Gold has still further declined to 200, and is stilt coming down. FROM NEW ORLEANS LATER KRON MEXICO. St. Louis, Srpt. 23. New Orleans advices to the 16th, Via Cairo on the 23d, have bn received. Thero is. nothiag new from Mo bile. Col D;iy, cf th? 91st Illinois, commanded tf.e Federal troops at Brazos, Santis. It is rumored in military circles that Gen eral Banks leaves this Department next week. He is now mre popular with the Free State party than ever ' cf re. The transport Alabama has y.nt arrived frum the Braaos with the intl licence that another fizht had occurred at BjgJad be tween the French and 0rtina s A private letter written the night before the transport sailed, says: "The fight is now progressing. Artillery is being ufd on both sides. The French marines are- good gunners, and are ir.treiched. The result is purely conjectural." Subscribe to the .' Confederate." -'Public Sale of Cotton. " fJVILL sell atpublic sale at the Court-House in Lexinptcn. nn Tn. Vi jk .r ii.iaIm (lourt .week. hottrn k kn.. .r 19 ..ii 4 o'clock, about FOUTT BALES OF COTTON.v seP23d4t C. WOOTEN. - bill to C. W., Mjaely Hall. AUCTION SALES. By TUCKER, AXDUEWS A CO., Aact'fl. No.40 Fa.tkttitii.lb St., Ralrik, N. C. ( nvxuAY next, 3d of Oe'ober. v--' Oiler t Anntan 100 niir TTa Colored Blaoketa, a little damped. ALSO- Cups and Saucers. Plat WlMses, and C. C. Chambers. - SoOOO Confederate 8 Der Cent.Uunda.-' . sep 28-d2t " , For Rent, ; A VERY desirable FAMILY RESIDENCE in r.verettsvlile, with aU necessary out-build- mgs. r ossession can be bad on 15th October, i Wit. IT. niifiW! sep 24 ed2w Raleieh. S. C. I Wanted a Situation, T Y A YOUNG LADY competent to teacb the. I -I "Vr ETf'Tr " - h - - 1 irrfiiiiiti fe.t-tu'- it it'cuTarrr dcsiroua ot' .tenck nsji.ii.wffn. ucierencea raraiflHea ITde&ired. Address immediately, MISS s. n. M., Care of Col. Tlari KmII sep26-eod3t Enfield, Halifax Co., N. C. AUCTION SALE! TUCKER. ANDREWS & CO,. AUCTIONEERS, No. 40, Fayettcville Street, RALEIGII, N. C. ON' MONDAY next, the 3d of October (of Court weak. commencing at 10 o'clock, will offer at Auction : $50,000 Wake Conntr Bonds; 000 P! Treasury Xrtjs, l's and"2's; 15 Hair Mattresses : 20 Iiair Pillows; 10 Feather- Pillow: 29 So. I Crap Stools ; 6 Carpets; 1 Feather Bed ; 2 Kejrs Powder, a fine article ; 100 lbs. Sbt ; 2 Sewing Machines, in crood ordtr : 38 AnnthfcfariM Jars 3 Wedjrewood Mortars ; 50 empty Wine Tiottlea; 2 bbls. Brown Sugar; X Bag of Coifee,; 1 dozen Cotton Cards. ALSO A larjre lot of Matches. Black Sewinor Silk. fec. Iron for Plantation use. ALSO A larje lot of unclaimed Baseraee from the Ral eigh and Gaston R. R. ; a Jfo. 1 Rockawar, four seats; 1 Sett Doable Harness, new; 1 Wagon, second handed; 1 Negro Man, 21 years old, a fair i)iiuumdfr, uuu sziiu iu ue a ii u. l ooy ; a variety of miscellaneous eroodi. Cossiirnuients solicited. Sundries will be added to the abore sale. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, a lot of pure White Lead, and Sorghum Molassss, in time to be addvd to tno sale. Sept. 27th, 1S64. dlt Adj't & Insp'r Gen's Oflice.l Kichmosjj, Sep't 22, 1861. General Ordehs, 1 No. 73. $ I THE Generals of Reserres will hereafter con . trolthe Enrollin3 Officers, and conduct the business of conscription and enrollment in their respe Live States, ndr the direction of the Sec retary of War, through the Conscript Bureau. II. Commandants of Conscripts and of Camps of Instrnction, will be under the direction of the Generals of Reserves. III. As soon as practicable. U officers and men now employed in the enrolling service, whether as enro ling officers, conscript guards, clerks or otherwise, except such as are retired or assigned to light duty bv tb Medi;al Boards, will be re lieved bv details from the Reserve .Forces, and sent to the held. IV. All applications for exemption and detail will be transmitted through the Generals of Re? serves to the Superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription fr decision. The office of Congres sional District Enrolling officer is abolished, and communications from local enrolling officers will be transmitted though tho commandants of con scripts to the Generals of Reserves. An officer may be assigned to mty in each Congressional District Ly the Generals of-Reserves as Inspector of canscription. By order. S. COOPER, A. and I. Gen. 0&cil Jno. W. Hinsdale, A. A. Gen, yep 26-d7t Tarboro, N. C. Sept. 21sl, 1SG4. $25,000 Worth of Furnilure f A GOOD bargain will be given to any one that wishes to invest. I will sell the follow ing artHes of HOTEL FURNITURE, and the Rei.t of the House and Hire of FOUR or FIVE SERVANTS for the balance of the year for Twenty-Five Thoucand Dollars. Possession given n the First to the Fifteenth of October. The following articles, if not disposed ot sooner than mentioned above, will be shipped to WilmingUn, for sale at Auction, viz : 30 Beds, 40; Bedsteads, 41 Mattr asses, 16 Tables, 100 Chairs, 12 Bureaus, 26 Wasbstands. - 28 Bowls and Pitchers, 9 Chambers, 9 Looking-Glasses, 8 Carpets, 34 Candle-Sticks, 19 Hand-Irons, 10 pair Shovel and Tonga. 4 Circular Tablf s, 4 do; small Tables, 5 dozen Plates, 2 do. Cups and Saucers. 3 do. Knives aud Forks, 1 large China Press, 2 Dish Cover Stands, 8 Dish Covers, 2 Seta Silver Castors, 2 Sets Cf mroon Castors, 1 Lot Cream Pots, 1 Lot Sugar Dishes, 1 Dozen Lamps, 1 Coft'eeUrn, 3 Hand Bells, 1 Dozen Ottice Chairs, 2 Settees, 1 Parlor Sofa, 1 Billiard Tabic, 1 Large Looking-Glass. 1 Large Cooking-Stove, The House has twenty-ix Rooms, and is well situated in a wealthy section of country, and any person wishing to keep a P U BUI C HOU3 E , can't do better than call immediately, either in person or by letter, as I have made up my mind to engage in other business. The Heuae can be rented as long as wanted, after the 1st January, 135. G. B. LIPSCOMB, sep 21-iU BOOK AXU JOB AV0RK NVaCTy executed at TniS OFFICE. THE BRGHAn SCHOOL. OAKS, ORANGE CO., N. C. ROOM for a FEW GOOD BOYS. For terrae, address. address, W. J. BINGHAM & SOXS. ep 2I-dtoctlO-w4t. Wanted. " E wish to hire FOUR able-abodid NEORO MEN for STRIKERS ia the Blacksmith shop. Vi sep 13-dtf HECK, BRODIE & CO. Depository of tho Treasury, Taeboro, N. C. 500,000,000 Loan! SIX PER CENT, non-taxable Bonda of above loan for sal at this office. W. M. PIPPEN. the sep 6-dtf Aeent Ti"Mrv Dprtmnt. For Sale. ALL the"Machinerj in a Cotton Mill, now in operation, with capacity to manufacture 2500 'jards of eight oz. O'naburRs per dar, and can be I promptly boxrd and delivered at a Railroad Sta (tion near this place. Apply to ISAAC SCOTT. ', sep 19-dl5t frit Macon, Georgia. i lOO Cords of Wood Wanted. VNE THIRD PINE, the balance in OAK and 2J HICKORY. The delivery of the wood may THIS OFFICB- TO II IRE WOMEN Applv to sep 26-dCt TWO UNENCUMBERED for the remainder of the rear. R. K. FERRELL, Raleigh, N. C. Notice to Absentees. PURSUANT TO ORDERS from L,ieut. Gen. Early, commanding Valley Department, (Virginia.) I hereby give notico to all absentees from the 3d Regiment N. C'lnf antry, from what ever cause, whether sick, wounded or detailed, to report to me in person, (or by letter, if to appear in person be impotsible,) in ordr that their fatness for dnty, or their claims to retirement may be ex amined into and considered by a Medical Exam ining Board. I will attend from Thursday, 22d inst., until further notice, at the office of Messrs. O. G. Pars ley & Co., corner of Chesnut and North Water streets, a which place all absentees (without ex ception,) from counties contiguous tb Wilmington are expected to report promptly. Surgeons.in charr of Hospitals where: thre re sick or wounded. Superintendents of Railroads, Arsenals, Ship Yards. Ao., having detailed men from the above named command, are respectfully requested to give to those under their charge every facility fot corapiying with the above, as no ordinary excuse will be entertained, but the men held strictly accountable for non-compliance with this order. Appointments will bo read's for Raleierh and Fay e:teville, of which due notice will be given. WM. M. PAItSLEY, Lieut. Col. 3d Regiment N. C. Infantry. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 22. -d6t Notice $5K RANAWAY fro n tho subscriber, on or before the middle ot Jolr, a negro boy named JOH N. Said negro i3 nineteen years of age, colr b'ack ; height five feet two or three inches. He speaks verv quick when spoken to, and is very quick in his movements. I will pay the sura of FIFTY DOLLARS (or the delivery of this negro in Warren Jail, nr twenty -five dolUpa in any Jail where 1 can get him. seP22dl0t J. H. MAYFIELD. IVegroes for Hire. TWISH to hire out for the ensuing rear to some one liviner in a healthv part of the country, abo.-jt FIFTY OR SIXTY NEGROES, men, women and children. Hire to commence 1st Jan uary next. Wauled, A GOOD OVERSEER, exempt from conscrip- lion. GCO. W. MORDECAI, Executor of Wm. Boylan. Rrleigh, Sept. 23, 1SGI d2tawtf Post Quartermaster's Office. C. S. A., Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 24, 1861. J S550 Retvard. . STRAYED or STOLEN from mv pasture, near Camp Holmes, on or about September 4th, 1864, ONE BAY HORSE. Description small, with heavy mane, scar on left thigh, branded "N. C." The above reward will be paid on bis return to this Department and delivery to Mr. J. J. Eades, Yard Master; or for sufficient evidence to con vict any parties of the theft. J W. E. PEIRCE sep 24-d6t Capt. and P. Q. M. Headquarters 2nd District, UEPAB1!UT fl.U. iJUOU. a., Goldsboro', Sept. 24, 1S64. Notice. NO PERMISSIONS will be granted to pass our line by flag of truce to Newbern hereafter under any circumstances whatever. By order of Brig. Gen. Baker : sep 27-d3t J. C. McRAE, A. A. G PLANTATION FOR SALE. f OFFER FOR SAlE my Plantation in Rowan county, lying seven miles We6t of Salisbury, on th road leading to Lincolnton, and within fooriailesof China Grove Depot, on the N. C. Railroad. It embraces eight hundred and forty seven acres, about four hundred of which are cleared, the balance in forest, heavily timbered with oak and hickory; has an ordinary dwelling house, good negr houses, and all necessary out buildings, also-, a well of most excellent water. These lands are fertile and particularly adaoted to wheat, oats and clover, and hence might be made a verv choice stock farm ; corn and fodder have also been grown to advantage. I would also sell with it six or eight good mules, two mag nificent brood tnares, with colts ; also the stock of cattle, eheep, luvj. &c, and all the farming implements, consisting of a wagon, carts, and other farming utensils. - Any one desiring to purchase may examine the premises on application to Mr. Blair II. Ernes, on the farm, wh will show it, and the lines around it. Terms will be made perfectly easy to the pur chaser. AdJres?, N. N. NIXON, Laurinburr, NC. Or, Col. B. R. MOORE, Wilraingtpn, N. C. Laurinburg, N. C, Sept. 12, 18C4. eep 14-d36t Office of Chief Q. 91.. C S. A.,) DISTRICT NORTH CAROLINA, V Rvleioii. September 26th. 1864. J ALL CONSCRIPTS servinsr in this Department throughout th State, under the assignment of" Examining Boards," will present themselves without d lay to tno Examining Boards ot their ' respective Congressional Districts for re-examioa- tion, and report to this oCics the Certificate.? of t said Examination, whether confirmatory or nt of the Certificates now held, on or before the 20th j day of October next, under the penalty of being j immediately thereafter reported tor Hold service. W. W. PEIRCE. sen 27-d3t Maj. & Chief Q. M.. Diat., N. C. . jpST Dily Conservative, Wilmington Journal. ' Fay etteville" Observer, State Journal, Tarboro' Southerner, Greensborough Patriot, Salisbury i Watchman, Chartotte Democrat, Actaeville New"? ! and Ralezh Standard copy three times and send i bills to Major Pirce. 1 1 M RS. MILLER continues to accent modatt Boarders', by the tfay, we-'k or month. . t JUKt Received, , THE FOLLOWING C0XS13NVEXTS KCC BU-nELS PRY VA. HALT, 10 ke 0JJ Old Dominion Nails. 60 Koxe Manufactured Tobacco, 100 paira No. 10 Cotton Cards. r 100 Reams Commercial Note Paper. 600 Sheets Iron, S X 6 feet. CREECH A L1TCHF0RD, aeptU-dtf Com.Merch'titod Auct'a. f aluable Propertr tor Sale. HAVING concluded to change nay buiines, X willaellmy TRACT OF LAND, lring on Swift Creek, aeven miles Southwest of Kaleigh containing about eleven hundred asres, all in nat ural growth of pine and oak, except about two bundled acres, mostly bottom land, which haa been cleared in the last few years, and ia in a high state of cultivation, with good fences. Tha improvement consist of a dwelling, containing aeven rooms, and eight fire-places, with a basa- ment, a splendid bake-house, and negro quarters ample to accommodate fifty slaves ; all new, built in the last aeven years. I have . also a stock of mules, cattle, hogs and sheep, that I would sell if desired ; also my present crop. 1 payment I would receive Bonds, negroes and Confederate money For particulars address me at TUleigb ang3l-dtf 8AU'L ROWLAND. FOR. SALE, YA' VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY, CoSsii&riNO br " -- - - -re x t o o o k e , And other dexirablo and rare works, all in excel lent order. Catalogues may. be had at the Store of James McSimmon, Esq.," and infsrmation with regard to tho sale, by application to Mas. JOHN W. ELLIS, Raleigh, N. C. The Books can be seen at any time, if preferred, aep l3-eodtsep2S-6t PS Wilmington Daily Journal copy e. o. d for . two weeks, and Fayette ville Observer and Char lotte Democrat four weeks, and send bills to thU office. RECENT CONSIGNMENTS HAVE PLACED US IN POSSESSION OF 4000 yds. Sheeting and additional supplies daily expected. 2 doz. Horse-Shoe Raspi. 4 doz. 14 inch. Bastard Filet, 20 doz. nand-Saw Files, Cast Hollow Ware, Pots, Ovens and Spiders, Ac, in quantity and variety. 25 boxes Southern Star Snuii, 4 barrels Copperas. Together with other articles. CREECH & LITCI1F0RD, aep 14-dtt Com. Mercht's and Aucts. 10,000 HUSH ELS FLAX-SEED WANTED! VfJ E are commissioned to offer liberal prices for V Flax-Seed, in larjre orsmill quantities. CREECH A L11CHFORD, sep14-dtf Com. Merch'ta and Aucta. . ATTENTION, FARMERS! SALE OF GOVERNMENT ANIMALS. WILL be sold at Public Auction, on the 28th September, at Oak Hill. Granville Countv, N. C, FIFTEEN GOVERNMENT ANIMALS, in bad condition. Terms cash. KENSEY JOHNS, Maj. & Icspfr F'd Trans. N. C. sep 14-dtsep 28-12t N. C. Volunteer Navy Company. N OTICE is hereby given to tho Stockholders of the North Carolina Volunteer Navy Com pany and the public generally, that the books for r further subscription in stock in said company will . b positively closed " for further subscription on or before the first day of November next. Parties desiring to' make investments in this enterprise will bo offered an opportunity up to that date, but not afterwards, and notice is hereby further givpu to those who have nlready subscribed and i-hall fail to pay into the Treasury the amount of their subscriptions on or before the said day, that 1 bey will be' charged interest on their subscrip tions and the Companv will proceed to collect by law.- C. P. MENDENHALL, sep 20 dl2t! President. Hd'rs Chief Enrolling Office, 5th Coso. District, N. C, Kittretrs, September 21st, 1864. 1 Cemeral Obpkrs, ) No. . i 1 N PURSUANCE of Circular No. 45, current I orders, of Sept. 17th, 1864, County Enrolling Officers are herebv ordered to assemble ALL per sons from SEVENTEEN to FIFTY vcars of age, liable to miiitiry service, at their respective County seats for medical examination, excepting only tuch parties that ' may have been furnished with certificates of PERM A NEXT eiMnpiion from Medical Examining Board, since April 18th, 1864. . In any case of " permanent exemption " where the Enrolling Otficer may have substantial reason for supposing that th'J disability no longer exists, or that fraud was la any wav practiced in the original presentation rf the case, ho will forthwith cause the party to appear for re-oxamination. In the above will be included all parties here tofore examined and assigned to light duty in any and every department of the Government. Free negroes from 18 to 50 are included In the above call, and the lat dav of each appointment devoted to their examination. Enrolling OtScers will assemble such portions of their Regimental Districts, aa will equalize the number on each of the appointed days. They will aIbt caue this uotico to bo so thorougly ad vertised, that there may be no unnecessary time lost from the various pursuits of thoe liable, and prompt attendance ensured on the days specified. All persons embraced in this call are absolutely required to bo present at the following times and places, or they will be considered aa recusant con scripts and treated accordingly. Examinations in pursuance of Circular 31, Bu reau of Conscription, current aeries, will be in I l ii ted same time. COUK11K8. j FLACK. j TIME. Wake, Ralf igh, jOct. 4, 6, 6, 7, 6, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 2. Orange, 'uillsboro' ! " 14, 15, 17. l, 1. Franklin, Louiaburg, j " 21,22, 24, 25. Graavillejoxford, j " 27, 28,23, 31. Nov. 1. Warren, ;Warrenton,'Xov. 3, 4, 7. Nssh, INashville, I" 10, II, 12, 14. . W. M. SWA N N, Capt. J and En. Officer, 5th Cong. DUtrict, N. C. tep 23-dlm For Assistant Clerk of the. Senate. WE are authorised to announce Maj. RICH ARD C. BADGE', now connected with Gen. Grimes Brigade, as a candidate for ASSIS TANT CLERK OF THE SENATE. . . sep 21 dl2t tO Reward. T A v A WAY from the subscribers about lh 15th if of August lat, two negro boys, JOHN and HHXKY,. John U about nineteen years of age, very black, hair tolerably long, 5 feet, 9 or 10 inches high, weighs about 155 pounds, has a small car on one of bis cheeks. Henry is about twenty vears old, weighs IS or 140 pounds, very dark, 5 "feet 10 or 11 inches high, and rather slender, tb joint of one of his forefingers off. We suppose they are making for Wilmington, aa one of the bovs Las ben there at ork on the fortifications recently. We will pay the above reward for their apprehension so we can g'. t them. Address ALLEN PRICK, It. H. GROG AN. fep2l d20t Groganfville, N. C WANTED, 00,000 Potmdi of Damaged Cot t n and na. PERSONS having the above named stock fo sate will please calf on the subscriber wb M eotantly tn the market as A (rent for the Kens Paper Manufacturing Cempanv. W. H. CROW, ug 30 law 4 w Ualelgh, N. C WI10LKRA LK TOBACCO H0U8K, AND Commission Merchant, GOLDSBORO', N. C. LIBERAL advancements made on Prodi shmed to lue. luce con July 14, 1864 d3nu Office Raleigh k Gaston R. B. Cof pj, RALEIGH, July 7, 1864. THE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF TUtA Company have dwclared a dividend of 1 per cent, on the capital -stock, ratable on and after after let of Augaat, 1664, in (oar per Cent certU ficatea and bond of the- Confisdcrate 8tatea, or Im Confederate treasury notea of the old taaue at lace value, at the option of the Company. . . '..; ' ". W.'W. VASS, Jul 8 dtf Treaamxar. - 100 rj AI.KW ftfxxt merckaarabre ?OTTOfit. Appl.V. to CKKKCIl Ll iUHrUKD. Auction and Commission Merchant. augSl-dtf COFr.l)E!t4TE TAX . NOTlCi:. VTOTlCEia hereby given that I will attend with il the Arscsson at my olfice iu the vity of ICai eigh. on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, the third, fourth aud fifth days of October next, for the purpose ot receiving returns, and tho Uars due on quarterly salts for tho last quarter, ending the 30th instant, and the additions! thiity per cent, on profits made bv buyiag and selling be tween the 17th February and tie let Jn1y,lC4, with the one-fifth on all taxee for the vror 18C4. due previous to and on the 1st October, 18C4. All persons in arrears are earnestly rrquertcd to com forward and nay up, or the penalties of the law will be visited upon then. The Assessors will attend at my office on the 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and SOth davs of Scpteu bcr, inxtant, to give to all those who Lare hereto fore failed to make return of their geuoral prop erty, au opportunity of doing m. KUFUS II. PA OK, aep 13-dtd Collector for Wake County. Bonds for Sale FIVE HUNDRED it 11 LWS CO XV KJt ti lt ATE SIX FElt CENT. BONDS. THESE BONDS prevent the greatest inrioe. ments for Investments. They have thirty years to run, interest payable tttui-anruallj, and are secured by import and export dutlu; aie exempt, principal and ictercrt, fom taatln, and the-cuupooA receivable aa coin for tnttccj duties. The coupons rf these Bonds, due Jaruarr 1865, have been ordered to b received inpayment of Import riutiee in edraiico of tuaturity. Apply to ALLEN H. GIBBS, Agent TreaHury Department July 22-tf Wilmington, N. C. WOOI. NOTICE. QUARTERSM ASTER'S DEPARTMENT, Ralkiob, Jrtra, lb4. IAM NOW PREPARED TO EXCHANGE Cotton Yarn for Wool, upon the foilowln terms, vl , One bnnch of Yarn for three pounds washed Wool, and one bunch for four pounds unwahe4. Agents have been appointed to tnak the ex change at the following places t Oxford, Tarboro', Kinston, Catherine Lake, Concord, Kocklnjlutin, Hcnderponville, Statcsville, Roxbi.ro, Asbetitk-, Pittsboro'. Loubburg, Fayettovillc, Colonic, and at this place. Persons fhipping wool to this place will p?ea mark on the packages who thy are from, and the cotton yarn will be forwarded Immediately. I hope the people will patrioticslly respond to the above notice, as the Wool ia for clothing the N. C. Troops. U. A. DOWD, A. Q. M., N". C. A. ulvS-140-tf Klttrcirs Springs. . CI SarrEURKK, Ih4. To Hotel Keeper, Refugee in id OtllCl'N. BEING unable to open our homo for the pres ent, we propose celling a portion of our Fur niture, Bedding, Crockery, Ac. Also a few bar rels of good old NICK WILLIAMS WHISKEY, a light Omnibns, two Iron-Axle Wagoss and Har new, and a very elegant -young Horse, five years old a perfect beauty. beplG-d2w . BLACK.NALL it, CO. Office of the R. & C It. It. Co.. " ItALEicn, Sept. 15, 1PC4. j HUE following is a lUt of baggage remaiaicg 1 on hand, uncalled for and in poiwionof tbwt Company, tome of which has been here for a con siderable time. If not claimed bwfore, will be sold bv Messrs. Tucker, Andrews A Co., Auct'a, on Monday, 3rd Oct. next to the highest bidder : 1 lOiumon Trunic, marked uapu it. r. ioil. S. P. Mathews. J. M. Pickney. Mary K. 'I tyUr. Solotnon Halt hcM l. Mis R. P. Caldwell. )U. Y. G. Diakr. It. D. Su.lth. II. C. Turner. :'. Hair Trunk, liut tuarkrd. U Black Trunks, cuvei cdnitU oil loth not narkl. .ep 10dl2t P. A. DUNN. Kuo't Wanted, 4 S an Inveutrivnt. H.06( in Old Noith Caro lira SIX PER CENT. BONDS. Ainlv U fcp 2I-dl2t THIS OFF ICE. Real Estate for fralr. A TRACT OF LAND, 23 mile from the North Carolina Railroad, and ft mites from Afch. boro', containing 250 acre, t25 of which are clcai ed, and 25 or 30 are Creek Bottom Lund. Their is a gd Dwelling of seven rooms on the ttact, with 2 Negro House, rfoablo Ciib, Ac. AleA a good rmall Orchard f Ai-ple and Peach. For particulars refer to Dr. . II. AiiUer, iialelyh, Alfred Marsh, A shtboio, er K4T. W. L. MILLER, Grctnsboro', N. C Oenlrablc Hcsldencr. A RARE chance is now offered for lavoMmeut in the heart of the Ccallielis, and a drsiiablc home for a family. I will sell my place in Uai bnton, on Deep River, coneiiting of a Raldrncc of Ten Kchui8. with Kitchen, Nigio liour, Ac, Ac. There is alsoa Framed Ifouro, about on the place. The puce was titteil up a few j-ars before the war for a school, ana will fuiui'h atopic accommodation for a largo family. There are about 40 acrea of land attached with an excellent young Orchard of the choicest Apple and Peach trees. The house is rituated ia a beautiful grot e of White Oaks. Refer for particulars to Dr. W. R. Miller, Ralrigb, Rob't Sleuart, Carbor.too, or Rr. W. L. MIf.LER, eep 1ft diet Grecnpboro', N. C. W, Conservative. Progre-'a and Petrfbuta; F.rpre copv and snd hill to l- W. R. MHIei. '