DAILY CONFEDERATE. A. 31. GORJI-ltf & Co., Propr'rs. I DAILY -CONFEDERATE. ' ADVERTISING. - 0 ADVERTISEMENTS will bt iaicrted atmim oollabi per f quarc of tea linw (or leat) for eael insertion. Marriage notices acd Obltnar$i will bt charged as ad vert Ue meat. DAILY EDITION, Hi H TRl-WEEKLY, for 6 months. " 3 " ti l - .4 , "6 ' $25 . 15 . 5 , 15 . 10 . 10 WKEKLY EDITION. " 6 " OLT) SERIES, VOL. V. JOB WORK of every dcicrlpUon will b ei ecuted at thU 0.fioo with dispatch, and as neatly ts can be domain the Southern Confederacy. ro unhsnrintions received on any other terms RAhEIGH. N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1S64. VOL. I So. 261. than the above, nor for a longer or shorter period. f i w v ii rv n ar i t m Latest Frcni Georgia. From the Constitutionalist, Nov. 27. THE SITUATIOX. Yc have some little news from a.gcntle man who recently visited Atlanta, i.r rather the spot on-which Atlanta once stood. The place U entirely destroyed. Prior to leavinf, the enemy sent all 'the negro's tip t lie road. Citizeia stated that Sherman had orc forth with f"ir army corps, .each numbering about 15,000 men. 1 heta corps arc corn manded respectively ly I) wis, O dcrbaus Ijir.ir and Sloe urn . Tii Yankees gave out that they were po. in with half their force to Augusta aud hal tn .Savannah. Thev has e torn up the Railroad. behind them everywhere. The S.ivannah News has ike following re port of affairs. It is very certain that mote or less fighting was coins on at Oconee br!" yesterday; A dispatch from an official Ponrce was received from Oconee lato yesterday evening, stating that the enemy haa turned their arunery in . the opposite direction towards Macon and were thelling, from which it was evident they were attacked in the rear by our fumes from ..Macon. This we look upon as highly en couraging, showing not only that wrare hold ing our ground at Oconee, but that our gath ering hunts are falling upon. the enemy's Hanks. From a!' we can learn of Sherman's move "inents. and piv.-ent p-sition, we think he is aiming t :n;rel: upon Savannah. Of course, we cannot tcil wi'h any degree of certainty at what point he intends to reach the roast, . till his piai.n arn inoivj Hii'y d(Vtdoped; but to our mind all l is movements 'thus tar indi cate Savannah as his pi int of destination, ai.d unless ids army is whi, ped, routed, demoral ize or eapturnl, he will reach bere. Tnis ;vvevr, can and will b? prevented, if the men of the Stutu rahy in respnso ti the call oi tovrmor Rr-wn, as (,ey should. The'e i no i:ece:-sity for us tu say what our f,:re s amount to, or where they are. Suflice it, that it the men still lull at home will now tvn.e up and lend their help, We have enough. The main budy of SiKraianVs army is re.-, parted ni Sandersville and pushing forward rapidly. His advance has ieaclnti Tennells on the Central Kail It al At that point a Yankee operator telegraphs to th Augusta fikv, desiring s .'ine information as the r where- about of our army. I lis trick was discover;.! and his enrio-uy wilt be satisfied presently. Siveral tboiand veteran troops had arriv ed at Sav.muah and thou -and mote were expected. A cavalry raid is reported to have ad vanceel as Jai as Warreuton. Tn is band is supposed to be' the ;L'allaut six bundled" which, when last heard from, were prancing about Sparta. lie-liable information has' been received that cast Macon had been. feebly shelled by a small forte of the enemy. As soon as opposition whs shown, the Yankees retired. At present there arc none of the Shermanhcs in the vi cinity of Macon. Gkeen&bjRvV, Nov. 25, 1SG4. Great has been the excitcmenthcre for the last few days. The vandals have indted visit ed us. Ou Sunday mornmg fifteen came. They stopped lirsc at Mrs. J , on the Madi son r ail. All the men under sixy took to the woods. Had they known the truth the wretched creatures could have been captured. But the Yanktc.. s ated I tint they were fntuen hundred strong, rneamped about thre miles lror.i town, and making their way to the place; so the inhabitants weie afraid to do anything. The tvv i.'id men that were lelt e -old have ascer tained the state of the case, bt:t feared tohave their families. Wo did not know differently until after they had left. .The main army went by K itonton, ihese were only stragglers. 'i-hey demanded of Mrs. , where ttiej' firM stojfpcd, gold and silver. She told them she had none. They tneu threatened to tie her and burn her in tier h mse, her seryauts ple-Ad fur her life; "iid they ahme sued ier. They broke tier silver b&idcet and give it to one of her negroes, but he returned it to his Mistress. They then went ..to old Mr. s who was sick aud confined to bed. They t.'ok his keys, found I'is whiskey ami drank it ttole iu- watch, helped themselves to suiar and other supplies, and took bis horse. The old gent'enian being powerless, the negroes interceded for his property and saved conside rably for him. From hero they went to . They vnked into the dining room jerked open the sideboard and demanded something to eat Sho supplied them. '1 hey went into the parlor and an Indian was helping him- I H-lt, when an officer interposed, ordered him to put down the article and leave the house, lie ob?yed promptly. They .returned to this bouse iour times. The i.ext house they went to they took '2C0 from the old Udy. They went to vari ous houses iir town took money, watches and whatever they could lay their hands on. They slept in the depot. On Monday morning, quite early, they visi ted us and asked for breakfast. I prepared it, whfn they came to the doer they were tcld they must leave their guns, knapsacks and havtrsaeks at the front door. To this they ch marred, but being finally told they could get nothing to eat without, they com plied. They were perfectly polite all the time they wc-ie here, but evinced gn at fea'r of bush whackers. One of them declared that he faw a man with a gun behind an evergreen. They never returned ; but, on leaving, cursed us to the negroes. They have carried off a good many ce prees, horses and mules from this county. L he main army never crossed the Oconee, but we-h'.sir that ihey perpetrated many outrages. Our men are picking up provisions every day. 1 he.r that Colonel , with his men, fctrs them up about midnight every night. Sparta, Ga , Nov. 25, 1804. TI: e enemy have crossed the bridge at Mil- Jedg edgtville in fl,rr inrantry artillery and cav- -"-vurai i,uil(jre(j 0j the latter came up jne bparta road, to within twelve miles of Vlb V1 The infantry and artillery went .own the Sandersville road in very large force. J doubtless two corns of the enemy, nura nng, according to Texas bcouts, who have mJlowtd them Irom Atlauta, about sixteen u.ousund. They had not burned the State J'juse when our informant left, and no pri- vato buildings. The Peni?entiar Arsenal, were burnfd. Our auihorities should look to MilUn. There is a lower route to Sporta by the San dersville road. They may possibly take this and still come by Sparta ; but we think San dersville, Millen and Savannah will be their rou'e. This information is by a true ladv, raised in this county, who came through from Milledge ville on horse back to-day. ' . E. P. Special Correspondence f the Constitutionalist. Oconee Kivek Bridge, Nov. 24,' 1864. The enemy burned Griswoldville, between iactn and Gordon, Sunday evening,, and went from-there to MiUedgeville, where they burnt the depot, but no othvr buildings that I h-tve heard of. Thfty had a fight at Macon Sunday evening, and were repulsed by our forces, and Wheeler fought their cavalry Fri day at Gordon. The fight at tho bridge commenced about noon yesterday, and has continued up to this time, and the bridge still stands, though the enemy have burned the trestle-work beyond the bridge. The enemy run the picket away from the ferry and began crossing. As 'soon as it was known; our cavalry were sent down there, and when about one hundred had crowed, our men charged them - and drove them across the river. We lest two rnpn killed in the charire. and the enemv severnb I hev beca rue pai'ic stricken sinfl hjtt tin nn- i - - t positesidein a hurry, and our men crossed and picked up twenty-three cavalry guns, several overcoats and a number of knapsacks avd other rigging and capturing one man. They attacked the h rrv pain this evening out were r-i)ii sod. Wheeler s ncrr.mand. strong, is crossing the rirer about twenty ndies below here. From the Chronicle and S ntinel, 27: h : Fi'.oii Macon A gentleman who anivrd i this city yesterday, lrm Macon, via South' west Georgia and Savnnnnh, iufornas us that on Sunday last the Federals attacked I-.st Mac.' n. Ihey succeeded in enpturing one of our batteries, hut it was immediately retakia by our brave "roldicrs, and the enemy signally repulsed.' A reuewal of the attack was anticipated ou Monday, the 21st, but ihe Federals did not make their appearance. Ifvvas suppo-e,d that the force making thu attack on Sunday was not vtry large and that the movement vas a fiiot. Tne loss on both sides was small. The military authorises of that place were as much mystified about the movements of Sherman's army, as tni-so in this section. The general opinion w.ij that Augus'a va3 Sherman's objective point. There was a sufficient force in Macron, under the lead of a gallant officer, to hold the enemy at bay. A light occurred about six miles from Ten rdlle. about ten miles froffl the Oconee river. rIhe Yankee loss is estimated at ten killed and fifteen wounded. Our toss two killed. Extracts from North Carolina Tapers- Pajityism in the Lkoislature. We are opposed to organizing political parties 'in this State or in the Confederacy while tho country is all ablazj with a war ou the issues ofvhich depend our very existence as a people. We thiuk it is no fit time to gati.'y mousing, de signing politicians or ncrvoifs and jealous minded men who .vie ruin n every thing not under tho control of their own u. erring direc tion. We have no respect or Confidence in those" wiio show tout thev have none in their neighbors, but are found secretly p'ottinga d scheming against them. Now ia a time, if ever in tlie world there is such a time, when a frank, generous and brotherly confidence should b? caretully preserved amongst us. We reed the cordial and active co-operation of every member of the Commonwealth to restrain the fatal designs of the enemy now pressing us on e. ery nde. IIuw then are wo to expect any go d to come of proceedings certainly calculated if not designed, to pro duce heart-burnings and contentions, and in any event after the war, must be recorded to the shame aod damage cf those who promote them ? It is no fit time for the contemptible, narrow-minded, selfih works of the paniz-iu ; but let us have actions now bearing the inspir ing impress of noble arid generous minds, appealing to ali in tho confidence and warmth of a common brotherhood stimulated by the sntfle hopes and eneigucd by common dan gers. Any thing shoit of this at the present hour of our peril, is little if any thing better than Iloldenism. We have been led into these remarks by an article in the Confederate of the 26th, from which wo ie iru that at the close of the session of the House of Commons, it was announced by the Heading Clerk, that the " Conservative parti " wouid rnet in caucus that evening, at siVf n o'clock, &c. It wos the boast of some of the ' Conserva tives" alter the adjournment of the last Legis lature, that theyjhsid no caucus during the whole session, and this boast was made as an evidence of the entire absence of party spirit among them. But it is contrary to all experi ence that parties should exist without the drill. Hence we perceive that the Conservatives " have had to yield to the law of parties and as semble in caucus fr trds purpose. Thus we witness the re-organization of party in North Carolina soon to be seen stalking about wiili impudent and arrogant assumptions, as dis gusting and offensive to the truly noble an J patriotic soul as vice is to virtue. Salisbury Watchman. Peace Resolutions. It willbe seen that Mr. Fool, of lrtie, has o fie red resolutions in our State Senate, proposing the appointment by the States, of commissioner to negotiate with ihe enemy. There is unfortunately a difficulty in tho vy of this proposition, viz : That the constitution has expressly vested the power here proposed to be exercised in the Confederate President and Senate, and conse quently the States have no such power, and i.u attempt to exercise it would be an indignity to those branches of the common government. The idea that the President and Senate will submit to this indignity by commissioning men whoso appointment is thus to be uncon stitutionally wrested frtfm them, is scarcely admissible. They would be. apt to consider that they were iutentionally insulted, and to say that they are quite as ready as the States to appoint commissioneis whenever there is a hope that they will find any oue to treat w i t h . layetU viile Observer. Jij 0 T I C E . ; On the 10th December next, I wfll rent to the highest bidder, the Plantation on which I now re 83 tbe former residence of the late John Harp. WiJ, neo hire a XEGItO JAN, a nrst eate field Hand, and a nrgro woman, an excellent COOK, withcut'ebiidrtn; Ten bushels Wheat and twenty btuhels Oata powed. Some Hgs and other waate property will be sold. - Any information in regard to the above en be aiaed by aPP,JinS t S. Harp or George B. Ailtn. nov 2i-d5t OLIVIA L. HOLLAND. OUS- AND LOT FOPw SALE . Oil RENT. . I have in the town orFrantlinton7on"ehe Ra-" leigh.A Oaston Uoftd, 27 miles from Raleigb, a pnialJ HOUSE, with two acres of land attached, with a iitt'e outlay can be mad a quitp comforta ble for small family; The above property I will eell or exchange for a good Cook, boy or girl, or I will exchange it for a good Cook and man. WJI. R. GORDON. Franklinton, Nov. 28-d2t Tjl O R SAL E X1 AT AUCTION. A splendid set of DENTAL fXSTRUJENTS will be sola at 12 o'clock, at the N. C- Book Store, on Wednesday next, by TUCKER, ANDREWS & Co. nov. 23-lt. JJEKRINGS ! HERRINGS ! I In ibtore and for sale, 23 BBLS.' of No. 1 Her riDgs. . TUCKER, ANDREWS & CO., nov 29 d2t Auc. aud Com. Alerchants. N E F I N E CARRIAGE AND HARNESS TUCKER, ANDREWS & CO. nov 20-d2t ACIIINERY AT PUBLIC JL auction. On the 15th day of DECEMBER next, at the DKEP RIVER ARMORY, or COTON MILLS, M J7ILE from JAMESTOWN DEPOT, we will sell at 1'ubiic Auction, the following articles of machinery, viz : TURNING LATHES, DRILL PRESSES, . SMOOTHING, SLABBING AND BORING MACHINES, SHAFTING, HANGERS AND PULLEYS, of various sizss and kinds. A large lot of BELTING, BLACK SMITH. TOOLS, and about TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS OF IRON. The sa'e will be continued from day to dav un til tbe articles arc all disposed of. Terms Casu. iMEINiJEMlALL, JONES & GARDNER. Greensboco', Nov. 29-dl2t POST. QUAKTEIUASTER'S OFF CE, Tauboko', N. C, Nov. 25th, 1S64. j T wish to secure the services of a J- good BLACKSJITH, one familiar with wag no w ork, and shoeing horses. Also a good, ordinary ENGINEER, to run a stationa.ry Engine. None need apply except Senior Reserves, Light Duty Conscripts, aud owners of slaves. D. PENDER, nov !TB-d5t Capt. and f. Q. M. XT ORE AND CARRIAGE AT XI AUCTION.. ON THURSDAY, the 1st day of December, we will sell one STALLION. 4 years old last Spring, and well grown, of th J.igan stock, and works well i:( larness; two Work Horses, and one light open CARRIAGE and Harness, together with other articles. Also, oaa family CARRIAGE. CREECH I L1TCIIFORD, nov. 26 3t sat mon wed Auctioneers. GOODS ; leached Shirting, ''nbleacbed do. Vhite Jaekonet, 'Wown Holland, ririghaiBS, '. VI t Ribbon, . tilton Cloth, toop Skirts. orsets, adies Hose, isses do., inen Handkerchiefs, pool Thrtad, ' lax Thread, 'eedles, ins, uttons, himbles, nitting Needles, tatiouery, run Caps, Gents' Doots, Ladies' Gaiters Merino Shirts, French Silk Cravats, Suspenders, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Dressing Combs, Fine Combs Pocket Knives, Hats, Caps, Tobacco, Snuff, Black Pepper, Spice, Brown Sugar, Crush Sugar, Soda, Copperas, Flour, Meal, c, &c. At corner of Fayettevilla and Market Square. K1NSEY & WARE Raleigh, Nov. 26th, '64.-d6t W ANTED I wish to purchase a SEE VANT GIRL, from 7 to 20 years old, a good Nurse and House scr 'dnt of a good disposition, sound and healthy. Adrirtss, THOMAS M. HOLT, nov 25-dlUt Haw River P. O., N. C. p OTTO N YARNS, liJ IN EXCHANGE FOft BEESWAX, TALLOW AND LARD. We will exchange Cotton Yarns for Beeswax, ''allow or Lard, in large or sin quantities, on ery favorable terms, or pay tte highest cash rice. Address C. F. KLAPP it CO., pov 25-dlOt Graham, N. .C. WANTED TO BUY OR HIRE' T ? FOR 1865. V No. 1 COOK, WASHER AND IRONER, r a small family, and a BOY who has been ac t i-onied to waiting in the house. Must ccme ell recommended. Apply at nov 23-dtf THIS OFFICE. G KEEN TEA. A SUPPLY VERY SUPERB YOUNG. HYSON TEA, TOR SALE AT nov 25-d3t wlt PESCUD'S DRUG-STORE tvLD. ENGLISH BROWN WIND- J SOR SOAP. FIFTY-SIX DOZEN JUST EECEIVED AT nov 25 d3t-wlt PESCUD'S DRUG-STORE. N TJEKDERSONVILLE TIMES. 11 - AN EDITOR is warted in thin office. The f present Fditor ftesires to retire. This is a rood oertn lor some one bo is too feeble to be a sol dier, and who desires a fituation well guarded against "conscription." The applicant must be oi moral nabits, educated, and "sound oa tnt goose." Address JWM. L. LOVE, Hendersonrille, N. C. 4iOT 8-tf O T I C B Taken up on or aboot the 6ih day of October last, on tbe premises of Mrs. A.S. J. Sernms,ncar ciacK ureek Depot, a SORREL HORSE, about six yearg old, with a blaze face nd three-white feet. : Said borxe is about fifteen bands high, and somewhat saddle marked. n is new in the pof. session of Capt A. Barnes. Wilson. N. C. The owner is required to pay all legal charges and wiBmm mj. nov 2i-cui T O F A R M E Li S ! 150 GRINDSTONES. - WEIGHING FEOU 80 TO 3C0 fcoUHDS. 200 LBS. WIDE DAGON IRON, FOUE, FIVE AND EIGHT INCHES Wt!. "We will pive four pounds of Dry Virginia Salt ior one oi 1'orJc, SHAY, WILLIAMSON & CO., North State Iron and Brass Works. RaLigb, Nov. 21, 1864. d 7 1 SOUTH LRN EXPRESS COMPANY, ) Cdaklotte, N. C. ) fN and after this cLate, all boxes which are sccurelv fastened and strapped, containing stores for the N. C. troops in. tbe field, marked to the carcDt oursrgon lieneral w arren, Raleigh, will be forwarded without expense to either shipper or consignor, and will hav preter- tnce over all other freight excepting tbat of the same class from other fetates. L. F. BATES, nov 25 dl2t Assistant Suo't. T RENTED FOR THE YEAR 15G5. Will be rented to th highest bidder, on Friday, the Second day of December next, at 11 a. m., all the property of the Roanke Literary Society, sit uated in the town i' WeUlou, which it loss been customary hetofore to rent, cor.eisting of Store Houses, Lodging Rooms, &c. Terms made known on that day. A. B. PIERCE, FxPCUtive W. T. SLKDGE, V p!SVt JOS. Tv EVANS, CommittHJ. Weldon, Nov. 25, 'C4.-dtd 1 0 N lED Ii R A TE TAX NOTICE J Notice is hereby given that the txes for the districts herein narrtd will not be received at tbe times heretofore adver ised, but will be received at the following times, viz: Swift Creek Di.strict, Monday, Dec. 18, '64. l'jinthcr liianch do Tuesday, " 19, Buckh'orn i New Hill do Thursday, 21, " TVhif.A fldl- Jtr. l!avor r?r'U- Krl.tuv 9' Crabtree & t ary do Saturday, 23, The other districts will be received at the times heretofore advertised. RUFUS H. PAGE, Collector for Wake county, nov 8-d6t ' SECIiS;TAItY'S OFFICK9 Wilmingxon &, Makchestkr Railiioad Co., Wilmington, N. C, 8d Nov., 1804. milE SKVENTEENTII AiSNU- L AL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Com pany will bo held in the town of Wilmington, on W JUiNJi-SlAX, the 30th instant. WM. A. WALKER, nov 12-td iWil. Jour). Secretary. A SITUATION "WANTED. By a vcurg Lady, who has Ifad two vear' ex perience in teaching, in some school or private family as Instructress of Higher English and. branch. She is particularly d'jsirous of teaching Mathematics, and can famish the best pf refer ences as regards qualification?, position, Ac. Address immediately, etating terms, Miss A. P., nov 19 2taw4t Enfield, N. C. Conservative copy 2taw4t. Important Auction Sale. TN order to make room for other goods, we will r ' - r - 1 I 1 11 M. Btll n-x ' ' - - - o tides, on Wednesday the 30th, at 10 o'clock. One Pair 13 men uiooes- One Copying Press One Metalic Umbrella Stand One Book Case with Glass doors Five Large Gilt Frames Eight Counter Tabic turned legs. One Mahogany Bureau One Painted Bureau Fourteen Show Cases One Table, turned legs Painted Three Oil Lamps Two Umbrella Stands Jetalic Trr. Pona Hnekinrr Chairs One Basket and a great variety of useful articles for Housekeeping. The Show Cases have very line large rrencn Plate glass 3 h 4 feet in them. Auct. & Commission Merchants. nov. 21-2t. POST QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE, C. S. A. Raleigh. C Nov. 24th, '64. XTOTICE SOLDIERS INVALID S CORPS. It has been decided by Gen. A. R. Lawton, Q. if non f! S. A., that soldiers of the Invalid Corns, reporting in accordance with Par, ai, r ' . . . Tk- n 1 1 r T t Ik. Uenerai vraers, io. o, j - a. x. vr. v., bi mc piratioo of every two months, to the nearest Post Commandant, to draw pay, commutation, rations, Ac, shall receive Government transportation for this purpose. Retired soldier? reporting at this Post can obtain transportation from their homes to Raleigh and return, on the order of Col. W. J. CLARKE. Commandant. nov 25-6t Capt. and P. Q. M. EYV PUBLlUATlUiN S, THE METHODIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, RALEIGH, X. C. FIRST READER, for Southern Schools : PrifA ner hundred ......S30.00 " dozen 4,50 ' " sinjrle conv 50 SOUTHERN ZION'S SONGSTER, for Sabbath - Schools, SocW Meetings, the camp, Ac : Price per hundred 560,00 " dozen 9,00 " " sin'lecopv 1,00 BULLION'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Revised by Rev. Dr. Chaves, (n prttt). We can also furnish all MUSIC, Published in the South. rrf Incriie of Music ynd Books sent when desired. Orders eolicited, and will b promptly attended to. Address oct 27 dtf Rev. A. R. RAVEN. WASTED J WISH TO EMPLOY A MAN TO TAKE charge of my farm as Overseer, who is exempt from.lU.ry jervice. For further particular! addms me at Halifax, N. C. OctlU-dl8t . GEO; A. SMITH. jOST, OR MISL AID . A CONFEDERATE 4 p"eR CENT. CERTIFI cate r,.r $600. No. 2,12?. A citable reward will be. paid by leaving- it at Tucker. Andrewi & Co. H'r7-c-38t T.F.SCOTT. M AD A ME SOSNOWSKFS FEMALE INSTI fUTK. BAR AMVILLK, NEAR CiU3IDIA, S. C. Scboltic"year frojij October ltt to July 1st, comprising two sessions.' Pupils cbugtd'frcm day of entrance. nov 18 7t F OR R . E H T The House in the town of Weldon, N. C, for merly known as the Exchange Hotel, with the lots attached, will be publicly rented for tbe en suing year, on the pretniee, oa the let day of De cember next. Bond, well secured for tbe amount of the rent, ay able January 1st, ISC6, will be re quired, or, if preferred, the rt-nt may be paid in advance. By tbe Executors of . nov 23 6t M. FERRALL, dee'd. P LA NT ATI ON FOR RENT IN WARREN COUNTY. MILL-BROOK, the 1 esidence of tbe late Gen. John H. Hawkins, fuur mils north of Warrenton Depot, will be rented for the ensuing year, to the highrst bidder, in the town of Wanenton, on Saturday, 3d day of December next. Tbe dwelling is commodious, with all ncccesary out houses, cabins, &.C., Ac. The tract contains abou'. 1000 acrefl, with open land enoug!to farm with 12 r 15 hand. This is a rare opportunity for ref ugees or others to procure a good borne for nxt year. JAS. A. EG KRTO.V, Gui-dian fur John U. Hawkins. nov 9, !S64-dtdcc3 0 O T T O N YARNS ! COTTON YARNS ! 1 FOJt BEESWAX, TALLOW OR LARD. I want to purcliase a large a'r.ount of leswax, Tallow and Lard ; for which L will cichangs 4C )ttfn Yarns" on favorable terms, or I will pay the highest cash price. Address K. T. BIr.RY, nov 19 dl2t Graham, N. C. 171 O R R E FOR 18fJ5. N t A pleAsant Family Residence, ?n tt s city, situ ated two hundred yards e?t of Yarborough Ho tel, in a large grove. The Residence contains five rooms; supplied with gna ; an excellent kitchen and all necosnary outhouses. A large garden, containing nearly an acre cf l-nd. Possession ghn first of January next. Apply to nov 19-dtf J. KINSEY. Petercburg Express copy six times and scud bill to this office. T AX IN K I N D 1 rrv. Ic.smnri fnr Wnlr enuntv will be In Rft- X tlC XCCVUwv.w - - - . ' leih on Monday, Tuesday end Wednesday of each week in November and December, for the purpose of assenting the tax in kind of Corn, Fodder, MoUsscs, Sugar, Peas, Beans, Ground I) , fr n We want every good citizen to give in for tl Soldiers' wires, ladits atd infirm persons of the ie their neighborbods. Those who have not listed their Wheat, Oats, R3C Lay and Wool, can aTso list at tic above limes. F. G. FOSTETt, NATHAN IV EY, Assessors. nov 19-dt swtd Standard, Daily Conservative and Daily Pro gress copy and end bill to sessors for approval. ELI) ON HOTEL AND FUR- N ITU RE FOR RENT. Will be rented out publicly, to tbe highest bid der, oa the premises, the . WELDON HOTEL AND FURNITURE, on THURSDAY, the 15th rfny of DECEMBER next, for theecsiiing yer. This House is Mtuated . in the town of Weld"n, H difax couoty, N. C?,, on the lelt band side of the Railroad going north, and connect d with the depot. It has gs works attached nnd in iroo cider, and it can accommo date from 160 to 200 persor.s. Terms the tarve s heretofore, which will be made known on the day of rent. Will be hired out fur the ensuing year at the same timj and place, five or six n-groea. MRS. CO UN ELI A W. IIAPPIT., Adin'x for Estate of W. W. Ilapper, Dec'd. Weldon, N. C, Nov. Stli, 1RC4. dlH rjlHE BINGHAM SCHOOL. ' A MILITARY AND CLASSICAL FINISHING ACADEMY. The next session will begin at Mebanesville on the N. C. 1L It., Feb. 1st, 1H65. While tbe old couisc has been retained, extensive additions hare becu m;tde, with a view to making good toldiert as well as good scholars. . Address. COL. WM. BINGHAM, Superintendent. nov. 2I-40t. Oaks, N.C. jOXES FOR SOLDIERS; All boxes for Soldiers or Prisoner of War from North Carolina, delivered to the following named persons, will be promptly forwarded frecct charge: Sprague Brothers, Salisbury. Dr. D. F. Summey, Ashevillc. Dr. W. A. Collett, Morganton.' Dr. J. W. Allison, Statesville. Dr. J. L. N eagle, Greensboro'. Mr. A. Hagan, Charlotte. Mr. Edward liege, Salem. Capt. J. N. McDowell, Raleigh. Joseph A.Worth, Faretteville, 1'. Murray A Co., Wilmington. Mr. F. L. Bond, Taiburo. Mr. J. A. J. Askew, Colerain.' Mr. F. L. Roberts. Murfrecsboro. The Boxes thould be well hooped, properly marked, and delivered in time fir my Special mes senger who leaves Raleigh on the firt day of ererv month. EDWARD WARRF.N, Surgeon General N. C. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 31, m;4. dim THE CHURCH INTELLIGEN CE, PEVOTED TO THE IXTEPESTS OK TOE PEOTESTAN 1 EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES, is now published by the Pbotfstakt Episcopal Chckch PruLisniPG A EOCIATI05 is Charlotte, North Carolina. 4 Rev. F. M. HUBBARD. D. D., ) nm REy. G. M. EVERHART, A. M., tDITolli- TEHMS OF SUifcCRIPTIviX CASH, IX ADVAXCE : For t fa rcc in out lid $ 5 For six months : 10 For one Tear '. 21 ductiun of twenty-five per cent. , AH'communications should b addreneJ, Church Intelligencer, Charlotte, N. C." noy Ld2t I D E S! II I.D ESI! The uodercirtcd returns bin rlrnol"rmnt for the extrnsire patronage be bai heretofore re cdvid at tbe hands of the reonU t and earneatlr ollciU a ccr.tinusnce thereof. Owing to tbe klgh price of oil and Callow. I am comtIId to chancre tnv base." and will In fntnr tan all hAi for one third ; which will be sold at the market price. Tanning cone for indigent oldIere free of charge as hrsctofnre, and those able to pay, can get tbeir hides tunned at 50 cents per pound. All rcrsoni who have hides in tnv vard will h Inform td when thtir leather if ready. pot 16-tf Pacific P. O., R. A G. R. R. . .TTILLSBORO', N. C, M1L1TA- TUB SEVRVTH inADEMIfi YKATl f M. Institution W ill rommenra nn WF.n N FRH A Y . FEBrJAIiY 1st, 18C5. . ' AnrlicAtSoita for aimri!ntrrnta mn.f ha ttmad prior to 15th December 1864, about which iiiCet me lermt will be made known. Address A1AJ. WM. M. GORDON, oct l-d4m Supeiintenden M A S O N I C THU GRANfJ LonOE f v t A a r if rorth trim mi will ... tn ti.:. -:... .. - .u..f t V U lull VllV "l Monday evenirc. the 5th of December n.r! t 7 o'clock, for the transaction of business. O.'licen oi auuoicnnate Lodges are requested toatttnd In MnlltAM Mttn .1.1..1 . 9 ft . 1 person or have special delegates appointed, as tbe Cons nsiuunon ar.a general reguutio ns ef the n 4irLid. Lodge rt quire. WILLIAM T. BAIN, . . . Grand Secrttary. ' Raltib, Oct. 17, 18C4. 2awtd s 1UPRKME COURT LI-TORTS. The R-pnrts of Cases at Law, Argued and de termined in the Supreme Courts! N. C, June Term, 18C4, No. 2, Volume I, Equity Cans, No. 1, Vol. 1 ; r ported bv P. II. Winston, Ern. Puce of No. II, $12.50 ; No. I, S7.50. OrriVra solicited from the Pn fvssion. 'i boe w ho bavn nln ady ntdtred from Mr..W. will remit pavmclit to the Fubscriber. A. R. RAVEN, Raleigh, Oct. 27, 18t4.-,dtf . Agmt. i?aw:ttevjlle, n.- c, miTF- X' TARY ACADEMY. The firt Senior, of this Ins'llution will com mence the lt of February, 18G5. Application! (or admihi'ion mut be made prior to the lt Jan urry,l8C5; about width time the 'Urira will be made known. Adcres oi , ur mU A- BANKS, ' oct 24-wAdtf Superintendent. Also wanted, TWO TEACH LBS of mUifaty t riucjition ti do STEWARD in this Inetltution. Address an above. L o s T ! A I5ROWN FUR CA PE WTTtT A Ttr ITP rniMt and lastl wr- ((,t at U)e Baptist (hutch Ii et Main .-ux.dv, or, between tho Cburrh nrd my roidci.ee The finder will be suitaLly le-HNtded by leaving it at my Store' Oct. 31-tf. p. p. iMxriTtt "j AND F OR S A Ljf. Will be sold at Auction, by order of the Court of Equity for GuiHoid county, in Gretrstoro', N. C, on luesday, the 2lMb day of Novtub.r.a TRACT OF LAND. situated in said county, seven miles wret e-I Grct ns boro', and containing about 350 Acres most of which is in a good state of cultivation. Upon the premiers are a Dw. lling IltiUse, Saw end Griht Mill and Cotton Gin. and a very large Orchard. Iho land is as good as any in that section ( I cdn try and is subCeptible of still greater iu provoV mcnt. A good cpp,rtunity isoUertd to th.ro who wish a safe place for their negror P and u an inveMnant, it would prove highly pn.fitalle. Ihe mules, etock and farming iuiplcmciits aro alto Ur sale. For information, apply to JAS. M. MORbllLAD, C. M. E. or D. REYNOLDS, Adtu'r. TEIMIS: CASH. Ore. nboro N. C , Nov. l9-'C4.-dCt IID'QRS 2n MILITARY DlST., I'kl'ARIXKM A. U., AKt) O. VA., GoLDsaoao', No. 17. lbbi N 0 T I C E Owners ofSlavra iinnr.acf.t in mv - i - lortihC4ttot.8 in this District ------- - . . . u . v sri'l H-turned to tlifir tmni.i hUnrin..j i ir .vr., .lUIIIIUIirU lliMfc 11 said slaves are not returned Immediately they will - ,", e-pk v worn iwo aayi ior every cay of thtir absence. . By order of BrigGen. Bakfr. J. C. McRAK. . Atittant Adjutai.t Grn. nov. 21 3t. W A N TED. S'i.000 VjRGlNIA BANK RILLS, $0,000 N. CAROLINA RANK RILLS, COUPONS OLD N. C. SIXES, . COUPONS N. C. RAILROAD, OLD N. C. SIX PL'R CENT. BONDS. JOHN G. WILLIAMS & CO., dov 21-dt BankrM and Rrnkcrf. OR SALE S13.S00 in North Carolina State Bonds-thcsc Bonda were irued for'Weitern North Carolina, Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford, and Ral eigh and Gaston Railroad Companies, and niott of them authorized before the War. oov 14-dtl W. II. JONES. J O T I C E Is hereby given, tbat application will be nisdo to the ensuing General Assembly orNorth Caroli na, for an act of Incorporation of the ttMWtrf Seinfjiaptr Establi hment, at Raleigh. Raleigh, Nov. I , leC4. d30t ' O R ALE A TWO HORSE WAGON, and HARNESS both nearly pete. Price two thousand dollars Apply to H. A. LONDON, 28 3t Pittsboro', N. C. R ECRU1TS WANTED. TWENTY vounjr, able-bodied recrniti wanted in 'Faison'a Scouta" to fill np the Company; will operate cbiefiy on Confederate Toint. They will furnish good horses. Fort FUher, N. C, October 27. d2Ct v I R G I N I A SALT. ONE HUNDRED BUSHELS. Will sell for -a.h, or exchange one buchel of, Salt for two buehelj of Wheat or .thr.e bushela of 11 fl-.l - - . . . l vtJiu. wan ra A. U. X.L0.1S, nov28-dlt Franklinton, N. C- M R3. . MILLER continues to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week or month. H