DAILY CONFEDERATE. ADVKRTI8IK0. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at nnnaa noLLAaa per square of ten lines for b; tor a w insertion. Marriage noticea and Ol ituth; l" b charged as advertisement. JOB WORK of every description will be ecu ted at this Office with dispatch, and aeceatfy ti can be done io the Southern Confederacy. . nnin M. & Co., Propr'rs. DAILY EDITION, a t TRl-WEEKLY, for 6 months.... $25 3 " u l tt it 6 tt 15 5 15 10 10 i tt i WEEKLY EDITION", " OLD SEE ITS, VOL. V. RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1S64. VOL. I-X6. 27b N subscriptions received on any other terms tbVi th above, nor for a longer or shorter period. DAILY CONFEDERATE. BAIL C0NPEDE1 A rorrcspontlciice. H'u.'Eop C Mii'jN"?, Djc. 6, 18G4. 5. F. Phillips, Eq- Dear Sin: Your friends are anxious to M-tbpfu stance of your speech today in print, arid the wholesome rrrtis u contained 1. ...i imiii .iniri"uif'r.fe will al . At rtS UAtiV a MV a-, j . 1 iW. Wv respectfully, Yuur oScjlW-nt servants. D M CAIiTKR. .AC rOWLKS, I-;UJEN'K G1USSOM. THOS. A. ALLISON, it s donnell, DANE it. roWLC, m. u-;euee House of Commons, fiih Dec, 180 4 Col Ciirfr iin'1 others : (iKNTLF.MKN : I nil! o nVply wilh ur request vithiti a day or tv.. Thanking you-for the compliment j " hve paid me, arid wishing the xpeech were toore worthy of it, 1 am, very truly, Ycur friend it rid servant.,. . s. p. ru iLLirs. Speech of Samuel F- Phillips, Esq., Oil OKAMlK, Jit the Hurt?0, of Commons of North Carolina. Tuesday Dnu-mbr.r CM, 1SC4, on th? sulytct of I'ttpi ' easmtnls. Mr Speaker: Il.ccnt occurrences in lu county of Orange ,;we suggested to tne the pn-prie y of inrro cuvinjj the resolutions whh-.h , avo jit been real. I do not lniiu to .say thai Orange h . sulksred more frooi the action .of agenrs lor impre.-tri-nU than trie other month's of t!.V Suite, hut t!iH ftcriiri; of tint action among my f onstii ue.ntfi rendered it proper that ho!d call the attention of the L-gis-l.ituru to it. The preamble to those re.soloil.ms asse ts truths which' i.o inttHieut g-'tnloinuo uu tid.s fi Mir, whe'ihf r lav.v r or not, wilt d.ui . I 11 not trouble the Iluise with an aruu inect upon them. The first of the rtisolnlioi.i; which follow, tnnk.es allegations whhdi, if true, are palpable violations of the rights as-.-cited in the preamble. The only ii nation which urines upon that lesolnti-.n is as to its. tiuth. Aali, upon this question. 1 nughi perhaps make a witness ot every entictnan up n this flo' r. For I can hardly d n !t hat. evrry one h re has bten so f.tr person. o ly ('- niz-mt of facts oinjj to estahislt ihis p unt that he ndnht b-. called as a wiuie&j to estah liol. it biit'orc a court and j'iry. Within the lust two weeks an njrent of the Ccut'ederatr States has inipr -ssed in the county of Orange 100 horses a.td muled at no average price, as I was informed hy an offio-r of tli government engagt-d in the ti jtn'tcU'jii, of ahout $7U0 each. 1 enquired .of the s ail0 g-ii tleman what was th avtragf! inurkit va-uu f the animals thus t;ken, a:id Wi.s untwtrti "at Jeast 2,100 ouch." It appears, ttifi, th a by thiB 6ugle operation, the C-iit deiare Stntes' government ins forcibly seized for us wn u-c more than 300,000 w-rth of pmpnty; nr.d It ft in the hand- i f its owners little i-cmps -f I r nrn napr, pruruidifift to p iy t some iudftij nitf 'peril d about $100,000 ! In sonple lan guage, it id a transaction hy w dch thai govern ment, has posjsed itself of $200 000 w nth of property without paying n single dollar of t qui. valent! It has has;-ny its Hgtut-, ae.iing uu dr a regularly orguniz.'d system, reM"ccrtHiu ptrsow whom thcte ;geuts have .-eh cj 1 w t i lu toe eou-.lry veff rret to, of 2l0,t00. Tee coau'y which 1 h-y ih'e honor, in pnrt, to re Tre!f ut in this llou.sc, makes t( a Mvnatoiial district, and contains ab Hit one-JifUeth of ihe :op?rty in the State. Doing tlu-e impr. sj-tu-nt agent" the junficJ to supno-.e tat th. y have b.-ii impartial in their visits to the vm us s'.-cfi ns of the fetatc, the House, wii! that they h ive in the itm of hor-es ;im.l mules roohed theJ?tateof seme $10,000,000 woith of p-' p-Ttv. I mean to say tnat in "tie name and oteier the machinery of the Contrdeiate govern i:.i it. thty have overawed oertaincilizeiis of ; ith t'andiiia into dt-li verii-g tla g vern tntnt property worth 1-3,000.000 at a nominal price o $0,000,000. This aenou c-mes fully tip to my c ncpption of the idea contained in the wold rubbery. If the Hction which Iihs recently taken place in Orange county were the cons- quence ot the presumption of a subordinate Hgerit of the gov ernrutnt, it were m tre easily to'ciaud than now. Or if it arose from the -occasionally irre gular working of tne machinery of that gov ernment it might he better bornv. Tnat it is part of tin setibd policy of the Co tedi rate titans, ai.d the regular and inter dfi ffect of certain HCts ot C i gr ss i t'l at L c!i givt a ibis action its p-culiar unple isantntss, and makes it the moie imperative IV r this Lejiihtuie to 'utter its retnonHrai.ee nrd pr.)te?t. When wrong is done under the color of law, it ue coms most dnngeruus. I hhl in'tny hand a pamphlet containing thu " (Itncr:;! Orders to the army, from whi iu appears t hat. this snf-j 'Ct of imprt ss ncnts has cccupitd the attention of the gov ernment lor several years. As early as the nxnth of June, 1802, ati oroer w.ts issued regiilaiitg thi sahjt-ei. Some nnntii8 after-wards-it appears by another that great cum-, plaints had bicu mane to the govei mr.ent in 'relation to it. Th complaiuts com polled Ctigriss, about the ninth of April, 18d3 t- h-h an act upon the suj-ct, a real prt id v. Uich is still in fotce. That act provides that while t llkers in. pres propt-rty ihatis io the hands ot its pn diu tr, t rtttrtcs (with lib city to select an umpire) bhall be chosen by the iffieer and the owner respectively, and they shall fettle the price to be paid ; wiiere the property is not in the hands ot the proi-iieei, but of a in in who holds it tor salf, the price u be paid by the government sr.ail Ve leyiu'.ated bj .e echrdulo p ites fixed by tin- IVn-.mih.ng A i,md i0r making the schedule. This differruce between the pn. :ucer and the other classes was rnaintaui-i-d, howevrr, ft r hut a lew days, as another ct, pu.sed htioie the. 1st of May, 1803, pro viced in that all c..ss id in prt ssrut ot the im Iestirjr officer might end' rse upon the award of ike reltiees his disapproval, h rtivcii a;i aj-peal v.ould l.e to the tou.ii.issi. ut rs upon .Khtdulc pricis. As these per, ns had alrendy appraised property ot the H..it in dn-pnte, it i clar that the practical operation ot ttiesi- law in either ftse is to give lh oner onjy hched iile prices. For iu&tance, .in the case oi a h-Mse, the owner nay olwayf be eare that if he choose to make ever so much opposition it will resnlt in his getting only the pnee of one or another of the cUp-ps under the schedule. A paper now in hand, being a warning to a gen tleman in,Orar.gf that the government agent wdshrcl to buy a horse, mikes this erid"nt. for the proposal made by him is txpresahj to buy it at xdudule prices, the penalty being an impressment. Of course such au' officer would ticv. r approve an award by referees giving a p.t eater price. He would appeal until he brought it where it wa certain that iion but schedule prices would be given. 8o well, irnlee f, is tHs ur.derstoofl, that, es I was informed, the ref-recs at Hiilsboro' confined themsplves to assigning the horses to one or another of th" clashes in the last schedule. And,as miyht well hive been araticipited, in the wIjo e serrib!y of irritated and outraged ciiizns no one ti.k on appeal In' discussing this matter I am not to l3 cheated with words. I press through them into the substance of thi transaction ; and I gather the intention of government froru the uuiform action of its agents through a period of years, and after its attention has confused ly ataiti and again been called to the subject. What wns done in my own county iu Novem- er, 1864, has been done (aud often in a much more galling manner) in other counties and other States, in the Spring and Fall of 1802 in the Spring aud Fail of 1863, and in the Spring and Fall of 1864 ; an that which has been cited in regard to horses, has been done time aud agiin in regard to vvln-at, corn, cattle and inuuy other articles of prop erty. I am not then to be abused by having pointed to my attention that the act. of Con-rcs-M provides in terms for a "jus,t componsa. tiou." I reply that the act, after using these smooth words, inaugurates a system of pro ceedings which never has j;iv-n the ciiiz-ju tiiat compensation of which it Speaks. r, of puri-o.e keeps the word of promise io the ear, and breaks it to the hope. Throughout the whole State, and so fr as I am intormrd ti ruitghuut the whole country , its opeia'ton has tiei'n uniform. It cannot be that such Hi ifonnity of action among many different pusoi.s woo hate no opportunity for co stil ta ion, has tui been dictated by the common soi.iice of their appointment. I mean the government. Mr. Meoiinuiger aid Mr. Tinhoiui, wim have tried uu wild experi ment after another upon the curreucy, make Use of i lu-se commissioners of schedule prices in the ci nrj-e of these experiments ; and the in ft ructions under which they act are to de-pa;- prices to a stauJard in accordance with .-orne Highly notion these gentlemen enter tain as to toe vaU.c o' Confederate 'I nasinv note. They are making their experiments at tru expense ot thosy crsons whose propei ty ihey impies-. Up n what slow of pro priety is this u ne? if the currency have de preciated bee -use it is too abuodant, experi mei ts to raise its v.li;c hhouhl be tried at the gcne-Ml expense of the whole country. The method by which those experiments are to be 'nasJe is taxation. No constitutional principle can he more axiomatic than this. fluo con fti'.uuoi; piohibtts all such trifling with pri vate rihis umlev ihe htad ot impresMrtnts, by stipulating on behalt of the citizens for a 'just comp. nsaiicn. ' Wiiat an outrage, then, upon that constitution, is it, lor th C: -federate Government Ij suggest to its com missioners us part of their duty in tixug im pressment prices, to cvnsuii oi'her lnilueucts than tne geuer-1 market value ol an ailiciu ! What a mixture oi aoturdiiy md a grievo us oppression is it, to make private pcia. tii wtioSf property is t;-Ken ty govirnn;eut. con tribute lar afK've their pn poiUon towards es tiiblisliing a i-tate of tnings, tho ben li.s ol wnicli belong to the pubic in geneial! Oir indigi.a'.iori would rise all the iiigotr !hi we tuhy pj iectaie the tancifuint:;sfand the eccentricity djihiyed in those experiments. 1 he ariety oi ineir plans, and tiit solemn ci nsurc which 'ne philosopher pae upoii the on. uccesrhil t xpjl iments of .lihi predwees soi, carry the ineo.iory b.ick to th" nge ot th.e alcheu.ists, and their mar veliou.-- emb-aVors to iiansmute tlie o.ser mcials into gold. lut it is tut neees-ary in this ' argument to insist iiLoi1 that it is most plain thai even i; ihee experiments resulted in success, they should be made at the expense ot the whole commu nity. I am not understood "as denying to the government the rgbt to .seize private property whenever needed fur i;s use. It has a peruct right to do so. The p.-int upon wnich I have r.sisual is that it tuHc pay just compensation there .or. ii mus:-pay tor such property, all that a private pi sou would have to py for it. The government has only one auvantago in .-uv.h maiter ovtr the citizen who viai.s to huy. Ii can compel a sale. 13ut it cannot b rcc upon the owner a less p'rice than ms nt-ightiois would have given, had he been dis posed to iil. CONCLUDXU 10 .MORROW. J A Watch' with one Wheel. A watch maker in San Francisco, named OUo Weide row, has succeeded in producing a most in gettious piece of mechanism, lie has invent ed and maniiiacfured a watch that has ouly one wheel. This wine!, a maiuspring, aud a very litrie -other machinery, is o arranged that the watch, when set going, winds itself up, and it viil run two years." It wowid run torever it the matuial would hold out, but the i; genious iuveuu r says it is uecessary to take it apart ot c- to abwui two years lor the purpose of cleaning and lepatnug the woru parts. It is certainly a very ingenious, yet a very tnie pie aud successful piece ol Work. Mr vVeuiiToW i aio the inventor of anew sort of circle, with engine movement, the pendulum of which is on tp, and works like Me walking beam of a sfeaiu b.t. One of these ingenious and simple clocks, witii suver oial gohi plated, and gold hands, has been manufactured fjr exhibition at tho alcchamcs' Fair iu phat city. Clothing for Coskkperate 1'uisokebs. Colonel Ouhl, corruiissi t'er of exchange, has ncetved official information that General Bea'.e, of the Corde derate army, a prisoner of war, lal been jwroltd by the Yankte au thorities end asriuod to the duty, of superiu teui'mg ine arrangemtots for tifslributiug to the Confederate prisoners the clothing to be furnisi td them ur der the late agreement be tween the Confederate and Federal Govern mehts. The arraugtments are luurly com- 11 Ar! 'ex change of prisoners is now going on at Cbarraeton. Mehmond Dispatch. From the Evening News. The Athenian Blood-Drinkers. A LESSON FROM HISTORY. After the defeat of his fleet at Salmis, X rxes did not abandon the h po of success by land, and determined, if possible, to sub jtiijHte or exterminate the small number of Conied.ra e Greeks who had'dared to resist his immense power. Accordingly, he left his ablest G ner.ri, Mardonius, in Greece at the head of 800,000 of his best t.-oops. The wnoio ot ureece, north ot the isthmus of Cor-. lutb, except Attica, and one or two others of, the smallest States, had m7tz?( that is join ed th? Persians, aud heartily co-operated with M.irdoniu.$ Before commencing the campaign, Mardo niu sent an envoy t Athens, with the most s.idnciive (, ffers to the Athenians from the Great K ng himself, if they , would consent to make peaca and form a ieaguo with him. They were to retain their own territory, and to choose for themselves whatever land they liked besides, and dwell therein. as a free peo ple all their templts which had been bnrrjed were to be rebuilt, and ctherdamage repaired. "Aud now, said Mardonius, ' why are ye so mad as to levy war against the king whom ye cannot possibly overcome, or even resist forever ? Ye haeseen the multitude aud the bravery of the Los s of Xerxes ; je know also how large a power remaijis with me in your land ; suppose then ye should get tlie better of u.s, and defeat this army a thing whereof ye will not, it ye be wise, en tertain the least hope what follows even then but a contest with a still greater force Rattier agree to make peace, which je can do without any tarnish to ycur honor, since the King invites you to it. 0 "Continue 1 ee, and. make au alliance with us without fraud or deceit ' Tne bear- r of this message was Alexander, King of Mace don, the guest atnl frit nd of the Athenians, lie auvioeJ tht ui, as a sincere friend, to ac- c-pt lerms so .avoiable and honorable, 'inhere were many reasons to induce the Athenians to acc-de to these terms. Tuey had just return ed to their half-ruined city. They had lost the harvests of the two years, and their wives and children were suffering with hunger. The ftpanans and other Peloponesians, with t oei r wonted selti.-hness, weie fortifying the 'isthmus and their territory would be again hud waste But with that heroism and love of freedoni which had rendered them immor tal, they said to Alexander, We know as. well as thou dost that the power of the Mede is many .times greater than our own; we did not need to have that est into our teeth. Nevertheless, we c iug so to freedom that we st-ail resist him in the besi mauler we cau. So k not to ptiuide us into making terms with the Birbariau say what thou wilt, thou . wiit eever gain our assent. - Tell Mardonius that so ion.; s ths suu kteps , its present course we will never join aliiaucu with X rxes. Nay, we will oppose him un eeasiagl, ti u?tiuf, in the aid of those gods and heroes waoai he has. lightly esteemed, and whose images he has burned with fire. Aud tome not thou again to us with words liko these. Thou art the guest and friend of our nation we would not that thou shoult'.st receive hurt at our hands.' f Tne Spartans tearing that the Athenians might be tempted to acept terms which, tv iierodotin- say., "were far more to their adva.;ta.e than to prolong tnv war," oai soot atubiosadors io dissuade them sucn a course. Tuey provdscd so send.. n army to their aid and to supp'-rt the women and children as loni us tne war iastsed. Their answer to tho Spai tans was worthy of themSvdvs : " No all itie gold that the wo do earth contains not the riuest ;m.i nust tertiie of the faro's Would bribe us to take pari with tho MedtJS, and ii' lp tiiem to enslave our countrymen. Even could we auy how have brought our selves to seen a 'thing there are. many very powerful motives which woiiid make it impo-sible. The first and chief of these is the buioiu, and destruction of our temples, a'id ti e images ot our gods, which forcirs us to rnaUL no terms wish their destroyer but rather to pursue nim uitu rr s-htuenl to the uitcr mosi. Again, there is one commoa brother hood with tne Greeks ; our common language, the altars and the s icritices ot whict: we all part.ke. the coirimon character which wo bear. Did tho Athenians bet jry all tnese, of a troth it Would not be well. Know, then if you have not known it before, mat while one Athenian remains alive, we will never j an alliance win, Xerxs.; Whw-n Maid n;Ub received the answer of the Atheuiaus, h- prepared, with all his Grecian allies, to invade Attica again. The Spartans sent not the premised aid, and tne Athenians wire once; more couinelied to put their iawilies on bjard slop an i cany tnem to the little island cf S daiuis. Ma. uouijjs again establish ed nis hea quarters a; Aituns, but stib aDxious Vj coucnialc the Attit mans be seut a becoad env.-y to tfalauiis with the same proposition, but they wi-re unanimously rcjcttd. Ouly one Senator, LycnUs, give it as his opiuiou Mhat the best couise would be to admit the proposals. nd lay them bifwie the Asstrribly of the people.''f He was iustautly sujrouuded by the Smattirs a-id people and stoned to death. Now there ras a stir in the island about L'tcidas", and the Athenian women learnt what had happened. Tneu each exhorted her fellow and one br-.ught another to tale part in the deed ; ind thry all flecked of their own accord totuehous of Lycdas and styued to death fc-.s wie aud his caddieu." Every sonool-boy knows the result. Tno nexi year MardouiiiB was defeated at Pltcc, and Greece remained free. This bold stand for nlertyou itie part of the Athenians Mas the ju.-t a.mdiatiou of their descendants and a constant theme of applause by their orators. Shall it remain for our descendants and car orators in future limes to point to a similar Ci urse ou tne purl ot these Confederate States? Surely, we have more to tight for than the . Greeks had, and our chances of success are better. Our enemies, bv an almost unparal leled majority, have endorsed Lincoln's terms and hi letter " To whora it inay concern." Shall the brave irten of our army who are nn wiibug to caake peace with the barbarians on tho.-e terms, bt sLiguiatLzid as Blood drink- KRs? H. He.odotui S-UO. rod y 5. fHerodotus 8 143 JEIe- Tlo Yankee papeis protes to hava discov ered a c ajs piracy to assassinate Gens. Rose era"!, McNeil and other officials at St. Louis. Several arieaU have been made, including two lstki in the British Cuueul' ollice. ANTED I A situation as a TEACH ER in a private fatnilv. by a young Lady, comp -tent to teach tho uual English branches, French and Music and PiaDo. Address RICHELIEU, de 14 d4t Henderson, C. F I V E HUNDRED HANDS WANTED. FIVE Hundred hands wanted to work on the grading icno" track layii g of the Chih?in Rail road. The highest martet price will be given and hands well taken care of. - ALSO. 100 GARTEN VERS, Also, a Portable Steam Saw Jill Wanted. Apply to KfcJP P. BATTLE, Prea't Ralvigh, C, or to J. L ALLEX, Snp't, Cary, X. C. dc 6-dtf Conservative copy till forbid. TS O T I C E SPECIAL AGENT will leave thi IhT.cc for the Army of Northern Virginia on the ISth iaat., for the purpose of conveying such supplies as may bo contributed to our soldiers as a Cbristma offer ing by their friends at home. EDWARD WARREN, Sufgeon General N. C. Raleigh, Dec. 9 d6t L ANDS F 0 1? SALE FCR sale, 1,200 Acresof Law! in Stanly coun ty. On the premises two pmall houses Land well adapted for Wheat and Tobacco. Situated two miles from Rcky River, and ten mil?? from Con cerd Depot, the county seat of Cabarrus, X. I . For full particulars and plot, pply to HKXDK'tSOX i KXXI8. Salisbury, N. C , Dec 10-d5t HILLSBORO', N. C, M1LITA x UY ACADEMY. THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR cf this Institution will comrrcDce on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1865. Applications for appointments rauft be tiinad prior to 15th December 1864, about which n;e the terms will be made known. AdJieM Maj. WM. M. UOKDOX, oct l-d4a Supei intenden ARRAFFINE LU1UUCATING OIL. HAVING by careful experiment altered cd greativ improved the character of ur Oil, we now oiTvT for sale an article of Lubricating "Oil for Cotton Factories which has no super ior in the Confederacy. It dos not gum or chill. This Oil we guranrea with careful tril to be the best and chea est Oil for line machinery in the South. As the undersigned gives hi personal attention co the preparation of the Oil, it ihill not deterio rate in quality but rather improve. Refers to Agent"? RockfHh and lleaver Creek Manufacturing Cos.. FayctteviMe, .N. C, who pronounce it a very suoerrir Oil. HENRY E. COLT ON, Ai't If. K. Company. Fayctteville, Dec. 2-eod2w T A N T E D To hire for ihe t-nsurng year, at General Hospi ta' No. 1, Kittrell's Springs, N. C , COOKS, WASHERS, AND IKOXEUS, male or female. Persons wishing to hire their servants, will ap ply ire mediately, to H. F. BUTT, Surgeon in charge. Kittrell's Springs. S. C, Dec. l-endl3t R V ANTS WANTED ! I wish to hire, for the nsuinr vear, a number j or g.wid hervants, i;hK! ana acrier-TVouien, ior service at General Hospital NV. 14, Wake Forest, N. Parties havinr hinds of the abovo description to hire, wiil .-lease address M. J. DeROSET, ' Suix'Oti in charge, dec 7 eodtilljanl Wke Forest, S. C. Xesrocs Wanted at PetligretT Iloi)?!a!. N T IS' D Vv T A FOR the ensuing year, FIFTY or SIXTY NE GROES, men nd women, as Nurses, Cooks and Laundresses. The women must cot be encumbtred with children. - Good rations and comfortable quarters will be furnished and ihe highest price given allowed by Government. Apply to II. M. PETTIT, Hospital Steward, dec 9 -Stawtdet 2 Pettigrw Hospital. TREASURY DEPT., C. 8. A., , Richmond Dec. 1. 18G4. SEYEX-THIIiTY TKKASIUY X0TKS. In pursuance ef an act of Congres., approved November 28th, 18t;4, entitled "Au act to author ize the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange coupon bonds for s-.-ven-thiry Treasury notes," holders of such n )tus are hereby notified, that after the paymvot of the annual interest due thcu on the "first day of January, I;5, upon presentation 'of the same, the Treasurer. Assist ant Treasurer, and Pay Depositaries as desig nated at f"ot will issue certificates therefor, which will entitle the holders to coupon bonds pavable thirty Tears after the first day of Janu ary, 1865 bearing six per cent, interest from said first of January, 1S65, payable on the first days of January ai.d Julv in each vear. The Treasurer, Assi?tant T. surers and De positaries, will make weekly reports to the Re gUtr of the Treasurer of such certificates Lssued at their offices ; whereupon, bonds will be sent forward in satisfaction of same. The notes will be cancelled io the usual manner, and forwarded to the Hrst Auditor. O. A. TRKNHOLM, Secretary of the Troasary. Treasurer ft Richmond, Va. Assistant Treasrers at Charleston and Mo- Depositaries at Raleigh and. Wilmington,'. Carolina. Dpo.itariea at Charleston and Columbia, Carolina. Depositaries at Savannah and Augusta, Geor gia Depositaries at Tallahassee, Fla., and Mont gomery, Ala. Depositaries at Columbus, Mus., and Houston and Marshall, Texas. dec 6-3uw2m H EN D E RS ON. V I L LE TIMES. AN EDITOR is wanted In this office. The present Editor desirea to retire. This is a pood berth for some one who is too tW-bl to be a sol dier, and who desires a situation w-!! g-uardtd against fconscririon." The applicant tau-t be of moral habits, educated, aod fennd on tht 'mm A J -1 goose. Address . nov 8-rf ;WM. L. LOVE, Htniersonville, N. C. 1 RS. MILLER continues to ' accommodate iVJL Boarders, by tha 8ay, wek or month. . w o it n t; n t THE larpre and plea.-antlT situated dwelling Uouse, in the Western Ward, at present occupied by J. D. Puilen; also, the dwcllir g occuphd by E. A. Wbitakcr, atd the Coach Shops, nar the stid houes. This property will be rented for the ensuing year, at public auction, oe Thurdav 22d InsUut, at the store of Messrs. Creech &. Litcbford. Possession given January lit, 18C5. Raleigh, Dec. 9-eod7t I SHALL HIRE OUT, FOU the eiifuii'g rear. . n the 29 h ii Hunt, fit the Jarket House in Raleigh, FOURTEEN EX CELLENT NEGRO JKN, nclessthev are pre viously dispr sed ef Per scim wichir.g to Lire, can apply to WILL. A. BLOUNT. S. dec6-d!0t ' . U 11 LIC VALE IN tiRAN VI LLE COUNTY. OX Monday, 19th Dec-mber, at nv reeidenco in Granville county, N. C, formcrlv owned br I'r. O. F. Hanson, I will sell at public auction to the highest bider, the following propt-rtv : My 1I0USFM0LD AND KITCHEN i VliNU TUKE; Aneng which l a superior 1 octavo PIANO, nearly new, and in good order, a small lot of ttno Cattle, Pork, Bacon, Sugar, Molasses. Ac, Ac, Dec. 13, 'C4-6t R. A. GHOLSON, M. D. W ANTED A LADY as a Governess qualified to teach the English branches, French, Latin ar.d Music, in a private family near Raleigh.. References given .and required. Address Box 53, IUK-igh, N. C. dec 10 dCt N 0 T ICE A .good BOOK-KEEPER, CLERK, or experi enced Engli.h TEACHER can be ororured bv addressing . JUNIUS, Macon Depot, dec 8 dt Warren Co., X. C. "1 J I N 15 R A L FIRE-PROOF JA'JL PAINT. WE are now prepared to supply any quantity of this Paint in powder, ltii u Peroxide of Iron, and will stand the most severe testa with fire. Color deep rtddibh brown. HENRY'S. COLTON, N Ag't F. K. Company. J&3& Specimens of Paint and Oil may be seen at the S ore of Tucker, Andrews it Co., RaUrgh. Frtyetteville, Dec. 2 eod'iw DMINISTKATOH'JS NOTICE. THE Subscriber having qualified as AdminiS trtor of the estate of Joseph S. Nornmu. Sr., late of Halifax county, and b-ruierly of Washing ten county, dee'd. 'at the Court of Pleas ai:d Quarter Sessions held for said county, at Novem ber Term, 18C4, herc-by notit's all persons havii g ciitiuis against the estate of said deceased, to pre sent them for payment within the time lindtcd by law for thut purpose, otherwise tbi notice will be j leaded in bar of their recovery. . Persons indrbtfd to said estate, will please inako imm diate paynie'nt. dec 7 SWAIN S. NORMAN, Adm'r. DjilNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - THE Subscriber having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Joseph S Norman, Jr., late of Halifax county, ar.d formerly of Wahing tn county, decead, at the Court of Phas and Quarter Sessions held for said county, at Nov'r Term, U64, hrreby notifies all persons hav:rnr claims agarst the estate of said dee'd, to present them 4uly authenticated for payn.ent within the time limited by law for tbat purpose, otherwise tht notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. dec 7- WM. J. NORJAN, Adm'r. ORDNANCE BUKEAU, KlfEUOM), Nov. 20, ISfil. THE following nnmetl men, or merly etn loyod by Mfssra Jor.i. Mtn Oethall &, Co., North Carolina, and ditailfd by special order 233, Conscript Office, Rah iph, N. C.Sept. 23, 1G4, with orders to report to Iho Cliief of trri:8ncc, Ificbmord, will so n-port forthwith, otherwise they will subject thcoiselvei to th penalties ottaehH to oisooediet-ce of the oroVr detailirg them. J T Uak, Sidney Crare, .1 II Tl r, L V. Brown, A)b'tArmfield, Jcm- Ribdo. V. R- bson, J C Kin.ev, Jot-j-h Ilorah, Wthon Wood.J BBaro'!., V HTnie.K.n, J L Canripbel, Z-L Lidletter, J M Ratnwy, ST Stnrk. 11 W WeiHf.er. Br order i.f Chief of Ordnance, dec 2 dt Lt. Cel. f- Ass't. JNSPECTION NOTICE. In accordance with Par. I, General Orders No. 81. A. & I. G. 0. current sfries, all persons in 5th Congressional District betw-n thengrs of 17 and 50 years, holding certificates of ptriranerit exemption "by reason of disability, also thoe as signed to light duly" wi" report at the following tirnee and places for inspection : COUNTY. Orange, Wake Franklin, Granvillct PLACE. nillsnoro', ' Raleigh, Louisburg, Oxford, TIME. Dec. 2, S. v5. .7. 9. 10. 12, 13, 14. 16. 13, 20. Warren, Warrenton, Nasb, Nashville, Prompt compliance with the notice is expected, and any person or persons failing to attend, will be subject ta arrest by Conscript Gurd and for ard ed tor re-examination by Select Board at Camp Holmes. ' Where the party is unable on account of sick ness to attend on the days appointed, the attend ing pbysicran'e certificate must be pnaer-ted, which must contain the exact physical condition of the party the nature and extent of th- disease or wound. WM. M. RWANN. nor 20rdl2t Capt. k Icspeetoe 5th Dist. ATEW PUBLICATIONS, IN . BY THE METHODIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, RALEIGH, A C. . FIRST READER,' for Southern Schools: Prica Der hundred ...$30,00 it .... ... " dozen ,x " single copy.... 50 SOUTHERN' ZION'S SONGSTER, for Sabbath Schools, Social Meetings, the Camp, Ae : Price per hundred - dozen vrt sicglocopy l,0U BULLION'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Revised by Rev. Dr. Cvek, prett). We can also furnUh all MUSIC, Published In fbe South. Catalogues of Mueic rnd Bocks sent when desired. Orders solicited, and will be promptly attended to. Address cct 27 dtf Ktv. A. R. R A VBK. F P (AUCTION SALES A UCTION SALE On Thorfdv 15th December we w ill ell n b t of FUtNITUKE. SofA. Rocking Chabr. Waic'robff, Ac. An excellent Family Crrlafe, and inary other articles. At tfo aamo i'.rn wilt h rmntmil fitr ti.t rear. j a comfortable Dwfllirtg, and a ten acie let in the ooum eastern portion ortbecitv. CREECH i LITCIIKOIID, dec. 23-3t Auctioeceif. A nOA Internal Improvement 'Pf-lf.lMlf NORTH CAROLINA STATK BO.NDS FOR SALE ! Will be sold in iU cil of Raleigb, N. C . at the Auction roors cf I'mcIi A Litchford. on Thursday be 22ddiv ofDicnr ber, Foktt TiiotSAxn dollars cf Nnth far olio twenty year Conpon bonds. These woe h m d fr the benefit of the Chatham Jt. R. Curt at and are severed by a special sinking fui.d 410-vitl-i for tlo ir redemption wheu dw. No better invei-tment can h fann. Copies of the Isws authorizing tbo i-'ueeu had on applictfion to tie uirrfety'f in rf or f Mes-rs. Creech and Litrbford. Con fclmrit A Auctioneers. KF.MP P. B All 1.1. d lS-Jtd President C. R. R. V EG ROES AT AUCTION. ON THURSDAY 20ur DFCEMEI K. iU U. so!d in front of f ur Snlrs l-'oom, On N vto - men. 30 years old 101 excellent Wail.cr, Jr i i ard Searns'rcss. One Negro Man, 40 3 cars f hi good field. I. and. One Woman, 37 yen r s old. ith t children, dec 8-eoUJt CRFKCH A MTCLKCIID, (' m Merch'tsaid Aim-i'sI Y 0 K It E N T , WILL be rented, at public auction, on rl.f 17 h inrt., on rhe 1 n u.isis. a very m at Hoi. i'l 0 rooms, tolerrd ly w 11 lurtisbid -with tl r soil of lane! attached, ano locati d In a dei.it. 1 1 i-if of the village of Chaptl Hill. N. C. CHAS. K JOIlNStfN. decC-dtd Conservative cony til! day, and Pcterslttj; J -presa twice, and forward bills ti- this off 1 o. O R A L E On the 14th day of December, the 1 1 r i 1. able property b longing to the Ktate ol tn-wl W. Branch, dee'd, late ) Halilsx .court. r-. sisting of ten or fnun hi ad of Muhs ar.6 lb tm. seventy-five fat Hogs, eight or ten Sows ar d I'irr. sixty bead of Sheep, httcen or ttnty herd f Rattle, five or six I undred barrets of Com, tl o Fodder and Shucks troni tbe same, one 1 u t. tlr 1 bales of Cotton. -Farming Utensils of ev n ' icrij.tinn, HoustLold and Kitchen Fumrtu '. will be coffered at public tale at the lato residu ieof said deceased. The plantation on which tbe deceased t :i.4, ' willabo be rented rut for the ensuir g . si - Bonds with two good sureties, patkhle t months after the day of pale, w ill be rt'qi.lrdi purchascis. JNO. R. BRANCH, v B. F. GARY, E''1 'dec3-dtd r lait. s UPRLME COURT 1 EPOIHS. 1 h" R ports of Cases at Law, Argued am' f. termtned in the Supreme Court of X. C, .It i, Term, IKC4, No. 2. Volume 1, 1 qulty ( asu, No. I, Vol. 1 ; repotted bv P. H. Winston, Esq. True of No. II, $12.50 ; No. I, $7,Mi. ldna olicited from the Pioftssion. 'those who Ima already ordered from Mr. VN . will remit pandi t to the subbtriber. A. R. RAVES', Raleigh, Oct. 27, 1864. dtf Af ei Po-T QfJAItTKKMAhTKtt'h 0T?CK, C S. A , U iih, Deer. Ct la. lho4 T WLslI TO IIIUK THREE JL NO 1 1EA.MSI Elbs. h i Cpt. b S Krrklard, A. Q. M., Hills ooro , . . C. Six (fi) Stout Latonrs lobale Forage for J. J. Mint tree. Ag't Q. M. Derai tnn nt, PaliiLh. N. C. P y 5"J7.50 ier month, medieat attei dar ce r r.d -at ions. W. 1 PE1R 'EIRCE, Capt. A A.'Q. M. dec 7 d6t H IDES! II 1 -D K S ! ! The urdcrsjgned returns his acknowledg ements .' for the extensive patrorage he has ben to'ore rc i ceived at the hsr.iJ of ihe people; aiuf ei ni stl r ' solicits a coitinnai.ee tliei tof. Ot. ing to the Ligh ptiwrs of cil aiid tallow, I pi compelUd to . thanip im liiMe'and will iu (blurt tan all hib for one third j which will be sold at tl c n iti kttl price. Tanntng done (or iriiigent soldii i s It t e of charge ts lirctof re, and thse r.b to fiv, can pet Heir bides tr.nd at 5' cert perp nnd".- All persons who have hiCcs in n-j yatd will b in!oiuied when their leather tttf'x' J. ROltT. JEFFREYS. nov 18 tf pMific V. O., R. A U. R. R. 1 M P O RT A N T N O T 1 C :"". THERE will be a meetinrr cf th Donors to tl, N. V. Ornhan E' dowuient f-und" and td th Di'-ecrors in the Lm merit of the baptist Cl utch in the c'.ty of Raleigh, on Thrtdav the IMhif December, at elevm o'clock a. in. "A full atttu delie is disil able. GEO, W. MORDECAI, Pres. C. F. Di.rM, Finaueial Agefct. Dee. 12, C4 St T O T I C E Our S.f rinr Psirlii.r u.Kra'riM ininnrn Y n P.a!M'ol for sevetal weeks, will bur and sell Coin and Bel lion. Rank Notes of this State, ar.d Ttrasury Notes of Virginia and Nortf Can br a, atd Ixcbiigeon Kcglatid and tbe principal ebbs of the Southern Confederacy. Also, Hate and Railroad Lords nd Coupons of the sme, mj stately. He no be found at the Book-stori f Mr. IT. D. Turner, corn r of Faettevi!le and Nevlm streets. Persons vbitirg the city on kusir.efs, are ittited to call n low. THO. BRANCH A SON, cf Pettnburg. Raleigh, Dec. 2, 1K4. d2w State journal, Favetteville Observer, Charlotte llUKtl Ibiin and Greensboro Citiztn copy dailrts six timos. otters 2 weeks, and send hills to this office. REWARD. L E N . S T O FROM my Office, on tho nigght of the Uth Noverootr, ult., mv IJOOK OF At i eUNTh settled scd unf tttlf d, for the ytars C3 and C4. It is a large LeOger and ccntarrs all the clargta for uiv professional labors during tbe ibove-njtr.-tiened period of time. It cannot, 'ucdrr any or- . cumstanctV. be ot service to another save b r its leather cover and rnnaioisg black; leaves, w Llle it is of incalculable value to m. I will giv One Thousand Dollars reward for the recovery cf it, and m questions arked. dte itf chas. e. jonygoy. fJlIIE RINGHAM SCHOOL. A MILITARY AND CLASSICAL FINISHING ACADEMY. Tbe next resilcp will begin at Msbsnesvllle on the N. C. R. R., Feb. ht, 18C5. While tbe old course hr sheen retained, extensive aCdltlons hsv beeumde, with a tiew to inakipg gottd tolditt as well as good scholars. Address. COL. VilX. BINGHAM, gupt-rintiLdent. nor. 7I-40L Oaks, K.C- . IV SLOOO

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