- . DAILY CONFEDERATE. A. 3I. GORM15 a Co., Propr'rs. DAll.r EDITION, it fer 6 moaths $25 3 " 15 ' I . 5 S " 1" 10 TRI-r-'EEKLY, WCEKLY EDITION, " 6 " 10 N'a subscription rec-ived on any other terms fcb&a the above, nor for a longer or shorter period. MISCELLANEOUS PARAGRAPHS. The Cr.h;mbia ami Charleston papers hava a lva cvi their terms of fuhcritin to eighty i ars per anuum, and advertising rates to ft v.? do'Jars per fpiire, The passage of t'-e act extending the lime fs-r txcha pins the old is-aw for the new, has tjcen ffiiai'y announco-i by the Secretary of ti e iiva':r . ! ii ly the "wi'o. s;-n ani dar.rhfer. of i r.eniral rrest-n. -l Kh Uu-fcy. arrive in z steamer at I'uon 0dr-:s fr m tie Yhikt-r Wsr I-r irttnent refuel 1'cia jvrrri V;. n t-. ! ;r.d, rir d u'-vt :'-c!u - t . i r rjti's'. t ie.ivV Lv rail far Canada. Thev t!.er f r- re-j-.'-urnKi the : tejir.tr, to be carreri f;ck wi.ea . toey Death k Soldier. iv'wa: r u irbe i kiileil in hitih" at JSitfs I vania C"i:rl-ii uf. . . . Alav 11-I. I8;i. ac.t 1'4 Vars i r. i t V ' 'i'ri.iii.; M.i in FioWfiii r c.i fv tr tfa 0:h Nov., 1&;4, i (ii.-ca.-e con'r vcf i ir: j tit iiietare wJ duty at lvteiour;, fc'Hj .o Thr idea ''f xploiin a ponder vf s ?r away r?it swa. a thousand v?irds f.ciij the Eert. was aiich or.e It ruiiy did rm linrisi to the J-Yrt rr to anything m it. iti'Minug wui.J liav- bee"! tH'ir. kte if they had depiyej iwo c-rt!ircp hundred Chiue-ic p"gs "to fright th uls i f ftiii-i'is stdvtis iriv.s.'' Tie grarul Lmi:p is th' ?hrr.eof cit i ImeTit aisK-niT t)) 'hers ail AS rs o! the -.nis- It is id .hxl infunnati'-'j ha h-en r ce ived f r mi a cwt'ii.fonf a! source. g-'i'-sr to show that it the Yai.ktes did rord!y, Hi d n purp-o, bl"tv up this vt-.-el, i hey sojo "uatid thfat-ei ve- i i the p..-iM.n ot the ei)jri-tfor "hvist by his owq p-t.itd," si- r c the efiet't of the Sft- c k was siK-fe a to cai.s - s me ti-t or ix of their own vps to .visit, ai'd V make nil t'e -Intra leak. 0:;e thir r is errt.-.iu. The U"Ct noaiter Irivi-.- be re, return direet'j to Fortress M.m-ri-e. It put into Beauh.rt, at.d it isonij witii iii a day or two 'that iu.oraia.ioii of its de OLir'ttire forth Nurl!; iia.-. beesi received uero Mai. v ' f tite veVse's had their Miuips ping j to be returned at the end of the war, or ita value c n-'artlv 'lint fleet was untvrtuuaU la j in gold'at that tioiff paid, if preferred. Sati&fae . r.V.Vf,-,y,.i: ! t"r'r security given. For lurthtr particalara The Defence of Wilmington. When, .1 ?!.' ' I says i:;e l.yui.ouii; jniiMicau, un,r,;n r.r-g Tvas p.t to cotnmau.t .he Pot r.t Wii- ! udi'gun, t; was safely predictrd by the eoe- j tales f f the a!:xiii E-tr;tilon tt;i.t tnat ctry wi iild ctrtab.lv lad ii.lo the -nar.ds of the n. .. i .i. . ti. f i tueniv. 1 1 e u i 1 1 i - i.titm "unu gAti-mt ofiicer ha mudetf ilrniijtoi. aiiaiu-t tt.c if. Oct loimidab'e aeii rava! txpidtiii.n vrnich ever t-ed from a Northern y rt, is a- rtditabtf to tjeneiai iJr.i aiul a.- iii-gu-;i: y tv iii- euemits. as it is j;r .iiiing to toe cui. t y. rlhe disu-omfiture oi 1' rter and ot Hut !.r was corjjplte, aeciT-iiij' to their own t onle.-sioBS, and ol eour-, tl.eir disaster tv'i far greater than asin.ito. d by them. The tide of i:t. ry ai.d good i'ortar.e. ve hope, has a.'.in tu-lie 1 in lavorof the C-:i!eder.ite cause, u"ti it or j-eople are halt true to therasIres, and do i.ot "ife way i woriti v : -w.4iun.t-. .u!t:h.-vte ucLess is inevitable. rttemburtj Lxi'ttss. ' Key. Bafil Manly, D. D . Wekaru, say ti e Au-'uta (i-o) Biiili.it ISannrr. ir ui . ... . j ' p ' . ...;..........;! throu-di oi r t-ity l.-t week, ih .t risk .ather I)r MaoJvV liiibau-a su.l, red a vt re stiock i)M'ia.ii,r. .li.toau.a.jDu.u i t j-i-.ray:s ab, UT twc veCiS ari tt.Hl hi. po.sifioii the orrs-.ut tirr.e is exti e.iu 1 y. ciitieal. T-nd aiin-uneea.er:t wid be hi-ari niih jr.iri by multitudes ai! over our Coined eracy. No living nnrdter is in're wi Icly ki own. atnl wuoc e?h m nire rrsptctcu ai.u la hue J, than Dr. Manly, il 1ms oeeu a Uiiheii i rt unueai n:-w, viiioiis ultlii; ,.CcHKii.s ara;;uj; tn laptms lor i.-eany nan a i-tLtury. Trie lat tirne we s . v him he ap peirtd tv be e:ijcii.g a ureen old ae. N e tui hs-p-d that he might be spa.td lor ti aoy years ul u.-eiulwets. iut we hi, IrrUi th utuie ol ids tiite;-, that l U o:y- ot ivt ii-e ... rvitrs are u an eml. M ' be 1 o -m-.s it, hi-ttld- Es ti.e coa.-o ali. n. oi t at Mallet nVm. ?.,' he lias served to Ion; SO tail: ! id L Maj (Jen- Patrick R. Cleburne. Citburne is dead and as we hear the ... I .ti.nk rl f -itC !. OU ee.- nil as We i.-. r ir-ac ver tha ass- t.i ttiwi-s tiial't-ju.-t-.'r asoin.ti -: l --" bane, at.d its uufeie heroisi;i iu do.ei.ee oi ms Utl'ptld 1 iud. There was no cfiiccr in the army u ore uni vaivd'v fc-elovtd tor his gallantry ai.d gt-r.sle b.Kiini: than i.e. and his h.s wi 1 te a ( j :y t '.: , :.r..t.lv bv thv e.e with Ti.t ;swoe tiUfbe-u m lot a-,ciatet, but oy the wi.oie eoiuury, ! tor his uume aud laaie was Uoad a our own taunv la;.d. - .. lhe u-giiiuiiij; t t the war be was enuuged in the prarTiee ol U-v iu ileiena. Arkansas, whne he ltK.altti wheu he eii-ig.-ted Irvtii i'lin'stlreeu Ibie, atui when the tooii if war Founilfd, he wss the ait to oSer his services ns a private in the Helena lilies, tut his welt k:;( vvii merits m d qu.ditieatioi.s were rtco t 7.fl aud ke w.ic teiectt d to C . fuiuanJ tt.e con..,lr.v, and whn the 15 h Arliatas regt rrtr t was fVrn.ed at Muuuu Ci:y, he was i.i -ai.imoUsly elected Coioi.cl, n.i aiSt.tl-.h ami,; the .-tOTm of ahot a:.d shell, he wun his wreath rd the lasting tnendshtps of Gen. Hardee, who saw and mordwd his n-irits anil has ever ince reDit:ea his stradiast I'tima. We'd da we it-member his wods when the wily J. e Hooker atteini.i-J to s ize Dug Gap, rear Dalton, last spring. "Teli CUwurae to go. to go hiase.f, he must be u ue, and tne wild sheut of lais noble duui-n as he rooe I ke Sidtey dt-wn the liuts, and took his pi.-c at their head, and pcinttd nut. h: g-'' swerd to the sp -t where -O-rro U.rdo n liarus i's tn.gbug against the bests, and n s c e.ir crv of "lorward men.'' But be is dead! No mere wi-1 Id form be -en wheie the batths lages thicktt, eao-n and paid in Lis own proud cUregard of the 'adeu rain and iiou I ad" that led aioui.d him, jet ever mindful 4 1 those he commanded. Dot in after years his gruve wiit e visited b.? those or whom he poured out bis ii;e-bat-U that thev might be free. Weep' for the hero that is no rcore, save in the rich memories cf the pas, but whoelame shall endure wherever the deeds that ennoble ;n t nrput cause, are sookeD. sxd whose name wiUbe perpetrated as a svLCuytu of all I hat is great and good. Pick6.t J IT" A OA J.JU Volume II. SA L E OF NEGROES. n- Tnciaw virh nf J.nrsrr. I will sell at the Auciion Xfo'uae of Wia. F- Askew & Co., oo account of wlim it icav concern, FIVE YOUNG AND LIKELY NEGROES, tnoXrt. l,rac? ard t"ree boy. Thee Negroes are sold fr no fault, mid are of good character, jan 9-d2t JOHN K. SEDGWICK. T 1 AUCTION r O W E L L AND COMMISSION Warbkxtox, N. C. house, Strict attftion given to th pale of aU cind of Merchar.dife; Vermes, Stock, Ac.frc. R F. F F. R TO fr,rlrr'T r V,,, nr!ir I A. Hamilton. Vtt- terpbure-. Vs.: Baron Kakervill. Richmond. j' - Va. : frpech & Litchfofd, Ralcir, N. C. J''n J dtf . D () L r H C O II N WHOLES ALU TOBACCO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE, CioLDsaoiw', N. C. Liberal advances made oQ cocsTnments. It K F E K TO A. T. Jerkins, Pres't Hank of Commerce. Com-t-anv Fhops; P. V. Daatfla. Sr., Pr't R. F. & P. K. R. CcU'chmond, Va j MeDani-.rA Irby, Lvnchbur, Va. jm 9 d3ai COMMODIOUS HOUSE TO KENT. A large buildicg at Ridgrfwar Depot, contain ing eicrht room?, two acres of jrround for a Gar den, FTorse Lot and Stshls. AIsu. a eonvenitnt Store-House, BUeksmfth Shop, and Coach-Maker's Shop. Thia property iss-ituate 1 iiunr !iate lv at the Depot, and tan be et?ii and rented of 'Ir?. ilarv Collins, at Ridgrwav. jan 9-d6t F. COLLI XS. W A N T E D T WENT Y-FIYF. BALES OF RAW COTTOX, applr to jan 9 d2taw2vr Kaleigh, N. C. Q EL EOT BOARDING AND DAI kJ SCHOOL iilLLSBOIiO', N. C. THE Misses Nash & .Miss Kollock will resume "the xerces of their School on FMDA1 , 2th JANUARY. 18S5. Circulars forwarded on arpi.cation. gTO C K Li 0 L D E US MEETING. A meeting of the Stockholders of the ''Confede rate Joint Mock Publishing Couipanv," will be hel i at the hxebange Hotel, in this cit3', on Tues day, the 24th instant, at three 'clock, p. m..for the purpose of orjranijiag under the Charter T.irittd by the recent session of the Lpgishiture. Stockholder.? who cannot ' attend in person, are earnestly requested to be represented by proxy. By order of the President : jan 7 tjan24 W. E. ANDERSON, Sec'y. IIEAD'QRS, CAMP INSTRUCTION, RAf ETeti. V. (, -Ian. Uh, 18G5, J I X accordance with the provisions & ,-.f Cl.u rat rrd.ra. No. 25. Adiutant and b- . ... i i .i.i !ry . 1 . j owner of the foliowinjr slave, re-captured 1.1 ast aT.;nnfss.e. ill call at this Camp and prove hi ! i ,;,, :JVp as rt nnirod bv act of Conzress : EMANUEL, . Ace 2 rears, dark eve.-., black Lair, brown com pfciion'o f-et. A2 "niches bih : said to be the prcpeity o! a Mr. JL'ontgunkery, 'ofUlount County, Tennessee. By order of V.-UIGIIT 1IUSKE, Litut. and AttiDg Good's, Caup. C. II Weight, Adjutant. L 0 rn ii-. th. Tnht of tbt 2fith December last, n j C.IKS i" OF HOOKS AND PAl'KUS, j ma-lied "Maj. S- V. Reid, C. S., AViliuington," I -.viui-h w:is t.ul on the mail train at C.o!dsoro' nnd was missing on the arri al tf the ears at Kaleigh. Any information resulting in ir recovery will be liberally rewarded. Address, - NAT. ALLEN', jau 5-d3t Wilmington, C. FIKAD'QKS POST AT KALEIGH. C, 1 JanuarT 5th, 1SC4. . J C.tvcc ii Ophhs 1 v,,i-""?." , ' - AO. 1. I IPursiiiint to orders this day re . ceied from the Secretary cL War, the re striction on travel on the IlKilroad to Uichmomi, Va.. i extended for six davs. II. This order does nr extend t ofLcers aad soldiers retu:cin? to their commands, nor to i Bietnbers tf Congress. III. This ord-r does not prohibit travel goinj: south, nar dtes it extend to the Kaleigh and Caa toa Kailroad, or to way travel westwaiden the N. j. uailroan, Bv wraer of Col. WM. J. CLARKE, Corud'jr. jan 6-d5t. J. L. Dickkm, A ct's Adj't. D1 SIR ABLE PROPERTY ECU SALE.. ON" the 20th of Januarv inst., on the premise four mile! north f Durham's Depot, in Oran'c county, the undersifrned. will seb a tract of Lar.d belonging to the late Capt Edward M. SeV.tt, j eentaininz I V8 acre?, about one third of it wood- J Ur.d. The lusprovementa aie new ana ruin oria-blr-. Ters of sale will he six ncntht credit trhh bend and good security and title retaiaed till pur chase muner is paid : or cash will be received. JVO. C. McCOWN. tin i. iu Adm'r if E. II. Seott dee'd. Conservative and Progress copy till day of sale j and send bill to this office. j S T O L E N Fra mv stable, un the night of the 3rd int., icy LIGHT SOU 11 EL MAKE, 5 vears old next Spring, .medium size, and in good order. She ha? a star in her face , both hi ad leg white to her knees, left hip perceptibly !er than the right; Any information given to the subscriber at Cary P. O., Wake county , N. C, will be thankfully ree-ive i and rewarded by the sub scriber, a soldier's wife. Mrs. KEZIAH OLIVE. jn 5-eodtjan?0 y PKIVA1E SCH'O O L A riFTlt SFSS10N f MI ;S JfAKGUH'S SCHOOL for voung Ladies, will begin on the j 10th of Febriary. Only limited number of ( puuils can be received. j For further in formation, addrtss Miss M. P. I Mangum, Flat Hirer Orange County . C. dee. 2S-w6w. j RALEIGH, N. G. TUESDAY JANUARY 10rl8G5. CITY ELECTION. TOa COMMISSIONER IN JJ EXTERN WAUD - We r3 authorized and requested lo aunurice C. 51. FA MR IS, E-i.( ju a caadldato for Ctmimis sior.cria Western Ward. Jf -elected will serve to the best tf hit, ability. j3B 6-tda r , 1 IOR COMMISSIONER IN Jj WESTERN WARD. - I respectfully nnnounee rayself a candidate )t Co-tiuiisi..r.er. in the V.'ertcn Ward. Ifelactcd, wiii ec-icivor to siive ytu f lithfully. ' . j ia 6-dcue W. B. HUTCHING &. Ii lOK C0MMISSIOXEK. We are euthorized to announce A. CHEECT, t cndi 'at.' fur r.rjleciior as oae of the Commis sioner f rtie Wf. stern Ward. jin 5-.lie MANY VOTERS. E A S T E U N W A R D . Editors Coyederate : As yonr piper is a daily visit.jr ia our Ward, we take this opportunity t nnnoirjee through its columns il.r. ALth ixtiLf UPC1ICK.CII, as a candi iate'ior ComiuissioneK. We believe ha will make au efficient officer if elected. Many Citizens of theEasterx Ward. jan 7-dtde X?QR COMMISSIONER IN r EASTERN WARD. Mcsr. Editor : You will please announced. S. It A UP k :i candidate for re-electiwu lor Cohi kosssonor in the Eastern Ward. ii ANY CITIZENS. jan 9 dtde 'OR COMMISSIONER IN EASTERN WARD. We are authorized and requested to announce A. KLI'. . E.-q , sa a candidate for Commissioner in th i EasWrn Ward, at the election on the 16th instant. If alerted he v ill endeav6r to discharge his duty faithfully. jan 9-dtde 1 eirstTrate A ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, For Hire the present vear. CHAS. MANLY. Kalcijh, January 5th, '64. d4t : : 7 IF a certain somebody does not send a certain somebody's PHOTOGRAPH im mediately, to Wilmington, they wili see their name in print in a way they would not like, jan 5 dit x YOUNG LADY, COMPE- x pstent to teach the English branches, Music and French, wishs a situation. Address, etati&g terms WM. P. WALKER, jan 3-15t Ilicksford, Va. w ANTED TO PURCHASE IN THE CITY OF RALEKitl. A desirable residence near the business part f the city- Apply, stating terms Ac, to J BOX 105, j:a 4-dCt Columbia, S C. j" EG ROES AT AUCTION ! ! ON WEDNESDAY, the 11th inst., in front of our store, at 12 o'clock, m., we will sell O N E N E G R O WOMAN, 27vora3oH, an excellent Washer and Ironer. with three female children, ages 2, I and 6 years, all sound and health v. CREECH A LITCHFORD, jan 7 dtd Auctioneers. J i W. D. 11LTCHINGS & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fayettilville St., Raleigh, N. C. The undersigned bave this day associated thero eelves toge'.her for the purpose of conducting a GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION business, in the store fermeily occupied by tSaaa'l Ii. oung, Thev promise ho attend promptly and faithfully to ail buiiness entrusted to them. C. W. D. FIUTCniNGS, SAMUEL H. YOUNG, jin7-d6t A- J- PARTIN. Conservative, Progress and Standard copy one week. N 0 T ICE V. n, CROW, Accent for the Neuse Paper Jill C !npany. will pay th highest market price for Kag and Damaged Cotton. Persons having either for sale will please call at the otlice foriaei ly occu pied by General Haywood, Raleigh, N C. dec 2l-dlm , ' rrHiEBINGHAM SCHOOL. X A MILITARY AND CLASSICAL FINISHING ACADEMY. Th n.-rt Rcsidoa will becin at Mebanesville on the N. C. R. K., Feb. 1st, ISwo. Wrhile the eld J course has ben retained, extensive additions have been m.ide, with a view to making good toldicrt as vrrll as good scholars. Address. COL. WM. BINGHAM, Superintendent. nov. I-40t. Oaks, N.C. jl 0 T I C E . WE KAV.: FOR SALE ON REASONABLE terms at Greensboro', 5.000 bunckes Cotton Yarn. 1.UC0 bcxes Tobacco. CYRUSP. MEnENHALL, Prest. N. C. V.Ni C. Greensboro', NC ., Dec 20, 1664. dl2t Office Piedmost Railroad Co., ) Danville, Va. Dec. 14, 1864. J STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Piedmont Railroad Company will be held at the o:!ice of the Company in. Danville, on Wednesday, Jnuarv eighteenth, 1865, at twelve o'clock M. ' W. HENRY WHITE, de 17 dtlStbj Auditor. i RON! I R O N ! Th Loekv lle Mininr and Manufacturinir Co. are now making Iron of the best quality for plan tation purposes, and will exchange the same with farmers and other for scrap Iron, aegro-labour and provisions Iron now ready for delivery at the works in Chatham County, We can also deliver in Ralih or at anv of the Stations on the Raleigh A Gaton or N. C- 'Railroads, Addresa the un dersigned at Raleigh, or W. S. Downer Sup't. Egvpl, Chatham County. We will now receive o refers for Car Wheefa, J;? lBd heavv castings. W. J. HAWKINS, dec. 28-d-tf., Prest. L. M. M. Co. M RS. MILLER continues to accommodate Boarders, f toe aay, weea or botw. ANTE D A Cfcrk fer ike Uavden Hds? Hotel. Salisbtry. Adfirrs, u.auniifti-'i janrd3c It rpflq I11LLSBORO' RECQKJJER O U SALE. - Ia ee&seqnne of failing health, the Proprietor of the lllsborough Recorder has been induced to offer tberestablishment for sale He will therefor, receive yroporals from any one disposed to pnr cbase, nfttil the first day tf February next. The Recorddihas been nearly frtv-five years iu exis tence, ha a respectable list of subscribers, which caay be i' sidcTably increased by an enterprisng editor.' it has a fair t.'iar of job work and ad-veriIsiag-'-cutoui. If not disposed cf by the fis f February, other arrar gemcnts will be raatfe fr a continuance of the establishment. dlftbl WARRENTON FEMALE COL J UiGI ATE INSTITUTE. The 48t session will commence the id of Fib. 186$: ltwifTrerftHHilAap4lv soont JULltTS WlLCfXT -jan 4-d5t ' Prieipal. LMANACS! ALMANACS ! ! TURNER'S ALMANAC FOR 1805. Price per hundced Price per dozen, Pricner sinirle conies. ?75 CO 10 00 1 00 . i - Send in vour orders at once BRANSON ife FARRAR, J.n 3-lw Raleigh, N. C rjp AX IN KIND. The A'sessoi-s for Wake eonnty will b in Raleigh from the 2d of January, 1SC5, nntil the 20th for the purpose of assessing the Tax in Kind of cwrn, fodder, molasses, sugar, peas beans, ground peas, Ac. We want every good citizen to give in for the soldiers wivep, ladicd and infirm persons of their neighborhood. Those who have not listed their wheat, oats, rye, hay, and wool, can alio list at the above ti ne. F. G. FOSTER, 1 . -NATHAN IVEY,A8se9Eor' jan 4-dtd REWARD. LOST between the C- S. Commissary Depart ment and the R.ilcigh fc Gaston Dejiot, ray FURLOUGH AND OTHER PAPERS. I will give the above reward for their delivery at the " Daily Confe-itrte " OfE.f e, and no ques tiens asked. Corp'i. T. H. STONE, jan 6-dlt 12th C. Iuftntry. w ANTE 1) ! wn ladies of exDerince in teaching. One well qualified to instruct in French and Music, or French and Higher English. Tee other, iu Higher English and Mathematics. Address, stating term and enclosing testimonials, Box 2, VYm-renton N. C . d-'C 31-d7t OFFICE N.C. RAILROAD COMPANY, ) Company Shops, Jan. 2, 1865. J gQQ .NEGROES WANTED ! Ths North Carolina Railroad Company desires to hire FIVE HUNDRED NEi'JRO MEN. It will pay eight hundred dollars for laborers, and one thousand dollars for Mechanics in Confederate money, for the year. Negroes hired to the road will be free from im- ,remet.. O T. J. SUMNER, jan 5-d3t Engineer and Sup't. H A N D O L P II tpOJ,JJJ COUNTY BON wS. By virtue cf an ordertnnde at November Term, 1S64. of Rinaolph Counry Court, I will olfer for sale at public auc-tion. to (he highest bidder, at the ourt-Houe door iu Ashboro', on the 7 h day of February, 1865, FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in Coupon Bonds of said County. Te sai l Bonds to run for two years from dat--, bearing intorest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, to be paid semi-annually in such currency as will be received in the p.iyment of public taxes. This second of January, 18(15. J. M. WORTH, jan 5-d30t County Commissioner. J F . A S K E W & CO., AUCTIONEERS. . FA YETTK VI I. LB "TRKET, RaLEICIT, N. C ON TUESDAY. 10th Januaay, 186, at their Sales Rooms, will oft'er F O U RT E E N LIKELY NEGRO ES as follows: C Likely young men. 1 Woman, an excellent Cook, Washer and Ironer, with horfour children. 1 Woman, good Conk, Washer and Ironer. 1 do " " 1 Girl, 9 years old, likely, 1 " 11" ' fancy and smart. 1 8 " " 1 Bov 6 " Others to be added by day of rale. . ALSO, 2 Fine vennf Brood Mares, and a fine new- double set Buggy Harness. At the same time a likely young Negro man for hire. jn 5-d5t DAVENPORT. FEMALE COL LEGE, Lenoib, CALmvELL County. Tm. C Th.- noxt Session will commence Fbruar 23d. aed er-d July 30th. Charges in jrovisions at Pear.e prices, per Session of half year: itoara ana v asning 3.-,r;u Tuition. ordinarv branched. JS,5J Music and use of Piano .-. 22,50 Prn!sions will be delivered at the nearest Do- w - pot to the patron, he takiDg Agent's receipt, and bearing half the risk end expense of transporta tion. Prices in Confederal currency rotyet fixed. Young ladle will be conducted to the College by the undersigned frera Columbia, or any interven ing point. "Address ttc President immediately, and state the kind and aoount of provisions you will furnish. A. G. STACi , ' jan 5-d2t President. THE CHURCH INTELLIGEN CER, ' ETOTC TO TH IXTEHESTS OP TDK PROTESTAN J" EPISCOPAL CHURCH IX THE CONFEDERATE STATES, is now publish by the Protkstast EnscoPAi. Cavaca PraMPHixo Aa sociatick is Cbtablotti, Ncbth CA-ROLISA. Rev. F. M. HUBBARD, D. D., ) EniTOR. T4ev. ft. M. EVERHART, A. M., BXT0R8- TKRMS or SCBSCRirTIOlt CASB, IS ADVAXeK: For thre uon: ha. ......$ S For six months.. - U For we year - 2t For Array or Hospital diitribution, a de duction f twenty-4v per Cent. All oommanicarions should be addressed, Church Intelligencer, Charlotte N. C." not 1 dJt ' $50 &xn A AO - Number 8. OFFICIAL Votr Q M. Office; C. S A.. Salusbmv D c 17. 164 A W Y E R 'wanted s A-voinpeUrt Sawyer is winttd to t&k chat ge of a Steam Saw Mill, situated on the Western N. C. Railroad. A arood machinist, fully ab'.e to take charge of a large mili running exrlrsively for The Government, can bear of agocd iituatiou, if exempt or can be detailed, bv npil?irg to JAS. M. GOODMAN, dec 20 dim Cpt. A Po.t Q. M. Post Qitartf.kmatek's Officr. C. S A., Salifhurv. N. C. LVo. 17. 1SG4. G R O E S W A N T K D : THIS Departra?Lt wishes to Lire fer thjcr.su iag year: (4) F.-nr B'ackMnith, (;) Six Carpeijt?r3, (2) Two Wheelwrizh'K, (70) Seventy Woo;I Cutlers acd LahorcTs , fOrbtefe wiU. hie paid ajjb;rl price. Thy will be we'J fed aaTTBpeTTJt! w!th Cdi c. thing. Those"hTirc able bodied negro men to hire, may find it to their eJ rant ago to add ret JAS. M GORMAN, due 20-dltn Capt. & Poet Q. M. Treasury Depahtment r Depahtment i or A mi nir., ii-r 23. 1805 J CXFEDKItATE STATK F?TClll!OSD. Ni'Vetctl rnHE lioldcra anil owners tt coudoii -JL Bonds and Certificates of St ck issued Uf!? f the act of August 19th. 1 EG I, redeemable alter the 1st dav of January and July, lb64, h-teby nntiried to present the sam- fr payment to th Treasurer, one of the Assistant Tre.'.surt rs, or a Pay Depositary of the Confederate State.-, funds having been placed in th-. hand ot th -se ollicctis for the yurpo f r deeminjr I'a'Ki bonds and ? tock. No interest will be allowed th -reon eit- Jnuarr first ,1868. G. A. T'tENHOLM, . d: 13 taw2na Secretary of Trnasury. rXMlEASURY DEPT., C. S. A 2L Kichmni D.c. 1 1804. SRVEX-IMRTT TUKASIRY K0TES. In pursuance rf an act of Congress, approved November 28th, 18t 4, entitled ".Au act to author ize the Secretary of the Treasury lo exchnnjr coupon bonds for ren-tbiry Trranurv notes." holders of such notes are Lereby notified, that after the payment of the annual into est due them on the 'first day of "January, 185, upon presentation of the sarme, ths Treasurer, Assist ant Treasurer, and Pay Dcpositarie-i83 deJ;. nuted at fot will issue certificate 'therefor, which will entitle th j holders to coupon b'ndj payable thirt- years after the first dav of Janu ary, 1?C5 bearing six per cent, interest from said first of January, 1S65, payable on th'? first days of January and Jxily in each rear. The Treasurer, AssL-tar.t Treasurer and De positaries, will make weekly reports to the lie giiter of the Treasurer of such certificate itsufd at their offices ; w hereupon, . bonds will be srnt forward in satisfaction of same. The note will be cancelled in the usual raanucr, and forwarded to the l irst Auditor. G. A. TRKNHOLM, Secretary oi the Treasury. Treseurer t Richmond, Va. Assistant Treasurers at Charleston and Mc- bile. Depositaries at Raleigh and Wilmitgton, N. Carol it. a. Depositaries at Cba.itstun and Columbia, S. Carolina. Depositaries at Savannah and Augusta, Geor gia Depositaries at Tallahassee, Fla., and Mont gomery, Ala. Depositaries at Columbus, li.-s., and Horn ton id Marshall, Texas. 811 dec 6 3taw2m TltKASlMtliY DkPARTMKNT. 7 Richmond. Va . N v. 28 J81J I J ' ICf OTICE is herely given to holders Ll and owners rf certificates of Stork and Cou pon Bonds issued u.rderth- aetf A ujrnst lil,l6l( redeemable after the first day of J.ruary, !8fi5, to present the sam for pavmcnt .n the SI-.COND DAY Or JANUARY, or at any time thereafter, to the Trf-urer of the Confederate States, one of tha Assfcto'nt Treasurer.i of the Confederate States, or a Pav Dei-ositary nf the Confeo'-inte States, funds having been placed in the haiids f said ajrents for th purpose of redeexuine' such stock and coupon bonds. No interest will he al lowed on such Atock and coujon bond alter Jan uary first, 1S65. G. A. TRKNHOLM, de 13-taw2ai Scretar- of Treasury. D C. M U RR AY & CO. AUCTION k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FAYETTF.VILLE eTnEF.T. KALKIGII. K. C, Wi 1 attend promptly to a!i bussinos er.li"usted to thm. k Their Stor rooms are larpe 'd secure. Sale room, the Store formerly occupied by H. L. Kvans, next door to Messrs. Creech fc Litehford, and im mediately oppite the. State Quarteriaaster'a Department. D C. MURRAY, JAS. A. MOOKR J. W. IIARMSON. - December 30, 1804- dtf. B LADDEKS! BLADDERS I WANTED A QUANTITY OF BEEF AND I o bladdere. Will pay twenty-five cents each for thesn. They ny be delivered, green or inflated and dried, to A. McLaclin. Goldebr.i o': A. M illeV, Clavtoa, or ta H. J. B. Clark, at Graham, N. C. dec. 30-dl2t N OTICE ' Havinsr qualiGed a Kxerutrix cf the eeiate of SAMUKL MOORE deceased, notice i hereby pivtn to all pereoas indebted to the estate, to come forward and settle the same, and all persons having claims against th estate, will pleaae pre sent them within the time prescribed by law, or thi neticewill be plead "in bar of their 'recovery. Mr. Moore contributed $500 re the Wale Fureat College, some 7 or 8 years at;o for which' t-muuiU he gave his note. The bolder of the note will please present it to me, r Mr. Thomas M. Holt, Haw River Past Office, V. C. who will settle the same. MARY A. MOOKE, Exct. ofSa'l Moor dee'ed. dec. 28 d8L . Hadiaon X. C. WARRENTO N FEMALE . COLLEGE. The Spring SeiMOB will begin on Wedniday, the 1st day af Feb'y 1S$5, and continae 20 wwkd. Prof. C. S. Peticolaa, a raccestfal teacher for more than 15' years in the City of Petersburg. ill have charge ofkbe department of Vocal and iDtftmctnental Music Parents intending t vad -their daughters will please apply at once. v Address. E. E. PAHHAM, Prest. dec31d5t TTarrenton N. C F il?TY DOLLARS REWARD ! STRAYED from my residence a Raleigh, on Saturday night, a red and white COW-ofall isaan abeat six years old. I will give th above reward far her delivery and pay all expense. dec I-tf D. K. McRAE. DAILY CONFEDERATE ADVEKTISISQ. ADVERTISEMENTS wilt be lre;td at mr.ij noLLa&i per 4uare.cf ten linen (or leu) lor -ca insertion. Jlarrinjc notice and Obitutrief wut L- charged as advertieemcnt? . JOB WORS otrT7 deaoriptiOB wlH be tt. ented at this Offioe with ditpateli, and a Beat) j a can dost in the SnatVern Confederacy. " is UPREME COURT REPORTS. Tho R Pcrti of Cases kt Lj, AtffCrd ar.d De i terL".inel in tie Surrcm Court vf . C; n . . ' . ..! r V .. TerM UM, o. I. volume i, cquuy i-no: .. 1, Vol. 1 ; lifted bv P.. H. "Wltiton, Esa. Pi ice i.f No. II. 5.50 ; No. I, $7,5 Ordert solicited from tho Piofsrir.n. ThoMi who have already orderedtrom Mr W. will remit favxttiit to tle "subscriber. JL R. RAtyiS, Raleigh, Oct. 27, 1864.-dtf Af cnt. I D E ,S ! HIDES!! Tb- uacVrf'gm-d rttrrrf his ekcowled?em-it for the extensive v'"'' hrtorr r- civei st the hi." of ibe people; and earrtlv sot;ct c rUinrcetJetfof. Owin; t th Lth pticer f oil and ts!! w, I am coinpell'd to cbatge uv taie'aiid will in future tan all Iik for o:.e third ; which i '11 b cold at the'warkct price. Taur.iiig cone fr icdigejit odiet free t f i i.-baiceas heretofore, ari tnofe toie 10 pay, cu j t thdr Lid tsr.Df d at S' cent per pound. All person wl.o hate biies is my raid will Le imV iiuid ;ucn their leMti.r i rc"v. J. KOBT. JKFFUKYS. toy ItMf Pccilic P. O., K. A G. K. K. HILLSBORQ N. C.; MILITA- : R-TAtyAMM ....... TIIF FEVENTH ACADEMIC TKAU of ills Inftitctioti will couunence on WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1st, 18(55. Applicat:ons for appointments must he tionad prior to 15th December 1864, about which mest thv ttrinj will bp ma do known. Address Maj. WM. M. GORDON, oct 1-d4m Hupeiintendeu VTOPril CAROLINA A'OI.uN- lsi T EF.R NAVY CO MPAX Y. Sirce our Agent has jjote abroad to purthae a Yt sel for the Compar:y, frtqurnt inquous hc been rrxde. and a dhtoiition manifested on th par t I of the public, to further subscribe to th Cpitt Mock oi tne ortu t;aronna eiontexr .vy. n was thcrrfore oidcrtd by tha Board of Directors at a trifting held in th-j tt wn of Grrn'bnt m the lirst instant, that the loks of the Conpa ny be reopened l'rr further sub.'criation to th.- Capi tal Stock, and lemainrpen uatil ths act ti tet. ir.j r.f th Stf-ckholdrrs to be held in the eity of Raleigh, on the 2d Thcrrdny in Janutrv nt xt' and notice i hereby giter. to th Stockhofders gene rallr, that buiiuei8 ot yreat iiuKrtaiiC to tt.i Cotup.vtt- will be brought before this apprraehirg meeting in January, and a full attendat.ee i- pected cither in pe'rspn r Uv proxt. CYRUS P. MEXDEMi.NLL, deldl2t Pr.hdtt. . Conarrvative, Wilmirgton Jout nal, Salifury Watchman and Chsrlott h diet in topy two weeks $1,000 s T 0 REWARD. L E N , FROM my Ofl'.ro. on the-nigght of th 18th Nov-moep, ult., mv BOOK OF A e-U.NTS settled vial unf Xt d, lor the years C? j,d 'C4. It i. a large Ledger!-! contains all the thsrges for mv prvfessioiiHl labors durtrg the above men tioned period of tirae. it cannot, undor any cir- l cuia-tauces, be of.ser ice to another cave t r its leather cover ant rfmaining blank learec, whil it ia of incalculable value to me. 1 will give One Thousand Dol'ara reward for th. teci'verv of it, and ro questions at kc d c9-tf CHAS. K. JOIINt dec IN SON. I o r SALE A No. 1 English HUNTER'S WATCH"-'"!'' ,.de a chrcnoincter pricci.les. Ly Hcr.ra'.t of Cheplde, London, manufacturer of r hi onom tr rs fer the Kuglirh Navy. The watch i; in pvikrt order, new and with an elegant gold chaia, nl, Ac. Apply to TUCKER, ANDREWS A Co. T T ? IIT1VTlVIi II A Vn J WANTKD. HVK Hundred bans wanted to wotkrrth graoing en1' track layir g of the Chatham Pail roao. Th h'hect maiket price will be ginu at-c han''s v ell takn care of. ALSO. 100 CARPEXTKKS. Also, a Tortable Steam Saw Jfcfill Wanted. Apply to ekj;p p. batil::, Pres't Ralvif h. N C., or to J. E. ALLEN, Sup't, Cary, N. C. decfi-dtf CoCKcrTative c-py till fnibiJ. N TEG HO AUCTION and COM- ON TUB FIRST DAY OF JANUARY r.ctt, at tL Stor foruerly occupitd by C. W. I. Hutching, on F-yetteville street, in th city of Ralih, the subscribers will ettablun au AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUbH, for the sale of SLAVES. We have provided safe and t'Ctotizn onarters, aod will be s moderate iu ?ur charges Kr b';xrd, Ac., aa the times wiil permit. With au experience of twenty iars in tie trade, and the ad vantages of an extensive aruair lance, vie flatter out selves tbf t w uadcrr tand th business; and, with tb asrarance of cjuick sales and prompt retains, respecttully solicit public patronage, dee Id dtf W. F. ASKEW k CO. Xi1 A YETTE V I LLE , N. C, M1LI- JJ TARY ACADEMY. T)i9 first Session of this It.n'itutUn ':'. con -tnenc the lat of February, lli5. Applieatiors for adroUfien must b made prior to the lat Jsn nrrv, 18C5; about Mbiih time the terms will b made known. Address Maj. WM. A. BANKS, oct21-wAdtf Superintendent. Also wanted, TWO TEACHERS of miiitarr education aod n STEWARD In this institution. Address ss above. jEW PUBLICATIONS, THE METUODteT PUBLISHING COMPANY RALEIOU, N. C FIRST READER, fer Southern Schaols: Pi le pr hand red... $30,00 " dosen 4,5ft " , " single copy 60 SOUTHERN ZIO.VS SONGSTER, for Bsbtatb He Wools, Soeil Meetings, th Camp, Ac : Pric pernundrec MM....en,co dozen 9,fn " single copy 1,00 BULLION'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Revbitd bv Ker. Dr. Caavzh, (in prttt). We can also furnish all MUSIC, Published in th South. , Catalcgaes of Musio snd Books test wars d-slred. Ordrs solicited, and will ha promptly atteedirf! to. Addreai oct 27 dtf RrT. A. R. RAVEN. N 0 T ICE HAVING qualified as administrate of th es tat of O. H. Foster, deceased, I prapae teaell his interest in the Chats m Copper Mine, near Dtep Rivr. This interest gstve him aa exemption from the war and will, no donbt, entltl the purchaser to the same privilege Persona wuhing ta bay can address m at Henderson, Graavill cemntj. H. C. lRO. R. A. JONES, dec23dl?t Adjnialstrator. .

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