DAILY CONFEDERATE. A. 3. rR3IA3T. '& Co., Propr'rs. DAILY CONFEDERATE. 1? ADVERTISING.' DAILY EDITION', for C months $-10 Al) YERTISEMEXTS will b Inoerled at mrrm dolcam per tquare of ten Unci (or b:i) lor eatfc iust-rtioD. .Mairiige notici s atd Obituaries will be charged asadrertist wenti. JOU OliK cf every description vll bi ex. ecated at thli Oflie with c!isptch, ad ajaeatly it can b don ia .the Scatacra ConfHrif y. 20 JO 30 " 1 " tri-veekly, WEEKLY. EDITION, 6 . v 2) No subscriptions received on any other terms t '' the abyye, nor for a longer or shorter period. Volume II. y RALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1865. - Number 21. A.TO 4 In t lie IIcuo of li-'prc.-eulative, ca TLnrs tl i y last, the morning hour having rxpir-J, Mr. Po-.t-te, oi Tennessee, rse to a question uf privilege. " Mil. IV0T IF.Fi'.ND.S IIIM-EI.F. Mr. F!"te rose a qui sdion of privilege He had been pre-vcd red frm 2ttcndiDg the i-e.-si ms uf the House by tbe interference of oilier perform. 1 1 is rights bad hten invaded .ml -is reputation as vilo I. and he wi&hel to be heaH in th-ir vindication. Thirty fie members of this House bad voted, ia his aLssr.ce, that the arrest and tie- trntiou which he had sufT--:eJ, vrtre n br'u'h cf M-iviiezc a tneiuber of the Hp-j f S..m "f" these were his !onj-standi:? pr;p;,a! eneiiiie.' ; t-sUer- were gentleman f"r whom ltc ha 1 u high r:-?.ect, but they must have acted "-v it'-.-': t c -i:.s derat j -n. Mr. i. j,i an'.'ii to bta'e the privileges of I-hlitor, as ir.d-rifyod iu KngSar.d. The e :;rc and deter thn of a member of Parlia ment v. l.i It PailUn cnt is in session, vo iid o ji i i-ht o bv the i h. k. The ii.-ii-e had beer, h; formed of Li. 7 arret Jle wouid state the circua.stances. Jle iul ebiaintd a purport for his wife and child to go through our ihjes, on tier wr.y to Nash-.iilo, where she wr-s Lorn, where she had lira 1, au;d rr'atTP .-he had hung otit the first Cor federate 5 Since fh- had j -ir.ed hiui, two years j iii i i j. .i r I aro, shf i ud r. t ren r heard directly frcm I tvo infant children v.h in left in Nash- i .. M, h,.a r.ot neai J :.t fr twdre ; m M.th.. xkr oistress was t xfreme, her a-x- i?:v ;o --cr- K cjitr.reatfned ewn her ref8)). ; Hc h;-d ! c ,srekmg for her the privile-e of ;i ; r?turr. t X--s'iv::h. He th Hht i: hi? duty j t ) e-c:tt hi- rvii" to the Potomac. Jle. hail I a-t-t.:ed htr vj Ki; g 0-rgo. Firdin it itr.- r.--ii:-au to put her over the Pito::i ic there, ;ht fr.r her an in?r.-s in the direoti- n r a: Wirhin two miles, id" Gec- qaati river, he wa accented by two scouts, wh ask.d lor his j a-s. lie told the-n .that he was a m:tJ!-.er ti Con.v.tv:-s, th.it ho had a riht : b ; tt a' ho ii";rer.d:?J to cros ti e U:c O'l-.n. a: d tt !Ldo c-nmatr.caiva vi h pea c nen in Washir-jion, arid to jr.. vtf d to vhat ci?v, it "i.'c to d so, wito a vtcw t ! fv whether or n-t a pac'li:a.i n eotild nt-t i eu'c:u-d eon-istM.t wit.h ?ur coble claim to i&'5.!-pe!idtRCH. The M'ouis, and the c.f5v.vr to v:..ru :hev cor.Jucied hint, th'iuht he o"ht 1 1 b.' Jt c ..ir.id ; but tinir onls.s ltraiaed t:.e:n. IK- h.ni Lc-cn bruuht b?re undt-r eu toiv ar.J i!iis mtTLiirig had leen discharged It the C urt. Mr. Kuote then read a U.-tter of ri.si.nation w ".!. a h'- had addn to the Speaker utoier :re o , but whicii had been delavt-d X rar .-.nii.-h -n. a fid h;d O ! aaia in ids p. :b'it i.e wa ifX'.ik tt; ..-s th-5 Pvtuniae ai:l proceed to V.iV-.i: n. in crJer to eltect p: a'ce, if p tsilde, be--; the tw j Iciileret-t?, that iii tak:t.g .-ti n i:o o:;e had been c nsc.ited or re-.r- ,-ib.e but himelf ; that he anticipated i.'.ir-.c if sucetfsful. ;reat obl:iiy if he t i ; ' f C " fd!-d ; that he p.ropucei to vt Wasbiuirt; n Ci'y t.e;ti.ir a a rtvealcr .f C n federate sj r rets, lit r a a py upon the United Stai's t: he u.i-iht be ehi by the Uuued Stale.-. Ci'urr as a ciitnioal he inmht die oa the hju :f !d ; but he would die cheerfully, lx.-ca.use or his coutitry. Vir. Ftu te sa:.d he U-a'nfd a'lcrwards that t: e uif:i. ullico . re ;'r iti r ihati he liad cxp'-cl-c :, t at he c iili i.ot rcch Washii rni City r. ',;'! m llrst takir th oath of ilUi iUu'; to the U;fi-d .Sta-t.?- at Airxondria which he ! . i u hh-a of dtdig. lie thu dridej .u v---;Z!i .ih-'t U'eir his scat, so tlt uo ou; Coald I (...! j rcuii.-ru by b .-eif-ppoijit kii.-icn, a::d i e added a r er;pt to ii s If ;:er :-. - r- . lit i tii'.o' c uc nd .. to ;;. i. t -'vt "a res'outi-.n. it; ider id Jer to await s ai.e tutt.-i.-r an i m. re prorul;h t:evet ptnents. He 'rou.'w rt .-ic"':, cf rtai.dy. prr.ilin;j: a resolution of ( v.-sr- JI- wo ibl meet evcrv oue wsy i : : d o cr;..-ure him. Mv. P. j r.'.vc hd to derail other re.iso-s for !f-:-piir.tcd iKission to VVa-hiut -n. l!r I a x htc toe dhC a raiai by the cendisi-.-n ti.e teLdeucr if public aiuirs. lie t r. t :,:.t the litr.e had ivue f. r ::e..i tiatio;-. t-vh t rnd: ed t'j throw hine!f into this v...,k. II j thtug'f.t he occupied a favorable f?c-.'v h f itiV.xi-.-iv i earu.. in a.s.v::n tic v .i ! i t , c !.:; ! t -: .- ... i d C. "rat.n-cmicren. He thouslic I c w c U i; tt... a;.d he was willinj to aaki j rt ar.d :u t e hz-.rd. Nt:.d toi. t f ; rdi r were raised whether j c . a oi-..' -: of the liht- to arrest a j r..l 'r, Lu-.r the circiimiarces d 2lr. ; i' c'eV . .-e. allowed so wide a range of dtbato. l i.e Sj t aki r si.o !: at strictly it did Lot ; t: ' t t: c quvrti' n . f pr: . i'ei-Irvt;; arrfst di 1 t. . t i Imte t L c- m- ".;vt s which ii'.'ght ca tse a rr.rrtibtr t p'mcr hii.'-tlf in a po-itica that n.iji.t Le supplied to eip-ts' b.im to arrest ; ti. it th-- tv.ei.-.Kr would t:ave a r'.ht to debate tb-- uivtivfS in uv.t'-g ;ion. if any action Wire po vltrr a,,.m?'. ;ani ; i-.il n m; rf qutViio-i vt tow-r to n. -.e in arr-.-tt. i If thf ii. uv .-h--e to hn;r tue uu.nbcr r.er- ally, it- w! a. - In w. -uld b. a nrt-.-. trained. j 'i't.e H ":.-c decide i, hv A ioi of .IS 1-j 1?, ! tih-hr'd.- i u.ie at 1 irr-. Mr. V .tc, ;nt ii proceeded to dwell at much ':.r'.r. .. n what he dsa sned the errors and. the UV- ; "hey cf the Executive and of C-mgrcss ; ti'f . .'er? that bad irsoltcd and t't;e dan- hicn r. ad Ik en produced. He. charged n-r-onil'.v unfricndi? sentiuient-s ou the P:vid-nttw'.ioai he had beatt-a a5 Governor : M-.-M,-i: pi. and upon Stcretary !cddon, h-x.. h.. had arraUi-ed before a committee making thereupon some remarks which t;e b 1 air. on the point of Mr. llachen, ruled out ctVd-r. Mr. Foote proceeding still fuither the same cr a more vkkut strain, tne i-'-k-r rt. ;ired niui to taie his sct, ad de e. - v; th it, u-.der the rules, he could o-Iy prc c f i l-y vcte ol the House. -r P te-iid he would content him sol! v i i ollishing the rest of the remarks he t v.: dv.-ignt-i V. submit, lie concluded by t.L' a leave of absence for two months, ' a1' s that his purpose was t.i proceed to h:s ; -.i'tK rf,"- - as i-e-r to thtm as he could h (Mr. I-Vte reprcs-uts the Nashville dis - '' ' ' v. onid oonsult them oi: the great f pr e.e arl war. aid v.) the to Lim'-t-lf as thvir reprt sent Uive. 'ir lV.te sub.-equently withdraw the ap i' ;' atin. wheieupoti lie Hn; adpurri";!. t .;:K.:4 a ir.r-iiat. r - vr ne-utiaior. ills , ::pp: ri into the comior'a ie prsuiou vi a war !-.' ec-tn v.-hW the cnp.vniise iuessutes of lax collector, is perhaps only known as the lv w-h k- 'An at e X;rt!i. 1 1 I brother cf Hen. Julian Haitridge, repre-pnta- !.-.:oi:: ta adv. -cacv cf tht L'ui- n. iis 1 ive from th- tirst Congressional district of lr, . ' .-rv3:-ht uo-.d.i Gcoraia. He has attempted to mfhet a stin For the Confederate. TO L V L A . O, tell me, LuH, why so sad ? And why that pensive brow ? Is it for im.j departed lad, Who shall be naniele now ? Thy fice 'was wort with s.uiifs to beam, As bribtlr f! tbe sun, TIit ht ai t, so full of pleasure's dream, ith gladness overrun. lut now m-srrr? lo'.T'rinrj cloud lias overspread that f.ic?. So ae grief thy g!v-o:ne spirit bow'd, And sadness iiiled its place. I C"n'd Bnt wah five the pain, Or caxi.se thee heave on?sdph ; Yt that I hn this ) -'.'r t-j aia, I seek not to di:iy ; For nch, if bv a I'ri:iee p:;-3j?3M, Wf:u!d swell his with pride ; JIf'd ;'L-ti fas It wa; truly fclo.'d, Whxtc-Tc-r fate betide. " , TANK, kittrtll's Spring, Jan. .3, 18C5. From the Colutubus Time. " The SaYanRali Traitors." ho are these men who have spoken for a city? Wha are (be.;.? men. that have biddfu a State to their '. natural zrA unhallowed feast? l",u All? are tbes e , I 1 tV 'i 11 "13 1 " seme", that, thrustirg themselves tb cbair.pions cf a . dl.-honor vb!e i,ilow-citizs ? U there atr.org thenva soldier ? Nt one. Inhere amcng them a man who has rv;t the haidsbip- cf this wu-, upon eithtr per- son 0r property ? Not one. They have be n baskic?; in the sunshine i' :-rn-prity a:id rest- ing ii? inglorius ease, while their brethren and ions have been battling with an in -equal and hafod foe. That they were enthouen of wor:h, intelbgettce, refintmer.t atd social standing, is but adding a deeper tinge to their shame. Dr. Arnold, the Maya' of the c'ty, a physicaian of merit, a man of inti lbct, would never have pre sided over that mcetinjr, nor uttt-red the senti rients attributed to him, hroi hel?en viu'.nvr. Uut time has laid his heavy Land up n Lira ; has stilled the re?ties.j pulse r f y- ulh ; ha-9 brought b:ia to thst p";nt v.ditre the henp. rs of t!e bouse trembif," and ' th? strong men b'-w them-6-Ives," and '-fears are in the Way." It will be some consolation to bis former friends t kn w t'.at he, at least, will feel no r-morse. Nature c.n never react in him, and while we pity, wo canLot blarae. Cbrel VT. R. Pock well well known throughout the State for his great preter.siuus to military science, stratcgetic skill and the art of war, before the war but better known to the Army of Tennessee, (where he under went a ten days' Can: paign of untehl, because utitri'd liaritvh.ips.) for his u-tcr incapacity n"d h-rk of th' se soldierly qualiib's exhibited by him iu "that little affair of 'SG," has roiled into that proud position he is said to have told tha lamented Banow Li preferences led hi:n. He preferred 4ito live in Sivann ih, wliere chan-pa.ne 3ifd olers c; . uld be ft uud, rath'f-r thn in history." It his'ory remembers him at all, it will be to record his name among tho-e who left his country, for his country's $ od. Dr. T. T. Wiilis.,who came from Augusta, and for r. ugh t we ktv-w farther Xortli, will be feelingly remembered by the stcckhld rs in the Augusta and Savannah liailio.d, as the enterprising- President, who, r.ot fraudulently , tilt d: Xt: r t.Usly. t rebfc i a huce quantity i of stock in aii"r ad i.t ah vr f gure, b dVre he put"dbeli to th.e dunib founded and astonish ed stockholders, a scheme wlrt h he had srinc t'm.e bt-f.-re cr!cd, and wbith had the e fleet j ;,f d- ub!iri4 the value of the 'ovk. lie maoc fr;r I.:r..-ir a c?y prrtsy, but a very mrty, penny 1 y it. Th.e v.-utv.hr K lhat the .'pirit of his nu-yie sea slain J;- battle did net riso frcm his t ewlv made grave and rebuke him. P.rave ar.d gaiiart ycud. worthy son of un worthy fche hero of icanv a l.ard fougit hU'ltiield a nation .rao-jrus ad h nors th-:e, iisouh ti'V own father h s giasped in friend ship'the bfoody handi; o;' thy innrderers, and writtea " iraitov:' upou thy hallowed resting A. S. ilartridre- vrho quickly dofT-'d his martial hab'ina r.ts t-fier a brief soj uru as A. 1. C unon the staff of a brave officer, and cjVLi m- icp """ " ' , 1.1 1,1! W,.- !-.. i-.ir til iVtf fii-hl Sfl1 . .... f .i i.-n r-t -. n r, r.r-.orPi 1 nrt;lP. S! in the hal's of Cong re. D. to Brut:. 2Ir., formerly Uj- r, llobert Krwtn is one of chiv.dty, and delight; , s in former days to tCAr.t upon the virtues cf his native State of .,.;th Carolina. At tho cemmencement of t.fe, f elinc hi-utter usability to bate tr.c Y ir.kv i rtion. he v.v-uM fain have hireii a worl.' t-jht lrm. But things are changed, ar.d l-.c new -'roars you as gently as a sucking d'. vc '' He, too., was tf mptcd by the pomp a;: ' circumstsree of gjorious war to lead 4,a soVer life," but tindiog the dttties atdiuus 1 , ... i. ,.t,tN united tbp (.e.?U. vr.: n of a ou-rterraater wiiit that of a c. m rr.r r.'bar.t and a snc-cubtor.and :det!- var c.ngerou.- iit-'j"".' T vere thev vircd, thai one could hardly tell vt ere ol P o-an and t'other ended. Cat T, - iiat of a'l that? He has tared his wealth . a i n.,tl ir..- 1 nt l.i'. h oner ' Alderman Yil'alor.pa. a very wck disciple and wealthy; Alderman IJppman.r peculator ..f JpwUh rerMiasiot: : L G. o:l s, who crave tin ihe fiuht at-d critd, " hdd en- ugh I : i. . M ir-vi Hiii'i'iin am! Alderman fir" li o , - - - j O'By rr.e.farr.ou ol!J r,jT tho facllity wilh ,,!,cu they changed one" fli'g u another: . I). W. i r. .T-.-e. ur.manrercd Yankee, who sent his sens and his money to Europe at the W"i:inin-f of the war, and Alderman Lauhli- j o" '"" a Anr.y Sccte'niuan," wh ' has by this un-ti-rded act cau.ed the blush of shame to mantle the che k cf his '-brare braw Udie, complete the roll of rramy. A a cit:z-n of Savannah, proud r her honor and of her lair fame In the name of h..r -nod men crushed and . bowed down bv the virtues ol patriots .a w.w i hrav- soldiers, facing the emmy upon every batk field and finally, in the name of htr j Ler"oic deal, wh sleep in nameless graves . oron th- slopes of the Baie llai-e and xn the . Vallcv.f the Shenandoah from Penoy.ra- nia to Texas I pndest agami mi cutou.w of treason and degradation. A SAYAVNAH fcOLDlhU. thi ignominious actm the name oi tier ia.r daughters, ever foremost in deeds of chanty vd" wards f tr.courapcn.eut, outrage,, by tnr vh3 arrogate to thentselves "EGRO SALE AND HIRIXGL OX THURSDAY next. 2Gth?nst.f at our Sales Rooms in Raleigh, we will offer for sale TWEN'TY LIKELY YOLTXG NCGUOL3, Jlen and woiaen, b-ysani girls and one excel-" lent blacksmith. At tho Fame tim we will hire out for the bal ance of thL rear, boys, ag-. d respectively IS, 17, 15, 14 and 10 years, and 5 w.onu-n, one with one child, and the otlser with two cLi'.dren, a'l good farm haads. jaa23dtd Yv F. ASKEW A CO. mo R E Yr A li 1) T. "Was taken at the Depot on Friday right la?t, fn the arrival of the Western train, a Lady's P.ON" Vi-.T-HOX. From i he top and one fide of tho B;,;r the leatb.tr had been torn, leaving the wr.i.d . ir.fK id. Ou dt-Hverv of said Box, with b content, at the CO.S FElKKATK OFF I OK. the abovu reward w ill be immediately j aid. ar.d no questions asked. jan 23-dtf fOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. One of the most deshable private i esidences in tho town of Goldsboro', is now offered f)r sale. The House and improvements are ail in trood re pair and are beautifully located in the center of a tour acre lot, width is'in a high st:ite of cultiva tion. It will be sold fof Con ederate mney. All the household and kitchen furniture may be had by tlw purchaser if desired. Applv to WM. "KO BIN'S ON", jan 21 3t Goldrboro', N. C. m BACKER W ANTE ). i A GOOD TEACHER WAXTED, to take charg: of a school to ir pare lios for College, in a pluJLrant, health v neighborhood Address ' " I) It. R. E. WILLIAMS, Warrenton, X. C. Or, W. T. ALSTON, jan 21-d2w Yarb.ro' House, Raleigh. H E AD' Q US, CAM P IXSTRIJr.TION, Uai KiGii, X. C, Jan. Gth, I8C5, J TX accordaiice with the provisions JL of(rentr d Orders, No. 25, Adjutant and ln speetor Generai's OCiee, of Marcli'Gth, 1S(J:, the vner of tht following slave, ve-captured in East Ti-nnossoo, will call at this Camp and prove hi claim to taid slave, as required by act of Congress : EMANUEL, " A sre 2 'years, dark eyes, black hair, brown enm-jd-jcion, 5 foet. A iaches b igh ; said to the property oi' a Mr. - Joatgoraery, of Blount Coantv, Tcaro Sax-e. iJy order of tVRIGIIT IIUSKE, Litut. and Acting Cptad't Camp. ' C. ILAVatGirr, Adjutant. Y 0 R SALE. i Light Four-Horse Vagon, with Iron AxIl-s, neatly new. I O.ie-Horse Wagon, entirely new. 1 Double-Seat Rockaway, for lohe or two horst-s, nearly new. 1 Sirg'e-S.?at Rockaway, nearly new. 1 G6od Burrgv and Harness, newly repaired. 1 Damp Cart, entirely new. I am prepared to Repair, Paint and Trim Eug gub.'S, Carriages, Ac. S. W. TERRELL, jan lP-eUt-wfit Itolesville, Wake County. rjlHE BINGHAM SCHOOL. A MILITARY AND CLASSICAL FINISHING ACADEMY. The next session will btgin at -Mcbanesville on the N..C. it. li., Feb. 1st, 1S65. While th r.'.a course has been retained, t xtuvc hctuilsohs hare becu m id..-, oitti a vl-.'.v to ii-akir.g good soldier as well as rood scholars. Address.' COL. Wib BINGHAM, Superintendent. nov. 2I-40t. Oakr, N.C. 17" ALU A RLE LANDS IN XASIL S3 LIKELY SLAYES FOR SALE. I offer for sale my plantation, situated in Nash countv, about, four miles west of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, containing 400 acres, with, good improvements, and thirty-three likely Slaves. Any person wishing to purchase, will call and exfuiine, or address me at A?hland, P. O , N. 0. J. A. TAYLOR. jan 20-d3ttw3t. rilHE CHURCH -1NTELLIGEN- jL CER, DK VOTED TO TL'C TNTEPESTS OF TI1K PFOTESTAN J' EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE CONFEDERATE "STATES, is now published by the Pi'.otestast Episcopal Chui:ch Pibt.trittng As sociation in Chaiclotte. North Carolina. Rev. F. M. HUBBARD, D. D., ) Edttop8 Rev. &. 31. E YE R II ART, A. M., J iiDiTOftS- TKaifS OF SUBSCRIPTioX CASH, IN ADVASCE J . For three months $ 5 For six months i& Fr one year u For Array or Hospital-distribution, a de duction ot'twcnty-Sve per cent. All cotnaaaaicjuions should bo addressed, Caarch Iatelligancer, Charlotte, N. C." norl-fl2t 'rpiIE IIILLStBORO' RECORDER JL FSTABJ.ISHMETST FOR SALE. In consequence of failing health, the Proprietor of the Hillsborouech Recorder has been induced to offer the establishment for sale. He will therefore receive proposal from any one disposed to pur chase, untU the first day of February next. The Recorder has been ne-uiy ferty-five years m exis tence, has a respectable list cf subscribers, which may be considerably increased by an ecterprisng editor. It has a fair share of job w.rk and ad vertisitii; custom. If not disposcj of by the first of February, other arrangements will be made fr a continuance of the estatiisbraent. orfebl D. C. Menu at. J. A. Moose. J. W. llAura.ox. D. C. MURRAY & CO., GENF.F.AL AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f-AYKTTI-VII.LF. STliEKT, TiAI.KIGH, N. C Having regul irlv commenced business, policit consignments. Thev will attend promptly to the purchase and ale of all Goods, Stocks, Ac, Ac. REFERENCES. C. Dwev, Cash., W. H. Jones, Cash., Raleigh. Messrs. Harris A Howell, Wilmington. J. H. Lindsav, Cashier, Greensboro'. I). A. Davis-." Cashier, - a isbury. T. W. Dewev, Cashier, Charlotte. A. McLean, Cashier, Fayttteville. Janus E. Cuihbert, Cashier. Petersburg, Ya. ltriveh. Moftoa A Co., Richmond, a. jan 12-dtf O. T I 0 E 1 1 Ten a THOMPSON" will leave Hillsbo- ro fr the irtnv in Virg:nia. by the way oi Das v5He, on Wednesday the th instant. All boxes, properly marked and weirhd, will be taken churee of and dulv delivered. x The boxes sent to Kirkland's and Clingman Bricrades were sold at auction, and 1 am prepared to pav to the persons whoent them the amount far which they were sold. -;,rt,int?iiv jao 20-dtd WALTER A. THOMPSON. ?0 R SAL E . Ju One hundred ar.d fifteen I3c!hf of Cotton. Ap ply irMrediately to It. 6. LEWIS, ju20-d3t Uuleisth. EG ROES FOR SALE. I will i??!! privately a likely ynun nrnn, 2G years old, and a good Blacksmith. " A ho, a boy 11 year old. iioth sound and healthv. " Q. BUS P. EE, January 20, IS65 dGt Tiustee. F O S A L E A Fine new Carriage, cheap, pplv to GEO. A. SMITH, jan I7-dI0t Htilfax, N. C. rjn E A C II E R W A N TEL). -I - want a Teacher fjr a small school of pood .boys. He must be &x ctr.pt froia no.ionry Jfcrviee, of good moral character and qualilk-d to teach the English aad Latin languages. JOHN II. MOORC, j-inl idlOt ' Gaston N. C. QTO CK UOJj u li i;s M EETIXG. k3 A mrcting of the Stockholders of the "Confcoe rate Joint Mock Publbhing Companv," wi'i h hel 1 at the Esrhauge Hotel, in this ciiy, on Tues day, the 2 1th instant, at three o'clock, p. in., for the purple of, organizing under tho Charter granted by the recent session of the Lei-Iturej Stockh Idw-rs who cannot aftend in person, re earnestly requested t ba represented by proxy. P.y order of the IhcsiJent : jan 7 tjin'24 W. E. ANDERSON, Sec'y. B F . P O W E L-L , AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE, Yv arkentcn, N. C. Strict attention given to the sle of all kinds of Merchandise, Negroes, Stock, Ac., ac. R n F E it T O W. B. Hamilton & Son, Mobile ; J. W. Cari'-M formerly of Nw Orleans: R. A. Haniiltoii, Po tetvhorg. Vs. ; P-aeon & Baskerviife, Richiii(nd, V"a. : O'c-ch & Litchfljfd, KaleigL, N. C. jan U dtf A. D O L R H G 0 II N WHOLESALE TOBACCO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE, (jOf.D BOUo', N. C. Li5:rr.l advances made on consignir.tnis. II E F K K T () A. T. .Ierki.13. Pre-'t Bank of Commerce, Cim panv Shoi.s ; T. V. Daniels, Sr.. Pres't R. F. A P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Ya ; MeDaniel A lihv, LvnchburjT, Ya. jan 9 ti'iti O T ICE. By applying at the Ollice of the State Journal, Goldsboi o', N. C, soon, one of the most desirable situation" ia this place can be; pui cb tst (I, together with household and kitchen furniture, jan 19-dGt sia jn;t A HOME FOR THE REFUGEE. 00 ACUESOF LAND. FOR SALE, Lj ing on tho waters of Soutli BuQ'ab. near Ala mance Church, and l miles east of Greensboro, the cenrv cf business ia Wi-st:n North Cai"!int. Three hund-ed acres cleired and in cultivation : cinetv in Winter Oats, twenty in Grass, and 'id of the" remainder now -broke and sub soiled T.;: a Corn crop With the faun can be purchas.-a 2 ) head of Stork Hogs, find 15 head of 'horned ("alt!.". 3 0n the pre mises is n Two-story Hcsidenee. con taining six rooms, with Kitchen ;Otarhed. Ihia-o NegrcTbous.s, ail necessary out-houses, p. two storv Granary. Tobacco Barn, Stables, B'ack rraith Shop, ami a bold Sprir g of ext Jitnt Water near the l) welling house. Allc-.in be put chased on good terms, for CASH. A piv-to " ANDREW CUNNINGHAM, iau-lO-dat Greensboro', N. (."J. $2000 LOST or taken by mistake, a box marked "Maj. S. V. Rcid, Wilmington." Any information in regard to it which will enable us to recover it, or anv one leaving it at the Express Office will re ceive the aheve reward, ar.d no questions asked. Agent Southern Express Company. jan 18-dtf F O R SALE "a nnRTARiP STEAM SAW MILL, in or der, made by Talbert A Brother, in Richmond, Va., with two circular 50-inch Saws, and a Grist Mill. Can be seen at Milton, Wayne County, on the Wiludiifrt'.n and Weldon Railroad. Also, a Lot of damaged Saws. A lot of Patent Belting, made by Gamble A Co., New York. One of Double Leather, 18 in. wide, 80 ft. long. One of Single do 17 do do SO do do. One of do do 15 do do ' One of do do 10 do do One of do do 6 do do One Lot of Wrought Iron. One Lot of Cst Iron. . Unc Sewing- Machine (new) made oy . oceler & Wilson, with extra Plate and Hewiner, and two dozun Needles. Apply to ,,',.. THOMAS J. HOWARD, ' Hisrh Point. urvi wnv KI.T.TS. i jan'I7-d!2t Concord, N. C. 1 R ON! I R 0 N ! 1 lJi".ri .-..--r are now making Iron r t the best qu.nty !r plan tation purposer-, and will exchange tho sam v. ith farmers and others for scrap Iron, negro-labour i T t-.r. n,.tv rcniv lor delivery at the ;v.rk? in Chatham County A e can rIso driver , ' - - i.i! 4111. Uahtirn 1 in Raleigh or at anv o. me rino-ii.- t.n & Gaston or N. C. Railroads. Address tac un dersigned at Raleigh, or W. S- Downer Sup t. fcvpt, Chatham County. We will now reenve orders for Car Wheels, l,;!iPl.t' acd beavv castings. W.J. HA A I-N dec26 d-tf. rret. L. M. M. Co. R A R E C II A N G E A AT vat.f a r.u-: piioPKr.T Y . ON TUESDAY, THE 24th INST.. I shall ;?H, wiTiiotr ueserve. to the b:ghest bidder. lor ca?h, in Confederate money, my reidvnee, with al. the xrroucds and coriVenienceS-th-reto attacned, in the town of Hilisboro', N. C. Sale to take pUee at 12 o'clock, M, on the prcnihes. Address Dr. R. Hooker. B. HOOKER. - jan Il-dtds fig?' Wilmington Journal, Chrt.nicle A Senti ni?( Augusta, Ga.) Charleston Mercury. Rich mowd Examiner cony till day of sale and lorwatd accounts to this otwee. M RS. MILLER continues to ccomwodate Boarders, by the day, wee or uiouvc. OFFICIAL AD JUT AND INSP'R GENL'3 OFFICE, Richmoxp, Jan. 14, liti. j Special Oia.)ERs, ) 11. . Extract. o o XL1X. oflicers cf the Invalid Corps not wholly disabled, and w ho have rot been assigned to duty bv ordois from tfeia cfbeef.and all un as signed onic-rs. of the army will, within tbirtr dars fiotu the issue of this "crder, rerjott to the (lenet s! of Resei ves cf the State to which they helorg f.ir temporary assign f. er.t to duty with the Ib-sei vi-s, or in the cont ription service. Tb prov'siore ( f this order do r-ct pnl to the Trats ili::. ipui Department. O o o By command of the Secrty of War : JOHN W. RIELY, j.:n 21-rfnt Ass't Adiuunt General. Faycttevil'e Obfeiqer copy rdx times J ORSE C O LLAKS! HORSE II COILAES!! POST Q MV OFFICE, RAitirtit, X. C, January, 17, l?r:5. .) I will receive ;reposa!s until the 22nd dav of thru try nex', for the mnufciure of 1CJU0 HOUSE' ,AXD MULE COLLARS similar to' samples to be seen at my ollice. i'i ioers mu:-t start; the nun 'oer which thev caa d.!liv.e: per month. W. E. PEIROE, ian 10-dI2t Cxptaiit A A. 0,. M. FOST QUARTEUM ASTER'S OFFICE, C. S. T, Calcic ti, N. C Xanuarv 18th, lSt!5. rnOTiiE FARMERS OF WAKE, , E oha:.(ji: anu c ii at ham counties. 1 respectfully appeal to the Fanners of Wake, Orange and Chatham counties to bring in their surpjus corn if; mediately fr.r the support of our army. 1 ha e obtained permission to pay l."e.l Aoprais.'i s rat.'s for all grain deEvtred previous to ist of Febtuary, 1&(,. 1 carne-tlv laoj-.e tbs .p .t: iotic producers .w ili dtliver thflr ;ruin im mediat ly and relieve lae of the unpkasantness, arul theuiselvts the mortification, of resortirg to rig;J imjM-essii'cnt," which I will be couipelicu tu do on ami at tor the 1st of February. 'Ihe i'.d'a-.virg are the names of my authoriiwd Agents: Rabiira, J.J. MiEetree; Foreitvill.;. J. W. Fort ; Morrisville, A. J. Morris, and Dur ham's, W. P. Ward. LilLLrro' to be tilled, and Piltiboro' to be fiikd. W. E. PE1ROE, jm!9dl2t Cant. A A. Q. M. POST QUARTERMASTEil'S OFFICE, C. S. A., Ralligk, N. C., Jan. 16th, 1C5. Tip II E following Circular of Instnic- J.. tions from the Stcretit-y of War is puhlisu d by direction of Major Kinsey Johns, Itiipector Field Transportation, for the informs ition of all concurntd. W.E. PEIRCE, Captain and A. Q. Mt WAR DEPARTMENT, C. R.. ' . Ru-iiaoMU, DeC; 19, lSfli. "pERSONS wLo may hire tiieir JL. slaves to Maj. J. (J. Paxton and ris assistant, tor (JoviM ! nt i ttt posis ttsebedule prices, rdiull har crec-it f.r the number hired in the eveut of a future t quislticn for twelve months upon thrifl for theii-.i.ivi.s for (ti.vH i.nciit use ; and in the evint of their loss, shall be ir demr.itied iu tho same ljivui'ier as if they hud been impressed or sent voluntarily for government use wiU'tut con tract "(Signed) JAS. A. SEDDON, Secctary of War. QUARTERMASTER GENEH A 15 OFFICE, j"Ci i.'i"'1' V7t'i, tf,,4. T KS V K CT F II L fi Y rcIimit'tL Jl aT Same auhrizid b S- ?;. oi"V;;t to x trid tiie :-.m.; assurance in :A.: ! of ail other of. ceis of bis it iai tment. (Sipre.O) A. V. LAW VOX, jan l7-dl-'t Quart- .o. -1-i o t c; frl. npHKASURY DKFi, C. A., J K;cijm" vt): ':. li'". i hi ruwi;i:i tf-.! f..:t of Cf nc.n-s, ap, 'd NovetnrM-r l.-ib, 1 V-f. f nf'tl?'4 '.v. n t to .-.to? : izt thi SerreJnrv of Ike Tif anuy to f x;.h.-: e coupfii aT.ds for -svver.-thi;'y T;e.,.t"r i "i-r.'' holders ..f surh notes .Me 1;' by nt tbe.. l! . i after the pavmnt ft" tl: ci.iam i: t:;-t 'i. them on th first dav of J,jh.:u, i '... " n Tir.'a'Titiition of thi sortie, the l rear'.srei" ... .. .:.. .. . s s ' -1 - onf Trnasiirer n nrl Pur Delli ! t .1 .t',,- natod at Pot will issue certif:c;.t.- tb-rf-'or, which will entitle the IiobL-r. to cov: b" iS payable thirty yesrs after tho Li.t .av of ,i.it:,: ar'v, 1SH5 bearing sir per nt. inter- si. from first of January, 105, payt-bb; .-n toe fust davs of January ar.d July in each vear. i Th Treasurer, Asi.-tant Ti-eantrers tr.u De positaries, will make weekly r .-- i ts to the klt -gi.ter of the Trea:urer of such o-.o f.f.ea? issnru at their ofliccs ; whereupon, bonds w ill be t:ri:t forward in satisfaction of paoe. Iho roteawdl be cancelled in the usual manner, at-d forwarded to the First Auditor. G. A. TRENHOI.M. Secietar, of lie Tresviv. Treasurer at Richuiond, Va. Assistant Treasarers at Cbitieste-a a; M- b'te. v Depositaries at Raleigh and Y llu-igwin, Depositaries at Charlest'otl and C'dun.bia, S. Carolina. Depositaries at Savannah and Aguit-., Geor gia. Depositaries, at Ta3!aba.et , kii., and Mrr.t pomery, Al. Depofitat ie? at Columbus, Mi.-s., ;u.d Ilvti.to.i an i Mars 1ml I. Texas. dfc 0 3taw2m 'i'KKASfl'.HV Di:i-.M:TMr:.NT, ? P.ICIIMONP, Va.,NV. 118, 1 1 CI i" "VfOTICFis hereby iriven to holders 1 and owr.t-rscf certi-ici.te of .!:.: k :-t pon Bonos i.-sued Uodet the sot "f A r.uT.t t U.i-O!, redeemable after the first d y of Jvt nar.r, D;, t present the sai:i f.r pavL.f nt or. tbi.- S F T " ' ."" t DAV OF JANUARY, r "at any t:i.u' the:- ;i:ter, to the TreqsurT of the C::fe (''.-int.: Sttt.-s. or 0 r f tha Assistont T: eesu ers el' the 'oT.t-!(. rr . Staf.-s. f a Pav Dei osit.:ry -f the rte Staios, funds having been placed i'i tl.- .:a !r J taid agents for th" purpo.-; . of i f tieein'r . '.'h Ktock and coupon br:ds. No iii t .: -rt v. .lit. al lowed on such stuck ar.d coupon bonds i'.Ur Jau uarv iirst, 18C5. .... G. A. TRL NHOLM, , de 15-taw2m S.er-lary of Tiea-ary. TurAf i'iY Pir ti.i.Vi- NT.l G'NFF.rrtATF. Statf.-" Amuk'a, S P.cns:oKii. t.v,br 1S'. 3 . TpHE holder and owners -,r cmj.r.n E Ijonns ana ierii:.rair oi .-ik-n. i.-.-ui - the act ,.f Vurii.t lfe, i. ';i.r.-1e rra.ie air-r ine 1st dav of Ja:.uarv and Ju?' D:, nt. bv T.oti'ir H tn nrrpfPt the s.im- v iiioi. t tha Treasur er, or.e of thi As!.-t!nt Tre.v.ur-i s. i.r a Pav Dwpositarr cf the . Ct.rd'cd.-rate States, fer .ls havin neen p!ac-d in the hjrd of tb ' ti.eers for the putpor.: '( n deeming ? a v.l bor.d at.'I o"'. No interest will be allow d th-r-ot. a'r - .! : uary first .1556. C. A. Tt.bVH"I.M, dr n tzw2m Seen tit y 'Liu inry. w A N T E I) $10 Of'O in 4 per cent. Bales of Good Cotton, jan 17-dlOt Cert fieatcr. A'rO t't'tV GEO. A. SMITH. Halifax, "X.C. R E W A R D Air man .IOH V. ndl Lrowri bre ainerftha best Boot atit Shoe Mpkro in the Stat'-, ha ib- conded. He U 'A vcirs old, t'bfk, of Ut, Crr frame, goorf feature, 5 feet b, and wejb at ut K5. He urt tsiced bv toe and Lu a )' ..nu ctdulreu hcrw. and hut Lever been 15 edit!- fion the l it V. I hd'd hired him, ifh r.t ewfi're i r7 .iiit. t n fttit!eiiian In th ceuntty. at 1 mi; po.d iliat b w as in hi- p ftrdon tri m the flrtot the yer at d enly learned on ve.-tirdav tbnt h bad not btcn there. If i.et tkulklr.c about, he ban pr bablv -rapfd ty kabroarf, umlvr the prMrtit rf wtite tej-. "I will p.v the above re aid for bi f-j ) tihes ien nod delivery tome. , (HAS: 11ANLT. Raleigh, Jn. lib I-:.-dt j s Ul'ltLME COUltT i.El'Olff-;. The R portf f Citr at l aw, Arpufd rrrf Pf termint l in the Supfiice t't inl t . V', Jur: 'l'ei iu, D-('.4. No. C. Yt '.uiiif 1, Fquit Cn'f. Nc. 1, Vol. 1 ; r.ft.rt. d b i'. 11. Witrt.M . Kmj. Price of No. 1 1, f ; No. 1, $-7,M'. Ordpra i 'lieittd frcu. the Pi Tvcmou. Thoc wfai hnv tklreftdy rdri .? Ji'.iit Mr. W. wilbreo it iz:eLt ta i.'.e tubsoiber. A. li. KA LS, Kabigh, Oct.. 17, lS.drr . A:ent. I) K il HIDE Sll ! I The u: dtri-ijfrn.'d ret'irr.-Ida s know edpen.Tti for rhe eit-T-rlv pstn-.r.c-ce 1 ' bas lut toft. re re c 'ived nt the har-'p f tha people; ar.d i hi n. tlv S'llieitf h coiitir.uaf.ee theteof. 0irg to the htyli prices of oU ar.d ta!ir-, I am compel! d t ehange mv ba-e." and will in future tan ail hides f-r one thii ti ; which will be -o.hl t the mailt t price. "Tancr : d. ne for irnigert labb'-i n lu c vf charge n. hret.f- v. and tlcijo abl to pay, cuu g.t their hiCes tr-nrad at .'' c-,t p. rp ut.fl. All arsons w!ii have hide iu tt y yhtd will t iritf-n-itd when tL'.ii ! J er is omit. J. ROUT. JEFFREYS, r.ov !S-tf Patific P. O., I.'. A. G. R. R. Tj"iLLiJoi:o', n. c7"ii i i -ita - i.l. KY ACADEMY. THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR ;f thia li:t itution will comnujite on WEDNESDAY FKRRU AH Y 1st, 1:5. Applic-ati n.a ler appolr tnientf muft he t n J prier to 15th Don u i' MCI, about which l.; tWc terms will be n..i.le known. AuJr-r" .fJ. WM. M. OORDON, cct 1-dlui Sunet iutenden R A N J O L V IT COUNTY I'.ONDK. t7c ll 5!v rirtii- .f mi ord. rtuii.l' h t N o v en. bi r Term, 1 o!. of Rana lph C-.ur:y (V.'irt. I w-llttlcr for a:e at public nu. tin., -o ti e f laliist bi idti, ut lha CoMr?-!Jiue door in .. hborV. -u th" 7 h da) of Fcbru;ir. 1 sf,j, T I F T Y T II O U S A N I) D O L L A R S in e-'iiorn Vends of k;m.' 'ontjty. Th mid Rcfd t a run for ten year from d", bfisrnjr intrrtn at the rate of 6 per ent.aper ai nutu. t. be p;iid fcmi-ntitMially in Mu-hVurn t or as will bo rCird in the p;.inent of i ol; ; tt.xex. This s'-cmd of Juuuarv, lfCi.". J. M. VOI1TII, j?.n ft-d5ft t'furtt t'otrr dvior it. ;ooeiwae); jg T O L BX , 1 UOM my O Cite, on the. rvpphl t.f t!;c lsh Nc v, mbcr, ult., mv ROOK OF A CM Vi- arftb-d Hr.d unruled, hr the yen 'CA ?.! 'n. It ia a laige LdtfT fir.il cotntairt il Ihe -buigta for mv profefslorii'l hdv-ts duritig the chore uuri tioxieo period of tine. ItcHt.not, uodi r uny nr rs;ta :;iiit a , b of serrite to nr th r i.iv f. r iff Is ilhet covt i n-d n naioing blank iav , w liiJ iti- of ircclci'labie 1u- to me. 1 :'.)'. pivt One Tbous2nd D.d'ars riwatd fer Vcf r v; ij cf it, ai.d t.tt ;: Mion? -! Ved. .i t tf CilAf. E. .lOllNSON. Js v. A:.ii;h. j ; V i ; ,'rtd hf-nda v.n.id to workonth ; .w..u' a 1- f'v rr ? C-t t.iiniliio hl i .... . 'ti.. I .-t i.;aiKt price wiil be jfirep .' .;.J (' i i L 1. 1 7. ca ! e t. Ai : i. d:?i t aim K.'' A:.- !'. tt.LI- . i' a j.i S..w ill Vi.rit-d. t . i. l-.J.'P P. RA i 1 I.r, t m t . a i idi - l , N C, I I i i t 1 . 10 K. Al I I N, j-ut.M, Gary, N. C. i'i.., 1 ,i , J v o r fi . v nil if-.' J j 'i Al.V ACADK.'.iY. 'i h :? t Sess;'- of tbi.- l::r ''.'.nti.-b V '.!'. ( '.'- n rise h" f I'tl t u.iy, . ; ; :e:.ti r ho. i.dj-;..;.n ;: a: t h - . m ' '.'.' r to the t" .!;. ui i v. ':r ; about which time the tiu a wi.l 11 m. ii :. A. E A NKS. i '! '' f 'ui ( rint ' t. io a TWO 'iTAt b : 1;' '? v ed"f-atsoi, i.i.d . EVA I'D ; L t j t u . . . -Ad'ac?! Us love. !-.ti:v PUD U CATIONS, i - li I TiiE :.ir:i::oii:-T p ulishinc cc.miv.mt i r a i.r. a: n, ::. r. i FIRST REAlt U. b:S u-l.fii :.!-;;: ' 1 I : I ' i 1 e -'It ' ' i ' ( " I r . ; i " , ;';; I1 1 v X;0 vs ;-oGi-i.i:, : to ' ... ... c."l M .;'-...!.;'. .''!' i- : ' PncV'.t'but-.:;..'....' r" " i .. r : " I " " t-::.i.b. c., ; j,'-" I -Rf I.J. ION'S F-'GLL-'H G MM A i:, Rvvi-d 1 i v iv.'V. C: .'.V! ! .' j ";. ' can f. '. o I -.5 b ! ii i; sic, '. ! i o ', 1 i. ' i . ; , C. r '. -i " i ' v 1 . b : ' ' 1 ' ' ' : t 1 1 . ;.. ':.!. ) ' i i i- i a i'i b ;. .!. I ;.t"; :'''. m :' . ,...-t -27 .:r i: v. .i. I. . -" o 'ir J c i: . ; . H. Cl.cv.', A -tit Sr G.e N -.If; t I : f , ,:: . v il! t " : h )'; ) u r V - t i r tt it r r r.i '. ' .t i: t: i ' t t . i ':?: 1 :. 't l . it ' r 1 . ! bv (. ?.. l!..v.i'.t, . . N . C ! drc -.'?!;.) "Vr ;(;() AT'C'l ION and COM- ! :l.:: Por:-i.. on Tin: day cr .? a n c a t. v ...... f th Stf 'e f r5!v ' M:' I V C. V. I.'. J J.t; hi .". r. K ; l i'i" .-ti t. r.t. of j : ,i- igb, the 'tvft.-.'i!. '. wi.! .s! -. ' ;.i:yc,:; ani f N'is;x i C:V. j for the f f Si AY ! We i.nr,- pi..t-b d .i J M S 1 t ! s ! ;U nfcf n::d wi'l b- r. . V . t s ' 1 'it i !..:'' ei d, A.c. . r.r- 1 be :::'. I rr. . . I Y.'irh ho -xp. i if :o- if tv..ttv y..-..s v. e ' tit.de, a r.i th adt. ' I' ' ' ' 1 1 ' '' j t.-.r.c-, We tl I't'.-I ' Vir ' ' '. I I, ai.d, v'tb t ; " v-j . - I ' a I rtd proi-pt itU'ti, ii:-'t;!oi.v s..'.tit j j . lie patronise. i titcli'Jtf Vi F. AsKliV A to. $500 OZf AAA J

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