( DAILY CONFEDERATE. DULY CONFEDERATE. 4. ;i. '2 A. Co., Propr'rs. ADVEETISXHO. ADVERTISEMENTS will be irwrted at tbrkb dollars per square of ten lines (or hss) lor tarh insertion. Marriage notices and pbituirles wilt be charged as advertisements. JO WORK of every deserlption will U tx. ecuted at thia Offioe with dipa,tch, acd as teatij as can be done la the Soataern Confederacy. TrrV rjITlON", for C months ..$40 .. s 20 " 1 r- T C T . . . ; 1. 1 ' 10 30 A "l 3 15 r'-'''K!.Y EOITION, 6 20 v : .ibcripti-':s recwrtd n any other terms tl - abeve, nor for a longer or shorter period. Volume II. y RALEIGH, N. 0. TUESDAY, JANUARY 3L 1S65. - Number 25. BAIL Y 1 lor the Confederate. JJIE FALSE 033 Ye- rri;--.l, Ch'iTlb J., i-s here, although .-. , bekng to history now, it makes ., ,r7? on hi.-i cVun..sreae count-- ...t-.r t too surei v i history ot A V"'. H:s frioudi are jus-ly -nu 1 of the 1 he 1 w.'-i. an-i weli m.y the cruel Mls p v t'5it ever she rejected the ' noble ;CJ v S rer. Extract ftom Letter. P-'ot-- Wor.ce, he lores no more, Via- a'i b iS Proved ic TaIn5 ,,. V- his b'e--d:r.g b?om tor, OJ; V .... .T.'.M wuh bitttr pain. Obl 5-:n" V.-.t n v.v ')t 1 ;lt sh" loved him well, ii ft It her khs, j 1 actions tell think not thit -till he kneels :V.i!')mi2 ftt her shrine, But. .- b'i- ' i t be rruU'Jiv fee's, j . n-ver u.--?re c-.ul l call her "lalne.'" j-;,, tb 'UJj -nco you spurned his jam9 ''tV:;! iire wa-T. you are lying low, av i high. ou peak of fame F-r.ro, Sth V. C. Frcn the Fayttteville Observer. The Spirit of Couft derate Prisoners. We recently heartl ii Surgi-on in charge of a Crrt .!(:; t.? U-spitril in Richmond, who has l.-.l u r.t inut.y n-lurrd prisoiiers under tr-atiwent, tprtuk of tlicir buniiiig anxiety to g.'t arjaia i;.to tlio f?rvice, that they might i.ave a cku.ce to wij.e cut their ob!igatirs to th' vAi,kf:cs f. r. the cn:c!ties and insults hi- fi -tci c on tl f vrhi'.'t in pr;?nn. It i, he vvrcr- feelin. predominating over S3 11 ctctr?. Tly caLnc urdersttid the bare i.ir " i f-'n who have ivvr faced danger cr "i:i(d .-v.fiVr?ng, who are willing to submit t . '.i.e r vf Ht-rh nn inhuman peepb. Any t! :ux hut th'it ; anythio but subjugrtticu or rvrn a.'S--. iatior: with t! tir yankeo tortn-ntors. r-di ngs are fith'I'v described by C-o ;.. L. V !ds, nf the Al -.b m- hai just ret-trtu d fro-u r.n ircpr'.sonaseat t. . Ji) m 'ntt;, who sayj : Vh,it i- most important concendag cur v- ; nr Ij thf1 nirit which animates tiiem. v w. -re neve r m'.re enthu.-iastie in thir A n,l w.-re ntver ra- re !e-erii:ed ! f.'ri .1 )i-o. a thr..ujh the vrar- th vi v.ov. They j 0 '. V ': l sav to tho Pre'deu:' ifv!.-rare ('.it-grs-. tli.it. i.t tha re- ranh'.att -u of l:i-? army, which tnr aothriN , 4 a; v e! - :n-t -'.c tn-y nr.z n nive as atirclr disrarth'.l. They g to shoul Jer tut ir muckets iv W'Sii: ; i t ranKs " . ' t! ; ; j l ; t j .;' : rai- pi i.m i- . fillers thievish vit the ' rt':, wa-i tin ia-.mted au.l lieterrnin. vrj;:Ut a 1 tr-':.- no:nb.-r of so'di-rs arr vpo'td to i..v- ta';r:i tr.-- t .ifa of -:il -irttiee to the r;tri StV.-. Cd. W'o'U tb:it the u-.tnt-rr no? o !y gr -lv e x a j grated, b-'t i!,..;ra la! g-- un'mli.T wiv-do tak 5 the oath ondy t .j , . . t e h- them t." ?,.t oat of the olutch-c-s of their k :.d reurit to the Cor.fede- racv. Sh C- . har.dod r ticvo v fr Jh!.S. extr.. t tr ricw'.en of a s u r . v w.v- in ; -;iend has n- th' i' o.' i;;g c. ;.-r.natory ii ,v. c file -r of "Ur tir.vn : r.Dir ii : The fo'dovring is an ; a ; :rr icVci'tly received by a vtteviil"? from j. bolovrd son r - v.; . . . rr.,vi tl." ot.rti'Menceoif r.t. of the war r t hvra in the front, Vmi'mg for our cunt y'b rights aal iu lep.er.dei.ce. The ftob!? spirit fv-:bted bv ti-.i- gahunt Co ofed-rsto soldier, co: tin-d s Ye hid iu'.g bvn tb-An thft v!is t f a iV iiTA nri ' i. o ili in pie witu e u fcve an t hoiv the tiudd anu es!.:-ii'l:.ngat h :- ae. it U-:: oi Hi undvin tl :vc;ic o m atu: the utu--i u'.:-r.-.ble detcrrrinaiioa f our lie- 3 O O ",t..Nr, lei.ANii.Om De -5, ISdl It is Sand iv r vt.iog : ti-.ey -ay Ctu 'si: f .'.s f-v-ntrv.'. If the 25 h of l)-.-. eotbr.r ( .rUtuia'; r.nd-r aM eir- umst incrs, then I rippi"-'- i" is. II o.revtr, this looks htce cora p' living Al my for; : h I want to re; u uiat at tbo start : come wed or w e, I know ro c ;iru ; unult-rabiy tix'-d iu determina tive 1 alv-.'e with -U c'omviaint overv priva- t:-:i Till th' rig: t u;orn;:;g shall come wbea :i lot l If" i i'g' i i.c;ji..i -.' v. ... I. ririn liiLt of Liberty shall ru-e again to iiiiHir no i.uoe It-hind dark and evil clouds. tl, 'In!" to the i tinets. innate and unborn, in stivot- dt-d-nding from father a:.d s;.us im-PnU'-d bv nature, an 1 nurtured by time: to-vljv m the gio ti v bisti'-ns of fiowtdng r,u- -!. 1 h, kf :th and behind: the haven in-'v be iti-t mi. b.'- t of a sv.ntv it i thete v-n tb !inli kn-w I not it Evrrythirg s-e have, and everything that v.-e hope !' r. ;!t';i-iJs upon the success f cur cir.o. If ti at sbt.uhl i-.o down, what w.-uid bf-cotre of ur i;. n- v a -A i ur b-'-i d'., cur o'- i a: a i :u . wo te ti.e a'-4 ;-. (::iou i-Icis are entertained i 's:!.e pj i.-tvrs. A curuais iorgct:utre.-s i.t cTertikt-i, the in: ads of si me who are usually shrewd enough.' '1 hey are s'tppodnmnat lu Ttstn.ei.ts in radr-ad stocks a-l b.:nk storks, in iards and houses and mine-. ;ire i-Xtmpt fruin tne h'.trds td thi co: flh-t ; that wade i avis and mo.uy depend, for their value, n i-.:ccs th-e t-ther properties w. uhl s,:ine :- iiatio; al cvoithr.. . . Do t'a y not know thlt tbi b:u . f eoidi-c.'. on tSre-xdy pro- . .11 .,-r- . r .-rt- '' -vt-rv I-:s- U.no aazl s. tin c'U' ".t'- - v - j- i . fible kiid? Ti is. 4ict f.angs to eveiy artl' j ele of prcpertv like a d-n. No conveyance j en cc: rid c f it. 'It fcd ws the property wk ever becomes the ruron as-r. li e .in e- n,p;ere-k nxir houses, "ur raiiioad nnd bar,u s:ri mannb.cturtng ai:d mining 'ml bt?t v-o k- will be as certainly aud .inevitably iot a- our Co d'c'lcrate credits. "ur er.iv hote fori? thing is in the skc-ie-? ft onr s'rnVg'e. Thos who are saenh ti; g Ce.ub-dMare" securities for other form? of propertv, with any idea of thus -.tv-tding the 1 .z .rc. f the contest, arc exhibiting an lgno r.uie ai d a b liv tl at suprass tten tiuir eo vanii. e. We must tight the battle through, a. ,1 t..-.:: t win r, cr ::H is ! -t. Ic vntdd be ;u i.s to give a f.airth or a half, nay, the Tvhoie iu taxaih n cr gi;i, ralbi-r than be con-queu-d, Lr iu that cae. we would Lse. all, and -ur iibert;o, says the ticntiial. Fd. do I he.:hk, the weat her beate n ! J - - sye.mo'e of my on native heath, broken '- of vnT Uri(i ; outraged onr nuy 1 be te nt vcr le bent oruen ; m.de orphans of er children ; and W . C. M., Hoke 0..1 Lr.ga.e. u? h thdr IB. 3Irs. Foote in Washington. The Yankee correspondents in Washing ton are "Wing full particulars of Mrs. Fo te's "escape from Il-jbeMom," etc. A special d:s patoa to the Pnilr.delphia ,IIluirer, (filling nearly ac duran) afior rftcouatiug the auve-iiie-Us of Mr. and iles. Fo-:e, alter their de parture from ltichinoi:, uT-d Mating ir.intre ij tl e manner of the arre.-t of Mr. Foote, pro ceeds as follows : Information reached Colonel WVdfs, at Alexan.-rhi, that Mrs. Foofe was atO-'Coqaan, and he teat out a cavalry force to biirig her in. She arrived in Alexandra on Friday morning, and Set rotary Seward, hearing of ! er arrival there, drove down, brought her up to Whi.ird', ar;d iriered that siie sinnid be reil t-zri-i for. ft is unrest od that Mr. Seward expres.-ed the opinion thaf Mi. Foote was in oi'r iioen when takf n by the rebels that he h id renounced his faith i:i their cause, and wa c :Jsc,jt;i?ntiy undt r our protection, and hi sxikiy wi.l li looked aft&r by us as vine'-' a thou.Ii in .were ftt prtsett a mem ber. ilr. Foote has r3f igned his seat in the rebel Ilo'ise of Representative as-irdns as reason.--. H The S'lj-pen.-ion - f tic writ of habeas cor- pus y "the p;".?fage of nets m secret session a2a:n.st the interests of the people;' that the Senate and the majority of the House are in the interests of J-u. Davis, and have passed oU.h law-; tend to estinnisii the liberties td the people, i nd disastrously affect their iiit?rr?:s."' Instead of starvation, Davis and his friends live a-j well as they ever did in Richmond, the rebel Treasury footing the bills. Mrs.4-coto is a rniidly aged woman, not ver fortv-Ovj, and in excellent health. She is aco(rr.nnu'-a iy ner youngest son, oi inree yars, ttio rtt oi hsr family being in Nash ville. Mr. Focte is thoroughly disuni ted with the Conirderacy, which, instead of being ao indc-' pendent Government, r.s h" scs out to attain, it has cotiio to be a qu-tion of dictatorship for Davis, who is centralizing the entire power oi the Confedsracj' in himself. In league with him arc all but Truiholra, Secretary of the Tixr-f-ury. 2Irs. Fcore docs not think the B'airs' mis siiiii, if iiits'tidcd for peace, will avail anything. Many of the people of the South are weary oS tbyir burdens and loss.-f., and would willingly (l,Jlt ami maue pcac- n they could be guarac- tPC-i an amnesty and teeured their property acd fliives. It is intended by Davis to arm and equip tv.;o hundred thousand slaves lor the net strumer. campaign. II id Mr. Foote reached here it was his in tention to try and nvdiat-j for his oppicssed pe-oo'e, i: do; endt nt of the rebel" eidcf, and l-dlioi' to make peace, ta travel in some foreign clr.rie, and cr.d his das ia a calm review of his Why i it that s .me of the Press are so full of pre-dictbus of disaster to the Confederate cu .e? Why a-e they eontiunally markicrr on! u wnpiii fr Sheru-.an th-t viil resiiit jdorioifdy to iha Yr nken aras and mort dis-a-.rous1 to us ? Tii Vd-ds of evii omen are Incoming, a noi-anee. Their disecal . h ,ti.i2s are too often h-ird, a- A they bode r i rod to i r caufe. We sse jiothisg to !ri;y tin prophetic annutiem'3 thai. -er- -t- irs -rill take Lir.iuehville ; that b io-opnosed through South Oivotica; that he will occupy the city of Raleigh ; an I ihat w ?'iii soii be at the merey of the Yankee hrdcs. ucli predictions as the', and at such a time, when we are env.g?-! in a death strug gle for freedom, are not calculate d to benefit ci:r c-ue. nr.d we regret extremely ihat tii-y rhetd.d bo indulged io by any portion -of the Press oi the Con e ieraey, h. is a gratifying fact, however, that but Us' of ttienf are ea fr.Agd in this efihit to ibsc'-urage our people. ' As a gee.erd thing, th-3 jo-ir:.ah oi tne coun- try are l.-ioyai t ami hopeful. Thy cheer i the armies and the people with the hope that we will soon em -rge 'run. tiii ca? iv sea of troubles that now ladies in fury agaiLSi us Thev beg t;. not to give up the content, after fuuVveir. sf c.rnage and .suffering without the priceless bcoa cf independence. They b usjvt to sunendcr our 1 ome-; -ur lands our all to a merciless foe, who would rule us with a rod of iron ; who would re gard us as mere dependants, without rights ; without privileges ; without any of the im munities of freemen. Vie think our people ought to know the Yankee character bv thii time. They have w.d war azaiost vs wirh a reraorseiess ener- eeuitv could devdse. Shall we then go back to them a' d acknowledge that w? were wronj; that we hare been warring- against toeir gLO rinus eld flag tad thetr republican Constitu tion without a cause? Are we prepared to siv tl.it the tens ci thousands of noble men, ; i i i i . . .. , - O tl-.o a.vl ,f tb"ir r.a'ive laiif have taucn m an uhvmj v i ov.w dr.ftr tho " lest goTernrae-it the world ever -an- If we are rt prepared fr this, why en courage the belief hi the Northern miud that we are reli ci-h c -nqoerei ? Why, at a time when the mighty fabric of Ymkee existence is itself tottering and almost ready to fall beneath the her io vak-r and patient cn itur&r.ce ef our peenh? why, we Fay, at such i- : . f . -1 1 ? -1 rrail v i o tune as in s. i- ut i t;Tijr - wiiling to fnstr and encmrae the well j, i,cnrf that the end is approaching; hi, we caunot be subdued, and that cur brave armies are ve: lnvn.i uor, ,u.x hat encouragement that in our brighter days, was given thtn. bv every newspaper in the C-onfedtracy. Alas !'that, at this critic, junc ture, anv should b? ftirl ucequl to the task! Fay dtr villi Tit"jraph. Died Toon." As if any body couhl tlie rich, and in that act of dying d-d not loose , lh- orasp upon title deed and b.-.nd, and go ! aw iv a nauper, out of. time. No gold, no . 1 . 'i i- .n.mitj Atvl vft. mfii . i- u.nnrtpnpmpats. And yet men have been buried by charity's hand, who aid die rim died worth a thousand thoughts , of beauty, a tlu-t-sard pjesssnt nienioncs, acd a thousand hopes cf g-ory. From Savanaali. From some fair refugees wa gatht-r the fol lowing "sayings aud doings" in our unferty nate s's'er city : (lertt.-at Sherman is r n --ied as a strikingly ugiymm one of thos? Mck-inna f-ces, unt easily forgo'ten. He is a devout member 1l tin Fp's -opal church and did not curse n U he was or.JeTed to 1 ave Savannah on aiOi'nr cmipa'gn. His army is unIer rigid discipline and he thii.ks no hii f degrading officers for contraveatioa of orders, aad shoo iag privates for brigandage. Of course he knovs how to wink at a narnVr of things, but whei yn'iiic, he cashiers and shoots. The bulk of the army is Yankee, theugh Germans, Irish and Indians abound. They scorn thf idea of fihting f ir the nejr ,. and wax wrathy. when callc i abolitionists. They express a great admiration for President Do vis, and think the "Read; ion' 7 woul I have co ap?e, long since, had it not been fjr him. Their hatrod of Lincoln, is somewhat, rcdial. Tee "Stars' acd Striies," however, are every thing. Kiipa'rick is not much esteemed. Tiie in fantry regard him with aveisioQ and say that Wheeler c-iu whip him at any tim.'. Little boys in Savmnah are liberally treat ed to srigir candy. Some of the ladi?s of Sa vannah oak'-id and sold bread for a support ; but 'Sherana roughly iuforaed th?m that they had better save their flour, as v heu it La.i g ne, they need expect nothing of him. Of three hundred of our soldiers, captured aft'-r the evacuation, all but twenty took the oath. As soDu as they hd done sa, Sher man sent them to prUou at tha North. The Yankee authorities de.laie that they have marked all the rich men who have taken the oath to save thur property. It will not serve their purpe-se. Sherman occasionally gives receptions for the r.eo-roes. At these lvcts, the Yankee demigod stmds on a dais and receives tho adoradon of the darkies, who call him their "Saviour," etc. This paper and its editors are abu-ed most venoo-ou. ly. The latter are to be hung so high thai they cs.nLot ba seen with a soy t. a We have he;.frd a creat deal more ef the san e sort, and give this to the public as we heard it. Wc trust that our elevated position (in a Yaukee point of view) will not be in--c-eased thereby. Augusta Constitutionalist. France and England. We concur fully in the opi.iion of the lib bmond "Whig, that "if the Confederate States could ver be tub-du.-d, they vould have at least one consola tion in their misery : France and England would be sufferers in a degree o dy inferior to themselves, for their folly in persisting to ignore ih m as independent States." Only bat such a disaster happen, and. K-'gland may bid farewell to Cauadn, and France to Mexi co. The Monroe .doctrine wou'd at once be come tho Tallying err of e-ery man in the whole yaukee nation, and not only of them, but of every man in the Confederate Staas likewise. - Should England and Frauce con tinue their policy td wrong' to the ''so-called Confederate States," as Lord John Kussell persists" in calling them, taere is not a true hearied man in ail tiro Sonth but vould re ioiec at atiy amount of it jn-y that the United Stat"Svvald !o theiavea, aud assist ;n the operation. Too have subadtted to insults fro.i. he Uidted Stab s, been bullied into a di.-sreard of th5 plainest prineipUs f i:o?r nati.in.al law, tor ti o .iiko of avoiding a war v.ith the United States. Anel at eacn pasii ianiiuoua back tnr, tii t war lias oaly h --.a made the in ore ceruia r?.d iuvitabo?. ' riie onlv sufetv for their . ijuies and their eorn- i -rrrt hps i ti i p. i ii4 ; . t it itrij 1 c w - . : .1 : i . i ... . a D-fniene ot Uz vco- - &j ' winch good !eli::g has ben almost oblU.erated but may yn be restored by justice, tardy though il be. Ait this seems so plain to us that we must believe it e-qualiv plain to the statesm?; of Eoejaral and Frano; and that they will ret permit subjugation, even if sucu a dias;er ami disgrace were possible. We look there fore with strong . coniidenea for a speedy change of policy orttbe part of those nations a cnang which would re-inpirit the de snendeiit amoi:g ourselves and bUst the con fident hurts of" the yaniiees. Tness results would injure our triumph, at a much earner y ti an we can otherwise expeci. jruyzuc lo Obscrcer. r The total sum expended on our navy is set down at about 30,000.000, of which, a'ter all our losses, we have 35,000..000 in vessels .nd stor .s on hand. With this outlay, it is curn pined we have damaged the enemy ar least $300,000,000, or ten limes our outlay. milE CHURCH INTELLIGEN- JL CEU, DEVOTED IO THE INTERESTS OF THE PHOTESTAN'J' EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN TI1E CONFEDERATE STATES, ianow publlibed by tho Pkotestast EnscoPAn Ohukch rcEiasnisG As-'-sociation is Charlotte, North Carolina. Rnv. F. M. HUBBARD, D. D., ) EoiTORS. Hkv. O. M. EVERHART, A. M., ) DIT0RS T K illf S OF SUBSCRIPTION CASH, IH AP7A5CE: For two months $5.00 For four Months "!- n For si months For eight months - ;.20.CO For Army or Hospital distribution, a de uuoti -n of twenty-five per cent. All coramanieations should be addressed, Catron Inteiiigencer, Charlotte, X. C." nr7 l-d2t G 10LD FOR BANK ISOTES. n.lrf fr Hank Xotw. j,n 8(W3T & THOS. BRANCH. F V 0 R SALE i SoTfn Cefcave Pian. of rood tone and in tua. Ro.-ewood ease handsomely trved. For particulars apply to the Editor f the Salisbury Watch -uan. jan 30-d4t. OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA Rt R. COMPANY. y J Vivo Pompast Saors, N. C, Jan. 2('h, ktVIDEND XO. '8 OF TWi-NTY Fiv per cent, will be paid to the Stockholders on and after 1st of February, in Confderat Tr.aurv note?, or in the six per cent non taxable bonds at G.-.vernment rate ($13S,) at the opuon of the Company. .F- A- ,9 jn 30-dGt Secretiry 3t Auditer. MILLER cotitinues to. accommodate 1VT O T I C E . All p?r?ors holding Eondi glren urdjr the au tbArity f the County Court of Wake, except the holders f Coupon Bonds,) are requested to pre sent them to the Gtftnty Solicitor, befc-re Feb ruary Coart, that taey may be ch'anged aud reff-istred. This order mads at tf.rjVeJv.Ser Term, 18S4. jan 30-d6t. T i. FMRKELL, C. ( . C. P ATiEHN AIAKER WANTED. We wih to employ ope or tw first clas3 pat tern makers. Aot.iv at once to Slly; WILLIAMSON A CO., North State Iron and Brasj Works, jan 2?-dGt. it 3 RON-! IRON! ! I LION ! ! ! We hare constantly oa h nd all kin 'a Plaiita tatson and Farmer's Irm, Shovel Iron, Nail Hods, Band Iron. Heavy Sheet Iron for making Hoops, Spades, ic. SHAY, WILLIAMSON & CO., North state Iron sad Brais Wt-rks. jan 28 d6t. riAST STEEL AXES. J ' ?? We have for sale six or eight dozrn (5 and 6 pounds) best zteA axes. SHAY, WILLIAMS.;' & CO., North State Iroa and Crass Works! jan 23-d6t- w A N T E D A siiuation--as Goarness ty a lady fully qual ified to touch En riish and French. She speaks Frcuch with fluency. At!dre.-8 Mis. M. E. N., jan 23-d5t Pattonsbarjr, Va. w 7 ANTED By a youn;; man, exempt from s?rvice, a situa tion as tvaeV-r. He h;is had several yeais' ex perience unci is qualified to impart a g"..od pr icti cal education. Satisfactory testimonials can be given. Address J. E. MILLAR, Matron Depot, jan 28-d2t Warren County, N. C. 1 R 0 X ! IRON! The Lockv'lle Mining," nd JIanufaetarior Co. are now making Iron of the best quality for plan tation purposes, and will exchange the sam? with farmers and others for s: ap Iron, negro-labour and provisions Iron now ready for delivery at the work? in Chatham County, We can also df-liver in Rah-ih or at any of the St ations on the Ualeigh & Gaston or N. C. "Kaih oits. Address the un dersigned at Raleigh, or W. S. Downer Sup't. Ejryp't, (thatham County. Mill now receive orders for Car Wheels) Lovunotive tire aud heavv castings. V'. J. HAWKINS, dec. 28-d-tf. Prert. L. M. t M. Co. fJlEACIIELt WANTeTZ A GOOD TE.lCHEIt WANTED, to take charge of a school to prepare Govs for College, in a pleasant, healthy noihborhood- Address DR. R. E. WILLIAMS, Warren ton. N. C. Oi, W. T. ALSTON, j.m 21-d2v Yarbor.)' IIou-o, Raleigh. m Tie"" iiillsdo uir k eco udeu X F.STABLT.-UMKNT F O l y, V L E . Ti eo"?' iuehce of ftilir. :i- iHh, the Proprietor rf the Hiils'oorough Recorier has I.en induced to offer the esrablifh?nent for sale. He will therefore receive proposals fnn any one disposed to pur chase, until the first uf.iy of February next. Tiio Recorder has been nearly ftrty-Mvc yjars in exis-t'-nce, bas a rt-.-JpectabU; Ii?t of .-:rscribcrs, whieh u,ay be considerably ip-.-readed by an crtterpris'ng editor. It has a fair share of job work and ad vertisiug cugt'-m. If not 'iigposed of - hy the first of Fehru'iry, orfier -arianemon tn will be made for a continuance f the establishment. dtfVh 1 F r O WELL. AUCTION AND COMMISSION ' HOUSE, Vv A1UIENT03T, N. C. Strict attention given to the sal- of all kinds of Merchandise, Nciot-s, Stock, &c., &c. REFER TO W. B. Hamilton i Son, Mobile ; J. W. Carroll, formerly of Natv Orleans; K. A. Hamilton, Pe tersburg, V. ; Bacon & l?.skerviilj, Richmond, Va. : Creech & Litebford, Haleigt, N. C. jan 9 dtf HEAD'QIIS, CAMP INSTRUCTION, 1 Kai kioii, N. C, Jifn. 6th, 185, IN accordance witTrtlie provisions of General Order?, No. 25, Adjutant and In spector General's Office, of March 6th, IfcG'J. the owner of the f diowing sbive, re-captured in East Tennessee, will call at this Camp and prove hii claim to said slave, as required by act of Congress : EMANUEL, " Ape 2? years, dark eyes, black hair, brown com plexion, fVet. 42 inches high ; said to "be the property of a Mr. Jontgoajery, of Blount County- Tennessee. By order of WRIGHT HU5KE, Lieut, and Acting Comd't Camp. C. n . Wright, Adjutant. QONFEDERATE TAX NOTION. I will attend with the assessors at my ofTi'- in the city cf Raleigh, from Monday the thirteenth to Saturday the eighteenth of February, 1S65, to re ceive the following taxes due th-f 1st day of Jan uary', 1863, to the Confederate Govermen, viz : 1st. The taxes on incomes, salaries and profits. 2nd. The additional tax of ten per cent, on profits ruiio by 'uvin;r and selling from the 1st day of January", 1SC4, to the 1st day of January, 3rd. Theax of twenty-five per cent, on profits exceeding twenty-five per cent., made from the 1st of January, 1864; to the 1st of January, 1S5, br anv bank "or banking company, insurance, ca nal, navig-Ui n, importing and exporting, tele graph, expres?, railroad, manufacturing or other joint stock company of any description, "whether incorporated or nt. 4th. The tax on quarterly sales for the quarter ending the 21st Df-eetcber. 1864. oth. The tax on licences for the year 18Gb, du from persons engaged in the following tamed trade, basin?? or occupation, viz : backers, auc tioneers, wholesale and retail dealers, pawnbro kers, distillers, brewers, bote's, inn?, taverns nd eatino- bouses, broker?, com 11 crcial brokers or commission rnerchants, tobacconists, theatres, bowling al fevs. livery stable keepers, cattle bro kers, butchers, baker;, pediera, apothecaries, photographers, lawyer?, physicians, dentists, sur geons and confectioners. AH persons in arrears are very respectfully r Queitd to make payment q . RUFUS H. PAGE, jan 28-dtl3feb. Cclleetor for Wake Ocuntv. Consorvative, Progrew and Standard copy thrre times OBWORK of Qvejv.kind neatly exevuted st tin ofliw. "" OFTICIAL POST QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, C. S. A., R alftgii, N. C, Jsnuarv IStb, 1865. mO THE FARMERS OF WAKE, JL CRANGK ND CHATHAM CVUNT1E?. 1 respectfully appeal to the Farmers of Wake, Orange aid Chatham counties to bring in their surplus corn immediately for tie support of our arniv. 1 have obtaincd'pernv.eion to pay Local Appraiser's rates for all graiQ delivered preTinn to Is, of Febi tiaty, 1SC5. I tiiirr.es tly hope that patriotic producers nil! deliver their grain in laediatf ly and relic e u: t( the unpieaantnes, and themselves the niortifieatifn, cf resort irg to rigid impressmrnt, which I will be compelled to do on aud after the Ut of February. The following ar; the mme? of r;:y authorized Agents: liab ig.i, J.J. Minttrce; ForcstviPu, J. W. Fort ; Morrijville, A. J. Morn, and Dur ham's, W. P. Wrd. iibbcro' to be filled, and Piltsboro' to be filled. W. E. PEIRCK,. jn 10 dl2t Capt. A A. Q. M. POST QUARTERM ASTT.R'S OFFICE. C. S. A?, RALEitiii, N. C, Jan. 16th, 1865. rilllE following Circular oflnstnic- JL tions from the SecretaLV of War ia nuL!ih- JL . tions from the Secretaty of War ia puLiih d by direction of Major Kinscy Johns, In?pecttr 'leld Transportation, lor the infoi nu tion of all oucerncd. W. E PKIUCK, eu F COu Captain and A. Q. M. WAR DEPARTMEW, C. S.. RiCUiiosa, Dec. 19, "DERSONS who mav hire their JL slaves to MaJ. J. G. Paxtnn and r is assistant, lor Government rurposrs at schedule prices, thall have credit for the nund-' hired ia the event of a future requisition for twelve months upon them for their slaves for Government us ; and in the event of their los-s, shall La indemnified in th same manner as if they had hot n imprt ssed or sent voluntarily for government use without con tract. (Signed) . JAP. A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. QUARTERMASTER HENEHAIS OTFICr, December 27tb, 1S64. RESPECTFULLY returneil. Same authorised by Secretary of War t- ex tend the same assurance in behalf of all other otli ctrs of this Department. (Sicrnetl) A. R. LAWTON, jan 1 7 -o 1 2t Quarteriii3ter Gei eral. ' PflREASURY DEPT., C. h. A., J Riciimc.Kd, Dec. 1. 18G4. ' -SKVEX.TRIRTY TRKASIUT K0TKS. In pursuance rf an act of Congress, approved November 2Stb, 1864, entitled "An act to author ize the Secretary of the Tieasuiy to exchenge eoupon bond for ?CTen-thiry Treasurv notes." holders of such notes arc hvreby notified, that after the payment of the annual interest du them on the'first day of January, Id':5. upon presentation of the same, the Treasurer, Assist ant Treasurer, and Pay Depositaries as desig nated at f"6t will is3ue certificates therefor, which w ill entitle the holders to coupon bouits payable thirty vears after the first dav of Janu ary, 1S65 bearing six per cent, interest from said tir?r. of January, 155, payable fn thetirst days of January and July in each year. The Trearwor, Assi'tant Treasurers and De positaries, will make weekly reports to the Re gister of the Trea-urer of such certificates issued at their oflices ; whereupon, bends will be t.ent forward in satisfaction of sume. 'the notes will be cancelled in the uaual manner, and forwarded to the i Ukt Auditor. . G. A. TREN HOLM, Secretary of the Treasury. Treasurer Jt Richmond, V. ' Assistant Treaaarers at Charleston and Mo- bii.-. " Depositaries at Raleigh acd Wilmington, N. Carolina. Depositaries at Charleston and C.ilumbin, S. Caroiii.a. Depositaries at Savannah and Augusta, Georgia- Depositaries at Tallahassee, Fla., and Mont gomery, Ala. Depositaries at Columbus, Miss., and I?outon and Marshall, Texas. dec 6 3taw2ii . TitKAsuKKy Depabtmfnt. 7 Rictimosd, Va.,Xov. 23. ISGi S "VT OTTCE i.s hereby p ven to holders 1 and owners of certificate? of Stock aitd Cou pon Ronds issued under the act of A ugrst ID, 161, redeemable after the first d:ty of January, 185, to present the samo for payment on the SECOND DAY OF JANUARY, or "at any time thereafter, to the Tre njsurer of the Confederate States, one of tha Astiitont Treasurers of the Confederate States, or a Pay Depositary nf the Confederate States, lunds having been placed in the hands of said agents for th" purpose of redeeming such stock and cour on bonds. No interest will b al lowed on such stock and coupon bonds after Jan uarv first, 1SG5. G. A. TRENHOLM, de 13-taw2m S-rretnrv of Treasurr. TitKAsritY Depaktmknt," MKNT,"! ica, Y 35. $ 0 n r f. d r. n a t e States of Ami-ujca. Ujciimond". Nfjvcnibcr 2S. 180.' rflllE holders and owners of coupon 1 Bonds and Certificates of Stock issued under the act of August 19th, it.'GI, redeemable after the 1st day of January and July, 1864, are hereby notified to present the satn for payment to the Treasurer, one of the Assistant Treasurers, or a Pay Depositary of the ConfV derjtt'' Stat-s, funds having been placed in the hands of these oCicers for the purpose ef redeeniin? f aid bonds and .-tock. No interest will be allowed thereon alte- January first,18G6. " G. A. TRENHOLM, de!3 taw2m Secretary of Trnasury. A LARGE FARM TO RENT IN CASWELL COUNT T. Oa Monday 13th dar of February next I will rent, at mv residence in CwH Cenaty, thirteem miles southwest of Yaneevviilc, fifteen miles nortk of Companr Shops o ihe N. C. R. R., and thir teen mil:s" southeast ef Rufiin Depot, cm th Piedaicnt It. ft., lay lsrg" and well imprr.vsd plantation, containing six hundred aeres oMaia. It is weirdapted to tae growth ur ora, whsst, .ats, tebacc and otber productions iocidat t this ciiinat. It baa a meadow en it whielt pro duces .O,O00 puais of excellent hay mostly herds trass. () it is a large two stary dwtlting with fir rooms and portico in front ; alio a good garden, convenient well, negro houses. two large karns with sheds and all ecessary c.athouM. It is tclse4 with fences in good repair. It is Urge. enh t work on it to aarartate 15 haads. Addres thtladerirned at Ar.dtxsoa's Store, G. - JOPU P1NJIIX . jan SC-dtf. JiXEGUTOR'S NOTICE. NEGROaS FOR SALE. Having quabGed as execntr of tbe will of C. W. Svmthe, dec-lsed, we lireby give notice to all pe'rsons idebtcd to the estate, to mat-' pav ment. and all persons having cauns against th Estate inuot present thtn or this" notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery. We will be in Lexington durir.g the terms o'f the February and M.tv courts. We will Bill at the Curt House, in the town 6( Lexinrton, on Tuesday the 14th day of Febrasry, two likely negro girls aged 8 and 10 years, pay meivt to be mads in Co ilcderate Money. E. K. "ARRIS, I E jaa 2. dl2t. A. J. SHAGLE, J UMBtorl' D 0 L P II C 0 II N WHOLESALE TOBACCO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION U0U8K, (iVi.risimuV, N. (J. 0 Liberal advance? made on ronsigntnc nts. K E K F. It TO A. T. Jerkins, Pres't Pank of Commerce, Com panv Shops; P. V. Daniels, Sr.. Pres't R. F. A P. K. R. C ...;::cbmond, Va ; MeDaniel k Irby, Lynchburg, Va. jan J dSn 82000 nJLw A R 1) LOST r taken bv p'ist.iko, a box marked "Mj. S. V. Rtid. Wilmii.gtoii." An ini'.ti matiop in retard ti it which will mahle us 1 recover it. or any one Icay ing it at 'he Express Office w ill re Cw-ivc the above teyvard. and rocurstion aktd. A. P. C HRYAN, Agi t Southern Express Compnr. jtnlSdtf flRIXDSTOXRS ! GRJXD- V STONi:.S!! Wc kee; cor stantly or. band fr sK a gd as -tvtment of suprtior DEEP KlYKll GRIND SlONJiS, wiigbing fren H to Ct,f pounds. SHAY, WILLIAMSON JL(U, North State Iron aud Urats Wwik. jan 2C-tlCt. D. C. M orb ay. J. A. Moor a. W. J. H;ino:i I). C. MURRAY & CO., GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EAYETTKVIl I.E STRKKT ItAI.EIttlt," N. C .Having rcgulxi Iv comn enccd busirn-SK, folii it consignments. Uiv will atter.d romptly to the purchr.se and sale l all GcWs, Stocks, Ac'., Ac. REFERENCES. C. Dewev, Cash.. W. 11. Jones, Cah., Raleigh. Messis. Harris A Howell. ilmir;t u, J. H. Lindsay. Ca-bier, G recritboro. D. A. Davis," Cashier, SH:ifbury. T. W. Dtftcv, Carhier, Charlotte. A. McLean, Ca-hier, Fayettcville. JnnM S E. Cuthbert. Cthi"r, Petersburg, Va. llraneh. Moiton JL Co., liichmend, Va. j-n 12-dtf s UPl.EME COURT J.EPORl'S. The Ruperts of Cases hi I aw, Arputd and 'De termined in the Supreme uit of N. C, June Term, 1S61, No. '2, Volume 1. Eqrity Osf , o. 1, Vol. 1 ; reported bv P. 1'. V it Mot , l.rq. Price of No.:lI, Si2..0 ; No. I, $7,M. Orders solicited fcom the l'rof.ssion. '1 hose who have alr ady ordered from Mr. W. w ill'rt udt paytucnt to the subscriber. A. R. RAVES', Raleigh, Oct. 27. lPC4.dtf. Agent. Ii I U E S ! HIDES!! The unVrgnrd rrturiiLi? arknoyUdp inei t ftr the rxW.sivd patrornge he has beretttttMe te cived t the hars tf the people; ar.d carrestly stilicit? a ct.ntii.uarce tbtrto'. Oyirg to the hili piir.s of oil and tallow, I m tornpelN-d to 'chunge m v base," snd v ill in future tan all bides forme third; yvhicu will be sold at tbe trarkt t price. Tanning done for. in"izer.t roldierF lYc of chaige as heretofore, and those abb to pay, can pet their bides tarr ed at .' crhts per pound. All persons who have bides in my fcd will be inf'-v:ned when their leather i ranv. J. ROUT. JF.rKKEYS, nov IR-tf Pacific P. O., R. A .. K. TTILLSRORO', N. C, M1IJTA- 1.1 RY ACADEMY. THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR r,f this Institution will commence on WEDNESDAY FERKUARY Jt, 186.,. Aj'plieatiors lo- apptdr.trcer.ts rrust be tiniad prior to 15th Deccmbtr lf64, about wLich uieo the terms will be made known. Address Ma.. W.M. M. GOUDON, net l-d4m Supei intenden $50,000 i: A N I) O LP II CdUNTV IUNDS. Pv virtue f f :n rrdtr imidc r.t Neyiebcr Term, l?64rf.fKrtnQolph County Court, I yvill fTr for sale at public auction, to the b'gheH bbhhr, at the Court-House doer iu Athboro', oti the 7 h day ef Kebrnrtry. l?r. F 1 V T Y T H O U S A N I) D 0 LLARS in Ct-iipon Rends of sni I CouctV. The aid Rends to run for ten years from date, bearing interest at the rate of C j cr cent, per anr."ni, to be paid seini-annuiilly in sueb currency as will be received in the put merit of pnllie taxes. This second of January, J. M. WORTH, jan 5-d3ot Curty J'ommiaf iorcr. REWARD. L E K , s T A 0 FROM my Office, on tn nigght of the 1Mb Novcmoer, nit., mv I10OIC OF ACCOUNTS settled and unstt!ed, for the years '.! and '4. It is a lark4 Ledger nd cor.taics all tLe charges for my.profcffior.al labors during the above-mentioned period of time. It cannot, under any cir cumstances, be of serf ire to anotLer cave ft r its leather cover and remaining blank leaves, while it in of incalculable value to me. I will give One Thousand Dollar reward for the recovery of it, and no questions ai krd. decS-tf CIIAS. K. JOHNSON. I7 I V E HUNDRED HANDS WAKTKl). FIVE Hundred hande wanted to work on the grading and track larit g of the Chatham Rail road. The b'ghest market price will be given ar d bands well taken care of. ALSO. 100 CAKI'KX I F.IhS, Also, a Portable Steam Saw Mill Wanted. Apply to KKJl P. P.A1TLK, Pres't RaMh, N C. or to J. E. ALLEN, 5up't, Cary, N. C. dec-dtf Conservative copy till forbid. vn-xjno AUCTI0X"ndC0M i mission nousn. OS TITH FIRST DAY OF JANUARY rest, at the Stoie formerly occupied by C. W. D. Hutrbings, rn Fayettvi!le street, in the, city of Raleigh, the suvscribeic will establish an AUCTION AND COMMISSION IIOL'SK. for the sale of SLAVES. Wc have provided sm and cmsohtarlh quarters, and will be at moderate in our charges for board, ic, as the times will permit. . With an experience of twenty year In tne trade, and the advantages of an extorsive acquain tance, we flatter nui selves that wr understand tbe busin'-ts; and, with tbe assurance of ouick sa!s and prompt returns, respectfully' solicit public patronage. dec 19 dtf W. F. AFKEW A CO. $100 R E AV A R I) Was taken at the Depot on Friday night lst, on the arrival of the Western train, a Ladv' BON NET BOX. From the top aud one side'e f the Box the leather had been -torn, living the wood exposed. On drdiverv of ss!d Box, viith It contents, at the CONFEDERATE OFFICE, the above reward will be immediately paid, and no questions aked. Jan 22-dtf A $1,000

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