' BY J. LPENAiH&TON;.'. j ' TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. - i The following are the only fam tof lubsttiptlon Dailv Padaakss t . - -. ue , -,-,- ' Dally Paper j 1 Btontny SI 00 I Dally Paper, months, $4 00 ! The pP adl te lent to new subscribers, without the mbney la advaac and la all earn U Will be stopped whta the time yld for eaptrea, . ; ,i- JOB PRINTWO. " Having access to Job Printing material, sata jo ne eqnai to ant In the City, order for PRlSTlNCr are solicited. AU work eoirasted la at will be neatly and expeditiously executed, and at prime a low m possible la these .times. " TELEOEAPHIC NEWS. RltrORTEtf fOfc T(J ASSOCIATED FRESH, j LARGE FLEE1' IK JAMES RlVKB ARRIVAL OP TANKER PR1SONKRS U ALLECK AND it vtr i wC ATTSR OH MfiTJ jKLfiAN'S RE- luinii' 4- - MOVAL-NECESSlTr FOB ACTIVE OPERA TIONS IN- VIRGINIA THE HEBALD AND kTHi? AniCATJWrilE; BRITISH" CABINET, ' etc. ' - : '""v ' ' " Richmond, Nor. 18. The eneiny liasa numerous fleet in lower .fame Uivefln the neighborhood of Hrandon Bar. Oni hundred ami twenty-six Abolitionists raptured .y eleven of our cavalry at Snicker's Gap werts brought to this city last eveuing. '-. '. .. A letter written' by Gen. ttal'eck to Secretary Stanton shows that IfftiKk on the 1st of October uilviswl a forward movement by the army of the" Po tomac and actually ordered it atid" that neither of these movements being carried out It in inferred that tins led toth rcmovUl of McCIbIIbii. ' ThWasb'njft. Chronule sayt tuat.the rernqval of M . Chilian wait the resu.t of iofij? and patient Can snltiition on the part of the highest military authori ties add that It must be regarded purely as ft military question. ' The necessity fur a'-tive-ppfrations in Vir ginia had W une sa inn -ati that, for reasons whwh appcarid ii'njior.itive the (' wasmiide. The NeV York ITrrul tlmt.McOle'dan iia fallen a victim to th mech Mm wl the radical Abolition- faction. His unimrtloi,..., crime has been his )ersMtiit refilKiff to make .the cause of tliti Unuib. sec ondary to the cms of ue'firo emancipation. Tlio UritibhtUbinet meeting was hot held on account iff the non arrival of Queen Victoria who was detained at Drupe's bv litiistcrous weather.. The British Par liiipiett wbMi stood adjourned 1o the 26th of Octotpr wasfiinnally prorogue! until the 13th of NoTembcr. MORE OF McCI.EI'.f.ANf? RFMOVAT. 111! AND nt'RNSIDI WEEP THE YANKEES IN A BTEW TWIN VAN RUREN SPEAKS .1118 JIIND. ETC. " KlCHstOwtt, N"V. 16. The order removing MeClellan is dated the 6th" afil reads thus: ' liy the direction of the I'residenf of the United States it is ordered that Maj. GcimmhI Mc CldlaB be relieved from command of the nrWf tif Po touiac anl that Major General Hunis'ide tnke eotn rnnnd of fhW afmy. Kj onler of tire Secretaty of. Was," &Oi The -Ynrfc- Htrai'T Warrcntnp correspomlctit sn.vs: "The renmval was entirely unexpected ly eve ly body-hew. Tears coursed down M Clellan's clas-wi- fixtures and Burnside with bis stoiit hea.vy framo Vvept like a sorrowing child. Tliere they srtt and wept and Ilurr.siile was at fin.t disped to duclinc BKSiuniiiK the command. MeClellan hi his farewell niMrcss to tlie ainiy says, in parting from yu I can uH exprtfisjlie luve and ralilndo I Lear to you. As an army you have jrown up under my care nnd in you I Inivc never found, doubt or coldness. lo ssys they are still united by an imWoluhlc tie and will erer lie comrades In supporting the Constitution of the country nnd nuliujiajity of the people." At a Now Y'1-k demodratio uelinf! John Van Ru ren said tljnt McCellan was removed because he was a democrat and Jthst Rurnsidc Is put as a mere inter mediate between MeClellan and some abolition pene eral that is to be put at the head hereafter. . A dispatch from MeClellan to Oen. Merges on the 24th of October say that he foresrfw no time when an ann.v of over 100,000 men will not call for clothing and oilier articles. skww DISPATCH. PROM GEN. LEE'S ARMY ALL QUIET. Richmond, Nov. 10. Intellieucc direct from the army to-day represents everything quiet, 'lhe reported fight at Ilarper's Ferry proves to bo untrue." FROM NASHVILLE AND LOUISVILLE- THE KENTUCKY CA MP AIGN-iFRENCH EXPE DITION IN MEXIOO-AFFAlRS IN WES TEflN VIRGINIA NO'. RELIEF FOR EAST TENNESSEE, AO. ' .. " Cuatakoooa, Nov. 15. A Nasliville dispath received here sa tlwt ona lunidred wapons arrived tliere on the 10th iiisttmt, and prospect ol being w ell supplied. A large force was at work on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and pvrfcrt conimuuicat..ou would loon be established betweefj Louisville and Nashvill - Buell is to Iw tried by court martial for ormittins lavasiou of Kentucky by Bragg. Tliiuks it singular on tfie other hand that Rrftt is ohW'red to Richmond. U answer foRiiot whipping 13ue!l, Tlie court to try llnell isto be huld at Cinciniiatti. ' - Drwiu, JJiu rr fo Muiico, is quite tick at Mexi can cajiitol Chunot snrytve. Sovcnteuij thousaiui French troops Have arrived at Orizaba, aB4ftxj)ctlitloii aghiSif flie city df Mexico starts from that point iu eccmtier. .:, .-' ' t'B,c)r. occupied the latd fesldenco of Gen. Uollieof fer in Nashville. i s ' . -. -: The Kasbville Tniim of a late data ayi " tli City 6)uncif had voted Afly3ohniofl $20,000 for his f triotic defence of Nashville. --, "The LouisvillaVournoI tif th,0th, say thatdx's army have .pusliccl up, the Kanawha to .Cltarlustim and met no serious opposition, Milroy w to.-jwn him at Uauluy ou tlie 7th. "fornn was near ChiirW ton, an Sueares' btigldo at' GallipollSi Tlia tyutnat aays the campaign iu Western. Virgin! lor Uw fall Is about over,' and that it is impossible, V p"sh men over the mountains into East TenuassN at this' sea . son. The Jpvrnal tlunka Ea4'TvHW"f "'UI 1uiv 4a lAnlr AlwWcrn for rnliof . : - aaaansaaasawaaMawaaaajBswwtt ' j-innMnaaHHaaaBaaviBaavjBniBaaBBasaaa " . r -v . . , : . 1 . i : '. : : ' l ,r , .'j'';.. , ,f , - ' i , - : .. .. . i i ' '" ' VOL. IV. IlLEIGH N. C.,NOH3Ml!ER Yff)8&,- :L " NO. 6; From our Evening Kditipn of Satfrdar. .IMPORTANT FROM - TENNESSEE NASff VILLE REINFORCED ANDY JOHXSOX MAKES A SPEECH, Sic K ClliTT A K 000 A , CovTT. 5 . - "V" Freah reiiifbrcemaota are reported at NashviU. Andy Joliaaon made a speech oh the.l2th, in wel cnmayDf the first arrival of relief. He told the Wcst campaign "was now-all right, atid the rebels Were now-driven closer and closer on the eotiflnea of tiell. Our fbrcet" rt arranging some very pretty traps, wtifch will be heard fronj soon. "Major Strange, of Forrest's staET, was wounded on the 12th.' . . . ' . ' , , Iraportalt from Newbern. ;,.' iyh siw-Itia bonversed'-with a very Wtdlttgrtlt lady on yesterday evening,ln the cars at the depot, who left Newbern on Friday last. Shebetocge4 in Cftld well county In this Htate,-and has beort absent' at the North some years at school. She camp home by way of Newborn At which place 'site remained three weeks. She "says that troops arrived there every weet-cliirinc .her stay, and her impression Is that the force atfres- ent at Newhewr uiot bo less thai 25,000 men, con sisting of infant . cavalry and 'artillery. ,Sliys. yaukee cJBch.. wit whom she cte versed talk-frueW of an advance in this direction, nnd that a Oilonel told her if she would wait a couple of Weeks they 'ould send her to Salisbury by (lag of truce from Ra leigh. She says that daring her - stay troops arrived therefrom Massachusetts, New York ami, New Jer sey. ' The yankoa officers askeii her if she knew any thing tor the. finest . residences at Raleigh, that tliey should bring their families to-ocetipy them, Szc. Oen. Foster and Gov. Stanly wore both, there, the latter our fair informant said lookiijg very sanctimonious. She represents a number of gmdxiats in the river and the fortifications west of the town as very formidable. Iler statements were very frank and seemingly truthful and we ftre disposed to place considerable ccufidence ill what she says. Of course our military authorities -will have some thing trt say alwiut the advance. We are glad to learn that Gen. Evans la in command at Kioslon. To the Meinbera of the Legislature. We shall have competent pers m in each Imineh "f the Assembly to report the proi edings, and the morning edition of the Progress w ill cuntnin correct and faithful reports upto the adjournment on the previous evening, ftesades the rityret will contain all the latest news from the iirmy and rlsewhi re by telegraph and mail. -Tlie paper will -An served to members at their lodgings, or placed on tin ir desks at the Capilol,"by leaving tbelt names aiid subscription price at the office. "llkpollTED ADVANCE OF THE ENE MY ON THE BLACK WATER.. Reports were brought to the cltyjast eveninr, of an advance of tfie enemy in force from Black Water Ford, yesterday morning, nd of tin; sub seqtteut attack on our troops below Ivor. It is stutad that the Yankees several thousand strong, advanced to Blackwator Ford on Thursday evcff$ ing, driving back our pickets', nnd holling pos session of the Ford until early yesterday morn ing, whet) their force was divided a portion go ing in the direction of Franklin, and llic balance moving towards Ivor station. Of tlia further movements of the first nortiou we are not advis ed, but of the latter, it ih known that a fight oc curred at or near Mrs. Boyklu's place, about four miles beyond Ivor. We have not learned the result, as our. informant left Ivor while the f n gajrmnent was progressing within hcai itiff, and al most within sight. The enemy attacked us with T cavalry and artillery, and it is supposed their ob ject wag to cross the river, which was vigorously contested by our troops.' Wnsball probably hear further particulars to-day. . Blackwater ford is about fourteen miles from Franklin, and eight from Ivor. -As reinfoae ments were-rapklfy sent forward, it is reasonable to suppose that the Yankees made no headway. .J&Urtburfj Ejprtss, Saturday Two, Editions a l)ay. We shall publish' two editions-of the Frojrcss ev ery day exuept Sundays. The morning edition will be served to city subscribers by the carriers and sent to mail Bulweribers North and East, while the eve ning edition will bo sent to subscribers in the West and sold on the streets. COJVPEDEHATJ3 STATES GOTERKMENT. rsEtiiusxT, JEFFSU30X DAVIS, of MitiiippL vioa pREsiuBsr, ' ALEX H. STEjnBXS, of Georgia. Members o?lhe Cabinet. .Ti m P. naxjAum. of I.nnlin. S crttarr of State. ht', C. MsimitssKB, of South-Carolina, Sic'y of the Trea.( U. W. KAHDOLPH, ol virmmn, nueretnrv oi nr. H.Hk Mallot, of Ftoricfai Buefptary wt Hie Navy.' John K. Rsoas, of Texas, Poet Master Osjiersl. Thomas II. Watth, of Alabama, Attorney Ui-aeral. Hubkt . Lei, Oeueial-in-Cliief. "' First Permanent Congress. SENATE.." ALABAMA. Win. h Yancey, Clement C Clay. nson, Cha fi Mitchell. rLoaiDi. AliMaiwell, . . Jainet -M Baker. OKQIA. Dunj n tlill , ustecit. U C BurWt, Wm c 31uiib. IAUIIIAXA. Kdward Sjiarrow, T i Hvmuivs. - Missitsirn. Albert ft Br'on n, Jamca Phelan. aissoiis'. John 9 Clark, B 8 Y Peyton. George I)aU, Wm T UorUh. ouin-c"!ni.isA. Boht?r Urn ell, Jaine. t Oi r. Langdon V. Hi toes, OulTa A lb'iii't. TI.JI.W. louUTWigfall,, W 8 OldTism. , Ituntiar, Wra B Proetun. . Total number, CO, IIOt'SE OF BKI'BESKXTATlVr.ri. Kbiirii-cvinH.iSA. VT V II S'liilli. Kobl K B iiUr-M, Owen 1 K aw, T 1) M-.Kim H, Thoa rf A lie, Areli'il II .Urington, J H Mel.wn. William bander, B S Oailhj. , A 'C Duvid...!!. WTIl-el:!.iXA. John Mcyn.-tn, W Poieliei StiK-f, I. M Ayer, M L Uoi.Uht", Jain, j Kji rilr, W W Hove-. t:.k .i J T llcifk.-i!, W O Swann, W II Tebl -. K h Ja:d l.iiiii ., 11 S Foot , M I' O.jliti i , U W Joii.-k, . Tlioii'iH M. 'i ' , J I) (' A-'ki- -, .l..lii, V Wil.t, lnvkl M t'lii . ni. i 1 I A.N. Julm Wile .v. nuilo. iie r !! -i-b.ft, I'etur V (' , F II S.-yt'in. 51 .tie 'in D I b ull on, Win B W i bl. Xll'.UIM.K M B II (lam. ft. .Irilii) K CUu ilii .la nis bvinifi. liojjyr A Pfflii , Tim.- S rti..V,. Jiibn (Ind.le, J.-. Jll.no.: I' :., L i. I) L' If.Ja.i. II , William S.i;illi, Mi l k Mutel., 'ol li UaldwiK W . K-St.. -, ' AVn1' r ' e. inn. .;' ' It nkiu.s- i.. I ll;l?.:i, ( , I Uu-f II, . KASS S. (i A Ux land. Jan M I'alfi r-iin. Total number, b T. ALABAMA. I. - Thomas J Foster, 1. Wm B Smith, 1. 3. John P Kalis, S. . J Kil Carry, . A. Francis S Lron, 5. r. VT i Cbilton. I). 7. liavbl Cl)tnn, ' 7. 8. Jamen-L, I'ugli, 8. 9. K S IJaigan. 9. AHKAMAS. 10.. 1. Fell I Batsnn, (Jrandiaon D Bn.VHtr, ' 1. H. AugVotna H (lurlulid, i. I. Tiiii B HhiiI v. 3. j fctiiiiia. 4. 1. K I! Hilton, - 5. J. Jiinita B Dawk'niA. 0. GKOltGIA. I. ,lu!'aii Itiutriilgo, 1. . ( Inn .1 .MuniK-rlyn, I. 3. Ilin -s Holt, 3. (. Anpu :tu- II iCenan, 4. ft. Da i-1 V n is, 6. (i. liij W Clink, 6. 7. bobi 1 i s il l'"- '" :': l.nrbi. .1 (l.irtre'1, 8. !i. I!iil Htrieli'inid, !. Augustas U W rifbt, 10. . HKirri'fKY. I' 1. (.. W L ing, K M lirure, 1. ;:. 11 V.' Brae... 2. I. HiM .1 Hi ikimidg-, . 3. ;. J .l.ii M l,..i it!, 4. p . - V. v. " ft. t3l. II l.v.v K Heed, . s. i I, liu.neit, . iS ( li: liin, I. Id. (!.) If 11 nice. 2. 1,'iiM.Al. 1. (,'lia ,r Viirre. 4. t !. is M ('.iiiin l, C. 3. bil'ieim V K''li:. li. 4. biiei.'n l)ii' 4 h. .(.4.11 K U s. (i. .Iikll I'clkl . !' MIS.l.SS Id. 1. .! W Chirp 11. j. i:-. 1. I, ll : , 1-'. :t bVii 1 S-. . is. 4. II t! Il llll , ! 5. (I I! Sui'K (t. H lla.k ilm 7. Jeliii .1 MelJ. MiSSO'Jill. 1. 1. W W Cook, '1 'I. Tli.juiaa A llavria, 3. Ciupe, Bell, 4. A 11 Cmiruw, 5. Thus V Fi wiran,, 6. ! .. ; Vest, 7. J.h:i liver. VTTe are authorised and requested to- hii- f nounce B. A. W1CKKK. of this eit.v, as a rfniuklato for Aseistant Doorkeeper lor the Bousa.'!' Commons. Nov.' 17 2t . WAKTED IMMEDIATELY. 3((M BUSHELS Charcoal, at Iron and AAA B's Winks, for whk-h the hiuhuBi cash prle will be paid. nuv 15-4t 8IIAY, WILLIAMSON A CO.' TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. rpIIE Undersigned has in press, and will shortly publish, a work entitled I'SUBaEttY FOR CAMP, FltyD.ASD HOSPITAL." Tboseadisposcd to btwomo subscribers will please forward their fianiei to the author, at Rn'lelirhr X. O. . QunAnu tt rt i n , 8orteon General ef K. C. no 13-d4ra ' . , " Army intelligence office. rtlHR USbEKSIOXED HAVISQ SOME PXPEB1 I KXCE in'Militaiy afl'airs, notiOei the pubic that, for tnetr convenience, tney have, established themselves in Baieifth for too purpose of advising and aiding all per ous wb may desire information upon the following sob Hects relating to the army) to wit: . TJI'OX CONSCUIPTIOSf LAW. EXEMPTIONS, S-L'B-hTlTUTK9,HOLMERSPAT, WIDOW8' CLAIMS, - . HOLDIEttff DISCBAKOB, " And" far a posiuio the pneitloai of different rsfriincnts and ie aocldeats aa4 deaths that may happen in the ser- The offioc t upon Wilmlnton Sreet, a fiw.' doors- be-. low runen s noiei,na immcaiateir oppoene i on x nAi.i., helnjt the apper root of the Brick' Store occupied by P. FerraU. All oemmanicationi will be pnnctualtv attended to. Address, TUQS, iONES A CO, " ': i -'.: "f- - r . - - j, jjj pojtofBoe. 1V, . . .. . . w PuSnrriiiiW '8-flarrls. CaldtedlM N Barnbafdt. tVnaitrii Jolm Forbes. Curltret No election held, on account of the presence of the enemv. CuaitellS 8 Harrison, William tjonav tVuirfrn Oco 8 Hooper. S QhntkamV B Harris, Lleat. W J Hcaden, M Q Waddell. Chernktt J II Bryson. Osoiraw Lemuel C Bonbury. Cearelattd Dsvld Beam, J B '.ogaa. (o?iii W M Baldwin. Crfliwn J B O Barrow, Kicb.ird Bussell.. Vumberlrnrt and Harnett Hon J O Shepherd, Dr Jno. McCormick, Neill McKay. C.yri'feA-B Sf Baxter. DadOr R I. Bca!i, Henry Walser. .irif Henry B Howard. DupltnJ C Stanford, L W Hodjres. KJiecombe David Cobb, Robert Bynum. t'u'rM John P Ni.ssen, V- V Kcrncr. FtumkUn A W Pu. . CO. Jr. 6'noa A W Bavenport (iniHitffe Hon B B Uillwun, Jas S Anils. C'apt Eu- ti'iio Uriasom. (trcate Capt II H 11 At, fiil'unlJH S Sherwood,' B W 01 , W It Smith. O'iiK, W II Manning, IhtUnx Dr Henry Jorner, H Da. t llrllitroml Dr S b T. k, lhnfardi. B. - Jlemtcrwiu Ale h v".' JlfdfK L Mann. Iredell T A Allison, John Young. Jaekaon3 Keener. JokmtaK. Seth Woodall, W H Avjcra. Janet Anthony E Rhodes. Letnir W W'Dunn. LoHrttln A Costner. " Jnrii Ur J M Lvle. .Wmd-uii Dr Walleu. Martin James Hobinson. iU Uoirell Lt. W K Craig. itetHenburg John I. Brown, E C Orier, Mini ornery E (1 I. Barringer. Mwire Alexander Ivelli. A"iA Henry O Williams. .Yew Hiiri'irf S J Person, J U ilnwes. A'iifrtiifou W W Peebles, Ca t tl Statsill. .Outline J II Foy. Orange Joliji Berry. W. X. Patterson. J'nryio'ank Gen W' K .Alann.' Vn.fiMiiN Dr Jos II Uiddiek.-l'trin- Lt M ft V BninpHss. fin C I'erkiaa, B ( Albiitton. Haiiiliilpli Jonatliutl Worth, M S Rolibins. ItithMinid- Lt Sahdeia M Ingram. ;:.,.,,Muidock McBae, .Neill McXeill. lirl.Jii:iniiiV 1 Gilliam. .I;rins lt-vnolds. Ji'ninm K K Shnber. N N Flciniiiin. .'ri ,'.ji--A K ltran, .1 U Carpenter, t-S-inj 4tn- William lvirby, Tbos II IIoIuk-u. Si.mt-f- Li I'avette Greenv. W illiaiu Pleiit. ,V.-rr--r .los'i'li Ib.llinfSfei tb. Tn, ''- Kli S.nii;i. '..'..-(' i) l..-ti:nn!'. Il(, Wiliinn, L...VS. (i II Alford. I'a'.b 1 (i 1'ov.b-. II'.-, mi '! hon rf.s I Jeelkins. I. !!' (',( on . ,aiiu' us. in t'ai t. i i.n.ou li i ml 'l auii. :t.) H'ii (t'ditt - Wi", Morten. If. 1! 11 ! iv .s. M K (' t: f"id. f. 7- - K M V. -111... n. A 1! Ibi nWii. I . .-.- A C ('. .!... 1 !,;. M I) V.n:i STATE OF NORTII-CARbblJiA. ir.iL i.irr'.!f:T,.. .. .. ... .. . .. '.'S I!. V Vet , of lt.lli."ili;!;tf, (i':vi ri.or. Kir , . u tl. Hvri:.. .1 .. ct Anson, J i , iti.. S-tr.tjrv. I'.i-s II. I'--. i . ..' I . . :'-' .. ...-.,r ofrit.it-. 'i n il V C -i i,, f I. . l.in.-l. ' . 1'iiMie Tr.iunr. r. v,' i. i:. i; en .u.- .v. -f v.,k-. t hi-t fi-ik. I , s II. II ,,,.:! v. V:i, i,c, C ,.:,:-ti, Hor. . '.V. Iluv, of W.iU-. ('I k. ' ('. II. I'- i. i.t, Libi ui', an. X ltd M) df CLAIM."". ' i (pji,ol .." K. M o.ih i . oi' V-jsIi Ci, : ir.nu. S.,r". F. li:;i.i. ps, ot (r.a...' 1'. 11. Wivii-u..-, Jr;, of l r.t, . sri,;:i'.,.if r-oi KT !! iii"-n M. IY v..v, of Vndkin. Clii.-f .lestiee. . M. II. b r : I ' . oi O.aiiB. A;-..-l:i t.r .1 i.:st i. Miilns V'.. M M. . , nf Crt. i-ii, A-ee' i it .kn:i. v. V .ii.iv.1 A. .l;NKiN.s, of Win , rii, Atini uey General, lliii ifiv C. .luvi:-', of liov. mi. I! i utei'. fi.VM.'li. Fi.ki. of Wnk , ('Ink. .Iam; s , ,i ii-oiii.. of W uV, Ma.--hnl). At le -s.-i t lhe s.-sii.im nf (h.- Siipri'ini' Court uie held ::i :b t of ii:il.-i;;h ouee n n il', eniiinieiiein on the . i.iid ' ! ' i i!uv i.i J une. Legislature of North-Carolina. We give below the list of Senators and Common is elect to lhe next (leiieial Aseseiubly as far as we lor e lea i in d them. If any of our friends discover an ivtor, tucv will oblige us by informing us. SEN'ATK. f.ij.fiit nii.t Pern main -W. II. Bagley. Camden and I "Ktrihiek D. Mi lt. Lindsay. UtiU: in.'' CAuicxa Mills L. Kure. y.i.j oii.i Terrell CJiarles MeUlurao. A'.'..'.''i''v' II". W. S. t'.' -lui d. Il,, t'nr,l.1. B. SlaugliteT, lleriie ('apt. 'Dinmas M. Garrett. , Martin find H'sv.i'i""i J. G. Carrowajr. Halifax Mason L. Wiggius. iSdtjnmbc and Wilton Jesse U. Powell. Piil Dr. E. J. Blount. llennfiirtfj. J. Warren. Vrae'm Nathan Wliitfbrd. Carfaref ami Joneti)rl M. F. ArrcndelL Greene and Lamir Edward Patrick. . Neie Uanorcr Eli W. Hall. DttljiiuVr. Jjmes G. Dieksoh. "tju Jami . A. Mnrrill. 7.irfa, rim.nA-, rfr. Capt. J. W. Ellil. (Inmlnrland ami Unrneit William B. Wiigbt. Snmji-uii TLomas 1. paiscji. Witiiie Wm. K. Lanej Jnk'ntlun C. B. Sanders. P. H. Ru. - ' , Asm Capt. A. J. Taylor. ' fieukiih Wathingtnri' Harris. H'nrrc Dr. T. J. PitAbfbrd. - OranrilliK. W. Lassiter. ' (VerKou James Hob-man. Oroiys Hon. William A. Grab am. Aliikunnud luncWM-Uiles Mebaoe. C(iiniii William P. Tavlor; Moure anil JHimUjnmerji Calvin W. Woolcy. Hichmond and Unbenn Gilel Leitch. . Anenv and Union William C- Smith, (ni'iiru'.-i-l'eter Adams. . - . . Poiirc; Hon. Bedford Brown. Kariutijhrim Gea. V. li. Simpson.' Mneklenbury John A. Younfr. Cnbarriitanel Stanly i. W. Smith. Ruan and Davie Dr. J. 0. Kamsey. VarUUoi) n. Adams. Hloksind fiirtgtheCoi.. Jais K, Matthews. -' -Athe, S'nrrn, die isaao Jarratt. Iredelt, BA, c L. Q. Bharpe. Hnrte, Uelrll, Ae S. J. NeslL Lincoln, Uiton, de James M. White. . Umhernrd, Polk, e M. O. Diekerson. Pumoinle, Ihndtrtnv, A c William M- tihipp, MayKvad, Mmn,.ire.C. D. Smith, 1IOL8K OF COMMONS. Atatnaner R Y Mr Aden, Dr B F Watson. A Alexander Or J II Curson. Ai.h Tur.lie Rietiardaon, R Q Barni... jMt-i.it Geutry. -- r ' liaden-rYl Bum. Bean fori Jlon R S DonnoU, Capt. W F Marsh, Bertxt Dr 1'.. Jlenry-., Jamei Bund, brnwiri' Jt-Daniel L Kussell. . " Bnncombj John Bui gin. A'r--.'hn Pa'l". i . ' J. i, i.n:,l SUI'KKIo;: c(H i;t. .s '.lobn L. Jfi'l -v, of lluiir.inili ; liomuliis M. s of Wlku; Uoli.-rt it. H uih. of Choan: ibiiva.il, ji-., of Wili.n: Jiunes W. O.-borne, of .'nii i Kob -i-t S. Fr.-mh of Bobe.on : and Joloi . .. (. . -!l. i i . J. .1. Yo.i'-s. oL H.-rtford. ofl-tfir-. Wi.lii'.. .1. Houston, of l.iiliH id Cim.it : Wm. A. in . ol Wii.'iin, Attorney (ion. -ml, 3d Circuit ; Thos. . ot Buckingham. 4tb Circuit ; -BolH-rt .Stiauge, of t Hsmri-r, Sfb Cbeuit : W. (". Kerr, of Mo,-h nburg. 1. C.onif; ami .X'n. ers lb win, of Burke, 7th Circuit. :ti- I F I ! AY 31 HAT Ol STATE BOUNTY DUE DE CEASED SOLDIERS. Etet-utlvc Department, North-Carolina.'') I i:ilirAl tiK.KK.I.R Ul HIT, HAi.Kirjii, (W-tober 17th, lxC2. j General Orders, j Ai . i). j . rpiIM FOLLOWING BEC.LLATtOXS are PL'B J li 1. .1 for th" inforuiat ion of those porw.ua wi-liinsj to draw bounty of d.csas.tl soldiers in aeeor.lanee witli an Hidii.iHifw of the 4'onventioH ratilied the Tli day of 1- bi uin v, lv:Gis r.Bnri. moss. I. The payment of bounty to th repri'sentalives of do ee rt soldiers Is based upon the certificate of tin- Cmu uinuditig otficer of the company, w lio will stute the time o!-tli enlistment nf.the soldier, the ilnt of hia.dec sa in ser iei)tlie amount of bounty alnady paid by thu State a : i.l (lie ro'.npiiny and regiment towhich h. belonged. ( 1. Th" (biimnnt will uiak" aTidavit before a MiigistrSbi' that be or she. is the next of kiu to the deceased, aecoid. ing to the provisions of the fiiFcgoing ordinunoo of tlie ('imve.it ion, and thul thei o is no jith. r person ontitlud to reak'- claim. The aHidarit of the claimant must bo sue tniii -d by that of one disinterested witness, that tile farts stated aie eoro-ct within his owh knowledge, and that ho b ie n.-jUe'tst in lh( cluiie. The Magistrate adminitor ilig tho oath will eferxiCr.tt the endibiiitv of tit a witaess, and tbl -rkof the County Court will certify, unour seal, tha' be b an authorized and acting Magistrate. 3. If iht. claimant or 'elaiinAiitsiSe minors, payment f HI b: made to the guardian upon Ihu production of tha pm p.' certificate iinditr thu Se'al of th i Court of bis appoint ment and ti sullicjiiicy of his bond tlw cUini to be p: m cd by hi.iu SS rn'othei'3 ca;rs. 4. A bounty of .ftfty. dollars, deducting the bounty that inav have bucn-proviowly pald, duo to nil persons wJh. ntay Itave-tMluBtoetvd.frtr throe -yea w or fhewar, and to, all persons mustered into or continued in scrvicj utldor die provisions of the Misrription act. . By o:dcr of Govornor Vanc'i;: . i.(S. MABTIV, Aiijutant Geneial, Xor. 11.1SC2. I 3t. ADVERTISING RATES. t ','. The following rates will be- charged for all advertise- menu inserted In the DaiIt Pcoaaui t , one sqca or Twtive iisis, oa Lata: ...;..$ s U One dar. ..3 75 Twodars I Wb4ne month .... ,.1... 5 00 Three daye 1 37 W Four dars Five days One week...... .1 75 :i oo .2 60 Two weeks.. 'wo months Three months....'. Six months Twelve months.'.. 8 M .11 M .20 00 .SO M Twelve lines or less coon a square, and additional Crimres, will be cUargad. the same,- Cash trill Be demanded Horn all persona except where special contracts aro made. When sent by letter, U money most accompajjy the advertisement. , " LOCAL DIRECTORY. depot : COUNTlt OFFICERS, . Jaa A Moore, Clerk Superior Court) W H Moore, Deputy. J J Ferrell, Clerk Connty Court. B G Lewis, Clerk and Masterln Eqaitr. W II High, Sheriff f Geo W 'Norwood" antlR D Slater, Deputies. . ' Ililliaid Hudson, Register. . F .J. Hntehins, Trustee. - - - - - Hunnevcnt, Crier of Court. Bichard C Badger, Attorney; Feudal Bevest I. B Scagravel, Surreyorl. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor W n H inanos --Salary, 800. , ooHMisaiostai. Eimlrrm Ward W C ITpcburch, L T Clayton, David L Roystor. - J;jiH ITorrf R W Havwood, P t Pescnd, B H Battie. : 11--.. ll' I w U T-V 1 11.1 T Uli.lMltt i. . .in . 1 1 um i . i a . uv.ui . v hv n mi -. , . . r. ' . Vily TreamirerW C Uphurch. C'rrk (ajif Hoard i i Christopliers. r trw uy l onetable.- v l Ai"iilinl (VwarnMe- ft I' nt i. ... H' v Mailer f K; (F , . iiy Police Wm ;".irk E Juhj.son, MEarp( Tv'ni Be res. Dinlriet Connlal'.e Womble. V Sesrtvn- Osborne Bolt. RAILROADS. This is a correct schedule of the arrival and departure of tire-Mail and Accommodation trains at the Kalolgh XOI'.TH CABOLIXA RAILROAD. Mail Tiiaik Arrives 4.55, a. m. leaves &. 26, a. m, " " " 5.04, p. tn. Leaves S.SO.p. in. Accomodation Tuain Arrives 7.30, a. m.tud leaves at 8.00. a. ni. " " " 4.68, p. m., leaves 5.20, p. m. The accommodation train la not rmi on Sundays. RALEIGH AND GASTOX RAILROAD. Mail Thais Leaves 5.30, p. m. -Arrives 5.00, p. m. ArcoMieDtrio!i Tn viy Leaves 8. JO, p. in. Arrives 7.'0 k'o scComnindiitlon train leaves for Wrfdon on tnndy and none arrives from Weldon on Monday morning. MAIL AR RANG EM EN THPOST-OF F ICE AT HA LEIGH, N. C. XoitruERK Mail Open daily at (!, p..m. Kin-tern -do do ' . at (b p. m. Western " " " a 7, a. ns. Southern " " " at 8, p. ni. Fd.vetleville " " " at 7, a. in. Eiiijrle Itock Mail Opens ou Mondays, Thursdays and' -Stt!ilrd.i.i nt I -..in. Cnrthage Mail Opens on Thursdays and Sundsys at ".CO. a. in. - 1! ivloiro' Mail Opens Wednesdays at II, t. m. Le i hbiirg Mnil o pens Wednesdays at 12, in. Sui.n villt.Mail Opens Fridays at 5. p. iu. , .Norlb . n M.iil Clev-s d..ily it tl, p. in. Eastern " " at !, p. ni. West. -rn " " at 4, p. m. S .iitliein ' " ' at 4. p. in, l aytttevilb- Mail Closes (biilv at C, i. a. Kaglu Ititek Mail Ciuses Mondays, Tl ursdays and Sat tii i!:t s at 2. o. lo. Cartbac" M:iil Clo-Tn s.lays ami T ursdays at 4, p. na. Boxltoro' Mail Cb.s s We.Inesdavs t , 1, p. m. fe iielibur Mail Clo-ier. Wi tlnep.lnt at 1, p. in. Sii.onier ill Mi.il Closes Fridays r 7, ft. in. (HBer ti .:m, p. in ii.. and f lie U. olff' - Nov. II 11 fnr ituri l-i'f. the delivery of "ail frien 7. a'."a.?'tb i the we.-k. On inda.i , from H to It, a. 7, p. m. rei4ui. ed to trunVaet their business du. (!! ('. T. COOK E, P. M. H0TIXS. E X C II A N ; H HOTEL, Hll.I.SIHHtO'.STUEI.r. It ALLItill. X. C. avixo ri ::ciiasi:i nil-: i'kopk'ity is the if v of Kal.-igh. reeeiitlv occupied ,.v Maiur l'hil- liiis, and known as "riiilliiis' lintel," 1 liavo tiptned it' lor the accommodation of tlie' pul.tic under the name and sit le of EXCHANGE HOTEL. The ex( le-ive improvement now going on, and which w ill be, completed as soon as possibb- the erection of new 1'iiiMings and the tlinrougl, overtiitiiliiig and renot ating of ohl ones--.vill lender th. E.vtluinge convenient and comfortable ; and the proprietor is dct mined that its management and Internal arraneim nts shall he .ueh as to coinp.tie l.itoralilv wilb t.be lirst cla.-s hotels of tho eoiottrv. " 'lhe table will b alninibintl v supplied with the best tire d the cimiiii v ad'oitis, ami no efforts or e.pens pur' o to renie r the house in every respect -n com- fertll'do bo ill.- to its gllets. The Exchange is lueat' d on Ililbboro' street, some two bundled ar.ils west i f the Capitol. Thirty to forty hoe; and commodious rooms will bo ready to.- eft upution-l : the assembling of the L -gisla-turi'.' A liberal hi,e of puhile patronage is respectfully snli ciied. Give us a call nnd we will end .avor to trtat you w. lb . . Oinnilnises will be in atfen.lence ut the cars to convey passi.ngers to tunl from the Evehange. - - W. tl. ('fTXtSeOlM, I'swpriotor, L. UI'AXSOX, Superintendent. Kub.igh, N. C, Nov. II, IM',2. lunik- t and will be Jpllj RANOER HOUSE, WEST SUM! OF RAILROADS : (ioldsboro, N. C. J'iijIU Hand Side Going South. Lift Hand Side Going North. MEALS HEADY OX ARR'VA. ATT .iZ;1 One of the i t i r The pill-lie inav expect GOO.) Attentive Servants, a.e..::vt ' other com ort found a Sti f THE CARS. I I.at Jail. ia of tho .' Veil A. ilnuse. :r Shop. . ollie. 1, with ever x no .'KLI GRAN 1ER, Beaufort, .V. tl.,) Proprietor. . It REAKFAS (HI I NO N' DIN. NEW (iOINC 1 1 1 MRS. Dli ier and Supper ro'v BREAKFAST 7.I.S. SOl'TII, ' liiijht 1 tV ANTED, j N IntcIUsjent reliable Negro Man Is wuut- ed for the tMtlance of the year, tor whom good wag on will be paid. Apply at ' Xov. 11. PRQGRF.SS OFFICE. T7 HOUSfttVANTED. A Small Comfortable I)wrIllutM.t too far from the eapjtul, is w anted r the bulauoe of the present, and probably tj.o whole of tlio next year. Anv Ceraoo having such La hoii.se to rent will ph ase make It nowa t . PK'KiRFSS Q1F1CF. . Npv 11, s . n. ,. Sl PFF.lt r ISffOLB . illl.OBBOHO', N ,S'.' going SO i ioi ni SOI i a1l (rum the Raili pping at this Hotel IIC i' ' L , i T. yf 1Ir I ' pl 1 e of . Hau-ira.so . alffl from the Kail. 'i noli .rie. rassengers .lum ping at tins Moiei ui. - v ..u goon Fare, gexxl Knows, anil every comfttrt Qm, , be had. An addition of aixtecn lame, comlortabl.! aud well I uxnisinjd tuunn, reiidera-tt-aa wmpletc as any estaibtish- bicus in tho Mace. A pooii Barber Shop is atUched tv the. Hotel. jctl Meals ready on live Arrival of the Cars.'-'St f ir- Tho Cais leave d uly. , 11 Sl'SAX A, GUISW0LD CO. Orsict; or Souokon Gusmal or JI. C., November 11, 1M2. svpilE follow lug artlclea are required lor the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers: i "Shoes, socks, hats, coats, pants, praw- EKS. LKATHF.lt, SHOE THUEAD, SHOE MAK ING LASTS, (from No'. In 12, Inclusive,) . BLTTOVH, COTTON CLOTH. FLA'- . XEI. roTATftES, BKAXBY, BUTTER,' EGGS. AC. Proposals will be received at this oiUoc for a proper fup plv of tbeui. Those able aud willing to eoatributo them, wfll please atldrcss tho uudorMirned. EDWARD WAHBEJT, ir IS 1 yurj ftefttraj ef Q

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