) f" 7 DAIfcTPROGItESS.; RALClGIt, If, C. MONDAY, NOV. 17, 1BQ2, Tlwi.cnnrjpm boil and the fiendish devils dance .nmun.t IV seething, hWingmass'in demoniacal fury. "Til AVfJlern "hcArtiS OrVd"and hergrtfit n'-Rol J.muws seem to "rii ' TOe symptoms arc not without, eneonrnerment to , '.ndw -rejoice ''"r ' lfw1(l IT-. Win nrsans of the- 'radical hntHniM', "p- ' ptov ahd applaud tif roninwl of fieClsIlan, while j th. W.iJ w., papc t,19f f """" , light democracy, dcnonnc' Hw Ovwmmt f tV a t .'.In unmrnirtcrHW. John Vn Itarcnv l'ri.x-e J.,1,1) as he used to lo called, also denounces :t ami the gaping nmltitude that Old Abo .has wade, far rtiKKrnrod ler. of the ""im "to Richmond" campaign ?U 'President tvTtli ''wiwle Union, "itdcr. an .amen,'. "d'Cmstitf' n." This will t mo comfort to Mlmi in I... timncnt.nnd if the-Yankees should , fleet him M In' successor it will ln.Vi. ute a re turning sens f & l' " m,"'h n,ur- ,Wt " ' nian than the Rad RpHMer. McClellaii is ntU.sta ' gentleman lr c ueatkm and association, but the same cannot le said of Lincoln. He is coarse, vulgar and , Wneual.and as modi .Hit or place in an Executive 'a,amhr as a n-4-T..-l . vvr wouW be in a powder r it 1 magaame. T . . All men at the North' g bat they, are abun dantly able to "suppress the rebellion" and the quar- rd la dimply-as t who shall have the honor of Uiig the OI..rf'.iw Uiiion." They differ i the manner in which it is to he done hht slightly that - Iiowcvri wakes'no kindnf difference to u. T rad- : iesls wat to festore the UiVion by frecin the ,icgro, rjiile " our friends the democrats, v restore tlie Uni'T and leave the i' of sla T undisturb Hl.'ifflddeii friendship of the aortbei democra ' ryiovorl!ii:itondf''l to deceive u, and se warn .,PurVrT'! agaiuat.it. The 'offer of v protection 'to property, Jind especially "lave property, is intcnde.1 as n bait to iiuiuce us to rctiunto the old government and onent again to v -governed by them. They feally liavo n hope of stibjngiUing us irod never had, but as "Mie pxi'et nerve U nil powerful with tlwmthey think , to operate npon m by an appeal tpour cupidity. Iluch ' "c appnie slavery, and much as wo desire to sco . it urorectal anil Ter:ielMifed in these Southern 'States, we trainld r.ithef that t!w last one should-be swt-pt from .l e fee of th? eajth, than that 4lie eceled Statoa s!wM renew liieir allegiance to th texl government of Lincoln .and Pcwawl under ai cir 'Vnntataner. Lincoln declanw that slavery shmdd not stand in the way of the restoration of tbe Union, cif conwe intending to u all d wry tneans f r our nbinnati( n : and ve lo.uh'l di'tcraiine that slave property m-r any lflld in the.way c j' k While they l fitlicr'atHrjat, I anco, and pla ,lht-r kind jf property should 6i indeiiendeiioe. 4 md are trying icnt eaeh , n inercafc oiif rocant of, rcsi! ., rtl.ancc in nr own atrengih'and ' not upon "the "The ttepwblira uvV -iis f r .i ..nil Dim xr.us fi val deliverance, n New York may Hatrei, liu Bnin. u'e will pnaJi forward with the rtny, and wo conquer (hat we conquer a peace ctltcrwif 'ie av will continue, a: A no one can tell where o. iat lt end will be. ' Spt-ntatlon and Extortion.. Ordinarily .WReVe it heat that the legislative department of government sliouM not interfere with tliegcwfal conrsnof business, and that evils in coni mercurf transactions rfionlil be left to curethem- tielvfs ix-fow an enlightened public opinion. ; but in 'Vbeae time of extortion, spocnlaiion and robbery, an on'linnjT rrineiolc. snplicablc to ordinary times, will pot do. Nt only is the lifc-bl ood of !ie Ctmfedera y at stake, bift the. lives of mrr- people our wives "ami children, and t'.o wives and- children of the bcrC mm that arc fighiing air tattles are ai stake, and unless tlie legislature wbicbjb to meet litre to- day ..takes some immediate step to suppress the gene ral swindling that is going- on in arrives of nbsis tenoe, nome of fur pcopl nvnstdie by starvation be fore another croji is gathered. t Extortion and spceiilalion must l e suppressed by frme power of we arc not only a ruiiieil, but a starv ed and siiLJiigritrd peoplo. Facta a re acts awl there can t na-goo.1 reason for wi.thht.ldpig J,befe in;1 s rase, at leant. We haw wt oiilv fight the VaflJal invador hut we must ffgbtr the. Worse ; toi Vandal foes amon u. - the outlwrti rnati wiuV winihoids Vflfcr 'JbreadrclntJtioft hS, r.rwlt at this time w worse than Lincoln ornr of his nintona, for they are open4 irnenuea, nhile ttteso eharkSj wliilc priTfcfng" to be " "friends ar'- td us f Kubswtnc. The Legisla Inre M neepa tosuppn ill 1 open yebe ,i ui si mimrtis, 1 eitilatioh and . iu is'orth Car- si .""extortion " IB-Una in v Response to cr . npjii-4 in Saturday'ii ! jipeal. '.i behalf of the sick , n' ,vtiu iM, passing in rm ' r by tjjis city, has 'it a pr6ipt"ripo:mo . 1 iw tl5eS rgoou Geocr- 1 ' 'ji State, Whjle the position that lr . W arren twly liiaise it'h'ijl fj leAerth Cjir- hoi a iroopsJ:e. uociares triai mt vunvnnmnvt, ' 4 be t"kenr of, while eoeainpe't in or passing i M-i di North OaroKn 'Co H who kiiow'Pr. 'iirt' h an nasnranca fha ho iflli) hi whole duty " la bcKliDerfllloilflt . "V " " '" ,-Omo8i"vSi;Kaiit5liixitiib. ) ""TT ' . i" Kwio Jlii IS61J i" Emtob Paoaaass Sir I Htraaftw agt, With ' iwlt aiMi Httim ftfeall be at tha ftopak toe tfie jmrpnas of " Mk(ting t "aiek. aad wonKlh row 3 r D Brttbrr. Our maimed and atliicted in fca ta- k- H-t mM 8ifrjM(n''fncraf'liav1'rg i.r'tly' tlie responsibility of faiin? for, Vi. tho tk and - , - wounded,' wc Ikvjw that tho Quarter MaiteyV Depart , mtH tec to it tliat tbo rem un of Wici re 4 neglected arid that aU proper diapatch is Jiven to tlicir . . -tranaportatkm,' - Tk Quarts HastoV lnties w know , re wry laboriou and grtil!y , rciry prowptiy per- ; " formed, but if the fe in Hot nf3cii-nt do. all tlie "'OTkJetUbcincre'sW, , ,' " '" " " "", ' r ,.,r'r; :-l m!,.i-'I Li ,3eErn Iu- -J2on,'3f.' JR. ifcTion is said to 1 scri- rfO2BBrrfrirtfl Fnju Northern I'lrginla. Th1 Dhpn'ck X Saturday pays-: t Them wa ari ahlnn at Winchester on Sunday last, cawed by the report that a body of Federal ralry, nnndxwig a-ma throe, thonaand, an ported, by in fantrv, were at TJnuker Hill, and fuoving on that town" The (itte'soa, as is usual on " auch owsasioiis, eommenced pn'paratibns to leave, and many, of them did evicnate tire place .but on MjmuIbj non.lng the report wan -wrt.ined to be- without uiatAtta evervtliiHR qicted down. - The r-nrniv maile a dash into MartinatiurB cn tr KiKfe. -and caDtured one Confederate s..l.lier. On Sunday theV' made an advance! in con. wMcraWc Jrce on wen. af i - - f!irecti..n of Ohfirlestowo. shelling ,the wla onc side as they advanced but their fl.ra waa n.t res pondetl to hv our trouM. They cM ot approach fl-nu 'fire niilMI of r r force. On Riui.rd.ty last ekcen .rtuln of yi.MC spvu. tv of Londoun cmntv. eapturett op hundre.1. and tii l rtra-Tfllcr ..f tbo wwmy' foros ttt hnickers Gai Thev 11" H various reginienH ansl at the time ,.f "t heir ;. pittro were unrml. In addition. ...,,r,.i.j anwa enntiirpd. containmu a vnm- -i,i i..t ..t shoe and elething. Oue Jiundred andH ,.r f - i .vere brousht dovvn b thit (I'tUrai tratn 1 nlh'Id.iiKV t i the Winthc.ti r. too n tho ouli an- s!i'': vina in that cnjMt rusaengcrs by Staunton from V ffect that Gen. 6 ith the ent-my .'IHUV, anil iliO Was '.-!t a vi';. '1 .it t!ir " 0 . and ' ji jn state that a reran i o had jgtcr ylestenlay mornmg r ibe Hill bad had an enaagLn-nt Wednesday; in wbii captured a eat value, estii mted at not less than $iQ0.000. gr Along the line of "the Rappahanuock everything is quiet, mid no iiidicuti -w of au adviKic of tbeA'a: -kees. v ' rBOMOxioss, riKsHiNATioiis, c-e Icarihat Alfred Iverson. late . !oael of 20tn N" .Ttoppa, has wiarge number ..Tisoncra, and a wat i train oi becu'proiiKited to a Brigadier Generalahip, and that. John L. Cant well of 51st bfts reafehed, Wakiug Lt. Col. W. A. Allen Colonel, and Major If. McKcthan Lt. Colonel of that regiment. .. " N. C TnooPB-rPROjibtioits, &c Colonel Stephen D. Kamsur, 49th Regiment, promoted to Brigadier tJenrr.A 'This promotion makes Lt. Col. Lee M, McAfee Cotoael, and Major John A. Fleoiing Ut Cel. of'th49th." Col. James IT. Lane, 28th regiment, promoted to 'Brigadier General, which makes Lt. Col. Samuel D. Lowe Colonel, end Major W. J. Montgomerj Lt. Col. ' Colonel Invert 11. CowaiH 18th rppiment rc- onel, and Maj.. Forny George Lt. Colonel. We do not know Ihe stnior Oaptatns of "these regiments who will fill the Vacabcies in t' o rank of -Major1. Journal G; Jos. K. J..nt. ThovWar Correspond ent f tin; Suv.inn.in .' imMirkn writes: It h not known licfw what view is WKen uy iie lrei,lftt ftl'ie eaiv.init;!: in the VVfHt; various ro putts liave g- we out,, I il h!1 that' can he truly said is. that u-.tliiit'- eertam Isf r l.-v,,,u,v nlinilt. it. ' It 18 Mil 'thai ii'iusinjl itit.W'-!: to the health .f ' Ueii. hd bee h-ft to suck ! rrtentlT. bt.i is now rniiiilciited jn-.it irtw in regard bihiistih. Tho w.-.tnideil lion . paw in Vi'itude until,' qiiiet r-'porttil that condition is the subjert f reqi;ei-:t lnqnines.in Whether this alraw (hows w! i h wa in. K-.nlii ky, 1 l.avo it to the midei ir,i ..lic.H.iii's hiHiltla is -in " 'vi" agh quarters, the wind sets i eicnr.iiie. ; slowly. Ijis phraimiis say thereni.vlhc to Jhc ln-okifrib.lnHt ho is severe" trentnwftit in Order, if "pi f mc r'f the lungs ti'.g Biihjected to i , to disi'og'ige it. aib BiiciTA! Oi:iBAGFs. 'c extract the following pir.igr,iili. fr..ni-a ki:er from Niishville, publislied in the (ihattan'ivia llfisl: . "About the lime that Gen. Mwgan eataiSied Ms beadquarteis at l!,irtsvi!le, the wS'V on the part of the Yankees assumed the form of a silk-dress Wat. party that turned out returned with tilty-six (iresscs. An officer who was at G.ilkdin said to a friend of mine 1 imvnr ran in niv ti e.as 1 Ctld trom Morgan ut 6a!latinhlmt I paid tl.eii) for it." " llow? and the 1 ivlgti " I t ink t our silk dresses from one house. ' The war has imw cinfie d. '" to ladieii' tinder cloth ing ; but let nie sfty right hero, it is not tlie privates Itm'e who have this .thieving passion from (jeneral Ne-ley doWn it, is thtyMiiu! thing. I do nAt believe this army would stayfi aahville, only they expect to- do as Uen.. tlitehell (iiii-rsifiai inemseiYea ran- At one place a wretch demanded the ear-nngs irom A lady's ears. While she was taking one from tier right ear, lie tort tlie oilier iroin m kik xii huu be of a gentleman a few mile from Nashville, they went in and found the lady ill, with atr infant three wctM old. After taking everything from the frowse if any cnseqm uce, except the bed'sne lay tipon, Mie akeJ bern plisaws to leave faer one cow, as hw feabeeolvfil cM live wittwt milk.- One of them replied by .veinng the i.ursing botHe and breaking it, and ay iug it itmk have- nelet. lailk no bottle. A MHitaryiaoad te Cninberlasd Gap. Major Jdcnir, of the transportation department, s now in that State to aMst in seenring eo-operation in the work oi conn met nig a road to tueCumberlaud Gap, ' ' ' JIaJof IfiilitiourV plnu is lo construct a road one hundred feet wide, on tl most direct practicable route for Lexington r some point narer to the Ohio, 'to rtnmlierlaiid (Jan." and, thence to Knoxville, in East Tennessee the (inibcr to be cleared for three. wiles each aide, or rather felled, w to form an asy oUtrctioB to cavalry andguenilla"raidsr and to 1T ,lwur;,m J? 1,a KblAjtwyfww) frnM Cotiired am w uio iuyaiwawK w u ipiujrin wu the work, and also the employment of all able-bodied eonrrabands who come within the lines of the United .States amiy i tkhe iMrsiiS to be put upon the pay toll ; ymj)flitoil aeoonliug to the kind and arnoun "of labor performed by them, to receive vne-third otte-half f tU'lr pay tnon fitly; and the balance at th eoncVusion of the war, tuRcttor with transportation to such country as they r the giWernment may se for tlw.iroloiiii,itioit..J. , ' iiUi such a rnail mir armies could at once occupy t-f- tennesaee and the lino'of communication between ' Vi ginia and the MiwinMpiii - Commcroiallyfii would open eomnmnioutioa 'itU a grain pwdncing conn try, and too that rich in undeveloped mineral The enterprise wieeti t1e approval of diatingnislied . i can' aSJ? i 'StoiiBt-it inen ji'jjtln-iwt rogaKl to pontics, in .rvontucay ai.a ne, , Middle an 4, Western States, and there is to be a pow erful effort made to putU through undct the direction oC Major Kidonour. .- V..V ' I " - CobC roa DirTHBSi. A lady eorrespondeot sends tlie following '.'aimrtlR and effcotivw enre for Diptlicrla." She has tried A in . a great many cases, and fcels authorized tot speak oHttfficacy.v It cii eertaloly do o harm, and may save any li vea C SimpU tftdvd eurt for Dipfheri&.-kttit bathing the foct, wrap up w.wny Inr bed, take a tea spoonful f the tinctme tf lobelia, and apply an after poidfire'to the throat, s-' warm as, can be borne. ' It , ill affonJ Wit f in a Vu tiive, - ..... i' ' ".v,"- ''' ' '' ' - 'The Trench Army-Drill of the Zouate. A Taria paper, roforriug to the' last macBuvw ol tbelnfautrv of the Guard in the Camp de Mars, speaks of the arit modiiii-ationsthat bare been in troduced at varloua times into the ohl regulations or 1881 n The cnmmncement of the changes in quea tion as i "nation in two ranks instead or three. Then come the introduction of percussionjoeks and of rifled barrels the diminution of the weight corned by the soldier, and, finally, the full development of tfiasoUiMVactWWJs arid-Uf the nwbility f jtwkscs of tr)pS..iTle d(Juble. quick," or running stepV known s the ya gpnnattiqne, aud the bayonet.ex ercise, have been found greatly to promote tMb eupIe nees and acii vity Of tb eoldier, and they Wave been definitely admitted into th regulations sf of the 17th ot April, xoua, as principles i c....v..... The pas gymnmtiqut, Wbtefc is neither more nor less th 1 a steady moderate' ruu, improves the soldiers wind, md, bv peat tice can be kept up for a loug time. . enables belies of infantry to transfer themselves, in . or, to any part of the field where they may be i . led in an extremely, short tinii . arriving in good .nkr ami in gaxl wijiCshe e can be no doubt of the value o ' this kind of cfcercise, but it lnustlhani festlv beeonsjautly kept vx i -'aceime fts well as in ar. , rncu a few mor' V sttrtUin'uance .woiild v rala tnnch o( the w j e T; e bayonet drill, br '' ih reason, awl tcac'1 i n .n' UealuiB witbap as i precious means ...; t i.t prevmusuHinniK. igtTi wldier confidenee handle it mlfoitly, i u.e ca,sooi nis unuuia l Ivsrunries. Considered niF.riKtkttS of tho recruit, ', i bayonet fefiiif "M him and want of agili. fthe ' i-meilintda aoldier The o;i-ied are the develo ie-'t , and the mobility of t . 3 ,tf -suit. Thus h U Hr "v -xicht .infantry, -apt for rai 1 nself surrounded ' finally, as the bases the gymnastic stef oi Une .''orjmDal'.is'' ' peasant who is b fo great princii of the agihty of which is attainei try oranfeKmned nv' m int, tnr wiiiui, yunea id ui imuuidh 1 1-. ..." i . .. ' J i. it.- .it......l JMU 1 ffn) uf our troops, nmv protuice me gran. ro. v, IV hnprovenuit iiitrtiduced Into the ftnpy of so bellicose a nation as the French cannot bntbJe of in terest, and worthy ,t)f noting by all European Pow ers. Thetaette of be Prcneh iufantry,.whiebr in case or a I6gand" teious war, w'pUld be likely to, be largely angmented, are of a partwiltariy formida ble nature to trnops that are no prepared for them, or which do not poeaess in perfecfirm that calmness ahd solidity which long service ehd high dwdplinc'alone can tbmpletely bestow. And France has always in Africa 40,000 men, whom it would tak little mjre than a cbange of uniform to convert into Zouaves. A recent writer on the Algerian army made the following remarks on the Zouaves. , " The superiority of French soldiers K m great part to be (attributed to the intelligent manner in which they fight. Among them the Zouaves liave acquired a special reputation forr spontanicty of1 ac tion ; they are the artists of the' battle field, The part they play in an engagement necessitates partieu lar qualities thej Rre specially apt at surprises, 'cowj de wain, and la those acts of daring which often ?e oifl t.hn futa nf. tUe dav. .Thev are tlie advanced guard, tlie heads of columns of an army. TbcirA vorite arm is the bayonet ; ii musketry they have but moderate confidence; n many balls h W.. whis i.l.i !,..niU..I,. I,,, ilwmi . it ttinr ilesnise lead and i gve the profereuce to steel. With1 the bayonet one ! is surer of the result. The favorite tactics of the j Zouaves hft,ve been thus summed up by Gen. CI.t ' (a distinguished French officer, who ten -mended a regiment of Z-maves at the caphwof 8fbatool) : ; " They spread theniai'lvea in skirmishing onler, get" as ! near as possible to the enemy, bewiMif him by one or two dose volleys, and attack wittS- the l iiynnet, turning bia flanks ', tlie same time." .. " Success-ha alniost invariably crowned this ma iittMivre, -althongli there mi; ht be serioiis otijeetioiis to it with other men than Zoi.avea: In fact, when they thus dash forward they ar- disperaftt te disurdor, and it seems imnostiillt) to rail,- thnnin' case of am at- I tack by 'cavalry. But the : regiirifent poxess such ! an inteJlbJence of war, siii h a surprising raphNty of evolntionSiliio great an individual s.ilidity, that a line j of skirmishers, scattered over a eonniderabte extent ! "round, transforms itself into a square .in- the spare of a few miuutes. The olhVers, who have tiled their men and, know their value, leave them tho utmost lii.ertl'iiosble'. .Instead of thwarting their formi dable Impetus by uselessly dressing them in' line, they content themselves with leading them agauist the feeblest point of that of the enemy. Moreover, the Zouaves themselves have a particular tnstinctjii recognizing the vulnerable place against whieh their efforts should be brought to bear.'' The Cotton Famine in England.- The following in relation to the cotton famine h from i the London " Time :" . STOCKPORT. j, There has been ft greater increase in destitution 'In this town durina the past Week than has previously taken place in the same period since the eonimence- - . r tuk MMi ftmlno TI i an fnerpasu dtar 11 It 1 1 V VI IUG V -'..' " . - . -' r-- iue the week o 551 persona; In he receipt of paro- cniai reuei, ami oi no, uih yau ssisted by the various relief committees. The latter bodies do not now extend assistant to .any persons who are in receipt of parochial aid, and it therefore follows from tlrese'tigntes that the kicrease in the number of person sulwisting oUarity in th town wit hin Jhe short period flamed, is, ui rounftd cumbers, 1 ,500. As tnajNt "Hned -from"' these tac,. the state, of. employment tne lown nasfnarenany ai-, ' .mm the latest returns fesii- ot qperative working full 43 last .weak';. the number J9 against 8,499 lat week ; ttiiemploycd .has risen to 9,- ediiig week. atiou the members of othc tered for the wot- o. i cd it appears the i. iiib time is 8,670, an. . 4, working short timr is 7 and the nnmhe ill 28 from IfiC pr Takine in nsi rib. it ', inlatcd that tliew art ""nt- 1 0,000 pen .tit wc in the bortjngh, th. loss of weekly . es ' ig a-ffiOflt "'The total Bttmlier of ixrs axv ng relief, either from "the guardian or the, comuiittoea, is l&,80ut of a ixipbla-; tim . the last census of a little tnre, than 64,000.. T jxpenditure if the foil IjfcMftardlan'. hs of rapidly incteaslng, and a the Hwt meeting of . tody i was stated that he cost of out-doo re li i during the week "was f90T 6., ahewing art in-, crease of X8 9. 2d npon the "pteedihgeek.? 'Tho, numb of applications fotllef . wa 880, of whielj, 187 were newicasea, A ne poor-rate of os in the iund was levied oa Saturday,-which it is thought wiil ia,sLfoar monthvwii f Atrther raW of-2s.-6d. in ifhe pound will become Necessary; ' Donations to the fund of the fjentral ,5crf oonuito oontinue to be'-received. :'!..'. ' f -Hfe ".- , To tbe People of Eatsern North Carolina The Semite of the Cimfcdcrate States, ' ft ite last session, appointed tie nndersigned, oh a commiUee o pnwure evidenoef;) the vajieiaeta,of vandalisrn; wauton destracttoB ef ptiWie and private property,! inhumanity to aon-erbatanta.&c. theenftij. I earnestly appetl to kll having knowlcitgolDf sSch act to cause affidavits of respectable and reliable wit nesses to be taken and forwarded to meat as early a period As practicable. ,'. iv - i Affidavit will ba. sWorb-ta tjetora a Clerk of a Court of record with his omclal seat attached," W be fore Justice with the certificate of the Clerk of the County Court under seal certifying his official charac ter. " ' H. V t - " rVpfa -circulating amosg 8Rtcr ritiams will please cpy. - -W. T- POBTCH. Gvi.n.-cAHo', Nov. Ufa) 1 8ft2, -I'.e rtanufacture of Whisky. This fcu'ijott will n5st certainly ba brouglit bo fore tho Legislature" ot th felisuing Bession, nd their nctiA upon if is looked for with- ro small degree of anxiety ' by our poople:.. While but few of th ects of tBe lata Contention eaftboap placed, it seems to be gbnerally Coneeoded that the Convention acted wisely in prohibiting it manufacture until after the let of J anuary next thafejujeh, ecUo. was absolutely required to pre vent 4- great eeareity "of grain aha wnsecjuenl fiuffering among many of 'ouf people; When tho Convention passed the law prohibiting Its manu faatiire. the wain crons for the preaent year could not be estimated or determined, aiinougn jyie t prospect for full crops of all kinds of grain, ut fha, tinlo. -waa verV favorable. Their action, however, was taken to prevent lite distillation oi; the old grain in the country, and had no reference wo think, to'tho crop wleh was then growing; It would be difficult to itfd peYson cWtlrel un interested ,wh would prcroonncethat ineRSure wrong, after seeing and knowing the -'bjSicBt which have resulted froniiC w 1 ; The grain crops of this jeaf 3jkv&g fallch fed much ehort of what theymigh have- been, wd th pricei at wbtob they 'we'WUiagj UfviBgaa- 11 jfuSa of attack, aajiManced so greatly, we unhesitatingly say tDatw? Idnsider it tfeftiuj of tho Legwlature to extend the prohibitory law u loroe now in boiuo juaunej , and we believe that in kk dojng,4hey will carry out'the wishes of inetdnt!niof the toeople.All ihe grtln in the eountry'WiU be abeofiiyy requit ed for food. and even were it ased for no other purpose, it th beared tbo supply will not prove Buffieient to preyent some (nifering aDd hold out until the nqxtcrop is gathered. . Whisky can W dispensed with until tlie war U, ended, buf BfSdl cannot. The largo amouut ot Drandy uiaue mi w yearnrill surely supply aU the necessitiea that fctor arn' ilkelv to oeeilr: ' anct certainly if it wM tieoessary ahd.rtght to stop tfte manufacture. of wWskVhengrain was eotnparmveiy plenty, it i much more so ttow, when it is scarce and hard to iret at boat., -'if a Orohltitiwv taw is Bot hiuuiml . thcirA are hundreds who will take advan- togof .the .oiiiission, krtd obtain the gram by some means or other. ' Iu this case it i hard to imaffine what times we shall have io endure, but we Siitif we can safely say that what we are pass ing through nor, pa bo only Ind,1igh.t1n , com parrsmi to that whifih is in-store for. Ih'asfod titntinel. A Tnuk P A T 8 loT.r The, Western ftenlitiel records tlieffollowing iiistancl oftntftjwtritittem aiitlChmtwu virtue. Wc wish that sueh "cases were cfttiit r to be met with : . 4 h We learn that the Uev. John Swicegixxl, a miuister of the gospel in the Lutheran Church, and a citizen of Davidson. coui(ty,b in addition to his 'miiiisfetial character, a'farw and the wner of a grist jm. I, This gentleman in defiance of tho wicked aiRl Mlisli spirit irf speculation, habitually refuse evwy oiler to SSlI pMtlucc for.a greater amount than tluMild priee.i. Indeed we have it ujt gd artthuriiyj that ho iv tiinsallhis surplus prexliteo for tlw wives anil Chil dren of noldjers!, and tiMCwfio are bereft and destitute. Hy a course of rlils kind this g'd jnaii ami true patriot may tint extend his liehis or increase his store upon earth, but yerily bets wimung atri'in I.eaSun. And we reckon with miikII profits and conscioiinis of doing fight, he is far happier than he who gluou upon bis thousands, vMieheil- by tortn ami 4Kt ulatii.n from the pockets of t?.e dertitute. The Negro as a Froeiaanv 'Tlie ciaulition of the "uiiitr.ihand wherevir they have collet ted during the war, appcas to Le tit. gi,roe ond sad cmaigh it i. A cki riWpotidcut tuf ti e liuliauapoffri iMfW JoHtu' writing tim Cairo, Kivi's his account ol'tiie.nei, .ea, (ur lueuatvlie, a he tivn i llira Aillfiettil : . White waiting this morning for a boat I conclndrd to go to the ruciiagerie-a retil show, thVauiiiuiB bl which are partly caged anti parny lying wirw. in and about the old Urrachs over on thebkd' ri,e Misisipiii. Bitch a night 1 old wolm.fi and older women, heads as white u wool ami more kinky babies, froui a. xiicekfoid all the w.iy' upLtilLloo big o by babies, all hall '.clad aud dWlresJugly dirtj it is the elephant we got in tlie r;tfle, aud now whafWdo witli it. is the qiltioti. More thah two tbouaafta of .these wretched beings have lieen sent heie by miltta Vy aittherity to prevent starvation. These are "cap tives of war," most of tnem having been ahamloOcd by their former masters, 4n and about Oiriutb, luka, and lkUvar. 4Wnw are from Uurtis'a opwatUai. They have (allan into tr band in spite of our UiMi. lary policy to preserve .the statu of slavery, and their numbers are daily increasing. There is a gi cut de mand hi tabs State for nieu to gather the corn and cut the Winter weeds so great that Northern Illinois is eomplaining that the faiinerr in Southern Illinois gohMc p an we wm as a i are here every day ..for hands. . . Wishing to get into the aotipq of the darkies, I -tiasseil among them as an IUhkU farmer, my army hit aesw- a capital purpose jn jw game. lro- , ed. to I a inao. "!!-. "Pi; $Jm Want roe i j po ? What you gifft'ise 7 uomg up the drrricst woman t saw, 'I proposed to her. " Can t go, ah V, I's gt1 four babiesr , Well I'll Jake your Lbies" "But I'se sotTa liusband WeU, I'll " take your husbai , too." "But dars old glanny, I an't leave her." " Why, cant you go, tn gu? , 0, master, I's in hopes fo1ne days it will please do gobil Ldnl to give me back to 61dmaste I tn d a dozen or mow, and foond timlerlyh 0 hopes of most ot them was ah ultimate veto wif iattv tafid n'rW'raf8.': . v--. . !!;' 6h,Jarrpb' '!' .;, . "Hietr local aatdoaent to anqu iable, and they seem uttcrlj; unreconciled to aepu. its the families. An over sanguine jriena oi mmo,a puysuwu, hoo to me the Mhcf .i to procure a f uitablc boy tor him, who, after serving a reasttnab'e tline'asJiostler.Ciaihl be put to the science of physiciug. . I eoncludmlto get tint boy here but j-oU-ought to h e ie w-hites of f heir eves and tnetr ivory it . Uidylns to tea' doctor, Thebtlrsv. of - n .ib ehell 'would hardly have- pdueod.fireate.r cortsterna tion Tlie facts bere-and the Tacts every "whcre1ir n Idok the subject fairly In the face. Until "tetim ooroc when these can Kturn tpUleir homes b peace and-froeilom, they must be managed -liere, and to di. this aome system xf apprenticeship must be adopted ai, These creatures have neither J,he Intelligence nor tne oi.., M ndiMiW ' n-ismtisirHniT wWlv for' their own hibor." One roan asked $18 per ntohth the year tottnd, another $29, and another $5. ', , ' . , r . .' And yet pbilantlmpjst-o called desire- tourn free, awl tbu deprive tlwm of their iiatniI pititep tion and shelter, fwUr1 milu'-f just such bangs, briifging desolatiorr upon both whites and black. ., i..n...ijii niii.li i ii,n. Ynou TiiK Tkxas Coast -The Cbwner 'learn by a private letter; toe gentleman" 'of Ketches frojii La- vaeca, Texas, of a late date, that the Captain of 'the btockadcr and slttr sevet) of his men had, been tak en prisoners and sent to Corpus Chr'isti, the very place he had so long beetls bombardiug and could not conquer. Tli same letter conflrm the rerfted arri-i xal in a lVxan-port of two Vessels wh powi3r;.rucd-i icities, etc. It w said they took, ouf cai-gocsbf cotton on their return trip. . The reverse iamt afras Jliy which the towb c-T . A; 'A i '.t-1' ." M 'it : ... . . .1 - Aewbera, lull into iue nanaa, oi vue enemy omue. 14th of last March,' is- well remembered by the pttbi lie t and'havlog lost the', entire material andlock constitutiirg the ,Daity 'Trogm, establishment, as. weH is all other property that I possessed by that disaster, the publication .or the paper7, under Jny , management, was necessarily, suspended. It wiU al- ' so, Vjb- rimemlMsredi. bj,,, Jatnr aOJ1? SP!! m " the public-that I published Card In thi press of the State a few days after the suapeesloii I at New bern promising to start , tlie. paper at some eligible point as soon as the becesaary' arrangcoienu could be made to do so, but a combination of nr favorable cir- cnmsthnceS liave' prevented mf doing so until the . .. r . ...11 . 1 . 1M present vnw vynen aewotrn ien w iu j bad health and in the army, and being prostrated for several mouths I could do nothing towarda teriviiig ike papers In July, hrrever, I resigned say position io the army, alter being assured hy burgeon that I watM phyidiaUy,f Jp or eld dntyVand rfnee 'tVarHhw .naTvebeen uttceasibg in my eflortB to get tho paper again under way. t, J'roroises as to what course the Pro$rei ill pur sueWhat measures it .will advocate oropp.we,or with what party it will effiliatewould be perfectly superflutms hero. What Thf Daily Progres was in Newbern, from ep' Her 1st, 1858, to Mi ich 18th 1802, it will be here -rPOTtlind fearless tndgrendent AWtr!' w.'11 be'41!? u eliqiW, or party, but will fearlessly discharge its duty to the publlp re gardless of consequences. -: :My arrangemetits for publication in the City of llaleigh, are, of comae, not permanent,; fo when the war ia over, or tlie enemy eirectrially drive ojit or Newlwrn, I shall return, with other wanderers, to my Jibwo, to labor again fir and among a people that have done more for tne. than any Ktltet, ami to whom I sm afl'ectioiiately attached by the nioat intimate sjkLiI and businsssf'tiea. The publication of the Frogrei will be continued hero, probably, until lire"" war is over, provided the Yankees d nod again com pel us to " change our bases? and I promise the pub lic to exert whatever of fale.nt and energy I ps.s to iake.t worthy of the spprolntniB and patronage ol thtlihtolligeiicc and rtfiiiemint of the Metropolis and the people of the wh ile State. . A to the. name -of the paper, I think whateviaof reputatu value that attaches to it is mine, and I plnill net suiw'dt. it. The enemy have stolen and appropriated my presses, type, f w. Hit they cannot stal tho name of the paper. Tho " Kcwhern Daily Profrtm" tlt tliey isww, is.a bogus, 4Ilegitituate concern', and The Daav PaoonKsa, issued by the original founder and proprietor, is the real and legiti mate jmirual. rite -Teh-grnphic aud other arnlngcments whii h I have niiije, nd shall make, will render the i'r gresi equal to any S the DaiHss of the 0tifedera4.y, audi solicit the scrutiny, cruWisniR aud lafeontuje of tiie jpblic. J. L rr.NlNNTON, ' , Editor Htd i'roj.r.'or. . Raleigh, K'ov. 11,1862. " . i Th Ren t Northern Elections. The New Yor' Herald, of the Tfli instant, has an Interesting ed!triiil giving an aiinlytical vkw of the itvtt t ekitious, and foreshadowing in some very .ig niti.4nt spevcfies the policy of the4 Democratic or O'ltservntive party. Tbo conclttsions of this artilee as to the political Cotuplflrion or the next Congress are as follows: .OonserviilivW,' $ 101 lWpublicana, -. 83 ' ." '. ' ' " ' Conservative majority, a 18 " .The Ueruld jwriistiiitly says the i.lca that the De ngicrals elected to the uexV Congress should .hold a (XiSfeiitioti to. ikfliie their and publish to the world authoritatively tlte meaning of the late elec tions. :.. - . -. ui , . " Tlie plain suggestions of this and other articles of the Herald arte, that tho recent Democratic triumphs slnmld be made the early oci asiuii of laying the foun dation ( f a thihw party to tlie South. It is not im probable that if liicse suggestions ate followed the KnuKtatic party of the North will ere long nfler plan for the reconstruction of the Union, based pnsni bly nnoh the ea-tftiiwrn tf-tht New England Slates, the adoption of the Constitution of tho Confederate States, and whatever other concessions 'might cath .tlio siijierficial views of people of the South. The hints of such RO experiment upon the South are quite plain In recent outgivings of the Northern press. , The J-BM indicates tne policy oi ai once jj-nev-iiig the Hjop!e of the South of all delusions and false impressions as to the spirit and purposes of ' con servative North.'.' It thinks that the reenit Demo cratic triumphs are forcnfiiiiers of some great and berteficfal iterttrttt but It Is c ircful to say that tboy do not Invoke a treaty of pci je uponany other basis than Ui; lotegrijy ot tu union.:; jwcawiaer. " JjKAfrt or A BtiioifitEttOfKEBAi,.-;Brigadicr Uencral Ai-Mso Kblsok, C. 8. A., died nearl.lttle Kk, Ark..t the th nit. He was formerly Mayor of Atlanta, Ga., ani lor. si-v '-al years a nietnUir of the G(k,rgia tgislstlre: He served "ith distinction In the Mexican war. J?EBSoAi..r-Qcn. f olk wr day . f . thii city ou Satur- OoATJOKS VOB TBS State tre riiadv to e dnth' .ir, itiuca. blank dier forth-arolin Many persons In the iU uhat they can spare In , Sic. lor the bum-fit ni " Mil provided they can be r ecr- tain L at the artlle itt WRl reach then i nuatiiiD. We hare taken soini piiaSTtS asoei tnln Ii w litis can us C me, and' the following '6 the l u.uit df oar iaqaiiles. These arranireinenU may bo'relied ioo I 1. Onvorilir Vance has ardored the Captain of ery militia disUlct "Ta the Stale to Call ftpOn eaeb famllv in their evral districts, to parches or cstlect what they iatrlcti, to parches or cslkwt what inejr to give to th "North-Cai-ollna ldlcr. ; linneys, leather, shoes, sooks. carpets and nado, to be delivored by tlw oloucl of the may i- willing I blankets, Janes; 1 regiment to the Quarterm aster in Hali igh, to bo forwarded nlnthita saniail tt nnsirt Dy nun to ine propiT regimeni or TOui)njri - , fienldes this, thiople of one or move Captain s dis tricts, tf thctr doBStloBs are iufllcicntly large to justify It, mav select a gentleinan whom they may prefer tu carry on their donation! to Ui rsgimeiit or company, sad tbe State will farnitb the Wwnoltetton and pay the ncces-. ary sxpews-STf tfiesgoal - , 1 a. All ar tick donated thobld bs tarsfulty but Bp in Cackages, hags, boxes or Barrels, and the; should be legi lv directed to the soldier or company for whom they are tirteedd. Darning the company and regiment, and if pes ibl the brigade i ' " 4. ptrsons whs wish U scad articles to any soldier or eompany, kat who do not find tt convenient ts duliver it to-the Captain of tliHr dntrict,r to peclal Agent, by -dlrtetlWfp tt carefully as above, way deliver to the nearest RaUMad Agent dliested to th care of Captain J. P. Garret, VuartcrmSKir at Ralsigh, If . C, sod it a ill be promptly iQiwarded. v . m ' J- ' Su All articles Intended for sick or wonnded soMuts, or for hospitals, mrt be rerltr-dircetcd, and MjnltOUia ears ef fiargoon OAiersI rtsrrsn, Itslsigh, C,