r . - ' -::'":.::. ""-.i- - vrt ,'- V?, '. . v. ' .-.', '''" ...y .,,'".., .;,..-;;.;. '.V'J, .- ,., ..,.'. -. - ' . . 1- ' OS' '- ev'e . ! . ... . . " . .- .y.:' ,..- .i.,.,.. -v..,-., - . 'w,,' -.k " -''. .':..',-. ,: : j, :w- .-..... -. v . , J ADTTI9iTarBATMftrW ' Tile following rates wiU .be -etargiapbjail aavertu, mcBta inserted In the Daih Paoeaisl : J J , I osa Kjciaa or twaiva uni, tisa-i '" 4 i ij-v i :, '-.' s : xTKRMfl OF SUBSCRIPTION. - . i , f Tbo following ere th only term, ojt SAibscrlptton to Ti ,rK! ...5 01 One day Two days Jlireorfays..., Four days...., Five days..... One week...., IS fwrt woekr.v. j"v.i One month. .i.i.,.-, Dallr Paper, I month, $1 CO I Dally Paper, ponths, $4 0 4 ,', y - .' ! I V " ' 00 -The paper will not b lent to new subscribers without si - the money In advance and in all cases it.wjjl betopped m when tfu ttftte patd tW explresMi . ; Two tMnttii..:.:...- s u Three months .12 W Six montha 10 tt Twelve BHmtbj.i..4.... Twelve lines or less eonnt a atraareV an4 addltioaal square will be charged the same. , ,y t . Cash Will t demanded from all nerabps neertt when tpeoial oontracU an made. Wlrrtf seat bjr Wter tkj money must aecompttny tha.aiivetisementf "i.-rt Y()T,1'. ;ljaALEHJtiiP mttsrtdi. mia w oe equal RINTIXU are solicited fr iivWitrk entrnrtd to ue will beaoatly and exneditiimsly .-MMM-aiMaggMTJIII mi II 3g."-BWi l-" -: "-7" TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. fRKPORTED tOt. Til A ASSOCIATED StBSS. .-' . i - ' . ENQtAKD AN0 THE AMERKJAN WAR WOS'T ' TNTErtPERE-Di?MA!n) OF THR RicnMoKD, Nov. IT, 1882, . " "'""'rfr Wl'' lifeeen -speaking ugningi any Inter fertne q Aninr!cn nffuirs or recognition of t!w Sobtli-u CflnCeileracy. ' fliTr. SWell an Interview witE Emperor Napo n in SiiBth instant. " rht ituldn Time saya tnat tlio Flera1s.are Justl- j In a vigornua prfecutioi of tha rigrit or Search in Bctrnuda'i The 7Tm city artHe'anyg that fyona took out full aamiancca that while Englaml will bo wger in cowcii with other nations to adopt any step to ' promot permanent return of peace she will, rapnrt ' white, fiirtirklunlly, refusd td depart one hairslireadth froni th course of non-interference. Tbo' lintet is 7 glM to see the demotrata making tiw of force nt the North aud believes their audoesa most promising 'w'""'fur peace. '.- The abdication and fliglit of King Otho from Greece la fully fonflrm.ed. , ' ' Cotton very dull on the 20ih at a declineof one io two pence Cmtsola 9SJ Tor m.mey. ' The Waaiiiugt.HJ correspohdent of tlie New York ' Timet my tlmt tle French Government hss demand ed full and immediate indemnity for aft ,injnrioH in flicted hpoti French citizens by Gen.,Hi!tier, and tlmt the Stali Dejmrtnient la ready to baek ddvn to any extent fmirt Butler's acts. Also that the .Spanish Minister lias demanded an !tpolnry fur burnivgof ves aels fri Spanish watow by cne of the ships of Fajra ' gut afloat. ' " ' ' I;,, FROM BUR5STDK8 ARMf THRRATENKD TROUBLE WITH FHANFAND SPAIX Ml--CLT LAN A UOK, IF KOT A (lE.N'KRAI LORD LYOXS AND SEW'ARD, ETC. ' " , Richmond, Nov. 17. Raltir.inro papers of the 14th have been received here. A corrt-npitidcnt with Bilrnaide's rtrrny tc!e- f rnphu tlmt tUe IVlcral Jir-e was 15 miles, beyord tliR Rippahannmk river end amnh of Winchester. On the 12th iimthnt some of thr most pryhigof tlie Wii-ldnTtim cirnf jwrndcntt asricrt tlmt the cmditmii " (if "the TWetSfi re1hi ns were tiireati'iMii;'," espi" dally w ith France ami Spdn. fJtn. McClellan ia Iwwlcpcd with visiturs from New York, 1'biladHlphia and other plaem. On Thijralt.y rveiiini; the itieena of Ircnti;- msw Jcr i-y, pave him an overwlKdmiup d-m mstrjitinn. He responded in a pech wlm-h waa .freijoHiitlY interrupted t v chwra of Ida audience. The closing aeutcM'-e was : "Whilst the artny is fi-dilin;:, yotr.as ritisrs fee fie war is prweciitcd for tho pn'servation or tl.o I'nim and Ci institution, for your nationality ami your lifihta." Lnr I Lyons recently hal an interview with Scwhrd -iMd Yankee correspondent speakme (if (lie iulerri w say that liotliiiig whatever ofullki d ehann-ter b s, been rec ived from EliHlHiid or any Oilier European power indi' atiu an intention to ihterfrre with our political afl'uira in the rcnoimitimi of the South. ' LATEST FROM THE NORTH PROTECTION ASKED FOR' NEW YORK HARBOR RE RISTl.VC) THE DRAFT MoCLPLLAN TO HI- ' MADE SENATOR-CIIASE GETS A LOAN ETC. Richmond, Nw. i7. Northern palters of tho Htk'and 15tl( furnish a-!-ditional items of interest. Gen. Halleck visited Vafrenton oy the 12th iitsl. and was heartily received by officers, of the Army. Gov. Mijrg'ati and Collector- Barny visited Waah ington to urge adequate and immediate protection for New York Harbor, and the requisite orders were issued. Tho araft ip seonsirl tvaa resisted in Aaeoka by a mob who destroyed -tho draft box and rolls and attacked the privute rcaimnccs of several prominont citizt . n. MoC.ellan .s proposed for the vacant Senator ahi4 " New Jerat . A complimentary dinnef will be terrt red him in: New York. -' A temporary five per cent lor i of twelve milfiona asked for by Cfiqisiihaa beea filled up ly New Vork .bankers, i ncarlyNhe whole amount paid in. It Is reported that Chase hMtenethisjiegojiatlop be Wnso o7 serious demands tipon the Govejnment by Enropean powers which might lead to grave compli cations. .. . ii( . . v ' ' r ' ", . -YANKEES . ADVANCING ON FREDERICKS B U B G PEOPLE LEAVTNG---T 0 B A GC 0 BURNT EXTRAVAGANT BUifORS NE W SECETABf W vAB,"ETC; ' . . ' 1 '.t.:."''"' Bichmosd, Nor. 17. A report reMhwrFrwIerickaburg last night that the Yankees ; .wore again advancing on that place to occw - py it, in conseqilenc of which large quantities of mannfactnred tobacco belonging to , merchants waa destroyed. ,ifmornlDg "tliq escitemfinl aiid'appre- ' hension among the people Increased and a large num " Vei teilV town. Tho mail train wLiclileft about noon and arrived here at 6' o'ylock brought down a num ber gf refugees. At the titno of departure, the enemy had nc-v appeared but were believed to ba withinS miles. Various extrrvngant rumors in relation to this, affair Jtave beeu circulascd here to-day. Gen. GutitavusW. Smith, commanding this de .Mrtmenf, buu fceen pp&, Jpjrtaat.lt v':. $. nUenm. .. , ( XtKB0&9 DtsrATCn. , . .js . - RlCHMOHD, N017.' . tert from Frcderieksburg siit tht ,emy;jpparr kt oh theopposite side of ' that i khihg ha- fceen going OJl all & . emy Vi u jt; .ttiyi m:i .f 'i- ' ik-r ' . 1 To Oar Old tchanges. JTe send-the rrngrens to our old exchanges with the hope they will renew their favors. We shall nlso be obliged to papers In the State with whijm we ex change if they will notice our revival, and insert bur terms, which will be found elsewhere. Job Printing. " Having the use of aft excellent Job Office we are prepared to receive, and solicit orders for Job printing, whirh shall be promptly executed. in good style and at prices as reasonable as the times will pymit. Ilaiiil Rills, Blank Forms, Circulars, &c. and in l iet all kinds of general job' work will lie done hi the best style of the art, and with promptness. ADVraTtersG. -The Proyrest is a ntipspaptr, pub iished forthe masses, and as it will circulate generally throughout the State and be read by everybody, its mpt 4 elsewhere. importance as an advertising medium should not be ofdrlnoked bv business men See advertising rates WiTjH!ioif 4TFi i'siS jf U. Tl. Coipjtsrt, 1 K!h .Nov., I8BJ. J Wiliuiiiton, N. C, rm 'jjY r , f " , mi' v i.- 1.' f2 rpili3 Hoard of Dir-ettors have this day de J clan it a Itfriij lH oi Kl.v-n IwJ pr rsitr.. n tlie uiiaeproptuited ii ftliU of the lluad n and ai'.er tlio Ut .l:oiu:iM' u-'Xt, at tli. o;i('L of tlid" lYea.fure:-. Tiausl'ur Hniik wlltliB ilosed afL-r cOtfi rteefiivbei-. imv I-. II. piHvM' T. Secretary. Grvtl. E. I.EE'8 BODY GUARD. VRfLEMUlU Chance for enlisting in a select' C.lr(.. . , $J0 lldtNTY AM) $2 Pi:fl MINTlf. Fini' li m and ai-Icodid cquipiuei;U funopie ei to every mrntr. f- ' -. i'l.'fl aililresa me or ciill :it the eil;r' over I. Ferrftl' Hoi' ', Viliiiinsruui stictt. Kal ili. N; 0. . " S. A'AN'X LA RK INS" .6TO1MU:7 Kf oi uiung (Wieer. SV JJSTITL" TES. I I ."OUR roo;1, reliable men, nntives, ever 45 i oi.ipii.v-.i a. st'r.srrn.'fKs, tin a veartilil: nice If im'nedfa'r ai'i'lieatiori Itu inale it :lie A;"y lnt.llii, ncs O'iiee, Wilmjntnu stieit, over T. f'?.': all's ?i(ii-r i tui.ile Town Hall. Uaiih, No.. 18 at ' TO THE MBmiCAL PROFESSION. rpHE ITmter'iiiriieil has tti press, -and will shoi tli pnoli'li. 'a w oi k t-iit'ttl. tl r-L UU!.:iy Ft.'K t'A Mi'. I I ..1.0, AND 1ICPPITAI.." Ti'oce ili-'eo-' '1 ! eoiee selve'ili ;i vi jl ; t'er.uanl tiejii' luniii U) he aiuhu!'. ut n) tsli. V. t'. K1W A lilt WAli'lKV. nnv 18-tllm Su: (; n r. .i! of X. ('. ;i!l t- ARSIV IN TELLlCIKNi LJ Ot'rlt 'B. rpilR t;M)!'HSlU.N"I I) IIAVIN'tl SOMrt I XIT!.'! KVf K ifl MmtaiVtftfiti.s. notili 9 th -ubie tit it. lot Sh ir convent 'net:, tlievShai" wtaliUtkuJ.' tl.-HHvlres in Kal. ih m: tie- .til, f aijfljfjimj, ai. ins ivlei :nav 0 'f. i'!iene:i'"'ii ii.on me ets li'latinir to the armv, Ut wit: tTO- f.t .SCilPl'IO'J l.W V'MPTION'S. S'l'S STITUTKSl ?f'ilijl I K'lS' I'A V . WIDOWS' CLAIM ;i, 6U,IUI.i;S' iHSt'lIAiii;1:, 4n! nt e.ii-a1 ne.iiul 1 tie- ;njii..ii of e',.V .': nt reejnientM aid iJigoelleMt' and d-ath- that iu;iy bapi'CB in the s;m l iee. . Jhrt ofliee i orton Wilniinten Si t( t. a f'".v d'etre le'-. 1 m Pull 'n's II. t 'I, ami i Olleetillt' Iv oppujiteTowS Hi!.' , l"ijr tht nuper room of . the U, iek Mtnro occupied by H. Koriall. All cmiaiunieatiiew will l onetallv attended to. Addres-i, 1 IIO.S. J'JN KS A CO, ' . i Uox -jm Foistoiriee. Nov 11 ' '" , ' -dim Executive Department Ni-rtlt Carolina. 1 " Auictant. Oexlb'al's Orp icn- ( Jl ilifia. ) V '.- .'- Kalbish, Oet. Ii6, 1882. J General Order.) , No. f. f " TllliCdLOXKLSOFTIlE Mtl.lTl A REOIMEXTS I witliftut ttelav on everv tamilv within their di.-triets lir the Barpos? of piii.'chuuii; iftid olK.'ctinir such artiel' 9 of f'lothinff, Jllanketa, Jeans, LinPdys. rboes, Socki", Leather and Carpets,- as may be sold dV given for the army ln.th fidd. -., . 2. The Captains will keep a list of the articles, and the name of the person from whom purchased or reeivrd, and the priee. Tii J nal will bilnut tbes- lists and the articles with as "Hit delay as po-sitilp to th ijnartermas ter in tli is f' ; wbett fnnds will be given to pay tor them. 3. All d' 'ous for indivyluaUor compoiiiea w ill be ru celved fni .h w if the names or eofnpnnies are giren, aftd th artie! will be sent to them by the Quartern utter at IUil' iitli. iu cnarge of special ""sstmper. Those n'a!; ing inl donations way ' n - red -that tnj articles will . .flivin to Lhe narties for .vhom.thev intend them. I ' -ti CMon-1 will send to this otlice a litt of thn SI ..er., T n-rs and Cloth Manufacturers In his B nt. w'tl. be jrftiiiaHe arnow t eaeh ianufactiires, p ti Jjution tt th.e w e-ftf shiVs aiKl icj tlif 'ff t h -,. te gi into tli. ,i i ;if speCnlators, and seize tor tlie u of the soldiers any of these articles Kviug out of tile State, or in thu hands of speculators tor that purpose. ' 5. The expanses of the Odteers enenged on this duty, and the transportation of the articles will be paid, and aar officer Who neglects or fails to comply with this order will baeourt inartiallud and reduced to thu ranks. By bider of Ooveraor VAirra : v ' ' t J. O. MART19, Adg't Gen. Uov, 14, 182. . ... ' HOTEL FOR HALE. I THE large brick. Hotel In Graham, N. C, for sale, to embrace all the furniture in the bouoe. the lot there are all necessary outhouses, a well of ex cellent, never failing water j tlie best improved garden lot in tho town a commodious brick stable and lot, to gether with several ether lots and houses, if desired. Thy. properly is an pecmanenx ana goou. a ny one ivu, up-conntry residence would ao well to callMfu examine tire prnifsos, ia tfce onderflgiMd will taJre ploasure In (bowing the property .'and making terin w Inch will be vastly less than war prices to, ready purchaser. .. , l'osseseion given first, January njrt. ' - . 'H. C 1'ROLLiKgER, Ag't ' ' FdrV.ffJUTROLLI.VOKrt. .Vov. i, tee:. . . -t. CONFEDERATE STATE CfOVERNMKJIT. " '-' rBSiPSKT, JEFFEBStiS DAVIS, of Mississirrl. lies pbesidkst, t ALEX. Hv STErnENS, of Georgia. Members of 'the Cablnef. Jnr vn P. HBSJAMiXi'bf Lonisiaha, Secretary of State. P. C..Mcsiisas of Piaitfe-.Carollna. JpC'y of tlw Trca, O. V. BAsnoi.pii, of Virginia Secretary of War. S. it. Mai.i.hut, of Flf rida. Hecietary, pj tho Navy. Jo' N H. KkiiAn, of Teias, Post Master Geireral. . 1 Thomas II. Watts, of Alabama- Attorney General. Robbbt E. Lee; General-in-Chief. First Permanent Congress;' SENATE. ALABAMA. .i h Yancey, juicnt C-t'lav. itISAHs"iS. Robert W Johnson, Chan it Mitchell. -' n.oRii).'. A E Maxwell, James M Baker. aKuuuiA. BcnjUIIiU. ay ti' sr. IT C Burnett, Wm K Simins. 1 LelMSflLKl. Edward Sparrow, T J Scinines. x'ssissirn. Albert G Brown, James Pbelan. 1SS0CBI. John B Clark, BSY Pevton. K0TB-eAB0tNA. C irgo Davis, " T Dortch. soern-cAROMSA. R, W Barnwell, . J. ih.es Ii Orr. TBSNESBEB. Langdon C Haync's, , Gustavua A Henry. . TEX VS. Louis T Wigfall,. W b Oldham. tihoisu. RMI ilunter, Wm B Preston. Total number, 26. HOUSE OF REPHESi'.NTATlVF, Ditt. Thomas J Foster, 2. Win K Smith, 3. John P Kalis, .1. i '.. . !. y, 5. Fi alien on, . V P ( l.i'.t .1.. 7. David ti e ton, S. .laTies L l'uli, 'J. ES Da ni). AMUWIS. 1. F fix I Bat:. in. J, GY.wli-oii It oyster, :i. Augustus II Uai'laud, 4. Tims I! Il oilt . . pronin i. I. ill! Hilton, 'I. Jam. -s 1! Hawkins. o'toitniA. Julian ILiitridge, ( has J Miinnerlyn, llines Holt, Aiiu til , II Kenan, Ita. id W L"wiH, Win W ("Ink. Ri bt P Ti ippe, Lucius J (Jarti'ell, Hardy Strickland, Augustus I: Wright, KESrL'ciiy. G W Kv.in;r, E M llruce, II W Dmej. '' Rorit J ll-?tViiiridge, John M Klliutt, .Moore, 1. 2. S. 4. fi. a. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. i. ft. a 7. Henri E Keedf H. 1 J. J 10. Geo It Hftdge. L"l l-l ISA. 1. ( has J Villtre, 2. ('has M '('mil ad, .'I. Dunrttu Y keiiner 4. Lueieii J Dnpie, ft. John F Lewis, John Perkins, Jr. MISSISMi'l'l. J W Clapp, K'-ub. h Ila is, Isrn 1 WVlrh. 11 (' ('haii.hci, ( K saialetoii, I: lia k . ,1,1m ,1 Mc .'a". NOltTH-C-WOLISA. itwrt. 1. W N II Smith, 2. Kubt it I! Idgers, J. Owen li Kenan, 4. T D McDowell, 5. ThnsS Ashe, 8. Arch'l 11 Arringlon, 1. J K McLean, . . R. WUIiam Lander, - 9. B-S Gaither, 10. A T Davidson. socrn-iABoLisA. 1. John tlrljaven, 2. W I'tnelier Miles, 3. L 51 Aver, 4. M L lionliam, f. Tlailiu tartar, 8.;4V WHoyce. TI NNK-'I r. JUkell, 1. 'aft. 4. Kl(WncW 5. H H Kftete, 8. M P!ei 7e' lenri E licejtfN LRuinctt, v S Clivisimin, (J. 1. li. M ' ii. w v ( ..ok. Thomas A llai'risr Casper W ii- II, A II Cominifcf Tlios W'Freemnn, Geo (i Vest, John liver. hire, iter, G W,.Jonc, 8. Thomas Menkes, !. J D-C Adl-iLS. 10. Job . V Wright, 4 ' Dui i ' I Curi in. TEXS. 1. John Wilcnx, 2. ( laibo: n C Herbert, 3. Peter W IJisy, - . F li S st'in, 5. JIaleiiai I) Graham, 6. Wm I! W.lght. ViKDISIA. 1. MRHGainett, 2. John It t iiauibliss, 3. James Lvons, 4. Hog-T A Pn or, 5. Titos S I,icnck, (!. John (Jmielc, Jr. 7. .lames P Holcombo, 8. D C DeJaniette, , 9. Wilham Hieiih, "?0. Alex R lioteler. 1 1. John B BsM" in, 12. Walter K Stnoles, IH. Walter PrcJfTin. II. Alb:rtMriikiiis, lfi. iitihel't .nftet'Ol, 1. Ch.isle; W liu-sull, AUK .v II. 1. (I A (oi.laiicl. 2. Jas M Patl-tmiii. Total number, 107. Legislature of Noi tli-Ciirolina. ' We give below tlie IM of Heitatorfl atid Co,innioners elect to the next Genual As-semblv as far ns w e Live le'iiem u 'hem. II any oi i n- fi iends discover an error, they w ill oblige us by inf"i u inir us. SEN' ATI!. o'i9irooii,- tI 'r.-'.'i'i W. II. Bagley.- l'niciid (Vrri.'.e;. - II. M' LI. Llndtay Udlei awl ( binii,-Mills I.. Hnre. irr1e ami Tqwli Clin. 1. s MeGI -nil. h'mthanniio'nlh. W . S. Copeland. Jhrl unl.t. II. Slaii'.'lit -r. Jleriie Capt. Tbount. JI. Garrett, Martin air) H'o-aw-Cw J. O. Carroway. JI'tli'iT .Mason L. Wiiiis. .'rf.t'r.iMiftf null H'lV.-u- Jesse H. Powell. l'iit--)r. K. J. Hlomit. Ittuiiforl E. J. WniTcn. (Vnieii Nallian Whitford. Carlertl und JnM'-Tiy. M. F. Arrend JI. Grwne mill fjrnnir Kdward PatrieW A'cir HaiKmr Eli W. Hall. lhtinin Dr. Jniues W. Dickson. O19 nc J. F. lu, i , 11. lliwl'ii, Urnnnei-'.; ifc C.tpt. .1. W. F.llis. ('imhvrhmil niut llnrnelt William B. Wright. Nomwof TLomas I. Faison. He -ee Win. K. bjne. ,o'wWoa C. B. Snnaere. P. II. Hues. JVavA Capt. A. I. 'i's 1.. t'rnvh'iu W a pton Harris. Warren ), T. .1. Pitchfoid. ' UranriilrK. W. Laiter. 'pioh James finlemun. .. Or'nnye Hon. 'Viiliata A. Grnhnm. A'ltmanee arl 7t,oi.7oA-t-Giles Mebarte. t'AcMAtiid-Wiliiaui P. Taylor. Moore and Jviriiry-CaIvin W. Wooley. Itifhmvml d U'J ! llt iH-iteh. Amino ami I rninn WUIiam C. Smith. (iiiUnnl.' Peter Adams, (.'a-ir' Hon. li iltord Brown. HwkiH'jham Gen. F. L. Simpson. McfkleuhMrg John A. Yonng. 4Wrrw nn4 iS''(iy-J. W. Smith. Rniran and lineit! Or. J. G. ttamsey. l)uridoti '(. Adaaia. .SVoAej iw , .e,v:,V-CoI. James E. Matthews. Ake, Sum. fe Isaac Jarratt. Jredetl, H iVyT't '' L. Q. Sharpc. Uarke, M'jCimU, Jc S. J. Neal. tinyiyrVo. tie James H. White, HitM'ord. Klk, Ar U. t). Diek. i-on. lU)tJ'imde, JnMi ron, tto William M. Shipp. ilvuwoodf Muv&tt, it'c C 1). .Smith. jtfnmwar R Y MNAden, Dr E F Watson Alexander lr J MM arson. Annon Pnrdio KichaVdaoa, It n Ba Askei M Gentry Bladen J W Ku'ss. Ueanarl Hon R S Donnell, Cant. W F Marsh. Herite Dr P T Henry, James Bund. Armisiric lc Daniel L Kutscll. flnnromh .lohnlMm-glD. - Jirk JobnNrykt. .'-' ' ' ' ' Cnlarnu W S Harris. - Vutdirell-.il- N Barrthai dt. . CninJcn John Forbes. Carierei No election held, on account of the presence of tho enemv. ' C'nire S S'HaHson, Williamj Long. " Cu'ei"'"-Geo S llonper. . Cftfnw T B Harris, I Lieut. W J Headen, M Q 'Wadded. . .... Cherokee J U Brvson. . " Cnrnran Lemuel C Itenburv, ' Clrneeland -David Iteain, J U,LSp, . ...... ... , ': f'DfiowiHT-W M ''Baldwin'. (Vir J B G Barrow, Iliduird RusII. CwinWrnrf oiirf Ifarnell Hon J G Shcrherd, Dr Jno. McCoruiick, Neill McKay. Curn'tiicil- B M llnxter. iVaei-t Dr It 1. Beall, Henry Walaer. Viirie Henry B Howard. iWiii J C'Stanloni,L W Hodges. Edgcrambe David Cobb, Robert Byliiim. Fnriyth Ji hn P Nisneu, Dr U Keriier. 'iioiiWiii A W l'earee, jr. Ciiloii A W Davenport. AViSiiriifr-rUon K U Gilliam, Jas S Amis, Capt Eu gene Grfs.iom. CVewieCapt II 11 llcsl, (iilfardit 8 Sherwood, R W Glenn, W It Smith." tat'i W H Manning; tfufitisHr Henry Joiner, A II Davis. lliuiriiod-,- Dr,S I'Love. Jlcrfiirdi. H. Vinn.- Umlerian Alb,v Henry. Jlyde Ij Ij Mann. . lredrll1 A Allison, John Yonng. . Jarkmn J Keener. JWui.Vm. Seth Woodall, W H Avera. June A nthonsK Rhodes. ,fnoir W W-'rnn; - .oiifon A Costner, Jnroii Dr J -M Lyle. . Mitdlivn Dr Wall' ii. Muriifi James llol'itisim. " MclhwuUiA. W F Crai'. Mcktnhiira John L Brown. E C Gi icr. Mmiiipmerib. tt I. Itamnger. Jfnore Alcxantler Kellv. A'n.A Henry G Williauis. .V,-'c !luior S J t-ersnn, J Tt ITiiwrs. Nnrlhamjilutt W Vi' Peebles, ('apt il StataUL y.iv'girJ II Fo". 0,-tj?-Jolin Bl-ir.v. W. X. Pattertroo. I'lftqoiank- Clcn W K'Munn. Ierqiiinaii i Dr Jos II lllddiek. Vroti lt M I) (' liumpiiss. ,-(' I'cklns, I) 0 Afbritton. ftandnljih' lonatliari Worth, M S Bobbins. Hi rlrii mid I.t Sanders M Ingram. ,;,,, ,! dock McitaV. .Veill McNeill. ttnekinyhmn -W I Gilham, James lleineMs, A'o.'rna P K Shill'er, ' N Flemnting. ttwkrrfardA It Bryan, J ii CarputiteiV A'..ii.-i .on William Knby, Thos H Holmes. .Voji''. Lavfayette (Jrce'ue. S'lkn" 'iliiaiii.Klvnt. - , . Surruht Joseph Holliifgswortii. '.frrM-VM Spiuill. Vninnl) t Lettimonds. Me William Lawr, O H Alford. Daniel O Fr vie. M-'orreii Tl.oieas rjiiJkins, Irfionaid Ueuderso' Wn-hiiujttHi i Sa.'pe as in Caeteret.) Hr'ayff Win. Horton. n,nr- !) U 1'ives, M K Crawforil. H i' E M Wcllt.oru, A 11 Hampton. Yfdkin AC (' ts. . I'tOiey Lt. M I mug. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. . CIVIL; ItilPARfMENT. Zi:Bi"i.ns B. , Vance, of Buncombe, Gr.rornor. ItTHir" II. Birri.K. .In., of Aieen, Pih ite Secret. Herts H. P utn, of Wake. Se, i ctat of Stite. IMnifi, W Corn is, of R mgliam, I'uldic Treasurer. Wa. It. Ili.-ii i.iosnK. ol W'uk", Clii. f Clerk. ('ra.r's H. HuooiipN. of Wsvne, (V'mpfr.t-Her, I). W. .Ha iv, of Wake, CLi k. 0, 11. I'ejikv, Librarian. BOARD 01' CLAIMS. rURTHoi.ovFT F. Mooiir, of Wake, Chairman. Samcei. Fj Pim.ur-:, of (traii(re P. 11. WtssioN, Jr of lt,r!i :. SL'PREMK COt'RT. R'er Me .ii M. I'n.Mr-nv. of Vielkin, Chief Justice. Wm. II. Iltm f, of Ovange. As''late .Tntii. MirrinAs L. Mam.v, of Craven, Aoeiat J te-tiee. V i i.t.: am A. Ji.;;i.s, of Warren, Attorney General. IT m i t.r v ('. Joses, of Riovnti, 11, pm ter. I'liMfsi. li. Frm.M'.M. of Wat". Clerk. Jamkh l.rrcHKonn. of Wake, Marshall. At present, the sessions of the Supreme Cnurt are held in the City of RuKiith once a year, Commencing on the second ilunduy in Jua.it, St PKitlOl! COI RT. Ji n'ers. John L. Il.iilev, of Buncombe; Romulus f. Saunders, of Wake; Holwrt K. li-atli, of Chowan; George Howard, jr., of Wilson ; James W Osborne, of 'I, ekf nleinr ; Uobeit. S. French of Robeson j and John Kerr, of Casivil . ,t Soi.wmiks-. rfc-sti J. Vcales. of Hertford, of ls Cir cuit ; Willia n J. ifoust'in. of Duplin 2H Circuit ; Wm. A. .1 ukies. id Wat reti. Attorney Gen .-nil. 3d Ciicuit ; Thot. Settle, of Koekineliatn, 4th 'Cireuit; Koberf Stranee, of New Hsnnver, Mb Circuit : W. C. Kerr, ofMeekleiilmrg'. Bth Ck cult ; and Marcus Erivin, of Burke, 7th Circuit. PAYMENT OF STATE BO UN TK. DUE DE CEASED OLDlBRS.VLl Executive Department, Nortli-C arolina, ) Awptaxt Orx2Bi.'s Oiriee, v RALEian, October 17th, 1802. J General Orders, ' No. I), i rpuil FOLLOWING REGULATIONS-ABE PCB X lislud for the itiforinntion of those persons nisliin-; lo draw bounty of deceased soldiers in accordance with an ordinance of the Convention ratified the 22d day of February, 162 : Rcai'LATtoas. 1. The payment of bounty to the representatives of de ceased soldi, s i:, based u on the certiheate of tlie Com manding n" c, r of the .cemnany, w ho Will state the time of tiie eniMinent of tli soldier) thedate of his decease in service, the amount of burnly aln ady paid by the State aid the com; any and regiment towliioh ha belonged. 2. The cla tint will make aflidarit before a Magistrate that h- or 91 i the ' ext of kin to (be deceased, aceord int; to tlie p'i "is , ..f fie forejjoing ordinance f tho Convinti 1, a I tuai there is no other person, entitled to make .claim. TI10 ail. davit of the claimant must be sus tained by that of one disinterested witni'ss, that the facts stat -d are correct within bin own knowledge, and that li has no lntere-l in th" claim. The Slasristinte admiiiister- pjr me nam win eerniv 10 toe ereainmty of tnc, wiiness, ind the cterk of the (.'oantv Court will ciirtil v. uiui'.n scjil. that he is an authorii 'd and acting Maffitrar& ,3. If Lie claimant or claimants be minors, payment will be made to tho guardian upon the production of thu pio peV certitirate under th wal of sf Court of his appoint ment and tho suHiciency of fail bond rthe claim to be proved by him as in others cases. 4. A bounty of fifty dollars, ifednetlng the Bounty that may have been previonsly paid, is due toyall persons w ho way have volunteered tor three years or the war, and to all persona inus-prcrl int or continued In aerviee cutler the provisions of t be consft iption act. Hf order of Govornor Vaxcv: J. O. MARTIV, Adjutant General, Nov. II, IHC2. , l:ti. W1NTE1X ' VN Intelligent reliable NegroTfan Is wan t t'd for ths balane of the year, for whom good wag- Appiy at PKfHJRESa OFFICE. e wlllj be paid .lnv. 1 1. HOUSi: WANTED. A' Snjall ( otiiAtrtable Dwelling, not too far J. from the enpitot, ia wanted lor the bHanec of the present, and probably Jhe whole of the next year. Any person haiing such a k-Uc to rent w ill please make it known. it. , J'ltOUKESa OFFICE. ' Xor. 11. LOCAL DIEECT0BY. 1- A - 1,' w ' -', ' Jas A Moore, Clerk Sperior Court if tt Moore, Deputy. 1 j, J J Ferrell, Clerk Connty Conrf. H G Lewia, Clerk and Master ln Equity. W II High, Sheriff; Geo W Norwood and Jtfl Slater, Deputies. . ' llilliard HaditOTr, Rcgistcr-jL F J HtitchthsiTr'osM.' '" " "' '"" ' Hunnerent, Crier of CAurt Richard e Badger, Attornejr. Fe Jal Bcves, L B Seagraves, 9arvcyor. CITY OFFICERS. ' " JnyorW II Hassisos j Salary, tCOO. ceMKLSSIOMESS. . tieji EiMrern tlard W C Upchnrch, L T Clayton, David L Rovster. iUddh Ward R W Hatwood. P F Pasewd, R H Battle. irs,fr H'ard-W H Tucker, Jas Dodd, T H Brlggs. I'i'i n rnsHrtr W C I'pcliureh. Clerk in the Hoard J J Christophers. 'irl CiV.i Cmulhkle J J Butts. A"ilani CoimtnblrH V Denton. , ItV.i lu.l.i-F K'ln , City 1'ulice Wm C Parker, $ Johnson, M Earp, Wm Bovcs. . - 7Ji"rV-( CointnWc- Wombla. Si .rlon-Osbornc Holt. . . RAILROADS.' T, ' This is a correct schedule of the arrival and departnra of the Mail and Accommodation trains at th Raleigh depot 'fct... NORTn CAROLINA RAILROAD, v 11. -iT-. 1 K . T. ..... no - .ttmi, 1 it a 1 :j ii t t.tfijf . ui. Drooc .i.id, . in. p. m. LvtTet 5.50, p. rn A. cniiMoiiATtoN TitAi.v-Arrives 7.30, a. m. and loaves 8:00, a. m. ' " " t fiT, p. ny.,leave5.10, p. . Tht accommodation train ia not run oil Sundays. KALBtGll-AND OAST0M RAILROAD. Mah, Traiv Leaves 5.30, p. m. Arrives S.M, p. m. Accoh!'.ioa.tium Tsais Leaves 9.. to, p. m. Arrives 7.00 i. m. No accommodation train leaves for Wefdon oa Snnday. and none arrives from Weidod on Munday morning. MAIL AR.R A NOEMENTS, OST-OPFICB AT RALEIGH, N. C. NnrTi:::r.N Mail Opens daily at 6, p. m. Fnstern do do " at fi, p. m. " Western. " " " at 7, a. m. Southern " " " at 6, p. nt, Fnyettcville " " " at 7, a. m. Kugle ':.,ek Mr.il Opcas on Mondays, Thursdays and Satin ' ,.t .1 V. m C . 1 1 h n m - Mail v. .'tis on Thursdays and Sundays at 7.. in, a. m. Koxboro' Mail Opens Vcdnosdnys at 11, a. in. , l.carhtiiirtr Mail opens Wednesdays at 12, m. Sumnii'i ville Mail Geu. Fridays at 6. p.m. " -- N'orlhnrn Mail Closes daily at it, p. m. Ea'tcsn " " " at 9, p. in. Western 'i " " at 4, p. in. Southern " " " at 4, p. in, Fayetteville Mull Closes daily at B, p. a Kjle Kock Mail Closes Mondays, The 1 tys and Sat-' urdai . at 2. 11. in. " C. trlli. lire Mail Closes "Siiesfhiys and Thn Ri xboro' Mail Closes Wednesdays at 1 Leiielibui-r Mid Closes V"( dnesdays at . Summer villii VI M Uloaea Fi idav UJ, a (dice o . n . the delivery of Mail fr. i.:m). ..... iliirn-- ikjfrvck. On Sunday, I. 10. . an : fi mi ii t, 7, p. m. T ,t u'dic are rcouircd to transact their bi, ,1, n'.ie,. hours. GEO. T. COOKE, Not II. lsti'i. ' 'ays at 4, p. m. . in. . m. a. m. , 10 I. to 9, a. a da. HOTELS. EXCIIATIfiR HOTEL, HILLSHOItO' M'HKKT. RAI.KIGH. ft. C. nAVIVG W IU'llASED THli PiiOPEHTY IN THB City of ftiileigh. rce. titlv occupied by Major Phil lips, and known as "Phillips' Hotel," I have opened it for the aeeoiiinioilntioii of tli" public nnder the name and style of KXCI1A '(! E HOTEL. Th,- cNts'iisivn improvemert now going on, and which will b- cuitiplefed as soon as possible the'ercction of new huiMinirs and th- thorough overhauling and renavsting of old ones will render the Exchange convenient and cm.ifortahle ; and the proprietor Is determined that its mnnagenient and Internal arrangements shall be snch aa to compare lav ui ably with the lint class hotels of the eonntry. The table will be abundantly snpplicd wTth the best th market and the country attorn's, and no efforts or expense w ill be spnrrd to render the house in every respect a com fortable iHime to its quests. Tli'i Exchange is located on Hillsboro' street, some two hundred yards west of the Capitol. Tltirty'to forty large and commodions rooms will ba ready lor occupation by the assembling of the Legisla ture. A liberal -hare of pi:bli- patrorajfc is respect'olly rolf cited. Giro us a cull and wo will endeavor to treat TOO well. - , Omnibuses will he in ntfendence at tho ears to convey passengers to and from tlie Exchange. W. H. CUN'IXGGIlf, Proprietor. I,. BRANSON, Superintendent. iialeigh, N. ('., Nov. 11, 1S62. i RANGER HOUSE, WEST SIDE OF RAil.nO - Golrisnoro', N. r It 1 y fit Hand Side (Jolny Svvth Lffl ffand V ?6itg North. MEALS READY ON . ARRIVA 'F THE CARS. ATTACHF.l One of the best Bar' Shops. The public may. expect (r OO P F .' E , A e Servants, accontm, 'aiing ofttcers, w.i.heyt..y misat found in a SO' HERN HOTEL! T 1. GRANGER, iate of tho Attao1' s i, Bemfort, N. Cv,) I i - Proprietor. I REAR FA .1 , Dir. I GOING .V.-..TH. 1 and Hopper House.' JTUI ..IfK 1 1 n r A el A 1. to. M. JI., DIN.N Kit- GOfVfl 8 :" ' . IU. P. M .. . GOING .SOUTH St'l 10, P H. MRS. GRISWO S HOTEL, CJoi.itsBono. ' RijlU Hand Side qoiny NOL (1 Left Hand Side yoinf SOUTJl. Baigage taken to and from the Raifread free of eharge. Passengers stopping at this Hotel maty rely oa good Fare, gowl Rooms, and every comfort that can be had. An addition of sixteen large, comfortable and well furnished rooms, rendois It as complete as any establish ment in the State. A food Barber Shop is attached to the Hotel. fi0 Meabj ready on tbo Arrival of the Cars." jzif The Cars leave daily. nuv 11 SUSAN A. ORISWOtD A CO. 1 Orncs" or Stntotox' Gssasib or !T. C.,) November 12. 1SB2. ) rpiIE following articles are required for the I henetit of otir sick and wonnded soldiers v ' 7H0KS, S4H KH, HATS, COATS, PANTS, DRAW ERS, LEATHER, SHOE THREAD, SHOE MAK ING LA8TS, (from Ko. to. Pi, wclaaive,, iiLMOJiS, COTTOX CLOTH. FLAS- " SEt POTATOES, BRANDY, BUTTER, EGGS. AC. , Fropoeatowillhe received at thisnlltee for a proper sop ply f t them. .. Those able and willing to contribute them, will pleas address tho oqdersigned. EDWARD WARREff. nov U Im 1 Sarpon GeivrsJ 0 4.

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