': BY J. L. " PENW&CT, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , . Th following sre the only terms of subscription, to Tm" . Dao,t Paoaeass f : . -'.,;''. -. , D(1t Paper. 1 month. $1 00 I Daily Paper, months, Jt 00 " S ;' J 60 1 .. -12 " 6 00 ipl llt:A u ... .U.MtuU. A hp w ill Uiv wdm wiik v uqh iuubu iijvib nimuun ; the moasy In advance ; and in all ease It will be stopped i ' when tho time nald for emires. JOB PRINTING. Baring aeeess to Job Printing materinl, said to be equal to any in tho City, ordre for PRINTING an solicited. All work entrusted to ni win" be neat'anff expeditiously' executed, and etprieeaa low u possible in these times. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ; rkpeisd job, tax associated pmss.. DEATH OF HON. WM. B PHESTON. l ' . RlCHMOKD, Nov. 18. ' Hon. Wm. TJallard Preston, one of the Cod federate Senator from Virginia, died at bis residence in Mont gomery ooiinty on Sunday the 16th iqst lie had filled a nOnjber of poets of honor and reponslMUty,::: vrvrrrici-v nw RTCWATrm ' ' ' ' AnorsTA, Nov. 18. . " Hdn.'Hertcbel V. Johnson was elected to, the Qun federate States Senate by the Legislature navr. in ses-' ionatMiUedgevin,today. . f " .THE YANKEES 1KT IWOCB' AT FRAKLIK TWELVE OB FOURTEEN OF THEM TAK ., EN NO FLEET IN JAMES RIVER, ETC. ,", "" rWBBSBOBO. KOV. 18. The enemy supposed to. number considerably over one-brigade, appeased at Franklin this morning, on the BIackatef( and , attempted to;cross nader cover of sheila. The Canfederate-forces resisted, and suc cessful for two hours, when the abolitionists retired. . We captured 12 or 14. Our loss none so far as heard from. . ' ' . . Parties direct from Lower Brandon assert that there is no Uect in tljat vicinity, nor has there been any. No fleet in sight up or down the river. - A NEW SECRETARY OF WAR. BlCHM0!D, Nqv. 14. James A Sodden, of Virginia, has, been appointed Secretary of War. He formerly represented this Dis trict in the United States Congress arid was a member of the Peace Congress. The wires were not working north of Goldsboro, last night at the hour of closing and hence we are without our usual dispatches from" Richmond; If anything is received before 4 o'clock, p. m., it will appear in our evoning edition of the Progress. Ed. Fkojc FniDsmcKSBURa.The sxaminer of Tues daylwya: On Saturday evening Col. Ball, commanding our cavalry at Fredericksburg, received information that an overwhelming abolitlou force was) advancing upon that point, ond at .once propnred to evacuate. A considerable nuantity of - manufactured tobacco re cently carried to that town to Lo shipped North, n asi fired and burnt by ypnr troops. Great consternation was occasioned among the citisens by the fifing of tire tobacco, . the hasty stampeding of our troopJind th -rnmotwl-edvance e-f tire enemyrrestcrrTay niorning -the tatciteineiit was still further increased bythe re port that the enemy was withia fifteen miles of the town, and a number of ci listens took advantnge of the railway train, which left at noon, tony to Richmond But up to the time df the departure of the train, no enemy had entered tho town. As ths telegraphic operator is generally, in times of paoic, the first man to bundle up and take to his heols, wo are without later advices than that brought by the passengers on the cars. Mrs. Harriet Beeeber Stowe has accepted from the erowa prince of Saxony, the gracious bestowal of a villa. Hho leaves hsr country for her country's (rood, says the Boston Atlas. At least, what little good there is left in it. Stbeet Row. A difficulty occurred beetwen Thos. Myers and Thos. Leonard in front of tlie Farmer's ho tel, in this' city, on Tuesday night. Myers, we learn, was wounded by a knife in the hands of Leonard. The parties were arrested and" had a hearing before Mayor Harriuon, who sent the case on for trial. We are unable to give further particulars. Latest Newt by the Mails. . The Wilmington Journal of Monday says : We learn there were two new cases this morning, none on Saturday or Sunday two burials Saturday, one yesterday and two deaths last night. The disease seems to linger. It is dying out, but it dies hard . The yankees about Suffolk seem to be getting im pudent. The Petersburg Express of yesterday savs : The enemy appeared in large force in front of Frank lin yesterday mornmgi and shelled tne place furiously , for upwards of two hours. They made strong attempts ' to cross the Blaekwater, but were kept at bay by our forces, who in the skirmishing captured some twelve or fourteen of the invaders. The strength of the ene my at tW point is supposed to be largely, over a bri gade. There has been constant skirmishing" between the opposing forces on the Blaekwater for several days past, but the results have been unimportant. The Examiner learns the loss of the enemy in the artillery duel nearFredieksburg on Monday was 19 killed and wounded, and on our side 2 killed and 6 wounded. The Yankees are said to be in large force nt lv AonnOs .1.1.. .1. V.. A ik- rt Ifc.J ' WWW v .110 (ITU, UUU VUU lUCIO LtO held the town at last accounts, and express a deter- J ruination to hold out Unless driven away by hard fighting. The Richmond papers of yesterday bring us nothing - from Gen. Lee's Army An advance of the army from the line of the Rappahannock is thought prob able. ( .?. THB GENEBAt, COUNCIL OF THE PfiOTESTANT Episcopal CnuacH.The General Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church mot in St. Paul's Church, AugusteV GaqnVednesdayT-Jfov.-12, at 10$ a. m. ., k This body consist of twe Houses, known severally as the House of Bishops and House of Deputies. The former House is composed of all the Bishops of this Church, bavin J -jurisdiction Within the Confederate States, or the Territories thereof f the latter, of Rep- resentstives chosen by the Councils' or Conventions of the different Dioceses, each Diocese being entitled to three Clerical or three Lay Dvputips.1 1 ' The deliberations of the House of Bishonsp are un derstood to be strictly private, but the Hou of Dep uties Is at all times open to any who may desire to nt- tend their sessions. It-. supposed tpat business of grave importance, Involving among other matters the adoption of a -coda of Canon Law, and a plan for mis sionary operations at home and abroad, will be brought before the Council,- Iff 'A ft " . 4 f, . E -MSLY- BALEIGH, :K -EHEEMB To the Members of the Legislature. We ihall have.' competent persons in each branch of the Assembly to report the proceedings, and the morning edition of the Progress will contain correct -And faithful reports,' up to tho adjournment on the previous evening Besides the Progress will contain all tha latest news from tha army and elsewhere bi telegraph and mail. The paper will be served to members at their lodgings; er placed on, "their desks at iatW hd suhscription' price at the office. : r- . ' i : Two Editions a DUy. " We shall publish two editions of the Progress ev- ery day except undays, , The morning etntion win be served to city subscribers by the carriers and sent to jiMft sulwerlhers North and East, - while the eve ning edition will be sent' to subscribers in the West and sold on the streets. Mabkets.j A general market report will be given in the.fyo7ref as soori as onr arrangements are com pleted, aWarthest in a few days. ROOMS TO LET. rpVO good unfurnished Rooms to let In a I central part of the city, with or without boaed. "Address to this office. Nov 20 tf ' IIORSI3 POWER THRASHING MACHINES, BOLTING CLOTH AND MILL PECKS AT AUCTION. "YttILL be sold on Tuesday, December 21, 1H62, at the store of C..N. MeAdon. Gt!ensboro, Five very superior Thrahlnfr Machines, Horse Powers, and Separators, Them macninos are of very superior quality, manufactured in Pennsylvania. We have sold a large number of them, all of which have given patisfac tion. The Bolting Clnth U of the vcrv host qualitv. r WILLIAM II. OMVKR CO., Nov 20-lm Formerly pf Newbcrn, S. C. FOR HIRE FOR CITY PURPOSES. 4 FINE city carriage can be hail at all i bourn K. A. WlilTAKEU. NO. 1 Family VIour, . FHtSH JH"TTi:it. FKESSH EOG3. v a IK18H POTATOES, i, fiWEET DO., DKIKD APTLES, DlilEI) PEAOflES, GHKEN APPLES, DKIEI) PltrNKS, DRIED PLCM8, TVOHOESTEHSfiTBE SAUCE, , PKPPEft SATJCE, itrsnnooM s(tce, WALNUT OATSCP, TOMATO CATSUP, . ov JO-tf at WIIITAKXR'S. -wTtNffeO. 4 N Intelligent reliable Ncrro Man is-want- ed for the balance of the year, tor whom good wag- PROBUESS OFFICE. j i ea ror me oaianco oi i en w ill be paid. Apply at Nov.-ll. - ' A HOUSE WANTED. Small Comfortable Dwelling, not too far from tlte capitol. is wanted tor the balance of the ni cseiit. and brobablr tho wholo of the next year. Anv person bavini? such a house to rent will please make ft known at : PUOOBESri OFFICE. SUBSTITETES. T70UR good, reliable men, natives, over 45 X- years of a;e, can be emplovod as STBSTITnTES, foi a reasonable price,, if imtnediatc application bo made at tho Army 1 ntellifrr-nce Office, Wilmington, street , over T. FerraH's ttore, oppoaito Town Hall. Raleigh, Not. 1H -fit ARMY INTELLIGENCE OFFICE rpHE U N'D EBSIGNED HAVING "HOME EXPEBI I ENCE in Military ntfairs, notifies tiie pubic that.'For their convenience, tueyf hare established themselves in buleijrh for tho purpose of advising and aiding all per. sons who may desire information upon the following sub jects relating to the army, to wit : TJPONX;0?fsCRlPTK)St C.VW, EXEMPTIONS, SUB STITUTES, SOLD1EBS' PAY . W1D0W8' CLAIMS, SOLDIEKS' DISCHABGE, And as far as posible the positions of different reffiments and the accidents and deaths that may happen in the ser vice. The office is upon Wilralnton Sroet, a few doors be low I'ullen's Hotel, and immediately! opposite Town Hall, being the upper room of the Brick Store occupied by P. Fefralt. AU communications will bo punctually attended to. Address, THOS, JONES A CO, Box 258 Postoffice. Noy 11 -dlnv CON FEDER ATE JgT ATE9 GOVERNMENT. . HS8IDNT, , JEFFEBj30Nj DAVIS, of Mississippi. TWl PUKSIDIBT, ' ALEX. n. MEPHENS, of Georgia. , Membert of the CaWneti Jbdah P. Bsnjamis, ol Louisiana, Secretary of Stale. C. C. MsmtmoEa, of Siuth-CaroUna, Seo'y of the Trca. (i. W. Kahdolph, of Veinia, Secretary of War. S, B. Mallobt, of Florjda, Beoretary of the Navy. JteaiitJEL RidAii, of TastsvPost JlaUwral. Thomas FT Watts, of Alabama, Attorney General. Kobib't E. Lbk; UeneraWn-Chief. First Pemanent Congress. SENATE. i tfTMAnit f- 'Ay na,-j 2- J. Executive Department North Carolina, ABJOIAST UESKUAL 8 UFF1CR (MUU1U,) Raleioh, Oct. 25, 1862. General Order,! Q.w. ) X THE COLONELS OF.THE JIILIT1A REGIMENTS I . of this State will immediately direct the Captains to caU.without delay on every family within their districts, for the purpose of purchasing and" collecting such articles of Clothing, Blankets, Jeans, .Linseys, Shoes, Socks, Leather and Carpets, as maybe sold or given for the army in the field. 2, The Captains will keep a list of the articles, and tho .name of the, person from whom purchased or received, and th? price. The Colonel will bring these lists and the articles with as little delay as possible to the Quartermas ter in this eity, when funds will be .given to pay for them. S. All donations for individuals or-companies will be re eeived for , them, if the names or companies are given, and the articles will be sent toHhem by the. Quartermaster at Raleigh, in charge of special messenger. Those mak ing special donations may be assured that the articles will be given to the parties for. whom they intend them. . Each Colonel will send to this office a list of the Shoemakers, Tanners and Cloth Manufacturers in his Regiment, with the probable amount .each manufactures, pay particular attention to the purchase of shoes and lea ther, ee that none go into tho hands of speculators, and seize for the use-of the soldtrs any of these articles going out of tho State, or in the hands of speculators for that purpose. .. - - 5. The expenses of the Officers engaged on this duty, and the transportation of the articles, will be paid, and any oliioer who neglect or fails to comply with this order -will be-eonrVmartiaHed an -redueed to the ranks. r - By order of Governot Xum : ' ' ... v J. G. MARTIN, Adg't Gen. r "Nof. 14, 1862. . . ' ? , HOTEL FOR SALE. XIIE large brick. Hotel In Graham, S. C, for sale, to embrace all the furniture in tho house; the lot there are all necessary outhouses, a well of ex cellent," never failing water; the- beat improved garden Jo in the town a enmmodiouq brick' stable and lot, to gether with several ether lots jind houses. if desired. The property .is all permanent and good Anyone wishing an up-country residence would do- well to oall and examine the premises the undersigned will take fcteaanre in showing the propwty and making terms which will be yasuy lew uisn war prices w reitu pyiuwi. Possesrioa eiren first January next. m-w ihr.r l -T r wft I Nev. 4, 1862. H. C. t BOLLINGER, Ag't r JNO. TKOLLIJiGEB IV, 89-tt. ALABAMA. Wm L Yancey, "ClementC Clr. - ARKANSAS, Robert W Johnson, ChasB Mitchell. rLORIUAv A E Maxwell, James M Baker. . GEORGIA. Denj H Hill. KXXTCOKT. H C Burnett, .Wm E Simms. L0DI8IAKA. Edward Sparrow, T J Hemmes. - mssissiFPi. Albert G Brown, James Pbelan. John B Clark. a t Y Peyton. OBTH-OAftOUKA. George Davis, Wm T Dortch. SOOTH-OABOT.IHA. Eobt W Barnwell, James L Orr. TENNESSEE. - Langdoo C Haynes, Gustavus A Henry. TSXAS, UulsTWigfall, W H Oldham. JWK81NIA. R M T Hunter, Wm B Preston. Total number, 26. nOCSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ALABAMA. Out. 1. Thomas J Foster, Wm R Smith, John P Kails, J L M Curry,' Francis S Lyon, W P Chilton, David Clopton, James L Pugh, E S Dargan. ( ARKANSAS. Felix I Batson, Grandison D Royster, Augustus- II-Garland, Thos B Hanly. n.oaiDA. R B Hilton, James B Dawkins. OKORQIA. Julian Hartridge, Chas J Munnerlyn, Hincs Holt, . Augustas H Kenan, 'David W Lewis, Wm W Clark, Robt P Trippe, Lucius J Gartrell, Hardy Strickland, Augustas R Wright, KENTUCKY. G W Ewing, E M Bruce, H W Bruce, . "Bolt S Breckinridge, John M Elliott, Moore, Honrv E Reed, T L Burnett, J S Chrieman,' Geo B Hodgo. LOUISIANA. Chas J Villere, Chas M Conrad, Duncan F Kenncr, Lucien J Dupre, Jdbn F Lewis, John Perkins, Jr. MISSISSIPPI. 1. 2. 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. S. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0, 7. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. J W Clapp, Reuben Davis, Israel Welch, H 0 Chambers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale, John J McBae. MISSOURI. W W Cook, Thomas A Harris, Casper W Bell, A H Conrow, Thos W Freeman, Geo G Vest, John Hyer. - NORTH-CAROLINA. Dili. . 1. WN.H Smith. Robt R Brldgers, Owen R Kenan, T D McDowell, Thos 8 Ashe, Arch'd H Arringfton, J 11 McLean, William Under, B S Gaither, A T Davidson. ; SOCTH-CAEOUNA. John McQneen, W Porcher Miles, . L M Aycr, M L Bonbam, James Farrar, W W Boyce. TENNBSHRE. J T HeiskelV' W Q Swann, W H Tebbs, E L Gardenshirc, H 8 Foote, M P Gentry, G W Jones, Thomas Meneos, J D C Adkins, John V Wright, David M Currin. TKXAS. John Wileox, Claiborne C Herbert, Peter W Gray, F'B Sexton. JL.. Maloom D Graham, 6. Wm B Wright. VIROINIA. M R II Garnett, John R Chambliss, James Lynns, Roger A Prvor, Thos S Bocock, John Goode, Jr, James P Hofcombo, D C DeJarnette, William Smith, Alex R Botelor, John B Baldwin, Walter K Staples, Walter Preston, Albert G Jenkins, Robert Johnson', Charles W Russell, ARKANSAS, G A Garland, Jas M Patterson. Total number, 107. 2. a. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 1. 2. S. 4. 5.- 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6". 7. 8. . 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 1. 2. Legislature of North-Carolina. We give below tho list of Senators and Commoners'! elect to tne next uenerai Aseseiuuiy o m, ' learned them. If any of our friends discover an error, they will oblige ns by informing us. SENATE. Paiquotanlc and PwouitnntwW. H. Baglcy. Camden and Currituck V. McD. Lindsay. Gatet and Ckowan Mills L. Eure. , Hyde and TyrrWf Charles McGleese. Northampton Dr. W. S. Copeland. Hertford. B. Slaughter. Bertie Capt. Thoma M. Garrett. Martin and Washington J. G. Carroway. Halifax Mason L. Wiggins. Edgecombe and WiUon Jesse H. Powell. Pitt Dr. E. J. Blount. Beaufort E. J. Warren. rv, - CravenNathan Whitl'ord. ... V) Carteret and Jones Dr. M. F. Arrenqell. Greene and Lenoir Edward Patrick. AW Hanover Eli W. Hall. Dulpin Dr. James G. Dickson." - OmlotnJ. F. Murrill. Bladen, Bruntteick, fcc Capt. J. W. Ellis. Cumberland and Harnett William B. Wright. Sampton Thomas I. Faison. Wayne Wm. K. Lane. Johntlon C. B. Sanders. . Wake J. P. H. Buss. Ifaih Capt. A- J- Taylor. franklin Washington Harris. Warren Dr. T. J. Pitchferd. , Granville V.. W. Lassiter. ; Person James Holeman. . Orangt--Uon. William A. Graham. Alamance and Randolph Giles Mebane. Chatham William P. Taylor. Moore and Montgomery Calvin W. Wooley. Richmond and Rubeion Giles Leitch. Anton and Vnion William C. Smith. Guilford. Peter Adams. Caswell Hon. Bedford Brown. Rockingham Gen. F. L. Simpson. Mecklenburg John A. Young. Cabarrut and Stanly J. W. Smith. Rowan and Davie Dr. J, G. Ramsey. Batide6iitt: Adaias;?" . '"r . 7 Stokee and Fornthe Col. James E. Matthews. Athe, Snrry, &e Isaao Jarratt. Iredell, W'tlkeeeli. Q. Sharpe.' Burke, MeDoweU, tie 8. .4, Neal. Lincoln, Gotton, (tic James H. White. Rutherford, Polk, etc M. O. Dlckerson. Buncombe, Hendcrton, J-e William M. Shipp, Haywood, Macon, tc.C: D. Smith. g V BOUSE OJTCOMMONS. , Alamance H Y McAden, Dr E F, Watson. j Alexander Dt J M Carson. Anton Purdie Richardson, R H Burns. Ahe J M Gentry. Bladen J W Ross. Beaufort HonR Donnell, Capt'W JF Marsh. BcrttoOr P T Henry, James Bond. . Bruniwiek Daniel L Russell. . Buncombe John Bnrgiu,' ' Bmrki John Park. Coiorrat W S Harris. CntdtcellM N Barnhardt: - , Camden John Forbes. Carteret Ao vl'ection held, on account of the presence of the enemy. . Caeteell 8 8' Harrison, William Long. Catawba Geo S Hooper. Chatham T B Harris, Lieut. W i Ileaden, M Q Waddcll. Cherokee- H Bryson. Chowan Lemuel ft Benbury. Cleavelnnd Davi't B"am, J" R Logan. Cojrfeoii-WM Baldwin. Craven J BtrBaiTow, Richard Russell. CiiiHOerrrMofflti,! Harnett Hon J G Shepherd, Dr Jnb. iScCorniick, Neill McKay. Currituck B M Baxter: Davidson Dr R L Bvall, Henry Walser. Davit Henrv B Howard. . Duplin 3 C Stanford, L W Hodges. Edgecombe -fjavid Cobb, Robert Byoum. Ihrtvth John P Nissen, Dr E Kerncr. Enanktin A W Pearce, Jr. 6' " A W .Dsreiuipi't. Gra nviUe Hon R B Gilliam, Jas S Amis, Cspt Eu gene Grissom. Greene Capt .1.1 H. lleet, ' Gvilfovd M S Sherwood, R W Glenn, W R Smith. Gatie W H Manning, Halifax Dr Henry Joyner, A II Davis. Haywood Dr S L Love. Hertford J. B. Vann. Henderson Alex Henrj". Hyde K L- Mann. , , Iredell T A Allison, John . Ydung. Jaetson3 Keener. . Johnston. Seth Woodall, W II Avora Jones Anthony E Rhodes.. Lenoir W W Dunir. LoncolnX Costuer. Macon Dr J M Lyle. Madison Dr Wallun. Martin James Robinson. - McDowell Lt. W F Craig. Mecklenburg John L Brown, E C Grier. MontgopieryE G L Barringer. Moore Alexander Kelly. Nash Ifenry G Williams. JVew Hnaover S J Person, J It Hawes. Northampton W W Peebles, Capt H SLansill. Onslow J II Foy. Orange John Berrv, W. N. Patterson. - Pasquotank Gen W B Mann. Perquimans Dr .liw II Kiildick. Person Lt M D C Bumpass. Pitt C Perkins, B G Albiitton. Randolph Jonathan Worth, M S Robbins. Richmond Lt Sanders M Ingram. Robeson Murdock MoRae, Neill McNeill. Rockingham W 1 Gilliam, James Reynolds. Rowan F E Shober, N N Flemuiing. Rutherford A It Bryan, J B Carpenter. Sampson William Kirby, Thos H Holmes. t!tanly Lavfiiyette Greene. .S''i.-WilIiam Flynt. ,S'urr Dr Joseph 'Ilollingaworth. ' Tyrrell Eli Kjiiuill. - , ? I sion C Q Lcimnond. Wake William Laws, ( II Alford, Daniel G Fowle. Warren Thomas I Judkins, Leonard Henderson Washington (Same as in Csrteret. ) Watauga Win. Horton. Waii nc B B Rives, M K Crawford. Wilkes E M WU&virn, A II Hampton. Yadkin A C Cowles. Yancg Lt. M D Young. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. . CIVIL DEPARTMENT. Zbi:i,on B. Vancb, of Bum-onibe, Gomrnrtr. KirnAju, H Battlk, .I.J of Anson, Private Secretary. Rnrus II. Paob, of Wake, Secretary of State Daniki. W Cockts. of Hoc-kingham, Publio Treasurer. Wm. R. Rich a hdn on, of Wake, Chief Clerk. Curtis H. Bbooden, of Wayne, Comptroller. D. W. Bun, of Wake, Clerk. O. H. Perrt, Librarian. HOARD OF CLAIMS. BARTHOiojim- F. Mooaa, of Wake, Chairman. Smi;ei. F. Phillips, of Orange P. II. Winston, Jr., of Bertie. SUPREME COURT. RiciiMONi i M. Peahson, ,.f Vadkin, Chief Justice. VVm. H. Battle, of Orange, Associate Justice. Matthias E. Mani.v, of f!i aven, Associate J nsticci' William A. Ji NKn-s, of Warron, Attorney General. Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter. hi)MUNi 1!. Fuseman, of Wake, Clerk. J'AMts LiTfHronn, of Wake, Marshall. ' At present, the sessions of the Supreme Court are held IdMsyT" 4 SUPERIOR COURT. Jrnnss.-John L. Bailey, of Buncombe; Romulus M. Saunders of Wake; Robert Jt. Heath, of Chowan; u l? K WBrdi rr "f Wilson: James W. Osborne, of Mecklenburg; Roberts. French of Robeson: and John Kerr, of Caswell. SoLirrrou.?le3se J.. Yeates, of Hertford, of 1st Cir cuit; M ilham J. Houston, of Duplin 2d Circuit; Wm. A. Jenkins ot Warren, Attorney General. 3d Circuit ; Thos. Settle, of Rock.nirhnm, 4th Circuit; Robert Strange, of New Hanover, 5th Circuit ; W. C. Kerr, of Mecklenburg! Cth Circuit ; and Marcus Erwihfof Burke, 7th Circuit. TO THE LADIES OF RALEIGH. A LARGE requisition has been made on me lor sheets, for our Hospitals in Virginia, and 1 must appeal to the ladies for assistance. All who are dis posed to assist in making sheets for this purpose will please communicate with mo immediately at my office. Materi als will be famished by the State. - " EDWARD WARREN, nov 19-dlw Surgeon General of N. C. ' , , ' Is , ' . SALERATUS for sale. - Enquire at my house. nov l9-3t WM. WHITE. LADIES' AND MISSES' SHOES. POO FAIRS on consignment, for sale by CJJ the lot, at E. L. HARDING'S. novl9-3t (Standard copy.) WANTED immediately. 3 (Kin SUSHvELS at Iron and J,JJJ Brass Works, for which the higheBi oash ' price will be paid. nor lS-4t SHAY, WILLIAMSON A CO. : . ' ' " WlLKlNBTOM A WSLBON R. R. CoMPAKT, WUmington, N. C., 8th Nov., 1802. THE Board of Directors have this day de clared a Dividend o Eleven (11,190) per cont, On the unappropriated profits of the Bod on and after the 1st January next, at tho office of the Treasurer. Transfer Book will be closed after 20th December. - noviBlw . J,, g. DaROSSETV BecreUry.' TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. . THE Undersigned has In press, and will shortly publish, a work entitled . "SURGERY FOR CAMP, FIELD, AND HOSPITAL." those disposed to become subscribers will ploaW forward their names to the authojat.&aleigh, N. f3; "' .EDWARD WARREN, nov lSs-dlm Surgoon General of N. C. , , ' : . , ' - , , r GEN. R. E. LEE'S BODY GUARD. , SPLENDID Chance lor enlisting In a . select eorps. H $50 BOUNTY AND $28 PER MONTH. Fin? hpyses and splendid tuuipmenta furnished to every reernit. V , . ' Please address -me or sell at tho office over P. Ferral's store, Wilmington street. Raleigh, N.-O. " ' v ,o VANN LARKIN'S, Nov. 18-10t;7 Roersjtiog Officer. A ; - ADYERTiSTNG BATES. J The following rates will be ebarged for all adTsrHse aacnts Inserted la the Daut Fsosasss .zz v - . ' en sqclas or rwiivs bvsj e, "- l" Two wekt."i.......l t IB One day. ........$ 75 Two days............. 1 00 Three days 1 J7 Four days. 1 75 Five -days.. 2 00 One week 1 60 One nHmth....i..uu,J f Two montb.t.....M...m8 M Three month. 12 M Six months.. Twelve meuth... JO 60) Twelve lines or less eount a square, aad sdditloaal -squares will be charged the sasosb ,-':' Cash will be demanded from 11 perscna nnepiwkare special contracts are made .When aenl .by letUrr (be money mhst accompany theadvertiiemeat. 4 LOCAL DIBECTOBY. ; COUNTY OFFICERS. ' 1 " -- -a -. . . I Jas A1 Moore, Clerk Superior Court W H'Jfeent I Denutv. J J Terrell, Clerk County Court. R G Lewis, Clerk aad Master in Equity. W H High, Shoriffj Geo W Norwood and B H Bister, -Deputies. , ' Hilllard nudson, BegSteft ' F J Hutchina, Trustoe., -- , Hunneycut, Crier of Court. ' Richard C BadB;er,- Attorney. , - - Feudal Beves, L B Seagraves, Surveyors. ; ' CITY OFFICERS. Mayor -W ff Harbison ; Salary, OOMHlSSIOHmS. " Eastern Ward W Upcbareh, h T Cbyta,Davld Is Roystan, , , Middl WnrdW W Haywood, P t Pescud,R H Battle. Western ITorrf W H Tucker, Jas Dodd, T B Bri(. Oily Treasurer W C Upchurch. Clerk to the Board J J Christopher. Err st City Constable J J Betts. Assistant Constable N V Denton. Weigh Master F King. ' Cfy Police Wm C l'rkr, E Johnsos, Jk Earp. Wsa Beves. , Viitrict Constable Womftle. Sexton Osborne Holt. RAILROADS. -, This is a eorreot schedule of the arrival sad deeartnrs of the Mail and Accommodation trains at. the Baleigh depot : - x NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. , Mail Train Arrives 4.55, a. m. Leaves 6.25, a. m. , , ' ' 5.04, j. m. Leaves 5.S0, p. m. Accommodation Taxis Arrives 7.30, a. m. and leaves al ' 8.00, a. ui. ' "4.58, p. re., leaves 5.20, p. a. - The accommodation train is not ran on Sundays. RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD. Mail Train Leavex5.30, p. m. Arrives 6.00, p. uu Accommodation Tat Leaves 6.30, p. in. Arrives 7.00 &,m. o accommodation train leaves for Weldon on Sunday and none arrive from Weldon on Monday morning. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS, POSTrOFFICB AT . RALEIGH, N.. C. Nortbrrn Mail Opens daily at 6, p. m. bastern do do " at o, p. Western " Southern " Favetlcvillo " " " at 7, a. m. Eagle Rock Mail Opens on Mondays, Thursdays sal Saturdays at 12, m. Carthage Mail Opens on Thursdays and Sundays St 7.00, a. m. . Roxboro' Mail Opens Wednesdays at 11, a. m. Leaphburg Mail opens Wednesdays at 12, m, SummervTlle Mail Opens Fridays at 5, p. m. Northern Mail Closes daily at 9, p. m. Eastern " " " at 9, p. m. Western " " " at 4, p. m" Southern " " " at 4, p. m. Fayettoville Mail Closes daily at 8, p. m. Eagle Rock Mail Closes Mondays, Thursdays sad Sat urdays at 2, p. m. Carthage Mall Closes Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4, p. sa, Roxboro' Mail Closes Wednesdays at 1, p. m. Leachburg Mail Closes Wednesdays at 1, p. m. Summervllle Mail Closes Fridays at 7, a. m. Office open for the delivery of Mail from 7, a. n., to -7.30, p. m,, during the week. On Sunday, from 8 to , sw m., and from 6 to 1, p. to. The public are required to transact their business da. ring office hours. GEO. T. COOKE, P. M. Nov. 11, 1862. 4 1 at 6, p. in. at 7, a. n " at fl, p. tn-X-"1 HOTELS. EXCHANGE HOTEL. niLLSBORO' STHEE1 RALEIGH, N. C, HAVING PURCHASED THE PROPERTY IN THB City of Raleigh, recently occupied by Major Phil lips, and known as "Phillips' Hotel," I have opened it for the accommodation of the publio under the name and-, style of EXCUANOE HOTEL. The extensive improvement now going on, and which will be oompleted as soon as possible the erection of new buildings and the thorough, overhauling and renovating oi oiu unvs win reiiuci me r,xciiange convenient ana p I comfortable ; and the proprietor is determined that ita f f management and internal arrangements shall be such as V to compare lavurauiy wiw me urst ciaei noieis oi me country. The table will be abundantly supplied with the best the market and the country aft'ords, and no efforts or expense will be spared to render tho house in every ruapect a com fortable home to its guests. The Exchange is located on Hillsboro' street, some two hundred yards west of the Capitol. Thirty to forty large and commodious rooms will ba. ready for occupation by the assembling of tha Legisla ture. A liberal share of public patronage Is respectfully soli cited. Give us a ca II and we will endeavor to treat yea well. Omnibuses will be in attendence at the cars to eoavej passengers to and from the Exchange. W. U. CUN1NGGIM, Proprietor. L. BRANSON, Superintendent, Raleigh, N. C, Nov 11, 1862. Q RANGER HOUSE, rf WEST SIDE OF RAILROADS I Goldsboro', N. C. Right Hand. Side Going South. Left Hand Side Going JibrA. MEALS READY ON AUIIIVAL OF TUB CABS.. . ATTACHED, One of the best Barber Shop. The publio may expect ft GOOD FARE, Attentive Servants, accommodating officers, with tvary other comtbrt found in a SOUTHERN HOTEL I T. A. GRANGER, , (Late of the Atlantic House, Beaufort, N. C.,) Jan. 10 BREAKFAST, Dinner and Supper Hens. GOING NORTH, BREAKFAST 7.15, A, M-, DINNER GOING SOUTH, , P. M.f GOING NORTH SUPPER .10, P. M. - MRS. GRISWOLD'S HOTEL, OOLDBDOBO', N. C. , Right Hand Side going NORTH Let Htrnd Side going SOUTH. Baggage taken to and from the Railroad free of share. Passengers stopping at this Hotel may rely en good Fare, good Booms, and every oomf&Yt that con be had. . An addition of sixteen larsre. comfortable and wall. - furnished rooms, renders it as complete aj any tjstaUishr uieui in iw owiv, t A good Barber Shop 1s attached to the Hotel. , fh&- Meals ready on the Arrival of the Cars."ft f pif Tha Cars leave daily. , nov 11 SUSAN A. GRISWOL1V CO. rtie Orncs or SraaaoN Obrsaj or N. C,l . ovemor ki, ises. rpiIE fbUowlna; articles are required fori I oeneni oi our sick ana wounded soldiers : biioi, ouias, dA IB, COATS, f API To, DRAW ERS, Leather, shoe threId. shoI; mak- 1NG LASTS, (from-No. to , ineluivt,) nriTTITD inno an '." XmAmm lll k. - Ul A .1.1. .alTl ply of them. Those able and willing to coo tribute thaas, will please address the undersigned. F.DWARI7 WASBBlf, novl-Im - Bargeea General ef IT,