'a " 1.1 ' 4 r ,1 ret I f V DAILY PROGRESS.' raleigh, ir, i - 'i - HOlJDAY.'CEaiilCCa. .Tf..Tfci,Ptc Institute ItMpltO, 5 J5o anxious are we on all occasions to give ft hear ", ing soUicrejtbat we drpsrtsdrom an established . ml lu publishing Ike'lotter- of "A Sic Sol dter on . .Saturday; And," feaJ! " that . toe .Jdter referred to,' . liaintf offended nrobablv at beitiff refuted a furlough ot discharge; suffered fit aiigiT to' get tbe better of! - Tib Judgment, and thcrebjr waa led to say things about , the Hospital ftridijts na,migeroent tbat wore Bot true. '.'"As" general , thing evcr soldier private or offi- cor who b refused a furlough 'or. discharge when it b eagerly eougbt after ami cxpecteJ, think MnirT , th worat used' man lit. exbtence, and la disposed to foil out with ev-body and everything Ift general, net such', wo doubt nof, waa the stale of tho writer . of the latu referred to.whon V penned it.". War 'is, nit hardship, ptl endurance and all,' suffering, and ' , one (u th service, oftcer or man, Can expect to " liia sham. VT have seen enough to "aatbM1 ' the Burgeon, whether to the bospiul pt BelJ ' boa no ay toe, 'IV d " there r some So that department not .wl'!1 7 skill or moral fouling ft tW fOttlm 6, have noticed that; aa a g-ral huee in ehergo .wf r!wpiawkM."4 humane rt ytiritt . to their ltontioua,c,t: . , We bate oft"" lw4r PPotntn10tlta nJ l?MM wno'nt fblr Ittnt Hospital apokeu of jofficere m moo u being excellent, and the ,-c$een 1 sbarge, DrV Uill, a -being active and .calorie la tbe 'discharge of bb duttce. J)r, Hill aa ' ur,uathat tbe assertion lu .the letter' referred to that jpatUmU mn, fleeted; that 'aome died without It being Known VH Ooure, ore ra fii aniruo. u Iloepital hiw bom tatabHubed about gix, teoothe, and ,f " uring'tbatllmo Upward' of ..80 fatbnta j-have 1mm tMieivcd and -treated, and the whole nUmbofof 2' dVatbi.' during tlie tiina ooly 0, and a 'number vt 4tbee were lu. ev dyUi jf condition whon,bnught to tbe , HoepiuX wbieb would roduc the cwUlItyMlly lo , , about thirty for the whole (line, due tbe. Boapitat : wa opened. 'S Zf'fZX .The HoaplUt fund U ampla and provUi are . abandant and of Jbe beat' the" market ajlbrda, wbile' ' $t ttoplc of wedlcihe, blaukota, baa been, kept ; V " f R J ve, to wlfforc,J for nr tJiafjr 3 ir eomforta or neoeaar? rticle.."7i." Z '"'.Js f- ' " Those facta we levn from Dr. Hill, end we ere. glad of an opportunity of aaaunng the publif) that ' there it one place at' least wheranot onlf our own,' " but jaUkeick and wounded auldjera are well cared for. Dr. ilill baa luvitod" iu td tome out and JUke a look ." through the Jlospital for ouraet& which we mean to i- do the first opportunity, when we ahall reW,ta the : '. Tetee Institute IloapiUJ again, and prairor enure, . the management aa wo nuy think duty requires ', f f 't It waa briofly announced under our 'tolegrAph bead ; on BaturdayJ tbat one of, our cavalry companies had captured a rankee gunboat iu Onslow 'county. 'This U gratifying new and goes to JrOve that there h not J eo tnusu aanger to do apprenomwa irum iw k""; boatf on our itmall streams a we bavo suppose,!, ror tbeircapture, In any of our -small narrow jrivere is an easy task, and one that only requires a littlodauh"ani "daring.. ' , '.'.r,:, v lx A very little daring and coolness "ontb part of. commanders would bavo .eapturwi or destroyed the two or threo tbat asceulei Nuuse river to within, a few jnilce of Ktuston eonu months since, for tbe rivet J IS narrow ui crwasii nu tmmn, . , boats could Dot bare oEfcrol mitsbl roaUtttnaa to a de termined attack.'. ' tnttoad f .nu each attack being made, however, a panb waa g itton up, ft apbndid railroad bridge was foolisbly burpt, iinl the'mcn wbo would have eutol firm end acquitted thenflbleea well bad tbey beoo led by eotnpetant commander,; were tnortiOed and to aome extent demoralised J) rf nnacoountble pinie ana tlie eaors oi ome .or sue o9keretoeeise,tKe twin to make their escape on. J " W ainccroly bop that B. Wore aucnafturoiuaimg 1 . ' scxinei will be witnessed in dnrSuta aud 'tbat this Mllant exploit 91 Cpt JjIekUll' Cavalry. erUl be .' - Mlowod np until our rivers ate tleAtW gf these gun-' 1wat and those of our citatena. wbo Hve along hr . Umksre enabled, to feci that they are aocure and ' tliattbeir property U protected.. Five hundred sharp sliooW ought to prevent these gtinboatt' ascending , - ny of our narrow rivers and ,nnder a gnodjeaiVer " 'w'd do Whenever theso raitl are made frorn ' KewbcraorAVaslilugtott Jet ouV forces attwk" diem r ; Ad compel tbe thieves nd robbora to fight their war inch by tneb, and they will soon cease and oar (jtixena there, mAy remain at; borne nd.continB4 their Jbor 1 for the subsistence of tbe army and people 5 and un j 'less our forces are. kept far" down enough to-keep tbe enemy from waking these raids, it aeeros to us they vTgbt well be withdrawn altogether, Two or three hundred Jnea might have captured or killed tbe ' entire party that made tbe qpent jrrdd on Greenville; . V bot 'our force were to far off and when they nt last - " arrived at Orccnvitle l.b.0 enemy bail fled and- returned! toWa8bJngtJ.i, ' I 1 ' We do bopo thing witl be better niaoaged here ' after, and again take occasion to urge tbe Legislature ; , ' te epeedy action' b' tlie" matter of ralaing ferce tw permanent acrvloe In bur Fassera Couotios. - " ;i"XAts hi50HB.iv7 bxirn.tbat "twelve Yan-1 ', ' kse prisoners, taken io a akirtnisn within three miles .r .of'. Washington on Thnrsdsjr "tasf, a-ere 4uglitJo" Tarboru on Friday.! 4)ur wfurmant waa at larooru , ' on Friday and saw the prisoners, but, learned no" facta relative to tbe akirmish 'Tuwb tT fay to treat the - robbing, .murdering, tlueving aooundrela. Compet them to atay close iu their deoa, or if tbey tome out, ; kill wenptore them; , . J J ""' ' - V ,1 .y tna Kaw; Ssckrriator Wsa. Tbe Ziaii4,ssye lloa. James A St-dJoa, tU newleeretary f War, has "' rfulsrty entered poa tbs'discherge f the responilble ; . dutieg con arcted Wit hi Departwent. . Frost ItUkMsm ability aad Umg public eiperience, the bopr is hidalgtd H Uutt the bepartweat over which he presides will loss aees ef the efficiency which attended' the aduiiuistrmtton I - of "bit pndecetjar. -, Ano:..,r Cuiit,oat Cuptured and Destroyed. We kuurned by gentlemen up from Gotdsburu yo terday that a part of Gipt. John N. Wbitford'e eoin party eaptmuJ and dc&troyed a gunboat in Uaf Hint, in th lower part 'of Craven County, one iay last week. The crew consisting of over twenty were t.ik en fiiisoacni aa nUo were aome twenty or. twenty-five negroea. The. lanKee pnwiucr reacnea uoiunoorv on Satunlay and wereeent on to Richmond, - v " v ,Tbi b further, proof.'toabow what" might0" oo our wjwll rivor by a auEeieiit furce un ail;e"t igfailNy gtvT , UpWetf:.fcfte'5 or rcginieot t ..Vj. : . ft. ' 'ir- ?'-r, Unity to record n net bioH joaorable t-Oooririar the n.,..- uo n,.i.ti.ww. nr we oi in ueor- vie Itotpiul and itiAWoeUtion was tmemUdby in Laring tlM auiir'tto 400,000f end thenprnwed.' Th .... r ciMi uffy kad previously boett pprupriitCud to the tsme ncr'0,l eaesomektag ytv hJ( a4Jfs, ihoKnv""L " "OOBe will deny 'that teortiB take trc7 hT luldiera. Tb bill provides that wsystde hoc pMbahsJlbe elab!ithed t KnoxviUe,' Tenn.,' J)alton, Hvnw, Kuntoa, AtUata, Athena, Savanaah, aadmiah other. plaais mi the Aocit!oa may direct. !. y ." . t . 4. itHtH'i .- vr n ..ii'inr " Jr'L, TpttF.uosT.v:'V correspondent of the, Jtfe fork Jforf deniea that" Fremont, Jeaae Beutii Frentout'a man, fine been, phiced; 3u Command vf the Depart ment uf Washington. . ' . T1IE CONSGKlPr LAW IN tJEOHQIA MA JOltlTY !AND MlOIlfl'X JtEl'OBTS' IN THE The Joint Couiuiittee of the Oewgia ligUtalnre on Confederate relations have teade two reporUi to that' body,-' 'The majority report declare 'that tJWlgress ' baa Uo right to compel the citiceua;of tlie State to boar arutsf, except" by (eejujftitioi on th several fetntca for. their auotittbllowlnr cb Stat toexer , duo such'cimpuJkn J be necessary, ftfid to ap- ' point tho o(B-era for lef Own trooita.jrhey keporw Ui folWriigoailutionaj ' '., - Z- V .'" v?" i .?ao?tsrf. That a,!l lawa 'passed bythe C-nfedcrate rCuflgrea W mt armies from tlie urnia-bearjng pw , pie of the 8tnU 1-y contpulsion, aud without requisi tioos ripoo, wrO'iieiirrent ctjn of. the States, are .ttt)couBtitutiimHl,nd within our power to be declared , Toiil. While Uettrtrla maltea hU declarti n, ahe al-. .so declares ber wiJUngnm And determinetiutt to fur nish to tiiema of this iinjurt And- nicked ar which our enemy i 'gi upou;tietsrti & done from the" begiiining ot it M ju,st quotas of troops that may be. required of In, in a omirtitutial way. . - , " Risdetd. That awler the OmrtitutMr wf the n "federate Statre, and. "the taws of thb Stnte all (be 1 1 oops whii h 60, htta sent to the' 6eh undet re quisitiotis the Confudrratw Goverument bawthfl' right to elect ttte offii-ers who are - to ewnmanthem. ami that tU laws f Congresa which1 deny or Impair this right are unconstitutional, and ui our power to be dockirvd void." -. " - v' ,, -' sV?-: " - ReMiLeJ. That wltile foregoing reenlutiona X press wir flxtxi covktfons we aro still willing l lenvo the Conscript cts undisturbed in their epcraiuin, re serving to me otioe anu ..ikt jn)oii hi,-b jijjoum tvmodies as may be demtttided by future emergencies 1 The minority , report tfiat thtf aifcty of the States demands that n oppoatuon oermado to any measures Adopted by ttio Cmfoderut Congress iu tbe exerclne. of powersgraiited, and intended for iur commotv de, fence ( aud they recommend othe "people or Geor gia to arqtllew! in ,t ho decision otheupreine judiclai tribunal of Uieu State ; ana uts hxceiiuncy tlie Governu tojeouuturmnnd any and ail orders which, be hwt have Mrtit Jii suspend tlie execution of tbe acts tFesnnl a v. tius DMie nptm vue -eiiuwoa sunjeit bereto.' iOl!SEfiAt HOUSTON A PATHETIC SPEECH - FltOM THE OLD 1IEKO. "-. h The Koitst'in 'TdegriiA, vtXlw (jth kstart, eonr taius a'lclU'r from a eorraHjndeiil at Brenhnmj dated. the 1st Instaqt, giving quite an luterustiug acxomit of appearant'tf and speech pfGci of Ocn Houston tn thai . . . . ...IT'.. ..... . .v v. . . d h(t twse meewna uere khut aonuc un- "fBderjib nmmf; wlwreat all sorts of tilings were, re- sol veil aipum nyltoijy KfUidng y Uke t tnier ny cireuNMra rices; " You-ee we are not Idle here, Iwt wnrkins bard for the Interest of the Confederacy, as ll are iiir duty boundl Virlt1q the cour of tbtt lav", wbo' sboutit eume along, leading w wagon in which was las furniture, but the old hero .of San- Jjacfulo, Sam. iloustou himself, on fits way to lrak - RtmhMice. wh-re lie thootht it prudent to "-skedad- 1 die," le t the Yaukeea might, lay bold of hiti), and it way be,.conHgn l.unt " Ko, 4. - A committee sot , waited on- the old man, to kuow bis sMitimetits in ft '4ard "to. the -ol'lect of tbe meeting, ami, perhaps, of things generally, tile 'coniplied, ami as -he arwc to address the meeting in tins Uourt House hero j-nay, 'I Aotih! nlMervu-tiflV. I Could, not' be mistaken J could w, I aaj?, a tear-drop- hers and there, as be bobblcd up and looked around tbe meeting, c He waa ltWened to with profound attenuon xtiMUninmw - tie wound Up by saying tliat" this Was prtibably the last ccasiiui lie Would. vcr address public assembly- .one f4 on the briuk and another in the Brave t,, tempentwee and moderation to use all their efforts, to repel the ioyidloiis . foe 'that waa stealtlujy mar.'blng to nd), plunder, nwl destroy tbr bomea, their prop erty, &c.f and c" -deluded by a bonntilbl peroration in lu otrw aeptuaxenarian,. anven mnn.ois lio snd lu nir, without cans or reason, and coming back to Washington. mnty;the cradle where the liberty of Tcans wta rotked, and Ure he' no ex pected toby biebonee. v?-.-'- .A-,;' J . Ta (ianiBa FoaT JTbe Sabm aayalf..'; f ' During the past few weeks, the ladies "of tin's place. bav bum .Uoiily wgagedin tnanuGictnring 'ron forts! J our brave men in the army, - The bdk.it, Crod bluaa them, are the One patriots iu this f trupgle ; for wlute.tbeitde lonb of cir-ati'U) am gatnhlhig io tbe prime accessaries of, life, causing fear and (rem to seiae even the tnost aanguine well-wislier of be Southern cause, tbe fair net, as minUtering angela, .. .. -.. . . ' .11 , i. ... .1. ?. .re ponring oil mi meintumeo wawrs, ano uoing Mien; tmit iu assisting K bring bnut an honorable peace, bei)dering the aoldier Comfortable, -and thereby pervjiiu hie arm, so that be nay be able t' witbstAnd the $rigom' of tlie winter nd auccessrnlly 1 contend 'against' fearful odds Ion the battle-field. It is Well known tliat the object ofthe enemy to to exhaust u In tlw Erst places and . then' W overpower ua j but If our army la kept cnilortahslle'aiid in good condition we may tire out tbe enemy, and finally obtain psa.ee, Tha butiei of Salen) ahonld bavo duo credit (or their .;y;u , t ' -. .. V ' '"'.. . vi Covjio'i KMa,-W ly btfart awreHn (krr. Vsaoe's ascellsMt Meuae, which will be earefaUy nad by every erson.wbe takua. any iatersst.ta , Inst tors of fitataui' , ' , " " -"' ' 1h Oordrnor reeoMsjietMls Mearares for the dwfraee ef . ibo e)tat, and aa embarire en prvrnkiBs aad other aseso Sarisa, Ao., deeoaaeas spvcelatora and reemamends taxa-- tiea as a rsmedy, te.; ? nv nes-ajr eoatsios a iuu npo siliun of State attain, and is, apua the whole sa eblaStat Jspr. Ws fear tlis nu rsutsidid speeulstors, ua ort-r, riU not have the. dualied fie. as tbe specula tor will sfcsp bis coarse aceordingiy aaa raise priessttut EZFSrJ ptgn?r,.M twenac.e tug tax--"a -rswu SENATE..- 4 - Satcbdat, Nov .29. - fie 8i!tmte met at 10 o'clock. Prayer by Itev. Mr. Lausdule. " jKumal of Fridny roail. ' Mr. LasMter iutnxluoud Ibjaotutionconccrnlns tlie culture of TWoo. . - " -' - t .1 1 At:u U....lu1 .. prohibit. by biw the jtultlvntdm, of Tobacco th pmprietjr or wnicn w tH'quitinimiire, wi TegBni -this aa well fta any of tlie industrial product of tlie country, v -s? - rf'-M But tli meeesity b beonihing greater every by fi ua to LnabunJ ur resources ami to luok'WvlI to the ftituro.'"; hi- " & ; ' ? .By the atidy advance of our enemies tbe area flora which our aupplies are Tj come Is fcradualiy ilim'nia!! big, and by emigration into the interior, many con-Hi mera.h)tv to tieisupptirttid' without a correnp'Mling number of pnHluiw, and the, ten thwHud men proposed to be ruiseii for tlie StBto defence will fmluee ' tlie number In , view ot these pJiig- reasons, I bopetbeGietmiifteettn Agrientluw will introdneow Resolmioa reeomiiiflniiing' to' the people a) the State , the importance of lititivritiug only those orop;hlcl. will suit)rt human UfeC , j- , '"', - -i, Mr. E1IU, from the OmimUtvW c!aiin,p.rto bwk resolution i favor of f. F Hioki, TjcoraaiettJ iug its passage, r.-, " ,",."- J j , . Mr. Bliurpe suggested that It woobt be best (Lir-tbe nimmlttee to report ti( tovemia au ciitima oi tbe'ebaracUt of ttiione uow Jbcfora '.thsSnat, it would save tin." ,.i.vi : . ' Mr. Ramsay catleil nltentiuM to tho fa'-t that tlie Qovernor in bis message, had rceomuieudud the creat llg an ODHW to suniv.au euvii kidiios. ' ' .Mr Elite moved a suspension of the rules to pUw. the reolutfol 00 iU sevoral readings... v: ' 1 , , Mr. Sbugbter said that experieucw had tangbt Mni that it waa not light to'suspeud th rules as ppp elj it iud freauontlv tuksrfidiilton if fenrtmproter chiirwt- ter.Jf tho SewitoC Cronf 0nslow ladnypeiiiL4 aim good rmeotia Tor uui rj lngtiirs toriain slid would sbite them be would withdraw his tdijectiotf. '. .Sj' Mr. El lb said that he hail no reason other than tbe amount duo waa W a poir inaH end he dervd, that he should be Nddassuou as -pr.ieticabhu-'t'lie.rrtw tion waa lost,-, 1 ., 4 ? . tj-'-f- Mr, 8harim Introduced 4 bill to regufata the foe of. jailor,'- Iiol'erred to dHdkiir Cohimiltve.-' :y .-, ( Mr. 0I;mmI reported that tbe b.ilhting bod yes terdny fir Engnwing Clerks had resultwt iu tbe ele lion of Mesar. Mote,auil UiU. , Beport coucUrrod In. V- ' X yr-'i' Ys . Mr, Keftf introduced a bill tA bicorpomle )he tnwu of- Marion, McDowell ; Koimtyr. HU-'lerred ,Mr, Keal a molioti with a nmiivirml ti thssuhject to tla Ctfumittco oii CojDi.mtioijS. . ir-r , . j- c '.$ Mr. Adam, .f Uullfimi (otMducul a bill feeatlve to witness.,.- Ik-uuirea exoeuses. bt DO lU IU M- watictf wheu suiumooed out ot tbe County.! Bills and ItcsoluUous oaiiileru4,lronitlte ualemtir. .A biH to amend lStkarVtmu IO61S thaptet iteviscd Cod, f Provides tbat County CotirM may. In tlicir discretion UK-rVtue te bonds of Sllcriif w $33,OO J. t'aSmd 8d roading. . -V-'-i :t ' 'if . f A bill to providlotblng for -SlG' Troopa-and J' otlter pm p'e, was. on Mr,. KlhV aiotiun, postponed ttntil 12 o'clock 011 Monday nexC ; VA lit amendatory of an act for tbe better adiniiib "tratiotr of J iisttce. in the county of Onslow. Passed, A Reaoliition. concerning tbe deknee at the Mtatf and tbe clothing of .Troup; on tnutioq b( Mr, Katu-s-'y, was laU on the tiib'e.a-- .v,.... .," " A Will from th llouse ConCofuina the e farieo the Judges ji( the Snperl.ir C nris of Lvw and Equtty,L, I'rovutas for (he payment ol salaries when pwuiite.l tpim holding the Courts by tlie prcucnce of the enemy ,J Mr, Wnuht Siii.l that this hill had uaswd the "tliet- llnuse aud the Cwmittue luul given U full ciawiibtr, tion, andfheertuUy reonnmieuit if a Me uotwit llwt i( woOld be .allowed to" ptxs tbe SwmUi without alia eeatiuit rulcn.Jle tlnMicht tlie labors of our Juluv of tli Sujitrhif Owt were but poorly mid for 'and that lie WiMiIa liKe tn see tileir salaries vicreascni, If the rxigcnibtoTtiie times Would uIKmv, - In a practice of 25 or SO yeais, ,he had had an op; t unity of jmlgiuit if the laborw of eur Judges: and be boretestinnmy U their hdity to-duty,hut Com ctwwe entirety Wyond their oontrvTrthey had born deprived tcna boalintf tbe regular Cunrts In a hub cthe eyaiita uf the State, IVy were both ready ami witlbig t-bved.rties-i, tul gave aw'iiistainje bt ,wlikb Judge had )iold Conrt fet the imminent rif of his life.-, U ; v .Mr. Bagly iMposed-Wuieud by adding Solicitors,' Lust.' " . J ."! r,i V v - " - S Mr. Orra way, opposed .tbe bill in a .speech of someleneth, be tlMiirM it was rtiakiiix a. Rift bf the Judgua ti y-them for servti'es they bsul not reiider 1. .Mr avmiMUhised with tfiefeelincs of the Snuatori from Gundwrlaiid, but -nif b hb views he could not. I support tit bilU '-'....' '.j. ' x - Mr. M nutit saiu m reply tbat to hu miuit tt was a projiosithK) to tlie beiiate, to carry; out, a pjain pro vision trt the Axmnututh, wnicn iin mmh aitow a iwiuetiiai of the salary tf the Juihrft aTtor bis eleeti.ni and acceptanct', 11 r; Wright continuctl bis remarks to arte length; emiehtduig . by boplug.ail oppositiou would b6 withdrawn frota iheliill;' . . jv r : Mr. Britwn said with duo deference US the Senator Irotn CumberlaiM, bo could no supp'M't tlie bill, ,Ait enw in cmdlict with a settled rule of lib life. JIq re garded U as a gif Io (be "Judges'. ? Tbe Constitution Ttouired A owd nro'oud. ' The . amcunt was A small oiuisbleriiiH itmtih tcdwjtha'sottlod priuoiple- thal the Lcgthiaturo bad mt-.right io aotiate public nvstey,'liittlHmghtiiat the bbligathiii of the Ltgis tutiiN iu tide resnect waa as binding "us that of trustee, - He tbaight that the bill conflicted wkb tlio : l. . -.l.T..t. .l.w "t. ltJ:.l JURW Ba now bihihis, uuoer wlwjii vim uiikli iinu orrpted their pusMone. It addl to 4ti 'lite taw -waa expiu.it,-anct.the juage naa acceptea uiKier- standing that if they held the Courts Jthey were to be pabt and tiot.otlierwfa. t. ;?. --';. ',' .' ' , ,. Mr. Warren said. that been tertaiikeil eery great re spect fee- too opinis of tlte tSetiator from Caswell, but nevertbrlosa he Imped tbat thi biit' wouhl piise. He agreed with the Senator that as general rule the1 "obligation of be ijeKbtture '.' similar to that of a trustee, and ought nut to make u.matis, tle, liw ever, did not view .this bill -in that light,.- Nothing waa snki abut a quid ro' mto . iii Ue -Ciiwtitution relative to tbe Judge1 salaries,' It said that the auhv tiea should not be reilucod aft elocti. m oraceepuuee. TliD salaries were fixed by lair-at $1,1)50, and it waa presumed tbat tlie., Judge! would discharge, their du ties, lie doubted very muclf whether .the t alluded 'to ould tKtea lu jtst present form it- brought, before the LegWaturoin the light of the CoutOitution He liif niL tlwrffinv. think the obiectit of th8tliflt.r JVom Caswell A valid one, aud hoped th& bitt would Tbe bill Warren Kllia nt An ameuJmeot pTopost by Mr. llatunay was re . ' The qneetion bring on thopawge of 4UeJ)i!!lt was lout by large vote, Z '" 't ""-i-. A ineasnge was received from tbe Oobue proposing' loailjourtt tM diei't) tlte 22d ot ..December,, Mr. Brown said llwt he ioied that tlie atteutionof the LegixbOurs wutiid iie diractel to tbe great suiijecta f iuHtire And our Jnilitury defuncea, aud ba a1 leg a- Ution, as for aa. practntlw, be tK-ferred. " If be thought tbut tlie bUbiuesa ooiiid M gotten thruugb with, tid tbe members return, at .la olden t!uie by Jpbrfatro.im their Jioioc? cod Ji did;.n dtUbnt 4 waa further discuss by Messrs. Urowa, laoo, irom we promises neta .out oy no govuninioiu, ,- Lnssiuf, Carraa ay,' Euro, Buss. Copelaud, 1 Jfrom Ma vast. prepamUous maoo ana its tormidabig Shim.'... --..,v "-..""..';''.-'- 1 aecreaniventovemrnts afootbr bind and eea.rartfc reeled lti "Well i I ihe and laillilul sirvants. , Mr. Warren fiKiVcdtn hiy the tnatiwae on ho tn Me, and said that he agrei'd' uli the Seoutor rclaiive i the two :i'i'iit queelions that alvuld occupy tlie, iiti-iition of the Lejrihlature. But he thought that (iropiti.n'to 'niljnuru had berotolore.jiCfupied tJt niU'h lime, lie 'wanted to dihpateh biihiuewi, ami when it -w si completed adjourn, immI whs oppuwil to tixing upon a dny.'wlieu it .was Imp'Wble tokim;v, ivhat might lie to do? f . ' - . ; The niessago was tablodfc" .' . ; T . -.i , VMr. lLimiy'fiv jolice that be ebjinld, on Moti, xiiyt iwive ' rwSmniderition of the' vo by whh h tin- 1 ruUttve 'lo tbe" Judsp-s' .i1iri'" had fnvii ileftsiled; - A fiieMwge was receivetl from tlio Hnmw Irnnamit ting a blll relutive to Justices o( tba Feacoi land fu'g livw, llererred."- -J-.. ; y ' Uav of al'wnce, for a short time. 'n granted I ' XliAirHCopeliuiil, Lane. Warren and BKkry. V- Mr. Wnuht moved tile KotHlihlmrtw-uf a bill pHKHutl Friday h-lative t rotMlaniul bridtft.- ti.tl. ..On Jlr, tflaughtur's niotu1 tlie tiiate4dj;.urue( ijuUl. 10 o'clotk Monday. ' U V; . iiotisB op jttjMMoKar VV. Satcbbit. Koi Ski TfouMrae eaTJod Ve ordit atll o'clock. AL U. ' .1'ravur bv ilev tlenry Ibtnlie. V t ?f , JiMtrnat (if Vtwh-rdav read and apnmvtvl, . Ttie C'tnitnittw' ftn the election of Eiifirowiiis Clerk 4 4 made Alio report' aoclaring Jl.-ra. Uiil ftud Moore ...lu l...f1 .r-1 "v ui . 1 v The. Committee on tU Judiciary eeportcl back s Mr. Shenliord preaentecl & report from the Joint Se lect Committee on tlie Stay Law, with jt bill modify- tug' the name making provisos 1 and exception' rtt bil favor of soldiers in aerviee' or tliW disablcvf -while irv the service of the Confederate States. urAlereti to be -.0u motion of Mr. $h'eplier the rule setting apart to-Uny tor the consideration ol private villa waesus 'pewll.'V-tir-T. 'i -: f'sHvt T'a ' ' M. Keroer,' "Resolution' ta appoint a 3oint Sctett &enmiitee of one on the part of eiu b tbrtrse to pro-' wed to t'bit our sliflcrcht Hospitals ntar protinre dia chanres and furlonslis for sii k and disabled soldiers rtnid on the Ubte 6u motion of Mr, Orinsom, wbo stated in, making the faction rtbat he , was inUuencea to uo ) from tbe fact" that h did tio( think, the bill covered' the ground it "should, and expressed his intention at au early M to present a bill ,to meet all tboexieen- ciesoi tbe limestn regard our troopa nI relieve, tbe aecpadtiee of N. C-Soldiera.' f XV" " "iwtwwr naa iutoitV'.Jf Mr Rlumhanl a. lull nanvrnlnir (.iainte flioris. '. ) Mr, Costucr. a bill for tba ksttor JUoverumeut ot biavei' r--v w. -yc1 - " " j.'crr v wr. uean moreii snat juouse oiu ma, 1, auuiorixyig tlie Uovertiur to employ slave Ubot tur iu to defence OS nieceq on iw mini raaiiiig, v t v' V, Mr, Bcall moved to ttrike out tbe oecUoq nutborb mg (My ment to owners tut tdayes fctileiror. captured tiy the enemy, and made tvmiirka In, defence wf bia ,: TI'lii litl .BVASt t1lU4MliBwl sii fcsrttst 'lsafrf Ik s ir 3sf .4114 (tiw sis --ssf-rusj''srvvsi ov srvMiv tw mj wMfw W. hh ad FHvie"aud on motion of Mr,. Hafrkv of 0)i!thalU ptbtpoticd Until 22 O clock MotMlay, ' Mr. Fi.wJo, a bill ta emend the charter tf tbe, city of lkleiah tehUirtfw tli0prtwersf the conmihtaooenl .for prporas of tasatiofi ami rcmuvat of, nuisances; ttelpfrcd tu the committee, t prwpowuou ami griev- knretC -"' . v -V '-' ' -,i "J " , . Mr. McRae. bill Allowing7 in mlditioo to bounty heretofore ollcrud out i4dler ftft pelr'UHHitb, Ite TuTWlI.. -jj VV-VVV i Vj- i "", On niition of Mr, iWJes'tbe bill giving pnwor im tbe tioveruor to emptoy slave Ubr was atmnt t-ifeen up aint ttlteofl'eritigan Binendmont he consideration was lajetiHined until Mouthy tio'cl'ick .' . MNMoliiun:k, resolutKiu bxiitg iV' of Decent! next as tlie timu tor suis ute mijiwriiUieiiV - AUoptinT, Ouniottim leaves of alweuce Wern granted several 'uiembvni of Hju. - .'' v : ' Mh C.irsoiit btU rcguUtioir tin? prieer Of urtlcfcs of 1 rmtc neonlty.f. IMIeml to bepnutol auii tcler rftd to JtHikiary einiuiitio " ' v .- v4. ' , Mr. Burjiiui resolution W take np tuid ,eiMdi!r the bill cuiratrtniimt tbe Btb JiHlkhd invuit with n yortof ciHimiitte m dtnltuUry-uliuiiUtitg'S sulisit-" ;tnte which qnder a susiwrnaun ot "thoruta pawdl its yerui reading aim ttwcreii to twviiroitoo v .j, . ,Oojuiatm tmf loll to. nv'nliiut tlm turrency wat inade the sfiechd Wiier fur'.'tuesda ,lt tebsjk.. O. tubition thoHousQ adjourned until MiMiday 11 ovbxk Ty- lloat iVonftbt North '.if Tlie'ewTorf 'Wrjbi" &l blt 'ifwdveil at Petersburg, bring us the. latustnews frian the ifririh f t ;' in its sitivatki) article, the tlenjtd .iys "the rebels were still in possession of FrederU fclurg at Iwt'ao-' taunts, tut it surrturtUf wati formerly jtlciinuiaeti py I Imifr'tl Kmon,Hr Vrliltitf ''i ' , r'j L It hi aid that a ,4argn force of Oetieraf- Stiurl's 'rebel Cavalry came to VVam;nt)ti3uHeti')i7Bter4y,' liroliftblv- with a'view to mjke a' d.ish 11 mm tlie Union' liiieViu their accilistomed alutaciotis maimer. - ttUnHinf were rife yxstehbiy that" btonewall Jm-baun. was at Winchester with au eye tor auiithet' raid dut" M mi lAiid: but not only U the truth of this report Unlike ly;, hut tbo condition of the river after the bite ruins tenders alt cnauce ot crossing wun bis lorccs impos- Some highly bitcresting fucta in $onnertion Vjtb,' the army, its condition' and required expenditure are. given in our columns to da)v The estiinationr for tbe exueusesof tmr annv for the' ensuing roar are sat idwn at four hundred and twenty-Hgbt mi1liine if dollariA-ThereqmJiione upon the l'ay meters Uc-t artuient still uirp.iid am.iimt to lorty-elnt tntiiionsr According to the reports tn tne Agtiwiit uenenu a oflk-e, tlm number f soldiers on the sick' lit at this mo'mcnt amount to nearly one-sixth, of the. entire, nrwiy ln tlie service of the ,UniteJ . States namely otie hundred kiid thoUsanl irroa. ; ... ' .."' f- j . Our news from Fortress Monroe states that some of Muf pK-kets were driven In at Suffolk on Wednesilay, lent tbat GehFeck Immediately, sent 6nl eforo wliicbdrove all the- rebels cler over tba Black water riven., .The bridge across, the river and adjoining isreeke are . being rapidly fionstrtlctod. by our troops. At latest accounts everything, was quiet in that direct 4km. . 'r.J, C i " - .'Among other items' oTnowfc from the South to-day b that of a change in tbe reW Cabiuet", .General R iu-' i'o'plibaabeetj remnvfr.r-fwm,' or ha re-dgned the aiitioo of SecreUry of War,. land' 'Jumea A. fiuldon id yirginia,ppointe3 in hbpLice.. i, KsfKssmiii or as AjprryB vtatn cAair iiaj. r The- Herald says editorially 1 i :'A V. i Tlirpeopio uf the loyal Statu Of tbe UtihmTii man i dm ted In tlie late elections: doniand en Active prove cutiofl of this war East and Wtsti- Thcy,.'xpeet It, olarlv in reference to. the cranu Arniv ol the i'oto- nfao is this belief of a .forward movement entcrtainetL regardless uf tlie uv, rain, frxsts and thaws of 4 .' YItxIh1 winter The prossiiig Decesaitios bo leak than the present advantages of the gorernment forbid theH jrfea that three or tour mot tua nre to m witatea in wlnter-Ottartera.;' WW-?-, U '- ", 'The depreciation Wr" paper rhoncy'FederI . ana meat , sue pressure ui nin auoiini wu uui. pn all ,the business aveeatioiis of tlie loyal tJtaies; the., doubts and misgivings resultii! from the oaitbiuaiic f A powerfirl -rebel army between Wasuingtou apd Kiehmo-dph enormou inrpaf iioneT required ,h mtif tluydid oo they w.udd I to limiuta'ut tlifl opposliiK army tt the Cnl'maiid the. leavy nnitor'i'iti(nts ol m'ii.ilt iri.fnit'ir frihi time to imetii rep.iir ifn los,' whither fighting or liiitptlve '" ill Usig"i -oiti of the tiweKKitjysj'oe H",-tivs opera - tion, r-'jr.irdli'w of wind or wwithrr, .3 ho Impon i widely enteil, lined, ami we think it well MatltkUt i i truth, th.it the Uiil n aimv h Virginia is stronger! m l i etter prepureit now to the W'rtr-or a trimnplmfit .'.imp dnjthrin it ever hns born heretofore, or i likldy -u he Iirreaiter. The rxiVih'tien of bat mimnierV c.impai)in oil the niclimotui IVnbmuU baa aldo'bAiVcd7-. Jthut, II he votild rs"AMi the deadly nmUiria of thone , HWampa, Hli'l tlHe ( opeal mioa whUh rt-mh r tliMU tlnnmt iiiipna-nblr. Ueni-nil Hin'iisMif miljit awlH til ftjL aelfof tin- ttdvait.'s of the 'wintirr aeM'iu ,it'k' idvam-o Up'Hi the Miet 'iiin'taf, " - ' . r hTWiiHliftitn nert'iKtt! porfeetlifi' ifniut ' yniuOng General ftiirnaioV't'i fcei ii it slmrhAvh ,1al diitn thniwliiltt dvitiri',ir nin Ri-bm-aid. mf ' bim las fiirthrr1 atusted ,'Witb AWMutwrnrbiil tmd . jiidnav.d farce ly way, the1 Jaminaod Vk riv , ra,nnd his "jsd vanes tij.Mi the- r. lJ stipft-dtfill lid. be tlofttb blow to tla rehellhm.' ( Tha army d lei, if cHlrtlrred or d4ttntvT at lliiihm'ml. will be-tw- s loped by Peee wnfij.Muiit'i optftre ilfjir aMttif it MthB wiiulsj And,' with .lite' loaS iiT tl.i nn, v. tb li3wln and wxbanatitl fatmle (if tWrbellwa NunlU" will thetriHidyva enmc bi the lwsww.7- The will nimr- -niae In tho remilt of tlie lato fi'w y..rk iid Hher -ler.. ' if.ais of Abe Northern St itea gii trann rf atv urity ' mine, union, nnii. TKy wilt nljt,liu saving alterua-.. mm m sumiiwaion, ' . -, .(- it..- ar1-? V But time is pm toils, The condition of tlw Fitb-ral jk treasury And of-' the irorreid-jf JT. the rt.otrv. Jbet heavy ilrun 4tnnn tho -rewunvrwol tlm bn-nl SMti ,' jreqnirtxl tosi 1 our. biinvtimt U.eta and armies In' thc liuiil, fclnitt ot no tintiilvitjrno wiwto inftnut, - mmtfir, men aiut bpttortiuiitlcs. bV viilnj niHMt tbo ; lemmita.''rWe miwt, diirlni this wiuter. if not betbeer ."" tie expiMft mof the pr.Hent yi-nr, onviin-e Vie po"-" ' pie uf U19 fouili r the lolly or lurtliur 4mtau . n't n. .1. . 1 : .'1 a. .. r r' . o.. i i. ....1 ... . . & no'i Tt rr.iiejrtu -stiv loiiy ; m imkttoiuji, n We know not wtuit may. lie ta conaeqU ;ii!ea. - jne wen says jl,, j-i-mj-- Jh. ' ' Tlw late rains' nave rxfewktil Fivdcii kabnrg, Va., and may bavo the eifoct of tauewtnit .refniMmji t' advance uf O iinaroai.b. v But eia y will, abb lbiy the mvreweuu ,nf tlw enemy, ki-I will eecnr t'ie,Up- . per Putotmui tn CnmbrrrHirlr by tfumlerlng jf an -"-' unsstibbt 84 tn rebel in fun try or artillery, perliifi. for ecka lo.tm. rv 'it ? V.ittst itwit8T)')8T;r5''tXstKit,i.t't; v' lciarii.iVKXo,2(.'jao2.-i-C4 Ji Dila. Jr .V nu' JloVr.s try, write Adjt. Gn- Finn- II that be bus roiitl the reliela tint of iiaturn JCewueky,iipturi;ig. eighty prisoner "ami a lurgo lot iif teuta, guns, wat ona." horsca and biuina; Aejir Tiketoh, ' , " i Tim nviiii body pf tli tvbuit escaped through Pimnd; ' . Qap. 'ulr-r ,4 t.yvt iij4 Vv -f '. ,-.-sf JSVi-' " i1,Hi wmwfcaT,,,;, ''i-Jfa-. Ctnn,Siv-. S lH02.i-lsnger from' I Orange rrjiort tlint (lie main body of onr army i still tin-re, Naie but efcvalry tiavijol tweu t'dbilly Kpringa, but" thpfftmrneJ.'- "'(he railroad brid), WnveTiuh' emvb .f La Uranite, bturmd by the rek-k, as bebrx rapidiy . ' rebuilt v-.--, t hi,. '? -ful 'i , vfi lite Memobb Mletin.d tbe 19;h aiyx that Bra:?. hAil Arrived al Holly4 8'rio. bud ttatnrdny uuh. l&,om. tr r lt fovlWwrtup Wld Friee vrif waking nil p tssible pn-jMr.ttkme to give (Irani battle. 5-5.rj,irr,f4sreKlt .fcxjrorWoy. V- V. , j .'Thc ctmmnnd W Cvir. tf& W M-Tgnj.wlirh' reovnlly peff ormevl M tnccemf d a rvtejeat In-m 0ui herlund Uap, b now on its. way bock flaii bi K.t Tcmiiwnec.a, .Tlie " command paseit down the Olil i (rotwdm bm-ttti to Lwiyil;e mi- Saiiilir, and, it is n-porbaUwUl marub.hXJlM m t pro -ti.,We rMiteiu Kiwvtilio. The poHosioi uf K"Kvl,b imp.ir tant, in: vibw of tU (art tbtl i ruts olf tlw ydiw.iy, oamuiuiieatioii )nitw'ei lficlun aid and East Tn e bnttlae pxiiiliiA tr"ji tiiiieuablu wai in buut ua tberobob ara iu pnoii.at ;CiMtiir; l prooa.tUv bowuver, tlcit Jh jri rtMir nt coostiMles, nily m prt f Umk H :r iia pi Ml ( r taking W y '"4. . . .i. wk. j. .f iKii Lit ia J i.A !" '' v . i.ur. Littb M w nmhiuitd A-ltliMi dor 'all, FrbUy Kcw'Yorkj.. rufudiig to see-u'.-immense en;wd tht clsiihtfudforlnnliiti-rvft -x , ',V , ' VA!t)AU.SMO'TUfc E5K5(TiT WllilAMSTtW . Th:b.bsTfr'af thjk Taoks U th 'irjst sdraaee to ward Tarbero waf.Jly bp ta tbi' staada i f their Vi tality jciw, Sllv. Wjseo thattUi-ej net.'SfiiS arrcouAw tA aa.'TBlifjd ia Xai'tburn papel'ar 'Ji eorrp(Hiifiwt of lb UosiiM f TaiMtt. bo -aewdipaiiljd th f oapedltion, with aiore frankaeas tliatt p nnatty pWteed by a Van kv aTtu'c desurlbtag s Uirdb near. WiUieawtoo, jtortb Carolina, sssbif fetter t ,- k , . ' -i: , "j. Ts j next mm-ioni atam bair-pmt seviti orcmcK, we araia t op our twiiwliojt wa rSohin W WilMmuw Mnmit fu.thor nitanej ji liiwf sitor it 'Von, . 1'liU is small ai b OiM-a, hsriaj bo 'tors tDj war nwa nr.i to s-rva liunUi-wt . Wo loaad it at atMt'ntirtly liasjrtixl t ooot tnliabttaat or twu e bite Mv b lae alt w saw ia lb ile. Our halt h t was b-ait thru Uuui-i. kail at lbs nd ot tbat time " lbt town wa lit. oszlilvUUA - Aot only wars Kut -and oi eaiB.'iitl a liuku tabait lioie hniia.', and bu ?. hsi-BDSs and e. i tax.jj (nm ba M but tore wer enlorvd '. and aofcmb anA-WMh the 'a pi jack eiseovvrtrf and the biy dealt by o.dr. nut a few wonr d ad dienk aad tony more pa. tialty pbretijlxl. WboS we arired a nta 'aiaWabla: oaiabje bad to bo weed Sliaiol at, tba point of f tlw baoaeVwlil.-t aiCrs,wer loaded into auibulaoccs and tMfirarj wagon. -. "' c . -Tbe uiriia wat tor,ward to BaaaUtoa, a little towa of. -IhneiV Ktwrbandtwd soub. : But -iiut-ad iff ma ehin into tbe towvrwis rnuie eaeaaipfud la a eora field joat oat- side of it. TUa orducwos thsttwn i titrss saiu b-isout eat to foraijo proruioa for each en.int'isar, and no others allured Iw-town. ' list Whathsr br op -n flii.dlinco, or, by tbe emnirac f ahna wbo nhaidd ksrs etdorocd the : order, th tow b wiuooo, tn ca:np lanjjsajf-) 'dwan-'dout,' . tns.i mui-e compk'tdy than Willis net Xot oatf wiW' . bouse sackwd, and cv-i vthuj pot tahttt aad drslrabla ear riod otf, bnl valaahl fui-mtura daib d to' pitic bm)s draxttea int'.tlw sn-usts and .buint-Mn mj fiid, I mrsitr, eouuied eijrht nr. teji but, nearly or quit ,a doseu boosss wareweeilUmsly, ba.baroiwty buint . f ' ' It is littl wimdis', W mtcli bu tbi eeodaet of oaf Ibroas . , tTcry wbero, that wfhojild aeqnir aa-,ojwri table fepir- "' '.( jSi-if"1- Y. , i. m mi ittiii..i....l'.''ff.t m flROV 2fBW - MY4.'- FDttAb CVSBOAT CAr-, . f -vTCrtiiu. ,. ; ( 'WesbtVdVejty,"lys:thJllkgto Jfrt'nt' Cfttb v-'t;, tljat a report ' tras" earrcBt' to rh eff-'ct tbat f, Yaiikos gunboat was sgroand in- JtW Rifts. '. tl&eial In fiirmation. ha been rceuivadTatbeadquartart here, a-fbl a " ' Capt Kswkirk, of th cavalry, sad Capt Adams, of the aKlUerf, kavodeiti'oyed oaeof thseneiay's roabuaU,'. ia Now itlTuf.. Jibs was oa bar way oaVharing, awn to, isi-ksonviile, wherftlKir piratical erew bad bioksisto tba -Coait Uottse and Pout OJiow' and stiilew their eontenuw Jihe was lannediatoly attaekfd, and drirea aabora. Hue, erew escapud ia a small schooner tboy had" taptnred an' the river, arte tiring the s t jametN - tn j was, howeror, of . lino, and her gn, shot nd shelV a law qasntity o(, ammoBitloa sod small arm aad mnobof bor aqulpiaeiit -had bee aareeVt U . i .-. ..r-jv...; ' Unfortanately Ibr r fhrccs, a strong-bresie was pre Tailing at His tlaie, which enabled th Abolition pirates tooseape, otbeTwisu tbey would, probably Jbavs alt bsea; esptnrtid by oor forees. . '. ".. ''- - ' Ortat eredit to due to the vigilant and efflelcni offieiajs "and mew wb bare (rallantly f roved 4bat ia a 8.mtberj river the enemy's gunboat are aot invincible, . Ws be- ' -litws tba nenboat was eapttuod oo Wednesday last, tbe f ' Kdiisat, 5 ' . t,'. ' V- 4 i -' t rt f'i-, DRIVERS WANXEJPt-, , V" , " H n WHITE DKIT BBS ktlB rlTATKTKAM WAJfTiU XUte haul Corn at Taikxe, & C forthn detiartaaat,,; .- !-, -. . iuomas ir; Hooor . ., : V- ..j.!- Cammlwar Doai tment.. pec. jtfC, u Vf . 1 1; iMg