4 BY v J.. L. PE1IM1TGT0K. . . i TERM? QP.SITCSC.'SU'TIOX. . , - k , yf- following the duly terms of aubscrlption to T, Ittfly Paww; 1 month', fl Oft t Daily Paper . e months, $4 00 .;.,,.! t' , J 90. - it " : l"00 Th paper Will not 0 m in BOW eewwriiicr wmio.. Vfl the Burner In advance an in all jiaac it will be stopped 1 . 1 .1 H ...... J J !..', - I ' . ".'I !). ' when th time paid for Mirf-rc. uJ ti . i 1 tw 1 in' ii . m at m la '.m.j'. i: " Baring access to Job Priiitinirmatwial, MM tobeetntal J -Ti.,! ir.i e V a 'w-. , ,i j" '-.... ! flu. I'itVv nirfera fni I'RINTINU ar solicited. f.i.JH work eutrWrted.to tam ttl be neatly and expeditiously tea, and at price as wr po-moio in m :USECOND 'EDITION? TELEGRAPHIC 1IEUS. , Mrt ntifOtitieo ro MR, assocUtkb tun. J i.W liOT notl,tjtp'iii out CptKri-tef fo-kyt but by . - The entfny nro 18 miles Ufa w, guiwg fo5f 3Ifi! w ,,T1 battlt of ywterl iy result In tha went tak- rivef., .Tli' aHillcrji dual, romltliiB in'a -vrfy .alifiHt !. ih 'unf aiiW In "l! Availing Ovi.- 0iitQMM'a (jrltv'iMMi'tht ifiri 'V, tiitty it nnthtrly qiuwitMNit vitu1,tfieiwiMj ij akfVlil, hnvirtj;" Imt ln t hurt tl'lrty InUM-amt , .wutinM, attvn r rijjlif wlr ittiit.,1'ltr A24 Villwl awl ,wii'm)l iirtiilu'clwti-friiig u jf (LdcMrmrV ' brtttwy tif fl i! T -t f"4iiit 'ioh vI n biitly." X rt wt O n. DuvU, Mtfutatlppi ln-btlV' m tlla Uii1.riiJ K'ti.i.vi-J !. k.TIw Vaiiltoa b-', ' ittla itir ttifrltftt4 M Kit" t-vHiiif olgH .f rium- f . - -i. v t.' - r - - Umfre f uiiJs TIh ritftrti fur tiiltuhixi tt triij Uji Atjtt lyiilnw Vtriyf.''f A fiitd V'i'l p' t'' AIM i tiwwwif, .! miiqUrhW tU of mfvU-t- ,;.0uir awUta 1 w Jif k'iltcllmnilwl ml4 inti)i M '(HMi-wljJwy liMii1rii1r If th r.mVem Mil giivn .our Tt bnttWHniy t1irratrlwatisinett wmiM bare bcMi (fl.i1 turti-r VrfuVf. It dj'iw tlwj ' wwM mi!v iw vrdl IbuA far.. FishrtVpf '! ut 1i. ' t ruoii aorimnoivr rnkmt; joxbi,w;; t ',- I'ir.tnf ime ih RwjMrter. "' '-", . """J;co.D9otul,, t)v,jf. 'o. W.' otr C U. 1T;k;-tt, tilV, P.itqlu-r.' 'Manej'i buttery, kitlwt - 8u.utyiliir Trif 'tMii' tKrp wt killtil amJ't-apr.iNt tl)8 liri'1P'ywtrliiy. K" farther fialiflui V-ly.. Tlm Vankwa kft iy tfw Tr Itgwl, btkin rinnit Mr. Crry khJ Uugtitw, rUt reiill ii mihm 'frmn hr," QchV - Ktatw-, CliniUMi kftil Ouliu riUcru. Wu.bavenot tliUK'ii3eryrttiitlli. ' " Tho rttertiy tHorno! KJiintoH "Jn great iMiatf. Joaviiijf iiiny if tbwr ittv) tm.tlie tii. . Abit 100 4r tlieir dead l-ft n Jlw roinii at VTUlt JlulL ' ' Tbirty-flrxi Hrpimeiit. Cl. Jimlnn, lt 24 kitloil at White Hull. Tlw enemy'a licary.. , Tlia u' tnj paiiicHitriokfh ftnl duVof tnmunitl)u, aiu atill Ntrcating." ; ,., C': . LATER FROM'THB KORTH. Richmond, Dee. 18. Tlw En$ntrtr ban Jfurthern tlaW-a to 16th, 0n iedaratea mwle nil int I'tailvaville. - Mil., nd cap tured fjctunrmnj- nf Fwh-rat ravalry. Rank expedition (m tillmn (lend nti tlw 1ftb. ' Tfc WMlln(t(;q Rrpuldiean, Ijncoln'a wjjnrr, pking"of Burn Wi fjiif( 1 tho Rappabamiock. ' aayt th failure at Frmlijrickjtlutra 1w t'tken th puV ltct knd pxvuibly wilitary utVriti(M ao much by nr. pria, that opinions itrelniriRy yut frrasd nnto whnt wgbt either niw t done, or wlmt i likely Jo be Artie,'' Far nttrtwlvfwe 1ipe J,hat m a for week will terminate the winter of tbla taltbiaai, thAt .the army deigned for the dcfaitcd of Washington will go atone into winter aturlera. 1 "'-'". at .-' , ' ,', 1 t ,) . . WHAT THE." YAXKGBS LEFT At FREDER- 1CKSBDRO. .'.Richmond Doc 18. The-Vankeea hh a large fltironuf of ffhiw, knnp: acktna qwtriMv of ainmnijtin "at Frj"lcri-ka-ittfKS "Ttiey ahj'wlpft ahtmt aifchuiirlnil if tlieir.duwi Id aixt fthtriit diwii. NwrlV erpry tvvq.to wa aacaeti and cwtenta wintiit1y ilcstroy!. TEyery cunavubht. Injury that iha'iceftmld auwt wa eaorted trt. In thairptrmt ArrrM ibe river thcV imptwl tl' the dead.bodic. of tiieir fcAlivr Ut npreto A piokeU - ' OUR rRISOITERS THE tAKF.B LOSS"&d nnrnriannpra exMiifixl KathnltiV hrvr heon whamc A arid rrtnrned Tly report ftrtt diwatlnWtbip in the Yankee army; w fiirtlnTticmmirtruiwim, nn frery thirty ijnict m our tinea.. RurnnUt In a diapatcb to unotlru av. fwt wi .l-w ieiwyay qv imm- and. The njeetun m varima aa v uiironde'e preaent rovement Ntliii)t titiveiy known. ' ' . FroM'Me Sxwnfl Witioa of veter(tr. t '.t ItPORTANT FM G(M.D8IBORV.THS ENEMY . r... . N0tT0 8EWXU. ' t" PaooHKaa mea, Iee,:lS ' A dipack waa recftreA la official qnartort hart at 10 e'elnek this Morning' f om auerPotl tvUnbIaanrce,(Ut-. in that tht entmr nd diaaanared ft-om tha nosition oc- eanfod bt tbna hut nljflit, and war awbiM a ba found uu atom ixTEt , .ast j,' f.' . " " . furtukr From ooltsbo&qj ' v. . '.-. Ti-ISpecial Oiipatrh. - ," "-I."' OoiaatwwjOee, Ifc We- h- the" Tan In 'fttreatr, and all la' going oa W1V OoMUbore !.,,': fi,, .. V"- ' , , MEUTEXAJtT t, X. .J4EID. r : .V .j ISpecial DipK-h4 , 4 ' w'r ; - Ooipniitt't0ee,tv. ' "'fAent. X if. Roid wu k1TM at the bridie at Kinctoo- . hot thmaf h thr heart , Hid lat wordi were" Colonel, I am ihiit to on hmt.',' , H wardceently buried by the Yanka,.fan turned hi fncknta and stole all the button . from his elotbva, and alaohi breaatpia, ' , 2 ,THH CaTTLEAt" firttt8B0R0V i . A)mciAliiriOrn,-aiiirh (a being heavi'y n inforoed t4Mdljnrff'; .liearf firing there VetfWdajr. IT-CJ They are rpdrto.t 'nblviy pita! White dev. ftee'niTiili'w hi'hrcv- m the ' Niiib gwabarjWiof, , y-jt-U'iijAji .waa apttit Jii jun LATEST FROM FUEDEIUCKSUUflO. sv '" " f ;j ;i .' 'I -. rcBMONBy DoC,, 17. J ; ' PaMcngeri Jy tiif train jh-oia Frefflrlctsburjf tit-night bought ad addiilotiit boyti, The' Abolition army hat en- f ttrely dipofo4 tha,Vlcfaiity of Ibtitowil. ' . A (ttrmoi tbat.,tnoy war narvhlojr 4nrn tha, iVortb bank 'it tht RappabaancAk in directlua of Port. . . S u J .. am , i.'-v' '-', - FRjftt. N0RrOL5-.VAKKm.1 DEPRESSED-. ADMIT- A DEFEAT ATFKD.ERICK8J3URCI iDEswsroir jpmiERSBi?R5,;&6. 4 v"'r x ,v5Jf JfasaTOM.Wjlt 'A I' wrivejl. tiertf lft I XiVfc.lk on Homiay, : tW iiiPrrBU'ni of 8nrnHftfc ilffrHt"!" iiWV ttitW ibiprtusfu clfnct Ui tlifl' fitukw ll nrfiJk. t)nr pffip'" fcnkUly Ijulwl, , Yikw.' r Hint tmy'ttiry r perintttud ttiL!rpy ftSAtt irfculiurjj wltb but littlo rtpixwittofi, but aa anon a WjJtVforctf . wrmm the jRfbql tied. ' L npim prf Upon "thenj irUh 'lW ritnulml jinr-6fljfpU')i nf Hr'tUorj" ytiilfj R'nnrt girt partly ii tWr wrml k Ur Pjj a jiitrilfrw6n!lnt'UliftirjiliMi raiikvl1ifr Vnokac nay aitt'U baoe baa mit lcn awn ainrt tlia vt'af cum htfUMrt.;.., .t . , ., v-v . j'pu-y report' tlwir b In killwl at mora tban twen ty trxitiaartil. V i " -. ' N i Rinntuf IrtMYy fiiititliig alt day neflr KiiiMton but Irtk-M. ' ' ' f ' ' ' t, . .Dtirinic Ut wwkrvfubirccmrntii -cru cnrnrfnuUy tip lugnenttoSHir.ilfc., ainltbo n'purt- va tlmt JVtcj. Llg wit to lw attix lti4 fnifn HilfT-lkfr while notln'r fnrc wax tit b himliit atdty point, iiiidur prtilccliutj "Hwo ciaiiiir;;'?; . ."' ' . , gitwe' fiuriwIduV A " t FratM' Mrtir, it la bp. lierpil tha prgranimo haa been clmngKil. ' ' . srW. UTEft FROM THR NflRTll YAXKEE AOOODNT OF TQE ftTtLE OF FBEDERHJKS- ' RicuMX6 Dpt. 17. The EnqiiirW baa N.irtk'fn'ditti vf tho I5tli, 'lliey M'kpqwli'dx A dppttb- battle and hpnvy bwa tlii'uiph giving no nnmbera aao bs t tvv bniidred ind firteert iu nno dli-winn while cfiwabig. Tlwy wy, they were enjngi'ji all the nipM livrtmviiig tbeinknd mt wrtin.ldt,' ?i. Rayard nk!lle.l mid OtitierHl A'Jjitmt, KiinbrtM,, Gibltoititi and Oldwll wounded. Mrastiiur wiW aeveniiy wtranded ami tlie.Irish 'brigade Miffirwlterriby.' . Tlie riiilMdulpbia ISnqntrer uya : "v'e hope a wo bplicyt the grnnt nud flnnf atriittsle "f tbo w ir Ih nurt fiJQg m and that Ctirnai le will throw everythb'C " ihehttnSTdiiitV-tJpVnmryid if nrnmnnitt.-ii und every AihU on an li'itlcat and luenluU) effort to tiko Rkkridnd wbatcrtsr lKtbcri"iiilt." FROlt THE MtSRIAStrnfI.UA M DESTROYED ... RICH HAUL, &;. ". : M'ibilh. Pee. 17. Special dipatrh b A Uri'uer and Register d.itcd "ttkaburg. lOtb, wiya thsrt two nf the eiiPinj-'a pnn hunte went p tlie rirur yeaterday and another Mt this nvrninK. ' D11 FrldnJ ft Federal rnrji punbot waa destroyed in th Yai river by onr, torpodooji. On the8thiiiatantt1eFo.u;Mi tmnp"rt, Liln-fJitv. waa eaptnrwl t C.tfwm'a landins 011 Miiiiipi, 'y Rowur'a cavalry,, with 75,000 dullara In cush, a flue lotof provwliioaclotbiiiR, o.. FROM MlSSISSim-UI ENEMY ADTANC . . . IXG, Ac. ' MnBlLR. Dic. 17. The 7W6nrte learn front nfllccra of M. lilo uinl Old" Railroad that between Tupelo nd Okiil-nm f.be tmin Wa Bred into on Monday ereninK by Ynk, but lioonrly hurt. :,ThYtndit proceeded 0n OknliKta wliwl tlie latter place wam itnmodiatly pvacimto.1 and everything "removed 'A ' Eg:ptC Salt'llo W -takeo JlLimky niorniilg anil R'MitKtiX! Unv thuru at eleven w'clock by 2500 KbtjIitloiiiBta, which lu'wiHt ti bean advance of 9,000 twbij arejaakin a raid ,tbrmib'ni tluib country Shiimiu waa attacked at 3 uVluckf im4 day.: V , y Vvt-!.' f ,YA.VABLE CARGlbWROM NASSAU, ETO. . v , j - CiutLmuM, Dec', 17. " . A larfce Bteamer haH reacbett a Cmfednrf port with ten thousand WukeW, a (quantity uf iron elalw and plating itw tunbhnta and a vnluablo aa.nr ted oufi go, partially oti Government aoemmt. i Naaaao d:ite' t the 13th teed vl. The Naiwnu Quari'iak nU.ntM!ca .thVcnptiire 1y Yijnkeej puw bristt of aclirinirr witlu'n mile of nhore, which wan ent y Ke,yKt4 TJio Guvarnur deiKmncea the cap ture aa an owtrage ao BritUb taU'M." ; cajigo ! arrve!d-gin! goBR'S remains! fc '"' . ApuCeTA, Due. 17. - The Steamer Ilernfd Arrived' at a CfniiKiiTci-utp 'port, to-day with Valuable cslrjiiV - ' . " - T. 1.' U, UiiitK reminna wacneii nero MHwy Large wort of ciiiwriK kitd wddiery."' .' " . PRISONERS ARRITEW-YASIKltBLO? AT fRED-. . ' . civiviKcai vuui v. V ' Richmond, Db. 17. ; Between fonf 'and ,1lve lionarfi of the F.rndisrickfbirfjf prlaoneri "arrived thii evenin(5.'!: It ii reported that maiiy ttra((aler were captured yeaterday. It ia belk-rid ln'of fleial onarWrf tliat thenemtp toil In tha battla of Satu, day "frai everJSjOOt ,Hop.f alala wfire unhurried re- governor b? soiiTH caroUnaxElectI;d. ". t .'if t'HAiii(E Dee 17. 1. . " A dlsptitcb -tronj Glmbiti ttirflny Biti'oiiiK'ea that 00 thr third- bsilot' Gu , IMlltHfge'L. JPobhiuu a' tUwH Ooremof cf Bouti OArohas). C0IIIIERCIAL RjtiloH, lJp,J?. . tn4 ,.... UU&4 .' 80 $4 W APPLES Orten.n.;.T,. . Urli'd ' W t k i PKACHE.-f'b'd BA0O.V-n. rmmd..,,...., - " . Ilani:... Bf'li'F',..V'..'i.i.AM't ...... BRBSWAX.,...,...i..... BUTTE II,. Yarn , CANDLES- allows 4 't " - Wraa.w........(i... ; AdamaBtla....,.v.. . ' Spei'ra. CORV rf Barrel.".....- CH'CICR!f8..:,.W r(.FKKB..,(i..,...'.v r LiUlt...j4.M.w,VM,, ,,., FRATM RKrt.w KLAXSKKO ........ HIDES rrii..v....i i '! i ... ft .i ma m .... soifffi ,.!618c ., iti.2r, .....t...M.,M. ''''. M . 10 ..... ...,,. ......... MlffWlo ..........Kane la market. '-WitTSO 5?3(iM ....;.. .,..(. nHtfi 81 ff;3 ...j. .OICifTn ' tW35 wrvn-.M..:.,..!.;........,.. L'-'ATflKH p'l" MOt.ASES...... JIAI!,'., Too .,-...: 6uo ihtft-tfp , ...U.....r,,.'J(f? W $3 an ..T.i 'ihk .i..,. ........ ...... Or I a ' " j lsB--' - r EAR 'rwud,f,,t,,,i.b4. .. PEAS-Htrtck..:...-. $1 7S $ta7 23 t ha t3S bn 8100 " ' -Whi Table,,... RAO i U ' 0 Si UIt i t-f 1 flitl ltYK.. ...". ......V,, Vl,T SoirPi" ....., HlIUAHw-B wn.;...,r.. -.' f,- 0flb. s. It Ot4 ! (We TV f LOW WHJaT.;..' .... : fine .Wa5 TAiiN Cotton .;..8,7 ooT 50 1 -FAYET TEVILLE J1AKKET. . ,j . 4 Dee. 11 186J. ' Rawjii !i0e. Liird S54 Pork 5e.. Berf f om Butchern, hv tha 'aide. Ual&c.f UulUf taaHSe. i ; KjtRt S5a4"o. prf doz.. C'-n C2a lBPr h-t Cotlon SOc for (food ftinlitv Cotton Varna (.1 0Ua5 On per bfltteh of Mba.t Flour $'13 WaStt (Wi CoiW muwi Rve V4 per bu! 8w rd Iron 30cj Nullsi i.ia.HO; onnd Walt 4oe par pouudf J w f i IS fi.ir bun.j 4-4 Brown bhuutinga 33ali0; HpiriU Turpentina SOc pm gallon. ' "' , ' " - - HBADQUAHTERS, V CAr or Ixar uve Cf H0l"t?. -... , Duceuibor 1. J tn accordance with Innti uotiona front the Heci'ftary of Wa the folloaiiiii Oonw ai Ordrt1, No. l publi.-hd i The Unrolling; Oinoini of thin ritate will par particular attrition to ' tha wno and report to thi'ite Ucadquai tira all n.Uen and enlintod Wen who d6 not oomply promptly with paid Oidttf. " . ... 1 . . Bv ordurof Cou PETER MALLtlT, Cnmmaiicling Camp of. Ioitruttiofi. E. -N. Mak, AdjnUat. ADU'T INSPECTolToENEttAL'S OFEICE; 1 RiciiaoKo, Ker. 27, 1862, No. 6. i ' . Uoniwatiilaiita nT onortpt will canw the followlnar or drr to bf i.ttbliabed for at lM aVfi tiinea in a nlHoii'nt tiumber-f newspaper in -each State1 of-tbe "imfederacr -tormnre its reiHhin(t-eVw4art4f lh cuuntiv-. ,- 1. Alteontmtiwionedomce and enlist, d Hi' n who are ow ab-n-nt from thoir on ain and from anr other cattsos than actual dial)ilitv, or dutv under o, deM from thf Soe'y ot War. or from their department i.ouiiuand.'r will rc in n to tlieir eommands without deUv. II: ' CoMMiMloned iriKeefn failing to cnifiplr with the proriitona of tha foregoing paraRiaph within vwaaonablo length of time, In'ao eauc to nc.d twenty dara arter tbo pnblicaHon of thi erdur, ahall be dropped froui tlie nilla of thu artnr Ui di.-(frace, and their nanoa will bu furnixfo "ri to Hie comuiamlant of eofiacripU for olituieut in the ranks. " "" ' 111 All cnltrted men Who shall fnil to torn pit wHh th nrnvlsions of paiaRraoh I., of this ordT within a reason, ablr h-ngth ot ti. no, ahull b consider, d as desert.'-rs, an'l t.'ati'd Krnrdltijrly, their nawiiss to be farnih;d tollip oo'rimatidant of oiinseripts, in their Htate, for publication, or nch otiii-r action as mar be d.omed most ellicacinus IV, in order to ensure the efficient ro-npAati-n of all 0'incin-n d to carry this ordur into immedate cflVct, lr pn tment Coinmsaders are direcud to'requlrs from the enmmandinfr, oHicor of each ioparate command .in. their Depa fiicnU a prompt report of the names of alt Ooinmis tlouud officers and enlisted m. n now absent from their cnminnils. .These reports must state in each case tlie cause of abseonce, and anr reariniental. hatlnlioo or ootit nanV eoimnandor who chs'll neglect to furuixh snch a re- port, or who shall knowingly be gouty pi cnneaiinr anv case of unauth i.lzod absence, snail on conviction 111 iore- of, to ramma. Ily dismissed. V. Under thenrovisions of the 2d dause of paragraph I. of General Orders No, 82 commissioned ollicers and privates who are incapsWe nf bearing arms in consequence if wounda received ia battle, but whoare otherwise lit for service, are required. If .not otherwise assigned to re port to tbo r eai-est eommandant of conscripts In their re siwctiw Slates who will, if they are fitted for auch duty, aasini th-rn to the collectioh of stragglers and thu enforce ment if th provistohs Of this order, with full power to call npijn the nearest military authority for such assistance as mar be noccssarr thereto - - " , - - ' Vl.'O'fieureof lb"? Quai terina"fer'sKpartBient, charg ed With pavmenl of troops are hereby directed not to pay anr cominislotted olilcer, non-eommisstoned otilcer or Drtvtte ho" does not fnrn'sh saHsfactory ettd.SK- tHt he is not liable to tiro penalties described in tht tbtcgo ing order. Any disbursing olilcer who shall make pay ment In violation or this order (ball h liable on bis bond for the amount of such payment. By orders ' '. - " ( Signed I . , ' 1 B. COOPER. l Adj't and Inspector General CO 2-7t ' Executive Department North Carolina,) AiuvrsNr OaaausL's Orricr. ,- ,, . BAiaien, Nov, J7, 1863. J General Order,) . W.I-,.w '''' ' I THE IrMt E S I D ENT OP THE CONFEDERATE , plates having deemed it necessary to call into service, under the provisions of the rcw-Ht act of Congress, all pei'soni liable M military duty between the ages of lnd 40 vear, IhC-Cmnmanding Orlicare of the Uilltie will call out their r speetive lU-giments od enroll and conduct to tlie Camp of Instiaotiim all persons liable to military duty under ttie law, at sach timce a Coloael Petbr Slalh tt, Chief Km'nUing OlJIoer tor the State, wiay direct; II. The enemy s-e pressing upon us In great nrilnber, with tb'j intention to overwhelm us bvawiut -r campnin. Our danger now comes from -the South aide of James river, and as the seene of tar nprnachea nearer to our borderavit-b -emes North Ca olinianf tetesh-CTen-moiH; prothptlv than bi-lu-e to the deft-nee of ear own ten itorv. tr 11m .irii-H him back onoe more. -as we have so -often di". tfiero is every reason to hope that bis strength will 4 be'-fTiPiaanv nroa'n. in;."vriiifrwiio;erB voiruptrn wmu he eweaua of this nrdjr are again' eommand -A to nt' all diligence in a.Tcstingo scriere anu nmnswwHii'n.1 1 'eve f.p-n the arinv, ami all gofid eittaen8. w6o p.ijie lib erty sndlnd'-p "ftde'nee, an earn wlltf invoked tt sjwist in hurrving off all such to their regUnenta, The hruv-j .and .patriotic soldi will not-over-stay Ins furlough unless provid ntlallv hlad'Td. Tbeeowaid alone will xliirk (at ho'he) whilst his braver comrade endure the heat and butthen of the liuht.' .. "i.i BV oim-roi uuvernor imi v ... Deo -8t , J.0-s MARTIN, AdJt Hen; .; " VALUABLE SALE. '' .. ' f - I OFFER FOR HALE, P..1VATELY, TII BEAUTI--ful resilience of M.s. Cotton, in the city of lialelgh, T-rrnstoitlitther.rch.r!'. . ..fl' ' , , Per ima wk-bing to buv will please apply tn tbo nnder slgn -d befrirj th - l.t of January, XbM. or I sIihII rent the sr.-utlsei on-lhat day. - , - , : LEWW.-, -5 r -TtXlLsl : - Agent, Ae. rrOTfMCRIPTTOJf; t rntousAxng iv tits cusFeusttAw wates. I 5 owing to the flilT-'rent taws and eaemption bills passed b vllie laH two a jssions of the Confrderate hitatrs Congress, are ao mvatlfioa as to their teal duthe that they know not hl ermrse f pureuo. - We a. vise all who really believe themselves subject to thu law to report ImwediaWly l the respective caeips anpninb'd for the enrolluiiliit f Con acripu In Ow diiTereiit States. Te those wh-.Aellefe. theniai'lvea eicmpt, we would respectfully eayt that otf arr curing our fee, which is Fire Uollars, we will furnish them the (aw bearing o th tr casus and eVery additional Information which we bare gleaned from the action ot the authorities In parallel cases, and we a'Prer-ared to take, all the respofl'ibliitv of such advice. We wtlldnnojlhinf but a LfiTiiiArB business. Those whom wetind are reaii Iv liabla, we will inform accordingly.. Those who are not (and there sro thousands In every ritate who are not) we wilt give them our advice With the law bearing apoa their Case. ; - - I ." Having everr f'leilltv, we are prepared to give everr Information regarding any other business connected with the artnr.'' ... .-"'.,-!, .!..,,-... , ' Owing to the heavy expense Incurred In procuring Ihla information, we will notice no conunanlcetitia unaccom panied with aur rutaluliiK fee of Fire lollrsr ' The following papers will copta Siesjlh jnd aead blH to (lie enhaei louts N. C. RUndard, Progress, Charles ton Coni'lerT Uiiluinhla Guardian,. Richmond Dispatch, and Kttvitnnitli Uupublicau. . . n. ' Dee. 2, lh(lVrtlni ' t ' .... , ,.-v, Headnurteri Cmnp of Instruction ' VAsrUiiLSU, Nov. , IH2. J SrkctL ORnittift, 1 ' . ' . , rf . , No. 1. ' J ' T COMMAND1NO OFFICKR& OF MILiTlA RE01- I t inentar required to awcmblj all pjraons subjeet to th.; provisions of the act entitled r' an aot to aasend an aet entitled an aet to provid j fni'thur tor the public defeats," apni ov. d H ptcmbcr 20, 18ii'.','snd em oil tbisame, f H. An lin'ollliig O'lieerand an Examining Board will hii aopotnt.d tiiir each Congressional Distriot, who will give duo milieu to th Commanding Oilleersof Rvgitnenta to bring tlm ConVcrlpts to the Count, Seats of lh4r r speeliv - Oiinties tor examination. . Imniediatelv upon ts amiiiatinn, th 1 said Commanding Otticcrs of Regiments will conduct all Conscripts nit having received rertifleate of c'xuinption to th; Camp of lntruclin, near Itahlgh, III. All pe sons who mavdesire to volunteer must dose bl'ore th 2l)th of Decomb r, the day set apart ror.enrnll. went, and niotjoi companio which were in the serjico of She. C'.iiil'cdei at-,i rttntcs on the lHth of April. 1862. IV. Applications for exemption murt, brail eases, be maJjto tliii Unrolling Oilioer of tb district ( duplicate copies of said application being made In wi tting, duly sworn tobel'onjn acting Justice of the Peiee. and bear Injj thu certiticato of the Clai k of the Cooft. given under the Countv Beitl and snit tlirough the Colonel fcf the Regi- rnefit. Ah appeal may be tak. n now the decision or the kn.t.lliHrr (!lii.Dr l.o til. 'f!.iinntSndftnt of Consci'lnts. V. All Conscripts engaged on Oovcrnmeht works Will be enrolled and 'returnua to th ir said work. , In issuing tlie above order for the enrollment of Con script b. t ecu the ages of 18 and id, the Commandant avails himself of the opportunity to thank tlu Htate OIH cers ft).' thnir untiring and laborious efiot In the di charge of thdr duties and the efficient and ready assift aiieenili.'i ed ti him In t) ir official rapacity heretofore. The iinfioi tance sndrbsolule necessity of renewed ener gy and prompt action in executing these orders faithfully, is' fiillv exmess wi in His Excellency Governor Vance's Oeneral Order," No. 10. ' . The ellici ncv of tha army and the s!ty of onr eoun try depends, in a"gret measure, upon their faithful dis cliarge of tiiese ditties.1 Ily 01-der of Colonel PkteB MaI.stt, Commandant of Consoripts in N. C. . . - , ; -MERCHANT TAILOR, ' PHOCTOIVS OLD STAND , FaystttviH Slrttt, lialeigh, tf. C. On ' Ugly Row,'' opposite Lougoc'a, " Hard by Towles." WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS on hand at all times n large aosortment of CIT1 ZENM nml MI LIT ARY CLOTHING, and having procured the services of lh immoitnl C. M. FAiCRIHS, known as the best and most, tasty CUTTER in the South, all Work will bo done under his supervision. I.hope to receive a llberfil patronage. O. A. LACK, Dec 5-tf ...... OBDNANCK DEPAIITMENT, 1 Ri.jtiun, N. C, live. 4, 1H2. IEAD WASTED. 1 WI8U TK PURCHASE LEAD J for tlii 1tep.11 tment. Persons having large or small quantities will please apply to me, TH03. D.TTOOG. Cm. C. S. . Dec, 5-tf In charge of Ordnance. LAND FOR SALE. " fpITK U X D E It SI ON U I) WISHES TO HELL HIS track of Land, situated 9 miles from Raleigh, in a heulthv part of the country, well watered, wel) timbered, a good dwelling, and everything desirable to make it a g..od home. Thu 'rack contains THREE HUNDRED ACICKSor more. Immediate possession can be given, if ap'dled for soon. O, A. LACK. Nov. 2t-lni HOUSE WANTED. A Small Comfortable Dwelling. iit too far J'nnn the Capitol, is wanted tor the balance of tlm present, and probably the whole of the next year. Any person having auch a house to rent will please make it known at PROOKE3S OFFICE. Nov. 11. TANNER WANTED. AN experienced tanner can And conaUnt employment, and got good wages by applying iatt iiKdiately in person Or bv letter to . D. Mcl) LINDSEY, Rah igh, N. C. or H. C. Llgon, Forestvllle N. C Oood reference required. , ' nov 24-tf MULES WANTED. TIIIE wnderslgned wltthce to parchase TEN I (JOOLi MULr.rt.. Application to be n sle at the CSmnilsaary Dcpai tment. TH08. HOOX1, nor 22-tf CapWAC. 8. MONEY LOST. i MONEY PCRME WITH SILVER SLIDERS WAS lo-t on th streets nf Rnleigh yesterday. It eon ih.u. d b. tween $-0 aid $35. Anv one finding and leaving the 'same at the FR0011ES8 OFF i(JE will be liberally r WsiflVd ' . ' '" Nov. 3S-tf . nftiAII WARTED. ':i " ' "'V ' " BOA RD is wanted in ft convenient part of th citv for a gentleman, and bis wife. A room with a lauiilv that has no other boarders will be preferred, WII-" llntr to pay a'ifood price for comfortable accommodations. Apply nt ' FR0ORE8S OFFICE. .. nov Jil-tf : PIANO FORTES. - rpWOOU T n R E K EXCELLENT PIANO FORTEft I and a verr fine TWO-TOP MELODEON for imbHiy JAMES I'IKSSONi Pino Foite maker, Tuner, Ae Ac. Hargett street, next to Jordan Woinble'a, , Due lt-tf N EG ROES WANTED, r ' KtT NEGRO MEN WANTED TO WtJKK. OS THK JDJJ Piedmont liaili'oad.now being built betweon this . .v ... ... ifr 1:1 i . piaou ano imnsnie, vs. n. are paiwg iiuuibi wag", and the Jeg. our ar well carol for, , , Wi also want 100 CAKPEXTEUH. Applv tn . J. W ILK EH A CO., Contractor Piedmont Railroad, Urueasboro, N. C, He t'lm ' - . ---V '. ' ' HORSES A N D MULES WANTED FOR r if STATU I'lRPOSES. iiiE tinriH ...ksi HAVi.vo m;-.en appointed rrw bE Asent, foi'hi) Stai.i tor the pa -chase of borsea sui - ie f in nr s e vice: ana a-oofi araturnt muu- for msMi haa'lrig, woulit MiiU that he rv b-aad daily, in llsl- -slub o. ihj next two weeks, at bis Livery ntables.'- l)eell ? . JAMS M. HARRU. V; C , i ADYJERTISlNO RATES. - ; . " The following rates will be charged for afi adverOe. BMnttJnarrtedlwlbe)Ait.f PvoeassSj .,- bit MCasi 0i twktvi ttaae, oa tint One day, i......"..f TS Twodava...,,. I 60 Three ifsys......,,.,-! tl s lit weess.. ...... ...1 1 ,. ev Qnm mutitll...,, Two mootbs.n,......-.ll (t Throe month..,,.u.ll M nmriiH. ....' " Five dava , .a 0" Six months.,, Twelve months..-,.0 M One week.,... ' ,f, Twelve linee or less count a square, tad additional square will be charged the same.' .- - fc Cash will be demanded from all nraea exeept Where apodal contracts are made. j. When sent by Wtter, tax Uioney nyin aocompany ine WTrriieeiDsni, LOCAL directory; , , COCNTY OFFICERS. ., , W It afoore, CleriT Superior Court J U Bejrete Uenotv, . ' . -. w! J i Ferrell, Clerk Coanly Court. . ... . R O Lewta, Clerk and Master In Equity. - W B Uigh, Sherlfl'i (li-o W Norweod and R K Slater Deputies. . . ' ' Hilliar ITur'aan, Register. , i-v ,FJ Unit-bins, Tfustxe, ! .! -lr . . .. ,t i1 Hnnnevcut, Crier ef Court. 1 Richard C Badger, Attorney. -' .,t Fcndal Beves, L B rleagraves, Snrveyora. , I , " 'Cftl OFFICERS. 4 - " jer W II UAaaiaoa Salary, $601. ; -. t ronniutoaaB. . , gasfern Itref-IF C Upehnrcb, I T Oaytoa, David L Revster. . t- 1 Uiddlt IFprii-n W Harwood, P t PeecndR H Battle. MW rPerd-W H Tucker Jet Dodd, T U Brigf. Ci'tj Aerry KemB P. Rattloi ' ,,... Cite rretStMrr-W 0 Upchnreb, ... C'srt tn lAt 2hW J J Chile topbera, 'i City CopmW--J J Betts. ''...' A'ninlttui CeeWnVs Jt.Y Dentum 1 - . ,7 1 Wtiijk iWr-F King. " ' Ci'j Vie Win C Parker, S Johaeea, XCaravWai Beves. " j . - Vtttfict CMMfWi Womtble. - A'sten Osborae HulU - RAILROADS. " -,t-t This is a correct schedale of tha arrival and departure of the Mai) and AecomuiodatUa iiaiaa at the Haleigk - NORTH CAROLINA BAILROAB. ' yf- , HAlt TAt Arrive 4.5S, a. m. Leave I.M, a, am, " 6,04, p. m.--lrf'aves 4,3i n. as. - AcoouaoeATioa Tsaix Arr!vaT.S, a, in. aM leave at $.00, a. m. , , . .... "4.t, p.m., leaves 1. 20, p.. The aeeonrmodatioa train la not run en Sunday. BAUSIOH AND OASTOJI. RAILROAD, Usa TaAiie Leavea p.80, a. m.-Arrlve .M. p. as. Ascoiiuooation TiiAte Leave $.30, p. m. Arrive 7,0$ 4l . ., v No accommodation train leave for Weldoa en Sunday and none arrives from VVcldon on Monday morning. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS, POST-OFFKM AT RALEIGi', S. C. ' NoaTttaaa lIAtt Op dailr at 0, p. m, '! Eastern do , de " at 6, p. m. Western jr " at T, a. a. Southern u ' " at , p. v. Favettovilhj " M " at 7, a. nf. Eagle Rock Mall Opens on Mtmdays, Thursday and Satuidayaat 12. m. Carthage Mail Open on Thursday and Sandaya at 7.00, a. m. Roxboro Mall Opens Wednesday at 11, a. ss. Lcachburg Mail upona W'tlncsdays at 12, as. Summerville Mall Opens Thursdays at 6. p. m. Northern Mail Closes dally at , p. m. Eastern " ' " " at 9, p. m. Western " " " at 4, p. m. Southern " - " "' at 4, p. m. Fayetteville Mail ('loses dailv at 6, p. m. Eagle, Rock Mall Closes Mondays, Thursday and Sat urdays iit 2,' p. m. Carthage Mail Close Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4, p. m. Roxboro' Mail Closes Wednesdavs at I, p, tn. cacbbu'i g Mall Closes Wednesdays at 1, p. m. Sninnierviile Mail Closes Friday at 7, a. m. Ottioa open for the delivery of Mali from 1 , a. m., t 7.30, p. m,, during the week. On Sunday , from $ to $, a. as.. Sod from 5.3BVto.fl.30v p. .r. ., The public are recurred to traptaet their business da. ring oflioa hour.. GEO. T. COOKE, P. M. Nor. 11. 1802. ' HOTELS, OAK CITY HOUSE, . RALEIOII, W. C, f OW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS, BAR well stocked with superior Liquors. LARDER supplied with the best the market affords. Dee. 1-tf Si RANGER HOUSE, WEST SIDE OF RAILROADS 1 Goldaboro, N. C. Right Hand SUe doing South. Left Hand Side Going North. MEALS READY ON ARRIVAL OF THE CARS, ATTACH KD, . t One of the beat Barber Shopa. The public may expect G O 0 li FARE, ' ' Attentive Servants,- accommodating officers, with every ether com 01 1 found in SOUTHERN HOT ELI , . T. A. GRANGER, (Late of the Atlantic House, Beaufort, N. '.,) Jan, Ift rpWlM-. . Orrica or Husskok UtsssAL or N. C., t . November 12, 1W12. rptiE following arttclet are required for I benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers t "ijllOErt, SOCKS. HATH, COATS. PANTS, DRAW RH, LKATHKRrtOlOK-TUIlEAD, SUOE MAt INO I.ASTH, (from No. to 12, loelusiv,) BUTTO.VM, COTTON CUITII, FLAN NEL potatoes, brandy, .. ... BUTTER, EOUtt. AC. Proposals will he received at this office for a proper (ap ply of them. Those able and willing taeoatribnt then., will please address the undersigned. - EDWARD WARREN, novl3-l Snrgeon (General ef N. O. . '" 1 1 V ' " ) "' ' "' 1 ' BREAKFAST. Dinner and Sapper Hoaao, (iOl.NU M)iill, liltEAKFAMT 7.15. A. M., DINNEB 00IS0 iHOUTH, M. F. M., U01NO NORTH HUI'PER .ltt,.P. M. MRS. GRISWOLD'S HOTEL, . Uoi.neeoiti, N. C. ' Right lland Si'h miinn XORTlI--Lfl Hani . SUk giiy SO i'Tf. Baggage takon tn and from the Railroad free of charge. Passtngor atopplng at thl Hotel may rely on goedi Fare, good Rooms, and every Comfort that can be had. . An lUili" of siitcen large,' comfortable and wett furnihvd rooms, reudcra it as complete as say establuh moiit tn the State. " . A Bond Barber Shep is attached to the Hotel. W Meals lesdy on th Arrival Of tb Car.flt" m&" Tli Cars leave daily. nov U 81-SlAN A. GRISWOtD A iO. , , .t ' ' "trkILost.1"' , " ' : v At TRUNK, MARKED "M. T. WATTERS, WIL ' mington, N. V.". waf lost between Biflsbor and Kas. tsigti on yesterday. It wi put on the rara at liillbor, , and coufd not bu found on arrival at R Wish, A literal reward will benWi luf It delivery t liKchaage Ho tel, Raleigh. ' . D a,tf. bIlO PNTlijR"i h K MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SELL RHEETIXG A4 Mi CENTS PER YARD 1 OS.N A UUUOrl, 38 cent er yard COTTON YARN, 3 fr buorb. Dc9-tf, ' . - , -EO. McNEUX,Preet. ,j H. ,L Vi jVimi , ,, . ... 1. mi m-,irtsi'.. ' m.i.r ' '1 xi r,n'i' f r .-, -, BRISTLES I BRISTLES! BRISTLES! ' 0 NK DULL AA A,Nl ilVll t'EAfi- Ui M faiu vux liuMus rw va r., w t . ' 7 ':-"' V. TUIKM'H f! TUIEM'8 8TORX. B jr. Deed dear ta TenrteM m - n. -"1 . 1 1 J if w v

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