BY J. L. PENNIN&TON & CO. ; '!,.udiiiniiiiir'ivTlnik I -vUMM Ok MUUSCRIHTlON. nTiit paper..' ! -r--' " 2 u 11 'lii U months i ..i. ...... i 00 .. s)i.utB....o....... It 00- Weakly iN.i. tfcfc. - f JJ9 ihvri to b l'1J advance, n paper etoppeat when A Ime pal for etplrex. ' ' , ,ou pointing . Hosts, eunueotew wltatne raoeeaes eetaoiiau . .JoB fie qel - tate.we I fiw W?" "r,1r' 0"0,, end promptly etveuaeu io. f BLEU iiAPHIG NEWS. UPHI0 SSI04S OU tun Fuese 4MI0Tnj.' rai aV.LrpdaciolJini I.' act ot Cougrsas, in the year lHfll, '"'r'a Thu.'f; in the Werf a 0111b of ths District Vaarim the Onnterate t.tes of the Nertbein His-,,-jei ;' ' . " From Kicboioud. tiia"Ju, May Tbe following dispalc!. was ioelv j ibli'murainx. A Noiilim Viatiiu. May 8. A, i Sacrsia.- .r War Gen. Gordon ism. I tb ene my's extreme right yesterday evening, and drove him from Mi rloe pit'. Aonr prisoners cspiervd, are Uanerela fltvao ' tod Shale. A number ot arm. rt also taken. The envsay besabandonert HieG-rniane find road, and removed his pontoon bridgee towards biy a -ThK hel bnn no attack to day. Only alight skirmish log on ' u i I ! i HiUfd i M 1 '"k Ad emriat dupan b from 4 baltns Bluff eaya that an. ul ibe u-l a gunli .sta attacked, ditable.1, hoa'drd md burned ibe iili Two '"" 'ltd be down on our fuici. wh-n it.') rtlii-d No parttialais iiiier,. No I. ii in 'd'- iui uiann'u.) Hioiiu.ib) Mi K. TB rnrmy til Vhr iM-ttald rnuciiT bur w itbdisw b ti i.ui'lbo Rtilrotd ti tbeir rntrenchhii-nta. Smlik nod (iiiuiiir i' immanded, bud Uullrr diroolrd the ildillun with bpdiartora at OliT Point, whtr ne Ki,, briykd'iorntrk'Dcbwl. No lighting at Port Wallbal Juoi tinn tit-d Tb mubjf'l loaa jMlenlay waa una tauaaaad killrd ami woundt-d. Uutler niaJ a narrow tarapo Iron the bref our piokaU omM lit j Fuini Kiiday rtcuing A lelrriia fmui lien. Lau aa;a tha rnuin hate ad taautid tbifir poaUuxi and ra inarching lowanla TimIm rli'Buhuru. flaTorably ronatrued In official oliclr. (tiirb uiaf ucH. KiruMiiND, Na b fnllowtnf diapatch baabvun re ceired: Jftaa Sf.rriv.iiia C. H.. May 8th. o. . A. X,ld: AfW abarp aocuantcr with tha fit'lb army iKirpi, Warraa'a and U. K. Batu' diflsiuoa ot cavalry un-di-r ttta. R. IT. Andwaon, with ha advanoaof tbeanuy, iipulad theDPMiy with haavy aiaugbtcr and l'X)k p'ia-i.-asinn ut I 1m iut Huaaa. I am more (ratalul to tho l(irr of all f iiiurfaa to think that our ih la small. ligofd) 'II. K. I, an. Jtomra biaratca.) Kiiaanun, May 9 Tha tcit-ri option of tlfiaphic fommaDlration betateru Klrhmond and Wrldon wllh tbt boarly expaotatiuo that the Una would be reatorad, baa ranard aocauaulatioa prraa reporta at thu poiot, the material point nf which arr anhjninrd ! Uutxaa t'litiHi tluix.May ?th. Ewrll K'" repnlaed tba neuf yaalerday. Yauikea Iota terrible, aapcoially in Karly'a front Kwftl'a loa aniall. Latat lht our men held puii-aaloB nf the earn) ' battle Held on the lell and caatra, eapUriutc a nuajbeT-fjf wounded. Our aiwrew ia rery yraat, but nut daoWrar. Tba obarga nf Uordun't brlada la repri-acnted at tha grandest of tba war. Our loaa tba far about lira thouaaad, uf whom a large pro portion ara alltfhtly waaaded. Tba Hght oocurred in a denarty winded oouatry, hanoe little or no artillery uaed In the fig bt. , Cuaatck, fcUreaaai, lliawat Uatwk Uiommoko nu faraaaaeaa Tba Yankaea were repulaed with a loaa a 1,000 killed and wounded. All tha Yankee o Hirer a, 1,000 In number, were aent 10 Uanrille rtatarday. Before leaving they became rery re fractory. Aa unofficial U'lciam from Barriaonburg aaya that it ia belieredihat UeStrUetrnck tha Baltinore and Ohio R. R. it Sxrutdky,' deatrnyinjf the brldjrea, mi oblne nbupa, and nine lobotuOtltea. Datoaga, aereral mil liooa dollara. From Georgia.. f)iroi, ktay 'J. HoOker'a eorpa atu-mpted yeateiday to aarry Big (Jap by atorm. It wa defended by Origa by'a Kentucky varalry and tba Firat Aj-kaaaaa infantry, who made a daeperate aaaault, tntlteling heavy loaa on the enemy. Our AiiinVanUlon becoming exkaunted, tlie men made aa atjiult by pelting the enemy with atonaa, until tha arriral of Uranberry'a Teiaa Brigade, whan the enemy irerrjted and baatily withdrew. Oar loaa rery mail' One lieutenant and twenty men were captured. Hllght akli miabln wal giin on ia front till dark. Tba enemy bating maased a heavy force in front, (live lines of battle bing viaible, 1 (t. waa thnngbt they would at tempt to' carry the (lap by atorm thi morning, but aa yet no deannetratlona bare beu made. From the TriaDt-Mleelasippt. Mobilk, May 9. A diapatcb from Henatobia, dated ilia 7th, aaya that no authority of tha iioniphii Hullttut, ol ttie 6th, 1,400 nl rilrtTs troo(ia arrived at Little Koi k, The balance were twenty flvu utile out. jterl'a loaa heavy. He had Htroifd hia train and lrt nearly nil hia aitillery. lie wa. fnlloaed by aiarinadukeand r inimnau to Little Kock. itilrtporud on authority ul ("ol 1). T. ( .iver, ho croaaed th-Mi-ci--ipiii river on the bib with dt'pateliea from Hmith to 1 aylor, that ttanka1 waa ahut up ut Alex andria. The I'wiii'edmatea were below cuttliifr oti hia auj pliea. The Yaukrea are Irving to dam up the mouth of il" lli to gtiout ihr(f gunboat)' l.nter frtato (be North. . KuamiAB, Waj g r-Northniu new a to the Mb rec-tted Onld UO Maximilian bad aafled for Mciivo The AUtandrm bai been given up. (.'otton advaut ing in Lirarpaol. More Vaiikeo Gunboatt mrtrowed. Wii yijiQf,,i( yB, 8 Commander Cook, with tb iion clud Alt'mnTlt, engaged nii.e of the cneray'a gun boat in Albamarle .Hound on tba tltu, AUtik one and dit- abUit lift. HI.. 4nl.. 1.... a .III i..t. r ...... IBbCU ITUIU V p 1M. III! dlgUl. The Expedition to Mewbern tioLDBioBo', May The eipadltion to NeWbeiu re tuned Sun3y miuuina. Wecaplurod ity thir.' pua oneia. Our loaaaligni. Surrender of Stcele'i Army. Membui, Mar StSteele'a armr: tf.OOOatronir, aurren oi-red lo (len. Price at Camden, Ark., on the 2th, and aayior a.maadea the aurrender ol Alexandria "here Banka'a fnrcea are fortified. Reault not known. , RAKE CHANCE, lUIlX BR SOLD PRIVATBLT IF APPLICATION 'I ia md,- euon. four dozen Bottlca of Whisk j. fll at one L'KKKCH A JUTCUFORJ) ay 4ji j W. R. RICHARDSON 4k CO., STOCK AND K1CHANGE BH 0KERS, iu I II BAtiSIQH, N. C i-.wjai THE i ... . rati VOL. V. rov. Vanoe ia getting along badlj witti hia new allies, tbe Destructive!, tod we are ntrongly persuaded tbej will bring out a "loyal" candi date hetore th middle of Jnue The "oigans" pitch into tbe Governor and theu into bi 'home paper," aud between all these cragg Gr he uiuat have rather an indifferent tittle The Wilming ton Journal and Stie Juuml havo aiiuat qnit hint, while the Coitfederutt only damurt him with faint praise The fact is Go Vance cannot hold the Conservative party in-one uand and the Destructives, or original axeesaionisU, in the other ; the Conservatives he has loat beyond re demption, and if he will uot now take the Dea tructivea to his bosom he will find himaelt with-, out a party We copy the following from the Charlot.U). Carolina Timti. to hov? that if His Excellency doe not look "harp he will aoon be left out in the cold : Qui Uomf Tin? uuiiexe.l, winch w I'ooy lr..iii the Kaletli I'royrttt, wli.isn reuiiiikn preqeeila, and l.illowa the extract ironi tlio I'urutrvativr. -;1. Yiitiee'a orRan, i iu .Umot nuo nl tliu moid, iiiiwihi-, and iinwui mutable mruniihi that oould have been puuei. J I In unwise iMCluxe It it- illciiUtoil to ilrive 'IF tbousauila whn ili.l luti-ti l' l j ,niii rl (lov. Vam-u, and who, tiy Mliwiiillug lliHUm-lvea I nun tin (.olio oil tlioiUyot elect i ii. uuv tlixrehy nlriliiiti' In thu le which Will liei'Hkt lor W. V. llnlil.n T ij remark ol the Conservative aru luiju .t bucauan the Inuuugu UHect in roieruuee to whut it ilenniniiiati'n irlloule, (thu trite Hlate UiI.U mm ot the ihhiii- !ry, 1.1 OiagUHlin. rtiii Htrii luroa n the ( oif rnidt'e aru Uliwartnut.i Iili- liecaUHK they reprwnl lint nunv uikmI ainl trtio n of the country ate wanting in i-riin lulo ami tin- t nut taut, upnci the gri 'ii nit I hat (without :ulniittin? Ilsftl'llitiea mid xi-utnt !) they are not iiikh the touted held. Wate not diaMieoil In cucouruge, directly m i i irertly, any luovcnvnl, uot or aeiitiinent that woiiM (chnoMug k-iweeii Uov Vance ami W. VV. liuTden) Ktm oncoii ijfoiiii'iil ituil npi'irt to the latter, liy witlilioliling ionnii)tN Which may bo favorable to Ibe luroivr. , , We do meat prattectfully xuKerit in onr frit iol l loo t'oixerraHie thul tbe repetition or pulilieittion similar articha In the one uuw under review mav prove very daiioiuinK to Oov. Vamw iu tbe eominx elbction. There can lie rllieI iu thetitittc at leant lilty thou sand voters whue vnico at the baW box may diap point mo hopta And naiiguiuft expei ta'iorHt ol truwu who ahxliuie to ilenotiuce good and true naeti niniply berauao, nut hnviuf; herelnlun' voted for Uov. Vance, tliey uow enter the liate in Ilia favur in prulerenee to vVaaJV . lloldoii. We hofe uov. nm o tloea uot on- dorae tbo aeiitimuuta expremed in the extract ai cop ied frntn thu Contervaiuf The 'Happy Family" The "Otirt Journal" of Governor Vance, in itxeageriieHH to wiu back Oinaer- vitlivea t.i thutuppvrt o Ida Rxcelleuty, ia rather .ie- new allien of the Governor. Tbe Conner tattve ty : ('But if Mr. llcjlae or Mr. Avert expreaa hia vril- Hiigiieea to aupport our Conservative Governor, we are not to weep ever the returning sinner, or allow biro any place of repentance I If tbe conductor ol a paper, whoee predecessor made itself merry wo will not nay ridiculous by cnticieiug the pereoual ap pearance ol Goveruor Vance I wo yearn ago, now pro-. U 'Wire liiin a "wiuili rlu'uiMo," although he baa trod den no Hlep backward In the interval, (Jonaervativca are not to quote this an uddilional evidence in behalf of tlieir "inodol Goveruor I" That these gentleruen cau UoW euppurt a ul.iu with tlio lirlncitiles of Gov. Vance, is Mime evidence f a return to reason. It ia truu (bat a ine "originals" nauseate us a great ileal f by their forwardness Village and croes-road puliti- ciaus, wliuhava ivnru out the seals of many brcechi's during ihia war iu sustaining the administration of Mr tlavis ituib r t lie shades ol elms, are now Inking Gov. Vance also under their pernicious patrooae. Something no doubt UUl he pardoned them. Tliey have talked w) much (Iuiiuk the war, thai Ihey can not help it, an I not being rr .ken wluded from dou- lile qilleltlng, or otoer military nercws, their luuge ind wiiiiliipra are iu jtnOil kei ping That's light, ucit.iil'or , tell the "oriinala," tbe iHilter and tbe deltructive hailrrs generally thai they aie vile sinnc.u, and iuiimI rejient or lie d In rued nt in the cold. "While the lump holds out to burn, The vilwl, Bluner may return." Dally Prayer M e e t Ing .--Tin Csuaa aso tu Carina liimAtiii it. A Praver Meeting will be held at the MethdiM i hurch in tnia city, daily, at 6 o'clock, P. M. AILI'hrtstiitii' aul Iheuublic are rrapect- tullv iuviud. I'on.o pr ui,,ll . II. oil wait i,h ih, bell no bell will ho toon, May 6 tt We 8"rr authorized to aunotinfe Capt. T. W, RI'I'TEB, t a candidate for re election to the Houae ort'ommona from liie county ol Moore. Captain Hitter ia a Conservative "atlei lli itiaileat ant " May 6 .ptwr't To the People of florth-f arnlliiR --la mm pliance with the renttei of inao1' fn nl", I announo my self a candidate tor the oitice oi ttt nor ot North l'ar Una, at the election to be held ou His hrst 'I bunds v in August next, Mv principles aod vicwa, aa a Conservative ' atttr thu atralteat sect," are well known to lbs penple ol thertiate. Theaa principles aud view are what ihoy have brer,. Tbay will uot be changed, I itai uot disposed, at a time liku this, t ' luvite the peo ple from thnlr employments, aud add to the eie.teiuent which nrevaill in the public nund, by tiaraiiKioiis them for their vote We need elf our- energies to meet the commoa enemy, and to provide means of aubaiatence tot our troupe ia tbe Held aud the people at home. Let ll.o people (fo calmly and firmly to it - p iili and ton, tr the wen of their choice. I will eheerfullv abide iheii ,i. ci ion, whatever It. may be. il elected 1 will do every tiling in my ponei lo proinote the iutereata, tbe honor aod the trlorf ol North ( ar.ilma, and to secure an honorable peace. March 4 td W W. HOLMK.N. HUlsboro' H'icorjBr. Halem Praia, (Jreeii.lmrorli Pat riot, and Uenderaon Times will pls-u copv till 1 l elnction, and forward accounts. We are authorizerl to announce Lieut. E. II. BAY, of the47th N. C. Keglmetit, for the ollice ol Sher iff of Wake Couuty, at the ensuing electi m In August next. '. , April ifl-detwtil. WANTED, A SITUATION AS TEACH Kit BY A TOUNO MAN with Collegiate education. Will teach either pri vate, common, or subscription Schools, or aa Aaaialant. I'or aauiculsrs addreai , TKACHEB, Mayot ' - -Ptclne V. O., if. C. HALHIGH. TUESDAY. MAY FRENCH BROAD LANDS FOR SAL K. GCEtf C-AiVlfOJf FA Hit, TRANSYLVANIA COVS TT, N. V. friHIS FARM LIES 05 THE FRfcVCH BROAT) X River, witbia Bra milsa of Brevard, the county tow o and ia extensively known aa Ih beat tract of land, and thamoet productive property in the ooubtr. aud pob bly in Weatern North Carolina, lnaalubrity of climate, baauly of tcenury, locatioo and fertility of toil, it ia uu aurpaaaad by any property in tbe State. It oonsiats of 1.370 acrea oT land, tOO of which are best quality French Bruad bottom, all of which, with the exudptiuu ol 40 or 60 aorea, are cleared and under a hlb atate of cultiva tion, thoroughly drained and excellent frncea, moat ot which ara new lath funcinu on locuat poat. 2,UTb buah ela of corn ware gathered from 28 acres of this land wilt, ordinary cultivation and without nut f.itilnoi eiei ha ing beeit applied to it. Ninety acre .tie laid dnno in the uoat approved mode, to the gre3e and ad o J heavt crupa of bav and excellent paatuiea. The balance ol the tract, lay tlO aorea, ia the heavleat arid bctt riuberni mounuin land. Tbe whole tract laundei one bounds i au.l may t, . aubdirided advantageouiilt, Ihcis being four vet) lii ble and beautiful baildink ailea, ith bottom laud at tached. On the preuiiee ia a good rotta lesidsoce, of rive i noma, each with a bra place, kitchen, aervaut boua ice bouae, atoreroom, dial y, auiukehouae, fiameJ coin crib, capacity , 3,600 buabrla ear corn, onndouble and Uvc atnglc negro liouaea, two lenAut aettieiuenta, an excellent aaw and grtat mill, all built within thirteen yoara by tha proprietor. The aaw mill la driven tiyan overelmt wheel of S8 feet in diameter, and ia located at one of the uioet beautiful water lallaof about 100 feet In height and eiual to 160 horge power, and only fifteen minutes walk from thu residence. Thla property for this year ia uMer rent to Oen. Smith, of Kant Tennessee, whn wlllglveany information dexir. ii during tbe absence of tbe proprietor. Tbe pric for lb rue landaia (f 1(0,000) one hundred aud sixty thomand dollars. Payment may be made In Con lederate atock at tbe market value at Columbia, S. C, at time of sale. With the above property can be purchaaed twelve re markably prime and orderly negroes, being a picked gang accustomed lo the culture of the farm in the moil rurelul and cleanly style. Among them are' four mun, three women and five children, ibe men are excellent plowmen, moweie, cradlera, Ac, one is a good carpenter. Of the women, one ia an excellent cook and apiunar. The children are from i to 6 years of age. Also the farm tools, consisting in part ol plows, harrows, horse rake, held roller, corn plantera, aorgho mill, uioleasea bniloi , corn nheller, straw cutters, timber carta, Ac. Ac. Al.-o ibe atock nf highly Improved cattle. Address HuK. JOHNSTONE, Care of ANDREW JOHNHTON K, Flat Kock, N. C. N. II. -I thiak 1 ean take the liberty wllh Judjre It, M. Saundera and the Kifrht Kev. iliahop Atkinson, ofott'erini; them as references in regard , to the value, Ac, oi my larui. My cattle ennaiatsot 1J bead, and my sheep of about HO bead. I bavea conaiderable lot of lumber and SO ,00(1 ahinylca on band. I will take $200,000 for the land, negro stock, lai m toola, lumber, Ac, A., oi will sell separately. Apiil W dAwtf FOR MALE, ON THK(,25TH) TWENTY-FIFTH OF MAV, 1 WILL, sell in tbe Cily ofiUleifrh, tbree likely Neuro Men, one line Carriage and Uarneaa and two tlei cea of Kioe, belonging to tbe eatate of tbe late K. C. Mavnard. May IMlwAwst JOHN 8. LKACU, b'xr. THE DONORS TO THrFsOLDIERS' OR. PHAN F0ND A- Aft, N. RK UKHPECTFVLLY REQDE8TE0 TO MrET the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, In Ital- i, , ... .j. , u a J '- "i "-J r - .... v.-.v, I V.iAm- IKa 'I7K nt Ua. -. II ,.,.l,.r.l. A.M. I boae w Iro cannot tie present Simula sena ptox uia A full attendance ia desired for important business. The Committee of the Grand Lodire ol Masons, lor Ht. Johns Colleee, are reaaentfully invited to be present. May3dJtwtd Pinaoeial Secretary. Tbe Wihuinifton Journal. Favettevillc Observer, Prea- hyterlan, Harbinger, Western Democrat and Charlotte nutletin, copy till date and aena Dill to John u. wuiiama, Kaq., Kaleigh. Surgeon General's Office, i Halbkih. Annl 27. 1H01. i I PltOPOSEO EST A H 1. 1 til, IN TUK CITY OK Italeitrb. a manufactory for 1 UTI II ('I it. i iu IN The object nl this enterprise ia to eupply these uselul articlus lo all soldiers from this titate, who have been, or may be, so maimed in tbe service as to require them. Privates and non-commisainned officers will be furnished gratuitously. Joniniiasiooed ollicers will be charged tbe actual coeta Disabled' aoldiera are requested to Correspond with the uuderaigned, giving name, regiment, rank, locality of amputation, and tbe preciae measurement ot the remain ing member. I wish to employ a number of competent mechanic lr the above named purpose. All such are iuvitcl to com municate liutuediately with this otllcr . KOWAUU WAKHEN, April 30 Im. Suigvon (ieneial North Carolina- All papera in the HtaU are requested to copy Im on j mouth, and aend bill to tAis othce. ATTENTION ! LANK W A Kit A. NTH, LAM) DEEDS, MAltltlAOh Livenaea, County and Superior Court Wrlf atid other auka for sale at the Standard Othce. -ALSO- Inh Printing promptly, neatly and aocurately executed March 18 d.kwtt ' TAKEN III ND COMMITTED TO JAIL IN ALAMANCE countv, at Graham, two Negro iiova to wit : El. UftT ERT, be i about 'id rears old and aar" h.- belongs to Col. lliril Urunawica countv Va , lli lev i about 6 feet H or V inches high vsiy Itlack, the other boy sate hi-ioune is A f.t'KEO, aavs he beton to Dr 4ii weathers of Tenneasse, and was sent iviih Wm. sieathen ui L'aut. Baitletts Co. 0, Ulh Tennemee Ket i meiit. Shaw's. Brigade. A L Fit ED is about la yrara old, '., leet ii inebea btgu, yellow complexion ami qui. k "poken, and sa a he was decoyed otf by amne deei tei pai New hem r ' The nwiici will ootue fnrwatd, piove propeiiv, pay chs'ils ami lake ilom away, nr they will he .tc Ii eiili aecoroing to law. J il HOi I. Jailor for Alamance County , Giahaiu, N C April IS dUlwit (iDKuEHVK)K FIELD AND HOSPITAL, I AM NOW PKKI'A KKD TO SPPPLV MV WORK on Surgery lo aaibjcnbeia and others who may wisb I., pui clime n, tin th rm elpt oi 5.n0, IN book .11 he sent lv mail p.i'tage paid FHW A Kit W AliKKN, M. D., Ilaleigh, N. C- Aug il tl NOTICE VI'lLlCkTION WILL BK MA UK TO TUE'GKN A-s.'intilt, ni iiHeuauing meeting hi Mav, lor a chaiui i- i ihe St.iuewall Exporting atnllmpoi ling Com paiiy. .Vlaich 3 lliawtd TO RENT, HOUSE IN MOUNT PLEASANT, CAUAKKL'.S county, N. C, 9 in ilea Southeast from Concord and Ai the N. C. Kailmad, containing Brooms 20x'20 and 2 rooms '0iS0 feet; a good hre-place to each room. lou ble brick Kitcben and other out buildings For further particulars auply to MATH IAS BAKItlkK in Mount Pleasant, or lo ALFKED .SMITH. Whit-vill., N. C. Feb. 13-tf. OXFORD FEMALE COLLEGE. fpilfc ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT OF UOaV OC J ciirs on Th.rraday, the Jil ol June. Public exercises couimeuoe on Wednesday eveuing and close with a con ceit ou Thursday evening. Col. MeKae'a Addreaa before the Clio Society, will be delivered at ll o'clock on ihuridav. J. fl. JilLtS. Maj9-6t OfiESS NO. 154. OVKR IMtKN-T O-Fr NOfa's' ' A tH 'l.lfll A. -Uis Excellency, Zebulon H Vance, Uuuar eabe, 0..v. in. Col David A Barnes, Northampton, AliJ do Oeorue Little, VV'ake to Kichard It battle, Jr, Alison, I'nvale Sscvetaty. Ur Edward Warren, Chowan, Suipson Oenera. John P H Rusa, Wake, Hecretary t State. Jonathan Worth, Kandolph, Publiu fieasuiei Curtis H Hrogden, Wayne, Cnmpii ..11. i Haaiuel F Pbillipa. Oiangu, Auditor. Oliver H Perry, Wake, Hlau Llbiaru.ii. Major (iciieral R C Uatlin,, Adjutaut tleou at. Major William H Oulick Beatttort, I'ayon.ter Jlajur John Deiiux, Wake, Qua; tei loast. i . Major Thomas l llngg, Wake, Coutniuai i ann Ord nance Orficer. Major Jma Hloan, Uuill'ord, ttuartermastei . Major Henry A Dowd, Edgecombe, do Major Jsinee II Foots, At Artjt. Oen , ( Koll ol Honor. ) Major William A. Graham, Jr., Ass'l AJjt. Oeueral. Lieut .lusiah I Hull, Wsjliley t..u uuuntr, uinuauee Ul- partinebt Lieul. John li Lieut. Niouots eathfciv, Wake, A-st Adjt. Oeneial. White, Franklin, tuai tfrmani i juorciAt. iVsiotuK! cVoot. Rlebioond M i'eaison, i aitdn, t'ima Jaaliue .. Williaui II battle, Orange, and Maltblaa a Mat. ly, of Craven, Judges; ttioii H ringers, Waku, .Vllioin j General 1 ilsiuilion C Jones, Kowau, lieportei ; K'lniunti II Fiecuian, Cletk. Meets in the city sil llalrish . d Monday in June eacb veat. -'fhe Moisotti. leito has been discontinued ' .VN(.rr.e t'oi.d. J udges. Ed w in O U. aJe, I'd Hon; itouiulua M Sauudera, Wake: Hobei I II Ueatl , 1'li.wau; Koht 8 Kieiich, Uobrsoo: James W Osborne, Mrcklen buig; Oeorge Howaid, Wilson ; Kobert HUilllnu, Uian villei William M Shipp, Ueudeiaon. ijolnttori. 1st Circuit, Jesse J Vestee, ile; I id iino Cii cult, Charles C Clark, Craven; 3rd Ciicuit, Hi..n t Itinera, Wake, Attorney General j 4tb Circuit, Tbouiaa Settle, Kocklughain: Sth Ciicuit, Halph Buxton, Cumbei land; i,tb Circuit, Kobert V Annuel J, adkin; 7th Cir cuit, William P Uynuin ; 8th Ciicuit, Auguatu S. Merit mon, Buncombe. t'onaderatv Aoim OittrUl (,'onrl. Hon Asa lllgga. Mar! tin, Judge; Oeorgs V Strong, Wayne, Attorney; W I Watson, Craven, Cleik: Wesley Jones, Waku, Marshal. t'ouncil ul mat: F U Satterlbwaite,' Pitt; llobeit I Uick, Oullfnid ; l)r James Calloway, Wilkes ; L 1gi. Jobnatos ; J It Margrave, Anson; Jne It Stubhs, Mar. tin ! Jamea A ration, iiuncomue. LUrrar Board. Hit Excellency Gov Vance. I'rtsl dent Ei officio. Rev William E Pelh Wake, and I'roleset r Kichard Sterling, Guilford ; Dr. Win. Sloan, .4 tia-ton; Kichard H Battle, Jr, secretary. btHirtiinltrnnl Imprmrntntlt His Excellency (Jorern'r Vance. Presideut u-ejflcio, Wm Eaton, Jr, ol Wan en and J H Flanner, of New Hanover. Ilieharri H Uatile, Ji, tieorelsry. t'ouMaioaers of Siakitiy Fund. Hon 1 hoinas Kuflin Alamance, Hon Weidon N Edwajda, Warren, anil Hon David L Swain, Orange. The University of .Noith Caiolina la at Oba Hill. Hon David L Swain, President. Kev Calvin H Wiley ia Superintendent ol tte Common Schools of the sitalu. Wiley .1 Palmer, A M, is Principal ot tbe N C In-tttu tiou for tbe Deal and Dumb and Blind, at Kal-tab. Dr Edward C Fisher ia Superintendent! Attluuitwi GOVERNMENT Of THE CON FEUKB?A'VJ . STATES. JtFitit.ix Dsns, ol Mississippi, President, nalary $26, 000. - AlbxaniikH 'IT. "-KfrrHKN.-,, i.l Oeoigls, V ice President, aalary H,000. AnU lo f r'r eiil uoi vv in iti diowne, oi lis, James Chestnut, of S C,. Col Wm P Johnatoii vita Col Joeeph C Ives, of Mi.-a, Col G W C Lee, . : V John T Wood. Frivnle Srr-rrlari lo Prriirttnl Burton N Haiwaon, ol Miss. Vrpartxtent of Siui' Judah P benjamin, o La, Sec retary ot Slate. L U Wasbmgloo, Chiel C ik. The office of Asaistant Secretary is vacant. Dfjinrlmrfi nl Jualics Attorney General , too Davia ol North Carolina. Wadu Keves, of Ala, Assistant At torney Ueneial. Itulus II Khodna, ol Mias, Uo'iuuiasion er of Patenta. G E W Nelson, of Oa., Supei Intendent of Puhlio Printing. It M Smllh, of Va, Puollo Printer. TrtO'Hrtf DtvarlmtHt C G MenAjiiiUffrT, ot S C, Sec retary of the Treasury Kobert Tyler, Lcgi ter. k C Elmore, Treasure. J M Slrother, of Va, Ct let Clerk. Lewia Cruger, of S C, Comptroller. H Baker, of Fl' 1 1 da, 1st Auditor. WHS Taylor, ol La, id Auditor. Wnr OvjtnrimcittJamet A Seddon, of Va, Secretary of War. Judge John A Campbell, of Ala, AH.taut Secretary of War. It G 11 Kean, Chief Bureau ol War. Gen K Cooper, Adjutant and I uapeetor General, t.ieut Col John-Wilhera, ldcnl Col U L Clay, Major Kd A Pal frey. Major Chaa II Lee, Major S W Melton tnd Captain Iteilly, Aaaialant Adjutants and Inspectors Geiieisl. Hi ig Gen A, K LawuiDt of Ga, (Juarteriuaetei Geueisl Co L ii Northrop, ol A C, Commissary General. Col J Gor ges. Chief ol Oidnante. S P Mooie M D, Su:geonGeo- au i; u niuun, ,vi n, Assistant jsui geon Alice lrjj.irteiiiS It Malloiy, of Floitda, of the Navy. E M Tiuiball, Chief Clerk "Co Ua, Secietiity oiu John n Brooke, Cluel ol Uiduatice. Com A B rairfaa, lusic- Ui of Oiduance. Com J k Mitch'll, in chaigeol Ol der aud Detail. Surgeon W A W 'ISpotawootl Cto i o Medicine and Surgery, l'ayuia;'tei J Lie-Bice. Chiet ot Clothing sad I'roi ilon. fonloffim tJofnttment John II itesgaii, (l Tsim, l'.at master (Ieneial II St (i-inrge (Iffiilt, ol Vs, t liiel ol Conliacl Bureau. II N Cleiiu nte, ol Teuu, Cliiel of Ap pointuicnt Bureau. Jotm 1, Hun ell, of Ala, Ctiit-1 Vinaiice Hurean II Fullci,ol N C Cluk. ' "" I I V OF HALF.iUII. W iu. II. Han isoii. I "MUlS'iloNrllH. li', H'.o ( - tt . II luikci. Alee-. 1'iesib and P Oveilry. ihddlv Word VV. It. KielMiJaoli, AtlgiirtUi- I, and M. W. rieoli. L'.uue i y and .n.(H ll'.o ,i Ii. W II MeKe N. S. Haip .1 .1. Chi li-l.oiLei la Cit rk to the I .). Ov I it, Tax Collf cto ' VV. K Itiihardaou i-Cii . Treasurer i '.'oi'. - J. I. li.n... h..i ' iiiiiion, As-iaiaut E 1' Uatile, lu, Au.oiiey. .1 I. I'e.iiiingt. ii, C'.H Pi inter. I . 1 1. KiDir, Weiyh Matei. s t a h i win-i, r.ij.oua C. II. Hoi ton - Pilli ,.-E A. Jobu-lull, Will, tj.evul.. Wio. , Paiker, M C. I.ui..t, C. A Dilver arid Win. OvcrbV. The laal Weflaeedny night ot l uchmuiilh iiheiur flai-d for the mgular nieiln ...tth- Hoard. NOTICE rpt M ANUKACTUKERS Oil PFIiSONS HEIllING J tocoguje iu the loaotilaciuro ot I'm nl Oit, I lie ui.dt i -inud are piepsi e.l in build at hot n..tice a li v -draulio I'r -- and tivtules ol tbi iiioft uppi .o --.1 paii.'i n in l-lebafige fol Oil AddieSa DAHMEV SUMHtS, May't-di.'u Lynchburg, Va. laOMT. 0 NHCNIiAi EVENING, ABOU I' tHK I'llOt.tlCsa Oulee, or b-iwe.'u Ihe uilir anil the ir-ideueu ol the Edttoi , a auisll poekei knife, lour blailes aadioaily new. A lihe'al rewai.1 witl be iaut nu ua delirery at May i tf PKOUItESS OFFICE. LOST, ON MAY tl), AT THE KALEIGH A GASTO DE pot at Weldnn, N. ('., a buucb ol 'Is kev. t' lie bndeiwill be suitably rewaided bv leavinn t li .-in at llie Haleigh A Oaaton Ticket otrico Vr l.tnn or Ihe I' -t Ui bee ui Italelgh. May tl 'it WANTED. GOOD COOK AND W ASIIEK FOR THE H A I.- A auce of the r, I'll uhoiu good wsaes witl be PKOUKLSS ulFK li. given. Apply at May i tl NVHtlE WANTED. A GOOD SERVANT JS WANTED TO ACT AS i Cbtld'a Vuraif, for whicti a good price will be paid. Apply ioaMdiMelv at I'ttOutitSS OFMCt. April 7-tl ADVKHTiaiNfl RAT ICS. Tbe followlnt rUa will bu cbaffad for alt ad went lasorted la ',' ltM and W ai.v Paoasa- verli e a' ONS SV aieir binaa, oa i.a. Oae '1st Tw o da ' 1 hire ds a.... owr day . ..3 00 .....e eo 9 00 ,.t w no One week l'W-werks.... Tin no weeks .. One aioath... . Two DiOatbs. .., I'D . r 1 l ii Five dara.. Ml ' .. Fine wordi. or aisibl lines or less t jjul a iuie additional eqaaree wa ve coargea v r.e. hu, , m lntMa ubm. tv,tc.i or three tilio s a w a i ii- tf i charged tt a aquare lei-1 vi ty insertion W ben tent by telle-, tbe money mal ace .ui"n) verttacment. Ranksgss, loathr ,iellgi-u- vmi lines chai ge aa ..t- v uenla and mu-i I. , no n. vatM.., .... , ....... .... S Mi T,W T H s M 1 W j I f ! Yi i 7 H : i i a 6 '. ; -li Vz ij i . l!( o l ; a J 1. in 1 1 Ula li r, is ia 'io'ii vt yi i i. it, 21. in i t; 61 t in ii him il i;n,,. i a Ja;, j" i j1 j n a'HI I HI a I V I n i I Ji VI lo hi' is (i lt la in, I i In 1 2 1 it : iVVj a. iu .1' i; 7". H i ii 1 1 II I: u,u i6,iuii; is 7u il''-'.'''.,i "Ja'vi V7 ih. VH M .11' 1 'is I i 'iu '.'I .1' 4 6 lo III.' IT 1 in i) 1 a IJ ii ifi 4 ii l; 1" 11 ill I 11 in w iii'Jl .' . i. I .' I li ilU l .'i Iti 17 Js-.M'W '.'U in il ' I fi t 7 I' I .. lo li, i : i;, li it i:i u IH lD ill il ll l! : t l MilO'lt 15 Iti1 17 IH' H I. 'ii IV U 14 l i i t n r. .istjtu il U n it ?h'i!2n '.'si 'Jilj ; Ih i i'ifilim MILITAHV Dill ECTOR V irtuaifat, Iloiio'M met f'arooei ir.iw'if. No- CoLohai..-'. I.lfcl. I. CoLUlKI'- J N Harrell. W S StallinsK. W M Paralev,- .1 11 W I. .1 W l.i a. S Mcl) lulu, W L lmvidf.ii, .1 It Murehiaon, It liariiui i , II I (Jllloli, W J Martin, W H Davin, II A Hogoin, M i lor - l. I' l. I ha in. W llioll, V r Fnnett I' ti-b-ii. VV I Milt. " I Ml I. I'UI In II A Itirrni 11 II t'. ' i T S( si . I .1:1, U.-lll . I W liird. ll W Aluton K II Vt ilhel - .1 II l.auili. it 1 I .1 4 ft 0 8 !l 10 11 li II 14 It A llrowu, W K Cox, ri I) Thiuptoii, Hi van Oritur, V M Gsrn 11, K K Webb, E U Haywood, .1 M Wnllson, W il ( Ueek, ll I'ool, Col Leivnthorpe, II K t'nU'iiiaii, J II Hyuian. 'UT Bennett. W A .lohnslon, 16 ,Wm MaoKae, W UYarboiouf h, tiWIlaiiiin. W A Slowe. W F Martin, 1.1 I) Dairy, C M Andrewi, T F Toon. TjS Ualloway. I C Lamb, J W MrOill, 1 W G Hnhinaon, W S Uankin. 1' II Sl.aip.-. I J VV.M-t.i. VV ll Koh. 1 1 .1 S Hi ...'l- vv .i ri'.io t C lllacki i T D Love. VV S Giadi .1 '1' A italic . ' I C VVchh, S N StoWe, J I ! Hollli-e, I A I) Mckai II G Lewi-. I II S.lll.l. n l 'I'Ol. W .1 Clarke, II M Kutledge, .1 ll I.aue, J A Gilmer, jr., ' S D Lowe, W B Crcaauian, .1 I. Hsiiia, ,rt C Brya.ui, .1 T J.'lien, .G F Wlnthel.l, W II A Spcer, , ,1 Proffett, CW Knight, D G Coward, K V Cowan, G T Gordon. J T Johnston, 0 ,F M Parker, 31 .1 V Jordan, Ji 'K C Brabble, J!l .C M Avery, H4 W I. i.oivrance, tfl J G Jones, Jli 'Win Lamb, :i7 W M Barlx.ui, MlWJ Hoke, Jo .David Coleman, 40 ..I J Uediick, 41 J A Baker, ii .1 E 11 IOWA, 4.1 T S Kenan, 44 'T C Siiigkatar, 45 Tl H Hoyd, 4 W LSaundcis, 47 G 11 Faribault, i 11 Tnyloi . I M si. i. I,,,,,. J D Taylor, 'W U Morris, '.John Aahloiil, ; F A Itevnolds, GeoTalt, A M Waddell, C W III sdslian , W G Lewia, T I, Hargrove, J K Winatou, A C .McAUiatn, A A Hill, , .1 A Fleming, ,J C Vanhook, C II R..I0. .11. M A Paika. J T Morehead, A HIIh, A 11 ll.-l-i, (IGLiike, 11 0 lonea, Kd Cantwell, .1 T Weavei, , W S Devne, :( W Clavtoi,, W N Galie'll, A II llaii.l, .1 II N.ih. riuit, ill W VV Ion ton J IVC elli,wle, I 1, Boat, G W flow.-.- V A Hollan 1 It Moore. T .1 lliow ii, VV .1 ll.fali C VI Sli .In. . L' Mcll Smo Vo Nclll. A D Ci uitup, W II f I i i, I li'.io' i S II Walkup, L M McAlee, Geo Wuitham, II McKcthan, W A Owens, K It Muicliia. n. .1 K C'onnallv, I' V aisoii , A 1 1 Godwin, J II I'almei , l H Ferehee, W M Hardy, i J D ItadclilTe. J li.-.t.ll, A It.. W liinl;-. A Cia.g.-,- T J llul.i. J VI VI:., j t iiuii II ll.o I. M Allen, (I X folk, A l M e, J N Whitford, J W llmtoii. r r .inn i .i Hi ci) VV i I Ul,,, The anal llaiialion ( Heavy Ai lillery . i. . .u.u o. In Miij Alexandei Melius; H.e Mm It-Ma il. JhooUia l.v Capt It E Wil-oi, ; Tto- S i I Han.. i Inlaiilrv) .v Maior Jamea J Iredell, 6.1.1 lte"ino ut , 'limit Hatlaliou i Light At tilleiy ) by Maj John W M . The Tenth Battalion bv Maj W I. Young; Ih.-'lv. Battalion byCaot J OCIt-ir, i The Tl.ii f nib "I ft: Light Aitillery) bv Lieut Col Joseph 11 IllHl i Ulteeulh Hatlaliou t Cavalry Uv I. Kin 'i i I. ii ll,.. i.)i ll.itl.lo.ii ;C..!.i'. 1. I '.. Ul C..I Wyun; 'Ihe Sivteentli Uatial. oi (Cavalt . . In Ms, Meltaet Tbouiaa' Li-giou..coioi in of a h -cinuiii Uuttallon, and i comiusnd. d bv C i W li ilooii.c . 'I he 1st .mil llil Iteelmeiil ai .' - .lolmaon'e lilvL-inri, hwell's C'oipa I he id, 41 ll. Hill Slid JUtl. Mi I lio.l.V D,vli..u. Fwell'aC "i 1. 1 Tlie bth I 'Hi, Wlh and l.A aie in i. Holler Do .il'.o, Ewell'n ('nips Tin. Mil '-'lot. f.4N. sl.I ."iili anil I I ).t .-lo ii ,o . in II . lo '- ll.iuol- Wining BeaUlemil S Col p Ihel.'et tt'k Olieitl 1 . p.. . i.. i ... Willi tfila Ml lgale. c lie "ih, Irtib, 2Slli, Tld aiol oil. si.-... I '. i - I Wilcoi i Division, IMI'a Cm p. The iih, 'Jlit, ilit and tilat are io Clo n.. -i -Pickett a ilin-loll, lies u if g.o .fa Corp- The -Hli, I'.lth, Mllh aud fi:t.l si. le c ,,'. i,', Hampton's Divl-ion, Siewau n Cm i 'Ini lith. 2lb,44th, 47th and I si. i. hi Kiigadc tUili'-i Imi'i Hill -t.i,. The' 111 h. ttilb, S4th and ttsrti aie in -. .' iia.le, Wilcox's litviaiou, Hill Co i - Ihe lath. Jtb, 4iib sn.l ib 1 1 lleih'a im .ioi.,JJil."- Ci.p The I7ih, 4'M,TO lb fcd Hflih ' "' M h - I Whiting s lnviciou, li. HUi'V o i t'.. . Tbe'iltti, i.'ul., .I'm., ilnl d, Will io in I. Brigade. I'lcto'tCx Divi-I. .n. B- sii".- s.-l's . ,, The 'i!tli i.iii Let. ui'a lit iu .vie, Fi ci.. I. Hi i i-l Col pa. The I'M. :M.t ..ih, i:id .i..i " i v. v. , Biluade lnvMi'ii I'w.i;'.- C , 'I k IMiih anil 4uih s in lleilo . i I). ,.. w I lnvi-i ii, li aui i gai J . 1 1,- j.stli -h in l.-ai X. Polk'.- Cops. ihi-J.'.iti is in limii lliigaile. ilni. , Coij.a The Set h and rtath aie in R-v r.,..i li. aon's lliviaion. TheVlt'i, itat, 6U, ntili, i.jti. TT ( f. .i: ' brlgadul. WOOD I WOOD I WOOD! tji aaraii aaariu'a lan: . t; N Kaleish, N I Apul i ', l- O Sl'PPLV IHE 11 OS "IT A LS AT ' ll I - wttw fuel :nr the enaulnc mnt. r I woi i.t.. IM ('ords giwil ineichantahle wo. ..I, o. tie- uli. within coiiveateiit diatante. i. the line ' oh., road. I ureter, however, to purchase MfAMlLVd, Iant to thla Poet, or lbt line "i ..i.t.ei Ua, arnment to ci t and haul Vi t' I' if I.l April i lit , Waptain P. i Ji 1 1'.

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