BY J. L. PENNIfiraTON fe CO. TEB.MS DF Sl)IISOmi'TIO.. t Xli following ' pl. 'rai l u haw. ,. to Thb l'-"7. jiivii'iix son r 6 -nunt"s ...... 15 00 KV.' V month. - S 00 Alwnva to bi PM in aiiraiico, anil paper stopped when the time Pld r"r JOK PRINTING. Thgre hoibic mai'cieil with the yKutmiwa tistabllah ' , , ih otUi'B 1'iiiMt t any in the (Jitr or Htate, na oent rej t all di-dem for BOOK an.' .K'lt piilNTiNG. Order, aMioited and promptly attt-nrted to. TI.flllA'B"' "Gr"',T",l TIIK TRUSS Assort vi lli .. imtprwi accordion t ' art of Control, in the venr TWI, b v 3 Thrashe- In the Clerk'- Otnoe of tin- IMntrirt CVmrt of the Confederate States f ,th( Vorthern li triet of Georgia. " From Richmond. Ricnui"1'!'. June JO. Unofficial information from Lynehbnri? stntrf that the Yankees were in" taken in tbeir retreat t Liberty and a Inrire number enpttired.--Sheridan i. reported in Hanover to-day moving Inward Jauiet Biver with the remnant of his command. Th rapture of the entire command i. anticipated. From Petersburg. FSTEKBIH'IUI, June 20. Since yeaterdar nothing of ini- ..nrtance or treat intere.t ha IranMiired. There has been aume cannonading and aim alipht fkirniinlurg. r-- Veiterdav Gen. Meade sent in a flan of truce to General Beaurerrd requetting permission to bury the dead which wa not tfranted."' The City Council to-day held a meeting and sent a committee to (ien. Beauregard to ak advice in regard to the removal of non-combatant. Uen. B reported that no notice Jiad been given by the enemy of hi. pnrpoe to ehell the city but it would bo prudent for tho.e who could to leave the lower part ol the city and (or women and children to remain in the cellar. Very few .hell have been thrown into the city to-day. Grant' lines reach from Jamea river across the Appo mattox to within two mile, of the Weldon Kailroad. Advice, from Liberty this morning nay that Hunter had been pursued through that place and that he was retreat ing towards Buford jrip in considerable disorder, that some prisoner had been taken and more double wnnld he. The enemv at this writing neem to be moving towards the Weloon Rairoad. Our General will doubtless be pre pared for them. Froqi Georgia. MimsrlA, June 20 The enemy's Cavalry made a le tuonstratinn this morning frnm Ulg Shanty towards Can ton on our right and were met by a division of ours when they precipitately withdrew. Our army is being daily reiulirc l by ilighll wounded and convalescent troops. No eroakerigm r criticism nf tbe army exists, but the greateM confidence is manif. st.e.1 by officers and men in the capiirifi end ultimate KiteceH of Gen. Johnston . - - - It 18 Haiti that '2,500 bales f .miton CvV. into the hand of tho riipmy it Home aur) tJartiH ville. It hm.-iiis to us that if cotton do t!iun ex posed and loft for the bimcfit of th u'lvnuftitig enemy it is an iuvitation t-i them t cone on.--It should either have been ki.'f in our linen or burnt Resignation of Menimingn-.. Why Money la Scarce. The public will not be surprised at the soarcitj of money when told that Mr. !lemtuinger leaves the Tre&furj without funds while seventy mil lion aro due to the soldiers The Examiner lay : It gives us much pleasure, to be enabled to an nouneo tht Mr. Memniing-'r has certainly re signed. Ha will lenve the Treasury Departriieut, in ad oonfusipn ahout seventy millions due lo the soldiers ; no bills to pay tlient with by reason of tho banUhmentof the force of clerks ; iu i-hort, I general mull or muddle. The difficulty which wo understand presents itself now Js to find a suitable successor. It would indeed be an incalculable blessing to the country if some limn nlrility and energy could be induced to undertake the adniiniUttofi of that mostimnortnnt Department ; but we suppose this is out of the question. It is no desirable task in iUtelf to impose upon any one thai of mendiug what Mr. Meiuminger haspoiled, pick ing up his. cWopped stitches, washing his soiled linen : ana, besides, they say that gentlemen of independence and pride of character are some-' fhat shy of accepting Secretaryships in this ( ioy ernment. It is feared, therefore-, that tbe Pres ident may be obliged, iu additiou to his other arduous labors to undertake the administration of the Treasury Department himself. In which iiase be will probably assign to duty in the Treas ury some favorite brigadier who is not so highly appreciated by the service as by his attached Coimcaader-in-Chief. What would be better still, some experienced liuartoruwter might be induced to aot a. the President's military Secretary, if as signed to dnty id this bureau, indeed we know quartermasters who, if financial ability and re wurce. be the thing requisite, would make very much abler finance ministers ihau Mr. Memuiin gei;. At all evtwts we have got rid of this dread ful Secretary. Prices ought to fall at the news : and a species of confidence begin to establish it lf iq our financial ppndi(jon ; becaqse all men trill feel that tye may havo a better minister, and L'anuot have a worse. Escapkof PjugoNERS. A few davs since some twenty odd prisoners, among them some desper ate characters, wore started from here in charge of Lieut. Culbertson, and a small guard com posed of boys from 17 to IS years of age, mem Ders of the Reserve Corps. When about two miles beyond the top of the Blue Ridge, the jiris 'mers suddenly, and in accordance with a pre concerted arrangement, turned upon the guard, i desperate hand-to-hand fight ensued. The guard being simultaneously seized each one by a prisoner, could not use heir guns, except by clubbing them. One of tho guard, named Bled soe, was killed, and one prisoner, name not rn oolleoted. Lieutenant pulbertson was severe ly Wounded in the head, tie is now in the Hos pital at this place. Several others, guards nnd prisoners, were injured uioreor less severely. I be prisoners Hucceeded i n getting away, and in carrying ,i(T wjtl, them most of the guns of the guard ' Vivo of the prisontTs refused to have :'y Hiiug tu do with the affair, and pluutarily Hui.iod with tho Lieutenant. For their good behavior they certainly deserve some favor fQe guard, tho' ouly-boys, are said to hnve wught like tigers, and only yielded when over- VOL. V -and Lrutu .furiv.., .i4sA- vjlle AW. Is Shkrman's Rkaii The Appeal of the 12th says : On Saturday last a raid upon the railroad iu the rear of tbe enemy wnsaetually effeoted, which is the. firs, success of the kiud The 3d Alabama cavairy, as we an: advised, made an attempt to reach Resaca, but finding that point too strongly guarded, they tin ned their attention to Calhoun, six miles belmv On their approach the Yankee guard at the Million fled to the woods, and the place was takeu possession of without a p v :. ing fired In a short time an empty tin: n S up from the south, which was captutv ... homed. A torpedo- conveniently plac .'; f a after destroyed the eng-iue of another trefc. 1 ' ing the engineer. Ten prisoners were, rV tured and three thousand sacks of corn destroy . ed. when our forces deemed it prudeut to retire, in consequence of the desertiou of one of our men, . who, it was feared, might comiu'inicate to the enomy the siiMllness "four force and induce them to move iu overpowering numbers against the command. A few sueh operations as this by our cavalry will be felt bv the enemv severely, as hn is no doubt compelled to me the railroad to its utmost capacity to get forward his supplies ; and as they aro eutirely feasible, we hope to be frequently called upon to chronicle thuir occurrence Let the cavalry be heard from efficiently Km- the Frogiee". At a meeting of Co. A, 40th Reg't N. C. T., held in camp near Kenaujville, Duplin county, X. G , on tbe Itith day ol June, lSt4, whereof Franklin Harvey was Chair man and JSergt. Jut. A. Hinea Secretary, the following Committee was appointed : Lt R. B. Vause, Oorpl. H. h . Jones, privates A. W. Whitfield, A. U. 11111 and Jsmes Williams, who, alter i brief absence, reported tbe follow ing preauibit: and resolutions, which were unaninuuinlv adopted : Whbhkas, Itbecometh a people at all times, auil more t'Hpecisllv in tbee perilous times, to select their wisest and bis' men to Legislate for them ; and whereas, the wellare of tbe army materially, depends nyon the manner innhlch it is represented ; and whereas, a Koldiers' in terest can onlv be property undet'.tboil and appreciated by a soldier. Therefore, Retoh td. That the voters of this Company I'roiu tbe count.y ol I.eie'ir, being abojK siity in number, respect fully recommend to oui brother soldiers from tbe county, and our frLnds and relatives at homer, Maj. W. A. Hol land, 4'Uh Keg't N. C. T., as being eminently qualified to' represent them in the Commons of tbe next Legislature of Nuith Car lrna, and we pledgi: him our united sup port. Htiolvtd furthtr. That a copr of these proeeediuss be transmitterl to Maj. Holland I with a hope that he will consent for hi name lo Oe run ) and also to the ditTeron t Companies (rom Lenoirand to tho Wilmington Journal, Daily State Jnwnnl, Raleigh Confcdtrdtt, Favett-'lllo 0rer, Daily Proqrct and Conittriative, with e ' ,( that they be published. FRANKLIN liARVF. Jak A. Mines, Sec'y. Reserved Fukcks. The 1st Battalia C. Reserves is commanded bjpaMai C. W. Uroadfoot. The 2nd Battalion of f. C. Rescrvea is com manded by Maj. J. A. Anderson. The 3rd Battalion of N, C. Reserves is com manded by Maj. Hooks. The 4th Battalion of N. C. Reserves is com manded by Maj. J. M. Reeoe. The Oth Battalion of N C. Reserves roanded by Maj. Win. P. Bcasley. The 6th Battalion of S. C. Reserves nianded by Maj. V. McK. Clark. 1.4 oom- w corn- CASUALTIES. 28th n. c. tkoofb. Tlin fnllnwiiig is a lirtt of the casualties in the 28th V Troops, ironi May 23 I to June 10th, 1864 : .I n,!, F-r.l. May 231. Co A Killed, Privs N G Mu ni ao.t Siophon li'ng. Wounded, Privates Rufns .Jarre!!, n G An.tlioi, , Henry F Hodges, Jas Brown. O C Ries. Missing Wni Marh. C. D Kilied. W..i;nrlei. Ut Lieut 11 D Khvne, 2d Li-c'ay Ostiiei, t.mce ilid,Sgt R A White iumI Priv W WTI rris. Co O WoiiimI iI, Privs Al.lihua Fidivarda, Alfred K ivli.r, A P Linelarger, W A Martin, t;.D Ki !!''.! homo. Woundetl, Vrivt Lvi O-ilev, 1". A J'lvlcr. C-K v. C. I Kule. T II M trtio. mil 0 H m m;. none. W'-ueile,! Privs N C loxier. Co K K'-".i no. VihiiiIi', C M Whit. and M A Hnlv Priv... C" V Killed tioiuv Wounded, Priv llenovlf. li'i sine il'e.t, Q W lt!.ilrev . C.1 O-KiHerJ, Priv Snn. (!hver 'Wtmiirl-rl St U'DF K Iwiinls. () HV(.iM'le,l. S-l -I f1 W!.oeI. Corp Jas R (lil aflpie, J'rivs .Toim,! Rii'ler, T Win hi. t'jfowi 's Farm 31st Miy. 0 R-Killed n. WoB'itle W.'in.'V'd, I. f'-irp'Tal fhija I'-rivs .(as (tra' C-i C- KilVil nun since died. C'l Ij-!-1h)Ui!. K IHKie. W n ..le.l. t.'o F Killed tn'ii" Tackfr. I'il O. II tie) I t'l.Oo. ("l K Kill.. I in.!,.-. man, Bnrrihs. Turkey Hill to June Co.C Killed nofte Privalo Tin Woun.1,,1. p. .ft... Fesjieir Hlth. 0 i A, h tituitj Wonnded Private Atrdiruee Clire cilice died. C "S D, 10 and F li'-oe Co O Killed nonr- .d.d .Snipes, Wound!, Priv S CoH--r:,ne. Co 1 Killed Priv F. H Uin-i H Carl ton CK N'oiv- i Reeii:u' ;'ii'n -Kill"' 4, wonnded 36, missing total 40. . H. S. FuLGER, Adjt I, Office of the Ral lj-li and Gaston R R. Co.,) itir sraH, June iBt. T will lit ANNUAL MEETl.VO OF THK SIOCKHOLD- ers of the Raleigh and Qasfn Kail Road Company l be held tt the otliceof the Company, in th Citv of Haleigh, on Thursday tbe l.'l day of July, IH&t. Junc2l-eodtd vi W. VASS, 'l'teas. and Sec'y. AMBROTVPES- NEW GAXLERY. FJPHE SOliSCRIBER FORMERLY OF NEWBKKN, I N. C, takes this metbnd 'of iolorming th filli.ileijli and vicinity thai lie has opened rooms on the corner of Faycttcville Street and Market Square, where he is prepared to make pictures iu the very best style of tho art. Af ter a practical experience id' fifteen years, he Hatters himself that his picture, cannot be eurpasaed. A call is solloited whether pictures aro desired or sot. June il-St J.'W. WAT80'. DAILY P HA1 EIGtf. TUESDAY, JUNE 1AIJ,J AN U W E ICIi UT .1' RUG U KS8. . PUH ONLY TERMS. The folloningQare tbe only terms for the tatty vml Weekly 'rogrctt for the present. . Jf the cost of labor and material continues to advance we shall make advances : Daily paper, six months ir,.(H " " Three months 8.H " " . One month 3.00 Weekly paper, three months 3 fM "" 4 sis months 5.O0 Any person sending us a clnb nf ten' or more, at one time iroui the same olliee, to the Weeklv, shall have, one copy gratis. No dedudion for clubs to the Oaiiv. Onralreidv large and rapialy incresiing circtdati-Mi renders the t'rtujrr.nn the best advertising medium in the State. Advertisements are inserted in the llailv at the rate of $:l a square, of S lines, or SO words, for every in tertion, and in the WeeklrXor the sine. Cash should accompany alt orders. Business Notice. -The oinonses ctendini! the publication ol tne 1'i'oaaKss are enormous and have lo be paid promptly, and we must do a cash business or none at aM. We must demand cash Iroui all saietb.ise business men ot tlie city who have account with the o' Hce, and parti- at a Jistanee are eipectrd lo remit promptly when :lls are sent. We have no time to col lect bills and don.! want to make uny charges. There never was a better time to pay debts, than the present, sad alt Who owe us are requested nn l'eiperled to p iv at once. WAiif or our friends receiving luiportunt aews (rum the army by private letter or telegramf, will confer a great favor on as Itv Fending or learing them at this oruce lot our uge. ;WMiOW to Send US Money.- Never send l.v uiai when you can send by Kxpress. All uinnn sent bv I'.i press at our eipelise. Those sending il nioney by mail must do so at their own risk. Sen- Twenty centa Tor Hags ound will be paid lor all clean Cotto.i rs - 1'ivetitv ten:; a oound will be paid lor all clean Cotto.i an Linen ras de livered at the Vroress olhce. PRINTING J THE DAttV PROGRESS OFFICE . II i lng a good assortment ot Mati rial, an ftlsfimo- va nety ot tvpe and one of the finest POWER P RESSES In the Confederacy, is prepared to turn nut all kind" ol Job IirlxDLtiii Iu the best style nf the art and at prices as reasonable ifii can be afforded iu t4ieae times. We promise that all work entrusted lo us shall be promptly, neatly and esurditiouslr executed. Orders so licited. J. I,. PENNINGTON & CO. ftalefg,!, June IS, ISM. FOR SALE p.1 OCNCKS I'KLLETIEti'.S yL l.M.NK! JI 60 lbs Illue Mass. A few Sacks Oround Alum Snlt. Apply oon to JJr. L. M1LLKK. Kinstnn, . C. June20-dU WANTED TO HIRE. WANTED TO HIRE FOR THE BALANCE OF Til, year, a stout Negro Man. To one that can feed niaseli' good wages will be given. Apply immediately at PROGRESS OFFICE. iCfttrell's Springs, N. C, ) June l&ib, 18R4. HIS POPDLAR PLACE OF SUMMEU RESORT IS nuw open for the reception of our sick and wounded dier., as wo have turned it over to the government for men- oeneui. ah communications must Da addressed to Or. Butts, Surgeon in Charge. BLACKBALL 4 CO., June 17-dlw4wll Proprietors. WOOL NOTICE. (jOaaiEHMASTKa'S llEPiKTMKNT. ( Raleigh, June It, 184. f AM NOW PREPARED TO EXCHAXOE COTTON Yarn, for Wool, upon the following terms, vix: I One bunch of Yarn lor three rounds washed Wool. and one buneh for four pounds unwashed. Agents have been appointed to'make the exchange at the following places : Oxford, Tarhoro', Kinston, Cathe rine Lake, Concord, Rockingham, Uendersonvil!", Mutes ville, Roxboro', AsheviMti. Pitisboro'. Louisburg, Fav etteville, C'olerain, and at this place. Persons shipping wool to this place will please mark on the packages who they are from, anu the cotton varu will be forwarded immediately. I hope the people will palriotic illy respond to the above notice, as the Wool is for clothing the X. C. Troops. U. A. I)OWl, A. Q. M., V. V. A June 14-daiyljuly The papers in the State will please copy until .lu'y 1st, and forward accounts to this oflice, NOTICE. TTIOUIt STKAOLINU SOLBIEKS OR OESERTFKS. to make tbelr escape, h ft their hoi ses. The horses are supposed to be stolen. The owners can have them bv proving properly and paying charges, Ace. One a It' iin Mare, about 12 years old, 15 hands high ; S iight Hay Mares, one about 11 years old, l.1J.J hands hi(;h ; on- i! vearould, lo hands high ; and one :i vearsold, H hands high. " They .ire not tin but very good workhorses. Apply at L?noir, Caldwell county. C-ALDWELL. June l-di'.iiv2t NOTICE I S HEREBY (ilVE.N TIAT THE UMIEHSIC N t.U will attend at the Superior Court Clerk's Oftir- in the ourt Housi1 on- Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays pf eafh week losettle ott' claims against the county. J.. F. IILTC1IINS, June 111 . Ti tistik;. Standard anil rity dally papers eop une week. FINE BLACK TE, SALE AT THE lt K L'U STOKE OF, WIL F LI A MS t II AY WOOll I ii in-11 In SHEET IRON II It. INCHES THICK FROM W TO OHr. T I fit I.V kJ It' inelu s w ide, fi on, t to feel lone . iii itithie loi- MolgtlHlU ltoilel rJBIe m SWAY. WILLIAMSON A CO S. .North Stele n .-u A. lira. Wo. Ik. It1.-igli June In 7t OfJIce A. &. N C. It R. Co..) tlouiKBoi o', Mav .10, f IIHh ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLM dera nf tbe Atlantic and North iVoli. n Had Road Company will be held in Ihe town of tJohlshoro', on Thursday, Juno 30th. It . Jpnei dAwtd I. CICFKO .UlSTH'E. Se v. IfUROEKV FOR FIIOLD AN II IIOSIMT A L, I AM NOW I'REI'Attl l) I'll SUPPLY J1Y WORK 1 on Surgery I- llli ilh r, -111.1 oll'e... who mav wjill to purchase It. On tbe receipt ol b,0O, l!ie le. postage paid. KH W A Kit 'k rt ill h it bv mail WARREN. M I'. Raleigh, N, (V Aug !i I - U WANTED, A FEMALE TEACHER TO L1V!; IN A FAMILY in tbe country, one who can f.-aeli mn-ic und em -broidei v Any one applying cm give teiei . oe-- srel -isle term- Address l!ov No. fit, ( ,i,,', N May mmim ... W. RHOat.VRDSOtV At CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BIlOjiEltS, , Jug 4-tl UALblOli. . C 21. .1864. NO. 190. ANNOUNOEMEN'PS. To tlio People of M i'i ti-C-irolluu --o, m plianee n ith the wiilo-s ot iM.iii ln -nls. ! nitn-o .-tn. Sdl a Cll.nlidale lor tll.l o'l.;.. ol li'n el 'l-ii oi Vii:t, l'.iIM lina, at tlio yleelioil I Imi.Ii on tl,e lirsi J'lon.-.Liv i- August te xt. M V pnticiplet and t i. .-, aj i C 'ti-ei v i i v 1 ill. s-i raint.'SL sect." are well ko m :i t i tbe peoote oi ih.i- Siji. , "These principles and viewj are what lh-." navgji. , ii. They will not liecliiinged. I am n-'l iltspo--. ,1. ;ir a inn:' like this. t. iiu-i- trie pe.,. pie tiont th ii- ;il h :ii -n: , 'i. s-l I lot!..- cm-i i, tt '.vliich prevails, in tlie iiulilu: mind. iv n.-u an uin ihe(( ho llii'lr voles. We Ii- i'd ail our . ii-ijo-s to meet lit. eoni inoii eneiu y, arel to -i ovide '.n.-.i'is ol' suli-isi. nee t o onr t'Oopn in il,c il' l'l tlie people ui home. Lei He p,:opie g-ic.lluily an I tieiuiy to tl'' p im and roli: to) tin 11111 of their cliniee. I ill cli-'erhilly uliole iheir deei ion, whatever it mav he. II elected I will do ev el V ihuiill iltv poW 'i ' proop l, the interests, tlie honor ami bu glm v ot North Carolina, and to -.ecure an Imnoralik' peace.- March 4 td V W. HOI, DEN. Ilillsboro' Ii .I,.,-.'tn l're-s. Ore. i, hoi oi. j ll'.i:-lli-l, and llendeison Tisties viltpp-il'e copy till d.-n o elei-tlou, ,tnd loi iv.u d account. To the IN-ople of the Silth Sonatoi inl Us trict5 North Carolina. -Fellow Citizens mid Sol (hers : At the uigeiil solieilations ol many ('onsen tires of thu District. 1 announce myself a candidate, I represent the Counties ol Clay, Cherokee, Macon .l.iet- sonandllavw I in the Senate ol the next Ln'isliiture of the State. I It is not possible lor anv man to' lunw hat me isim s may come neiore tne la gislature el the Slate nt its next session, or what ttueveiits of war may make nec.-ssai y for the protection of tbe S! :le and the -eon itv of the pe,.de; but Oil all the me.l-.ures that inn ,- pin- l.ore ISatl-.l li . I shall, ,il ehcte.t . I a.vv,-,ll,v eou-nlt. .Hid art w illi the Conservative parti- ih- stal-. and mth thu t lew of securing neioti-Ii ions, and an honorable peace. I am & .-trait t'onsei inlive. It. M . Hr.NRY. Franklin, N. (.'., June 2(1, lNilt. .lune 4:t d&wtd To the Voters ol' Bertie Couuty. -Fellow Cii-z-n am a candidate foi a seat in the House of tVni uious in the next Legislatn e or North Curoliua. In coin ire; before yon for re eli iiion to a ., n hieb vim have elevated me for si.T yeais in snci .Tsi ni, I misl you nnd no pronl'thal. I have at heart only uliat I conceive lo l,c foi Ihe best intei I'st ol our i oiniiwn eouiirri. If el. cted, I shall permit no opporlunitv to pais ivithoiii giving my support to nil uie;u-uiei that will, in mi opinion, p,.. niotc the honoi , ilignii i , and pn-spenei ,".t tin- Slate. I am,, oiu tciloiv eiti,-n. I' T. II I .N ' l . i tie Co., June 'JU, Kit. June M -d.vwtd YlaniHiiro County. We ate nut t.,i ; , i ami m (piesled to announce WILLIAM Ii W.UKIGIIT i a candidate to reprtsent ihe people of Aiaiiiaiic in tl.. Commons branch o( the (Jen.-ral Anemiilr ol' Noith t:.n olinnK at the election in Auu-t. Juneili -dAiv'iw Standard copv two ui-ks and send bill lo I'riwn i. To the Voteix of Old Lcuo Ii . -Ft llo w citi zens anil Brother .Soldiers : I'M.. nj, i!,.- ,, quest of many friend- in and out oi the junv I take i.'.is method id announoing iiiv-cll'ns ,i candid ite tor the Sher iflalty of your enuuiv. It I should he so torlunate as to be your choice on the first " hu'sdav m Aii-n-t uovt I us sure you that all hiiMiioss ie my hands -Ii ill he att.-ml, .1 to promptly, justly and impartial! i , hoiild I he so im u nato as to escape "the hands ol death during the ivmiuj; campaign. I am Iruli in I. ipes to hear ol a ic m ij rm1 lniavorol i.rvatii on the to t Thui-ilay in August hext . I .!"!, v '! i re.-pect t'u 1 1 y Your sou ami brother i Of Old Lennir Couutv,' it. h. Vause, May CJ-dAwt.l 1A l.t. Co. A. lot i R.-g't N r. T. Johnston County. .We are authorized and reipiest ed to announce the loiloum-; t eien as tbe Conserva tive candidal.' to n pi es-, nt the county ot Johnston in the next Ocaeral Assembly : For ih6 Senate THOS. i). SNE.M), K'so. F,., the Comnions W. 0. HANKS and W. A SMITH. This ticket was selected by the Reset ves from John ;toii, in camp at Ooldsliiro, and by a mass meeting nf tbe citizens remaining at home, held at Siuithlicjd on the iRtli of May. These gentlemen will he supported bv all true Conservatives. I'hey endorse the plai no in of Viee President Stephen , liov. Hroivu and W. W. Hidden, and ifWetert will do all ilicy can to procute an est Iv ami tiunoilile peace. June '.'-ilivtd Staudaid, ('onset vative. Conlederate. ami Christuin Advocate aro requested to e v till day ol ;.'c!ion and send hills to this nlliee. Wake County -The SlierifTalt j thorizod and reoucsled to announce W. il -We a i c au Hlllll, K r , as a cundidadu tor re-, lection to the election in Auiii,t. Chatham County. e. P nounce my name a? a candid. itc of Chatham in Ihe m-.t lleneral the Senate, , Very i Juue I l -d.t M'td the lice ot Sherill, at lune 111 tded.krt INM.Niil. to repr iVsscnibii -Please sn- . III the people oi the Slate iu especllully THUS Ii, Ll'NU. Totlie Voters of Jones Ctttinty. i.ens and Soldiers : - ili ouL'h the . friends in and out, of the army, I lu.-mun did it loe the olliee ot Sherill ol unc-eh-cl me. mi the hr-i Thursday in August ctiai ii' the duties o Up. oiliei- proniptl'.-, purtial'y, and 1 hone, yith that inlye Fellow Cil- 'I le t ol UlilllV iii v a-l! a can ooity It i o,i i. t. I .ll !.- just' ii. d i. ii 'v H'locti Ioih chai actel ied uie as a s.ddici , 1 .Oil. r -speetfully , Yout Iri'-nd and o'jil'i s.-rv't," LAFA ET I E DII.LAHC.NT, V. iy :!0 ilAwut Co. K, :ld R -g' N. C. KUIKlolpli imuI Alums! nee. 'I In; true Couseiva tivi - ol AhiininiC" ui'l liiiololpli coutiti -s a ,, i-cn (,.,( to meet iu con. euu m on lie' to -t S.i'.nr l.u in Jun. , ,il Liberty, Kandolph i'i iit.n, OptsenJ oi ihe third Saturday in Mav, to foil in moi. n ii i.-u a . unlet. ih no itie Smite, llllO'Vlll SIpMII t lot lloV, L nor l. Hold. II. hllr!,,) -.!! thll great prineipl.s ol' Uov. Ill . on and Vic I'li-ideut Me. pheli's of tfeorgiu. Mild F'll' SheriirofClllttll.ini. - A esre .mile. i I,., d ami ri'lllle.-lr'll I . HllilMlO, W 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 ) 1 1 I a- H I illi . ', I.I a t C for the .-d" i ill.i of l 'h tlbam unit . JlL I Ii. .- eti -:i in AutrUst next . Ma Weiiic Kiithori.etl lo iiiiiiiuiiii-r I'lloilAN J. Will I'AK l-.R iicahdiil.,te , rv. , l. Mi..,, . t mi r it.iltv ol Jon County .lune "J-fl.V.e. id We uie aiitlioi i.eil to itiitiouiii e Liciil I: II. U A V, ol ihe 47lll ... I', Itee-illiollt, ..f I 111- olll.e .,1 S. I -111' Ol WaKe Coillit,. il ill.- eli.-iiine el -ctl .11 J. A.J -Ii o nei. ,.i il I .H.'iy. Cil'.illVillu 'omity. C. II. K. T VYLOlt f- ihe S. nute, (' .1. .1 , ;. .VVIIS, MAIih I.A.N ILK and Di. 1'. W III-Ni; I'.u t'oinnion . il... ..Ii..-.-.- u.-ket is l -..uiuiv no. l ll.. y I :i -- .: tlr.i.i' il!,- I . . . -..-nl 11 ill I lo- le-nT 1 1 - n. i a I V - - " 1 1 1 I V , . .lini :; iliie:i i!M.s i ii;..ns. Wen ic mil Inn i,fil to iinii.iunce E M lllllt.N a.- a y.indidaii lo r.-i e. , nt ill cum, , in the House ol t'lontipois at il-e j-,, uoic, le.-ti-Jiim- .1 '!A-ri I. I V, AT'I'I'MTION ! AN fS. I.AM I IlKt l: 1 I.AVK WARII M A 1111 v t. lo il.-is, C illlil y a' II'" .in. I .- lllanlis I... . Ill and I.SII. n V.N'I'KI). A Ilil'll) I liOly Sm; ol - ihe . 1 lit. ii A I i.'v. wilt te . .1 , i'lXm- Apply a Waj a-if v I ADVERTISING RATES. -The following ra will be charged for all -oiw'i. meat InsrrU'd in th OtiLT and Wbkxlv l'auum--oni .(jr "- or iisht linu, us ls.. Oae day -..$3 00 I One week ,)h i i. Two davs 00 I Two week. : 3: on Threen'ay. 9 00 Three weeks . . . M 1 1; Fourdayi 12 00 One month Ti in Fire dag I l0 I Two months... 144 on Fifty words, or sU'lt lines or less count a sounre, sn.l additional squares '1 be charged the same. Art- rrtiw menu Inserted ouoe, 'itcej or three times a week wilt I charged ti a square ti: vi ry insertion. When sunt by letter, t?.o -lioney mast acoourpany the ad v'Ttisement. Marrigs, iejitht,, religious nd ther nr tiees charged as od ti -jtaeuts and must h. mi . in a. T alice. I AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALES. SALE OF I'LUtNl T IT R E AT KWiiRTII FEMAH1 SEMINARY, HKEENKUUKO. N V. TK WILL SELL AT Al.'CTION, COMM I-NCN H . IT "ii 'I uesday June il-f, all the School Fivlu.- . Honseliiild ami Kitchen Kurnitu -i.- of Kdeewonh l-eii ale S moi .ry . conns ting in pal t of NINE I' 1 NHS mm, . tin i.i i leu ok Iruineie -. I Harp, Melodeon. linituis, Kra tl., i I;..,!,. Mattress, s, lleilst. iiN. li ddine. Tables, Table " Km ii 'i oi e, I "hail s. I 'o..k i ami olhei" M A I ', H-o - e-. I'-o.:, a - ii ti l.'attle, XVayons. iuh 1 1 i 'm iaz.- and lis' a. -S. Wc hai e an extensive I'luhi- oplncnl auH. Ucu. i utus some school Hooks. Micc Marie, In.' I, u. - ti 'ii l.iu.ks Cur Pimu. ami d'uit;u , (J-i, , rtttklenl. v il. Ciicinica, ami A . troi, E;.( . 1 i l,.u tt, ti.l ! linls. I'auvasr,, lSrusht-Ht .Vi:. All ilut abnw ,irtu:lt .i will lno tt it .-ri. Ii-U unli'ss iliuLii Tin- . )ii hiiiii , im j.iMonr: t.Pi.-pluii.-i rlti-ir Mm- Oin i y (ai in mny at tit-l.. m.rK . .- c! v; il ; unl pi t t .iblk- Im iitl'crcd for m.iI"' t.ui in; Ur .June i:t dhv ' MOIIKHK". -V Klll.l important sale ot mp- iuo at auction OV TIlUKShAV THK ':;. .M K AlIMi. Iroiil til oiu av iiinui uf will ---il li'M lie- i-' v i m li ili' v Sit (.'htiti Pan limi. iiO inch' - w n'. , 4 u . ' i, i I. ms;. abt.ul ll- Ui im ti ihuA. Tin- hti m - t . . j lit- -'ltl t Wanontmi, . (' . .'min' t'luv .-inr''. m k-v t an iiit'TrupUtui iu ii anip-wtutmn n n.-i an I . i Iri Jt1uii-h to the ahttVf w bitTc,.' Sit lir. i . i i(ii:ility . 'but f will .-i-U pi ivalch . I I.i i ). ui: i- i . ally l"( tff tin- kiri'l l Imn it iIih Hum- n. Ui r tirv v'HKKlWI A UTCIiH.i.l-, June V) ti . AiuMit.tu' KHI:( II H IU) A I) i, v,i saij: ff.:.v r.wxox s-whm. tu x xsrt.v.ixi i rot . 7')'. X. r. inns j-.wivi i.iks o nil-; r i:ni ih'oat- ili v-.i , I'.lun 1 1 v. irnli!i ol lire v;n . , h u u t i. n Mint if ttiMiJiirflc ku i n-t ili I) cm cf ol I t .il, ni tbt iiiti-t i-riuluolivr itr.ipi.i i c ti ( : cotinlv nini ..'iba blv lit WcstiTll Noi th ill V.IlM I U .J thlht 1 1 .. rliiudU'v ol .-ctii.-rv , ltoa ' i-ni j n I l" -i til itv nl m! n isui inpa tl bk anv pr-ip -itv i ili- Suu. Ii omi-i!. I.UiO u Uii l, .') ,) 'v Ii ii . hi-'t .jiuiiiiv Kr.-M- .. IV'in-l l ilfoiii, nil of ii''ti n itit t lli rc j.- n t n; H'.'T' . i I l i.i I . i ' . t I ' 1 1 .1 1 1 I i 1 ' I '1 ,1 1 ' ' )l 1 1 I St I ' i I i Ultl i -t ! ton, I lioi ou;.'li!v til an, , ,'in.l r.i, 11 .-n! ! in'. 4, inn I ' uhirll at. ii l.ilh ii' i:. ,.i lo.-U-t po l... ',w7' bli i . !- of Co: n - ite 'oi It Mil Jo li t- ' I. . l.n.J -, . oi .iirim y .-uhivali.- im. illl nt am r . nl, .. . .it- li u bet u ajipiit'-l U." un-- a-i - a.-- Ifl.l.ii. Hi.- ij.i-t aH tir uio-Ii, t.. it-' : a "- m,, ,t i'.,t r. 1( . cu-jii' bay an ; 'vc -ll.-iu .i.t! , - I ,,. uit ,t,. i lit II ;irt, ,y S7 .iri'ff, U I III -.1 Hht. b, I t.nii. , 1 ui;untani Ian . ' Tttt H H"! 1 1 ill' I l- Ull'lv'l n.! iiHl!ii l i nil I inn i. -ilb-U'. :i'l ilhl fiji'tllll V , lln I b. if,i i. mi .. J i bb mitl ' .i iuttil buil-liM wiiL fiolioi!, I . ..J rtt IHCIit'it On f pt ciiii-. i-- a .toit c.iLt.i.- r. -i.l mi, .. ;iv( romtt -.nrli w itli .iliit pbi'-r, k.u'i. n i'iy,ii( ti utt h - . ik?' ii.-c, st or iTtioin , diary, .niHik-'bmi'tt. tiatn .1 c i r ft t a,.at.'it f, li,5i)u bu-bi-l.- var . i n, i;n .lou.i. Iiv I ,b lll'fjll O IliMlVi'H, l.V o ll'Clint ..-tUcllt. '. . . . M !l. I; t - , a ami Kril mill, all built wiiln-i iliirti n c - hi ih. i "prit'i ot . Thf j(i vv mill in driv -ti v mm v -1 i w u i f'J'ilVrl i li:ilil''t,' , ;iii-l i- loon.. i i- 111. Ii'-. -i r-.-Hiiuiul vvaii-i tull.i of Hbmit KHH-'c; ir ! , ' . jhu" tfto. -to 1;"0 hor.n' u f-r, an. I .iil x (:(. ' a.!. 1 . -x - I be 1 t'.sii.-!,0f. ' Thiri propel t (r linn y nr njn. : - . 'J. i,. ... ol Ka.Kt T''fiJiitSM.ff h Iih will riv i-.j,,. . t.i hi. in 1.- b. i during tin- absence m tbf (jroprit f . . Thi prii-t) tur tlinnc land- in It'' 'nt u'-i .1 t i -ixy tlinuan.t dnllar. Pavuiftu i b n ('. ,. (t'dftau stock at tbe mat k-t value ul 'oluin'n -t , S. jr tune oi aft U'. With th ubnvo piopeity chm be puicbaieil twidxe i" t-iarkably prime ami orderly ueioen, l iult m (.ik- d niiV ai'ta-'otiu d to lb- culture of tbe. farm u, t;,i u., tait'lul Hiul eleanlv style. Am I lii. .n. ) i m three wotu n and live ebildren. I'bi- ui n . - ' . . plow men. mower.-, ci itdler.', Ac, oin- it. a v-..o. ..n j-i,i. Of the vv i mii ni. "in ;in excllt-rir .k .i mi 1 1 m n i Ih rhildiL'ii are Irorn i In (i ) ear ol h.:. Alt-- Hn' l.mii totdi, coiiflistiii in part ol plow, Ij.t . nvj. I. . nil, li'dtl rtdb i, corn plantr-iH, norbn mill, m ..h- ;.-iln-ioi u sbfl ler, r'i a w t'utttr.i, timb-i t.tii-, v - . Ac A tbe Atuik td lublv' iuipiowd r.iitle. Addr-ts Al I. JOHNS.', , . Care ol AMHiKW .JOIINSiWM , Kbit Hock, v r. N. It. ' I think I can tak tlie libt.-i i v hb .In ik'- It, .! SauniitTH i.n'i the Uiht Kev. Iti.-Uop Atkti-on. t !t( i tin in a.- ii! n'lKV.- in r-.u I i i lb.- vhIii-, .v--., i h.i la i in Mv Cill'le -itiifU.r !.' an-i inv shi j --t . o brad. I b.iv.: i ciinhj.-i ahb lot ot tum''.'t t,,,l .1:1,11110 .. oil . 1 nil! tHk; i'lw)ttn tl. ,., n-- ;io-'; si-cl . tai . lo..iP. lumb -. A-., V., ivd! t - 'i ii i'i Iv. A i-i il it. d.Vvvlt ' ki;v RI Rl .AVa KU0M THK .si; S(':; I i;;,b , o t,h i)i'bi(,t I In- 1, st ifi.-tunt. THIiKK V Lf i U ! -I : in.- Id.-al, .1 1 il , im T.i cm ol i'-, I. vc .-.'t . itjt n, ( , intlic- bili, i t a nippt-r cob i, bi ;. Mnpii-li ni. . ci'iii air ; had nu bfi b-- l-tt :t bbi.-k w -1 b u . .la. ' cop) ii a. -roloi ed cot im. .ant.-, o.d il.i ! !! . .1 nu. i coat, ww r li ii t ;n o- a of 1... ; 1 " t ixlt-fii v ii t 1 a ji . nln . t.j.j.. . f do I , ti v.- t.' li v or -is. inch. Inb - hiirp I' a i m . .1 tju. i - i nt .If i.' . and having bet-n wii n i he anm , b. . in. i i.n, - ...ib tit i y aii in lii.-i add i ; bnd on n Iuji hr . h , a bl:nK -it ' -u c -r t bat, vnx round ib nit , vv- hit wo.l.-ii p.nii- w w o n, ), l.ii t .iTl vv He t ilher bare loot ,-. I m h ot o i i i v miu i pair ot -Ihm. lbeit, 'it.rhte:n yViuA ot ii'n-. t-i-ony cAo- . -'.ml hu ttv e b-et lour oi In ' nirhi-- b iIi . b-d on iv io i, o- 1 n chl bbick slouch ha l, fi"W sin i , bin.- i,u"V .-i- ' b n, . . . vvoi n, imndi o'o d. and i alii r ol a m ien b- k The. '.- not'oi-- w i pui idi iM- I m ;.-.v n . in . fcH- l.t, t lit. ,1 ini and To in b:i v iu hi i n jiim w 1 1, i -.i in , ,i r-i ev i li'.if . v .o,, ,i v,m j ii i-i .-, : n , ,, , to l in a cam.' V ii 'nn i oi t . -j, .if , i, ' i'.i. I. in- . Hyf bin.'rtr.-il : .i f ' i vt. i , .. t. - ,, ib-d. lix. i v in Shrib, , CI v. . ,,1-L' in,) . r , ..I bit ii In I did a i ' .i lo-1 1 lot i ii ir c i 1 1 1 1 1 ',ii,i . i , 1 1 mc ir fl) ai. j.ji 1 vv In i- 1 im.i ii't I Ih. ii i ( I' ru, Shi !'.. t' . .Inn.- ., I -i. .v It Kn'-ih p.tpi-i . ple;lm in nl nu 'V k mo: -iid bill. IMI'OUT V V T ! V l) ( Oil Kt l' AlK () ki:ov I IMl Ol.ll CO I 'TON A l AVOOI. t AliDS. 1 . hi I i, til i. I .1 -.0 I ol ,i, ! . 1. "; 1 r ri ' d t I. Sal-' "'d C"t b'U .il.. I U. i l . -. . ..., A -ilil .M)v " 1 - ' 1 1 . i i .' i : i . 1 t ii--' in 'I'M.i'.'M- l :ni. i a', ni I', I',. . ..... ti b l I . I. ' ( v. i With tbijj mill inn i.U'il.' " -. I W ot.l i m: h" b" t l.o; oil" hi V I ' f lilt t r'n1 , -1 'I :li I bi - ' il. 'Ill, if v.'..' ,ll a '. -iruM .i; I fiillo . Anv 1 1 iii m i-.. . i i oi i .il luel ului .- -(inl it -i i ti i.t i.i . . i it i- i . nt i h . 1, . b id CoHi-n ,ii l U i i I '.. i Ini.-t ...t.i . I c h n i i n. .i!' "t... !.. tl.,- Id. V -t I 1 i o t.i iK.- 'I en-. ,HM' ;i , -i u -, . j il''.' " I) . f ,f)lT. - I I., in i j . -.i . ; I- i - i -, to u,.' i . ' . j r -aid oi ' i 1 : U 1 1 - flit .-Hiri I t , , r - j. , rn i i- , . . uo-n in ik i t' v iln. in , . . , -i, 1 1 V i .-, ( '. i ... "S tl)it j , n .. 1 i. , , 3 r O i- ; .. : i ' p. i ! ii i- uun I , . 1 1 . . i t b. t I- i f l- ', ail (!., . I-i y ,. i iii;i. I, A'' A-.,-.1 'ir - I II t , IJ' A ' i lie l.i d AW 1 in Kill:VV-.od ', t., - t ; , .V I i TO HKMT, iUH.Sh l' i;l . p. PA - N ' H ; . I OoUI.I V , V i !' ILMI"- S '. . I - - ti. 1 . . j oil the N 0. ii.--- -i - , - ' -r ' i'.-.oii- .'Iu.jO le t : ,. ,1 l. , : i. --01. ' l I bli lJ II k h,lte I Ij rU' ! i t t.i tiUli' t i toi tb I p;i- n. u! i. - - t'.v i-. M i A. iiA JilLi. iu Mount Piutfi.r,-.c i ALPllLU Sl1fh. Wbu vi .