BY J L PENNINGTON & CO. TKRMS Of SUIHCRII'Tiil.'V. """" The tollowin; "nlv iHri'in -iibseni.tien in Thi t'0K ' '' j) lily paper. ' uifti.-h $ .'J i " II mnniha... ., 8 0(1 l .nnnt tin..". .. 16 00 Wklf MP"1". 3 ',lh" ' W 6 months J ft Oil Always to be utd in ad ranee, tod paper stopped when the ti ne paiii for pi pirn. JOH PRINTING. "There Ueinii caannucted with the Haonaisa eatahlisli meat a atob ONicsj oiiiial to any ia the Cltv or-Statt, ne are prepared th e.. lv all order for HOOK and JOH pRIITTlNU. Orders solicited and proinpttr amended to. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS if iOKrHtu mMT vow TRiN-cnr' mr0ifn.-' KnttT't acoordiiiit l" act ol Oontrress, ia the venr iHflf, ' br S. Thrashe in the Clark's Ofliee .,r lh,i Distriet Oourt.of Ww OimtederiUe States f the Northern Dia- triet of Oeorifia. ... Yrm Petersburg. faTiassURO, J vim 21. To-daj has been unmarked by any event of ipecial. interest. Biilne little cannonading and desultory ltirroishin(j and a few shells thrown into tbecitj. The thenj fa atronnjty fortified in his lines reselling from Jamei rirer, acroak the-Appomattox br Jordan's larn), to the Jerusalem Plank Road, a distance of seven miles. Weather intensely warm, but our troops are in excel lemt plight, thoojrh constantly subjected to the heat and fatigue incident to King in trenches. Orant's purpoae in not. yet developed. Ho ia supposed, however, to bo meditating another of his great raids. Our losses in all of the fights or last Week for the posses sion of this place are not over 1000 killed and wounded That of the enemy computed at 6000 to 6000. BMaregard's defence and preiervalium of thi citv is regarded hv all as the most brilliant affair ( the war, havipg v ilti an infminr Inrc confronted and success 'u I -ly kept back Grant's whole army. The enemy are reported crossing more troops from the North to the South aide of the Appomattoi this even Ing. Later from the North. Paraaaaoao, June 2 The Kxyrt has received the Washington Chronicle of the 17th. Lincoln was in Philadelphia on the IGth and made a ipaacb, aayiog the war bad destroyed many happy homes and produced a national debt with taxation unprecedent ed. He says we must go through tbe war until national aathurlty was extended over the whole of the national do main if it took throe years . fie said Urant and Meade re now where they will nev er be dislodged until Richmond is talun. He a-ked the people if h needed more assistance would tbey give it; tbey all answered yes. Papers say Morgan passed through h'lemingshurg on tbe 12th admiting a loss of li'oo Vallandighetu has arrived at Davton, and tbe Demo cratic Convention of lllinoii hasproinised bim protection . Oold VJTA. , Tht Herald of I he 15th is very sevete on Lincoln. It says he has wroneed and drceivid the peSjsle arid neat Ir ruined them by his egregious iuibecilitv as a rnler The cnuutrr can only obtain satisfaction tor the many oppres sive acta and trim blunders vtliieji he ha eomuiill at for three years by preventing his reel, etion- A gentleman who left Fredericksburg on Sunday it port that gold as quoted in Baltimore on the Isth at 205. The National Union Convention, under the auspices of a Committee, of which Amos Kendall ii Chairman, ill be held at Chicago on the 4th of July. Sheridan Again Whipped. Kicnxovii, June 21. The whaivesal W ilroi's i.aiial ig, Harrison's landing and We-infer were entirely i'e "troyed by our ev ill ) on Sunday night The Enquirer of this morning iepoits Sheridan routed yesterday near White House and eight hundred W isoncrs and five or six pii-c.-s of artillery eaptured. Our riirali v inpurinlt. No official dis atelo-s trom any quarter this looming. From Georgia. MARIETTA, June 21. The enemy's right attacked our front aader Gen. Ilardt-e yesterday and were repulsed with great slaughter, eapturing 4G prisoners, auion'j; them l,t. Col Watson, ol the -10th Ohio. Three deserters, who desired to be employed in any ca pacity, also came in. Oen. Johnston, as wolf as fbe whole armv, i anxious lor an engagement. - - - Si'PBEMK Cot'itr. Opinions dolivrreal ;i ful - lows By i'kahjhin, ('. J In Sluts; v Not ton, from Krclillionil; judgment ruviTsiu, aud reniredr tin, In Stat v Lewis, from Rockingham ;, judgment revorsed and venire ir irio o. In Wiitson v Bloil soe, from Wake; judgment affirmed . By Batti.k, Jr Id Blak V Pae, from Walci-; orJer revursod. In Stnte-v Murgiin, from Bruns wick ; no orrnr In Burgwyn v Lock liar t, from Nortbani)taii ; cirder i i vrrHiid and caiiHe m uianded. By Marly, J. In StuU- v McDanii l, from Montgomery ; .no error, lu State v Johnson, from New Ilatioror iwerrnrV In State v liar wood, from Johnston, bo terror. - - Ciianob op Si'UKDI'I.k - -A change of schedule takes plane mi lh- N". C, Railroad to-n.orrow by which the tn.iil will arrive here from the Eat at 1:10 A M , and leave for thft Weit at 1:40 Ai--M , and arrive from Oh.irloite at "Jii'Jfl A. M., arid leave at 10:00 A. M. The accommodation traio will arrive from tJoldshoro' at 2:30 P. M., and leave- for OharloUe at, 2:ftf) P. M , aud. from Charlotte at 1U:00 P...M., and leave for Golds boro at 10:80 P. M. No change has been announced on the H. & 0. Railroad. NOHTrKriWLlNA. While every Notth Carolinian whoso heart is in the right jihiee, mourns over the vfnunded and lain, and is anxious that some Steps should bo taken to puX an end to the cruel carnage, he is at the samo time proud of tho fact that on ev.'ry field tho courage and endurance of North Caro lina soldier are moat conspicuous. We' hear ono day that soino point in Virginia is in great peril, and th ; nest day we bear that Hansom's r Hoku's diviions, or some other brigade or di vision of our hravo boys have gosj up just in time to turn the tide and drive back the iuvader. It ia due to the etroug arms and stout hearts of North Cuioliua soldiers that Richmond and Pe tersburg ore not this day in the hands of the en-uny- And yet tbo fathers, and brothers, and "others, and siste's, aud wives of these brave men at home are singled out and branded as "discontented" and "disloyal" by the minions f the Richmond administration, and even the Governor of our State is ready , ad his corres- TEE 0 r-Ji -; VOL. V. RAIJiIGU. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18H4, yo. 191. pundoiHW witli the Prfifliih-nt. nhnwa n Oilo( the services Of troops from other States to shoot down-our people--on account of their political opinions' Great God, can this be so! It is even so. The record proves it ! Wo now tell President Davis thai our people are alike indif fereut to hi threats and hia blandishments ; and if he does not understand their character, and is not disposed to give them credit for the motives by whiofcthey sre governed, they cannot help it. When thoy aro oalled traitors and threaten ed with bullets and bayonets on account of their political opinions, they point with mournful pride to their thousands of graves in Virginia, and their thousands of wounded, as the best evidence that those who eaU them traitors arc cowardly slanderers ; and if it is supposed by Gov. Vanoe, or by others, that they can be frightened out of those opinions, the answer is that they may bo overpower 1 by physical force, but tbey will still be free in heart and free in spirit, though pad locks may bo' put on their months and manacles on thoir liti.lm. By tho way Gov. Vance is the only Governor who has ever lived on this continent who has de liberately proposed to coerce his own State. This "bad eminence" iu history will at least be assigned him. For proof of wiiat wo say,' read his Wilkesborough speech aud bis lottcr to Mr. D.ivis. i, Oursoldkrs will still fieht on. loneHIno- nt.,1 dying on Virginia soil. They will continue to save Petersburg and Richmond, aud the mem bers of the administration who would blaoken the character of those whom they have' left be hind. But their proud hearts aro wrung by these calumnies, and the tear starts to the eye when they remember that their noble old State has to meet Lincoln and his hosts iu"front, and the cru el suspicions and threats of men who should he their brethren, iu the rear Faithful unto ileal h is the motto of the North Carolina FoMiers. They want peace, but they wdl still he faithful. They feel most keenl y the Hire-its which are ut tered against their brethren at home on account of their political opinions, but they will still bo faithful, If Richmond should be defended and t-aved which may Heaven grant !--a moiety of the honor of itswalvatioti will ho theirs ; but if it should fall, it will ie known iu history t h it North Carolina left more of her dead iu front of that City tliuii the. whole Confederaey besides. And yet the great inu8 of our people are re garded in certain quarters as traitors, ami our Governor would accept, the services of Confeder ate troops in a certain event to "repr ws trea son "' Sliatmslinie on these calumniators of a noble and a.sBiitlifiil a people' as ever existed! )li if Mr. Davis utid Gov Vance could only, or ever hear the truth ! But they a'-o surrounded by flatterer- met parasites who prosper most wheu these functionaries are misled and deceiv ed by their artful, .NeltiNh falsehoods Tho truth in relutiou to North "Carolina the real condi tion and etiiinn.iits ( her people, seldom if ever reaches their ear- Indeed, whenever their best frieHdH have attempted to tell them the truth, instead of being commended for it, they have been put under the ban ami banished from their presence -We lnou this has been the ease with Gov Vance, ami we have heard mi tin- bent au thority that the saiile hU(f tatuity has afflicted, and docs now afflict President lavis, Standard. AN ACT TO KX'TKNI) THE TIME FOR COMPARING THE POLLS FOR CER TAIN COUNTIES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Sur I. Bf it cnthttd lit the Qtntral Amtm hly nf Ihr Slate of Xorth t.'uiolina and it iu here by vmich d ly the authority of the. tame, That it shull he lawful for the Sheriffs of the counties iu this State, in possession or under the control of the enemy, to' compart the polls of their respec tive counties for Governor, Members of the Leg islature, and Clerk of the County and Superior Courts, at any place in the State they may tliiuk proper, aud they shall include in their returns the vfites of officers and soldiers, if received within twenty days after they are cast, and all other votes if received within thirteen days after they are cast, and they shall not make up their returns and declare the result of the elections un til the expiration of the time herein specified, aud the Clerks of the County Courts of said counties may receive tbe returns for Sheriff and compare the same in like manner Skc. '1. Be it farther enacted, That if at any time it shall happen that the Sheriff or Coroner of such county cannot hold the elections by- rear sou of his being within the enemy's lines, the election may be held by some, respectable free, holder appointed by three Justices of the Peace of the county, aud such freo-holdor shall in like cases compare the polls in the manner prescribed in the preceding section, and shall have like powers, be under the same directions and res trictions and subject to the same penalties as are conferred or imposed on sheriffs ; and ia default of such appointment the returns may be made to the Secretary of State who shall compare the same and declare the result of the election. Skc. 3. Be it further enacted. That if the County Court or Sheriffs of the Counties mentioned iu thti first geptiou of this act shall not have appointed inspectors according to the existing law, it shall do lawful for any Justice of the Peace to make such appointment on the day of tho election. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That when it shall He impracticable for the Sheriffs or Clerks elected for such counties to givo tiond and quali fy in the, manner now prescribed by law, it Khali e lawful for them to give the usual bonds and to qualify at the County Courts of tho Couuty wherein Courts are hold nearest to thoir respec tive Counties. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That this not shall be in force from ' Its ratification. Read three times and Tatified in General Assembly, this the U8th day of May A. D. 1864. IILY PB0G Thk FumtHAi, ok Gen Polk. find the" following notice iu an Augusta paper with re quest to publish: Funeral ofBitwp Folk. Tho Bishops, Cler gy and Laity of the Protestaut Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, tho officers of the Ar my and Navy of the Confederal States and the eitiiens generally are invited to attend the Fune ral Services of the Rt. Rev. LEONIDAS POLK, D. D., from the City Hull of Augusta, Georgia, on Wednesday, the 29th of Juno. The procession will move at 11 o'clock A. M., from the City Hall to St Paul's Church. His re mains will be deposited in the Church Yard of St Paul's until the war oloses. STEPHEN ELLIOTT,' Senior Bp. of Prot. Epis. Ch. of the C. S. A. DAILY AND WEEKLY PROUKENN. our ONi r Terms. .efo"owin,t the onlr term" fur the ii and Weekly Progre for the praaont. if-the coat of labiW and material continues to advance w shall make advances : Dally paper, Kx months $16.00 " " Three months s.oo " ' One month 3.00 Weekly paper, three months 8.00 " " six months s.oo Any person sending ua a club of ten or more, at one time from the same office, to the Weekly, shall have oue copy gratia. No deduction for clubs to the Daily. Our already large and rapialy increasing circulation render! the Progrtm the beat advertising medium in the State. Advortinouienta are inserted in the Daily at the rate of $3 a square, of 8 lines, or 50 words, for-e'very in aertion, and In the Weekly-for the same, lash should accompany all orders. PRINTING! THE 44 DAILY PROGRESS OFFICE," Having a good assortment of Material, an extensive va riety of tvpe and one of the tiiient POWER PRESSES In the Confederacy, is prrpared to turn out all kinds of Joto Irlxa.tlns: In the best style of the art and at pricus as reasonable ss can be afforded in these times. We promise that all work entrusted to us xbsll bi promptly, neatly and ciperiitiotislv eiecuti-d. Order so l'ted. J. i.. PKNNIrVGTON At CO. Kaleiga, June IS, 164. Office of the Raleigh and (iastou It K. Co., lUi.mitH, June W, ls4. J rritiE ANNUAL MKKTlNft OK THKSi'OCKtlOLIl I ersofthe Haleigh and (last. u Kml Knad Company will be held Lt tbe ofheeof the Companr, in the Cite of Ualeigh, on Thursday the 7th day ..f July, 1S64. June 21-eodttl VV. V. AS.S, '1'reas. ami Sec' . AMBROTYPiftSI-NEvV GALLERY. rpflK SlBSCKIBEH FORMERLY OF NKWBERN, I N. C, takes this method of informing the Citizens olKaleigh and vicinity that hu has opened rooms on the corner of Fayetteville Street and Market Square, where he is prepared to make pictures in the very beat style of the art. After a practical experience of fifteen yeais, he Hatters himself that hia pictures cannot be surpassed. A call is solicited whether pictures aredesired or not June 21 St J. W. WATSON. WANTED TO HIRE, VST ANTED TO HIRE FOR THE BALANCE OF THE ff year, a stout Negro Man. To one that can feed himself good wages will be given. Apply iminediatelv l PROURESS OFFICE. ' Kittrell's Springs, N. C'.,) June lith, M,l. ( t pHIS i'Of'UI.AK FLACK OF SUMMER RESORT IS I now open for the reception of our siek ami wounded soldiers, as we have turned it over to the gm ei uiuent for their benefit. All communications must be addii-ajed to Dr. Hutti, Surgeon iu Charge. BLACK NAM. 4 CO., June 17-dlwAwlt Proprietor?. WOOL NOTICE. O.UAUTKU.M ASIhk's D FrAR rMKNT, ) Raleigh, June:), 1 ht4. I f AM NOW PREPARED TO EXCHANGE COTTON 1 Yarn, for Wool, upon the following terms, vit: One bunch of Yam tor three pounds yahi-d Wool, and one bunch for four tmuuds uinvashud. Agents have been apooiuted to make the exchauge at the following places : Oif'ord, Tarboro', K insion, ChIIh--rine Lake, CuucoYd, Rockingham, Henderson vi lie, Slate ville, Roxboro', Abbeville. I'ittsboro', l.oui.-l.ui g, Fav etteville, Colerain, and at this place. Persons shipping wool to this place will pleaxe maik on thepackagus who they are from, mi,, tbe. cotton yarn will be forwarded immediately. I hope the people will patriotically respond to the above notice, aa the Wool is for clothing the N. C. Troops. H. A. DOWD, A y. M., N. c. A. June 14 (lawljuly The papers lo the State will please copy until July 11, and forward accounts to this office. NOTICE. ITtOUR STRAGLING 80L1IERS OR DESERTERS, . to make their escape, left their horses The horses are supposed to be stolen. The owners can have them by proving property and paying charges, Ac. Oue Roan Mare, aboqt 12 years od, 15 hands high; 3 light Bay Alares, one about 9 years old, 16J bands high ; oni ' ear8old, 16 haids high ; and.uie i years old, 14 'if .liands high. They are not tine but very good work horsea. Apply at Lenoir, Caldwell county." CALDWELL June I8 dltxw3t NOTICE 8 HEREBY GfVEN THAT THE UNDERSIGNED I will atten4 at the Superior Court Clerk's Office in the Court House on Mondays, tWedneedays- and Saturdays of each week to settle ofl' claims against the county. JNO. F. HUTCHIS.S, June 11 1W Trustee. Standard and city daily papers copy one week. Office A. it N. C. R. R. Co.,1 Qoldhboko', May 30, 18(H. ( 'IHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE tSTOCKHOLD 1. ders of the AHaotic and North Caroliua Hail Road Company 'vill be held in the town of Goldsboro', on Thursday, June 30th, 1864. JuneJ diwtd J. CICERO JUSTICE, Sec'y. SUR6EKV FOR FIELD AND HOSPITAL, I AM NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY MY WORK on Surgery to subscribers and others who mar wish to purchase It, Ob the reoeipt of $5,00, the book will be sent by mail --.- . '. .1 L' i ur . u it u;i uulv . . iii.wi ram. hi n i, if njinnm.i, nr. Aug Jl ll-tt Kaleigh, N. C. WANTED, A FEMALE TEACHER TO LIVE IN A FAMILY in the country, one who can Umch music aiul em broidery. Any one applying can give reference n,nd Ctsle terms. Addreaa Box No. 64, Gi eensloro', N, (1 iltjiln W. R. RICHARDSON &. CO., " STOCK ANt EXCHANGE BROKERS, June 'i-tf . BALttlGd, N. V ANNOUNCEMENTS.. . To the! People or Nitrlh-Cttriiiiiiii , . h, pliange with the wistu- " many 0 1 "11 li, I . auuoiuiee my self a candidate for the -ilii e l O-iyei'Mi ii Norili '.ti-. Una, at the election to be held on the tint i'litirsdav in August next. My principles aud views, as a Cuiservntive ' alter il.. straitest necl,M are well kuiwu to the people of the Si a i.-. These principles and views are what they h.-ive lie.-e. They will not be changed. I am not disposed, at a time like this, to invite the ) pie Iroui their uiupl .ym.-ntM, and add to the excitement which prevails iu the public mind, by haranguing lliem for their votes. We need nil our euergius to uieet the common enemyfc snd to provide .means of subsistence loi our troops in the lielil ninl tbe people at home. Let the people gocalmly ami tiriulv to the polls and vote lor tin. men of their choice. I will cheerfully abide their decis ion, whatever it may be. II elected I will do every thing in iny powei to promntt: the interests, the honor and the glory of ,Vnrth-Caroliiiii and to scoure an houorable peace. March 4 td W W. IIOLDEN. HilUboro' Keeoider, Saleiu Press, OreenslMirouali I'm riot, and Hendersnu Times will pl.':i.e ropy 1,11 day elt?ction, and forward nceounts. To the People of the ftoth Senatorial Dis trict, North Carolina. Fellow Citiiens and Sol-, diers: At the urgunt solicitations of many Couserrs lives of the District, 1 annouiir j myself a candidate, to represent the Counties of Clay, Cherokee, Macon Jack sou aud Haywood in the Senate ol the next Lfgislature of the State. It is not possible for anv man to foresie what ine.iMiies may come before the Legislature of the Slate it its next sessiou, or what theevents of wai mav make necessary for the protection of the State and the security, ot the people; but on all the measures llial may conic before that body, I shall, fit elected ) be advised bv consult, and act with the Conservative party ot the State, aud with the view of securing negotiations, and an honorable, peace. I am a strait Conservative. R. M. HENRY. Franklin, N. C, June 20, 18(i4. June 20 dAwUl To the Voter of llertie County. Fellow -Cit-.ens : I am a candidate for a seat in the House of Com mons in the next Legislatu-e of North Carolina. In com ing before you for re-election to a snat to which vou have elevated me for six years in succcssioe), I trust vou need no proof that I have at heart only what ( conceive to be for the hest interest of otr cimmiM cmiHin. If elected, I shall permit no opportunity to pass without giving my support to all measures that will, in 111 y opinion, pui mote the honor, dignity, and prosperity of the State. am, sincerely, your Icllow-citiren, P. T. HENI1V. Colei Bin, Bertie (,'..., June 2U, Is.M. June 20 dAwi.l Alamanoe County.- We are authori., ,1 nnH re quested to announce WILLIAM It. ALBRIGHT .n a candidate to represent the people of A iumaiiiv in .e Cwumona branch ol the (feneial Assembly 1.1 nl, cr. olinu, at the election in Augu.-t. ,lune20 dAw2w Standard copy two wc ks and send bill to I'rogie-s. To the. Votei-i or OM Lenoir. -Fellow Citi zens aiwt Brother Soldiers : Through the n cjuest ol many friends in and out ol the mint I Mk.. method m amiouneing inv ell a n.eandiiUte lor liie Slier ill'alty of t i.m- couniy II I kI,.,hi i. j,i (.., luu.ite. a- 1.. be youi clioiee ou 111.- hi t ' 'lii.-..Ut iu Augu-I pext I lis sure you thai all bu-m.- si,, mv lunds shall lie attended to promptly, justly and impartially, should I be so loiiu riiitH as to escape the hn.1a..l dentil during ihc roiiilllg campaign. 1 am trui.i in hopes to hear ol 11 niee majority In lavor of your olie.lient ei vant mi the In-t Tliuis.lay in August aext. 1 aui, very 11 .-( t-1 full y, Youi son aud lit other Ot Old Lenoir Couuty, R. H. V A USE, May 12-dAtvtd 2d ,l. Co. A, 4IM 1 ReK't. N. C. T. JohUHton County. We are authors, d and request ed to announce the lollotying geutlemeu as the Conserva tive candidates to represent the county of Johnston iu tbe next' General Atfscmblv : For he Senate -TIIOS. II. S.N EA It, Eo. hoi the CotumoiM--W. G. HANKS and W. A .sMI i'lf. This ticket was .selected by the Reserves Iroui John stou, in camp atttoldslioro, and by a muss meeting of the citizens remaining at home, held at Smithlield on the 2Sth of May. These gentlemen will be supported by all true Conservatives, fhev endorse the plnilonu of Vim President Stephens, Gov. Brown and W. W. Iloldeu, und if elected will do nil th.-. en 11 I,.' Minsiiiu 1,1 ..n l .....I Ljhupoiable peace. ,lHn,.. J,li, v Standard, Cousei vative, Coiitederate, ami t In ii ain Aftvocale are reiue-te,t t,, co,,v till .lay ol election niel senii tins olliee. Watte County- The HUei iflulty. We ,n. mi- tborucd and reijuestod 1 auiiouuee W II. HIGH, (;-,, . , as a lundidade !or re-clec-lioii 10 the '.Hire of Slu-iill'. al the election in Augii-I. June I I l.le.l.Vn list Us 1)1 tt'ottuty. Ma. Prs.MiMii ,s ri,ar: au-nouiu-e my name as a to n-preseut the p.-ople of Chatham iu 1 lie neu li.-neral Asseuiblv ol ih Ktnte m ttie Seuate. Vert 1 e.-iperttilll t , June 11-dAntd TIIOS. B. LONG. To the Voters of Jones County.. Fellotv tit iZCIlH ami Mnldiei'S : Tin linen Jin- leuesl ..I maiiy friends in and nut id Hie army, I aiinoune, nusell eini didate for the ollioe ol Sher'ill ol mm county II you elect me, 011 the Ijrst Thursday in August next, I will'dis. i harge the duties of tbe oltic prompllv, justly an, Mm partially, and I hope, with that to teg 1 it r tvhicli lias characterised me as soldier, 1 am, respectlully, Your ti iend and obd t set v't, LAFAYETTE D1LLA11U.NT, May ;)ll-dAwtd Co. K, s:. Reg'. ,V. ;. c. Uaiulolph unit Alaiiiaiice.-the true .oei v- tives of Alauittiute and K.indolpli counii.-s :tre r,-iii'.-sled to meet in convention on thn hrst Satunlat in .Inn.-, at Liberty, liandolph county, instead ot tbe tlmd Saturday in Mav, to put in iioiuiuation a candidate for (he Senate, who'vill support fur Governor Mi. Ilolden, endorsing Ihe great principles of Gov. Brotvu and Vie. Pnsidein Ste phen's of Georgia. May IU td For NhorilTor Chatham. - -Wo are nml requeated l announce W. O. A I. BRIG HT as a cuudi.lnte for the Sherillaltv ol Chatham county at tl lection in August next. Mv 17 wtd We are authorized to announce THOM AS J. W IHi a candidate lor re ele. ii.,11 ., ihe SI1..1. Ifalty of Jones County. June 2 IAwUI We arc aiithotizeil to aniiouiu e Lii-nl. F. II. RAY, of the 47th N. C. Regiment, for the oltic f Slier ill ol Wake Count y, at th,e. ensuiug electi 01 in Auiu I iu St. April .1 dCtwtil. Granville County. -c. II. K. TtYl.ouiu the Senatii, C d. JAS S. AMIS, .MARK L.YNIKU and Dr. P. W. YOUNG for the Commons The sbovc ticket is recoiuineodcil to t be voters ol Granville to represent ti in the next. General Assembly . Juue .1 dltwti BY MANY CITIZENS. - - - - - tL AVe are authorized to niiuouiK-e E. M. W KL- BORN as a cnndnlat.- to represent ihe couuty ol Wkes in the llouse ot Commons at the euiHiing election. June ii d.twld ATTENTION ! lll'A.VIk WARRANTS, LAND DEEDS. MARUI Ai.l. Jt) Licenses, Couuiy and Superior Court Writs and oihei Piaiiks for sal at the Standard Ollicn. -AI.G... Ji.b Printing pioiupilt- neatly :ml a -i inalelt .-xeeuieil March IS ilAw tl WANTED. A GOOD COOK AND WASHER FOR Till. IIAI ance, ot the year, f-r tv'hoiu good wars tyillbe given. Apply at May! j 3 tr PROGRESS OFFICiv ADVF.KTISING KATES. The loll, m ing rates will be charged if. an .U.o u urn iuaerled Ip DxtLt and Wmti r I'uesx.'s 01 mtt'o 0 ! Lixaa, 111, in- , Cue da) J 0U I Ja ........ .H 00 Tlneed'at... . W Four days....: 11 W rive dajrs !l 00 One week Two weeks Three weeks . One month.. . Two months . tli 1 Ii :tti uo ...54 I U 72 If. U t Ho Fifty wotds, or eight lines or lent ount a s jnsi , m i additional square! w I be charged the same. Ad erll.e uienLa inserted ouoe, twlco or three times a w ek will i' charged $4 a square lor ' very insertion. W lien sent by letter, t.e ioney inast ace in ps lit ltr .id vertiscutt'iit. MAiiiKge.i, tcalhi, , reiigiou? inl tliet m. tiees ctiai afed as h' ' ti i.oiicnts and must l.- paiii iu a. v Slice. UOVEKNMENT OF NORTH tltgi IJN.4 " His Excellency, .cbuhm It Vance, Itunc 'nto, Govern. Col Hn-tnrt A tlarnes, N.u thauiptoii, Aid do Gemge Utile, Wake do Kichanl II (iltle, Jr, Anson, Private S. c. ei si t lit Edwai d Warren, Clion an, Surgeon Geiiers ' 0I1 11 I' 11 liiiss, Wake, Sucielaiv ot Stale. .1 0na1l1.11, W.11 th, Randolph, Public Tryiiniii rt. Cum- II Brogdeu, Wayne, Coinpti oiler. Samuel V I'hillips, Orange, Auililor. iitii.-i II I'eiry, Wake, .Staia: l.ibnirian. M ijoi G, 11. ial R C G itliu. Lenoir. Adjutant G un it. Majoi William II tJulick, Ilea ul,-i t,' I'a t mis! 1 1 . Majoi Join, llevcreux. Wake, Quai lei in isl. , . Maj.o Thomas l Hogg. Wake, Cou111f1ss.11 1 ui Ord nance Oibcer. Major .la tuts Sloan, Guilfoid, (JuarteruMslei. Major Henry A Dowd, Edgecombe, do Major James U. Footc, Asst. Adjt. lien., Itoli i lui Major William A. Giaham, Jr., Ass't A. 1,1. Gen.-ta: Lieut .Install Collins, Washington Cl.unt t , )i ditauce Ih partment. Lieut. John II. Neathery, Wake, Asst. Adjt. G-n-ial. Lieut. TI i.i White, Franklin, Asst. ajuaiterni.isiir. JUDICIAL. Suiremu Court. Richmoud M Pearson, ladniu. Chin Justice ..William H Battle, Orange, and Matthias E Mai ly, of Craven, Judges ; Sion 11 Rogers, Wake. Attontej Ueneial ; Hamilton C Jones, Rowan, itepoi h i , E itnunu B Freeman, Clerk. Meets iu the city ot I,., I 1..I1 ,,.,i,,t Monday in June each year. The Mm u-aof. 1 1, 1 m i-H-been discontinued, j Superior Courtn. Judges. Ealwiu G Reade, I'er.-on Romulus M Saunders, Wake: Robert R llesti . Cle ni, Robt S French, Robeson- Jaines VV Oslnu m- Mei kl.n buig ; George Howard, Wilson ; Rohei t lliol nlal. ville; William M Shipp, Henderson. aN'oiVio,-,. 1st Circuit, Jesse J Yeates, He I, Vn Circuit, Charles C Clark, Craven; JidCiicuo -M. nl Rogers. Wake, Attorney General ; 4th Cjm-'Im. il 1. - Settle, Rockinghain; 6th Circuit, Ralph Bnt..n, Cumoei land; tith Circuit, Robert F Ariuheld, n-ikin .- 7th Cir cuit, Williiitn P H y 11 ii mi ; hth Circuit, Augustu S. Mem mini, Buncoiube. CuHJtiertUt SitiH Itinlrut ourr.--lloi A-a I'leys. Mai tin, Judge; George V Strong, Wayne, Altoiiot, W x Wataou, Craven, Clerk ; Weslc v Jones, V ski-, Mara-liM' CoiiiH it of ,S'(ii(.i. F B Satterthwaite, Pin, Rob. : 1 I Dick, Guilford; Dr James Calloway, Wilken ; I, Eldi d. Johnston ; J II Ilargravo, Anson ; Jessu R Stuhhs. M ti tin ; James A Patton, Buncombe. LUrring tiunrd. -His Fcellelict Gov. vane,, I rati dent Aa njiictu. Rev William E Fell, Wake, and Pi-He;.-, j Riehaid Sterling, Guil'-o d , Di. Win. Sloan it Gn-i..n R11 hard 11 Battle, Jr, secretary. liuard liilmml mo remeiis. His Excellency tlotuili'l Vaucc, President '.loprio, Win Eaton, Jt , ol Wat ran aud J II Flanncr, of New Hanomr. Kicbar.i i Mattle, J., Secretin y. ('oMlllliatnuri , .. Sink,,!. f.ltt.t.- 11. . I, I Li .1,1 as II nil, I, Alauiane.-. Hon W a-ldoii N Edtvu id: , Waneii, ami II. n Davnl L Swam, Oiangc. The Unrveisiiy ol North Camlina is Ht.l'hs, Hill. liou Davnl I, Swain, I'tesident. Rev t.'alt in II Wiley is Sllpel nil . lei. n t ol II e I olnll Hu Schools of the State. Wil t .1 Palmer, A M, is Pi iuripal a l the N C Instile 1. tin Deal and II u imIi aud Blind, nl ual wti. Di Kdavai d C Kuliir ii. uperilitehilalit Aeluuita,l a, CITY OF ItAI.KIGII J.iy.,r -ui. II. llarrisoii. coal U ISMoNh ah. UVarrm ll.n.t VV . II. Tilikel, A1--I. I I a . , h aud I' Overby. JnWi IV'.in W. II. Rirhal ,1: on, A ut ii -1 u, I.. l.oiiKce an. I S. W. Scott. V-oiVrn Wnr.1 Dr. W. H. McKee, J .1 . Ot.,1.) aud N. S. Harp. J. J. Chl iatopliei isCleiK t,i the BoaiJ an i ily lai Collector. W. R. Richardson is City Tieasuier. Town ( 'on. i. J. J. Bells, CLii I S v . ieutuu, Assistant. K. P. Battle, City Attorney. J L Pennington, City I'liniei F. G.-Kuig, Weigh Master. Mailir WAieil ('.nji.nia t:. II. llorlon. 11 nl.himn E A., Win. Berteis V in. ( Paiker, M.tV l.utui , C. A lliitet and Win. Ov.iln. Tin-laatl Wednesday night ol each iiiuti Ii i-ih naa tlaa-il lo: the riigiilar iueeiut.'s ..I i he lloin il AUCTION AND I'lUV ATi; SA I,Eb. IMl'OJt'l'AtNT SAleK OK MH'l? I IU r T AUCTION ! ! J ON T1UU.SIUY THK Mt JIN K l.M I Ml, Is 1 1 i .l Hill -H llM.IU U ,. n iH ,., .HI In- i - : I I tpi.ihn Si.t f h-.iii I'a n It nil. Id i deli c -1 1 . I., 'i i.t . Imi , ut. ..i.t .! Hi iiicli I liiiitv. This 1 1 1 n i i - si i i i 1 1 I i he si. Id .1 f V ai i i-nl'Hi, . i ,' , .st i u if t nit- - t,i i i w ii In Hit imOi ni). Ii. .ii in tl iliisi.ti1) it .Ii-1 i, i r t . . tiim. I II iMllIlt i.t 11m- ill).. V .' vw- Il.t V . ..l. .0 -It. , t - , , ijii ilit s , 1 1 1 .i I u t- H'lH it U u lt. U . . 'I In i .1.. ii l.i ,.-- 1 1 - 111 l(l ..I I lii- klil.l 'tl 1 1 ..ti it I (j,. . Iiiih' u. I he ' H j 1 tkc t 1:1 i t'll ,v i.m i in it., i. .1 line I t i r iii i,',i,i-i-i - KOIt sa i i; rx oi ; n s i klij: ni. u s : 9J fil Mm lll.n- Mil ... A !' .Suck-' (i I oillttl AliliuS-ill. . A,.(.U -inn Im Ol I. MM. I I I.' I,,,, , ' June 1 llw 0O KKV A Kh Rt NAUA ii;0i Till. llsti, ;i u. UN I K niht m id l-l m .ml. I UK I.I : I .( K( I VAt -Un- i Lt, .l , JIM, in J'.! cm h ul i . , tn .- . . i i. m ,. i ,. I 11 Illlt. I'f H t'(t'M I f.ll'-l, il ll.llll, t III 11 I III . t'l in it u ; h.i'l un w lit'n (m I . h :i tti.u-k .1. i !i it , i i Ci.l'l :tt i n ni c. I Inn jiiinl.-, iMl Jul, . i, t, new ?liil t lin. I ,1 .:iir ft h't... T"M, ixii . ii ii .. Ji-'lii . t.i ... i .-. .1. .i . ii v i- i. tivf.H si. in. In - ?lin ti-.iiui, .. .,,,,1. inifil.;.- , ;iiil halving bi-iii iviili rh-- hi ti .in. ilnTi- ( i .. .i lilt ill I III lllS illl : un h ,rl t. , l,,.t ,. ', lllll, ilH ( I.Mlijllh.lll, V Jul.' Wn.itrll ,tlll ,1,1 s .i Ii i . .-il. i I 1 Mill! .1- it I lie I liil I f In H .'il in Ii i. t I v in I. . i -illl ilhu-r. . . AUtfi t, t'lh..-. ii (i'iHc fl iic. c (Miiiv i .ni i ll ' I'll i " tl un if - I..;li , h.i I h M. . !,. .. II 111 Itlfli'lt -lollcll Ii II. Il-W llll t, Mil- l.!t . , .-ii IU - . ! rt i. ti, I'M i . It-nit il , :ihU i .ii t I ;i til h ii lin'1. i W-- 111-; '"f . I I' JUl I h, I , 1 1 n y V, ill', III vi Kll ' ' . r. .1 in, illiii ' uiil 11 ii Villi; bt ctinti. t I l V 1 1 li l 'ii ill in , III f I ill-It) i f ' ilc. i Vol t.. n li- . uoik. Id. ti vi (U In Hi,- .iiuii ..f Vnium u t . . : .,t,in ii.- m, . Illlf-l. hlW II,., til, list! (frtall'l M.I ) -iv. -n . (lu ll ilfliv. ry in .'ill i lli . v. i .- i: . N (' ( f. ,(), liuittlrv 1 tlol.iw i a !n ;nl tm tl. it i-;i i.. t :i m.i c-.nfiiu ui-w in tiuv j ul u lit-v I um iM. ili'-iii. r ' t l l.Vi h' Sliclhj', N. (,., June '.i. lHi4.h.tH Kllliiyli l-j.i'i.- ptfrt.- Hi-fi ..i - . v Hint 'fl lull. niMOKTAM IN V IMluN H)il KI.IMJU INU AND lti:MV lll. Ol,1 ((M TON AN I) WOOL ( A ItD.S. H i. fJ HM'lit ! ii ; Il v I i, ol; C Kl v I . flit I 1 1 1 1 Ifl .1 ' I " ti, ' ; i -1 1 -1 1 1 i. i i ...-i ,i,, j r t nvtklf dill 4"(li'h tilitl ! I'.i'itr, nit now (n. pm il In II to .iri v i ...... ... ..i -.ii-, i ,t i itii I V l - a O.I ,, ti ii ifM-ti r - in .in. .si.iif i) '.uiit m it Si uilfi n t i If... -in.; I W Hit tht',-.- in run i .it - .,,tt ( , t ii ,in,i V , ,,i i iiii-. i i I. )f f li"i "U M i i i.i 1 1 ! ,ih(I rpii p v.i . m Tnl I mi " li r ar i ct -ma II a n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i 1 1 . ii.-' . Am mi nit:. .l i-i i i lie 1 1- i- ! i "i .t . ' t In. i .'lit, I n-t I IllMO II1 I.t l llf til' I ' I, a a . til I 1 I' .- t ' I -t II. K I ; Kilt ll 1 all I - I I . . ..II I I 1 1 111 . I . III, ih ii w liwvi th.-iu hII i :tiifl lti n.tli.-l' . k: j, , to tniikf iIm-iii .'( v ir. iililf in I nr J ' ', w Hurt i-il.-t ti. ihi pui, iu ' , in. i r....i,, KiftlU Ui ;ihv pcifoli. oi m i ti-, tl- i p. It- nl i i .tlh1 lll.-ll UUKlit. t t I t ,U1 . l.tll -a - I'll 1 I ! 1 rl V ' (. .. i I I4 ' 1 1 1 1 1 II iiifnU unt iiirfkf 1 ifuinui. .nil n i lu - .ititii ,i, lliHkf t fit : il 'M In U ,.. . I 1 ' , ,1 , 1 1 Ii -.I., $ fr'M'll I.. C. , Clll til III 1l If IU- H I! t , , ;, i.t I I h 4 I HI i . I v nhoj t lll.K . 'ur pm t iuiiImi ., Hs- Ut pi it c 11,'tt iiiih i.t, A. ( , i I ti r .1 H. TaUMMiK A I o.. . June 15 dJki.vlui King v null 1', o , llnUUxco., C