BY J. L. PENNINGTON & 00. " TBHMS oV SUHSCRIP,TION The foUovrini S-re. the only terms of .subscription to Ths hioeasas i c 4 fid D uly paper. I month,. , ' S months,, " 110 6uiont'iS : ' "0 Weekly VP' ".... ' J Jj! ', ruoutBs .. '. SOU. Always to be P"'' advance, and paper stopped when U,e time paid far expires. ' ' JOB PB!MTlSli. -tiiere-jeta eoqneeted wit-the FRoe'KM establish ment Job OIHcc equal to any in the CItv ir S Jite, we ire prepared to ex.'-'te H ordure for BOOK and JOB PH1KTING. UrHriullsid and promptly attended to. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS THI.e tPHIH UfceOTS OK I H 15 PUBS SS600IATI0SI. 1 Kntered ogordin lo act ol Congress, in lue year 18fil. bv J. 8. Thnwlio in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Confederate States f the Northern Di trict of Georgia iFrom Richmoud and Petersburg. Gessnssoao, July &. The Richmond rVJr'y of the 4th received. No news pf importance. The Petersburg of Sat urday says : "Last bight at about 10 o'clock a heavy fire of 'mrrVetry commenced on our centra and continuod very rapid for JO minutes. It Was thought at tirst a general engagement had cQ-nmenoed. It was the opinion of those who board it that the Yankee had assaulted ear lines and u osnal were repulsed." Ths reporter ot the New York Timtt and Philadelphia Pre, Ira. Vroldeu, was brought in o day. All quiet along- the lines exciptoccasinnal shelling Te followinr nflleial dispatch has bien received at the War Department i HsABQVaaixaa 1st July Hon Secretary of War : (Jen. Beeuregrd reports a feeble demonstration made by the en emr "0 a portion ol Gen. Johnston's line about 5 p in. yesterday. Eis skirmishers, supported by two lion, prove in our sklrssisheTS, which was re-e'tibl shed at dark In the various conflicts wilh the enemy's cav?!'y in their late eipedition against the Railroads, beside., those killed, wounded and left no the held, one thousand prisoners, 13 pieces of artilferv. 30 wagon and hnrsns, ordnance stores and several hundrrd negroes, were ra,' tared on their route TBifaed K. .. Us, Geti'l. The following Press dispatch is taken from the Vkiy : PsTSasscse, July 2. There was some tiling on our line from the batteries between 7 and 10 o'clook, canard it is supposed by aa advane of the enemy Jenkins' front while relieving pickets, which lasted thirty inin tea, sdnoonting to nothing. Nothing doing but shilling on the part of the enemy. Passengers report that heavy uring was heard in the direction of Petersburg yesterday morning. ' From Mississippi. aliatnua, Joly . A special dispatch to the Clnrion flrem Brandon, says the Yankees occupied Jackson at aooa yesterday Wan. Ulocumb says bis Is to de strojr railroads and bridges and return to Yicksburg. is force is estimated at twenty-lire hundred. Heary iring beard to day between Jackson and Canton . THE STALLFEDERATE SYSTEM. It seems to be very difficut, if not impossible, to obtain from official source all ilu fuels in re lation to thin system, now in full blast nndcr Got. Wee. Col. Runs, who denounce'! this system two yean ago before the people of Wake, mod Who is m much opposed to it under one (ov rsor m another, has approached ftr! of (jov. Vance's snbordiuates on the snbjcct, with the view of obtaining full and accurate official iufer matioc; and be inform us that thougfi he was treated politely, yet he has been unable, with the meagre information given him to traeo and expose this monstrous abase as it should be. Ao little as possible of their duion's for the pub!i? eje, seems to be the instructions of Gov. Vanco to his subordinates. Hut we call on the .people to mark the fact, and to bear in mind, whils thou sands of women and ohildren have not had a bite of meat for months, aud are suffering oven for bread, that the shade officers who surround tor. Vance" are not only allowed their salaries, but they are permitted to buy their fnur, nd bacon, and corn meal, and sugar, and ooft'ee, and rice, and candles and the like at very low government prices, and some of them, it is said, are allow ed to ehargo for tpom rent in their own houses, and their horses, used by them for their own private purposes, are fed by the State. This abuse was stopped by Gov. Vance when hc came iufc office, at our earnest suggestion, and us lone as he resDected eur advioo the system w;is not revived ; but about the time be begun to fall ftilly into the arms of the Destructives he n-viv- ed it, and it is now going oil with increased vol ume. The pretence is that this system is in ac cordance with the Army Regulations of the Con federates States; but this is not true, for Con gress has prohibited even war-worn Colonels from purchasing at goVermeut, rates, and they are required to go up with their men and draw a private's rat'ons. Only fhink of it, Suoh offi cers as Speer, and Jordan, and Faribnult, and FaiBon, and Clarke, and others going up to draw their i ations as privates, while Govornor Vance's shade officers, who have never smelt pow der, are allowed to purchase everything they want not only for themsslyes but for their fami lies I Will Gov Vance explain these things to the people ( In our next we shall take up this subject more at length and thoroughly expose theso abuses It is t!c "pinion if many intelligent Conserva tives, who have hpdgood opportunities to observe and ascertain the facts, that the administration of Gov. Vanoe is the most corrupt and extritva- jant n the Confederate States For onr part, we ear there is ground for this opinion. There is eerUinly much room for the hand of reform. fit VOL. V. RALEIGH. THURSDAY. JULY 7 NO. 104. CITY MARKET. AI'PLKS Urccn Dried BACON Hog rouut BKKP Uh'dHWAX ... UBAVS HUTTKIt OaNDLKS 'i'.llow " Wti Uy the bix Adiia'auun i " ru CORN n;r Bain I, vmy scarce (!H K'K Y,SA ...... COKPKK IUK8 KOUH t. Kl.OUIt FOIIDKK per iiundred. KKATU KKS iLAXShtl) , (H'SK HIDES Di v . i " tln-.n t ii Prr liundntd 1.AL1! M0LASSK8 ! AlKI,- AILS Scare OATS- Per bunun'il '' Cloanwi HOUK I'Oi'ATOKS Sec; " Irish I'UAS-Orofnd " Stock White Table I! AGS I'.iCrf KV K .' SALT- . SIHSAIl -Brown . Cntlee " Loaf TAII.OW WHEAT nr- Jon 1. luting. Having no uluiidaiii't' ol ma fi'iial and t"od wM ktneu wh are prepared to execute all orders li.r .Iiih I'uiNTtN'f wt' f'ipatcli. '1.. Twenty tents fr HaRS -Twenty centa a oound Hiri b. pni'l to till c!.-an (Cotton an ljintju rare de livered at tlu I'r. jrvsa office RALaiuay July 4. .fane. 30 $: oo $2 25 $4 30 $S OO $8 , $6 ....$s ?.'.n4. 15l $5 00 JI j S $3 oo ..a $200 00 $15 S6 $8 S $5 $3 00 10 $6 OO m $10 , ..$40 00 $3 00 .' $15 $8ba None. S25 $16 ....$20 $'-- $30 lie $2 00 $20 $40 00 $8 $15 None. $j 50 $15 GOVERNMENT OF MOUTH C A KOI. II A. Kib Kxcellency, Zehulon IS V.inco, Banc mbo, Governc Cut Daviu A lUruco, N'orlhainpton, Aid. do Ueorfe Little, Wake do Kichaid H Battle, Jr, Anson, Private Secretary. Ur Edward Warrn, Chowan, duroon Genera.. nibn P U Rues. Wake, Secretary ol State. Jonathan' Worth, Randolph, Public Treaeurer. Curtis II Hrojrden, Wayne, Comptroller. Samuel P Phillipa, Grange, Auditor. Oliver H Perry, Wake, fttate Librarian. Major General R V Gatlin. leuoir, Adjutant General. JIajnr William li Gnlick, Buaufort, I'ay master. fuajor John levereux, Wake, Quartvrmastei-. Major Tiiotoaji o HogfC, Wake, Coui'uissarv and Ord nance Ollicer. Major Jauiea Sloan, Guillurtl, Quarterniastcr. Major Henry A Uowd, EdjfKcoiiihe, d Major )me H. Foote, AL Adjt. Gen., (Uoll ol Honor.) Major Williaui A- Grulidin, Jr., A&'i Adjt. Gwu., l- Liut Joiab Coitin, W.uiatou c:uiaiy. Orduance De-pa-tmont. Lieut. .I .liu B. Neaiherv, Wake, Aiat. Adjt. General. Lieut. Tii.iwas White, Kranklin, Aaet. Quartermaster. Jl'DIOlAI,. Supreme (Ui"rr. Kic-fiinond M I'eanron, R'lKiu, (Thin J as tire ..vViliiam H Battle, OraDe, and Matthias Man. ly, of Craven, Judge.;; Siou II R"Kers, Wake, Atioriij General ; lieiuii.jn C .lone, Rown, Ztepftrter ; II !uiuua i. r'reeman. Clerk. Meeta in the city of Halei h eccord Monday in juqc each year. Tho Morgantrm terra ba been discontinued. Superior Conrf. Judges. Lwin G Keade, Person Roniutus M Saunderi., VVake; Kr.bert M Ho4tl .Cii.iwan; Robt S French, Robt:.n: James W Onborne Meukien burg; Gcrfre Howard, W iloon ; Robert B Gil. urn, Gran ville : William M Shipp, llcndert-wn. .S'iWk ; . 1st Circuit, Jesse . I VeateS, K". 1 ..-d j 2n Ciicui', Charli'B C Clark, Craven; 3id t'ircnn, Si..o h Rogers, Wake, Attorney Genera! ; 4tU Circuil, Thomka Settle, Roc kalian. ; lh Ci:, lialpli liuitonCiiniOci Und; sth Circuit, Robert V Armliel, I adkiu ; 7lhCir cuit, rVilliam P Bynum ; Bth tJireuit, Auguetu- !i. iltrri inou, Burcoiube. ConfutUrale Stttitt l)itrict ourf. Hon A ii 1'iggs, Mar tin, Judgj ; George V Strong, Wayne, A:Uiuey; W r" Watson, Craveii, Clerk ; Wesley Jones, Wake, Marshal. Council of ZSt:tte.F li S.tttci tbwaite. Pill; Robert 1" Dlck, Guilloru ; Ur James Calloway, Wilkes ; u Eidr dfrf John?'"o ; J R Hargrare, Anson ; Jesse R 8tubba, Man tis ; James A Parton, Buncnube. Liuri'n Hoard. 11. i ticelluncy Gov. Vance, Presi dent r oijicio, Kev W uliain K Pel., VVake, and Protean r 1'ichaid S'erling. C'jilf"rtl ; Dr. Wui. S' .au,ol Garton, Richard H Battle, J;', Secretary. B"id Inirrnal lmuruvtinentj. His iLxcellency Govern'r ' Vanco, President ex ujHei'i, Win Katun, Jr, ol Warre" I aad J H planner, of New Hanover. Ricoard H Battle, Jr. ! Secretary. j Comtnitnomerg of Sinking Fund. Hon Thomas Kuttin - Alamance, Hon Weldon M EJwajde, Warren, and Uuo 1 David L Swain, Orange. j 'lue University of .'.ortb Carolina is at Cha, . UilL j Hon David L Swain, President. I Rev Calvin il Wiley l Superintendent ol tre Comiron Schools of tne State. I Wiley J Palmer, A M, is Principal of the N C lostitn ! tiou for the Deaf and l)ui:,b Blind, at Kamb. Dr Kdward ! Fisher i SUperiuUMidant Asylum lor CT OF RALKIOil ; Mayor W ui. rJ. Harrison. s C.iHMSIONrHH. Wclcrii Ward W. 11. Tn. kur, Alex. Creech and P Overby. Slld'it WardW. R. Rifhardsou. Augustus L. lioupee and S. W. Scott. uler Ward Dr. W. If. McKee. .1. J. Ov. .l.y and K. S Harp. J. J.'ChrUtopher is (,'lerk to the il .ard an City Tai Collector. W. R. Richardson is City Treasure! 7oin Ccnublc.l. J. !iu, (;hief N. V . ilenton, Assist lint. K. P. Battle, City Attorney J L Pennington, Citv Printer P. G. King, Weiph Master. NinH r w.Wi n Captain C. H. Hurtoii. Wnlchmr.n -E. A. J hast.'n, W m. Ueoers, W m. C Parker, M. U Later, C. A. Driver and Wm. Overby. The last Wednesday uiiiht of each muulh is the time Bled for the reiruln'" nn.-pti;i4 of tin. Board. DAIIT AND WEKKL.Y PROGRESS. . j.- 0VH 0NLT TERMS. Tha following are the only terms for the Dmily and Wtrilv fjTm for the presonu if the cost of labor and malrtr al Continues to advance we sLall make advances : Du:ly paper, !. months 16 OO . Three months .- 8 00 - " One niMiith 3 OO Weekly paper, three months 3 00 .. -a- tlx monthi 6 00 Any person lending; as a club of ten or more, at one time frour the same oitice, to the Weekly, tkill have oue opy gratis. No deduction Cor clubs to the Dairy. Onr al read v large and raoiuly inoreaaing circulation renders the Projrv the best advertising medium in the BtaAe.. Advertwementa are inserted in the Daily at the rat of $3 a aqiiare, of 8 lines, or 60 words, for every in srtion and lo th Weekly for the same. Cash should acooicpaay stll orders. WAN I'.EO. AN l.NTKLLIGK.VT WHIT K BOV THAT CAN feed a Pnwjr I'reN uJ make himself nsefa! can fimi employment and i;ood vr.ij.'es at the June 24-jil HUURIiSS OPKICK. W A NTLD 'I'O li I R L. "1TTANTKI) TO lllltr toil TI1K BALANCE OK TDK VV ear, a eiout N'egi -o Ma r To one that can feul himself good wai:us ill be givn. Applv immediately at pkugkls; 1 GKHCF,. mm-nvm M sena us monej. novar sena oy mat. nra yo can send by Ezprsws. ' Atl saoney sent by Kx ress atoar expense. Those send Ins; ns money by mail W. R. RICH RDSON & CO., STOCK ANP EXCHANGE BROKERS. nniS-tf LHIGH. S. U SCIIEDCLt: OF MAIL. ARRANCGMENTs POST OFFICE AT KALLIUI1, N. C - Noithern mail opens daily at 7 a. m. Rastern " " 7 ' Fayetteville 7 ' Western " y p. m Augusta .. .i 9 -Vol ihern nail closes dally at S a. m tastern " 9 " Favettevlllc .... $ p Western . ' ' 9 " Augusta " " ' OUce open for delivery of mails from 7 a. m. to 1 p. ui. during the week. Huudaye from ts a. m. to 9 a. m. and from i p. m. to 2 p. m. I N WO UNO E M P. NTS. ANNOUNCE MENTS. To thp Voters or iredell, Wilkes and Alex ander Counties. Fallow Citizens : at the caiD-at solicitation of many friends, . announce mvsel'a candid ate r present the people of Iredell Wilkes and Alex ander Countlis in the Senate oi the next Legislature !' North Carolina. As 1 us. comparatively oaknm :i t i muny pcrson ni the District, and !t is not y purpose to canvass, it may be pioper to state briefly my piinctples, a 1 am willing tortand or fall bv them. 1 am cot ab aid to trust the people ; therefore, if it be thought necesoMi v, and they should dcsiio it, I am iu fa vor ot calling a State Convention. Tb'ise who oppose a Convention are Dt willing to trust th. p. oplei rh.y think teat the people hare to much power. Tbey cbarga that those who 'avora State Convenion, wish to from the Confederate States. I was opposed to seces sion in 1861, and I am opposed 10 it now. Sroession can not cure our present trouulcs ; it would be utter loll v sod madness, and ooulrt only be justilled in a lile and death sirupglof.r libertv. It would bn well for this Slate as well a for all the Confederate States to have a C"" ventlon in beiug. If not in session during the wa- not to beoade, but to aid and strengthen the general government by grantmr it need ful powers in every emergency, which. If assuuind with out be consent of the State, would lie usurpation and uunariantable authority. -N'ei'ber the Legislature the Governor porsessa sovu. eiga p' Vrr, but a Conven ti"B would pose.-s such power. And while it could grsnt 'all needfull poweis to tbe oommon government, and check usurpations, it would toe 'o it that our present form ot government is not ohang -d. Jl.ire ar ttrne? who are constantly endeavoring to educate tbe mind of he public, to prepare it for another form of government. Such men need watcbtng. We need a Republican form :I government with all onr righ's a fr.euien ? ratted to us bi the Constitution with all tbe rights of a sover eign State. 1 wish a State Convention ta co-operate with lb? gen eral government and our sister States of Ihe Sn'b In obtaining an armistice, so inatnegotiations lor i kace mav -e commenced. Let Norib Camliua do her '"duty, and if otuer States will Dot meet in C"nveutn.r. or "onfei csoe with her, nor heed her voice lor peace, she will have deue her duty to humanity, our country, and oui God, aud the reDontibilities of tbe future wil, not res. upon ber. Negotiations wonld grea'ly encourage eu- people at home and onr soldiers in the Id. It mu.t come to this at las L "Tbe pen, more powerful than the sword, must do what tbe latter has failed to accouip'leh." Let us, therefore, have oo-operaiioi, between tbe com mon government and tbe sorer iga States iu an effoi t to pi ocurc an armistice, then treaiv of p.-ace, and then a vote of the pecle on tbe tran alter its endorsement by the Pregideut and Senate Tbe power of Coogi ess to suspend the pnv lege of the writ ol hobitm eorw in eej.tain cases i.- gr;.ntea by the C.xistituti n But I cannot avree to i's 'lercis-; mncb less do 1 like to see th Prmeid-nl cl.ithcd wi'h th s pow er. Tbepetsonal ''reedom and lio.-. tf ol the not be trusted in the bands -f ne uiao. But the suspen sion of the wri its 1 , a his been done by C.oigrei. is unconstitutiunal and unwarrsntable ; it aatimrizes illegal and unwarrantable arrebls; itoperat-s wrmgiullv and oppressively on as loyal 'us patiioiic. anH as true men as ever inheriti-u a uirth'i hi under ?. 'Sou hrn skv " There are thoseand I fear many, who desite a strong g.T-ornment, a militarv despolisui. who auvorare ilie. chid ing of our '. gtslatir hall and Civil Coui Is tbe overrid ing nf all other laws bv tho militarv tne concent-ation of the wholiC'orce of the people iu luv bar.'1 of a inili'arv Chieftain. Sueh views ba!l a "o lime receive any aid or ooinfurt from n e. Cisil law h biudi ig upon eiiir--ns and soldiers military law applies omj tn Ihe army Let the laws, civil and cnfoiced anil reapected within fnelr respective spheres, and be not trauiplcii upon by either citizens or soldiers. The representative should b- held to a strict accounta bility by his constituents ; they sboUM, therefor-, know how he votes upon all questions atfoctiug their interests. Secret legislation i incompatible witn thi accountablltv; the-ef.ire nothing but a necessity aff ctinir the very exis tence and salvation of tbe co ntry could j stil'y it. If clekteo, 1 shall not fail to do all iu my power to ad vauce tho inorsst of North Carolina, t.i wj.ntbe Confed erate States Government ol all encroachment u;.on her ancient rights as a sovereign Statr, to -ee tbe liberty aud freedom of tbe citizen respected, to aid the common gov ernment in prosecuting the war, and to urge upon it ai d to co-operat J with it as a repp sentative of a Irre people of a sovereigo State, to negotiate a treaty ill pea'-.1. Hav ing been a soldier my If, I shall givo every eneourajre nient, comiort and succor to the ai j.y. 'I be State mut see tbafoui bravo defenders are well cio'lied and ih"'1 ; tbei, families claim the aid of our State, and riieiniiHt see them ointbed and fed as long as there is anything in t ie land at any price or sacritice. There aroiber yuostionl I ufight disru.s. but sultice It to say, 1 stand fairly and aquaroly upon tha prini ii.lei enunciated by Gov. Brown, Vice President Stephen? .iud W. W. Holden, Esq. I must appeal to my friends U see to it thai my princl files are widelv disseminated aa possible, both at h'.aie and n the army. Verv re.pecu'iillv, Ac, J. K. KHKIM. Vork Institute, June 20, 186. . June ?l-dwt1u l'i f!ie Voters of Old l.emiir --Fellow CUU 7.CUN Hfttl Brother -Soldiers s -Through th.. re ' 'pi.'-t tuan friends in aud not td ilt. mmiiv I tsko tk-s ; . tliod o nuiiouiioiug uv elf as a candid te foi tL.i Sher--ttalty of your rounty ll 1 should be so lor.ruual,- as te ' e youi wh.nee on th. tint "hu-sday i-i August next I as , tuidyou that all business in utv liaad shall be attended to promptly , justly and iinpartiallv, jh'otld I b so tortu J Date a .o escape the hand., -if .loath during thu eon it-ji i eampa'stn. 1 am ti ul v in bopea lo heal ofauivv majori.y j in "f tour 'tb..dteOt servant . lue nl Thuiiday I l 1 August ueil j I a'u, ry 1'espect'ully , . Your son and brother OfOi-i l.en ii Count v , li. 1(. 4'ACSfc, Mat U-dAww id Lt. i'. A. tnt'i iU;;'. N. . T. Johnston Comity -W,- u-: uuih .rizod and request ed to announce il) l.dlo., z gem I -imh tb Corn, r re tive canaiilatei lo reorwient tbt--'Unv ( Johnston is the neit Goueral As.eiubU ; Kor .he Senate THOS. ( SNLAD, Llq. For the Commons W. G B A X Kri and V . X SMITH. This '.i'ket was selected by th- lieseives fiom Jobn ston, in camp at iioldsb rn. and bv a mass merlini! of the citiie a ranixiciug at bouie, held atS withheld on tbe setb ot Slay. lhes-j gntU-.Udn tan) Ijj supported by all true Conservatives. fi.ev end irse th platform of Via President Stephens, Gov. Brown sod W. W. Ilolden, an 1 it elected wid d ali tbty can to procu 'e an earlv and honorable peace. ' June 2 ilwtd Standard. Cmis.,r i nivr, Cou'ederau, and ChrUtam Adrocau isrc rmpii'st-ei 1. 1 o.i,y till .lav ol eleotlon and semi bill- to this oflioe. To tho Voter of Bertie County. :-!i..v, -cit- z n. : 1 a n a catididam f ir a scut in tbe llou-ie of Onui moiis in th j nut LeUlatu e of North Caroiiua. In com '.3g before you lor i e elsciioo to a to whoh vou hnv el. vated 'ne lor six yraraiu succession, I trust you neoo no proni rnat i nave at neart only what 1 ooaceive to be i lor the best interest of oar corn-no.! coanrry. If ulected, r I suan permit d opporiuilty to pass without giving my ! support to all measures that will, o. my opinion, pro I mote the honor, diguiiy. and prosperity of the Statt. I aui, siuoerely, ; our leilow-ciiiren, ! P. T. HtNH V. olerain, Bertie Co ,June20. Ib54 June M dAwtd I ' si Davidson County. -We are rcauriien to an nonnce H AD A MS. Esq. , as a candidate fhr re-election to tbe Sena'e 1". .nu the county of Davidi.m . Mr. Ad ami is a s mod and true Conservative. Julv 6-d4wtd " We are authorized :o announco TIIOMA1 J. WHI1 AEhR a candidate fur re-eLeuoc u, the Sb.r ifalty of Jon s County. June 2 wtd Wake Couuty. We ite authorized to an- nennue i;l. J. P. H nUiit as a can idaie for the oflici of SherlfTof Wake oounty at tbe eu.-uiu "Uolion. June '22-d'aw&wtd Chatham CountJ Ma. l'tssiNai ,w : Plesse an nounce mv name as a candidate to represent the pe-'pie of Chatham in the tint Gen -i -.1 t... .-.oi.l-- .,i the .Tinte in the Senate. Verv respeettuil , Jun-11-dAwul THoS." 1). I.O.N G.- Wak County The SheriiTalty. We an. au- thorneJ and reqj...-te.i to .mnoum-e W f) llltHKsqr, as a tan le.or re-elertion to the nine of i, -. itt, at the el-etion in August. June 13 Id -dAw To the Voters or J no County - I-1 llow Clt izeus autl Soiilters I I In ougn th - req .ist at many liienus it, and oui ..i tne army, I announce Tlysull a cau d'dut lor l!i : oitov ot St rid id your county. ,lf)ou elect inc. on the ri, -t fhmsd-iy in ij;t n. XV, I will dis charge the dunes i.f the iwH-'e pr innptly. ju-t'y and inr y, and 1 hope, with '.bat integrity whieb has cbaractei ised me as a So!dir, 1 am, respeet luliv, Vour 'fiend and obd't sefv't LAKA i bl l i fe) DILLAHCNT, May 30-dAwtd C... K. 6j. !;' .V. C. C. We arc authoi izeil to uniiouuce Lieut K II. RA V, of the 47th N. ('. i rai-nt, for tbe olboe of Sher iff of Wake Countv, at the ensuiug elect i ,n in August nesl A(iril .l-d6twtd. Wr areaathorited to announce K itf. WKL BUIl.N us a candidate m repi es.-it '.be county of Wilkes in tho House ot Commons at tbe ensuing election. June 3-dAwtd Vadkin County.-We are a-ith rized and requested to uuiiounee t. C C-lWi.E- e a Conservative Candi- le for reole'ulou to th. House of Commons from ths County of adkid. Juoe n diwtdt To the People of North-Carolina --In com pliance with the wishes of eianv friends, 1 announce my self a candidate lor the oilice ot Governor ol Vorth-Cai a lina, at the election to be bel l on the lirsl Thursday iu Angustnext. Mv principles and view?, as a Conservative " after the straitest sect." are well known to the people of the State These principles and views are wbai thev bavn been. Tbey will uot be ohanged. 1 am not disposed, at a time like this, to Invite tbe Peo ple ironi their employments, and add to the exciteuier.t which prevails In tbe publio mind, by uaraniruing tbem for their votea. We need all nur energies to meet tbe common eneuiv, and to provide means id' subsistence lor our troops In Ibe tleid and the people at hoots. Let tbe people go calmly and tlrinlv " fhe p"its and vote lor tht. men ol their choiee. I will cheirful v ebi le their decis ion, whatever it may be. li ciectod I wil! do every thing in my power to promote 'he luterests. tbe honor aud. the glory of North-Carolina, and to ecti-e an honorable peaoe. Maich 4 M W W. HOLDRN. HIHsboro' rleoorder, Salem Press, Qrsonsboroarb Pat riot, and Henderson Times w'.ll please copy till day -d elbOtion- and forward accounts. WANTED. A GOOD COOK. AND WASIIKK FOR THii BAIe ance of the vear, for uuoin go. rl wages will be given. Apply at May3 tl PKOGKKSS OKFTCK. W'.VNTRO TO PURCHASK. NEGRO WOMAN WHO CAN QOK A VD V aebjndol good character.' A "ood price will be paid. Apply at PROGRESS OFFICE. Julv 2 To the Voters of Bertie Couuty.--Fellow Citlzei I and Soldiorll I am a omdldate loi the Hi, use of Comm. ti. In the next Get re! Assetublv. Ii elected I w.ll rep-osi-nt the county iaithfullv. with a due regard io the interests of both citiien? and Soldiers. And in my legislative capacity shall be governed, at all iim - by an earnest desire to prmnoia tbe gen ral welfare and hoaor of tbe tttate. J am respectfully, 1 Vonr Kcllow-Cltlien, I Julyo-dAwtd JAMES BOND, j Conservative and Standard c .pv till day ot oUutlon ! and send bills to Progress loroo 1 of ion Lenoir County - We are authorlxt-il aud re- .pie-t il to announce W. W. UUV.V, l.sq , as i cmdidste lor leoleciii'ii t ihe H-ius.j ot Commons fr,,wi L.noir '.Jonntv at 'lie ensuiug August tli-ction. .lu'y 1-Ct' We are atitttoiizeiL and requested to an i. ounce VV1I J. P'j"V'.. r.sq., hj a cauoidate for the oliice of Sheriff ni Lenoir eouul v, at the ensoiug August elec tion, luiy 1-tJt ' the People or the &'Hh Heuatoriul Dis trict, North Carolina Fellow Ciu-j. us and Sol diers: At the unr-nt solicitations of many Conrei va tivt.s of ibe liifltiiet, I i iii -TiTo'' mM-if j i, to represent Ihe Counties ot Clav. Cherokee, Macon Jaok sou and fiay wood in the, Senate ol the ui-xt Legislature ol tli" State. lt te not possible for auv uiao to fore, -t bat measures mav come befoi - th- Legislature of tb'i State it its uext seniou, or what, tbeeveuis oi war mav u.ake nooassary for tbe prolertuiu of tbe S'.ate and lu.. security oi the people i but ou a t the measures tbst .nav Oimoi bofcre that b.xiy. I shall, (If elected ) be advleudby consult, aud aet with toe Copeet vauve party of the State, and with the view of securing negotiations, and an honorable peace. I am a strait Conservative. H M. H F.N BY Krankllr, N. C, June 'if, lStii. bine aO OAwtd FEINTING! TUK 44 f Uranville County.-C. H. K. TtYLOrif.r tie Senate,C I JAS S. AMIS, M A K LAN I BR ard Dr. P. W VOUNGfor th Commons. The ibove tHke' is recommended t) the voters t Granville to represent us in the next General Assembly, Juno 3 dltwlt BY M ANT CITIZEN. Alamance County. We are eutbrUed and re quested to annou-ce WILLIAM R. VLBRI GH f-a n candidate to represent the people "f Alamacce iu tbe C nmmons branch ot the General Assembly of North Car olina, at tbe eleetion la August. .Inne'iO.dAwlw Standard oopy two werkj aad send bill to Progress. OAILV PH0CRE83 OFFtCE," Having a god asrortoient ot Material, in extensive va riety of tvps and oqe of tbe tintst POWER PRESSES In tbe C .nfedei aey, is p- upared w tii u out a I kinds of In the best style of ibe art and at prices as reasonable cau be alford.d in these times. We pi'iraise that all work entrusted tn nj hiti be prompt;, neaUv ad ipedi'ious1" exeeoted. rdo. t so licned J I.. PEJvni.NGTOrv sk CO. RaJeigJ. luce 1, l-4. NOTICK. I7OUR STKAGLI.VU SOLliLltS OR DESfch, I rl:S, to make tbelr t'scspo, I. fi their horses. The h'.rses are supposed to be stolen. , Tbe owoets can hs lb w ey pioving property and psviog charges, Ao One a K"u Mae. aout 12 years old, Is bands high i 3 Mgbt Hay Mart s, no ahou'l 9 vears old, 16H hstid.s hlirh i on 6 vears old, 16 bands blgh ; and one S v-rarsold, 14.H binds They are not line but verOgcod work bursas. Apply at Lenoir Oal Iw il couutv.' 01 T WELL. June ISdliAwit ' TAKEN UP, 4 NT) C0MMITTE TO JAIL IV WIV8TO.V, FOR svtb Co , . C, a negro bnv who stj his name Is rAnd be belongs to Col. Bird KnUbt of Uartetf, Georgia; the boy is verv buck, 6 teet 3 or 4 inches high. The oanci1 will come forward, prove property, pay cnarges ind t ike hlui away, or be will b dm!t eesth ae eoi ding lo law. K. 8PACH, JuaeasYdAwtf Jailor (pr Forsy.h Uvstaty 21. 0. ADVERTIMM6 BATKS. The following rates v.i.1 Or eliarged lor all adrerioe jienu inserted lr .bt Tin.t and Wkuxlv Pucnaiss: oes eons as or naur uiss, on tnts One week 1" 00 Two weeks 38 OH Three weeks ...64 Of tine month. 'it to Two months 144 0ft One day. 93 U0 Two days oo Three day..... it 00 Kourdavs lt H) Five days I 09 Filty words, or Cght lines or less tount square, and adJitioual square arv,' bo charted tbi same. Ad-erilf uents Inserted osm, tvrlco or three times a week w-M l- otiarired S4 a square for .i ry insertion. When sent bv lett-v, t'sor "joney mast are muuti the ad vertisemetit. Hr' u k, ieaths .religlom- and .tfter n.' tiiu i .-hareed as ed--M' .iuents and mtm be nl. in a- 1 ane--. A.UCTIOJN AND PRIVATE SALEP. IMPORTANT OF 8HET-lltON AT AUC ritiN 1 1 1 ON THURSDAY, TUU UTH JULY, IN FROT OF our Sabs Uoom. wo will sill lAthe higbett bldd or more "hetts of Imported Sheet Irou. 24 and 3 mhes wide iW 6 leet long weigning front lit. to 10 Its -er dht-ut. This asTordsa rare opportunity t ir l'arm. is and otnen (o supply theuisclve with an almost iudispen able ai iij.j for boiiing Sorghum . - tUlEECII 4 OTCHFOHIVAuolionvors. J'. L dlwtif VALUABLE LA N U rORSALG. I WILL SbiLL A TRACT Ok' LAaND LHNOTHRGK I miles west of Greensboro' embracing 360 acres aoit ue , bull cleared ami uuder cultivation, abo t IWcmhv 'rui; Tres upon tt place, aad 25 aures inni mead v I and, the other half one w.-odland. June 2li-1Awlm CYllUSI' MKViiKNM 1 I.I 1 M PO KT A K T IN V Ki T IO Ii... u . f li ING AND RE.NOV TINti OLD CO 11 O.N AND WOOL CARDS T1HK SUBSORlBblt H VINO OBI MSr.U A PA I em light lore sett of lnstruiun:i t i.-p.ii: and run ovate old Oltoa and Wool Card., s;e now prps. .1 to sell to auy person, or persons, th rign; '1 , sa,- -struinents in any State or County :u 'ha SvUib.rn ' 1. ledeiacy. . , , With these instruments old Cott r aoS Wool t s'ds ess be thoroughly repaired and renovated, aod brought int 1 vse at a very small and trilling eant-t Anr number of certificates, as to the n eat useiulnrvs ' said instrumenis, ean be obtained Irum those hi hi -h id Cottou aud Wool Caids r., ail eJ, u I t la lmpm tau' ihat we have wim all rt palled during the bL cksJe, 10 make tbeui serviceable and Ot for one We now offer to the pubiio to sen State and Coul' i' Hlgbls to any person, or parsens, H use oui paimi - . said instrumvats. It requires but a small outlay to procu.e the msuu menu and make a beginning, aud aa aetivo HKani .1. make from $90 to $100 fler day, and from J 0"u to f 7uut oan be made in 1 .'eunty, and that in a very shoit tin. For particulars, as to price, instrument, Ac . Ae , .i dress J. H. CARLISLE A t O. June Ib-dAwlni Ringwnod P, O., Haiitai '--., C FA VKTTEVILLK ROSIN OIL MOHK OUI OIL WORKS ARK .SOW I.N COM I'LKTE tip p ratien, botb for making tbe trade and r. ti - Oil, aud as we use nothing but good Kuin, j ai commend the oil to be the best of the kind lu.ida in this country. The retiuiug process extracts the num. qna.i tics and makes It a very good lubricating 0.1 Ii be ing largely used by the Krilroads, and on aii u.schh.. bre lt has been tried. It Is also, the b -t I si.m i'iO . now in use We have a very large lot on I ami sud wiil fill orders on short notice. MOORE, CASUWKLL i Co., Julyi-.llw Faiettevil'e N. C WOOL IfOTICB. Wt'aHTxaaASTXH's Ptrisruts.', 1 Raleigh, Ju..e it, Util. ,' I AM NOW it f lUEDTU EXcHANtsh CtH'TOH Yarn, for voi, upon tbe following teims, rlc : One hunch ul a.n loi three pounds washed v ool. ai I one bunch for lour pounds unwashed. Agents have been appointed t" make tto- -. srli.ii. the following places: Oxford, Tarhoro, K in.-'ou (a", .'ine Lake, Coucord. Richin.liau,, M -:i-t-isoiii ill,-. v- -' ville. Koxbi'fo', Asht.'ille, Pittsljoro', f.-iin hurg, Ka ettevil e, Coleraln, and at this ..lace. Persons shipping wool to this plaee will plesse tuir. on tbe package who thev are fro'iti, and the e.oiton yai '. will he forward, d iininediatelv. I bope the peopl" will patriotically r. -o n1 to the abv notice, as the Wool n ior . .oinin-: th-- S' . C. Treops U. A. DOW il, A. I; M., N. C A July 2 dAwtf TO T'lE PEOPLK OK WAKL t'OLN IV. Tnt' can i::.'ATiiS for Tin-: i.i:.isl.ti:i::: a vh for Slierilt will meet and addi ess tl eu lellow eili.. 11, t Uusbee's, i'bursday, J'llv 1 4 1 1. tianks', Friday. " loili Franklin's. Saturday . luth Spik s' Monday, 'Kth Dunnsville. luesdav. Imh Forsslvillc.' Wedncsdav, .'i1.1' Kolesville. Thursday. .1 1 Wakeheld, Friday, " r.'ioi HiMid's Saturday, Z Barney Joto s' Monday, 2 it Lash ley 'a X Koails. Tuesday, '"HI. Green Level, WedBeads' " Jih Morrisvillu, Thursday ' if"'1 Haves' Friday," Oak Grove, Saturd,. (Oih Laws' Monda, Augyt l-i I'hoiepson's Tuesdav. " ' 1 Wiley Lynn's Wednesd.-i . . ' Th.' 'fax Collectors ui'lalao itt'.-no. n,l all iU l--o an opportunity of paving Ihelr ' id Counl Ts June ib-dltwtd ' 't I ' 1 1!, Sh-'rii! RASAVVM, MY UR1U11T MULATTO lidV, lli .NIt, Uol t '16 vears, live feel 3 or I i.nlo s hi'-'' . ith lonr bush - ad ot Hair and goatee, and js-v t.-ein bad. also has a . vere cut aeroFs the inside of i-.. to 1 t.-nt finders ol t!.. right haud. left my premises 00 .Monday night. U'li i'o' .iid boy ran otT last j ear aDd went t.-Wuouioo .. ' Cjui:auy Shops, and may be-stetring iu the d'.-. r :oti .me of tfios-. places again. A liberal rcwaid will b. p ti l 'or his appretien i;u and coubiiemeDl d. 'net v at w resideuce. .t tnilcs t oitb-wfrit ot Halrlgli. iddws nie si Raleigh, N. C, A POWELL. June 17 d&wlt inipi Offloe of tbe Raleigh and Gaston R R. Co., ) RlLXioH, June 'JO. ltji.t. I TUK A.NMHL MKtTlNO OF THr. S tt Kllul.i S ersofthe U ilaigh aud Oaatoa Rail R"a ! will be brld rt tho olNoeot the C"inpaiiv, lu th Raleigh, ou Thursday the 7tli dnv it Julv . IhtU. June 21 eodtd W " VA8S, Treas. anu S..'- . SUKGERV I'ORFIELU A.N l HOSPITAL I AM NOW PREPARED TO SCI'Pl.Y MY " Dta 00 Surgery to subscribers and ethers who mav wi.11 to purchase It. -tl Oo the reeeipt of tS.ebo. k '" t 1.1 uat' postage paid. EDW AKI) WAliRrN, v 1).. Auk 21 tf , .- ' ATTKNTION : bAMi WARkA.VTH, LAM' D! 1. O Licenses. Oounty and Hapwrloi 1 . ' '. 1 i tanks for taU at tbe Stan is: 1 Hile 1 -AlU- Jcb Printing prwio.iu , neetl a u- .te. . VHrth Ii d t' Offloe M C H1II1 ( VsUCi, Ju - ... THE, VlFTg&NTH AN.xCAL Mi ' I stockholders "I tbe So'! C' . '. -oy mM be held it the Pity n.-.- U Uib. 1W4. Htockbol'lvis L ..- -will please s-nd t heir ,, 1 June ?4-dJaw4w td oiXiie" Tt Hh.N'l' UOCrtb, IN MOL'Ni l'i.Kis.:. i . W: . Oonutv, N. C , 'J tunes Houtli. Kl ., 1 - N '. Railroad, c 1 .ta onr r..- - .0, rooms 10tm feet I a good tu- pi-ioe ! it.o. ble brlek Ki.rheo aod oil ' ' u''-i'i. Korfuit'- . partieulau ii-.!v to 1 , 1 U- i. v in Mount t'lusant, t ALKKth .' l t :. N 1'. s - NKW AtCTION it. OMMISMv'.N Sic IT H. A R. S. Tl'l'K 1-!K f " . pv th -dav . .1 ' tU.-i . ' del the nawie and st 1 if ot i 1'CK.fc.K, A . i .. . 'S t ' forln purpo-.e of cociiuitiog e i.T. I. ri '.u.-lt ; .. ,( mission bnsintiw. All bu'llleS. eutt 'iJi.'l ' h'illt mill 0 ' -I ' ' oesese. oi palcb- I'LCK'. ii, v iiRI w .- A June 23-! f