BY J. L. 'PfiNM3TQft & 00. T' KKM OF BV B8URIPTION. ft followin re tbe oaly term of subscription to Tai liumaihs., ,... - ,? L w ft ,.onns.... 'J J::: Always to be pi 1 in advance, end paper stopped when the time pU for eapires. ' mil PRINTING. There using evoneotea with the Pan estsbli-h-..nt a Job Olfire equal to any in the Oity orState, we arrprejer Orders sottr-Upd and promptly attended tr.. TKI.aeirio samara ma thi rum AsaiMitarinu.l jred ccordWToaeTol Congrera in the year luei. hv J 8 Thrashe in the Ulrk' Oifice ofthe District Conrtofthe Confederate Bute of the Northern Dia- trict of Georgia. letter from the North. Frtnwoi July The CArtmicfa of the 3d contains ipecUl dispat) ,roIB Kinnesaw Mountain f.r the 27'h, which uyi t sevore attack wi made this morning by se lected portion ef the alh, 2d and Logan's oorps, nn the enemy's eentre, light and left. The Bunt 'ested for two boari, but our men were compelled to fall back before tb- severe fire of the enemy. Go n. Ilooker was killed and Qn. McCook was wounded. Our Iom 20OO, but we i.ow hold' a position conaidei ably in advance of where the fighting took place. Congress p-cd ine en -oil m en t bill on the 2d. It pro vide for the reception of substitutes, repeals the couituu tatiou law and repair fifty days notice of draft. The CKnnieU feats that Coigrers ie in tucb bate to adjourn that additional legislation will be required. Secretary Chase hn restgntd. Vaiious causes are a jijned. Fetaeoden has been appointed in his place. Chase's friends claim that he determined a month ago to retire at the end of the flsf 1 year. Chats on the eve if his resignation wrote a letter urg ing the raising of tour hundred millions of additional tax Ibis year. Operations in gold, on the Sth, were extremely wild. Prices ringed between' 24 and 290. Lincoln in his letter accepting the nomiration says the Government will be sustained in iU action in relation to tb French in Jfexluo. The ParewieJs, in noticing Wilson's raid, says: Keep the Railroads cut ana general starvation in a month or two will take the rebel capital without (be aid of Oraot. Th Yankee Senate bo added an amendment to the bill for the republication of a form of government for States' now in rebellion, which pro-ides, that no State deolared by tha President to b in rebellion shall rote for President or Vio President. The House is yet to act aa It Nothing from Grant. Gold 235. From Petersburg, frrnssuae, Jaly 4, 2 p. m. Tha enemy are still iitur front at all point of the old line, plough doubUess some af their forces bare been sent away, probably to the North side or the Appomattox and James river or Wash ington city. At every point on tha enemy's tines to-day huge flags have bean displaytd, and bands incessantly playiag. There h lees af shelling and some little picket firing. Jsacoan nispATce. RienaottD, Jaly .Biiak skirmishing occurred along the linss on oor centra and right taut night and to-day , and heavy shelling from seige guns at interval. Gea. Alexander, Gen. I.ougstroet's Chief of artillery, was slightly wounded a fiw days since, and is doing qaite well. en. Bushrod Johnson was wounded yesterday, bnt did not leave the Held rmao nisr-iCD. PsTiaeaoa, July 8 The situation around this place is unchanged. Very littl firing to day. FOUR! PISPATCH. Psrraasacaa, July ?. To-day has been unusually quiet. 8careely any rbarpehootirig and little or no shellibg. Weather extremely warm, and road deep in dust. Tankee papers of t-8 alhannounce that Wi ison's raiding party have returned to Grant's line but admit that he sustained immense lom, Ihmijrh they claim that the re mit achieved compensate for the losses. The eountry in tbe rear of Grant's lines is represented aa being filled tith stragglers. Th crops have been entirely destroyed by the enemy' foraging parties. , .. . , Prom Georgia. CaiTTAaooeasa, July There has been very little skirsjlsbtng to day. The eneoi is cautinnrlv heling iua : way. They yesterday burnt the paper mill at Knsivill?. A Tank Major and ten privates were brought in in s evening. sicoid Disrtvci CaiTiAaooosKS, July (.AH quiet this morning. The sac my yesterday burnt a dwrll ing at the junction f the Atlaata and Decatur road. Iher was some prisoner brought ik last night. Among them U. Georgu Scott, ltth Indiana. T8ISD niFPATCA. Cbattahoochse, July 7 With tbe x"ption of occa sional skirmishing and' shelling by our bs'tTiBS ' n the East bank of the river at Turner's Ferry, which was re sponded to by those of the enemy opposite, all iBquiit along tha lin.-t. Among the prifngm!flit in tn-dsy, is one Col. Sherman, Gen Howard's Chiel orSUff, aud hia Orderly. The Colonel was captured by cur pickets while making a reeonnoiaance of our Hues. From Mississippi. Msaraua, July . The Tnkee left Jackson yestcr daytvtniag. Private propeity destroy-d. The nhj.-ot f th expedition nil to destroy the Brilroad between Jackson and Canton, jakgraphio commnnicauon with Jaaksoa reneved. SICOWD OlsrATCH.) Jaciiok, Miss, via Mobilb, July T.-The enemy estl aiated at 4,000 ococupicd this place till 4 m., when tb evacuated it, moving back on the Cliuton road. Our forces are in front and on their flauk. Severe righting 4 miles west of this place fn.ia daylight till 7 o'clock this moning. All quiet now. No paticular damage done to sitiiens, except negro stealing. Negroes of all ages, re gardless of sex , were carried off, by apparent force. Ma ny citizen were left without a single servant. No damage done the railroad or telcgi aph. Meeting of the Press Association. Miooa. Julr . The Board of Directors of the Press s Association mt to-day aod transacted considerable bu siness. ArrangemeuU have been made to secure the transmission of reports when interruption exists on the regular lin: and otherwise, to lacilitate the general ob yttta of th Association. From Richmond. KicaaoNB. July 7. It i reported that nine hundred Yankees were surprised and captured at Martinjburg lat Sunday ; also fonr pieoe of cannon and stores, including xtenrve reparation for the fourth of July dinner. - ' sICOSD DISrATCH. Richmond, July t. Sothinf qf interest has occurred in this vicinity r aeveral day. The protracted drouth stilt-continue. Knmor are plentiful and stirring events r said to be oa the eve of accomplishment The Yan kee on James Kiver have been destroying wheat crups wUhla ibalr teaeh thU waek. 7 t? vol. v From the Mis8lnippi a ml Beyond. CliM'-n, via M'liiii.b.. July 7th. The ft ior go, lii.deii a itli coll on, wss c p'uri-d and buimd by our ti-oops iu ihe hi.t-r. AH regifltcrefl e.n'mimt r:maining in New Orleans are ordered to report to tile Provost Mai .hall, to be sent be yond the lines. Delegates have left New Orleans for tbe Chicago Con vent ion. Over one hundred men, dftserte s from the Yankee ar nit, have been arretted on their way to join thv Mexican ani.y. Oen. Canby is organizing a foce of thirty thousand men, either to reinlnrce Sherman, or threaten Mobile or Demnpolis. 1 he steamer Lmninn Pell, government transport, was burned at the levee near New Orleans. Gold 235. Cotton 1C0. The card of Mtyor IlsrrisoQ aatl accompany ing certificate effectually expires tho reports that have been rife for a few doya past relative to Mr. Bottj-, one of the eity police. If people general ly were only as ready to circulate tbe good deeds of their follows as tbey are to publish that which is evil the world would wag more smoothly. There is no toundation whatever for the reports that have been in circulation concerning Mr. lie Us. From the Augusla Chronicle and Sentinel. FROM. THE LEFT OF OUR UNES. On Friday, Scho(ijld' corps, consisting of about three regiments of cavalry, an 1 ton th us and infantry, advanotd on our left, with the in tention probably of driving it back, and fl inking our main army, and at the same time (jetting pos sesion, of the Turner Ferry road. Thoy, how ever, were defeated in their plans. The State Troop?, assi-ted by several thousand regular in fautry and cavalry, succeeded in keeping them in cheek. Our loss was about one hundred killed and wounded. The enemy's loss was quite heavy. On Satrrday morning our troops withdrew about three miles in good onlor to a high range of hills about two miles boyond the Ch ittavioo ehee. These hills h'tve been well-fortified by breast works aud rifle pits. They can only be attacked by the main road, which is very narrow, as ueariy the whole country is uncultivated. The trees oa :hehtl! sides have all been cut down, aiid lie in one tangled mass, making it impossi ble for tho enemy to mike a charge except by the narrow passage way spoken of above On 8ai unlay afternoon t'ie Yankees burned the Swif t Vak-r Cotton MilUand Ferguson's (iri-t and Flouring Mills, in Campbell eounty, besides tho Jwe'ti'ugs alon the by wine h they advanced 'in that seci ion. Tii- ir p'ugress could be tii'titirruishr J by the colu mis ot I'l-uug . smoke as the liap,iy home of some family was dist.-oytd 'y tho tinmen. About, four o'clock on Saturday their advaneo lines wic cheki'd liy "Hr pickets. What furth er niovpuieiits have tnkeu pkee since that we know uat as we b ft f r Atlanta thnt. time. Our troops appear to ba in the bt st of spirits, and have every confidence in theii commanders. The State miiitia tho much abud portion of our defenders it is said stood well on Friday and fought as oravely aud cool as the regulais. Oen. G. W. Smith, the commander of tho Stute troops, has some eight thousand Confouer ate troops put under him lie h considered by Oen. J,.hnston, as well by other prominent offi ceYs in the army of Tennessee, as one. of the ablest, and most efficient oflBe'rs in tho Confeder acy" The complin:ent pai'i Gen .Smith, by jjiv- ? ipg him c'immaiid of oar entire .elt is a nigh oue . ... . : i. .i. - a huh at the same tune it is a severe reujue w those who have endeavored to hring inu disre pute with the people sj brave and gallant an offi cer. It was rumored that, Gen. Johnston had de termined Unit, th" left should retreat no further, and that, if th-.; enemy persisted ill his advance iu that section that a battle w tuIJ take f Nee. It wa.s h.No iiiinoied that Hcod' corps bad been ordered to the ti-:'"f. Saturday to asBint iu repeal ing the liii tii' r titvaiiee of the Yankees. Up to nine .'! ' Saturday morning, the eaiiiinnadins iloiit' the entire line was vurv heavy. Iiirini t' v remainder of t.he day ncarcely a gun was heaid. The imprnssiou en Saturday was t'lat a general engagement AOuld take phce around Marietta on Sunday. A gentleman just from the centre says thtt on Saturday night our army had evacuated K mu.; saw and ws passing through Marietta. It wti expected in that section that a fight would tako place on ntinday, in that section. All of t ur stores, basrgage wagons, & been sent across tho Chattahoochee. had Qoalifications or as Kditok An English wrif-er 8a)u : "A gofal editor a c'otnpeiiit news paper eonduetor is like a general or a pot t ; born, not made Exercise mil experience irive facility, but tha quuUti-ution is insate, or it in never uiauifestcd. On the Loudon daily fiaperis, all the'treal historians, novelists, poets, oMnyisW, ane the writers of travels, have been tried, and noarly ev.-ry one has failed." "I can," said the late editor of the London Times, find very seldom a man of common seune. Nearly all sucoesNful editors have been of this description. A, good editor seldom - writen much for his paper. he reads, judged, selects, dictates alters, and to do all this well he has tut little time for composition. To write for a paper is one tlitug to edit it ano ther. WAN I'ED. A N INTM.LlGfc.NT WHITE BOY THAT OAN f-ed a Power Press and make himself uaetul can nn l employment and good wages at the Jnne '21-tf PROGRESS OFKICK WANTED TO HIRE. TTTANTED TO H IKK FOR THE BALAVtjE OF THE W year, a aiout Negro Ma-i. To one that can fe-d himself good wages will be given. . Applv immediately at PfiOORksS Oi'JiiCl.. DAILY "P RALEIGH. FRIDAY, JULY SCHEDULE OP.MAIL AR R A N G KM E.VI 8 POST OFUCK AT KALklOU, N. C N in (hern Eaa'urn Fnyetterllle Wiltsri August Northern Kastern ' Knjetteville mail opens daily a; 7a. so. 7 " 7 p m. a .. 9 a. m. 9 p. -a. " mail closes daily at n es'ern Augusta 9 Olhoe open fordelirerv 'f mailt from 7 a. m. to 7 p. a. during the week. ruudajs from 8 a. m. to 0 a. m. ai.d from i p. m. to i p. in. ANNOUNCEMENTS, To the Voters or Iredell, Wilkes anil Alex ander Counties:. Follow C:t:iaa : At tbe eai nest solicitation o I many fvienda, announce mr.eil'a candid ate to represeut the people of Iredell. Wilkcaand Alex ander Counties in tho Senate ol the next Legislature of North Carolina. As I am comparatively unknown to many persons of the District, and it is not my purpose to canvas, it may be pioper to state briefly my principles, a 1 am willing to rland or fall bv them. I am not atrald to trust the people ; therefore, if It be thought necessary, and they should desire it, I an in fa vor ol calling a state Convention. Those who oppose a Convention are net willing to trust the people; (hey think that the people have too much power. Tbey charge that those who favor a State Conven'ion, wish to secede from the Confederate States. I was opposed to seces sion in 4861, and I am opposed to it now. Hecession can not cure oar prtdent troubles ; it would be utter lolly and madness, and could only be Justified in a lite and death straggle for liberty. It woald be well for this State as well as for all the Confederate States, to have a Corvention In being, if not iu seasion during tbe war not to secede, bnt to aid and strengthen the general government by granting it need ful powers in every emergency, which, if asaumed with out the consent of the States, would be usurpation knd unwarrantable authority. Neither tbe Legislature nor the Oevernor possetsea sovereign power, but a Conven tion would posaeas such power, and while itconld grant all needfail pr.wets to the common government, and check usurpations, it wouid see to it that our present foimot government is not changed. There ar- those who are constantly endeavoring; to educate the mind of the public, to prepare it for another form of government. Such men need watching. We need a Republican form 'government with all oar rights as freemen guaranteed to us br the Constitution witb all the rights of a sover eign State. 1 wish a State Convention to co-operate with tbe gen eral government and our siater States of the Sou'h in obtaining an armistice, so iht negotiations for peace may be commenced. Let N'onh Carolina do her duty, and if other Stataa will not meet in Convention or conference with her, nor beed her voice for peace, she will have done her duty to humanity, our country, and ourOod, and the respontibi'itiea of the future will not rest upon her. .Negotiations would greatly encnaraga our people at botn? and our soldiers in the field. It uiuat come to thi at I ait "Tbe pen, -mire powerful than the aword, must do what the latter baa failed to accomplish." let us, therefoie, have co-operation between the com mon government and the sovereign State in an ffort to piocu.ean armistice, then treaty of p sie, and then a v.ite of the pen. Ie on the treaty after its endorsement by the President and Senate. The power of Congress to suspend the priv lfg of the writ ul kubeat corput ia certain cace ia grante! by ilie 0n?titoii'.o Uui I cannot aaree t- i s exerri. ; u.uch leas do I like to see the Hreaid nt clothed iib ih a p ve er. "She personal treed'.m an1! libel tf o; the peoplesJ"U;d not be trusted in tn hands of one man. Bui the surpen si of the wri. itselr, aa has been done by Congrear, is uncontiitutional and unwsi rentable ; it authorizes ill. gal and unwarrantable arrests: it oo rat a wrof.glully and oppreaaively on a' loal as patriotic ane aa true ui. n as uv.-r Inheiited a birttiii ht uuder a "rtou ham aki " Th re are those., and I fear many, whodeairea strong rove urn' nt. a military deip'itinn. who advo.-ata thecloa ing -.t usr gislative nail ann tivn ui ia ine nvei rul ing of all othei law s b tbe mi'itart the concentration of the b d 'oi-ceof the people in the handa of a imlii iry Ch ettain. Su b views rba'l at n tiin r ceiveainy aid or couilort from n a Ci Y. lew u bn.di ;g Ui'on ritis ns an I aoliliera military law applies on y to the army L.-t th -taws, cvil sod military be eni'oici-d and resie-cted within their respective apheres. and be not trampled upon by cither citizens or aolnier. Th repiexmlative ahoulil b- held to a strict accouuta bi'itv bi his constituents ; thuy shou'ul, therefor", know how-he votes upon nil qunstions ff cling their interesu. Secret I gislntion is lncmiiaubl" with iliisaccouoisbiltv ; the efore nothiotr but a necessity aff ctina ihn very exia tence and ealvation ot tbe co ntiy could j, stify it. It'ele.ted, I ahul not fail to do all in my uoer to ad vance the interest of .Vnr'h Carolina, to a n th- Confed erate Mat. s O vet ninent ol all ei.croaehu.enis upon her ancient rii'ta aa,a auvrrign ritatf , tooec the lib. rli and freed m of tbe citix. n respect-d, to aid 'he. common gov eininent in prnsei-u'ing Ihe war. and to U'ge upon it a' d to cj opei ate wib it as a r. pr tentative ol a tree peoplu of asovereigo Stattr.-M n-oi.ia'0 a trea y of pea e Hav ing ben a soldier myaelf, I shall giv- eveiy enourne m. nt, com'ort and a'uecor io ibe arn.y ''be .l-V: hiu t set thtt our brsve defenders are w..l clothed and their families c aim the aid of our S;ate, ai.d -hemueta. e tlienvciothed and f.-d aa long as there la anything in tbe land at asv price or sscritice There are other qu stion I might disco s but solnce it tossy. I stand fairlv and aq .a elv up in the principles itnunciated b O v. Brown. Vice Fnsidant Stephens and W. W Uold -n. Ksq 1 must aopeal to uiv friends ti see to it that my princi pins are widt-lt diaaeminaied aa pons bla.hotb at home and in tl.H armv. V-r ' re-DeCl tul I V . AO. . J t. KlIt.lM. Yotk lnatitute. Jun- 2U 18IU. June 21 d A wide To tba Popple of North-Carolina, --to cm pliauce with the ivishei of many fnen Is, I announce uiy sell a candidate for tbe o Hoe of tiovarnjir ol W.irih-t'aro Ima. at the election to be bald on the first Thursday in Auguat nt. My priuoiples and views, as a Oonservativ " after the stral'est sect," are wol! kuowu to the people of tbe State. These principles and views are what they have been. Thev will nut be changed. I am not disposed, at a time like this, to Invite the peo ple from their employments, and add to tte esciteoient which prevails in the pnblio mind, by aaranguing them lor their votes. We need all our energies to meet the common enemv. and -o provide means of sabaisieno tor our troops in the Held aud tbe people at home. Let the people go calmly and Hrmlv to the polls and Qte for the men of their ch'oiee. I will eheerfally aoida their decis ion, whatever It may be. ll'eieoted I will do every thing in uiy power to promote the interests, the honor aud tbe glor of .North-Carolina, and to secure an honorable peace. March 4 td W W. ilOLUKV. tliilslhim' lleeordtr. 8alem Press, Oreansburouirh rat riot, and Uonderson Times will please copy till day of election, and tVward accouuta. To the Voter of Bertie Countv.--Pi-Uow Citizets and 8oldlort I san a omdidato fo. the limine of Cntntui lie in the next General .Asaeuiblv. II elected I wi'l represent the count faithlully, with a due -r.l ,.. ihintrlanf nnth clt ienii and Soldiers And in ma l. irialative caDacitv shall be governed, at all liui'S by an earnest desire to promote the general welfare and honor of tlie Hlate. 1 am respectfully, Your fellow-Citizen. Jnlv .dAwtd JAMES BOND. LV.aaoivaiive ana Dtanuara copy 'i ' "i and send bills to Progress tor co'leclion. Granville County. C. U. K. TAYLOR f-r the Senate. Cd.J AH. rt. AMIS. MARK LAMER and Dr. I. W. YOUXO for Ihe Commnna. The above ticket is recommended t- the voters ot Granville to represent us In the next General Assembly. June 3 dltwat . BY MANY CITIZENS. Alamance County. W are authorised and re-quo.-ted to annoanoe WILLIAM It. ALBRIGHT a can I idate to represent tha people of Alamance ia tt.e Commons branch ol Ibe General Assembly of North Car olina, at th t election in August- S?' JunetJ d&wlw gtaadswd eopf two week and aead bill to Frograaa, 8, 1864 SO. 105. ANNOUMO EM ENTS. To the Voters of Old t.eiiWr r'ell w t'ui cem and Brother "Midlers iTii, th.. re quest at many friends in u.i out ol the amy I tata is s method o announcing myaelfaVaoandiJ ite for the Hh-r-ilialtv of your county It I ah.iu'd be $ -for tun ite as to br your choice on the H at "bu'aday in Auiru"l n-xl I as sure you thai all bualne-is in my handa shall be attemted to promptly, justly and impartially, should I be so l.irtu naie as to escape the hands of death during the oouu ig campaign 1 am truly in hopes to h-sr of a nie majori y in lavtir of your ob ilient servant on the hrl Thursday ia August axt- .. I am, vry respectfully, Your son aud brother Ol Old Leu -tr Couotv, It K V A XJ9 B May U-dAwtd 2d Lt. Co. A, 40fi Keu't N. C.T. Johnitott County -We are authorized and request ed to announce tbe lolloping gentlemen the Conserva tive candidates to n present the county of Johnston is the next General As-u-mblv Kor .he Senate THUS. I). SXKAD. Esq. For tha Commons W. (i. BANKS and W. A SMITH. This ticket was selected by the iteserves from John ston, in camp at tioldsb rn, and by a mass meeting of tbe citiae' s remaining at bione, held at rlmlthneld on tb 23th of May. These gentlemen will be supported bv all true Oonservativea. Tnev endorse the platform of Vice President Stephens, Gov. Blown aud W. W. Holden, and if elected will do all they can to procure an earlv aud honorable peaoe. June 2-dwtd Standard, Conservative, Confederate, and Cbeiatain Advocate are roiie'tt).i to oo iy till day of election and end bill" to this nllice. To the Voters of Bertie County. r"now-;it- zeus: I h n caieiidatJ f -r a aeat in the iioiT'd of Com mous in the nut Lcgialatu e of S rtb Caro'ina. In com ing before you lor re-elec.ion to a seat to wh ob you have elevattl me for six jca..'s in .u?cesaion, 1 trust you need no proof that 1 have at heart only what I conceive to be for the best interest of oar eojnaton wiaaira. If clotted, I snail permit n. opportunity to pass without giviug my support to all measures that will, in my opinion, pro mote the honor, dignity, aud prosperity of the State. 1 am, sincerely, your telKiw-citiiaa. f. T. HENPY. Cnlerain, Bertie Co , JanelO, 165t June?0-dAwtd Jjavirlaon County.--We are requested to an nounce H At) AM t.-q. , a raiidiuate for re-ele'tion to the Senate from the c .untyof Oaw.Uon. Mr. Adams ia a sjund aud true Conservative. July & d&wid We are authorized to announce THOMAS J. W IIITaKMI a candidate for ro-eLctiou m tbe Sher if s 1 1 v of Jon s Couuty. June 'i wtd Wake Couuty. We are authorized to an- nonnoe ol. J V 11 KUS- as a can idate for the nlBce of She iff -f Wake county at tbe election. June i d2awiwid - Chatham Cjunty. Mn. PaNNHiarNi Please an nounce my na n.) aa a candidate t.i represent the people ot Chatham in the nest Unnril Assembly of the State In tbe Senate. Very resp-cttullv, Jun II diwtd THtiS n. I.ON'O. Wake County-The Slierlir.tltr.-e aro su- o. .z.?d an.i i cq i-.-ted to u i.'O Vf 11. liIUIJ. K qr , th as a can.Iilale re-i-kctM.u tu the election iu August. tbe othce ol Sheiilf, at June 13 td dAa Toth V-ter of J.Mies County --Fellow fit liens and S.tliliers : fh-oogii ih.- req oiman. frieuda In and out oi mu a-uty, I announce myself a can ilidate 'oi-th lice o' Mienii of your county li elect m- m IhJ A-tt Thu' l .y in uirmt n xi, I will do charge the ilu. ie of the wtoa nrnTnutly. iu-t v and ine oirtial v. and I h id-, w t . thtt lnU-Kiity which has cbai actettsed n.e a. a ao'diei, I am, ieoect'ullv, ' Your Irn n I a d olid't aerv't L.VI'AYr:ri, IHI.LvllUVT. MayilO-dAwtd Co. K 6:11 K.' N. O. C. Weare authni Ized t Himounce bleut E II. K Y, of ilie tih V C. rteginii-nt. for ihe ortiee ot nhei iB' of Wake, at tba ensuing e:ecti .n In Auau n, xt. Aeril I d6twtd. We are authorized M announce B M WKb- IIOKN jj a candi late ti . be louutv ot WilH.I in tile H .use oi Commons at the euauiug election. Jan. 3 JAw.d Yadkin County.- to aunou ue , 0 0 iV la e for re eleeiion to tb County of adkin. i a e a-nh irized and reqn ster .L a (.oiiai-i vative aii'U llouae of Commons fiom tl.e Ju.,e 27 .tAwde Lrnoie rnuntv - We are authorized and r- q'le-tcJ to .nn- u..ce W. W bli V V, r.4 . aa a candidate f ir rc elecrioi. to ihe H me o l'ouiuiona trom Lenoir Jounty at ibe uubUiug August election. Jul i a i We are authorized aud rt qumteti to an nounce W ! J. I'tit't; hro . a-a cai. .i.i..ce lor ti e o ! c whei itf of Lenoir count . , nt the August -lec tion, y 1 l To the Peojle of the 6 Ih senatorial Uli trlct. North Car illna i-eliow (, tit na ana ht ,i.-,.. ti ilm m-ni aolieiiatioofi oi many t onaei va i of the 1 a m unoe!t a raBUio.ii. u, tl... floont ..a ..f (Jlav. Ubei oee, M icon .iaca son and Hay wooo iu tbe Sunaui ot tnnit L ginlatui nt fhi. Ktat 1. It is not j.o-sible for anv man to tores c a nat measuree msv euma be:ort ib Legislature liieM'ate ti tin uii naaioiv. or whai tht'eveuls ot may make neoessai f..r ik : nr.vij4-ti.,n ..f tile S ate allll tile SeCltl it , of tb hut on a I the iniiHfun-8 tbt mav c uje before tbi bodt, I aha I, (n electel) be a Iviaedby uonnult, and -. ,iihiliH C.inaervativii uariv if the -tale, and with the riew of securing ne.ottailons, and an bonorabli pe.ace. I am a strait OonservaLive. II M. HK.MIY. June 20 diwld KranHrU, N. C, June 20, 186t. PKINTING! THE M DAILY PROGRESS OFnCE' HHvin,r ftO'td nsgortini'nt ol Mftteiial, an t-stri..lii th ricty of tvjMj and nnu of tbe finrnt POWER P EESSES In tbe ConedaracT, ia prepared to turn out a t kinds of In the bet etyle nt tJi ait and at piioe as rvlaonable as can be attorded iu thrae limea. We uri.miaa that all w..i k entrusted to us ahillbe fromptlv. nitlv and expedfiougl j- ei.cuted. ttrdeia -icited. ' J. a. I'ESKLSOTOS V CO. Kaleigj. June U, if. NOTICE. IOCR STHAGL1NU SOI.tii;i(S Oil DESEKTKRS, ' to mak- their-escape, I ft t4.n koraea ..The In. rue s'.) suppoaed to be stol- n. Tbe owner can I. iri "l "i by Proving proportv aud pavin charuea, .to One a koau late, about 12 nl.l, 1 I.Ninla hiyli ; 3 iglit lla.v M ires, nuo a'jud't ve.aiso.l. loti haml. fieli ; un ti earsold, lh aauda high ; audi ne-S yaiaold. UH' hands high. Tbi-y ar not line but very gooa work hiarses. Apply at lasnoii . Callw tl couulv. CALDWEIX. . June 18 dltAvvJt L' TtttF I'P. NI COMMITTK." 10 JAll. IV WINSTON JJH ivth (! , V C. a n-ifix boy who avs lila 'fiauie la re Klbert and h? btl.ings t I'd. Ul. J oi Maiietti, Georgia; lb boy ia very b'ack, b leal I or i inchea huh. The owndr w'nl coot- f.naaiJ, pore p.ipi i ty pay charge bd take him a? ay, or he will h- dean with ao aon'mg tn law. hi. HI'ACIl. Jnaa U dAwtf Jailor for irsy .W Uoaat N. C. ADVstBTIMA. R11U Th fnUowtoC rata wul h vhargnA for al adv.r l a -aaasa insertadia tha Dau.( and M1.1 faoaasaa : . eaa aoaaa o neat lataaa, oa Lata Ua day. .... , $3 00 ( One weak ..... fig no Two day 00 1 Twa week m rjo Thraa days............ 00 I Tbre weeks ,...H 00 r'ordays..,...........U 00 f One snath...-. ... Ti no Piva dj-...........,.U CO Two osooth 144 00 Fifty words, or Might Uaa or 1ms caat a sjnai-, and additional square arPJ ba charged th samo 'A'' er.i. eU raantad oat, twioo or (hi a time a w -k wil' b ohargasl (4 a square for nvcry insert ion. . Whaasaat kt lettar, the money meat aco unpaur U. ad vartiaamant. atatilagas, leaths , raiigiea tad .to-i tioes charged aa adartlsmnta aad mast be palo in a "nno. AUCTION AND PRI VATE BALK. IMPORTANT at t t,H V AilBatT-IKON AT AUCflJI Ml 0V TflORSDA Y, THi 14TH JULY, IVFIIO T OF onr Sales Hooo, we will Mil to ine bighei.t bid.t-r iou or more aheot of imported Sheet Iron. 24 aud SO inches wide and (eat loug weighing from 12 to 20 It per sbeot. This asTorda a r opportunity t ir fa m.-ra and others to supply themselra with an almost indispea able ai tide for Dolling Sorghum . ClltiUCU A LITCUFOKl, Auctioneers. July o dawtd VALUABLE LAND FOR SUK. WILL 8KLL A TKACT OF LAND LYING THREE milea weat of Ureenaboru' anabraclng 3tW aeiea. about ne-half cleared aad under oultivation. about I SOU clime fruit Tree upon tho place, and 2S acres good mead .w I and, the other half line wmdland. June iD-uawlin ftHU.i f. M KM) I. MM 1.1. 131 PORTA ST I.N Vi!STIO luii Hif l i IHO A!MO KGAUV a I1AU ULU tUI IUIt AND WOOL CARDS. pflk SDBSCH1BKR HAVING OBTAINED A PAT tnt right for a sett of instruments t repair and ren ovate old Cotton and Wool Cards, are prepar d tA sell to anv Derson. or persons, the riirlit In use said in strument la any btata or Couuty in the Southern Con- leoeracy. With the instruments old cotton and wool l arm caa ba tnoronghly repairod and renova'-ed, aud brought into vae at a very stnau ana triniag exja-uae. Anv number ot caruueauts. a to toegrear useruineaaoi said instruments, can b obtained from those who Lave bad Cotton and Wool Cat da repaired, and it la important hat we have them all repaired daring tne otocaaoa, so aa to make them serviceable and lit for ue. Wa now offer to tbe public to sell rltat and uoun'y Riiibta to auy person, or persanj, to use our patent lor said instrument. It reauires but a small outlay to procure tna lastrae ments and make a beginning, and aa active agent ran make trom fu to lieu per day, and irum a.uvu to aivw oan be made in a county, and that in a very short time. For particulars, as to price, inairumeui, ao., sc., ao- drea J. II. OAULISLb; A CO., June 16-dAwIm Klngwood f, U., rtalllax Co., l. V. FAYKTTEVILLE ROSIN OIL WORKS. OUIt OIL WORKS ARE NOW !N COMPLKTB OP pcratian, both for making tho ''rude and rB. ed .... an tamn n..ltinir hilt fMIA Roain. S'H Can ftt oommend the oil to be th" best of (he kind mad in thi country. The reUning process extracts the gumv quali ties aud wake It a very good lubrioatin- ml. It is b ing largely used by tb rUilrnaJa, and on all uiaehtnei v where it has been tried It Is also the beat Tanner' Oil now In asa. W bava a very large lot on hand and will fill older on short notice. MOOKfc, CANHWtl.t. X t;.,., July J-dlw Kayettoiille, N. C WOOL. NOTICE. QuiaTllUilisrsa'a DarAUTUKK r, I Raleigh, June 9, 18M. ( AH NOW rBEPARED TO LXLUANOr. t'OTTOh Yarn fne Wo.,1 . Ulll.n tbo foiioWln tei Uli, VII; I One hunch ol Ya n for tb' ee pounds wsshed Wool, and one bunch for four pounds unwa-hed. Agents have b -en appoints t-i tuase me eimmk-e the following plaoest Oard, Tarb r..', KiusU n Cail.e rine Lake, Concoid Rirhingham. Hendersnin ilie, Mat s nlle. lioxboro', Ashevillo, t-illaUiru', Lomatiurg, ray eitetil e, C.Ieraiu, and at thia lace. feraons shipping wool to mis piace mi u... - n ihe package who thev are ft ois and tbe euttoa ya. u a-ill be lorwardid immediately. I hope the people will patriotically respond t.. tba above notice, as tbe Wool ia lor ciotn ng ma .i . J irtiup U A. 1Vtv L, W- " l v July2dwtf ro thFI peop le of wakk cou my. LUlKt AMllATI.r FOK Tsl b. LfcOlMI. 1 U It K A N ii for Sbcriffwill meet aud address their telle cou is it rlusbee's, ilan l a', r'rauklin', -ipik.. s' Unnnaville, -orKBtvilie, .tulesiille, A ak.-Held, llooo's rfarney Jones' Lasb'i y's W Road, 'Ireen L v. l, Vlortisville, 'laves' .lak (trnve, rtionipsnn's lhursday, Kii.lay, Hatur.tsy, "Monday, Tuurday, Widu. sday, Thursday. Fridav. Kaiiv'Vv, Uonaay, Tuesday, W. dnesds.-, Tbuiada. , Vriiiaj , S'atutt.ty, Monday, Tuesday, Juh U'h 16 h ibOi H.h IH h 2 (Jib Jlrt U.d i.u i u. '.th IV u a- tl j 31) h Aug'-ft (I Wilet Ltnu's DDI UUU - - - . t I I V , .. Thi- Tii fnllettnrs Vlll alao atiend, and all ll. ' "t an opportunity -f paying (heir ff rViT' June -8-oltwtd . . :1. U'' Mb.ritT. Office of the Raleigh and Gak'0 ) K4LI.1UM, Jl'O - 0- I' I1HE ANNUAL MKETI.NO OF II1K w 'H KliOLD I ersofthe Raleigh ami l ist mi .tall lt.,a'd t uion..v w-iil be held i i the ollinecl th Ci.mi any in "7 L Raleigh, on Thursday tbe 7th day of Jul . I"1'. June Jl eodtd W. VAd. Tl .-. au.. .1 e'v. SUKUKUV FOR FIELD AN O HOSPITAL, I AM NOW Fltiil'AKICU t MTVLV MY WOoH on Sureery to I'libsoribers apd oihura who ma. iat ui puroliaie it. fn tbe rt-etpt of $&.0(i, the hoik will be sent bv nn.taTeoaid. BDWAHH W AltlvKN . M. It., Ang21tf l 1 ATTENTION I BI.ANI l.ien ,VK WAKKANTS, LAN O UEtK.. viakii , nava. CmU'V and Superior u o:t Writs ana o. I tanks lor aale at the 8landa-d tlitice. -ALSO Job Printing Mar. li H il prom A a If mptl.i, naatiy an.l accurate; Office N C. Railroad Co., VaNoa, June 2iil. late! I THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING i)F au.ckhoideia ot tbe Nnr'b Carolina Rail -cad I'miir-a ot ill be held .u tbe City of Halclgh on Thursoay July 14th, 1H64. Stockholder h. canuot aiieidm ,.eraoi. Kill pliasu seud their prosiea. r' "ri.M)0. June 2t-d2avt Awtd ' RKNT. A UOL'.HE IN MOUNT I'l.lMSlV: count v, N. C, J miles SohiIj b' i (. ib ...! i i i,-. t .I-. , ... Ii..u tt III- N. ' '. Il.u'ro.ul, c..',uinnr.: n i . roma Wiitl' fuel; u o 1 ii-"-pUce i.i . ble biiek Kitch-n and ..tli-r out 'iuiI.'i g For .further ,ni iieul i - ' I t-. M til ' Am ll.iMii' e In Mount Plea-ant. or I ILI'UEI' MM II. V .. -. -. V C ' ' JVEV. AUCTION k OMMI?l ur M A R. S. TtVKKt; -' V.' IN stohi: Y have tb sday anaot-iat-n ti.eii.--.. dr th- name and sty Ie of TUCK M;'. ' ; 1 forth piiip' ol eoiduf z .' "t ' ' " ' " ' miaaioii buaiiie.-a. All burin. i' entrusted to the. i wili . - ne anf di j.ateo. . I'Ut'K l-.ii. o H Ul U b a. -'-June 2:1 f WANTKD. Al WASlll.K , k'', lor Hie AOO-. COOK ance of the I II . u l l riven. Ai lily at hlav-VH t'Ki.4 t- - ' WANTED TO PURCH K. a t:tiKl) WOMAN WHO CA lODK AM1 e rl' Wa-ti. ii"d ol g.MMl cba be oaid. Appiv at etC! . A e I'ROOiti OFHC' July i W. R. RICH A W IW- CO-, STOCK AND XXflUNla VLOKMiS, . JuaI-W UlUU. - . 1 1 01 .f, mi !h If !: i I , t