iim" MMRMaHMannaKMMMenMhi'iaaMMMiwairtiii ''Mvaooai'VMMi-..'..nww. . ,. . . . .... . .. . - jBrPgW3aaaya 1 n aeaaeeaaaiaaaeaaaaaBaa 7'--.?-yrrr -t-z .f":--- j, ryrr, I-1 .) u'ip; -v ,, - . r ''0 E .il'i t i,,- i J, 1. 1.- i : , .1 i r:' .t t'W TTj,: pRiwairos & co, .ra'iiruaitHiiieiaisy aaiiifii x Ti foltmrlnr rates Vftf valsrd frr aCi aumrtk o.Mrra ineeeted in Uia'Daiiv aad WaaaiT Paoetua : on eqcinii or eiaer uoaa, oa Ha One day. ,r.?RSaW Oae week. ...........318 00 Two daesi .................. 00 Two week 3t (VI Three dan . 00 I Thre week e4 uo kourdmro... .it 08 1 On aoath... Ti 00 five dor ..14 00 I Two months. ...,. ...lit 00 a f 'U' tr .r-'"ev - -7 , -! II f i' ww.-iW ...W 1 , da iiTtWA. : Fifty wove, of e'M Hse or lea v innc a aer, and I , , . . i- l : .mi . .... .j viniiinnaj njuvee w;-,i v9 vnargee fe earn, ao erne rhenta mssrted ooee, twica or three time a week will be charged ft a aqtmr fcr cvt ry InseHitm. Whvusent bv letter, tbe money mast erntnpny the sd vertliemsnt. If airier, taalka, religious and atber no t joes r urged a advartaemawiae and mast ha paid in vane .. t . ,, e .t , , . . VOL. V. RALEIGH. THURSDAY. AUG. 4. IS64 ,V(). 127 Lot "". . L iftl fVlflr qal t. mt tk Ot nr HUM, rd to -Mf-U U orflMtor Buuft -ma rfwr TSLSgEAPglCI HEWS- jtaariB itrwi " rass ahiitiM. y F 'r.M,rdl to aet ot CnBgi-e.' rear ipbi . J nVUV l the Crh' Draw ' District JJ.rt CWe-iswat 8tata r tk. Northers Die trW ol Oeorgi. ' . , , " later rrni tn north. Aea-"t t-TU RBihl Irea-laa; Time" f . Wlk WTI be r Clata WI1 sank l Carol!, 'tadli, oa tb 84; ' - ' faabo . .. t. k. r rlif drivea bask. Th rebel. wcr mov ,,,, a toward Col" f'e of eavalry aae ' - .... TL .1 iL ..M I. K W ..-.II- ef srtuiery. ' - a '7 kiockdd- The -Peel law. was awoa.ea aao towrc, of. Kigkt transport artiiBf ... tb aoeth of Whit Ufir, bit taaaot f o p. .. , ' r rebel, 1,M0 trnef, BBir Oml Dobbt, ohargrd C.L Brooks' eniaasBd of SW men, 11 allr fioa Hh aa, relaf Ma back in' following tea all. Col. Brook. iraril pramnfa"n ana 01 prrva wr aiuea. 1 Brook' raaii kad raaehad Mraphia. ifiaaaa. Ar - Tka Bltiara "iawrteaa" af , l,t tnd JJ kara baaa reeaWaal. That of tke let ra r,n t tk ilo, of k ataata fraat of tb ttk Coraa Ptfrf HaUray. Itaayitba ilckt wu aia illdtii in lhe 'itrraia. Tka aatira vafk, ataaattac 16 m late tha air ad raa4aru a aaaiarra In laai41at4y after tka fialoeloa aa awaalt wu tti, ea the reaai work b (be t aa4 Utk eatpa, (be jth brld la reieree. Tba anaalt aa weeeaifal, carry jlaf tke Bt) Una ef (be eaemjr't werki, eaptarlo aa; prieoana. , ' Ttt "iaeiieaB" of (ka M aayi the loyal people are iftti tllr4 apoD It kow b (07 ea aar theawW Ue dfaaitar. Tba aeaaalt apoa Petenbarg tailed, oar Hrf eer rfpalaee with a toe of tuOnlDdadtnjr prle tun. mi ke M'bel aodiioa U maiapvired Rebel eai ilryeroet (b Petoaae, 15 a lie above Wtlliaaxpnrt'. mt itairl 4ireatly aetoei Very lead aa4 aatered Paao 7ltaBU,r' tbrark Vereerabarr. Aboa M of MeTeatlaaai aWa aatered Ohaaberebarr &i irmtatri ike paraea( ofbaK a mlllloa dollar, bat ej ptepi tt4t to eoeiplr hh tba oeaaad, tka Iowa iu te whole ofltbarsed. Oee-Cartala aaaH4the Peaaarlraala IVgitlatarr loftatr to sake arraafaaMaw far tk defeaee ef the fiat. s Wrifkfi eeJaaa, are ikh aaat bav react -d Wia- ll attar, ud If tke rrbeti atlampt to retaia poowaiioa a' lit Sbtuaadoak Taller a deaparate battle aaj be Un'lt kaa ka at FortreM Moare aad ha had aa la Irrrlae hk O-aat Th Betrolt TribBe" aeaerta that Thorn peon, ftaj lod Holcoajbe etnewd the D tr.nt rlrar i-reral da;t ifo ui r tow la the Wrttera Hite. Utnt fold ajHtatioa 1M)J. Vrwk lterbarf. Fimiint, A f J. Teeterda aad U-dT. bar kwaaaataeH ,ait,aa1 ao eh l ing aai aearerrr any ptt-tinajr Itoarly all the fore Great ernt to Nor h bm ef tke aaa rirar ka r tarard to oar fmat It is .frl tbt Oraat la boey npyini aad aiBtne; at other pniU. Otrrtri eko entered our liaea yeeterday mt tk rrett dieaatiajaottoa aad eooiplalat eiieU la the Tutettraiy oer the Melt ofSetarday. From Ger(la. kntirt, tf S AaTair are eiy olt thlt wr- kf. eaieplrkat tar4eirter tkealght bote ith.ag Im ntat m aurtod 40 jrteiiiirTf wrrr parrd r (Uw m aad watmaik froaa t Faet ToiAt. Xaaterday aboai KM a ill were oaptared; ... Tfc Spraklitg Lsat Iflght. A Urge crowd aoaembled at tho C 'urt FTon Iwt aight to hear Col. Rum and other candidate". Tk ConerrratiTe a- Ddidata ara in Ado spirit tod tke laoeaaa ' of tka whole ticket is expected lj a large majority. V Idler Wka did not rot for OoVernaf on Thn radar !t kw thr rielit to Tftte' tb-daj, krd pupIi as hata nt o!d hould ,Tail theftiaelToa of the oppor oaiiT. ' ThtBtaamer Ad-Ynnce arrived at WilmW- teaoo Saturdaj laat. TWO REM AK ABLE LETTERS. Wa eopy tba follawiag from the (CTiMonain) "Drniaerat," with everj reaaoo to beliee there WBota fear whd Will read theu. who, if tbey "dthe eonrage, wouldjnuke ktowa publiclj, m hai tha to-beprtA'I)odgar," their owo ex- laTTIB VO. OKI. . "Brickn Poroarfiy. Editor Dai y Democrat t Arpjayer) friend,-1 am in nuoh trouble: jou hear, my Mayer and give rent to ad My wife the aweet partner of my tr- : . . '"J1 M(1 etrtolT ballucinationa baa el the loyal female leaf tie. She ia on the lent kltogcther ow fcr two montha. 8be ' Rood woman the goodeat of all her aax. and ?Pfed to her, all otbera of her acx are bat as ir. I com home at noon,, and ate is off to Mri. Gadley an League baaine. I eat cold vietnala for dinner, and ahont aloud thronk.h the rtcheB and thinga, bo afae 4grw t me nt f I 7" ,M tea, but th-re la no tea I I grub w the pantry 1 Tnai bleated wife of mine i oa tee about the Leacae At midnight 1 ! lona. nd (he ia attll abwnt ! I go to bad. ) the door unlocked. I dream of robbera. ehildren aquall for the nooriahment I hate U lonesome. Soon I hear a itep. A rfitppB. Two pair of atepa. Tenor and "epa ,1 ruten. , Two, tair f ' atepa elimb" there -are indietinot worde-Hw nair cornea !7-me'pairgoeth tenoc-j-ray wife baa returned, womaat Kind neighbor 1 -All for the WdlNl. ' ' ...... 1 v: ., . I . , ' 8U down the next day to' my ahop. , I r !T 'BOer time my wife is out. I eat an Jweb., I return to mj ahop., A tea I foa. I want aa.aak my wife aomathing rnvbialy, bat two huar4 jobm an then to iret the mearare of my drawers for tha Leagne. Then my wife gea down town ' I fallow her." She dodge in thi a tore then in that then in Hiiother. Forty women dodge in and out. They rnn cer me. I hey taka wire off. 1 we her. 1 look for her diligently, but the ia not to- be rund. I stand on tlie etreet. She goea by n the other aide. I croaa orer, and aha raniah . Noble woman. Siie Joe so much good. She lmn helped aeod two pair ol mittens and an embroidered shirt tail to the Sua. Com. I hate not aeen her for fire weeks that ia to talk with h r. . . . .,- Wbon will this war be orer T I want my wife 'to be at home alone. ' If you see my wife tell her I want her. Noble woman aho lore the soldiers. Yonra trnly, DoMia. Limi no two (private ) My Dear Brick : "Don't put this in the "D rooo-at." or 111 oaioh fita j M; wife ia on the loyal oonoern juet now. She has joined a woman'a society, where. one tuakea flanne mittena for aol dicra and thereat tell yarns about their neighbbrs. Egad 1 but ain't I in luck. But you now I as brought up a pet. , My h od ia that of a gar xUe. My wife ia of the Awaxm s'amp. Kor tiae she's not 1 ke Mrs. A mason, bntin spirit ahe is terrible. She is aewiag for the League And what ni timos I hare. Come uf and take sup per with me Anytime. Ma danger of finding her at home. I hare the fuanieat kind of timee now. Hired girl ia rery kind and. attentive. , She. baa plenty to do ia the kitthea. All the reat of the bouse I run.. To be sore, things look a little nasty and alorenly, bat what of it T I can do aa I pleaae. I go to the saloon ; driak beer ; play Iraw poker ; romp with the aerrant girl ; thrash tb young one ; wear dirty shirts ; smoke a pipe in the parlor ; hang my hat on tba floor ; spit to Weeeo juioe on tha hearth ; go to bed with by boot oa ; go to danoie and home with the girls ; flay aeren op with my oldest boy, and do just aa please. Coma up an 1 see me. My wife ia on i he Loyal Leagne. Deuced glad of it. Hope the Leagne will be chartered to ran fonrer. It's a good thing. . . If it cornea m your way, gire my wife a poff. She likea it. It make her mora devoted to Mr. Loyal, and. gire mo a better chance to aloah troond. Come up an aee me. Send all the fel ler up. These Leagues ara big things. And bring up a pint of paragorie ' for tha babies, to keep them quiet. Yonra forever Dodoir. Dr. baeaas AppelntBaent. Tk Financial Areet of tba orth ('arnliaa Urpkaa Kodowaent k'aod, willed drrw tha peoplr an fulluei : AtThyatyraCbarcb. Rnwaa Co., 8aadav, Jay (1. 41 8ilbary (atOoait,) Tapeday, Aas;. 1 M Hillaboro, Fridsr. 6. Billaboro aad Palitbary paper pteeae copr till 6tb' A avail. July Iki&s. . ACCTIOK SALES. rTB WHX HhtL. ACUMT 6TH, 184. AT ! yy o'cl.K-k, onl re .nvily wtld b fore, a likely Ne rr Woman an.l Child tba Woaan 1 If) vaara fid and a Xo. lTiofe. W aaki-r aad Irooer, aonnd ' d healthy the t'hi'd ia 1 teai oul 30 utorra Quinine, 10 rarrh Biowo Sir 1 (Mrrt-ln in-w Rioe, 6 pair .b,et Cotton t 'erd and many other arriel- a. 1U k KR ANDKEWH A CO, AoctioD aad Coamiai oo Maicbaau. Aagtdlt DR H V. ABRIWOION, SURGEON DENTIST. OfBoa at exchaiige Hotel. JkaT Offiee h'ar from 9 a. a. to 1 p. n. and from 3 to 6 p. m. oatil Ut October. Aagaat 1 Iw HOTICB . , RATI 1F,OOOCI4KH WHICH I WILL SELL IV anouidaaoe will) the timee. App r in Mr. KIlia, Pranklio Depot. Jul. Mm J. H. UORRI80. NOT1CK. ntVl.VO QUtLIFIEI) AS EEriJT.lR OP J. C. Xtaard. d c-(, ail pareooa hr .jf rlaimaajjainat it . tie ara riqai-aled to presrnt th 'iu wlthm the tiae roji e by law. J NO. tt. LaCB, Juno 14, Il63-An(t 1-lw Kxecutor. WANTED, TO RKNT IX RaLKIOH. A BT0RB WITH OR witlinut a bke n-'en attached aad use or mo-a room mS m-witboa' larnitnre. App'y at tcia olfioe for oae week. July 28-eodIW i M 81TWOEWV FOR PIRLD An HOSPITAL, IA HOW PRJCHtttKI) T( rtOPHLV MT WORK on 8ar;ery to aabeoribora aad other who may wiab to parlia It. On th r -ceipt of $5 00, the book will be en( bv aai) portage paid.. BDWARO WARRE.f, M. !., Aag 21-tf Kaleifb, N. 0. WAR rEoT " Ort I fTl LBB. UK MWAI AND TALI.OW yCO.y iJJ wanted, tor which the bifrheit market prior will be paid JaU ( In MRS. ALBERT JOHXHOJI, Hilllhoro St., Ralelirb. WART D TO BUY OR HIRE. WAS1ED TO BUT. OK HtKI FOB. T8R BAL aaea of tke rear, (prefer to parckaav,) a good eook. Any on kaviar anon a woman to aell or hr will plraae call at PKOQKKiHOFPICE. JalyleVtf V ST, OX SATURDAY EVB IVOTHEUTR IN9TANT, anaewhere betwea the nillaborn road near the eity, aad tke old Depot, a WOLD HUVTIVOCAHB WATCH anthoat iraard r chain.. The tinder will b thanked aad rewaid'-d by learinu; H at tb "Confederate" OBioe. Jaly 18-t ' . : a. RfiW AVCTIOR A XMMI8I0R STORE. WH. e R. 8. TUCK. BR W. R. AMDRkWB . keve tb idav aaaoeiated theaaalru toretker a. r dertkeaaneaBdatyleofTCl'CKR. AVDUBWS A CO., forth oureoe-1 ef oo. duotlnfr a recerel Auction and Cobh aiaaion baein". , . . i All baxinn eatraatedto then will meet with nrompU nee an oi paten. rvtuts, t.iuanno a uv. Jnne 1S-'f STTHB BLADE!. rpiIKRE HA BKB1 RKCBITKD A I WlLMIXOTOiT, a lotnt oaefuartfanaaaad S the Blade, both fraie aad craa blade. They arlil atoaea.be broajrbtito thia plaoe for diairiba'I n. The Coa-ta of tba everal coun iii are reqaeited to appoint ComalMiuaera to receive tQeeaorafW reapeotive aoantie. Aa tk preernt orop of fiaia aad era In " the VPeaterd - enantie he I not jet been harvrated a preference) will b fives la thaw Bante ta tb dlatribatfam. , . ., . JalyidAwt - ' ' J.tITJUXat.kt ANNOUNOEMENTS. We are authorized toannonnce E M. W K r BORN a a eauiiidate to repietent ihe county of Wilkm in the Hobm l Otmmpaa,at the eoauinn rloetion. -i J ana 3 dAwui Tadkia Coaaty. We are aithorixed and requiainl to anuouuue A, 0. 0Wl)K' aa a Uooaorratire ( nrn'i da'e for re-eleotioa to tko Hoaae of Common from the Cooaty of adkis. i June 17 dAw'dn Ta the People or the 6 th Henatorlnl ll trtrt, North Carolina fellow Cuix n d Sol dier i At tke arreat 'eulicitatfaina of aaoy Oonwrjra-' Uvea of the Diatrict. 1 ann.ianee tatelf catnlidjtx, to repreit tha Countiee of Clav, Cherokee, Macon .lack, oa sad Haywood In tb Senate ')f tke aeat Lpilamre oftb Bute. It I not poeeible for av aao to foreaie what meirnrea taayooae before the Legislature of the. Stt tt it nrxt aeaaion, r what the even la of warmer make neceautry (or the protection of the S'ate and the aoiuriiv ol tha people; bat oa I the aeuum thit tnav cvo" before tbatbadv, lahall, (If electwl) be S'lvieedby con-alt, end ot With the Conaervntive party 'tf the Utn, and with Che view of aeoarioa; negotiation!, and en honorable peace. I aa a (trait Cnnaervative. g Hr.RT PraahUn, V. a, Jane 30, 1864. Jaae Jo .'l i ul Lenoir and Greene Counties -l . I'miuxe- Tt)N t iteate eouounoa my name ej a caodklate to reore aeattb peopiaof Leaoir aai Qreeae coui.u.-a iu lb next Oettaral Aaaeablv of North Ca.olloa in tb Henate. Very reapeetfallv, Jaryf-dAwU DWARI PATRICK. To the Voter of Rertle County, - fellow CI 1 14 1 a and Neediorsil am a eta lijate loi the Hone of Coma' B in the Bent Geo ml Aa.'inblr. It elected I wM reprea nt ihi ouui'r taithfull y, with 1 due regard t the intereat of ooth ri'U 'na and .oiillcra And ia my legtalative oapioity ahall be governed, at all tiui ia by an araMt deaira to pronjete the general welfare and honor of the tttate. 1 am respectfully, lour Pellow-Citiieo, Jalyt-dAwtd JAM lis BOND. Coneervative and Standard onpv till day of election and eead billa to Prngreea tor oelleotion. Chatham Connty. 4a. PaenmeTn : Please an aoaao ay aaae aa a candidate to represent the people of Chatham in the nail Qeaeral Aaemblv of the Slate in the Senate. Tery reawctlullv, Jaaell-dAwtd THOtt. U. LnVO. To tha Voters of Chatham County Ai the o- HcitatioB of nanr nlrtwin lb- inv,a w II ok of many frieads at hone, 1 aanoaaee myaell' a candid ale for the Uoua of Coaaona from Chatham Coanty I hare re orived bo aoltcitationa froa the Kahabite. t be American Heroea, or tb o'igarob. or tboae who amy at home to Bake mosey oat ol the familiea of the soldiers, and occu py their epar timet abusing better mea than theins. Ires a dielorat. 1 aland fairly aud aquaraiy on the plaUorm of Kiepheua and Brown of Qeorgia, and W. W. lloldcn for Goveratir against the wot Id ; and I believe tha with ont thaelectiea of each mea to office we will nevei have k rirmaaeat pease. 8 far aa the soldi rs are conrtm.-d, do aol wish to appear to boast, but 1 will far that I have den aa moch for tb"ir fainil-es, oi more ar-eoid ng to ay maaa (baa any Vaneeite in the County of Chat ham. Fallow eltisea and soldiers, go to the polls on the dar f letiBt aad vote for true Coaeervatirea, if you would hav ptase aad b a free people. Do not be intimidated, batauad a for your rights johx a Mcdonald. Oakland, JLly U, Its July Is 1At To the Voter or UH t.en lr -VII w Ctll fens and Brother loldlers t Through the ie qu a( ol aaay frteade ia and out ol the ai ui I uke lb is metfaipd o' anuonnaing uoyelf a a candi U te tor ihe Sher lftaltv ef your oounty. II I bfi.d be so fortnmte as to Beyoarokoioe oa the hst "bttrada? iu Auguat uett I as aui yia thai all buiiaesa ia my hnd shall be a'tenried to promptly, justly and iiupai liall v, houl l I be no I'm tu Bate ae o eenaoe the hendaof deith during th conn ig uapaign. I am truly ia hopea to beat of a nine major ii y in favor uf your obedient serraot oa the drL Thursday ia August next. I am, vry rrapertfullr, Your sou and brther Of Old Leo-ir C.ohtT, K. H. VA17SK, Mar 11-dAwU Id Lt r0. A. tor, iWt . T. Johnston County Wear- auth i-iz d lud nquc-t-d 1 1 onunoe the lollowing eml 'm io as the Cons na tive candidates to rpresent the county of JolmsUm in the next Qenerol Aaemblv : Por h SeBMe TlHH. 0. SVKAD. Esq. Por the Common W. O BAN klS and VY. A -Mll ti. Thia ticket WM aelectnd by thi; Ueirr-a from John ton, in camp at ttolds'i ro, and In a in.iin meeting of th citil" a remaimnir at houia. h, Id at Sib iibrield on the 28ihetMay. Thae gentlemen wi.1 be iiioooi ted hr all true C-Huwrvatiyea. ftiey endorse th pKtform of Vice President Stephens, Gov. Biowu nrt W. W Hold 'n, nd if eleftrd will do all they can to procure an early ai.d nonorabi pea'ie. June 2-dwtd Standard, Conservative, Confederate, and b istsln Advoiteore requeoed to ci,iv till day of election and send bill- to (hi omoe. Ta the Votermf Bertie onuntr. -K.diow cit xenat I am a candidate f r a seat iu th i H .uc ol o'om !moaa ia the next Legteleta e of .Voi'tb Curo ina. In coin ing before you for re vleciiou to a svat to winch you luire elevated me for six years in sncoesainn, I trust you n - 'd e proof that I have at heart only what I conceive to be for the best interest of iwia w eo.oiry. If elected, I snail p-trmit nooppoi taoity to pass with iu' girin; my support to all measure -tbat will, i my opinion, pro note.the honor, dignity, and prosperity of the State 1 am, ainearely, yourtellow-eitiaen, . . P. T. HEN" Y. Ooleraio, Bertie Co , J one 20, 1 85. June in l A td Wake County. We are authorized to an neuq a t.'ol. J. P. a. KUd- as a can ;idie ur tUe oIUlc of Sheriff f VYaka county at the ensuing election. June 33 dlawAarid Wake County The Sheriffalty. We kre uu- tboTifed ana reqiited to anaoa o-e W II IIKill K-qr , a a caadi lad in re-elcotlon to the olfice nl She, it?', at the election in August. Jane M td 'dAn Barke, Caldwell and McDowell - M .. Kmr u: The ti Be Consei ya-ive oi thia ioena'oi lal di tiut.oonj poaed of the eoun'ie of McDowell H 'l ke nd Caldivi II, will vote Tor dr. TOD R ''ALDWELI, for th- S nate. and L. A. TAYLOR for the Commons, in Bu ketouutv, and W. W. HOl.Ut.N for Uover,.or. Let them rally from n w antil tne day of e eetion ie over mid tin- victo ry ia our. CONSbUtVAI'lVhS. July 37 td Chatham County.- -We are reqn-sted to aunnnoe TUOrt. W WOMW.. Keq , e Oandioaic to repn s- nt tha people ol Chatham in. the House of Commons ol the next Legislature. Mr. Wonible is a Conservative "after the strai test eet," aad will support WW. H olden lor Ov'rar. If elected, h pledg rs himself io do all in his power for tb people and the soldiers as ih. ir repre.en tativ, and to secure aa honorable peace. July 7-dAU Ta the Voters of Jones Connty. Fellow Clt- liens aad SjIdlerSt Through the req ieat ol many' friends ta and oat oi tb army, (announce myself a can didate lor. th othee ol bberiS of your county If you elect me, on th Utt Thuradsy In A'igust n xi, I will dis charge th dutlea of the orBo pro nptly, just y and im-partiai-y, aad I hope, with that integrity which ho characterised a a a soldier, ' 1 am, respectfully, ' . Your friend and ohd't sorv't. LAPAYUri'b! D1LLAHU VT, May30-dAwtd Oo. K, Odd Keg' . l. C. We are anthorlaed to announce TIIOlA i. WUlTAKksR auadidat for re-electiiea to the Sb-rJ ifalty of Jones Coaaty, Jaaat-wtd ' " ' '. ANNOUNCE STENTS, PIT T C t II .MTV for tbn Senate ; . I)H. E. J. BL0PNT. For the Commons : C. PERKINS. )i. O. AI.BKITTON. The aboye ticket will be vottd lor by soldle'a and eiti uns. Jufv II IAtft ' Fellow Soldier anrl C1tieris of Greene County I am air'aiu noilcJr .. 1 hViliy fidcnUa to become a ( andiJale to a sent ' 'b.' rlnuiO! oY Coyimon oPthe next L''gslatur of North OarhilHA. In coming1 before you for r.-tlecrioD, I trut y iu Hied nV proof that t have at heart only whut 1 roncefye tdiH ' tlii"'!)?- Interest of our eommon count, y. I am a Cotier retire nfthe atrait estsect." I a ii opo.iMt to thr mir-Wry being supreme io the civil IhWs1., 1 am In fjy r iff a sp , dy and honor-' ble p nee I w.-cfiil. I hitl "?fre my cihstltnents aad 8ut lithfe)ly, as t bnve nun herVtof.ire. J Vory truly Tour Kellow cltlten, ' H H BFKT, Snow Hill, Greene Coanty, N. O. ' JdW 13dAwtd ' St indard please bopy till day of election and end Mil to Prog i es- Orlici'. " ' To tho Voters or Iredell, Wilkes uml tlex. under Counties -liVIIw Citix ai the eaimt S'llioifatinn olmany friends, . anioiniice nivself a cauetdw ate to represent the peoviu ol Iredell Wilkee and Alex ander Coutiti s in the S, naie o. the next Lt-gisUlur of oi-ih lyMrolioa,. As I am comparatively anknown to many persons of he Oi-triet, snd it is not my purpose to eanvaas, it may be piouer to stale biii-rly my princides. a I am willing to .-land or fall bv them. I am not afraid to trust the people , I bcrefore, if it be thought necessaiy, and they should desire it. I am In fa vor ol calling a State Convention. "Toone who oppose a Convsntion are net willing to trnsl thepmple; they think that the people hate too mnch power. They ehart-e that liHiaewno t'avu: a Stat Cub ven ion, wish to aecde fro n the Confederate States. I was opposed to seces sion ia 1861, and I am oppooed to it now. eceseion can. not cure our pr-sent troublea ; it would lie utter lolly and madness, and eonl J only bf justified ia lite and death struggle for liberty. It would be well for this State as w. II as for all the Confederate Kta'ee, to hare a Cm vent ion in bong, if not in se-si.m ouring the w- not to sen ile, but In aid and stiengtben tbegent-ial government bv giablin it aerd tul powers in every emergency, which, if assumed witli- ut the consent of the Htsti'S. would lie usurpation and unwartautabie au hot itv. iVeitliei lhe L, i;i..uiure noi the Governor poi.se nivereigu p. vv r, Imii a Cony-n U" would ponsesa auch power. And while it cou d grsnt 11 netil'uil poweiH to t lie couiinon govtnim-nt. aud check u.-urpalions, it W' u'd ae 'o it that our pies. nt lot m ui government i not cang -d. There ar. th ,, who are constantlv endtavorini; to educate the mind oi the publio, to prepare ii for an ithei roriii of ijovei niifnt. Such men need vratchitig We need a lte.ublicnn loi m f government with all onr righ'a as fe.eioeii jrunrantm-d to us br tho Coualiiuliim-- witu ult thii righu ol a aover eign State. 1 wish a State Conventi'-n ti crwtprate with the gen eral govei nment and our Midei St.il, s ol tlm South in obtaining an armistice, so rhat jotiatiotis lor peRuc n.a becoinuo-uced. Let .Nor b Cn'o-in,! J.i her dutv, and i! other .-tUte will not ineei in Conventioii or conference will' her. nor heed h'r v-oce for peace she will hare i!me her dutv to liuuiaiiii y, our conntry, aad our God, and the repinsibitities ol th lut oe Hid not nvt upon 1) . . eiiotiatiens would gr tttly oncour.ig our people nl borne and our eoldieia in the Ii-id. Itinu, t come to thi at la.l "The pen, more powe ful ilian toe -ord, iuu.-' do hat the latter ha. failed to accomplish." Let us. therefore, luire co-operation oet ivc.-n the com mon governnp-nt id ih. .over. n States in an Sort to o ocu. e an ai tulstice, tli'-n treay of p and then a V"teofthc peoi le on tSfti tiiu attei its id i. rse:iicnt b tlie Preeideiil and 8onaie. The p.iwer of Cong, -'as to ?oii:t'iid ' ho pnv 1 e of ih- Wl'it of h'tliran rorpitnX'.i er tititi CS-eS 1- gl Hilled bv the Constitution But 1 cannot auivt.' t- i t-xernoe j much less do I like to see th IV Miicni clo'li.-d v i'h ih s pw er. The personal freedom sud libert i o the oeooti fh-u d not Ii- t uii-il iu the Ii.o.iU ..f on. mull. Km the suhoi-ii Si"ti of the wnr itiil', n- hns b--. n loi.e bv Coijie -, is uii' onNlituttonul a n.t u.iivhi i antuble ; it iimiImh u - illegal Slid UUW 41 I Hllt.ibl'' Htl''ts; It.i.i.rill i M'MOeliilU H II ' 1 oip:'essivilv on a- lotal us i nnio-ie and ss tine loeu aa evr lull., it. il ii tj.rtlu i hi un.lei a "So.i h i n k '' 'I h-i e are thoe. and I f.-m o'.inv, wlo-th-o n strong ieovc nmi nt, a ini itat v d. sp oivni n L. advo- ate llo- elot, ing 'f our gi-Uuve h l and t.'iA'il t.'oii t. 1 1;,.--jv et rid ug ol nil other laws In tlie 'ini!iiarv--iiie coiieentralion ol the w hole loice ol the people III the Ftiinil- ol n.lluii Ch'ettHin. Sti h vies -hii'l at m liin, receiye imy aid or cotulort Ir-'io n e. Cui! Ihw i- bn.di jg Ui"u (iiir. in and soldier, imlitnry hw apolies on'v to the a'tnv. L I llo- In.-, oivil and naiitiiry.be entoici-d and neperted with 'ii' tluii rep, in , ve j.bc es. and be not ti a in pled upon by eitUer citizens or soloiers The repre-ent.it I e should b held to a -triet nccountx biiilvt,i his constituent ; th y rhould, iheri-tur.'. know how ho voles uio-n all qucslious elteciing tlo-u' tttteresta. ,-e(rr t legtsistion is nice in put line with ttnn m counmb.li . ; the'efue notliintr but a m-cetauv Htf-otoitf tee very exis tenue aiol salt stiou ol the co niivcouldj stiiy it. If ele.t.-i, I sh:i'l not tail to do ill in oir power to ad vanct- the inteivst ol .oi ii Carolina, lu wau the Cooled. erai. tati s (iovct r.'iM-nt ol nil ei ci.-nchtneii's upon her ancient rights a e oyerein S ni , Ihm is tlirt lib, rlv and freeil -in ot the uituen t'eso. "t d, lo aid the common gov ernment in prosecutinir Ihe war, :ind to rjre upon it iii d to C '-opiate with it tis a repr'.'Si'titutivi ui a liee people ol' a aovureiu Slute. le' negotiate a i' .aiy of poai e II iv in tici.-ll a 'j.ildie! mvi-elf, 1 shall uT'Ve evei y enfgtltHge nient, cointoi t and mC"r 10 the arn.v. 'I'Ih HtntV no t see that oil i hi aye deteud rs jti e . eii clot iu d and -bod j theii f:i mi lies ciairn I he aid ''four Slute. and h. must s c them eloibed and t.-d as long tlicie in anything in Ot land Ht an pile" or S:lf' lllee. I'heie are nherqueations I mlarhtdiscn s, but suHlce It tq uy, 1 staiid huri v and sqnai el v upin the pi inciplet ennncited bi 0 r Hi nvvn Vice President Stephens and W. W. Hold n. Ksq , I musi hih. il t . -ov frieeda te see t.. it tl.at tnv it inei pies ai e with It disseminated as posa bie, both at hoioe nno in the ai o i Vei : r- p. immIIv .' Ao , .) K,HIM. oik lostituie. .Inn' ! Hi i. Jnu, ii lUwid" To tlie le:e of , oi-t n -t:i olinn..- Ill Ci.lli- pliauce with the .viie- .'I iii.mv li i n Is, 1 ann 'tmre mi sell a C'liidoULe :o lb. o'hei ol iov.-i n o ol N..rt n Cai o iina, at the ck' s i fi to h" huld on the firm Thursday is, August next. Mv principles and views, as a C inervarivc al'ler the sti ai'osl sect." iii o w ell known to the p- ople of the Stat.-. I hew principle Hnd views are what they have 'een. The will not be changed. I aui ll"t illsp.is- d at time !ik'' t1 J ti un ite the m i pie Itoin th ir etnpioyin nm, m,d add lo lhe ejj teaiem Ahuh p'evaiis in the puijlic mmd, h.v tiaianguiug then tor ttieir roles. We need ail onr enetgo- to meet Ihi ciiinuiiiu eneuiy, and to f roviae niuausot subiiiCi4i(.a loi our troops in th.. lield and the peopie -il home. Let tie people gocalmly and ti mil v to th" p"l md vote for th' ineu ot their choice. I will rtieei l'uiiy abide iheit decis ion, whatever it may be. , II elected will (Jo every tiling in my power to promoK the interests, th" honor slid the glorv of Vorth-Caruhna and to aecure an honorable peace, March 4 id V W. HOI.DKN. Hiilshoro' Iteronler, Haletn Press, Oreensoon.al, Pat riot, aud Henderson Times will please copy nil day d election, and forward aceounls. ' t 1 ' The Conservative of NaiiijiKou County will vole the following Uukei hir iqeiubm s ol the uexl I, ge-1 latuie: Km tin- Honat' ROIllVliV WARD, Km For the Commons (J. W. CUDMI'LKU, t.q , ad Can'- J. AUTKUY. , . Juli lU-diwide ,-tlidArd pU'Mk oopv until elertioo. ' Alamance county Ws are uutlioiicil t aunouuee Can. Jtr.l' iS. liuLi "a camii-iMir in In llou e oi ('hiitiiii'iis f' oin aoiance Cou-.tv. tei flo'.. ia a Coaservallve after the strait. -i"aH'i," aud is n. iar or ol a spend) and honorable peace. -llt also believes in the rlnht of the people to rule, and in the constant pre dominance of the civil over the railitaiy power. . , Julyla-dAwtd 'ANNOUNCEMENTS 'to the Voter of Rockingham -Fellow Clt Isy n : A t the request of uisny po it rl fnei.di, I n. noi nee mseira cai'didilto to Y. itlen' the ct'untv of Kockinjtha'uk Id the Si'Dat i)f the next Legislature of the KtHle I ni -vpi'M-d to secession sritiiallr, thinking U would lirin,i,ij ai Uij r-fj' l,njity Uli'Hr balcli any fau, oj.poa. d to a f.M 4 aci.i.: aa I think tba wouu 1 ii'k di es-i'Ui in .its ce -s qn mi- The w r bring on aa I am in faOi ol p'oseeuting It to a luet ssful ti riusliou, and I ate i iesl lossy tha' .Ninth Carolina ha th a united d-t' mlnatinn (l i mm au.y Stale in tke t'ontauVt ev, ami would jo-daei stand lirv on thv Loll of Honor niol l'aM i"tism, but Ho the mtareairt-seBi. tiene of someevd disposed persons of the motives of soi'.- .d her b.-al bcipi-, ihal iisv. ht. n too readily beoetid tiy the Kxt-rtnlve st hlrbinond, and hot sudi'iieauj d Sd ey our L cat.n ' i.al iy l. I hiu lti favor i f i.eeoiiai o ns being ret ,.n foot to ol. tain peace it ft-iie on I1..110' ibl- t. i is he dunf the ioi j in out' hand n,ii 1 tm ..live bianei. 1 ihe eihn." I am oppoled n the sovp t.sion of ihe writ nf hnba tortin. as jBinen.Ud bv C UKrnss ; ai d v jen ws aie loi Il was enaoted to c.iiti.la:i expr. s-i"'. 'f ,-ertini nt i North Carndoa. ('enirol onr . I -ci .ni and to moiil Certain piesaes of thv State, I thii k i 1 h b lime w should peakJlnJiyn f thunder aain surh encroach menu on our personal fi oedow. I 'hink the lepre nia.ive should be held In a sttiei ice uirt b In otiHrt urn Is, and ihst tit-v should ki :" bow heyotcspn all question iels.(ieg t.-the public im, 1 ests. 1 bold it is the riubt of the pcophi bold sn. h meet Ings as thev may deem to V 0 intere.-t or tn- mselri and lb. ir country whrthn peace er ther meltings, a no at them I-- act and apeak f'ely, .0 llnit nothing is done n viidatioir of i,r HoVii'ltu iti of the ronfeeVrala States,. tbeCun.-liiuiiuo 01 thi Stale, or th laws of the lupd. I believe we should liav the moral mmrage to assume the p-'S'tion Ink n bi Gov. B own. Vice President Ste pbns, and W. W Holdrn, Kq , it We would retain onr civil libei ty aa well as do all that we can to obtain our indep,-ndeiioe. It Is therefore, up 01 the great i-sue the dav , cm liberty m a niHiUry de-potisiu. Aa I do u it expect to he able to eanvaas the County, J have thus kdeeti yoa in the term of a rbenlnr some of m l upon the is, ucs niv pending; and in conclnnioi , will say il el.te i, 1 ni l do all I can to advance lhe in toresii l .Vorrn Ca'oiina, to maintain ita ancient aover eifntr, and to scd tlie libe. 1 . and fiee." iu of the cilirooi respect, d. Yours, tnot rospeetfullp, JONhS VV. BCRTON. July 12 diwtde Leaksville, N. C To the Voters of Davidson County Citizen ud Solnters. We. the uudei-Htrmd, re.-pecliullv an muiice. I. you in.t we m , cam. da es to leoiescnt w .n the 11. si Lel-tni ui e 01 Xoitl Ca "Una. Ourprinci olesaie Nrnotie tJons.'rVHi ive. Vi . are lor peace upon -11 ll te-ins a 11 .-Mtisty s ln..j.'i ily 01 the p.ople and will.it e.ected, use . set y eflbri to procure it. We are not afiai'l to truai li, - people, and will iherelore vote to ubinit the qi Hi a ol "Con vein iou or no Convcniion" 1 o 1 heal il 'ti yif s.i k it. We will do ev. ry thing 111 our ower t. va ie.- IMi we b"liefri to be thy beet inlerestH I Set-lb ('..to ina V'" h pe our liiend- at borne will ive mioi 1,1a to n to their tti.'uds in the shut. loeth. Sui.ato II. ADAMS; lor tba Coaiin n, LEW l,-- HaNL.i, S. M i'l.MLI .SON. I. lington, July H IStii. July 1 dAwtd rtunCOtllliw A tVilkrs -We are request, d to givr ni'tio. de l i" 1.11 tin' att ntlnn of the .oldletsof thes '. .mo,- 'm. fiict" 1 nat Cap't. J. A. BKhVAlili. o! tht lll'h i . (I. Tto'i-i. i a candidate lor lhe C-miiiiioiis 111 ilii . wnbi. a'id Cnl AS l.'il.l.OWAV, ol Wilkes, l" a c ndllUle. .o (he t olnuious Itl lhe lallei count.. Thev aie le.th r,,i H 1 o and lot negotiations for peace. Ju.y Su-dA-wtdw We aro nt!i,n l.ed t itiinounce Lieut V. ti. it V V , ol ;lh'4iih H C ee;iiiit nt , tin , he oillcc ol Slier. If ;il' Wake County, fit tho morning r ecti in 111 A'U'u t ' X. a.tii . I dtiwi.l. liuvltNno Cotiniy -.t are lequeaie il to an iiouuev 11 Ali.M- Ksq . a a c.' di-.ate l.o 1 - cic 1 on i.. the S -I. ate fneu ih. C"iiuiv ol' Davidson. Mr. Ailne. i a a iu 1-1 a. id true t 'oils-', van v . Jul. 5 '1 Aw Id ft l( liinmid County --We nre auth irl.cd to at.lioUi.ee Col 01,1V I... il IMII 1 1. o V us a ean. i ui. 1 .-.e re-n' tti.. p. ...,e ..I oi. hmo'id Coi.iiv io lb.- H.u-.' il Cotnti'Oi.s ..f the nuxt General Assembli. Juii lit dAwid A FRW IMl'OHTANT FACTS 1H I'OIKD TO THE "ROUTITKKN 11 K lvA T I 0 I'ILLn. 1 TlltY ARK I'KKI'AKKH FROM TUK I.Ksl i i quali'v of Midieinebv ihe disenveier. n.-w an ii;"'r M 11. it.-r 01 til U tap I, aud are eut'j. 2. 'I hev have bi. II kliou u for vears 11111 te.-ted ', thoucaods. t. k'Hv, hiind cd pei sous are known lo h iv been cot e i b. them 4. I'bey ai e mH reaiomtnedrwl by the pn i.to-lur '. er er thii g, hut ouly lor ii im-as.-s which arise Iriru -li-o-d'-rel dvei n. fi Do o lions and certiliostcs accompsiiy .m h Imi nie tli se ceitiHrat h are Irom well kmi n and nool r 'sp''ct hie iodti iduala. : (i l ot ..-i-'iidents reeo.nuiei.d them o., 1 I,,v. 1'iseaie f.'hili, a' d PeVers. I'n-uiooiiti,. Jmipdie.-. L. t"K-a 1 1 1 1 . i .u e I'Vy.-: billious Uluuiud'isui, viorui. IMuriv, ltrenchitls, Ac. t, Several gi l.etu-n iai tba' th n. nl ihese Pitln Iimh becu to tb m a" .1 oiu.ii sar loir .i I. .im ( I Ot I to $"(111 . 1 oey are liu, hsst plaolati .0 nietiicina ever oUered .0 ihe pub'.c 8. Hone I'hy-i -isns of th high.! sl.in.'in prr..cr-ii 1 luin to th- ir pmiei.ls, ;nd buuitred of it- k. s haw b. "e Hold tori-jul.il p ae-titi'ii) in, 1. I'm n.g tin- last q iurter 3HJ 'boxes have l.en solo to UlUgeint, one n S 'll'li CaiolillS. 'I'd oil' I" N'ortft 'arillna and soni,, i,ne Hgo over 3 ;inl h- j." ii-rr d,c.ih. fiii.'ei- ,-Hi ' no '"W n in Vi li'nia ffl'ijce, $.1 a l. x. F01 .'! 1 a d n boy. a will b. s -, 1 lo anv ..'iti'.-. A ve--x lit, 1 ai di-. '.iiiii tolitui; 'It -S'llcit 1 1 v oi. re 11. ta. t'Aa'i .'i"-w ru n-licy) acoonipany -M'dei s. pott sai k ix xhhtji Carolina as follows : An-vi Ie, E. '. m, 11. Li'it-o it. ,..!. Me tiill, I 1 beln arte J. M lllvltisv 'l.oui t'ur,. t C1I 011. I 1 bapel Hi 1. ii II. Saod-is Mai 1. oi. W m V akvlicld. Cuailottr, J. ,e liu i hin I it 1... to .1 b... g, (son, Itaie-igh, Wil.ums A H n " S. Cat r w o 1 Clinton, II u board A MiWley P P Pmi ad. . ncord, J, t. d, j Kockiii(tbi.i, J. P. Nortl. tiiield, J. t'oln n , ' .101, ' lvr ttrville ti. A. SU'dlnaulSalisouri', Henderson A Kn A r. 11 I. reenshoro, I'oiter A Gor h .hv.lt Vr i b -r.-r. 1. U, .d..U. . V l Item ttt, 'U'old.lioro, '.il.-l. A 'I..OI. IVI,.!., e 11 I'.iui.s llalnax, J. O' Hi 1-41. Wiu,i.iion, VV .Ik -r Mearea II. uderson, W .che A Co. . H. M. I Lexington. J. P. Slimson, ' " VV H l uht. Address, GhORGKW DKKM.- J.it. J5 . 'in od.!...to.' N. C. ..(.I i VV A .N 1 1U VOPVTS WVTH lV I Vr;-Y CnCMV IN IKK' Sou hero Coah dcacy 10 use ihe sett ol impleu . nt ot "Cai loir's Psient lor Jvi pan ing and den.-vatiiic 1 I ton and Woolen t'ard-." We will S ll'CoUU'v Ag' IH ies or will sc'l the sell ol 1 . ., oiel.ts 10 sooie uood aad i p.'iinhl.' p. rs"U ton r 'hcui inacuumv on bail shaut. lhe -ell (costing is .ol li s' i r- qui. . d lo. the A ,"ir 10 begin w lib. This h a He and vry pr..rl-Hbie business Aildi ,s J. Jt. 1'Ai.l.Hl.i, CO.. JnlvlOwim Kingwood, .M. C. SIIOKS SUIKi I MAVt"V'Cil'-l V'SCKIIIOR ARTICLE ol Laift 1 f'rei clt ml llooio u. U ..Is. 1 " t "ti G-i' I-- I Oiita I Pceeed ')( ! Rip TlC-. ' Order" solicited, and nrotnnrtv filled. I , QEO. ALLtv. k July dlU10w Urewaboro, X. C.