... i.w ... l. .. 1 ... i,w ... i,w ... ii1 w " ::. pTX L. PMNINftTON & 00. rfiBMS OP SCBSCRIPTIO.1. D'foUowiait tiwoaiy Urn of nbMriptiM to Tn PiOw ! j Bonth"rt ... ..;...................$ 00 07 t BiOllthfc ..MM.II.'.H.MWI.MMM..M.H 8 00 tmontut .............. taooths. ...... & 00 swan to b pid PPr "topped wha thou pu for "P11"'" W JOB PRIIITIJrO. Bcl( mmiM with th Paoaaaa ettabltea . Job Olfioo tqiul to any is tb City or State, w "'iTSl toVjU all ord.rt for BOOK and JOB PIUWn5- Order tolicUwa aad promptly attended to. jglJSqBAPHIC NEWS jjaaaraKi aafoaT y taa rat twoeiAfton. TTi aeeordinc to act of Congress, ia the yar 1861, I J t TurtsheT hr the OIrt VOrno of tb District Srorto'fth Confederate RUM f Hi BTorthera Dl trtet of Oorl. - J Later fro an the "forth. Xoiu. Aajott M A tpecial dispatch from Senatobla I Ik "Adwtiwr" uti the Washington oor respondent f the Ohictf "Time" say tbit the tiK of Petersburg II rtbed. Grant liad orlBced 10 000 men In sixty day. Hi lifts the lief with 120,000 en. lent I, 000 to pro-' IMtWMbiaftoa, lalaf ' tore befor Patertbarg of 71,000. - fair hi o "ore rwmr ovr Hbll td Atlanta. Th BJtior "Dispatch" y tb Confederates Me- lUrtinabtrg and Wlnehntr ii aracnatcd. Th fordi of the Petemao re awarded. r- fcrlr' foree i srtlniatrd a( 5,OO0, Aiaa Joaawa i ad?anoiag on 0ambrlaad with 1,100 tea. A pert "Inert aad troop bar been badly oat up aWawftrtDaTldtoa. Arnt Iaditlnely earrid Into Indiana for ,iilojillit. 1 fereranseat steamer ha bn eaptarod oa White rtrr. Miatphlt oa th 13d wa tb eia of terrible sxclte-aaat- A report prorailed that Forrsitt, Diek Taylor and Ltri wr aboat to attack. Th people were wild and Ike military took to th boat. Aaother report prerailed ihaiDiek Taylor was planting batteries on tb Arkiaue itor. Th excitement ineread and the military tamed tL Tb xciUmeat luted reral boar, and teyral ttrarat were arfctUd for carrying nw to Forrest- All quiet at Mobil. Bicsxoiip, Aafatt W. Th Baltimore "American' stain that the 6th eorp lost in the fight of Friday an a Btaiar sear Petanbarg 6,000 killed, wounded and mill lag. A telegram from Harper's Ferry of the 2rJth aayi a re coaaobaaee wai mad the uorninir of the 26th by a large foree el earalry ander libet aboat a mil from Lte teira. Toeeolaain cam opon Brokenildge' eorp and tome lilraiiLIt? eaeaed. The rebel Unerl withdrew hit eoaaiaMl, aaTiag tolt 160 killed and wounded, including treral itaff offieen. AlTtb fordi from Williamtport to Poiat i Kock are all well gaarded. BictaK, Aag. N. Northern date of yeaUrday are tokud. Tb Wbing(on "Chronicle" giret an eeco -u. I ot i iharp fight oa the 13d at Dattield Station, B. and O. H K. Lowe oa both tide Here aeTera. At nightfall the Federals fell back to tbeir original position. It Is reported that Scbfteld't rui pt left Atlanta oa the Uth with 16 days ration for M.-.,n. 0a the 20th Wheel, r attaoked. ciptured and killed the atgr gaard and 300 whit laboree at Stwart's Land- A telegram fraat Bashrille of the 14th says matters at Atlanta are an. hanged. The army iseags.ed in adranf iag and strengthening the works. On the 19tb Uaj. Uen. Dodge was shot in th head by a sharp ihnotvr and is line r tported dead. Oen. Ligbtburn, f Logan' Corp, was wouded ia th earn way. A telegram from Washington cuntMint a motor that Liaetla has tent p' ao Commissioners to Richmond. Fremont daoliae to withdraw from the Presidential eoatest FerrMt eatared 160 prltoaers at Memphis. Bis foree tteipled the lty two boars and dariag that Unt robbed ike priadpal botela and boarding bonaes. Gold la Mmpbl J. Froaa MlralaalppL OsTi, Aag. 17. Th Yankee eommeneed falling Mk fraa OUatew t-day ia tb dtrcUa of Baton Bong. From Mobil. osn.i, Aag, 28. No change ia affair at this point t report. GOVERNMENT OF THR PON FED KRATE STATES, JUrrnma Datii, of Mississippi, President, salary $26, NO. ALiiiaa H. Sizraaa, of Georgia, Vic President alary $8,000. Ao to (JU Pr,idmtCa Wm M Browne, of Oa, Col James Chestnat, of 8 C, Ool Wm P Johnston, of Ky, Col Joseph 0 Ito, of Miss, Col G W C Lee, V, Col Joha T Wood. Print Strtturf I PretsaWist-BnrtOD N Harrison, ol Mist. Dtpartnunt of Alois Jadah P Benjamin, ' La, Sec tary of State. L Q Washington, Chief C . rk. The "So of Assistant HecreUry ia Taeant, Lepartmtnt of JtuUee Attorney General, beo Oaris f North Carolina. Wade Keres, of Ala, Assistant At toraey General. Bafut H Rhodes, of Mies, Commiseion sr of Patent. G K W Nelson, of Ga., hupei intxndent of Pablie Printing. K.M Smith, of Va, Public Printer. rrsaenrjr DtpnrtmtntO O Memminger, of 8 C, cieo rtaryof th Treasary. Robert Tyler, Uegi ter. h. Slmore, Treasure. J U Strotber, of Va, Ot iel Clerk. Lewis Cruger, of 8 C, Comptroller. B Baker, of Fl rl alst Auditor. WHS Taylor, of La, Id Andltor. War DportM(James A Seddon, of Va, riobrotary e( War. Judge Joha A Campbell, of Ala, Aamttant Hjcreury of War. RGB Kean, Chief Bureau ot War. Wei 8 Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General. Lieut Ool John Wither, Lieut Col B L Clay, Major Bd A Pal Major Chat H Lee, Major S W Mltn md CapUin willy, Assistant Adjutants and Inspectors General. Brig i""4" Lawton, of Ga, Quartermaster General. Co L "''krop, of 8 C, Commissary Geaeral. Col J Gor Chief of Oi dnanoe. 8 P Moore, M D, Surgeon Gen "L C 3 Smith, M D, Assistant Surgeon. ."''tPtpartmuntH R Mallory, of Florida, Secretary M the N.tj. E U Timball, Chief Clerk. Com John M rooke. Chief or Ordnance. Com A B Fairfaa, Inapeo wof Ordnan,. Com J K Mitchell, In charge ol Or aert and Ilu I . : I u or a m a . . a i II , .- "n. OBrgeilf ISP oifDWWtwv. vu I w (wir ln4 Surgery. Paymanter J DeBre. Cbiel ol Clothing ud ProSitiont. m.T"" BP'M John H Reagan, of Texas, Post jer General. U 8t George Offutt, of Va, Chief ol WMract Bureau. B N Clements, of Tenn, Chief of Ap etatment Bureau. Joha L Harroll, f Ala, Chief lBrea. B Faller, of N O, , Clerk. "CllSL'B OF MAII. ARRANGEMENTS ru'T OFFICE AT RALEIGH, IS. C Northam mail open dally at T a. m. 7 " 7 " p. m. pattern . "yetterllle Western AugusU "orthera EasUm anarll oloees dally at a. m. 9 " 9 p. n. " 9 " fyttelll. . western " Aagnst UHlAn m ... 4rl.r.i lor "'"T of mall from 7 a. m. to 7 p . m. (ran f ""t Bnndayi from 8 a. ro. to 9 a. m. and P. m. t p. m. of mall from 7 a. m. to 7 p . m. 'i0b PlntlBf Hairing an abundance of ma-e-rf.iL l500d workmen w are prepared to exeoat all tn 3o pa,Ti. with dispaubL Bi5d-T.'rty centi fop Ran. Twenty oentt a urjL t.4id io U clean Oottoa an Liaen rags de-'"ProgrMolfla THEMSLY VOL V. Captain Semmm A oorresponddnt of the New York' IJeruld writes: Tt ia aaiil in el qunrtara here tint Semraes :s to leare En.gjaocl flcrt mmtJ for Gsni hrantT lo join 6Ts new ship in OetoW nomewheie off Halifax or the bank of Newfouudland. I do not think this improl.a blfl. I!e may wih to inaugurate hi new oareer by plundering our trannporta along the coast Mr. Wellea will probably keep bin spectacles on. Papek Mom it. Many years ago in Spain, when the Spanish troops were sorely pressed by their Moorish invaders, and the wealth of the country was exhausted by the devastating war, a certain chief, in ordpr to pay his troops, issued his promise to pay on paper, to be redeemed in coin Tbig was the 6rst paper money of whioh the w"orld hss knowledge; but the promises to pay have wonderfully increased in these latter days, although, unlike tho Spaniard, they re perhaps not as often redeerneA. A Canadian journal repots that several con siderable droves of horses, urchaserl in Western Canada on Confederate account, have passed down on the royal mail steamers daring the past tew days destined for Quebeok, where, if is un derstood, they will be si ipped for a Mexican port, and thenoe passed overland into the Con federacy. The avarioous man is like the barren sandy ground of tbo desert, which sucks in all the rain and dews with greedin.'fs but yields no fruitful herbs or plants for the beri'-Gt of others. A contented mind i the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this w rl 1 ; and if in the ; resent life his happiness arise t'roui the subduing of bis desires, it will arise in thj next from the gratifi cation of them. Eleven of the crew of th' Alabama wero re cently presented a full hou.-w ii. Westo.i's M" sio Hall, in London, a 1 lnuiMv cheert-d. Th. -j wen. twice clle u th staire. Thr p y of I lnn held conven tion, aiH a.-. r-"f.l:iii"(i- -f,-pr.-tj i nue declariiifr : L wv) us -i.it Imv :i Union Peace Party with our former political associates, we must have it without th'-m " Gov Watts, of Al;ibann, has urd-red all aliens to take up arm in defem of ' lie State, or to leave it. FRENCH BROr M r D3 ' R S A L.R. OLKN OANNOX FAtOI. TH WSYLVaSIA COUN TY, If. C THI8 FARM LIE8 ON THE FREV 1 BR0 41) R1T rr, wilhin fire miles of Brevard, the vounty tnwn. and Is till ntivclv known as the beet tract of land, a 'id the must productive p'repcrty in the county, and probably in Went rro Nnr'h Carolina. In salubrity of climate, boautr of sceusry, location and furtility of soil, it is nnaurpasaed by ant property in the Htat. It conit of 1,370 aires of lan. i 41)0 of which are first qualiiv Kr- nch Broad bottom, all of which, with the exception ol 40 or 60 acres, are cleared and ander a high state of cultivation, thoroughly drained ant excellent 'enci-s, most of wbiob are new lath fencing on locust p . J 175 bu'h'ls of coin were gath ered fi.ne Vi acres of this land witb ordinary cultivation and without any fertiliser ever having been applied to it Ninety acres are laid down in the moat approved mode, to the grass. and afford heavy crops of hay and excellent pasture. The balance of the tract, say 9f0 acres, is the heaviest and best timbered mountain land The whole trael I under i ne boundary and may be sub divid d advantageously, there being four very eligttile and beaatilul building sites, witb bottom land attached On the premise ia a good cottage residence, of five rooms, eaob aitb a tire place, kitchen, servant house, iee bouse, storeroom, dairy, smokehouse, fiamed ooraorib, capacity, 3 &00 bushel ear corn, one double and five (in gle negro houses, two tenant settlements, an excellent eaw and grist, mill, all built aithin thirteen years by the pro pi ie'or. The saw mill. ia driven by an overshot wheel of 28 feet in diamiter, ad is located at one of the most beau tiful water falls of about 100 feet in htght and equal to 150 burse power, aad only fifteen minutes walk from th residence. ' Thi property for tbit year is under rent to General Rmiih, of bast Tennessee, who will give any information des red during the absence of the proprietor. The price of' bese lands is (160,000) one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Payment may be made in Con fed erate stock at the market value at Columbia, 8. C, at time of sale. VYiihthe above property can be purchased twelve re markably prime and orderly negroes, being a picked gang accuati'ined to the culture ol the farm in the most careful and cleanly style. Among tbera are four men, three wo dv n and five children The men are exoel lent plowmen, mowers, oradlers, Ao., one is a good carpenter. Of the women, one is an excellent cenk and spinner. The chil dren are from one to six year of age. Also the farm tool consisting in part ot plawt, harrow, horse rake, field roll er, dnrn planters, sorgho mills, miilasaea boile-s, corn tue'lrr, straw putters, timber carta, Ac Alto the stock of higbif improved cattle AddrJV, MoK. JOHN8TONE, Y 8partanburg, 8.C. N. B I think I ean taketbe liberty witb Judge R. M. Saunders and the Right Rev. Biabop Atkinson, of offer ing them as resference in retcard to th value, Ac, qf my farm. My cattle consist of 16 head, aad my sheep of about 80 head. I have a considerable lot of lumber and 30,000 si Ingles on band. I will take $200,000 for the land, negroes, stock, farm ing tools lumber, Ao., or will sell separately. Aug3wtf WANTED! WANTED ! ! WILL GIVE TWENTY-HVK CENTS PER DOZEN for empty Cotton Spools delivered at 1 Aug to U C. REOSTER'S. LOST, TtETWEEN THE FAIR GKOC.VD AND THE PRE8 ty byleriaq Church, or between Nash Square and the rr. sbyterian Chnrcb, a small Cameo Breastpin Anv E arson finding the same and leaving it at this office will liberallv rewarded and very much oblige Aag 30 It "A. MoA." DAILY AND WEEKLY PROGRESS. OUR ONLY TERMS. The following are the only terms fur tb Dmily emot Weekly Progrmt for the present. If the oost of labor and material continues to advance we shall make adyanpes t Uallf paper, (fit njoiitW ,.:.......U OO " " Three month 8.0O " " One month S.OO Weekly paper, three i tonthi a OO " " U months 6.00 Anv person (ending us a club of ten or more, at one time from the tame oroce, to the Weekly, shall have one copy gratis. No deduction for club to tb Daily. Our already largo and raoialv inoreaning circulation renders the froijrtu the best advertising medium in the State. Advertisements are inserted in the Daily at tbe rate of $3 a square, of 8 lines, or 60 words, for every in sertion, and iu the Weekly Cor th sam. Lash sbeald awempaay all rdra, - RALEIGH. TUESDA Y. AUG. 30. isttt so. 149. TO OCR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC Paoaaxss Orrica, Rai.kioh, N. C. ) Aagusti.lhiit. . J 'Wdtnita tn earrie t appeal tr our friendH throug out the State to exert themselves te extend the cin-ul.ition of the Psoouass. Hereafter as herutofore it b tlic fearless exponent of Conservative principltt and the ad vocate of Conservative measures, and will hold Civil Liberty and the right of the cltixen above evervthiu else. We shall continue to give a cordtul support to ail measures, whether originated by the State r Confeder ate government, that may 1)8 neces-ary to a vijrorou prosecution of the war, but we thall at the same time iu sist that the States, acting through their constituted au thorities, and tbe Confederate States government, aetin through its legitimate agents, make constant, earne-t. xealous efiorts to cloae the war by negotiation upon terms honorable and sotisfaetory to all the people '!' all the States. We are th friends of tbe Confederate can e and of free government, and as such shall iryisl on a strict construction ef the Constitution, a searching in vestigation into the official conduct of our rulers, the in dependence of the Judiciary, fr. edom of the I'reS" and o' speech and the purity and perfect freedom of the ball"' box, without which, all our sufferings and sacriliei a of bloid and treasure, will amount to nothing, as t e ueek will have to bow to receive the yoke at hist. We tliall insist on the Military power being kept in subordination to the Civil Authority, and that the atrugle be con tinued with the common enemy of the North for ll, per petuation of free government for the people i f these States, and aot for tho establishment of a con.ioliihvte(l despotism. Because we have refused to bend the knee to the be hests of power and blindly approve and applaud all the official acts of State and Confederate authorities, a -tetnatic effort has been made to strike us down and aileiiiv us, by the withholding of that patronage to which every paper of respectable circulation has ever been by com mon consent, entitled, and which no administration, i State or national, has ever before withheld ; but re.i .i' f up in the intelligence and liberality of the p'-opte hii-1 the final triumph of right, truth and justice, we remain nu dism yed and defiaut, and will cont'tiue to .tand up and contend for the t"vereignty of the Siat.-s, (,'ivil Liberty and the rights of the citizen, be the cotisciuene, s In u what they may. The bulk of the patronage of tin- gov ern men's, State an 1 Confederate, is given to the j a. I 7. m presses, regardless of location or circulati"ii ; vh,. some of the most wid ly circulated and inHui nt .nl j ur nals of the country are eutirely ignr .1. We mention tbe-? things partly lor tbe purpose of calline ancniixti to systematic favoritism, abus and c.h ruptions t n e.. isi ; to show the people how all power utel p:i' i is pushing into the hands of a sinili pi i v i I y ,-il el ij ; anil parth by way of appeal to our Ii ieods to M.aU- in hi i-i creased circulation what we log., by this coui -e nt .:!: ciala -a proscription which is unfair to us unci in.-u,m,-to them. ARMY INTKLLUJK.NCE. Now thattl.e elecions are over we shall devote mn--'t of .i'- s( cc i . Aruu u- anH f'uriellt Infellle;' ne.-. and t l..-: that Our ..ierr ls ,u I'.c tr n v and thn !i ut th.- Stat, will giv us such as it'tnoe ns miiv be in t... ;r power br fu'Ui'hi'jr us ni!ll short II 'V- ! t.'ls hum ti-eirresj. ie!"e litie?. We sha'l sj-jtie n-iih- t l.tb-.r or expense i .;uk tej raoom.ss eqaul to anv p jm-i in the t'oi fedi'i ncy as a mi.dium lor news ftoiu the ui i.iy aud elsewhere. TFRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Progress, e'.x months, " " thiee i one . Weekly Progress, six months, " " three " . $Ki,i,i - H.U :i on 5 no 3,00 To any person who will send, at one time, a club of six subscribers to thn Dailv or ten to the Weekly. Iu one office, for three or aix months, we will send one copy of tbe paper gratis, for tbe same time. Our friends will confer a favor by getting up clubs and sending tbem in as soon as possible. Cash must uccoie panv the names in all cases. J. L. PEVNtVDTOV A Co. CONFEDERATE TAXKS. 'pHE CONFEDERATE TAX ASSESSORS KORTfli: I County of Wake, will attend at the following ii and places, for the purpose of asessing the Tacs lor the year 1864 : At Raleigh, Thursday, Friday and Satunlar, 1st, 2nd and 3rd September. Banks,' Mondav, 6th " Barney Jones,' Tu'sday, Oth " Lashley's M Roads, Wednesday, 7th " Green Level, Thursday, 8th " Horritville. Friday, 91 b " Busbee's, Monday, l'ith ' Hood's, Tuesday, 13th Wakefield, Wednesday, lath " Rolesville, Thursday, lath " Forestville, Friday, 16th " Dunnsville, Sa'urday, 17th ' Laws', Tuesday, 2(ith " Oak Grove, Wednesday, 21st " G. W. Thompson's, Thursday, 22nd " The tax payers of the county are hereby notified to at tend at tbe times and places above stated, nearest their respective residences, and furnish to the Assessors a cor rect list of the following subjects of taxation, on hand, held and owned on the 17th of February. 1804 : Land, number of acres, and value in 1800. Slaves, num ber, sex, age and value in 1800. Horses, muies, asses ai d jenneta, and value in I860. Cattle, number and value in 1860. Sheep, goats and boirs, and v.ilue in IHfiO. Cot ton, wool, tobacco, corn, wheat, oats, rye, buckwheat, Tioe, potatoes, of all kinds, peas, ground peas, beans flour, meal, sugar, molasses, bacon, lard, spirituous ji quors, Ac, on hand on tbe 17th of Fubiuary, M, and not necessary for family consumption lor the year 1114 -The number of Bushels and their value respiUivcly, must be stated seperately. Hnusebould and kiteben furniture, agricullu'al imple ments, mechanical tools, and musical instrument, and their value in 1860. Caniages, carts, wagrttis, di ays, Ac, and value in 1860. Books, maps, paintings, pictures, sta tionery, Ac, and value in 1860. Property of all cm por ations, joint stock companies and atsociotions, gold and silver coin, gold dust, and go'd or silver bullion. Amount of all solvent credits, bank Bills, and all other paper." is tued a corrency, (exclusive of nun interest bearing Coo federate Treasury notes, and employed in a taxed busi ness. ) Value of all moneys held abroad, and bills ol x change on foreign countries j and the value ;;f personal or mixed property not enumerated above, and not ex empt from taxation.' Land, a aves cotton or tobacc i pur chased since the 1st of January 1862, must be listed at the am mount paid for them. Th- bacon will also Ijj list ed. M. A. BLEDSOE, 1 , Aug 17-lm R. M JUNES. J AGENTS WANTED. ' AGENTS WANTED 1ST EVERT COCNTT IV THE Southern Confederacy to use the sett of implements Carlisle's Patent for Repairing a,n,d. Kegovatiug tot ton and Wooleh Cards." We will tell County Agenciet or will sell the sett iifim-. plernent to tome good and responsible person to use them in a county on half shares. The sett (costing (75) It all that ia required for the Agent to begin with. This U a safe and very profitable business." Address J. H. CARLISLE A CO., July 30 w3a Kinirwood, N. C. ESTRAYED, FROM THIS PLACE ABOUT TWO WEEKS AGO, three COWS one large white and red spott-il f'ow, with Horns; one black Cow? with horns and had a Bell on; one no horned Heifer, whim anil red spot ted, well grown. A liberal reward will be civen lor Mm detention of them where I can get them. Anv Infm ma tron concerning them will be very thankfully iee. ived. Address me at University Station. O. 8. CAUSKY; Jaly lAdtf ipaa Woolen At ill. AUCTION AliTi PRIVATE SALES. AT' ('"I IO.V S LE!-SltUIIU.U. nt)IL,K). Tr snTr iti 4'cia:'iT .7 111. at twflvk J. o'clock. I I 1 ' Ho. h;jl, it bid.ler Ouo llun- 1I1..I I'l.ATES OK IoO,i. r Sil'-lillm pans. I. W C HKN1IOW, Au 'i'- dL-il ( iiniuis-inn Meieli.iot, llin. ii.boro'. VOH StLE. VK OKT11K M'IST I) li.S I It A ULU SITU ATI OS'S 1 N (ire, ntbo i.', N. II. 0 Dii Iiiml' c.iet ii a (t!) six rooms, st idles large, other i: Ii oi-e-i e iiiv. oi nt ann all in o.et o- oer. ll n c- arv to ni.liiee the purchasoi will also -include a I Ue ,lrill Vltlu.l'lle 1K W Ill icit Store on ill lot .1., j .ini i) w c. iu-: snow, A n' tl .t tu t! Un ellsllOi olli; ll. N C. t'.-oi. !. i .ite copy three times per week till forbid. A FEW IMI'OUTANT FACTS l u; u.uio To i k s o ut 1 1 1 : i: n 1 1 !: i- a t i o pi lls." 1 'I'll I'i V All': I'ltU.'AKKI) FKHM TIIK BUST I, ipiiliiv i.tM, dicihe bv (he discoverer, now an aged M . ii r r o' tt,e t. I. an. I .n e s.if. ' 1. I'le'v have bet ii known lor years and tested by ! lelll - .111! i it. Five liuinl cJ pel sous aie known to have been cured by lie . n. I. 'I tiev an., jj.it re ''imuie .led bv the proprietor fltr ev er ihn i', but toilv i 'r ili.. '.is '-i which arise Iroin disor dered ,iws 5. L i i . et ion i n ml certilic.ites n ccoinviny each box and th. S' e.o t , ii. ,i t.-s .ire Iiihii wtl known anil most respecta ble ii.on idu iir-. 15. tion , -ji uuleitl reeiiiiim -nil them ih (riehl dr Liver I t h. n.-e, Clnlil .i!i-l I'ever-. I'll union,, i, jaundice, IJys pefiei llttU 'iis Fevers; lliliioii.s Khvuma 1 1 - in, Worms, 1'llll'iM , II. oik lulls. Ac. 7 S vei al jo-ntl.oi, u tate th.it the ne of these Pills leli b I. to ll I'I :l 1 1 1 II 1 1 .vi-i r ,, I , . 1 (10 lo $.'IMI ; tin y are (In- b-st pluiilati n liicliei.ie cvel till -i J ui the pub'ic. 8 Some I 'li v ivi m ,if th . highest t.indin prescribe (lit u in i'i. u j..i!i.-i r... -i-nl l.uiidreds of beies have been S' I ' 1 I u ' , ' p ,fl ( i.ii; J. ( !i I ' ui "or Hi -la -t 'I'M! i - ''"'I I'oxe.' have been sold 'o I ' ui-. i't ii. S.iili fin - 1'it.i. aiel on - in Nurih I'll'" :' H'l'l eito- . i i - - te.., ov- .IT';" I, xeSW. It' III-ll-?ieltt I ' I II .' 'J i -1 - i 1 1 , ;e t o . lien(.. S i 1 i i'e, J! , I,. ,. I'' ' Iel ., ,oZ l IlilJeS will be Kent I i. .in ,'!.lr,-s A i' I il" 'll .li-.-ounl In Diui, l'-t a-.1 e u-ti , mi 1 1 I .mi t'us'l (lien cuueucy) tn ...e.ehj .oi ore :. Kf't .-Al r l.s MH'.Til CU:il.l. AS FOLLOWS: -In i il-, .1 ston. I.ii.i i.litloii. S. I' Sheriill, - 'l.o-Mi ii It- I. . I.iins. i.oni hurt'..! 1' ' l on fliu--li.il. U 11. S.i. i"is. M.i' en, Wm. ( 'ielield, ii.ii l. tle, .1. N vm Hit chin I'ltl -Inn n. .1 I... u, ' on, talcieji, W ii iiiiuH A Hav ' 1' S. f'.u i I I wood, Clinton, ilulib.nl A Mosley. 41 P F I'eseutl, (' in .ml. .1. Iie.il, Rnckiiiohaiu, .1. P. Morth- !' oli ll. .1. ft'!" n, am, r iv n.'vil.j . A. Stetiman Salisourv Henderson A En- A' f't. ' IMS. tii .-'inn, l'niter A (i.ir-helbv it Ki on.-tierirer, i. '.:. v ad. .In.,,., W O Ib unett, f . I-: -1 - ,i,ii"-' A si, .oie, S in' vile. I'. IL.yn.'B. I- I i' o , t ilitimixton, Wslker Meares II . : , on. W , I, .V (' i. I 11. Mi I, I'I Ll A I 111! I O i I' .-"l.t'SoU, i " V II I ippltt, I" OKOIillK W. DKI..MS. .lull '.'"- Mi.A'.Imi titil.!-!).,,,, X. C. in Till, t.ii V : i; vi'; of mii; i ll CAKOLl Va ! A IMtfX'l. M ri() ! S. II I -' l! I i I'i I 'I I lil) TO ML THAT ii fro ,, i Ii,- 'i f, .on iliis Stale ha v w 'I (l.t ll' r-il i s Ms .iu ( . ;hi ii 'ib n I Mill. .in-l ai ii-iw lurlin; I 1 ',f ' .ils .ui 1 ilinilllt 1'! .".mi mi ill t U"'!l MJ tiifi, nji jy '!!' !iiw In- iiniiii I li-n ' hmi uji'in (M'fioi able i l ii v ii i nil l hi'iniHclvi1'' ml hi s' ii .! ;h pt ace nt . i I ilu n ii.ird pi t'sflt'd ciuii I Hi CHI'. "l . iinii ot li- i ') .'If. fill i1 1 ' 111. th. ir tx .M II l.-i- :ni" th- hi v , and duui.iii ..r tti. trv. And, w Imt( 'an, Ititld. K. hec, in (iciirral Order o. f4, Aujf 10th, I.sii4 inn prmnist'd to ii.'al.lfiiicntlv with ill m li pr unpilv ti'liirn to duly, th-ftiii lty nmv h:ive inruriftl tUo pt'iiidti'-s ni d-- riiiin b iiliiiicd :di-(n,i! wiih -ui uuili nry Now. th ivtun', i, hulon II Vhiicc, (invt i ni.- oi th-- ;if' - ni No i th Cii ol in a. do gim- f ti is inv pi oi n in.t l ion, uriiirtLT mo t t ai m-ily upon all iiii-tuidt'd iiini tu ipf out h ii n t In ir oikv ri'-i'fc' fd nain's ih- foul luti of d.'-.-rn n bv pi- mi;itU ri'tin niht' to li post n iutv m ac oid iiiC'- wit s.nd H-rncral (idt?r St,, fi. prouv ism I'i ;i 1 1 tnt'h w Im vfiiin i ai 'I v i t-l m n or surt'fudor iiM-tM-e; vt s to U. t1 pi nil r junhoritfcH ;i lull and IVft pai sitih ot iNr uillii th.h ol Mi ' mild -t pi'iKihi s ni fht- mi I it a rv lii v. , xr-pt l l.n-o h liuvc lit-t-n en i ' I v fit" t.iuli (ll felo- int'f :i.imi.' tin 1 1 v pnintri; l)o l and pi op -i ty ot the l h izens. and thin od T.ii thiitv d;, tVoiu th-' dat: l.i-n .1 Aii'l I h- t, hy w:iin all mrh u h n- m- to coin piy wi h Ih en' liMin-: iliiit tin titmol p'-wer ni tlii.i Stau u ill be -x.'i I-'d lo cipt ti f t li'in or dr'velh iu frmii the boid, is o a Ci 'U nt r wh-ia liih h"iutr nd AprtU8K re no ' n tln'V dis.-raiv b iclusii lo (Mend, mid ihat the i-Xtreiin si peiiallii s of Ibe law will In- info ci-d without exception when c.iuht, w II ad utf m tmt theii aideisnd al'tU'T., in I Im cud et)inr. Siteuli.tnvou. ly with tin.. proeliMiiflli' ii onli is wiil issue to th- entire uii'itia of the Slati to tin n ou( lor their arrest, and 1 hope b tlmefV Mib uis-ion tli -v u ill Hpat n ine the aui ol hunting down like KUilf v felons many brave a'id tnUu dt d men who have mm-veil t Ih ir coin, t y wt 11 and could di so tigain. Ie bo i t.-rt I'm in olUei Stat- & who hi-b in ouit woola and anjl in K'v'tf "Ul S'ati a bad name, I ran do nothing for, but to the ci . tn.' nol Ueis ol No' lh Cai'dina 1 conlid'iitlv ap peal. Arid I eann-'y f;iM on ail jfood oiiizens to as iat me in iiiak ii ;lii-" ii pc.il i If rtuHi, both iiy thuir i xer--li 'n.t as mi hi i a Bold i'i s and tht-ir in (In--nee asrrr,'nj tnk.e" pmn- to -et k out .ill d- sei In s it: thi-ir acpi;f .titaue put thi pt'ocaiiiiilion in th-ir Imii or in tin- h-t d "f thir re hi Lives ami iro-teU. and ui up'n t Ut m to r- turn to the Mth i l' i(ti v . wliich is nl0i (he nth of sa ety and of hon or. ll rvt-i v 'o d nd loyal ttz u would met ah ut to reel 1 1 in or capture imr il. n-rfer ''v evei v (jj. ans In hie power, he would U"t'eed nod h" will '.av" rend'T, t a HHiHt v illi hi- aim patriotic aiTvici In bin S nt and rnunnv. t'i il M.IK it ' .iich -ne alo cxhort' d to 1-e diliei-nt n pro i" dnifcf a,iiust .iH -uob as vio Hte Hi 'utalniH ainst loir hoi , iiiiliiiir hud i.h -ltini; d -I'Hei.-, and wanin.K nei' in. ivrii iii. i, i'i .in i-H:C..i wio ie t'ltniT C I V 1 1 nun I rat. s or mi: it i.t or in hi-- gua il ollieei.s t cl'u- o to taiililiriy Til..i in 1 be r duty i" this ies). ... n'ieet upon Iirnpcr e l i. m icuD i ilte'l to me, tin- l.x cu ' l v v(. , , ,, n ex cinlt'tl to llh in ii'i.l. i rt- t'i ol (' .ii. ess -i.tail be with diawn n I cannot evii'y ilmt otlirna civil or mi. it. m v. wjio i ehis to perl.,1-,,1 their il ui ies a i . ''netsa r v to the da.' adiiiuiiLi a hon '! the laws," w In eh they wnl not ex LCUltT. (iivi'ii niid- r my ban . , iu the r-. t seal ol the Sule, at Katiju, ilu 'iiilli day 61 auUaI, 1 Mi4. A. II. VANCfcs, V, ih' ioveri!oi' : " A. M Mt l'tn-t,ri..Ks, i'i'.vftte tSecrctarv pro. ten. lu in'-il 1 1 OLIJ AXI.S HIll.VO IM VOUK OLD AXES. this hay shcuiu.n Tin-: si;it- irio IIAVK vic s of JIIK HILL, ami h.iviiiir an iibuiitlan'-o of material, ai o pi t-pnr,-(i to up i't .inl diatv nai olil axes. SUA Y. WILLI AM.-OX A CO , Nurih .Slalc lion and H'it.-.i W.,, li, Aut; 11 lui i K.il. t if Ii . N. t FOIl S Al.K. OO0I) YOUSU Mll.CII COW calf. Appl al t bis olhct'. 4 WITH 4, YOU.NO ut'. 27 tt NURSE WANTED. A SKIIVANT l.li'L Oil WOMAN ViWO L'M'Kll-i-1 amis ill ci ii oi el. i uli en in,i v obuiii. a ....d hoiuo 1 ,,"1 ivriiruj, b uu.in-diale anpniMii n,u Anu' -7 tl l',;tli.KI.: S OKKM'K. $i'iio rs tuui'i:tim: vou nali:. In a v i: Fin sai !: at my lvci;, m-.au s.iirn b. lil, .tl'liill.S OK 1 L'itl'i; I IM. .a .p'aiiitiiis io suit puiclruVrs. KiTt'tiOB idhiu to ui , lia-o ill ad drs OAXli;i, SKI.LLRti, An- 2j-wlia bumhltuld, N. C. ADVERTISING RlTlf. Th (pllowirts; rats will . eharjerl tor i afr ticn-ji inserted la th Dmu and Wisklv I-.... o tttfiipa uiu'.r i.tai:, on is I Out av. $3 00 Ont- wk ll '4 Tiro dara 6 00 : Two w.-xs..., . Thruorlavs 9 00 , Thfie reeks i'.mrJajK 13 00 Onr uo atli 7 " Kiie dais J 00 Two mi'Lllii 144 Kiftj words,- or sight lines or 1ms icent a s ,u'-, ,. vdditionsl squares Ul be charged the n-r At . -iii0Ui inawted onot), twio or thrae tin, v ii " "harvwl M a squar hV t'ft ry insertif i . V h. ii suot bv Ut.-, louHbT Diast fr t,,sbv ''ii.iil -'rti .. inorii. UrV i .i. yew, jHath ,roht . j. . i ti.-i't t:iarred as tlvmtioient and n.i e paid at QOV ..ll.M EXT OK M OR '111 (MR I IX . Ui r i'fllenrjr. Zwhalua H.f amasr-ttmi rfc rr fiif V iii A Kami. N uthauiptoti, A do (i ", i; - I. it tin, Wake .It. itirlMril !l itaitle, Ji, All-in, Hnvatf rrii. -'r Ktlt.ant Wairt'ii, Cliouan, Sui-f u i. 'n.-i.' lohn I' ll IIiib, VS aku, S. irtary ol Mai,-. Jonathan Worth, li.indolpb I'ubii ' ' i . :-su CurtiH 11 lo'oKd.'ii, tfmi", t'omiiti o!'.' .aiiiu.tl f I'hillipa. Oi aii)(B, Auditoi . Olivr 11 Vrr , Wak.-. State Lti.i ,.,. Mapir tien.'ral U t' Oatlin. L.'iitiir, Adjiiunt tl ne. vljjtir William 11 Oalick, Ueaul" i. l avm t-i, i . 1 ijor John Oererpux, Wake, Qu.t, t run .'' Miij., ' Thomas I) Uojik, NValiii, ( toniii. ,,n v inri t rr naiiiv Otlicer. Ini'.r J ami's Sloan, Oullfortl, (juartennatifr. ij. i 1 1 nt v A Ibiwit, Ktlrfoiiibf, tl, ..l.ip.r Jiim.' II. Ko.iti',tAit. Atljt. Ofii., ( It. II oi Honor M.ijor William A. UraUam, Jr.. A.-, t Ad:', li 'n nil. Lieut .Ionian LVdlin.t, WaalnntoQ c w iv , ilrdnaur. U pai tin. ut. I.ii-ut. John If. Ni'athirv, Vak, Ai.it A . 1 j r . Il.n. , al. Lieut. Thomas White, tranklin, vet. Uuai tt i uiaster. JUU1C1AI.. Supreme Vonrl. Kichinmid M lYa'-iiii. adkin, ('In,, Justice ..William H llattle, Or.-uij;.-, .md Mnitlran fc' Mn'. Iv, ot Ciavwn, Juilgi'ii ; Sinn 11 K. . i .iN,., ai (General; Ilaunlton C Jont:s, Ron ui., t.-. ,: in ; I, u,..a B Kreeman, Clerk. Uoel iu llio 'it -.1 tial- i.;h r, i'.'..d Mondav in June each j't'ar. 'I he Slnranit i t-i i been discohtlnuod. J Sttfterwt- Court. Jlldrps. L.l.vii, t. K..jtlti, 1- uu Koi.iutuit M Saiintl'TH, W akt : Kt.b.it K llt.iii , ,'h., a- Kobt S French. Hobeson ; Jatnc W (Kb M" kiru bu. jJT i (it'orre liowaid, WiNon; K..bert ,:i.il. lui, Ora: villo ; W illuitu M Shipp, Ueuderson. .Voieifort. -l.t Ciicuit, Jt'tse J eate.-i,!' lie. id, Circuit, rharlt-j. C Clark, Ci avon ; 1, tl Ciieu" i p lioi-is, Wake, Attorney (jeneral ; 4tli (.'n mil. Th ni M'-ttle, Kockingliiiiii ; sth ('iteuit, llalp'i IIiixIimi, ('huh." I.ilitl; (jtli Cii cuit, llobei t I'' Alinllild, a.lkiii ; 7'h.ir cuit, William I' Uvnum j Hlh Circuit, Auutu S. !. . . mon, lluiicoiiibi:. Couj t,'t:'(il State OiH'-ift onrt. - lion A Ml l'irc Mat, tin, JuJgro ; (leolite V rtti "iiir, W:tvne. A. ton-, i. Vi Wat-toi., Craven, Cli i k ; W . lev Jim V ak, Al.ir-l a'. '..i.ei of Slatr.- V II Sat! rthwa.t.', l'.'l, :l.. t Hick, (Jniltoid ; l)r Jaum Calloway, S llktf , ' Mo. , , .lolni.ttou ; J It llari ai'", Anson ; J.tooK- ot'b. Me nu; James A rntloli, lluili-oinbt'. bop-d liil'tttal i.iprwi enirttti. - II it hxc, I ji''v. Ut, -t 'r Vanct), i'ltsident r 7e'.., Wm l uloti. , ... W a-iil J 11 Klauuer, of Xe 1 1 a ,.,n-r. Kiel h ,i i iiaul.J:, St'cri-i .1 r y. CotitMixiioner nf Sth!;inj ''mid.- H Alaiuvace, Hon W uldou , Ldwaids, i ill oin.i U atli'U, itnu 1... II Uavld L Swam, Oi anire. i.tttrrtiry Itonr'l. lli l-iicelleliey I . . Valie.', I',- deiil Kr itjfifin, Hf William I'. I if. V . ,.i I'i Richard Sterling, (luiltord ; ll,. Win -lo, ii, 1 I., Itichard 11 llattle, Jr, Sen etui t . The Lniversilv of Xoi Ih I 'in t,l. j.i i .u i I, a ri Hon Oavid L Swain, I'i eit:,-tit. Ke Calvin 11 Wduy in Supeiinteiiil. ir ol ll Cou.i' ' ScIiooIh of the State. " W'ib J Palmer, A M, is Principal "I !l,e N I In t.!.. tion lur the Heat Ami Humb and llin.tl .it ti.i: ih. l)r litlward (,' Kishcr is Supei niieiitliiot . A..ylu'i t' - . CITY OT RALEIUII. Jty.ir Wrn. II, llitn.on. comiioni.:rk. Ife,(ri ll'.irtl W. U. I U' k, i , Alex. Ctei'.li aud c Or, n,.. Ji7. HWii'-W. K. IticliartlstiM. Ai.j.'11-iu.' L. l.ouy.t, n 1 S. W. Scott. A'..ter It'.ir, Or. W. 11. McKee, J. .1. Uv, . . .nC N, S. Harp. J. J. Cln Utopher in Clcl k to Hie Hoard a;, i:y T Collector. W. II. Hi, h.iril.toii m City Treasurer. 7'itm t'oHntablei- J. J. llt ttii, Ci,i, l - v ,).,!, t Assiaiant. K. I'. HaLtle, City Attn, ney. .1 L Pennington, fit,' t'rinter. V. U Klttic. Wei:li .Va-t. r. Nl.lill WArilll. (,'i..l.lia C. H. Hot ton. lr..i. A.nii K. A. J dn, .-ton, Win. lleeters. .,, .. Farkei , M. C. Luter, C. A. Oliver and W o..,i, '1 he last Wednesday uillii ol . i, h ujoiuli o ilir i rtiett ft. i the ruirular iiieeiinw H,.. It..,. ,! WOOL NOTICE. QuAarxuMAtrXK'n I', im a i must, I lialciii,, ,lu"t- !l s4. ( I AM XOW I'UKl'AKKi) TO l-.XrHA(.i. cnru) Yarn, for Wool, upon the followine; t. unit. vt. : One bunch of Yarn for three pounds wnalicd Wool ami one bunch for four pound, unwa-h d. Aleuts have been appointed tt m:il.eth ex. li.m. ' ..t the lollowing places : Oxford, Taiborn', Kiimiou Ca 1' line Lake, Concord Hirliiahaui, Hi ioI.-i son , , I,-, m i ville, Koxboru', Asheville, littrlioi .,', ...uii,iir , lav ettevil e, Colerain, and at thia lace. Peisoua shipping wool to this place will pl.-n... mark on the p.ick.i(i;i' w ho they are li tun and '.he co lon . ,i. n will be bu ward, d iiniiiediati ly. I hope the people will patriotically rep..n,l to ill,, aljor. iit'tiie, as llio Wool is for clothinK the N . 'i' Tr-'.ip. U A. IIOWO, A t). M., V C July 'I tlAw tf , NOTICE! A LI. PKItSONS I N DKIITKI) I O 'I'll K (,'VJ l k V kikO' d will please o- ine Ion. arl ai.d a-'tlu at" ce. TUo e 'ai . i. j. to c ply with the above mil luidib, , ac counts in th ' handti ot at. olhc.-r tor c ,11. ct .ci. Aug !( inAslm K. Iv IIA!,'KI.-1 PRINTING! Tin: "DAILY PROGRESS OFFICE, Having a jrood Assort inn.! olMalt-ri.il nr. . n,-.-'i licty ol tvpe mid me nt I lit (in.t POWER PRESSES In the ("iil'-iiei Hey, M prepared t tun ciTt"'! k i,. In the bc-t ft) le of the ai t ami at pi u i .i.l, can be nllortletl iu theite tune-. N'e plulliUe that all w i k t ntruitleii , u- . h-tl J0 proinptlv, ncatlv and etpediifoisl . i .1 Ouj. liciod. ' J. I.. EX.MMI'O.'V Ai ' Kulc'K''. June 18, I8U4. NEW ACCTIOX Ai COMMISMOX S'ro'-E WU. A ll. S. TUCKKIl . W. I. a '. ' -. i. ave th h d.i v lv, ,.,l. tl ih :,, . i , ,. der the name and style ul Till K I ; (it. s lor th, purptis.i ul ro. ductnijr , o i i .,! tu '.np.i . niisioii huiioesa. All bu'ineS'i entrusted to Hi in will ,, ness an di palih TI'CK I l, A M . A A I June 'IS-' I shoes so m:'s 1AM M AMTACI UU1M; A SI'M of Ladies French Call ll.ilmii al it- -i-" " ' Cmii;!. I..,i'.. (i.iiti " " " ." ' ' Pi'irK'-d Cull and Kij. 1 1. . OrtltTH solicited and piouipilv till, it. I.KH. A J.I. July Tl dlUwlllw t.r . ii b n. . .. NUKEHV EOK FIELD AXI) IIOSI'I i. 1AM VOW I'llM'Attt.D TO Si; pp i. i AO .. on Surgery tu subsorib'-rs and . libera : i a tt. pui cliattu it. On the roceipt ol J5 IM), t!. book null, , i ,, pO'tauH paid. tOWAKH W Milil.v , i Au21-U K,. r How lo Slnnl u Monc) A. when vou can .tend bv Kxpiesa. ,(1 n., presj. at .'Ur exp' i.m. I It. c vUdll'!' : must do so i t ti,.tr t.wn ri'' ail .tAiiy ol' our frienila i rii ivi:,. m... i Dtwa Iruui the ariuy by priratn lei: i .,, i. leti'.m, . , ooular a (real laror ou us by sondiug ur Itai Lug thau. at IhLs ulbo luruar .