' t k ki s Fs u hsc ii'ilii'7ir " ' The lolloping i M the only trm n i.bac to Ti..-. p.oeaaaa : 1 " ; . . . Pilj papery I imMiib,.-,, ....., .,....,..,,.,... . tu " J moil i !..., ... t , ir On - 6 aoiimm: .'..;. is no Weakly paper, 1-awitbs,.. 5 CO . " " ,w f "W9- - .... io oo A.IayS t ' P' f advance, and paper stopped when tlie otme paid for ex'tores. " "' JOB PRINTING. There oeing connected with the Pkohkis est,.!,; sent a J- Olhce dquai to'any in the City or-itate. in tra prepared o exrCjte all orders for BOOK an.i .10!' PRINTING. 'Ordera solicited and promptly ar-tended to. TELEGRAPHIC HE WS tl.r. ArH0 Kf OUT8 rp.t- : llli PSS-,a.oc.UTloK. j gntered Record I n)t toact.ot Or.erees, In the year ihiw by J. a. Thra;ii ., n the Clink's Court of the Confederate fjtstes OlUcu HI ll',: ll.r.i of the 'uriiiff u iii trie of Georgia. ' Later from the North. RlcaJtesn, Oct. 27. New York papers .if tbe 25th re ceived. A telegram froni Kansas City, 24tb, says a cou rier' just arrived from tbe front reports that Price is id IuD retreat closely pursued by pur forces. When the cou rier left the eneiujr ware twenty-live miles tryui here. Advices from Bermuda l'tb, repot t thai lli.n,,- and associates who burned the Roanoke, ware on trial. 1 ha Court refused to bail them. Nothing from Sherman. European advices to the 14th received. ' Tbe frigate Niagara hat (wiled a"vel under Spanlsh colors euapected'of being a blockade runner He in met left Liverpool on the 13th with eight othoers and one bandred men to take command of a privateer at Madeira. . Tbe insurrection against the French in Algieifis tending.. iii A Cabinet crj.ie in imminent in Vienna. Tbe New Zealand Chief las submitted uucjuditiomiily to England. The Confederate outton Loan ban adiauced at Liver pool. The cotton market Jj dull and has declined two pennies. Breadstuff's dull. - . . .. Prom Riliiaond. Kicanoiio, Oct. 27. Heary akirtsithins; cocamrnred at aa early boar this morning on the Darbytowu ano" Charles Oity Boads. U ie reported that a lars-e ton e of Yankees crossed to theaorth side of Jani Hirer last ati;bt. -The cannona ding was disUBOtlj.tiiird bere Uarins the forenoon. &ioauoD, Oot. i7, Tbeenemv adranced in Lea'y force ob the north side to day and isade several assaults on car Usee srhiek was signally repnlaed with' ht - ry l r. Five kaadred prlsoaers already brought in. Our loss icsig iloaat. Day rUnmlllatlon and Prayer. Ktcauosm, Oct. M. Tbe President has Issued a pro. elanatloo appointing the 18th day of November as a day tone aspeeially dedicated to tbe worship of Almighty Ood. Th President invokes the people of the Confed erate States to aese table oa tbat day at their respective plaeee of pnblie worship to anito la prayer to our Heav enly Father for deJlveranee and peace from Poteraburg. Paiaaaaoaa, Out. 37. Tbe enemy are reported uior isg in heavy tore of inlantry, artillery and cavalry this morning oa our eatreme right, and heavy skirmishing has beea going on since sunrise, seven miles below here, between theWeldoa and South side Railroads, sicoxa ntarsTca. i PiTiisacao, Oct. t7. The enemy with a fcrce ,,!' cav alry and artillery and three corps of infantry the 2d, Mb aad 9th moved this morning by a detour on our eitreme right, driving la our cavalry aad occoping tbe Roydtoa Plantation, near Bargees' Villa, seven mites blo here. Ourforeee were disposed to meat them. Considerable lighting -oasaed between four o'clock and night. The eaemy at night still held tbe Plank road, and we have captured aboet siily prisoners from the 2d corpa. This move places) the enemy farther from the Soutlnide read than they wore before. Fighting is not ended. From Moblla. MoaiLk, Oct. 27. A flag of truce boat armed yester day. Gen. Pajre and a Urge number of Fort Morgan prisoners have been sent North. The Port Oaines pris naers ara awa!Uair'rcIiaage. The New Orleans " Era" of tbe 11th anaoaacea tbe arrival of a largo number of federal prisoner! at the month of Red river. Tbe Feder als are atrongly fortifying Morgansea. Admiral Porter has gone North to take command of the North Pacific Sqaadron. Farragut believed atill in Mobile Hay. C1TT AJTD STATE NEWS. See advertifeioenta of Creech & Litcliford, auction and commission merohants. We hope that the following appeal of Dr Deems will swell the amounts that have been con tributed to the Orphan Fund by citizens of .Wake. Dr. Deeins is doing a noble work nnd those who have the means should give freoly : To the People of Wakt County. Below will be found a list of donations in this county to the N. 0. Orphan Endowment Fund. When the population and wealth of the county are consid ered, aad the greatness and goodness of this no ble cause, is not this sum total very inappro priate ! Is Moore county able to make larger contributions than Wake? Is Wilkes? Is Buneomhe? Are any of our. citizens still unac quainted with the plan? Let them apply to Geo.. W. Mordeoai, Ksq., or Jno. G. Williams, Esq., and tbey will ohtain a publication giving the charter, hiitory, lists of efficers, donations, &. Either of those gentlemen will rcouive con tributions to this Fund. Suroly my time ought not to be taken up in canvassing Waice county, the seat of our.offioe, when the field is so large. The smallness of the Wake county contribution is so often and so unpleasantly commented upon that I have eorcludod to make this public ap peal. But three of the donations below were volunteered; the others were solicited. 50,000 thouldbepaid by the citizen of Wake to the Treasurer of ilk Fund before Sunday. There are 100 of our eitizens abundantly able to pay $1,000 each. Pleaso read this list and then promptly discharge your individual duty in wipintr tbia. reproach of parsimony from the county. - . CHARLES F. DEEMS. Raleigh, Oot. 24, 1864.. MMATIONS TO ORPHAN FOND FROM WAKF. COCNTV. Geo W Mordecai 2,500; Mrs Geo W R Got $1,000; Hon "Daniel M Barringer $500; Kemp P Battle $500; Gen D G Fowle $500; A M Gorman $500; C B Harrison $500; M j Hiram W Hasted $500; William R Riohardscn $300; John H Rryan $250; Wm W Holden and fam ily $250;' Join G Williams $250; SamaeT H Young t250j Henrj L Evans $200; Hon Thos DAILY V.OJL y I .. a. ;. BiugK fclOO; Rev W J W Crowder ftlOO; Col I Oct) Little ftlOO. Peter F Poaeml 1illl- TTonr-,, Vortcr 100; John R Williams $100; Ma Gaston H Wilder :$100; Win J Young fcl'OO; Mm Catharine N Clark $50; P A Dunn $50; Dr F l fuller Sou: David H in ton Jm M Harris ftdO: Dr E Rtirkn TTavwnnrl ttfSft. Wm H Jones $50; Dr WiUis L Miller $50; Thos B Maeou $50; Jaeies MoKiinmon $50; .John C Palm ;r $50; John P H Russ $50; William W Vass $50; W n Williams $50; Smaller amounts $11. , Day of KABTisfa and Pbater Mayor Dawson, vVi'trittijJton, has appointpd this rlay as ooeoffast infj, htimiliat, 3 aud pmyer. In l,is appeal to the peo ple turdiserye this day he says: 'in ac cfirdante with a request pigned by a Urge tiunilvrrifritizoiis.as well as with the wish and desire of tli- er.frj'Oriity at large, and in humble recognition of otir rlepeetlefce upon Divina Providence in this our hi nr of threutened peril, it ia respectfully snggested rhdt BVfdiy. the 28th luatnnt, be observed by the peo ple f Wilmington as a day ot fasting, humiliation and pruyer. uiol tliat tbe various Christian denominations ifseuible at their resptjetive places of worship, to offer their prayers iu, behalf of our towD, and for its pre s'Tvatin frotn thrattarK "fun invading loe." Isthb Flebtin Motion? What of the fleet or fleets, a there seems to be two of them, one at Hampton Roads and the other at B aufort harbor ? We have not hnard of the appearance of either of thm off Wilmington, though the Journal oi Wednceday 6eems to think the enemy ,re t motion. That paper says : There in a report that information has been re c,?iod of the inov"Bc jty of the Yankee expedi tion which hue been collecting and organiting at Fortress Monro- with the asiumeu design of at tacking the Forts at the mcith f the Cape Fear. This report says tb-t tbis fleet has moved up the James River. If so this would ind" ate that ButW has finished bis can J at Dutch Gap, but would negative the statement communioatod to the Richmond Examiner and published by taat paper, of the ironclcd ships of the line Pic ta tor, and frigate Ironsides forming part of the expe dition, since neither of these vessels could possi bly approach Richmond. They could not even get as high as Harrison's Bar, away below tbe month of the Appomattox. Neither, indeed, could they cross any of oar bars, but could get easily within range, and shell the Forts, they themselves lying out in the open aea, a danger ous position of our coast at this season. We suppose we shall so in hear more definitely. Latr. We have reason to believe that these reports about the fleet having gone up the James River are wholly groundless. On the contrary later information leaves little doubt of its having already sailed ostensibly in this direction, its of ficers openly proclaiming Wilmington aa their destination. If o, and it would appear to be quite likely that it is so, we will hear of them ere long off our coast. A Lono Potato. The Wilmington Joutnal says: Mr. D. T. Honey, .of Duplin County, North Caro liia, liiiri senilis a ''Bermuda" Potato which is 86 inHies lor.tr, hut we call a yard for short. It Is a itueer looking -affair looks like a big pndding, or a satixape, or a "snalk," or almost anything else than .1 civilized and Christian sweet potato. We Intend to ciok a foot or two of it to-morrow. ANOTHER ACCOUNT OF THE FIGHT IN THE VALLEY. (From the Charlottesville Chronicle.) THE BATTLK OP STKABBCBQ. On the night hi ti n 18th two corps of Gen. Sheri dan's army, the S .b aad 19th, commanded by Gens. Cr k and F.mory, were encamped between Cedar Creek and Middletown, about five miles beyond Straslurg. The BUi corps under Gen. Wright lay ( IT on the Front Royal road. It was determined in our. camp to surprise and attack them. Accordingly during the night the divisions of Kershaw, Gordon, Riimsenr and Pegram were marched arouud in the di rection of the enemy's left flank, crossing the river and movingup near the base of the mountain, sod then crossing back over the river. Roesar in tbe meantime with hiN brigade wl Wickham's moved around towards the enemy's right. Col. Payne commauding Lomax's old brigado accompanied the infantry, which advanc ed without artillery About half past four a. m. RiHser commenced his attack on tho enemy's right, where the main body of their cavalry was posted. The ot j'-rt of thin was to draw the etiumy's attention from their left flnjc At a quarter past five the in fantry advanced tolhe attack, tbe opposing pickets having been driven in by a charge of Payne's caval ry. The attack wan magnificently made and thoroughly suGceeeful. By teD or eleven o'clock, when the fighting ceased except in a desultory way, we had" taken some 1500 or 2,000 prisoners, and some 18 or 20 pieces of artillery ; ami the enemy had been driven some two or three miles, and 'forced off of the pike. .J - Wharton's divinsion and the artillery passed on tba pil;a through Strasburg about daylight, aitd soma guns were pasted on the hills just this side of Cedar Creek aud aided the infantry in their attack. Tbrne divisions of iufanlry, commanded by Major-General Gordon, struck the enemy's left HaBk at daybreak, and Kershaw pushed against his front at the same time. ' Aa we have remarked by half past ten out victory was complete. The enemy-were driven from their camps with great luns, and in confusion. We had only engaged the eighth and nineteenth corps, and had scattered them. Prisoners report tbat they could have been of no further use to the enemy du ring the day. Just here the sixth corps was encoun tered by our infantry and stood its ground . Artil lery was massed so as to give It a front and enfilad ing fire. It was driven from its position. We then advanced on tbeiike beyond Middletown, at the farther suburbs of wbi-h our line was advan ced and formed. Wharton was on tbe right;, then Wifford'a brigade of Kershaw's division then Pe gram etretchiug across the pike then Bamsenr then Kershaw and tbeo Gordon, with Uoasor off to the loll, with a gap 6f a mile between them. Rosmer was forced back by the enemy's overwhelming caval ry to Cedar Creek " At this time the enemy's infan try s all oo I've right of the pike, ai d nothing across it on onrelt except their ravalry. Hera our troops were stopped;. Thern was quiet for three or four baurs, and our men betook them eives to.pluodciiog. ' Except some skhaijsbiog and 'V ; RALEIGH. FRIDAY. OCT. desultory firintr every thou remain) d in statu owe un til about half-pat) tlire or four p. tn., when the en - my suddenly attacked Gordon, Kershaw and K itn seor. Gordon's division, notwithstanding his efforts, soon broke. Kershaw's and llamsour's division were fighting well; but soon followed the examp.e of Gordon's division. Fiva or six guns in the rear were immediately drawn back when the Hue broke, and placed on a high hill, where with no aid fio i ilio infantry, who were flying in every directi i.i. they kept the enemy at bay for an hour or more Having exhausted their ammunltrou, they wore con.pelled to withdraw. By this time Wharton's aud, Pegratn's men had caught the panic, and the fhld became cov ered with flying men. The artillery retired wring slowly, and sustained only by Pegram's old brigade, and Evan w brigade.. All of our artillery, as well as that captured from the ei.emy, were gotten ealoty over Cedar Creek. Just then a small body or the enemy's cavalry crossed the creek and charged over the bill, but were driven back by a few scattering muskets. After the creek was crossed, Pegaam's and Evan's brigades participated in the demoraliziti in itio road was filled with fugativee. Their ravalry charged again in the rear of our train, end not a gun was fiied in its defeuce. Many ordnauie and medi cal stores, aud 23 pieces of artillery, besides thoss taken by us in tbe morning, were captured. We lost about one thousand killed aud wounded, and about five hundred prisJrs. The enemy lost some three or four thousand. Tey have not follo w ed our army, being, doubtless, too much crippled. Id addition to the casualties previously mentioned by us, we bear thut Lieut C1. Semmes, of Hum phrey's brigade, was kihfd, an,) Col. Moedy, com manding a brigade, shot iu tbe arm. We believe also that tbe gallant 'Lionel O xlwia, of Oer Tel Karly'e staff, already so frequently wouoiled. receiv ed a alight wound. " Maj r lieoeral Gordon distinguished I 'f great Jy. Indeed ha was in command of tha . .. on the field, and executed tbe movements, tin to uuniise. j when General Early crossed CJar Creek aud assnm- pj toLuujauu Brig. Gen Grimes is in command of Bamseor's di vision The plaa of the battle a3 aduV'ably conceived. We have attempted to give only facts whiih we de rive by comparing various arooonts, and wo leave oar readers to draw their own infereaoes. We make only two remarks : first, that an error seems to have been aommitted In giving tbe enemy the rest between eleven and four o'clock, after we bad routed .them ; aod, second, that tt isclear our troops behaved as tbey never behaved before, when the enemy attacked ns at the latter hour. The enemy admit the loss of Brig. Oen. Bid well and Col. Tnorbnro commanding a brgade, killed ; and Maj. Gen. Wright, commanding sixth corps, Mrjor Gen. Ricketts, Maj. Gen Grover, Col. Kitch en, commanding a brigade, and Col. McReDtie, com manding brigade, wounded. A dispatch from Win cheater estimates their loss at five "thousand. Tbe material results of the battle are decidedly in our fa vor : ihe moral effect is against us. Had oar men not beau struck by an anaooHntable panic, connect ed to a large extent with their being scattered and plundering or had we pushed. on In tha morning we had achieved a victory unsurpassed in the war. For the Progress. Catawba Couhty, N. C, Oct. 'li, 1864. Ma. Editor : I see the cross mark on my pa per to-day, and accordingly remit you twenty five dollars for a renewal of my subscription ; so enclosed please find the amount for six months from the time my former subscription expired. I do not want to fail getting a single number 'of jour most valuable and welcome sheet. I would not be without your paper and the Raleigh Stan dard for four times the cost of them. Mr. Editor, I am glad to see so many of our leading statesmen beginning to speak out, though I am sorry to see that the most of them have not the nerve and moral courage to say exactly what tbey think, but leave the people just where the different volumes of all novels, except the last, leave their' readers, yet some of them have con siderable boldness and give the people a pretty good interpretation of our true situation. It is to this class of persons that the country looks to for deliverance, and it gives the people much con solation to see men in positions to do something; advocating the only true doctrine. Among these may be mentioned. Vice President Stephens, Gov. Brown and H. V. Johnson, of Georgia, W. W. Boy co, of South Carolina, E. G. Readeand tbe Leoches of North Carolina; but, Mr. Editor, these are not all who are privileged to speak or in position to act. I canuot refrain from express ing my sincere gratification at the boldness of my friend and school mate, who is well known over the signature of "Davidson" as early as August, 1863, and since or "Western Farmer," "Veri tus" and "Omega." The ability of this writer and statesman is far from being known to tbe people of his State. The boldness with which bo speaks and writes is indeed remarkable at this time of stars and bayonets ; but if we have free speech and a free press, let us have it in full. The country belongs to the people, they own it, and let them way what they want. Mr. Editor, times are getting almost intolera ble up here. The "Reign of Terror" is indeed upon us. There is much suffering among the poor people, and the rich are not able to help theui, and in many respects aro not allowed to if able. The impressing officers at e taking almost everything the people have much more than tbey have to spare. It may not be out of place ft mention a case or two : A poor soldier's wife, with a family of small children living here, is com polled to work out and in doors in short, does the work of herself and husband to get bread for tur little ones She had engaged some wheat from a farmer for which she had work done ; his wheat was pressed and he forbidden to sill another bushel. Instances like these are common. There "ill be very little wheat saved in tbis county no one to sow it and no wheat to be hougjitfor seed. All the brandy is being pressed, it being one of tbe articles that the people here buy tbeir salt and cotton yarn and other necessaries with, aud ten dollars per gallon does not cover the cost of making it" There are many who will be compelled to go without shoes in this part of tha State this winter, not being able to buy leather, and if the had the. money 28. ist4 NO. 32. there, is nut a supply 'if tho article in this count. In !lm iast two mouths there has been 100 sides stolen from tuo diffortnt tanners in this iiume dinto neighborhood. Our oouutry is indeed in a lamentable condition, but tho people have some Impo of deliverance vet, and consequently thoy have turned to the honest peace makers, such men as I have before mentiouoil. Tho sword and the bayonet will never brinj; us peace. The pen and the statesmen will have to do what the former has f iled to do. I hope, Mr. Editor, that you will soou he able to furnish your readers with a full sheet daily, even if you have to advance your rates, so that you may l iy before the people full extraou from all the true Conservative Journals in thi Confed eracy. I am glad to see a new paper published in Au gusta, Ga , called the 1'nririrutoi- Wo ought to have more of them in all Harts of the country. It is what the people want Mauy trsons take papers just to gel tif war news, it being the on ly part they read A great many-take tbat class of pipers which ,;ve by rensation and falsehood that would take others if they kuew how to get them, their belief being entire averse from the papers tiiey read. HtCKORT. The Grand Lodge of Free anu Accepted Ma sons of ortk Carolina will meet in Raleigh on tho 5th ot December next. CITY MARKET. Ri.LIlliH, Oct J7. $11 $20 $8 60 A PPLKS Oreen Dried BACON -Hog round HfcLF .ft ti BKalSWAX $S BUANS $30 BUTTK14 00 CANDLES-Ta'low $ " Wi-By the box ...$ " Adamantine - $ " Sperm..... None. CORN per Harrel, $100 CHlUXlCNi? $3& COFFSK DUCKS , - $3 oa , $3 00 FLO UK $100 00 FlHHI'sJtt per hundred $11 FEATHERS $5 FLAXSaiED $8 GEESE $S HIDES Ury $6 Green $1 00 HAT Per hundred $10 LABI) $ W SYRUP .....$10 MEAL tti 00 4 AILS Scarce $3 00 OATS Per hundred .$14 " Cleaned $8 bu PORK None. POTATOB-8wee 810 " Irish $8 PEAS-Qround $30 " Stock $10 " White Table $30 RAGS 16o RICE ". $1 00 RYE $10 SALT $60 00 SUGAR Brown $10 " Coffee $16 " Loaf. None. TALLOW $1 60 WHEAT $30 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FORSALE. 1 HERRING size. FIRE PROOF IRON SAFE, LAfttiE CREECH L1TCHPORD, Com. Merchants A Auctioneers. Oct 18-at 4-4 BROWN SHEETINGS BY THE BALE OR nece. . (. 0. Gray Caaaimeree. UKKECH A LITCHFORD, Oct 28-4 1 Com. Merchants A Auctioneers. rU8T RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT 20 Doz. 12x14 inoh Mill Saw Files. 10 " 100 " Oct 28 4t 12x14 inch Horse Shoe Rasps. Hand Saw Files. CREECH A LITCHFGRD, Com. Merchants) A Auctioneers. CARD NOTICE. rnilERE 1 I this D State, a lar IS NOW READY TO BE ISSUED FROM Department to the different counties in the ante lot of COTTON AND WOOL CARDS This lot of Cards will be sent to tbe Agents, with Backs ready for ticking the Cards on, and may be sold at $22.60 per pair to tho citizens generally; in no in stance is more than one pair to be sold te a family. These cards are not intended lor the families of soldiers. Tbe Department is having a large lot backed ready for use, which will be sent out and sold to the families of soldiers as fast aa they can be made, at a much lees price. Agents are requested to make arrangements and oall for them. II. A. DOWD, A. Q. M. Octll-dlw w4t. State papera copy ; Dailiea six times others lour times and forward bill to Maj. Dowd. SKETCHES OF NASSAU. BY FRANK I. WILSON. piIIS WORK, OF ABOUT 100 PAGES, IS NOW g in the bands of the priater, and will be ready soon. It embraces what tbe writer either saw or heard from reliable sources, and will be printed n hue white paper. Some of the contents are : Nassau as it was, and as it Is, Population ; White Folks; Colored Population; Soil; Product.-! ; Stock; Dogs; Chicken Cocks ; Lying at Quarantine ; Government; Shippiug: Squalls; Mus qttitoes ; Sharks, and other Ocean Products ; Tbe Par son on Sea-Sickneas, Ac, Ac. Sent tree of postage tor $'S per copy ; live or more copies to one address $- 60 per copy. Send erdera to FRANK 1. WILSON. Papers in the State publishing tbe above will have a cooy of the work sout tbeiu tioo ot postage. Oct 11 tf WANTED A GOOD GRIST MILLER OVER FIFTY YKARS OF XV age. Apply t Oct 21 -tt W. tt. RICHARDSON. LEAD WANTED. y IU PER POUND WILL BE PAID FOR ALL 5.vA l.ad delivered at Sept 6-dlt PROGRESS Or t'lUl . TO BOYS. T UKKE OK FOUR SMART, I.NTEFLlUgNT BO YH can make money hv Dellioa" the 1'aoaaii.K on the streets, at tbe depoth sad on tbe cars. Apply at OetlO-tf ' 1 PROGRESS OKFICK. LOST, N TUK STREET, BETWEEN MY RESIDENCE U and tbe Grave Yard, oi Sunday afternoon, a pair of GOLD. SPECTACLES, for which a liberal reward will be paid it left at the Progress oBse or returaed to as. Oct IT U MRS. C, t. PSSNWOTON. : "iimm-mMirTipK I he tuleuwhig 'tv Will be ''t-haVj-i d ail I , inenr's inserted rh iln boity and IvVr.Ay '. rr suaAa or sisht mm, " i-". Onodav $3 00 Two rtv.... 00 Three days.....':.; SO Four days 12 Ot) Five days' 16 00 One Week $ I - J'ivb weuks ! Three vwki. M One mouth . 7 ' Two mnii uw U4 Fifty Words, er eight lines or less, onuil a iinn. , additional squa es will be charged ih .-tame. Altw li mente inserted once, twlee or three tiiw.'S a wane ' i ; I charged $4 a square for every insertion. When sent by letter, the money uiu-t accuuiwin, advertisement. Marriages, Deaths, Reliei.m- .-i. Notices charged as advertlsementu, ami inn t be .-.. advance. . FUNERAL, NOriCK The Ruv. A. D. BLACKWOOD will , .en h M Funeral on the 6th Sabbath in the uir ,ih, . MATTHEWS, at the late resldenc- ..f -..id 'IMttl, seven Hi ilea NorJliwe.t ot Kaieurli Masons afelnvited bv th- widun t.- n; .l Oct. 18 Id. AUCTION AND PRIVATE is ALL..'. FOR SALE. tiPL SACKS OF PKIMK VIRGINIA SALT. Ol. Will. yJ'J e i change one bushel of Salt for tli-e bu.li,; M.W CORN, both Corn and Halt delivered ai inr Mil; on .euse River. OctlS-dtf V. K. I.tll'll AKI)OS FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOP IN THE t'lTY Of KlMJiiil of sufficient capacity fr a large tnumi Aplvto W. K. rtll'll Itl.lSO Oct 18 tf FOR SALE. B OND3 OF THE COUNTY OF WAMi 1 ;SL.M- to sui. fiurchaaira. Oct4-tf W. K. RlCilAHUSOS A CO. KOH SALE. Ilk BBLS COTTON KED OIL. 1VJ MlLl.tK A KICU i K.n-i Sept 2-tf FOR SALE. F RESH MOUNTAIN BUTT ICR Oft CUNINMe.vr at J. M. TVLK Sept 23-tf FOR SALE. ORTH CAROLINA 9 PKIt CENT. BUUh OLU Issue. Aleo 'M . C 8 per cant. Bonds. N Sept. lwdtt V. K. RICH A Ul'SO.V s. Co FOR SALE C. COUPONS OF OLD t p'hK ChJT' tfJ.ll? Bullion and Com. Conledcri-- Bond'. SeptM-tf W. B. RlCflAROSOt 4 Co FOR SALE. w HAFP1NI PAPER FOR SULK. APPLSI A Progress office. Spt IV tt FOR SALE. PEN SHARKS OF STOCK IS BA OF CAPki JL F-r. Sept 2S-U W. 8.. RICQAROhUN SU ,0OO LBS. SUPERIOR BONE BLACK FOR SALE. THE ABOVE ARTICLE IS CSED FOR THE MA A -ufarture of Blacking aL . black painting of everi ki Railroad Companies would do well to purchase i( to paint Krflnaa and Cars with, it Is eqaal in quality l Patent Klack. A. JOHNSON, Septo-dtt Raleigh, N.C CONFEDERATE TAX NOTf'.'E. 1 HEREBY GIVE SOTIOE THaT I WIL ATTE.l L at say office la the City of talei?o, un the devs named in this notioe, to receive the property or general tax du. tba Confederate government lor the year lget. To prevent eonfuston and insure dispatch the tat r av ers will attend at my olBoa on the days appointed fur tie districts in which they respective!? reside. Swift Creek district on Monday 14 IU i; Sol 101,4. J.. Panther Branch 4o Tuesday Barney Jonee do BuckhornANewhlll do Wednesdar Thursday Ft.,.. 7 Satt.. -y Monday Tueauay Wednesday Thursday Friday Satnrday Monday Tuesday White Oak A Bea ver Creek do do do do do do do -do Crabtree A Cery Hoaae's Creek Lick Creek A Kitt's Creek Fish Dam New Light Barton's Creek St Matthews A ) St Marks ' Wake Forest Cross Roads Little River A Buffalo I Marks' Creek if) n do do do do do do do do do Wednesdav 30 do Thursday 31 do do F. .Jav 1 I)...-. ' - St Mary's Raleigh, from Monday 4 to Wednesday 13 do RUFUS tl. PAGE, Oot 27-w2t Collector for Wi ';e onr.tv. TO GAS CONSUMERS. ON AND AFTER THE 1ST OF NOVEMBER, TIIK price of Oas will be $110 pur thousand feet At ilo present price of rosin, : Ights and iron, it co-its the C i" pany $57.60 per thousand leet to make it. Oot2fi-dtd WATERHOUSE A IIOWKH. $60 REWARD. STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM MY PREM1 KS, neai Morriaville, N. C, a BLAP.r MARUMULK. n year old last spriul ; has a white nose tail and main nn trimmed. Said mule disappeared the last of June or th -tirst of July. The above reward will he paid for her livery to me or for information bo that lean g,-ili'i. Oot -ditAw2m CALVIN D. KO WARDS. SUPERIOR WAX CANDLES CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALK. Highest market price paid for Beeawax and Tallow , by Mae. ALBERT JOHNSTON, 8ept6-dtt , Hlllsboro' st. Raltioh, N. C. WOOL NOTICE. Qus.araanASTsa's DapAamaNT, Raleigh. June , 1H64. ) I AM NOW PREPARED TO EXCHANGE COTTON Yarn, fer Wool, upon the following terms, vu : One bunch of Yarn for three pounds waahe.1 Wool, and one bunch for four pounds unwashed. Agents have been appointed to make tho exchanc'- ut the following places : Oxford, Tarboro', Kins ton, Catbe rine Lake, Concord. Richlnghain, Hendui aonville, Stai. ville, Roxboro', Asheville, Pittsboro', Lnuishui g, Kav ettevllle, Colerain, aad at this ilaoe. Persona shipping wool te this place will please uno a on tbe package who tbey are from, aud tli.- Hilton nm will be lorwarded Immeiliately. I hope tbe people will patriot! l tMUOIld l lie V . f. Ti notice, as tne Wool is tor clotuinv the . C. I rooe II. A. DOWD, A. O. M , N. C. A July 2 diwtf NOTICE. ON TUK FIRST DAY OK XOVtH'ltK Ust, ir being Tuesday, 1 will, as Eiecutor ut Win. Uollo way, deod., sell on a credit ol twolva m uihv tu paid In any funds that can be used In settling tlx estata, all the crop of wheat, corn and oats, mm fine bursas, ut -tie and bogs two wagons, carts, blacksmiths tools, Ac, Ac. Oa the same day and upeu tbe asms terms I will i.nt. two good plaatatieos. They are mtuatfJ about uius mdee northwest of Raleigh. Bond and approved security will h irijtiirsd ot i"u chasers and renters. SOI. IOOl.Nf. Oct 10 ,dtd Uxeoi -AYXES! AXES1 AXESI WE WILL PAY FROM 6TO$7 I OK OLD AUf. or will putswsl in . oa ais tor two . IJ ouaa. 6 aad ( inch Srovi Pin made to outer HH AY, WILLIAUSOVA CO. Get tU la N,.ilb Stale livu and bra-s Werks JUST RECEIVED, LOT OK VKW STOVE PIPE AT TUCKER, ANDREW A CO A et 27-21 Auc. anu C'otu. alrtcbai" W. K. RICHARDSON et CO.. BROKERS AND STOCK A IVTIOA'EEXS; RESPECT FCLLY SOLICIT CONhlOMK.NTo Oet 3-tf RALtllGH, .V. V.