BY J. L. PJSNNINQTOM & GO The fiU0Wi(f r'J OBl.T tor in of Mibnoriptinn to 'pi ; p'lOMW . 0MjPVr' 1 m""th " " .1 lUKiiltij. 15 U ' ''' 8 oioptVis.. '...'....,....'.?..,. 25 imi wklv a" Ins itht.,,.... . ; 00 it . b m-'nUil, , 10 00 Always to be paid in advance, ami paper stopped when the time pali for 'expires. , i (till PRINTING. There oeiaf eonneete. with the Pros una ett,rit,n- neat a Job Office equal to any in the City or Sunt, wc r, prepared to exer-te all order fill- BOOK arid JOB PK1NT1NO. Order solicited and prompt! y attended to. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS TiLsai.ifH( foaT io in raws boo!auo.. I (ntered eooordlng to ot of Congress;, In the yoar 1HM by J. S. Thrastie- in the Uark'i Ottice of itie District Oourtoftne Confederate States el the "Northern l)i triot of Georgia. .'' From Richmond. Richmond, Oct. 18. An official dispatch from (. e l't night aays the enemy crossed ft iwittit's cnvl, below Burgess' mill' and forced back our oivali r. In the afternoon liutu attacked them and at nrsi dpv. theB bat found tbem In too .strong force. Afterwards the enemy attacked Heth and were repulsed. They still told tbe Plank road at Burgoss' mill. Heth took some eol or and prisoner, The movement of the enemy against ou' aft to-day waa repulsed. Two attack upon om linos were madi-one be tween the Heurico 1'oor House and tbe Charles City road, and the other on the Williams burg road. Sevoral hundred prisoners and fo nr stands of colon were captured. Our Josh vey slight. On the 2Sth, Col. Mosbv, ne-r Bunk-jr's Hill, captured tfiig. Gun. Dullie, several other prisoners, a nnmb'it of dors and killed a number of th-; en "ny. If,' .-untamed ao Idii. From Petcrsbuiig. PTamitR,Oct. 28. Last ni edit about dark the ene my charged our worke or the Baxter road, capturing a mall portiou of theaa,froiu which, however, they n quickly dislodged with loan "f about a dozen prisoner. Our loss s nail. Lieut. Col. Harri n and Wise ul Wis -'i brigade, were captured by the enemy. About ten .o'clock last nlgbt the enemy charged our work on the Jtru ten plank road, capturing a part of our picket linn m,d driving in tbe est of it. About twite o'clock ho-ir r, the liBewe re established. In tbe tight vc'eidee evening on tbe fioydtcn plank ruad, bebw her.-, we took three battle flags Irom the enemy. About l hundred prisoner were takes yesterday. Nothing heard from below this morning. The enemy's cavalry are on a raid towards tbe Soutbside Kailroad. CITT AND STATE NEWS. Tows Meeting. At Ibe n quest of the chairni".- we, cbourui;) in sert tbe following notice r u 'iietiug ol'citiHn no Moodajf uf It. VV trust t if tbors) o-. ! ? full attendaoce of all ritiiena wb may be able to o. tnb ate b ny wtjr to the relief f : fr wk'in it in called: Tbe cltlzeriH of Raleigli aro rqupsii' l tu a!TLl)le at ao djoiirniKJ Btwtlnp ti Monder rtf. at 4 u'c'o. k, p tn., t the C r.Tt HoMb Tbe objee. of tbe meatiu 4a to aiiopt an i vx ite lach plaui and luraaurei ns may contribute to the relief of tbe por auJ ceetiy durii.g ihc incl-loant eaaoo that U bw inn pending. til alent U tM all the ritlseo lo prc uring tieceiry unpplir hdU provia l(ui at a re"'.'!l le price. It is rif.el tha' the atteudaace ' will bo full Tlis snff ring is a eai)y great, It rof t alreeUted and io a cortfideraMo lo gree preveutod by jntiioioua aud well-timed efi rlaou tbe part of the who are uow beyond tbe reach of want. A whofesoine degree of i?lf-deoil on their part would eoabU tbem to coutribiito material aid To an object at once charitable aud pt-i die Let a Btretiu. uts i (fort be made. ()ct?-:t JOHN II. BRYAN. O. .init,. Three Uii'rc Vmikeea, bo t-scaped from I' .ier,coi were arrested at Wadesborouh laxt Moudny wtek. DlsLOTALTV IN FoKSTTB. We lenri: lrotM a gentleman Jiwl troni Forsyth county, 'but it in t-a'i mated there that ahont Imir hundred if the ffi rs and men belmtui to the Home Cn.ardituf tlulcouu ty have gone with t lie idteolioii ol r-iidr i f t . the lines of the enemy, Hioif t,'c recent rail. May nil disloyal men follow them is our Ulcere wis1'." We find Ue tK)ve in thn Oreencboro' II 'ay 'the World, of the 20th inatairt. and notice it in order to correct the mlerejiecin'iit.'ittnn. Eer aince tbe commencerrieiit nf the war, Forsyth Coaoty ba he!U m'tarepredsuUHl and slandered, her good dead gwierly Imiug ovetluuked by her deUaiera. We have re pen ted I y Uitel that tha citizens ..( this roDnty always quietly ubmittcd topvery call formen mde, fatly aa uiuoli ri ax any county in the State, ud til her population,' comp ed mostly .if farn.ers, very mocb depleted. The aoldient' familiei), too, nn der the management of uur worty Cmmty Agent, hare been an well, if not better, provided Ur than iu moat conn tie iu the SUte. That wo Lava rnou among Uh upon wboro the burthens ol the war havo. talleo extremely heavy, catwing some dissatisfaction, aod that we have our share of deserters, as every county in every State ba, we donotdony. But false charge aod wholesale miareproaftutations should not gouarebakerl. Forsyth may have sins enongh to atone for, with-it bsing charged with thoxe of others. We have been i claimed that the stampede) refered to in the article above from the Greensboro' "World," consisted of short 1 190 or 200 men, Irom Randolph, Davidson, Guilford and Forsyth. ' We have not as certained tha exact number from Forsyth, but learn there Were some 26 or 80, the balance from the other counties, mostly from Gnitford, the whole expedition being headed by a magistrate Irom Guilford, an orig inal secession it and rampant war man, so long as ho could keep his carcase out nf danger, which w the case with many otbera who. do not ptsrlice what they .1 preach. ' The" above are the facte, as wc have ben " informed. . WttJ(lidttaJltida toibe muttor laet wor k, because there were raauy conflicting rumors, and we believed, at the time, very much exaggerated. Another stampeding party, all mounted on rv.r.w back, numbering twenty-three persons, wore arrest ed at Love's Meeting llottat'r Ui'acounty, on Mon day night lat, and brougiit to Winston, nil from tiuilford county, save two from this county, we are creditably iofiirmud. Salem Vrttss. And must Uolden, tho Standard or Progress .be held responsible for the -!cap of origi nal seces sionists who are Hying front service in a war they clamored to get tip atd havedone nil in their power to continue? Such is tho logic of s.tu of the Adniiu istrstion' papers, Hit when they ascertain that -it Is their secession frlcoils nr.' rnmting away, wo oppose the tune will ftbange. Kd. P' . WOODS WOOD I WANTED TO CONTRACT WITH SO Mb. 1'bKSO.N to deliver one to two hundred Cord, of wood on the Raleigh and Oastonor North Cavohn Ksilroad, with in twenty or thirty miles of Ksrtjfrh. Apr'? ' BeptMf ' KDITOIl OHtOG Rfv?: WANTED, OM) AM) iH,YEK. ' nana noma,, , C. Treasury Xotst W B. KICHARDSOU 4 CO- 11 il IS VOL..Y. HOOD'S LATE OPERATIONS. Tho following lottcrs give us nothing later from Flood's army than what we havu already publibh cd, but the detail o1' his operations will be found intrresttog : Jacksonville, A'a , Oct 16, 1804. I do, not now iirocijjoly remember at what point my I ist letter left tho army of Geo. Hood, but the story of his extraordinary flank movement is so interesting that portions of it repeated will be with avidity by your readers. After the unfortunate atlack.upon Altooua by Frebch's division, of Stewart's oorps, in which that rash and pr jipitate but gallant Geuera! had 9()U men killed, wounded and captured, the ar my obliqued to the loft; left Rome on -ho right, aud did not again strike the railrotd until it reached the vieinity of Dalton. Here Gen. II oud attacked and carried the enemy's works, r'-e town, garrison and stores. The first impres sions of this battle only are at baud, and no of furt r' details would now be correct. From thence our arniy appears to have marched back to Resaon, ten miles, destroying the railroad, ami, tu the time I write, that place is either in oif hands or closclv invented. There was two cavalry eugagements near Roiiit! ou Wednesday anil Thursday, in which ArinsteaJ's and Harrison's brigade- were en- i':iged and detoatd by a super r forse of tbe euouiy. For i he number of men engaged, our l'.i win severe; but wo inflicted a h'-wy Lissup i the enemy. And this compriKes all tho fiht i:il th:it has taken placa recently. Our reverses hi aoona Htnl Rome ra two-fold more than made op by the success of the main army at Dal ton, ujid the efleetual cutting of the enemy's oom r.unieitinn between Atlanta aud Chattanooga. We tnrsl havo destroyed all of fifty mi' of that railrr.nd The march of (ieu. Hood's army from Palmet to to Billon las beau very rapid. The aiRtanoe is all of 1 10 mile, which was passed ever in tiurteen days. It as the intoutiou oi Sherman to so sijongly t'ortify Atlanta that a amall garri son oo'tld Buocessfit'iiy resist a legion of assailants, to re- ganize and recruit bis army from the. new dr. "t of 500, U00, and when aiumn leaves were falling, march do v. n the Macon and Western Railro-id, aud force our army into ciuth-western Geogir. It wa3 tbe impressiou among all bis si-bal'e: .13 t! 't he would v..nU. in Macon, and iere cither dictate eaoe. or in tbe spring take tiiu fiel 1 for further aggressive movemcats. his plans w re not all maimed, hoWeTer, else there was aotne difference betwixt him and Lincoln-flr he left his army and went to Washington fonne purpose of consultation . He was either there or on the toad when Get) Hood struck his rear just above Marietta Whether .Sherman has the transportation and the raliuus to make a move to the rear of Hood, will be determined in tho future. Of one thing for a certainty, GeTJ. Hood has thrown ev crytbirg upon the turn of a single die. If he ia successful, all northern Georgia will ba cleared of the euemy, aud the situation reversed back to what it was when Johuson retreated from Dalton. Tf otherwise, let conjecture say tho rest. The country in all this region around about is the poorest in the South. This little town has, no doubt, more life iu it than was ever known before. Heavy army wago'is, and artillery are crowding through the narrow and badly laid off streets. No doubt., the old citizens are startled from their customary ease and indolence, by all this stir and, and will hail the day when war'-- rude ularm.s die away and will be heard no more forever. It in surrounded by mountains, "rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun," aud populated by a peo ple primitive in all their ideas and habits. But tho mountains abound in iron ore and coal mines which are extensively worked by men of wealth from Selma and Mobile. ' The Selma aud Rome Railroad is completed uc Mountain, a distance of one hundred and ten "miles, and the rest of tho road, fifty miles, is all graded and ready tor the iron. It would have long since been completed had it not been for this war. Let us hope that this extensive scope of country, now so poor and worthless, under the benign influence of internal improve ments, freedom from Yankee rule, and the bless ings of independence, will soouappear as if it had come from the regenerating hand of the Crea tor. But if we lose the great stake for which we are now contending, with the skill of the Saxon and the courage of the Iudian, these mountains will become the fastnesses of our best born chil dren , from which they will sally forth ever and anon, aud strike a manly blow for freedom and for fame. STANHOPE. Jacksonville. Ala., Oct. 17, 1864. Events crowd so thick and fast, that i(, is difficult indeed to distinguish them oue from tbe other, and still forward Northward, onward goes the army of Tennessee". Tho nilroad frcm Hie Shanty to Ringgold is well dc8troed. It is true that sorub of the gar risons at intermediate points wore niaronod around, but Dalton, Tilton and several other, important points have been taken. Geo. Hood reaoued the former place on Thursday last, and demanded an unconditional surrender, granting Col. .Johnson five minutes to haul down his flag. The Colonel begged for his negro garrison, that they wouid be treated nf prisoners of war that private prop erty would be respected that officers should be paroled, &c all of which, in consequence of his soldt rn being our slaves, was peremptorily ret us ed, and at tho eXDiratiou of the five minute, "the clorious old flag" trailed in the dust and Southern bauncrs were unfurled upon tho. forts and uoon the bouses of Dalton. I no negroes were eight hundred in number and tho whito men two hundred and fifty, making over one thousand in all. Tbey were rigged out in full Kankee uni form. The darkios were at once stripped of their RALEIGH. SATURDAY, OCT. over-coats and boot by our boys, and pu' to work burning cross tics and twisting rails It must have been two days before that, when Til ton, with three hundred and fifty prisoners, was taken. As soon as Dalton fell, tho army resumed the march towards Chattanooga, and the last heard from it, the right rested at Lafayette, and the left at Ringgold. It is not thought, however, that Chattanooga will be attacked, as Gen. Hood is endeavoring to economise the lives of his soldiers as' r inch as possible in Northern Georgia for tho purpose of being more effective in our adjoining State of Tennessee. The opinion is universal that he will speedily cross that river at a point below Chattanoogat and maroh towards Nash ville. t - Gen. Sherman won the reputation both among his own people and ours, that he was a jreat strategist ; but in the recent operations, General Hood completely out-generaled him. A division of cavalry under Armste ad, was sent to tho Coo sa, near Rome, to which point it was known the Yankee army was marching for the purpose of intercepting ours. Our army had, however, al ready passed North. - When tlie cavalry came in sight, the Yankee army, thinking it the advanoe of Gen. "lood, deployed in regular lines of bat tle, posted reserves, flankers, .threw up breast works, etc. The cavalry skirtuishej and ."ought for two days before their real strength was found out, when the Yankee army advance and routed them, of course. But while they won the victo ry over the little squadron, Hood gained four days' march upon them, for they were obliged to fall back to Kiogstou, anu from thence go up thn road. ' It is to be regret'ed that Gen. Hood's army is so badly provided with blankots and shoes in this extriordinary2 movement. Whole regiments are barefooted, while blankets with any of the men is rather the exception thn tbe rule And there are some regiments who have not been paid in fifteen months! Of course, then, the men have nothing iu t'-e way of money, with which to pur chase clothing them-olves. T re are many hun dreds of men here and in camp at Blue Moun tain, for the wan of proper outfits. They are full 01' enthusiasm and anxious to j dn the ad vancing army, but are kept back by the caus? in dicated. The wind is already cold and chilling in. these mountains, and unless tbe country promptly forwards these supplies, or Gen. Hood goes into Tennessee and Kentucky and captures them, there will be great suffering among his troops But there can be no excuse for the Govern ment in not paying off the men The officers and men on post duty, the detailed men at home, the contractors, the quartermasters ; in fact, every- boby save tbe poor soldier in tbe ranks, are promptly paid. It is enough to arouse the in dignation of the whole country. But there is not a murmur among these immortal heroes. 1 hey press forward to danger and to liberty hatlcss, coat less, bootless, moneyless, ready to endure all and to brave all, for the sake of a more blessed boon than all these Liberty ! STANHOPE. OUR ONLY TERMS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES TO TUE PRO GRESSINDUCEMENT TO RAISE CLUBS. The following terms nf subscription to the l'aonaass, announced tbe 1st of October, will be strictly adhered to In all cases, and all mosey received will be credited in ac cordance with theae figures : . Daily paper, six months. i.00 " " Three months 16.00 " One month - 5.00 Weekly paper, three months....! 6.00 u (iX months 10.00 To any person sending us five subscibers to the Daily or Weekly paper, for three or six months, we will send a copy of 'he paper for the same length of time, grata. Persons not convenient to an Express Office may send money by mail without risk. The paper is stopped in all cases when the time paid for expires, and subscri bers should note the time or watch for the Cross Hark and renew before the time runs out, and then they will not mise the paper. ANEW BOOK THE BATTLE OF GREAT BETHEL. BY FRANK I. wrLSOJT. mHIS LITTLE VOLUME WILL BE READY IX A I few days, well printed on frns, white English peper. Every Nerth Carolinian should hare a copy. Price $1 60 per single copy ; 6 oopies for ST; and 10 oopies for $12 &0. On the receipt of the money tho work will be sent Tree or postage. Address FRANK I. WIL80.N, Raleigh, N. C. Newspapers in tbe State copying the above, or noticing, by sending me a marked oopv, will have tbe beok sent to them free ot postage. F. I. W. Sept 30-tf PRINTING! THE 44 OAIIV PROCHESS OFFICE' Having a good assortment of Material, an extensile va riety of trpe and one of the finest POWER'? BESSES In the Confederacy, is prepared to turn out all kinds o Jol -tP-Clx-tti n s la tbe best style of the art and at prices as reasonable as can be afforded in these times. We promise that all work entrusted to as shall be f irom pur, neatly and expeditiously executed. Orders so ieited. f J.' L. PENNINGTON A CO. Raleigfl, June 18, 1864. DOORKEEPERSH1P TO THE SENATE rTIHE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY ANNOUN I ees himself a CANDIDATE for the nflioe of PRIN CIPAL DOORKEEPER to the next SENATE of North Carolina. He has been in tbe war ever sinoe April, 1H61, and is new disabled and on light duty. If elected he pledirea himself to a faithful discharge of duty. Ootober 35-dtd W. J. SAITXDKR8. Confederate. ConaeiTative. Favctteville Observer, Wilmington journal, and Sallsbu y Watchman please copy and send accounts to w. J. itaiei.n. 8IJKGERY FOR CIELD AND HOSPITAL I AH NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY MY WORK on Surgery to subncrlburs and others who may wish tn purchase it. . On the receipt 01 o,uo, me dook win oe seni 01 uai postage paid. tutlirtu w Ail a en, si. i)., Aug 21-tt Raleigh, N. C. 29. 18(54 NO. 199. CITY MARKET.. Ralxig h . Oct '17. AI'PLES-tiroon M iKried BACON Hog round - SO ItlJUK i 3i llKtiSWAX o fANS 3. BUTTER $6 00 CANDLES Tallow ri " Wax By the box -.fu " Adamantine S " Spr-rm Noue CORN per Barrel $100 CHICKENS $35 COFKKE $16. DUt KUGS $3 00 ' FLOUR .$100 ' FODDER par hundred .'. y FEATHERS $: FLAXSEED H GEESE $S HIDES Drv $5 ' ' Oreen $2 00 HAY IVr hundred $10 LARD ! $6 08 SYRUP $10 MEAL $26 00 AILS Scare $3 00 OATS IVr hundred $16 " Caned $gbu HOKK None. POTATOS Sweet $o10 " Irish $8 I'KAS -Ground $30 S.oe $20 White Table $30 KAtJS -60 RICK $1 00 Kt K $20 SALT $60 00 SUOAIi- Hrown $10 " !ofr,e $16 l.oaf None, TALLOW $4 60 WHEAT - $30 WOOL NOTICE. O.P. .raaaiSiiia'a DspiaikiNT, ITklNT, I ,e 9, !84. J NOK COTTON Raleigh, June ! I AM NOW fliKPARKl) TO E fliKPARKl) TO ' 'HA I Yarn, for Wool, uoon the follow 1 terms, Tlx : One bunch of Yarn for three pounds washed Wool, and one bunch for foui pounda unwaahed. Agents have been appointed to make tbe exchange at the following places : Oxford, Tarboro'. Kinjton, Catha rine Lake, Cone. d. Richinham. HendersonTille, Statea ville, Roxboro', Asheville, Pittabeio', .ouiabo-', Fay Httevilli, Ccleraih, and at this jlaco. Persons shipping wool to this plane will pleaae mark on tbo packagj who they are from, and the cotwn yarn will be forwarded immediately. 1 nope tho people will patriotically respond to the above notice, as too wo, 13 tor clotning tbe . U. troops. St tie , A. U. A. DOW Q. M., N. C. A. July 2 d&wtf SKETCHES OF NASSAU. BY FRANK I. WILSON. T tH1.4 WOK,., OK ABOUT 100 PAGES, IS .tOW tn the hands ot tbe p-inter, and will he ready soon. It embraces whai tbe writer either saw ur beard from reliable sour and will be printed on tine white paper. Soils of 'tie contents are : N assau as it was, and as it ia; PopuU..on ; White Folki ; Colored Population; Soil; Products; Stock; Dogs; Chicken Cocks ; Lying at (Jusrantine ; Uurernment: Shipping: Quails; Xlus quitoes; Sharks, and other Ocean Products; The Par son on Sea-Sickness, Ac, Ao. Sent iree of postage for $3 per cop? ; live r more copies to one a. 1.1 r en 'i 60 per c, Hr. Send orders to FRANK 1. WILSON. Papsrs ia the State publishing the above will bare a cooy of the work sent them free of postage. Oct 12 tl WANTED 4 GOOD GRIST M I LLKK OVER FIFTY YKAKS OF age. Apply to ctai-lf W.R.RICHARDSON. LEAD WANTED. (JTjf) PER HOUND WILL BE PAID FOR ALL JP ' .vjv Lead delivered at Sept 6-dtf PROGRESS OFFICE. W. R. RICHARDSON At CO., BROKERS AND STOCK A UCT10NEERS, RESPECT FULLY SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS. Oct20-tf RALEIGH, N. C. CITY OP RALEIGH. JUaior Wm. H. Harrison. 0O-M1KSI0.4-US. Wetttrn Wnrd W. H. Tucker, Alex. Creech and V Overby. Mtddlt Wart w. K. Kicnara.ton, Augustus ii. L,ougee nd S. W. Scott. filler Want Dr. W. H. McKee, J. J. Ovo.oy and N. S. Harp. J. J. Christopher Is Cleric to the Hoard an : e ny lax Collector. W. R. Richardson is City Treasurer. roam Continue J. J. Betts, Chief N. V. Dento . Assistant. K. P.' Battle, City Attorney. J L Pen-.ngtou, City Printer, F. G. King, Weigh Master. MlSHT W1TOH. Capiaxit C. U. Horton. Watchmen E. A. Johnston, Wm. Beevers. Wm. 0 Parker, M. C. Luter, C. A. Driver and Wm. Overby. The last Wednesday niebt of each month is tbe time Hi en tor tbe reg-ular meetings ot tne Board. S"A n v of our friends receiving Important news from the army by private letter or telegrams, will ws trom tbe army I nfer a great favor confer a great favor oil ua by sending or leaving them at this ntHre for n i- use. SCHEDULE OF MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. Eastern r.nena daily at 7AM Northern," via R A G R It daily at -1PM " " N C R R " " 11 A M Western, " " " HAM Augusta, " " " 11AM Fayettiville, " " SAM Eagle Rock, Mondays, Thursdays A Saturdays, at l'i M Carthage, Thursdaya at 11 A M Suinmervil'e, Wednesdays at 6PM Leachbur?. " at 11 M Roxboro'. " at 11 M Eastern closet daily at 9AM Northern, via KlflKR, at 0AM " N C R R, at PM Western. " " at PM Augusta, ' " at ,9PM Favattaville. at 11 X V M Eagle Rock. Mondays, Thursdays A Saturdays, at 1 P M Carthaa-a. Wednesdays. at SAM Summerrille. Thursdays at 9AM lachburir. Wednesday at 1PM Roxboro', via Roeers' Atore Wmlnnadays at 1PM Otlioe ooso J'roru 7 A M 10 9:3J A. M , and from 11 A M toti P M.duriiiir the week. On Sunday Irom 1 A M to SAM, and from I P M to 1 P. M Persons are required tu transact their business during otucebours. , . itriiow to Sten4 lis Mouey . Never send by mat when vou can aendebv Express. All mnnev aent by Ka preasatour expense. Th't e "Tding ns money by mall riinst do mi at their own risk. tW Job Printing. - Haviug an abundance il lua turial and good workmen we are prepared to execute all orders for Job I'a in tin with dispel 'h. . . k J . .,v ...a h. . wj .. - - pound 14l be paid for all elean Cuitua as Linen rags dt livered at tbo Vrsgresa ottioa. Thlfw .nfl rll R. 'l'kirtv iuiiiIi ApyKII3lyt4i'. ho ' " . a - -- . - - 1 -. menu inserted in ths Vail) trefffty Tha tellawiu. rates valM be Uhlri!' for, all aAvtit ifc qrei .ink i'ii'a ur 1.1 nu,,!. Onedtr $3 00 One re.k Two da'v e.9 .. Twetrti. Three ivs 0 Three Kourdars ...Is 00 0neJ!""I. Five dav ...... r 15 Tw'iswrWiir.. ........ .$11 HO .au t o ...6' 00 ...-, i d Mi ,ii Fllty words, er eiftbt lines or lwa, etiant a qo a.KJltioual squares win a cmrsou vj "uio A'lvei t - menu rasertea oace, iwioe or lurow uhm- . a woe will i. oharcad $4 a square for avery in-eru.w. When -nt by letter, ti.o money nn'i rc.ini,a h advortiatment. klarrtafres. Daatbs, Msli.ioua an.1 "tl.n Notices f barged aa advertisements, au l uiun i- . I . ' advance. FUNERAL, NOl'ICK. The Uov. A. D. BLACKWOOD will pn-a.-h a Mh-,. i. Funeral on the 5th S bath in the prwnr unnth. nt I MATTHEWS, at the law reaidenw ..I' . ..i ialib.-, seren luihs Xortuwest of Ksleigh. Maaona are invited br the widow tn atl'md. Oct, IH td. AUCTION AND PRIVATE SA1 -.-. FO 1 HERRING KIRE PROOF IRON -iAFk, LAKG K t site. Oct 2S4t CRKKOH A LITCHFOKD Cdm. Merchant! A A uthowre FOR 3-nL 4mA BROWN SHEETINGS BY I It oALL Oii mb piece. N. 0. Gray Cassimeres. CREECH A LITCfiKOUD, Oct l-4t Com. Merchants A A uctioriee. -FQrX SALE. fUST RECEIVKl) ON CO.NSIONMKN I -I 20 Dot. 12x14 inch Mill Saw Piles. 10 " 12x14 inch Horse Shoe Kaspi. 100 Hand Saw lues. CRKKCIT A LITCHFOKD. Oct28-4t Com. Mwehants A Auctioneer". FOR SALE. aataa w raiiir. iinni.omi,i im n 11 1. vJfJ exchange one busbel ol Sail lur vl, 1 ue buhrU 1 E" CORN, boih Com and Salt dnlircre.i 4t u,,- nu, on Neuse River. Oct 18 d tf V. It. Klfll A KOMI FOR SALIC. A HOC AND ' OT IN TdK t ill OK KALailUrj ..I snttlcient capacity fur a lai Auply to W. h Oct (8 tt 1 family. . ilCUARltHOX FOR Hf E. B ONDS OF THE COUNTY OK WAKE IN SU to suit purchasers. Octitl W. H. KIUUAHDSO.N A CJ. FOK SALE 1 BBL COTTON SEED OIL. IU MILLER A RICHARDSON . SeKt 'i-tf FOR SALE 1UESU MOUNTAIN BUTTER ON CONSIONMKJiT at J M. TOWLtS'. ept 53-tf FOR J ALE. NORT". CAROLINA 6 PER CENT. BOND.S OLD tsioe. Also new N. C. 0 per cent. Bonds. SSepl. lUutt w. it. nieiunuau 1 a w. FOR SALE. VT C. COUPONS OF OLD tt PER CENT. BUNl.. i . Bullion and Coin. Sept 22 tl W. R. RICHARDS UN A Co FOR SALE. RAPP1NU aPKR FOK SALE. APPLY A Progreaa uthce. Sept IV 11 w FOR 8ALK. 'MEN SHARES OF 3' J K ' I N BANK OF CAP- 1 ear. Sept 29 f W. K. Rlt'llAKDSO.N i Co. U.OOO LBS. SUPERIOR BONE BLACK FOK SAU. THE ABOVE ARTICLE IS USED FOK 'I'HE MAN ufaoture of Black ;ng and blar' pamtlna of ..ei y aiuu. ivauruau voupaniea wuuiu ao wan iu pmv n to paint Engines and Cars w..n. is equal in quality 1 ratent -laok. a. .i, Sept 6-dtl Raleigh, N. C. ' CON FEDER..TE T A X NOT 10 E. X HEREBY GIVE NOTICE TiiaT 1 WILL ATTENH at my office in th City of PMeigh, on thp dava named in this notice, to receive the property or general tax diu- the Confederate government lor tbe Vear Isb4. To prevent confusion and in'-nra Jisuatch the tax pav ers will attend at my otlice .u 1 u i appointed Iit th districts 1q which they respec . reside. Swift Creek district on Monday, 14 Nov. 1M64. Panther Branch do l uf.-.j u 1 Barney Jonea do Wednesday IU Ou buck horn A Hewbill do tuursuay . Ou White 0g A Bea-. dQ FriJ , . d fnr l:rn 1 J Crabtree A Gary do Saturday In do House J Creek do Monday -'1 do Lick Creek A ) , ... Kitfs Creek f ' Fiah Dam do Wednesdaj 23 ' . New Light do Thursday do Uarton s Oreea uo I riday Tj do St Matthevi . St Marks Wake Forest Cross Roads Little River A Buffaloe do Saturday 70 28 IV do do do do Monday Tuesday do do do Weduasday 30 Marks' Creek do Thursday 31 do St Mary's do Friday I Dec. iHCi Raleigh, from Mondaj to Wednesday 13 do HAJFUS II. AG K, Oct 27-w2t Collector for Wake County. TO GAS CONSUMERS. ON AND AFTER THE 1ST OK NOVKMBKIi, 'IE price of Gai will be $40 per tt ,,-iand feet A .ho present price of rosin, freights and iron, a c ist the Com -pany $67.60 per tbouaand feet to make it. Oot 2li-dtd WATERHOUSK A BOWKS. $60 REWARD. STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM MY PREMISES, near MorrUville, N. C, a BLACK MAKE MULK. ,m year old last spring ; has a white n so tail and main un trlmmed. Said mule aisappuarod the last of June or tbo first of July. The above reward will be paid for her de livery to me or for information so that lean get her. Oct-d4tAwlm " CALVIN D. EDWARDS. SUPERIOR WAX CANDLES CON8TANTLY ON HAND AND FOR BALK. Highest market price paid for Beeswax and Tallow, by Mae. ALBERT JOHNSTON, Sept 6-dtl Hillsboto' st. lUleigb, N. C. NOTICE. ON TUE FIRST DAY OK NOVEMBER Ibtil, I V being Tuesday, I will, as Ksecutot of Wm. Ilnlt way, deed., sell ou a crodit of twelve months, t b paid In any funds that can be used in settling the eta'. all tbe crop of wheat, corn and oats, itoiaa liu borsaa, -i -tie and bogs two wagons, cuts, blarksuiith lu.ds, Ar. , Ac. Ou the same day aud upon the sauic tvms 1 ulU ten', two good plantations. Ther aro'd shout aiue uhUm northwest of Kalelgh. Bond and approved e.'ui iU war 1 1 4 lie requirml "t-yu. cbaeera and routers. SOL: IGUINM, Oct 10 dtd' AXES! AXES! A.VEM! WE WILL PAY' PRO si tl TO $7 (Oil OLD AYr,V. rr will patsieel in nr. ate for tw 1 old oh. 6 and I ineb Siort fira uiad, t. order SHAY. WIILIAMSON A CO . Oct 20-lw North Stale Iron and lira's Woik... JUST RECEIVED. UI.OT ( ;t 27-21 LOT OF NEW STOVK PIPE AT TUCKF.K, ANDKL.WS A .).. Auo, and Cum. Merchants, ttapt ii-tt