. . . . ' in ! mi mil i gMririnr i -n,nf mhh i i n.iM,. - ......... -. , u - f -. ... ..-w .r. ... -n.-er ...... .j. . . 11-IMltijtt,MMJ..,jyMytjfcijMfciiiBMMMMMMMMMMMMBiti ' - - , . I ' Th lkUibf h y " f wbiflriptl' topi , 4 montbi... 4. ....,..... MONDAY, DEO. 12.1864. -lUEOISIiATIVg PROCEKPISOS. J' ' SKNATB. ' -.i-"V v - ; . ; 8TrM, Deo. 10, IM4 in otti ro copim". ," ' In rcnrd to aiorUI tnm citiiM of Buthwmra eoniy Krorbly on n en(froed bill tb dlitfliitlon of (tfm 5- Homo Qatriti, o. Ordert tb the bill reported rwtord be prin- S3 Sir Ub( Z W reported rtord.j utborl hr0o"'X..d tbeW. GB.rd Wood tb. lot? the Goew Ilmite of tb. Bt ih .nnnlr. In. S ref."; SmoSnt MPnd,d by .he BUta T wfordnj the oniorlpt lw, rferr.l to wild e..mwitle.wn ro JortS "act with i ft.tem.ttt tbat rwlut.on of a aim. lT.rkAda. ndrt e.m.id.r.iioo 1 tb. other Hot..., wd mUm to b. dlMhargod from tho fartb.r eoo.ldera tlnn of tb. B. , ii.u.To.. nfuncn.' ' Mr. Odoai, bill to .empt from t.mitlon certain p"p ,rtr b.uSnK to orphan., Propo.lllon aad Oriewnc.. HwVwvm, bi" to nnthoriw tb. Secretary of Htat toMPW.rdr1rblU to lery . U In kind for the .npport of'eidf fainiUMofioldier.. Ordered to be prlnUd.- PMM?bVwl6S-Uo to .dio.m lthln.t..to ..oinon Sb. Ihird Monday 0 March, 18.. Mr. Miller Vot1 to amend ftxli.fr the day of rt tb. 3d int., t meet again epon the eeHof the Oorernor. IUS, T0., OH TltWn .KOOKP 1B10. The WU to looorporato Blnekmer'. Lode, No- 170, In BMr?3wtonU&b. dirt not b.ll.T. in making .pBeofaek for Bnoeomb.. B. had bn a member of the Lefti.la. tnra thirty yenri ago, and bad n.T.r jet mad. ipemfa forBMCoiib. BTdid not intend t 5o m now , but be would appeal to the Senator from Bonoomb., who had i,.jr.od iBMrtlns Wkit: He did not lik. the premnt fTbMltalw ol preferring whit,. toWck.. Mor.r!lI" lodge for white, both tb. Senator from Bu-b. ?i &f oould ,in. He . ..ot.dth. bill to urortd. tbat all white women of reepeeUble .Und ln. .ho. Id bVentltled to tafa.lttlh ..Id Lodge. He booed th58Vrndhlnif wwbotk tUteu for .dU5on now , Ifnot tb.y would rirt to mak. them.Wi n 1 ta 5?I.r to r.t Into'th. eompany of ladi.. whom, while they nsM Mil eh other "brother they eould Uke by the hand and Mil "i.t.r." Tb. bUI pa.d. Kworotbm In favor of D. M. Ray, of Madln county. PwMd, rl. .mpended, and panted third reading. nMOtmioa on it fnno aiAoma. A MMlntlonlo refund atno.nl ol tax, or.rpaid by Job Bheat. PaMed. . aim. raoatna naui. A. nunber of .Dgrnwed bilU w.r. rwired from the Bctittdd.ritU-e. Tb. bill for tb. relief of PowVr, lw. Co., wa. referred to n lot commute. ZZEtogtt Mwi WrtshW Wrrw. Hall WlMln. and LiW, The bill prorlde. for Intulng dapReaU bond, of tb. BtoW in lien of wme thrown into the to nrernat tb.tr (ailing Into tb. hand, of tb. en.my.l Mrnian rwclr ' transmitting n .Utement of tho BajtkorRorth Carolina, with a pr.po.iUon to print Oonenrrrd In. HiaoniXAitoci. 6 motion of Mr. Patotl, th. tote by wbteb tb. bill to ncnUtenlarle. and fee. paaeed yeeterday, wa. reeomld ered. and the bill wa. laid upon tb. Uble. Adjo.rned. B008B OF00MMOIf8. Batoioat, Dee. 10, 18.4. Tl. Hom wa. .ailed to ord.j at 10 Clock, A. M. Prayer by Rer. Dr. Mawn, of th. Protettaat KpUeopal Cbnren. . donmalofrMtorday mad and aoprnwd. L.TaTof aWoo. wera f ranted tfe-f. McLmu, Polk, MoM Ulan and Wheeler. Mr. Bh.ph.rd, from the Committe. on Plnanoe. re Mrtodabiil In relaUon to the PubU. Trea.nrer, which pamnd Ttt .ral reading, under reipeodou ef th. rule.! aim n bill to be enUUod the Berenne Act. iThi. billUfiNanad wtori toz of on. per eenton th. a. MMd talu. of real Mtato and .lar. in 18S, with tb. nanl exemptiosj. Tb. reporter wa. unable, from sorely hearing th. bill read at th deak, te obtain a correct tUto ntent of to. .peolllo Ue. laid by th. bill. J The bill tu ordered to bo printed and mad. the .noetal m dor for 11 o'clock on Tuesday next, and thereafter from dav to day nnt diipoied of. bill authorising an InereaM of the rate, of toll on the Hickory Nut Tarnpike u reported from the Committee ri Cheroke Land, and Waters Turnpike., end bad IU 8ruVmotioar Mr. H.aden th. Judiciary Committee wa. lMtrneted to report at th. arllet praotioabla period poa a reniaiion heretofore referred proposing tn .ub ' Jeet meBbnr. of tb. Ugidntur. to Home Guard dnty. Mr. Lj l introdaded a reeolutloa to reetrict member, in debnM te ton minutei time. . Lie. orer nnder rule. Mr. Canon, of Rutherford, retolutione in relation to an honorable peac oppotlng reooottruotion and r.qne.t Ing- tbe Pre.ident te appoint Commlwioner. to proceed to ' Waabiigtoo City, during tbe winter, empowered to treat for peace, A. Ordered to be printed and referred to tf Committee on Confederate relation. . tmooDOTio er mua. 'Ur. Horton, of Wauteoga, a bill to proride for kwplng . In repair public road. In Wantaaga eonnty. 'Mr.- Boyd, a bill to incorporate Leakirlll Lodge, An eient Jork llaaon. Mr. Shepherd , a bill to amend the law authoriilng the appointment of flour Inneotor for the town ot Fayette. tIU alw a bill to antborla. the Mayor and Commit itononeftho town of fayetterille to .apply paid town with water. Th. mUowlagvngrceeod bill, alw had their let reading in thMHoaM, rid A bill to Incorporate the Jaoeetown Cotton Mill.) a bill to incorporate th. Kavanaugh Button Factory and Maoain. Hbopa 1 a bill to lsgalli an order of the apeetal eoart of the oeunty of Bertie 1 a bill to. Incorporate the Oak Bill Cemetery Company: a bill to. incorporate tbe Confederate Cotton and Woolen Mill, in th county of Richmond, and a' bill to Incorporate Chloora Oollegiate lartitute la. 4ae county of Kobeeon. The, lut of then paneod it. 2d and 3d reading, and.r a .ufpeaaion of th "iSr. Oirwn. of Rnthertordy nweented a petition from n K. X McCurreT. Thi petition .Utod tbat petHioner wa an old man, afflicted with a chronic dixaa. of many . year, .tending, and tbat the .apply of wbi-key be bad on bandatthe eommeacement of the war Wai now eibatut d. Th petitioner for then reaion. pray.d permiuion " to dltil fr.m oorn a few gallon, of whikt y for hi. own wpectal nie. On motion, of Mr. Canon thli petition we. referred to - vommKte ontopoattiou ana (rneeaiMW. ; . . Th. Bobm adjournwi nntil Monday 10 o'ctock, a. m. . . Th Secretory of War hu decided tbat wear- log ipptral, tbat is to mjt our nigbt OAponr old hhirte.old browsers, ,0., are not subject to tax - nr. a...i, il. nTu , Tb tRtinttijfia My tbat tbe dbotrinei net fortt in the letter of Mr. Boyo ar tbe tame u those held by tliat paper, and by tbemTtbe editor expresses willingness to riso or fall, ' jbTHow to Seed us Honey -?.T.r .end bt whi to an tend by Bxpren. All money lent by k pros at ear expeoM. Tho. tending money by mU ntd.iM nt their own. jrl.k,' ;.v . v. . . - . -.J bTa nf or oar friends receiflng important ' - awr(Ki th army by private letter r tolegrame, will - earrfrat taw V d byeendlng wWlng them at tnueBoeforearuN. f- VOIL VI. :elegraphic news GnterodMJOfdiflK Ui l l OunitruM, in th yr 1801, , by J. . TUrMiri- in tb Ulerk'n O1ioe nt Ubtrlat Court of tho 0oallrte Hun if Us Northern Ulf trlet ! ttr((4 ' Later from tbe North. RjcminiNi), Oeo. Kw York and Baltimore paper. of theth (T) reoeWed.' . Lincoln' menage ii publiehed in fall. He ly the condition of our for.lgn affair. U reaona-, ble and .atiifactory. We here .trlctly malotained neu trxllty between tb belligerent, in Mexico. There U a god proieot tbat the inter-ocanio rout, via Han Juan will aoon be re-opened. After enumerating th. South Ameriuan republlca, with which our relation, ar. of a moat friendly nature, he so licit authority to furnlab a gnnboat to Liberia, tb. coat to b. retruburicdJa the United State by tnitalment. Th. noble dealgn of telegraphic communic.tlon between Amer ica and Oreat Britain hu been renewed with tbe foil ex pectation of iU early a'coompMahment - '' he rebelllen in China hai at laat been tuppreaaed with the ea operation of officer of tbia goTernmen t and other State. ' H. aay.tbat the port, of Nnifolk, F-rnandloa and Pen lacolahaie been opened, and it la bp d that foreign mer chant will reeort to theae and other open port, rather than purine contract, and trad, with other port, elated by a lawfnl and .SeotWe blockade. Unforeaeen political difference, hare ariaen in tbe Kra tillan and Uritlrh porta which ar now in oonrae of ad justment. Notice baa been gtren tbat tbe United State, will In crease humeral armament opoa th. Lake. The public debt on the Brt of Jttly wa nearly .Ighteen hundred mill: on doll.', held fur tbe molt part by our own people, and baa become a aubitantial branch of na tional though private property. After reference to varlout lubjeou of no general Inter eat to Confederate reader, Lincoln notice the continuance of tbe war with reeult. which h. regard, a important. B. recommend a prope.ed amendment to the oonttitu tion aboliahtng tlaeery throughout th. United State. " He refer, to tb reault of th recent tlectlon a. an evi dence of the purpoee of the people of tbe loyal Statee to maintain the Integrity of the Union . The election return ibow that th great majority of men who cempoae Army and Navy ttate living the we are gaining atrength, and If need be maintained Intereat with lnrargente inddflnltely. So the diapatch read En. It lathe pnblic purpoie to r-eetablih and main tain th. national authority nnchangad, or a. w beli.v nchangeable. On careful oonalderatlon it aeem. to me no attempt at negotiation with the inanrgent leader oould reault in any good. He would acoept nothing ahort of a ieverance of tbe Union, which we cannot voluntarily yield. It iue can only be tried by war and be decided by victory, but the Southern people can re-accept nnion, and the amnee tv offered one year ago U atill open to all on condition to mak a free choice. In eonoluilon, Lincoln y tbat h. will not retract or modify hi. .mancipation proclamation, and in itating a Ingl condition of p.ao. he mean, .imply to ay that war will eea. on th. part of th. United State, government whenever It ihould have ceaaed oa the part of thoa who began it The above diapatch U ao badly bulled" up that w an mak. but little ne of it, bat we do not think tbat the operator, in th Raleigh offloe ar to blame, for w. hav. th Wilmington Jtmal, containing th Mm tele gram, before u, and And tbat th aentenoe. that we can mak nothing of ar left oat. Tbe fault 1 eomewbere be tween here and Richmond, or at tbat plaoe. We d not Ilk. to complain bat w hav. bad .0 much of the am. aort reoently that w find curlf getting a little vexed. En. Paoasaa.J Riobmoiid, D.c 10. United Statee paper, of the 1th reoelved. The "Herald'." new .ummary aya th. armle. under Thoma and Hood till "confront each other In the vicin ity of NaahvUIe. Tneeday there wa. klrmlhlng and heavy cannonading on both .idea, s Both armie. are atr.agth.ning their rp.etiv. peai tiona, On Monday Hood aent a flag of trace to Thoma., pro posing to .xohang prUooera. The latter replied that th men he had captured had been lent Northward and were beyond hla oontrol. Hood', headquarter, on Tueaday were ilx mile South ofNaihvUle. Boaiean and Mllroy hold Murfreeiboro. A body of rebel, amaulted the Block Hon, near that pbjoa on Monday, bat w.r. driven off with tbe lot of tlx pleoee of artlll.ry and a number of prttaner. Detroit if again greatly exolted by anticipation, of a raid from Canada. Lincoln made a abort .peeeb oa Wedneaday night to a erenading party. He bad no good new. to tell them yet bad no bad new but the mott iatereating new. now i from Sherman. We all knw where he went in at but w can't toll where he will come out. He proposed three cheer lor Sherman. The New York gold market 1. excited by a bill intro duoed into Congr.a prohibiting .peculation in gold and by the ton. of Lincoln', menage. Tbe lateet quotation. are 141. Oa Tueday guerrilla, captured and burned a tchooner and .team-tog off th. mouth of Warwick river above Fortree. Monroe. , IS mill From the Valley. Nnw Ma.ut. Dec 9.-UeL Baylor, of the 12th Va, ' Cavalry, attacked two oompanie. of th. ilat New Tork r Caralrr. near Millwood, Clarke county, on tb. .to., ana killed and captured Yankee, and captured. nor.e., .From Petersburg. PsT.aiMaa, Deo. t. Tbe main body of the enemy'. raiding oolnmn 1 In th vldnity f Jarratt'., M mile. onth of thi. elty. Fighting a been glng on ther to-day, but the remit U nnawertalned. Oar fore hold BimiA.nt f hm hrtdir la etronftlv guarded. The tee ny detroyed Saaan Court Hon.. on tb.lr route and eiaed horae. and eattl everywhere. From fttchmoBd RiCmobo, Dec 10.-Tb. "Whig" i. that in .pit. of th. enow, rain and mad there ar atrong indication thi. morning of aotlv operation. n th.lln. below Rioh nnr rnraM war In lin of battle. The enemy wr driven flrom their exterior work, on our left thi mnrntn. ".- - . ... .fticnoan. Dm. 1L The aflalr oa tb line, below Rich mond ynterday wa. only a reoonnomeane by Grant and Loagrtrwt. Heeult. animporteat. RALEIGH. MONDA Y. DEC. SKETCHES OF NASSAU. BY FRANK I. WILSON. rpHW work, op Aiiwr io paoh. is now 1 In tbe b4nna nl tlin p-inter, nn'l will i rtuii ei"n. uembraci!! what I ho writor either raw ur boaid ir.u.i reliable eouroea, anl will b printed nit line whit.' piper. Home of the ooutent are t N-fu a it was, HnJ a it ia; Populati.m ; Whim Ko'lki ; Ciilxred ('"iniUtion 5 Sail ; f'riKluota f S'. jcii U gt i;hiiktt t'ck; Lvlog at Quarantine j Oavoro u-nt ; 8hippinj Squall ; Vlu qultoo ; Shark, and otuer Ocean i'mduow ; Tho Har on oa StoA-riicltueas, Ao , Ac. . Sunt free of pmUigo fiir $3 pfr oupv ; H8 or more oopie. to one .iilrti $'2 (0 per uopr Scnl oidpi n to r'UANK I. -WILSON. Paper, in th .State puhlinblni; tint !wva wui ba.e a oooy of tbe work ei'Ut thi m free of pojtajje. Oat li tf A FEW IMPORTANT FACTS IN HE.ABD TO Til B "SOD T HKRN II K P A T I C PI tX8." 1 THtT ARE PRKI'AKGU FltOM TUG MUST 1. quality of Medicine by thi diovcrer, now an ajfed Uiniatur o! the U"iipl, and are lata. 1. They liavn been known for year and tutted by thnuxantla. 5. Five hund-ed prnna are known to bare been cured br thein. 4. They are not recooiraeded by the proprietor fur ev prj thirf, but only lor dlieaaua which ariae irom disor dered lirera. 6. Direction and certificate accompany each box and tbeae certificate, are from well known and inoit respecta ble individual. 6. Correpondeuti reootuiuend them aa good for Liver l)ieae, Chilli and Fevers, Pneumouia, Jaundice, Dva- pepaia, Billlou f evers iiiiuoua Kneumauam, norma, Pluriay, Bronchitis, Ac. T. Several gentlemen slate tbat. the uao of tbt.se Hill h been to tbi in an annual savin? of from 1 100 to $200; they are tbe beat plantation medicine ever ottered u the public. 8. Some Phyician of the highest atanding prescribe them to their patient, and hundred of boxe hare been old'to regular practition. rs. . During the last quarter 2, M0 bnxee have bwo sold to. Druggiat, one io South Carolina, and one in North Carolina and aouie time ago over 8,700 boxes wre or dered bv DruffffiHtu in ono town in Virgrinia. frice, S3 a box. f or .1U a aoxen noxea win ue ent to any. address A very liberal disoount to Drug giat. and country merchants. Cash (new currency) to """M!;.... - ... - Aahevtle. E. J. Aston, Lincolntoo, S. P. Hherrill, Albemarle, J. M. BiTlns, Chapel Hill, K B. Handera, Charlotte, J. Nye Hutchin- Loulaburg, J. Clifton, Marion, Wa. WakeBeld, Pittaboro, J. Long, Raleigh, Williams A Hav- Ison, E . 11. Vol , Clinton, Hubbard Motley, iwooa, P. F. Peacud, Concord, J. Held, Rockingham, J. P. North- Enfield, J. Cohen, am. ayetteville N. A. Stedinan A Co. Saliabnry, Hendersoh A En- nia. Greensboro, Porter A Oor rell, Ooldsboro, Lucas A Moore, Halifax, J. O'Brien, Henderson, Wyche A Co. Shelbv. R. Froneberger, w adesDoro, v. v. oenneii, Whiteville. K. tiavnes. Wilmington, Walker Mearee H. Aictiin, Lexington. l. r. niimson, W. li. Llppitt, Address, July JMtawAwlm Ooldsboro,' N. C. STIP EB.IOR COURT OF LAW, FALL TKRM, IHO-i. NORTH CAROLINA, ' netr Cew'y. J. F. MARTSFIKLD) e. Wm r I.OFT1N. I "VRIOTNAI. ATTACHMENT. LEVIKI) 05 THE UB- J feadant'. land, lying on th. South id. of Neuae It ia ord.wl by the Court, that publication be mad. for fix week, notifying the defendant that unless he ap- n.ir - vithin tna umi nreacrioeu vv iw. reuivntw uu olead. judgment by default will b. entered against him, and th. land levied on will be .old to satisfy plaintiB ac- Wltnaaa. JUSTUS &1NSKI. uiera: or laid lionri, ai office in hy.atfin, tbe third Monday after th. fourth Mon day of September, IBM. tuned 1st day ot nov.mo.r, joo. Nevl-dltAwow ' JUSTUS KIN8ET, 0.8.0. PRINTING! THE " DAILY PROGRESS OFFICE." Having a good assortment of Material, an extensile va riety ot type ana one oi me nn.st POWER F BESSES In the Confederacy, 1 prepared to turn out all kind o TOT3 3FjrlXltla3.S In th. best atvle of the art and at prices aa reasonable aa can be afforded in theae time. We promise that all work entrusted to u snail ne nromntlr. neatlv and exoeoiuonsiy executed, vruera au- r ' 7 C " J - ....... W- . i-i mm m ioited. - j. Li. runninurvn ea. ivr. Raleigfl, June It, 1864. A NEW BOOK THE BATTLE OF OREAT BETHEL. BT FRANK 1. WILSON. mum t.ITTLB VOLUME WILL BK READY IN A I fear rla. wall nrintod on Una. white English pLper. Every N.rtb Carolinian should have a copy. Prioe $1 60 per tingle copy ; 5 enpie lor $Tj and 10 copies for 11 60. On tbe reoeipt of the money the work will be .entfree of portage. Addreaa raana i. r-iunv.-, Kal.igh. N. C. in the State esDvini the above, or noticing editor jlly, by (ending me a marked eopv, will havethe beok Mint to them free ot postage. F. I. W. Sept 30-tf NITRflERV FOR FIELD AND HOSPITAL T AM NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY MY WORK I nn MnrirnrT to aubacribera and other, who may wish -J m, - j In nillAhl.A 11. Ob Di a roniMnl of S.0O. tae Doox will do aent dt poetagapaid. KPWAriif main.i, Kaleigh, N. O. Aug S fiO(t LBS. SUPERIOR BONE BLACK FOR ' aB A V El THE ABOVE ART1CLB IS USED FOR THE MAN ufacture of Blacking and black painting of everv nnt Uailrnad Comoanies would do well to purchaae it to paint Engine and Car with It 1 equal in quality to rateoi oiaca. A. junnoun, , Raleigh, N. C. aept.-dti NURSE AND HOUSE GIRL WANTED. WANTED TO HIRE A GOOD GIRL OB WOMAN to attend children and do housework. For a ser vant of good character a good home may be aeoured and a good prlo. obtained. Addreaa f'X," Progress offloe. nov 4-au , W. R. RICHARDSON dt CO. BROKERS AND STOCK A UCTIONEERS, RESPECTFULLY 80LIC1T CONSIGNMENTS. OotlO- RALEIGH. N C. tttw Rn.inea. Notice. The expenae attending thepublication ol toe Paoaaas. are enormous and hav. to b. paid promptly, and-w. must do a cash businos or at all. Wa must demand cash Irom all save those' business men ol the city who have account, with the f tee, and parties at a distance ar. .xpeoted to remit ..nmntlv when Ila are sent We have no time to col- Li hill, and dnn-t want to make anvoharge. Ther never wu abetter time to pay debt than the present, and all who iws aa ar reqacted and .xpeoted to pay at .nee. SO. 26 j8ED0OFPcrAs FOR NORTH CAK THE PKR10I) FOR THE I'CBLICATION Or IHb I Hchedule of Prlues t . aovern the Acente of the Oov ernmt.t. fur the next pixlydavs, h.Tiug anivd, the Ooinmiisioner. of the State of North Cirnlitia adopt tbe U.i Hcln-djle with the exc.pti.on of tli few change, show, below. 1'hn illu.Ms of Mr Mordeoul, depriving u of hi services, we have .alli d In Mr W H Jon4 of thla city, vhub Kindly (ilwn ua the henetii of hir judgment aa liutpiro on llle present oruiwiuu Ami.n til led, ir.w.d. Deehd. HT bmh M lb 5 0 3 60 12 M) 12 00 3 00 7 06 10 00 10 0(1 1 00 60 1 60 $ 00 h TIS 11 00 do unpeiile.1. l"l hush 2s Iba Axe., do Bacon. Deans, Brandr, do ' Beef, do do Candles, do Chains, Cloth with baudl-e, each, without hand.ee, each, pr priid. hog round, white or cornfield, per bush SO pounds applH. finaaialvia, p-iich, per gallon, fresh, ti.tt P"r pound,. (rush, ((i o . cr pound. salii'd. per wound, tallow, pjr pound, aiiainiiviiue. per pound. traiv.., per pair, " woll.in lor .)ldiers Juthes.J- gtjtd wide, 10 o. Io yard, and pro ral as to rJV?.tf--r. or le weight or width,', er rani, rar, per Ih. ' . Klo, per. potutd, unali.lled, per bosh TO iba, sack not Inoluded, per bush of M- pound, cotton, 7 8 yd wide, 3 yard to pound, per vd. rati ltlr, per bbl 16 lbs, fxtr auperhne. p"r hbl 19b lbs. HuperUne, per bbl lfl lbs, line, per barrel of lti Ha, bale, per 100 pounds, unbaled, tier WU pounds, w'Hil, each, bulxil, per I0O pounds, uj.haled, per 100 pounds, drr, extra; per pound, i ii J freen.ner pouhrf. 6 00 ( 00 4 60 6 00 & 2V eO U tt u, Coll'-., fori), l.'o' n Meal, Drill,. Flour 46 00 .1 26 S7 r.o 33 T6 Foddr, it 4 00 3 60 6 00 4 00 3 60 3 00 2 60 1 60 1,000 00 aoo o i 30 00 350 00 314 00 !7R 00 T10 00 IUU, ' Hay, , Hides, Hides, ' do . Worses, artillcrr. 1st claas, per head, do artillery, id cla-s, per head pt r roitm per month I'ig, No 1, per ton, 2,000 Ibi fig, No 2, per ton, 2,000 lbs Pig, No 3, per ton, 1,000 Iba . Bloom,' per ton, 2,000 lb Smith's squtro or round per ten of 2,000 lbs serviceable railroad, per ton of 2 240 pounds Wool, domestic, per yard camp, iron, per pound, good, per 1,000 feet per pound ole, per pound upper, per pound harness, per pound cane, per gallon Hoosj' i Cut Iron, .do do do do 1,030 00 du 400 8 10 00 ' 30 60 00 2 76 6 00 7 00 T 00 -. 6 00 10 00 1,000 CO 800 00 600 00 100 00 6 26 4 60 6 26 4 00 1 10 1 76 8 00 1000 00 600 00 7 60 4 00 4 00 8 60 6 00 2 00 Jeans, Kettles, Lumber, Lard, Lex ther, do do Molaases, do sorghum, per gallon 1st class, per head, 2d elare, per head Mules, do do Sd claas, per head Nail, Oat, per Keg ibeaf, baled, per 100 lbs sheaf, unbaled, pr 100 Iba baled, per 100 lb (helled, per bushel cotton, 3 1 yarn wide, 7 oi to vard, per yard, cotton, 7.8 jard wide, S oi to -j ard, per van , per bushel, work, 1st quality, per yok. 2d quality, per yoke cow, per bush of 60 lb. Irish. er buih of 60 lbs do do do Osnaburgs, du Onions, Oxen, do Peaa, Potatoe, do iweet, per bush of 60 lb Peach' dried, per bush of 38 '.b do nnpeeied, per bush of 3d ibi Pork, tresn, nett, per pouna, salted, per pound, gross 1st quality, near tawn, per head, par month, common, near town, per month, 1st quality, in the country, per head, per month, common, in country, per head, per month, good, per ounoe, new, per pound, old, per pound, good, per bush of 56 lbs, two bushels, osnaburga, each, oottnn, 34 yard wide, 4M yards to pound, per yard, ootton, 7 8 yard wide, 3 vard to nound, per yard, do 2 26 1 40 do Paalurage, 8 00 do 6 00 7 00 do do 4 00 66 00 60 Quinine, Uice, 40 6 00 3 00 do Rye, Sac as, Shirting, 1 30 1 10 1 76 do Cotton ttripi, 3 yard to pound, pr yd Salt, Coast, per buse ef 60 lbs. 20 00 85 00 a 00 8 00 15 00 do Liverpool, per ousu oi ov ius, do Virginia, per bush of 60 lbs, Steel, cast, per p'und, Shoes, army, per pair, Shoe thread, flax, per pound, 10 00 2 00 Hocks, soldier wool, per pair, fat, per head, brawn common, per lb, hard, per pound, soft, per pound, baled, 100 lbs, good, per bush of 22 lb, good per bush of 37 lbs, black, per pound, green, per pound, cotton, 10 ox. to yd, per yard, No I, extra, No 1, No 2, Lugs, clean, per peund, cider, per gallon, manufactured, per gal good, per gallon good, per bush of 68 Iba bran, per bush of 17 lb washed, per pound unwashed, per pound wood axle, 4 horse, new, eaeh wood axle, 2 horse, new each 36 00 Sheep, Sugar, Soap, 3 00 1 00 75 4 00 76 do Shook, Shorts, Ship itufT, Tea, I 40 6 00 8 00 do Tent cloth, Tobacco, 1 60 3 00 2 60 1 76 1 26 1 60 do do do Tallow, Vinegar, 1 00 1 00 10 00 7 60 do Whiskey, Wheat, do 60 8 00 Wool, do 6 00 Wagons, 660 00 360 00 Yarn, eotten. per bunch ol 6 lbs I 00 Baling long forage, par hundred pound. Shelling and bagging corn, aacka furnished by 76 45 government, per onsnei, Hir. af two horae teams, w.gcn and driver, ra tion furnished by owner, per day. II 00 Hir. of two horse team, w.gon and driver, ra tion furnished by government, per day Hire of four horae trains, wagon and driver, rai 7 00 tion furnished by owner, per day, Hire of four horse teams, wagoa and driver, ra--1 ions" furnished by the government, per day . Hire of six horse team, wagon and driver, ra tion furnished by owner, per dav Hire of six horse teams, wagon and driver, istioui furnished by government, per day Hire ol labor. , ration famished by owner, per day Hir of laborer, ration furnished by government, per day Blr. of laborer, rations fu.-niibed by government, per month , Sire of laborer, rations furnished by government, par month Hir. of horae. ncr dav 20 00 10 60 36 00 13 60 4 00 2 to 90 CS 46 00 3 00 Tb. ucmmlaetoner. respeetiuily suggest inaintvoe found practical, the producer should be allowed to retain a fourth part of their surplus, to be Mid at market rata, te par for their necessary plantation supplle., which they have to purchase at high market prioe. They earnestly call upon the farmers to bring fowa d their corn now so necessary to tb. support of the army in their immediate front, and which alon. will pr.rent tbe lnee to th. enemy, of all their orops, stock, negroes, Ac, Ao. The commissioner would also recommend that tb lu praasmen .hould be .niv.real and . uniform, leaving nut ao on. Forth, information of all person oaeniM, we pa- 12. 1854 mm..'- -..j- AOTKUTlSINCt RATE.. The following ats will be chartr-d tut , !! ad''u menu inserted Tn tlu Ooxljf '! W'ji V., r oaa .auaaa or tif il, .....fS 00 J Cue weK ;...IJS f 0U lpjaekar.. ..A "0 r00 Tbrecwi kd... DO ,. .. 11 00 One ji onib ... . . ... U tw 1& 00 7wum- nth.. '-til n One day ...... Two divs..;.M. ThM-oNy"" Four day. .... rtv. day . fill. mr lohl lima Or iese. eoonl . ijusm, ai d additional iquar. will be charged th auiu. ' 'lw use meoa iuertedunoe, tvlc'u or three time a -nf-be oharged i a aqu.r. for ev.-rr Inai'i tl.iu. When 'ut by letter, the smiwr muil re.rupnv the adveitisnnunt. lUrriages. I. .aluM, . lv. tu. i. l ..ther Notioea chrg-d advertiaeuieuta, and .nu t to in advance. lisb th followi iif Instruction, with lb.- l.o... ihat they will he atrlntU ob-ved. No otlieor, or agent, shall l-npraes the nee., plie. which an person ina hve for tb mutun himtelf. his lain V . employe. s!.ies, in to en ouiinary m.iohannal, uianul.ti-Oiniig or uKfioult tnp in-' piovuients Tbe next mooting of the H'l.rd will ho lieM "u ate Chamber, in tho t'it.v of xKliiul , i Mon.ni Sth ilav of Fi bruary next, uuI-kn sooner eh .m- I Ihu ITTI pressing agents m usi. furnt-li good aud ehiibmi ! v ii sons for disaprov.ils on appe.-iU, or the award . f n appraiser will beapprovetl. - AH ewnuuKt41iii-..jii)uia be addressed to Ihn ,Secrtary f the H'mrd, 11 n I.' . fl. (Signed) 11. K. HUUUW.l (i.irvhbu-,;, '' II. V. BLArKSiOt", hti.ckvi!li.. N C. Com' Appraicm 'til for Stale of .' ' Unirlro. W H Jon Kalelgh , Dec. 7, laat-witdti AUC'llON AND PHI V ATE ! P OF VALUABLE -NEGH0ES At A-Tiotioii- ITT-ILI, BKSOI.ll , BKSOI.H IN KKOM ol "fit : on TuesiUi lovvl, l"e 1JII, l ..ll i '.'i a I-fid ble Nt.UROKS. consi:ir. ..I' AI.' and Children, nuiooit li o a c"ol tln . k i . Shoemaker ad some C.nike. H h-- Sen -.' Hands, Ac. Taken altnrlh'T th,. mnjl ra'u.ihia ht ol op ; fered for sale in this maiket I'm- a .ng ' i m f i Ti. j. ulletl.l ,'uin ant j)f valuabl" V'ning nt'L'roea wool 1 do vejl to thi sale asaraie chance m ft 1 1 . ; . t -it tu n p . -' v selves Tbev are sold lor uo fault. CKKFCI1 A I,1'1C1!HM;1. Deo ! dtd A ni-ii o , NEGROES IlIKU, Wli.l, UK . S .IJ in front of our Sales Koom, i,u,. r.-; t . w 'etui, 30 yo.rs ild, an excellent V ahet Irtm.-r so. I S.'ilOll- II Hid ; tress: ono nerro man. 44 veaia oh.( troo i one woman, j ., ears old. with twro rhitili n. t.'KKt,t II , LU UIltOHU, Deo 8-eodtd Auctionoers Notice A NEGRO CHILD, ABOUT TWO YEA US OLD, (girl,) disappeared from my house lent Tuesday evo mug, the property of David Penny, deceased. Said chihl was named .NKED11AM AMY. Any inferuiatinn respect ing said child will he thankful'? received and liberally rewarded. Addn sa W A Pti.N.N'Y, Kaleigh, N C Dotf 8fc.HI PENNY. N" otic e . SPECIAL AOENT WILL i.KA VK THIS OFFICK L for the Army of Nurthuru Virgin! on Um iKth in stant, tor tbe purposu ot i-oiivey in such tupplies . amy be contributed to our soldtors us a t'hnnlo nn oflerio by their friends at homo. KDVVAKI W.tUlii.N, Dec 9-dGtwlt Hugeon denoral North Carolina. Rent. i o r THE LARGE AND PLbASANTLY SITUATED DWELLING HOUSE in Ibe Western Ward, at pies ent occupied by J D Pullen j alio th i Dwollln occupied by E A Wh! taker, and the Coach thops neir thn said house.. Thi property will be re.ited for tho ensuing year at public auction, on TH U KSDA Y , Tiii in-taut, at the (tore of Messrs Creech A Litchl'nrd Possession given January 1st, IBM. Ileo D-eodtd .Btandard copy s. n van or v msmak np-nt oa(i 3-V tSIUTXIieTaXTCtO "tHECCIIO CTai.ai.ria: TuflLSl I3NT I5LiaNT3D. THE ASHE8S0R FOIt WAICIC COUN I Y WILL U In Raleigh on Moiday, Tu-.iUy ami Wedueadar of each week in November and liecjuiber, for the pm p so of assessing the (ax in kind of t!in n, KodJer, M .1.1-.. -i, Su gar. Peas, Beans Urouud Peas, Ao. We want every good citizen to give ia 'or the ,. ll"iV wives, ladies and Intlrui puisonsol te -ir i -eihb i -iioods. Tho. who hav not listed th-. ir Wheal, Oals, Ky tlay and Wool, can also lis' at the auovu tune-. NATHAN IVEY.f As" l,"sor- Nov 21-d2wAntd WOOL NOTICE. Qcaaraauaira'. larru!ir. Kaleiifh, June 1 t; I . ( I AM NOW HRKPAIIKD l'i EXCHANHbi fDliOV Yarn, for Wool, upon tho fo. I.. sring t-rsu. vi. ; On. bunch ot Yarn for tb ei p'mu l w i .tied V one bunch for four pound uiiw..b 't. Agent haveb wn appoia' - l t m . th , ni'h .. th following pl4o ; Oii'.n I, farb-irn''.lvinston rine Lake, (joneord Richini!h'ii, Hu-Ir mville ville, Roxboro', Ash inll j, I'iliah.ir .', f .."nsour; .tterU'erColerain, and it' tlii- ' I ... and -i.'.i at i'fhn- XHt.'H- r'i . ..f a reraonefntpping m i . . i . p on the package who thtr are irn n an will b. liirwardnd imiuadoU 'l . 1 hope tbe people will p it ii lieal1 v i notice, as the W..r.l U l'i. ci.nh.-nf ihe if A. (in Wh, A JulytdAwtt I tr, oil n.l ti Ir V. Tro M., A. COTTON VAHNS. COTTON YARNS XN EXCHANGE I Oil BEESWAX, TALLOW AND LAUD. T WILLEXCUAN COTTOV Y.trtNS iK ll ; S- JL wax, 1 allow and , i either la' rue ill quan titles, or I will pay thu : nn pi Address, Nov 19dAwtf I HKKi. tlraaaie A. For atiejrLt:, HE BRICK. STOKS AMi, uWtl.l.lMi l ! 1 I -Ui on Fayetteville Strett joining Mr 1 1. M r rent for the ensutug vejr. ! II S lafor I.HY. Dec. 3 dff FOR Till-: .SOLDI KUS. 1W1LL LEAVE HH.I.SIt'i borough on the 24 ih 'h prisoners ef war, and lm 'h 1 will also leave on the 1511 Army of Northern Virginiv Nov 15-dtd n; .,i d u;;Khxs. ii'utli, im b xa l.ir lU !H'I.1 hi ItichinunU. Dcc.iob.r with botes fur W. A. THOMPSON..' 'jaW Job Printing. Having a.i tUi.ilase. J iri teriai and good workmen wa are pi,-, , el to et.uuteaL orders for Jot Paiann with dUpawh.