BIJ, L. PENNINGTON & CO "teumsoV subscription. Th following -rt the onlv wrmi of sqbeervptv n o Tbi fibit: ii, Daifkpsper, I n Hi ' 1 month. '' II I it . .. Aiya Ui b paid la .lrnce, nd pr atopped "her. pant ror etptreis. JOB PRIWTIWO. tr connect with the PoM4 tblib eat J .b Glue equal " T ' the City or ar prepared to -tecta all ord.r for BOOK and JOB PHINTISQ. Order olloltd and promptly attended to. "DAILY PROGRESS. TTJESD Y, DEC. 13. 1884. i i.EOISLATIVE I PROCEEDINGS 8 KN ATE. Morr-.r. Iteo. 12, 18C4. Prayer bv R- !" W"" . . The' Hpnaker b. it. ibn-ot Mr. Patterson took the ChTl'e Commute on Cherokee Land reported a substitute fop a bill In relation to Cherokee Land unit tho Western Tmlaorlty rpnrt waa presented from thn CnuiiniUe oa Xilitarr Affair opposing Riving th Oi.rernor author ity to send Home Ouards rut ot tbe Slate. Or.lP-l I" be printed . The Joint Select Committee on toe ml'je'-t o1 impress uienta br be general government, reported hue the whole matter nd asked to be discrm-ged Hi.elargo.1 accordingly . , The Joint Select Coiumilt-c, to which reb-rred tbe bill In regard to the employ m-nt in the told olp'i.nns aas-.gned l.i li't dutv, reported rni-k the nio ig 1 cemiDi i. led its passag A n'oponition wa" it to ih Hous-i lot"" Into an f'ec tion for seven Counoelliir of Stat ou Ihurs.liiv next at 12 o'clock. BI1.?.. BTC, I Mr. Odom, a resolution requesting Hie (lovrnor, in a .certain eouiingeocr, to remove the ppri-:np; State Con misalonrr who bus bon ippointed by In Mr. Matthewa bill to inc i -orate 8lokesbur Lodge of Mason.,- ,. . Mp. Odom, ft bill conrfrninf? Imp" wraenu. Juilicmrp. Mr. Wlnted, t resolution in fuvir of Koberl VI. Wil llftmi. . . ilr. W-d, a reiolu.ion renlnn? the Judiriarp I om. mittee to onqaire wln-lb-r th (oTern.-r cn b inaui;a- !d when the Genoial A'embly is not in fee.-ion. Mr. Stiftugho, a bill to incr''.t ihe capital nuick of t.iv Saoua Iron Work. Corpc.raiion. UATI'KHI FIIOM HOflK. A menace prnuoaioir to r i - i it S .tort Coirrnitl.'i; loenqnire lato the unnihe! liui i of t !.e 't i llou-ci and report when th-v ou! I a'ljo i' ii C'Tr'ir'et r . en-l Meurt. CnnpU and tawitep appointefl Senate branch of alti Ooiomittee. The Honra pelmned S.'nat bid fixinit u pay of ni. -i-bri, with m Tndit'nt n I .vrin . ic . mtinb.r f M p r div, tr.'r i of $10 l i e ain'ii!oiei t f 0 ncorr"l ' 8etei al .UKro'd t'il!" an.l rt'Doiuti inj were pq.eivm fponi tbi llonieaid pead the iM ti.i. A bill in reference t!i" l'ub-c 1 'ejrr. oder a sufi pemi.p of tbe ruI'M. yfei il 2d and 3 ! fsdin : j'u ide fr the Uni"' o1 T-ra-u-v r.itei ' sal.- --f Sttt bondi. a th- Tr'.murep n,ay tliiui bi-ft. airouiil not . ceedlii(f threa Uiiliiiins o' dolla.-j, tbu If. . a y rote to l. made fundable Jan. 1, 1B76 A meifage was eoncarred in t" raw? a Joint Select Committee lor thu re-ajKitrnment i rooiui la th Capitol. Adjourned ' HOUSE OF COMMOXP. Uo-iruY. Dee. 12. 1SU. Tbe Home wat called to order at 10 o'cloek A. M. Th Joainal of jeteidv n read and approved. Mr. Darcan infmiuoed a reaoiution to diicharg f - farther niilitary iierrice Home Otiardi and. Heii-ir eriea aatiDed to light du -, w.itch pacd tta Aral read ing. On notion of Mr' Darpan the rnlea were tutpended and th resolution wa put on in second reading. Mr. Fowl oppoied the n-anlutina a being of nopracti aal importance, andtuiiher at t i-injf an act of nullifica tion, ainco the Conatitotion jrave th LegWIature no right to Interfere with the Senior Re(erre. Tbe Judp of oar Courti had decided that we hare no Juriadictiot n th premlno. Oa motion of Mr. Fowl tbo r;o'u'.ion wat laid on the tftbl. Mr. Waug-h Introdnced areno -ainn propoetie that from Tueaday ueit to tbo cloae of the emio" th- Hiuso ehall meet daily at 10 o'clock, a. m . -it t.l 2, y in.; meat again at 7, p. m., and adjonrn . 10; p. m. Li. orer h der rule. On motion of Mr. Waugh meaairo whs sent to the Senate ptopoaine to raiae a Joint Select (Ijomittee on adjournment j alao a memafro proporinjr ,o r !."-t, at 12 o'clock, M., on Wedneauay neat, uf Htate. INTKODUCHON OP BILL. . Mr. Roaeell, a bill to aecure tbe Mate oalt Vorki from Interruption. Mr. Carter.a bill reapeoting the qualification of Justices of the Peace wilh.n the enemy' line. Mr. McOehee, a bill authorizing tbe Juaticea ot Can well county to increase the feet of the gaoler of ea.d eoonty. Mr. Shepherd, a resolution aathoriiiag tbo I'ublic Treaturer to receire partial payment ot taiee due Irom con d tie within the lleea of the enemy. Mr. Shepherd a bill to incorporate 'h Cumberland Monumeoial Aaeociation. Mr. Weugh, a bill t amend aection 7, chapter 7, of the HeTlted Code. Mr. Hharpe, a reeolation pelatlre to tbe exemption from military aervioe of eaployee In Woolen and Cotton Factor!. Mr. (lodger, a bill to incorporate Mt. Uermon Lodge, N'o. 11R. Ancient York Mason. Mr. Brows, of Meckl. ntnrg : a bill to amend th lOlat chapter of th Roriaed Oode. Aa engrowed bill, from th Senate, concerning the miledge and pm ditm of the member of the General At . aembly, wa put on it 2d reading. Mr. Calloway mored to amend by atriking oat " forty 8 dollar ptr dim " and eobetltuting "lixty " Mot agreed to. Mr. Cobb mored to strike ont forty-Are and insert for ty. Not agreed to. Oa motioa of Mr. Dargan, the bill was amended by ubatitnting fifty dollar ptr diem. The bill then paened its 2d and ''d readings. The lloute returned th consideration of the nnflniabed - basin of Friday last, Tii : Mr. Fowl' resolution, in relation to th auapeoaion of the rn-Wiledg of tho writ fteeaoa eorvut. Mr. J. H. Ucaden being entitled to the floor, conclud ed hla remark In support of the reaolutiona. Mr. Cobb ippoaed the reaoiution He regarded them a aaelesa and mUobeiTou, and depreoated their intro duction a calculated to eooourage the enemy. He justi fied th (uapeniion of the bn corput aa a necessa ry war measure, and w lab he did not beliore that the proposed auapenaion was particularly lorelled at North Carolina, be quoted the Uorernor't incaimge to ahow that treason emitted in thla State. The reaoiution were then adopted ayes 63, noes 13. Those who roted in the atlirmatire were Meaara Alii aoa, Aabeworth, banks, Beam, Ilenbury, Beat, Blair, Bond of Bertie, Bond of Gates. Brow n of Madison, Bry an, Caldwell, Calloway, Carson of Kutberford, Costner, Cow lea, Craig, Dargan, Daris of Halifax, Duke, Enlae, F.rwin, Flynt, Fowl, Uibba, Gidney, Oriaaom, Oudjer, Uadley, Hanea, Harrington, Hsriifon, Kutaell, J U Head en, W j Headen, Henry, Herbert, llolton, Horton of Wa tauga, Hen-ton of Wilkea, labell, Jordan, Joynor, Lane, Lata am, Lewis, Little, Lylo, Mann, McCoruiick. Mode hee, Moriaer, Murrill, l'atton, Peace, Keinlm'rdt, Bid dick, Russell, Hhobcr, Simmona, Smith of Johnston and Waugh-63. Tboa who roted In the negatire were Messrs. Austin, Boyd Brown of Madiaon, Calm, Cobb, Crawford or Row an, Faiaon, Farmer, Orier, Harris, Hawea, Judkina, Lovo," Outterbridge, Powell, Shepherd, Smith of Duplin, Stan ill, Strong and Wooten 20. Mr. Boyd, of Rockingham, Introduced th following rseolutlone : Whereas, This Legislature haa heard with aatiafaction of (he good conduct ot the Junior Keeerre who volun teered to crow tbe State line into Virginia in ordur to repel the late adrance of the public enemy on Weldnn: Therefor, Reaolred, That th ollicere and soldiers of the Junior Reaerrea ao acting deserve the commendation of their fellow citinna and are entitled to the thanka of the Lug ialature. - Reaolred, That a copy of these proceedings be trans mitted to Lieut (Jen. iiulinea, that they may be commu nicated to the command which they are intended to bonor. Tbeae resolutions were adopted baring But been amen ded, on motion of Mr. Morton, of Wilkaa.'-by -exiending their parrUw to tuch of lb Horn Guards as had rolun Ur4 to croaa th Slate line, Ac VILLI OM TBI1B IKCOKB tDlHa. Tbe following bill and resolutions paea thtir ttd rutin;, via : t"' - - . Vol, VI. A bill to Ipgalife certain sets of the count y ooui t of of Madi-on roiintr ; a nutiliition in far or of I' M. Kav, Tax Coll. ulor ot Madison emmiv ; a bill o in-. end an act authorising the Roanok" Niu ijntioo Coo.pHriv to di-eo-i-' tinoe Ihe use of Iheir rannl nn und the (trai d Kails of lto8U( -de !ti T, 111- Sll'e I i sum po e'. et j L : 1 1 for tli - Mil I .i t of the N. C ! n.-lituli. n f.n the Deaf and Diirnti -inl ii, HI nil A bill ' r.utli.niic lli.- mle of lots in ihe town 'if Wet sier; a liiil lo ann'ii't 'h clia. le: o' ilie Merchant's lirk of i I . i i.j U-llto inc- i..-ra'e Win. it Dnri le-d.-An'-i-n i-l Ma" n; e V.!l '.ii i: riirp'ir.iie tli tin i.-ik oi La I'ihc. Ilijh Scb "'.; a b'l ti. ji , v i I,, 'or the he'd injr i.j .-oiii-tH in llutl'i! e.oi'iM; a bii! t" ircirp u Hie ' le-ilttf. N." le" V. Y ' ,' Ml Slnillv e,;,tvi allill ( iiiui i' 1 i ',it 1 1'iiricr "I t h.- II ic'ic'o y Nut t uri.pik" H" olj ii iisi'lutiun in favor e'' ',nph V. Sient, lule .h-ritfof Pan ' -: ' t ki c-untri a lii'l t-i i'lc -i pm ie I,, aksri.'e L"di-. Vo. I A. Y. M.. ai d ti'!' I auiet A an act authorize-:; lite nppoititineht o! 11 -i, r ii'-pt cti.r for 'lie town of K-iv-ei teville A bill f-ir the re Ii' f of ivia and lamilles -f ao'tii -r.-i to the ni nii-Hlfco passed it reaiiin, the am ndmeni.. proji'i-eil be the C'-meiil'.-e l,Hcipa; been i'.: n 'ulij.-teil -'lb'- t-lii'f of lli.n,-wei - ao iii'M-ciiae of tlu Hpi'T'i!'-inri n tie.'-itnoto thr"t: i-i,Jitn- dollars, r 'id i'h' ir'-i.a "ill lie- pi'vifoo,i wl-i'-h i- 'iMi'i-d that Uio p -'-pi i-iti"ii be (-''l in rtii'e T n- i ir n l.-a A r--ii'uii -ii in fum- -f Wio. Hi'-lss ' hj -.j -.-.I i.n 2d ronil 'nr ; a t'i'l I" ri nke i o'di-ry ..f dwr i i''' Ii tu t- s eantul ! ri : . in in i 1 1 ml oil ''1 ri-ulin.' ; nli.l .n ' eli- ' lieu 1 o I In ' ' . 'i ; I cluil cliti IlifcT jurot ii, -' i"l , li -! " I in. r m -lit t-,- sti-aiitif; en '.' I re iiliti '. hor tvet-e ri-l".i'"l 'I'll" l.illo't in i'i-so u1 mi vir : A r ?o;uti,.n r m-.-i r i" ! d , -ts, and a ii-ii'titi: i i id LI i-e.-i-'ir. Mt i.f liountv :.. t'l" .luniiT Itr- III Inl- I.- T.'S. '1'lie o,(. m iliar enro s il liill.i fiuni ilie Si-niit- pissed ilr adi i . vi7. : A !ii! lip -v jut ro. ion t., tin !' jli'i. I'i inti r ; ;l hi.i n elm t -r th-' l,,': ov T-urn '. liriM b ' il M .iiiii'itf-o ! ('-'ir.fia-iv ; n bill l-i iiieni-;i r..te .Ii.-li j;:, M.nio ,-u ' M.iiii.l,ie''ii'iix t'i"ii .-uiv ; n I itl I- a ii ii. I M- . i, ,-. . -n. c'i ipt 1 1 2. He i. d I'o.le : a I- II t" :iti i !r i i fi. --nn : v ;e iri '-t ,V..v Ii m-'Vt-r to Ii t 1 1 n i'.vs ol C. unit- .- 'eitop. TitU Him 'I 'Id ii irliiu a'110 1 A ix-.tmi,..) in lv..r W V. llolilen. e.ol n li.ll In ..'-i-i. -I t!i- i Imi-i. r ..I Hi- Mien., an-l H-...-nl K. -er lttli-reil.i Cilllll'il '' V. T!ll- Si'l I'.-. In- 111 p--..;. i --i ; r- in II- ' ' ' i-i i turn no We. ti- . ti v ii .!. tie ii M .i' -hi r-.iri-' 'I. 1 h-- Home , ', lii lit oV ick . r.i-ui.'.l " ' . . t '" , . n n : ' p i I -v i. it. v-ui-i tnc- in :h " f't-.t- .1 il,.H s.i TI e lloi: . H.ij iurn'! I till :o-ioori-oiv i..oin- a l':tti;i; nio.M now j. t. lkach. jlfrasrs. Sue Smith nnd ITnnl -. r;NT!.l'MI!N- -V 'mi- j-i'.t- let : r nf 0''''- oui, i" to nar.ii, a nr. itu- riii't "t j.;nr n.-i ij mriut'i.TS f tlio Lopifiiaturo rf N'.Ttii (-irnl!-ia, anil the n ri'sriit'itivfv of ; y uatlvc c mnty ! tfiat bolv, aro Kuflirirct retsmis fop a prvy cotiirili iucn witli yntir rcqucHt on my r:irt Th' oxptt ssinn iM yoiA continurd confidpnea in my jiiilirvio'it ard zoal 'n the onuso of oivil prd rolu'i'.iu librrty, is proporly apprecit'ed trust that I tuny not only enjoy your coufide'noe, it t!iat I ii.ny continuo merit it, by a prompt Hi J fiiitliful ilisoluirgo nf the oncrouii duties itn i 'iso l on tue, as tho rcprt-pnntativo of tho people of tl,e '"Lird CongiusHionul district of North- ''na. ' you- letter you cxpreBut 1 tho wish that I .. .0nt L'ivr j.-i'j my views on the state of the counfryV, It is a subject of such vast rm;ni tude, n id involve so many contingencies, that I fear I s-T ri II nut be able to Jo justice to it in tbe stiiii!! i- ru v-s of a letter; and in complying with that wi.h, I ubaM necessarily confine my self to the bluo-iy war now desolnting our oouu- try-. It ia a subject of paramount importance, in comparison with whirh all others dwindle into insignificance. It is the pivot upon which not only our fu'urc happiness or iriscry turns, but our very existence; ono in w'lich I feel the deepest policitude, and if there is any one thing on earth in which I desire to bear an humble purt, il is the bringing this bloody strife to an honorific termination. . No sacrifice is to-i great tor me to make, not incompatible with a seI)Re 0f honor, my duty to my constituents and my God. The erudition of our country, like all others similarly situated , is deplorablo indeed. That we have arrivou at an important and fearful cri sis in the history of this war is patent to the mind of every thinking man ; and tho recent election of Mr. Lincoln to the Presidency f the United States is well calculated to iii't nsify tho fooling and add interest to the subject on our part. His re-election-ia an endorsement of his past policy on the part of a majorityof the North ern peoplo ; apd whether he pursues in tho fu turo tho same poliey that has marked his pa.nt oourso isibr him Li determine. Upon that pol icy we must fjhapo our course Though amon tho. Northcra people thero may be intestine feuds and differences, yet iu opposition to us they aro an. unit. That fact alone should admonish us to husband our resources and bring to bear our full strength in defence of our inalienable rights as freemen. If Mr. Lincoln is still iuexorable to fho demands of justice, and the cries of suf fering humanity, the fearful responsibility rests ufion him and not upon us. When the alterna tive of death, or subjugaton without terms, is presented, freemen will not hesitate to embrace tho former, und abide its cousequeuces bo they ever so fearful. We trast in God that that, al ternative may tu.ver be forced upon us. These two peoples have bled long enough; their past sacrifices ought to suffice. - If unfortunately Mr Lincoln shovil'd be inexorable on the subject of peace, notwithstanding our disparity in numbers and their superiority in the appliances of war, the instincts of nature and our rights as freemen demand that we eb'iuld prepare for tiic worst; that we should bring to bear all our rt sources, and confront his" hosts with an 'unlaltcring trust,' 8trotg arms aud unbroken font The past history of this war on our part show-) many short-comings, indiscretions and abuses of power, that are well calculated to create distrust in the ability of our authosities and dissatisaction among the people. A disposition to usurp pow er on the part of the Confederate government, is, I regret to soy, ol j of tho most prominent, and whether it be from patriotic or wicked motives is for them and not, me to say. I will do them tho justice to say that up to this time the disposition seems greater to acquire uuwarreuted powers than to exercise them. W'u should watch with vigilant earo the laudmarksof civil liberty, and rcBuke promptly any attempt to overstridc the liws sither by the oivil or military authorities. ct . i . , i i.i it . iV u 11 IIALILG3L TUESDAY.. DEC IWSA. The it,-.,,,,, rtiiui ust . r ; in I - i v i I ' 1 in i in i" Inn , it" till ID'OI S ill (V')lt' I I,,- utif I y cl'f.- . . r the -tnf . v - -'i. .i! 1 "f llu'.M irv il'-peni - nr . v i i 'i'ii'. ri :.) i V I, i! . r i -'Kiri i i . w!i ei.' 0 ill, try . s li. - time I it. e sli.r-llil : rtei'i, 1 ilm'ing ,.-.:. it i :i njil- ,1V ' 1 ' 1 !'' ., ,r ttitn I- -hi 0 ' j ' ' ' 1 1 ii. r. .!-' 1 " :, Ollitrd. lieeaUM' Mr. I.mii-'i V.'llli' l-i -i.-goli-ite wit1! til. A'iiiiit'lnCt 'he 'I ii'li I' arv r. as n whv w t C. nl' nit I il- ti i.i. i i'-nvi'i t .'n il .,; (!!!-.i-ill V U. tlii'riiii-f -ppi' .1 11 i-i .'..I. -.v.- ! iraci rir.t, i; i I, r i";e ut' ii 1 1 i i n ) j I 'i i -i i PMii-e 'i n'- ' (.. t- . n' yn, in- I'- it, in l:!e!v 1 1 1. 1: 11,:. :l '. I Ii . I J .- i t led '! (i'i- aeti-ei i ii'-n''-; in loai'iT. li, I'' I 'I llli I I ' . i -tii-. I :i r , v. ri i.'litv .ill'i iii'i tin S. ni'iv'e iii t! it' -f I'.- iiiiip" -.1 I'.'M lie f l.r- .11 ( ll'i Tli't tvi-h h.-tiar ''e State try "i-l i In- t.;j i'i...:i, .vitti H in in;.' . i r S':'.. -0' l'f ri ; 'linn 11 igiiit'i- e .i; l rot .- i li i a:inii '. in- I he I-"-! ii-. i i mi ill aiiyfliiii : None I o! ;i.-. je,.t ti' .!' a"';..' eri,-is, wit -r-iias le!.i .i t ' I'I lie . in v -1 1 1 -i.f. ui rl ' :t ill - i'.: il !''! r I'I. -1! ,' 'n v , ., u- ..' ! I. i- ;! : ' ' . .. .'f i ! :i. . ' :.i. , i, 'in. u cl'i-' . rn'-'-l ub .oj.oj rf ti" -t. s in t'li.i iiniiort mt : -i 'i i - t i I i don" an 1 so li'tlo :.'' t i .. ... ilj. btiiv'i :.' a ei u- i and frat i') . i 'i U "-.ible leriuiri .li-m. I base uy r - f.'.i 'in the'Oi-:, 1 lor S'-i. arc-Hi nyn l.e; fici, tjiat of the States to t )i- ("ont'edi rate guv- ennnetil -ic-j very different from uliat t' os" rela tions were in the federal government. Under tho federal compact the States sum ti'lerod part nj their sovereignty, f tr the purpose of forming a more perfect union than existed under the arti cles of the ( 'rnfederation. Uuder the Confede rate league the States surrendered neither iheir sovereignty nor independence, but exercised bo li in the formation of that government. Ilenoj tho government has no right to exercise any powers, that tho Stat'-s in their sovereign aud indepen dent capacity have n it the right to exercise. On the other hand I am clearly of opinion that, th. States have the right to exercise auy powers that they delegated ei tho Confederate government, that their common agent refuses or neglects to exerciso for the common good. The Confederate governmeut was not created for the purpose nf exercising any extra legislative or extra judiei il powers, bUt fur the more convenient execution of the laws and administration of justice. I regard it as a fortunate thing riiat the L"gi lasuro of North Carolina meets also early a day. That body has an important duty to pi rfcrtn in this bloody drama. I hopo it will come prompt ly to tho full measure of its duty, I trust eomo member will bring prominently before that i idy the subject of .States' rights an 1 State action in b.half of peace. I feci confident that the people's representatives will use all constitutional and law ful means to arrest the tile of military ib.spotiMn, preserve the sovereignty of the States, civil lih orty, and the inestimable rights of freemen. Yours respectfully, J, T. LEACH. Richmond. Nov. 17, ISCd. W HERE TUK llEKOIjS SI.KKP H C nnil tll following card in the Savannah Rrpuhlican :' " Ploaso f ublish the following names of soldiers killed at the battle of Cedar i!reek, Va., Octo ber 19th, 1864, who are buried at Newtown, Vi. . iti tbe graveyard nf that place. G YV Gilliam, on A, 17th Mississippi Reft Lieut T B Cooper, c L, 7th S C Wm Halloway, eo Cist (in And'Tson Thomas, eo A 1'Jth Ala. G A Wud'i, co D, 54th N ('. D Gillnv, co A, 42d Va J H or E !l Reeves, co D, 13 h Ga Alabama.- unknown, Capt W M Ware, co D 14th N (' Capt T J Urittou, 21st Ga Capt J L Verser, co G, 43d N C Lieut Session, l'ilh Ga Batt Artilloy. The last named offioer lived nineteen days, was carefully nursed, and died most triumphant-, ly. There are six grave-" unmarked in tho sami group. This information is submitted that it may reach the friends of tho deceased soldiers, con cerning whoso tate they may have been igno rant. Editors of other papers are requested to pub lish, and oblige, S. M. Baktltt, M. D. Tuskegee, Ala. W. K. KICII AltLMOX At CO., BROKERS AND STOCK AUCTIONEERS, RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT CONSIONMKNTri. Oct '10- RALKKJII. N. C $fB Business Notice. The- expense att.-nding the publication ol toe !'hou-Rm are enormouu and have to bo paid promptlv, and wo must do a cash business or none t all. Wu must demand cash trom all aare those busineaa men ot Hie citr who have accounts with lhe.ot tice, and partie at a Jiatance aro e.ipect..d to r. mit firouiptlv w-hun :lla are aent. We have no time to col ect bills and dor. t vnnt to make anr charges. Th'e'r never was a bettor tune to pay debis than the present, an tall who owe na arn requested and expected to pa f&-Any of our frienils rerelving iiniiortant news Irom the army by private letter or telegrams, will oonler a great taror oh sa by aendlng or teariag tbe'n at this vSao for our uj. n-11 i-t"- " ci- it iin1 Hirrr-r iirrrir'iTriTfrriiiTi ' '" '"""'' - 13. iw4 NO. 37 SCUROULK OF I It ICES FOR NORTH C A P LIMA '3' ' l'F IUIt K tit I'llK PUBLICATION P INK I .,' In! . o, I'l ii-" govern t gonta xt Aiittr dai-s. having a-rw-d -'o . ti n - . I .I'm. .I.. lat S-i. i.. .i i "i I.i- .-. 'ill, Ii h-i irn.'ii A.p!'- d.i ti s. d JtrtCou . lieai'S i.m.i.K, do It- f. .1.. th.- IheS'a " of Nui ih Carolina I'.p- Pe h :-'i- of the few rl.aet-e ,. , iT... ,s Mr Mord -cai, d. p ii"tr but ' ii-l-il in Mr W H Jor.i-t of ilr.-i i i ,:it. h in the ' i iei;t of bit juio'-nt , T. I utVii -inn d,il l.l.'it. .! , I p. i l.u-li i)t bl e i. -I. -er I'll )l -JS II I ro 3 fill 12 .,0 12 nr ' 00,, n i I ll,lll'll.'S, rn'''. tyn P' r i. Hlt- !i.i.-s , Hppl p HI ..i icti, -lih- Id, per ? 05 ID on 10 I'll l no Ofl X .S'l l ' -a-lo , P -i pe- tiv-ii, net f-.-h. l-i., ll l, per hi'- . "i ' ' ..mi ii' I- CaiM'l il . Ch-ii:i f, -i Ii und. I i- A e!,.. , .1 I i iim d ;.ri rate u eight or Wl-I- in . r l -v Li-. I (-'il" i.i.l, "I I'Uil '.U'ii (i, 711 II i per l-ul. nf 50 00 Meal. & 20 7 s yd n i.l.., 3 yarda to P"U i a. p -p nil! 1' lbs. 4f CO 41 r i7 DO :t.i 7.-, 4 00 :i i;i 1 id 4 OH 2 r.'i ;l en 2 :) l .' . l.llnl) "O nil') on -.'0 o.' f'Hl l"l .114 en I -I 710 ') u 1,030 00 4 (. n i it) 30 t 76 l 00 7 00 7 00 I 00 10 0 1,000 I 0 S0O OH V.) :; .oi) 0M 6 in. ini". per I'I': lati lti ;' , - Ml I.K ill. ,:i i .i r . I i.f l;i IU, - -r 1 -"' pin i ds -I . p- r lUd p.'Uiir1, i-. I I, !i,l) p. .." ion Ulnls, "'I'ills. I, .1 -I pn.ltui, gi-ei mi. .- . .,,., I, I-- li--. 2. K 11 I II,. per h '111, ; l : i-liI Ii 2 .000 lis l Olio lbs -.IKUI III. " ) ill: ttiuad p-. I" r- )l I III' ..'I Il OL. tl' 1. p. r I .1 IV. V I' x-, N 111', -in. M.lti.' I MH i 1. )' r t- 'l . .1, ...-i t-o . i-i-l t'-n. o .).. Ot. do . ii ,-.tlii-:') ...oim mail, per twtl ' Jeans. K'ttlm, I.iiiriber, Lard, Lei.' 'ijr. de d-j Mull-scs do Mule. do j Nail, . Oats, i,- yi y Vlirit Ml I'-'I IIJUl, 1,01)0 If it It i"T , le. p'-r p1 e- u;-;'er . i r mi'.' . h'.. lies--, p'-i i' u: e s caie . per g lilnii p'-r ia! loru Ut '-ia.s., pel h-..i.,' '2d ,-la-s, per li.-a-t 3d class, per bend p-- keg ,t. . ,, baled, per 100 lbs il" -if, initialed, pr 101 . b ' ieil, per 1011 lbs olieri, per bushel cotton, .I-4 ynra wld-. 7 ez to ,-ai-il, p -r ftrd, C'.iton. 7-H , ai d wide. S "2 to ard, per yar- , p. r l'll.hel, win -., I.t ipiality, per yuka ?'l itllllltv. pel y.-ke i-'iw, per tiu-li - I let lbs li-i:!l, per 1' l -11 of 6J Iba iwi-rt, p--i- biih .it bO Iba 4 GO 5 V,' 4 Ol.' Ostidhurg-e do '(nioiia, Ox- u, il ' Teas, I'ntaioi'S, do I I 60 1 7r. I'iIO C'I i 4 S 6 I i 1 0) 00 50 on (."I ir 40 Pencil's dried, p'-r bu- l of IIS .ba unj-ei .-ii, per ou.-ili o( ia (o freh, re It, per pound, sa!t''il, per pound, gross 1st quality, near town, pr head, per Miniith, coToinnu, near town, per month, 1st quality, ir, tho country, per li :i.l, per o onth, common, in ro-jntrv, per head, pee ijinith, good, p'-r ounce, ni -v, per poind, old, per pound, goi.d, per bii.ib f ;i6 Iba, ttvo bush -Is, ot-miliums, each, cotton, 34 yard w ine, 4 yards to puimil. pc- yard, cotton, 7 Hyird wide, 3K i','.-k, do do I'as-urage, do do do Quinine. Kiec, do live, s-Acas, .Miii ting, do 00 i 00 00 4 00 5 00 SO 40 .s no I oo 1 30 yard to poui;il, per yard, (tut ton strips, 3 yanln In pound, pr yd Suit, Coai-t, per liu..e of 60 lbs, 20 00 do I.'O Steel, Shoes, Shoo thread, Sncka, Sheep. Siiliiir, sioap, do Shucks, Sherts, Ship stuff, Tea, do I ent eloth, Totiacco, do do do Tallcw, Vinegar, do Whiskey, Wheal, do Wool, d" Wagons, Yarn, Liverpool, per bash ot 60 lh, 36 00 Virginia, per bush of 60 Iba. 26 00 ca-t, per p und, U fK) army, per pair, Ift 00, per p. .mill, 10 00 ri'inier'a winil, ier pair. 2 00 fi.t, per head, 16 00 brwwn common, per lb, 3 00 hard, per pound, 1 00 aolt, pei pnund, 76 baled, 100 lbs, 4 00 good, per bush ot 23 lbs, 75 good per bush of 37 lbs, I 40 black, per pound, 6 00 green, pep pound, H 00 cotton, 10 oz. to rd, per yard, 1 60 No 1, extra, 3 00 No 1, 1 60 N'o 2, I 76 Lugs, 1 25 cl,-an, per paund, 1 50 cider, per gallop, 1 0" manufactured, p.-r gal I 00 good, per gallon 10 00 go"ri, per bush i.f f,H Iba 7 60 bran, perbunh of 17 Iba 50 mashed, per pound , 8 Oo unw Hheil, per pound 6 00 wood axle, 4 Inn's , new, each 350 00 wood axle, 2 bora.., new each 250 00 cotton, per bunch ol 5 lbs 8 00 IIIIIP OP I.tnoil, 1 K A MS, WAIIONS AND HOH8I. Haling long I'iragi-, per buiuii ed pounds 75 Shelling and bagging corn, sacks furnished by goveinun-nt, per burliel, ?5 Hii : af two horao teams, w.igt.n and drirer, ration- furnished by owner, per day, 11 00 Hire of two icainn, wagon and driver, ra- tim a lurn'shed by got-, nment, per day t 00 Hire of four horae t aula, wagon and driver, ra tions tVi-niahmi by owner, pertlay, 20 00 liireof f.,ur bora.- teams, wagon ana drirer, ra tions fui, d by the g. vernment, per day 10 50 lii.-eof Bii hnrse tea oa, wgon and drirer, ra tions furnished by owner, pur ilar 26 00 fiire of six horse tenuis, wagon and di irer, i ation. furoihed by jforernment, per day 13 60 Hire ot IhIjopo' , rations iurniabed by owner, per day 4 00 Hire of laborer, rations furnished by gorernment, per day - - 2 60 Hire of labnreV, rations fu nished by government, per month go 00 lire of laborer, ration furnished by government, per month 46 00 Hire of hoi-.', per day '2 00 The Ci mmissioiiura respectfully suggest that if it be found practical, the produeer ahcruld b allowed to retain a fourth pari ol tln ir nuipliis, to'be. aold at market ratos, to par tor their neceaaaiT plantation supplies, which they hare to purchase at bigh-oiarkrt prices. Tbey earnestly call upon the farmers to bring fowa H Iheir corn now so nect-esary to Ibu aupport of the army in their immed ate front, and which alone will proven t to- ms to tbe eneiny , of all their cropa, stock, nefpeoe, Ac. , Ac. Tbe eommbaiuner would alao recommend that the im ppeeamen should be oulveraal and uniform, iaaving out BO 0O. For th lbormalin .of all person oarBd, wa' jiab- jy - ..,;:,.'., ADVERTIStXC Tt.VIES. The 'ollowinit 'Btoa will be tharifi-d for a.i alreriia . iaeiii inserted In thj Uailj and Wr,k!y Prvgrtu ON. QUK 0 S'HHT MNPS, oa t.jsa, One dai 3 0" One w.-k Ill " Two dv 00 Two week 'HI D Three .lay ,v.O !X Ihp.-e we. k, ' 4 ' Knur day l i '"' due ninnib 72 Kire dava 15 b0 Twin . 144 10 word", r eight lines or less, count a tqo'e, , , additional square will hn charged the s-tioo. i-i.'-t,,. menu, inserted one -, tw ice or Im no time a wc vtiil b9 charmed $1 a aquare t r ererv in- -ition Wh.-n sent b li-H-r, t'.e i. -Oi-.- n u-t cci.iti-.t.y ftiUettisenmnt. Murringes. I r'is. i.-h;i m. ' i1 r '.itieis cliarg.-d a.t ai! .-', i l.ei" il". and n.,.i '.-: 4'ivHI'Ct'. lisi the folloiTii'tr insti ucti t le M- ietlt- i h. vi 'l. IS- ! I 1 1 I II" Il '!' It 11 ' o ulie. r, nr ai'.-nt. sba!' in pp pli.-s whuh i iiv per on ma' l.i hiins, If Pisfsn. It-. en'!,- : ii ' r' nv i-l,..ti. .,1 , i-.i.u '.. 1 1 . 1 i i III" M - oi I" i u : n. i iciillo' jl ei- p'o . in- ni.- Th - i. "xi rn. p in oi" i..- it- al 1 it ii i.,- h. id ioflie St a'. ' ami- r. to 'ht.- I il . .1 Ii .1. i I.,'MirtinV . ''- I'll lit nj K t). noi ' -. ui.l j - ii.-r cL.t ii r . . i (i pi e-iiing nenis le iisi I'.in.-o .a an. i . ai is i r.n-y,.'.-solis f ii ,;i,,i ir.,r;.. n , , f.- me iivu-it"il. appra's.-rs o'.ll b,-a)iprore ' i eo'em-r i'i n-lo.-.r I l Mildl.w.1 to Ihe Sec ! l.u y oi lid Boa. 'I. 'I . ig'l, ' (Slgued: II. K. Ili'ill-H . 'i , I'll jr. - (' U V ill.AI K " Tl M ' .-I . (s '!' C. ('.re's Apprals m 'M I r ." a': oi" e: W II Ji-sFM, Ciiinii.-. Ital. ih. li c 7. H'.l in I'l AU-JTIO-J Ai?. I'Ul A i i. ' . ImportT. alo VALTr ATLLu !:r2CES A.1. i. ( If ' loi 1. uni.' 'ir. - -i ., i . n i n I... -i i. ... bl, N -J. -. - . ... ... und (1 ti.i n . ,i:,., !. Sim- 'in. i . i i .1 - i ' II in, I-. .": T i ki, a. . i '.. i i . i. , f. l.i l'-l .l - .! . -- ; -i . tv ant ill j In i. - . - i.. r.etl I !,: ii- h -i Tli.-y ar- snM im I.'.i'i i . Hi c ', 'I'd ri ' i.; rn. c O'i 'V! (', i -IU V. I',, H! . I . .I- , I --or .- .1 if- -,i 1 1 . .1 ...11. I Il . I r ., I V I. s I'.. . 1- ' ! n i ', I t i' i ,'.! ;i ti.! I II i I l it ;,! I ,.'i I H . U Ii .. "li. e, .IV . (-c S rii'U'i !. 1ST o t ic c . VNMiito cm:, ii. ,n r i' 'i' wii v a,;.-, hi,:', (gi-.. ! oi-. I-..,, ,i I : .-it ', - I . i ) ' -, -e ' Oil.,., til" prop .'' ill' .J ' .1:.'. -. ., i - I wa named . i ,l'.l) 1 1 A V . i .. in- on i . t lings. id e!ii I it , I :!,-..' J ... ,,r .r J rewarded .'i l-t. n i I'. 'V, ., r .i,, . ." , l'ec 'J tl m p! -, ,. N" j. O I ' i Vs";:('i ,t i, aui.s v i ,, fin I'"' ,-,i,v I . .. 1 'mit, 'or pnipi -i. of .- -j t- : lotrib.;' 'I : i mi: tl.nir f- i -ii-'i .i( I.,-:.'". i Ml. id i-iliii i ' t o r l i o 11 t . rpiiK i.AKO'-: ami ri.'-.A-wri.v -n V'i:-., I lWI,Ll,i.t( MOL'f,:. ,, :l, 1 11 W cut occupied b- J I) I'-nl.-n nccupic : A Wh by I. A Whitaker, an'l 11.. (;. .1,1 h iuii . This prop.,.!-, v ,nl 1,. year at public ftiirtto.i. , i ! I K I. I ' V , I 111 1,1, , a: tlU'StoioOl .M ' .-IIS ( '1 rei II .Vl.l'.' ; I I llS.siorl est, 11 J.inu.rt I-I, I- 1 II i-l)..- !t.l St.n.'lrfi -I Copy i I Tkf IP O "JFL 'Jl" -A.TJSJ P INT otic v . fpiIERL WILL HI. A Ml. I 11, 1; HI I., . DDtOHi I to tile ' S (.' (Iiphao l.u I on. ir fi.i: ' ,t id of the fTirectora in lh hi.i'i t ..1 !: ,,-. 1 ,,,, 1 , .i, city, on 'Hi L'USDA V, the r,io ,.i .; , ... r, v. i I n'o ,.o Aal. A I ull a' t. ndaiiri-is 'I, .-1 ., j . lil.O VV (liiltii.ll.'AI. ' rnid.-nl C F itiaas, Finain ml A g. ' ' Due 1 i St COTTON YAMS. COTTON YARNS BEES WAX, TALLOW AND LARD. IWlLLKXCIlA.N IIOfliDi VAft I nn II,. wax, Tallow and . , , ml., r ui--,-i m.,.1 quan- tuie, or I w ill pv lh , h asii ; 1 n i- r iht mm. Address, it. I I, i.i, It 1', Nov 13 dA tl" it, aU.mi, N. C. s.Mvouor v n:ia aiv niijto,i Haaio UEacjLa.Lo.0: (tXTX-tlOIT tlMlK AssK.sso-i.-t k.)i: rt aK..-cii; i 1 u :, ,, 1 in .M' In. l -i I it , ,1 A :., - , each weeii ,11 No-. 1 ini, r a .,1 :i .. . 1 -, (. . r aaaessing tie- tax 111 kn. i .1 1 1 t ., 1 , t, gar, I'eaa, 11-a-ia tii.tumi l'.-i We w ant ever-v gllo t 111 1.-., I , y - (- wires, lailie.-an I rnlirm o - - .-- , ....... ( , Thcau wtto hafe ii"t I1.-1. -. ri,. 1 -ti, .- ult and Wool, can also Uo aim - i- -1 I' . 1 1 in- I ., ) w.i w i v i.v ; Nov 21 d'lwAw td hoi t run:. 'j1' i' 1 1 1-10 Il e Jam xovy fUi-.i-A u:i 1 . Varn, for VV',, o. u,-- 1 . One buni-h ot V x 1 one buneh lor i-.ur p . 1 - Agents hare oe.-n ',, :., the followmo ;,, ic,.. . 11.: ,, . . . rine Laky, Con..- ird Iti i-h-imo. ville, Itoib'iro', vsh-vi, r.i .. ettevi! e, ; i'"i .i, 4 ,1 . -. , ... 1 -t Persons s nn'oi'ig -v . : , n, On tbe package no i'i - i- ;: i will bo forw iide.t inioi ' I'i tl !, 1 hope the p -op..- ai , , -, , , i 1 notice, as th" vV ' 1 'i , ,., II A . 1 1 A . , , s July 2 .14 a 11 j For Rent; ' rpBK UlilCK STit!i Av. 1. WKUINtt ll' CSH L on fayutterill- S,ii,tt a-ji'ii.ii,,; ... Ja. Ji. 1 roT rent tor tbe cuauiBk-1 tar. W S -LlsY ' D.i-Jtr --.-t.

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