BY' J. L. PKOlKGTOft V 10. i iwrm-rii'M!cj I yi'nv n latex ih b i fcr(rnj"f'r irl ,u n.'O in th- Oa an JVk'fttr3'f' J' 1 i' mio 0 I.M", TKUMH OF" KI MS' 'HII'l'ION. Th fuliow nijf ate the i-cl '. n "f nil) a"rpl ion to the ah.t and VVviKi.r IVouih-s DI1t pine 1 m i ' ! f 1" (iiui dent . I'.r0 duVa .,.')' Three ,''iyf. I our rf ' iOrtic!s(4.i., .,.-..f'! Tn week's ". I i T. ... . 10 00 t : W 1 1 hn c works,... 0' i fit) iiHti.t.nfli..:.'. I : 1 1 1 tn.ti l ' 4 " 'i tleiate - .,, Weekly ()! i, I iiimths :' r."'.,ih, , I'll HO I it'll i'tra e).: ...''' eo "nvo m' atl a ? II) (1(1 '20 (III Fittv wt ds, .r cibt Im. or less, cduni a squar -. as ' additional sifuaiea will be rharred the aata. Adverua. meats laisprted onoe, twice or tbree time a will t . chargeat $4 a squar for every Insertion. When sent i'i letter, the money must aeenmnarty . advertlseuiiiit. Marriages, deaths, Religious and ('( Noli era ebitigittt as advartiseinenbs, snd mint b paid advance. "VOL VI. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY FKli. 22, .1866 ' NO Always tu be paid in advance, and paper stopped wlnn the tioie paid I'M ciiiircs JOB Plt'lNTI N4J - Having a Job OHic equal loaii.r ia tha OUvorS'aie. w. are pr-parts'l to exccut' li'rd.T for Book and l"b I'l-nting with neatness :itnl dispatch TELEGRAPHIC NEWS IKKI'OIUM OP THK I'll USS ASSOC I A T ION. Later from I he IN or Hi. KiciiM'-liKli. '2X) f- atl iii impels (if the 17tli ( j ' r) iuM r i ibe t vonii p rililioti "I iIhi Balt'irwre "Auieiican") rn v il (ice. Krl . J 1 : r . i bee lorn f" ht (o Firtnus .Mcnr for i I. 'i'! ' in c ar'v hlital. F"r bnntlr'-d po, i rillns v ere b'l in : 'X rni'ei of Nils), villi , oh I : Mm'n(fl'i" Id1, i ii I he Ifjll). A Cairo It '11,1 ii:, 16ih, my s ( ha' lad ring k'iii Kirby Sir ith's iiiiny if in tl-r t fieri llat his trcop.v are very murli n aiu rtl fi r the ur -. "f obtaiiiitij; foul) ami fcrngr, hiiI il vtuti'n! le ire Kf'hlo ! con centrate tlcin ii any force tilling the ptetspi.t ncii. Price, in irpmlirl i n bnvip", pone Hi AI x n in 1 mpm taut "lib ili rule mii-fi 'ii under ni 'iri- fr m K iry Stoic . 'I he Impi rial I inn iin.lcr Vpga wi re hatlly tle fpatii! ii. S' hit: Vepa was -ptiirrH ! shot as a traitor. Hkhmcnd, I'M- 20 'IV Niw York "Wor'tl" of the 1 8'i i.-.rivi.l Liiii'i I i : 'ii.ln 1 1 i 'art'ation n i .venir;' the .Senate i i Iii 4 i of Mnn Ii in xtrn' rdii'ary wpfhI.iii. The Sri "ip I :ul ( tnl ri Fnliiti. riH declaring that the rebel ili 1 1 i I q ii ran never 1 e rrpi piiz"fl bv the Ciiitrd S I ;i ' i n ii. i i part i rtiuy nv. The rrpiirvr t.f dpt. Hull. acntenaTil In hi' xrciit pil on Sil nr-l-y . ' i ot siili ml certain. NheniiaiCi Aflvnnrr at Wlnnslioro (,'HAHI HTTP. I'Vh 20 'H p Bulletin linn nlliil lc In'orniati. llml Jrfi. Sin rr sn'a Minn . niuplpr in t kO"Wi la! ri.iilni! V i..i slmpi", m ! skirniisl-cl will, our it ni tu .it thip Hi' 1 1 il . H w Hlppusi'il to hr n pi ili n ' I : n lun ii wLioh lilt Colunihia to the right, mill rr (! tip rifi r at AIpIoiih. Wlni -boro' i thirl' i iv.1 t iriVn Inm Olnniliii op the Char'nltp niiii-i o'1 l.atrr--Onr Army Falling Itnck. Chari.- ttk, I'l l' 21 of-Ttiutin tmn Mow Ln(l;irL' (liirariri in In I v t-Pll Clp(pr "'1 Vi"l l)i rn i lt- I . p-1 ii loi mat i' iii plarrs SIipi man 'p , lorcn t 82,000, of .ill - is ii.ii.afiiii-"t(i 1. 1 I eok tlm ailvunrp nrp noil ;iin ; i inl'di.d Pripiii'i'i taki-n ri'purt j;"iirii irn.ul i p i' nicnt ( i'i:iz"iia XTii-ptrr i f.i'i n ' ' - "i Co'iinibii in ! 43 (rum Charl.-l'p I'.i' i Krom (Joldshoro. Ooi.i.i.ri"Bo'. !'' !'. 20 Th" r-.ii.lin,; p uty eiiii l! Taihoii' I iV" I "i ti ili ivi ii hie k irpnt- CongrrpaioiiHl liiciiisioMi, Iii- -jo Iii tin 1 1-ii.-o. Mr. !'. rkins rep'ttrd I ; ( k f r- tie t'i n n,:t'" F- "ifti Af f I'rn u prtan.l '' :o ri s In,!' -, i . i - d i' "nt of whli Ii H -i! r.l . . AY ii Kills a i 'I I ( t !oi ori'fs of the C' ili'ileralp Slatn haa t vet lei i. ,!.!. i .( an In I n 1j 1 mltlcmeut by nagatiati I all nuti.ra f diftii iilly bptwern the Coiifttlcrati' H'.d I i.itul Statin . i 1 1 mi nt, and to tlii trni prrf threo V nmTT..i lo'i r's," F.'bi II Vi y. 1 8jil , to WHiihingli.e i ; ' -tot i I'e i) fr !! d I y relat iona bp twnn the Itt" ; v ii nn i tr ; in d whi rcaa, ll.raa b i ; , (. ril.iel.. I'lipinn, in t.'i i grcM. in Jure, 1864, adopt I and piioiinlied In the nyilifr'd world a dei'lnrati' n I ii , t-tii-.U'-il de-ire fur an l.ii-rabA ppin e, (" wl'i. I' 'h' o"iy leupnn"" I'.iiii. ILrVniiei StatPa C.e ;e- ii ipj'iti..'! v : ho (X" loi'jiril y ofallre' Intl'i'K f..r r. an I: aide .nljusi mci.t of the exialing riiflicnlMi ; ai d nhirras, I'ripidmt I ,f nri -In h recently in nnii fi d to thrn .of i ur eminent citi rrn. ii.kI' '..nn, 4 ,, Ihf United Stnti n would In' 1 1 i i :, i r v I thrill ... i . Pill h ;ii i (j i WI II'll In' ' . ' .1 f"r . llftohid, !' no n'lerralivn ' ll ' I ' nl '. I ' oat , I taie Slal.-a, ,.r ti'i inn, xcryl ' i.. . ,i,!'ii: .it pioplp, tl ."V Oi .'O s t ' at I here is f '!p I nfi ilmale 't I" lie ;. i i i r a r Static I ot to . dit-honor ih'e. ' tPiidcrnl t h-1. determ ii 'iti ' ' Slatri" until t' to nut-judaic ! fed' r.ttr Si ,o s The , ,1 ' ' liblnit t. li IM S I'l l!', ih.' i.isno h iuii a Ox i! nalter.ihle .Mir viitli I hp C' ' i d '! S' I - n 1 1 : ! V . rf r "1 : o -i'-H Ih,' j- Hlrtl lis' '' lltl.'li i II is- t h :n il 1 1,9 'I i en. e ,-l I I," C-'l- iiin . i- ;i ir.i y for Tgrl IHI ' I ' ! (t.)'llti n liPHillv ;i l.. pi I. The third .i'pmi intiuc th- . pi" i a.-s. urne in pnbli'- n ' 1' .'ml " neiv their i"vti ir t r. tlo CH' -y " '. ' T ho lotirlh 1 1 r'oi' i' i. p'e(i 'i I '. .i prps-1. . pa I he III' at t ! ii'ii- riiaMliiS hi llfl- ' III U ' 1 1 :ia I e i- II - eisi. Mr. '., "... lin . in.- Tt.lM t'olt" I! fed la' St it . fT'i"" ih o ,:"!t; r ii 'id.nti. ,. r. SU t ; is we ' e'U'V' t he ( ' t- . w 1,1 i; i h'nt. li ,., f" S' l.aral ! 'tl I i - l'.! St .il. r- and Co', iei.'. no Static, '.nil i' : 0 il'-p-nileiii I l-'ie Miiier, e. iili ih ' "' . I r id -. 1 1 ai.n' , A', , f.ii: Iy aai 1 1 tl tv.-.'h .( t: y r 1 U tie lilthls ot 'e,v on 2d .T h,- wTTf, i ' wi.kli'.'jefrpa; iy" Should he lit II'.. rl t'i M'lul ii le.l.i, Prteo lltil.L' l own juii;;.' as t I ' rtimhrr ami mam or of election; each parly p.ij n j; it.s own ex pen v. s, thT piivilegi s to do this I I (',.;! defined anil h Itleil . 4 1 h. Si.r'i t-i' lie i 1 nv ' foe v -. I j. oi.p i. p.. : Ol'v Wl" O r .'() ll l' I' 'I i-t. ss !1 tl t"l' I'i : , i. a..,! , Fro 'n i f l!a C ii"vtM'. , .i ( aniei.d- tni i'i pr.'i" 8- .1 i" ih i ' I i- i i i i . f . : 11 1 I 0 I I" (On I iii . ' ... The S"i,,u, ii ma .pi . t, . , , , .. bill aboi'slurii! I . i fli.-f .! I'' Si n.'", 'vithin tl,.' '.iaes'ol tliw nr.nv in the fjr'hl. ' , j,t i A pin f i In- ! 'vp ilinpHtrh was not inliilliijibio, linr v . h iti- -lonp ' 'c hint with It that wp. c uld. Eri.'l LOt.' AL AND STATU NEWS. Niw Adykktp-kmicnth. Mary 8tilc of li.'usi'hold 'ind kitolien furniture. II. J Colev Mift ipcope for Bale. Ir W. J 'dwkinf.-$300 reward. Cou.ntv Coi iir Their Worsliips held, a short Hesii ri yi'sforilav ; they and other Magistrates liavinjr to attenu nl. Naflh square for Home Guard -lonsolidiition jiurpotieH. Mr. Lynn Adams was qui.ii1ed as a Magistrate.. The following Con stalilesV'ive tUiili(iMl : DISTRICTS Hnlfalo-E y. Roherson. Carey--Win ItX'forl. Kills Creek II II Siiitcr. Huckhorn J I Judil''0, Heaver Creek H T irufiter U-I.'igh. No. 1--Wiley Sauls Hrih inh, No. '2 David Lewis. Niw Hill II C La-hley N. v. Liht-T N Kay. Laurel Creek II E llollowa; . St Matthews U 1J Buff.ilo (Vos Koads Tlios 0 Smith. Middle Creek W W W Johnson. Mink's Creek H A Rhodes St Mai y's Calvin Pool. Wliilo Oak Wm Jinks Little River -0 II Ilorton. Lick (Veuk W R Nichols louse's Crock W 11 Perry. Crahtree W M Jackson. Panther's Rraneli Lynu Ranks. Fish I), nn Jno T ('olelounh Wti inadvertori'ly ouiiltod, in Mondy's re port, to pay thai the compensation of the Special Court was fixed at $H per day Rtport or Tim Committbk of Kinanob. The Conun'tlee of Finance for Wake county made their report on Monday We uiako the following aL.sti act ; Total amount of revenue, af tr doiliiet ing sheriff's commis sions and allowances made tak ers of tax lisls for 18G4, For Comity oir peises. gUG,8K8 7'2 u For iiidiieiit sol- , .liers families, :50.'l,40 49 f'SCO,295 21 300,295 21 Of this sum the sheriff has paid into the hands of the coun ty Trustee $236 r'20S 01 To (he Treasurer ol the War den's Court, 30,000 00 Leaving in tho hands of the sheriff 94,089 20 The Committee further report that tho amount of debt p owing by li e county ia : In Coupon liouds. (14.500 Mi In Individual bouds. 2?.S,937 12 $303. 137 15 The accounts. ( the county Trustee and the salt Commissioner were satisfactory . VNicw Co mm ni utt The Northern papers ttiinounee thai Major General J. M. Seliofield, f"l inerly eoiineeted with the army of fienpral Sh'Tiiian,- n l l.iti Iy c ininiiiiiding a corpp in that of (ii'iifral Thoni'is, has assumed command of tin- .I. par mcrr, ol' Ninth Caiolina, Thin phiccs him in the head of all the military forces now opor-itirij in tho vicinity of Wilmington. I .- . ife ll..u. ile.DM 'PI,,, ir., !.... i. .. u.t,. . . . ,,..-iiii..-i. lie. . ii.uii i nini a i.i .ti tti nit ycstei day and wire "c nisolidatcd" into two rotn paiii. , r i,e of the 1st ' class, and one of the Und cli'S . We learn ihcre. were not niity four tin n in either company ; Thn following officers vn-re elcett d for the co-npany of the first class: .. H I' '..'.. ''ip.'.-i ' Williams Booth, 1st, Lieutenant. .1. N Cheek. 2d Y. U Sett. :U This coniianv, we learn, is ordered to Camp Manguiii to day, to guard prisonors. The "inpany of the second class wai organ ized by Iheel'Ction ot the fillowing officers: W. R. Richardson, Captain. W II Finch, 1-t Lieutenant. A S Can in. 21 . '; W ti . iTpehurch, Jr.;'3.1." ' " Camp Fthns. A portion of our Market Square is at present devoted U camp fires. Tho Hills- boro C idaU are qu irtor d in the City Hall, and serve up s Rr ir miitiis ' on ihe Square;" and lioui the Ii aili' is ,-:id egg shells aiouud their Iii i s nc pi a siinio they provide themselves with Mimethi g'nior 'ban government ntions They are a fine looking parcel i f boys, full of life and . . i , . t i . . i -i mi), as i.s ii.uurai loooyii; out tney are rnitreiy respectful aud 11 hdiaved Wo have been abo it them ti good deal and hav not heard th first vulgar remark, oath, or olmcono word from one of them. We always likci the iuatimumi" oi ooys, tnougli we mu.n any we do not Iiih'V thtfin for war purposes We don't like llm ide-i of grinding up "need corn." F S. iSino writing the nhnve lh" ('a lot. Ilol,,. !., w., i i i.. i '. . . l;il. ,1 r- M'UI lllO I uvr LUII UIOI. i i " their school at HilUbiro', I'm host place lb them. They have had Ii good holiday, and have enjoyed it, und uow we hope they will study hard. Oysters. Wo had some very Quo oysters in market yesterday real Norfolk locking- natives. The Local wishes somebody would b-avo tn open bucket of such in his corner every day, to be taken care of. Ho will promise to do as he did yesterday. He who stands guard is entitled to rations. A Call to Prayer. We ivi '' i.nce a happy an d (Treat people, tn ear pi op perity we forgot God and plunged nursi'lvea into ki . h' and ahnininahli! sins ; therefore He permitted l ton horrid war to come upou us. Tlvj Uod ut nation alnua can de liver ui from it. But He will not pitve uii until, i a peu ple, we honble nursplrap before Hon aud cry fur help. Attt4 the pnpl Ity (At truth t heart. I propod', there fore, that all ChristatnB in the Confederate Stdtet plinll meet at a Throne ol Grace, at aotne hour in every day, pay b'-tween 12 m and J p m, and there bring our cauh.t before Him who hath Raid, " Call upon Me in the day of ti, aud t wo) deliver thee.". I reMptuLfully auk 1. 1 1 n t this nntiui' tie copied into every uwnpaper in tiie Confed erate Stater, and bug the Bditore of the same to imprest) the prnpoititioV.upOD the minda of their readers. CI1K!STIA. VWilniingtnn, N Feb 14th. Ifi5. Febl7-dlw V TO GAS C'ftt?(8UMER.S. ON AND AFTEK THE l-yT OF MAllC'H, TIIF. price of (iaa will be $80 per "(It) feet. WATKItUOl -IK i. KOWM, Ftb 21-lBtm l,''iet. SOLDIERS' CLAIMS. s rpnE UNDKRHIONKl) HAVINIJ bEKN AlSTOIXT- cd " (Vimmifisioncr to investigate, collect aiSl dis tribute t'laimn of Deceased Soldipft," give! nonce '''at after the 'iOth iaiit., he will be prepared to lurniih u -blanks wherebv the wives, children, eiecutors or admin istratnr.4 ot deceased toldiera may hare their claims plac ed in propwr forai to be filed ia the Auditor's ollice in Richmond, and will use every effort in hii power to have ihe same properly paid. Persona applying for blanks must forward a 29 cent postage stamp (or two 10 cent bills) to prepay tha post age on the same. A Register of a'l claims will be kept, and at any time the state of a claim mar be ascertained. HKNKY E. COLTOV, Feb 31-tf FayetUTille, N. C. NEGRO AUCTION AND Commission HOUSE! Ot THE FlliHT DAY OF JANUARY NKXT. AT the tanuse iuiuiediatelr in front nf the I'ost Oflice, formerly oeeupied a? the I'rugieHM nllic, on Fayeltevilte Street, n the City nl Kaleigh, the Kubscttbets will ttttab lieb ab Auction and Commission House For the Hale ot 8LA VKU. We hare prnrifind Ttnn and rnmrof abh1 quaiterd, and will be a! moderate in out charges tor board , tc, an the times will (HTinit. With an experience of twentr yean in Ihe trad", and the adf aritipfl of an xtfiinii. jiciiuiitntnnf t w tiati-T urselvti that we und- rstantl fhe buninHfts and, with th1 assurance ol quick sains nod n umpt lettj' n-, rrnjn'ctlullT tolicit public patronage. Oeclttdtf VM. K AHKKW k Vn. AdJ't and ItiHp'r (ipn'H OfTit o, i ItiCHMONn, Sept. Ii, lHti. i NO U2. f III.: THK FO!J,OWJN(. ACT OF COX (.REM published tor the information of all coriCHnV- e.l : Tvrj peraon not nubjtict to the Rulaa and articb i of war, who nhall procure t-r entiro a oldii of the t'nu ffMlrra'r States to desert, or who shall urcAnM from an? jildi ( hi irin, uniform, clnthmg, n, ny part thrrfif, r-hall upon legal conviction, be fined, nt tho dincrutifoi nf the Court having cognizauco of the same, in anv fiiui not eicetdin three hundred dollars, and be imjiri8rHMi not eieding one year." Bt order of t' e Sfcrrtarv f War (Hijinad. H rOOPKR Adj't and Inip'r Ut.'l. F1 Ii DQU AHTRRI HfsBRTK N. V,. Kaleijfh, Fohruarv I'I, ) OmHal : J NO. W. H I N ail A LK. Feb U-d7twlt A. A. (hu'. State paper- aopr portn time. Headquarters Reserve, N. ('. ) AnjurtNr (Iexekai.'s UrriCh, , Raleigh, Dir. 14, I8fii. . General Order, No 4. f f JIAJWllC. S. STUINGii'Ebl.OW A.SSIKTNT A f I , jutant (ioneral C S. P. A. will relieve Capt. Jno W. Hins.lale, Assistant Adjutant tli noral of lleervr of N'. C. and the latter officer will proceed to join the 3rd Regi ment Reserves ti. C, n its (fnlom I, h" Laving hee.i duly elected to that office on tho 3id of .lanu.iry, INKS, Thp Lieutenant (General Couimaiiiting, iu taking leave ol hmel lllnd-rflalo, tendert hit f)i'tn e"B);ratltirt on his promotion, and earnestly hopes that the intelli gence, seal and gallantry which has characn rized his service as a Staff otficer may be nintuieil br esperience Into graater usefulness in his new and more eitendud sphere. (Signet)', II II ll'lhUES. I, I. (tn'l Cnrnd g. Offioial: Chas. P. STatsirm row, Feb. 14-dTtwlt Msjer A A A , Hen'l. State papers eopy seven tiinss. W. R. RICHARDSON At CO., BROKERS AND STOCK A UVTIONEEUS, oF.SPF.O J KtTbLY SOLICIT CONSIGN M KNTH. Oet 10 - ' '- HabKIUH: N ft; PRINTING! THK 44 DAIIV PROGRESS OFFICE," Having a food assortment oT Material, an eitrnaire th rietr of trpe and one of th hnMt POWER PRESSES In the Confederacy, is piepared to turn out all kind,, n Jot) 3FxrlrLtin.s In tha bent style of the nrt and at prices as reasonable as aa be afforded in these times. We prnmise that all work enlrUsMd tr. ut nhall be promptly, naatly and enpeditiouslv executed. Orders so licited. J. L. I'ENMINHTOJ A CO. taleign, Jaae 1, 184. j 80HBUU LB O V ' OMTIICAU I 'IMIK commissionku.s i A rr,i a Iskm K. r Hik ; ofyricrp m euvorn l'urfhin,c i(rm for th. ui-xt niiv d,iv. wlh raOn cuiniiiti rnijl v a'li am i I in ooin-uiirnc" I nl I he a'ivani ti liv onli-i of tin' j.'i niiin'M in 1 htf priff j nalit ithort! tlmsp ot ih rl - luV. Tlv uaruvatlv hou that iln ii' no bi-inir mi nfi" for bo ding back ih ii pru'l Ji'U so nr!"ry In t Is - np ;! v "(' I lie army, that furu'.i'i uiul nth,"i will roni.' !ii ivm il wil'i alacrity and ... .i I orr-r an mai LU,-V l-dn itifO' ll'iin lllt iri'wn ui-nunin lo Ihe aid . I 'I Inn si in , . hich io m at In. I lo be rec'igiii-- d ii iiui ooiv ?m i ur limn th unrestrained .imI' grapi ng de.-'imt ot ion haibirini- eneinv Apples, dried, (. I, peeli I, per hush ?S lbs fill (I'I do unpeeled, per bunh -S Hit 7 .i'i Axes. ivitli hainll' n, . i.:h, ts Ml do without tiaii'i.fs, iiui', I"4 u" flftcnn, per pound, hi g iruiiid, 4 tin K-arte, (vtiiteni eorntb hl , per ouiili 60 pouiidti 10 1)0 Hraii'ly, apple, pi '-gallon, 10 00 do peach per allini, IU Ot) Beet, I'refh, nett per pound, 2 0e di. fresh, gross, per poua I. 1 00 do salU' l, t;er pound, "I 50 Caudles, 'allow, tier poutl'i, a rtfl tte a i ciialo Hie. pel j.auli.i, 10 '' CtuniJ, Irae", p-T piitr, 10 Q1) Chilli ' ill oi ..i Hol'lieis 'lethey.3 tat'l wnl. , 10 ii,. to vsiil, and t"'e fifi as tn gient'-r hi leH weiglit or width, , el V'Ul il, Cattail, raw, "-r lt, Coffee, Riii, per p .uiid. t.'orn, un'helletl, per biivh 7(1 Hh, C oil Meal, .tacki rt"t. im lti'l-''l, per tin-h ot fii) pniind, llrills, eoit ai, 7 -s yd ivid", .t tarda to pound, per t d, Flour, efR Imii.iIv, per bhl !'' lb, " ext ra nup.a line, )ie.' bbl 1 at; lb " sttpel line, per libl 110 lbs. " line, p." i bun i I "I h"' I'1", Fndtler, halos, ptr 1110 pm ml.-. " iii.bale.l, per 10') paiindt, Hilts, Win. I, each, Hue, baled, per 1(1(1 pi. und, " ' unb.tled, pel III'.) pntliids, Hell ill c, exlia, pel p.nilld, Hides, dn green. ier pi'lind, lloi'ses, Hi ti la c, Isl clast, per head, 'I" rtiti. erv. id cla e, per bead. Hens" rent p. r t per iinnoli Iron. I'ig, No I, per ton, 7. (ton II. do fig, No ', per ton, 'I Willi IIh do I'ig, Nn :t, per ton, 1,000 Hit da HI... on, per toll. 2.0110 lbs i'o Smith's -qu it e in round per Ion la til t 50 l 6'i I '.' 'l 17 M J a -10') on do ( a SO (II) i" I'" N Ml 7 ho h HO S U') T .Ml I. On (t no I f.O 1.50(1 do lioo on to 00 isii nn .114 (HI 37 s 00 710 et) .1 l.nnu lie. de H'rvireable railroad, per ton i.t 2 240 I'.aoeU Jeans. wool, domeslie. per tartl l 'tiles, enntp, iron, per pound, leii'.ber, gonii, per I nnO feel bar''. per pound I.e. tlliv, sole, per polite! do upper, pi r pound do harness, per pnuud Molasses, " orghum, per (tallon Mules, f class, per head, 1,(1:10 t 'J 4(10 I'U If, 0(1 on no 00 4 ,',0 10 00 1 ! I'd 12 00 1.'. 00 1,5011 1 0 r2oo no a- id i-s, per h do 3d elASi. p. r head Mechanics, 1st class, iv; d'iy, tations by govern llietit, 'id i I k ss , ,,., 'sv, riitiolid bv gov eminent. Nails, per keg Oats, sheaf, baled, per 100 it do slieitf, lllibiijct, e 1110 loi da nli" I it p. i hud, i' Osiidburgs, ei.tlon. '. I vain tvid.-, T nr. t" aid, per ai d, do entti.n. 7 S aid wide. S "2 lo ard, var- , OninlM, per bushel, (txn, work, ll iiualitv, per yoke d" ?d ijuality. per vke IVas, cow, per liu h et (ID lbs I'ntatoi'S, Irish, per buh of lib lbs do ' Weet, I'f.'f bll dl ol till 11m MOO 00 10 00 ft 00 2011 00 Id 00 11 .' f. 1)11 ; .' DO I Mm n 11.00 (-' I'i 00 s on H nn 12 fill iU Hft 3 f.O 3 DO 2 HO - 00 6 00 7 00 4 00 so no 1 f,0 1 10 1 2 00 2 no 50 (1 till I 7f) I Hi 1 7a 40 00 ft's no 4 ft 00 1(1 00 .'5 00 10 00 4 1)0 Ml 00 5 0(1 I (10 I '2f s 00 ' 7.') 1 40 0 no IH 00 J f.O 1 no 2 Ml I 7", i ?r. t so t i 0 1 no Ju i. If. oa I f.O 1 7i : no I 2 00 ;o on Tin on Ml0 01) If. 00 lVaeh's dried, t -r biibli nl 3s I,, du no p. ........I, p.-r b'till of H lbs Fork, It.-li, neti, pi t pouiid, do salted, per pound, do gross I'asturage, lid ijualilv, near town, per head, per iin.iitb, c.itn in, .n, near t tvn, pet month, 1st quality, it) the country, per head, pe' month, ('.en i.e. n, in country, pej- bead, pet month, oi.d, per outi. e, new, per 1 . mild , old, per pound, good, per bush "f 'iC lb., per bbl of '2N0 Ins in bul of '2so :h two bushels, o-itiahiirgs. eaoll, cotton, 34 raid aide, 4 yards to pound, per yn it, eotlnn, 7 H y iril will", i4' do do lb, Quinine, Rue, do III", boon, dn SacKs, pbii ling, do vanl to pound, per yard, C lion strips, 3 yards to pound, pr yd Ssll, (,'oast, 1 cr buic of 60 lbs, do Liverpool, per hush at an lbs, '!" Virginia, per bush of r,'l lt,s, StAel, cast( perdeiuriil, 1 ' - Slims, army, per pair, Shoe thread, flax, per pound, Sucks, soloter's wool, pr psi: , Sh", .p. tat, pi r head, Suyar, brmvn.,coiiiiueii, pt 'I. Soap, ha i d , per pon -id do ' solt, pounil, :liuckf, I1JK...I, 1,011 b, Sh uts, p"'h c' l b.i-h ..I n lbs, Sl..p stun", JbieJ-per bu-h of 3; lo.. T'-a, I. blar.k, per pound. do green, per pound, Tent cloth, . cottou, It) 1.7. to id, per yard, nbacco, No I , ext! .1 do No I, do N 2, do I'ligS, 1 ril aw, eh an, p,a puna , V'lliegnr, eider, pT gallon, d 1 u anubn tui 1 d; per g Wllbkev, . giio'!, , ei gall'.,, Wteat, good, p. r ljnli el (IS ibs do bran, pet bush .117 II. Wheat straw, baled, t.i.r .100 i, dn do unbilled, pi r loo II., Wool, ashed, p' r p'aii. I da unw l-bed, per poi.n.i W sgrins, it '! axle, 4 tiir r. , , e.i . !, V '" w ood a ile, 2 hois-, new PS I'll rn, c'dioii per bunrh .d 5 lbs Hist l.tROB, rCAUS, wiao.ts AM. ,011 SKs Haling long forage, per hundred pounds Shelling and bagging corn, seks furroshed bv g'li'.rnmpiit, per bubhel. Hire uf two horse teams, waei n snd driver, 11 lions fur rit''h''. by owner, 1 ,-r iItv, Hire 01 I w n tiorsc (c.1'11, w 11 j 0,1 u n . I d :i."r ,1 - . lipua IMriistjt'.l bj gisvoi iiuj'-nup-'r.d'O-. Hire ol lour horse t auis. wsgon end driver ra lions fun. ohe I by owner, per day, Hire of (our hm se teams, wagnn and' di it. r, ia tinm furnished by tin. government, prr da'y Hire of six horse tnaois, wajjon and driver n t ions furnished by owner, per dar Hire of six burse teatus, wagon and driver, , ati-n- luriii bed by gov -i nii,..i,l ( ... ,J ,v Hire 'd Isl.ore , 1 ai ion In-1, .Oi.-d b . ...ti...,-, ,., day II ite id l.i bo: er, rations lurnPh' d by gr.vei noo nt, per day ' ' njteot laborer, lalu.r.slu tii.tied liy r, llite ofl.yl.i.Ter, rations im id-hed by go, 1 rnitutit p. r month ' II H e "f llol S ', per lla V Thn Cr inmisr ioneri) r fj r-i r.j 1 ! x- ug..,i tb ii 1 00 ai is no 1'2 00 3') 00 70 Li) (tn .'4 'SI n 00 4 ( 0 1 1 0 no .'i (10 4- 0') it it br t'.iitiit practical, the prceie. r sl.oulit n al'eoi.d a tutiilh part ot Ikon ut plus, (n b at markix rti l.i pay li.r lhair oe-Riy planiati oi vippfliiii, srhi a. n h they have to purcjia. " at high mai ket prlcM." Tiis eat i extlv call upon tie famors to h'ivj fowa'st ikai corn nou so uecesstrr ti the up 'irt ot'the irutv is thai immediate front, and which alon" II p-pvea' It lav to the eneoiv, i f aM th-dr crops, stock, negYoas, Ac, Ac T In; eumtubsitm." s would also recommend tkxt the isr p. a s-meni sbcald be univerinl and un" .ria, Itavinc i no -nit .... T , . For I I Oiiormitf ion i t ll ersaqil 0"neor'i ( )4 llsnibe lolfi'ing Inptrm'tloiis, with ih hop.- that ta will to sttictlv obeyed. ' ' a -flic r, or stgi'lit, etall iiupreea Lh tieoeav-arv ih. pin.- 'it ah ant person Ul-tv li;'.ti' t"t the '"t.uiiip,lon hitti t I. is talnll ' , en'ployecs. nlaves. o' '.o.a.rv ,.n li . i. . do art mechaiiieal, manulaetoring nr Mtfrnaoiural an. pint ineiita" 'fin- next meetinc td the Hoard will be held iu the S. aln CI aiuU.-r, in lb, City -o U al 'itr I , on M-iidsy l1. 2d day ut Apul next, uul'H.l Soulier cljiiiiir. I In. .i . sting tig"rts must furuisb g.vod and satlO l'ry r snns for disaprova !s on appeals, er trie jwa'dorl". sppi aisers will bo approved. AM couitriuuii ations shou. lie addrepseu t i th" Scor-tary of the Itoard, Kaltiigli, C i Signed H . K. Ht It (M" V N tlartsburg, N. 0' R. V. III.Af'hSlOCK, Stoek.ville. V (' CouiV Appraij-.'iiient l a Stay of I Itab lgli, Feb 10 ti Ild('rs Arinleii of the C J t iatc n, i Nlltll Febrll'li v, ItOI'' I (vKNKH A I, Ol' t'KKX, 1 No 2. In cnt'1! ing upon the cninpaign alo.ut to ..pen, th Oeliel a I in Child feels aasureii that tha solsiiois sli . hat. on long and s nobly b"i lie the hi t tfshi ps and t-t n . rs -' Hi' rtr , rt quirt no ex Ii or tat ion ti r e-p f hniini Hhd (ili IV Wirtj th liliert t ranstrftte d br t ' ' t r I I. Ih a efatli-r,, th. imvi.' inher.tetl tb- fpint to Jelcnd if Th ' choice bet Wt'on wt nnI ahjeet Mihonssiioi it tore I hern. In -Hi' 111. puipiietftl, III ti Tf lilt l n i' !l iiMij 111 thi II h A lit ,4 run have but one answer. The v cannot barter inauhooii Ur: peace, imr llie i 1 1 ; if hell' gtivt rnint nl for lift- ur ir"'M I v Iiui jiotllt e to tiiH-m retjuires a sit rni r ..lnmnlt inn th.. ho w ho hi iff abandon-M their C'nii' adt n tht turn; peril A hisi nppot tuuit y is i dl.. ed them !' wo... nut t ho 4 . grace and escape th" puni-di.'nent of their eiiui... Ht uuth'i'ily of lb.- l'rsi.l"i.t of the Cnl . d. rs St a'e-, a pai 1 1 on is an nou ne.-il to sui I. '!-' t a . nt d in - a impi opcriv absent as "hall return to the a "mmnndt ; uhltfl they bitnug it It i ii ihe rhol test pos.-lhl" tun", n . if. a ding t went v dn i from ihe publication i.f this m .I. . . .it t v b adquarlers ol tbe di- pai intent in lur- the. ma. tie TTiose who ma v be prevented bv ItiKTUptioii of (-.. uiuiiicatious, may report vtlttnn tbe to. e spa itiwd tot' -nearest enrolling or other otlie - t .t, daty. n. be lorwar ed a t soon as pracl iuabl", and upon jirrsi.n'iug to c, ' t tic'le ft aim suet ollicer show o.g cmn pi ia '. .' wiib this i iptlieinenl, a ill receive Ihe pardwn heebf "II red. 'I hose who have deserted to theservici of tile eieaii, or who have deserted after having l.e.-n dto'v pardon'. i lor the same ntlence, aud those who shall desert, or ab sent tllelns.lves without authority alter 'In- plibl rati' a of this older, at e excluded from its bentfiis .Nor do, ih" ollei ol pa i do n ( j lend lo olhi-r i ll.iie. s dps-, tmn and absence withuut permissi ii liy the sauie authority, it ia also deelar,d that no gen ia al am in sty will again be granted, and it. ot. who refu. tn accept the pardon now offered, or who shall herettr ibseit.'l l.9 lit (heniBuives withuut have, bad -ufler such punishment as thC.m-ts may impos -. and no apo cation lor cleineucy will be toiler lamed. v Taking new resolution from the fate which our eneun.t intend Im us, let every man devote all his en j, le.i to li e I'omuion ilehaice. Our i.'s. in res, wisely and i ig a uus I . iup .. , , d , a; ample, and with a brave army, sustained by a deterinv ed and an l led people, sui e. cs with (iod , atsistaucc, eau not h( doubt ul. Tne a. leaning! of the enemy will have but little valu if we do not permit Ihein In impair .ur r. solutimi. I. us, then, oppus.. coiislaney to sdveisitv, I .rlitude In u: let nig, and i-out age tn ilangei, with tin, linn assurai.i, that He who gave fruedom lo our fath.f wil. bless in .It Tta ut their children to preserve it. K. IC. I.KK, Oeiiei a! Itil'qri A Tittle of thn t nfired. Ntatea, I Ith February, IK65. (iH.XIiliA I. l)feS, 1 No i I he diseiplina a; i.tfi-ieoc, of ill- a'n,v have beta gieatly impaired lj,.en leaving th-ir proper en-nmautlt In join others, in vrhi'', llo-t lin 1 .,-rviue iinoe agroo able. 1 hi- praitiee, altno.t as .'.j'lrious iu os roiis-nueiil .is the crime o desertion, by te Articles of Wai, eip , ses t he a (tender to a similar pur i di incut, an . subject ' h otlleer I eC'iving him to ditini.sal 'i .in lli"ruiv It in Ihereloie declared that the ,,rovii"ns nt ( Order, No. 1, of th is dste, from army hcadquai lers, ap ply lo audi men as have left their proper r mandt an joined others without being regulaily id . Tl, will receive the pardon promised in thai, order, ui.-.n comply ing wiih its canuitions, or suffer the rnnaeiiiein rt attio-heil to neglecting it 'I he names ol such absentees will be tm ah with ri p.o i- ,1 tn Hies.. h. ad.uai tera hy the olricers with whom 'h i at" serving, and immediate, tioasui", ak'.a to reli . theru to tti'-ir pioper ooiiiuiandj. As soon a s pra ticahle an Inspection will be mad-, and ol a-giis will bo preteriod against ihnsa who nei et to enforce this order. u dGt K F,. I,F.F Oenera' TIIE CLOSING OK THK PORTS. 1 7" ILI. I'llUliAIILY 8HII.V COMPF.L M K T' T ii"" th" pne. ol ih- " S hern ll-pal in I'll, Ihe bei fau ily me'lieine in th" C -n a.d-.i aei . A'-'" t l toil" oi nn4 duller t ""ill' llOI.I "St. I'ntil further tifitict I will in'! by mail i.rppant" boi tin a (hixcn l.n t.'i'i. iiiuggial sr d other de i fsnbiiy by the quantity at $4V a gron, l purchai. paying height. Thttt i.ries. net prire.rli.nittsy ,-, i". -. ai: "tie y lad to s. ii a i ..I.t j a'es tp.-,r, naqi.e! 'Ih rents a box f 2 Ml a dnrtr.. ' t grna '.lh must s company all tn d. r A.1di f-.OI.iiF. W DEEM?. F"b I'i nii Ooirisboin, ..I ksiaigh, N. r MifiRO Al'CriO.'xj " Wrn.i, HI. SOLD, A T (iCli SALKSIxOOMS () Vt I'u.sdsy, 21st, st 13 o'clock 3D ik" v N F.(. i:( i i. - . confuting ol Men, VV nu. n, II. yt, Girls, and child' . Tli" Negro, nrs a I likely and i'"d for no Isn Isult. . . .. . ... ... -ALSO- Ci ii Mrnod Sows. 7 Una Shoals, 1 Hog W F ASKEW A en F"h Id - Hi To Carpenters or others Wishing to B rj ild. -A. mo-ro onanoo! flsHK A D V EftTISKK 4) FFF.ItS FDIi SiLPI Tilri j traiiit. work , all in rticeil and ready la put t-igelhar, ot a , a r a t: - n o i; s t: , 46 h 't"t IslUoc l , jl, jL . Together wilt. 1 ma Willi ha.em-, Id pair lilinds -priined ; " 17 Hoop Shuttei a and f: am. . : 14 Large window tramp., with ml. rv 7 Window fratiirsBiihoiH m . rs 14 S'tt Saah-r(i'ainl I. a.t.s, 10 - Is. d Frontispieces for lir i nUr-s This wort w aa don. and the matari il er. .pared ' large, tin" building, a. d n 'thing b,' 1 n.g. boarding, s'.Mglej aa.t nub s tnd n ,- s, e warning t.. is2i it aii ihe rest tint v on . no r o. i. Ihe properly mav be s-en, won 4 irawmg (if-t-Tirr-a ding, ard iiri.a'sir'trl b- e , -n - r id t - -..i Jan 12 tf KllllOii I H-dii KK - , FOR' HKXT STOIti UOUSK, UN FAVKTTKVJI.l. tb dwelling aUnva. sa:- i.asAjne an 1 x, A mlrthl r aj r ni-fttl, for rent for Its balaan of loe . r.u 14 if Apply te C U f'AkblS? 'La y . eft.rer r 'r f Sl'l'-I ! . i iii'.V. I 1' ft. 's.ll, .Hi "1 f "1? 'tl 1 1 " Li-' f a I M1 -I 4 1' 1., t -1 - sJ'J.j ... .".. ' ' i . , ' '. fc 1 ''A 11 if ,4 i.-t 1. 1 f X . ''! ' t il i 4V J 1 ,r f, 4:2 i 1 (T " ; 1 I.f.! ! t ' 'n x o 7 V