BT J, 1: VM JuiflTQJf & Mh TJffiXtMft OH HIAWCHU'TiOK. The following are tbe "only teriU of subscription to tbe PAUTend WsiT JPftOnm: ' ' i ' Daily ip,"itmth.':'... ;.,.c..i.t;."..Ti,4.$w 00 . i worth :...., 20 no- ' - months .....,..,. i.rf;.,.. Weekly paper, 8 months ...,;,....;,.,w,iw-Ki0, 10 00 - " 8 month r., ,..,".t... 20 00 Always to be paid In advance and paper (topped when a time paid for expire.- ' .JOB PRINTING.-Havinga Jqb OnWqul toany la the OHy or Hfiita, vre are pre-pared to execute alt o rder for Boat and Job Printing with neatness and dispatch. TELEGR APniC NEWS RCPpRTri OP THE P It ESS AUS-OOlATIOS.J- " From Petersburg;, FtfnHMU'ttO, Feb. 81. There bss been for sever al hours Jthis afternoon heavy firing on our extreme right, but as yefc thu cause is Untxplaincd. from Richmond. Bichm-'HD, Feb. 21. Additional Northern" papers of the lStb. receive J, but they , certain nothing ol interest except the reprieve of Capt, Ball. A fire occurred on the routb tide nf Main street between 12th and 14th, at one o'clock this morning, in the tipper part of biiiiillng Nu, 117- Joseph Stebbio's wife, daughter and two7, sons perinhed in the flames. r ' RicfeMftHrt, Feb. 22. Admiral Buchanan arrived thi afternoon in the flag of truce boat. The ex change of prisoners is pn grrisicg daily, Later From tlic North. Richmond, Feb. 22. Norttiorti papers of the 20th received, including the evening edition of the Balti more "American." News from South Carolina all received from the Richmond papers. The "Ameri can's"' caption roads "Glori.jvi8 Nhws The Evacn ation of Charleston This place of Treason Ours The Old Flag over Htitnter Again." Roger A. Pryor has been reluased from fort War ren on parolo. He will be exchanged. Gold 202. ' " . SIMAR FROM COH. It remembered that in July !att ..we directed attention tH an alleged chemical discov ery of the utmost importance whereby starch from corn could be readily and cheaply trans mitted into saccharin product, with all the pro perties of ordinary cane sugar. We believe that ours wm the first public annouu-mtnent of the matter, and it matilW u In loam that thn allow ed discovery i about being submitted to thorough soientifie teste. It is said that Professor Ooess ling, the discover, who resides near Cinoinoatti, has succeeded by his process in making three and a half or four gallons of beautiful whito lyrup from a bushel of corn ; and had at last solved the problerd which has heretofore pussled the chemist all over the world, by discovering a method of turning this syrup into granulated sugar, Bimilar to tie products of cfcno. The production of the syrup is doubtleog true, al though we may be a little skeptical in regard to the quantity said to be obtained from a buShel of twir; Yhis syrap 1s beantifully white, and can be Used even. in tea without darkening the infusion. Moreover, the process is said to be so simple that ft my be carried on in a small way jo the kitchen of any farm bouse, with only the ordina ry household utensils. If this syrup can be crystaliied like the saccharine matter from cane, then the whole world may well be called Upon to rejoice over tho discovery. ' A oompauy of wealthy gentlemen in this city, says the New York Journal of Commerce, have purchased the secret, we understand for $400, 000, and, having (ftken the steps to obtain a pa- , . . . r i ... i . . r HWM. -pcypMS? w ereyi a ywWXJ Mi ltM,AM UBeiUl nesa. We have also been t3,lItfioTwiatiiliol'' tbe means at hautj ,to verify the information, that an old process is on record for making syr up from tho potato stareh, whiQh is very similar to the discovery above noticed. Tho whole ques tion is one of great interest, and will excite much public attention. The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, which has heard something nbout Prof. ' Qocsf-liBg's patent, is verv roueli t lated. The editor cays of tbe New York refiner who have taken hold of it: . ..-f .- Th y proposo to enter at onoe npon tho man ufacture of syrup and sugar from corn by tho new process, upon a large scale. tnd t. intro duce its manufacture throughout the oountry as" fast as expMlieut. ' Experiments have already succeeded in he productitui, say of at least three and a half gallons of syrup from ' a bushel of corn, and of a quality wbieh is pronourict'd by the most Oritieal judges io lo equal in every re the host syrup heretofore produced at; the New York rcfinries from sugar cauo. An equivalent amount of granulated, first quality, sugar is also claimed can h produced, but wo understand that for the present the company will confine; it efforts t ibo production of syrup. AetlvS pfeparatriioa iro'teing" hiado, however, to enter upon the extensive manufacture of su gar, and it is expected jhat tho Company will bo prepared, to put the new sta pleiijw tbo market during the present winter. '. :r Tbrre this new discovery are wVa.t and of such im portance, that they will readily suggest them selves to reflective minds. The Northwestern States of America ate he greatest sources of the world's production F uiaiae orIndian corn. Their vast pr tirifg are- capable of producing an almost unlimited supply of oorn, and under the process of development to which thcy.have been subjected, tho problem has risen, as to how their golden harvest!' shall best bo secured to ,tho world, and made available in the groat economy of life.; - . The eorneror, of tho West, limitless aS it may -be in UidIuturo,Ja-Sow-4estitted thcwmo-tho source of the worlds supply of sugar or its cquiv olent syrup, and tho West the repository of untold wealth. - The new era of sugar manufacture will, to great extent, derange the old current of trde. i.Tlie' West ill' Tiecpnm a greattsugar prfKlnoing; ss well ii groat eoffi gvo'wing re gion. Its (treat, staple compacted both iu bulk and value, for the munipulation of com merce. The sugar consumed by tho West will be ohenpenett by escaping eastward fricght on the corn required to produce it, and tho westward freight on tho manufactured staple,, North r JMlJMr, , y..!- . e " V()L. VI. RALEIGH, THURSDAY,. FEB. 23, 1865 NO ..'is?. LOCAL AJTD STATE ' Nxw ADvBtiMiKTB..P.Ferrell, Admin-jstrator-Notice. , ' : , ', - Mrs. Thorn art CarterBed. (rooms for rent. Cr. B- F. Arrington Pbysioian and Sur--gpnTT'D'olStisT;. ' . ' ' ' J. 51. Towles, .Agent Honse for sale or rent. " V. U Murray & Co. Whisky, Envelope ja per, Envelopes, &o , for salfli t See- tJireular from Cotsoript offite, Livily Timis, Yesterday was quit lively time in Ralegh. . The . Home Quards, Provost Guard, aid other! of the. military were-sloshing about. Quite a Bumber from the country were in town. The sun shone pleasantly, aad we saw. some enrly flowers in bloom. The robbing were chirping, and the boys were after them with shotguns. By the way we Uarn that th robbins are very fat . No wonder rob kin' is the only means now by -which to got fat, bnt it seems to be a sure means. The market was pretty well supplied, and prices were taller thsn the giants of old. Moreover, yesterday was Washington's birth-day, but how many thought of it? Old whifor seems to b relaxing bis grasp, and what will spring bring us? Buds and. blossoms and fresh green grass, no doubt; but shall they be stained with blood ? We fear so. A Dry Timii. The liquor shops were closed yesterday, and though there were many people on the streets there wag a great drouth. Some few looked as if they had run tho "blockade," but we were unable to piok up many items. Some days wa have a foast, and then again we bsve a fast. Yesterday was fast day, and in some respects a fad day. We call the attention of our citisene to the notice of tho Postmaster. It will be seen that the office Will hereafter be dosed at 4 o'clock, P. M. Unless we got more mail matter than we have been getting for some days past. th(re is but littlo use of its being opened at nil at all.' ' "" a Coumtv CorjHT On yesterday Mr. Jehn P. Beck qualified as Deputy Ceunty Court Clerk, and the following lists of Assessors and Takers of Tax lilts were made : LIST ASSKSSORg. Raleigh Dist. No. 1 (West side Fayettevill st.) R S Tuoker, C WD Hutching? and Tbos. Briggs. No 2 (East side Fayettevillc et.) M B Roystcr, Eldridge Smith1 and Jdrdan Womble. 8t Matthews N Ivy, -Geo. W Norwood aid RohL-Trasick.... ....,.. . ... .. St. Mark's R W Wynne, Peterson Dunn and M H Allen. . St,' Mary's W R Poo'.e, M C Hodge and W L Fort. Middle Ore k--Wm Ballentine, J H Alford and Jas Adams. Barton's Creek W 8 Thompson, Jas Woods and Jesse Penny. Swift Creek T O Whitaker, J M Jones and Alio n Adams. Kitt's Creek C Lowe, Wm George and H Weathf rspoon , Lick Crt'ek F Bevers, W W NichoU and B CDubn. House's Creek J D Hays, B A Perry and J II Rogers. Marks, Creek N Price, W H Hood and B Blrvka. White Oak H Hudson, Jno Scott andLeroy Mitchell. Crabtree S Wiggins, L Jackson and N T Thompson;,"-"'-...'. ... Buokhorn J H Collins, Jesse Burt and J H Burt. Buffalo Jos Fowlor, Dr. Hsrtsfield and D .rkmEisL".;,,,,..,,, New Light Wm Linv, P 8 Rogers and Geo McDowell. " Wake Forrest G B Allen, J 1. Duna and S II Dunn. Cross RoadgH A Hodge, C -H Hortoo and R Upehureh Fish Dam 0 J Rogers, A G Terrell aod W T? Holloway. . , Little River B T Strickland, J G nigh aid DB Griffin. , Panther Branch Simon Smith, S & Turner and J RfAdaimv ... . v- Caroy A K ClemoUts, W tl Alford and1 A F Page. takers or tax lists. Raleigh DistriotR W Seawell - Barton's Creek W Thompson ' " " ' Beaver Creek J C Hunter ' St Matthews Nathan Ivy " St Marks R W Wynne , St Mary'r W R Poole r- . If Middle Crook Jas Admng SwiftCreek-tG Whitakef -''J- ' ; ; A. jl Kitt's Creek C Lowe . Lick Greek F BsvorV House' Creek J II Rogers Mark's Creek N Price White Oak H Hudson CrabtreeDr WToiing Buffalo Jos Fowler New Light P 8 Rog ers Cross Roads' II A Hodge " - Fish Dam-'-Q J Rogers Little River B T Strickland Panther Branch J J L MoCullers Carey Leonard House Buekh6rn-J H Collins . New Hill Green Beekwlth Wake Forrest Jno R Dunn I'm Exchanob of Prisomers. A Washing ton telegram, dated 11th, says : Gen. Grant was bofire the committee ou the oonduetofthe war this morning, Tbe follow ing question was asked him ; Questiou It is stated, upon what authority I do not know, that you are! charged entirely with the exchange of prisoners Answer That is correct ; and what is more, I have effected an arrangement for the exchange of pritm tr, titan for man, and officer for offi cer, or hit equivalent, according to the old car tel$, until one or the other party has exhausted the number they now hold. I get a great many letters daily from frieuds of prisoners in the South, every ono of whioh I cauhc to bo answered, telling tbem that this ar rangement has been made, and that I suppose that exchanges can he made at tho rate of 3,000 per week, aod just as fait as they can deliver prisoners to us I will receive them, and deliver their prisoners to them, and the Salispury pris oners will bo eoming right on, I myself saw Col. Hatch, the Assistant Com -missioner of Excbaugeon the part of the South, and he told me the Salisbury and Danville pris oners would,be coming right ou at once He said that i e oould bring them on at the raft of five thousand or six thousand a week. Question Is there ne impediment in tho way? Answer There is no impediment on our side. I oould deliver add reoeive every one of them in a very short time, if they will deliver those they hold. We have lost scum two weeks lately on account of the ice In the river. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURK. rflHK UNDERSIGNED W1HHINQTO DISPOSE OF I a quantity of the absre mentioned property will of f5r at public sale on 8atorday 25th . February, at her res tdenoe in Jamtntown, Qnilford County, lit : Feather Bedt, Bed Clothing, Bedetoada Bureaus, Looking Ulius ei, one nood Clock, Wwhstand, Wash Bowls and Pitoh eri, Sideboards, Tables, one folding lVble, Table Furni ture, Shovels and iongs, Fire Dogs, one bbe ( astor and Cruits, two Setts Chairs, one new, one Hett of Cane bottomed Chairs, nearly new, cooking Utensils one 8t0T8, Wash Pots, Ao. Also ono Lady's Saddle, ono Cotton Spinner 25 Spindles. Terms sash in specie. MARY MENDENilALL. FeblMt 1ft G AJS CQN S UMJR S . 0 N AND AFTER -TUB 1ST OF MARCH. THE prloe of 0 will be JR0 per 10O0 feet.- WATEKHOUflE A BOW EH, Feb 21-lstm essee,n fiOO REWARD, RANAWAY ON THE 3RDOF 1HIS MONTH A Negro Boy named (JtSORUK. He ia a bright red 81 mud roulat'.o, abuut 21 years old, 5 teet 9 inches high, and claims to be a barber. The above reward will be paid for his conflnemeat in any jail or his delivery to either W F Askew A Co. Haleigh, or to Dr W J Hawkins atRidgeway. t Feb 22-10t SOLDIERS' CLAIMS. rpHK UNDEBBIGNED HAVING BEEN APPOINT I ed rt Commissioner to Investigate, collect and dis tribute Claims of Deceased 8oldiers," gives notice that after the 2(Hb inst, he will be prepared to furnish the blanks whereby the wives, children, executors or admin istrators of deceased soldiers may hare their claims plac ed in proper form to be tiled in the Auditor's oltica in Richmond, and will use every eilort in bis power to hare tbe same properly paid. Persons applying for blank must forward -a 29 ctnt postage stamp (or two 10 cent bills) to prepay the post age on the same. A Register of all claims wilt be kept, and at any time the state of a claim may be ascertained. HENRY E. COLTON, Feb 21-tf Fayettevillc, N. C. AdJ't and Iusp'r Gen's Office, ) Hichmoro, Sept. II, 1863. ) GiasaAi, OaoiRs, 1 No. 12J.- mTHE FOLLOWING ACT OF CONGRESS , ia published for tbe information nf all concern ed : " Every person not subject to the Rales and articles of war, who shall procure or entice a soldier of the Con federate States to desert, or who shall ourcAose from anr SOWWr Mtri, uniform, clniking,' or any pari thertof, pnaii upon legal connction, oe nned, at tbe discretion of the Oonrt having cognizance of th same, in any sum not exceeding three hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not exeetding one year." mv order ol the Secretary of War. (Signed.) &vCOOI'KR. Adj't and Insp'r Gen'l. ' HsiSQtiARTSKS Resaars N. C. ) Ualelgh, February 10, f Official: JNO. W. HIN8DALIC, Feb U-dTtwlt ' A. A. Oen'l. Mate papers ettpy seven times. Headquarters Reserve, IV. C. rs Reserve, Ti. C. ) ' GaxtaiL's OvrtcB, V ?h, Deo. U, 180. j AKJUTAST U Raleigh, General order, 1 SO. ... J - - I MAJOR C. 8. STRINGFELLOW ASSISTANT AD , Jutant General 0. H. P, A. will relieve Capt. Jno W. Inadale, Assistant Adjatant General of Reserves of N. C. and the latter officer will proceed to join tho-3rd Regi ment Reserve N, C, as its Colonel, ha having bean duly elected to that office Ob the 3rd of January, 1Mb. The Lieutenant General Commanding, iir taking leave ef Colonel Hindsdalei tenders his warm eon gratuiations on his promotion, and earnettly hopes that the intelli gence, seal and gallantry which has characterized his service a a Staff officer may be matured by experience Into greater usefulness In his new and more extended sphere. (Signed) 11. H. HOLWra, Lt. Gen'l Comdi. Offioials v . , Cbai. H. SrniKirM.uiw Feb. U-d7twlt T Majer A A. A, Gen'. . State papers aopy saran times. SCHEHCLBOFPRiCRS P' R !VORTH CA R-OLINAi TtlK COMMtSS10KKS OF Ari'RAIHEMENT FOR JL tbe Htata of North Carolina prsnt their Hebedul ot Prtbea tDL'overn Purchasing Aeents for the next sixty day ii with rates considerably advanced io censequenoe ur I lie aovancany order or too eoverinineni in me prices paiH above those ot the late Schedule. Tbey earnestly nope -that iutira nnjr..lttlnxna excuse, Jor holding back the products so necessary to the supply of the army, thai farmers and others will eom fui warrf with alacrity and oner all tbattaev ean possibly from their own consump tion to the aid of that u in v , which is now at last tu i e recognised as our only saviour lroin tho unrestrained and grasping despotism ot our oarbarous enoinv: Apples, dried. good, peeled, per bush. 29 lbs .$10 60 do un peeled, per bush 38 lbs T 60 Axes, "with handles, each, 18 60 - do. . withuut haniLea, uach, .18 00 Baeon, per pound, hog round, A 60 Beans. white or cornfield, tier bush . 00 pounds, 10 60 Brandy, apple, per gallon, , 10 00 do peach, pHr gallon, 10 00 Beef, fresh, nett pur pouqd, - 10 do fresh, gross, per pouad. 1 00 do salted, nor pound, I 60 Candles, tallow, per pound, 6 00 do adamantine, tier oonud. 10 00 Chains, trace, per pair, . 18 00 Cloth, wollcn lor soldiers clothes, 3-4 yaid wide, 10 ot. to yard, and pro rdtm as to greater or less weight or . width, per yard, 15 00 Cotton, raw, per lb, ' 2 60 Coffee, Rio, per pound, 12 60 Corn, unsbelled, per bosh. 70 lbs, 12 00 Corn Meal, sacks not iucjuded, per bush of 80 pounds, 12 20 Drills, cotton, 7-8 yd wide, 8 yarde to pound, per vd, ,2 110 Flour, extra lainllv, per bbt ll I be, luQ 00 " extra supertine, per bbl 196 lbs, . 90 00 " superSne, per bbl 106 lbs, 0 00 " tine, pal" barrel of 19 lbs, 70 00 Fodder, bales, per 100 pounds, 8 00 " unbaled, per 100 pounds, - 7 50 Hate, wooL each, 8 00 Hay, baled, per 100 pounds, 8 00 " unbaled, per 100 pounds, - T 60 Hides, dry, extra, per pound, 5 00 Hides, " " o 00 do green, per pound, 2 50 Horses, artillr y, 1st claw, per head, 1,600 00 do artillery. 2d ola's. oer head 1100 00 "Home rent per room per month 40 00 Iron, rig, No 1, per ton, 2,000 lbs 350 00 do t'ij?, Vo 2, per ton, 2,(i0 lbs S14 00 do Pig, No i, per ton, 2,000 lbs 278 00 do Blooui, per ton, 2,000 lbs 710 1)0 , dn .Smith's square or round per ton 01 2,000 lbs 1,030 (10 do serviceable railroad, per ton of 2 240 pounds 400 00 Jeans, wool, domestic, per yard 15 00 Kettles, camp, iron, per pound, 00 Lumber, good, per 1,000 feet 80 00 Lard, per pound i 50 Lerther, sole, per pound 10 00 do upper, per pound 12 00 do harness, per pound 12 00 Molasses, sorghum, per gallon 16 00 Mules, 1st class, per head, 1,600 ( 0 do 2d clars, per head 1200 00 do 3d class, per head 800 00 Mechanics, 1st class, per tiny, rations by govern- ' raent, - 10 00 2d clase, per .day, rations by gov ernment, 0 00 Nails, per keg J00 00 Oats, sheaf, baled, per 100 lbs 10 00 do sheaf, unbilled, pr 100 lbs 9 25 do shelled, per bushel S 00 Osnaburgs, cotton, 3 4 yam wide, 7 oi to . ard, per yard, 2 50 do cotton, 7 8 ,ard wide, 8 . ot to ;. ard, per yan , Onions, per bushel, Oxen, work, 1st quality, per yokjt$ do 2d quality, per yoke Peas, cow, per bush of 60 lbs Potatoes, Irish, per buh of 60 lbs 2 75 12 00 1600 00 1000 00 15 00 8 00 8 00 12 60 10 00 do weet, per bush of 60 lbs Peach's dried, per bush of 38 be do unpeeied, per bush of 38 lbs Pork, I'renh, netfc, per pound, do - salted, per pound, do gross ' Pasturage let quality, near town, per head, per month, do- common, near taWn, per monthj do 1st quality, In tbe country, per head, per month, do -common, in country, per head, per month, Quinine, good, per ounce, Rico, new, per pound, do old, per pnnnd, Rye, good, per bush of 56 lbs, Rosin, per bbl of 280 lbs do In bulk of 2R0 lbs Saccs, two bushels, osaaburgs, each, Shirting, cotton, 34 yard wide, 4i yards to pound, per yard, do cotton, 7 8 yard wide, i yard to pound, per yard, Cotton strips, 3 yards to pound, pr yd Salt, Coast, per bine of 60 lbs, do Liverpool, per bush ot 50 lbs, do Virginia, per bosh of 50 lb, Steel, 1 cant, per p iutii, SIiops, army, per pair, Shoe thread, flax, per pound, Socks, soldier's wool, per pair, Sheep, fat, per head, Sugar, brown common, per lb, Soap, hard, per pound, do soft, per pound, Shucks, baled, 100 lbs, - - Shorts, good, per bush ol 22 lbs, Ship stuff; good per bush of 37 lbs, 1, black, per pound, do green, per pound, lent slot h,- - Bolton,- 10 or., to vdyper yard, Tnlwwjoy No I, saw,- do . No i, ; do No 2, - do Lugs, TjiKow, clean, per pgund, Vinegar, cider, per gallon, --f' 1 iml("tfrt, per gut Whiskey, good, per gallon Wfceat, good, per bush of 6S lbs do bran, per bush of 17 lbs S 00 S 00 7 00 4 00 80 00 1 60 1 10 12 00 2 00 60 5 00 1 75 1 10 2 75 40 00 50 00 46 00 10 00 it, OO 10 00 4 00 60 00 5 00 2 00 1 26 8 00 1 76 2 40 '0 00 15 00 1 50 3 0O 2 60 I 75 1 25 4 60 4 00 t for io oo l- 00 1 60 2 75 2 00 12 00 10 00 700 00 600 00 16 00 wneat straw, baled, per dOO lbs do do unbaled, per 100 Iha Wool, washed, per pound unwashed, per pound wood axle, 4 horse, new, each wood axle, J bora.., new each cot ton, per bunch of 5 lbs do j- Wagons, ( Yarn, hihs: nr i.aboh, tkaiu, waooks ahb nosaas. Baling long forage; per hundred pounds t I 00 Shelling end bagging corn, sacka furnished by government, per buahel, 46 Hire af two horse teams, wagr.n and driver,- ra tions furnished by owner, per day, 18 00 Hire of two horse lentns, wagon and driver, ra- tlons furnished by government, per day ' 12 00 Hire of tour homo, warns, go-an4 driver, ra- Hons rurnifheJ by owner, per day, 30 00 Hire of four horse teams, wagon and driver, ra- tlons furnished by the government, per day 20 00 Hire of six horae teams, wagon and driver ra tions furnished by owner, per day ' Jfi 00 Hire of six horse teams, wagon and driver, i ation? furnished by govornaiimt, per day - 24 00 Hire et labor: , rations fwnllhed by owner, pof rr I . . 00 Hire of laborer, rations fornkhed by government, per day 55 Hireof laborer, vationsfu.nlshed by owner, 110 00 Hire of laborer, rations furnished by government, per month - 05 00 Hire of horse, pY day 4 00 The Crmmlssionera respectfully suggeat that If it be fonnd practical, the producer shduld h allowed Ui retain a fourth part of their surplus, to be mtd at market rata, te pay for their neeetsary plantation ppBa, which AIVKIC'rilarN't BATRS. I h li'llon m -ratuf will l) ebarfv4 for nit . (iitr.'i mrau liMurttfl In ih'8 Vnily and Wmtj Pfrf . osi iuai of ate at aiMik W", One dav 00 Oaeweek.j 0i Twe weeks.,.,.,... w 1Vo ijsts ., Three days .... Koor dart . . .,,..! 0 , .IS OO . ..-.20 00 Three Week-.....!!.. " ' On Onemonih. l-'t 0(1 Five-da rs ,:u 00 4 too in ntle , ...M0 oe -. 'Fitty wordHi ar aigpt tinea or tea, count aaqnsr , -r.n additional square will be charged the same, Advertm eat inserted once, twice or three .times a, wren will I eharresl 4 aquare for every insertion. When sent bv letter, the money mant accompany tk advertlaement. 'Marriage, Deaths, Kellgions ant niku . Notle charged a advertisement! and tnnst be (wr' Ir advance. waaMiBaBMaaMawiaaBMaaaiBNBMBMaHiHaMiaBff they have to purchase at high ntarkol (irice. Tht earnestly call upon the-farauera i bring Iowa, lio-i Corn now ao necessary t th aapport ofth army in thei immediate front, and which aon will prevent ta , tost to th enemy, of all their ordpsi siock, aegroea, Ac, Ac. Tbe eommlasioner wouHd also recommend that the Im pressment should be universal and uaijoraa, toaviBji bui . one-. - - For-th a. inl'iHtatttM-.f avlt pergoe eenel -w polv lisn tbe lollifwiug instFUotinns, with thi; hope thaf tov will be strictly obeyed. ' 'No oftieer, or agent, shall luiprea the beOavarv sup plies which any 'person may have for th consumption ... htuin ll. his family , employees, slaws, or Io carry o bi, ordinary inecbanioal, manufacturing or agricultural am" ploymenta" The next meeting ofth Hoard Will be held in the Sa ate Chamber, in the City of Raleleh, an Monday, the 2d day of April next, unless sooner diaui'-d lm pressing agent must furnish good and satisfactory rea sons for dlsaprovali on appeals, or the awaid of local appraisera will be approved. All enmraunkiatiou biult b addressed to tbe Heoretary of the Urtalrd, Haleigh, '(Signed) H. K. BCliGWVN Uarrsbmg-, it. r. bla'ckstock. Stcksyil. N. C. Cora's Appraiaesoentfor Stat ol N. V. Raleigh, Feb 10-tf ' Hdq'rs Armies of the V. --Mtatrs, llth Kebruarj , ll5 Genkhaj. Oausas, ) No 2. In entering upon the campaign ahout to. open, the General-in-Chief feels aeaurad that thv joller who have ao long and so nobly borne tho hardship? and oV.ngiY ol the war, require no exhortation to responl to th calls of honor and dujy. With the liberty transmitted by tlieir funit'atli .-rs, ih' have inherited tho spirit to defend it. The choice between war and abject submission io. fore them. - , To such a proposal, brave men with arms In their ha ails can hare but one answer. They eannot barter manhood for pence, nar the .1 ight of self-government for life or properly. But justice to thetn requires a sterner admonition to those who have abandoned their comrades m thj boor ol peril. A last opportunity is offered tbem to wl ie outth ' dis grace and escape the nunisliaa'-nt of their frlina. By authority ol" the President of the Confederal States, a pardon is announced to such deif rtera and men improperly absent aa shall return to tho eoiumiudi to which they belong within the short at possible time, not exceeding twenty data from the publication of this order, at t e headquarters of the department io yihice thuy may be- Those who may be prevented by interrnptloe of com municatlons, may report within the ti . e (icd Ut to ihe nearest enrolling or other olllceir on' duty, ui be forward ed ai soon as practicable, and upon presenting he o rti tioate from such ollicer showing compliance with this re quirement, will receive the parden hereby effered. Those who have deserted to the srvict of-the jsnruiy, or who have deserted after haying been once pardoned for the same offence, and those who shell desert, or ab sent themselves without authority alter the publication of thia order, are excluded from its bcnelits. Nor doea tho effer of pardon extend to other offences than deser tion and absence without permission. By the same authority, it is also declared that no gen eral amnesty will again be granted, and those ho re us, to accept the pardon now offered, or who shall herea tar desert or absent tbemselvqg ' without leave, shall sutler anch punishment as th Courts may impose, and no appli cation for clemency will be entertained. Taking new resolution from the fate which our anemias intend ! us, let every man devote all bis energies to thu common defence. Our resources, wisely aud vigoreusl v etuplv . d, ai ample, and with a brave army, sustained by a determin ed and united people, succeess with Gud s assistance, can not be doubtiul. I iTne advantages of tho enemy will have but little value if we do not permit them to impair oar resolution. Let us, then, oppose constancy to adversity, lortitude to suf fering, and eourage to danger, with the firm asam-anee' that He who irayr-froedom tn oat lithi,,, iit hi.., it,- ... .-.-ii----v- ,-. .. .... etturts of their ohildren to preserve It. R. K. LEE, Gimemi. Hd'qrs. Armies of the Oonfed. Stat, lltti February, 1WS5. ( Gbmbhal Ouubbs, no. t. j Tho eHeelplla and fietencv of twn -nrv" ti rs greatly impaired by men leaving their prosier cominanila to join others. In which thev h nd able. " This practice, almost aa injurious in iis conseouei.e.'i s the crime of deaartion. by the Artieim of ivr .,.,, , ses the oltanrtor to a similar puiiishinent, an 1 -uiii.'cts lii" oflicer receiving him to dismissal from the artii v. It is therefore declared that the provisions of den rat Order, No. 1, of this date, from arine headqiiart, ia, p pl to such men aa have lett their joined others without being regularly translsrred. Tn.y win receive me pardon promised m that order, upon complying with its conditions, or sulT:r the consequence attached to neglecting it The names of such absentees will he fort! iwitii re,io,ll to these headiuarters by the officer' whom they areaerving, and immediate measure, taken to retu-i. them to their proper commands, As soon as practicablo an inspection will b. made, and charges will bo preferred against ihose who tieg'-ct, to enforce this ordor. feb 20-d6t K. K. ,EK, General. - THE CLOSING OF TI1K PORTS. ILL PROBABLY SOON OM,ri,J, M E Tt) false the Price o"f the " South.. r H.n.,tiu imi " w the best family' medicine in th C inied, t icy. ,Vm. .. th, time or familia and ilaiihrn Io .iiyioy th, ,.,(... Until further notion 1 will sewl bv 'until p:-paid one boa for $5, adoien lor fid. Diukkisi an d .itht-r dea e, s can buy by the nuantity at H450 a yro.,,. in-' Hin-i-h.r paying treight. There ;.ric are pr;portirjifilely r,ry low. J.will be glad to sell at old rates ." ,ptrir, nam, ly, 25 oenta a box $1 50 a doxen, $10 a gross. Paid muatae- oouipany an orars AOHres" EOUGE.W DEEMSL.. Feb l(i-d(it Cioldsboro, or Kaleitfh, N. C NKttKO AIJCTIO.N Wii,i. ur. A I OCR SALESROOMS, (i, Tuesday, 21st. at 12 o'clock. :t0 like! v NRtlltOlH," consisting of Men, Women, lioys, (in is and ch iU! n- Tbesv'iff'gTrrni-srt tn nktiy smt'sliia tnttarmtC ' - ' fanlt. -ALSO- 4 Ne I Brood Sows, 7 tine Shoats, I Hog' t , ' W F ASklEW A C". Fab 16-5t To Carpenters or others Wishing to B TJ XXi D . mi,3p Ctimico ! T HE ADVERTISER: .OFKaiRH- F 11 S1.E 1 ,4V. Irame wor k, all morticed and ready to put together, of L A li.G E II O U S I. . 48 sewft feet, eattaga-sty m,. $ aioiBX w itl Da.Miaieat - Together with 16 pair Blinds-primeil ; 17 Door Shutters ami fiaw 14 Large window trains, iib , 1 Wlndpw frames s without r 14 Sett Sash Glaied (flas.-. In 1- rrontispiaeea Irtr hro plain. This wirrtt wau done and 'the u,,teri.if oiroarirl'I'...- t large-, fine building, aad n thing b it H ln. net - .., boarding, shiagles and lathen nd l.-"re waai'ttng 10 hi, 1st) it all the feat belig on the ground. The property may bo seen, with .1 drawing of tie t .11 ding,and termaasoertainedibv call us; 01 or add resji Jn 12 tf KUITtiii PKUUKES .. FOR RENT FIXE flTORK HOUSE, ON FAYKTTKVil.l.K St. with dwelling aoove, sir!,. paiS8 and a , ad aulr. aulr .61 y arranged, for rent (or the balance of the veae. F.b l tl Apply u, CilFAKlil.

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