BY J . L . ' P B S S I M 6 1 0 M & CO. The folloM-i.ig are the Only terms of Subscription to the Biarsnd Wkbuly riioeaiiss : I Dally paper, 1 month "0 i 3 immths JO 00 " ti months 40 " Weeklv paper, 3 months 10 00 . .6 monthf :. 20 00 i Always to be paid in advajiCe, and paper stopped when ( the time paid for eapircs. I JOBPRINTING.-UavingaJobOtliceequal toany la the City or Bute, we, arureiMrod to execute: all orders ! for Book and Job Printing with neatnsand dispalCh. j LOCAL AND STATE NEWS. County CocnT. The Court yesterday took , p the Statu Docket, on which there were thirty cases, all of wliich were laid over except a fet. and, they were poatponad until to-morrow. -TTin TaSXhvVb'ff' Jtlrors -were- drawn V ' i FOR COUNTY CURT'"AT MAT TERM. . C YatCH, W B Smith, I W Uuffa! ., William Powell, Matthew Roberts, W T Paschall, Am Green, E Britt, Galvin Oreen. N Stone, R Ed ward, Willie Smith, Upchurch Smith, Wright Stone, W R Vaughan, S S Turner. Henry Wall, Tho, Mareom, R Cnarablee, Jer"tmah tlopson, Jamen HopRon, Wm Hopson, L Ranks, William George, W D Crowder, W B Williams, Jesse Weather., Wm Young, Thomas YouDg, A A Smith. Itohr, Witherspoon, Jas Stephens. Oarlofl Yates, A L Btinn, D Ferrell, W II Whitaker, E Roohell, C M Horton, Jni Nash, Jus Du pree, J B iMyatt, Willis Brown, J Q Williams and W-G Ferrell. FOR SPRING TERM SUPERIOR COITRT. C Lowe, A 0 Council, J II Adams, P II Barbeo. Jos IT Thomas, Ransom Galley, Alvis Yates. J J Saunders, Jaj R Young, Ezckiel Youog, J W Booth; ft Barber, Allen Iloney utt, Jos E Fish, Jo? Andrews, W R Petol, A R ITortou, W R Crawford, Wesley Hortou, K&rnej Byrd, James Broadwell, Jas Bryant, Joieph Blake. S D Hall, W R Edwards. T D I Sledge, Wm Barber, John Ray, Jr., AG Fer rell, II Thompson, Then Snow, W R Richnrd aon, J J Ovcrby, Wm Carlton, E L Mills, Al yis Sorrall, M C Hodge, David Wicker, John O'Rorke, Mark Barker, W C Ragin. S Penny, A McDade and T J Utley. Bot ON Guard. We learn that the boys of Capt. Waterhouse's eompany, under seventet rolunteered to atand guard night before lst. This was patriotic and praiseworthy in the boys; but like many other soldiers we have seen, they looked rather the wore yesterday morning for their right's 'adventures a history of which we have herrd. but will not write it If grown Home Guards get tight and are incapable of pejfornring duty, is it any wonder that a boy here and there should go to (deep upon his post? or that he should iinngitie the kicking of a borne, in a neighboring stable to bo some one breaking into the house utter the salt he was placed to guard ? All honor to the boys Cotton Burned. We learu from the Salis bury Watchman that 125 bales oi cotton in the uburba of that town were annsumod by firo on Monday last, anil that there is no doubt it was th wcrk of an incendiary The cotton, belong ed to Messrs. lluit. Brown and Mock, and they ' Her $3,000 reward for the persons guilty of set ting it on tiie. The editor of the Fayettevillc Telegraph wish- a printer. He says, "To on competent to aet as foreman, prSof-resder and compositor, liberal 'inducement will bo offered." From Wilmington. We received on yester day the Wilmington Journal of Mo&day, the '20th. The fallowing is t ie only editorial in it : " The circumstances urtder which we labor now, renders it n e?ry that we should p iy an little as possible (ir readers will tbcivf ie excuse tne 1 -""k of , editorial matter in to-.i'iys Journal" Another Firk in Fatktteviu.c - -The 7V ujraph of VVetlnesd iV 9ys : " Last niglit, aboii' 7 o'clock , "in- f the tt eromcnt warehouses, in snpbelltou, was de stroyed by fire It contttine.l only a small ijti .n tiiy of forag". It was dfut!.i !($, the worjc an incendiary Our citizens must be watchful." From t'liantiOTT? The RulletiH of ' thA- 22 4 -him the followin g article : Col. TTm Hoke. This energetic officer, ommanding post of Charlotte, is displaying the most eoiiiiiic inlablo energy in the regulation of affairs connect d .with his immediate specinlitv. Hr haf nTjjs f, fjr , t -j in mwtf JprlrRT for?? ff Well" ' occupy every public place, and the pmservatu n of order, when" everything is 811 favorable to confusion., is a task so difficult that its -ucf' s.-ful accomplishment i worthy of all praise If be. omesthe duty of every good citizen to aid Col. Hoke in hi;; elfort.s to keep down lawlessness, and to preserve that, decorunt . liicK disciplines ttie mind for any emergency Th" lime u.:y not be distant when our city may be threatened by the public enemy. I; will then be much nfr for ...oukpeaplo. ta.Malia -tlfe value uf-CM." ." Hoke's administration, in th." luck of cmfoMn and panie. which has unhappily, pervaded other place Lot us all give 'to the ecmmandsnt our best, assistance in his arduous duties. Scarcity of Provisions. The Charlotte Democrat of the strays : . Within the last few davs the prices of provis ions h-ve advanced alarmingly in this market. Everybody has heard of he fabulous prices paid in Richmond for something to eat, and it seems that thoe prices are to he realized here. God havc inerey on the poorpeopl. Unless our eountry frrenrts Triug sonietliing to en for the large number of poople a,ceuinulating in Char lotte, the rich' as well an th poor must suffer. - - rrr -f r T ttt VI II , V I T v -- From the Camden Journal. FORTY-EIGHT HOURS IN A 'TREK TOl' My p!fw(utini ;s about, three milei from Ctn(K-o, on the Wattrnc. Intelligence reached me "U Wwtries iIbv last that ih rivr was rapidly rising I took a lM'n, in enmrny w th a strong man servant ami .ushnd on to rescue my stock. vVhlle etifaged. in esjitiirio . t-wxi-fiB-j,. tltg hoad.-dam .on. tlaa plan-. wiion ii'njve broke, and lot loiw a flood that swept eyrrylhiog hofro it. and sprsad out about two miles tr oi Ofuk t ' b,mk. In uttomptiuf to yet obi, me hn"nu WHSb'.i liy (lnv;urriit agailist a tree, capslsad :.!;! two pijj, ihofr'toil. The boat was can Kb by the trea in midslrip, and we managed to Raton tho 1I tom wbcre we i too'l, llircfi feet io water. Our frail anchor beean to ejvu way, but there was nuotht-r tree t-u feet distant beyond our reach fro-n the t' at. Uy crawling as far o we could, ami thn plaeiop on" end of the boat polo la a fork of the tree and hnldii c the other end, my companion in dibtreas maile his esi ap t, aod in turn held the pole for me. It ws . cittot. tree, snven inches at the root, and l ti t fort.v fiet liigh. Wn !m.l gcarcely perched ours ,'ves n its boughs before t tie first tree and the boat were sw, (it away. Here we were up a slender tree, wi'h in angry torrent twenty feet deep sweeping five leet be neath us, ami an expanse of the river more than a mile on f if her aide. From thii time, Wednesday twelve o'clock, until Friday two o'clock, we clung for life I. . these frvl hut faithful limb . , Tne river reached its hihtht on Wednesday evenine at five o'clock, and its rour and width prevented our criea r m being beard until next day. All th-j first day iool night, atei all the second day and night, wo shouted for help; and we began t give up all hope. In my exertion to save the boat, I had tot- w. off n oat, vvl.icli we lost , and the only way . t.-j.t on -i- '.festroin frcciiijp; to death , was by vioieni'y 4,0; oi.Ktiutly striking such other and kickinn the tree. Thursday nitif, the boy slept sonml 1 5 , el ii nilh diffi tilty I stij?potted him and chfT ' I him up from Riving nut entirely. We tasti'd to f 10H t wxter, and It-It no inclination to do s. , I ut I oc. . sl&;iy n"iislenf,d my lips, that I miubt halloo the ' n h i. The waves surged about us, ,u. I ve w :rr fearful the tree won Id no washed off, as ihe ctnteni ffenied tn be he;i;iod tip In the track io eliicl, it 1:0. w Tnough nloaost my entire stock of mines, beef cattle, sbeep, hogs, fodder,. Ai., was awept away, yet so imminent was the peril, I scarcely 'honsbl of them (or a moment. Every i xru nx was ni.nlo t 1 r-scue us by several geiitietfl- o, , ot ine 'ot ic ,t w.i t . swift and bvavy lor a bo-it 1 :.-c. A bat' iiu, with t iro negroes came within a niiinlred yards of t'-e 'ree, when it was swamped anil they barely escaped by clinging to another. About two o'clock on Frldoy, Mr. Rnsh, the oversrer on Colonel Chesnut'i plantation, with two colored men, reached Ihe tree in a heat. He, with one of thm. took mir places 00 t he troe, and we safely reached ih there, .-tiff a; ti i ruis.d Irom tho tearful expo of. The boat re! urte.d an I brought the other parties. Uy col -rj lioy is co tioed to bed, but Is doing well; he would hive iven out in a few honrs longer no loubi. 1 am sore In my limbs, and hoarse, bu' snffsr i ii" other way, m d with gratitude to a kind Providence 'Or rescuing us from a watery grave, I will ivt to-UH-rnhcr the freshet of J.inuary 11, J805. The mere Isnso of years la not life. To eat and f drink, and slacp to be exposed to darkness and the light ; to pace round In the mill of habit, and turn th wheel of wealth, to make reaion onr l-o k-kecn-er, aed turn thought into an Implement of trade tiiit is not all life. In all tuia, but poor liautioa of tho consoiousniis ol humanity it awaketiod ; and tho scantities stin koitnhcr wliich make it worth while to lie. Iu..wld;', trnth, .uve, beauty, good ness, faith alone cm jivs vitality tj the niechauis.u nf eXistei.oe, 'lc laugh of mirth which vibratus thrnug'n t he i r.ut , tin tears I bat freshen the dry wi ti u ithiti, ta music that orings- childhood back, th.- dni')t winch nuke-i us im-d'tate th death which s .,irlie 11a with uiviery. the hardship which forces us to gt rneci". 'h : e t'ii- ' rn Kind w hi: n And ' r.i y.-r lrxw-fv ends In trust are tut ural being, the tongue or li'S. mc-ntal trouble arising they do not cos! much, Th i help ene'a good .v-.rds soften our soul. 'luie; ,1 ol fro, 1 'his ej t.r'i Te,.i .e'i yet 'y s.n(i, o much, o iure at.d go ..I : ill S iff At;gry words are hie! to the fuel of wrath, an 1 nuke 'i o !l7.r? in re fii rcei-Khi't words make other peo- l - good-uaiurcd. (loll words freer.n people,-and !i . v ros sc icti t tim, an bitter worns matte trwin ni'tar. .iii " .athlnl wor Is make them wrathful. Th' re is suJi e rusli nfsll tlt"S . kindi of wordl in on. day, tt.ii it us desirable to kind nenis am -r.g l.'.em. TI en- .ir vain wurda, and idle woidt, in d V f words, an I soiteful worda. and empty words, an.) protni - v. ins, and warlike words. Kind ords a V,(' irodti I h.-ir own image on men's t ells. A (I a '. ii'ifm 111. aeo it is. Vhey soothe, and quiet, ano co.nloi 1 1 .- ho-.ier l'o 'y shamn fdla out of ttl? fcjai. iiti.r imkii. I leedngt We hnve not ) ' " il. to itflt kind words in such abundance th-y oo-li- io nst i. Pascal. E. r ihe.UrogreM. 1 THE PASSING YEAR OF ll4. Another year is passing by W iocb hi leg a deep but tranquil iigk, To think the uai th in human gore, Most drink the blood of tkouiands mora -The blood of men with evil fraught, Their souls wit i filthy bacre bought - DmrgbtirHh the -jtrttr cur Sirtnr brrre, Yet womo demand a penny more. O, wicked- man, dost thou not hear Thy awful doom depart from here To regions of eternal woe , Thei;e wicked men are doem'd to je Another theught, another aigh. A widow's woe, an orphan's cry, A broken heart, a fallen tear, Are sad mementoes of the year. The ba dy swaine that til I'd the field That mow'd the meadow, rak'd the hay From tarly down till evening gray The aspiring youth of genius rare, Who strove to write bit mortal name Imtmiftal nr the swell if ranTe " '1 he young, the ag'd the hoary hair . All, all the fate of rabble share. CENSOR. PRINTING! THE 44 DAILY PHOCRESS OFFICE,' Having a good assortment of Material, an extensive va one of the finest POWER PRESSES In the Confederacy, is prepared to turn out all kinds n' In the beat style of the art and at prices as reasonable si can be afforded in theae.times. We promise that all work entrusted to as shall be firoraptl'v, neatlv and expeditinutlv executed. Ordera so ioited. : L. PEN I KOTO If & CO. Raleign, Juneli, I8C1. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, FEB. f onsertpt Ofltoe, K.u,Etait . (.'. Feb. 17th, lstio. i Cnicui.ia, ) No 8. The attention ofLnoIliDg ofLctsrti is calleci to the. fol lowing General Order trom IleadquartiTS At iiiien of the Confederate Wtates : Hdq'ra Armies of the (' States, Uth Kebrua.y, IHCi. ) Vrnkral Ordriis, t So 2 X "'" In entering upon the oaDigaigu about to open, tlm Cien-eral-iti Chief feels assured that (In; o.hlicru who have , long and so inbly borne the hiinbhips and dungeif o! do war, require no exhortation to rt'poiid to th" call ut" honor tnd duty. With the llberly-trannniitted by their forehittirrs, tin v have inherited the spirit to defend r. The choice butween war and abject submi sioii is before them. To uch a proposal, brave un n ith arms in their hando can have but one answer. They canuot barter manhood for peace, nor the right of self government for life or p-oporty. But justice to them requires a Klei ner admonition to those who have abandoned their comrades in the hour- of peril. last opportunity h 08'ered them to wipe out the .lis Kce and escape the punishment of their crimes. Br authority of the President of ihe Confederate Stutes, a pardon is announced to such deserters ami un-n improperly abucnt as shall return to tie- commands to which ther belong wit'iin the shortest iossible lime, not exceeding rv;enly dam from the issue of tbis order, at the iuaoquarters of the department in which thev muT be. Those who may bo prevented by Interrupt ion of com munications, may report within the time upecilred to the nearest enrolling officer or other elliecr on dutr, to be forwarded as soon as practicable, and upon presenting . a certificate from such officer showing compliance with this requirement, will receive the pardon hereby offered. Those who have d flerted to the service ot the enemy, or who have deserted ..alter having been once pardoned tor the ?a: c ofi'ence, end those who shall desert, or at) sent themselves without authority after (he publication of this order, are excluded from its benefits. Nor does tho offer ot pardon extend toother offences than deser tion and absence without permission. By the panm authority it is a'so declared that, no gene rl amnesty will again be granted, and those who refuse to accept the pardon now offered, or whj shall hereafter deserter ahent themselves without leave, shall suffer such punishment as the Courts may impose, and no ap plication for clemency will be entertained. Taking new resolution from the lute which our ene mies inteud for us, let everv man devote all nis energies, to the common defence. Our r sources, wisely and vigoiou.sly employed, are ample, ,ind with a brave army, i-ustnined by.a deturanti ed and united people, nfccess, with (jod'B assistance, can uot be doubtlul. The advantages of the enemy will have hut little value if we do net permit them to impair our resolution, bet us , then , oppose constancy to adversitv , lortitude to suf fe rim.', and courage to danger, with the firm assurance that He who gave freedom to our fathers will bless the efforts of their children to preserve it. (Siigued) It. E. I.KK. 'General. Enrolling Officers will make every effort tn (five publi city to this important order, and will urge all good cui-z-ns of their respective counties to Hid them in render ing its design FUccess'nl. 1 It will be observed that this is tho list offer of pardon for the infamous crime of desertion ilm noil made. Enrobing Otlicers arc made responsible und. r a penult of trial by Court Martial, that en ry possible effort i. made to apprehend all such as do not report themselves. Knroliing Officers will allow fuch as v.huntm-i.y tcpoit within the specified time tbgo direct 'o ihen 'connnnnds. furnishing them trftnspoMtioii and the m-cessnM c-rtih-catr. A duplicate t.f evcty certiticatc thus i?iveu will b for warded to this oflic. By order of the ('nmrjmnfUnt : Feb 23-dStw2t ' K. J. HAUUINti, Adjutant Papers throughont the State except 0th C ngri'Miuaal Uistrict copy, Dailies 3 tunes and Weekly's l.w ice. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD A.D lCITClis:N FUKMTUf!!'. rpHE D N DKKSIO.N F.l) WISHING TO DISPONE OF I a quantity of ihe above m-oit on-d pnyerty will-otter at public sale on Saturday Tolh to biinirv, at her res idence in Jamestown. ( 'ooho ., 1; : l'Vulh. r Beds, Bed Clothing, Bedstead' Bureaus, booking Gta.-s-es, one good Clock. V astistand, ,vV.ih Bo Is and 1'i.cb ers; Sideboards, Tables, on-; 'eleii.g 1' blc. 'I'ab! Fumo ture, ShovPsand iengj, Fire Hog'n', ono 'title ' a-t..r aud Cruits, two Setts CbaAs. one new, one Sett of Cane bottomed f'hairs, nearly n"., cooking Utensils one Stove, Wash Pots, Ac. Also one Lady's Saddle, one Cotton Spinner 26 Spindles Terms cash in specie, MAKY M EX D E.VH A 1.1,. . Feb 2-1H TO COMSUDIEUS. 0 X AND AFTER THE 1ST OK MARCH, THE price of Gas will be Jh( per lnoo feet. WATEKHOUSE A BOWES, Feb21-lstm Lessees. tOO REWARD RANAWAY ON THE 3RD OF I 11 IS MONTH A Negro Boy named UtOltGE. He is a bright red skiued mulat'o, about 21 years old, 5 b et 0 inches high, ami claims to be a barber. The above r. ward w ill be paid for his confinement in any jail or his d livery to either W F Askew A Co, Raleigh, or to Hi W J Hawkins at Ridgcway. Feb 22-llit SOLDIERS' CLAIMS. HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AI'I'OINT ed " Commissioneito investigate, collect and dis tribute Claims of Deceased Soldiers," gin s notice that, after the 20th iust., he will he prepared to furni-h th blanks whereby tho wives, children, executors or admin istrators ol deceased soldiers may have their claims plac ed In proper for ji to be tiled in the Auditor's ollice in Richmond, and will use every effort, in his power to have the same properlv paid. Puisbhs applying fof"blaiik iiiusC Ttc v. ard a "2ft nt postage stamp (or two 10 cent bilis to prepav the post age on the same. A Register of a'l claims w ill he kept, and at any time the stato of a claim map bo ascertains:!. HENRY E. CwLTON, Feb 21-tf Fayettevillc, '. C. Arlj't and inspV Oen V Oflh-e, 1 RlCHMONM, Sept. 11, lhtiM, Gknkkai. OaDBRS, ) No. 122. I m TH F, FOEEOWINI, ACT OF CO N I', ESS . ii published for the information ol 'a II concern ed : " F.very person not subject to the llnlvs and articles of war, who shall procure orentn. a soldier of tho Con federate States to desert, or who shall fmrchiu Ii om any soldier his rm, unionn, c!olhiuj. i- any jmr: ihfrrof, rhal upon legal conviction, b" fined, at the discretion of the Court bainpr cognizance of tho same, in niiv sum not exceeding three hundred dollars, and In imprisoned not exeeediag one yeae."- Bv order of ti e Seeretar v of War I Signed. ) S. COOPER. Arij't and Ins'r Gen'l. Kll DQl'All 1 KKS HrBRK V K N. to Raleigh, February 10, Official : .I NO. W. H 1 NS D A I.E. Feb H-d7twlt A. A. Gen'l. State papers eopy seven times. W.R. RICH A ItDSOiV t CO., brokers; Attn stock a cction piers, ItESPEC! rtll.l.Y SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS Oct 21) ' I.EIUU, N. C. 10S Job I'rilltlnif. Having an abnndance of Urial and geod workmen we are p pun a red to oeder for tow Vmwttwu wpb rtlsnnicf!. na all Tllow to Semi as M one jr. Never send by map when joe can send by Express. All money sent by E njreii at oar expense. Those sending us money by mall Snit do to at their own risk. I85 NO ' niRRCTOHV KOU ('OVFK')EI' 4TH (,OV- 1 MtsansTofrHtu i. rut; city of Lut i ( ' t-ijl.'i, Commandant mi' I'utl Headuuar lers f 'n ' te r 1 1 1- itrxt, opinmi'L ill new Baak Ruddins Msj I'K.TETt M A I.L'-:TT, Cemmandaet .: Conscripts Headqmitr-ts in :earol new Bank HuPotitig, and or! , til lu t ..,;, fit. lixettevjie stlTet. .'..i,. Leut Gfu T It 11C. '.IKS, . (.nim ielr t ot Tteuoi vi lleildtjuutt oa Biils'' ,tiKel. 'wt ' f Klf.'Hil j Hotel. Maj H K HO''!' hit, Cbi.f (Juartertuattei I'it'rict of 1 ('.-lleadqaai tern iu OlJ tiabin Hotel, Noitti of Capi I tol Sqairj. ' MaJWJ BAKER, f oat Cow miliar' - lUadquarleri Uui j en Hotel. ! Maj I R HOOPER, yua: l. ; master un (leinunl Uolmei' I Mair Ileadqua-teia lu-ad of Hillsbom' tt set, uer I r .idoace of .lodge Saunih r:; Mai S 1: ST.iIXG EELLOW, A A ' i ii Iren H..uuies' Staff' Ite.'idqHre m uith lC!. it d ni .1 Capt A W 'VKHNOK, Ordnance Olfleor. Surgtoa PK'l'KK K H1NES, Medical Director Head quarters West sido ot f'ay -tteville street, opposite Market Square. Surgaan li B II AY WOOD in charge of Pettigrew H pital, No 13, (linad of Ncwbein tret) ifeaifcjuw tei s at Hospital. Surg.-on H U l.EIUIJ , in o .urge et' Hospital, NoS. Woaee lu tttute) Headquarters at llospital. Surgeon .1 W TRACY, in charge of Weneral HossSl, X u 7 . i Fair ti ound ) Headquarter s it Hospital. Capt V E PIERCE, Post Quartermaster Headquarters Guion Hotel. j 00- l)r DRCltr I.A8I, Post Chaplals. I jturgaon THOMAS II ILL, Chief Surgeon lisadfuarlers j with Gen Holmes. . Bm FITZGldi.. f.l), Chaplain Hospitals Mo 7 and II. - - - - DItlKCTORY Ft) K STATE GOV ERNMKfl I' OF KICKS 15 THE CITY OK RALEIGH. Maj Gen ft 0 GA 1'LIN, Adjutant General Headquar ters at Guiin Hotel. Dr Kl) WARREN', Surg-eon (teneral Headquarters on East fi le ol Eayetteville street, near the Capitol. Maj VY10 B GULICK. Paymaster Headquarter! at Uni on Hotel. Maj JOHN DEVERKDX, Quartermaster Deadeaarltra at Gaion Hotel. kUjT 11 FIOGU, enmmissnrr ana Ordnanou OlJeer Qeadquasters at Guiou Hotel. Maj HENRY A DOWD, Quartermaster- Headquarters Noi l beast corasr of Fie, ultov ill.- and Harnett sti eels, ui. stairs.. Maj JAMES H FOOTE, Assistant Adjutant General, (Rod of Honor) Headquartei i ul Guiuu Hotel Maj WM A GRAHAM, .1 r, A ssistaut Adjutant General ifcadq uar m' a at t uion llot.-t Lieut .1 OXI A H COLLI NS, Oiunaues D. pai tuiont Head quarters at Guion Hotel. Iduut THOMAS WHITE, Assistant Quarteraiastei -liaa.l.itiurura at Guion Hotsl. hunt 1SAA',' W (JAKKETT, Aisiaiu Quartei uiaatoe Usdquariis witn aiaj Dctwo. LUut TltlDiirUS MsGIOE, Assislaut Comuiiisar HeadquariKrs wiib Maj Dewd. l.iMt CH A RI,K II TilOMI'SOX, Assistant Commina 1 y- He.:nuarUri at Store Home, Bear .V C lo pot. Lieet MEO W THOMPSON. Assistant Adjutant (lee--tal, -atwtl ot -iio3nr)--ttc!iaquir(eii with Jaaj Toole. Lieut rtlOM lS W HLUCCJM, Assistant Adjutant Oene ra! Iie.adqartei a at. Union Hotel. To Carirenters r others W ishing to BUILri. rMlK ADVERTISER OFFERS FOR SALE THE 1 Irani-work, all morticed and ready to put together, "1 a I. A R G E UO US E , ih x1' feel. ..o-ttage i , ' ., S rooms with basement : Togetn. 1 with lt pair Blind? - iH-i med : 17 Do or Shutters and frames, i t Large window Iraoicv with run s. 7 Window frames swithout loiers. H S. tt Sash -tilazed Glass, 10 M U. ti Frontispieces for tire places. Ihi.s work w;e done and tho materia! prepared for a laife, tin.' building add nothing but flooring, weather boarding, ."higgles a-id lathes and lime are wanting to fin ish it all the rrst hcioj on the groubd. The properly uiav be seen, with a drawing of the buil a ding, and lerius asonrtained bv call ng on or addresainsr ' Ian 12 tf EDITOR I'ROGRES.- NEGRO AUCTION WD C o m m i s s i o xi HOUSE! OV I'HB KtteI' 1ia HP ;t-:V tr A tTY "t KXT',"" TTT the house oliately in front f ihe ',i u'fTice, fin -me'ly occupied as tin- 1'rngr. ss ntlir.e, on Kavcttuvillo Street, in th-. cilv of Raleigh, the uhscribcr will rstab- lish mi Auction und Commission House For Ihe Sale ol SL A V E -'. '! e have provided f and 1 oinl rniole ,U.n ters, and will be as modcr.rte 1:, out charge fn bos'd , Ac, as the times will per mit. Willi an cxpei ience of tw.-ntv em -s in the trade, and th -adtantuges of an extensive .tcquaiiitaaoi, we fitttet ou.-seltj;jj.iiat -jiuiid-rtd th-busin-ss end, ivtth thr, assurance of quick, sale and prompt ret j ns, rrspectfuliy solicit publ.c patronage. Ih'( 111 dtl WM. I' AKI'.W k ' fOlt RENT A FINE SM1UE HOUSE, OX FAYET1 EVILLE Sr. with .(.veiling Viv.., ,i,.. ,,.,., a,K a:i unrahlv an ang -.1, lor rent lor the balance of the ear Kb Hi If Apply to C I FARRI8S. r ()R SALE. MICROSCOPE, Appply to -il'LE.StiMD I'. COLiTY Book Stoi v. eh 22-3t SELECT SCHOOL M I S S M O I, I, I E W . F I N At the residence ol Mr Wm H Fine . 2-i f STAuy of our rrlejiils rereivlug Important news trom the army bv (0 iv.1t letter or telt-grams, will oonler a great laror on us bv sending or leaving them a his till" e for "or uny - " ADVEHT15ING II A'J t':s 1 he 'l..iring rates wil be charir-n '"f ' ' ' -ni-au rui-rte,l in ths Wo'y and tC. .,-. 'i-.i -' lvjn eg r- r 01 h.HHr or ' ".s- 0 . .let . . ..$ 0. i T.i da'vs 0 Ml iH-Wi-ks Thr. Us ' ' 'X Ttt".' e U Four -tan . -e 10 'e iin.,r ; ' l i n 0.1 . . . ' ' ' I ' 1 'i - .0 1. r Fi;' ...(;, -i eiglil tf' - '"' -. 01" 1 Sddiluuia. "us"cJ wi'l no eiiui gi'd the sino . ..!. li.ents .nscried ..nee, twice three nmei 1 . . . . charged $4 a s.piare for . vei y i..ei 1 00.. When snit bv letter, th monev n a-. s. .0 . irc-tisement. Marrisg -s. .drains, ! ;"" X otices clou ic.-.t a. adv. 1 tiaeno r.t -. f.o .o-,., advance. MMMmMIMHMMlsMMsnsa'iimir .v-.m.'.-' 1865. , Coaatiii-Eiousc unv 1 1 a ', i'-' i S. ?, i. 6. II 7 .11! I, iu;naii3,u is is 17 lis , 1 y Hi 21 22 2! 24 25120 27 UH 1.1 30-11 i : 2: 3 li ti l: i.t 1 y jo ic, 11 -. F H li- I ili.K 1; 1 22123.21 A EG It IIAK. I 2! .1 4 ."' !i 10 I I S 11' !' I t f. 12 El IU 21), 14 15 1H 17 It 22 23124. .10 j 3 1 .26 27. APRL I- 2 .1! ' 1 0 J ltM7 2.V!'2i 101 ' I li 7; U 15 2i; 22, 4 1 - in 12 to 7 H Mill II' .l)2l. 2" I'.'W 2le OCT'K 1 MAY 2 41 5, .1112 S) II. 16 1. 2S 21 30 31 26;2tl 27 JUNE 1 1 2 D! C K ' .4 f. 6: 7' it it, 131 14, Is 1H 17 .ti' 21 '22 23 24 27,28! 2! 30' 11 IV le 111 55 2t 25 '-'' Hdq'ra Annies of the (' .-tats. lib 1 1 01 u 1 . , Un, Gen krai. Oa i.tns, 1 No 2. 1 - In entering up. n the campaign about t. General -In-Cluef feels assured th a- tli soldi so long acd s.e-rmbly borne the hreslii(i- . u the war, require no eihortatiun t.. lespmi 1 of fionor and dujy. 1 ') .1 Ol. I. a Wit1, the libertv transiuitted bv their le .I, 1 1 hsve inheiited the spirit to defend it 1 be choice between war and ut.j. et -1.. in. us. fore theni. To such a proposal, brave am. can have but one answer. The. cannot ba.ier manlio. ; nr.- I th, 111. of sell govci nmeni for lile or t,i op.-, . Hut justke to tl. in i..juii.s a stern. 1 sd i.mhii' those who have abandoned their conuade in th h. peril. A last opportunity is ollcred tb.-ru t .1 1 grace and escape the punisiim -ut 01 their By authnity of th President 01 111 States, a pardon is announced to such riese improperly absent as shall return to the - "Ut 1 1, d ri 111 - 3. Corned. 1 t and un C01 , ui. i i.ds ', which they belong within the shoi test posninie rim , n . exceeding tw enty days from the publn auou of this or d.o . at t' o headquarters of the depai tun iil in wloce tl.u mav be- Those who may be prevent.1 t bv 'interr'.ipt 00 i f e.0,1 muuications, may report within the ii . e s.ecili.,d to i fr u nearest enrolling or other otlievir on, n. he lorw arn ed ai soon as practieabtc, and up n pi . i. :ui :.k e. ' bc te from sut 1. ollice r showing compoai.. u k b th . . qulreiucnt, will rec i 0 the pardwn hcre.o oll. r. di 1'hose whn have desettel to th. se'-. ie ot the ercry, Or who have deserted al'er having he. n ..... ;i.i: .n ' .d lor the same offence, and those who -',.a., d-i. .;. , i ,.u sent th. mselves without authority nfi.-i ot this order, rre cxeind. .1 11010 its ti. . the offer ot paid.. n extend to ot: er . Hern: tion and absence without per missive. liy lire same authority , it is ti s . dee, u , oral amnesty will nga . be ei.tntod. Ii .d :r, to accept tho .ardo.ii now 1 ircred,"oi'. u h . deser t 01 absent thciu-elves iwthoot len. pill I N. th. V. Il J sucn puniniueui a.,.lii. e ou is im. , Li.14. I n Cfiiloii lor cleti.c tjo en 1 .0 ' 111 n ; 1 1 1 . . Ui t l.c 1 a .-' rt .11 nan . I. -vote ill u,. Taking lie ro i':t. nd lor irs, let .-ouiruon det.eice Ou 1 11 . u 1 r. s ample, and v. '.th ed and unite ! o-r Wirt, y , . b. uve a' '.., sur-r.. "I t: lie, su si wit ' d. not, be doubt ul. Tne advantages of th,- n.-mv .v if we do n. t per 111 it t In-. n . o ,n,j, - U,,,. Ul.O.r o.pF" eon-.fftl.i-V I., ner V tering, and cuurag. to ou-.ei , o that fl.) who gave freedom to .,u: efforts of their children to pr,.se. , l.-t- I , I-. E Hd'qrs. Annies of i lie 1 oolvd. Ntnles, I 1 1 i ( ebi ii ... .,!-', Oknkrai, Oat)i!m,.l Xo. 3. )' the discipline and ihci -.. , .. t. , . h.... o greatly inrpaiipd by men I '.tvi.fe th i ( .. r . ,0.1 to join others, in which ilo y hod - 10 , Kl .1 able. Thu practice, almost as n.j.i.ious Ii . s e,,n .pn as the clone of desertion, by ni-Aro 0,1,, , ses the ortepn. r to a sunrin r pun i-ti 1 . .01 -n.' 1 et - olhcer receiving linn u dismissal :r on ,h 1 I', is therefore declared tha' the p. o ., . ,0 i; , Older, No, 1, ot this date, from a.-m. 1, .1 it ; .1 . i ,--ply to uch men us have leit th, ir ;oo;,, . o..oi,.i;,.i joined others without being i .-ouiai I . t, .i.e re, ; ;'; will rr'Ceiva the pardon proin'.seO n, i ,,,, ,,,, u complv lug w ith its con., or .-oil , . attached to neglecting it I.' The names nt such Hb'ent. ' s wo I 'n.- ,..rih 1 ' h 1 ) to these headquarters by the .oiri.:.-- wim w .. . . are serving, ind iiiiinednte u afw ;no t. t them to their- proppr e ,um.a.i..t- As soon as prutuahh- an in 0"'ef e .n .vio , and el arges wil 1. be pi el 00 .. ao.i. '.v. n to enforce this or der feb 2ii-d6l It i.. I,; 1.. 1. .,, Ilemlquitrtei's Kot'i ve. C A l.0 i .N. 4 . ,. S I ' .- . . i. o. II ... , I ;..., G. neral II; No 4. I I MAJtiilC S. STitlMi , ,1,1,1. i r A I , j.itnnt Ueiun a I ' ' S. 1'. A o Ilins lale, Assistant Adjuiant i . ..; .; '1.. , C ami Hi,, siiinwoiliituo -w .1 r.... .1 rnr..l U.-i os t.., ri.i 11.- t , ., 1 11. - o . 1. , ,. , elected to that olliee 1 11 the .1 .1 . I' I 1 . li . i v , I -o, , . I Il.J Lieutenant- II--rreral C"ln no. n ling ol Colonel Hindsdale, lendei s ,,i .no on his promotion, and eain. ftu hv g.n'-e,7.eal and - gatianity wlinl. loo sei vice as a Clad uilii.-r iu, b into gr eatrr nselu lne in los-o w an. sphere. ( Si a ned ! ' , in t, iv l.'l L.TS,,, l.i Official : C'Mas. S. S riirs.o Feb. T4 ilTt It " Slate papers . 1' t.n . NOl'li'l :. U A VINO Ai EEllMAia I r County Couit. fjiia.Uoo ..r a., li. I- r, rrell, d.c.a-u, Ii.. i.o'i.o to the e-la e to make ; ,i . In r.l rt'. . pi . -en t then claims . n h, , , h . u h . b 23-m It FOit R.,- v T nWO VKKV D''-tlt , Hi., El- I Ul liisllld 01 Ull llll LiMl. o c.i 1 to M ' -. i Feb 23-d3t or. y. PHYSICIAN I AU ill. i sr..'. iTIPKCIAI, ATTENTION ill 1 5 tb Mouth and Ttii;o,u. Ollice, at fieiiange ili.lei. Fsh 23-tl , IU .', V. Of. I Uil. . ..Il.l''oo, O Ualeigi. N. C, ii4't I v r fl i .i . e" ; i- p ' "Sr r A" .