WHS"--1; ..i.'Sji .."'! e". Ir, v-WsV fH- ff " , V . f ' if1 " V. . i It r Mi r I ,J "1 i ,i I ' . 1 1- BY J. L. i'K.WlXi T0. & CO. TKUMS OK Ml'sriil"i'ION. The fallowing .-ire the onlc inies of .-ub-rript inu to the Daitr and Vki:k i.r Pkoohmh : Daily paper 1 m-.ntl. 81.) ('( ii in. mil. s :-ii iid " '1 months i 0 Weekly ip i, :t hmmUih ; 10 (ill ; t.,..tb : "in H'l Always to be pai l in advance, and paper stopped when the time pai I f n expires. JOB PRINTl Ml. -Haviiieai.Job Oflic-eou.il imiiv ill the City or State, u .' are pre., ired tn n it. -all mi del s for Book ami Job I'rinti n; with niMtnots anil dipncli hOC A L INU 'TATK NEWS Nkw Advbkti.-kmrnt.AS . V ArIo-w Si V. Auction sale (if negroes. Negro girl for hire Apply ut Progi-css office. Attention Fin; Ooiiijtiiiy See advertisement eil Captain K'.y-t; r A Nw Faulk.. Tin-Local went into ;i vcrv hard atudy yesterday, corleotiveiy an I individu ally, aud produced the t'illorinr. ivliieli lie thinks is entirely new If any . f lii.s r;fT- liave eyor before l.ennl of it, l,e will he oi.lii.o-il in him, her. or them to make it knout : Oneo upon a time a parcel of ( Hospital) rat,-, got together to consult upon tlio ln-st means of defending tlieiirM-lvcH against Hie attack" of a certain old (SlVrruDii) .Aft.tr vaiiou pi . positions u .iO' and uy . I tl, tandem flitrtiit "in- . nibii it tint ilo e: .-iniui-l im nil',-.;. One saga cious old nil ( having Koine rommon sense, ) tv-lied who was to kill the cat. .".id nobody was found to volunteer for the perv.iee MORA I. Juet what I'n render i-. a mind to Iratv. We learn fr.. a ,'cli1 Ionian just fro.n Ilaiitax tul Borne ftO to 100 iie-ro men have h l'l that OOUntT. Wi'llil, t!.e last ten d:i)H, fo r t be Y .11 l.'ee linei. Tlr-i xu'ln.s wa-oaineil , it thoui.t, bj appi r b.-n.vnu.- uti the f art ..! t't n v' o - fi.it they, wei'' to I" put in tie tinny. Coinne n the work of enrollnietit apd tiiv vviil j.'.. by thousands County 'Vntr Onr'yi-tenlay, a quo-rii o'' Magistrates Icitt ;.r-tt', t'i l'..llftwti a!.w nnces were made : County ('oiiit (!.rk. fr h i -t ervici's the p:n; year, g5,fj0H in ' Wfed".'..t eurr.-H.'v. mu nl nllowunc" o.-fur t . v ,r w.n gt.nOO.; Hheriff, foi i xtra services, 75'f. i Hi. u--t.il nllovrnnce Jiefor- (ho war wa jsl-.'i He "."i. alwi allowed to charge 10 p r d ,y . ,c!t lor i' e 1 ing prisoners i n ti 1 v, jvJ The Crier of the C' lirl was ji'lowrd the s,.:ne pay as a member of tin- Sn eul ' urt-- p-r day J W. S. Maron, K-'j , w-t. a; p. i . -.I ('.'inmis. liouirof l'ubi'ic BiilJinj, MoKK HoUlltUY .--V li e.l! , r- ,. - i Louie of Mr. J. 11 lvirkhaui. r lie s .i'iitii portion of the city, was brk. n u n : !' ; ' last ft."..'' r.-b'"" 1 -f li.om, ft n i :'. i:tr i" K cst:i:ia. s hi n O'J-'l. Tae r bhors effected an entrance by horiiiir out pnrt'on o' the weather boanlin in the back put of the bomke house 'erily, jhiev.-' d - -ib 'i;,l, an! it seems we have Miue very adroit w-. imk'U' .0s They, rnake frequent depradutiuu-s, . but as yut there have boen few arrests The infant Spring that smiled upon us for a few days past, was r. ized by that ulil avage, Winter, y steriJay, and throMied A if i for the act, h. then :-!id .-howers of tear . ee they were Teryc hi. ivhieb liiduc.eii us lo t, v that they were hypoeriiical Towar-lv m ' h graoped hirc j.'ii trill- a firm linnd. 'Mm; at : time of this ri'ing In is v, ieldinj: i' ii-,i .e--potie power. Mr. I'niLt.ip.-' lU;.'oui;rio..- V- ; 1 j. published the proceeding of il.e i.-,. i Ihi' me: ting. I-i.t-huji- il.f ),- tti r ..f I .:ll'-.- f.v the fact." as to what im k place: we giv. . !. w ever. Mow, the ir atnbb- and r-.-Iu;i.n .,: rid by Mr. I'hillips as a Mtli?ii'.Ut" bo t ; r , ,b'e of the Ferie? reported by toe ooinmitti-e : Mr. Phili ps ,! Ires-e.t !.!. ,..,.tj.,.r :l- length, chielly hi o. I'. '.-i;ie-, r, j , r v- the resolution-, and propo-cl to 'Hnend 1 king out the r n imibl", and inscrtint' tho fr- !n i -inif preanibli 1 n 1 resuluM viz : ' Whrrrai. I'ecent. events r '.ab r i prybiU'c inac me nniiiteiei, re hi slavery is . .n..o r "scifigus -qw-moir 'iii rn;-ft.&ix x.KnT wherea-, tle -f .'cat.', offer ' i ;j n ... ,.. ;,, tie- war, tht I ,:! t;ern..tiv i ' i -o-.s-: a -tiou, or armiriL' the negro, iv'hteh pi .iftosition s demand great eousidera'io:i by North (Vitlha, in sovereign assembly; tlieref. it Resolved, That a (Convention of the people ..f North Carolina ought to be Indd a. the earlios-t opportunity. ... Tht. ATLAKTIC-fhtBCErA Irt-ft't'- -fn Ii-.. Saward, Esq . Secretary pti 1 Oct.eral Stip. in dent i.f the Atlantic Telegr iph eoaipauy. t . ( '. W Firld, after alluding to'the .bsobtte eleetri eal pel le.-;io., ,. 0 ,1,1,. ,., f ,,, . the atrentit .oinpleteil up to the 3()rh ol Dcc-n.-bcr at 750 t. iles Cubic is, now lioill l mail ' i.f the rate of i ihtv miles per week, withonS-W-ry aud witho'it -nijlit work It will, be (ini-hed by the i 1-1 of the first week in June. Two t inks are on board of ihe Grtat Ivosttiu tor sinrihir cable, and the 'third is rapidly priigrcs-ing-- -Tt-crt! is no reason to doubt that the Cable will all be uu board, and the gnat .ship ready tor sea witli -ovnrytlriuL'. . Mr.. Sawanl has no doubt that the cable tvill ho btlCucssfull y laid and wotk- d. ' 'Rags .Wanted. Km-tv cciitii a peuml w,i! b? BiUd tor all eian. gjtton or li.i tiii .1 linrtd at the oM ditto. VOL. VI. .TELEGRAPHIC JPWS- UI-:i'0!lTS OF TIIK FKK88 ASSOCIATION. j Wo i.'coiveil no telegraph up to the lime of j poiriVT to press. What Dons it Mean? What does the fol i loWmg in the editorial column of the 'Jxuminei no n? Are die leaders in Virginia preparing 1' ''e.-'i! ihe'r Si u'.hern sisterM and inake th. bcsi b.'irgain tin can with the enemy?. The E.rumiw-r evidently favors a Convention, o, sonn thing akin t it That paper Ha) - : Since the final adjournment, of the Convention lot 1 Sol , the sov. reignty of V irgmni lias n abeyance. Under the sense of public eri t ill i:laes would foe! Ki'tbr R.l- ' : tiow rirevtniinjr, 'ol i:laes would loo: tvtter sa- . tv-tiel'r lit- susneiision should be (-. tiiinn'fl j ; if! if tin ultiiiiatc powers of the Coiiimtinwcuhh '- -.-,' rep,,.,l in some body which could use then, 1 , , , . , j in tne even; it. ficui'l become advisable. ' M 'any oljectio: xist, arrainst. tlie i o men t i, m I of a CuliVL-utioo : Which is usually too largo for pi'ou pt and ( fficieut aclion, and vcrV ofi' ,-, ;ilm(s K- noweis am t ie nub lo natiince. l.i remaining I,, long in e' .letiee. .T-i lib-rut! the emnhrouH luachiuory of a Cm,, v i toa, i' histieeii sU!!3C8tcd to invest thetleti. er.d -t iiiiily wnn-n will tie elce-ted m tlios pnii! Wllil -eV, -'. 1 ijr 1 1 ,.,IV"-, I 111- IS pi- ip-.e-. tO . ; e i v . ui i mi i t.io; .! in i no re- pi. a' 1 ; "!' he'h rlhe Legislature thru clecici -bal l- ,.!.."!.,.: .iil, .1... ar..in ......i.-... at .1... e,iu . ,. ... nn 1110 : .', cab li . This expedient if the simpl.-t, '; , ' , ., idosl couvenient that his ,..,., ' V 1 1 ' 1 1 1 '' tn.p ,.-. 1. It amnls liie lieci'ssity ot bavii-iir botti a L ei-iat lire and ('on vc-ution at, the eatno lime . ' , . , : ;, ; 1, .,,,.1.1 ,,' ,r i 1 ;, i .t s. ,--lo 1,1 I IV 1 OS I WOl ill -ll ritlbe III , - .1 iju -ling the ba-is 0:1 which the Convention I am; I be eont-litii e-1 But b- the pi,. 11 ..f .,c. .... .. , . , . .. - , , 1 .1-1. in- 1 uc. o j --( t ivu.'.t 1: may , ,1 is 01 . aai , iniportiiiteti (lint the s.iTercign powers ot lb" Mate j-li'iul.! be ie-inv 'ked and placed 111 con '.iliou for .. :! I- -U . ,V- Mar, ut Point Lookout. 1- ;m ' a ' '(.'Ooil tiling out o if (In- ,11 xi. tv of (lie Confederate prisoner, m be t lir-l t 1 eon 1 lnuue under iSbe new t xcliane-e. One prisoner says ho (aid one hundred dollars i 10 nret'ii h.ioki to be 11 lowed 1.0 eon. Ov the first. I M NIGHT IN II K A V EN Ani there ukall be ho night there." Rev . '11, f. No r.vht fbali h? in Ilt'avdn no (jHtbrritiir (TImciih uii i that 1:101 i oils lnnHicape trtir ttnn-, N't ti i i s s 1 1 Hi! in patlncflB oVr tlx. si' Hun '( '1 !,.;' ' : L!,. 'i: ir li iterance through '( i-i 'jw No n'Lr,i! pli.i i he in H-arnn ni) dread till h'iar ( )()."', d n kfit-Ki. ur the teiiintfr'fl pfuvft Acr th 'I'm dwj t . -kt.'i no uq. iou3 cioud bhul! nil a 11 n 1 1 ; h of" the cnrAptur. -I I Vo fJit ,liul! bf in Jlrnfcn. F'-rhi'l to .-l-ej, 'I I, ft- fr Li UlMfti ttudl tflOlirnful Viil tff.'p ; ri b ' i r . untaias du d ; I lu-ir t"ni all iped awy '1'lit'V iraz-j uuiI.i.1'.'d mi iiM i:,tl dav. Nn :. ht a';ail h" i"i It tv Nn - ci ' Hfi ' u ..-ii - c ii --lit. etirrti i ttn - ;n pain Ny fhi vim' ini' 1 1 n c - humiiitr fevor thera N tt fjuLil's ri i !)- - in vt in; eji' ui' (! -ta i; . o 'it.- i.inti ua a,- waning uin'tn ; !!ui 'Ii-i Hit I .an. I .-li.id i-','i jt'M'jic'tuitl light, yu I pn1u; is '.'! . and waUw,- ivor b i ight. t II( aven no datk.U'.'d roeui, siiVnr-1 of tht ttunb, -Ii wi ll lo 'o nd tru t !i !M- w .(h an iniirji.rtal "Uth N .1 ' ,ti!i, ii l.j. Ir. . w I,. i-. H 'nvsn ! Hut uiht ifi lu:re '.v - .i.1,'1 tip' ni'ht tt lour, i now ni steps attend, i.i -r t !j at may yet impend. 1 iii' ui ,i t Im: A I J I r!. Hik I Ni nilit fhall b. in MrHVtn ! O hud I faith '1' i in A liaf tli'- t.ir.h'ul uitiiefiti waith- 1 l,dt :.ir !i -ln.nl i in L t- ibcst1 liideous phantom tlee, A nd if, i, v.; ii-- mtfiit, li'-iict'lurth, on earth t . me. :.:IV ABV friRTISEMENTST' " i on hike'. noK tiii; i;Ai,a.ei: of tiik ykau a .nkubo (.1Kb, at eiiiinnn il in hon.e ivork and nut-ning child it. Ai;,i at li u,T.',i Ollice. Keb 26 tf AUCTION MALK OK NEGROES. "17 Wil.l. SH.I,. O.V T CIS DAY NEXT, 28TU i-t,oit. a ha i, i" lik' Iv negroes, consisting nf Men, W. en' -ii. Ilnvs a,,d l.ir! U in all. VV. I A Is K E W A ( 0 , Keb 2.7 id Auctioneers. A'TTK.NTIO.N FIltK COMPANY NO. I', fj 3 'HIE MEMUERS OK KIR K COM I' A X V NO. 1 WILE I as-:"t: ble at I lie M a vor's Oflir-e this afternoon at i etc A lall : -1 n I'.-b 'J.'. li er d.n.cc 'ien eii D I. KOYSTElt, Captain.. 's ie I. 'l't cm 111 L. f, c r . Mil ir. S" ''"wTua'TI'EN!) W' S b ili on V edn mI i v a il e, I 1 1 i J ' e - , i i p I ' i tl g Oil WJl.h AT I' KN !) A..' I UK (JOUKf HOUSE IN KA- and Saturday of each week, for it; oil i ti c ' ' i u t'i p L-fiU'riuv the r ..V'fi ' n J'vli i 1 f the ifidijt'iit Uuoiltti f f'ddicrf. if n ftll otiier dasl mav he found at my houie. J i) HAYES, I b Hi I!" (,'ouniy I. omuiis.tiouer. j. ht.mdard, t'niif.'dtTate ami Oouservatire c.py S PtSlNTINO! i in; H D4iiy paoonEss office;' H i . ii.;; ,i "u,i ;i-.;i'tinriii. i.f Material, an extensive t ri.-f y "t m p iinii one ot' the tintt ? 0 WEE PRESSES ii. ; i. ; Mil- 'It; rac v f i- pi ",iai'ijd ti turii out all kind? - T3i3 Printing In lb. best lyle of ihe art and al ui ices as reasonable as ,:nt,,iie alli-rvled m these tiuiei'. We iT'itnise that all work entrusted to us shall be l-i ..'iiii-tl i , in all v and expedit.iousl v executed. Orders ao- llCltcll Rah. J. .. I'EiNN'INUTOR CO. ii S(i4 :rvr itusiiiess Notice.--The "aiier.sef attendinjC it.t puliliciti 'H nt i no Phourkrs arc enorinnus and have tn h ji nd pfiieifit! , . and a e must ib. a cash burineas or nmie at ail W - ; u.'t tlemand cash trom all save thnse. I.n-iio - on ' i ci i i. eil 7 w ho have accounts with the ol I'.ce, oi l ,,v li ai a .linance are expected to remit promptly v. In a I..-ai e aeiit. We have no time to col lect bills an i ci t want to make anrcUatffes. Them never v.as a i aud ail who , at n r 'en. to. ua .lebi than iha niHniil, i ns are fMHisted and eapeei-d lo jv l RALEIGH, SATURDAY, FEB. onscript Office, 1 Kil.Klillt N . ('. Keb. I (tli. lslia j t'oicri, , r, ) o s Tlit attention nf Knrnlniig otLcers is callfd In the Inl lnwinif (lenoral Order tr. m Headquartvre Armiv nl ihe CnnfederateAtatcH : Hdq'ra Annies nf the C. States, ) . - I trh Kponi i-v. ti'iA tl K a A (, OrIiHHS, ) -' No 2 j In pnterinji upnn the carntrain abeut to ept'To tb (i.-n fial-in Chief feels aswured that the soldiers who h ive h , lenu and so nrrblv borne the hardships and danijern et lb . war, require no i ibortation to refpo at o tb" call nf j lionur tnd duty. j With the liberty transmitted by th ir fnref itbcr, th-v hre inherited ttie spirit to defend i'. The choice between war and abj. el ubmi"itinB is b -fern the in. Tn such a prnposai, brave men Willi arms in their haul i ran have bat one aKiHve.-. -JlbfT cannot barter mnntiood for peace, tor tin riht en sen government tor life or prepeitr Ht justice to I hem rennires a sterner admiiniiinn tn tb"? who hatft.atiaRdnntd their cmnradi-a ia the hour oi i" 1 " n. iiai 'pporiuiniy nnerrri tnem to yvipe out the -Im rv and eacape the r-nnisbment .if their crime-. stltea rn ?f, !', ,i!ef;'i ''"""t""' a paraon is amieuacetl to sueti desert th and ue ii , improperly absent as shall return lo the comniandu tn whlch the" b l-inir it'.in tlie slire tt-st pnfsible time, not the hunqnartor of' the department in which tlier b1 - ' ' uK . . e,.. manitationa, may report nitbin the tiaie specified to tin nearest en -0111110: nnicer or other ollu-,;r on duty, tn be Iniivari.led as soon as practicable, ami upon prt'.4"iitinjr a eertilicnte Irom such ellicor showing canipliaueo with this itquir. ment, will 1 eceive the pal don hereby ill'eied , These who have d serted to the s rvice 01 the eiieuiy. or who have oiperted alter having been once pardoned f"i tit e? fai. nil, nee, und thoso who i-hall desert, or ah sent theniii. Ives without authority after the publication ol this nriler, are excluded from its benehts. .Viirdmv 1 1,. ..r . . 1 V r'' P'"n cxieno to omer ,-ik-uo tn 1,1 deser in " .i.il nbrcnce without periiiisiou. H.r the same authority it i a'sn diclar.il that no Rene 'i 'ioietv win again lie granted, and thoa- who relui." , tn "fcept th pardon now ofleri d, or w In shall hereafter j ,liai,r aljvnt themaelvea without have, -ball suffer I suc'1 punisliuient as th' Courts roar impose, and no up' ! Pt'cation tor elemenev will b entertained . ! 'l0ii. 1,5 , ., , . . . , r IH ncr n.'iv ran il 1,11 JrAin I ,., ut.i - .,(.1, .,nr ,.n... mie iutond for ua, let everv man deote all aia ont rgiea to ihe coDimnn defence. Oar r anurres, ui.-elv and vtgornuslv i-rnpinred, are and with a biave armv. mslaiued bv a determin ed and united people, Mice.sf, with tind's aisistance, can not b'j d.iubtful. The advantages of the enemy will have but little value it we do not permit tin m to impair our ri .solution. Let in , ll.t-n , oppota. eonslaiicv to advorsiti , Inrtitude to suf I le 1 iinr, and courage to (larger, with the tirin asiurancj I that He w ho gave fr. etlnm to our falbers will blet-s tt;o etrnis ot' 1 Ii c it children to preserve it. t Mi-neii ) K. E. I-KE. (ieiieral. Ki, rolling; Officers will make every efl'.irt tn givepubli- c,tT l" important order, and wall urge all good 1 iti i ii? of their respective c-'Unli.-s to aid tlieui in rend, tnii i th ii,-.-ign su' c -sj nl. It ni l o ibs a ved that thU U the la.-t offer of pnrd.ui 'or ili" infamous ci ime of desertion that w ill b made. l-7n rol ing 0:lit . rs arc mado repor, e.h'e und' r u penalti ol'lri ilbf Ceiirl Mililial. 1'ial en-rv possible t flort i- i ma le tn ip i . t-iei at i - neb a d , d t r-'p rt t b oii.e, ves, j I.!' toll lee HC., ,,. . U ; i 1 atieM- ,.'!, T-.iUI.tUli. I ep ill' t , it Id ; i lie eeecili d 1 1 - e ,o i' - .' i i , e I o. I bet r e, on in and . ; tnrho' !...' tlii-m t r.o-pet ino are! the li -cesser-c ii:'-t i can-. , A duplicate ,-f i very c-rtihule thui five.-, will b fir j iranti-d tn this office. I It, '.-.!--. - f tie- C-er. -ttan -1 la T : I I.'.li 'li a.'tiw'll 1- I II l n 1 1 1 -s . : A.I..,...., I'lllJ r ou'liellt Hie S'.C . xe -p In, I, t'-.li. lOO , 1111 District copy. l'l- J ...- and W.ikl.'. iwi...... SAI-K OF IIOI'MKIIOI.l) AMI KITrUKX FURMTH'I V. rpil!-: L'N'Dh'ISKiN'Kl) W 1 -II I N(i '1 ) UiSI'OSK Of a quantity -d lb-1 almv in- nt naed it etiertv will ol 1 r a; public .ale on Sat'uidai 7!jih K.-bru,iiy, hi b -i i'b'ti.'it in .la.nedtoiv'n, (luilt.-til ( tmiit,, v:.: K.aiti, r Hed, it-ri I'i.'-tlmig. Iterb.te-nd. Tit:rean?,'f.:r,iikTn'g ti :a. es, one good Clock Waslislard. Waidi Una Is ajid 1'itel, era, Sidrbou'd.'i, 'labl-.-a, .me folding T ble. Table Ku.ni ture, Sli-ive.a and 7 etigs. Kire ln,i.,nnn brio ( ater anil Cruits, two Selta Chairs, in.e lien , ij'ie .-settt n! ttar.e bottome-l ( bails, nearly n.-iv, conking Utciitiil-i eiu; Stove. Wush I'nts, Ac. A Ian one l.ady 's Sadd le , one Cotnm Spinner 75 .S, indies Terms rn.h in specie MAKV M K I K 11 A 1,1,. Fi b Tlil TO G S CO.SUMEUS. (XS AND AFTER TIIK 1ST OF .MARCH, TIIK price ot Oas will be tKI) per 1(1110 feet. WATEKIIOL'SE a HOWES, Feb '.'1-lstiii Ucssee.-. $100 REWARD. RAN'AWAY ON THE SHU OF HIIS MONTH A .Negro Hoy named GKOItOE. Ho is u briKht i.d mined mulat'o, about 21 years old, 5 feet U inches hiph, and elauna to be a barber. The above reward " ill l,, paid lor his confinenient in anv jail oi bis d Ih erv t" cither W F Askew A Co, lU',.jB! or in i.- VV J Hawkins at Ridyeway. l i b 'i '(f SOLOILUfS- CLAIMS. f -HUE VXlJiEKSIU.VEL) HAVIN'ti IJKi'.X API'OIXI I ed ' Commissioner in inv ,-sli-ife, e,,;e, t. and do' ti lbute Claims nf D,-oeaseil is"old;ri s," gn.s notice that aftei the 20th iiuil,-h will b- prepared n. futan-htlm blanks whereby the wives, children, ei. cutoi - or adinin-iitrat-r- ot ilcci-as- d soldieis may have iheo claitus ) lac ed in pi eper lor. n to be ti It d in the Auditor's olbc in Richmond, and will use everv effort in his power W have ihe same properly paid. 1'crFtnis applyii'K for blai.ki. mus- f in.i,d a 21 i- nt postage .stamp. ( or Iwo 10 cent- bills u. prcpav the post age mi the eaiuit. A ttegtit-'T of a'l cfaiins wiTr be k'ept, and nl .im inn " the state of a claim ma r be ase. rtaiiin.i. - ' tt tti. NUT r7. COf.TOV. ' Feb 21-tt Fayetteville, .S'. C. AdJ't and Itisp'r Gen's OITice, ) li ii-HHii p, Sept . Ii.lsctt, j OffasHit. Oans.ss. f in 122. I THE FOLIA" Wi. NO ACI OF COViiUESS is published fo- t he inlni-mati in nf a 11 mra ei n " Kvery person not subj el n, the Luits and articles of war, who shall procure ,.r entie-, a -nldier of Il.e Con federate States to desert, or wl.n snail ;nireVitf n oin an Soldier his arvn, ifit'f .rm, e, mMuj. ,,r nni ;e,r' lhYrtitf, shall upon legal eorivicti-m, b- lined, al Am disci ctioa of the Court having cngniza.icp of the same, in am ,-uni not eicetiling (Iii ei. niinitrnrdtiHars, and b imrir-iiwiuut not exceeding ni': year." , Uy order of t- e SecrrtaiT of War. i -itcriett. 1 s. COOPKR. Adj'l and I nsp'r (ie'i'l . H BinQi.Aii t ras Rssicavi: N. C ) Raleigh, I-'ebritarv 10, j Official : ,INO. VV. HINSDALE, Feb U-(l7lwlt A. A. (J.-h'I. tt Sta'e p ipeu copy s'ven-limes. W. R. RICH A ItDSON Ai CO., BROKERS A XD HT() 'A' .1 UCTIOXEKRS, 'i.KSI'KC1 Ktl ELY SOI.ICIJ CON S I ii N Ni KN'TS. ",' i0 U A l.l IO It . N. f); .((Br- Job Prllltllljr. llavine an abur.danr..- ! n a trlal and good worltmen we are ,rt!rrwi- to t . el all order" t,.. im l',i , si r, v wlllwll. ,.a ' el, , SWMiow to Semi ut Money Never a, ml by ami- whan rau can seiwl bv KauraM. Ail hhiiilv sent bv Ki prMS at our ejperino. Those sending us sr.no.v by mail must do to at their own risk. mm lS(; ..... uywaArv,f.aaMi.MMf:.MaiwmMi DitturToiti Koii ('oi'i:ur,ii t i i: i.ov i uxmknt oput i:s int: t i rt or it VLIMtiil laut I 1 1 .I V ! KS. (.'..m 'i.nin'ar.l I ' I .1,1 I- ill e i t l- i! . jl re . I ep i liilll tin;?. I', lb' ilqu.Ti Han U 4t - V- K I K - V A tittf-t-.-- -ll-lTrin-MTTefrrrr..,H fr-nniT H enibjii i r i ers in ii ar -e etov Hank Huitili' e. m ' . V st el I- .n looiil. .'f. I I, eut Ueu T II 1IO..H K 1 1 -ail(iiart. K r.n II i b. ,. ilotl. 1 i LI 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 i .1 1 1 I ! ! I.' Ptl.t I W(l Mnj II K 1IOOP1.U. Clo.-t Qini!finii,n r lnvtict el (' - Heailqu j i le ; s in ni l . l :i: ei II ' I , e i ii ,.' ( ' tnl .Stuiare. M ij .1 11 A K K 11 , l'"t ( :,.uimtai 'n Hotel. 1 1 .'adqua rt rs 1 i u i Ma I! R llDUi'lCtt, learn t i ninslei nn l.eiiern ' SuH-He,nitiai l. n bead i.f lltll.b ,,,,' so i -aiience e( J aO re S a u mIi i-. II, .line.. l . i ,i Mnj St; 'ii ; h KI.l.KW , .-, t .. 1 1 s lq II 11 i l!t. o H i-, (.'apt A W I, A o.cbSrh, Ultln.-ile'e Oil'r. lb, f! S-irg'mi I'KTi.i; K ill V KS. Me.liral 1'ii Il.-ad- tpiariiTi V?f! .-ido ei to rill? street, i t Market Sijuat e Siii(jeen KB II A V WOOD in rljai Kr ,, Petticu'w Ilk pita I, No 1.1, iroil n f enbrn lUrei I II iail(i o t" ai II ispi ia I . Surs---i.il U O I.KKill, in e ..imu ol ll.-piial, .. M, A'ir In-tttule ) lleailqnarler.-l al II ii i r a . Snrjfeon .1 W TK ACV. in chr- .' IS nr;il II : .il-; No 7, i K.lir llt-ein.!-) - U tt 1 1 ! j , i i , -cr .ttl .il . Capt 'If K I'IKRCK. Post y,iartennajtr Ouion Hotel. - Ur I) Rt) H l,C . Post Chaplain It. Surgeon I'UOIil AS 1 11,1 , (!iif Surge-.n H,-diiiarir rs vtitb Oen It..' tea. "' v K FITZti Cli.X '.l, Chaplain II -ilnta No 7 iniH. ' DIUKCTORV FO it STATU (iOV K UN M K 1 I OFFU l, l. TUB CI TV OF It A 1. 171 ('II. Maj ien R ! (ATI. IN, Adj.it twrs al liui-i.i Hotel. Oe -lie 1'rEI) WAIiltKN. Surjetin (leneral--ll ddqnw l-7a-t .1 'e i.f Kil l etlevole .-treet, near t ie t'n Maj W.n li ClUl.ltlK. Paiiuast ; -lb',i..oi,nn-i, mi lintel. Onl. .a i. in M.'j joii.v DKvt-:.; i-:t:x, Qoa.ie, at 11 u ion Ilntci Me j T 1) HOflC, .,!MwMr) an, IKiadqtoistei s a I. (Jnina Hotel. a t , - -11 siiqti a i I ei s Ordna'uii; Cllil'el Maj it Hi'KV A IIONA-li, y,ia, n r,,a-t,-Nui the.ast cu ii,.! ot K ki eUii ni,- an J no ctair. 11 - ad qui i te r Itai - to I . -a i el M.ijJAMl.S II i-'.'.ii., A,.. ,iUt Adjui.,-0. (i R"-i ,i - , - ' el,,iat i , , a: I. i, ii ii ,i Siaj WM A '.ilAli AM. .1 .A-eiiit i-vir,' H ' t a Jq t i t ; s ;, '. i ! I UBt.K.SI.Ul t'l.l.l.i q J. 11 Ul SI '.l'; ,, , S, Oi doatu'w llopu, ll-.I-l. i.ieu: 'llKI.Ml- Wiill',-: As-istnt, 11-4 lijllai .ei -. at (iai ei Ilntci Lien: ISA .' V (1 fi'i l.'l T, As...m I' -',ilJ,U Jl -l e it n ii M j 1 1 -.', -' i.i st Til . K r a Jo in. ll.'i!'". lo-lt, - M , I'mi l l.iMI I'll.V .1-1-11,4 , !.S ij I li- '.,,A.-.-l .n. I , A, mi lai ijotiSe, nf as- incut (. i.o vv - mo .;i-u., t,v a.tiuia,,, ' al, . it-'i ! 1 1., . -t i ;j .i ,,,, . ., u',, m itJ . , r I.ieat rflOMAS VV i.E JCi; !, a ut Adpi' i ,i ll, .ne l i' 11- a lij u., i 1 1 , s a : . ti .nn . I , - - , . To Carpt.nU'1's or olhm Wishing to B U ILD, Jl. Rare Oixo,:o.oo ! iill'. DVI-:HTtSl..v OFFERS FOR SALE IIIK Irame ivortt, ui! in . , , , ,, t , t..crlh.-r of a . I ..' t; ; (j ",v ; , r ::' ( .'" 'it- ' . t : 1 'Mi mil, .-a., ui en- I'ojelll I- Witt. It) pan ili:, el- ,, l.neil . IV l'..,l .-lent r- ..,,,-1 17 i, .. It J.arie niiiilew li.ini.-s, ,itti in, 7 W'lad.ov 1 1 illlli'S -H Wit Ileal i.e. U S-t ,-1,,!, .(iiijni-lj'i!, ; Ii) A ti Fr 'III i-pieees (nr 111" pi .,' - Thl wort. , .1....... .n d Il.e ii. it--, i il a , ,- I a illlX'', b.i.- leilid:!-, i-nl n llline i. I' I - i j,,, ,.,, ,,,,; beardinj?. -ni -tfli-f in-l . 0 li-a and iimu ar,i ,( n.'i , . i ,, I,,, 1 i h i t -all lio- ,e, l bel e. on ' he Kr.. The pi oiiei I y mav b,- rn, witli a .n .ni iii" ,,;' Ihe tmil dmc, and lem ..-.-. tan ,- i hi ,--,i, mjr n-M iel.li ,-s ie a" 1- 'I ..III 1 On i i;ooii:,s. NEGRO AUCTION . ..i) -- y HOUSE! UN I dl'. I- li. - I ll V V !);' ; t he hens, mi in (, i-i i , e . bo iiiei i t eion. d a - ' te- Ki i . , , iSllee', in liie I'il . i.l'iwtelL'le tie I . . i X I I , I HI-; ,'e 1. 0 -ftic. , I il En .-' I r illeeril.ei s n ii i e 'uotiim and Coiuniissioti' House Koi il.o Sale m I, V i. -. hav P- 'Tiii.., .,. and emu '-. r t .0 Will be as -uod-talr ; a n,.t eli.lie.. or 'l limes wjll ertnit. With "ii ci,.c. ants ,,f tie, ml . ir i lh" ad ran t i.'e- of .1,1 em. ni m- , q . , , -, oawdreai!,,,), vv.' ijjel i-tai,,l th- bu-in as-ui ai:c ol 'ouii-k .vai--s" iiii,f ie f , et n ua, t- 'I , Ac. s, and s I III. -' nail-, and - , we ,ha tl . I a-el, w itll tie '.TT;irrttiHr illicit publ.i- ,tr,.niiei- Dee I 'i .' W o : , -' I, ., Vi FOR KENT 1 FIM-. SIOI.I-, IIOE'SK, ON KAYKT'I KVII I.I. XV with .:'.v.'i..ng a. pa--ig... a.l a I -biiiiK-e nf the vi m C M KARiil.i nnrabl v a, i at,g.-d . f-,, rt tit I Feb l? II Apply I FOR N VLK HPLENiIW MICilOSCtM'lt, f ' Apimli to eb 22-31." ft. IL i (i I, I' V X O Rii-.ii Mm,. .SELECT SITIOOI, MISS M o I i E I 17 W . Y f V i ' "I . At t'ne it sltleniio of Mr Win II Fmra 1 , , -.'.; -8A n v ofotw rrieiiiln ri-i einiis imiioi I h nt to tnirathtf aruiy bv,'-.?'.!. bite. .,r't.-l.ri,. uill bontar a (jreat tavnr on us at 'tndlng or leaving thm a tllf ellbe f' -' HI tl-, I V Elt'l'INI N(i 11 A'l TH. .'Iel I, . ... ,'. I h,, , J ; III 'nil KU't I r!: y J'l'tjt'.M ? .iH ' , UK I V Ur I l i I'., 'i ' I'll'. ' vMiticii lit.!' l. I V I.- Ilao . I, t h w i ii it 1 ' Hrfi I Mini'" f 1 . - mtnits iti-'-n -tl oipv, t '! "i- Hire.' luuim 4 w ; . . . ' irL1 ;.: u, r,i jMinc v - . n .' ..i c. t i i , fin f . , (j)USStiEl-llOilSt' Ii! u 7 :; i . . .0 11 1 - n; 17 Is la ti -e it. .at . i II .WHS I.: I I 1 . 10 I. ii it; ii e i . i- u ,i . .0 - : to in il (: c i' r, I- , 1 :' Il 111 1 i .ii I :-., .'I :il : at ,i: In II 3 1 I. A PHI. . .. J lit. 7 a in i r r. j i u l.l. 17' is ! !i .'i : ;i ''-'' "t M V "i 1 I 1 ' V U 1.. i7 .t -1 : - 2i' ;lh ,)l ,1 YSV 1 liM'lt 4 I 11 r 7 l-i 1., lc, 17 ai .'i r. .'1 ,7'Jb -J ,11 : i 1-1 1 . t 1 .- r. : Hdij'rs A I lilies of the C .-slates, i "v.V"' '; ' lit I I ll e Up It lin C 1 1 1 1 p 1 i . , u'l -U i i - H mi Hi ('In- I l-il? ns.-urc I ll-.' the . eeiie, ., ,.i , I i i tiiel - i n -1 m y 1 1 -in.- Il.e i,.n ii - Ii e .i,,l it. ii t ,ir, 1' . i j 1 1 1 ' e 1 1 ' i .- ! I - ' t 1 I e i I i i , . i ,.i t , 1 le (.Ik-. In tini- S I i e the , ol I. w ll . 1 .- er aeil il u 1 1 . tie- i ill. i l v ! en , d bv lb-lel-'iel it ' ' J I t-.ti n j l ins., u t . t i, tliei i- no i i tht- i- llf'1 tin i I, el le-t l if. ll ,1 p. bin can '1' lint jiislb lllnse l. i,i I pel A la-. 'l Hie .111-1 i a .-.'el ri-r s-l ' 11 i I c. I t il, teliHV i- eil Oi I le' elltll - ell t I-.--U1 I ' i ,11 lit, ni ! -I i r. -end- III nl tti' I e.l to ,- U C il il,,., .i I etun. I ' ' I ll e e 111 .illtlliill nl Hi I' I- II I '. ' . n , ' a i it a -lelll Staie , ., i ami In f M ii . in a tills It ;- Utile . nMt I' tin.- olde, , 1. ll l--e 1 1 e V en of ee 11 I Hud to lbs ee I , il 11 j I I,- ro-TT u I'll tb .1 i i n Im ii III -llv' l 1 1 bill 1 ll'- Ill 111 - H L 1 I I ll.! l. li ,110 t he pubiic.i . I ..' "I 1'ie ib. a,i.. - i -. : l.-v. ot : In l e, ' . i t , i i - p at yv 1 1 b l ! i tli - ti-. 111 I I ll,.; be- I Ule-e t 111 tl II U 111 I !e,v:;,:::: I lie 'e lie ! qll'l -lie' I I , - - - lor ' '. - ; llil'ijis. i iiiie : ni i tea, i i I. M-- i, I No I le- ,11- pr-'Oti t I., i-m, ,,tl ab, . - I In I ll hi ,-:JJ. H" i to - p -;'( i'- -, eU , . n e t , i m i ,i i s e i n ,( u ,1 .. a- li ' ' I' - ' le ,! i ; , ,,! vVat, i-i . sc I ll'- '-'I- let ' I i 'l u: :i. , I, ... -n . ., ,, 1 1 j. ,- . , i 111 tle-le, -. e -t eil ll. ne; . i I,, - - , "' ' . I ' ' 1 - ' J .!..., , ', el.,,, i t, p; p J e. - 1 i i .l.l. i;'. mt Ii ,:. - . ' ,,; .. : , , , , , ol !' -V 1,1 ' !' 1 "' ' ! ' ' . u., -a le'tll'l-O'hn-' " Oil le- e e. . 1, .-e , , i . I .) . - r I In i.:ei,i-.- . .... '..I . - .!; .; ' .. .: 1 , ,, e ,, II "" lo'l t ' i!..-u, In T i.f- - tvn .;, ,,i . , e I, - t .... - ,,( . . lllelll ,1 p -, .. - 'oe:. i - , ,.1 . - i . i ei 11 I . n. ,, a, el CI aree- -A,!, ;. . . , .. h ,. , ., , nr. e, i , , i,r,,i , ib i- , i ' -'eh ,. ,. I.,.,. 1 1 1 n, , 1 1 e.l i!i ua i-ltfi; I'.ese rve . V (' 'i I ' ' 1 t ! , . - E . A I ' II1" :, l !i . , i i - -,1. I TieiTei a, i; i 1 - .. ' - Nni , . . i Ni.:,.....'. t---i !7. , :. ..:.i.7...u.....i.-..ii.M.... j.. ..-.t....i..i ..i.i,, I . I nan., i. i, , a, -, ,-. i , ; - i , . H He ie A j U . . . , 10 lie. I e . I, -Utei.au e le ! II,;. 1 Il.e il.il , i- ..im i n i pie Mr- OltieiS, ('Mis H. S i ii rn, ,' '. t i ewe I'cii. 1 1 d7t,i 1 1 " 'f"a-'-.-rrt7'-s- -J--ps .N i 1 I H i . . I . IL a v i m , a i r Colli C , u t r ,i n in; l.l. a. l-..n-i ;! I II I I., A.l;:,n,.s- 'OR HKM tl. l:i !:. n'0 VERY D: if IP' il iil.-liud Of in; Feb !3-d3t UR. H. F A li IM 11. , ) , rIYSH'IAX ,( S ;,(,,: OPU'lAJ, ATTl,XIuN (,1V . . .-H.t.1-...- iJ trie .vioaih sed 1 li, eat. O'li-n, at tMt.iijii Hot'. I. t'.o 19-If in4i i n f i i a. i -o i i Ha.ingii A. C. '4 '1 SI '41 111 ' J un, lil1 ..ji ? ii'i. !,i. l i V i;i .-I t ni tatfi I e' al ' S Mi, 4m "tf . 1 I 'A .1 e ifi l " ' ft I I ' - 7mJ t tf ft ' 1 : tin rt i 'If 1 ' If't. f" p 1 44'J t. I' ti a v f L J..': It-' s. ri i , ; . y. i ii-i: 7 Tl - r- -s ,r"