V ADVICIlXlSINti KATF. Tha lollowia rates will be charged lor s't ,o tit -1 menta inuerted in thu Daxly and weekly I rji . it oi igeAHc or mqht i.iNas, oa ii.. One da. $5 0(1 On week , Two days '1)00 Twa weeks... 1- Tbja4ys ...15 bO Three week. Feiuoava, '. it) Ol) One uioi.lb I- ' Firetiais ...:6(i0 1u tai nib. Klltv wis d.., .r eighl lu., s or .. ss, count u, i . - -additional squares will lie charged the same. Adur menta tneerted once, twice or three times a "wi ail . ehajijad $4 a square for every insertion. wken nt bv letter, the money must accompany Iks adrertlMnient. Marriage, lleatha. Religious an-. (. X'otiees charged as adTertiements, and must be , .. 4 n advance. mi VOL. .VI, RALEIGH, MONDAY, FEB. 27, 186,5 NO. 92 ajj . " b y j . l. PES.xn'GT o.rco . tkhms on1 Hriist'mi'TioN, Tbe following arc tbe only terms of ubscriplion1o thi Jult and Whhiclt Faofliiiiss Dajlj paper 1 month...- .S10 (10 " 3 moult. 1.0 " ti months 1. . Weekly pap. r, 3 months lo 00 " 6 uionttia ...... i HO Always to be paid in advance, and paper Hopped wlnn tha time paid for expires. JOBPRINTlNO.-llaTlniraJobOllicequal to any is ibe City or State, we are prepared to execute ali orders for Book and Job Printing- with neatness and dispatch. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION.) 'I'fom Charlotte . ... . Cm a blott e P9b. . 24.- N x -i n n , in eft a dot te Tha enemy are ropnrteil moving in th; lir.'li'n of Camden, Cliora.T anl Fayoiievfiie. It, is ttioiijlit that raider, lull not the main idIhiiin wid visit this city. Daring the retrat from (Vii.ntili, a 'nn of cars fillad willi ladiaa. br kit il.iwu. Tun iMii;inr.i.iiitn. ad their capture, when Ilamplnii , with l.w ravalry, threw himaelf in Iront, prutiiUino ! il"te ,, them with tbe life nf 'very man of his nl Hampttnt Butler and Wheeler ) ' in .! f thu fighting on the 'i treat, the main force nut t'io engaged. It it) rr n .M o i tli.it thu W.-Ktern ortiri .-f tiiitini. bia hao hi I", bm.. i, u ...'i uiii;' 'fron 'n.i i...-io ..!' cotton in at .ire. There is jewi- iluiit t is t its u ;-.u:- IlitUlle, bllt 1 1 1 I is KltlTe . M-ilrl.O tii '. tt.M.; has been wuin; ii r . rraons are jirejiarinf' to i.-luiii, t Columbia.. Cham.oTTS, 1'Vb. 25 N aiMitlor,.i! raws Inni the front. It is Mill papposcl the eixinv nn- rrvikii.o their way north ' v Ota1 raw ntvt F.ivitteviHe. Nfin from Cobnut ia c .rmlioratrs kitil trcutno'i t to ii.i.aa itantH. Th Usuline Con rent was protertnl by a gnard. No puhiir or private property Hl!r .wo.) to In borueil. S'.i i ;n.r, 's hcuiiiiuart. rs wo M, . d.r, '.- it id Niok'ivn'.s II lul. Alarm at C'bailolte partly n;l tde.1. Chabi.' 'i-tk, K h. 2li. The loliowm ,.r!r .va p ublislie I i hi.- iv.rninjj : Chari.oTtk, Feb. 25 (lietioral Onler N'o. 1 ) In obediertc U the orders of I he f!i-:iTa(-in-l 'Mel', the undorsigneii a'stinipa commnnd .1 thcnrniv f TtTine.ssen and all the tioOis In tbe I if part mn tn ol South Carolina, (ieortfia a-id Florida. lie takt'H thia position wiii blror.o hope or, ..!, ,,. be will havu ii. ouinrtl :iol a. ilv lii-i.i th.' aid f the high talents and tkitl f the di.-tiro'ii.-o. .1 tic.i r- ! whom he reed' I!1 i X jkh- ts no dier of the army ii(Tii';i.. to rijni h.ii r .: nientK and again rorifroi-t !!. eiiftnv :.-y 1 ifi en conntered in .N'ortherri Oeorpia ind a'wa s iili honor. Ho aagurra his r irirad ( tn it amiv vh- t" dtill with their e nradi s th t t ' r.-i li d. -nee i , i r discipline ai.il v.or bicli i I as iient. ! r- titj i ---cd ia uiidiiiiii.ial e l (Sj.;, ,.!i .1 K .1 n Vioin (ieorgin, M issi ssipjil, Alabama, A . Thaui. 1 ii V I :i V', : . tei prite ot : 1 e S. ii' I . n, li j p ( ' ti ) :i' gnt pp i s I ti e 2"'l: . No important ti i lit ary ri rv no r, : n n-j . ' Capt. Difkir.sor, captured Bi Ttr.il uflicra m d il l during a late laid . Forrest has been p'ae' d in c tiitiiand of all the cav alry iu the UisUh'ts id .Mii-?issippi. lOast I.oireiai.a ud Wist Tet.lKMce. His li:t . fi ! u;.Ur Jir. lii lke renrpaniz ill. a ai d dis'iplitie, and i: iei '!. '-e exterminatian of Coi fi -'i ratc stralers, r"bt.cra and daat royerj. I'liumar ' tn are beii.g iiintii.tpd f..r a mpp ',"d Durch thr.'Holi Alahriia. Raids hn( been made from Ilern ind M!m . t. wardi Henatobia. There nro ir r y e. inpi-i'n's of K ii h Stnith " :i Waal. Wofford ia iii c nnoiand at At'anta ReorgRilEili .ii m (i'rn haa ilr. adv :? n,.. ) licinforcnn! .! Iiam ',.i!i.eM. Mi, .(p ,, .e been eent l.i tirn t A huge b'-dv . f i... s ai in -vim: i i V, and impor'a : o veie. :os no-rep ii.d The I.ei'a"ir i. M;is.-'i.pi i , : ii-: extra teaair.n. f.-r (be pm-pr.se it ,' i . . , State Convrnti-ii The infisif r-f ill,. (J ,v.-... r of (;-, i , , .. . tl by defnre of tbe Sta'. a.-.,' -t t; , 1- f thn Press for i l .ivi.,r S'k roi i" t.. tI .. , ... ' . -ed through the .State. Ilouvs f'li,i nlm. d .'ed to bar fate and loi.Ttr ! h-le P. nf, d Ml.; Ilea, and whili I: r a'-'e b d , n- w. i- ',. : tl.a defence . f tlie S' ue and ure denied th'- ii,o age of atrikier honest l.,,w f, r. il ,. ,.!-,,-. ,f thnir own hoiii' s, (i, .,(.,- a u.is r..,: '.d a h H-mw-jr. u- i;-i''.iii!iit ri, --r opportunity -ia I .st for !.! ..vei i hro.- , i S'.em.i Bad li ej. Maiatod lr, uu tlut.ui L.i.a. .iorcM,: fight and i-xii-iiix i s' :i i . m h i'i .n, snn.o r . ;ud hae been reriai.i. He ree.oTnei.ds th - t .t!ilh nient of a militia svsteni. hy ii rr rar d .-v r to the C wifed-ra'c O .n'i. bo' r do 1 ! ' -r home defence. He tr rut ', ll'0-j-empta in the State, most . f u-l, ,,n ... , , . .... n recommetida the pasaar" a '.v n::h -- i .-1 .: '-e impreainei.t ,.f p,,,visi n fi, iht- .. ; .a nnder bond to'!,- CbnT-di-ii fuse to aell (heir , supplies t 1.1 ov- ' i cer I. Ill M.t Wl. falidliea complains' thst iht. CuTede..,'" lock ror.i riil-s ne,l smoke h.w-s r cbasiuK officers (Rafernng to the r'eniten'iary h tbarr hftlf t-iwTiTirrcta reh'iwd "i dmerted, and ree.-.nimen I.-, .;..,( fipvenmieiif ' .!!:! St It : ; s -.V - ! h II II . p r i, o.i .,i .UUTO., U-.l.r "11 1 1 I ip , . . , irjf? the rluves Selieves them v., . i; , ultural pursuits th.-y .lon'i wis!i t.o;;.,,i. t nan... aod the principal restraiui u.iv up,., fhem . tn fear that if they Wave th . rmiay w'lii mihfl ih.t fight. Compel them t . take up arns and th, y u n deaertjbyJJj.ousArTds. Whatever tniy to ..i:. ion ol their teinial condition or ii.d reals, we expact thrm to perform deeds when fi,'hfn; to . tinoa tka tjilaveinent ef their wives and rh'i drew.- 1 i. not r, Hoi! :! I.- to di inand it of them. .V : . -e ' w.-...' il,;ish the fa :t that they are a miiita y p.opie ' i. d. stioy air theory that they , in!-. Id u- fret When wn arm slaves we abandon -divery lie c,,mpliiu,s ,f t tie usurpations of the Uoiifeilvr .te Co i;ress j.. iiis)roportionate taxation, and says it ia nun 'i in o. o j 'Oil i., aide hy being iinpwv) n v Ii voi. s ol ne n who net without responsibility to i :' itnenis, .. :ak'-a the u'oveniment to tadi V,.- .1 leo, , ...:. i; ,s ile;al impressments, vr -si- eiti. .,s wit i..,u aulhority by PrOToat Cuirl-. ill-p-ii-pon sy.-t-hi a, ,d the partiality of the .v, r ,111 mi iaounoi w mIiIi, whji are given numiiia p i,ii, , wliich keep t h 'in o-it of tlia army, ' whil.- to pin1 men aro bodily forced Into tho ranks, li) onmi! vi rtj savereiy on t;oj gsnerftlahip af the IV-sTdnt, trae. s his inilit iry career daring the war, ! .itia t'l it our i: .venimee.t is iviw a military depntis 11, driftitijc i .t.o onr.-l r, -id ilia1 if th Prcs len' ' - ' v 's p -.t-.-l i, o :tii:.t ternii'mie in ra lonatru 'iin, w;'h or with'.uf siibjima'inn. TI atates that h is uttat ly -, iused I ..both, hut if lie favored either I, - w-ni'd tiiv '-ri'.est support to tbo President's p ..li, y a ihu s ir-.-t tn-.-le id dimiaibhinjj our arm", ex an1 i -i i -I I . ijr',-s, 1)1 .' . kill til'l Hlir i IB ol Ollr p ode i d : i ' 'ii i hem iu dispair to Iek refuge from lrao tir tiv n' ."mo t h-'inst-l vs under the gov"r"m"ii' il 'y l"a'he a:d d-P'st r, eur tor PiiHtinr; orila lie r. .iinda th'i ri-p"tl nf the c ncrlptim : ' n I r -' i i" e..m': ii' ..i.i' mo ,(' : ,,E ,v Stales. ' bsrvinre ,,f sjao 1 faith wi' , i ,.. old in', p: ' rr,!.1 p i v. I 'i a'o indorrneut of jtnpr.-s n "lis m l -I"' . i - - io more repiesentati ei with u c 1 -tilu. I.:-, tod linniiy by taking from the l'r.-i-d.-t.t los p"-.ier as ConiDiandor-inChief He calls for a Ur;v,'iiti"ii ot the Ml itea t i amend th i Ian ' i tu -lion, a . 1 cIook with the following lanci i : "My 1- i'.y i 'inked w:tn t!n) r nintrv I' .v . 1 .111 a tr, e fni'l ,f iy tili.'oosfi M'JCy 1 ;im', a I tu'efs we m:!, a c-'Bini in ruin awaits u d' 1'ne n -ii! i d i'k. the tempest howl trie j :' a 1 i'"'1' turhul- ! ve'i-Tt. th h!m n 1 1 a- --:n.' to ii- ,1 oli 'm-'"s,ra-'e' 'l i;4 tn-r iii1 mil-' inn it-; turn or 'he ere v Tims' in n ii ' nev.iiiie ruin." k t LAN ACT H AVfc'.M) AV ACT K.NTITI.KI AN AI T TO I N ( ' K I i A S K T II K K F Fi ( ' 1 L. (' V tl IT THK IlftM V. fiCMUi OKI, A.VIZATIO N.-ItATlFI I.I) THK TTH HA Of-" f KlililiAltY, ISli,'.. bl. - . 1. lir it tiiuitrd hj the (ienrni Annnbly of lltt . (" '- " .Ac ". I ,(r.'ltia. .IH.J tt t9 firrtij ru-i-tr,t t,i th -..,,, 'li.,. .1, i ....o l i. .'.e.M. n .t,-.tietii may re "tvanie tbe liua'd tut Horn IL-t.-ne... t.i eau"inr two or more coinpaioei to b- '-oiho - ilia'' '"". su us tu iiinkt- n.jt U-.-a ihan n:xtytoui- I IHli. li..-, t ' t- i-H'-i'l ,-uiii-aiiT ; 1'r-n i.i.d.Uotrrvt:'-, : h , i i : ll ' - i . - t i x v home un i d ia an v ..i, e, u i. ty. teal iu i. i ,ii., r B. may be auall b.- lncoi poiated ill o .i e..i..; :i T!i--.-.i;,l -,,inr-:iniel vh,-ri-.i rnn.alidattd kiiah Iiav.i ih i icii, g.- tit li.'ctirj(r tliir eoini'iinv atli leistioi'iti nk iind lite ol (-aid ct.iiipariic, and fu.-ti olli, ;i.. -Bti ii-,: h- i-h'ct.'d tor aryiee in saul rampa nv h.iil I'-' rt'l'lM. 1 to n rf'irm serv'-i; y a-l lju C'.niinj" rii.nd olll.-'i? or privates under the sji-ne rul.-H and i.'l; ii.aiiiiii n.. oiieir ii-iii tn in is-1 -.n.-.J N.tlieers and privatci .ne r.-.j'io .d t" j-: ve, hn.1 whiirt bo .-ervinjr their c-jiu ii,u-i..ii- I'tiad be ."-n-l -l. ki . - ' .' " !f"r .-o"er. ., That, tha tlovcrnor may in lik- in.irmei . ;iu.- t - ,,r mo re ha tta lions or n-gi (Dent's , (' 1 1.. in.. Iiuai-1 t" U- '"ii-,i!id;it'-'l,'naid battaliana when -, eoifohdHti 'I to I,.- e on. i.os-ol nf not less than turea i - inpaiiit-. and .-rf;d i , -jT i in i-ii t itI.-'d so consolidated, not i!i. o i l.-n . -rf i. i. -. Tin- rank and tile ."ball elect th :i-id 6-! af t-M ,-!!ie. rs who"hll not he- , u-i-r ,1 'to ir coe.ni!:-!"!;- .-fiah I.- sinpende! and tliT ba -I I lull ii. lite rank afi noti-couiuilCfciuii- e-1 I.' 'r t ,.....,. 'yial in addition to tlie I. -I i:i tie- -ecn l ---etion nf An a. I in i:.'l (iaanl lor 11. mi, Heli-nr, , 1', .. t !n-l hail tie exeiept i-lie ( 0111 i- .inn iieponited under An Aet ,-nti-i-iil "t t i vt? and I'liuii ir of johiiei s : -ii- i tl, so icitora tor the .-ev.-ral i i, i-.'iiiilv liute-, r -untr pi'rTi-orl v ;,r- p. uttii t', one editor tr a nwnpa c 'ii (- ..-il.il- aiai employees to be certi , -tii'.i , mail cartaei s, pi ol'.gio, a in col ho nt tlie paasatre nl thin act had. and i., ,1 An A i:. th- .r n. r-l .( ii . ! - all puVSli i.ltl. tr-r .1 ll T, I r aii-l ii- . ti, -l ,-n ...iili hy li,. wees, anil ti-in-hr r.- -to, ii t ,,ii : inn - i i ii.ii , , i a ion y . sc Hollars, t tie lii't'i'rarv .- k.'h-f' n;-i-. a' ; 1 1 i I o it - a tut toiin.lari regular puh he it. , i."-, iii. 1 bin .o..-mi;h'a and win el w ri'hl- h li . hae , -iiiti! -Led i- .ps, r. ui.ir public tann.-rs and shneuiakers, .i:,d i - l - "I i 1 1 1,,-.im i of t-a'-li count v : Vnn tr-t, .ill ;h,- tin h -m n tliu- exi-inpted shall ho skilled in their ru-p.-rtiv,. tiad- s mid w einpiove.l in tin- same p; iotsto hi -t ot nnuiiry , I I, and har e contitiij-d to lie so etn .',,,i ,' -on - lb. ii tun--, 4 u-, j.l .pub! ic millers whe shad ti-- . x-oii).; i h-i., i . it,,--.- a;-. mi i-iikraed unl. it .-h.i'-l .i, ar l.h I' n a -i s .; i.ii-:- b.ive tuin.'d nt!"tl,(ii iii i i.- ! ' ii,-.in i ti.-iii.-. i . e lo i-vade tin- scrvic.-, tt.t-n M. b o'.T o. , 1 1 -1 , n h". - e x-Tiij.t : f'rtirt'ltd , tlnlt the ex-eiiipiiiii,.- in tto- o ol i-hiill n, ,t lip-'iv to lloine (ruanl oth-',-i e.iiiinii .-i.iiie.1 urd-T this art, but shall a ply to the l'.n;.- I . aa 0 aa t ihlia alio ai,- laquned under Una a.-t i -riav i:i t le- i .mk .ind ivln) would to. i-ntith-d to ex.Mi.ptloli il th-'i did not l.olii rr.iu uii-sinna ; and I'm-..,.-,' .utlitr, ih.it no piovi.-uui ol thisact shall be con-.-li u ,1 .- ' :,s lo - x, liipt ne i- ,--i son iiei-i-in mentioned from llion, (lua'.f e.uiyin die i-,,ur,tv iri ivhirh h,- t ,'.-iid, . . t. 1' iini-ili'-r . ft iro-i. Tlmt all lawix aud clauaes o In e-". iii-- in e.aitle t wiUi lh.ii- ai-L Ua and tin aatne in -- iii r, by i al -'l. ,.. '.. II- it Inrlhi .- runrir.i. That th i act shall he ill li-rc.? Ii.-oiviii-il iiiU-r iis r.uilK-att.or i rio, sibiioV imj'ouoks, tUK nil. I, .-!'.I,b, OX TL'tSHAV X'KXI', tie-TH y in-i.iiii, a "I i.i hk--I, to roes, consisting id" Men, Wiiuli-ii . Hon .mil Itirls II in all. W. !". AmKKW A CO , Feb - Vt'l Auetiiinei-i . ok. Ji f aiiuim;to:v '. 7.1. V d- .sr.'i'A'O.V l K ST 1ST. SI'i.i'lAl. iirl'.J. I.IVriX 10 DISK ASKS O T t; . Nlunih .-lid Throat, tiiltee, nt fjt.-i.ange H'-t!. h.'i lna ou Hillabero at.. Kb J :i 1 1 r Kaleiiffi X. . . PRINTING! i 1 1 K 4 4 PAILY PauGHESS OFFICE," ,i iiiimi .l'-.i; tdlvlil ol .lntciial, tth illfli.-'ITf t A- i iri v .t : j-'1 and on. nt the imrst POf E PRESSES f i flic !nl iiT u-v, i" pi i nr-iMTf turn mf aii kiiiil? o 1 ;. til' I) I . t ;, .V i In ai t aiiJ al i ice.-i i-fai-uablt.-hi- a.TtTtt d in u-t' tHH'(. Wi pmiiii thiiL work ciitru.tiifd t-. us .-tmli lu irumill, ijVliiU inni rxpfiiMloUslv f'JtfCUt.'il, Onir. tti- i i c i t c; I . I !a IM'aNNINUTOft At i O. "RaRS W'ailteri.- - Fortv rriitii ft P"nnH n-ill be paid tor all a;e:i r'-i(ni) or linen dt! iTfrd at t he . onscrint OOioc, Kair.uh, V. 0. Feb. 17th, IHfio. j UlUCL'I, , ) .No . The attention of Km oiling otlict-ra is al K i to ihv U lowing General Order from Ileadijuftrtora Armica ot" tlu Confedorato Mtatfn : 'Ifdq'rs Armie of the 9tatrs 1 1 th Fohruary, 1865. ) UfiHKKAra Ordkks, ; So 2 . In entering upon the caiiijfaiKn about to opn, tlie (in-i-rat-in Ohief fVrlfl aesurLtl that thi Bolfiii'rs who have ci lontf and bo nobly borTTe the hai dships and dangers ot tli war, reuuire no exhortation to reuoud Ut the call if honor tnd dutv. With the liberty transmitted bv th. ir torcf-ttherw, thr have iaheri ted tbe spirit to deft nd ir . The choice between war and ahj ct subiniftiou if rn-fiv them. To wuch a propoaal, brave men with &rmn in their hand--can have but one answer. Ther cannot barU-r manhood for peace, nor th.' riht of 8elr government ior life or property. Hut jastice to them requires a.tciner admonition tn those who have abandoned their comradi-s in the hour of peril. A hut ipportunity if offered them to wipe out tlie din (raco and oncape the punish ment of their criine.s. l.v authority of thu 'reirin.t of the (vonlVd-rale State.", h pardon is .uinounced tt) mh derfertera and ni' ii improperly nbttcnt as shall retnrn to the commands t which they belong wit'iia the flhorteet poniihle time, riot eiC' ' t .'t'niy da1 s from tbe isue of ihis order, at the it., udquai ter-j of the dep.irt uieiil in which thev inav hi1. Those w ho may he prevented br interruption of nun tuuniCHtion.i, may report within the time ripecilicd tn the nearest enroi!inp o Hi per or other otlicer on duty, t be forwarded as ,-oon as practicable, and upon preiontin a certificate from hueh ctlficer showing campliance with this n .juiremerit, will ioceiv the pardon hereby offered, Th-'se w ho have d serted to the a- rvice oi the eiejtny, or who have deserted alter having been once pardoned for i he san e oil, nee, rnd thoBe who shall desert, or ab sent thi-ms' lv a without authority after the publication ot thin ordur, are tjicluded from "its bench tit. Nor does the otf.-r ot pardon extend to other utfuuoea that) deser tion and abisence without periniion. itv the ?amc authoritv it is a!co declar d that no gent rai fliuuHstv will aain b-' granted, and thime who refu-e t' accept the paruon now otlered, or wh.) bhall herenft. r dei; i (,; nb'ent thenelv- 8 without h ave, diall HuOer puch ftunishment a the Courts mav impose, arid no ap plication for clemency will be entertained. I nking new resolution from the tate w hich our ene-mie- int'tid fr u?j, it t every man d-vMe all . i i -t en.-rgieH to the common defenc?. Onr r sonrces, w isely and vigor ously employed, are ample. Hnd with a brave army, rur-fained by a determin ed and united people, ? ucerft, with God's assistance, can not be doubtful. The advantages (if the enemy will have but little value, il' we do not permit them to impair our resolution. I.et us , then , oppope con,tRncv to advereitv, fi'rtitud" to buf fering, and courage tn danger, with the tirni assurance that lie who gave freedom to our lathers will blese the efforts of their children to preserve it. (Signed) it. K. LKK. Ueiieral. Knnlling Otlicers will make eyery H'irt to give publi city to this iriipurtani order, and will urge all good eiti Zeus of their respective counties to aid them in rendtr ing i tn d-'?ign s.U':cef?j(nl. It will be itbserved thil thi.- if the last offer of pai doii for the infamous crime of dertion that will be inni-'. Knroltjng ilie.-r are made rf.p,,n!ible under n penally of trial by ('"urt Martial, tliat cv. ry pus.ihle i ffort in made to apprehend all ueh aj do not report themdetves. Knrolling OiUet is vill alluw ?urh as Volunt;iri.y import within the speeilii'd time tn gn diiect to tln-ir commands furnishia them t a nspotaf inn and the nece-sarv crti li rate. A duplicate .f f'-r e-rtitlcate thus given will b.- for warded to th is otlitv. li v oi d'-r of the (Toinmandant : Feb :'J-tl3tw-'t " K. J. HA HI) I . (, Adjntnnt Tapers througliout the St.it.- -x' V:U Congrefiuriiil District c- py, iai!i;,- ;i tii;h ami V.. klv's twice. SALE OF IIOnSKIIOLl) AND KITCIIK.V FURMTUHK. T he itnikhsk;f:i) wishivo to disposi; of a ouantitv of tin above nint otmmI protiertv will oi ler at puuiie i-ale on Saturday Zolh hi Uruaiy, at tier res ilience in Jaine-towii, Guilf-rd Oi-unlv, vu : Feather Beds. B-d Clothing, Hedfteadn Itureaun, Looking Olara-t-s, one good Clock, Wastiftand, Wa.-h Uu'sl ana I'itcti er., Sel-boafdrt, Tabi-vo-de ttdtng Tblo, Table. Fu in i ture, h -ve and 1 ong, Fire 1'", one tine ( astor and l.'ruits, two Setts (Jhairn, one new, one Sett of (,'ane hottnaied ('hairs, nearly ii' w, cooking Uten.nil. one Stove, NYa.-h l'ots, Ac Al.-o nar l.alx'.- Saddle, one ('ot'oii SpintM r "Jr Sj.indle.- Term.-; ca;h io specie. MAtiV M K.V I) KH A 1. 1.. Feb -1U . TO (iS CONSUMERS. X AN1 AKTKK Til K 1ST OK MAKCII, Till, prn.i; ol Has will bo $slj per llinn I'm t. 0 WAl'I.IUlOl .sK A HOWI-.S, Feb .'l-Istni ' la-ssei -. i(H) REWARD. ANA WAV ON T11K ;IK1) OF I IKS MONTH A 1 IV N.'io It, ,v naui-d ijtOKliK pained niuiafo, about '21 ve.irs old and claims to be a barber. The i paid tor his eonlinenii-nt in anv j.i eilher W F Askew k Co, l,a..ij;h, at Kideway. i.- a bright i.-d-t iiu-h.'s hitrh, r.-waid will b" hi- d lnerv to Mr W J Hawkins Fob ii "it moi.diers- 'l,AniN. rpilK I.NDKllSUiNId) HAVlMi UKi-N Al'J'OlM' I ed I'oinuiisso.ner to in vesu'at.-, eoll... t and dis tribute Claims id Deceiised S"idiei.s' kiv.s noiiee that alter the "201 Ii iust., he will Ii - prepared i.. I'uriii.-h the blanks ivln-rehv the wive?, i-hildn-n. cxecul.-r. or iidlniri jjitralors ol dec-as.t sohlieis mav hnve tb.'ir elabn.- plac ed iu pi ii, H--' lor. ii to be ti I. ii in the. Auditor's olliiv in Hii-huioiid, and will us,- every elhul iu his power to fi.ivr the saint- properly paid. I'etsotiB applyiLg I ir blank- must lornard a ?b e nt postage 'tamp (oi two Iu eent bills ; to j, repay the post age on the same. A Kiai.str.f ti'l claiiqs wid ha kept, ami at uni time tbe state ot' a claim mav be ascertained. Iil-.NK E. COLiON, Feb '21-tl l'ayett,.ville, X. C. Atlj't and liisp'r Gen's Olllcc, I JH'II Mo Mi, Sept . 1 I , 1 SI'-I. J ' GfcKkliAI. (lul)KIIH, I No. I.'J. , m Tlli; FOI.I.Ort I u All OF COXl.lii-.SS , is published I'm- id,- mtm matiou of all '-oim-, -rued : " Kvitt peraon not subj -i-i to tin, U u I , s and ai ticl.-s ..f war, who shall procure ,.r nt'i,- ii -ohli. i ol the Con teder.He Stat.-s to des.-rt, who stiiil hit. Vi.,.,- Ii,,n, iIn, soldi, r Ills N,-ia., i, try ,i-ii , ,-,'i,'i iotj ,i-,,iy imr- tH'ri-tif shall upon h al colivieu.-n, h hie d, al tlie di.srl t-tiun ol' the Curt tiavin e,.iii.ani-.- ,.t tb-. s-iiii,.., in u ti v -mil not exceiidin three hun.li.'d d i!;io, and br iiiipi:u,,n,-d not exeeelliu one year." liv oi di r ol ti e .s, , i , tar id War. i Signed. ) s. coon;!;. fc Adj't and I usp'r l.-n'!. 11 ll a lig i Ki.-uo i- X. (.'. ) liali-i'.h , Felo- ii n i y 1 0. Ottiiiat t " .1 MT. W. ti I.NSIi.tT.I-, Fi b H dTtwIt . A. U.-i,'l. Stale p-ipers copy s , .oi in W. ll. K IC'fl A It UNO. CO.,' BliOKEHS AM ST'h 'A' ACCTIOMKRS, ItKSI'KC I FL'I.I.V SO i.l I'll I'llNislUN , .. ' s. Ot t M i; l. llion. n . i;. .4MT- Job I'rinlillK' Hani.V aii abitmltr.ee . ' :, a twrial and jood w..t k 'u--n -x ar-- i.-..ired to ' - nt .ll order h I... i on l',ii.-i . io, i i i , j 1 1 - - - - . jWllow lo Semi ni Alom-y. - n . - i, i .v--..ai-when you cau ariMl oy l.p', . ...! m..,,,-, t.,,( ,,v n. Ireas at onr expense. Thohe siendiu us ni-..o-v by ...nil tsiit do to at tbeir own rink. idllKCTOKV FOR CONFEDERATE GOV 'HMK,T OF KICKS IN THK CITV OF KAial.llill I.iut T t! JAUKri, Ciiinmandant of 1'ost Headquar ters oa faretterille utrect. nppoaile tha new Bank nuunin. Mat I'KXEK MALLKTT. rtoniuiandant nf rnnanrintal- lleadquartera in rear of Dew Bank Iluilding, and no .--ins mi, yi est oi r ajetternie ftreet. Lieut Gun T 11 1101. MF.S, Cnrauiandant of KoaerTas ITeadquartes on llillsbnro' street, W'it of Kxebaua iioiei. Maj 11 K HOOI'KK, Chief Quartermaster Di.trict ul N V Headquarters in old Ouion Hotel, North of Capi tol Square. Maj W J UAKKIt, Post ComaiiMary llaadqnarteri Oui on Hotel. ilaj 11 U HOOl'EIt, Uuarturinaator an Ueneral -Holmef' HtanVHeadquarii r bead of Hillsboro' Straet, naar residence of Judge Haundert. Maj S (J MTklXOFKLLOW, A AG.onUsn Uolmea' .Staff" Headquarter with Ueu Uilin. C'apt A W LA WKEXCE, Ordnance OUioar. Surpeon HKl'tK B H1NES, Medical Direotor Head quarters West aide ol Fay -tluvilltt atreet, opposlta Market Squaro. Surgeon K H HAYWOOllin charts f Pettigrtw Kjg pital, Xo 13, (bead uf Xawbern atreet) lleadsju ters at Hospital. Surgeon li U LKIUU, in charge of Hospital, Xo8, fJeo Institute) Headquarters at Hospital. surgeon J W TRACY, in charge of General Hotal, Xo 7, (Fair Wiouuds) Headquarters at Hospital. Capt W E FIFRCK, I'ojI tjuarteruiastar -Headquartera (iuiou Hotel. II v U,r.I)RCUY LAIS Y, Post Chaplain Surgeon THOMAS HILL, (TbiafSurffaon Headquarters villi (Ion Holmes. Kev F FITZGERALD, Chaplain Hospitals No 7 and IS. DIRECTORY FOR STATE HOT RRNMEN I' OFFICES IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Maj Gen K 0 GATL1.N, Adjutant General Headqaar ters at Guion Hotel. Or Kl W" A K li ti N , Surifemi General Headquarters un East side ol Fayettoville street, near the Capitol. Maj Wui U UUL1CK. Pavmajter Headquarters at Gui en II, .t.l. j JOHN OliVEUKUX, Quartermaster Headquarter! at Guion Hotel. Maj T D HOGG, f omniissary and Ordnance Otbcer lleadquaniers at Guion Hotel. Maj HENRY A DOW 1), Quartermaster Headquarters Northeaet corner of FayetteviUe and Hargett streets, up stairs. Maj JAMES H FOOTE, Asaistaul Adjutant Ueneral, i Roll of Honor) Headquarters at Guion Hotel Mnj WM A GRAHAM, J r, Assistant. Adjutant General -Headquarteis at Guion Hotel Lieut J0SIA1I COLLI X'H, Ordnance Oopartmeut Head quarters at Guion Hotel. Lieut THOMAS WHITE, Assistant Quartenuastor Ilcadquarters at Guion Hotel. Lieut ISAAC W GARRETT, Assistant Quartermaster Headquarter with Maj Dowd. Lieut T H A D I ) E I ! S MoGEE, Asaistant Cummisiary Headquarters with Mitj Dowd. Lieut CHARLES 11 THOMPSON, Assistant Commissa ry Headquarters at Store House, near N C Depot. Lieut GEO W -TIIOM I'SON, A.ssislaat Adjutant OeBo ral, (Roll ot Honor) Headquarter with Ma; Foote. Lieut I'HOMAS W SLOCUM, Assistant Adjutant Gene ra! Headquarters at Guion Hotel. To Carpenters or others Wishing lo BUILD. -A- TTLlXJTG OjtLO-jTLO! riHIE A D V ERTISEIi OFFERS FOR HALE THE J traoie work, all morticed and ready to put together, ot a . .1 A' V E ll 0 US E , til xi; leet, cwltage sty'-, H rooms with basement ; Togeth.-r with Iti pair lilirids pruned ; 17 Door Shutter and frames ; 14 Large window frames, with rolera. 7 Window frames swithout rulers, li Sett Sash Glazed Glass, 10 h 18. 6 Fr-.ntispieces for tire places. This work was done and the material prepared for a lar;. tine building, and nothing but Mooring, weather boarding, shingles and lathes and lime are wanting tu fin ish it all the rest hei ig on the ground. The property may bo seen, with a drawing of tbe buil ding, and terms ascertained by call ng on oraddreaaing '" -'' EDITOR PROGRESS. NEGRO AUCTION AND Commission HOUSE! On Tire first ti At or .lAvu.vur next, at the bouao immediately in front of the Post Olbce, lorniei I v oeeupied a.- the Progress ulfice, on Fayattenlle Sireet. in Ibe (,'ity ol Raleigh, the subscribers will etab lish an Auction and Commission House For the Sale ol SLAVED Vi e have provided tae and eon,f,,rlahle qaai ters, and will he as inodertte in out chaiges lor board , Ac., aa tha limes will permit. With an experience of twenty veins in the trade, and ibe advantage ol an uiten.-m-e acquaintance, we natter ..urselre Unit we und. -island ihe business . .and, with the assurance of quirk sales and prompt returns, respectfully solicit public patronage. 1)'''' 1! (ltt WM. F. ASKEW A CO.' FOR RENT t FINE SIORH HOUSE, ON F A Y ETT BY l,(K St. with- dwethiig- itmre, slite i paiaago and all aa- niiKiiii i auanjr.-.i, lor rent lor the balance of tbe ear. r. ! II Apply to C M FA RKIrlS. FOR SALE. SPLKN .111) MICROSCOPE, Appplv to b '22-;it i II. D. COLEY X C Rook .Store. SELECT SC,JIOOL. M I S S M (I I. I. I E W . F 1 N C Q . , i :i,i. l esid.-iiee of Mi Win II Finch Feb -it ,WAuv or our rrlfiula rei elvlng luiK)Hniit news Iroiu the army by pi it ale loiter or telegrams, will nlr a jrreat faror on ut by sending or learing them a bis orllee lor ur urn. 1865. Coutitinllouse liilii e h rj ? p , o o 1 i ! o . K' J. $ H r I 3 3 S. si Ji , o-. 2l I." '.'.S-l V ...... 1 JAN " I 2 3 5' ' 71 Ui 21: 2H 4 11 IH , 2&. 4 1 11 ltd 25.1 JULY k. 9 10 II Id Iil718 n uu,n 1J 30 31 ' Ml 6' Hi 71 8 12 13,14,15 12 13 1i20i 26.27 I 2 3' 10 18.17, 23;24, : 3 i l 4 .5 l 11 1 13 lti, i.:i) 25 2ii,2T 7 a 14 21 U 'i 23,24' 3d 31 ACG'T I 2 3 I .. ' 6. 7' , 13; 14 2(l2lj 172! h i) 111 la 16 17 22 23 24 2 30 31 li U v ii .'2 27 1 28 MAR. I I 1 f.1 61 7 e ltiau 16 1 20; 1 'i'i 26''i7!28 n APRL 1 I ! 3' 4 6 I 9 10 11 VI l(i 17 18 i :3J 24 26 26 ,.10 MAY I ,-123 7( 8 10 U 15 18 I. 2l22;2J 24 2 3 y 1 1 0 1617 23 1 24 : 30131 ! 7! SEPT I 2 n y l.'- It r it .'.' It ' T 13 li It' Jl 27 j ' 4 3 4 5 6 12 .3 14 I H 211 II 26 2T 2s 3 4 .'1 Ill I I 12 17 IS.Ui '-'4 26 .f '1 I. ' 7 8 !i' 1, 10 n 1171th Jl 26 1 ! 8 U 22 OCT'R' 1 ' 1 K tl 1 ft ' 1 l-,2l2;, 13, U 20 21 27 '28 p 31 i 6 NOV I 11 1 12 13 5 ' 12 13, ie I, I i T II .4.2 i ) II II 2." It 2 JO I ji 14 15 r 21 21 2.1 2t 29-30, 26 28 27 19-20 2Hi2y 30.31 82 27 JUNE r 2 DtC'R 4 6( 6 7 B il 14 J5 16 211 22' 23 28 2S 30. 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 16 ll 6 7 li 13 14 19 20 11 26 27 2S i 1 1 1'.' 1818 36, 2li Hdq'ra Arniiei of Ibe ('. statei, 1 1th February, U(6 ) GaaaaAL Oansas, , No 2. In entering upon tbe campaign about to opeu, Oia Geueral-iu-Chlef feels assured that thu soldiers ho l-i. so long and so UjaQly borne the hardships and dangers t the war, require no exhortation lo reipond to ttie v,r of honor and duiy. W itu tbe liberty transmitted by their lorefatlieri, 11. have inherited the spirit lo defend it. Tim choice between war and abject suhmission isi fore them. To such a proposal, brave ineu with arm. in their hau ls can have, but one answer. They cannoi barter inanh" peace, n.,r ih. 1 i,iii ef selt-gotrrnuient for life or property. llut justice to tin m rvqtiirts a su-rnrr adiuoiiiiion : . those who have abandoned their comrades in tie- h i peril. A last oppoi tunity is otTcred them I., aloe out ti - J .,. Krace and escape tlie punishment of heir crim-s. tiy authority ol the President ol the CouVd. States, a pardon is aunounced to such deserters ami sa u impi opoi ly absent as shall utuinto the cu,,iiisiid te which they belong within thu shortest possible time, not eleeeding twenty days from the publication ot this ordai , at tl e headquarters of the department in wliice tl ey mar be' T'hose w ho may be prevent.; I by inlri ruption of c .11. tuunications, may report witliiu tlie ii 1 b -pecifludo the nearest enrolling iH- other otlieeir on duly, to be lorwai d od aisoon as practicable, and upon ,r, senti ,g lo eei u Boate from inch ullicer show ing cou.pliai.ee with this 1 qulremenl, will receive tbe paidun loieov i ll. reu. Those who have deserted to the sjriic- u! the cr.cn j . or who have deserted alter having been once par.l', uJ tor the same ollunee, and those wt,,i.-,,iil d.-jeit. ,-raij-sent themselves without authoritv alter lie puhl cat, a ol this order, are Lii.udi d I nun its h, i.i I. s, N..r the wfl'er ol pal don ia lend 1.-otter eti iu .- ,..an lion and absence without pei 11 isii,n. FJy the same authority, it ,r m, deel-u, J (list 11 te. era! amnesty will again be , ant. d, and t.'i who 1 e'ns . to aooept the pardon uow nloir d. or who il,..:l luoea'. : desert or absent themseives o 1 U. 1 u f k-av .iiall l,. such punishment as the Couit univ iinp. and no apsoi cation for clemency will heeniertaiii - I taking new resolution I, 0111 the tale whieti our ne , ; intend lor u, let every man devote all Id. ,-n -ignis ' 1 r. common defence. Our resources, wisoly aud vigorously employed, a- ample, and with a brave army, "susiau ed l,y a del rn.i ed and united people, sueeoesi with ()il - i.'iiiUi,,-,, ,.-, not be diiubllul. Tne advantages of tlie en.-mv will h. , .- 1,-n I ml,. .,., if we do not permit them to onpair ,r , , . - ,!utmn." l.,-t us, then, oppos" constancy tn adv e.i s 1 1 iim.te to Julr lering, and com aire to danircr. wi'tii n. i, .iir. that He who gave freedom to our lain, 1 a vvil, o,.ss ti e efforts of their children t pi, -serve it. K. I-.. LEK," General HiCqra. Aniiiea of (be Hiifi il States, 1 lltli February, li,,,. 1 Ginsiui. OntiKits, ) No. 3. I'he diaeipliue and ellici.-nr. ol tne un, have Ii ,1 (really impaired by meu leaving then r -per co.ni..-in.. to join others, In which ihcjr Hint suiic- more ,11 li able. This practice, almost as houmous in 11 iionieoin- e - as the crime of desertion, by th Articles of War, epo ses the ollenoer to a similar punishment. 1111 1 suhiVet. n,,. uthcer receiving him to dismissal from the armv. It is literature declared that the nrovisi.on of i;n. Order, No. 1, of this dale, from army headquarters, p ply to such men as have lelt their nroner roiiiiimnii, joined others without being regularly translerred. Tnrv win receive tne panlon promised in that order, upon complyiag with its conditions, or sulVei the conseqaene. attached to neglecting it. 1 ne names ol such absentee will In- l..rlh wnh r, 1,0 1. 4 to these headquarters by the otrtcers with whom lb-v arc serving, and immediate measure taken to retu-'i. tbetn to their proper commands As soon as practicable an inspection will he mad.-, and charges will be preferred against iliose who neglect to enforce this order. fob 20 dt li. E. LEE", Gehei I" Hear Wiarlea Reaerve. .. C. ) jLjrji' rav r G anaaii.'s Orvn k, v kah-iif li. II, r. 14 I Mil 1 General Order, V No 4. f I MAJOR C. S.rtTRIXT",. EI.LOiV AM74IST NT A H I .jutant General C S. P. A. will re'ieve Capt. J-,n '.. Hinslale, Assistant Adjutant G. n-. ai ol iLe.orie..! v C. arid the latter ptlicer w ill proceed lo j,,iri ti e 3, ,1 I. . k-, tnant Keaervea Ni (!'.", as its Oi-lonei, h liavtiig'hr ,1'..' elected to that ollice on the 3id uf .lanu.irv. In;.'. The Lieutenant General Comoiaiidiinr. n, inking 1,-.. of Colonel Hindsdale, tenders his warm congratulation on bis promotion, ami earnestly hope that the mi. , (fence, leal and gallantry which has chni ncit-rn .1 i.i service a a mail oituier may he matured b into (fieater usefulness in bis new and m i 1' ipvl I rite sphere. (higncd ) 11. II I.I I, ll'U MRS. I Conid.g Otficial : Chas. K. SiaiNnFkaa.on-, Feb. 14d7twlt Htata papers copy seven limes A A NOTICE. TTAVlNii Al rtntilAr. ...i. , i.mm ii v .vki; I I County Court qualified as adninosirati-r -.f -I hth. -0. Fsrrell, dieess-d, I give 1. one. to ad those mdelv. d to the e.tai e ti). toalce paym.nt, and -to- 'her fTtittTe" ." ",T" presen i their alaim w lthin ihetime pi . 1 ihvd hi- , P i- I RKI.LL. 0 - 2lb.,?'"i . Adinini -, . NOTICE TO SOI, D! KHS' FAMII IV.S 1W1LL ATTEND, .v I liiECotui u.m. ,.n a leighou Wrdu sdaj and Suiur lav ,,f ,-a. 11 e,-k. ' r the purpose of pa nig off ilie,,,,his i-su.-d bt il,, sgenta fcir Ihe reli.-l of the ind.g.-ni linuh . ,.1 ... Un 1.. On alt other days 1 mav be loun.t al inv houie .1 D II Y KS Feb 34 3t i.u:i i ,;,,,n,i.-'i,.i 1 Standard, Cotil. derate an I c 1,-. . .mve e , . times. FOR 11 1 R K., thk 11 a Lance of thi: v kau a m ,. n " GIRL, accustomed tn house w oft -and uui.i.. , :,i j ao. Apply at Progress OtflVe. Feb'25 1. 'HI . 1 Vtt I i" I . t I 1? I 1, 'at , hi , roil 1 1 . - "i Vi J v - .;. 1 M . 1 1 4 41 ' t .ti rf! t - a,'' f ;: eM If a '' '..' v. t 1 irVt 4' ft a. i 1 ) ) 'U i. a 'A 1 w a :.it S It A1 J. , li.,' I 1 ri. 'l