- .. -1 "i ' J o'"v . PiiSSliui-Ti & (,agj ... ADVJ-iKTUitlOS OF AN, A 11 MY COU-p'- -KKhl'ONDxNT 13'NQIITH A'AltO-g , V'winkt.j 1 1 i; iidluwijiy ox I rct h irornfcy- thu Army (Vr.w;iSjM)nli'!ice of the , (Jincin-fcp . uattt (Jommcrcia! : - , j (In Tiiunainy, the 16t.li, . starred fromgl . r 1 . , . . i . ( , , "1 v inninlt 1 I i j' i I A i fHV'llt -111 X L he train was to ..,' fW.v-, ,'t gaisliaaail.M ' I Will all m - ... arawafiajaoaaSaaB . "I- -11 11 1 """ VOL VI ..HlinitV W 111' I v:l KlH'ti. Ollf WiiVt:'. . , '- a to j nil liie.oD-unul. jj, mrohiog iir. ODD or another, vouin or-im-i of mv ii.i":riniaro 'strt betwoe'u 4 ayt j-l'ij1,1:.,... voti 1 1 j iif t-a TmiTit!irV' rail rid waited Rt the depot Inpn l; p. .in.-, till 11 o'clock. 1) 'in , oeforu the u;tin star ted. The wind blew n ffile, and 'ho ope indow-Has'ics also ui.'i.!'- u.h ai)naintt' .iith ihe latL that. not, mi 1 v was i -, wm ohl. but niixcil wit n iiDUti'innt iii.ii.---, RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, .A P RIL 19, .1885. NO. .. , . ,. . . ...rf,. w.wt..-ihwbv.l. miW!XWWaXSSWllW3mS3aSKi 1 'fi'lUlrWHIM' II I 'II WWII with a knabsack o its ;.tbst wss Sherman's way of taking piwssion oM" I started t rt was toUiek, iu the shape f it victorious armies o'j&the road, and turning ovtr the rolling stook. f , u?'0 To ivej-railimi gioptioy. . that, .anwesaid ...iadwriiiaS- But, the moat -wtw-ud .alwftilw -pitiful fgu ;f; Janny iirinVIl''!"1 tii'mhx," (and I might havo added, iiiukrcjssigbt,' U the crowd of poor negroes ,liatM is Ivi.tue (i '33 us llll , reut of erner und passion, such as swept the F? Jfontb into rhellion, but you can part out, so tbat wt may know tbse who desire a goveYn gt uieoiand those . who insist on war and Its doso iflatios. . . . . "' ' M xOU Ullgoi as WtJIl njipuai K. v..v Mtrm as against those terrible hardships of war. :They are inevitable, and tne otity way inc peo finln of AtUuta oati hoDa onoe more to live in llpeaee and quiet at home is to stop tho war, whioh 'a alone b done by admitting that it began M jorror, ana is perpeiratuu in piuo. . Swant our ucltoo". or tour harses, or your i!'.nd, or anyihinx you have, bat. wo will have a if 1 s:,rl'M r0,n". ".r,,.r r"; r r;::. :t'Lm?iist tbedienco to the laws of null Hitranceti, mil mil mruni , ... , . ... Aoet,.in onnw. He said two di jimni of 1W 1 " ' "lm " " , 1ia;.rnvfl Hie" IfibT'WfiWS."" Ofl-KniOtTTJi your Hnpritremenw we owunui uwK spienni.i kice mart. eommr.li. 'SlTou havo heretofore read fufelto sentiment .. . . if V ...1. I tfll .l J jUprtp uationB to r-hear thair wool vert olOf McJiokpa the way, loUoirinK a ait)cr in "rl"7-TS jbrtgid-. in the 20th Orpa.) gave aim in chargs ontyour aewxpupers mat live b; aisenooa ana vn h.rettiiu: reiulfa little henip, with one eye e, "Wliy don't yon stay at home T" "We fraidga4 uarii, who rnarehfl hf:n b.k in the rain toap-jejuji.,,,,.,, the quioW' - seek for truth msr. Jelfemon Davi?, ana the other easting ; -Uf white lollcs kill us when you ff.me, we m-'tu nijcmnp-jir, -imar wnico yawneu au fn ctber quarters (lie ftetter m you. i repeat, j or a, Riffo wid ytt " Aud w these infatuated sinplepavr him tnrn psle at the prosper.!, but I was g'yjlbeD b tho original cowpv. ofgOTerntnent "If. " sour apple tree.' hiiVlr-ii .were in fact. reed hy tho desolstioritu re him br th. 'wP08 United States hnd er t:-'!iU in Georgia M 1F. - .;. . K3!..r, ..'.t.rele t shifr. fr,r t.SeU15..1ves fei"-l"f.T. h !' or.aa of the wo!h;K5 . . . .... B( v u...,, ii.m aI1d never will jor vv norry iSrikiri'llv fur niHd nio a en Sio taoo around till, after bed-timo, botore 1 fovutf' Tr . . i . T t - ...1 1' .Ilac a t. 'L ptured-borso, but, 1 h.M1" 1 .'" ""'" . B 17 " ?V TwowW' ." Li.i;.,.. Krr T r,..llniik of water. I found an old, enpp! d, hlinde r . !iyc t'ti dhitr his way to opru the gale. p rL . . .i -. .1.. o-.-.u v .. u Eiiue; iua iuo ouutu uric" w.. etBoing in the agreea'-ls comnany ofl'lforts, arsenals, mint, custoi : Colnne) Selflrlfe ao.l his gaotlanoanly stsff, and thi sir before Mr. Linooln was iusf - ; , , , i tin race arounu tin. auer Deu-tiuio, oeiore i ioi,..u?bm Soldiers, tresii -Irota the hospitals, erowtl-2l , .,, f AAU :. .t'-feil"1 .,' lot,, the. oiiTv two little nasscii'j:(!i-o:trs!fe'g.,u.,... c u:..i. r ui;,....i . v- . Keare vou t'ini Unclo t" "I can't stay, I uiuct iiui.ht was ileartntly nasssd with tbe .genial and' al-,jHaHth had one iot or tittle c .. nil ,li..fiut:tion' were waiveef i.V nv-M A eonstaatlv full of thiols ' " f ' tlffollo de Yankees " Awl down the weary roadwthor l.esdtahle spirits who eoujpr.s. the J.hinps,lf ,mTe M(:B in Missouri, : otuoky, Tennesse. ev seitioif tbe i, to., lon nd before tht 4oxtion. 11 my- ai LTlllS 8;tv. hi-nut, the only rank di,tiu- LWtunoJ Colonel winning, Chief BSlbW bu- Tn T't T gT II r T shal.lt Tins one ftTIre,! ah-o-f folTToe,:,-,,f Geuernl Schafield's staff had been hitTHftht, uld eertitmly seem altowtber-unl..-. ,f0 .Clones xrliie , lU.nlef-s iK.ebfw Vsyu.ly at a propose, gallop OTer to Sherf" f fl'' ,19mf- 1 r.,;1f "T n hreakfast hy stsrllgh is . his ,t,lilorJ,, VTlien ho mav holf-u, wi.h a greeting-from the heroes of ,ft a young man who sa,l to 1... la .er !h y g r - s,lf o be b'uell-H-" '!' hroea of the Anabassis. What was!fBerlof ,,ho,ena' WM 'm to the Ironl, ...r the OHiseu ii.i:u(:i'ie Ii Uistn lo uo blUlll-$l .. j a , ... l t, lnt ... . n,.r ,1 Um'd Uvn lima.- . i .. walrw the most romaqttc arm of tbskjj Mississippi, liudreds'lMK. .bousands ef wo- rcst, at bugle el,lD ol;i'drfiu "B P :lm ray el the-ohtJPtXion, hungry and with bleedingfcet. In r.,.n..) .a .-n..W.Mmt,bis. Vicksbuic. and Mi.ssi.-HiDin we fed Spt.i .siioliosed t i n it very i 1 uli a e wen- l elat i n ( , 1 1 1 e 1 N I i . i hi.at 1 rem up all the .a : ust ton '0 ne.r lie; iii.si rii'S yl Savannah : v ' ; ii. i' .'11 ;l!h'S ;i II reply, v.. 1 1 hi ii : .. a. it , and, atn;-! ; '. fli.or. ..(f til'.' all ; t!a',r 0,,ii r.oo.'u 1 l.'llo 111! Keney,,.: 1 oTk'.SSlI;-,-! a tustitnilnoi hour 1 1 tM I v.p'nv vrxalnn, on Sunday nierning, the lyth; to i!:iul tliat, urtred to' a sudden start, lis was off, his f;-eort, but without mn. " My horse l p!is, Majtr Wherry, if your please,. arose wi;n tra i l.f nrl (V rllm rV ...r mr.,.n(.l .n..!.5.11emtjtilS. V KKnDUl'2. auu jiiswi.-cip n w aenuunoa, was J'r. tox. L ash.Mi -;j; . . , , ,.,r th (.valry, support..! by an iH-Kthouaands ot the families or tin roOel sjiaiers leu helot such a poor old blin'd slate K!'.n,iry hris-i.l-. w-r tn cover grand' flank moTe-jgfon our hnf, whom we could not see starve. . mariner to swish ! "Well." he re Vpliwrit" ths adv.mce nf tha whole army tiwatJ (Jolds-ragWow that r oouics homo U. you, nd you foel f . ;f k.J ,M.:.j)..u ..." - ""'feivert nlt-reni. ltieaSi Vou dei!reeated ita horrors hut did not feel 'w1i em " ' 1 'T.J, : . 1 LM. I'l Wev-ili ;ht Ifit in him, t. wou'd h ss t.) i stopped hut iieanl ttti'ao i Ik it stop (led i. at of the into the mud it ' si !o What h:"is t hrlraius.oi;!"' ih not tiio end o the trael en miles t Wnsloti ir-.:-. traek as far as eoinph ail'!,- id'eoiir.-e, three mi! is not much of an ad..; tn 3 i -sit, liHiel ii 1 1 vor hoard eai o i io nun,! e .-ei'ii ine on , (ss o;i. A ' length CiV.V'l, i i roped ;teps, a1"' p!'p i.l the t ,'.l.ii.' . - l, rhi'lrl " CViiifortiiiff, iudred. Away 3?h, inn with impatience, anil at the end ot at iiii'lri' i varilti :i in humiliated into dismounrin'rf One, ti I tn wtiv Lai' i.. ', .i n.,m. t.-, jiuri. i olisd. with an ede'e of fuelin I . S M'l.- . !,.,. ..!,... ,.ir,.r.il,;,, ul--K.li- tin; pn kets. " ( crtainly, withfes- , v", . "' " , . . " . .4,i;. V, ,h,. I....-Pltti "i'l i"n P'-opw tin "ii R'-imj, iu- a.sa. nrrj-TTTT-'T --vM "Wi1 -y-t ililgi w l- V'J ' 1 talJ , , . " i , l i I lid a hn'f the start, cf yon. aud vou arota'" " " ' ; . . - c i-: 1, . v sui'i1 ii iiJaiuy , l nma n. n i i i u c o '.'u- b- ... . i,,. . f ' . B,.-jt..sw.'.i t i.i av i.w.akr with t h I'iVIO IP,f Lrf'a.I.- B-j . A. -a- . cement, limn tne souiiers. n.mt ci, "'' iu... iu can fee, can he blamed. The army has but onef i . r.'-i a ton s t wns if the uncmy r suy reak himself upon x.inini; irooiis, 15 v i o ci r, nowever, 11 negan i ii'.' ir that ins HuiU movement was effectual .thf j.nuy iii l had i n HK'h, ami lik" a whipped cur, tall l.'n,' wa.J rstirin ..w'4f Smifitteld.' J'.hi-m, heu you Rent canon! of soldiers and W I io. miiii No help f-.f it. Oif L stnd 11, i mid Oi! - ,1.ll V (i a lop i al aflhri ! .i r a - l t i.. L ilinits no nvul. luvit suppreii the rebellion, A.vfiol-a rbut h 4,'vvn. iiui't" lnur, uv( , ri. uiu&dl amiiuui i uut-r,i , , . , , , i- .1 1 ... Eii.iwl I .... tK-sf rlntio nlnriA ii nuk lit'i.'?.!..... ... i.i : e L t.I pass the outmost, and find niy-f, . -, . J V'a'VJ,ia,c',"au' " ' ul,Mi- irom . . . . S'.as.-nBo tat.iv nn tr i nA ltinnnainr tniit nuiirM v. v .... . , i w unannod in tbe onn coflintrT ot tho cu.inx th'A . 1 . .' , . aVT- i .1 . i vt r-riuhtih to-day, says ttifl tStonaar 0 1 im . . . 1 . .,,.,.f l i-ir ,i an u- nana nisr o.ni :i " ... within a few miles, tho day before, -"-" ... ---53. ..ii"ViMlil luuy ui tiurnMiisU null mmiif.'ft mni fi oi1. ri v t-y .It. Sammunitinn and moulded shot and shell to oarry jtwar iato Kentucky and Tenuessee, aud desolate lihe hemes of hundreds and thousands ef good ajjpeople who only asked to live in pesco at their pljold bom. s and under tbe government or uieir 111 i??heritaiee. But these comparisons are idU. I ilwant peace, and believe it san only be reached 1 great 'with the pen great as jJthreugh a Union, aud I will ever conduct !be ith a view to perfect an, early suo- Callioun Hfeermsn is not oslv a ersat man on the: liow.. We r-puhlish to-day. ,?-rfh 1!tfli f.im nui- ina af Mi.nihar 3(5. 1 Rtf4. Rreater interests!'"- -v- ''--- -r-. ' , .... , j ?gec.s. l l.-ir r cuvalry. No help for it, though. i nun's hoys are vv cstern boys, and a Wes- i ii tii'hter neoas a H cetera writer o wiscrioe '1 th; t . mil.-- soon 1 ,. . P . . 1 - E9.!. .. fM . . .1 ...... . L . 1.... ..l.J.r.... 1, I ives ot aay '.nss OT peopirsf A' imiiuwuig auiiiimaic icicr uuuit-wcu uvm. siuthlcntu sa , so, but tliere1s!iermn to the .Mayor f Atlanta This lettsi tor the truth, tnat ms uw'isiuerasling at this time, as it shsws the peliojl a 'dioi; nd (f')d will which Gen. Sherssael i' ah.ae upon the wat- omliiued foawittl slin, swash, wadm " done, witiimit tic rflChmi V. .a- of the iv-iur'. Ifc souuJ s jn'St aut.lua lty ... , j in.: 1- . . i . - . ' , r , f (, R HIUttT 11.1 1 1 UU 11'.. .11. .. . i i i i. c . - ... ( f'IP. 1 I L'T -U'l wil, iwnw , 111; , ffn TT.jii.:.-; . . ., , . t ,v,ti!ri tho l.a.,r.t,,nrk of ihe flu nrr snort, t U"" ' r" "1'" 1 "' i w is rather an in'tereiting raoa would rather starve with lihertv ,'Ul Itlff , t , ... -.i. . .i :.t. .1 i. . f -J.i ii(iini- m'ltacr oi which, iiidujii, auwamutM , , , i ... . r .,. i ,8.5 Eni , . , tnornn.tr i , ' . ., VoV" nir! 'end .Tohnna-'-i00. ,Vi,Mleu uown WH" "mm c ""'il'den. Sherman, and "then T will share with -ronM Pce onc8 nl0re 10 eul on Jour "u . 7 J ILS. .1.1 r-rt,, tl.a l walrv H M ' It 1 . i a .1 - V..... 1 .. k..l. s, -,111 w api M . i , .'in n.- ..'-' j w . --- f ;a , , , , . , . , , ,, jvaai, JliLiaBia. X UU1 a iu iirw. thrt1 , 1 reaelieit the e.li i field iii tint" to eourtesv (A' votu o oiiaKias1 .oi orotneet, lmlpvi...i!d probably havg me lind niysei rest ha ve riod, i.l. ul sweatiiio- for ten inih lieidqiiarlers of (Jen. i lm invited, tiiroiiJri t!i corrcatioadeti . there, the stall'. A K-w. 1- t t I A,i .-nd ninnnfl hi iAVI w u;i iiinuuit,ituui,M,u t I 1 k;m, Io hmf -1 , to mo, f.r VtTm" a3 f"' I than feast witlig f V" i, ,.-.,n,.-at'tif the lnh 0- But my dear sirs, when that peao does oome -ou may call on me for anything Then I will share with y u my last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families egaiast danger from every p'artor. , New you must go, am! take with you the old 'and feeble, feed and nurse them, und build for Think of it! .ossible iprat-tieea as ir as ne eoura, asneceniMMaer.is, h moreauiet places proper habitations tu with Colonel Joel, Q'isrtsrntert',ie federal forees ill Georgia, and which he kas5,hield them against tho weather till tho mad pas irps, atidaa exeellnet dinner it, was.Idhrred to iu this Stste. Let tbe war ees, said&lsiens of men oool donD, and allow .4 .e Union iflftoo. wasueu uown wiiti some cotiies 01 toe oesis-( M ,,11..., r ;u ,k.. ;,v. w.K-Jand neace once more to settle on your eia noras wine, oastased from the eltivalry .f.i; . -, ,.1 , fim&i 1 no Ticiar. w r hq oh n unuu i.ii.t n.uu.i,f.j.r couple ortja , . , !,,. ,..,. . ,' ti, nintwlvMour homes and families aeainst daaser from eve-R Jmy.last cracksr, and watch wish you te shield id families against daager from eve-f Kry quarter. War 1 ne holiday amusement. 1 a it 'Halt! wtfo are your from a ava rymen, casnicz ouo m a traiway iulu iucf . - . , . , ,, j J . . ... D . E.Iwa aiv Spa anil h tiKil anil era.aKld a t firOUllCl " 1 AIJ right, though; they wen the cver-RS ,, ,, .. ,,, , ,, . j1Mi,4 ... , I 1 IV T . , . 1 TV I HI D Sill IHB All W aV.T. llll" wv- -t va-u,. 1.' ... ....... , ai.iVf U n. h,r. thrU2h which thesnu couW scaructy le.0e fc-f. A . , a,i,t ,fc,t,. inn-lSfjl rr v i'"., " " "-ji,ti, , 1 .. . .. .1 j l- 1,. r jnu.iia-"" ?a ! ur vou iiM"bt be something else. We belongSiS . .J , Xt- 1 . 1..1 ....j- .1....1.1J Aha hfiva ITS ' iiigiib Bppiiiou, uinao n..uuij W. T. SHERMAN, Major General. aTbosff who brinsr it on must expect to realise itsStf ( Written tor tb. Kaieign t rugrese. ''hostly by iuolce aad flam.. .Tha way- -were 3! . , J .1 1 . - 1 h r -A. 1 . ' 1 ,... 1 La T . 1 .11 , l umming aireauy, luo.u . , -m,)kea (0' M t0 be almsst impasiible-forsgers? ! '1 id on. a te'-ether. and soon evertnok 4mWr ... , , , .... -.L. in"; place toi .en. "Wp 1iiven't anvthine tu Ct. air. . , .1 i,-.i . ,i..t.,.l.1,t ,ip t'JI'eiurning with carls or as r . . . p.. IM, ' H HI C Ji .J lilU l. UtslJ'J . u-Jl-aijuiajt,!!' vuu EitS, 1 . 3 "Oh. .Tin not ..articular, Made. 1.1 ; 1 , , ,lf 7,nin,i r-rl Garrard'. 7rh ()hiellb..mg- Pu " d. .""!" nill share with yon.'' V wiry, w.d of Captaiu Aihbury's company, So I sat down to a dinner ot' the eternal. ne escort of General SchobVl. The detacli Sauthern pork and dodder. l'"oi' C'.i'feo Wn. cut rode in charge of Lieutenants Trago and -what, do vn'.i t.hinlv ? l'lianis ent usavoidsbly sailer with the gnilty. Bu hank Qsd. the storm has passed, aid the gentle!' star of peace sheds its benignant influents frem tbe heavens, Gotl stive t !re marl; I'.tiched urea w as a study 1 it kJ. lhiatiis. At, tlie head of the band, sitting his Tt?. horse gracefully, Lieutenant Colonel Iwiu.rig, i. nl 4 11s scientific General 1 favorite engineer, anafc. -!:.! 1 : i r ci. ..,.. a, o,i;i a,.n,,tj r4 .1 - . , t f 1 . ., . .7... w.tij n llll ' I'U IMU 1,1 iir:i D . v.-wv a,.v.v. , . with even -the nam . and without su a- a philosopher. .nia etioll ales loaded dowa with egs, butter, eveiy, ban that eoiild be laid hands on ; famius fol-p. Iir A 1 track And vat ilia "liusimers have hesn Tundameatal te the expedition- Mn-" M Calktmn, Mayor, E. F. Ravtim an a withust auv thr se, where no meal cJUlJe;iS Js. (t. rdlt, rrvrtientin Ltfu Council 0, j ran - be foraged, they have been knowu to seize mills, & Atlanta . , 1 -i,i.. r.. ... ITbadq'rh Mil. Div. or Tin Mrssusirpr, ffn the Field, Aflanta, Sept. 12, 18C5. j fior the theoi runinn?, ana grum m worn n.w roou.; nv .. . , L, .,, f iv 1 1 ,l r army. association Hi.seons .h i-o. tu.n. with even .the nan. ; ' ,f th, ftfrmorai ;lrn., capturing v t' n told,, d.i.d:. wont to a entletailll- . , ... , ' .. . :, ;.i,B:.)f taeir own, M - , "... xflaro sua swollen noui il-.j.;uij iu.hu...uc "n"..; , l .n.,k,U.i-.-ti ., ihronoh his intCl t .. ...... . u. i.. :- 1.- 1 J feiue ver ' , Biii'i.i'" 1 1,. p HiocKS Ptocaw 1 1 1 rat. il ta lu wc ufuci.i. , . . , , .- iv 1 .. ,...11 i ' 0 . . , .. v riiooi 1 a soi t. of b ro-. and tnern wi Tl.lll .I'll nil' ' u 'i ' ' 1 ' t for myself, and real eof'ee (ln.l .snar fro the Coniinisseiy. 1 0f cninou toward Smithfield. sjlivily mali rial for future sensati lviustonviis a trints about f he lookiii'r idaeo as it, ' A m , 1 1, i'l, 11. i'l tfTtl tlltfl O m ejs!' 1 ui 1 01 r:-s... .p. i.'i'.in. ? WU be "'oro!Sir.Urs re not desiirn-d to ua et the" humsnitica ofci .tinro.,un.-es,.han,h(, ,lt (() ,.'-,. for futur, ,frU)rgl., in2 I teim-nun s "JJuin-V-i.:..i. ai;... L i,i. ,.f .;n: jwilieh millions, vea hundreds of millions of gwd: urs I,. 1 .q . to east, e vi llas in'i'ii n. y i Tit' ! ti-ame, and alnio-t a'l witlioiit 1 pretension to ele!r.anee, i-xt-ept on npmi. tin-!,.-.! .e- r. V e I ' , I !'n-t a iiiuo n'h I t':.- I', i ihan 1 I 1 av.i'i v.) I .'-one oi..'t . linli'.l siy .. (.j-.tu-ople ouiside of Atlatkin have' a deep laterest.L'.-; -,vv- niusi. nave peace, imt, otny ai vnatita, out mj so ; .1- I the ''Leiii.il- I the ..' ;v,i- a eifn am, t '.1 , ' T . . ,1 , I (ties IjIH I .l V e. 1 a 1 ne ues tnl I fo'iiin; a (jUiuii-ity of arc .eointK mcBtly r dail'i to 1 1: sty hue it sol (Leninr, hv in this leTi.n) was print ou 1 a 11 k. , . i-i. .1 SM ilestauvtnturijusreii.)wareiuey,.oj,,,. .,,.. (- . , ..it. .... r. U15TU aiH'UH.IS:' . , - .... 1 11 , a-T,'11 n'ui '' i".ni,,i, w, ,vq .v i- a , ..... f. ...... ,11,.1. r, ta.n v yi.i batik nn:,.v ..... - . w . 'JMi Inlyro and Patson, bath of whem have st iFcr-Sip . " ' , -""j. -7 . Hj moving the nihuhit.suts Irom Atlanta. 1 hate ' '.. . ' . ., . . ., , -Sail rent. car,turn.i! ti hares, lorwint: skirmish linos , .... ... ..- ..i;, ..... lcr5- - i 5" p ,-, 1 rr tt.'J3ie.i'i 11 u.iM'.uiiT auu ittiv iuu i; cmt iu awiio L-w .(',',.. ,. ,,! , rliaa hafi'.i-d t'laa like nha F.tSii . , . ,-. 0 . f .. sj .. . ..-.ii . .11.... .., ..,..,, ;n.na "' "'"-e, "-' - '5.a.iinnta ot t hn iliatresa avcaaioneri hv it. atxl-v rir sii.iswciiui. -vH. "'-,-,!, .,. ,,. f ihfla.ivalrv. Eidi on hi ofliLV , 7 , . a di ir "stocks" stocks that, it is to be ueped.ftST,' ", .' . . ,.J 'fasiian noirevoKe my orders, simpiy neeiase ray a ...I . . , r.'IOefc IW A llll l HI I." 11, Alio ltl'-'- .Till uv i.n'iuj, .!.. ..,. . f,ir hencetortti, on rue decline. tf i day lonj;, as we rode, we heard the boom i i . , (.,,,. 1 . - . 1 . , .1 1 . - : , - iii-( 0; I ..ne; iii,!!iii-arl"K'-U, I lie country people, as ne patfHi.su, iuuiii-e; a -fsiia.f t;t! iiniae.nv iS 1 1 :is we asked Tor water, and helpless women, fei-,, ti., 1 I a i c 1 v fs'-p 1 ' ' ' ti.iiis at .lie breast, looitea up, paio aiiuaa. m n iilllrf'eai'fuL pleading for protcotiou To illustrate -anou J leia.vi''-') ir course was roundabout, to avoid any gra.S-"mp ,,, ,, , Jhukcdhorsmien hovering near Ooldsboro. OurV w, ,...;.. -- . - ............. -j.- u, , 1 '.''.'' , , r,t was-Farson's Depot, on - tho Wilmingt-nll"'1""' 1 i:SMS' ,v!," '"'"f ' " .,";:'r" "rt""(,,"ntt,"u,1'n "h'"" . ,nult respect and obnj. 1. where Sherman Ld nromised to bo. Ua.M" "!R ' ' ' ""l' "P1 . "'f l "! " '' 1 "fl T- (h" arnil!" "u''t PrePrB th'.' I iiariie ... , r., . , , ,r . re.-' u.' nivs'io ii.rn.i!i('-3 ei 1. '-s -.1 1-' ' m' ii.-r, . , . their ranesses. nrov dsi a resell it wo rouo iar souoiwar towara tve-jj, ,,,,, ,,,, r ,- rI. j,. ,. , ., t ,, ir!u lm. ; , . . . . , . , ' ' ,, ,;i. p i,:,.u i,. ,11 ' , , ' , . . -.. :wir h the nnns and instruments which enable US iiioisvnu-, wiiiJiii bwcu inuw.s ui mm u f-ic' i-j-.i.iriM-.! iu, .riitr n Ml 1 nitii-o i'l a oiF.'-tr y-io 'in ;...,,.-, . vt r i 1. , j . j Ltd , ' : l . a.. 1. ,. nwr;:to hceon.'.lish oilr purpeses. JNaw I kn. Ut'Oll UYeilOUH. UM, IUU WD U.HliaiVlJ ill l-an'l' t, -ul I It'll. Tl 1. ' Ul.l, M H.' IIU?. ir. 1 jhii, .iii.rv .... 11 i-, i. .jf... j 1 ..i a I- S ..I., r .. ..... r.i .... via. ... ..lip,.'.,. mi . ' 'ivtiunc'iVH nshire wt our enemv. ana l 1 110 llll'il Ua.l IOIlli.1U IJIU Ull'J BWOUL i.,WLW-j.-. t r ,n.n, , .iv . - , j . ., -j p t , I started in search of some eggs, and rode, to n.,- uh, I thom-ht -d m-.iler a..d siit.-ta far aw .y, ny le.re many years of military epsrtion.- ', ul,, .nt torn 1,0 hi ntr t.ownrd IV nnn..isvi tin. f. , 'a " u " 111 ' ,t '"" - f v," '" '" .. .. r in j . ,l i , R. ;; n-ii.ui iu'i-s t a coiifl'ct helween tw ...m-tit" ciTi-i ,:-..,-n ; . he t;iiuiJiDi'tie"rots huddltd at the doors oife.-. 1 ... , , ,-, , ,K.., S.V ,. , , ' .. , i ii , ,i 1 - Ill ItiH. J lt'l u .! lit .11 in nil-., i n,c , I' ' i ..... ,, . ,t. in.ii ..,.7 nowj . - . ... .u-a k.-.-w more ah-mt the lo " -"' "".a n m. r iM suc.ri .1 i.eo ,.f 1 .1. . .I fr i i.rr: ! th riih rebel armies that are arraved soainst the lawRK, i,u.ili t;wr that tinw itesiilaU'S our onoe happy and fsral e Mil. hi s-jV vori-d ooautry. To step the war w must dtffearpi tt"l'; Ii 11 , rt'hie'i "1 1 1 . H llO- Linl re- .-vtheg nt weSl qiiarie.r, and therelere dei 111 it wise nudgvf .1 is a ,n 1 of which t he foiiowin uvea : "Keceived of John Stevenson Co tl 'hier'.'of Dob, Twenly-T'hree- J)olia;'P. -"Jan. S, Isi'il. 'Si'i:PitF. lc,v..'' On -tin- sarjje street une.ii w.ucli their 1 I hv t; ic wav, Md (his hotel, arid w ;he mn in si ret t of ihisli't'He ilTeuhinvnni. hefore it, had heen overwhelmed with Yankee lava, stands one of the most vil lainously, mni'deroiis speetucles yon evei eftsi VOUI eTt's n ti.u, u.mt; aim me, .. pftid a Sjirgeoii. ''conn at the nitrver jai such a (frizzly, , 1 . . 1 . . 1 1. 1 . .1 ,lu ir nut atni a 'join me gateway, uuuueu v, uly heads aud chuckled. ' Olad to scosi isnk, boys t "Dat we is, massa. ' r j I rodo up to "Missus' " door. 1 OM' K j;'.you aby eggs to sell ?" She brought me a bas-' hr oi- lull. IV 111 you .lei, iuw uavo k uoa'ui, huh aid a boy down to bring bat-k (ho basket 7 " TiTce nil the. rqqs. iir, and the batktt, too 5ent a I'.iff half de'-aihi sii.ee, i'antli'riy uuby i.ver 11 somni" J'i 12 1. t'V('I' C'lt ' I t 'II '8ft H"llil ent to prepare in time. - 1 he use of Atlan or warlike purposes is inensistent with its 'Madam, barve il this I'Mii rebel I could hardly reussuro her, by paying her iVrj nur lcr, u.d n subject for tint civil ci.! nt i, h th. and cursed the D' vil a (I a iii'auts. ijeias and alv-tters Kin I fnu.nl tho ("iv.ilrv hev!il'ia'trs nt The rear tl. . :".";f leln-i a! i'-H'll. will t.s.1 Drcn ei.isiiefl i; K. . . l,. ft,, c. ,;i;.,.. Tl... ill! Ku , ipllno manufactures, commerce or agriculture her1 ,13'st' ft .n e, try. 1 !.!iv b"fn n ca-i . I Lis stilt with, ult ictue, h-mlfil i)u no si h's lait th'-;r sad tl? and i-.o c-vr- HiioiiL thi- rtv. A mower met in ami when .Hii. er w;n ' ; ; . .1 -r i- ... in, j gh'Hts' 1 luaiuieiiauee 01 litiiiiiiep, ami swuuer 01. ten workJ''Vt'tf want, will compel Ihe inhabitants to go. :i W by net go now, when all the arrangements are v-tc mplerad for the transfer, instead nt wniting til.l die pltiimiiiij shot of contending armies will re- ! 'I'Ui'-jiit.vr the scenes of tlie past month r Of coarse , t'H do not apprehend any sueh thieg at this, wo let a ." !'a:i it erini nod , le a tooKi, -1 1 1 lossinie -.3 k dozen, which, I insisted, suould be counted. outtrti .ii,.,. SIt,i ;,t. table with the Mamelukes, when ' 111 a cloth. T'oor lone lady, her husband atfc&.wium .Hunted the ral.. into tho Rrnvy and lbs ctiffea Richmond, atac wnte-t to forestall plunder by jsivtml 1. .1 ..f. l.. .n .....1 I.A.. 1..A.I fr.,-, - innjil iivnii away uu uai c!; uu ua,-.,i ,t'i ij-"' , - lit , , , . ,1 . -t- . , -.Kf- VV.I1 Jr r'f,..rr..f T Wned the meaninr Mal.r Bst.s very Keuen ualy m ,1 m,: iiieiiaU.-jlo, but I asaert, that my military plans makeitPL two-istoru ! ' J f I,,,, im-rnr. Rnon in the whke of Sherman'- ni.n n,y arr.vaf of six huedrsd uml hf.v 'I" 'Mrs- V;a,..-.-ssai-y lor the lntial.itaiits te go sway, ana lfaJ of Sln;ru.an,.Vip'n mj- liii,Niiii...c " lnt what naohl von bava 'I , r,vnn,," ,B ",,nn- ttVA tllM f O 1 T BH. HIT tVi'SSIH". c yen, eight, nine, ten, (counting the noses in3 ( r.i ai . wllt,rp 1 0 mess),- "Amen !" and this is much too long,bi!I5 m."i i! seems, lor any D'aow me rana oi uniraoiici-.M: mV ar is war. The blame fills on .those win s. ly tho torch, not o a use to s ivo the cjty c5 i nasiiiy niincrri y ri.Ji.ott.1 of veather-betiten, rotten-shine'led, doubltf-h gFal4r-WidmiMnn,. iilUiu-.jilaeJk.Jk. 1 could ever have heeii used, to prison hu-? man. beint;'s in ? lint in additMH, a it fo: answer -'..he Involuntary p 1 ie n,, ' o, hinting stilt more hornlde bbisph-miv f right tliere, in open View bi'l'oi'c tlie jait,' paraded upon the main nt roe! . consnicu-t oils to the pushing world ot'l.lie ninet. enth century; stood the "'inllory ! Al. ,ght iffa mounted infantry ran into our pickets, pe,.ini,ii vvi comrade, the Kursreou. crew verv uroUiiK rtnini themselves furauers attached to Terry Vi?881-. nvi- if " 'A liv "l.,int.,. ,.,, I l.o t ...!'.' 1 .,..-n r.r,oi.i.rh tho neit mnruiiiir woM The men were tu tr.' ,. ,. ',.'. '".'.' , ' -''" . . .1. ?.:v..i,iibv I hi- l.jvni'tlnti. Ihe I-.... 4 Ai l... ......I- '' iii . i i... . .. i,ir mi a n rtnr naiiiTi . ii.'in, --. . K"H uu . I ii .-v i.ui n.um iri,. welt e roue. noui mm uinv 'u K e nru , llamneil-ii l ain't one now.! ' 4 dore i.aa ueen .ine vonerai s ui.r.. , ,it Ul, All mv Is'Mhi.lv's pmneriy had been in s',ar f the (ncueral himself, noweter, tiaa ran up moj,-,.,,, (V,,.h . , . .'' . . .... k--i , 1. ( . .CiL. . . a.ai.iati F.-aft ii , nt.-r "I . -I' , - L. tur'h UoW'i kOr liad front Ci t-'O ku M t iY Dciore upou wna ui vnc rii nRiur,B t, -omhiv, 1 r::i unm uiu O.iK.itf lint wiiii ilea luar atararaimA r h f ttm nrmv wi ll! oe Here tin uie war is over. I cannot disouss this subject to you fairly,, be-j inuso 1 eannot impart te you wkat I propose tuj the civ-. :Jn.ir 1 .1 U'l.l.-I. writ r ML ul 'ii i those who-pull down the'&hlli01K., ftf,tl. n,d simi! ,i - i We supped and lay down in our overcoats,. ft I o inc lire, uuu nau'iies 101 piir'mu i.. i,l lis cared, f ir exsiti-mtait., winie a isno, U at tbe same tim tij ana raiment r Fisttg very generi'Ualy mil' ire .1 pt ale It is a-curiosity thong'. d' the last Ami (rt viTi' fii:i im app.ir,imc 10 o a lr$5irwmiit''nrt-jrT me lin,,e'gmr-i-S-rr wltl.IM S'- illtU i: illS'allCc .1 v.,,, ,..., ,..l,f ; Ur.l.ar Uriaaa ! wil. War is cruelly, and vou cannot reftnelg . , 1 . . va 11 , . , .1. -..a can only renew my oner or semen to max n ineirf xo.Iil" in anv uireotiou as easy and edmfortablefca ---. - - rrs the re-' to i,..Ml;ii'a ii..,? i." , v... in us 1 nr. ivml.' --ti . 1- o... 001, n ..... i-?l .11' .'.I'... v.. I I ......... . ....... ... .a fr,. Clii c can n-iur out. 1 Know 1 nan no nana, ing i-n-h iii-fcfaing this war, 11:1 ti 1 Know 1 win mane mon ; and those who brought war int our eountryci; un-ve nil the curses arid maledictions a par I v,-.i8 r'ouslU -!.r..liiie, and then . ,l..i'-'.. I mv..,. mv nter.,1 f-ithi-.i Duriii" tlieKllnrrnsti.m as 1 could I'mm a fi.-ld stme, t o hmeh c ,1saoriaees to-Uy than any or yeu to seeure peace the t resent t nare rv-.-u Iikhmii 10 1.1. .vCvj 1 J tit. you cannot have peace on a division of enrrij country. If the Unitud States submits. t li- k2 vision now it will not stop, but will 0 on till pi mm 1 ne .ni..-r- .in 1 i. i"('",c"p5rwo reap miu .aie 01 raexice, wnicn is erernaia: 0 skiTmisl..-i were al wpik, K-pper-p(war hi- w.ds np,. -nie aeros. -the opeij Unit(.d id lieen tl-r l-.doc y battlf-feMnd 0I1 -jj. ,, ., ' . , ,. r. ... ., .,' telaultiorlty wliei oik 1 mufkts .down, etnrl , . , , a..i ini.-f- iiti-i wish ireiiareiiA'i 11 ilt'inse. mo H'. h'im ..a ..them 1 enry " wuin.' .-rod were must c urn them vuijouflv to rem-,,:,, wiili de 1 ' 1 Magnolia dtation, in report re rmermmi. u" , , . -,. s.--: 3 nr. 1 .'.l,na l,Atn,.,Ar. Wmi-.tv und W.'i-i r rr.'f! in 011". ol the Sonus Kiel In fM u.c.croaneo "" w , W3,, ,.f ,i;.i, n,a, ..'.,.1 iKJi"nrm's denot. and o.m found ourselves 111 t, tie : 11 e" XT' , ' . ' .. Vi ..1.. .rci .:..- , 'fm .Ii... aVarn iin-flSpr' -m.ptni- i-ioiifiy iTKnigU-lilreil'lV " iv iti 1 ut l rsae 01 ouiyuiaa ,-' 'e."" T 3,.i,.i,irv v. r ... .. 1 . ,,- ... .'r'.'HS ...I...!. .. Un., a 111., iPltmn 111 WDVB I tl U I. 1 f. C Uiere loo,, wjis " v -ten this cruel v ; nstjioi .usiaaamu. - uvm " u..uF... -,.v . wef.. L,.(ii,,.it d i r r.,,,,,. ... t-.i... .i 1..., .....,, .. " t. te.-.fl.i,oi nitnor nruiriii,H -or. i winuain,-. iwm not litsurd the soijgthouati. iiiii.ii, and wis iiir ten. sidy interest til now Miat ceioBrntod tutttvicruai s inorial- eie-e.-aaaues, uroauu auu '" ".r.JJ"v. . .. . .....l.. i-.. lt. .'-.a - . . . j..i . .. . . ii i,n,i iuticjt a tc.,k.i,.i- w,io tiraHunt in uuou iuu leiv. bi daiu '...oO the istakablo. - Beside the trampled ways Isy tiees. cither nrostrnte .or. in oinbsrSj- . io had ho.ird.n'' i loots seemed gaping after captured horse", u I ,.i;i, ,.ii,i., restntl m I espl. u 4i pat.8.nl '" less than thirty - buggies and earf,, t,.;,,;, ,,,, m ,,i idunl's morUl- ele-p:liaos, broken and nverturned in the ditche.;C..ru.s ..ie'..f the ment, " lies mouldering iu tho grave;vb'uf -'lii,5A. taootious galioper at my eipow romaraeu d States does and must, assert its, c , , , , 5 : u tiiui ii-y n .ii-iuvui it avii riau i?uni-, i. . . u eon trio '.i, utiwuMi uiu "'."'JK-J, i.-. -. i r 1 a-S ravii ; nii.m the r.gl.t lo .ni.'d tm f nn0 b't to pressure it is gone, and I knowS, ,mp. What a capital pesiti .u'lor de-Lgthat ,lch. lllH national pehcy, Tins po'.oy M-p St'i-nt'i'-i aewm-e in thoestng rFsumt1 ranous thnpes, but always eomea obck io kilt in availing of such a key tifclihat of Union; once more acknowledge tbe au-fS tier i-p,ially ;to4 .Jjthority '0f the national government, atd instead tons; io..., who -,0p (luvt.hnjr your houses w the iread uses ota n 1 1 . 1 i ,i superior fore.-, off tix that . 'ilo ahoi'k o Hm l.iTi n.ii ..i.-in ..V. .1....1I irnr..-;.lt- V l give you 11,0 jin; staunffiPSt in an our armies, Lint ho a lardi cnrj'"B "i LINCOLN, f. - 1 . t IT. I 1, ,'. . ... .1 . . And a Nation is bath'd in tears to-day. Millions of noble hi-arts are bow'd with pain Whiib. but yeatrrday bat wild withjoy it tlie mellow light of mild, fair-bow'd Peace Btam'd like geutle radiance full upon tbera ; Half a million alalwsrt man with alow atsp And trailing arms make more deeply solemn The fuiiHtal pap ant ss it move' along The Halls ot Columbia are drap'd iu black, Tne aad symbol of death ; the mournful peal Of the de,-toned bells heard upon (:. air, Are scho'd bark like moans of dark anguiah Krom a loat world ; a once happy hooaebold Srnda forth vail f weary gm f, and amid'st 1'he wreitk of an ilLwn-Uadit ruin lies tli Di-ad hopes of broken hearts loreyiimoie I Ah, yes, alas ! il is mde'd too trns That he sleeps ail- Tit In scthv Irom life; T h it no Inert. I ' wii-.lom nh ill ein.'ct imr - ' F.ii'rini stepc that 110 i.,en: las, kiod. voice S ,all grovf wi'i''y p!cas..nt itli rho.-riuit wirds To 1' 1 ' tired, l k h.iier 'hat n" mure we H , II pvoiiilly ao ,, fn fnl band 111 the Tr'n 'ii phi of i.i.r gmml aiir.i s that 11.0 mote We shall Lear 'o. .'eotir C uo'l Ch".mber Tb.it 1.0 mere hi.-fe in, u.ilaa'ra.(j Wd! shell Irij,cl Aim re a'n ,-ui s v..'i'-iis dreda. II 1 !fi; s w.-ll fi.' lo in tain o great heart ail.', Ati yri"f-bow'd Columbia w.ep'- ! Fatal prd The il 'd'y ball guided lay the sta Iv, Uni-rrins liand oi the hireling miini'rer-sr. Tu! wil i 11; to il of ueciiiaed, Lad min. II jjht wll the I' lil iiKsacaitiH woik was done; Tin. daik dn.,d will ai iial.) the watehiui world Fii'in il'a deep letharav ; Lilt the L,.,il mark Ot lleavf u-ptiri itl rd C-in wil Lr 'pou hia brow, And a juat relrihmii'U will donw All wh 'e cou'.sel'd an .1 givi a pica to tb;S Wretched Cooapirscyi - -Thv Wltt-f done!" With while trembling lipa w brnatli Ihe holy Oft-repeated prayer at d with ra''lhotls Thoughts -wbich unbiddan start. Thott halt chaslei.'d Dsuply a forgetful pmiple'a heart in This hour of gloom and death; and taught Oi how FleatiiiR and uncertain are onr hopes, and How snro will come the end. Yat to; a sa4 scente, fsmdi Niiti'Mial ills esnnot come, and we, V.-mim tlieni, marvel not, murmer at The t'atk Fate which su coldly i-hiils our j y. Bnl, apat'i wi prav, with f ' a' ' hi!'d and Pale-quiv'iiulipa-r-ril QKQudJhuMiUM Jm't Lik ls 1 name we love Amen.ia'a Savior 1 Thy work vviia slniosi tiui- ifd, f.n.ihro' lbs Kilt el pfcriins H..11 Is in'., sun iiiht ot Peace Is dimly enn, and-.-i "in ita lot &-coi.cal'd Rtaya will illumits a fair, tiapp Inal. But thou art gone all to a n to o-hold The grand.isr "I t1 y nan.o the rich glory Thy noble wi-rks "ill utLct upon thee, Libe.ator I tby pure palriolirm, Ihy (lfvotiou to uu! h and principle Are well remanlmr'd, and-History rhall Emblazon its faireat page with thy Lame A nam illuatiions, ami wteatliM in a bright flarlatid of Honor which thru' Tim's aali Hooju. Wm. Wallace DmiAK, L 18lrd O. T. I. RALtren, N. C, Aprji lth Ub. - $16 REWARD. HaantiOASTEHa Co. A, Star Iowa, Na Kat.alaa, N. C, April- 17ih, 1865. ) IST BWi WKKN THIS UAMl' A.M. IIALLIUU, j noatlar loraaoun, i.oiu,) lunttner .taaa Watcn. i.n Ainarieajl LeTr l. ..-.; o J : J'l,intii,lr.1 I 'rfs,... rt. 1 .. ,,,1 .Lie. rn w l.Ai.rfia ul on 1,1. villi e ni'n.xS . e. .. . .1 u I h. . nn r, In r .) i ntf . ii..i t. ..i .k.. ..,...., ,-""" . ..um "v- j i-i iiMminreKimKiii " e-' ' - l.flilfll i-UilXiilt: 111. ro- . i f , r " , WJioi'iois and stinom-lwrs. shialdilli? VOU from dsn . V&'A!t, 1'Hireomo from vfhat .fjnarter it may. 1 u iidknow that a few individuals eannet resist a t9r "j . Aprini ; the fame to thu owner. job.i it. riA.nr i, i-j 4, i.a lewa Inf., Sd Brig., 1st nivUlon, lath A. I8t