I,,,!,,,, rJ - - ' tJtmw """ BY J. I. rKSMMTUX & CO.H THE. NATION'S GElIi" THE DEATH OF PtttiSIDENT LIN-fl " OOLN COS FIRMED. ((SEAT Montxhu throughout T11K lOlVFiY. . a-asaBtasgfli assassin had fully We received, fatuiday, a copy of thepl V VJj . V 1. lVUJJLVU., JLZJL X , , kX,l XJ Hew York Herald ef the' 1 "7 th, which haisj! lone details of the as.a.sination of.Mr-pf Tdnr-.nl.a. from whieh we eondensethe foLI-ared and arranged -Hwinf,,. , ..... 'i01 imy.ow r,ret!0U8 m a ,. ,iivmm -. lithe- audience.- A pit TV tlilpk. eix inches ri; Apr! 15-4:10 A. M?'' j ThePiidtcouiaueliuieuMbl.,andl'at,'w1Wftlifor the purpose about four (ee.,,.. ,.,.,;,,,, t , n,a ,f M rironi 1110 uoec, auu uic omej ' against meyat x-'i-as in mnvr w nei NO. CV- lutlwi' (a UaiBi i u.-juy uauiiuuirM tue following oath to iMr. Johnson':- V-i I (hi iolemtiJv iwt'Hr that I will faitb- ull.y execute the idiicw of President o! Mil,. Kn it.. i Stolen. Illlli Wl tO th Ufftl ...a : , .... ' ' ' . . . . t it i ri v a n it v preserve. ir)ivcf anu ueTii he constitution til the Hulled State, thii i'rssidbxt'h'inauoukal addre. . c. ii... .... i i J- Alter -t'eeemng me oaiii nun lkmij m I87 lai-cil President of th'o United States, Mr. art. Johnson remarked : Wl'sct iu length, served for a bar, one e iss-MKi-iiiswfiB'M , u'"'ieiiH,n, l in ust o )trm 1 1 tea te iay and deliberately pre-M-i ai,.,i d..b Tm. el.iiu, .f M-jor , Th-. f.,,.. , c,.,..-ctl.. . .m. -.u .. i nave ..,-eu annoy, ot. rwue.mea ut thftffi-Cr hi diubuli-?-thbvtn aid the drew or 31 is. rUrrw wnM "r:' ' -; - ' , h.u niuMMun-cmcuv v.. v.ru. ".v 5Wf4 l r, .f tk. Pr.J.nt d.d not,i,lli,tth,r1(,ilj!.4rii,.r,,,),l,dlilt y -ni toonJr,u duttcyo m portant and it ami about' thieeS t or nifffirertTirrprmt-iii'mpirTr- j..tiMu.Mv.H w E M1M L.0A KIIMIB fl D'tKi'UTU r 00 tl) f.nnt. 'II !:! B Pti IflcX llrCl'Mt I T I II' OWtl Ul'Oll PIC. Al ill" ... it iinkinK. Sec. Seward remain without change. Frederick Sewara'e ikell ie frcttire(! M1M L.DKA K1IMI B STATEMKST. M JJ'tKi'U U (118 00 1 1) r. run. bpmK.placea in an indentaaqn excavatod3 ,,in,ifnt,,.i ii1,'iirir':i.-i..a- nf,;,r i;r. ' f-r tt i.ur,..i... c,i. I, o n.k . ... Tr 1.. .... ... .1 . . ....1 la Mii,nf UrMli..f .t.l I l l.it. lVT.r;,-."-' "'"' 'K-f.- ,i m , hij.ggtsMiN.li't. It it they will t) cvght wnin i i r it., a . ..;, f.,ii.,;nt will iiffi.-: atw:itT.mnr e-'.iws. .'jin(Ht.l lllg Ul i UUffl 'Quel i iiiuucny--V fc . licher t iab the end m toe wall, bo thai cac otmimn... u p""-i.p?iG.--. r...-.,. ;2'inexpectt'dlr tli! own E-in iiiilh'iili'.in ol any O'llicy wlneuinay be V UK! iu tin; adiniuiitration of Mtho 'nverAiiKMit, 1 Imvo to say T1 would be inipoeeible te jar it oat o that tbat (j;niiHi ho lur iu vi'i j)i:ii'Tit as i ne 8a.-3iuini-ratiin proirresi . The message kifr (Ifchir.tlio'i must, he inado hv the act in they ii-ai,N)ii;'i. The only' RMgurance ftll.hrt 11 ... m r' tni r.i b, t li 1 1. ti ! ! t If , . . W H f.J t'l? (IT-'Jiis T. : . I. . , U il IT ! f . tW behead. - F'Ce, 7 2 i Vtl .,r i W"er' f- - - ' "-!rl"-' J"-n" inclu-Ud m th murderoaitluit I can ..w giye of the luture is r.fer- The attendant ii .till alire, but kope-i'ltlde.' llV'Ctn',nK " rvht Ou Thurirta, ,1-nee to too p-tst Tho course which I leee. Major Reward's wou.d ii not d.nl ains lQtrulnI hJ of th aUl,, r.';;: i' : . , tr.ftl-. ,Pp.rauco t-k a r J.,g iav; tak,. n ,he ,u,t iu connection with ,erous. frf0' xt Vod to prepare a megr.; ; ;-it. . ,., ., h,MKWkA't IIol. wLcrc Mr..!,,!,, b,,r,l,.tl,i r.ludlion .oust be Varded a a Ruar-- It it now ascertained with reasonable ' "beerving the positiou ot the partu-. ,.(. 1T;n, nvii;y ,.,, . h. r . . .,!,, ,.tutiKur ra-..r.. h,.fknma to tLn ,.,-,,r.rirt.'.r or tI.lui(V;o; tiie h.ture. My yn-l public life, MrUinl that two asmsMns were tusagedi'n,,l,ie 10 ho.x- lth, ,5iml. r IUMlM t-'" 1 "'V"," r'l'1'1?1' ' l,rlft .4a,", ,,M 'f bss"fJ-.vi,ir!, llftS Wen ln- mid l.-th,-.,!.,,,, has inlhe borrible crime, Wilke. Booth be'. h, lwr a ilT -T J'T ' ' '" V'rS i X7a ,m '' i,,olos,;d- f :ru'K n' f '' 17 "flen founded a, I in t;,d eo:,.'ience be- Uf the one that .hot the President, a0d'5h he terward, reamc oat wua - J ;ko . gpt,cu ,r ,,, u,. lieve, upon a gr,,U prin, of right, hi other.. a cornpani.n of hi., whomntfc so as to leatcifc little a.r than nU h u s, lo . ,lrkit? Mi.fe-' .rr, 1 i.r I IV br;-!. 1 " at tl?e hais ofall things. The a. is not knowVimt who.e descrip'f on the tnsKie, w nle n U;, hare )Ju spent !ia'i. 1 ( 1 r a -.-.-. iji 5u ui 1,11a nii mw 'EV . ' , . , .st: 1 ..: .,,.' I .,.- f,,,; ih, . .hn ,T,m.-T-,l nnriiS'Her wers tounil eone;a'ort -ttetwosn tne oe.t juj whi tn.ie.n m 1 11 u eMiu.i mm ci j3u- v h hc-nrJ tbn cry that the P.'tVloniEfgunttraia bowia '..nii'e and oay icrulrar, a'l a'.tto the principles of free gorerunieat ; leti w-uri.ianfnu nviug tha auJi-E'ljank 1onIc of J. Villtf H.totli, ?howjriL' a hl.:tQd I believe that t'10 government ia jcucf, i ina-.y ot liain wr making for th.i ti.J.iuc of oor four huadred dollar, in biik.iasnin through fls present, perils will cm.- (i m ki: 7 ,.n rn.i-ig waa (XChitjh:, m w'aia'-tf n.ivinc tlio aftornoon tf Pridv. Bwth called at 1 1,, "l.,,.,, m, hi-nwinl... ...u.annun id chil.lu nrli.tf.fci k-.,l .... ...i ...... 1,. xr, .1, !,.. ....j ,.t? .,, . ' , . 1 ' . . ..j.tw,.i a. ..3 w , , ,. . . , ,, r .. , , r , I J 11 1 . 1 r. ' ll.'lllM rW'rir. 1111 enduring than pil l, -U".r U 1.: U lnvo .tM k-3 ' wiil tit'Ttliiomo 1. aeme anknown reason it was iato effect until last night . One of them has evidently nia le lung way to Baltimore ; the other has not yetri heea traeed . IDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War, the door from, the outsido. DF.LIiP.li ATK PatFi ! ! ' K- B THE UL BDIS. g thn! prutidft for a ariro anil -st iiram tlin If ix . l-in ie.M huiiucas wm le linnia wining t , but nut luml 1 '""i-a wuh t-) liturb you. Ar yoa at J. WILKES fiOOTII. e an. 10 afternona nf Fri.ly, cut to 3lr. Ji lere'olure. I niusi .be 'Et 1 w'l'Tii i M ...1 1.. k'lt' it I 11 n.l..r'Ht!i Mil t)lf'l. f'siu-'s of my own heart, that I have lorif . . ' Rt- a hrn th aismti a ot Mr. Ijino ihi ouioir-Jw w.-ptl Kiniitiu I". 1 r iv I'll oiLM.!!!1. ivbb in t'l.-.t r. J ihua.m' r.t ini nn.l t""l" ,i.-..ke him 111., to ai.priz,. I.iiu At the h-ri id:'.' ,l"5 -'r''lir' I""111!1"-' " oVerO" '. i no a ilt ie nsure . - - . - .!. .1.-11. r. . . - 1 I ;,... I I 1,..,,, j Da fl.i.l'i been tl.i-j toiindatinn of my , . 1 1 .1.1 . . 1; Kr. . .1 K.T 1.1 th!W! ihored to itiiu liuia tAeoiMii ion o: 1 is-: le. T-.il tb i'M'O -the rent, iinun ol 1 i,c A:ueri md an honest nd vocaoy wta . . . . . 1 .... 1. n.. 1...1. tien is so clear that he can hardly e8cai)e.0QtlJ,''lc 00 1 10 0,U8,ua 1,1 UJ.K It appears freni a letter found ja Bo.'hW" iljr him ts P'c " ? gin-" rank, that the murder was pUnnee-il. conntence, and see the position fere the 4th of March, but fell thr,myhO0CC,P1d by tho President and hia lrieiids IL. V.... K- 11 1 m ti I 1 ' . a x.ir-.( ftiitGl'Wl'L afUA. uuwi a i wi v vi a.. ..til Mltinkmn,l a.,M L, hHRrrl from O'linnner. but there were spung locus oi..I;,-rcAK,t..s, M.un-yn.i: K.rk(70i)J. auJ - , S'.i.n,.. .if thi daara and it xrum kurp vR?1 are i.amr tiaa (; JUi.an.fnn wi Ttrwitk nl 1 a nr-crriiiii im wrfi at, th it-0"u1' tnese cieors, aau it was 'ire'j .,,.,,, i,.,u ery stable at sir o'clock last evening, an.lil,'''-ibl at they niight be lastencd. foifrH a,,,ieuc,i i,;..,r a ,.!. a.ue" h. ,.r g, T ...... i , .'avkLi eireina' un' h an mortrarir'ff till' I W . 1 i l .... . . t . . i 1 .... M l.- fiiVm left there- with their norses about teni"""'i" "ft- "". t1"-" ., V 0 i ' " ' -fj " i"" a-yp y.mr .;.. .1.1 . . .1. . 1 i. crcwa wis iasien iiie u o it anon 1 uivtntu. una i' '. i,h u ,i'im eieCK. or snort t uciore tnat t our; ra , , , , . ,, , , 1 Ki. . ,' It would seem that t.y had f, .J been penally with, lrawn an, W-;-;--- -'jj Z, lays been seeking tneir chance, but lorM"7'" "u "-j , ' . V ? m.. 1.. h.a .1 . ' 1 u -,,t 1 Miiiasus to uie woou iney wouiu uru 11 ,.,!.. i.,. ,1 fr..m ihr. diii.a.tiir,iiV'V 1 , -vn.v'i.,,,.' ........ ii- nil r.'i 11 ki 1 h 1.11 n. u ill n?, ti. ti 11 1 .1 .11 ..? -.1 u. t , . 1, 1.. 1, .. . ,1 ,i.n ,v o r n rnari. u u i ' 1 r v .. . 1 M ' ------ r -rr---,c.t,-'"-i j . .- , T. ..,,...:.... , v.. ... .1, ini'iit. i.-ivc lieoii n.v , , : . ... 1 1 . u .. .... . 1. A ...... 1. n, 1 ..i 1 d.T'ii 1 . 1. u 1 I'u 'I I y r nirji ir lint. 11 . ....... L,Jj!l- auiui'-ri. 1 Jir ll ,'ili,,i I n.ij- i'rli','35j - V r- -. n - ,. , Pjo.Jatiii.k at ti. rm,i..i.ur with ttiedig-jar h h-l.lj tg-i-roiiHUtion to ( xlnutuisii the Iulit. U. iu y ln-," been niim fei.l iiiaU(i!a-.i"if:y mrl? Ida rxu to ti'.s mi ..I th. &iiiit thia i-iritaaiKUiice or p'-thapa tlio curly re-Ti i in tins "fr,vitre, whera tis liw woi i" " :' ii'ita-., au.i tu--ici-pj tnug ol Mr. Joimsou, garoa ltnu Irom acaassuia-.'VpolitiCill creed. i (eel Unit in tne end the "'....u h'ij .1-1.1. m Mm K-i. aftiT riii'tn.'Mtaii'r r-f'.: .. ' . . mi . 1 - 1 .1 .1. 1 , ... , . 1 ...... .1.. in.'it. it. .ir K. ' , 1 ;-. .'o e 1 1 1 hi (in mi 111, nnu niiiuiicii 1 u-ottrctl Fr.igt,u-,,a c an 1 ciiataraauoa m ti.r .it1..,1-.-jd Since Id. inauguration Prc.idont J 61,-. son i 'Z .1,. ... I im Uy aiicu au arrangaaam or .n cmira an., a..!.,,., ,,, rrv ,,f Mi arris, gin '2. "Mia K-i.. .. , . , , . , , ., , . , -" l' i " "" 'I i" ' - .a w..uld ,.Uc tha .tliaroccupanli .1 .lo.i Ural.i.pi, ,(W ;.tu,r,. M,, j,,,,. rru iuiii e ihrSfr Il'0UI aua 10 u" -J1 moulit'"' taiil iiied . 1 u con, 1 nsn.ti , gyiitlemeu, let Mi.tai.ce Mm. lh r.K-Si-n .r a-y rtutr xcu-Ka..,,, mM,t .... waT. wl,K:b v r4-li.tr cio ni-,u..5;i-Jalu- t;in.. xav that. I want, vmr eiicn'ira-'.-meut ,r '"s't!.r.ii..i. th. .Iraaa rlr. Ic to tlte 'r n'd-ut a box i...3 THB. AXSASMNS. f ' TI) ir ' T th o a an d d ill.ia r. ward is nfiVrfJ f r ""'t'jjihw detect iiiDHtind c,ni i-tin of en u':n! tS" " , I . V ' '" I'ACIiy nr, o.in- Mum uim 11 n: s K-i nr..,'. , , , ,,' , . ... . ?J'KX .-Icarl.t Ike blt.ly aparatlogg if tl;a a. t i w ' n h --,.,.. itl. wu c.r-.ni" -.1 tr.,.M t,p.l 0"i.d by tii(! corporal i.., id V l.mi;t.. . 1'b.ne prrparatlona wara aithrr HiiiTi-d by a m.v.u ; .wr,4,jon t1. Uuiiuu Iialp wa in d 1. . M:. "", l""'- expert dft- etivea in di ..niry r-; ' I;li:co iu tun u:v. i ihji jiiu.1 ai.u no ;hii, bur, k.iU or erpeLg will ho aparcd in ii : !'(-ii t-i . n 0 f thf ) o( ttin C"U' tn ij." iily wl in at-' , TUX Cj.Nri'I0X or" .KCKRT.tKT ktVAl) A.VD lit Wn.,,.., . xi.i.i.i. ui ,h . ,s.i..r,U,reat K.i.1 ath.-iir on u.eu.ei.t . t raK.. g.)Si , , c.nrr ,.f 15 Ii ar,l II s w-ih'K""1 "''e,,l", ' ". , , 7 Ki Wami.xoto.x. Al.ril 16 - JIid.,i.d,t. ' Well thfl I .M'oaii.lil pin j 'V. rnii',. w 1 1 1 it; . u- i - j- 3 - . ' fi mi .n ot t!ir t'di ft a-r a iim. N- io, f,i No material (di int! lua taken jiluw in tlio com- o.i-i Hie !!, a l n' ( bak n in ' ii- n t-l- U XjS.iite.n ot S. or- tary St!W. d or bis in. 'J'ii-- 'v alii to ait up t'.r a :.rt m l tone t,n- WaK DEPARTMINr, Wa.ui.notun, Apiil 15 Major-General Dix: Abraham Lincoln died this morning at tweaty-twe minutes af-ar. even o'clock., ,,Kmun tbgg.a;; laaTitfi th oaatronf tbapd- JtUWliN il. N 1AM UM , Secretary of VVar e fi-ui htm. Tha r.K-kb.g; ar aa-f rhair txcu-fia,.... wmU WdT. w,0b v r4-li.tr cii.-i.i-.ua.gj'' by Mr. Lii-cAbi aa f mud ia tli Ir .ut cniro ef.-.?lhrou j, (r, ,,r. to ,Mff 'r. ..id-ul'g 1.X ai dfj ti! h"i t'arllifat r,m tka atagc. 4t!)ar, for Hr ht . , few moni!itg afu-r ttio--nrr.TK-9 Tiioi.-S'l I In . iitil. tii.ri Hiniiti fr:in tbe ir -lit. Wrij.';v r 1 :. .. .. ... 1 . u.......,, - -- - i-'liSlir S.w MIK Linit'l'l. 1 "X'"1! 111 "'I' T 'ini mm 1 II ... 1.1 - . ..!. .-! ". Oilier ainira aau u.a ao. naraaii ria u " ' ;iti.,iKff ih. m.t t. t.g .-ilea. Mira Kmio atfmut niTATI TILiaRAki FROM MR. CLARIXCI A. hiiWAKU. WAsnmaroN, April 16, 1865. A.lnn.1 V. S KiMf.Hll. " . . , MSei.Mur llnrrla cauic- it 16 li anl U i Uncle is as well tin. morning a. the$;.:jth-i tbey 't. ok Miss Clara llairia a..l M.j , ircumslances will larinit. He retainsfSllry It Uaibbm., U-ntd Sutrg Army. im. his meatal rigor and resoltttien. The ,1; "d -' . fu., T, IV'p , .. . , OSIu.rUy attar th"y i.t'rd tha fatal im th I'ra- sargeon speaks very lar.irftbly. fL,-, i Y-a;ed bi-.if i ti, cblr d.o. H-1 j, r Peor Fred, is Still Utterly Unconscious. WllUI by. tli aaaatajn. Vtra. Lbicola tu..k bus nfeit TT Vim not onen id hi nvs aince twelve!, im. M'aa Bar rig til at tin fiproiia eoru-r. VmiI.d ..i.rbt . ESlflPUdliK mj (.11,1, . .U.Y,..'.. wt ..... .. " TK. U.U fAii.n.tn. Rpwann will fM,th'"-" ,bs M,- ,oet ':elr" u",.lUrr" -.-j... v o p -,-rj WBr, it, oihrr peraotia in t-tie n. x, ai.u no oi.. "fyutuiiHC ih. moat pit-g-ileg. Jlts K-iio an inpt-fe- , , "'-.i... ..if- I...- . n... ..n,. ii. .0" ri. o,- .... ,is;,r' """'" lene.1 brain. -Ia.-.i j;iie.! by a U-.l, nor rx'oiilai 1, "C-k., remained wiili tba Prraiajum u. til lis wag Irm.kard. They bear as. at urMuaakA'.ilg tri , ,, ,trrt f r.i.im, iodi.r and paraevarvic in tut parfgW, L.T.,,..,,,,!.'..!,!,,.,.! ,.f a rfff'iuarala iiiur.lar. I Ci i. . . .... .. . .. t-i Cl .m r-f theivb-a ol t iBCou-ia a. HT wag tn a rna c..siTlo!4 V At a f. ftii"iit' pagl e ni mine Tniig t!i-: j , -,. , , , .-, H r . . . - -. . . ...r .1 ,i, vt t 4 rn on t he liit'lit i f i !.r iiiiai, c .! Pre.nl. nt a 'd M'-l.ueulB aal- l at tti.i r- at .. ce . I '-- ., -Jul rfseii.Mur llrrla caiuer i-f 16 Ii anl II 1 -.'illlt us). ill cm TV'.n its M08 III and rely ; tile gov- ens. 1 CtfT JCl-G Uk; ' t an 1 eoiHijcuHiien n no .you an I u t be .... 1 1. . i. , I 1 1 . 1 1 ' 1 1 i l I i I ' 1 1 ' . 1 I i .- I I ' r- 111. ( i T, in unking thu reiiieMt, that it will i,- hear ily r. .tpntj'ied to hy you and all nt'iei- pat riots (tnd lovers of the right, and inleie-t.-tef a fi ee ,toio. ! At I he coil, lusii-n of the above remark. the i'ivMiIciiI received the kind wishes of the friends by whom he was surrounded. A few til in tiles we ro devoted to COn-LH'itul.tM'-u. AH wore deeply i to pres.-jed with t lie sole in ii it v ti the o.casiou, nnd ;il a KTIllTonCi e that, caused the I . . .1. .. I... m,b rfr.l ,M. I .1 J I i: i nwif in .. in " ( ch .v. tlio a rang! .i-ra nj kv i-.- " i.i, wo- ,) ' ck. i e: irlux fvaa, luiaaca atio norr ua.-,io.i le-i.-.' ... . i. . 6 i i Ilia letter, tins .... , , . o.-i n,. . . , ti. . . r . i ia ii . i wai i i . z.j . a .r ,. j U,. audienet, arrt Alj r- lv.tto ui aealc! ,. , .,:..: ,.., . . ;.ijWtotlS!ie.--i. hut it is exi.eel .'..I.. ............lion .1 .i!li-n t'i r..w.aadri1i--.-.a-!i .'. '' t!ie cn-rs of a few hourg i 6f a,!,;' i ,i tli.; 'he-re a, "i..i iut ..! w 0 I .A nbicb all raet d l.ia.tlei.'.i mi. A in -.i.e.il .Mid0"gs '&gKut a iijoRte"! h turued ag tin to vow the a' L&'inain near lha bei, as ho might Pa Hai.iut. 1 bi.-.-pt , ' . ,. , , , t,. meiAL accoust -t thr .iaoiiuratios of an-s j K"5o....:,l.,... . ,., ..II th,M..h ..mivL.t . , ..lii,"""- , 1 ex. i:u w or . i ...c "... "-.....iK, i,hv .1. ii ... .! ,' "-'"u " 7 " : ! " I ,h. -ca.r. .Ibannear. -.n the le. F . very bltlo. 11a aruae oncedniiiij; Ins puhirTio" " ' " 1 , , i am $9 Wi iiisni'.-N. April IS, 18ti5. l.r ,a to U.6 -tour ot tha ,x, p-.t c, bta --W-t-O " '';:: ,;." ..f ..1 Att.m.r 0,tr.er.l Speed , , .,,,! ,v , f: o . ..i,., i.l then rtnrn.l to nia onair ana gal u .arn. i' m -ai.T w o" u.i.... !. ,..... ,, ,, . rcil att3 Jnfi,. thm .M,,'3.gt.ru..X.R.iaatioar.lP P.-a'd x was ,r .do. '-'.T. . "';', 1 ' I" .V"-. any time aince he was thrown at ot tl'ejd of the aird ot of the piw., y sou., man " Wasb.sot ,k. Apdl 16 lS5r r(: d .b.eaaefiv.-d.v.. Ln ,.!. and ...j : earnage as he is todxy. bo mutt have approaehed sualtliily and uiwut3 " AS" T,i""' A0; M,,'-IUKS P?-! Hut an h. nr mi-ht irH, b.i. ,1 l..r iii..ln-;V It IS thought that t redertClC freward 1st'' . .,.:. ,ho dtrv D.me. at the back of the liOX.KlVo ihaeri. ar i.nrs-io in r-gir i lottieai:,er tfiWfei)Jurati.ii ot ten - wi .r. in i-uowiu n 4 copy ni4i tl'i ''- - 'ei oo iii, and hid. lair to tejover gpcedily trotii Uil. lot, y. t ree-'Viod his e .i- -d th; aleag nicely. here f'i nteied or Ira 0. A. SEWARD.' rfo-th n. Cnarlra For beg, tli' rfeia mal l ton. I in t 'Sine Pnaidtiit, bad kean told by il.a. Lincoln tore ....ill .h. the (Im. , I !., .. ..... .i.'.- -T.ue IIIHU aurnn i.ia.u-i.'.i mi. a in i.'-'o oelj-i t ho will do fo it ii- pi'inis on ntilloii- v; tie i Hi's 1 1 e .very ol e-.n ces pUeo wliothtr be will ui viv L.s in SlOOlrt) WSPATCH. Washington, April 1G 12 m. The Surgeon General has just returned ij'-k a.r. k fi...la. ,.V fit:t. nti.l r..l.,..Oo'iii','C-' w 1 1 UU1 1)C1 Vlrt.T ii i".'i, vi'i..7 that Mr. Seward has not been so no ie. or not. Sr . ri'lCIAL ACdJUNT y inauguration ef t.r- re- 'iieoess. t v f. if the Kpeet ,.'.tho rresidctit wan gravely discussed. j .Mr. Johnson i in tine health, and has .Van earnest sense of the important trust t hat has been e-m Uded to bun. A suecial -itieeting of the Cabinet was held at tin-Ti e tsiti'v Department at tea o'clock this in-1 1 ri i ng. LAST MoMbN TlMl ( K TIIK PIIKSIDENT. .:. ui 4. .. nrm.i. a rlBiB, Eta. omrwhat better, aitnougn sur. eons areg-j,Jor Rgthbun wa. uot aware ol bin-prejoutj neP"" "l" lu1 i E"?..,j. ,. , ,, 8u anwilling to promise .tuyh.iiig of final re-fcltiearirigih. report -f a fi.tiil, and, louHi.,4""T '''' r""-r 'V'r'Z 7 M amiis-o'.. Cnr, April 15 ISdS. I w)l.. r orerr. fflo has beoQ-.o far restored . toEond,S.wtb. flaah, aaddiady through thAht ts.-t.-Ahro l.i.n -,.iB. V,,,,, , ,b.- I" de, ,, ,', f,,,. A. : . .u 1 .Utij w. ik. f.... Af . n..n 5 d th. Kr.v not, ..ri": "v "" . . . .. . . . . ., . fjSUig, w.g anot i v ai rm-wnt -h-mi, v f r.l . ...ti.,1 .u,. Jr. il d onaciOUBUjss as iu I ecugiux-o. must; iiuuuiK.M.i .... v.-"ifS'-erre .itoruan-. nain onMiiieii'i.in-i-.i!; mat "X; t intl.i.e.iv -n ri-.l aleie hoer . f tw- Iv iee. i , , ,; him; but it is not desirable to restorefadian mx feat from i ho President. As the M ,jot.t Bwr ,,8 ..,,.,.1 i H it '. aHtbodtw b.-iiet;wo ,J.iltl., llVr l,vn 0.,.l,k Ah,; t.. h ,, YJl ;;;!r;,' eonsoiousnesa entirely with too much ra-rH''K toward, bun he haard bun ;iirukott.,.r,,ai thir ine,,,ti,i.i, that there w.-r . r,....,bcri t wM,.ii ,., Hi,,,.v.W!.. .,., j,, ,,,1?, ,lh . r. .,,,. niditr for faar of nrotluciuo- coneestion llword lik "frM,uw- ,Len w'ftJ ffiS"' .1,,kt,'t'', '""'"l11 ":,"rH--i,M n. k chain., -r .-ih- II-... W. II. ri- ,r i, s r,-? ' 4tM) ",-, ,. , P f aS..U .bock l80. frot. th. oDo6.'. 6.aV,5g.U. WW daliu.trly asc-rtan,.-. Ih. Ju in Ok a I! otb-, , y, l( Rm, aUii.i;,.,, ;lim j , ' . , '" , , . , , Another despatch Irom Mr. tlarenCefK , , . , :,.i., ,h...J . u;.3u (La munb if r ..I rr'-wd -nl Lo e,iri, i ner are -l. iriefa,' ' . . .... . i .,.. ... , s ." ' v si ' tin adr . . if 1 1 I 'ft "... net a 'i ri i i u.e, ecu ir. it im n urais t ' ' w i . i- - i , I . ,t i I , r iTi - , 1 ' U ' ' l -! plliU H'W laiw eui1 iiasshw v i' 'i-nt v i u i ur wwaru, reseiveu iu uni ;. y io.ujrieft brM( wit the knife wLih liQ Whl.in Li atternoon, statea ttiat tne couuttioa oidH,,..,, LIsiar Ratuv11JH auht tb8 blow on l,i-E"u- eeretary Seward had improved incey.aft th0 gkoulder, and at onee spranf'"'' H.'M abow-ins tnat I 1,1; i;o be manlteate,: a ill-pni-i .. . . . lO:, 13 l.vcoius an a l'r 111 60111" nun. v . i - L' :'it . m fmilj ml oi te-isiony l',4 t'en taken o t:miiiib- '.n..p L his orning, ana hopes were entertained' oiJjf,r bim araio, but only sucoeodo 1 in cragpint;; S recovery. Ed. IIlSKAbD.j 5hi. clothiai, which be-partly aore from hiru aa:i; 1951 O'ht t VI 11.; eaed tha following address Depaktmemt 01 Statu WlSHIHOTeH, April 17, 18C5. I the people of the United States : The aeunee will take -elaca at the Executive Mansion ia this Sdoer cf the hex far tba purpeie .ef Brocurujg.m.si. ui-rti id ! y q nih ly , A.x..il'ii! to thn r qnire p I tbu .-iiSllluti.ii, anil i"iler llpun t'fi; n ill I-.,-1 ,f I'lCfideut of tho Unit it Suite.. II y. 11 will?., ,.'li g I.ini.- 0'ii.tr niernho.s ot I In H i .. ..... 0.1 1 .1 . . 'I 'nvfri1 (ointieri iia v n-ieni-ie,. i y i;n- ii" .1 - , " i "I?f..,4lil...r bU,m-,' I Iff HmiV'aill of l',-.t, ng tl.at It w..a Ina int-ntian f tltve cmn-av , , . , , ,f, nf i,,B ,,,-v,,i , iitad .hedged on ti,,;4'b . Hrch, laat but lly 'ftiTl., ,rne, enc, ,.f .1.- !..er.,.r,.-iit ilemm.da th- 1 irel-..vatit ta tna n-ualno.-. ' 1 im'ne. lale fre.t U-.Pj , , , . .. . . W. v . ,1 .- .1 . -. 'in - It :..9i. ... , ... .1: -i U'.l L ...,......,, . 1.. 6..'' " '' 1 The Actine Secretary ot State has is-a"e ipw irom. we b w n siaga. m araiorMi.rfi.i.,y 1 , , . ' ""Knieut. th. fnllowin,. address : cried out "Stop that Man." aad, aasposifg;' " '':' " "ip " ".IKl.: Br'.it mipowiblo lor hits to esoape tbrousa t-ecrewotaB-u,u" , , ', " " ',, ". , " , l,gplea. mk- know.-i vn pi- aaur.-, ucli onc-g -in-it. .jaiu.ui ihih. ".Mvo.B, " , ... .. - WBnt.r and an enaolops, and vwriivnce. to wn-e a Itt-M a Mixing Wliai oaa oeearreu, vras, auiu-ai'ij: 101 neip .g, tt tit ,,Bpio count-r. U a.-rvn,g that mi aider . 1 1 4.,i Mine rrtpiueBioai net ruangis 1 ais iwuii-d, utopiu r nt the n n, tin r-qnesrau 10 ue The andersigned is directed to IJocpttUathuey.sw.reolossdwdbi.haad.ligbl-ai ti writ.t t!...priv.tedk which wa. ao eunee thafc the funeral ceremonjes of tbe,. . . M,:, Rm,u, ... -Unr-aM to. 4' ... l&rncn tnA Chirf Maoiatratn will takei.L.. 1 ..11 i.j ri. h. IS aiui ;.; ;r.;.,t t ; ... iar.i ina ' - . . . . Mlll.U.. IIV T, '' " I ,.v--..... " - ...... t .- .... - .. .. . 1 ..1. I. 1. . .. ... .. ViTl 1 N-r niff-Ti so i.F i 0-i Krfl-y i.ij, A nl I I. 18(ii,l waa reading ,i,f eei l- 4 1 zp ' ; 1 ii'.b M-.nli.iit i',.. m of Willaid'a Hotel, i aiH.ut lOi o'i'li ,k, i n 1 wiia startled by U.c ri'ort ih it .1 1 ..11. 111 pi 1 1 i t 1 1 "ii Mide a faar niie niia b' '' !' t " i'- iihr, ,. 1 :i- I'o-i I.-1 t it F-ir g The At. toil, . 011! I gi'iirc-lv ere it i , but in a few ii-nt. b,; s , o. fiinud l y a oumbar . e i 1 eti 11 ii. iv", ull lnlliuK tha 1 lifn-m ..i!..iiie irr;ioiisly 1 ba4 - ; of i(i.i 1 re, nr y 1) .pAitmeat, I 1 1 i.i- ni,i .1. liii-iK-lu'a'y on re :,',', er I r.i; ,ti d i.iei it, anil we i t'- i.'.e a.-, in: -,l ii) alleged aaaa'sl ! no' - ily c-.i-l.-ranle crowde oa ;, to th lii iCie, bm. a very larga tii.-.Oie, r.,l t f the l.ousq directly iti e, w nf ro 1 1 - .j, - l e utonii 1 upon -,'- t HI ! t ll I HUGH MoCULLUCfl; " H -erelui y nt ' he Treasury. EDWIN M S'l'AN'IOM, iS en t.rv . t. VVar, G.I I) F.O N ici.li-:.s. Sivret ,irr . 1 1 . Nvy. W I LI.I-A M DUX Nl.-'t).' , I'iim iiiuairr tiftiftti. j. r. USIiLFi, . Sr, n l uv of iba lntonor. JAMKs Sl'i:KD, A 1 Ii ri.. G.. rrtl. Km x Vl.r F.-iki 'n I of tie l" aity at twelTe 'clot, tiotrayoTW te his asteuithmsBt faad tl.eSn ' " Up'- fioiiu.R hi. tetter he dep toad i ) ay, the 19th instant The various reli-guater door at the ead o b. dark ball froa, i,,::1; t;tnI';di;'r;;,d" lil fiousdenoa inatioue tliroiighouttiiocoua-tjvhicb tho boxes are enlefed firui.y barred C.1.o-ric hie key t- Mr Bnr.lrr, the alerk n dntv. try are invited to meet in their respccii . etne tnsiua who fieo. n woou wmt '-".,t,i,, llilUt mMni im .1 .u.uai patcueaasnd u.Mok-ii'St laces afworehip at that hour for the pur-laboat' four fret frora A floor; sat thwEt lU v,,v.r.; a,u..kd if be wa in. 11. r..:.-Ej Ti.Am.Rew Jon L me .Umn;?, h. i wi 1 1, n-outeide wh were knocking for adewstian e"uhl&wns,i ,, utkly. "N'o," -od -k- I, '. r. n e .i..,- -'S'a' -a. frr- .... Snot f et in. Tearing a Way the laifteaiag an.ifoal'. ti.mir.t .-.dghi ?' Mr. B mker replied "X -. Ur. J..h- frtpnate eeremoniOS. - SL.,n. ;B ... iwn .,.on. -U rottresautadM'-H- aid. " Y.-u .'list to!-:thr ia to be a 'ins,.i.ti.-fci,,t.c-- si bis . W. UUKIBI, 1;plpbe011(.', MIUrgeens, he reqatei UaptMnUiid aeii:.Bi.i if; The h,d of ..M.ri,,. nt ,,. oVi-, iK ,i.m.,ri I. , Act. SCO. of StatS.Ss... .'.,., ' (Vn..;.,,-! lr.l..'M id... Km r,.K-,p.n U ,. Ka'.tnon P 'U.e,. CM. , ysv. ..u ... ... p ,wilh Hve Others, nnti-rfl ttn dn-.ki . aal re- ,v KJ. ,IU . ( :.u.f,h. I' ,;,,,, S te lDitsd oa themg the box, aad begged 4a aadieuea to at-. H u.n,iuK F 'n't The.vre, ,n I ad .fpf..cl and rtq-.e,t..l tot,e b. attem iltsl lent mi i be. ti , ani- d alt.r ii Ins h'e. 1 1 o s m difli.iiliy I lo li;e h- i.'.-iv 1 'v.is at once la- ., . . .. . . I :ll)"I t'i .lll' II 1 1 1 1 -., ' ',1 0 o ; I (;r ; ! Mlll'r IHIII, -i.it. die I'o-ail. in We..-. o in-', vi ; i. ii st-iteriieia waa i linii'd !- th '' r h":i I.-1 peMjrs h m I met i liie ii'i-H; ijit 1 w.i.-id Jio d t io c iininu ipjata his ,;.i!iii"i, t.. M.s. I.i i. i ', wli- w ia ;n fn ("font par .i; 1 w.-u. V.-.X I lln pid"1, w.iere I hiun 1 M-a. ,1 , j her !..''. in ii.g .-rea';,', ex-ept Mias L 'lt irri-, .! binily iijenii e,1. She at once recof 11 i d in", m il h-C,"d in- l. rua I- r lb. 8toue, tt jf. . e.'.-r mi-. ho. i 01 u.. She wis ',"1 weeping, but t '1 ipp-r.o.1 J i v ,.t - r u. j .mid ri l.m.d ii riipid nuoeeaa- Hi i ir" in-, I .vi r r..ni- : ' U.d why didn't he kill w.y wi y i!i.n't ' c KH. in-' l wa. HtartiLg icon nv. I e i hirl). 5i i : !. 1 mat.at.tjif .. yf'j ".1- V, .cit, ,.; iii,t '.Vur 1) irtment, wha ta I' ii!,. i, ,,i i e 4i hi dip-ttiy lo SViua'. 1 . i ij.'U'i i lor, but net nii, e l lo ij i lor Dr, ii. l, w;.oMk..i' la.' rl Ini'H 1 i id i. 't ti.oa. Upon iiKiuiriti,. ot the crowd, 1 Was L' I ank l',i lor s hook- fp'h ii.', !- .ne t.iijoni: 'I - 1 ly l-jf-'Mi O'liiK 1 r( iiirif. d . 1 iIi.h '. .an h sii'.K th-i, r; k i . i. i i -r. I ' r i 1 . 1 1 . .1 1 u I'll ...my i Ml ....o-...- . i oot'iirr nre a; F.ir.i VThertt re V)if. Be IWll 01 ino singe. " imu uccupicu It was bow I the Presidential party, the sepitratingwrmnded, an partition is "removed, and the two areifrbiood. He.i thus thrown into one. This box is enniB kahdit gen LH lui ll itssellitil to p;tt tleipatc e an ohfr-fs-jceremoiiy ; lion. Saltnt rt ' f '""K-illugli McCulioch, Secrt'tary cd'tht ury ; Mr. Attorney Ueneral i-pei i. t-i.' i y i . . ' ' .. . ii .. m . I a. Iff 1 1 . jiiau.oi. , jiou. iinrii i oinei v in 1. foun 1 i an 1 hit al ie doctor .Mice oon- uldw,r4, q utkly, and Foal'a ttieafe t i-pag.ing ta Oae or two peiaont war ropresaurea-ii" aai.., i to ins uhove "Mutli tieel. Mr. Linooln w.as assassinated oa the"f:41iug thekox, aad begged -the aadieuea lo nv-m. ,Urry B,,j,)it,j!lt f The.vre, .n i ad .fMf,cl ra. Bight Ot th 14th. . lv'P,rse- If-hem drank t.igfth.r. 1 ne euiptianHi.il t beimi .nnsrj,;;, ,hc ,,, , ; ui ... .aTHRim'a tTATPuaT " P When tbn eurgeoes had -eonclodid their ex--m taking the dn- k a't.nnta.1 a-tcti..-. . Att-r MAJOR RATHBUH S SXATBMSNT r bmU-'.iklrg they f.nn.vly .l-oU b.n.ia wit-i each oili.ri The President s box at, Ford s theatre 2. ... .l....... ..j s;..i .t.. .i...iJ:.iddinB uua another i-w-i by. b is a double one, or .what ordinarily cnu-'g if(i.llklinl jkiaaj.tr- IUthbun, wke l.,-d oha.-jrsM ;'irM'',f'm wn ,,f 11 .U...4 V . tn (I,. ..,t ai'&l , , ' , :. . ?7AiU:r l.Ue tragi'", not X. 1gw Wl ,t. k.-j. ... .-.I. J. .)-.." ' enni'-r.un'ui.s oi- "i sua itiii oi mc aiogo. " "ou utyvui'icu L-jwtit was bow 4oauu mat iuj waior waa uniiouaiy (mmiini n in e'liruiwl, a-id vs acc ui td beeowioe aaiu taiet irom lot ot?;j ,.,,.i,d i,v , 0-d,irU Ii v.?,i I.i-.cS . H.--;'-tl ... .t Km., hv hia aacaaon; lL',,..) A.n.n Ho v tbev eatua un-n t m-.-i ii., . . . ... . . ....... . si,mii,. i..,.i two turnei iiiiWN a i',.i in a iii.o.?n''iio i oi e i- i. tk rtiiuoni,. inn's. oi,..nn'i ui u uinn. BTtaMl.jV- .."' .u -n l 'I'l,. ..TI-, . I I ,.!.- I I l" . . . T .I'll! . . . I .1 ... ,.......,. .1,-. P,....;,L.nr vir. l. Ivino- j i j ii , - . . ,. i ' A-jjiet-re lour i inru, an ui--oi.ir.i. n ...... n ... "--KMLmil'in , ivainsa y , oi ill i u nesoia , 01 e w ai i.,--j ue no'i.--u iiiint ..m . n,.....u. v narrow, darlc 4iall-.v.t . . Tho whele time ooenataa troia the hnsiz otr, hj -era firad una. ' Tb or-5s..f kt i. . n i . v u. i"'-.- ;.i. i . a.,H,,u-. Ut Snr- wMeh in turn is sepafate from the drcbs-e pistol i. the box to the waging npou w0,,nf, ,i, ir,dlbe i;Wt? .d rode r,p4 ,J1 1 f , ' ' l; 1 ; New Vok leb- eirdety a.alLdL. The e, ami natio,.ugl w. ok aver thirty-6?o ,.,I.V1 r , I,: .. o..ulill.wini.i.l i.i.ii.vjiii,t, uw ., ..r .i . t -wa' -a. t- - - ,,,, t . . ohi?' Mr. B inker replied "N -. 'm Mr. Johnson rqtKa-. that I he eeremoey take.' btore, U1 Idle, nveirie. 1 n. pi oveu u urn i'H toe-; ihre lii to he a .ins,o'ti.-fW,,.lc. ai i,;, ro-,nia at too K .k.-ol Il.u.., in tlii." a liilstttKe, anil 1 w a ootnprjle i to return ? ?- to hi.i ticttiiU r.sidetne! on tlio ttvenue I Jll.Hi-f of Hie. i-i'l-i r ,. . , lo. .1 .. ii. ..i. I. ...i...,,.. i,. ., i..... iu iioine nun uii.ss HI IIMIIMUU HO B IIIIIJIOIIi l , ' , ? tented t iaeo.inii'.inv me. aitiv u in tua k ttt.-ic-te.t aneitio-'. AO,'i.?i A t the nhnvo iirime.l limn' thf. V.1 1 . .w-'" i.,i r 1 , 1 ,. ol d nl I.ih louse. 1 hml ereat y .1,,..,;; har,l wito c-i'.-h o'li.ri. , ,, , , , " . J: .;,?.,, t. ; . ,., u i. : . ,,,, r, 1 ,.,, ,UI1. the, surcecdyd at iat in ii.tvai g tic tuct.ir in troduced , iiuuiisMou. ie." og i i',.ii..a oo ui j- 1-11' , i r oo lion. -.t V .... m . . ii I lie 1 Mdui tied to V ii hint a, it n..n b .S', being about two o clock iu tne riurntug, tered froai a l'reaif-4:eif. 1 ; f.v: lit i'e'f'.ltUd lOtllitlUC'l lliero Utull e-" eon one. , olTiand four o'clock, -when i ag.tiu weut to ti the Jigmia. diseloBes the fact that the-t; deal never .pake er .'f.ti'y.iijissjfci.