.JNhlI' ... i -i . GREAT UNION MEETING IN RALEIGH! SPEECHES . Nl RESOLUTIONS ! APPROVAL OK THE PRESIDENT'S POLICY. GREAT UNANIMITY AND ENTHU SIASM. ILLUMINATION OP till CITY. " NORTH CAROLINA REG EN Ell A TED Thgreat Masa Meeting .dve.tl fd fot y.'ter- dT in our City trantpited in hccidattce with the pre ,i',u. arrangement- l..wea perl'-cl ."crea. in every respect. Althoml .he number present was not as large as n,anv .nilcipat.d, we think the turn out was very eieditablei-mid. .i.,g the Rtt-iidant oh ciimstances. Be low will be lound if complete a report ofthe proceedings as out lipiiti ! i-pMCi- R!mit of. T II K CROWD It ia estiuiat.d that i from the citir.om of Kalcigh and the la.ge crowd of soldiers present, there wer two hundred inhabitants of Wake County in attendance an Ihe Meeting, end many othera from remote portion o f the State. Among the most prominent of the" we no ticed Dr. J. T. Leach, Ur. M. F. Arrendell, Ex Governor Sw.in, .id C. 11. Brogden, Comptroller of th j State. THE Hl'SIC Col. Ur.pgtr, post comtrandant, kindly loaned Iht Committee th use of hia brigade hand, and their olViitH vrne well trcei.ed Their music was excellent and aid e,l to roll's" nl'iit the impression cicatrd by the.pto- e.dings gen-rah v A ml SOS. The " State H u-e b, 11 " which called the assemblage tijfeihn ..len'ai ti'Uii'l t, ur years ago on tl e 20ih oi ibia n.nth fi r ihe purpoie o( eonveniig the Conten tion wbi.h Pissed the ordinance of secession and ina.iiu- ..-. .Memi.t to take tbe Sta'e of North Carolina out ..iik. Con Yiate.dav ill i-.al founded tme ai.d loial. amltlnilln! the hearts of Union men wit', a joy iniiriesa in itr.np" roi arboi. with the feeling e. perienred bv tin in on that occasion. i n oi n miium in.. tmon. tho.e 1 . had lean on the stand was Mr. 1a vid Itoyst.r, e.tiien of this City, now nra, ly or quite .t.Mr'.eaianlil. 11- neve, had anv patience wit. Kecea .;;.- anil always chirr with ten. rid. openly and . ... ...I.. !'!.' n.. . ..ol... ui in the bouse to Dn'Uiv, in irtf i in' I' i""rr,l,n -i.iv, k. hroiiukt hia bride aitty six vara air". May h yet be spared long to enjoy liberty of the old flag ' baa alwav a luted. ma ail.irihv insi r.si a. Tha iru-.ne. . I it) military on the n.eeling wan not feltintke...t. G.n Hchoficld wa p.i t'ou'arlv invi te, to tike a place on the Speaker's Stand, hut declined an tl e grout, ' that he wished the a flair to appear in ev ery i .-apart il e 'rte and unrestrained expression of the ,..'.pl, and did not w.nl to give croaker. "PP-rtuni tv . I owe.,rHiil.t. to make a charge ot military re tr.'.nt. While his h'art was with the mccesi of the motesaent, he did not deem it consistent with hi- pnsi tlon a a n.iliia.ynian, to ap . ar in person ..n the grounds- ne rendei ed eyery assistance In hia pow-r in the way of prep.. a,tin ; hut avoided all .ds calculated to show .desire tola, out anv e-peeial plan or pro gramane 4.ri'r.Tie The bright, cheerful countenances of the loyal L'nion men in oui street and on the ground, induced by the .priortunilv .fln-dcd them to fieely express and inter change sealini'-ntadrar to their hearts and indicatirs-of their t'.e faith in th old Bag, presented a marked con tract :o the soui . gloomy and disconsolate face, ofthe few ultraite who represent the, ' "conquered but not sub duad'' element in our mid' The ( mer were greatly elated and fiequent compaviaona wer. made between the freedom ol ipee. h allowed, yesterday and the terrible ty ranny and supproaaion f public aentlmentln which the haye aubralt'ed rr the past four yeara. I II" ?er.AKK!l'S STANO. The Speaker'.- Stand n-aerecte. in the Capitol Square nearly in the centre ot (he Kast front or the 1'ark. and so il.. the Ca i.. building ca-t a ahaaoiy on it and nroticted the Speakers from the scorching ravs of J the sun. It was eonftructed ol rough, unplaned pine hoards and the platform was raised about faur feet from tha grounV A rorHng of cantaaa eoyered the stand. Tiia rRiicae.nia- At half past tweUe the meeting was called to order by Mi. W. K. Kiebanhinn.andon his inoli ni tlic following named gentlemen weie appointed otliceia : paasiDENr. - : Cot,, .t. P. H. ftCSS. - . VOL VI Col. Kusa the-i appimi"! the : i'o v. n ,. C0MU1 1 1 v. v. o l ' -1 ' I I'. 1 1 k t: u 'Hi t'M ( H . i i'h.' W K. li 1 t!M A U DSt N , W. .1. IH'1.1 W II. I. IIC U. J0.Vl . ' Al.VIN .1 R V H"A"DHFK. .1 .1 r I U'" The CotuKiitti- r.-'i ed t t' c IIU-c 1 !'' Marsha' io ihe C'i y 'i ''u i; 'n "or ' '' rliig ilHi itnif. ili lard ft' '' d ". as b'ai'e n ith s' lin ex i Iv'iit innate At. n u ahit a' teeci- tl.t tVtisinittee rrlunie'l n-l 10 I t 'fl t he lo I" mg l ev OUI o us, w on o y , - , UAl.Kimi. FRIDAY. MAY lQ: ' NO ' im., w---'-''--rJ-J,-,'," , , ,(j i a,11.;,ia, .r;,,,,.,,,! . w. 1. 1-'8 -epi.v nn,.-. I in- o:iiio t i 'V1 "- - I Tl,-i.aml pla..-u con-.,-; M M.H-n wis rill. 1 on . ,, ... .,, ., , I II ,M,. , on a. .n-a.ii" si" " ''' ,1 ..1 ... ,' , , bad be. ii iiu- L" be t ' '.J . .... . ... n. .1 I .inif.'U. tl'1 W'' fl" " ' i . r - ' ' yf 1 :.. ,1,-. ..e'iii o ' lu-S-a , .-I '"'' ' I il v 'm C. I unm in 1 It HO'' ol f'oio on lo ill .1- hnvo-.' . W. ' I . ii i: I . oi tl. l hit 1 1, Cai . ,od - hi ,il . :ul a' h : 11 C I ' ' th. I'.m I li , i.. i fi.il, : ,: I Th a-. ( ha'tiean, ol "th- Ci n mi' poos' , a loot, i! : 'I I ni . hi-, I. w ii t. . 'in' tion and r ----"' ' c 1 n- 1 -i : in lie S,. ot", in .-tine., bv ei ji,1, to r-i, i- . itrmn 'he to u: ,' I lt;a oN.sliMltion no, I M i U'tiJrtl. That in adoili I,!. I, ow,- i it!,' l i.i n Ii r. m' i liil !:h if. r: 'In i ' .....,; i. ,-,,1,111- I,.- in i: I ,'- eie. . i i. !.i h ii.- !:n .it- ' an bin..:, , ' ,. .o. , . ! iv n i a' f i uf'..-il ns f.-i 1 1 " lait I- iliz i, ii'io h" ,'ii ie ', ti h ,i . . ... .., . . .ml I,, , ,, ,. t st i on tia'U and f'-iv 'ey I'lor 1 1. 1 in ioi . . s n" "i;1 rohhir;g us i" , i, suli',iliO" to ae."ll p',-M If hallowed en'ts: HiiO li'i'litng mil in plaint bv -lunons and hellers, lh:i' 'h'-' f upon th,- wo hi an ii peuiaiii'f ol nnil.. i if pu, pose anil criou jt n hieti th" cutis, h-m a men, and the inborn inipiil.-. s ol A's'nr.ni I" rerolt with hoiror ami dieust s I. I Thin as we ate now enable Iree'i.en, il is the duly of eveiv good rii. n c "!''' promptly and etjergeliea'lv with 'he -nral goveii.fi in ri'stoi'ing law and o .!, , and in , .-tubli.-hinu a I aad loyal ii 't. niiioTi in the Suit,-. i it. n,i, imi,'.ii ivl'.h" the n e,--''y- i go-id iio'i' "f I'fi'oi""' i ini'ita.t for til a Stale ,. ' inn. nt i hiird i esi.tar.ee to Ihe SUl'liri ki, d. Hut Kf de o he taken -stahlo-h tlo Ii te the best 111, ,le 'f I i,i blii'i a C,,a' nli-.n th ai eai Iv as piacti-aalf S. feori, II at we ap rote lh" dent, ss i'l'lii ate.l in l,ii o o et ed !, hi, n ss tar as po.aible. in eiinting i' lint, that .-'i!i-n leat b oin'lf 'li ton. of public a'.r'iment eMuhU-b-d anihei it v f the tovio no., t e gu ae the on'v in. una of -fl'.--, y ing ' " II, , .1 .,.. tl't nt I lie .. tl,' urMiin.i'j'f rilns and j-rl. il.gf m ''' "' rb ' d b 'h- h' I -I ou, fl'lif'S n I I in I d d ,.v i i , irel. i jnlo ' it-no e to their f'li'il ' n a ;.-... e,( 'lhat we d-ploif lb- iiol'if I'' rrsidrnt l.irc'ln. and r-jri"! hi a 'iin i y.iatieii and oat.hing t" f " s'ivi'i. . I w." we uni'e with our .."iliU' vin-n ""' fiHv in ,l,i 1, a nil nil in the tools! ol his ls, l if' his curse and b's pMg. a fine so nun Ii pioio'- of r. tiliu.il pood to the toilioii. i yrai.W.1 " it veil'-f-ia'i'i'd Ihsi !h- .ili- ' i.l..l,t, tlii'.j i. ii I I"' sacai't. Ii:i d v..v d on o ' i . i.i. w...... ,l ihi, l,.s iiml ileti 'e l" 'he l,"i " and iiit.o.ri'y of v..ftrtewt .tohoaon. nod in his d i ,, it- . i.tlili.'lion and I'll ion ' the SllliS. N. ;oilrof. That ne .would al" ixpie-a conli.lence in the abili! v , iat-grjly , I,.' 1 : 'I a " nan i II. I l-n iv is cillt 1 on. ,, loooaii";'. ai d b, mg ii a, 'ii io.li, "i bad b. i n u u .... ii i..,..ii the wh I i . 1: I ,1 I I ." ' ' ' ., .. -lu-Sta c "' 1 . .... i allow-' tl'" r'itilf." ,. . ..Hit f p'icf v ' i's ' i I,, it ,.y , i.iii'Miib. led !',ai wj-o.te I -t 1 1 it t .ntii inline i" io- i on.-. , " uth eti'l tin- ii'i'ii. if I-' 'nie '" e 1" II tl 0 ' III" 1 lof! ' ' Hi'' !"'v' ' "' HO !.. l.l. '..,. York. M i fl ail to s-ain in -.-ll.i a oil lf - i o - nun th 111 I V. I. -I I - ...d liill-t act s ip.o lite It 'I - ir! io t 'le l M'e in pu' in oiiera'i. n, anil I'i s an I lh- pi-a-e "I ' f-' is ire a sp-eil. aeli -n a- ii','!t'' itii au'.li i il v : and fi in- I'.f . aill'- I" I'f ''I S- no, in th City -I lUieigb . ciide IV I one ho had of III- r a'l'l f ll.lll 1- , y pre ' hoin, oaili. li Hut I, ' . , - ;.- : i.i ' 1 1 1 i 1 s i in i II,,. M I, t 1 1 tl,.. I I I I" out nio I a I ' nr. 'I ii- f'.- l o il ill lh C -i I .. . il .'it-it- , ., ,--!.. I 111 ff II ,.. ... T S- i llnl S-tl.V ti .1.. I!' to s'f n i! h N'e.y York ol I o d va la'i 'C. w ' n nt I In' h. arlhatones of I... i: ;, U av,i II lok- d ' I'n ! in n I '' wl i ' ., to i null ; bid ll-Hi -ted 'lie i I nt, s I mii'lon ' f the St-.l- s, I. is i 'I '" yif's in the seylnnc l , end th- oi'- n ! l" oerV'i- p a t. h .. I f s 'i s.b f .i tlm .,i .. ' condition , I ihe ""'i' f - v. n: mill th. l.-p.ft -hoe ii its dug ,. I , . , '-, red I . lie rllioke of hi- r,.'.Tl, ii ( otiv. nti' li. His idea waa tint it in . ! il i- Stat- t" 'ii-i ye t'i- old eoycininent. :,. "i-dm he found that it was the object of ,'i .nit the l'nion and to establish a new ,, t iii-il f c.itoii Males. lie had the honor to i oi, tnrnt, ai lidid all in his power toprevent ... ll.soolc ol the protaisei of the lesd.i a of ii ,,, m il', I t li ..-i i failuie lo full! I them. The ,,f .in,., iv i" th ' 1 erritoi ii a, and Ihe promises n a !-i..f-j and ih-ii action in the preniisia, had us in the war. Their action had (fsulled in r.i! , I the insti'uiioii. It i- eone, and so far aj . ,c, i,,,l 1 a.-ittiiesre in the dci-ien. Th'T I u- ii -, and in tnith, as hot.est ni-li they ive'O , i,'y v iih 11 -,t oioiii!-,', that m paitisan n, hi , il il it i'si If in the nlministratinn of the , ,. ,. . ,t: but unli-s a nan belonged I' th" cr.-.-i,., s.'lo ol hewa mark-d and piosciib d. ,, ,1 was our'atl.-uhioen' to the Hag of our (ounlrv, o l one loyalty to til in. I " prnc.di' ei "Iv ! -lh' - y,lll .ifili'ish-'' - in io io.a 'Mil. of i-elsof I hai i . i , ' i - hell -ly tion tb ' I 'I' l!"l' Ildl, I lh-1 'I he if 1 nt i m ii- i -c.'ie e.ioilause, and thiee elite's w" Mr. Thonris, in supptut that h" wa (,'lad to be pres nt day. lie hid lonkdl i"h" l; l: '1 I . were in epai ' rn io their iilleviance lie. knew indeed at the letatn of ,,ace, knd ti nt mine tha' 'h . O. PAhKER cu'H eaasioKHTa. A. r FAOK, (V M. -FA KRIS!. l!u' inflik Ra.HSTi airs. DATID WICKKH. ALBillT JOHNSON. JOSEPH 1). HATS. Mr. Knss, on taking the chair, congratulated the meet ing ou the fayora' hi autpicea of the assemblage. The Confederate bayenets and oflice holders geneiaUy had orteeifd such a meeting for lour years pat As Amer ican cilitsas we me't again He-had teen an nnconf- it.... .r.... nnnl had called liim ft promising 1,1111, 'Mi'., ev... , ni,. m. II. referred to peaceable secession aud ironically spoke efthe pr yoking of cur Northern Mends into a fight. Th" dlienthralinent of the people Iroin the tyraniealgeycriim.nt ofthe last four years also receiyed its ai.iraad.'-rainn The restoration of the flag to the d.niaof the Cft. i'al he referred to as permanent. He also spoke of hia position and the conseauent aaimoaity nf the rh ra toward him. He had always sail wlnt he tRouiht and thought what he said. The influences brought to hoar On the people by designing politicians waa rightfully denounced He honed that tll'1 effect of tha meetinir would be to conaolid te and bring together the people on the right track "e referred to (ien. L'e as a braye man. lie charged Ihe leaders with the r .'kiiu- -,r ih.. li.o.tition of tha South, and though t pouniuoi, j " . 'v,'.. j j .that they indirecgy had robbed us of nur sons, .In others and friends that hffll been lost in the army. He -nail., the Aral speech after the fall of Sumter and then denounced the course of the leadera. Now, arter losing eyiy eenth-'owned in the wor he held Hie while liycrtd wretches, aa he called the leaden, lespensihlc. He eu-don-d I'reaident Johnson's policy of punishing tha lead ers - Iluring fcinpetoh he was frcqnenll) intci rupted by renvnkiof. approral. After the conclusion or his bold at,d praiseworthy tffort, the, band In attendance . played "The Star Spinged Banner," r,..i el. til 1 . ,,.li-, ,1 ll.ll H no'he, native son of Nort'i ''a. -lina: aril . in t he evf .' of an eh fion f. ' tl Him of (in.,. "I"' '' o i i , h. I .... fh 'f is ' I v r-.e. ,''.' n . ' . '- a lh- fi ,t choice ol tl," r'-i-i r th, " for. W. W. OL'V .1...;. ..... I t.yM. vatire eh "1 inoioll oh I shonl'd d.lf ht t" ir.'nrd and honor 1 i'h ,', ui' i 'ti n, ' "I re u'iven I'-r lioldeii. t h- r. soliil if ll-h 1 1 m:ii kf it nt the l ei"k" liifji "I th- duriiVrithf I ast hun- y, :i - lor a similar outbieak, and lelt that he had a light lo ho , mi en'. His last public .peech bad been forth- pi'. ova tion ol the niion oral,.. States. II- had ,'",- f f,v tl,ins in his power to prevent evasion. Asa nieinh. i ofthe Convention he hud, don- all iu his.wcr. He hiol obtained porruisiion lion, tin' War II, pin Me-i-t '" hie a salut" in rase Viiginia rcHiVri to secede ; hut he h" recollected Hie discharge ol thecann-n at SumlT thai in augurated the fiairiei.U! war lie asked ,f the citizens . t en,lf- If ri lily the it-solu'ioos an i that they re if linn were glad to reiuin citn-if "' "'" 1 '"" He referred tntke older of ti.-i'. Schofu'l, announcing peace bolweea the I'nii.d States a d the prop e of N-ilh Carolina in glowing let in-'. He said there w.-re some class' ol men" who were nut guilty in this rebellion, ar ticularly tho e who lud been mlsb d. That c'a-s f nen be ..i. .n,l lor.r.t. lint there wore tho.', l-i ,,-r of the lebeilion, relying on the pr, jmliccs of th- So'iili and the iusliluti-u of si ivy I those men we can nev r forgiye, nt.least never foget. He thought that thev should rlau I aid" 'n future He spoke ot the eon in ii" ry icsolutions, and was iu favor of lettin;' a no- ol ttis- mengo and 1-t Hi" vie a "I thousands id then biotnei crying from the ground pimi-ii thorn and pursue th-m Cain like throughout all tin ir lives. lie also spoke of Stat"' right , a.lai,l that ho thought allcciance was due onlV to the gen." al Ooyernnient. the goferniiieiu id the United rUutfu. Ae .n olli.ei i f the ....... ..rss.nk i'r,,l,,.. ho lool Ink. ii an oath to tuppoi t I r,iv-..i ........ - - Lhe Confederate State. an.I hd been-' vkea whotherlie w. u d take an oath t lh" 1 iiit. 'l Males, fliif "'" n riliiUvsJtn this proposition hf bold that the biudim; loi ce ol the Conhd-i ale States oath ineiely rc.uirctl him to f up port the coustilutinn of North Carolina, lie h-ld that h- , . ... ..I-.11,.. . !..... . lo lh- Cniled Slat-9. H necue.i iio.fno "i s"'n' . - had been released Horn all oblijiui'm to Hie Confederal-.' States by its failure, and ow thmig'it I 'fit Lis I, n'ty to the United S'ul-s government had roturiird. He at o poke of I'resi lent Johnson's p dioy and ex l.f'" d that the eoinmittee io elidors lig this course inle -lf.l onh t give their approval to the piini-huient ol th - l.ii.l' is. '"' . i. The n taininir nlraiiilai v nath,,i it v in the State was recommended only because it is e-si mi d until thecivil goyernDiciit t. " f f tabl hlied ,' The a-f iis-iaf- n ',,,;lenl Lincoln was .Upicc.il. d b. tli f- ak-r and the l.eiiusrsof the people r-pr-s. nted .. ou mi in in th. ir sorrow. M-. LincdnV Vu-r-sor mi,:ht not b- c .ni i.i- t,y hut h-would administer Ihe rov.-nineni - ;' In rer. ning to Mr. Hohlen, the H'cke. -said U-atbew... well and 1.iniliail.V known as a if pres.nUtive ol the p. " pie, a .If.m.de .nan of good habit, and ed,ica.i,n j a I, .id L ..I . 1 r, Me., .inl IO W I, l'e Hl,,l O ' to Iree Bcu,nii8 - .V . ... ill of th . .,,0.1,1 ir II rll-l ... lh- l-iid-:-' I" in th" f'""'. '"" ,,,,r n'U"'" ,1 i og I'ni ii men into arms, were referred to. tvis. in the name of (i,,d, who was and is h-. I h. , i,-, nlv v ears age his n eech against pa-in,g . ,! .l t "i lh" "Mat" "I Mississippi sc. oss the waters i,.-. , I hi di hoi,, sty then, and decla,ed that, if ,1. ,, . I ha" i.o pail in it. I.a'.k at him i ,. ! What has ho ft done to gratify hia ,' .,.,iii,,n for place and pwwer He has hounded . .ar teiir after yen,, tuning deaf ear to the He knew that it was useless ; as a man of onli , - - he must have known it ; but he had not pi r h a -Themes of plunder. Hewait'd ler the last 1 i.ke.a snd silver and gold from the misguided r.,,1 ihildieo f the South, until h" could put bis . , , n(,ie. II- has not only anass-d all that . I . , ,,t I ii a ier bill ft ft, l ling eiciiiur ., ,,,. , his benefit and Hcnji.ini;i , no rias !,,., hiih rd pie, ipitalely. First, a rcpndi- ond.a lo iienler ol bad feeling against the union ...... ihi'1 a -.i r.-sioniit and traitor; foui lh. a l,Ph. a living n.hh'.-i ; tixth, clwiged with; the I Lincoln. Siuh i his rcconl ilifMin aiounil which lessor sv stmiis and evolved. They obeyed him n nd , r'ci'- turn this hoirid ciuplirity, they are , ,,--:,io willi him for the riginal sin i i . ,, i , is nal malice towards any one, but ...:.'i, -...I -h.N eh oisb as lone a I live, the the men who VV. I. t" 's reply t Van lice Hoodie . full itiog letter--: ItAl.aiUH, Mav IOih, IS. Il,,,,,,,,: -j thank '.oil far your kind Invitation to remain f .d a.Utre.. th" Uni n . .. ,i.L. .... .,,..,1,,. f.o, in maun n,. I " II 1 1 I 1 1 o ,,,,,',' , e - . ft, ( c.o, '. "th your mill'" Lilt i' ia mi i..V w itli"t ' " '"' eu'' I- ' i ' ' , ... o . I., ohoie. Il r .o i ,1 g """"'' '' " ., ... ! , i..i,," in tU g,eitr'fasiirei....e - ,.. . j. u . ... r- - I to pe tnai an i "'i' r -l the ,'y and madness f ., r.isioo, an 1 J'. thoi - ui'liL riitbU- I that H'-re en, i rue. ,i iiml' ' I 1 in- 'he Sil. s IJll'O- s ii .if ' '.. . i iu-ro' the pe.p'e ia, nllhis lime, e'.incnl'y i "gm '" i-iop. i and it .Vlit ' be we'l tor auch ellM t' - hel I as arly as l If. i ' 'Lo ''"""'" ' o: " U;' lh- lie .xnrc-io-, .-Il i, Mil- oiini n havi:V. ben mi i, , - ed .'.nine I1"-Jt" distilrl ane a and a al' nnprei s,e c, ul.,1 a t th ,. al sentiments anil wih a "I the ,. ., v.. ,i. ,; i) ,., h,,iihl now f,,csk out, and bv all otli-r m- ans ,n h.'lr 1" w-r aid the g-n. nl V..y,.rtim-'i.t in -MMisbiiig law and orl"r. that tb- " " mav 'like ilsplafe.nil.e Uni ,n. and thji Ulesat-iga ol If- . ,. and free ov-, anient be sceur-d to us and uansmit I -l I, r ,M ' ,. . , , , . ,.. ...;.i. . ., ..-i s n 'e a-S'Ji-d I , i, uk t in aif - i - o- " " " i , . , . . . , ,, ,..i in, that 1 am inai I i i'i'Mia,'. n io ... .- . ., .. .. :.. i j ,.,,,1 o.nioae to ores-tve Hi Willi V'U I," -eif .,,-. .. . .', ,- .. - . ........ I.. .1.1 il.., Inliii, an, las "I our i nion alio io oiouii. com iron ciiuntrv. Tuur. with much n.'.-ct.Ac, To Mass-s ' J. I'. H Ruas, W. It. Rii'inanaasJ, and "then KAhMiin, N. V., May 11th, ISM. ... v . ... ....lit.. ....I kii,.t invilHtii.il to at II .Nil. r. V. I.N :- 1 "in "o..i-iMv. - I, .,,t and addn-ss a public meeting ot th. riluent o. , ah- County, incposid tube held this day tn the my , ' ., . .., ,.;,-ii ..Toresvioll to our ,. llhltn 1,1 1111 on " . . 1 ,i , ,.ii .... ,. , , ,.L.o, ,,f on, restoikt on to the Union and to ihe protection ul the Hag nl our romiiipn "r. has hen received, and I most cordially tnai.a .""'"' .- .. i ., 1.. i Linn-.... my inabili y IU" I'oll puniein. i ,o-f" t l be p'esent. as I mi. l oiepellfd to bast, n to my hoii.e in lh,- ft .si on ii oitant business wnirn canio.i ur ,,n, d 1 shall neveitheh s. be present with you in sen imei.t aid in snnpnlhy and no one ot the many spec i ...... .. , ..ii. .ill l.ai with more d t oi - wro win ai'ino ne , , - - - - i; ,.i, i ,ii.,n I ,1,, the advent ol neaco and the deliverance , ir our people from the iron mle ol tyranny and opp' '. '...i, - .-i.i irood and I ),,. us ,,,,, " "' - i- , l eiti.-i s. respect, a.e r. yeren. e. th- glonoil stars ami t - 1. .. 1.1 n ....... il ii sii i Ii II Mr II111T1II H isn ii in I MM M WIHCU ill t r-liui.x.ii. , - - . . ' . . i i,,.. r.,J ,lolip..nr rutin i,,i us cue... m. ...s,... -;:-.. I...... W'.'se than hgvi'tian nonnage, run ("' in-uii and injury', both at b'-me and abroad ; lt us ic I.. I mi, , d.-tei mined to enltiya'- 1 It'gS I t H II 1 1 1 I .a'lh 1 d pa a'o, : ni ;l--i in' I if i' 1 II- was i lily , I, lie. I, ,'r,.nf,i' posibl u.ihehl ''- waa ,.,,n iii-!,,!, I , , lh- leaden in this rebellion and ultra war ,,.,, one hi to he held and should he held, in so far as the , n"n l soy-, iiment may do it, to a strict and c-omlign .. .. i. ,.. . ,.,,,,r v,.n,Tal en. l reason run ill,,", oi ' ,- on c ,v . - n must f in id odious f r a! e ,nbU' ti.n . . ,.-, ,.l,i"' cemli'ion of tb i .. i . .. 1,1. .. ,fl',l..o,.l and atrickell soirit.he , rolitieal repugnance t 1 h'elirve with President Johnson . ... .( ii.. si.o.th hoiilil be treated He thought Slflli. . h' uld 1 ol in ha- 1SI Jll-iiipled secession ...l ie or itraogers, might s in tb- count, nance of Union ineu and eg I mi;, a it. and liiotlu i ! h el !, t (! w a 1,1, : )' Ah. , i al '.V. . ... nl of the Stale as-H-U woul.l aniniof .ei nn-n---- and eduealrd palii't. He advised uni v ol , r" ' ... the suppmt id the free I) mocratic system ol our govern- .. ! TL .III. III L- , ol lh1 uont, puiin dhy III" tlnn ot rrue.,.-... -rem.yalo' ,1,e eaue of cmnlalnt f and . North -i. .-African ulaverr, and adv cat, .1 ,t '"lie v!oinkcd tfcc nl,lic- of W Union a . . .'.a' t'fv i had preseryed u. the , oplo of North I undo a,, th I .Ututionsoflhe goyerninont, not by ft-rce f ai '.f al m", ' I ut bv the influence of the Conservatives,! N.""" ;""' 1 Una. The speaker look his seat moid the a,.dau-e-"l I he meeting. Th. i esolutiona were read again -juDOturti Mr. Heldua took scat on th. Hand. the fMli'iiincl -u own .1 ,l Ilii cue .....i.i 'I ho latter relirnl with hat off, shnuti i, 1 th- foriaer with bowed hea'H ami s (),.-ofthe results el the war has boon ... ,1 tl, , , iueium of All ican slavoi y It i an iu i"-" i.,.. .1,., , of Hi a State I.. Hectare hi, ., IO, I. ' 1- ' in- ''' ' "' 1 i ,! I hue fliy sin'us of this etmincipa'od iae. i am i'li,.,. in . fur as this ince ia concerned, no y that war l,a atiuck the , hackles from their limb., that the school , ,k ,.i, d bild be placd m their hands ; tou cogni.e the ,' , ig- relations to wach down and lilt up the ' '" ,.d l.i. a'lii.' inn- them th. sp'n it of well regulated free dom and the right to reside among u so lon as the gov- . ' i.n IIOlM hiv a en, in.. rc" shall al'ow ll l ne aovi "("""- r,l,Mn cotiliol tl,!. inai'""!' W need not look into the future tor ii".v evi's, but this ra-.-o must hut the sympa ,l,y ,d aid ofthe White man else it will be extinguished . I , ,.,-,-paiiil to extend that sym-athy Ho r, .-ried to lh.ifl.iT. Frelinghysen, etc., eman cipation pro ct, and lliouirbt thai it waa entilltd to the ,......,.i c, .Hiideiatioti now, and looked lo the wisdom ol thfB'opl" "I 'he South in convention assembled to de li,,,. ,1,,-ir at us and regulate the relation of the whites aid bin. Is. He reh ired to th- Hnancial loin and to the debt orthe Stat-befieth war, 7,0il,IIO0, and since then $11, Olhf (10 in tho State and ponaties. Some ol the hanks illb.. good, others will fail to melt the!" obligations. -U'.. I.,..-., I, : Ml 0011 men: a portion of the S,te has been ,1, y,.-,.t"l l'.,uir...i!.d'ilry. nev-, r .ntideoce to h- firiii- n it should b" met. an.l l oeneve ,,., ... ,..., t -, ill grant a .y reasonable boon, and the ,,'vthat.v owe after re o, ganixing will be to ovii.a f,r tb" public debt, also to aid our I . r . . ... ..io AH these tbinirs ..mm their tnnusmai ''i' - nilended to. The time is not distail, when mpuitnnt inattcrs w ill be nlt. r,d-d to w hope t" a prop r appc eiatioo i" (Vrnl.nj. She is y-t detei in I of o in toward the oeopl 1 1 nil s e c 1 1 1 , n s , -, , o. i . .,u,,, , , - - - ahiilehv Ihe I nion. Ihe Ci nstitution anu ine iav., "" lo stamp, lou ver with the seal ol our oisappiooaiio.,, , ,, , hle hersey ol seccs.-ion, whicti lias iii-n me pi s. uioe ol h. ii.u. h distress ai.d suHeruif to a nee nappy and prosperous peo le. veryiiuiy.ouis, TOD II. CALDWELL. After the reading of the letters the Chairman ordered the music to the front and the band played a quicaaiep and tn, -"dv. Ci. Ci.apirer. post Commandant, was then introduced and delivered the following address : (,'.);. r,ii'-iii ,, Hrifw- imnnvmen'. it is enlin lv niiuocessiry for tuo tu a--uro yaa that Ilia i .1 . 1.. m.r. nrnt.i- hi.ie r -I nidi fs'sio:; a i.w n'mii ' y " '- "-'J . fy. " fn jiistifo I ' mv'ir 1st mo n.iv mar. iiiih i the li. st tine i., All uiy iif, A.fvor n-i l-rtook to make known my viow.-i t , Inl "("if f Inv-clt!-7-,,,. I niil not tr,iHt mys-lf i- io t)vj k'i."ii my v-e-M fflfmporx. ai .1. tb-r-h r-, to.fcl tnom nuwn. The - ,fas,.ii whi, ii calls i" lo(?"H'"r, f"lh,w-citl-zetiH i f rnaimiio c .unfry, ia by n means ntiiinp ir- t. . ... I ........ i.i iea.1 tant nr insil'iiilfatit. Il le n,:ii,.;f u.i one tl at ten yonm "fi", In." I'"1"1 "f ,I,IW' ,,,kT wmil.lli.vc prngmsti, iti-l M.t'.y wh . ' hro vvmil'! li ivc Ih'.-.f.nl.t It bl.b'y imp 'iinamiv Yet here we are to ilay, tho citizens nf tlm S nth niitl the sol'lierfl ol tho rsorin, awiuiu-ai .,o.,i,.. 0(,rl ui" Ntl-i vol inipl" r ,l cti .', ' nr thij-vs ...-..i ,!,!., ,, ,.f civil niol ifll,'i"ua lll'Tty throughout the w. rl.l ut,l .M'iiiH!o,l U t'liiz-a i f 3 con in .ri iin, tiy, lot the purposo ol limning imhllc ( Xpri-wi ,n of oiir ,ltToH'in t'i tha ghirlfitu find in.liM'.hihl" H'li'"., which hnK ..vi'lmto.. I the lent i.f tin..' ul tl," .liairgu.ir.it If flu.::. "f i int"ror cinii wnr. A "il v- stat il fi.ro to-l.y n friend., " brnth.rH, nsil were the c'uhlrcn i'f ' tie o-m'iim. parent, in being the titiawiw "I "''' ciniiimn oiiiitt.T. We are ns-soi, ihlnl m Ihive s(,i'l--tl,in il.iy, T't I" nnnli'-f'l in Kal- iali, l"i xrire.-i -.ur .U'votion t . ti e J..,.,,, ,.f r.tir Uih r, u to tika ml .'it c.iiiuh"! that li'' I'ni oi my bi le'mn'it.il, ami I" IS- t oi, I " lit' . iii'ik- -plet, ti n t Ik's, Li ' ns Uk de.-t'l.i. "I' "lib gr Yik i i-t, n i t in ki ..! th- ' ll ill'.-.t ' ., lo the, difTaienco iu the N'.o th Carolina and -.ew ,rat State. He refe- ,1. I , .,..,,1 ith.ll h. hv( ll ',! lh, urht lha' it was ,.c uted for by th-ei ... ,,i',,,c.ui .1,, .ry. and not on account ol the t ,,'h -d upon 'ii ' immense resources .,,!,;,., , . i,s agrii ullii'-' and minra. i h,..ihrn ..fl, - .'.or'.n to s.un s' He genre, muscle and wealth. ,,,, 'i'l lUse.eiid to your l fhg will n-vr go out I ,l,e ,.. 'f i.ai. - 'i,l nere. ? . . i I, - ilul'iari tf that Mi. Uuhiei. tioi.bedhuspou w,',. . and ! ir.tr I h.-ii industry , inte Vr -..i::' '.' llnll V'"''' I""" .bid .,! '.' '" '"' U l"K- ' ' 1 , ' - J . . , , ,ht I here n. n ,""-rl nfS'i'os, t ... i a U'H , f bo-irtc, aympil'ilca a'nl smtimnili. An oclt in pur pttrpixK s'vmi I use su'.i-l o lo any p"ty, piisntifil r aeettonal loellnK. ving, ami fnrg. fling, as far R p.-asihle, the past , xfipt -in Ifssas id i np-iico-i'. a' 1 etiivi,' t-y a, I .....litis in o.tr power, lrH'.-.'l f T Hi' " ami keepitiR .Tit3' l.y tamiM ami p"rs....n .! '' wlun- .,( (,rr,r n-rl I iU'Tii'-ff, wliicii .ir.- '"ay the neces sary ripience of ciTil war, to allay anil remnvo tho trriuiion and feverish i,:iten,"fit "f fetlimja. Such a .,....., ,,,M hei nhln and eaiiipToiit, and .tutfRman- 'ikj anri wntiUI Mrs to us thfl rutural ami m t the artiliCAl fl'.wmif jteacb ut,.! Knimi. Hut I nea-l ""I nilnt tho torililo picture ol anfer an.l revenrje, re tuiiali, n am) itnriappii iM that will bs garely follow an oppooitn lin" f pi'li'J. T , Ihe incie I'lililicians, my (riot!s, wo ere m ,,.,tfd io.,Liy hic the Rltnost ruin of our leb.Tfd r - .iintrv. Not to tu.i iv tim.B of i ho great m , h, Tho oooi.le'n heart. CTei, lllltitlg I tin in ,,iu i,' of,. Imr i,f ti t pr, atf.-t UU hnvp alw.ys ret,,mcil a , mo love fun mrdcir nalioual riiiliVm, the g i!;9 ns atari ,,,,1 atrip.'R. The love for that could nev. r be en firnlv tra-cl from their henrfa. It wan the Hag for whi'h tlnir f,.tl.crs had foiighl and t.l-d aad ihel '0 .H'llish m il hosti Iiimor they thrmaeWi's hid str.yf n ... rrn'olain on tl- land and tin' . f"f wl 1 h 11 . , i , . 1 ,L., ..ni.U n ,l, h,, iiriny itistancea tne wrou hi, i,.al ML.eti shed upon the p'-it 't Mexto-.? Tlo, Levis .,( the acip'o could n-v.r f,,rgt tho .ml fl We are indebted, I observed, not to the acts -f the ,na...s of the people, but to the ii.trig.i-. ol a horde f . . to, lie ana. who to ,ld- se o-fl. ll iioinoua, nine ,""i i -- . . ,,ce their own pelty. personal Intaresi, a, , fhe.r u.( ,u 0 for the ruin of the count-y. 1 hey dragged that com trv down, rhat in its inin they migot elevate them ,, lys and make a name in history. And such a name as the- have made- "" " "" Ar'' Mere politicians .night i"k.: the pres. rtt unsett,.d ciditionof airi'rs to advance their personal ambition. This is perl,.,. not 'h-. most con-empt.ble th,u; on., could d , hut if .Huh '",s are rade disgustiniily in'oui'inei I a a tiin" like the present, and unhai.dsou.e means are mad, us- of to b i.,g about tho desired end, tl. ..olitician ina'Iy beoorues the object of public anl. v .' i :..',. I V...I ... l... I... h,,np.t enlini-nts o' in nd ve' St' ,1 ' 1 lltioa. I ou. o.u - LVcr. s-i,i!-b and h.ncst man N.rlh and South, when I any that dV.i.w (Ar mtrr. pnhiicixn, bin honor tl,.- , a ri iiesutrsuianwho laboa tha'. all can s-e In- hand Arid Ik Hi t. ann snui mi'i ,Tn a LW " " r 1,1. ow... He is a man wh..4.b.r. Ir the lolar- t. . r , .,, i... ..... L i ....i- lha broad . xpanse of nor oi a ' ,. ii- ' -."i" ,. .i.. ,!,., I,,,., I. i..'!uncl by no nifer.aer. .....a ... r-"";" .. ii. b.i.iwi no orii . uo O lu.u, U" re,.img. ! "-;""'' - ; .H,'.i.ihi.. c .untry to day, who wo'ild be piea.el to build l upon the nil", ol t P-. t'.rt of eur people m.ki se ve. weaiuav u .pr' ".' -'. k'-r -. j . .i .. ..... ... ...... K,.r,.dea-t ove, .in.- P"-8'-- ".' I . .V,: .11 h..re a Iftiid tiUf. " mi li" ni- r' ii' : t iuiw, g-tieroiuyaiidpati,," I people. , . . .,., 1 hel 'ere I . t 111" .u -is in i'.,' " - ,,-.uldl.:. uunwb.d. Im ., A" - coin" irrm. c... . r.-in upon n entire section ot our counin. ini yv"- . .. ...i. ,1, i.,.w,f-.l it'dil-ree of tiler le.i'l .have made a jr..( iniatak . 1 hey are now in their ...n. eonviheed that such ia .he case, but it is a.king l i in mav at. once. "I was mistaken in lhai e.us. to which I hare der.-ted my lif ', the It''""' ehiidren, and euibar.ea ana i"v '" .g ,.f public sentiment must be gradual, it willmre To, in time. The country i tired of civil "ar-ii in o-y. r occur .gain among us i ne .-'"" '- avelv. hut in a mistaken cause, i no -"'i'i I u.l : n .o'y and gi.niouslr for the presai va'in o: ,oi, . c -non o . ountry.and Hie estaonsnmeni u.. (.e. the g. ,i pri. ciole thai a lieo people can 'U e mem - in, ,- a reput. h n b-riu o' gorei nra. ut. Il,al.gi et .,' ,-i. il an '. ,i igiou. lib.-rty so long ao.1 e.irn i. st.dhy Ihe thr,-n-s of Kn'rope, ny whom the u n ol 'our helored country has always been I I looked lorwaid lo with the d 'epest anxiet-.i ..-' a ichor of hope 'I'Uir last hope his been . n ti -a th'm by the succsslul termination "f ; an I t'lrcnes begin to totter, and ere long thoso ', h of a tyia.it'. p,-er, and a groining .. ..,,....:... .ml i.i'i will have forever d ..- ou the lace ol -f the g en a,th, and fr-e i, .us, hiifht wings will .pread th-ir protecting 1 fanny .-mil s over the whole -a, ill ; open lhe ... n .lo.oa and let the oppressed go frro, carry- and I'ladness everywhere to all ... i -.. t ... A -I in this , .ne,ction. my. Iclto.y ciiiz.eus, . ,.-, ... ii r s, in ,. I'W word., iht deep aeuie id graUt.de and H'leii o.i I.f eur u ble monarchy which ha don. so , ooiwi inlandii? he' inieieata 'ay in another dim non to aid and ass's: our dear c.uniry during her d u ii ml t-rriol- 'lavs of slruggl and trial, and to encourage hi ir oi" in-' n -t h"'y etfio't" to perpetuate the instita ti ., ha- i 'll ilo .l bv our lathers I believe It ,1 nil ' ne.e-sry form,' l add that I ailu 'e to Ehgland. To n-i-how'd -plv a -we indebted I What a sati.'action we ow- lor I YY!o but she must we thank, that eur c.oiiioc- - lush swept f-onsrlri seas, and lb-mauds i ctj.-ns ii t. ruin to whom but her rhall we .xiei'il "U- ihsaks It the many insults so generously -If .,, d to lhe btituci we light tor, at a time when w. were oower'esa to resent t And whom else shall we eir.lit ihe influen-e which has caused tt.edaageri.ua an4 eon.einpiitile aeiiliiin .its ol a wonai clii -al loria of goyern trnt to t'coate s i wide spread through a portien of our e. imiiv 1 A .senii n-nt who.e parent i the bondage of a o.ople, and whose only legitimate anal successful result can b th" ruin of nur eouiinoa ceuniry. Knglaod, thoo paiagoii of p. ide .",1 ee'tlshnrsa, how would'sl lbu base vvepl f-r jv "vc lh" fulnluient of thy prediciiom and the shaticed lrai;iiiiits of a once happy country. Thepo'i yiifkngl.nd has always been contemptibly eltisl, and unprincipled, and her .jealousy of a republ oao lorinol goyeruinent very apparent. This it was that caused her to pursue with a belli. h purpose of Ten geanee the nigh ie.t Intellect and pure a heart as th. world ever saw at the head of a nation. This it was th.t caused Napeleon Uonepjri- to dra; net a mia.T.ble ex itence upon a o-ne ba. ien isl and die a wretched and ohscuro ,..th-cru' Mv sepaialed from all he held most dear. T ia it was h.' caused fmr but recently to enuo , i,t,. the s Ihsti pulley i' her Anaet icaw provinces that they ...u t protect themielve, unaided by: th or mother 'Kn!:'uiid ba in cyr. way wronged the South since the eoniuie.'ic-meiit o' lh" war. v i. Irt pretending to he.-friend, she has , I h-r n, ruo.Untial benefit, hut i,- siniplv u.e I n.o r -ad-l friendship to r.b and ruin her. hug and had no in e-st in the Soulh, she h.d ,. i the North, h-r -de-uest .v.lh-s were to enr.eb heise'l and hssi.., on thy ruin of our land. e n ,,bhed tiieSiniih and swept our commerce I om th.seas, all shad we n -i unite aeamat her T Mie caniiov .land a uni'. d N'-itb and Miuih. I 'ong to s e some ...equal- punishment meted out to Knglaod, hor c ecu swept t".iu the seas, h-r power ,V,,r,.yed, anl 1,-r ibrone ..yerlut'ed. It "'' doer And 1 --ay Hod, I may lire to we the day , and to Be a nartv to it nivs."ll. . , I Oi.serye that the desire is to witness the. enf-rcement ofthe Monioo doctrine, in the iim.diaie expulsion of M'lxiiuilian Iron. Mexico, i gaining strength day by day North aad Soulh, ll i b, emiiing a r.i popular Idea, but 1 b g leave to aav, 1 think il is very imoolitio It would be the most unwise policy in the w..r d to inter fere wilh Matimi'ian. Maximilian is a .mall ootatoe. -He isof noparttcu ar account. II ; is a dead failure, an fill experiment, a contingent remainder. wit-n the contingencr b'-vond the shadow of a c..nt.nencT im poisibl,.. He could only be a succej upon the t.i. ot eoiintty. The cun will nit be ruined, and Maximilian will go home to his inoiher He i aunply an inslgnitl cint excresenee npon the g'ori.nis and lh iving tree ot liberty, and b will anon lall to the eatlh of hi. own weight an pass into a rapid and mo. iled oblivion. But. if e endeavor toenlorre llm M nroo deetrioe during . . . :...i i.ii.n ,.r .'. ir w o Ii a 1 1 h .e no I me pre aeoi pxcii '-',",', " - . only France an.l Lngland. but al. the diafl -cted in our own land to cont-nd against. We cannot unite Ihe South wilh us against M axontliiin. Hut ignoi teg him in the future as we a'wavs have done in tlin past, wu can cause every bvart in tins land to belt. a. one in a contest against Kngland, our country's oldest, f..'(er.,.l enemy. . Wi'h regard ',- the neg-o I wi-h to asy a fw wori. By the pr.clamath-n of our lat . great and good Presi sident, iiuiii Lisooi.m,. who.e rec -nt inu d-rby the hand of a cow. rdly assassin ha appal ed our land, the negro is invi" Iree. The proclaim ion will be law, .ml in a short time, will be ralilie.l br the goyerniuent ot every slave Stat. This wills'ay the worm that has oeua .na'wing slowly at the very root of the tree of liberty and Union. Throwing ihe int. rest ol ihe negro out of ouestion, this change will bo lor the to netlt "I the eouu try and even of the slave owners (b, m-elvee, sinco they can de mo: e pi etit.ble bu.-innn by lining the n-gr thau by owning hi .-. This .uestin will work .t.r' oui in tiino. , m Willi regard to the question of reorganizing lhe Mate enyerriments of tho Soiiili, I cat, say but Intl.. I hop. . . . . ....... ..... . .., ,, ,,i en i s ra or s an lie,. Ill a rtlior l lime 1 1 ' sen i in- . f.-. - .. i .. . ... ,-..,.:... h i,..v niirsi tn.ir usual ailU 1 oe e " I ' r . . , avocslioos, wnh an able and honest man at the -elm ,H ch Slate. In conclusion, fellow riti.-ns and bother seldiera, would e.ciie your prole anrl aami anon ,.r oU, noinlry W hat a grMt ,111 I g'ono,n luture lie. o. i.'r.. u. a a firm and .....ted pe pie ! A future which no land beneall. the bright son in 11, av n .. capable except our own. W ith natural advantage, '-r harbor., , .vers lakeisnd climates, with our magnificent reiourcea of every descripti. n, wi' li n race that pos.-a .11 ihe e cellenciesolevor, nature in the world, and with an .r dent and onfall, ring pairiornui , we combine all tb.i ele ments of a iingh'V and poweilul nation, l.-t 'i. "' lhat we wnls, audi'.- Iirst am. n.' the nation of the earth, and dictate a generous and liberal policy to to,, whole wo-ld. The Chairman then paid well merited compliment te Col. Hra'ger.br referring lo has adi.nni.-lratiuo of a lairs in It.l-igh .nil WlUe lou.ity and tin- st,.'-eory reception of his g. nora l course .ince he ha. been ai..n 0!. Mr.' Bartholomew K. Moore then took the stand. H. ferred to his rec nttrip to Wilmington to .ee Chief Ju-iice t base, and its .Ij. ct. He p, ...... red that there sumption ofnv, I a,.ih"..'y would soon occur. I"ng his travels of late he had m-t only me man wu.. . c. s.-iou,t. There was no n.cessily for Un-ou Meet ings W.. are all C, inn men I havo always been . persistent and consistent l'nion ma... n. thought tha. he might be rha'g, d iih en milling sin in rur-ing th. . halders of the i-hclllon, but he felt So much I -j .ic-d on thij orcasion that he was almost wil iog to I r-ive thrin. He th, light they had hut fo, lowed the instincts f then nature, and their coins- wa.s but the natural result ol their .diiraii'ii. Ilia leirai-ks tend.. I g. o- , a I . '- aeon ciliatorv course towards soin,' of th" l-ad. rs, whom he waa witling to b, iog ba. k I. cam" we need their a.a... tance in bringing thing to rigb's. He wound up by an appeal for ehai i.v. In the .. ' bM charily. . Col. Ile.ton, Supervising P-enl Treasury Agent of the Department "I No tl, Car,. 'in w... r .lied "ll but did not r n I. Mr. L. (,'. Kdwards, of (innv-lle, wa.s then introduced. He hailed all presvpt troio California Ohb, Maine, and North (ja'rolioa a Wow-citiiens. II" 'ly.' n'd his poll tics f'um Webster. L ke hnn he could ifay he knewno North, South, Kaat -r Wist. Hi heart was large enough to embrace the who'e Lnion He ijiVp-or pan lot whose lore for country knows nothing bwynnd his Stale lines. -Like Mr. Moore he had always been a eon.isteat aid per ti.tent Union man. When on the electoral ticket of th. B.ll and Krerctt party, he heard a distinguished man say . . .l : . fl..A .all that he owed no allegianoe to .oymiug "- --- North Carolina, and bad been trying to disrupt th. goT (eoatmtiO H9faa.) , si u i'f' m 'i if: . : :i H i til , 1 r' i 1 if ... ' 'i "',1 f(: !': ff rl !' '' , t .'1- -ji hi 1 1 :.' ' t i '' -1 . fl , (1 k I if Y S. ( ? 'Y1 .it Ut!

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