.; ".-' . x. ' .V V'.- v li I OF THE 8TH. s . J-' , . ,. - V' - ; . 4 COLLECTION OP THE a'&AS ' SINATI0 EVIE)i,iNLK, THE UUftl.ULt U CAM. Joint Letter Fn-m Tiicker arid ; i , - Panders. ,- ' The Ashburton Extradition f Treaty. Kirby Smith and Dick Taylor. Important War Department Order. LATER FROM EUROPE. RKWSOPTUR 4SS SSif Alios T'lERK. &c &c, &c &c, , We bu reeeinhe S Yew k Htratd of thft 8th loit., fram it w rr.ndrne th following neirt " gATIIF.UINl KVIDtN'C'f 81HK lUKlrin. Wiiso:o!i, Mar H, ' It WM d pmcd diHr by the Wr Beiartiuii.t to riillftct all tlm inluctiM Jibsnihla 'in rat-rPR r ih lata tt!:6r, tha litlisK af frwWnt Line A i?gW natbip fxpiiltiu wjii 'f-ii mH, unin 'fin jni'r5'-'li te lupa int(-!.ilai.i of CulxiuH 1. C ,)5.!r. .! fA'-lcl iate ru T littr.ri? atlffrn'Mtp ;n W a!i;jt I t . ..'an ihiff n tat Patotoae rvek..aar i!U. J'tai. A VuchT.t.nf I'lTalir, ouit c.'i'"Sni cl L(. n' "Liint i' : .t ti' ton, f Caar4Df H, SUtetb Ir T irk, j- it wtii -T.it. whrf m tli i-:i'r, H aitof, (.'airai i . ff. . ;.i,n, ki ;ivei at W Hlriut Tree li'' hpg- .-hor.U 'oi- fori dnarn. TIj Kii'u'ttfii.n! thfo i:roc. 'tii a tii,1 ..t ki wtn ta th rtidre r' f!t,"'rl Kazlrt. .li.mu abtnitri'i ht'Ik. nd cpt'i:a1 nn K(;!r, of M at ' i;or r-iI' m. Liat nant A. J Blnt 'pulip li -t b-n to i tr at b"-koui win rijfiin. I.tut'-att Ituit-jr I biit w birnt ii taa ittno A'!t"i .akout hllt aa keu! li letumtd, wUm Ihrf w.i . lth p'aoad auder guard and bi unfit t b'ii-d, tl.; ,t .a-?i.'r ifonitur. , Thr(? wm saisa 4prtfttia tj a !.. thf uuaf 1MB an( tb. -Ivtttaaf' th'hout. ilia r:ir, . t- ,..f whicli ermld not t e kutlicirntlf nd ci.-(l !ia.t;.Hiv ,i Onroa k, haai'ter. iirmin hr a in'rsio l tl a - efTrel that be t haiiiMilK') .m14 rvitar caid fta.k ftom, W anting tan. - ', . " On Krftia? tnr rnlrg: tk iwo jiHtwn er I It on board tba Hnnitor, undef uaid,'wh'n the rwf offhf eoniuiDd jiroetrded In tbt rtud no ol r, iJtcwai t, atar 8t. faal'a chorth, at I'nu nted abrc tber ar ritad ab.iat Ui. o'clnrk, A il Tb tii.cUr f.nt from boire beo tbe ekjtlry arrii"d, " oa a aiett fo totne . friend, Dr. L'lmaj, 1 htard A rqnad of o?ilrv, wiib a ' brlfrbt mulatto bo j anid. . ne.a diaf a'tijbtd in saaiob. u of tlm.. In tha int- rtm be runrnfd boms byi another rt.nte. Tbt caalrj sutrmniicl tba hnuse tA prcyctt thd tfrrn of DV tin7 Tbe'it vrt a oanibtr. sfVoang . ainppicf at thr Doctor'!, m of them bu dnughtcru, who -( trai to think it ttiaorc thattbe mtiitarv thfJlln B etit for -thv n'rr fawilia. Manjc qilioi) wtra 'Vkad, to ahicb LienUnaat hrNatb'nn'kart tudidttt':f , repllad bj inform iBg ikra that tin Ilrctor un aitntiid ai a wltni fi Iraiily an o aht he mw utvd n Rat h kn ol ib? Btn Bonlb and hia mHtMrtate HaV 'W Alter firiki)i iIji ui? dinner, th pai tv Marled i!b thrjr ii-turn to Walam Tree larding, at which plavtK ihy arrirrd ab'iat eifht o'clock, anil rrtutned t6Vb ington ahontrtx' ii'cluik, A. M. Thera ia puwtbinK In M(ilirably tri gn abrtat tke-fiarKiatiMie? with tthlrl- Bn.ab and Harutd Insirtyd dn brtng takb to Dr. St ; i art', and to no tuber pl,o ultitb niafler thu -Mthorl-tit aro ioTati(iatlii)r ( and it Would bus lnipediQt bf-o - to allude to him In full, u the f nija if juitice , might bs deft-ated tbertby. '( ha arrest of Iks thite partiea abure " sained compli-tta th. whale atd fkr a relatca to the . oprait)n f tha mf ititea altar tksyoroaaid tba I'otonjao . till thay aniTwi at Urrati' house. r . Mrrfa, at tPrltl .b AS.v.X... . . .. .,' '" ' ,.; -'-Hi Mostrbai... May aiigj. T Aanat Jonsaoa. Frwidrtitof tb Cdltwd State i- Tonr procliinaflrn i a living, burning lit, konwn to b fucb bj j ouraelf and all jtur urroufidin(--and alt . the I711I f'itirtrl ia TJhii-'ifhdoal ahJf iultfTrr Ua " bnM exhibit. kt to h ". tlilii:d irotld four belliah plot - td'rodtdpronr Otirlaa Ptifdht1 . - , : W recafriif In many Kf jOurmot r)ijfinrinsbcd gen trala nsea nf boii.r, and W4 do not bf ljetp fiu-ir tsKia tion eti'B with yaq haa so biuta litd tltin a to pl-rratit their dtrlngjtic to a public enainy nmlt-i fuih (.rate . abat get, lit ihti uit mar, w rl: tlli';Djn ya to ir.it any umd of lie kwenty n giht-tala that are rni, t -' form court jiiarial for our trial, to bo cmiToaed at ihe Vitlied 8'atra li at ftiuie' Point, if any othlr.iii.'tcf that Jou trill net have th V tiwr toineiti thu tnjjb to , deatroy n eu row : Tfenitravla Scutt, laratit, KilRriuan,'.. ' ' Meade, rV aeeraaa, Howufd, Barmiiif, nan.-Hj;k. itnukLHj Hch.tield, Wright Hut, Oadnall.i'ier, Enmtr, Blti)', Plvaeanton, l.ojiau. Stteie, P-k, Hatch, r'rank'lin, ltcd . man; Akxandar, Qui, Rejnnlda, and lighiir. Hi" , money that yott ha bo moilijatly oiTere4 to bae'tbn nnnfl'cBdiDg neutrality of a tiiijfbboiinf titate violated by tba unwarrantably TUitnre of ear pertoiu to be paid oter-tb deliay tbe profeaaicna! and olhtr pj0Me til onr trial, to the lawyer tl.at we l all di-signale, and w ho ai t . in do wie to ke ptejudicirdin our defeare. Our witneKsea ale to bare Ihefallwt proii'Ctinnf and upon out A-qttit- tal df tht cbargca prrrtrreil ajjaintt us iu .our proclniuA tion yre are to tie fnyiutttid nt iMnrn wadl aale eenda't. f a concliln , we say . hare no at quftimancs a bnV aTer itb Mr JJvoth, it any of tbnan ailtgvd in have bwu engaged with bim. ffftm-wwMie.il or.badwiy knowledge in any wian ol uim or thuu, and he had eV ttrilttn tu a hofa or tovjht an inltreitw uith -' " '". .'. ... OBOKHi V. &WH, ,'( "freni the aloBtraai (JaaetU, JhJ. . .Z ". ' '' ta ABHUt'iitos giTninitioj! ialtATV Wa bear it aaid In tu ttreDta-we hare lib dlreqk ait- tbority fur the ptattmant that tha ledorai grernuiDt have uinde an applientioii ia the Ooternur (ieweral of . Canada t ) have Ihu rerauua adcuaed in tba pinciaihatkn ' of PreaitTant Jnhi sun giyva up. . Our iarpremteo;? i hak this rumor may have I riadatian," fir we should nut Btatft Mt. The Katt a.litiuu treaty eannot be mdi ta applV t' tha ptraotie ineiitiom d iq tut )Hoelaniation, aa i. loeauot lnclodt aeccsifriua lo the friuje of nuider, and oiilr le iera ta-aetata of ol' i.tescomiuitUd niibln llie jurisdiki m . bf tba eountiy n oking the demand lor extradition, tu perpbtratoMol whiuli l.ave oarape'l to the nuiauboriog, dtmatry. It, theu, a demand ! maiif at ad in deliver up these ptrwm, it moat, la-.cy, euie ond-r tha euo-.itp afiaiion?, h nd tlm vppeai to ibe I'Yardgatiye, ut. the reaaonab!ei)titi ij sacli atl-muiid wfhuve not ihBitr'. par ticle of eyirienco on which Ui form a jjidgmrat. 't he pio- ( tamptioo b(rh be proclamation a I'm da ia that 'Ik- vi ' denoe fur auth a dmuaii'i, or such a demand iKell, ia not aUagsther relied ooif, for it t.ftfei an nurt f r arrest, which in Canada cuuld not take putuu, Mccpl iu the form '"' f kidnapping and jnatliag the paniea gcruea tLe frontioPi But they--that ia In say, JAeetit, Wander ami TlKker hart made a public allti' voluntari y to ajipar witbiu the juiadictlou nl the United Slates tu be tritd by a coui t marshal, nn condition which impartial uien will say are ealculated to .eewf. ihe ends efjueiice, -Their ofler, ot the least, it not tii at oi contcioneiy nuilty in n. h is, in fnut, very much the contrm y, and xhiinQ great onnd .desce in their own aefite bf innocence. lint v tifUmc w "that tht rewatd tiHtrad fur tiiilf atiptebeirtum ehml b given to their lawyer to dafi ay tho coMnt'tbeir d,.ft-noj, , and if the federal authnriuea riteciva th aubttsn-ial puf- ; -tinf tb..-ir peitOM witwin Uiiited.rViaiCTjurii.diijti.Ju, i b Trid lwtb-llefiiiilnitjr.aiiistthe!i!, etunot c that it ia of much conequeuo,.. to whoia rTieyliirri7w-rrrt--r-r.iwat d. Tbe otfef aiade to tbeai at tr.mt Hifio il r a'lwn . tast,. bclbre the eytf tha ettflisod 'wwhi, ut tUeMiuud4 there i tally are l, r tbeinoat eitrauidiu.it pt.iclatuaiiou of rteaideut Jobn.nu. there are vaaantrea iu the le.tlcr a In lie rough In expulsion, but II would be Mere tdiiue to dtacuaa the tenua in wbii.h uieu wka feel tlieaiaulve to be infauioupl v acccaod reeel the ftcoatatloa ag ainat tlicm. '. ' -'' ' ' "-.-.. - . - . : J S ' ' i '-".."' . . :, wrr vr pit wjitfiniw nnw; ui w.'t i 4hi --fit Li-fti t lUtiisrnl r"Vd t jrir.. .- iK iisii.4.fri lie ,roc;iijalioii i tlio.fttamjhij wiwii .Miti r i IH, "I u!t".,i i' iarf it;ipaic)ius iliiSr.ldiiiiMii1 ; t,. li tli ri-jf' !,nlrO IViri v a"! !tt -1- -i in, li.- -' u'a; - i a i m . leivire- tine 3,1 ang ptelmnrari . the i.lil lilt, ut the'urouih ol Ked rivr, .'t !i.. "I ' : Liv:- !! :l'u i . i.-eited Oent ! P "-e jiI -1 -m f It J'aVfS r,fji .bebtliiti Ua'eMi'Mlih. , reri rl'iJ:to ' jtvo i.niittllfr. Cojl'e ' li.-r. ut t'. oo4ll;c 2d v.t-T,t. Ot t.1w i a -uli . I ilt" U ' ' : n.tbiiig th fct-un-n ; dt'it red'- ' . riip'-.a-d M'.- the '.nfie tb -;e i.. a- " i. a i Joi'tJitiin'p mieji were ui u ndw ' ! . There rvr9 additi inai i d ; in S -ti O I ana n, ..SQtMH. thafVlbkieH yeoeiilVPiik farl .r a.-.! feVt rent bad' (od.'.f u.af. m i.rr itio. ta u.ln i'-i 4114, Oentou-tnU,'. tu li 1 1: ft .New (Jr' a.i ta-r. , i tl.f MoHI. and i wao -belb-vcd Iht h v ' i- '' : fit llie j'irTp.iSu . f i' -"iv uir I ji ;vf. . , i RlTi.1l!B TO PI ll'lXkkl or 'A.U Va liKf Ayiia; I atlj '"Wdn-nf-r.Tbat . ail'l uliS'ti'O a rf w' , ec.'- a'cye tin ratk ,'! cblAAt'i, who--r .. .Im Ri.-tatvnd aignilied lb. Ir dmira to ik- !tv.ii th ' Bift.ni to 'lfc Urn'e't t p tr. a ami t;-. .m.w be is. t-flir'-id, b' ft i ilj i;lV vb-i.e.: uJ HiT i.h ',-... i l anpi! iih4i flBinin1'. d iii'i f. i pftlt e hiiitira. - ' tn r'-eri io ill dthei'lirictiuei of n ar rait': will he i:.i. .1 , - -.. ,. , l b. Ciu tni 'iy (nsetai '"' !vte..'..-i Bi'tliwaty t'uoi'ioasf.f prevri i"i.' ! lt jiria-VitTt; bl f'i b rejinir-1 u h i;i.m" I' f'tdMiU lb-"tradife ia' iv i "f leaijli'Brtej.thB Rrga'L'URtion : whiel tiftio nrd plaoe r' enw irt. & the nil i l. glr.P.Ct iM hh alini'.-iitred t .comui ..!( ,- . tht jt Uork, .ra-rpt and I'ot't, libo nil! tun. I i.y 1 Ally Ttjril'ta i jjiiiii tiers 'i-islrafe J to the'''.!: lurt f Pri.a! "TBve repor :' .li t d for cacit Baji and ft unexc itf i ! l ti...-j of - . ' . , Bt nrdiTi-rtfc", Ht'f'K? AJ V : J il4 A IIapdik,' fire, "t .1:. ia K'iir H..-i. - a .'SX tVncial Unttcd f iat' Aj-' y. I', . Un. cdvio. ii r-ir. iiiircprt. by die " . :i! tl-! ,; ni:d flibi ri.i.i nt taiber r.Or.l m.'l r i i,e -f.i:r a ltadJcatinlr L'mi etf.ti i t l.n'. ,,. j. ; a'paakikattoa ufPie id 'at 1 rtioin n b. puo i.; mu:. fceirnp'e. . ' ". 1 at ichvkkdufi or i.tts. Tin' ititelHgenco of the aupreodrr of I hsd proi the anticipated .ff.-.r.U tglaaU and Kiau cuttou lu&n had declined M ' 1 2, nbl .- Ki . ad.auedl to 8S; Th.; com meat, on ih n d?H ptiicra ere rf a cttrioo.--'y di o-, d .. !, i be t vei rr r in t:t d : b id I o. tlt uint ; tto-y a' aiuleina ttn- rMi.-, viue, r:iv rebellion, and bad locntue eietediii'jfr U;i! u otcrauaat pbuultt make Bo nn.itaU .- in tf-- of the,.couniiy. Jo paied away tbe g ory t; t: ii:,,il eraicy wnn Jvtin ouit. . . '"' '' . !f'a '"- f a' aatAi-f aTtOi. : Bait)) ttartilnjj aewtof murdjr of Pre.ud -nt l.ir. eoln priHluoedaahdck whan er tbe intp'!i. (.nee b?d b i , de.VBb'te'fn fittrope. " Inimer, -m. tii.K lad . u tjeld til.. Uveypoolnd IiOndoni tjltiiilar ia t tie itnd ri. n acter td thoae belt) In ibis eouniry and iii the H i i-'.i pivTineou. The event. was announced la. l'nrii 4 ; . j i h, fcarl rtUPcinBrrBe house, and hr Sir Giojje .l-r -. 1-i Lord Pilmei-teon ia tbeothVr. Tim ei Ki and ai.-n b--ir.g Futjct xti . bava beep hn-iubt nn :-aiii, in it: tat inst., for the parpote ot rtqa-'itmij tti- Q j.-. a I a ennveVvd to. the government and pi .iple. of tl.e .l'i.ii"il bilatea ad tiprMsion Ot the daep it dignati mum! oot tn. that the orliuetiad prodaced -in,Englud. Among other manlfestationil and siens U a le'tPr from tbe tebol agent Alttwo,' pnbltaied in the reUI mgein 'n lipndooairti'g That the rrline cmi1 I 'vit bo in),ini.d to tbe lebal govemmeat.. Masih a c nip-lbd, by the Indlpnttion of the public, thus to d-nouni. h ;. rim--gt'ouat It ia not a little curi.oij) that, nbde thi u t)-l poitnistoner haatem 'tuazvalnaio litutcclt and ciit-atrtiej from any prevt wt kmiwledgeof the criine, Jrff. Dati-, 'tba rebel chief id thia country, lias not tak' n tbo'ati(! t est notice of made any statcuient of any kind r ottive to thfl lerribde ibv nt; nfthouijb he baa been puvlndv arid oAtiiiiUriraaded.aS the Ijadjtigseouiidice irr-tWasaat-. ainattoa. .--.'' '.''.'' . 1 he iffeet of ihe bewswiW to depr'esa the five I i ,-n'ii.r to eiJj,a 60. - But rite pri'vlms adVaoao lo ott -viii be i:n -liicdlitirtiy rtchtrt td probably, oh tliy ai rivai,o t-ie at xt ft'ncr tr "nt ittii Cuited Sutesj" r , , In th Knglbb Mutu f Lrl on llitr-sdsv nl lit Karl Ho?. Hi and ia tb lluus ot O.uphion-i fir Het-i x tivcy (n bttia'f of Ltitd. I'a lueratnn) .-t Bulico t: - tiiey would, nu. tba' 1st til MiJ. move 'an audr - lo ll - (.(Ji- ;r, rxiyrytAing rorlow and; Indin'Kfioh at jbe as'ii-P' n u i t I'rrnddent. lijiicoln, and playing tor tu o..'vv ttnii ti pressiuu l feelioj.' li) tii AWiieitn.f.ivernmeiit. , Two great 'metit-gii were beid iu t.ivui p.e-t, ivbleh after ai'pfnpriate sneechca bad dreq deHtetod, adj.t. J uuniinously resotulions ex,ii-..fcivij of tlibtr 1 orror an t dip toreaw at the asslis inittinul -. 1'he edtnatereial body ol lmdon adept-'d (5nifl ir re o lufiont, and likewise J olb'tUl bodies in various to .i uit and pravlnoc. "', , '. ':'- ' - ...... The American In Lontjon essemijliid in (ro?vnor Ro te', 'di hniuutoh of Mr.. F. 0od.' tUe a i-tiu ad, J urtied till the 1st ot AIy wbea Slnieter Adam.-T will p-Tldeata mass meeting of Aaurlciins at St. Ji.m ' iln'.l. ." 'I he Italian CkamW. (. PtpaUcs h iad.'Ved and (li ess rtP!.ir,g gt'lel at .Ptesi.'ent trnci)lii's a-sn.si' a tlfltt, ami tii elitn(jcr d as dr.ii ed in Lis hi.t:nt . Pari loltera state thai the most profdand and univer sal llgret and' indignation ts expressed tbera at tbo -as-tassluatTiin. ' . ' - ..... X' 'ijk.B.jj.h tSr J)lo..iMi.j. i U.rapfaati,.Mt t"8 t-.i t is iumv 9 a jr.'f iifil, -has tr .! grI t)o gritituds'bl (tia'f:u . , -of tire S U)d wKoit' rutmlry, t) i ir-G:fi fut-al I h ! timl v -'Ar Bnd to sjvare thii lib ikI i i I '3 Jittle arciif, ag he !riis tira ". "flik Cbarlotte Ue(ih eiij K.it tha nt'ove lute Btiifjfcep bf th iHtyfea-vM -mIiIs : "Tbhe jH :iatkBr btttitor lht it, )erire. ).. rec Til tii 160 i-redtt of CUt.ersI JYtt -1-. .1 "d 't-t-ia,tha6 whife ha .'frfiptit vt-ii . ftU 't f fiftn a mf u it !f tl.e OMi.d?rt Qittetmm'ol wartiinltii..-ll e.i h the fi.ila ot-AlMl &'MWii tl; il lj.y enUid co"' ;.',' D wttUe ruflst of tlM iftKer ofllw ji'vii ami Mli m) ffra" iiwuYii a ll i&ttftft fii-iun. a,.- trtv.i- tht 'tel'iiicf gorcrtdiiairt tUy. tvaj t ,-. iu: .M - , iitisi'y org iA iii Ukiilg csfuof ( iv - tit J E Jvhuut'm '- aivMid''uit.ib-' ".1 . k i, l,i ' 1'i-Frttfcsi rt uTiM;'g"lns7s"i'liiiiiil. ll , . hrt n sttn ! atlltifcr-fi to i:!mo r, '-(li sm-t" f Uv. es, 't, v ; BiM'i'utoMle ti'-tit-1 i.;e fr tree, i.u! ; i vvl - - , lial;to tyafal 'jiindin.ia -.l ni.Us i.m 'o.ittn iZiVv'i TV 1 h.'OK V 1 ruvareTTr . '.; lit.-- : lie tl ; . r t ! It ivul-n.il n 1 "eternit frwu .1 .',1 .'.ui V in ; .. -ti I li ititllt-( I't i'n any l.tH 1 s I lb.-ti c..:o iioiuii'r. md nfiij fit ttttj) m:1 b;ii. i t. Lis tru -do.-" . M'i ,i,Jjdb.;r pturiimuit oame.. ti .t id tibii t.. w'vU.y.'-fBptesi'M'iih tlei 1'ittf it-si i - ' T be Poriegeaa goyernnufnt haa d ism jar it iin dm. rn or of tin- Hcleui b i t, who bred open lb - Nuu-a'a and -t-SMraiiictttu, ajtd 'd lk. bh Inltaat iiie. . gi-. to aaiatd Hit Amiiidia niX"mtir-tr( -(H-aa.. j I, Lisbon rapt r sttttiljiat at the llr.-t li I tn.) ii 1' "" Uiwei ed her St iatbtn.ut to show file tcp',fd 1 1.1-tiina'l- 11 not to go nut. at:d th s sip. a uj fears 00. to btiVB b 1 11 obo veu at ibo tuiver.' Th ch ,'ii-d -tig ino:'e ;ti"ttat tbe frigate, and it it at Id tbrte balls struck her nde , ' '. ' THE CONSPIRATORS. l AfcKKS'P OF BOOTH'S MEf8EKGKH. a : DEMAND ON THE. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT. Letter from Beverly Tucker. ' ; s run a t t in c ax a d a. 1 iu" f-irtbo'n filo u ronflenst t h fallow. rvg in- Oif Mil g n H ICpM d'l. (hfl rdlifiJiiiaNMlr ; 1'Ki.OKLTH, 4 lStJ5 . t I' ll ui- Mr roiiiing ccn.inuall? to JighMhi oUkK '1 r!i.:'-tl ifl'.otN ol'thnnn entrusted With the duty Sift v.i'i.: i"er tii rad ot tba diabotjeal tot bap bunt bt !i" Vti.liiti;'l..n dotextiv'- in Brooklyn. flan ,-..d tl-e .n.'!-'ir and cuip-pau'on t Mr. t'n oln' Djirrderti , it . ';-nif, bad bi-...u a te.fidtBt ol Hrnok'yo for abtut tw,. . hrt--rVim the' ettabliahment -b Falun street of tbe 1 Indian, floeirn or i).rtr Tniub't-tv fo Ibat pn-ac jr -littne r o.'a airrld'-n rietiarture fherefinm, net ui&nv el- .v'-. . -.yi Hi; ia ptp batiing on tbe oasa ran.e out a, ' V.a arfo, oi. ihe ocrt'tua of the trret of a yung 1 1.; r o Has f fie. d ti om vt'ashit)(i;ton to the plaro waeiu r-.- T- euipl .yed, in O.ort Ptree t near the f'itr Hali i ' -i p -i'"ii w- h anarrand bov niucb enp'oed by ilooth ' rV.-i.-iiirjjfi n. mid wl.n disrp'1P'', d 1-ae tbat city on t tie.' : j r ot t''e -lasa-aipati'1.! of rrfid-nt Liae do. 1 ', ' 'o i.M not gr bis tsm or any pariuular c 0-- . v t bif'n'.ll, . fbk-ct ol bis 'riest.htt.. bt"l t 1 1 . Ho U& I'uilr dr-noribtd Harold as a person ho !" j 1- .m''i'iej bvBrrnklvnit.ii ts enntti eted with in .:' .i-ii- M-nb' I) '.fft!. a-hirtr woelbr. 11 appeals, too'- b 0- v t ! New Orleans tbut ighteen nrontba r r, "ni '.b n tine Flan Id also disappeared Tl.e lad . ! , 1 be U.wioi' had bei-u .qualu ed with Booth . . i a.t i"j"ii li i? pretty eria-ut tba; tbe pi -burner I' . .-. 1 ih in be b. yet revialid ; for there iTlittlo d -itbt- (oe! bit i-.'hi.t oiin with aad tbe icnfidvncii w ith i' 1 i " '1 1' m-i -';.! ! Kt treat' d by booth, as bis ines r n 1. h- tit of I Ac , rat ' hi. -a 'b r-i.epient ot 11. j- 1 i.. j-aiii-o hirb it it ill net. ' d Mrabte lo Uarn, ati !."'.o . 11 u-' a.riiht be i ,i I v ti 1 ired at. tlf! tltlA'.- OKKAStll UK I'ANAHA. 1 AJHiNtion, May 4 1PG5. A "in t renn has been fitted up it the arsenal Cos- tbe sr- ; u.01. d:!b o rl '.tie couit'tiiattial to try (1).. asarsina bi.-e i i ." 1 1 ; n 1 01 j-, ;t 1: 1 ar ii iw fenrel conlind in the i'l t'enif. 1:1 iar, in Ik-r arytial vard. These trials nil I ni;e abi b ''tv'itu on Mortday next. It j; uri.-lers'. -vnf that s formal, demand has been made up tbe ranadtan gnvei uiuent for tbo enrri'ndei- of sueh ( ibe i-a--itia'tou conspirators as may be nitliiu its ju-iis'r-rion. aareaiT ii'Hita dk.iie.1 Axv know-lidoi op thi con artaACV. - Mo.VTilPAt., Maf i, IPCS, 1!- v. ilr Tnk'r pnbltsbea a letter In which be pays that ;.l i-.t.i i.--"r 1.' tbat b" bad any thing to do with th as--,i 1:1 p 1 i- ii, n r r t knowledge of the (dot tn raptnra Pr si i' .1 l.i:'0ni-r Mr. Ijenanl, "blackened lija soul with ui '1 o'i n ii'i:-.-." lie hoi nrv.-r tn a--d o( lu-itb, or ill!-, t b" -e b -r. a- frst.-d, bt.l'oie tbi itiasination. He :..!. tbat Booth left here on tbe 27th ol October daty ri -den.r 1 that the oflicet ' of the Onta- ,i-; in' ,i r : r ' c: nie 1 in l-j-r, k b-r pixiv o d tin , late H at Hooth purchased a bill on England "e pounds sterling, abd at. tba aauie time di poS- It'indreil and lilty live d-ibais, which remains to B t-ili's credit. D ioth stated that be was to run the bi o kada. Tiirk-r nas not here whin Booth was Tie baa lent f o a rorv of the evidence lo disprove it. ganders is siill refioii. b'-re. SSHKATT IN CANADA. Fn m the Montreal Gaiette, April 30 The folluwiug telegrama appeared in tbe JSew Tork p.s net's : . - - I WASHiNtrox, April I, 1105. Tbe Investigation of the easts of the ennspiratota ii now in progress. Who the tiioa at rivet to? th publication of tbf d tai', thoy will as.'nurd the ioyal North and dia IsuM.ev iy high heafted foit'hern man, by the exhibition of pc tidy iind cowardly expedients resorted to by tbe b-adsrrs of 1 10 rebellion. WAsaiKtroK, April 29, 1865. ' No'ce has bae given by our Oosal (ienral In l!an- i (li tb.it. all tbd criminals connected with the mardtr of He. Irtte eitt-nHiet bt)- pntrendefeU to tb United States authorities. TftW hat meanlogl Siticu we List wrote On tbia subject we have had infor ina'l "i taleal m to tilink tbat tbe man Surrattha been in Can da. We are quite Ignorant as to wbidber or not be is now .hero. But ire can hero no hesitation in atat- ii rr tbat 't is the dtny nf the (.'anadian gort rument and 1 nplf lo use all exeitiot s to all'ord the federal authori ti aid ii llrii'lr.g out Ihe laet, and to afl'oid tin in every ';' I'-iy 'ihieb tllilaw( r treaties, or the comity of na ti may require at our bands. This is a point too plain in d'i.tMis.'h-u. (-Tbt'recan be no second opitiifnv respect In .' it. Hut as fo the alleged cnrppii aey here, Snjssng tho :i uftiern retug-ies, we shall require evidence before we beiii ,e it. W e aitacb wieght to tbe state . ent wbicb Hi ladb.r Gcnttal Lee made to us, as to his ifnnranceof ny such conspiracy) and h.et there been any, of the na ture alleged, he. would likely have heard of it. That otfi csr, aS a rtouthern geptleiaan, 1-pudiated sympaiby with ass issination as indignantly as could any niaa who litaa. hat Is unfair ? these arc accusations against a class of geutlemen without ppecilitatinn. - ' cUAnat.sa rutsoxs. WAtnisoroM, May 2, 1S1&. At about midnight last r-a'U'day, the steamer Key port waa ordered to the Navy Taid. ' Sne tect ired i'roin pie Monitors Saiigitu nd Moatnuk the persona who bare teeu grtesird aa ttifictly criei rto d in ihe con-piiaey t niuidee eiiftallanceiitr 'y the I resident and otber Uuion leldeis, and who now number titteen men ar-d ope wdut-sji! These pi isor era ware heavily ironed with a I ill und chain oh each leg, fnwdeu fled iu each. a manner ns-to-Strep-rtte-bnd"'W'eVt'ral ru-cires-apart, nd ponre trt? the 1.101 e desperate iiasi hating the bands (a .tened be hind tbe back. A Sort of sack o'orcred the head and face if each, leaving raily tbe nitjutatnd nutt'iila exposed, ,0 as to prevf ni'taelr recognition by eae.b other or anv one else. A fpsciitl,r'Btinel was in chatga of eaeb prisoner. AJ tbe signal at given for tke KtTport to start, the s'oatuer'b b-ll raiitf s I itvly, and nearly all the mu'B d pnontrs ftave a con vulaive start at the sound, dvidmtly ihinkl'iu; tbat tbeir hour of 'ctribution hud conoe. 'fhay "' traBtlorr.id to the district penitentiary inlji.iniug tbe arsenals, where dells hsd ben arrautjod for tnem. Two piifoners t ocupy each cell, but a sentinel in charge ot Cuoli uiiin pre.n, us niiy 0 mvei sat ion. Notwitbstatid iigtutj la Miiuher aliea.ly in custody, Seyera I taort' ei ib asta;sii.'Btioii cnnspiraiora are still at large. Tbeir parly Bi'prtLitnjion is Cjtisidered a im-jt certain. Tuts CoaiTiriTioNt Aattna :st Thu' Ctmneeittut I 'visiatuie In-- unanioioiiH y rail Hod the constitution!! ,. .. uehBdnt alioiubiag ud inH'i diciing slavery lhi'oagb 1. ei, tii- liiit-1 . tan s. T.is .uak-a ttteety two htatet that Itile latlh' I itn- gri-itt luieodiu lot. Only tlyo more ") wtieil 'oiieaeii tljo i .-qiiired iliree-fourths ol all the "Uti-ne and tu'-'y 111 be ei. lorlb coining, New Jer-' ,-v, ilv',a-,v are end Kt-nt-. icier, niidiir the control ol the d. ..ei atic p. - u , v.,i ed a .tinsi, tbe Utilieaib.n at tha '' ' oribi.ii reii. ei.va I egislataret, the demo iiAi.en 1 in m coi.ceru- 0 - o dou' t still oliagiog to their tl'l ui. in.it Af'ioait slavery is neoeaaary fettle exist cure ol 1 heir pane. We guess tbat tb-y will d Is-over, h.-: f tna.yKi-is out thai this h-ibby borne- ia knocked to pi.-ues. and tlii.V tliey must oi.ntuut do without , it, '1. , ,l(iii tbeir.sloeit ia trade id tbe highest bidder. N: In a --undoy reh(i-l 1:. I! tbe 1 iiatii.i' ot vei st.s ol A m, last Sunday, while r-t 1 ipturt waa la uroiiraiitf a lllile ad -loniy egcUlu.d : " t'know a yct'SeT" lie L.-i' "Uv st,'aii a ''It any ona attempla' sis ji ilirarniei jyw'tti-gTtfcwit hiui-w-iha ipatjt udied lb gtupri iiceiiriiiiig te Oen. li- ha A terrible epidemic has broken out In Rucsla, create alarm lest it may spread in Barop v rhich NU. 155 TH O 01 LAWS Tbe t w Vet k Hera'H lurnfche the f -JUiwiug drnorip. tion ol'.aeciioipllfesf in tbe aatassinaflon of Prei'idei, l.iu tela, i i n Khv.' I'eeir tutikwf d br frosldent JohnMin . jirrsi-ot Avtt, or aitsissirri JeB o tow Days, who waa y tatei'dar i'4el, W'it'l IWi wertiil nfihiea at hi back, ts to day gtf irin.- fr'iu juftiofe, wittv a prlc s-t upon hia bead as an, assas.siin- fhtre ia every arobsbiilty that he nt!) be ca tured, tried, raademr-i and execctttl. Huch ah end trill be a lilting ttrminattoo to a life marked by such or imes as tretsmi and ir urder; Jell Havis w as born in the sauje Stale Kentucky ) and in tke same year 1 180R) tint gvnbirth to Abraham Lin coln Davis win born ca Jane 3, aad was the ilb-niti mate fn of Jams. ialn,, a nets I hoi-jo tradei , ol Hep kinavtlhs, Kentaukr. Tho tntber fi i under sttpininn as a borsa thief, and a as forcad to fly trout justice. Ho put tied, it hen Jifl'. ta.- vn young, near Viuksbur-j, Mia lissilipi At ti:a! tias.-loirse and n"eii' trader and hn:-"e thieves, when rich, were aduiissable tn good Mississippi ) t-.ieietv. and obi Datls bad lt;t ditfirnliy in istiblisbiinr bio ft It in lite. ' H- W is ablo.'a few y-ai a after In nd l.ii s -ti t.. Kc-it ieky In eouipl te education at ll.e 'Jr-insy Ivan'a tlnivtrtity. l.-ringtnn- He bad iu lact b. cone so pi pnlai thrnngli the Intluenee i f his rtionev snd popular taaoners an lo be able lo .secure for bit ln- ,-iu I progeny an ' tppnintmetit tn West Point, wbtr-b loung Jell', enter.-d at sixteen, lornvn; pa-1 oft he g ruduutin class of 18. Hecraduatid mar ihe tiKit of the class, and was corumlasb-iied in the Urst Infantry ui bre. I sC'ond lim enapt, the lowest rank that could be git-n hltu. He was seat to f loiida ami served scry crtdilaldr wltb Zei, Taylor, in the BUek Hawk war, ior wairb be gi.t 11 " on mission as ti'St lieuUnai 1 in tbo First di air. -ens. In IKS'J h otlended Uenei al I -i- by ranning airav with and marrying his daugbier, and " the old Genera! Tieror rief.fjriijtd l av ia unt i thi r bapecned to meet on the battle ttrld ol Bu-oh V isia, Mexico. In 183S U,ivl-, heving rerigii. tl his en -"mission, settled Bear Vicksbui t, and vateri-d upon the arer of polities, in which he wat ao I'ae socei safu! as to ba elected to the lower bouse ef t'OtiglBft. vVH ' '.t MfX'ot'.i a-ar ' t ka out ivla mi il a ! r ti" ! 1 ie K"S; n-t;iin,.iit. ., Mins'ioipoi !ttr. I b' only Kig'.ifyeiirit.fciiHir'e lo tilt i.nr. i-r w'ati t'e ik. 1 tlt ha tlecilneti a Unitati SMrn ctnotnl-wf -i j h brigadier -el 1 f ' 11 teeta, - n ibagri-iii I tha ! li ' -'.i in' 1 itf ''V th" f-'i)ta' KxesMi4..' wis !,)',. -.-. -d !s t -obi Il r-r.rifer' ,1 ti I 'ii.'al Hi- 0, 1847. t.ivi-.o bts i " G vcrio-i f M i...U-iv' fi 1 ti. -Unitrnl Si lit p S. u-sie rai'iatl by ttr- I't"' Vi'S J In - t! lie (!''. .1 Mr Si igbt. At M, (.wni.-K; elsetlon. In IK IK. .. w is ri.vtrd l. bM ti n torui ciplrlog lo ISil O ! w return to Mii-tsif pi I r he, am tba S: t- ri,jii' ,a'i li'lAfn for Governor, but waa dptat tri byLlWh. P;.1gr)t'' Fdii'p, rtls Hfc-yrtiff enernjj who la now lying In JjIHIow street jail In thin city A'M tit the uttmo time he stumped tba Siata for the turf-use, 0! ailvoraliug tho rppuiilatioo if the 8utH debt, hud ena Hul.sgnrntly Inn tired an the orijlna lir aotj prime innctT of that great Hwintlle In 1853 he vraa ca'led by fierce t a seat In liia Cabinet, as Secretary of War. In 1857 he was re-elteted Unite.) S'atet Senator from Missipsippl, which he held until hia rmignaiitm (January 1861), rr the eoceaaion of hta Sl ue. He wan rhfistsii Pruviiioual Prtieldcnt of ilia tM ciiafbiloratiua of States Fobrtury 4, 1881 ; ' Hinacurateil Frbrarj 22, 1861, and re-elected in 1802 for thft term 0 eix yeora, for only half of winch time he will be-permitted to act. Ula atlmio istratlnntjl liiellfJalrH.il' tbe robuIUooM Srafes ha liscu msirked Ly no great brilliancy or judgment. Bo has pietu the Mirplot of almost every one of the rebel campaiuti,. aad haa done more by his obstlna cy, ority, jealtiaay atjd malice to deal my the unity and effect! miens of his goteroinout and Itn armies than any oihcr of Its leaders. If the confederacy had poesosaed a leader las obstinate in the pursuit of had plant, has envious of the fame of hia subordi nates, Had iesa qua'tlaume gvioernUy, it might Laze txwtod a few ni nths longer. What evidence tkt (jnvtrnmeat bat of the oomplicity of llaria In tha conspiracy for the assassination of kr. Lincoln has not yet bsan divulged. Davis it not a wbit too good or teo wits to engage iu any similar infamous or hopekse undertaking. On the fall of Ulchaieml, Dtvi acknowledged tha hopelcasnesa of hi tause, tied southward, stopping for a few days at Danville, but soon afterwards pushing for the Florida coast, le passed tkrough Charlotte, N, 0., on April 2il and Verkvllle on the Uith, olosety pursued ky Ktoneuian's cavalry , and guarded by a brigade ol cavalry uuder general 0. U. Olbbred. IV it te be liaoerely hoped tbat he will be secured by Stoaeman or the bloak ading Beet tff tke Florida coas'.. jacou taoardoa, tr mssuatrri. Tbompinn it a native of tfufth Carolina, and Is now fifty five year pf agt. lit was educated at Chapel Hill University, rV. O .and on removing to Mississippi in IH34 was adtnitted to the bar. He begte life, like Jerf. Davis, as a reporiiator. Ha was for many y ears a representative ft obi Mississippi ia the lowr bouse tf Cengrets. In pol itics bo was then knowa a a tree trader and State nubta democrat, bat was not considered a sec--saionitt In 1850 be wat dcteattd ts a candidate for the M "nate in Missis sippi, and remained out of public life until liid, when Buchanan appointed hiui Secretary of thi Interior. He fhl. fly dtitingui-bed himself t y stealing eight hundred thonsand dollars tn Indian li iid, and decamping with tb" proceeds to Missis!) pi, wltb wbicb State he seceded. He sol ved fn.r a tunc on tho siafl f Beauregard, but wat ni ter known to be In any engagement, though he fig ured extensively during the operations before Corinth as a flag bftiac character., lie left the con ederacy in 18l, snd tia since been engaged in nefarious practices in Can ada, lie is knem a to bare inmigated the Nt. Alban'a nn I oin- r raids, and it will not bo surprising if he is vet proved lo ha'e been prominent in concocting tbe late conspiracy. v ' 'CieMittiT . OtiAT'Or tnJBiljA,- ' " Clement Claiborne Clav, one or the acdoraplioet of the as.assin of President Lincoln, was bora in Madison cua ly, Ata'iaiua. in 119. lie ts tbe son of Clement Comer Clay, fernerly Oovernor of.Alabama, and who still lives in Hatitariilei Alabama, sabaistirg oa the bwunty of the L'nitid rjtates government. The son graduated at the Universi'.y of Alabama in his sixteenth year, fie then became private secretary of his father, at'tbat time Gov ernor ot the Mate. Young Clay was tubti qucnllv sent to the University of Virginia, where ho completed hi legal studied. He married in early life Miss Virginia Carolina funatall, of Virp'ma. lie rammed to Hunts ville. began Ihe practice of law, and in 184 J. I(M and i4 waa yleeted to the State Legislature. He served from 1816 to 1848 as ludj... ,,f hia native coaoty. In I86a he was el'Cted to too Unit, d Slate Menato and in 18aT was ly-cl. cttd. He resigned Tn 1H1 and was im uibdiate y n-luraed to the rebel Congress, being elected a Ksnator from hi M.101. in indi b escaped lioni the Confederacy and reacbed Canada, where bo ha bten en gaged in plotting t". ason and ui ird. r. OHO a. BASDtu, Or murri'xY. Sanders and 'i'uckoi' match admirably at a ooaple of dtunken, unpi iucipied adventarer. They art realy on worthy the tumor of having a prioa let on tbeir bead They were never worth twenty-live thousand dollar to theowu-ra; and if the rewind is paid to the erininult in persi.u they can verf well aff.ird to deliver themselves up, as their beads could be little lost to men ao Otmttltuted, mental and corporeally. Sand -1 1, hke tavia, tried lo ditgrade Kantuoky by be ng born in it; about tiirty.fi re or fifty years ago. Ha bat bennall his Hie engaged in politic J schemes ef a vis ionary oharaoter. Hone f the administrations were corrupt eni-o-h to apeDin reertgnire him exoept tkose of ''I'Tfti and Biiobanan, Under the mamurablt reit 8 of the but r-aniiiM.s wt appointed Nsvv Agent at Maw York, and under the other received the" appointment to tha consulship ot, Laudon, Kala.d. While acting a .iaiBWiJWi'jjlnated th ta-Uiius Ostend Coirl'erence sheme lor Uisetting the Fnroian' asohilfolitat T'irtirfl-" uiets. He used tb .- ofticiat ministerial mail bag lo such ait axieui in the distribatiao of hit cironlar tbat attention was railed to il by tba Kngliah aatboriiiai 1U returned to this oountry In le6 1 and at one tnv barkad la tbe visionary seUetae OfaBontUirn eoBfede- racv, wtiicei h looaud on with te e eta teiemv wnl ler'Atinei Btld fnp speculation, v Id Ul was it Nrtih'd- where ha waa very abort of Bioflty tl.tit ied ed tbat bp hsd tn f4vn'bl wardrobe, at well as that id hit wife, wi'h ,be hotel keeper as U assarauct that if he'tnviatd. aver ebtaiT rnda (ulllffient be" would pav f if bit Bread tad meat, taandeta wat tnggd ia sever ai ri-loetry Itbeuis for Increasing tkt rubel nary, alt ef wbicb failed, la consideration of tb fact tbat he wat psrnirtttd "to iubsltt oa the secret service fund of tht reht) govemratnt be appear to have entered into 'he scheme which, originally intended for the capture, eul- . .. I. -. . j . Akal" .ll.. . I' -t. . D.-JJ..I , U iiii.iivu am vuw --"-.-. m ... wu - . 1 ..is. au, ears since Handera gay evidence of hit disposition (o onj id whulesome slaughter by a pro-ieettd inreatinn ofa tin am guillotine, wkicb ke ola msd t be a great .uec.-ss, itieggh be bal ne verf otea idea of how u wat to b f. d with victims. Ho may tind tht sa ne dual u- I t bis utjiroveinent that Sqlilotin had for the original tnnehln Sander lattly grew very indignant at the Id a id" in ing charged with oompHoity in lae ranrdar nt Mr. Lincoln, and fnan bis sale" retiet in Cahada, pro posfd. t.. e nie 10 New Verk for the double purpose ef atnftii'ng il trial and give ki accusers a ciianei tnprere i .is I'a. ,-i-p He did uol, tiawtver, deny his cotnplioity in tbe ,r: snd is not at all likely to come except oa com pa' i on. Sasder It a large, atout man. wtigkiug ovar 41 Uftm'i .1 pounds, with curly hair ana thick whiskers, b avTlv tb g .' d with gray. VtRLf TneiiR, o viaaiaia. Koverti Tucktl" Is described ky one very familiar wftb 1.' n as a druoktn vagabond ineouaequeaee of beiag tbe ri bw o John Mason, of Virginia." It was born in in. better, Va , about tba year HI17. He wat for some yes t the editor ef tht W aldington, .S"tei, a hurt lived r'h s piper of little ability. In 1857 he was ap po medlar Uocl.aoan, through Mnsen'i lajDuenoe, tn tbt pocitien ot consul at l.ivt'rpool, which ke held and mis used until lhtil. Tucker's energies during ku whole )iublic carp r hare been chiefly devoted to the eevtlop-un-ntof bit great natuiai abilities in borrowing in nicy and drioklag alcoholic fluida. He has bean residing for a yai up t no pust lo Canada, where he is nnd. r bon is for inn in'ire nent of the neutrality laws. Ha bas published a leit- r d.-nying any complicity' iu tha assassination of l.he President, sad assumed a tone ot injured innocenctas mesk as any ever assumed by llr. I'eck,.nif. ninLua (. ci.itsr, tr xaaTCCXr. ( leary 1 designated In tht proclamation offering ten thousand dollars lor his head as the dark "fO. !. Clay. H is a native of. Kentucky, and was a tnembsr of tht lentucky Legitlatuif of 186U He has lievn living in Canada 'or to ears t, and it now nader t-ikt thous and dalla! s bonds to answer charges preferr ol in one of 1I1- Castadian courts for an iBl'riugeiuent of the neutrality iaws. (iensrtl Ortea-a and staff, ol ibt I iboral army of Mexico, are i.o their way to W aabinion oa a Diis-inn fi oni Pr si oent Juarex. MILITARY OROfiRS. OfHee Provost Marihal. Kara ..it. X. C, Wav ll), lt6. (JKMCRtL 0RDK.lt, 1 S... 1 f A' 1.1. OKKIt'KRS AMI EMLisTCIJ HS.V FORMER- V ti. I 'nine to ttiv nri'i dei at" aunv. now 'n tbia 1,'ny wi.nse hnni't air ele ,,.rt (exrn pt' those tick or w. null, d and their aitemUott) si 1 Immediat. Iv report to this ullUe an'i pro-'n e necessai 1 )-ns.-ies 0 enable tti.em to no at unee to their h eu -a. u'dets 'hey come n dor pro. visions of Oiri-ulat (lai -d ii- Iquurters, Department N. C , lialeigh, N. C., May 4, ls6,,.' Odicersi and enlisted lie n what bouies are in this City, ad. ill medital otltcers dost on duty here, btlonging tu the aforesaid. army, will immediately rapurtto this office, where their naws will be registered and passes given them to eo about the City. Any one failing to comply with this order will be promptly arresttd. OKI). B. DYER. .... Mid 9th Me Tula,, and Provost Marshal. Headquarters, Department North Carolina. Attur or rut Outo, ) Raleigh, N. C, May 4, 1865. i No. 35. ; MAJOR-GENERAL J. D. COX WITB HI3 OWN tforpt, and two Drigadee of General Rilpatriok'i yavairy, win occupy ureunsooro', flaltsbary, Charlotte, and such other points as he may deem necessary, and takd care of the Western portion of the State. Major Ueneral A. H. Terry, with his own Corps, and one brigade of General Kllpatriok's Cavalry, will ocoupy Raleigh, Onldsboro', Fayetteville, nd such ether points as he may deem n- cessary, and take care of the Central portion of tbe State. Brigadier Generals Palmer and Bawley will commsnd tbe Coast District, a heretofore. The troops wil visit all parts of the State, disperse or capture all bandt of guerillas and marauders, and collect ll t'ilitary arm (other than the side arms of paroleu officers) whioh may be found in the State. The Corps and District Commanders will, a oon as practicable, send to each eounly under their jnrisdio thin adisoreot officer, with a urticlent force to organite a small company of the most responsible loyal citixens to serve as a local polict force uatil further orders. A far as necessary the companies so organixed wih be fur. ni'hed with captured arms and ammunition, but will re ceive no enmpensaiion for tbeir servine. All the members will be requir J to take the oath of allegiance to the Hovonnaent nf the United State, and an oath to preserve tbe peace, prevent orime, and arrest criminals as far ta practicable within their county, aad obuy all lawful oiders of Ibe United States Military authorities. . Criminals arrested by tha police companies will bo s-nt to the nearest Military post for trial, by Military Com mission. A full statement ol the crime ami tbe names of witnesses must bt sent with the prl on u s in each oasa. By command of Major-Oenoral SCIIOflliLl) : J. A. Caui'sstx, Lient.-t'el. and Asst. Adjt. General. Ileatlq'rs Department of forth Carolina. Abbv or rna Oato, Raleigh. N. C. May 4th, 186. ijre.iv r,re au uivur.na, 1 No. Ut. f miiKf Hal- RAILROADS A.SD TELEGRAPH UNBH FROM cigibio tjroiasooro wiiiningtoa ana Morehead f ity and the telearai'h lines from Raleluh iQ Fayetteville. WaldoB and Greensboro', wili be htld as military lines under exclusive miliary control. Other rai roads aud telegraph dnes in tbe State may be worked by tbe private corporations now having posses sion of t hem, under such geueral military regulations and resti ictions as it may be accessary, to impose. All otlicers aod emp. overs of railroads and telegraph liars will be r quired to take the oath ef al.egiance totne government of ihe United States, and will be held amen able to the military authorities for the proper discharge of tbeir dujief. . The Prejai.den.tg or Superintendents of Raltrondr Oorapani w.ll -Confer, with Cal..J.. k.,JBoio'( Chief Quartermaster at Raleigh, wbe is empowered to make the neoi-seary regutaiioas. F ir th" present and until further orders, no travel or trallic will oe permuted 00 any railroad except ondar proper military permits. By command of M AJ. OEM. 8CB0FIELB. J. A. Cakpbih , Lleat. Col' A A. A. 6. May tf. MeadqTs Department af ftaith Carailna,) Aanr tr Tea Onto. V Raleigh, N . (J., 14av 1st, llk. I BPRCIAL OKOEKei 1 Ne. 4. si . . T T I MAJOR OKO B. K.KU, T HAIMI! IV-JL-1 I lntry,fis herekv aiip.nnt-il Provnut Marskal tl tbe Pout of Kaieiih to relieve Lt. Cd S M. Z-nt, lltk Indiana Infantry, who ha beta discharged tkt serv.se on the tender of hi resignttiea. - ' - By tenmand nf Maj. tfea. Schofleln : J. A. tMP'UKLL, Assist. A-.'j't Oea'l. CtL. afSASdaa, Cooi'd'g Pot, Raleigh, .V. C. May I tf Ht.ADQ ss., jat BaitADt, Its Dir., IOtb A. V. resr tr Kinaiea, N- .s r.rvALi wivitrtrt I No. 7. f . . Tl. flil 1 r..-. v..:-.- ..... . that .b b. autiful shade trees which adorn iae C.ty of Raleigh, are neing ruid, all peistios are therefore pre tiibitt'd fpo'ia hitching their kerses to them for the futa-e. Hitching posts will tie previdod onall the principal str.e u of the city, and any korse fuand tied to tbe treea will seised oy the Provost Uaard; . . .. By Order ef OF. SRAVSEU, Col. Com'd'f Post. S. 3, SaJtroan, Putt Adjutant. Hy J-tf, . . .j 1, .,-.,ja-u.i in 1 mi KTiasr 11 1 1 1 1 1 . i vua r . - , it. -r. -S -

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