iT.! L. P M M if U TO K C (I I . j (1 ft VW Sloribern Advices OF THE 10TH. THE TIM Ui OF THE ASSASSINS - I Great " Mexican Emigra tion Movement." 4 Homeward March of the Armies IMPORTANT PROCLAMATIONS. BELLIGERENT RIMTS OF THE REBELS ENDED. Restoration of Laa In Virginia. CONFISCATION OP PROPERTY. ANNIVERSARY WKEK IS SEW YORK. IMPORTANT TREASURY ORDER. O ID 135 .3-4. Gronoral IMews. Ate, &o, &C, Th Washington aoiraspoadaot of tbe Pbilad-lphia - attar sayi : Charges n I 'prcitieatinna againsi lln lradina; ruin tatura batr b-n finally p-'r. l, ami. th j, on j amity wall an anf-d Tloitial it Ij hat ..p hp I .,n Muoda oinroitif . hut on th cart pria'-t aM.-wl.'i.,,, il waa found ill . annlhar dar nr two w'f no,Ml'ol to i-amplel same . ' -.ha a ranr rn-nia of tip- Julr.- Alvo ate flip trials a t.i b in th r-nitntiarr hiiitilio j at t bn ananal. wh- a ih nriminala a- n..vr rordint-d in c lmi'i aad in l-i asite cells. A larftrctni io :h scad starT has risen fntd up l'r I" "urt r. . M It ii large rnoiitfli in lulu ilin ,. hun draal pr.ii lad .i ,u tha nortli-a t corn-rat ta bwil.l ig. and hai r,,g, rr indite t no? red with ra-l ir on tt .r Ta rm hi aij a li-ri ceiling and eiri-pt tii initios. rloti.h and mattini f Hour, and half t i n I i-1 I ,.. is ptrfVetl , Taj :,ll are wlii .-, the wh ,1- Litittii..,. i atitig li t-, tie". raoatd V . raapi. pi.-tur-s anything ii . . b . ..-(n ii.i the liaitilr ci uiti nct-d yn,r larn tara led h. tb coart Judge AdiiKi; - Li oil will pi i ni.'a at the curt, whirli wil be range' a .T,d a Inrj table apon the t"rth nide af the room I'arallel t it will be thi labl'i fm- the al!ii-lal rearte.i, who will be iwn, and ielu,-- the laitimuar each 'a to writing. Ri-at to the ph'-an grapaen it a labia for the bcntjt , munsel ihould ai.T appear. It i. ant knnwn thai aar harp ben ena'd. altheugh there it a runiar thatereral amineat deaxi atatir aoliticiiri,. aare refined tn negjr. Jmtllt Uolt will he aided b Judg, ilinghaia, i.f (hi-i, aad Jaa'ie bu ni t, ..tlnk-l!ful I aw rera. It ia laid that i .e Hecretary of War n thnrughlj oan reraaat with the whole t-itita mr ad that tbe caxea hare been i-ieparrd u.-iler hii eTe Major General Ilartaulf hat ramaiatid of the jail and ita Kir reonding.. and hit diapoaili-im are inc h that it would b itnp"i;tj;e for an? attemat ta get pn.eiiiMU of tae arieonera '. a rnob to sar-r-eed H a foreea a-a ancimped just out.ide ihenatar walls, while thiefc cordana of ai-ntrien "arri-an-t tbe r-d brick kailding whirh i-antinei tha wr-ic-heil criminal!, who, ia chaina, with mfillU th-ir haada, are already under , g'-ia( a living death The? are not allowed fit couunu Dicatioa wita tbe outaide world, an ihe guard who feed taem ara oat allowed to ranreiae with tbeiu upon hit areteDue. 1 be paided iiiatka rorerio ii, ei r entiie b,ead, en-apt tha aaautb, are put an to prerent tUeiti from committing inieide. A i -ntin"l o?ar each o-i attnaas to them (far anal night all are e-T much aVjectad, and fear that at aar inonian t they aaa.r be eiecatd bi tha piapple. It ia mwit likel. rhti three af Kord'a theatre emplojeei. -wili hare ta dia. il j..emt pretfr n!er that tl ey aided ejaih nialeriali y in he eiaeution of his dreadful murder. Frd, tha propi ialar, ia atill in the old (Spited, but, iu far ae can learn, ii not impiicat-d. The thaatra i. I'.ill uudar gaard he the aiilitarj. No .-ae ran . i cap b a permit ef tha rleietarr af " . hi rmia lit ju.t at it waa tha night nf tat ana'ii aatioa .a newspaper iepi,rtet. will he admitted, nor will the tetliuionj and prereai of ti e trial ba maae public. (Jaarteia ai' accommadation for tha entiro eonrt and teparteri are p'epa'ed at the jail, end tha will probably re-naia thi-'r donr-a the tria a. My Wato:ir moi ning tba taacliinera will b - all in a-itiaa, tri tl. i-.a ba puihed rupidly on. I'arne, the a "s..i.-i or Maward, will' probablr he firit tried. rKi ia or ta iTiiinca. Tha Wa,el ing. l-ii.r af the l'hiladalihia Prm ti that enough it te eetabli.h the fact tbet -he atsas- itit worked fur l-"-ge Fum, pai I in hand, and the plani ther laid, rumii through mouthi. and implicating nuinberi, were a "tnpound of obedience to th: superior intellecta that itii-ja'ed aad governed them, and of an eager and Tit I'm ' a-.iiety ior tbrir n a warthU-.u lieoe . It ia already k. i ihat befara llooth shot tha President wen were etati-'ii"! -. rut telegraph wirei and to open the gatee along , oo upon which ht H-d. and eien to proyida refn-ibaient for liil hone ; and douhtleta tba aatne preparatioat weie tuada for the!le4 inuriier-r who lought Mr. Hi ira'd's lifn, and the at-a.tinn whu laid in wait for ether pubic men. Af'hing proiei tint theo ry more clearl. than thu niai.aer in winch the prepara tion! at Ford's theatre were made, showing not ono UJtyd . ux.'ne brain, but seei .1 , a,id it is that the'leap of Booth lrom the lm' td fhg ataire had been reheat srd. Hat we ujual wiiMbe publjcaii. n f the aletaila, wbic,'., if at at aa enlr, will cartainiT T,V rhade known to tlie people at a latr day. rinBL rotTia pataoaai-.s. The piiaaneri en h'ing aiked whom tby desired to i.h ot for counsel replied Aa follow Harold Mfisti. Fred Stena, Josaph H. fctradlee and J. M. Carlile. IV ne Mr. Ua Camiiliell, ef Baltimore al a Hu tall lion Kareidf .lehnsnn and Mr. William Wallaae Khey. Hamuel Mudil- Mr. Kobert Jamei lirent, of IJaltimorc. Tha other pnaonrra did not. aauia counsel. . T'l nims Fin res -ram.. 'Ihe foliee ir( ii a rapj of the arder for ihe trial. Kxart:rirR t'aAMiiait. ) ff isaisr, roa Cp r r, Way I. iKti.V; j Wherea. tin-A tiot ney General 01 the l.'niled Sialis has giren his i pint m that the persons implicated in ih murder of the hit I'l-eiirient, Abraham , riiJ the attempted aasa.-i.ia'iaa of the lion. WillUia II Ulnar d ISacretarr of State, and an alleged conspii acy to aasassi nate othn officers of tha federal gofernment at Wash ingtnn city, and (heir aiders and abettors are subject to . tbe jurisdiction of and legally triable baforo a military crmmisaion : It is ord -red : .rsi That the Assistant Adjutant General detail nine popipetent military elieeia to serve as a cainmiuioii lor tha trial nfsaid parties, and that the .iudjre Adr-cil- (irneral proceed to pt'hr tb.UK against said pui i f,,r lhair alleged ofi'eac. s, ut,d loo y them to trial befjiosaid military comaisaim ; timi -aid trial ar trials b eundacted by tho said Juslre Adto. ar. (ieneral, as reoord r thereof, in per sod, a.ded br tui h aaiistantor iper-'al judge adTOcatea as he may designate, and that slid I islt be condaoted with all diligence inn islcnt with tha ends of justice, and said commi-io. r, t sit without regard to hours. AVaonrf That ItreTat Msjar (Joneral Har traufi I' u -" aigned to duty as Bpecial l'l-ofoit Marshal General, lor tho purpoia or said trial ajid attendance apon said cotn nrissioa, and tbe exeeu'ion af i ' a mandates. Third That the laid coiatuisiion establish tuch or rl i or rule of proceeding as aay aoid unnecessary delay and conduce to ibi euds.ol public justice. AKDRk W JOtINHOS. VOL Vi 'I In m -rilii .I In ti, ij,. r ., . ,, ihe ! i , i. i , and li.-r hai it ji b-n .1 ihe o d' i-..t rim hxi cit'it-. mrh.. li7.ini; il- seiH-.n n.ii'ur I ooril l be 'net, -h , .11 IT o'clock 'i : c t ae,.rts IT M I I ( . r i -. ' M 1 1 v It r " Till r e !. e n si In a de - i- il in -ill Vi Met.- Vk !. orer l e-ot-eojea ' , tridt. I" on I -. I i! e.-rio. nge ru of t h rr i- i ri -1 ! i t r n.!-, . ' t - out i uiigra-.t. ho i,at e unti l I h ill oi in . 10th, cor ni-K .v. e il n :nr s i , r e hi if. i r ' 1 . Im t t oth'-i pup li- n a rri Min i ti n. 'iii -.i. ! . I,, e VI. -i ii- in .i an r In, I, k-P - u I lur '.on i I, . . .'irid i; is rinnnei! t -tr ,t u 1 1 ho r noi.-ii r il,;r ' 1 o .-ipli'il ti : itamli"r I' ilia ir.ati !. ' .. .'i id Paid 1 1 he ft i ii , a II. i ,e I il: 1 1. Uni e '. . AM-, i . I srkr that the I' r i oi 'l '.li-.n in .Niiv i o k I'd, im-i "ff i-.-d -it-i i - nt'er I lie Ih i '-I i ' s lilt, n I io enlist eu (,.lt -i i, ne -. t 1 1. 1 - 1 1 ! i -.t-' r '. i. . , . . . em s Ii . o 1 ii - I j h t in Ig . I : till n ami n In t I , , t 1 1 1, f . 1 1 is s' - I r : r :i i-ui t ' '-rli e I- r n t . i, . ,. j ' 1 : o it, uri ' ! 1 such li 1 1 in a' ; ec-1 a- 1 1.- r ' Ii ' : :,i.'i i tiuillnf ' f i.O'l pl'al. leelpllin d ntfa; a i H ev t rt I- urn - mi i-tl i I w I r l' 'aim, -tliieli ,.:t liu-ior... I,.-. itl' ret'd,. i ;,.,:!. . i lie .1 n.e i it . . .1 i i i . do ii .-io, I on to in a i. M i'I .in v -ipa ..f ti s in i oi i i.e f ot.-iul.- ii 1 1 i-lii-.i 1 1 1 1 -ii a, a liicri ing id en ! u'e f.-r home 4 rur-' PKi-i'r.A u i o-.n rreside-d .IoIiim . i a it -i - I a j-: .- -Mmi i n.-i, w hel S t "id I . 1 I ' th t g I i ll'-ll' " i. . :; -. I mill ilir fi..-ti.t h ivli-".i .li i j:r t r ' i - W-li !!-the Ojffiat- . i.t' intrtl;', . ' t 'I :i livfiorcltiTf. h ! -i-'ei i- - ' l:a t i I' a I - -.-na;!'-time isall hfle elap-i- d tor thlb pr cl i.n ti I i t, i lis come kS)oa n in l .e p'-i ts ot na'iom i-lnnnr e io (nr.- b.-i ii ii a1 r ui, fli- .ai l i.i -I rr oit ei ur-ei i an i if -io:-- ' n 1 1 . i h 1 il . I I 'in .hi! ea r nine to r . -e li . : ; 1 1 1 ' v '. tc .n d . r-., Uli. r.- i-rnrrir will d ei . r j i.-rr i' 'e!n-ie l,i. "pi! i ii 'e ; f li :- M ' I i -i n I t in j M rl ' ii.- t'r: ; ' I f. : t ' r a -! (' nd i - n u i 'i'Iii! ni-'t jrf. .it nil i ! ii-l t'lTiii'i i l ivi-J fiii die 1 1 lu I a u .il it 01 'T e " rta n - . J. N ' 1 a) f' i h rh til" ?pi- lllt'll i;4T a ' w 'M tiie : ii.liti d i i'i ' V.i Ci Ir4i fiii t ,( r v ' d l' ' llliIIT' ; j : ) f; uitf't ' i ." i 1 jj a it i I) . -I IV lt- 1 J".'iu Lfi lir h'i I 1 1 rtiie , .... -,- ti -. Ah I f: iiii a ': ti in rl J" -v K-i. W i ' i -i i . r "i MhMlj . Ml V ij I :Ir;p-, ii, f " Ii 1 1 ! . iu i1 i fa, i or J1 I flv: -ftD I ' i i. I i irf ' 'i ' j tr : u f ' in--cnti'int-' unrii- J!:b Lcteh-r -.r Wil niii t ),. ir i- infi'! i -. ii s a it n , i ! in i i fa - t ar ( t r U c 'tu un s m "T nt br i ' ; i.i-i ir of tit- ui, Birjct lit - 1 7 : h -in,- -.1 Apt i! 1"' d i-ta-lflt H' Bk' -B Mai l. 'lil-'lil'iri id g ; i II " t S':t'-. IM.'J hall! ff f ICClKi(f IV, 1 f:c S ft f ! ti u i 'I rat ms , Tn'itfUTY, 1 it t-rt-r. hh'I r I'mtna. nr (iea-rai. nr- pr"t-pi i'i il iu tm - all laws f nt.- Unit ; ! t.-iiniBt' to thf'r i T-r;il d-pirhnnt-. .' I 1 J oilg- of uui 1 d i t r i i-1 ( pr.)i"f'l to hild H''t Slav' in hc'-o-tiiric w it h If! m '.vi.;..; t bf 1. 1.. i 1 N A v S 1 1 ' o - ot C'oftg'-n. Tb Arturj v (if-i.i pr(iitr ''!) rs t i libe! t;iH bruis t t r Ji I iT 1 1 i i i - t,i''ll l.ti Mi, i-rtr Sllf.'J"- '. ! o ;i- I' H H ' I '!i I.''' 'b- i i u 1 1 n i ' i tiflii nf jiiatu.- witfii'i i-;ii! Statr, it a-i raat!rf! cir il mid criminal fritbin tbe C"g niiati'-H .f t!ie Ft-dfi a! rourt ; to carry irsl- ff"'t th L'tirantfe tit V-r Kbt! ('(instituti.iii f a rpjiublu an f rui of 'a'c v. erntiftt, utl flffird th a 'fantai and - '.ri'r f Mr6tic law?, at wd! ai 'o p'-rr-plrt - f b- .rccn i.lifhuv nt of tbe autboritr "f tli" li .vi !' t bn I ; n t t Sf.t'e?. afi'l tbe Cut! arid i'i) in pip 1 1 reilor-iti in nf mv t hi ! t b" Iimj i- afnr-Miti FmiiL-i II I'lrrpMn, I'.v.'m-- "f th- S'at of Virm a, n-iil i ai.J 1 l-r ih-' K. 'l 'in' O"? i Jim- nt Tar ai in a? ti- n-c v r i it t". a t fi I tn aia i vh r.'i r j mar Uk lor tbt a i it-n ui d i-irr i.if f a ! ;, .' 'h iStaU' ti ,f-rtfn ,ni (,i(,ughut tin- apbipii .iruild of nai.l Srai , 11NITR,y WFKr IN MW Tu!l. Tbe w,-fk ''ti fin); S ifiirdar tb I Jr b , hai been i-f ot . d tn aiiiiif f?i aaf t." nf diU'-rrnt a-snciati'-m tfM.oui ar;( p"ht icai. I h uulf I in (tur tun I rfunlt nf 'b f - ruuVf tiifnii win l'iefiMfi(iu y( Wm. I. In yd i-'mi l(.idis.-(jT t br an ti MTrf -icifif ; but W eiadtdl I liiilin- inc. -red a cont iiiUrtiiC cf tha wo-k ' th ik w j i a i u a io. r R . Th- eft Ik cinr of t h a P. 'it nf-New Y,k rftifir-'d the following d?spicb "U tli- lUib imt. : WsHUfifiin, Mar Hi;. 1 Ua Liu f e, cciiU ta j .o gootj? K"n,tt ii inii''Mjr: i-n- at r hial'.'i abn ti-l,eij n u v. 1 1 t r a r. pnpt t-t.u. it Ji u t JtU t i;. r9 l. M ( l ld.OCi!. aierratat t (,t thn 'i i nrv Til MARK B 7 B . i'lie uiaik-t g-rnrailT on the UiU was unsettled (it'ild wai 'iiotal at o a'i l cdoied at Ha"!, Cot'ou -r cent lovTer. V'oe; t . i, -iferif-i A a. a I lalliinf. i, a1 i- a a i, Mtr. j. Aa official anntaunoeiUftit o taa 'ire.-il of i.-k Tavlor is made. On tin Mh the sqbsci iption to tic; t-n-t b ir r loan amouritad to tbo enoriiiotifj nun) td Jii.ifij .1 )H. K'iborL K. r'.px, thu owner of a pi'ivatr joiu.-i i-i Si. raibennf t. Canada, at w bit h Hand' i l, 'I urkt-r, and it-r r-bali ate --aid to bavn ! frequ-n-lv enter tamed; wi tajraittd at Poua:bk"p?H, S. Y., an tin- 5'h. Hafana adTicei of tbaiird nmt. giro us later Mcxe an nawi of init'rt'tjt. i'rrviau iepariu of Carttna, with a force of rcpubliraiic. b'i j; in the iinity S i' -itnnr is . with tbcde.-iJn nf caututing th uUicm are conln irn d. I he !7'n'ar of tbflt to vn ta ys that d.'patcb' s imv b -n ; bT (irneral M'jia.theiinpr-iialrt.tnuianUi ti,lfi. i.-, fi ti in Marshal Jiaz .nut. and t bat the t uvU guveniiiu-ut nat iraa.spor laiion rt any i' rarrr tight v thousand tr t Meiico, r'h: will be li nt nfrr (n Ike hrt intiPi' that the count i id to b- i'. va l'd ff om iht I nih d 1 1 1 1. 1 Uv war bt wen the rcpub: i am a' d t b i ta pei 1 1 U 1 1 iiiJ cntinui'? Vn rarioui aviate, aad mic. csi u ir b. :h ad ar -ittporUd.. . it. is ai-pnUGci -d if a ;b- impo i ii?is loivy taken podH-t'ion of th-r t'lvr'n of (Tuav in rri HuTiora-, aa Wfll a"S mmd ntkprr ptaeea- ithti.el.Uci.ii..'.atj' nf the republic. Or. Wwia raeMitiy pa-'( rnuh ilftv'aVia on his retui n tt M- aicn. - . 4--- 'illK SAMHi -H TUC1EK MMFKSt(- T H Y I0.'T aSl'A.N'O KIKK 'IMKl.i Ki.UIIi' Tha New Trk TiwB of tbe8tb ba-j an atie! on. tha mdeto riini!"it of Geo . SanJe-'i smd lievcrlr TuckTnnd the accumuUtion of tite a;iirfination evi dence, which i as folbtwi : .' one acquainted n tb the hi-torr of-'loo' leadi icbel piea who har bCeir pfa v ing tfi a: i; i, -t" r-.-v pa cuiiifiriion?f and cut c-oi-.o? a ;.v in ta -ij-rihhoMMtf prvinces ic io b at, all sinput-d to I' iu n that riaruiera and Tuckar -avi fl-d fi -on Mt.m- fal li tin-re lieen noih'iiif ela to point t their t-u.tipuci . s uo tli Hfia!-Mii5, tbeybav mfii'td nur.i im er.jr I'nte the murder .fas committed, y ri.tfnnf r , mm i -Hut ifide altogether fiooitt' gu, tv bearn. ( th outlHWri, the direct aviden'? agai.i.-"t tbeiu ba- b.'ri a - u niulatin so fait, that e. en that ' t rilinn ii when-in Ctui'd und ;Mni;h ("Iitd tha initn? of tbei, huh uji a Ui ltiph j'li ipi -ud a ein" I to have tai r..:S f..r tfe tioLBpiriton t' t' -n to a'otd". They are tbereUn .) reported miii,-n,; by thfjir 'fii-fnirj in the provincci inimng within tvrrnty-four hour a.'f- pn-i t.dii.g in a publiatiad tit clar (tion to court at ia! .viih'i! Hi- jaiii itu tinn o' tbf Cni'cd Star 1 lo- ti u; h seems to be, in i'v,i d to tho eiidi-ft-- thus Ui otiijiiu'd, ttiat the principal uimd -rt-r b'dii lejuii t , of m preparatory woi k bU iflfci -a S' no- i vn looa'bp b The qiieii-tn l:ow he blt'Thrie j i ft t-h p'u vid' i ii ; money wa r-bn.-wdiy tak- n up br tbe rit' catoia lor the gnfernment at an il- -"i-are, an oi, A . r. ,i in poi to tho prtect, eli.nitUt) n , a tho fa M the t om.jn . a'-v. Anfi amulid that tuf i i, W'-.j .ik- it, w i.l be I utid t-i hi-rnr neany every 'ii.k in t: i: tl; .in of tviti-t.i e nffted to ti me to tight the pr i.e p I enf-d'-r-!( in '1 bli.i.dy ir. At an f ar!',.arafc;i' o ilic niv liati'Oi it beiuoe apparent that tb' iou;d' iei'. "uil rciilaliniiej," and hi acceptance of th hir- an i recoiu pen. of nn a.--ai i a, were cutt-rpi isv - ir icy I v ide'. t o; 1 1. An idlr and vagabond in what ra.s au;ucJ to b: ptofewtin, a-icwiliy pimp, extottiug occaiional leTie.- Hum h ii victian ifl the chancas ttvifedf the uriurdcror of UALMIUI1. MONDAY, MA Y I'r ' f ! '! .v- 'u'jri.l n . - 1 sin. i li 1 w i'li tli'ti- . i i - li'! 1 r, Lt"!.' li- f j il 'i ' ! i i ! r. t ; I -i : . ..-s s, . n .uiu'l'ir f.i- Inch'.' :-",rim j c r t ..-f1 c . n h r -f - -tit in j !i i i "M f i .' -i- . ' I ' - 1. ert. I lii.i I'd; tliiti' (( .1 -I ti i J v ..' f ''-i . ' f 1 1. (I -CM J (I i f :. i !, , i - h -i - j f i ti It t . 1 1 i I 1 . - nithetlri. ! liijf jiii'iM lil ! I I - -i .. .'n- i. i ii i: ?t .,ffr Itichmttwl A t.i ..,'.' .. J i. i, tt u I . Ii' ' ' '! -:tj A'f. - : : i . fm .t it Tva- n - - It eft n i t l u,)- 'a ' H ,v- f, ti-. unit 1 . ' lit. a fir i. I. : '.'t : i Mi i I J,i ii ' rf" '.! i i ' - t hi mk "Ul' ' t'ljidj-'i 4 j -ui -1 i im-i.-i . w 'M-i t r 'i Si A i u.t i j'iu ,i Is i' v. as J i "'.'- li-- ill ;a in M ,mi ' I , - 1 1) f- un" bi-i- , J .ii v ' , w r. - i i-fiir i- 1 1 mid' i i i i ! '-' ini'MiM , Ij:;m,i- i.av, t i (.ii' it.ljfir. t -d h i -,'"('. i. I ... ' , . a 1 ' " " : , I ' ice.liata liUfl t tj-r and .lli iLT f 'II A ii " i. ;''. i ri't-nr 'r i'" fi.r'M 'it ! r , (1 i t r . i r Ii" U I : lii.-! f 1 1 ' mlfT, if. I ' ,1CC i:iill i 1 I J1 f i li n ltd I ((! !ir 'tinrtl i dijH 1 1 1-'I !i -tn it - Hi ( k-m';i n - -W ' .it ti -f iii trili c t ' arc !if if! i jit -I ribtlfri t .i n ' Ui i! ih-. uri. Kt' .vh &-1 Ai.f!, t in- l.ti, in th vUh a : -i l p i ! , .tiM ! , 1 1 f ii'.i i'i n t t.-c m- i i y ). til) U:,l I TT . ' & I I H i id i al l'-' I t .1 1 1( iKM'i-t tl tl 0 IO 1 ft T i I -I.i' , v it', rj . r i .t.i 1' . f n.' I I; f tl i: ft I BUM-lit "! ih' I ; 'tut; ' kn-- . li4l- .t k ill 1'iuin' rtn-'l r 1 1 j i Ht"ln t h u' 1 1! ( ! 1 1 1 1 1 j !.d t i fi f Ii.- nV-. it nil i i-i . i v ' t h n g- -'rl. ii i d i . r !. (i.ii r i . 1 1 1 1 ve ..- iiffi'i u. (-.'I tf , r b-ri , f 'i - i -. rt' ;t I ! ui n - ry in .i t Hi niilv HToitf( M iltc,; fac'.-. I l - 'a ' "I tli pi i ii i 1 1 'a i .-jti ti" (I i o n.jil !- u (I. i. u i i 1 1 mi 'i it' i- hii i i . ; .i v iM'-'-s i, I hi 'H i'i i i i ri ' . t , '?,!;- i r i li. j sill r-Ti-Ifr ll ; i f II 1 I 1 "f. ' . (Sit I hi' p II 'ail 'Ml 'ill tl ia !"-n i ;)f (iu ic u'i'tiar! imu j it t l-i ri" u-i t if i 'i t a 'I t ' f h' f lnij j,; In lllid ItJC'h h lit) It i'i' i W rd!' tl :;( k hi-- . n' I ii i'j t , m il' t ft ( v - h ui ' I gai'i (-lit''' ' I tli'- i 'i t"! f1 1 :i i li'-n M'r'a'i-i, th- n Miyht ;i ir. :i i ftu A it h t fl I Hit Iuk) I g iiist til ''III, and I M'l v -''I', ii -III- ' . C 1 t ( I VT I I U WllltVtI riTi:i.-'l :in i m 'l: r nidiT 5t'k a hi'iii; placf. .EV TKAUK PiLCilLATIOVSi. Ifi'ionaut Orthrs .siitl Circulars. i 'I ifi -i . ui iurcii we 'btaiti t).t- 'nWuiftig -- - -ii i la t mg lit th i L-sij mpti mi nf i ra I, ia '.en : ; t i'.Wt r ' I i u M Hill'il I'lh.'Hl. T'tiAhiiftT (Ui'A g m is r, Mar I. 'tr tn t a i it int rft-i t ' Kjtrcuti v- mil t is u d I Ii r In fil f"!!.'! i ':i id :-aJt w M; inicc'ii ki'Ii 'J., .'i.H..", Vh-j;-'!-?!, ..irtb" f ';ir-'i in t, a. id .. , a uri iv f b -it.'H ( ' u r-f t b St .i f id a, A U Nat ma, M isiii ni , and (j'tui i in i. I-1 - ' ' '.- ' i '(' jii liiTr, i .-lull b-t df '(jiitr-d I'f - I ',vrj ! imift:' cttintirnrjd.Ta ai bnn wi,h!n inr j : i i i n 'i 1 u i i i I a r j occ a p ati n , tbo luilttw in jr u U -' ;t Ft'" !.ii; d : A M. )' tern of ( nut'Ptin at p-irt mt tbe Atlantic ni'1 i th" Inval Staitu, arid th. Col I ecU 1 1 of such s i bin -v it' i jpri. (.,(., r- declared in iiisurrfc'i"a, n b "ii i-jimim. I'F t rocianiation of th fr'i'lrfit, 1 jjnuted a ! r.i-tvi-fb(.-ei uod.r ?-ction 2 ot 'tb ' i ! 1 f i , . 'i lr-i J u I V 2.', l'il , with (ri rTr to rtllt iio j i 1 1 t f i j" oi t t i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 j ni i , o l li t r ib,i n tbiisu Fprci i. i - ii as fitr b itid 'il wa", in the a(ovi citd Kxecurire ail iMirta within tb Statsi and part-i of Statfi rti iiv - !iifr'!t"ri''d , in Hindi jrcifrls talr a? are authorized t-v : : -t m engage m ihe coadtin trade of the L'uitad J 'j titse mllpi tr, aad ill othar permit. officM'i nimod in i.i'i at-i inn, ar ut h'l-r n nd i ff(uird ttissuM pr tiu ts (' i 1 ii'- 1 1 h luj or tat ion of gondf to pucb pfirfa in the lav'-iii'if r and f u ui rrquirrd bf the afnraiaid rga'atinn, vhnziu and irdicrlini; tl.'ft "iniit Ie tharrin prw- ;i W'bsi. arij r d dulf nfbori.i-d to eajjagp in th 1 i -1 1 ! i t ,' kt ' i f , attirmg 1 1 Min a i v of tb put ts in "u.nur i -i i. u i r T.i ' s st- a ii j ntt-r an r af t tie p'O ta tft' -iied to ii ttiH lir -t f i ti-'U li;rn"f with t ar,; du'f permitfftd lir lb'' p"i mil oibcer ot' anf jmit aflr-cted br the laid Li"- ii'i" (frd-r. iu(di rew-l and cargo shall ba trpatr-d u; o d t. id i a lawful r'lT.'i'1', and be entitled t-i the n,;ri 's f T (' 'ili anii i?aig' ihf enacting . Mid;i)i.Lf-'..ii, ' iii1 Tn a?ui jr. to abort, dealg- at.'f.retar f tin i' ction referred a n ' pa: r its : i.-fi,( in t i C b " ; II. Th ! fi J tburizr-d uud ri ol tha i reaaur r i t nu n t t l a aa- i ii.i tr ucti'.ua from the e'lerair to per- iv it n i p i- in in. u i i a ' . i i- t Of tniniportPd t loval parjons -ani i n jf '.i l a i t States or pailn offtnte. or inie- i. t of bival Statti w itti which coininrvrcial ifrk.Ud n.tart-t ur? ba fHTlr, tr (aa? be hr,Q?rihj. that'eni 'iral, liti'h- it t; 'i I itifms td tbe S -creUir i f fbe Tr"ifl.(; i u; t , a-' tli- Mir vev'T or Lustouii at rittnur, W liei'I- j i , ( ii, ei n ira ; i, W ai i.-oti , Lou i.-r ii le, Snw A .bin v , 1 'iiit. i ", r.oiueih, Cuiro, niacf.St. i.oais .Va-bvilir, ! M.-iapbii til ilHiirfi-H-e, Collect-., fl ot ('u-t"n.?i at ; r . tin. - a V"rk. I'd ilad'.-lpb : i , (tnui fluw n, Aifiiii- J l ii. tl.! iii" t, in Voth a aliiifl, roitK"vii in SimiiJi l ( n' : in a , M -rtivijsv ijl a, and N'ewOilean. Oti. r ofticTi j i ni.t'r l -i'nated tt gi iTit peratit.s. sbnuld Ih p;r ic i - tj.ira it ; and tba ti .act rri ab?o nail d w i.i re- J c'lr-'U t;ranr pf-naits to -noit ptrti, piaccs or di.strict? i i-ijir as haii be dcugnalfd in the. letter ol imir action.- ('on, ii,,; s.-cietar v ot tfi" I rr'rt-ury. 'tbe .riiiir Ice in that established m tha f-llon-iiij i"M ii : -a f'-r pt j in it to transport to i r froiii Mich district oib'-r roducts, gnodi, w:s o- aierchaiidir, ibicp rr ciitiii.j on tin iwarn invoi e ?ala tbe-i eof it-the ula-u td Htttptnetil, After c ,;.?uIt.ition with Oen. Selmtiold, lleaton hnperriinr p"cial Ajj-'nt of tin '1 ren-or !par inn-u-a autiiorizad tbe publication if Ih't fol Wlfii ,'. C.Si' HIT IV li Rl il 1.0 I HH 1 M 1 HMljVi'r !"N aw isci'Pi.. of fie- !ih section nf the A (it of I I, It.t, n it li.-M b agii'ed tb, In I uridine i . .i Jul ; iT 01.4, and mrrrh'ifidi, ooL caiiti aban : of" n. he .. In ill ! t to- i...;icn p.i-i now or lietfifter o(i n'pi:id bv f the Ignited Staton iu the Mi'tf of tub inotitolv iinoutiia art vrili b" uf tb Ciin j rif'i ''nt rn yive aliloral p rsoim aiitf-ority tst.!l aueh ' month! amtiunf an bey ahaii dt-ire ant b or it x to b'-il ai ; ik" ti-iip etir- pest. ""''1', ni . -nd mercbandifjaj niay be Uk'-n to oth-r j.lncn- tba-i in 1 1 1 1 Ai v p"-ts, to be tIi-j'Md : f a abre f'""iil'l, tbe ( 'i-iiihaiidinvf General of th- I fepirt iio-nt , and i lie Supei j iin H ci ii A j -nt ng r e to ih ' .i i.". A t i pii ' ( a h i v on in - r. b i , , i! t-r li: pill oca lion to tlos ayrt-e taeiit, tout lile an oath ul loyalty with Supei ridiutf .special Avot. .1 il. SHIOFIKMi, Alaj. tieu'l ty''inmanding. I. HKA nr , 0t NI Avert, Tr.'-n iirpai t m-nt. i h1 a a fiui y 4 i-t b r d at a firrby y .- n r if rt 'i'H k ii j il Dair t !-,) Int ri'-rio.-d th it Pwraa by tbe .Seci tary of laMti,; Afloit, ar tha Li' ' s , K. i' , I.hs been appointed Ih '1 I . lli V R I ' ,ite j Si A t r Til' c j or of If t ufor L, u r i h at o, in a He nili ir .i:i;. - ri in tfiiic- ho ! i -n i" I'r r'iurn at, ii-au or', "pe : i t- !.t h toraiitt.'i in th il1 hi I Oe p' AC iejib'e. Ai. ' le r f urcfmsirifcr A-nt. will b i. i o -1 1 1 n The f.iil.iwinc o. n oi lb" pur" and wir' itilt"i ' r i arid r wnt'lid lim i.f tin State iiin-iuii-.'od 'r W il- '--t r-i n t the- wh a I be f ral M:'i!ar v hand fur a.'.!' nr erimr I.htj le iLiitiT ii oieuehr v hiw--, and who bar- roduct fi.icti: Kilf -Th't lb,; i, , t ' i.'i-. -p. cin;; v prohi'' ' " pi i rat-: pat t p s i h ; i . eunnd nf J a ly -f rrodti'itu by " IllMl.g I be nntT "Tiona - au y rfppnmled 0 . tv n , i ' i i o ,n j ii ; "h.s i'u. I'i v A j. .Ji. i . ir pirhei w -i-i dr.- nw en w i.oiit Hutboi r , ni pure basin and ioring w i ii i vi .v (,! h Muir n io fh- lam until r . e e ' ii ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 .-, 'ai'd that all such I'i oiluqta a b.i'oe 1 1 1 ti t ii c ri i. I i . mi , at io i I'o nviiid d illica I 1 7, tiie pa 1 1 v in i .v ho.M.iiai iuiii Krod nc1 ,i so purchasrd , bad bett'T report th-utof at once to the Purchaiing, 1 ' NO. iftO Sec o r A" i fi- loiiii'tr ui Ti o(,net-.,itich aa r t'on T.'h;ie. i '.,.'1 V 'Ta -; i I-i llir I'm cliaa:?. r-'OM, .')--",; M'Ciii,!i'i! o i u ' ti f i " t'tb-id , -ti is. t i i nilt i 'i lav in ft one fmtr th , in In il, ft ith i if A g u : a - id p op-1 ty c.f th (invcni i ; t, up n the i, , , 1 i '.- t 'nit i !'- nwnt-V- i T t lie it , .t! i ft i ' lure . ,7 h i f ' 1 1 " t In Hi ! Ka-tto m M n i V tn t b i ni. 'i in ' ' i i . mt ha ih pi "i - s r. hii-h t bia ea' d. n I I. - '"n ii-'l- , t "0 hf -.ft te- i . iv ret' nr i in Intel I'i isn - t ej it 'i ' i ti if t da' W a di tug ii t , f .- 1 1 f.. IPr I hii 'I I' l ti iv h"" i iid'-ft - ; ' 1 1 1 .. i ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 i- 1 . i e , sud r- 'Sj f t mi and otlier pt"duLt.s prcn-u- t fti :i! o ibn Si, i tr , f the A ' i'm- - : U., ,11 ., . IlUll Mtid k'('li 'lie; f a p- niiitt d 1.1 .diip the . b 'I- nt 1 bu - pi 1 tlucj.ii i'.- uf hi et.ilot r. F-oiith -.C'l abandoned ami -aptarad prnduen, ncer diiiv tn ! eculat i'o.?. Ihe Suierviiinf Special Afetit. - j Any pt 1 tie pt f v hi vi- ;i ban i in td pi dm- under hi-- j C O! ', aud Wkn :it t ell pf; In iflip T t ' ' H Ifl 111 , i 1 1 : 1 ' t n- 1 r ftihj' rf ' be oinp-riy to sairuc, hut make him- m-d li&bje t ' 1 1 ti 1 1". ti b r 1 Ji dlTtfi.Ci' Th r g u ! ot; w 1 1 ic1 ar e he- n 1 at tilia bril ,? 1 (jn 1 1 1 tip !i tie f iu 1 1 h of ; 1 1 . p nt! ucl i n. a ah . v 9 itn 1 cd , j a con do in 1 : $ I'l-ih I," i" 1 1n- .bipmettt ato: l tic nf th- ot) fi ( , 1 1 -1 i-v f 'on - b Ij ji b --n d " ne a oceps- n r 1,1 mi iiifii ' . - A 1 j 'ii 11 iTbn hare reciitlr ba.i th- t-Mi-hi and i'1 ' '.t-i 1 i-r.i ,1! ih I'' ' i ' I .1 1 'kh- t n ,n-1. 1 . t X t'-rtd d OT" j lb 1.1 , a i r 1 j- o . - lib! I ih til objur'i 01 t 1 he pi T lo.n t f i f uu ! r.i ' he (fel i t (r v id' y nctn u kind ; lb- 1 .11 n un :i, Aant, Mr. Law n, wil found M u bt-l hn f un it t 1 fit Mice ' f 1 fi 11 if.4 -i ij-n.( , i -j N h... n 1 1 I f K A 10 V, Sup: Sp't A;"i J'lcas ! -pi. oKKici-; 1 s. ruiiciiAsi ti Auiwr. Bnat-poaT. V. V., Hit 8, ISflY The Sub.-.ei ik-t baring W.-.-n ap dnirwj h thSci H tarrnfthT'eM(!urrnl'.ai I'ureh i - in f Ajcu' fnrtbe or - idncf- of V ' ' h t 'a ' iu 1 w - 1 Id rWn n tst all par ni ; Im vitij p; .iiin ? f-ri.iui in 1 hit Ui to call at hi- oftic 1 1 "Citted n ewttru, in tbeame bailding irnh t. H a I in, K- . Sin-,- ii-i; Spsvui Ajff.;,! Tteauii I.e;art- in", and a I. aubn t. at tli tdtic- of'C '1 . I'ak-,. 4' S,d A 1? -tf i'i -.a U"pt , .i ml hari the a'uc r vri 5 t :-d A I ; ov . '-1 fiarniLj pi I'.im't r . ;eil mut icll tn t't- r.r rU -i 11 r AiJ'-nr, -ir !. -: m, 1 itih oif d b bin t I i'Hi'-'JM.' fcdnen n nib, e m by utlieta than - b- r ii'-d a 1, 1 . iv i i 1 h 1 1 ;i b i to cm b.-cat ion bi Mi . I ' 1 1 :d S f a I 'i O n-am ii' n I' KT t- fi I. A V SON, i ' 11 m h ti 1 n j A f n t Ihe Wa-hm-.u,-; c n remand 'til of ta "W Yntk Tn 'i, a man tim w - kumr to he well potd io then matter, I'Mids tha full iwing t 1 t!;.tt piper mm fho 8tb m-(t : - To undent d the action tf th- gr-irariuiienl in re trior in if th- 1 1 a !e 1 euUti " 1 i tn p n-d I) tti- i'raur.- Ia p.(: ' run: , It I J M-cerfarf 1 o 0 i M .11 i 1 id that thT(. n i e 11 ie-n iha .i :tit c act- i'f (-'n.iire it a if - -uii i.nn -nb jw t I'I'l' 11 111 - r ei ul i-i' t e ni'-. tli - pi ov :r-'tt-- 1 b n.h fi 1 fat aa tbav ai e not rejaied, aiv -till in 1 ire-, aid the trade must be 1 emulated in accm danct; t her.ov itb . A th-- ma lei d- -" un deinand an cit-a see-iinn of t"ohrca, tin- .iTf rtitnwnr will icik to rlfere tho stringene,- i,f the i.'HO ic;ioo Ijt reiio-ring all the rcji u.ationi inipnied br th Treasury beprtm"nt and making a (nipliaiuv rvtth the pmvi.iiona (d the Meverl acta an mere matter of torin. lb" main fratare?, ,,f tho nTrial ict relating t... r"to which w II gtiil havn to be cunpiiad with are th -pi i-curatn'-nt ol th necessary permit, the pattin-nt nf the thre.- per cent, tax mi the xworn valua id g..nls at the plac ofjibiprni'iil, anil couipilance with the Hth at-ctmn of tbe Act ot July '2, I'tii, which concern tht fhipmeut f gnnrU fiorn an iri-.urrct ionary State, and which i re fened toby Secratary McCuilneh, in hii circular datad May 4 That a-clion m as follnwi : ' She. 'J. Hi- it Jnrtlur anttrtrd, That IO much of 80C- tion &, of On Act nt 13th of Jti y, I shl , aforeeaid, atati tliorici the I'rtt.iident in his ujacreLion to licem or per mit commercial r.datioaa in any State nr n-ctnin, the in habitaiita oi wh e.b are dcelarad in a statu ol' insurrection, h- retir r-paled, cicept-i: far aa may be neee.i.ary to auOiiiiize aupplyine; (be n cc-hities nf loya' per.nii re Pidii.g iu inut rect.nnaiy Staten withift the line? m actu al occupation by (iie.tuilitai y ior"ci f the b nitec1 Staten. aa indicated by pabiuhed f.rder of th. criminaiidinf Ocn eral of tbe department or distt ict occupied ; and aloo erctpt su far a." may bo nectary to authorize pei ions re-mltng witbiu ?uch linvs to bring nr lend to marktvt in th. laral stated any product) which they ihall liare proi.uced wuh tli-ir own labor, 01 the labor of freedom or oiben euip oy, d and paiit y thorn, pursuant f rulei relarin therein which mar he eatuMiMied ondar proper authority, aud no gaod-t, ward ar tnetchandiae aha, I tie taken iiito a Statu tjeebu-ed in insurrection, or transport ed tberoto, except to an 1 fra a fuch placei, and to juch tnofithly amount!, as hall har been prnvmuil agread upon in writing by tl a Commanding (ieneral of the ,0 iarttnent iu which inch place aro ntuated, and an ofllcer d'-iinated bj th) Scctetary of th Traa.'-ary for that purpoie." FLOUR FOR SALE. A WW BlRKhlift .Ufc'-K U(JM...M MILT FMHTR X .f'r aale. ;f, ITXH h 7 :- May la U COTTON GIN COMPANY. I'd l, LOCK STREET. frisar r.onn :-." aisr ranar Thia f'ruapany han it irria' i-apnao rf(-td an ira at la Builitinji anil Machinery for Oinning Cotton by Steiia Pnw , anil arc pt.-par-M Vi Oin arid I'Vi-.'s Cettan nu favora bla ti-rins, ana ..lli-its the pat- t nni;a of lbi Cotton (.row rs of tins lieinitr. Apply to 1,1.!, AM), IIIUI.OW CO., Afnts. Kay l' n in ElOXJCS-XI cfc 00., IATK V. C. HAMII.TOV k CO..' CORNER SOUTH FRONT AND MIDDLE STS., NEWBERef, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEA-I.RIiS. IX SUTLER'S COODS, CROCERIES, HARDWARE, ETC. May I.) hd II. J- MEN WING Kit, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, COKNUIl I K rol.l.Oi'K AM) MIUI.I.K S4'S. , kwiii:ii , s. ( . I T ii u ol J st ni of J. flood in s nil I . I) isotway , ; M.ty U lm EXCHANGE HOTEL, llillsboro' Street. 'pillS rion-'i IIAV.IM. KBKN (l,()-i-;i, ,OR J .-. to, i pa-l, Kill now I), 1 ipcnril liy"thfl sultsrrl- i . -1 I'M il..- uri oririuoilarion ol the pu'ili.-. 'i -i r ' ii"'"" wi'l bf spafrd to niiiko th.- I- r-r,,iru;" .1 tirat r'ass llot. l. RA.N'DAI.I. ,t HOIVIIN. M.. T 1 i t f I'ropr-i.'t ors. . WIITK 1 , HOIO'lt.' I 0 IS1I f() BliU- T1IKK1-J 1)11 KOCH WHITK M I' I i-iln- .'ii',. lovd-in ru 1 1 1 v .. 1 in jf th i ol' th ...i'.. 1 il i.t 1 pi ii:.. 1 vi a to ia--at Kittifll's 1 . f it, on lift, riaiiogli and UiHton Hailroad. . , - , wa. r. couar. ift. W CUTTER & FRENCH, iHI.H STAM) or Tl' RKR, ANORCffS k CO., FAVMTEV11.I.F ST . P A I FIBS, N. 0.,) WhnUiale ausl Ketail Drains ia a ilour, Butter, Cheese, West India Goods, Spices, AHMY. MX ASD SUTLER I00BS, if' VBGUDTABLESS, Green and Dried Fruit, GARDEN AND FLO WERSEEDS, T ! W A UK AN I) STO V R 8 , Crockery and Glaas Wara, f. A MI'S, I.ANTEKNS, 0()A.ti. OIL. Confectionery of all Kinds, lunkce o(ions, WFKK I'.IIS , CM lKNS' tU.OTHIMO, MILI TARY f -'.. i F.. TRIMMINGS AND Kyril'MKN I'-, TRUNKS, VALISES, IIAKXKSS, SADDLEKY a rojitst: MATS X OAl'S, BOOTS Si SMOKS, RUBBER GO PSOFALi, KINDS DRY GOODS AND MILT-iINBR-Y, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, In fat arythiaj rquird I T Haldijra or 0 iia. W. B. CCTTKR. H. L. r'RK.HOM. May 15 tr taadard rrpy. ' LELAND, BIGLOW A CO., Commission Merchants. I'ollofk Stri'ct, ons dorir West f Kint Front Street, TJ"eXrVT3raa, 3NT. O. Rfipectftilly aunounee that (hey oftVv for alo nt tlmir Storaj a ohoio) anri so- iVottf'l Steck of (iliOCERIKS, 'KOVHIONS, - FRUITS, FORAGE, Which tasy will aall, either VVUOI.ICatAI.Ii: Oil HKTA1I. In qualilHS ami at prxrt.i that cannot fail t tuit ' the tmyfr. Wa will alt" Sfll hilt r' Hiohanfe on Naw Trk, r Bos ton, in suana t suit, ;tve oia al and we will satlafy aay reaaon nbl man that this li the place to buy. I.KLAND, TUOMVT A CO. May I.', if. JISW ORI9T 111 I.L. LELAND, BIGLOW & CO.. HAVR ADDED I'D I'MKIK J!TA 111. ISO M KNT A NKW SitiHii Grist Hill. l i which .tlis-y wil! wnn rO irh in " larrje or small f j ua n t i t i s . anil (urniah d exacl kat, articlr oi M K A L . W urn also r. iiir.' I U purflhusm COKN in any ijiinntity tliat mny bo offered NICE SWEET CORN MEAL, heapr than fin be pu rah atari itar !iKiii North t'arolina. atrOIVK t!S A CALL' I.KI.AN1), BKll.OW A CO, ?lswhi-, N . C Hay IS tf. MURRAY & NEPHEW, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, Ami .Vjb -V t rH MiattAT'i North (biiouM STBia- hip I.iNa, 62 South Street, New York. (JONSIWNMKNTS OF COTTON AND NAVAL ) Storea will receive our -tpeotal attn!i'n. ('oiHinn-in-'iita tnaU' th.MUb (ifciO. W. iHl.L. Morehaad, will ho (ot ai iIm t"j- if" chart? " All unit-m pi utnpily h led. II at in u; bfon in th North ';inlina lra'i- ho tiv r twenty y.irri, wn to el- uoiupo fnt tn atipfy our C"rrnponJiofi m ttll par'n-uUra. N. B. Knll tpnatiouifol our uiarkoti lurolatiott . May 15 ti' f If 1 n r 1 1 1- (j'V

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