T t i BV J. L. PENNINGTON & CO. CUTTER & FRENCH, 0I.I STAND Of TUlsilill, A.NDJEW.s4 X, TICK Ti "Uli ClTY ScbsCKIBKBs. 0m carrier ja ddw iiok, anH or city stlbiiorilmr, served by him 11 ill pk-Mo call al the dftio for their papers, We will rtuiUQOiati1 Buy good carrier f ir hit services un til ours gets wi II. , i Ralejoh. Wo do not remeruher the lime when Hdleltfh was an quint nd 'orderly ivs it now l. Two thirds i'f the I, '.." Ugitinut't prey w witli!iJd (rum him, and hi If,,'. to fitnl It difficn't to apt up an "inti'rcs'ing" coIiit.. i. Th' cl.iaiiig o: tbn har-morna, aud the effort u ' . 'uaims t.kn f.r preventing tie r u n tji of the blockndn, hwa done away with fights, accidents and v iri nu oth t things stiitablo fur Itnm iz . Niboih-'s hor" ron away tid break a -hicV, or hi own r s mi ntlu r neck. E.-o the d (. schIH to kn at irace, and our markft square has long been famoua for d jJ fight. But we do not oomplali. We can only do the bast we out), and with that we shall be satisfied, whether ur refulim are or not. But joking asida, the ordir of the city in admira ble. The military qmtetly do their duty, giving canae of nffonae to nrno, but trsating all kindly iand courttoOHly . We huar nl no thoftfl, rjo robberirs, and ih dint urdrtii i-t'c of iiny kind. Up"0 Ihr sired we hear no q-uarriilling, no loud cursing and swdarljg, and we witi mn ns boisterons conduct of any kind At night onr city is entirely quiet, ud our citlisns retire to reat with a consciousness of safety tbat they were long unaccustomed to under the tyranlcal reign of Jefferson the latt, with his troops of pimps in the shapes ol impressing otfiou, conscript bffioers, home guard officers, I'ruvont Marshal' house searchers, and thieves and rohbers promiscuously. Thn contrast L indeed jrat Shall Greenbacks hi Pepbkciatit) ? Soon alter the ft rpniftirfmeot of the war, when Confpde rate money was at par, speculators aud firmer, sik) nearly all p"rsn having anything to sell, began to depreciate I he nvney by demanding higher prion, and thotifh It I as urned nut that that currency wna worthless, yet th't class of persons henfti Jludd to w re imi.a l' u si inexcnsable fur llisir psrnlKlviit ard SHox-fsatuI i fT rts to depreciate it. Hut for them it wonld I. no n uKiinod good much longer than It did, Bpd a vt unvtnnt of suffering would have boen prevented. And no- li I a disposition on the part of this same clans of o. r t (.) d )nr"ol k" thi Fe I " .1 "-lr-riuey. W'full.e Union .army first reached ttvs plaix" green oar It re conxidcrkil about hb food us our currenry h-f.-rc- the war, and prices immediately Ml very nearly to the old standard. Fresh beef sold' at 10 cents per polled for choice ntcak ; fresh pork at 12$ cents, and so on. Now 16 "ruts per pound Is eVBnandfd lor le f. am) 24 cents fur pork. These pri'-es are three i four times greater than before the war, and yet p '.! in New York is ot.ly $1.36. Some kutterhss been brought to market sud 75 cents per pound atked f r it', bnt It happens that tho price of this article i i.k'i;lated by thu authoritlea. Previom to the war it "r.'y hrot(ht Iroup 10 to 26 exits per petit d Then, too, about this season of the ysar we coti'd biy any quantity of eggs at 10 cents pr dozen. We do net n ish to le understood as reecoinmcnd -ing a recurfenc to old prices, but w do think that for most things double old prici s is sufficient, and mom tnan sufficient If the d matuls for these exor bitant prices ar sfquleaced in titer will get higher and higher, and the tendency Is the depreciation rf the Federal ettrreuoy. New Advertisements. We invite attontion to our adveilieing columns this morning. It will be seen that Messrs. Cutter Sc French have a supply of almost everything needed In our market. Wr have hid iome dealings with them, and have found them polite and attentive aud reasonable in their charges. See also the advertisement of Messrs. Leland, Biglow & Co., ol N'ewbern. They are prepared to gin cotton, furnish meal, groceries, provisions, fruits, &c. They will o sell blllBff exchange on New York or Boston. Messrs. Hough & Co., of Newbern, will furnish sutler's goods, giooerie, hardware, etc., at wkelesale or retail. Mr. H. J. Mcnninger; wholesale druggist, offers our apotbeoaru :,d physician! an opportunity to supply themselves with medicines. Moesrs. Murray k Nephew, of New York, wil receive on consignment eotton and naval stores, and and promptly fill all orders. Read their advertise ment. Mr. J. Blumenthal, at the well known atand of . Beartt & Iredell, will furnish yon with cool soda wa ter, confectioner's and fine Havana cigars. Give him call. The Progteis has a rapidly Increasing circulation, and advertisors will finl it an excellent medium through which to reach the public, especially when ye Ti " il if r"rn"n Wed. Verbum sal. Th Trutmin r or OenaiLiis. The treatment of gue rillas by the Government promises to be very erero, but t more tn tasn they deserve. All men found in arms in the enuntrr embraced in the recent surrnder ar to be e nsidereilu dsMvhackem aret dealt with accnrdirglv. Osnnral Hi!lck in a recent order sayi that all pemon in arms against thu United States in North Carolina and Virginia, from and ttpr the 3th instant, will be troted robber and outlaws ; and all who assist or advise the organization of pnerilla bandi, or continuation of'h"stil ties, will be arrested nd tried bv a Military Gommispion, aad on eonviction punished with d, a-h. Tb'u ceursn will speedily put an end to guerilla -mtraires in tie State named. Uenerel h tone man bal entrusted to Col. Jo. ParBni, of the b.Tenncfiee Cavalry, the dutr of ridding all that portion') East Tennessee and Southwestern Virgin lying between the flolstoa river on the ehitand the Cum berland mountains en the wait, 'of guerillas and other bands of outlaws fie instructs the Colonel as follows : " Give thm to understand that no false mercy will be shown them and no prisoners taken, and that every man tsund in arms, under whatever pretenee, and actin with nut authority (ro.a Federal officers or the constituted , suthoritiei of the Slate of Tennessee, will e tr.ated as a public enemy an I outlaw, and killee' like a mad dog bv "V one who meets hiia." A Kebsl stay-at home " military critic," whoso wholu Dowledgeof military matters maybe summed up by tatmg that he had heard all the guns at Fredericks Burg, Chanoellorsville and the Wllderieas, stated in a most oracular manner: " aektea was ths Aankiett Gtn ral w mar kn 4 hi rL... .... .1. 1 -.hi...).:.- ' 1 tie remark was aooanted mm tlin senui of Iks mm . ' Hi remark wag aoeapted j , t, uV i D0C( aupersed. THE C0NSPIRATOES MOKK tVIDKNCK (IK T11K I'l.ll l. irn.lei ground llungotis Iffp:i i-t-d. fct i ry wim il ho 'in:; fat..' fiail c a mid tln'i ffui r . Intjvc t' it th; intcrnt lo nil ol' .mr r f tbiv itciiiM of impM t u iV1 tbat 1 Itiiiti nvriti.'iicpw e'trf. I'.IVI- (. Thy evidence in tort-Mnn Ui'L!' II V. gnrd t o th- O'.uijtlicity in Yvi.k,. 1 u-.!it t ion of J e ft" ln iri and ti e i-tl.iT n -vaiu h v dirit Johitoi. iirocltiinutinri it siul in b- t! actt-r tlml im t" i I lt n (i-iv ". inn-'n in wii.t giving them u , -VF f'l A I. Ol' I N a ' 'F I H I A i 1 1 1 Si v j V' liiltj thv hulji -ct ol th.- ti it! WW uifii'i tttfn opinion uiti;i (.'. ! mihict .1 1 I triH'n. (fc cmipjidej ttmt ih - I'r--- . de juris ' 'oinin tmh'C in Chi Dft V in 1 1 tri" o) w n r : I n. itpdi tvilr nn in ' Xh 1 y jionf , Hirii-i ned rid jMiI"!1 t h tniM jf.ivi'rnor llf hIbo tLriht th.il f.- (Viirl . Bppetntnrft, thfi'e I :i v. , , in'.' ri'inih r to ht oifiin iti'-l , And norjM ftnuild kri"W w'oti baft tf'Stlllfd ttt, v Ini h rouhl not !. piny papers pubMfhrd thr ntii . f c t imon y Th of" the witness I-? i iv !m,n h . ri 4 m 1 1; 1 : b in CuU' t, ft h. 1 r mn; h 111l.iU10n.il , 1 b'1 thrown u 1 'jo- ''on.-pTrAcy as it ptor- I the n! ii 01: 1. K K ,1 lis IM .mil. u... to b.' S I 1 1 n I I -. n , i.l Hi., 1 !.' 1. 1 1 ii, i;. . Adtliliunal hi ...tn i I), l- i mik lin atf Mi'1 I'. . 1 ti t h eiinspi ar v j. lie ha bi i n CMiiiniLU I'l. M 1 -i Su , 1 aft, who i i j. n ot ol 1 he 00 11 . She if w ill l.e '-rmen.brn n.-xi t,. It ."h. n,. I !, 11 1 1 j al to ii.m ,l,.. the iatr r, , .10 n ght , Jo- w en! 11, 1, nu t t 1 in' in,-, t'0 11. 11,, b. 1 J. Will- 111" I.'lltl" '' f ' T 111 lid Itiofi vy ,0 .1.1 I ,tjie ,1', thai , 'o, in 1 1. ,0 !l ' 1 -1 , m I: dovi i, into M .1 1 1 Hie! f , , a I in or,!--!- .,r il otili nn i lllllltl,l H ,1 10 Her ,!. , Join Sn, 1 hi ' . Sec . in, v ol Wai , but l.- i ,0 Ih,. ju , ,,,,c t'.,r C:in I 1 11 ,o l i " il.tn h ' -0 .1 Wei 11 .1 ( Tlt.ie )1 m KHIti to be V -I d ," b Hot S'-i'lll Ji' S.llJlle 1 1. 'wi nt h n .'.ir I v J 1 . . She l Hli-Ut lilt '. I 1 lit' d" lo t a,.!,, ar U b .it' 1 for in : vcl I s.ngl ; i, , ; .i rii'her ulv ; has li-ht Inn, dow Ii nl ollee to' a f rlei l ai - no' belie y''J it, liaye b u 11, ol nil' h' i i f u, . 1 t li tint thj .-I .piling 1 I In, ll I Kill: su- .r ll.IHJ ) - t . , I . 1. Kam A r no hi (wlm m et.' t at. Ko; f t; M . an ell a" other itnes s'-iLe i 'ur, .cie p'.-m capturH Al r. I a neol u n a 1). iHrntiit. a?,d Wnite tl to po alone Ute Ht rii'h' down t lo oui h t 1 e fjHiVet to what ia known ai I1 ti entli sirtet. near ih ' A' t. ' 1 e tv i 1 IS ', W htJI'e h Tll-i M hui Ail I'. Ih' W th' 11 1 1 th Wh II ohl V,ui Se, , II, ontJ'.ef.r of Tyb-l to- mac r i ver. This houst i huiit ip ir the old h 'ttiiM t-.i I ihe Old h He jiUli t ! 1 1 II u l ns, a .cotehnu n , iv ho-ie oUn t .t 1 1 n c n b : it'e I on- third ol' W.i-hi'i th.' Bleu of I mil 'Ah'tutthe n-;ir tJe:i'i;il ''in , bin It a h 'ii t 01: t h .d f iron '1 I I i - n , r u k corn uiodiou lnu t w o ,-ttoi and i hit I n I'f; n. 'I I pHitit ion w al !a .1 d 1 u 11 to I ht; .silij I"i t !i ( I , ,tr v jit At pom i' sub, (jneii t pm i id i h 0"i ni.idu In ; lo . W1'n we dn out, ;md oip: ot tli'.ni h l.i t:M,i do-, -o illif down t1 jwuh the 1 und wa lornjt-riv u--d In j -wint Cellar. Another w.u ut-d for .i d.ivr pri..i(, am still another for an i ' house On t hi; death ot Tann-i-a, til'Ueii ear-' n", i t wafjoh to one Thonfias (Vroen, who owned ttot .VnnenL'tn Spring in Virginia Uret-n'.s nifi-jr ad in the Uebrl a: in r and he hai of late yeai iw.?d tis hou-.- a i .-nd..v m i fur thesu cotupiraturd,. A HHBOI.H'll n able to have t; n,A ' often Mr. I.iiieolu luieh all w-ll. Had they b. .lero. Hut i the Potomac and i'lio M sell,' Hoi then he could I, H Vt', he, '!!. There ih at, out t n o at -ivi nr hifih tri'i'H Hnil e.l, S" dllruhbery alan the ul reel, shut - i n the attr c.-i"ii f'oni it w .(i',l tit" etli - 1 el - 'I ill I ll i 1, , Ml' uii'l lile holi.e M i, . a ith a hib bi ic houi Ifoin tii,- t re i-tiialh tl"o- ed b IV 1 1 1 Wall , H , 1 . 1 e b,-- fore n-aehin t tl" street H ,1 Ii (i , een and hi., ii it ;i'-, bow in the Old i.'apitiil, snd the Vutarau Itmerms mm stand tfuard around h buililin, and n, on cm , -nf--i the enulosurt' without a p.ua inini the .S.elet.l' V of H'a, Scvural times iine tn, war i-oke out ha-t tlii-, Itou--been an nbjoct. ol su-i icl 01, and -veial arte.ts have beer ruadft theie, but not unM1 the lafe uiiinler wi-," ih secret vaults and paaMe; t',,uu t, and the infernal charue ler nf the den ascertained. i CONVKKTEU RKhKL KECONSTK I' CT I UN' IN' THE SOUTH. At. a meeting of Southern men in Memphis rt t'etitU Col. Grace, of Aikaniiii, ..poke an follows: ttUmi cititri'm : I am the uian win, dr. tv up the ordi nance of Secession in the 1. if wlaturc of Arkansas 1 have bee in tlm held fighting against th, Liiion lor nearly four years, but now I an a conqjeriid iitnl , ippe,l m...,,. Ijaaphter J At. i waa pal'snt in ffninir out to fiithl, I now propose to he allant at, sun endeririir and sutiuiit tinj; to the arms of the Uoverniiient. I, ; us have re spect for the- (ittvernni-nt j.fiat we earinot libit,. Laueh ler I have tui contempt lor Kedeiul ainf- ,i itv B-m , it 1 ev, r had. 1 do not think there is a manly, bosom in the South but that has higher respect 'or tN o, I h,-ru ;:al lantry than when-wfi went int.utbe libi. . .'nnaut-h..( I ti, 8 tell us to come back and reciiMtrin-t tlie I uio'i, tiut thev vi'i'l jrive us bono, alih; terms. l)o uni ttiink t lint peoplu as bravo as the N ort h ai e, that t h, y i.e (." iiit; f ii k their reputation in vyar, ,o tuin aiouiid iili-r u - have disperted our aiu ies and ive us aiiifinno l,m ho n, il able terms? I here may he Home men in ihe Nm I io who inav think f hat tne South had a hand In t h" de ii h of our lamenud President, but I know t'iat ihe peopl,. ,, the South mourn over his death, anil feel tlgj', th.-. h ive lost a friend. The iNorth have maintained this e n, Mi' t nobly, and the South have nothing to ' e a-hanied ol 1 am proud ut the South there is h imethin in tlm vyi v ai uiost here that makes men tir at. When v 'U wanie..) mifn tosp. sk against the. oppression of tiv.u lb ii t n you went to Virginia, when you ivant, d irien lo c--in in .tint the armies of colonics you went ak'stn 1. 1 Virginia, an I wh' n you w anted a man to frame the I), clarat ion of In depentt iii"-, vou wentasin to Virfiuia, ifnii fonnd him in tlie person nf Thorns J. tt',-rson, aijd t'V'eu'iu our en '.' we hare shown greatness So 1 iiuy 'hat the S,, 'ill, is not an itii;i itleant peotile ; and il'soreat people aalii v are ci nnot whip the w ii Id . iv h i can not e hip- to t h' in evitable conclusion that th" North j. r;i-t ai.-r .' i i. uio ' ter And 1 am not going to s-.idtif'v niis.-li by si i, I have been whippad b pumebotly. .Vow if p. mn lniy in repent and tin back to this reat nitioiinl ehtiich--: p nt , g t abs. ilut i. n, and im pt feil' a 1 1 1 si '. b.iu ter.j I know wn will receive hoiiiirahle and just tin s. When I had an interview with the I'l e..itb nt , I,'- I, ., ' seeuied to be ever overtiowin Willi love to. ir,i th Southern people. We hist went out ul the L!ni u and threw down the gae of battle, and tha North picked it up ; wp tired the tirst pun, a id took th tn-at lor' - Kurt ?umter which was taken back a tew da, s ao. jd..iuedi ter. The No-th seemed ta be unwilling to tiht ; ihe, did not think ,it woj Id tijjht, and so we thought ol thrni, but, to our no! row, we have tound out dit!',-rt nt ; th, seemed to spring up like ii:u-ht'ooms- trom ail pai t of tlo; tin th Before this war I urvtr n a Federal tilht er. hardly. 1 never felt the slightest oppress on nt 1 Ik- K de -ral (iovernaient ; in fact, I ro ver ihouu'lit we lool o. e until 1 went ouf to tiillt ; th - i I f und ,n did have a (jovet ninont. " OR. B. F AltRINCi'i'O' SUUGKON UKXT1ST. BTK lltuoe and residftnew on Hillshnr Scieet, at the rUlioad crossing;. ipril IT tl, KALHKHl, TUESDAY, .MAY SL V I' AM) SJ AVKOWM'HS. - THKIK MiTKliK li 1,1, All (J NS on iU'! order i (.h-n S'.ljoli.'lri on iln- ..hi ,i nti t h"ii it at ns in ijnr re i 1,-1 . Mi V u in t (iiltMR iffl'M'd on th.) yvth i,.i lTt' .,1 "ii Hi-h nlit'lil , cum uiiiiuli nr i ii , , ( i JlTj j n . I .'.i. t - M n (Im "4 tli ) Al I't'itii .h u - 1 1 i 1 1 tv " C'litlv n'ctl-'ii, uKin thfuiui'!' rnhi "twi-i'ti ncyi'tt lalnir himI nan'a! svt iht' S.-utli Seti.. field, in 1. 15 liuit 01 -h r. uri-s mt ittrl ninst f)'pi)rtti,tv"th" duty ol ull to culli- I hut t' hh in . iTi 1 v mi. iioi w hih- hf )irouii,-.'rt jtiiipt p'(.t clioii m a ot,t hU- eit i .ciix, lo1 1 tin-f. d.-i diFpc,-, v, i't il'f s 1 1 1 v j f jii-'-1 ii ! iii ;t wnv a -t tin1 m rir (iCsaviujr a wnrd of discuss-1 di ill mi no u 1, v-, in rdior t to th'.' .M)plo . 1 h,i 1 1 1 1 v i . in I t In- pi 'H'U in nt nn t ' I I Ju- tliiltnd Stntt-.s, ddti-d dan I, 1st;,!, h" Stite ht'ivtotorr' htdd a.-t aluvcs urn nv it i ttr itntv ol thf ariin t" in;iinta 11 th. I'D. ' h Ca d th ml ,,. r.-iini itutio Thi-f v itnieii'l I" 1 nni l iil her im , i.md pi .iplicah - t . U lr-f ;fit .'U "(it 01 not th- 1 I II I If V ill 1 1 n llli'li.l 1 i.-w .v.-; , w:.ii..: llilH ri'r iii'ifi to,. I ff ;i n Imvic..i uia.iL -r mi! sin. . iih (..ii D.niku, I Im 1 l. n, ,;, ,, in. ,1,1, II, Il lir V Cnri'l i t ion "'ft:" i! ,,! -Ih ' II, lit'Cl Jll'S i Kl,,l lin ,lt ,'iiM'i 'r Mi, I, uiijiiM nil.. ,.f u,t,', , 1. - lulh ' I ;i l...-t up t,, linn nliir rural fcliiMil-tcacli.-u i.-iiii' tur u hi' in hi 11 ,1 1 lua.xL in tii u ay 11I1 ir .k il i. il lal-r a 1 1 1 ,' n, jmi cm ' li. l! II' c I ni't. , X-MM't, IWIWHI LT, tiillt ,',. iii'iii, ij,n(.'il hl'icks lo tuy uith 1 i.lli'.r l.iw 1. lull v .mil il'i 1 II, ; ! y ' iv i'l III 11 II Biti-fy 1 ',' l.r.i'.-ii 1'inil I I; it'- v vy.ll . i-r.,y, r t liii ban -i,i, 11 . th, i . i', ,1 nil, I hi.s ... ill in the )'UM ' r. Ihul he '.hll'l'l'hlo;, -,1 hi ,ck.i ,,; il in, ine -at ! ,:i "lies an, in, ,1 ry u 1 1 1 I n 1 1 I v meet v i'l lijfMlf n Not th 1 nioli.'iH a I ' k , h I , .It I, on.. I... ,1 hi yoik v.- p I Oil I p I II, el 11 n il ii' li iliti mf ion I 11 1 i l I , I , v h pii i I In. he I lo .-, eel u 111- , to a I iiu'.i -i.k thin llellli I' lo. e-li'aibm ipprell loll, 1, III mil ,oi .iju ;. ;. Jim t I , II a ,lh II, foil. tin 1, hi 11(1 1I0 'I' ' I II i p'.-. ti:, I' Ho V -7 i A r ,,, it It, , I'l t 'ft Ii : l! ied hi li i I' tl! e I'l t ' la Ul ', -Hi'' I tlie U' i tr.it th-fle nianeiiiit,(l ,- iv d in rnu vie v ot tlodr riedit. tiv inoinii ho I ave made theuitid ve.f upuftle-; ' I th, t n b no nieiu- C''iiline 1 to h -null e!.i- rln f m n -it be prwleered and detentl.'ll hi nil" I" b" idh-. (ieu. hcholieid mid t.tii 1.- to uiake 51101 I uiji k, uf Cim , lei ii .wm . - TI1K llAltKIS TltlAli. it. j iii. in 1 1. Ila-ris in W,.shiiioto-.i i" - i It - I he ft" I- bv a nnlitarv coui t, hafl uhl Ih thl th I -II- -i, I li It, 'II'.' th, , I' "V, r" I. Ch .,'in.iii, l-'li.t Sereeant Co. K. Th ir I v . Si-e- .1 iii.irna liil.inlry. Con h .lei ate Army, beimr ..'worn n I. ,s-ia M i i I a 1 1 1 on the Jtith of A ill, in coni- iih ' i vv i n hi. Iv a,l, "I lb sain-- r pinions ; hid an .- - h i he, io i'ii-i 1 1 at '1 e l.iltei 'a reside,,,;,, about - - 't 'i' I,, "'.; i. ,;i,,u n. Tlu- In , im, r oi, Ul Ihe j.'.ji nitio ; lyitlli',. u.'lltto ivn (,, i ,'i ort to M a j Waite ; ot a pai1? to j;,, 1. .- ih,.-.- il.ih.s ilistant and wlo-n hn fivay '4 'i' '' , I"' .-topped st flams", and a.k, d M nit. i" ii f , .-! ay -ill inlit , tlo- a reus,, d h.'sii al, ,1 j ,me uio ' il.: h . I'd ii,' vv.l ' a loeobar ol tJonr,., that the .ii- k. hi 1 i.ik ii iy,i'it lp- bad, and he did n ,i w i.-h to '-it ' ua inl-i hi h oi-. , h .-ni l ,.. would jjii- meib,.. n V n nl I e .i,. K , P. Ihe b . e ,1 1 wish,.-,! f ; '(,(, j,,,,!, in" a o 'i ' I'ilo'.'n Mr. lb-ail a d"l nr ; I'todhiin '"""''l,:'- ii"ii ' i nidly and 1 would - ho:,,-- if 1 ' ' 1 :" '' '' ' ' i.'Koinee ; inv h .ii,: i. i l,,, , ; i ,'l ii.. i . ,,, , I, i"..l in-- I i'ouhi f,... on pa t '" i hi I- ' s an orilt r in trie m-w ...ip,., , a a i n. tlu oi ir I, o,u ii i- h- ul lakinn tkeoallii he enid it w ii"' -o. I I.- o :.: I us , onlii.nr of il, that 1 had s,-eii it pi ih" pup-r; ih, ii lie out ' on and said paroled pris on, is oii'ht io K hom,' nj way, and if (ion '" ''"' " al them to eo hanic he t'lf a -I -I ra.cil j from that, iu talking w iih mr, Mr. U .ol .. po." ah nut 'he death of the President ; tlie a.: t,i -.it'- il i -,.i im u.-r to kill him now. it lias loo ,i i ; ! ::..r k.d i!..it I rt ol,-d .lull', tiatis was al-.ujs.tli- "i lb -.-ith-'ii I il.t-.-'n ; ' - said no, that J. It. Davis tin a i;,'., no tn, aiel a , -nil-man in every i ,-,-p,-ct ; he .-aid 1 1 1. ii ho a wnji. had been and wa in iavoi- I ihe South, innl ih.it ih - mum' of ihu. Southern Coiil derae.v .! . h" I iv s . n -, fse '!" l"u i. an, ,-.il heal thin. I cannot ' reiin uiber, ihst ' lillleh u'ten1 i "Il to : he told me nol to onto oi alli.gianr, but be mclianeil ami f , tl lihl ili-m 'uifaniofx the t'eOeial (iovto fino nl ; lo- -poke ol several t;,mled"i a t e ollict s in li iiin thai h" would bet hih :i'uld not lk" tl," '"I I," no nl ion e, I one I.h ut. Y i son -low 1, . ...ol ih r oiiie, ii-ii with advising ine not In tak- ihe oaihoi e :iai... ; a K, tic) al sergeant who belong to l.eonatd i n iti '-i h ai d this conversation ami repoi t. tl it ; I met n, tlie . ro im, when 1 came out of the pale ; hem no lt d il to Jlaj n- Wnite, who called me up nrit moni ;, ni '1 a k' I no- n hal eon vers;, tion a-sed h-1 a ecu us, I I j ,st itil.l th" ph in ti utli as near as I .could ;-did nut ''" -iK,.an as. Iislenlni; whilst the Con versation kro i have not . ticku toe ,itt4i of- alle- fli.iuce let, it was a voluntary set on tha part of tha ai-' ii.-e'i to tjr. e me money 1 told him I bad besn foil i a, sin the f'oiiiotieia',. arniy, iwnl hail lst tiv In oili eis in tke ,-sio ryoiin.'iit, all Iroui lislliuiore. iV io. no. 1 1: - I ,-at itriny ol inoui tiers v. ho lol lowed , i it h st-leniii ,.1,'ps, dm remains of our martyred President lhit Ui.k il, s'reets ol Nw Yoik, was one n,d cituea w ' I'11'. 111 eai I y j..uib, joined in ih- Innei n I proees. ion on the burial ,,l Wa-liiiijfion. 1. "BLUMENTHAL," .1 A ent V S. Militniu ll-iilitud, t.,t Mil,. '.try MV. Mim ' C30L SODA FOUNTAIN AND CONFECTIONERY. ALSO, Uiioieo Havana Cigars, Ni.v ilimis sou Hi of ( opitol on l'ayrlfpi ille Ntijofl, .tl Htiaill.t Iredell's olil stnml I 1 To In, - EXCHANGE HOTEL, Iliilsboro' Etroet. T"1 HOI 1.1 " ' I' havim; lililiN CI.O-I-.I) KIR ' peuo( l,v til" SilbMo i , Mill ,1'W b" l.llloli will t. I td t pubi ic. -I ai ed to m ike tlo KAN HA 1.1. A ltOWHN, Proprietor., .,(). in ' ll - M I i ' I A HK.V.VRI). l 1 t v ision oi ni . J t a is, ) .'' , 'M.i- 1-b, 1 SCI. ( S K i "It liT A k Y OK WAR A i h oi-anil tl th b, fi is herf b v of i -1 1 v 1 1 y to, u is i ot W illiim Virginia. H. W. HAIiliECK, "Major tten. (jom'd'g. I CIM- mi ... ai d "I I,-. , on- i i il I i'i r the in I .'.-' a.n-i Suftlh, ll bel fiovef nol ol MayO ll l, 18, NO. iiT7. AGREKivTENT In E!t I.tfhtii 10 the liituxluf tion o( (;no(b uiul J i r -I o! - 1 1 ip rn .-d July '2, IstJI, i i h 1 1 by .ijfr.-fd fhtt lo-odf, wiii'i'S mid met ohiiud i.-e , net contra -1... 'im, ; i.iv be ,ik,n io nil miiiCtn p. -a,.-' mm :. I" aili'i, .)i-cnpjf(l by th,! tiiiiional force 5 of ihu I'nited' SlHtcs in t h Stato of NiVrtli Caiulina, in such monthly -tint nintH a.-, will hf fultlclont to nil loyal pi'Tsond ntiilionf to ff hiiMi monthly amounU (18 they hali d; irc anth.irit v to m. II nt th reflpt'ctift potn. (h m.'I,-, w an i il im rtlindiht n ay be tiikt'ii to other than mili'iiM pn.-t-, to b ditioned id as above ; pW'Viiloil, tlm t u'linianUini; (ujiini al o tin? Uepar tuient , n ih 1-Mlpen MUr pe-n!l A u e li t H I ee to the Millie. artie h- mm if hjniN"M iiRe:' th" nnl r. tifll nf thin i'ririlii Tll inunt tile an oath ot loyultv with t went il 'Mip.i ' if ih ; : fi : J M SCHOFIKl.l), tii fi'l t 'o 111 to :i 11 . i i r ii . I) IIKA'I in, Dt(i;irtiii'nl. 1' Vol ire in tiulati. it to the Ai)ointniiit of I'u i-Mt it Hi ii tf (ji'iil. 11 11. , ini. ii .-lei iii'i.'-IutsIjv notified liat I'K'I'K'R N. l-i,J,l . torn ben RI.polntHfl bv tile StorrtHrV ot 1 1,1. I, A V. -' Ti i-o-ni v a l':iii.' l Stat.-s l'uri'lia"inK Ajteiit . at tin, I ll...infoi 1 No: ih Caroliru. "it hi miii' I'M iri'lHliri) tor 'In? viiirrlmio. ninl m- "i "I I ii'liirin 11I lli-aulurt. au-1 will cxteri.l his . II" CI ill o ,. 1 hi 11 in in fiii h loralities 111 the inti rior of iln Stat" as ni.'li b.- lirjo'lirHtil,.. '' An,, Ih tiling! 1, 'l'li !'.. tun I'incl;aiii4 Ai-nl ti:l be aniiuuiae l t.,i Wil- ii 'x 1 t. oilly I, . j.oiM.: "lill' ,,,...,l,o i,l interest t, u ill, in the K 1 on hull, I for ill ..In, Mil. thofto yy h, I Militai-i or expo- 11 I , Il . tat ion I'll I:,- , I . mi! t i 'it i!o Ai t ol 'on -l ean til' tin- md of July oil!, p-,hibit. Ih' pm iriner nl I',-' -ducts by ii 'it- ,-n Iht ti nu ll meouiit Tllnorilv piooris 10 t null,,, 1 1 ,1 lo uH'hii.e, re ,1 ul v appo nit- it 1: ,1k i.Ii I'm at., iiaitii-n who an, now cn- willlout null vyitii a vii'i iiiy. in nurchanin? and sk 1. "1 Prat 1 dS "'ureli hoMinii ,,n to tlio dam it'll" liu II tl inland ttiat. nil muc'i I Ul 1' uiiiM-atioii. 1 o avoii, h 11 Ml li ptoducl.i an purch, ill I h, I 111. it ' al one" t 1 the I'm ,:h - br in I'l-iilue!., Mif-h hh I to f liw I'u , ,-hu si ii l i;ulat ions, vy ith mi 1,1 e t"Urth. in kind, u illi (Jovernuit'iit upon ttc ,(' A A Ih -u.t in leaving i i t v 'ul th Jl:t ; mob i slan,' ine; i ,Ht t(lP. ,, l,t I he pi Of UC H W ll 1 li a li te, ti M ? t k I . the triii am - II -ht t. .: ih- - '. ; I." mot' It I" I I' ,' '-'III if : The pi or '' hy w liifli I his inn In- iii-ne ii-ii',' I u 1 1 y n, el" .f.'o'l liy i clucohc: to tb r.-in-nl ulalion.., dated at VVa-binolon, I It, i- hi i oh I mi;;, It, I'i I'. ti. s ii ho i. snlo , I rtiihin our nnlitai y lines 'I I i"'lu, I'otloii !,,! other product, pre v ions' to ihe 'v-tiiei- ml. i lliis Sla'i. ol the armies i f Generals Sher en .mil . -oh. ,li, -Id are permitted to ship Ihe whole ol ' it pi'"l'l: ,l'e us h.oetol r oiirth All abandon", I i, nd enptu, ed products acrord ;.' to i .s!tt!,ili..i.s, to to the Sun, o i i-iiiL' Special Atren't. i i i "i' e pa it i i, a i i ii fi ab,tn.!dii,.d prnd uel s under his ,1, and uho atleinpts to shin or si-ll the same, wi 1 ii' lily mbj, t t (lo- piopeily to s, izure, but make him ia' I ,- lo pi eiite ii lor the oil',. nee . II 'I he i ty ula 1 toes i hieli have beeu established, re quiring "I i.llbol ih - p: odiiitioiis as above slat' d, as a cn ' " " 1 1 ' ' '' '' '. i, I hi tie shi in "ii t anil sale of the oilier '' 1 I 'ins, has been done as a tit ccssnrv revenue in a tl.r. .a"' All I'.iil'i s ho have recently had the b, nobis and loot' ell. n of tl,,. l..,-:a! t lo vrn men t, eu'ended over them can rais-t no substimtial objection to the payment ol -ii h a ti.it bi lb d. -livery of pi oducts in kind 'Ih I'm , din. id- A Ken I. Mr l.awson, will be foumi much ol his tun- at the olllce ol the umlcrsit'tieil, in N'ew ''' "f- I). IIKATO.V, Suit's; Sl A'tTreas. Dep't. Olllie II. I'iii cliiiNiii(f Agent, ) I !i; y r i, ,k r. N ('., May 8, 18(15. J 'IT Hi Subscriber Inn ini; be n appuinteU by the Sucru ' ;) ' )' "' ' ho T, . usury its I S. I'lirehasn fi Ajenl tor the protl nets o I N'oi Ih ( 'ai olina would r toj u os t ail persons haviiip; permits previous to this date, to call at his oflice located in N'ewb' -rii, in ihe same buildiiio with I). Ilea lon. l'o,., Superyi'.inj; Special Afit-nt Tn a.-urv Depart no-iit. ami nt Btoi'il -i t.'ni the olliee ol (,'. T. BlakesU-e, Ass I Sp'l At." nt I'r, as Dept., and have tit,' ia.nn rrfiii-I'-'t'l- All p, i ,-, i . hav iifi todiicls to a, 'II must sell to th,- I u, cha.-iue; A, m or to persons an t hoi i led by ti l in I" Pot "I n ., I'i oducts loiuedi t or sohl by others' tl'mn sii'li .-i,'d no, ins, will bejiable U ("inlisrafion hv Ih L riled Sillies (iuvetiiinelit. ' " I'liTKK LAW SON, '.'1 i'i if I'uichasin Ap;ent. x-ioxjcsi-ia: e& oo., I.-TK W. ('. HAMILTON 4 ( O., ' CORNER SOUTH FRONT AND MIDDLE STS., NEWBERW, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i I Mi A I, liKS IN SUTLER'S COODS, CROCERIES, HARDWARE, ETC. May liVliu MRS. II W. MILLKR'8 ,1 It I) 1 iV II 0 U S E, ii-ATiJnuB, N. 0. lIB "A V ww.K Ksn MflffTH . I'RKNSMAN VVA1VTKD. Ulil.lAlil.li ST liA I) V MAN, (,'() M PUT liN T TO "ii l',",i l'iu..es, is wanted to take eiare;eot a A " cyliiod, r lloj presa. li a competent man god ie.s and permanent work will b- giteu. Apply at , -is! Olliee iinini'diatclv. J. L r liN N I NUT ON A CO. April 'I) tl. MRS FENTRK?S' PHI V ATE BOARDING IldUSE. y(. It I'Tt'.Fy, FA YK TTt: VIJ. I. K 8 TH fK T. AliD liV Tllli DAY OK WliEK. WITH 0,1 lout 1,11 k i " e - May l If wnri i: l Aisoithits H) ll I d I. I'll Ul.ii nil K( I ! K I o'lioyt l in cultivating the ir, tli ISII O h" . A Ijl I I I'. M r. N I- ,,l the K ittrell's 1 1. ii p Mn I" A in I y tn nr- al ot, ll, 13 Ol :'ii ed 11 t Kailr'-ml. H M. V. 10 1,1, INS. JOB PRINTING 'it 1.VKUV UKaCRllTloN j:ll,V Wit H,l'KI)ITIOfSI.V KXKCttTKB AT niK PROGRESS OFF.GE- TO BUMAESS MEY. ri'lIK oil i cir.;,,,, A I .'-.AND ;OVSTAN'l I,Y INOKEASl.Vtt latioi, ol the Dailt Puookss rendets it one of th best mediums ever ottered to th peaple of Nrth Carolina for advertising. Kates ons dollar a sqaara, of ten lilies, tar each andavsry Insertion. CO., KAYKTTEV1LI.B ST., HAl.KieB, . .,) Wholesale and Retail Doslrri in jF lour, Butter, Cheese, West India Goods, Spices, ARMY, IVIYY ) SUTLER GOODS, Green and Dried Fruit, T 1 V A U E A N D RT O V F, 8 , Crockory and Glass Ware, Confectionery of all Kinds, Yankee Mioiis, Ol'I'li'KUS AN ("1 lli'KNS' CLO'I'IIING, Mll.l TA It Y RAfitiES, TRIMMINGS AND L'-.Qril'MKN'TH, HATS A- CAl'.S. BOOTS A SJlOEfei, RUBBEU GO DS OF ALL KINDS In lact rvi'i v iLin r j u i i bv Soldier or C tiien. W. li. VX'V IKK. i. L FKKNOfJ . Muv 1') tt Htftudai d cup v - LLLAND, BIGLOW & CO., Commission Merchants, I'oll' ck Sn-"( t, on. I-M.r Wf.. ut Iviht Kronl Slll','1, IVTowloorn, INT. O.. Ros(it!iill'iill', anniiunoi' tlin' ihoy 1 1 tt'i r for sul' it t. tlit-ir Siuio u elioii'i' anil m ' lof'od Sloek of UKOCKKIKS, I'KOVISION'H, FRUITS, FOR AG H, A'f., Whieh they will sell, either VH0I.KAI.H: tilt UKl'AlIi iiinlitui awl ut prices Hint cnnnut fail In suit Ihe buyer. We ill alao sell bils ..! KViliaiiK-,.n Vr.v V,,ik, or Hoe ton, in ii, u lo suit. (tivr nsii i'u'1 und wr tvlllNntisfy tiny ictisiiii alili- man (hat this is the place to liny. l.KI.AMl, llim.DW A CO. May If. .In. KV (JKIST MIL I,. LELAND, BIGLOW & CO. II1VK ADIIHIi Tu TKKili K.sTAItl.lililMRN'r A NKW Steam (jrist fflill9 In w Ii tcli tlify will grind ('urn in iUiiutititf , ami furnish an lent articlo of lurgo ut- smal i'Hai'1 - I E A L Wo aim pi'cinn'il to purchase CORN in any , inutility tlmt may In1 offiTcd NICE SWEET CORN MEAL, Cheaper th Caroliua. ii n !' purchased anywhere else in NurtL H4T (.MVli US A CALL .sjr I.KI,M), BKJLDW 4 CO, Muv 1.1 3in Newheru, .V. C. ijii:T7u-i3ii3ri.rsr COTTON GIN COMPANY. PO!. LOCK SWEET. r i it .s Ml KhOM KAril f H I S V rt I k K U I . Thin f'onipanv mw. at, ifryat ipeniM ttrected I a i tab Id Buildings rtnd Mit hint'i v fur Ginning Cotton by St1 mn I'liivcr, urid ii i ; prupart'd tn Uiri und l! ("ntuin on favora bl ternin, ' uri'l M.llt'ifH tho put i - -uim of ihe (Jotton (j row t rs of this vjcinii v. Apply to U-XANI), UltiLOW & ((., Ajf.'nts. Muv 'I') :im MURRAY & NEPHEW, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS A t) Afll'NTS JUK Ml l:ilO.' .V'UIH ;Kui.lM S I f w ii i p I , : Nt , - 62 Soutli htreot, Now York. I ON .Ki.S'MI'.VlS 1)1' CUTIOV N A V A 1, J Slol . . i Illi'IltS tl'H,l,' torwiii 'led I, -peeiHl aitentioj Cou-i(jn-W. 1)1 l.l. . Moi ciu-atl, will he 1 K' Ail - itlt-i h in omiit! y ft liiil. llavioir bean- in tho oril Caioiinn trail.- tor ov, r twenty years, I'eef emp:eut. to s iti-fy our eoi re-porei outs in all ar t icuUr . V. II. Knit ijiiofaiionH ol our markets furnished . May 15-tf II. J MENNINGER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, COKN'KIt I F I'OI.l.Ot A ND M II) lil.K tf I'S., MIWBER.V, . (. i The ol.l atsuJ ol J . Uooilui an I . Iluo.n a v , May 16 lui. 1 i! i . if 1 I J 24 i H j 'if , i tjSt III P.I i'l iiti , IT '. i 51 I I rr 1 I' :' , ? il I I hv 'A iUi ' ! ' i . - n. i i j t i 'H jtf ; - Jl ll 1

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