BY J. L. PENNINGTON & CO. 4f VOL. VI RALEIGH, THURSDAY, MAY ltS()D NO !:") SUBf-N-HIPTION AND ADVERTISING it SUBSCRIPTION. . The lidltoiinr are the only Terum nf Subscription to the Mailt and WasiiLv PhuakmU : . Daily paper, On., Year , '. 510 00 " Six Months 5 0 Three Mouths 3 80 W eekly papn , One Year 3 00 Sin Monthi! I SO ADVEKTISISU. (Ten Idne or t-, minion type, or one inch apace, to ennitituU- a Square. ) One Squiie, Ouo Day Jl 00 " " Two Day! 7f " Three ly..- ..,.',.. 3 W Four Days ; " " " " live Bay 3 50 One Week 00 " " Two Woeka 7 09 " " Three Weeki 1" 00 One Month 12 &0 l.argor advn tifeincnts will be charged in enact pro portion with the abovof aid muit be paid for when handed in. One inch lauKlkwiM the column will count a Square, no matter what sue type may be ued. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special N..tice will be net in minion, leaded, and in rted under the Serial Notice head, and One Dollar a Square chained li.r every iuertion. '" LOCAL CuH'MN. Only short notirei will be admitted to the Local Col umn, at thu following rates : Oae Line, One Day :1 00 Two Lint i, - I 50 Three Lines', - 00 Km, Line., 2 Tea Liuea, or more, at the rate ol Twentv-hve Out a Line for each insrrtien. Ell N Ell A L NOTICES, MAKKIAOES, ice Will be charged same as Adrertisements, and niuat be paid for when ha.idcd in, or they will not appear. The above Utes will be adhered to in all cases, anil a we have to pay cash for everything in our buaincs, wc must demand cash. May.U, 1K.5. J. 1. rENMNGTO V A CO. FROM WASHINGTON. -, Wai-hinuton, Wnlni-miay, V,'y 17, 1866. AKKIVA1. OK CIKN. TKBY. Major-(i ii Alfred H Terry and staff arrive.l here to-day If'1'" N' f'h Or., Una. The party left In the tveoii p train ti r Wow-Yeil . I.NTKKJlAl. REVINUK. Wilhin the Inst 4b days 80 new distiicts for the ...llecti. n nf Internal 1C vei tie, have brei, ordt red in Vir. inia, N' rt h Carolina, Ttuuissee. Alabama, Ken tucky, and Mississippi. Revenue officers have been appoint. d, h. .1 the colli ctioii of ri Venuo from thtae Inte'y lit bel Districts is a n 'dy ei.mtnericinf THE MAS NS. 'I'he Mann, ie Order have purchased the Urge lot on the corner ol K aud Nitielh-st., trnd intend to erect a Nalinnal Mi.h. i h: Temple thete. HHTH CABOI.fNA ONIOIT8. - It in ni di iHto.d thnt Prraiih nt John"" hue tent for the editor of the Kaleigh Standard and other Uutou nieo of North Carolina for a personal con ference. THE AMNESTY PkXCLAMATION. ' The President's forthcoming Amnesty Proclamation ii alriJi'v ir tvpe, and the pi nl-sheets have beau un der fi.i.mUiiii i n lor several days by the Cabiuet. It is undtrsteod that it will proffer the oath of allegiance t.. nil who have served in the Hebel armies up to a certain urade, .1. when accepted, to constitute a full eiehaLge an. I pardon. It ie also stated that the full scope ami he limiu tiui s of Gen ('rant's Sherman terms of Amnesty are to be deterred I'-, while those officers who shall have been convicted of the horrible cruelties perpertrat il up on owr pris iii is, will he tried, and if couvicted, punished. Its publication is momentarily expected. iff. davu. An oftirer up I""' Kortn-ra Monroe states that prt paialior-- u.ukn g there for confining Jeff. Davis until so. h time a bis preseuce shall he required p.r trial here. A bulk . The War Departmett hss received the butt ,;f a trie some two int through, from in front of one of lur.emthworks or the old battle-field of Spnttsyl vai.ia, Irotn wl,ih tho tree-top had been literally shot iff vitlh Inline. Twenty-eight jioucds of U-adeu balls have b en picked out aud yet hundreds remain imbedded in the aplinlcred weed. It nttrtct general attention KN. SHEIatAN. t.ieu. Sherui n. iinoer a eense of iajoistice done Inoi by the pub icatioi s of the Secretary of War, wr..te a letter from Raleigh explanatory of his nego tiations with Johnston, which he requested might be lliwa the aanie publicity ns the Secretary ' strictures. It is a noteworthy fact that Sherman's letter has thus lar been auppretS'd. niS. 1IAM.ICK. When Gen. Halluek learued that Gen. Howard .wm intending to march ihe right wing of Sbecmau ' army through Hi' hniond, be tolegrapbed Howard that he should not permit it, and his guards would be iueiriirted t lorbid their passage of the pontoons. This was in retaliation of Sherman's refusal to allow lla'lcrk to rrviev Hward flanked Gen. Halleck hv r. in ivini.' ' i f.'.moJj and substituting his own. OOll INDIAN POLIOV. A movement, of considerable magnitude, at the head of whiou is Hon. George W. Julian, is in pro grtss hue, hving for its purpose a substitution of the pacification for the annihilation policy in dealing with'tIic'wiK-lVVstuTu'maT3r These- EBrttlBnw are urging tip n (ho President and Secretary Harlan, the appointmi nt af some intelligent and competent member of the Society of Friends as Commissioner of Indian Affairs in place of Mr. Dole. The systematic robberies of which the Indians h ive been victims for a term of yrmu, and the contstquent massacres of which the frontier settlers have in turn been victims, are iosUnce in proof ot Ibe litter failure of the coer cion policy. It is understood that Secretary Harlan is decidedly favorable to the reforms urged by Mr. Julian aud others. On the other hand, ex-Senator Wilkinson of Minnesota claims the appointment, it the Goverrmaut concludes lo maintain the " h. nt hostile relatio ns. Two prominent and icjv.- (Qua kers have been nauil by Mr. Julian aim his f.ieade, toe from Indiana and the other from Pennsylvaoi'i GEN. HOWARD. The following is the, 'order assijjuirig Genet. il Howard : War Dipaitmknt, A.t. Gen'b. Oeku e, ) Washinotok, May 12, 1865. (ienerai Orders, No'.9l Order organizing Bureau of lief ugees, 'Freedmtn and Abandoned LancLi. first: By dirtctlou of the President, Major lieu. 0.0 Howard is asi;;uel pi duty, iu llm Wiirile, purtment, a-. Omnii.i.Moii. r of tho llui e m m II. u gees, Freedmeu and Abaudoued IujiIh un.l. i tie. i 1 ol Congress i.ntitie l mi " Ajt to ostahlieli a t.ur an for the relief of Freedtnen and Ht'liigre!," to pern :in the duties ami widec all the rights, amh .fi'y ; f jurisdiction vested by the act of Congress in f'"'h Commiaaloner. Gen Howard will enter il upon the duties of CniiiiiiAi.ner sp.'.cdi'.t in -u l act ' Second; The Quartermaster General will with .til delay asign..ind furnish suitable ijua fr., an J .i i ; . 1 1 -mentsforthe said Bureau Third. Tho Adjutant General will a.-Jtgn i !r:e said Bureau the number ot competent clerku .nut r ized by the a.:l of degress. liy order of the rreeidvui .u the ( Juito.l M K. I). 'lOWNSEND, Aest. Adjutant (i. A KlHeT BULLETIN. The following is Gen. Howard's b.-t ftie letin ; FeEEBMEn's HORKAIT, VASllINliTON, D May 10, I8C.S. Cibculak Letter. In ai'.'.itdanoe with Orders of the Wai L. t artuicnt. No. Ul. immediately upmi the duties id Refugees, Freedrnen, anil Abat. iilllehll e .nte-'ijil.O.' I In ri.'1 o the ,i of I and N'n.etenuLn-- t ie, bi vvcver app tinted, Irudiiicii, an- rtquisLid t possible ol tie- cii.ira. t. r and txt'-nl ot tht.ti' .v 1 1 . - The commissi. 'iicr.- m .-up'-rinti n.lent -in Virgi .ia, South Carolina and I, uini m.i are requ-Bled t p-p.ii I direct to me 'he .iiinur i .. land t u-y m i h iv: ill il. r eui.t i viai.o, lor li.e use. Tie de.iiiiuieu' ni- oTn '.lel.o. C. I ti', (omuut I I.inds. .t I'he .'vti o i J: :': whn ii ave the o make a report ae s. ii! ,! mandi rs in the insurrc . i inary t.llert favor by transmitting . ..vuf the ditt.-ieni -order-lasu-d b. tt-eirifivlv- M .,r ny tin tr ..j-ti'let i i;tiiti i i !ri.. relating to the governm nt and eiit)oy.mont of tni.l ;mii. Wtif it .-hall ie my ..njet-. sei ore ,s .1:11. h "ut.iforillltyjta JMJjSIOll ::. the UH'.n r ol i III p'. II en! and instrm tion of frt.dmin, I i i -. s;!y Pol:.:.' -operation Ir itn all nfli-vrs n 1 agents wii i-.' p .MM", or duty renders it p,seinlo for thi n, to ai i lilt- l liu .N'igro should uodirsiaid nat ne i.-, reahy Ho, . '.i on no arc unt, if able to work, .-h o'd l.e h iro t 0 thought that tlie Government Mil snp...rt inn in idler f ss. 0. O. HnW aki., M.ij T ti. n , (.i'lmnissiooer of Fr. e hnen'- I'.urear THE VETRAS I i lil-B. General OrderiTNV 15, just promulgated Irotn tie War Dspartnient, show that since June, 18i'.4, lit, officers of the Veteran Reserve Corps have resigned, 27 have been dismissed since August, lH''ii, ii .'.ave been discharged since March, 1864, and li have filed. E'eveu aopoiotnieiiU ha e Iwen t- vok-d eincej i'v, 1864 ; 107 have been canceled since August, 1SG4 ; 12 officers declined appointments, aud one vac. ted his position. THE FUTl'HE OF WASHINGTON. Uuder this lica.l, the Washiagtou Chrunictr gets off a lengthy editorial, which claims lor the Federal Capital in tho future, great, commercial and businssH runowu, as well as magtiificenco utid splendor of its public buildings. Ww hope lie may live to realize his largest expectations. Wo annex an extract. IlD refureiico to the cflccts of the war on the Federal city, he says : " In one sense it has made Washington a his toric city. It has been defended by hundreds of thousands of brave mcu, and the blood of count less heroes has been shed in the content for i's poasession. In addition to this the mere pie.-, euce of the armies has stimulated its resources. -Mauy of our citizens have argueJ that this stim ulous is merely temporary, and that the deelnra tiou of peace will deprive us of the advantages we have enjoyed for the last four years. Thi-i argil merit, ha a certain valuxv Of course the army has, to a certain extent, been a customer, and to the extent of its custom we shall miss its ubji tice. But this disadvantage will be couuterbalauced The great barren Southern country brtrren be cause of the sterile unecU or biavery will so .u j blossom as the rose, and become the laud of p ace j and plenty. Washington must be the emporium j of the regenerated South. Tins uew community will increase a new demand. Then wc must huve manufacturing facilities The wa or power ot j the upper Potomac is scarcely surpassed iu the i world. At tl e upper falls twenty mills of the t largest capacity might be erected. So we shall i find new demands creating uew supplies, and uew I ! eoine suburban spot. The whole question ot pun lie buildings requires careful and pnenpt ..jouei'l eratiun, aud wo have no doubt Cougret-s will Mike .-tops to secure it by the appointment of a eom- 1 !i)iii"N. In til" nioanfiiii'', b't priv:iteente! prise do its .ihare. Washington eau bo made one ol ; the first cities on I he continent, and now i- , time in begin the work.'' 1 friuu the New York ladepondenl. ) I KDKOPEAN On N ION. i Wi liavo read the tipinions of tho leading iniuo i ! Kuropu ou the asf assination of our good !'r . id. nl , i el th-ir speculatioi on the uobahle and posi-d'1-. , ,.iii . . bat r-viit with u leeli.ig of inten-c e.i , g. in. - o,ioiintiniT a, most to la-, ' ntiup. To us t.iey r predictions after tho event, arid r"hears-iih ol i-.-n-.t.i.u-. wliii.ii f.r us hav already lew pi ignan y. It' is curious to sen how tho keenest, n. .-! e.iln valed. and most experien -ed intellect ..I ihr i i-d W r!d view a subjeol iu widen wa bavi tne ch-.'-r.i and profoiiudcnt iut rest. The keeu cuu .-i'y w ir's ' wl.icn we read those various ei pressiom .d Vr.eei, a. Contained in the pages of our c-it.mip .r if.. , o.i ihe : .-r i ! ..! thu Atlautic, is great. y Liglitt icd by in. advantage wr enjoy of measuring their aluiitv nml s-gi'-itv by 'h" vents which they onlv pro In ev. I', .leg ir Gi.Idwiu Smitk. in a let, r to tl Paily Xacx, of London, speaking of something vl.i.'h i(:e Junes had said in relation to atl ius. ch it an "impudent falsehood." The Tinas hn l.-ng airogated to it-elf the title of the leading ., of Europe," but iu all that has been ptib .he.l in Kriuland and France in relation to the al- ' '.irs this enuntrv during the past four year:-, i:.d i to thu last arrival Irom Lurope, theru his l.o .linn.' so iinworthv of public confidence. So lack!' ! m sag n-i .iin.-r.s, so perverse in judgment, am! o.o ..l.iv.i .' limited a degiee ! inforuiatioii. e.s tl. ' ..' a I li lt, r n fie linn "Aiii.-'i. a " On this subj et tin - - ,.r ,t jts r ad 'rs cannot : ti eiin. i b. on persistently falsi. I lui.-l: lorniial A '1'., ot tier j .ur i's .f I jigland and Km i", with an nn... imity of feeling and opinion wl.ioJi no oilier ( pii'-li , vi rit ever produced, have contained expos-,-, t. s v.i.i. ii a.lli eur admiration and gratitude. V j weie not prepared for si just a jndgmeni on the i eimia. i-r of imr martyred I'reslilent. iir for s 1 1 !-a. :,. d liei tl.- it view nt the actual position of -if, tirs on the ut p.-easir I' the n-bel I i e.. Among UnttKh I urn. i s t tj - D'lthj iV.iCi ana ttie drar nav.- long ncen known and reeogniz-d H9 irm friinnls and intel.r.'i l chaiiq ioua-of the cause of the Union and tho lea the ; nave published, ou tho slid event which hs ii.mwd the whole nati .n into mourning, are of tiio .Inn r Ii r w. had a ilg1 t to link tor; but the aldes't ik.kKis tint have oume under our notice, in the F. "j-l-nii pttrf, are th'iiu which appeared in the Examiner and the Spectator, the two leading literary papers . f Great Britain for forty years. The journals of l'nis have not hoi n behind t ot London, ei'her iu ability or kindly vYinpathy.-arid what is most remarkable, is ihe i'X i.'I dn "vle.lge . f . ur affairs, and the natuui of mo iiimi uiioii.-i wln'ch munv of 'the French pul.ii ir-ts exhinit. Jn tti" Aceiur Sational, a French j urnal ol wni. h few ..I our readers, probably, have ever heard, we find the billowing noble and touching uly to the character ol Mr. Lin n , t ut surer s. , a. d ile 1 : S i'. utlo;.s Under and pro.M r Linco 'i ri-c.-ivts bis rewird. the . niy , i '. A' !'.!;!" - . ' led tb .i oei.ny. ti- I' g 1:..- ' f.r .-! i log In i. d.d.rt., le .nini" I' l.'.ll' 'lot .1 ti,.-;r I ... :. , .q.'ni n tos e. !':, I-; . ,.n Lh" . n I'.-i Tiai'i . !' I' I I Ff ri'ltK. II. .'. ! I .W , . u' I nn i . vmis tf e ,. ,i. -I' Norlo Cro ,. " ' . i - I i':' ' .. . .' , ;.r .id, ,v ' .. - .v i-i He. -ii-1 r. . I i . i n- i , .... i-, n- n,! .t i (::.-. . inii . ..I . I i .on:.!.. . ... !... , ., .V mt.-r .a . 1 : . - i r 1 a iv ,,! t..- iiiiu' i. .. ,. . i.. 1 1 . 1 1 i . t i .tr r . '. ' ' . mg l iir ..mi.; in l.-.l w. HI .1 s . s.ll!. . .d !'. .. ll.lill.gtoll lUl.l Vwl- a I m:!.-., in t .. a ... n o - u. . -o.;j i , .I ;l ! ; Olf- .. i. i-i. i i -1 (,! ., . . i h.e! t- .; - 0 olll lie! i.. 1 l -I I gi'.o... ,: p.ei-,l.s- I lip ..ii ti... (-ii'j'c: o, It mis lias lie a fat! to s -. thai il oi (fjoU i ur. 'i So!y !:.! o.ntlo: !. ,.i !.. ' A e a' ..rd. i : . . P nag! .-; : . ; .; ' c:eo;. A .- t onsiaiiUy ( a.... . 1 t '. . : n .... .1 iv. M, iii'l, r. ', 'llf . t i f e ' . I " go ,ls i. ; i I I Cs! ! it in. e I . ' ' II i !:l l .. and it.n i. .'or : ' i t :.' ! ir inu v - '!' r t ;-. : .. ...-d ei.ti- iy, .' I . i:--i ' I .Ocra llil trade ! l.'.it i joye.', 1 Into o e. y and ixpidli ns :l v'll t.t ii. ri ...O: !.; lew il i - ot c. i.,niu: .."'.': .:. a l - n . I ik--. im..-I up t . U'tl- iiin . i . i ." . . : 1 ,. s .'-.;:':. ! .; t I tie- ,p:....r l.s wi n'- .'. ; i Ml t' Kalti a I -,. i ( i,i h .ii ., iit.i.r t n i-.- , ,i,i .,.,( ,! ,i . : i . . .. d i i' iking ...:t ; .h. v ;r. N- .1 I i .!: il : tt'.V. 'file . Id i; , . . ii. . ... ' i ' . . -I I. ' i ns ".' int. niai .-.., , . : i . , . . ' hi'. !i.':i o tn. ir !ie'i' ito .' i ; I in ".' I , . i .. to.' a i m ..i liusi . 1 1 . oil . i w .' ' " oi " "f end rpi : in,; , Jon- i -.-.V .lep i ' . oi ' mng . lean -ill .t- lid have, -no l:,:s, ' t'" I I .'Ur. ' I '..!' ,'-, ,i: i ' n i." - it - U ir. , . ! ,o jn. .-...s . . : ;r s, ..-i i -: I : . : . . rt . to si a:.. 1 vv ... .j,. i " - 1 1 1 s petals -ve,.' . : ; d I .i . en t-i.'p-: : 1 " . i I i : . 1 i. ', . :. I I ei' ,,, :.' lb.,,,, t r (l,e i ! r titlore g ore . . -r.e. :..!, tho.ig . Ll'ii trinule, n. . . 1 1 tnai . i i w ' i u h v... In "Alnah .,, I ni i iv. mil rlu I . i.e lie ' 1 1 i!.J Ii ,ve longed ier if auihitioii of any hi :d co ''ii. 'id the he .it t t' ..! .t . oii.- o ; tie iw v. are riurnii. ins d. ..'rt. 'A'h ' i esj.eciailv striking and nnieworthy in the ( fleet i.. dii. .i h.-re by '.his o .expei:l.-d newo is tne uinvirsi! ei nvii 'i :!..i! t' e dentil of one' ni in, n w v r "real "ff. mnv be, w neitner dtsUiro tliu ntfyirs nor ik .the institutions, of the Aue-'i an Hepiiblic. Among a n ni y hi o people (hero an neither neces iry nor or .vi i.-nt'ei! i .-'ii ; t'.ef.. ar e.i'i. "is, : I 'ie he" r chiinl- t .0 I ---Ie II. .11 - .11. nati I fios'i .tit "I. 'l.s .. I ke fj'n -olu ; bit1 I h i ..'lie Ihe men, II. e r .i 1 ri moil t ai to tun : . ry i f pr n i ieilii i! ii'.ngton, ut wo never rent , ! tb. r. wl j II is I ; u.-h t : : uitu V lo tioim. W ith the theory wbicii soli-jiihi... I I . in-ldiihoni'. and which makes tb -in. i.-pei i gieai. st, the servants or the right. vv c, n.iic with Washiugion and finisti with Lincoln ; t ratler do not I', wo (jj lrom honest. man to bui.fst n.-u, fr. in lo kI citizen to good citizen U'e - A ,v Jofins .in when installed as ('resident, !w.-!v l.-.urs hv.: d. 1 l ' . dit'lltlS' great ni--.-. o. inl -lfare i the i.t i ' .. . - - lornll.i :" : Know wi:h wl o,M lil.-'i ' ttej J llle I p. 1 . take :-.'..; ii dotal' !..:.,. .. . ml ; A i '. 'v i ' . . i ' V ... i - en a an : t II d . ,1 if f ! e e -I 1 a.'ii r the death ot Lincoln, bow lulu, thu . all nal r pres-i.'.alion, speak not ot Ids rue is i til , . n duties, and declare tint he will f.i ii in'tiv le'ili; t.' em The I'nited States have the tie' s' tl u-iil-ii t , ai.o at ll,e same time the stmugest g . i nn.i-i.t on eaith 'A bill 'distioguiahts them ah. e I, is n. t so liMge wi.ih winch they r-.av a ' t rrrus'i:. n , vss r i:l a I. .1. : -nil ,o. i- t ire : g a ),.ui.n i - i ...i- . . W;i - ...e ..I-. . . t. .! - wloe) . d . ; vvrou-'.r ei' I :' i' lc-iid K a .... t' i tb tt g it i ' i 't ' i tV. ''ln '' ' and Ii l oil. .1 He: ' .. ! II!..' V ' !. r.eir .Id ,,i ,1, o.oh.eS.!, ... V, it I' o'k ti ' old Ivi ug;, .0. i il il i.iliV I- , I. ri in lie e.ii iiy .ii: I y Hie !: o nn : n N. llj.ll .., i .- , . st.i: wiiii the rer; ' n. r p. .mi Willi advan tages ov i leer II i re! i' l Wiit-r I'on.innni- i. at i ;,i iv 1 1 : i ,.e ... ; . i ."i :'.!.'! tv , I en .rlieu.l tin M ,1 -, : . -ii : . . i ' '. : n ; i s t'u a. i a y ol i ,e , .-'d- por! f. i-.' (i r . ! e i ' i , i : ' . ' S' ! el il marts el lie!' y .' i ,i r u, 1 v i : '.. eh si r til il. .ev " I, : .' :i , ,: :. . ,' y s nth of N'oi I ,'; iir) r ,vMg '.on !. i no 1 - .. !.',':, I' e' e-.i , '.. , : :l I . . ! 1", .' lie ' ill.' C1..I1!. i.l.,1 a r ,. .i . ,:.!"! .' ' ' i . l' d h. rn I :ire" ! . I' ur ni: ... I l lif i, V ,l i i.l.i eallO 1 1 . ll 1!' ot tho . .e , , . 1 1 1 ,' lien; m, ' ', bn-in... .. and 1. 1' . Ml . t I: o, ,; : i.' ' . in . In 1 io. i -i ...ii and v, in. Ii I o iiS.e s I !. .. !- '' '10111' 1 l' I ,. : - r.V.i m tie- "St i, , .vei inlet, nu n- e : : Ii i '.' w lunch I I supplies creating new industry and wealth - Northern capital Will und a uew channel lor in- i,,, lr md. peodence, as ttewiU'tom with which tlie'i .mc. vestment. The city will be made more eomfor- j amMuled thtir liberty. That a naii m driven ti. he- table and attractive. Instead of being i vast , p. rati n suoiiio vortnrow ita ...priwii. boarding-houte or bote! a kind of political car avanserai, where mail live a'few mouths and iiur ry off to distant aud more attractive homos our city will become a dwelling-place On the hill around the Auacostiu and the I'otomao private mansions will be reared rivalling th- taste aud spleudor of the mansions ou Staten Island and j the Schuylkill river. No city iu ihe cuntry j pruseuts so many attractive sites for beautiful pri- vate homes as Washington, und ia a few years we hope to see these hills, n iw covered with foli- j age. aud .vegetation.,, and greeja the.f w.sli. aii4. ' lile-iuspiring beauty of May, dotted with the homes of genias, beauty, fame and wealth. Fi'i- j Tate enterprise has done much in this path, and j it will do more. Now that the Government has a war off its bauds, with money iu the treasury, it should also do its share toward mukiug the city mora attractive. The l'ost Office should be ex tended. Thore should be a Department of Ag riculture ere&ted, Tbc I'atont Office should be divorced from the Interior Department. Tne Win Department is shamefully accommodated. ami the result m that many ot the branches on... war office are sctttiorcdarouud iu private dwel lings We should have a uew While House. The present building is little more thau au l'X'.; utive office. The comfort aud dignity of tlie' Presidential office require that the Chief Magis trate should have a home away from the bustle and turmoil of the city, and whure every wauder iug oifjcerseeker and traveller would not have it iu his power to intrude upon the President':- pri vacy. Let. the present building bo made au ex ecutive office, and a proper dwelling erected in ild Ii- e.nroie lost facts of history ; what is iiht- t i , t- liiai -a rtatiuit, eutrgtU enough lo gut" rights should be rijiliiiit u. Jinn tuoujli to ntam tin-.m T i coi ipier liberty merely to lose It, to po-M M ..ii. not in know liow to make use of it that i- to - y i, oi know bow to he Ire. such has bu n sh I'd.'il more than once by European d. nioeraey. I'm lo strengthen liberty after having e.i.ipnr Id, i giiai.iiii.-e it by vigorous lustitti.i n:. . i" forei ai. and it oy grnn laws" an unpen, ti.ib.i- ul, and pn.seiv. i; thus from ijs own ri. is, ii a .-. o l wtiic.'i ..eliijuily never p .-oessed. wi.iuh l-.ui..;." i niil utile ai ijlliiioted with, and wnieri ihe Now W-.rid rn-rr-f--!tk-t- fi-( Xal,'.'- 1 1 anything could mitigate thu i egret iw l ei at tl.. death t.l .ur martyred President, is to know in.d th it. i'vent has caustd a change of heart tn F.urope ("'Aard us, and that the o.'c'usiou has been s i rag trly m oi d noon for au outburst of kiudiy leeln.g wnn li ! i. 'A I' ;'': T..IM.1,,- . I'll ill! 1. 1 i'lsl . . I- .a nil:1.' ... .. . .in . 1 '. . I .: e a trag"! p! i . . : -.. , n . ! .nak-K i. .- .-tit i i ,. ir ie: a! . I ,v it. . . ' ! ' r i 1 !..ii"h ? What -!.'.' d- leg- :;. - .i - .. ' p.. 1 on:. . I : e , , . . .,' ion .in- ng"d, I. a i.iee.l I ..... lie: . In; n n . v., wlh 1-lj'l i - lilt' ! el,. ...ill .I, I M 1. :. .' V... III. ! ,ll -C . id 1 , '. ii'eliel. i .' i'o.l. '.. 1." ol.iei Ij .11 ! 1 i ' ' " '' : I" .if I deS. ! : tun 1 '...! -r i. 'til' . , r o " ij -l algil 'vas I'l l)'! it ..!- ' !! ov . ii 1'if nighty laden ' ,, i' l g I from n.-- l, I n I dm. a J.. I' I M io I hi ' In a I, i I V- -. ii' ' . I, .. ..i'l .1 .p;...i mid V I."' s ., e e. ri i Ins t xei i! . ' ho Is f .St V. 'lid' . nitv i , ' . ' I -. ..tin r tn r: I:..- i . n ..1 np fr. ... .! ' 'lne : h.f ; l ive I'll e pi v: g career vv ' ol ..rison e's .' Miiid l.e be trietl for assa,, iati... .' Oi- bed 'a: lie d I nl tiirse crimes ? Jiut. I d . ' r 'fi ' in." In tr!. I !., bin .trial I .1 g 1 1 tb .), j o i .,. , 4 i:,'. ,rr. - , and, alter , i n '..", I 1 ; ' ' , . :l a'' . r 1 ninly r ve ' ii I t I , V. -V. ... I ip'ts. ..i.,s 111 ' e I ' '" I 3 !e 1 1, i, .. . 1 1 ... w ill one da .. OoT.-li the ..cdl'u! I, ,.ii. ti,.. Aireiliiin peop! l:.i ve c,v sen puinili i 1 1" y culprit. i with hanging, how shall they p. r .the greatest-' l' criminals t go tree ? W'n bin'.d ni .o g-i i' i,i up ai this reek, I . 'he govorr.ui t:! n hang Ji ITers ..i Davis, t'v n '"t it never in. ,ii. rn! i ," .- -i i I. Mi,: world t! mils - -.V. J'. Ii ."n't'Vir 1'IIK AMI'.HICVN An SL.W'I.KV .-( KTV ' Splilll,,;' a lip apple into hnlv.'s was dour l:i 1 w'.i i. lieu Mr dari'v-ii, :, ; Mr Phillipi, J'1 ii f't dl: V ., ''reeiuent, tjlt! .u.etie , 1. A ,-i-Sl .'iv ' .' Hoi'ieW mini lor Interesting and m. n. oi ahi. ,vas the pmlouged .iMiiversii y , -T!i" !.. inigs w .1 atiitiiate.l , the ileWiit. h keen, tb. in'.'i ; gi' -o, and the dual vote a e"ivnax .' i'. , b. .1 at!, :ti.'ii Ml"- i nu o iu argued ihat. ;" Slav, rv w;is rn-rualiy -il -I" -!n'l by law, or ws moi. tlii oirtaiti to ho aft. i n. f.-w iciuainihi States .should uyld their vot".s for the (.''institu tional nieii.iin. iit . the Ant i Sla vol V Son ' ; C'i'i! '. in ..- ie- fifri time for disbanding tb::: tin pv. nt -" not. iiid ed, that its many ci-wor.: i t .-, iviitil l amt still find ui'itim !! of useful w.ul lemaiiti-::; '.i do, h'lt 'ha tlii.i v0rkeoul'.l be be. l.-r '.-I.- t'loiigi nt-w .ig. ii.-o ' iiian ilirougli :! .-Id .-o' that Ii '1 oiiigr.iivti its unie- .H l'!::i i;.s, "ii tin .fln-i- hah I, pr-'f rnvd tl..' cm li-l'l 1:1" . l' t!.o ; ll'ii y llll.l 'l' the pr -s!:"o ot i:- hi I. a. in at o i'- ni l I 'r.'-idi ti: . t.rgHiuir Iki' "liiVrry is inn vet aet'ially alioiished . and lb. i. neither tin- Inderal ( iu Vcriitni lit nor the h't-'icl on ii Aid Sort' lies can be sately tnist.-d to a i as tin advanced baiiuer-b. ar' 1- of the radi ' l' aholiti'ini-!-' 'i'he vote of decision showed ;. strong majority in favor of continuance. Mr. liarrison, however, was immediately re-elect i Unanimously to ihe pn sideney , amid plaudits so hearty (i. it in all our rx lichee ol public meet ings v. ,.y, - heard them exee,'d. Hut the V 'li.. .i; i' l 'itie l the po- l , am! the mantle of of tire then fell upon Mf' I'hilllps. In a niitioti to Mi Gani-ou's witbdl awal fro i. tne i, uli.eii If h.i.. ...'.'iipiotl for thirty yrai.i. Mr thu'i'i Johnson end Mr. I'Minimd J tii u.- ;.li i"i .in their j ml-, dl.'..r-!ii;. of Tin- 1'ii .S'.ti ri j Si hi lit-' and we belh-i' their SUeec 1 s. :- :ne not yet eho-en -.un! will lie hard . .-boose; In Ui'1 111 the ruvle tit the I f WHJiIlp '!' pies, do wekie,.. .... gentle tiion more adinii i l.'v -killful in Mle'i i ., ii nil lahois a- long hav ina ie th 0 journal otn of tl.-- best edited in the I lilted States. t )!' e en -" we iicftl hardly say that the disa gi .a iiieut ot 'opinion in the Anti-Slavery Society t - . oui.ei iiing in, .piesiioii of iun:al or politic. i1. pi im.'ij le, but ,,nly a, to the expedient use o. dl Use of tin' Oi'iely's t'ol'lliei' Illl'tllOlls of lullo.' 4. id iiillueiinr . while, as to the moral principle.' involved. ti-.tli hal.'esof tin- apple ar Ually s mad nt t in; corn.- -.V Itul'i' .ii'lcid. It i undei'stood thai lie ! 'resider.t I. .s n-spttf.' tie sentetiees . fid.. Indiana eonsplratoi s, Howies io ' .M . i.'o.t.) , lrom M iy llllh to the 2d ol June, and com mit : I Ii it of I lors.y to iinpri'- ininiint for life. .'. ni, hi ot I went v citi m.. "I N 'I'th (Jarolma, invin'd b, I'reside.i dohn.on toconfei - n the stt'i e, i ri' le. oii.-iriici i"ii, have arrived in vY'aliinr,hiii 'I'ln-i oiji'" tlm gre.itisi il. stftlltioii pievailiug I t i." S! i 1 . , '..'V . i The North Carolina Times, ; A I'dl.n M'Al., CDMSIIIKCIAI, AMI ! FAMILY NEWSPAPER, DLVOi I'l ') Id I Nows, 1'olitics Commorco. Agn i cultiu'u, Arts, Science ' and Litentturo, I VIISTAI. ID', , Kililtiis -anil I'ropi icloi i j - !M HI HIII.U AT Si.W lii.l., N. (,'. lilt XHllll I tltOI.I.NA l'IMKS V, ill. (I I. MSI! ; THE LATEST NEWS FROM ALL QUARTERS, " I .'"' , . 4 ..' .';v ,' i-j.. . I' 1 I il 1: .1 I. . I..'.' ! l.'.ell, "J , e-, S UC'sil. HI , Mll't trii .', ' i in. :.l, :l ef i i -'i asi.-ii, : i i n l 1 1- g I ' i .il j . 1 1 l . 1 I.OV A I .TV TO Till: 'V mix SI K.VI I 'l(. e. I S ' J , ui ni' I'eiee .t T . ' 1 I ' I . ; il I i I V it lll'l P. I-e.- ilH15t llll e . .1 l-. -Hlh I lli. in ,. r i th .t in- in! i I iiii'l iarl"lv uf LlH eii:i t t a i - I'll ; . 'I ' i I '.' i 1 i -1 . i iuti-.'-ts tit tlie e.'i.l ' ... I'- I. :ii: III isl ! I' h '. lief. ml.-- and Its ildv . e.'i' "tall in - nil hiiiinni" . r iii'io., will reirlta' , , i In Tlie I'atroiiagf of all 4 liissi- ol' I'coplr AM; M A K K 1T- A WELCOME. VISITOR 1 ID TIIK , i - - - lain. , Cm , ;t. Ilea.itilli; It. eon :l,l th. VV tirk-ilt. in i. Us,! .. i I 1 ' II i. ..!:..! I. lei v no h . nor row l.ial, rivn' iv 1 1 1 1 1 -. I Ii ive 1). on oiii'ineit s.iin. nj:.i i jn-iiiy. It a Oi he dillicub. for p.-.p ' tne tsii- hy weds they h iv- ti' i- T.. nmiristi a I :elru or r;f-will to.viud 'a . . geueiou sympathized with ns in 1 i g..-.; ..Tra fn -rrr-"-1---- .r.. v ..4-.4.ii-.A.r.aJji.'i 1-1 I pt rpu y : 1 iv i I i ! i.'i'i' . , '-n't ,. f nn :l'i- such i- :: ,, i iMl . ' ' . i'. V. :!'ehal! r, .... i:i , 1 i r . . ' ..,'( . 1 d.t l i 11 I ri,. s. .V'" i. 1 . '' ! ' l 1 .i 1 ' v. ' '. ' d " n r. n . .... ... !,:, ! , , I .itn.e ,., ,1 ! . . nl i 'i .,1 ., . n ' ' 'pi lity. j Its i l'l I ' ; ' V d , -.1 II 1 . . A I tili'V : I Ml ''I ! . ' ". 1 .' :: r,, .1 ,.l f d ,n j ,1. 'C; r 'V ... I ',M"r. " SOlfthe V,.. ,j t'e i I . . ' ' , ' . ' ','.; , e it e. . leg ni , M- I ...i I! e ' ' 1 I 1 .. ' . . . Slleillii-W , .-In '. . e ni 1 I . ' 1 i I e . ' e ' .v' , . , '.'U "I ei ' it. I"' ,,! il .HI dm united ' ii : ,v ,:s plCi s 1 1 ' rn Sa high on Un Kr. : !. II was I . ,.nj li on 1 1 I'l jn I ' ol tl air i; 1 .1 ot A pr ll in e , , . - 1 , . S ;,, plice e liol -.;,. the ttith i leeH.nng t. i-i.. '.at,, poj ul,,, . i, -iTicod . tl: It spin i IP. t -nl"l. I 1' K. I . 1 nit ihe Washington 'alimial tnlellig (iin.raiii St'i -iit-wall iv - suppll d wt'll rtnd tlie ac wil. i' i' (luveainiiuLi . ntate 11. it v , MlCC' Hi. ol tlie i .1 light. r s-is that .1 at Na.isan- to a r. nioustraiiee uy '-i;i lol it TT C ' - n. ' ll el ur. ' , .. ei ..p- I, .-' ,.,' '. ll.,- i n,n '.toy , ll-., ll e LO I. ...-.,! 1 I I lie: OU !.," n rn ( I I'l I j .. ... A ..-.!( . I . II- ' ' p. Wti i u.;...i i.e. i'he' o I ,. i : ' ' I i . VI nlln e I -',.1,1-1, ill, ,-. r -oil" siO'V Ins " .'. M. all llii lie lil'd I. trea. . Sua. I I. ji. tin I ! i Kihuiiiaii ti.-almen insy " i r-ur --.-( hi t' fio :V i llll It Midi. INK I'l.MtS, lueil '": ,l i , !i N 1 .S i . . .-. ,,,' i -i ,1' 1,1 and in I Ul l.i tti'-l S.i'iv : I'l : . ' ll . il i ' in I'aill.-r, , l ' I KN pOI-f. A KS I'K K A N N I' M P..., i ..'!'.'. ., i, mi I tn i Ii- ;t . ,, al I ,, , ',' r; 'e t,',.' , -r. - I , It, t':,-:-"'i ll, II-- CltV, '" l" I- -fr1 t--nlHi-U-v- -t-aa-ii nifiu.uiii. Lu.jULuatt.aJj.ej.iAiL ' i .t v t-'.i: f: v. I'l',. . ., " " IV 1.1 fti st Insertion , 'o. i t" f'li siiliM-i-iii'liI il All .luvel '.I.-' he el - ll.ii.t ' 1 nd I " at tllf lok 111 I ' (' m: u: e . '; no ' ' i " I !S 'lll.ll'AKV K.YlMtO.YDN Moiolica.l :itv and Culili-lioio', anil (.old. toiro' anil i: ii Ie i if ti I. lues t.M.s i.iiavi. xi.wiji !t'. Hd; i;i.i.ii.ii i V II el A . M I ,,.M. l'-le. .ol i:.,i- .ll I .11 I' ". ii'-il :M. I i led i . ' V a Ii- . it I" V M I, inetliinli .iil'ili l'i . liei in- ul il. -'I' A. M vV.I.MINi. i)" -VM' uul.u.MlUli') I.IM l.,i i,.,l,i-!,ei ,,' in, W iliiui.gU'n ai ' l'i r. M I t - VV "ii '' ' ' I la A M. I i: via:, liV.d. I .1 . . 'li '"S'Tj ' l .llll'lul. 1. . i

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