0 BY J. L. P HMIHGTON & CO. SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING SUBSCRIPTION. , y Tk lolUwiufr mo tbe duly Tfrim of Subscription tn the aii.y and Wiiilk Pkoskbbs: Dally paper, n Year... Jl 00 " Kii Monthi 5 00 Time Moiith , 8 0 Weekly paper, One Year ,. I 00 " " .Six Monthi 1 50 ADVERTISING. (Ten Lines or lenf, minion type, or one inch tpaoe, to constitute a Square. ) One Squire, One Day : $1 00 " " Two Daya 1 " """" fhroI' Oayi... ' J SO " Four Day 8 00 " Fire Bay S 60 " One Week , 00 " " Two Weeki 7 00 " " Three Weeks li 00, " ' Onn Month 12 50 Larger adn'rtisementa will be charged In exact pro portion with, the abore, and must be paid for when handed in. One inch lengthwise the column will count a Hquare, no matter what a tie type mar be used. SPECIAL NOTI0BS. Hpeeial Notice! will be set in minion, leaded, and in lerted under the Special Nolict head, and One Dollar a Square oharged fur otery Insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only hort notices will be Hdmitte.1 to the Local C"l- mn, at the fil lowing rates : One Line, One Day ! 00 Two Linn, " 1 50 Three Lines, " 3 90 Fire Lines, " ' 60 Ten Lines, er more, at the rate ol Twenty five Cent! a Line for ouch inaertiou. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAOES, c. Will be charged sro as Advertisement!, and must be paid for when ha-inVd in, or they will not appear. The abore Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and r.s w bare tn pay cash (or everything in our business, we muat demand caHh. May, 1, 1B5. J. I . I'ENNl.X GTO f A CO. latest mm,.. JEFF. DAVIS IVDRTEI) FOR 11 1 (.11 TKEA80H. Robert . Lee soon to be in the same Box. James A. Seddon and John Letch er in Limbo FROM FORTRESS MONROE THE 8TONEWALL SURRENDER ED TO THE CUBANS. THE CONSPIRACY TRIAL. STEPHENS ANO REAGAN IN FORT WARREN. GOVERNOR WATTS OF ALABAMA AR- RESTED. From the Trans-Mississippi Region. LATER FROM EUROPE. General iVews, INDICTMRNT OP "DAVIS GEN. LEE. Washinuton, May 25, 1865. The Grand Jury of this District has found a true bill of indictment for treason against Jeffer son Davis, the chief of the late rebellion He will be brought, here and put upon his trial as soon as the attendance of the witnesses for the prosecution can be procured. There is no lunger a doubt that Jeff. Davis will be tried for treason in a oivil oourt. -lift will probably be brought Jo Washington, and tried there. Gen. Robert E. Lee will be indicted by a Grand Jury in Richmond, within a few days, for treason. The moment ho is indicted his parole is of no further use to him, and he will find him self in the suuic predicament as Jeff. Dyis. SEDDON AND LETCHER. James A. Soddon, rebel ex-Secretary of War, and John Letcher, formerly rebel Governorof j Virginia, were urrestcu in mat omie a icw days ago, pursuant to orders from Washington. Letcher has arrived in Washington, and been oontmitted to the Old Capitol Prison. Seddon was put on board the gunboat in James river, whereon are also imprisoned the rebel ex-Sena-: tor R. M, T. Hunter and Jadge Campbellr pre? viously arrested. It was believed in Richmond on Wednesday that Gen. Leo would soon be placed in custody of tho authorities, and that the rebel Governor William Smith, of Virginia), whom officers were pursuing, would not much longer be able to elude their search. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. A Fortress Monroe dispatch of the 24th says : Mis. Davis, ber four children, brother and sister, Snd Mrs. Clay, go to Savannah in the Clyde, as permission for them to proceed North has .been refused by the War Department. Yesterday afternooa a guard was sent out to VOL. VI th Clyde, and searched the Bteamer and all the baggage and effects of the robel party remaining on board. Alargff Staount of gold and valuable jowelry, &o., was found in the baggage of the ladies, but with the exception of several important doou ments, which wort found by the guar!, every thing was left unmolested." Among the many rumors flying about to-day in regard to the confinement of Jeff. Davis, has been one to the effoot that yesterday afternoon he was manaoled, in order to prevqnt, no doubt, any injury to his guard, should he, as Mrs. Da vis remarked, become "provoked" at the strict surveillance held over him. Th strictest regulations respecting persons visiting the iortres are still rigidly enforced by General Miles, the oommanderof the post. No person, eithor officer of civilian, is 'allowed to enter the fortress unless duly provided with the requisite passes. FROM THE STONEWALL, An official communication is publilhcd between the United States naval and military representa tives in the Gulf and the Captain General of Ci ba, "in rcferenoe to the Stonewall Adwiral Stribling and General Newton tersely warn the SpuiHfa Governor that unless he g.vcs up the i.. ii... rr-.:.-j q. ... ...il..:.:. .l c. i ram to the United States authorities the Spanish Govornment must account for tolerating piiacy, Tho Captain General gets out of tho difficulty by saying that he is aoting under "old instructions" from hra superiors ; and promises that as soon as the steam machinery of the Stonewall was re paired he would cause her to loaro tho port, "un less omo unforeseen occurrence should give oc casion for longer detention." Subsequently to this the Stonewall was surrendered to the Spanish Government, THE TRfAL.' On the 25th, tho court engaged in tho trial of the conspirators in tho assassination plot resumed their session, in aocoriaaoe with adjournment from Monday Major Marsh, formerly of the 5th Maryland Regiment; Sorgeant 'Swoaror, of the 9th Maryland, and others who had been con fined in Libby Prifon, Belle Isle, Andersonville nod other death pons, gave evidence attesting the cruel and inhuman treatment our men received who fell into the haids of the Rebels, showing that the men who were a party to tho wholesale and deliberate barbarities perpetrated at these .institutions, as the Rebel authorities undoubtedly were, would not be above the suspioion of in citing and concocting the assassination of the Presidont of the United States. The testimony of our released prisoners was substantiated by two persons who wero formerly officers of Libby Prison, ono of whom testified that the prison was mined for tho purpose of blowing up the building and ho prisoners should Kilpatrick's raid have been successful "in 1804. Arnold, one of the prisoners, was shown to have been in tho Rebel army. Several late slaves cf Dr. Mudd proved that he kept up a regular com munication during the rebellion with parties on the other side of the Potomac and tho Rebels in uniform from Virginia frequently made his house their stopping place. Tho prosecution here closed its case, except as to geueral evidence as to the conspiracy. . On behalf of the defence several clergymen were called to prove tho good character of Mrs. Surratt. Other witnesses tes tified to her intimacy with Payne and Atzerot, tbey frequently being- soon in her house, and Mrs. Surratt one time representing the would-be murderer of Secretary Seward to be a Raptist Minister. STEPHENS AND REAOAN AT FORT WARREN. Boston, May 2f, 18C5. The United States gunboat Tnsoarera, from For tress Monroe, with Alexander H. Stephens aud Post master Reagn on board, arrived below this port thiB morning and anchored in the narrows. The rebel party will be lodged in Fort Warren to-day. GOV. WATTS ARRESTED. Despatches from Montgomery, Alabama, give the jletail.af Bte-wet- Maje Grenerar- Brffr Gf fefsorTa "raTiT" through Alabama. After a marcti of about four hundred miles, setting oat from lilakely, Ala., on April 16, and paBsins through Greenville, Troy and Tuskegee, he reached Montgomery ou the 7th inst., having destroyed on the way a Urge quantity of stores belonging to the late Confederacy. On the Sd inst, Governor Watts, of Alaburaa, was arrested atUhion Springs, in tFTat State, and reached Mont gomery, under guard, on the 5th inst. FROM KIRBY SMITHDOM. A rumor comes irom Little Uocfc, Aikausas, that the rebel General Kirby Smith is receiving reinforce ments from tho east side of the Mississippi river. A New Orleans despatch states that the rebel General Hood aad stuff were endeavurieg to make their es cjpe to the Trart8-Mi88ssiiipr Department, crossing the river at Ttfhica Bend,' and that some, uatjonal troops sent in pursuit captured their baggage, but failedto catch Hood him;eif. Colooel Sprague of. General Pope's staff, has arrived at Cairo from Shreveport, La., whither he went toarrango for re ceiving the surrender of Kirby Smith's force ; but the DAILY RALKIGH, TUESDAY, MAY result of his tn lesion had net yet been made public Kirby If uaiil to be between two fires of his follow retain, one party threatening to kill bim If ha' smr rwrlrnt, ftntr ttrr trther tit ' rnfllet the BKr6trgemttl--on liim if he loes not. FROM EUROPE. Uy the arrival of the China at Halifax we liavc four days later news - from Euiop. The surrender of Johnston's army had been received In Knglnnd, and everybody admitted that the 8onthem Confede racy hud roaHi d to exist. Mr. White had given no tice that on the 1 1th inst. he would ssk the Govern ment whether they had withdrawn belligerent rights from ll. i South. Mr. White postponed, however, the q ant inn, and it was aasnmnd that the qnestioa was under consideration of the Cabitet. Ti e Lon don Times, a Government organ, and ardent sympa thizer with the Rebels, admits that the Southern C r fetleracy tie longer eilets, nud that, therwlorn, t bo belligerent rights have 'ceased. We learn from Franco that the death of President Lluctilu has re vived '! e .j,ii it .1 the Democratic party in all the laie tmvi . Tre Atlantic Carle was expected to be nil ;il -nlde of the Great Eastern by the end of May The. continental dcws is not important. It is Ui! iii that Austria has declined the propositions t.f I'russi i. that both Powers shnulil enUr into leparate negotiations with the Federal Diet on the Sohleswig Elolstein q'ustion, and that tbe Duke of Augston- Klinr u I K 1 1 1 ! 1 1 hn rumriirail f mm liTltil A n at rin nnm.tA er8(i itb(,r hUm adraig8bte. . I 1 ' r SH KRM AIM -STANTON CONTROVERSY. A writer well acquainted with the facts, presumed to h" Sni' itur John Shermaii, says of tlie Sherman Htant .ii e ntroversy : Sherman's treaty with John ston, If uppr .ved, would have made peace between the I'otoniao and the Rio Grande. During the truce Sberniiiti was ceaselessly active, and lost nothing. The Govrnmeut recognized him as a diplomatist as well an a General, and the general order forbiddiag political generalship wai withheld from Sherman. After fully discussing the variances between Stanton, Ualleck and Sherman, the writer says the arrange ment about which so much has been said disbanded the Itebel armies, placed all their arms wKhln our power made peace universal, aud was purely condi tional, having n Pfe without the approval of the 1'ienidtrit. Now it is plain that the daty of the Gov arutnent was to simply approve or reject it and give no reasons but iasue Its orders, and this is precisely what was done by the President, and he did no more. General Grant was sent to convey this order, and did his duty nobly and well with generous roi, eidenition for his subordinate anil fellow soldiers. Sherman did not hesitatu a moment, promptly ter minated the truce, made a new arrangement with JolmstoD and at once started fer Charleston and Sa vannah, to send supplies to General Wilson. The letter of John Sherman is severe by implication npou Staiitm and Halleck, and shows them to have connived at poisoning the public mind against his brother. MILITARY CHANGES. General Custer takes command of the Department of Missouri, which embraces tho States of Missouri aud Arkansas. Major General John H. Logan Is now in command of the Army of Tennessee, succeed ing Major General Howard. Major General W. H. Hazen KUeo( eds Oou rnl Logan in command of the Fifteenth Corps. Gen. Merritt taks a enmmau'd under General Custar in theDepartment of Missou ri, General Henry E Davis, late commanding the Second Division of Cavalry Corps, succeeds General Merritt in command of that corps. Generals Custur and Meruit left on tho 26th for the West. GOVERNOR PIERPOMT, Fobt Monbok, May 25. Governor Pierpont, accompanied by a party of la dies and gentlemen, arrivud from Washington this afternoon on tho steamer Diamond on the way to Richmond. The Governor and party landed at this place a lew moments, viewing the lortrmx ami other points i i interewt, and left at five o'clock (or Rich mond, where lie will establish the new Government of Virginia. GENERAL NEWS. The search ol the baggage captured with Jeff. Da vis at'd his fellow rebel captives, and conveyed with thein to Fortiens Monroe on hi ard the itearuor Wil liam II. Clyde, has disclosed as being among it a larce amount of gold aud jewelry and several docu ments of importance. Colonel Pritchard, who. with his ii. en of the Fourth Michigan cavnlry, effected Jiff's capture, and gua.'ded him on the trip to For-' tress Monroe, arrived in Washington en the 25th in cr mrYif trm m Ste-at t i.. wiih taken, aud formally presented It to the War Department. Tho Rebel Gen Forrest is expected to. arrive in M' mpliih very soon. After being killed (on paper) about forty tlmen, he at last emerges into positive eerily as a living reality. A few days ago he pub liely gave u tho hopuless cause of the rebellion, and kiofif Hn add ie.sif that purport to his troops, cloS ii. ' I. y advising Iht-ni to aecept tho deciot s of fate wi'h g-o 1 giac : a'.d behave with breaming loyalty. A ilisp.itel. IV. in.) I'oi unto says that the testimony agaiuat Dr, Biackburii is conclusive of his tfuilt. The rount-el for the defence .d nitted tho force of the evidence, but r-Meiidl th.it there was no authority in Bupporl of foe prosecution for conspiracy to mur der in a foreign con. try, i-.d thdt it waH not punish able by the c-omrjiou lav in Kngland, unless it was contemplated to murder the head of a government- A Cairo despatch sUtes that the reports of a plot ty iminler paroled rebel Vnidiers by the'colored troops at Memphis, Teuu., and tbe consequent shooting of a numb ir of tbe latter, are pronounoad by General 30, 1865 NO. m. W iKhliuroe, c loimiiiiding t Memphis, to ha fa'i-o In every pirrticulsr. The bark Iirontes, with Mexican eniij0'Ta.nts on brmnl, Ir RtW ambrr t1'-e aiifTttltiTfiee -ft ttl'tfitlttitTy autlioricch at San Francisco, It has been 'suggested that the party mi -lit le allowed to I nvo with' ill their arms, but this liny are unwillii.g to do, as they are coufidunt the aiitii.'iiHea at Washington will permit them to g" armed, as the order annulling the cipoitation of arms lias been annulled. Dyku Punishmknt. An order has boon issued from the Proved Marshal's office pro hibiting tho sale of liquors of all sorts by any one, and visiting Pytr punishment in the way of eon fisi ation, incarceration, Ac, on those who dis obey. Tho numerous oases of daaikenness during the pat week has necessitated this course, and wo are glad to see tho authoritich net so promptly in the premises. Much of the liquor obtained by the .soldiers, mil others who have disgraced themselves in our streets of late, was undoubtedly brought into the city ar ! sold by country people. Wo hope measures will bo taken to prevent this jn thr- future. : To Tim Ladies. Our lady readers will un doubtedly be overjoyed to learn that, an excel lent stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Mantillas, Cloaks, etc., lias arrived in the city, and is now open for inspection and sajo at No. 15 Fayoltevillo street. Messrs. Phillips it Bowen, tho proprietors of the stock, have at last brought just such a lot of goods as the fcmalo portion of the community have longed for over since tho blockade shut us out from the world. Yesterday the goods were opened, and already tho sales of tho establish ment havtj warranted this energetic firm iu ordering uu additional amount. Sucochs to them, say we. THE CAPTURE OF SPECIE. ACTS OF GOTKRNORS OF UE0K6IA AND SOUTH CAROLINA NULL AND VOID. New Yoiik, May 24. The steamer America, from Savannah on the 20th, has arrived. Tne Herald has advices from Angunta that tho country between Savannah and that city is fillod with rebel paroled soldiers returning to their homes. Nearly all the planters have put in largo amounts of seed, mostly corn and rye. Homo have planted cotton for the first tlmo in your years. Iiut few slaves have gone away. Great excitement was caused at Augusta by fie announcement of thu capture of Jeff. Davis. A wag on containing $243,000 in spucie belonging to tha Rebel Government was found iu a byway and turned ever to General Molineanx. Gen. Gillmoro has Issued an order declaring nnll and void tbe proclamation Issued by the self-styled Governors of S mth Carolina, Georgia and Florida ; also declaring tint the people of the black raco Bro free citizens ol the United States', and to be protected iu the enjjymcut of freedom and tho fruits of their industry by the Government. GeneralAVilsoi. in a letter to Governor Itrown, who had complained of the colapse of the currency of the Smith, and the grtai. destitution of provisions among the people, says he is instructed by tho Presi dent to say to him that "these evils were caiiHod by treason and insurrection and rebellion against Uie laws of the United States, incited and carried ou for the last four years by you and your confederate Reb els anil traitors, who nr.- alone reupor siole for the waste, destruction and want now existing in that tStaii , and what you cull t'i" remit which the for tunes of war have imp wed upnnihe people of Geor gia, and all the Iosm and woe Oiry have suffered, are charged upon yo.i and your confederate Rebels, who, usurping authority, rovoked war to the extremity, until compelled to lay down your arms and aecept the just penalty oi tho crimm of treason and rebel lion. That, the restoration of peace aud order can not be entrusted to Rebels and traitors. Thai the persons who incited the war and carried it on will not be allowed to assemble at the call of their ac complices, to act again as tho Legislature of the State, and again usurp authority. Those who have caused so much woe will not be allowed power again to incite any fresh acts "I Ireinon and rebellion. In calling the Legislature together again without per mission of tho President, yon have perpetrated a J fresh crime that will be dealt with accordingly, and if auy person presumes t answer or acknowledge your calls, he will be immediately arrested " The new trade regulations for Savannah are work ing most satisfactorily . Silver Is plenty in Augusta for change, aud greensbacks are at par. Qhkes Victoria on tuk Assassination. lu tin. .Housed Lords-.-fm be'4tbrVmconrft iJIrrftPyrTKSToTir' chamberlain, ani iu the II mso of Commons, Lord Proby, the cornptn.l'er .it the 'house-hold, brought up her maj'siy's rcolv to the address in n f" cie t the assassination of . President "LitJcoin, ' which was as follows : "I entirely participate in the .vn'. imems "U have addressed tr menu the assissinai ion ol the Preid"iit of the United States, arid 1 have given directions to my minister at Washington to make known to the government of that country uu' fectiriat "-which" yon entertain, in common with mysolf and my-whols people, with regard t , this deplorable event." Office Provost Marshal,) i'o.i of IUlhih, N. C, May 30th, U65. GENEItA.1, -ORDEK. 7 s: 3. ( VTO iSUTLKU, FURTEYOR OR CITIZKN , WILL 11 sell tn nay )jerin Spiritnus nr Malt Liquors. Auy disobedience of this order will result in the iuipi iHinment of the guilty partv, aud the confiscation of all lii.i goods. x GEO. H. DVfclt, Maj. 9th Me. Vol, and I'rojnst Mvrshal. May SO-lt . , HO INK WANTKIX A' tnw NV ONK HAVING A SMALL I1IIU..K KOll Rent, will consult hi intt'i est by watting ttiu Isct ;nwn at tha PROGRESS OmUE. Tho hiifhtst rout will be paid. M ay 30. 1 w Jouv Minor Hotth. A correspondet.i of tho Now Yoi k Tribune writing Irom Richmond, tells the lollowinj' on John Minor Bolts: l'lior to the second arrest of Mr. Jfott.s by tin Rebel authorities, ho had taken tho pn caution to deposit his manuscript of the book in the hand of a Unionist iu tho city. Whou arrested .if midnight, his private papers, with tho exception of tho MU , wero seised and himself hurried away to prison. On the day subsequent he was vi.-iivd by an officer of the prispu, who desired to kno w whether h had concealed any document previ ous to hi. an- at. Mr. Rottsatonco replied that he had coucsulud ono document which he had no doubt the authorities' would liko to peruse. " What is it 'f" eagerly queried the officer, " 1 W'HI"-ta'vnt.r ' 'It "is ToturnrT Sir. " ft. "pla cidly, and speaking slowly, as ho looked the officer fu'l in the eyes, " .1 Hitiortj of the Ssc:i tion Mirrmt.nl uml it Public and Hi'crtl Advo cate Xiirtli mul S'otiti since the ilays " Cal houn '" "Whcro is it ? we must have it," again exclaimed the officer impatiently. " You may have tho MS. only ou ojnu oouditiou, and that i-, that you bring to mo from your fJSaster, Jell'er son Davis, a written affidavit, duly signed by himself, that ho will, on receiving tho MS , hanil it over to The IVhi and Examiner to bo pub lished withoat alteration or mutilation!" "Rut would you dure to publish a work of s'ucli i char actor?" queried tho officer. "Would 1 dare ?" replied Mr. Ro'ts, " I ijcij-e its publication. " The o fleer .n ctin'd somewhat astonished at, Mr Roll' eeiuplaecnoy, and inquired why he .! sinV! its publication. " Because, by G--, sir," re plied Mr Belts, solemnly rising from his re elining position aud shaking his clenched fists ,i, tiie officer's face, " beaiuae its jiuUicntion would r rente u revolution, leithin u reniutiuii, in which . I could take ,i nu t " It, is needless to s iy that Fugitivi Davis did not give Mr. Rotts the ie quirod assurance. Hk.niiy S. Foote. Th Irrepressible V -.. . r , win , not withstanding his denunciation of the Kel.elll, n, ever con Id persuade himself to take the oath allegi u.ce to the United States, is now in Canada, where lie will sfk tho "sequestered spot wbeie tax ation is unknown." Finite, after his hegira In m Hi hni i d, was taken piis.nn r, sent to Fort Lafayette, and w., then allowed to to Kurope. upon an undertaking not to return. He went, but soon bad a bank nt. - f.r tho United States, and returned ii, diseuif,,,!! a steerage p.i.-jenger. He was recognised, and again put in Fort Lafayette. His liberty was tendered him If he wmild ti.ke the ..nth of allegiance, btl I. he re tuned and was again ailonvd to leave tb. country. Ho aceep:. ,! tin alternative and is now on the other side of I be lines. He is a r stless Foote, but he will in Ooubt be gruli lully thai krui in his new home ovrr the news of the discoinlituie ot his old enemy, Juki.'. Davis. ('ivil. Okkickus is Viiiiiinia. Major General Halleck has issunil a general order, dei'hiiir.g that the President's proclamation relative to the lato Govern ment of Tjrglnia diva not apply to clerks of record emu is, sheriffs, and local magistrates, retained in nfliee, or appointed under military 'authority. Such ' tiieeis derive their authority from tho de facto Gov ernment, and not from their appointment or election nuderany former Government. They are, therefore, directly responsible to the military power f,r their conduct. No civil officer will be appoint. d or re tained in cilice who has Lot voluntarily taken the uath of .allegiance, or who docs not come within the provisions o t the Amnesty proclamation. As s. ii ns elections are duly held aud officers elected, or 'ap pointed, and qualified under the restored civil Gov ernment, those who hold authuuty from the military power will case to i nn isc tho functions of their office. A colored womun has recovered a vcrdh I of $50 damagis for being put cut of a horse car in Philadel phia because her tkiu was not white. Judge Allison charged the j ny that, the pa .songor railway eompi-tU'-i '"'is' eoi I tm to the It rum I heir chart, rs. They w. r- ii'.orp-.al I, r t i.e .a-. . ie m. d.u ,,M ol the public, aid have no ri;ht to adopt iuln to ex clude a class. They may extin .e individual.) who may he fl'iHisiie,, but tbey cannot declare that be cause a man Is a German, an Irishman, or a white or a black man, tbafho shall not ride. -- Lank I Iicfaj.ua ti..n Mi . .John An .pun, has been arrested on a r rge of complicity in th. I. lie "laic i I tlio UauK ol Gomiiiarce, Phiia le He wo bel i I , ball iu theoim of 5U,?IUO. Iphia, CEO. W. DILL, COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANT. And Agent fiig Jlu rnfy's .ortli (,'arollna steanishlp Line to .Newborn and Morelieail ( Uy, fi. ('. ' Special al.tenlion pui.l tiitliu riiiuient, ami aale.ol Aaval Miue.i an.l Cittou. t'a.ih alranveiueiit mail. ciirwigmmail.-. HVA). W. 1)11.1.. War 'ill (It I SOIUilll'M, AT UKTAII.. A SliPKKlOU AltTICI.K FOlt '$1,50 PER GALLON. A t,SI) h v i i May T.) d:it - VJN 1 ) N .l I.-. WM. WIIITK. ION IS IA( OH TYLER. A N I'KUSON KN'OWINti TI1K WllfciUEAHtll TS of the also mii,,l 1 !, r, lui aiei lv of Louisville. Kv-., lata ol J.t)ii)t,.,n'rt iiriiiy, I st M iSDouri HattKrv . 1-t Missouri Kriga.le, hreiich'a Division, Stewart's Corn-. wi d confer a lavur on both narties bv iuformin th,- un it'os'K'ii' i. WILLIAM K. AN HKItsoN AN INTERESTING BOOK. SKETCHES OF NASSAU- ("1 IVINO A DL.SCKll'i ION lit' TU t. J 1. 1 M A 'I h. X 'oil, pr,.duct popuUti.Mi. Ae , Ac, bit,-r-i, rseit ' with narrations ul eveiita, anec-aete.-, r. Can be bail af the f'r,,k'ifv illic . l'i ico 'i: c.-ni-. When re Uered by mail a -r.oiif. uiut b ' . eelo-ed o. pav postal''- May V.i lw " TO WIH I AM H. CARTEK. 1ti.ii.ii, A. :. M.n I'.i, 1st,.,. The it ..i r . t'c .1 -it I,.;, ami ,i.Tine-l i.- . ll. rctl, aud "ii can n., w letuin bt.ii..- tn .,leiv K'lot ( o mm mane, nt .,l i . e a r . 1 i nii.ioo j,,sl . ami v ..u wo! i, , . ! u b t bu a-MsttiJ in KU'tH'K hoBie, All well a; 1 no S. S. ' t' A liTF.H, (iln.b n, I'. I) f. Sow .'i i , riiiladel,lii, uil Dalimj.,!,, i a . rs please ci.py o u.iiic'e. i M.n 1 d:w ) UK. 10. lil ilkt HAYWOOD K F K Ii S Ills l'IU)KKSSI,ON"A,. sh'KVH'l-s TO tliH cuiiuuj ..! Ualenrh Otic'u ai hi. reidei,CH. o M.yJ3.tf Vf'ANTKU. .SMAI.I. I ..h.MKNT SI 11 Alii. K Hii. V MM A 1.1, lam lev. i inn iieuhn . rtci'iy tu A. II. I' IT MAN. at n irewn' t.l.l si u..l near llm I.Vulral ll. j.ol. May ii nr r SbS""" (7 . I i. -