BY J. L. FEMINGTOft & CO. SUBSCRIPTION A O ADVERTISING SrrilSCKII' TION The l.dlanlnp are tlie only Ternii of Hubacription ts the Paiit nnd Wkbkly I'sobhkss: Daily paper, "fu .Year ..$10 QO , " " Hii Monttaa & 00 " Three Mentha . 00 . Weuklj paper. One Year ! 00 " Hii Mnnthi 1 M ADvmWsixo. (Ten lines or I..--, minion type, or one inch space, to , mtiititute a Hquare. ) Oue Hqime, One Day SI 00 " " Two Dare 1 75 Thrf-Ija w W Four Days..... 3 00 Fire ay 3 50 " " One Week 00 " " Two Weeko 1 ofl Three Weeki If 00 9 ' One Month 50 Larger advertisement! will he charged in eiact pro portion nith tlio above, aid must be paid for when handed In. One ineh I irn n I ti vritco the column will count a Square, uo matter what eiie trpc iran be used. SI' KOI A I. NOTICES. Hpccial Notice will be aet in minion, leaded, and in serted under the Special A7l head, and One Dollar a Square chared erery Insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only fieri notices will be admitted to the l,ocal Col umn, at the following ratet : One Utie, One Day 11 0() Two Idnra, ' " r' Three l.inea, " 5 00 Kive l,ine, " 2 M Ten l.inea. or more, at the rate ol Twenty-live Cents a Ano for each insertion. Ft'NKttAL NOTICES,, . Will l.e.rliat jjed iue ae AdierCsemeiits, and must be paid for hen ha ided in, or they will not appear. The above hUtes will be adhered to in all caeca, and ie, we have, to par cash fur ver.ythiuH in our buaineaa, wo must demand caah. May, 19, 15. J. I. I'KNMNUTO A CO. LATEST NEWS." TO-IJAY. Preulih lit .lolo - o'n proi Imution .tp i'' ' to day, the let ..f -lie, 180"). us "a (lav of hmti'linti-ii ill r nnnm i ' 11 ' " : A I'rorhrnatitm by the I'l 'talent of the. I'mteil Watei : Whereat, Rr n-v 'llrcriii.ti, lie net inn N- crctary of StiUr. ii n in -tin- l th' pnlillc "ii the 17th of April, r' (iicsti'il tin' vuriona iede;ioii ill i.ominatioi to na si mlde oi, (be 1911' of Apr;1, ' n !" occasion rf tlio i )H(ji ii-H i if Alnlam Li'i -If, late I'n siilci t of the Unit'"l Sind .", ami to ol mn1 tin- r.itiif wi'll nppr priate cerernoniea ; anil, Whereat, Om country brn In c rrie nnr yreat houpe of mnurnine hei" the load of the family h L. .'ti taken away, ni-.d Itliivinc. that n apeiial period K,.,i il he iti-Mgt.e.l for again linmhlintf nniKelvca be foio Almiplily Ood, iu order (hat the bereavement may he Rim lift"! to the iiiili'.i. : Now, thorediv, in order to mitigate) that grief on earth, whioli oan only i' Hsmigfd by ood' ninninn with tlio Father in Heaven, and in eoin riliiiee with llie wiahet of Senator- nail Rppre eentiitives in (.lantrresH eo ' inunicated to uio li a reaolutinn mlopud at the national Capital, I, Andrew Jolinaon. lVesident of the Hnitod Staten, do hereby appniiit Thnradny, the first day of June next, to he observed wherever in the Ignited Stviles the flag of the eontitty iiiity he respr-oti d , aa a day of huinilia-tion And mourning, and rc ooinuieud tny fell w-cit tz.;tis theie to aaaeiuble it) their respective places of worship, and to uaitc in iolfinn "trvioo to Alinifjlity (iod in memory of the good man wh lias been roujoved, io that all shall be oceupied at the same tirao in contem plation of his virtues, and sorrow for his sudden and violent end In witnetw whereof, I have hereunto get my baud, and causeJ the seal of tho United States to be affixed Done at the city i,. s of Washington, the 20th day f April, in the year of our Lord 18C5, and of the Independence Jof the United States the 89tb. ANDREW JOIINSON. By the President. W. IIuntkr, Acting Seore'ary of State. In obedieaoe lo this Proclamation, a meeting will be held in the Capitol Square this morning, at ten o'clock . It will be addressed by sevrral chaplains, gentlemen attaohod "to the United States Christian Commission, and perhaps by soiiio of our local clergy, all of whom are invited to attend. We hope that our oitwens, appre ciating, ai we have no doubt they do, the ohar aeter of the day, will bo preacnt to ihow their regard for the memory of him who fell by the hand of an tieerabie aisassiu, and who every every one ackuowledgei was in faet our friend. Tho services, while partaking more particu larly of a religious tendency, will also bo of a nature to show the general love and veneration which all of u must feel fr the 'martyred Lin coln. We sincerely hopo that tire attendance will be creditable. We understand that several of the regiments encamped in our vicinity intend holding appropriate aervices. Servicei will also be held in the Baptist Church. We havo not been informed whether the other' religious denominations intend taking any notice of tho proclamation or riot, but suppoao tboj will Wo would suggest that io the future our clergymen would do our readers a favor by .notifying us when they propose holding unusual services, iu order that wo can publish ti. So lar as the military portion of our community is MIL VOL. VI concerned the day , will hi duly reapeetnl. (ieiioral Scln field and Col. Granger havo bulb issued sudors on the subject, which we publish this tnoruiog. C il. Granger orders that all "busiuess he HUspendud with in the limita of this post' The tollwi'jg in a copy of the order from Department Headquartern : HaiDQOittTaKK DiPABTUiaiT or Nohtu (,'bouni Uiaoi.iNi,") Ohio, Y it, 18G.r,. J Akki or Tim Raleigh, N. 0., May list, SPECIAL OKDER9 No. It. To-mtrrow, June 1 si, being the dav appointed by the Preiident aa a day of humiliation and prajer on account of the death of Abraham 1, inf. In, late Pfeaident of the Dnited Rtatea, all (lovarnment (illicea in this Citj will be closed .and uo buaioeaa transacted except auch ai may he absolutely neceaaary. By command ofHaj. Gn. Scnonai.n. J. A. CAMPHEIJ,, A. A. ii. OUR WASHINGTON DELEGATION. The delegation of loyal North Carolinians who left IUleigh for Washington some time nineo. were expected home lust night at 12 o'clock, or to-day at eleven at the farthest We arc in formed that they have l ocoiv ; a , luninec.s from I'resident Johnson, which they consider satisfac tory. Our readers are probably swam I hat another delegating, aside from the one headed by Mr. Holden, also wont to the capital, and wo are happy to state that it, is probable that both these parties agreed on a basis of reconstruction, and are returning in the host nature towards ufich other. Tub H apt 1st 8i'niay Hhiooi, Anni vkusa uy .--The (lonrerl ami Exliiliilioii in the Baptist Church Uet nijjiit given by the children of the Sabbath School attached to the Church, was weil attended and the proceedings were of the most satisfactory in -dcr. The building was densely packed by the mem bers o( the Church, uiui we noticed quite a sprinkling of strangers In their midst. A rostrum constructed by continuing the level ' f the platform on which the pnl pit usually stands had lien constructed and on It the different classes stood wh"ii rnioling or singing. Mr W J. Pslrner, the Superintendent o the school, had the immedia (t charge "f the scholars, and l.y his ptrfect managcnn nt of the programme, ohviatfd oil mislake and everything passed olT smoothly. The, interior of the church wm gracefully ornamented with fcitoons of evergreens, studded with roses and 11 jw ers, and present! d a pleasant and attractive appear ance. On the immediately in lh fear of the platform used by the children, the following appio priate scriptural quotation, surrounded with ever greens, appeared : "I lovo them that lore mis ; and those-that seek me early shall find me." Tho female scholars were all neatly dressed most of them in white -and their appearand) and general deportment was not, only creditable to themselves but to their teachers and parents. Thewrrmsrkablf, acoustic properties of the Church assisted in making the soiuetiinei indistinct utter ances of tho speakers distinctly heard by tho whole audieuce. The "opening ipeccli " by Master Kuffin Litohfore. wai deservedly praised, and, tlthetigh we were not fortunate enough to witness the whole performance, we feci warranted in stating ti the opinions of others who were present, that it was probably the best effort of the eveniug. The following is the pregramtno : PART I. Phayeb. OpeDirjg Anthem O, bo J lyful in the Lord. The May-Day Festival. Ohr''nr : Spring Flowers Flora Heralds Ghildrnn scattering Flow ers Hceptre Bearer Maids of Honor May (Jiieeo Falry Queen : pening Speech Uufliti Lilnhfori . The Ten Coniiuatidieouts in Vorse. Song We come, we come with Plingieg. Dialogue Littlo Faunie Miller and Moses Ami. D'alngur, Sweetness of K irly Piety. Song Happy Children. Catechism in Vers" liy Forty OiiiMrmi. Recitation Tho Charm of Woman. Song BeatUiful Home Above. PART II. Recitation What is must Beautiful. The Pilgrim's Sour. Dialogue The Kvil Adviser. Song We'll stand the Storm, Dialogue On Sabbath Profanation, forthirty-oo Speakers Eighteen B-iys'and Thirteen Girls. Songs -We are Coming, Blessed Saviour. Beau tiful World. Dialogue Young Amtrica. Tea Boys. Closing Song Farewell, but wo hope t" moot again. We are informed that by particular request the performance will bo repeated to-morrow f venlng: . . , g " - At the Congressional Reunion in New York, Mr. Tiltoo read the fallowing extract from a letter re ceived from Chief Jusliee Chase : "I would like tosay to the Christians who shall assemble at your reunion on earnest ward on thu pieii cnt great national duty of granting to tho frcedmmi of the South the right of soi f-protectlou by the ballot. My lust communication on this t-uhj-cf with tho good President whom wo havo lost, wai on the morning of the black day, and' I (my say he was nearer rigid on this subject, according to my vitovs of right, on that last day of his life, than on any other day before. Our new President, I, have tho happiness to say, is a man whose democracy U as broad as the democracy of the Declaration ol Inde pendence." Tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has received orders from the Government to' 'provido trans portation for fifty thousand men to come west over the road. Theso are the veterans of Sher man's army. RALBIGH, THURSDAY, JUNE I laeft IMPORTANT LIS ITER FROM GBN. SHKRMAN. Camp nkb Alf.xania, fa., May 19, 18ti6. Dkah Bowman : I amjtiat arrived. AH mynimy will be in to-day. I have been lest to m- world in ttw cwtts fur srtma -time- - -TfMwuftlvl'ig at too "settlements" found I havo uiada qintea stir antong the eople at home, and that tho tin sl sinister in -tms Ii a ve been ascribed to me. I havo made frequent official reports f my olliciai action in all public matters, and all of th-m have Own tarefully aupptcssed, while the nuist tiilicnlotis i.oi.m iiko Ins been, ii dustti 'islv spie.i I abroad J tn nuijli ail tne newspapera Well: you kn nv wlut im, n uicr. I attach to such natters, and that I have o n I" ogfil'ti-g r. to fal Rehel .'.ilh muskets li. til' n (muds to b i r-cir. d by ine-r inoicoino tlantn, I. .' iiu t. r In i w l,ldi ' in ir i ivil tank or stati'o li it eoiusiiig lo otisarve how bravo and tiiin some lie. u become wl en all danger is past. I hav net iced on ti'.'lils .)' I'ail e l.inv iui" tit ver iosnu tlie ep-tui'-il or mutilate the dead ; but cowards ami laggards a ;,ii. I ci:n.. 1 no- "v r-' all the act, hu t Shakes pi art records how p..i. Falttaff, the prince of cow ards and wits, rising from a figured dsath, stabbed aalo the dead Perry anil r ariie I Ibr carcase i.l fi in tiiumpb to i'l' V his valnr. So now, when vdo Re beMlo., ,n our ki.d is dend, tnanyJPalstaffs appear t bramliso t-,.. evi loo , f tbeir va'.t and seek to win appl iu' , and appropriate honors for deeds that nov el wine dene. As lo myself, I ask no popularity, no reward ; but IJuirlliA War Deiaruneoi to publish my oflicini leil' i: on! rejMiis. I as'irl that my olllclal rop rts tiav Owen purposely snppresstd; wtillo all trie power of the prfss Im rt ! ei;n mailgnaritly tiirnul against mo. I li'i want peace and security , and the return te law ai d justice Irom Maine to tho Rio Grande; aud If it ..,ti not eilsi now substeu Itally, it ta if it State reason, ,,, d rny oempreheoston. It 'may be thought, i-traogo that one who has no fame but as a soldiei sh oid have beca so careful to try to restore tl-e i n.i p .iter of the Government and the peaceful juiU'ii'i . the Fteliral (';iurts ; but It ii diffieult te discover In that fact any juit cause of olfetise enlightened and free p-ople. But when tnou ehooeo to slai l-r and injure t hois, tliey can easily invent the tu t i for the psrpnse when tho proposod victim Is lar away, engaged in public aervico of ttiotr own bidding But there it contohilien in knowing that, thoiien truth lies in the bottom of . well, the Tan kees have prrserveneo enough to get to that bottom. Yeurs, truly. W. T. SI1KRMAN. - - - - - - -e - - CARD FKOM GEN. J. E. JOHNSTON. ' We lay beforo our readers tho following let ter from. Clou. Joseph K Jobiston, stating tho causes which induced him to make tortus of sur render with (Jen. Sherman. Wo believo Gen. Johnston's conduct, and bis refu8al,to continuo the war after all hope of snocess was vain, is gen erally approved ; hut if any oso has a doubt on the point, tho reasons set forth by Gen. Johnston will clearly show that ho acted eorrectly and wisely : Charlotte, N. C, May G, 18(35. Having made a convention with Major Gen. Sherman to terminate hostilities in North and Sautli Carolina, Georgia and Florida, it, seems to mo proper to put before thu people irf those States the condition of military alFaira which ren dered that measure absolutely necessary. On tlio '2(itb of April, the day ot tho conven tion, by the roturuH of thrso Lieutenant, (JoiioruU of the Army of Teuuesaee (that under my com mand,) the number of infantry and artillery pros ont, and absent was 70,510-tho total present 18,-;")7l-lbe effective 'otal, or fighting force, 14,17'd. On tho 7th of April, the dato of tho lust rotarn 1 can find, the effective total of tho cavalry wan :', .140 Hut between the 7th and 20th April was greatly reduced by events in Tirginia and ap prehensions of surrender. In . South Carolina wo had Young's Division of cavalry, Ids than one thousand, besides Reserves and State troojn together much inferior to the Federal force m that Stall). Iu Florida we were as we ak. In Georgia our inadequate force had been captured in Macon. In Liout. Gon. Taylor's department there was no means of opposing the fof pi idablo army under General Canby which had! taken Mobile, nor tho cavalry under Genet al Wilson which bad captured every other place of impor tance wcat of Augusta. The matter had .been, stopped at Macon by the aro istieo, u- we had been at Greensboro,' but, its distance from Au gusta being less than half of ours, that placo was iu its. power. To carry on the war, therefore, we had to de pend on the Army of Tennessee alone The United States could havo braught against it, twelve or fifteen t lines its number in the armies of Genera's Grant, Sherman and Canby. With such odds i'g'iiuit us, without, the means of procuring am tii'ti ilieii or repairing arms," without money or credit to provido food, it was impossible to jon lioiieiho war except as robbers Tho conse quence ef prolougiug i'ho struggle would only have been t he destruction or fhe uispersion of our bravest men, and great sufT-ring of women and children by the desolation and ruin- inevita ble from the marching of 200,009 men through the country. Having failed in an attunpt to obtain terms giving security to citizens as well as s dd iers, 1 had to oho iso between wantonly bringing the evls of war uperi those I had been chosen to de fend, and averting those calamities with the cen to, sion that hopes were dead whiol every - think -io i Sou' hero uiaa had already lost. I therefore stipulated with Gen Sherman or the security of the bravo and true men committed to too on terms which also tersaiuated hostilities in all the country over which my, command extended, and annoumid it 1 1 yimr government as fo lows : " The disaster in Virginia, the capturb by the enen y of all o t. workshops for tho prepara tion ot' ammunition ami repairing of arms, the the impossibility of recruiting our littlo army, oppo-ed to more than ten tiinus i's number, or ot supplying it except by rubbing our own cit.i r,ens; destroyed trll hope ef .uceessfu'l war I have hoiefore made a military convention with Mojo General Sherman to terminate hostilities NO. 171 ill North and ou'.h Carolina, Georgia ao-1- Flor ida. I m tub tins e.oiivon,i"u to .-qui the Mood of this gallant littlo arm, to piecnt further suffering of our p.-pl: by 'bo devastation and ruin" ineVti-'ihl" frirnl ihe msrtAfJft'f ittvt dirr. ttr mil's, and to avoid the oritne oj. waging a in ! less war "' J . K. Johnston More A hunt the Old Woman's Kk ap ule. Ivi n i hing 1 1 ci v i g in y ight on tie . -a', ef tie- flight-f ,1.11 1 1, v , wi" ' e ii ud im h i lay all Ho i.i! . '.- i s uilini) t t" pi tc i .ir if own una bi i-iii-law lis ' ' ' ''- Miii'Mly . I out nail i'k nnd we lalti evu) orcas" n .. jiality H. The bii wii,)e is 1 1 I be e"n i f a Nashville for res pi anient ol the Times . Through I unit di late i diet is who hive ost arrive I I get a (till . . . not "I J- ft Dv. ' i." veiiienis up to wlllili ' Silo. I line i 1 Ii, . I'On'i. (i'li. Dehiell, li - 0,10,1' his i - 1 1 . - -a i one ,i n , i , ,iH in ar ivaieh;h. N -i.ioi i: i ei-f iti 0 in- is , e ,,f t he JH ire lei . ,1 l,,',i , i , i ' i lie same I i n ',v I .. It r g 'I a iiisj t h Ii-.iii ,1, 11' Davit, datud I Ii ei.i..,r., N . t!. , ca I ling i i -t ii" 1 1 1 1 ' I picked i en I" t s. ort him and what n m o o et tos g ivernieent t-. W.-snoe, Gsorgi.i. I e t) i "It was accorihng- v dispinin I . .1. r, . qtitied I nee, iiiel al("r a ma'cl' el im ,. ,, Gri ens' . 'i', at wbii Ii poll i be I ui. I .1.(1 I- itu hi family, .Itl'iiih I', lien j .m in, ,1 ,n.i; Urn k i 0 Si njt r BiiiiM'tt,ol Kentucky, J. II Reapan, I' s'- tna'ttir. (imerai GustAvitS A. 1 1 iiriia. ol, ai d other ri I " I oli -ials As s'.on as tieneral Dehrrll," arnved. the psrlv pioparud te iimirh, and t!)f..V, set out on tho following dm, ,Jcfl, Davis nnd the rebel oHicinla rode iu trout, f i.i wid by ambii ism-es containing the women and ihlldreu and the specie, wueh was currently rrpoitod among the i (seers l" amount to oloven millions uf dollars. It was put up in heavy iron-bound kegs and boxes, and had a guard o one thousand tnvu, led by Gn. Debrell, which followed this train. At a point abont five miles from Greensbnru' they camped, Jill, llavis and his family taking up their quartera in a house in the vicinity. Hers tbj r ink aud file first learned the object ol their mission, nnd It was discussed with all the surmises which it natu rally excited, Hie men being exceedingly nmloas te know the dostinati n of their government On tin following day .ell. llavis visited th" boys, and mads a soill-stii ring speoi n, adverting to tho disasters Hat had ovi i hiken thsir bel'.ved ' nilcdi ra ey, b(it giving Inrui i vi ly nssurance that I hey were not irrevocably I M ; that all thai was neci'ssary to nl llmao) siiei r-.'--, was confidence in tin ir g 'Vorionent and tho tinilannl--d nravery wbich had cliar,cten,ed the (J 'idederato ai my iluring Us past career. Upon taking up tne line of march they lode in the same order. ,li fl'. Itavis liaving t.y Hile yung Colonel Johnston, son of General Aloert Sydney Johiiston, in whom ho evidently reposed tim most implicit confidence. 'J bey reached OliarL.ttiv N. (' , whi n- ,-y n,iu camped,. and Davis harangued tin m n again, in spiring ooiilidenco in them, and dealing in glowing words of li b I patiioti.-ui. He appeared happy and cheerful, took the hoys hy the hind, nnd entered into i In ei Inl con vers il i-'ii wuh tlieui. lie Would pratso their valor in the presence ol the- Indies, and call them tho faithful thousand, thoUowir of tno Confederacy , and j aid other pretty but not substantial coinpli-. ments. At this point they wore joined by Basil Iluke, Fer guson and Vaugnii, with their brigades, which in creased tho escort to tho magnificent proportion of five.tb'jusaud toon. Alter the i tw comers had mingled with the others tby so'.n l nrned the cnddion of thing's, and tlicy too bad dieir Miimisis. I,iKt a pai k of l.dugry' wolves rhey w I" su Idemy i hj i in I O' i tlllltllie g,v ernui. i.t -a n. ,-hg . ly lod. ,.l d to tneni, and n the trca.ili.c tun n 1 1 I, a d' ' lie idea . I risentlng tbed bloii s.igg' -ted'tntiie.ii. The men w. and e i -gleg, ile In goiip.., and tm n ..w Ik) ieil no goo-l t . the e,,ven,ne'lit. .left. toUul k n. es-ary to rodoiion ids t if it.: t-. conciliate jfiTut hi.- el"ueii.'. was 'w, ist' d now . Tnu io u obeyed their marching oril. is, ..!..( f.l!"W '-.I .b II. mtoS iiit.l) (;,roli,lti, to Ah bevii.o, win i" n.y igai.. iilt' d, vry mm It Uligucd and deiii. rali.o i . On the 9tb inmgh Ln-gaii, ahsume a dosperate featnri , and Jclf l uail ii polne to inspire tils brave boy- witli s. ii,e; .niny; in re Ml...t Iban words -Ti,e trcadir;; w.o. ,p..i,o.l. and t lie I f I vision of (inn. D i nil, will. i... , f. ... I Duke, Ki-ru ui in'l Vaughn,, lion t-in eu i. o ,e, ,n,dine a .i i en s were paid oil'.. M.iiii'i "I the i .j wise paid $30, suluo $28, and otfiois $(). I ln;y w r p.. In gold and silver, the c. iin being cliletly M'.iuo, il.iliars, witli few I Inltod States, I lit lo.v ol mm niiived g'ld, III I It" "veejng l)IIK. sint ni. A jut Hit (ion, ( ) i) L. I) i vis, t . i -illy nil III in ii v n i a i.di I ti. g , Wt'S! of th) MlS-lnSlppI n or, I i (...ri II; eh veil o'i . it k on in. Viilowl il; day. A I tn. apfinmii'. t run all Uio me., inporud, n it Ouko r.-los -d t , take tbosu who were without arms, ami taking ouiy those, v. o weie armed, tnnotlnrs to shift ,,r tie tnselves.- I'ncy he.i Ulseni,u link", and witii heavy ntuis went to Vvsdi.e, (iengi,!, te u,y siii r. i lei ed thems-'i v. n to (ie.i, i!s m , togei hei with the brigadi ol Fei glis- in and Vaughn. , Tl.. .-oinmind. Ueliei ii iL-birli es.oiloil .l.'ff. Davit. I;- Vienna Valley, on Ihe W'ei hv.kof lb" S .v.oiii'h river, alioiit twenty runes In. in Washing ton, when the grind ilissolulion to. k place on tnu Ulh. At. this point Hi njamiii, lireek im i.lge, Bun. II, and s'-vi-ral 'tiers -..kalasl birewell nf ,1 If l),ivi.-i and his la i, liy. At tin; hour named .Ml'. Davis nul suite crus-ied i,hu nvor, an4 the other p r,i ai -A the g .v. gad.ijMsl i tl to vv'ashine' p.n ket, lia .(! kori hi Is in inournlng. The e.iiniiiHud was ,ii-priz-if ..I th fa.t iiiai tU.y . ore. u ti led i" folio I be bent ol tiieir -wo ine.iiu ti inn lien) niuiu and Breckinridge, with their friends, no doubt real hod the west ol tm: Thi. N'nw Oiri.uUA t: Tlio MaKjuis lie Mi'litb-''' , 1 i.'-w Fn ,.cli Minister at a., does not . me I . this country an eniire Ktraiig' r, n acqoan ii I wifn tho fithita and t"elings of .mr pe pan lie n -s ii iled binc.ii In t h. 1'niti-d Snio s, t.aving In i I. atta. hid to the Fiencii Kuibai-sy n i. y vena ago, b ivi-iv. aU neen (J.msul at N at o'k, i it tho besinuine ol the l.ebelli o, md t.-r S" e in-., : i alt rw.iidK, (I 'lisul-Geui r.,, at N " Y.nk. V. en r c ui it'lo his record by i'd' g ". a en married lor in iny year a lo ,n Aiiwua.. lad- , l." danghloi ol General G at ut, w.) .. iv en nigh t , u vince onr i' .ideri that th'r r Nip d,,,,, inad lb" s, -lection of his Mmi.-ler with la ', in. chpfM.i represenUtive who will be agreaah.n in he American, people. Thp Man Francisco liiil-letinajm that iheqruii titv of ' ilver bullion pouring into market fr.-.u In- lnji ii"i i lai'Ko nnd eoiistnnt ly increasing in Vi'lnon the bulk of which is s hipped to ( 'h in. i . I i- slited tint Assistant S. en-tary I'jn:' has deteni ined i" i-t'S'gii . his puMlivii in the W ir Office, and that Major Ki'kert long fiuperiutefi dent of the Military Telegraph is named as his suceee-Kir. MARKKT REPORT roRRgOTKD HT n; a . av ii i i' a i v: if i Or,-tr ami ietler in 'rommM A pples - lo ie.i, t:o ,,. i, rtaroo 'n i 'io it ii,. Iteet If. ' per lb tin M re -4t per tt 'heese ,vie .. i- it, - -Jli--M'liS - Ji'.tillle per ie:,-7 ' fiiflee - ni) 7f.e per lb. ( Bi n sV j (,, ,'2,-, ,,(,,- hushei. - t'KK- i" -i l"-r. ili.eri. I'lour Fumilr $10 'id'2 per bin. Sup'o ll leehn nil' , tl.titi ... 10. Ilimey in (-"(nil, ?.' tn 30e pel Hi. 1,11 mil l.'i Mile per lb. 1,11 I'd per lb. Meal $l.ltl-.l'l.f.O per bushel MHllets f 12 .i ll, per hill. ( MlloilS - 4 per hinliel I'eiH'lieS ih ied 2'j te 311c per lb. I'eas White f l,ir. t.. 1,:,0; St.M-k ne i" l , u i.-.. 110 to jrc j.ei peck ' Potatoes - Irish JS(Tt n p, i nni. StJBrtl' Itiusheil 5l0o p. r ;n : llromn :iO(T)4e Syrup i el.-'Ob,., uidi.n, hv III" barrel I 'I'll-i, I'.o e Miiike! Kepmt i.i nf cm reel ui n en .ve he nnlde ; h lit Itill.-i ',, wa-i al IV at s eelehr lied l.. the.' remilHriiv of in priiie. in nmikil V . h.i ie k ie - v n 1 1 e p liet- ot t h e su me art i rl" vu r v the loone timrrioi Ii "in lo ,'.l) pi I ei lit, ulifll s.iltl liy llllerenl i nil I T ). 1 ,1 t y 'I'll el a 1 H -till mi lit" 1 1 1- pel it 1 1 in i bin ami pi irt s il pp I . . I I I ii Hi ine; 1 I,.- e iniiiT i hi i nf the I'm )i I eit . r ir I ; hu I is "lit 1 1 II H 1 1 V y i r I liy n H y h. . .re .1 . nc v ..' reen 'en I'. HEAD BROTHERS & CO , STRAW (i()(MS, HITS, CAPS, KT . 380 BRADWAY, NEW YORK, V II SVMJI K duil - Urn NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT FOR sy.Heii:. JHIK I'KtisK.NT ritOI'ltli:! (IK IIKIN'tl HKSIIIOI S I el" iIhk.Iiii Im tune tn nther husniesa, "tiers ,r sale Tlio Daily and Tri-Wookly Bullotin AND WEEKLY CATAWBA JOUHNAL. 'I'i'ti iher Willi ev.'i lloit eionn-Rtetl with anil heliinin t" Me' nihlica!i'.ii . I sunl Newspapers. In the nfliee are iirir hire I'nwer 1'ress, ( N n r tb io . liriiler ) ; three Washington Hand Tresses, nml one Kiiirifles' Card Trans all in giimi order 'andaTerv laie 'lUUDtllv of tTpe and materials of nil kinds. Tl.e T.ITI.K'l'lV nnd CATAWIIA. J Ol UN A I, nn- "II es nlihsh.(l papers were in operation th" wur and have always enjovd a liberal patrona" To nun ae.iianited with ths tiuaineas this presents ..tie of the line.t opeuines N... II, ,,r South. Til position .0 ( 'Inirlotu, in th" in ids t of a country uruui passed ni i i.-h .if ' ieil 1 1 m i n I ami mineral fo odilef inns ; the c. litre of i netwerk "I railroads nil ..t wl, ich tvil I fh nibl l..s soon . in sU'-eei Oil npei nt ion , win ants m in the u-serli.'ii lull it is destined nt no di.-tant ilnv tn become .me of the inns! flnuniliin and prnspeinus iidan.l towns in Ike Southern S I lit I'M. A n immediate applica! inn will seein .. a lot. xaio. Ad 'tress TICdTklKI'Ult DAILY II I bl.K 1 I N , 'lei'- I 2l Chiu l. d'e, V. C, '.U- l.'deifrh Stariihu l and IVejcr.-as, .Vi-itl'sm Tuii". and liielnnenil I iinea e,,pv, eneU tan times, and eT bill tn Huil-tiii i. Mica. SMI IK! S.VUKf'!! ft- lidKS l'Mtt)l,IN. IU',1,1,1: A I) SIM TH Kits I ' Sur Siiulf: Also, Kn in 1 1 v flour. Col',, M.hI, besl Miicon II a 111 in I Snl.s, Tiini" Coll,'., Apple Viiii'itar, te , on JAMIS M TDWM.S, June I ll" ', A net. A Ciiinmissinn Merchant Ladies' and j Gentlemens' A N 1 SODA WATER SALOON, MdKniiiiiiin's Storo, Otio Door from Mur gnu Street, on PaynttoviUe. PRIVATE ROOIYIS FOR LADIES. Miv '.t If CEO. W. DILL, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, And A n-nt fur Miu ni ) 's Nerlli t arollnn Nfi',iuisi.ii l.lnc to Veil lie in mill M(t--ti-Hil City, -V C. " , " Speeinl iit'enti. ii psi l t i tin, shipment ,irnt sale lit ,N )YM 1 Stio . - irel Coll. ii (-.ush iid vs n.-iiieidH iiiade ' ni ' .nsitr,i,ieilH (IKO. W. llll.f.. Mu v :) ' THE AMKRHAV KVS COMPVM, lit) urtfl 121 Nassau Street, M'iW YDHIi., WHOLLSALE DEALERS IN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS & STATIONERY, Stii n:u iM iliu . ruin N v' . A r n i -, .'nin'M -nt-l n t In i -, Our tiit-r in--- i ',-( t . r .'i i i ' ', , . t , ', i , - LEADING WEEKLIES AND MONTHLIES, Oil r p' I -, S .I) I lie , , w. . . - ml ll S V . .Ill - ,' '. , S . i , i . In, ". ,r Ti-a.le Uit. t:u: amkmcan i ws cioicaii . Vu ili,mi:i v. .-inn ,-. May 2 . -let V.iKh, AN IN I'EUEaTING BOOK. SKETCHES OF NASSAU- V 1 ivi(. ii-;-.civi.iii . ok f. I i.l-MA'i'i-., , ill l. f ! rsr.l l ll h t,li f AU Mi- Ml ' V i f I e , .tl,.-f.!i,f , I ('.in l)fi tuil n Ci-- (v. if rven Hftii .. 1'ii.r Hi i. fiit', W In !l ,f'ltTt;.I lV Hi 111 II Itailfj. lllUil l.ei OM) !urt. t.i A pitsUtj. .. May 'in 1 vv