I i-aiaiinnmiiMai i:mm j' ill J. L PKMIKGTOS & CO. i I i vCjV F? . 'ffUBtfriupTioy T nvKRTisrx 'sriSf'HI'TiHJX - The i,i.!,,v iui? iie'thf tulj Tt-T of Subript'on to ttie DiH-r a-nd Wr.rKi.T Pr.ociiKPs: . . Jfailv-pai.rr. h- Year.., - $10 00 :'j Six Month - 5 00 ..' T Thr-e Month? :' 6 Weekly pa p-r. One Year 5 00 " Six Month' - 1 r, . AD VKJiTlSING. " .Tmi Lire- i miniorr type, or one . ?pac-, to . . . . i t ul a Square . One Squ nr. Day ?J 00 : " ' Ttv. lar 1 "5 i , i ! .1 v . ' 2 f0 ' ' K-.ur !.iyf S 00 .'.'" Fiv Hays . ' 50 . ' .One Week. , 00 - " Two Weeks 7 00 TfMtr- Week-.. ! 00 On-' Month 12 50 Large, adv -i monts rt-iff be chared in ' xact pro portion i 1 1 1 .'he ibove, ard must b pai'. f'-.r wh.-n hiDiieil ir. . One .inch W;rth ;. th Oolifmn wi!' - 'unt Square, n tntT -t.;i: -;. p- ' ' be-abed . - . f. Sl'KllAI, NOTICES. Specie Notice wlf? be t ir, minion, leaded, and in serted uric r the. Hpc-inl Notice bond, 'and Ore poilara P.juare charg- d j .i tveVy in .--riini. LOCAL. 'Mf'MN. '. Only s .ojt notices will be .tdmittei t the Local Col umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Pav : $1 00 "Two L'nis, . 1 0 Three Line. , ' '' 2 00 Five Line,', " ; 2 bQ ' Ten Lire?, W 'mnrt , at the rate ot. 1 wen.tv-ft re' Cer.ts a Line for each insertion. FUNK HA L NO TICKS, MA li li I A G ES, oV. WilLbe charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid f.-r " her ha -d d in, or they will not appear. The above Rates w ill be adhered to in all cases, and s -v hare " pay oah fr everything in our business, we rnut demand cash. May, Ifr, ISC'," J. I. PE.VXINOTO-' & CO. Northern Advices of the . " 31st TJlt. THE CONSPIRACY TRIAL. A ortli iarolinian on the Stand. THE REBEL GENERAL ED. JOHNSON TESTIFIES. Tho jVIormons in a Quarrel "I . ' r" .. '.': ;h ni pup rs the .Tlt ult., received cfe-.t.-ntav, turnixli u the foil wing yews from all - j ' art ir : ' ; THE TRIAL. . On Thursday, tlui 30ih ult., the first witceea culled for ijl.'o f,m.siet?utiou was .Levis..!?. Bates, of Chnrlotre, N. C He testiied that Jeflerson 4Hvib r4-jip-i at 1 is h use on the 19th of April, . a'.id made hi- add ros t it in the tep. Davis re eeivVd and read ; th crowd a telegram from (rcn. Breekiurid-e, dated Greeu.sboro', April 19, us follow : Presiue t Lincoln was assassiuated iu the theatre Ln tlw; niht id' the 14th inst. . Secretary 8ewHrd-' house was (utered on the same night, and he was repeatedly .-tabbed, and is probably in.O: tally wounded The witness said that after reading this lis patch to th- crowd,, Ih'vis said : " If it were to ho done it were better' it were well don." The dav after Breckinridge and Davis conversed in the house of the witness on the subject of the as sassination. Breckinridge remarked to Davis that he regretted it' very much.; it was unfortu nate for the people of thje South at the time . The regret seemed tone because of sympathy for the South, and not tSecauso of the criminality of .the act. Davis replied: ''Well, General. I - don't know. If it were to he done at all, it were better it were well done ; and if the same were done to Andy Johnson, the beast, and Secretary Stanton, the j )b would then be omplctc." Jacob llitterspaugh testified that he was em ployed iii'Fo-d's Theatre wbeD the President was shot. He saw tho assassin run across the stage,, and followed him. He found the door hard to oppn. When witness returned, Spangler struck him',- saying, For God's sake, don't say which . Ry.he (Booth) went!" Witness was called for Hanold, and said he had always been regarded as a iigbt and trifling boy, and easily influenced, lie was .temperate in his habits and regulaCV in bis hours. . . The rebel General Edward Johnson was called for -the defence. '. '.Gen. Howe sail Johnson was educated at the - United States Militar T Academy. It was a well known condition precedent to an officer's receiv ing his commission, that he must take the oath ,f)f allegiance. That.it w,s notorious that John son had bor:: arms against this Government, and came here with hands red with the hlood of his' loyal countrymen To tier him as a witness was aq insult to the court, "and he moved he be ejected. .Gen. Aiken was glad the motion had been made. 'The introduction of buuh a man as the witness was the height of impertinance. Mr. Aiken, of the counsel for the defence, said V(?L Vi. the Confederate, officer. Jett, had already ap peared as witness for the Government ; therefore, no disrespect was intended by introducing this witness. . Judge Holt and others spoke, when General Howe withdrew his objection. Gen. Johnson then testified that he ;s ac quainted with a man representing hiius.-lf as Vou Steineker, who was i private in the Second Virginia Infantry Ho never heard of a secret meeting such as thaf to which Von Stoinekvr testified, Imvi.ig in view the assassination of iht; President : he 'never heard-su-ih a thing ,-pokon of as desired ; ho never sa.t Booth in his ca-np. or heard of him till the assassination FROM BRIGIIAI YOUNGDOSI. A split aaioug the quarrelsome Mormons i not a thing so unu ual as to excite special re mark ; Lut a recent occurrence of the kind seems to be worthy of note. Joseph Smith, the son of th.e original Joseph, and a reopen iz 1 high leader in the polygamous community, has b"Come a convert to monogamy, and makes a dead set against the great Brigham Young Joseph quotes his father and the Book of Mormon to show that both inculcate the doctrine that one wife at a time and no concubine?, is the torch ing of these recognized heads of the church. Joseph also make- a point, r ther indirectly, against the loyalty of Brigham Young GENERAL 'if EAVS. The Nashville Dispatch of the 21st says : " The Mexican dollars in which Jefferson Davis paid off his body guard afer jingling around the city to qui'-e an extent, they were sold on the street at one dollar and fifty cents, with any number of purchasers. Some of the coins boar date as late as 1862, and all of them are bright as if they had just come from the mint." John Bell was at Atlanta, Ga., at latest ad vices, and the rebel "Secretary of the Navy," Mallory, and Howell Cobb, were en route to Nashville under guard. The surreuder of Kirby Smith has caused a great relaxation in the rules governing the ship-' ment of goods from New York to English, Span ish, and Mexican ports contiguous to Southern port?. v ( Major General Brannan has arrived n 1 t: onir.- ..:n u c Tu:n. mil -t i hub, ay., uum n as u vine. j ue rauroau ot- tween the two cities is repaired, and the trains nre running regularly. The rebel Senator Harris and a General Han iltou were captured recently at Cape Sable, Fla., while trying to escape from the country. General Beauregard, of whom we have hoard very little for the past two months, was in New Orleans on the 22 d, and registered bis name at General Banks' headquarters as a paroled rebd officer. V Sherman's reports and correspondence have been ordered ta be published by the War De part men t. -' Gold closed on the 20th at New York ,'t 136 2-S. la Burlingtou, Vt., on the 30th ult., two rebel officers, who gave their names a3 Lewis Castlc inan and O. J. Murray, were arrested on board the steamer United States. They asserted that they were on their way from Montreal to New York to surrender themselves to General Dix. Sanders and Tucker accompanied them to the cars at Montreal. Both the prisoners were inti mates of those notorious parties. They are now in jail, waiting the orders of Gen. Dix. The 'rebel General Longstrect has received permission from the President to visit Washing ton on private, business, and will arrive here in a few days. The Rev. Mb. Skinner preached a sermoo in the Baptist Church yesterday, which considering the position that gentleman hud iu Confederate iinws, was somewhat unexpected iu its genera! tone, and created quite a sensation. He referred to the govern ment of the United States as org of the best, most magnanimous and strongest id the world. Id ex-' plaining his changed opinions he admitted that the South had undoubtedly committed net a few sis in the recent war and iu bringing it nbout. II advised a cheerful submission to the present condition of affairs and exhorted his hearers to be true and loyal to the goverement and to met friendly advances with a good grace. There were not a few tearful eyes in bis audienct, aud the general verdict was that he had taken a position consietent with his duty as a chiiitiaa leader. He stated that he had had tbe honor of shaking bands with Prefcident Johnson, and represented him as a just, honorable and Goi fearing man. Mr. Skinner is entitled to no little credit lor this bold, manly and truly christian-iike address, and we hope its ir.fluesce will be extended as it well deserves to be. . A National Bank. A project is on foot in this City to re-establish one of our banks under the new National Banking system. The revived institution will probably be called " The First National Bank of Raleigh." We are gratified to be able to chroniple this movement. It is but another indication of the return of peace and con sequent business prosperity. RALEIGH, MONDAY. JUNE FROM WILMINGTON. V ian the following items relative to Wiimins :, U ni tt " Herald, th'' nw Union pap; r published ' Health of the City. A j--.-.rf.as gone abroad, and is to "s--rue xtM.. it-i t b.i'f-ur own midst, that Wilndugtun is , ;o o-'y skiy . This rr-poit is Li ordv v?rv rrr -u. bin ry iijjurii'iis t- thf eitarc ; : ne Unvi,, .' ! t 'vS- vr-s go-d itiz-'i s make evri y xer- j to r. nff idit it. K'-rli-r v. tl P:t on tr city c v , C". A ittt K i.ofn.,o. ..A P...tr, . 1 1 .vuh reinyee im) r-4eris'i rf'f .! ; rls - i; wii..tn, '-win.- l.i :;: to ?;:eir p.;.ys:c-a. i: arrivu-y h . th t i rtniity w,i veiv . "ii. Hi. -rs r -v rosl- ' ni ' s . b- i ' I iTj; o. iit nere. -g .it-1 aiiy, o.variaulv ul j. et 'Hjr.'iJSi.- 1 1 W iui. o V .iri in at f i 'tvs a rnaf.rr 1 o ci n: Bu; at no tin.e has ny i nc previikd htf, nor i us i.r !ti(tlirn i't t!iit- any at present. 1 deed, o-A'iug to the admira ble ( . anli. ess ot our streets and places under military ' r it r-, the city was ver more wealthy than at the pn S' I' t'iT'. $ A National Bank. It is .: i i st ...".1 that etotiattorad are pendiug for '.Meent ot a hanRinti nouse in this city on f p. national bai klof law. S vrra! well rai-italists ar-- i-nterKri in the movement, ;,( tprize and yneigy is a guarantee of suc ii"h an iustiiution is Lauch needed In this , ; d . i ! prow- r f incalculable benefit in re - .: i'-sc; i-e:. rally. Oar peon! have ample i i : , i. uti-.-riy devoid -f momy with which .1 r. W f i ci s : , iii j n 1 i ' i to ICS II in our : den1'.,. ai;ai-. '' 'li t u pniions. With a uealihy bank st, having ample capita! to loan oq un frity. w ' shall !: have prrgperity Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, -it p'e';.- d to 1 -frn tiut '..i Wilmington and Man, re-op; p;.,si' t" u' li liir j. ui (J mpany have determined upon i'i; their r uid to the public at the earliest r.'-'anctd, and that th'y wcpoasseil of funds i.e r-.Mdw.y in good rejvur. A iarge forca" of U' i no.v emnh vrd on i s line, driving the 1 . o labor with a commeunanle energy. The bridge over the Great IV: D -- ",s r b ."-p. a. 1 . ;vh;ch is the most c na!(i.-r:!'c j h that revf-rts th? immediate r;--.pen)ng o. ilte. roid As 3oo?i as this bridg .is re placed wa are a'lvj-;ed 'h .t train-, will comui :nc ron ning betwe-n tulr. place, Floremce and ih far South. Cheering. Oce again matters and things bgir! to assume their wonted appearar.ee in Wilmington, and the consia! it influx of good of alnit every description is indeed cheering, whil the itjprovements (f one kind and ,auother is gratifying in Ihe extreme. Among the many changes thu: hve taken place, none is more conspicu us than tna neat saloon that has ixf&n fitted up y Mr. Fay oa North Water Ftre?t. fia, M: . V.i'j is a tVcfUf -fCtl obliging, oV-r r ady u ..,;com::rda"te' ; and t:S4!Xiiho visit hij ss-f xd wid f tii to be ph-ased, as his laH:. art; always sap p'i -(i with the ?-east the market ords. and hie viands arf Ki.irpsaod by none in the city. Horse Thievte . We learn th.it on Tuesday uv Us; tha scabies of Dr. J. Fr;vnci:t King u.d Mr. H tr is Northrop, ot this city, wi r-' entered by thieves and a horse taken froir. each. Sleeping sbove tho h-'ise of Mr. North rop w re two s.ildieis, -.vtio rep rt some uois as hav ing oe urr'-d, durl-: th nig-'U, o:h r-g.ir led it af tothing unusual. i"so ! am !f'm thesimgin- llcma, x:h : a rnftian, -upn seri ?o be of this charac ter, mad;- his ins appearain o4 Lh piazzi of Mr. N. Li. Daniel's residence a few eights since, aud oeing a.-ked his business and makio? no reply, Mr. D. fired two shots at him without effect, oiakiug him get .,ff in hot hast-. lie returned again however in about a i hour's tone hut made r.c att??tipt fvt rascality. Committed to Jail. an.i F.am Cu ho, both of Biuswick ;jr: c in mitt ''d t'. ttie j t . f th:scity, - ieh. t r oi.ta:r?.ig rati us from the 1 stiiir. prop- while tney hav lasd .ul n -t c-ufF-'r-'a e!thr arrtv, and tfd to -'! an v k or o''i-- pr;por- L.-w; ' "Hi!,! . , tor t v- Li Oj- iiV cr : v .r . tii .f- f .; and st- ck, ;: ; had h"t it'rni, tV 0 .:( Oil i' Gen. Howard's Farewell to His Army. Maj. (Jen. (). O. Howard, th- Chr'stiaa s.d'dier, who will he rtnif-rnb.-red !v our citizens ior Lis m my kindness towards them during hi short stay in Italeigh, i.w- d the t'o'iu ing rder t. i. ;r .ps on the o. t'asl ii oi hi? leaving l o in .oa p th C im- missj.fi. rship -r the l ir ui ot Fr.dm m's Affairs : Hdqs. Annv of the Tennessee, 1 Alexandria, Va , May 22. 1855. j Jo the Officers and S(ldiers of tht Army of the Tennessee : While, participating in the common feel ing of ratisfaction that the work of subduing the (-. :!.: s ' .-iir r-'.untry has be r. so thi viijhiy a:-c-iinpiis-ed, jr is with a ir-Ting of y'. sub. es--; that I pat from my .mpa: i ci-sid''ms. b was with rnany ruisivmgis that I accepted th vacancy created by the death of your able and rauch bved mmander, General McPhe s u. Rut I found t h; :); s- cordial arid eorR'ant support thr- ughout t..e Army, and t ik a pieasurs and prii? n attribut ing your u; in rrn success to that united action which your geoefwus confidence created. S-'U-dy a ''e called to other fidds for active ser vice, you ha v. i a my successor, Genei il Lgan, an ante, earnest, untiring soldier to lead you. With - feejing of tender recollection whieh binds u to our Ut" Chief Magistrate, who had pou"ed oat hi- ",.vn !' od i'. t!vj coin i.oa sacrifice. I propose to V"!i t.jr .: i"" ::i -rto, ui j wt Is ; "With malice to v. -.:'s n with charity f..r a!i,at1d firnness Iq the i;g'.'. w id.- a ot: ' t v! i' h .-. io f.i- U N . I :- . iv er-d gtvs us t s.-e th ng l. loese i dit; ;iir. fu:. rjc.ieal, singular bequest f" u-, h-..' may 've cherish them, not ex r i :. ids die, but as a precept th- gror. ;,d-work ci ptrpttuai union a i v , 1 say firew.il w-11 done, do , h d.n ess V"U ao d reward you for . i sa rttic- i : r-:n u .stho emblem of these t i o j. - tel aa honor to the trne- a i V :g as - 'o-d. . do- r. r t i.'-iuory, that he fought in O. Howard, Major Gen. arm o A M Van; Dyke, Atis't. Adjt. Gen. Mfssei.', B. P. Vii'imsin &; Co., Fayettevill st., have a targe stock of prov'sions on and we advise ail who wish to purchase to give them a call. R fe K - i ) W ha: i : . e lev Dr. M of -he f-r t& KfO-ei i .o (': cti . !.:; tl t: -0- : ; ' . Presid. ro of h - Ur.jjv.f Sr' v s' ! ar- j i ;o 'mot t hi?', and also to leurn that J -Muson wa. absent from the city on Thurs lay iujjb, and tiiat ro.- church wouW t ave b'.'vii '"Oh is had tJ'- iicC'i at lieM'.' Dr. Maofi has u vt i ptc-siitui d th : i j ; ; to dabf-h Hi ;,.-. ;f j. - irh Kjo il . T HE AT EE 3STew"b-ern, 3J" 0. MRS. GRANGER'S HOTEL, GOLDSBORO K. C. PEW .SON'S PASSING THROtJUH THIS PLA(3 wilt find a well-supplied TABLE, always r-eadrbn tne arrival (l each Train. fi Connected with the above is a BAR, well strckd wtli the best u Ales, "W:o.os, c&c. THE ONLY LICENSED BAR IN TOWN. f j-'5lm CASSERL.Y fc COyfj' DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE, fl I WISH TO SELL MY PLACE KNOWN AS SPKdijff. field in Franklin county It contains seven hundred and twenty-one acre? ; one ha!' c' eared the othr llilf original forest. Residency (ind. with sundry oot-hois8 ?uitab!e for tenants. A sph;ndid' orchard of 4000 choice, 'iuit trees, good water, several mineral springs -in the land ar'd many others near it, a light, fervile soilj bea-utiful situation, and many other advantages atterjj the place. It is near the it. & G. R. It., four miles frotu; Kittrell's, seven from Louisburg, and seven from FraiN linton. Address IV. H. WINSTON, H June 5dt Kittrell's, N. Ogfj ? UNION MEETINGS IN WAkI- UNION MEETINGS AT ALLEN JENivS' AND CEDAR FORK. ft THERE WILL BE A VXION iJEETIXG AT riE house of Allen Jenka, on Friday, the 9th of Jure v' There will be a Union Meeting at Cedar Fork n Oab I urda.v, the 10th of June . ' It ia expected that Col Ruj?s, C. J. ' Rogers, Esq. , SuYU J. L. Pennington. Esq., wi l be present to add'eslht. people at bo'b places. Other gentlemen will alio bfin-i vited to attend and address the people. June .r)-tcU UNION MEETING AT HOLLY SPRING; THERE WILL BE A UNION MEETING AT HOIiLfr Springs on Saturday.' the 17th of June, when it ill expected a number of gentlemen will be present to-ftcl dress the citizen? who may a&semblj. June ' td t , S3!. IElulIlL.EISL F'aycttevjl"' ?t..- ,ri ft- K A L E I GH . Sl'FACTiriiKh l JEWELRY AND ENGRAVER. &5T Cash Paid for old Gold and Silver, .rjf May 31 tt' C. W. 0. HUTCHtNGS yOV LI) R E S P E C 1 F U L L-i I Ft, Ii M Ills friends and th- pub iy eer.erailv that h" i- now prepared, a ht-retof'ore. ti, d . all kind of Saddle and Harness Repairing, ic best manner nJ wi'b pr ui.ptnes. ar hi.j Sh;p . M: ft story under Ma.-onic Hall. Patronac eari:-?tlv ... U'e ited. . Ma; j ' tt AN INTERESTING BOOK. SKETCHES OF NASSAU- ("1 I V; v; A i'-'.SCRI t'l ON tty Tn L JLl'!ATE, JT ?-'is r-..-dueH. i;opulat;or., Ac, . , i-'r'prsed v.-;th ra: "o.ti'":.? V crt;. a:.-cd;-te-. .e. Van hi- : id ar. th- I'ro---.. 0;ne,. 1 rid ,-htt. W'h'-n ordered by m-ail h -tvrp muit h.- -e' to pay pe.frtage ar .'0 lw LO"J i I'll... HAM-LK iilili WHIP. !'I.Ai;i,U ."l uit.i'i!? ivivi; : n-iil b naiu hv ! 1 v j n r ; t at tfce Prove.-1 Maihal'y Dilifv. Mav 12 t! . Ladies' and Gentlemens's Mckimmon's Store, One Door from Mor gan Street, on Fayetteville. i PRIVATE ROOMS FOR LADIES', Mav31-tf Ileadq'rs Deparmient of N. C..V: i: i Army op thb Osio, ) Raleigh, N. C, April 27th, 18H5 GENERAL ORDERS, 1 No. '6'1. J rpo REMOVE A DOUBT WHICH SEEMS TO EXIST I in the mind? ot some of the people of N'erth Carol isa, it hereby declared that by virtue of the Proclamation of the President of the United States, dated Januarv lit, 1S63, all persons in thid Stace heretofore held as slaflef are bow free; and that it is the duty of the Armri maintain the freedom of such persnns! j;" It is recomuiendeu to the t'oriuer owcere "f the frtJed men to employ iheia as hired servants at reasonable wages. And is recommended to the (reedmen tjiit when allowed to uo so, the.- remain with t h -i r foi m& master.. ant iaoor faithtuilv so long aa thev shalDtH treated kind, y and paid reasonabie wages, or that the' immediately seek employment elsewhere in the kindl work to which they are accu-temed. It is not welt foi' them to congregate about t wns or Military Cam: s. They will not be supported in idleness. ' Bv command r,f Majr-r treneral Schoo-id . J. A. CAMPBELL. V ' M ay 20 1 w Aistant Adjatant (i-tcrS j MRS FENTRESS' PRIVATE BOARDING HOU HJ NO. FIFTEEN, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. TOAKl BY THE DAY OR WEEK, WITH 0 mM ML "l aw & AND XJ without Lodging. Mayn-tf1 : 4 . - . ; o - 1 l'lOfi- the S: JO 'X a.-abo'iis-gair. nev . : peoj. pi,- o' I n;:o." O-hu' r! . 1 tah pel). t " I! a '.ivf i ti' n - UlUt't 1 to tl ( : zealc UUi lie' I -' ' we t evei man' for t perit In North . estly ,t: try. Tl . i deran and v t thcD M it:.1 NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT T h . t'ti es i . i f ;; i s i i .I dt V..tiHi? XK:i' ' - " r The Daily and Trj-Weck4r Bullctn AN L; 'WEEKLY CATAWu.' together with ev. cU . : ;:!. ,:,.J f O t h puhlicati -u :: , 'in the A.r,- .. , !...'.'.! , 'Cyliud - r; i ' i W a-:),: . : , Ragges' Vnri Pr-'-tf i:l in .... u ; . , ., quaatitv ot ivpt- huu u;.i' . . v. r. : rT.e lil'LLETIN v.. A " 'i . v :. .;.s -A;. nstabli.-h a papct u u i- i . :i and 1: n i.- it ' v. .1 - - T j v ; . 1 - : ' ; ,. To "lie ()l!;;!i:t-d wit I; 're !iu - ... .... oftii'- tines .-p"niii N.V t, s t;i; 1 , . Cbai Uiil-t. in tlo--tt;id.-t .:' ;: u; t. v ,. . . ! agl icuiturnl , iii:n--r.i: : : a -:i t toetwor k or' raiirt'KtU .til i u l.-v. . ...a . ilU',C''.-' tul p!:J l:i- li", v .:;-.:.'- :; i , . , t lfci dv.-t;::-jd ;lt X.O iisi:i".. . i I . I. , !,' ; ' flou ri-h in j" .ui'.t pio.M;.' i v : , ...At , , - YA i' i !'i if"- li.it ' J'i i--: t i ' : ,t dte. i-Rt.'l'til h'S'J;; i - A : 1 ' '. ; :;;Jum' I 2i : ".t": lia 'i;..'h St .!'!.:: .' i . . 'Mb v.c!,r'-:i I 'l;:: ; .. ; , i -. , rAfu.,,i !! . i lIlE AHEitlcA.V Yds U)MV lilt and 121 N:is-',. s l ; ;:.-. i! uttLESMj !r. ;.ri: BOOKS, ftfAC Ar-iF r PAPE O and Our ; for : - Mi missio n rK e v c ii a n t s . 1 1 ''':;., .',',;.", ,V!.M; n; i resp 'Ctlu.lv a-k . wht; h IV -.U.'h ;;: i, . Cotton Ciovl. , ; vru:., -cj.-t-'.K: I.o:u -i.. 'A' i.v. C.i P. I'. :.. I i i . ' - . ' I. .' Pi'- -i'i' I:' 'it . s :',. :,' U V, road '.. ; .!' ; . Pr"-i'i-l'ti ii d S'-. : .-.'' !.: N Coiii p ur, Jd.n S'i'.i .(i.. .-. L S U'lili ., : . . i , , .? S Ki ajikfo ' , s-i .i-ou' . , r Ti! '!-., or. ,: C k- . . N C E A Wtri.ru , Pr- : i". r. r Vir E A ii r.. Y .-. , . -.. Ro.ni, , V C, M ;. y i READ BROTHERS CO-, STRAW (ifKM)S, il ATS. (Ait. : Sc. 380 .-.ROAD vV AY, V- i!. S Y.M 1 r. ? j -1 :. to tiii; p :!' Li-: ;!' ; :i .n vi :..a "T7'U a.;:: . - :. ; - a , a -. . : :: .- v . . - ;. T : 1; '. o .-r. - : : . 'i i.: i eigh . tn i i - r Gen. H-.ith, i : . . ! qUitt-i . 1 w;- - :i ' , '1 . charge, like ti.- '.: i . w 'i- i ...: :r r u - . '.' . r '. . Mav d i ' 'h.O. U. I ijUMASO . 2 i 11 i i..,liiiji,lili'li;'IWir'"i

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