tY J; I, P-SSXIJGT'0 & CO. T K R MS v -5 U t THE NEWS - See fe u. '. a pfge f-r lateat nWa. uy tetegrapn. At p ir !t- .swore r. hiiu mar lie t.c.vi-i ; f.fj-f stnis store tri bis Stat U&te ue-n paoe by th- l'.tirfaMer Gdr-eral as ioiiowp j iiiningtr.-, W. A. Poison; Greerasboro', Jonathan I) W fiitft : (,,.ui:b .r( ueh, Jolm Rofinson ; mzaotn City'j M r . M-artl-a .lire Minor; Hillsborough, Charts J-.'WafcP. Salem A. T. Sevely $ Wilaon, W. O. Sharpp, Yancon!!. , Alex y deMcAlpiij :.. N"wbern, O. W. Ma- ". ; I : Th" Kid.rji.n ''I ir.iyrea5rk that the liberation pf i.v.iw... ,.' tJ .. South a ilftitn to fourteen mo re Vc learn from Xew Orb anj that business is slow jy r'cvhir.r iu that en CVn Cabby's order, taxing ajll hMil'ft. for the benefit of tle : hospital. w i k? against the shipping interest, sending icmenve thousand bab-s per month up the river aojd by rail, tha; t:iive w ould goj bv sea, no such tax br- ing colifft" a . r .-tton .-em r. pevr iw fiei nuu rail. ' ' j XLp 'i orintM of hatardiiy has the following fn . relation to the 7ribtneVcon'fidential correspondent Co'p ver : w Nv-v that i in Washington, Conner bij, it-vou:i ap ear :'" n an explanation that has the mer- . -,t rh.. ritv i i . i. otter. IleUaya Lj ia.tbe a.an wlio r:' Men IE- ! . -h h w : Jme wn gave evidence before the military couitat Wgf-hir.:r. But- he alleges, the Montreal Cbni.oe ub made Lite s-ign trat false affidavit by hc&i-iig- &!?. fie d j ifrti.i t Lis head It is supprising it dot er occui f d ! O im v. j to exposti tbis outrage before Le left M-ntrta!. So citver a u,an a s he turely could have foutd f-i n e mear.- r t preferring -a complaint against the authors f f-uch an autrage. Wc tuppose the Mon.ttea Confederate. u i'l he beard fr- miin rejoinder." ' The stoiy off. terrible disaster on the Ohio and AI ia eissipipi liailroad ;s pronounced by the officers of the roAd to bej withi ut tuuidation. An; accident occurred qn Thuihdy. at CaiH!e Station, in which an engineer,' . hreman aud t-wo-.-'vidiers vere killed, and tight or tan .BoldLi?iE wound ei, ,u.dthati tfje only one that has oc curred on the rodd. i ! f ' 1&e .reports -nf the rough trieatment ef Jen. Davis, which have been frv lv rircuiatiiiir, are set at- rest bvfa a dispatch iron: F iress Monroe whieh states positively that bo is not jn in.ns, but has roomy and com for fable quarters. LI is health is good, niuch better than when '' be arrived there, and he seeins tof be in a calmer frame of mijid, ' . . ' I - , i KaVrJngton the nturd jrcr. and (v'in. the accomplice , who b'rok'e jil at liullalo, on Thuirsday nighf, were Sat urday! morning eaptun-d at Town Line Station, about lifteen miles from Uutt'dlo. Th'' otto-r two-prisinners, wio escaped, at4he ame time, are yet at large. t Major General Hurlbut has demanded a court mar tia I in his case, living to charges made against him of imprb per conduct whjle in command of the Department of the Uulfby Gen. W, F. (Jialdv) Smith and others. j . -A board of sir engineer officers has been appointed v'oc the purpose -oX. making an examination ot the entire .New England coast and its defences. . Judge Cowley recently had an interview with the Pres ident and laid before him the complaint of the friends pf col r,ed nuffrage in Charleston against Genet al Hatch and iineWl Gurneyj who- have refused them permission t hold . political met-tings in Charleston. The interview was-Veiy "satisfactory, the President having assured the Judge that i&e gjievanCii should be redressed at once and that tHe lullesit liberty for political discussion should be secured o "an. ;. ' ' ' ' ' - ' s . ' --Mrs. Seward-was buried on Saturday in the cemetery ' at Aitai u. 1 iic lunerai ce!e.a;oni'ea were verv touliinjg and impresivt . , TLere was a great gatheripg of eminerjt citizens who hadknown and honored the deceased through inanj:years. Ibe Secretary himself, not yet recovered from his bodily wounds, and bowejd down bv this deep . wound of the heart was an object of such affectionate sO--lick.nde as rarely falls to the lot of any man. j. r-Hnry P. Kingsberrr, of this State, is mention ejd among the "plebes" exaniired for admission to the Wet PointjAcademy. . j Private letters t:i'! m WiTmington published in Xevy York Say that a l trg'' number of negroes are assembled there who should be returned to their homes, and whb -are desirous of so. doing, but are compelled to remain in consequence f t a want of transportation. "The mortality - 'among these negroes, id' very.great, and steps should bb tajcen at once t return them where their labor can be made arailablr, Hnd where they may escape- the suffering nd dath to which they are now. exposed. . j -it has beenj stated that the rebel senator Henry Ci Burnett, of Ken tuck y, has gone to that State to advd- iis tbeSPROSHEss recently announced, fiat he has gone td Kentdcky under military guard, td be turnedover to thf civil authorities; for t'fial or release; as the. civil govern ment inav deem ; proper. . - " ' c t Yale had furnd-hed, in the faU 6f 1 862 , - two hundred an-d eight graduates U the army, including four generals .fourteen coionets, lour lieutenant colonels, eight majors .tbirtv-five captains, thirty-six lieutenants, twenty-tw surgeons and assistants, twenty-one chaplains. .The-num bur since then has been greatly inareased, and the full rel- " porta livi'I be priesented to Cpmmeneement. j ., H'tiefLoncton Z'XVPS' it UP " The Suddenness of i.e Collnpie, its heading tor the editorial review of the-lan new frpj:i ibis side. ' An ioiportaiiq bet of iab.v, regulations has been issaa d by tha Superintendent of Freedmeri at Augusta, Georgiai joutt? oJ wags i r Held banns ana nouse servant are ttrttJ.-'' Persons biro bidden to - turn away the inhrml tfivi talpleeis, anfl the c st of supporting the latter is per' mitte d to be s'lnstrarted from the wages of those who ar able tork- 1 i .lnfor'i4 bas been received in Washington of tbej death tf JV I)ot.V) Goyemor iof Utah Territory. Govenlor Dotr H'' tb early Governors of Wis-I consin. and prevji '.'is to his appointment as Governor was; Superintendent of Jndian Affairs for the Territory oij Utah. ' ' ' The Toronto Globe of Saturday says "We give t4 day th utatementt?, over their own signatures, of three; responsible parties, justices of the peace, residing in ih county of Waterloo, resptcting thfi character of Dr. Mei -j ritt, Ute of the Village of Ayr, one of the secret witnesses! against JetTer sob Davi? and his Canada agents. Thii tais-I timony is only in coi reboration of what has been said be-; , . lore ryaioai jways' and on pretty good authority ; but these last statements, taken in connection with the previ ous ones, appear utterly te destroyj the value of Merritt'ai iridence.' - ! vtiiThe fcaston ( Md ) Gaxettt says jthat "a report bat been I in circulation for several weeks that there is an effort; ba-S - . . . . . . ... i ing made Dy certain parties in iaioot county to Dring an s f influence iq bear upon the authorities at Washington to i permit the return ot tne Keoel isommoaore f ranlclin un- ; . chanan.. Such a step is one of the greatest insults that jthelojal people of tjliis county hais ever bad perpetrated ttpon-:them,' -Buchanan was a resident of Talbot county ' at the comitencement Of the reb'elfkm, and o-wned conaid- f . erable property there. TotwUhetanding the annnnacemer ta already made, J i'- --if , . H ! iatppbiptments to commind have been made ot prominent lltgular army 'pflicers. An order jon the subject may be 1 " looked for. daily. THE t nit Dily . 1 Y .a ' 44 o. Months. b 'o J Months ... . :i 1 M 1 V ., 1 Y- ir. , m .Lti, 1 5-U VOL Vi RALEIGH, SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1865 - NO 196i5 VIRGINIA AFFAIRS The Rimnit'Ofi Whig my a the wiieat cr j- is i . i g hi vested throughom he State of Virgint-. la Mtnp sreu us the ji-ld has b. eo go.l.i others tr,.j oti iiiul aujfULt oi eed will hardly he secured Tie j- t crop isji joking well, gesieral'y, il! "ver the State. Tbe Ornoge and-Alexandria Raiir-aJ,, whicb is the , graod cnnDt'Ctlng !ihk betweetj the North -and S"iua, hai been turned over by the Federal Govrnmeti' ' o the Pierpont Government of Virginia, and the V;r- Htji i B ard of Public Works will take pofsKt-Hii ti - f ft bext Tuesday, and immolately commence to put tht road in working order, jlo ten days the road will hem running order to Warrebton, and in three weeks to Gordorihvil'.e, Irom whicb point trains are already rui ting to Kbi mvnd. Philip Qu gtey, f Deiawa-3, iind A. Jamiesonj of Alexandria, are agents for the Board of Public Works, aod rave their OiE.?e. at Alex andria. rVhe Board will manage the r ad till the railroad compacy shall be fully organized. The tobacco market pay3 the Times, now tairly opeoed, aud there is a bri&k deman i for both le if aiid lugs Prominent firms in this city iaform Ue that tbey have bold more than xjou hundred hcigsheades in the last wtek at good prices. We understand tb;it there are persons travelling through the i- iur try in culcating the idea that there are no regular houses in this city now doing business in this staple, as former ly, ar.d who are purchashing all that they can induce our planters to sell at prices far below its value, This erroneous impression is attempted to be created io luniic-r the speculative schemes of the persons allud ed to We are gratified to inform our country frieads that, though -burnt out, hi me of their old friends are still d.'iLg business and ready, as ,usnal, t exert themsr-'vt in their bha:f. In our acivertisirg colu tiu i -ay be found c rJs o. oid and re!i Vte mer chantS) and we think ourcuuntry people will better subserve ti eir own interests by entrusting their bn?' ness to tUeni than scanfi'-ing their produce to huck sters and itinerants. . The work of "reconstruction" in the Norfolk Navy Yard g.es steadily on. "More than a thousand men, says the Old Dominion, are employed, the greater portion ot tnem being house carpenters'-, stone and brick masons, and laborers. - The wo. k in the ship carpenters', ship joiners' and machinists' departments has greatly fallen off, ind large numbers of mechanics have lately been discharged! If we had a member of C-i gress to look after the interest of the twin cities at tbis juncture, the Department at Washington would doubtW ssbe, induced to ser. d some of its ships here for repair, and thus furnish employment for hun dreds of men who are now idle. The "number of vessels' r.ov undergoing repair at the Yard is very small. Among, them are the rums Albemarle and Coin mi i . L ttis Webb, Esq , a well known citizeu, has teen appointed Collector of the Port of Norfolk. B rh Houses of the Legislature adopted the f ! low ing on Friday : Resolved by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the general pjiicy of the present Federal Ad minisiratioD, aud especially its policy io regard to reco truction i" Virginia, is eminently wise, just an 5 ptwpcf, a: d nv-i iis thj appr : Kiia.l tb-- ioi! p.'i. ple o! Virginia. The follow irg l i:i has also p-shsed bot'i llou-es, ai o is now k raw : Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, rll,at the third section ot tne art passed January 23, 1864, entitled an act "stavitig the cotlecti )n of cer tain d'-i)ts,'' be arid tr e sttne i.s ner?by amend -d and hereby re-en ictnd so a to read as follows: nation 2. Tn it upon all debts and iiabi lities ac cruing before tin1- tvv;uty -sixth day of July, 1861, the ilebt or, or party liable, shall, upon demand -f the creditor, pay the' interest and principal as f'l!ov : The interest 'Aithin t inety days after demand thereof ; ot,e-fv urth of the principal within twelve months al ter tho demand thereof, with interest; ore other fourth with two years after demand made, wit'i interest; c ne other fourth within .three years alU r demand made, with irtetest; and the balance within ' four, years after demand ma le, vvithin interest, and for failure on the part ot the debtor to comply with aDy of -the provisions of this section, he may be pro ceeded against as if this act, or any other act for stay ing the collectien of debts had never been passed. Provided that the counties of Accomac, Alexan dria and city of Norfolk shall be and are hereby ex cepted fom the operation of this section, as amended. Secti' D 3 This a t shall be in force from its pas- THE O sage. The Legislature had adjourned sine die n Friday. In the llous i "the Speaker congratulated the mem bers that their action in the Legislature had kept the State G vcrnment out of the hands .of the Abo litionists. Virgir ia is now safe. Wnatevcr they. mby do to other States, they canno! lorce aPioviaionai Governor upon her. Whatever they may do tooth er States, thank Goo", they cannot saddle -suffrage upou"us." President Lincoln on Universal Suffrage. A few days rfuce wo published extracts from speeches of our late President, pertaining to the subject of universal suffrage, io which he an nounced himself as directly opposed to the enfran chisement of the negro. This announcement was his public declaration and by his subsequent acts we have no reason to think that he ever changed his mind on this much talked of subject. Nevertheless, the radical abolitionists are trying to prove that he favored the idea of uuiversal suffrage and, in order to sustain their statements, have published the following private letter, which, on its face, bears the marks of doubt as to the policy it suggests, .and was never intended for publication : Executive Mansion, I Washington, March 13, 1864. j Hon. Michabl Hahn My Dear Sir": I congratulate you on having fixed yeur name in history as the first Free State Governor of Louisiana. Now, you are about to have a Convention, wfeich, among other things, will probably define the elective franchise. I barely suggest, for your private consideration, whether some of the colored people may not be let in ; as, for instance, the, very intelligent, aud especially those who have' fought gallantly in our ranks. They would probably help, in some try ing time to come, to keep the jewel of liberty in the family of freedom But tbis is only a suggestion, not for the public, but to you alone. Truly yours, A. Lincoln. gave The Fashions In Mondaj's PaoGREss we the drMioes of som new stylf for ladies. Besides those then mentioned, there ial dress of purple silk, gored a VEmperatrice, and trnmfd at the back with bead and gimp ornaments t simuiate coat-tails.-The sleeves and skirt are also immed with jt orna ments to match the corsage. Vhite chip bats, with violet velvet, blonde-lace,&nd chain of mother-of-p earl brimming, complete the rVtarae not an inele gant tyio. ; j j Another is a dress of gray g.dine barege , edged with a fluted ruffie of the 8and trimmed with full quillings of blue slik. porsage is low, point ed irYrront, and-at in 4orijf jct t the back. It i finished at the throat anWaUt with white muslin gimp, and cuffs of white ntislin. With this mode' fancy straw hats, trimmecv'ith black lace, and blue and black feathers, are ua!jy worn. If thiGare any Infants t Raleigh, a very pretty style for them is a dresti white muslin, trimmed with fluted ruffhs, inserag and tucks. The tablier is formed of tucks and luarting. A broad pink sash is tied at the left side. Bonnets are still of thetite order, Indeed, they are said to he so scant as bt to be seen at all from the front, and just touchirj the waterfall at the back, . Outrageous. A geTtfttan whose credibility is unquestioned states to usvhat, on Saturday last, no ij loca f ni n f tirrmr-' t artr, tnc irra rrK Vi3"1 in tK O I'M! Kill J streets of this city. The ases occurred principally on Fayettoville street. & The manner of doing tls work is Impudenff, if not original. It is said that, leeing a negro with a nevv hat, parcel of dry goods, c other desirables, the evil doers snatch them from tb possessor and coolly walk off with the unforlunate'spsoperty. Perhaps the samo enttprise may be essayed to day, but if so, Maj. Dyer'sgua-d will bear a hand in the gama. lines solid mini m, or orw inch 1 insertion .. . 3 . .'. 4 5 " 1 Wek Lart I adTf rtUe!U r:t, w!;t-! e be chaigd in ua, t jiriiportion. . 1 5o . 2 on J 1 ' The Markets yosterday were not so fully str plied as on previous das of t' e week, and the de mand for mar y articles exceded the supply. Pris 1 varied only a shade from the quotations of Thursday 1 We may say that our country friends will ri! ready sa'e for almost every thing they grow esjie-: cially a; tbis fescive season. - Monet for Sr.r.nT itr it uiatori Kt a p. ' . TT , 1 i qluu.n, 1 Month f U) i,o master of U. S. A rmy reached Raleigh, last Thurs j 1-2 J" l 4., oo day night, with a heavy amount of funds for distrjf button among the tr-i ps. If so, it will not onlfi gladden the h arts of the boys, but give an impetus Mast be paid in advance in ail ca?es or the paper will not bo sent ; and the p-sper will be stepped v r . r the tM?te paid fo r ipire?, uniVsi renevvtd. yEWXiioY a.vj yEs kalej:s Will be furni.-hed at the rate of i u.-r Lundr -, c- :: All order:? ti:hsi be a 'tr.panied by th 'unri'.-. A I'VE It TS L ; A TE v. Urdinai v advertteinent?, occupv-n ti"t rt ti.au t pace 2 U'.-ei, .... 1 M.mh 1 e ,'r Cutlt I a. VEA liL Y COy T R ACTS Will be made in acco-dance with tor eli(.win jehedui 1 1-4 1-2 1 GO ou "-u 00 7r 00 lOo eu ci;" i Months. 1-2 ; 1 " ;(i ' 1-4 ' ! Veai ..... 1 2 1 .$125 On . HUU 0t . 21. '0 5 . 3tX 00 . rla On The Sons of Ham. T Z - -1 r. . . . . tCL.i uutuiuu, ier mn'. in: cc TT 3 l L. VliO UCUIW ut tt . je t;'J uouer me airecuon oi ceriaw . Conttaci ,idr-itiie ! othert in ac, . anee .-IX, IO' I V Ci VC 111 - i. li. U:-tT t h v bet! uiie-li tuonth Bartiee, Dd with snncti ju of the militarv authoritiet. i other the colored people here are making txtensire arrange. ' andnold" V ments for celebrating the nation's birth dy, next Tuef4 i day. Tbey are to have an oration, procession, fiS ming banners with mottoes, &c, &c. ,"r; Resigned. Mr. A. L. Lougee, a member of the old Board of Commissinuers lor Raleigh, and whgt was re-appoinud recently by Gov. Holden, declinea the position and has tendered his resignation. Is larger in otber p-iper ir in tfce cam o; .: 4 nauttber -f pers-m? importance as an ml looked bv b j-ine-.- i receive and . ' i i ton. . a- v. r. n:. v -'UK ,r- r . u lid 1...' ft: 1 1 Permission has been granted the Chief Signal Qfheer of the Army, to muster ot all the men of his corps wheiie term of rcrvice expire prior to October 1st. Two hundrecj aDd thirty will be discharged under th order, leaving eleven hundred remaining in the corps. f" The Cincinnatti Commercial, in noticing a serenade in that rity to Senator John Sherman, says "in reply to ?a?: question, the Senator said the story that his brother, Gail Sherman, would consent to be the Democratic candidaie for Governor, was a silly falsehood. The General wan ao f going int politics." & Toe headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, whiih ! are now on tfae Virginia side of the river and near the Lojlf Bridge, ara to be broken up in a day or two. Thoss ent tied to their discharges are being rapidly mustered out, and but the skeleton of a once noble and magnificent army UUn I CUiAiUD. Bold Leap Escape -f Prisoner. James Ri ley, company H, I32d New t York infantry, escaped from his guards Thursday night, 14 miles from Ra leigh, by jumping from tho train white iu mot f on at a speed of thi'ty mile- pr h'ur. He is represented to be a most 'li.-uinm n- thief and was being con veyed frvm Salisbury b New Berne as a prisoner when he, performed tbi danjrous feat. Anufiicer says he is particularly distinguished for the number' and value of watches stdeu in c.inp, and this lessens the surprise. we might otherwise have lelt tnat he should have been up to time it his perilous leap. At all everts he is Btill at large look out. for him. New Advertisements. ft B. S iawell has s-ver-s -ns ol i'-'H and wants the people to ke-p cool. To Priiiters the "Progress' has a go)d No. 2 Washington hand-press for at a bargain. Such power has long been too slow even for ordinary job A'urk in this establishment , "n fact, if our patron age continues to increase fur the next as iu the past thrte months, steam will be to slrw to print the pa per, and turn out hand-bil's- and other work for the l-usines- world. Make the Childkes HApfT. 'e aro gratified to lea -n i hat ,it Ivjast one uf cfe Sabbath schools of the city has decided upon appropriate festivities on the coming fourth of July. I; is the intention of the supeiinteudent, teachers tnd children to leave Raleigh at au early hour that naming, by rail, fbr a point about six miles beyond the city. Plunging into the woods, they will spend the day in singing and other appropriate exercises. Some such Arrange ment should be made by all tfae schools. Arrested. Private Brown 9th Maine volun teers, has been arre-sted jnd rnprisoaed upon the charge of purloiniog letters from the city post office. Tt is said that he officiated in mat establishment in a clerical capacity for a few days, a week or S3 since. The accused' is a young man and we hope that upon ii.ve&tiutPu h's inmcence may be established. The regular clerks are Messrs. Jacob E Aspin wall and McMiiUn, vry poiite and efficient officers. Escaped. A negro man, name unknown, was caught stealing from the garden of Mr. J. C. Camp bell, night or two jynce. Lfe arrested the depreda tor, tied him up, and deposited him n au out house for conduct before the provost marshal, next morning. On examining the wood house, however, the bird had flown. We mention this case that our citizens, when they arrest such thieve?, they proceed at once to dis pose of them --- ... Cleaning the Streets. The1 government wagou was busy as usual yesterday in cleaning the streets, hauling away all the accumulated trash of the week so far as the people bad deposited it iu lrout uf their preu.is. s. Mi y neglected to do even that much towards the cleanlines 1 the city and its health. They ought to be punished severely for such neglect. Personal. We observe that Maj. Gen. Schofield, commandant f this department, has reached Wash ington, and is in consultation with Gen. Grant as to affairs iu North Carolina. He is aceompanied by Col. Wherry, Lt. Col. Campbell, Maj. LoH and Capt. Wit. slow. In a few days they will return to Raleigh. In Command. Majir-General Roger is in the city, having assumed command of the department in place of Maiot General J. D. Cox, who, we suppese, has Sett for his home in Ohio, be being a candidate for the gubtrnator.al office of that State. Perfect Success the concert by the Sabbath School children -A the Methodist church, last night. We shall speak of the little ones at greater length in Monday's issue. HOTEL ARRIVALS. June 30th. YARBOROCGH HOUSE. Jas. Clark. Newbern H fl Cobb, Clinton J A Dates do M Moran, New York W R S Burbanks, Wash- ington CR Gallaher; do J McDonald, 41 L D Bencien, Salisbury J W Jones fc lady Charlotte Mi3s Jones, " ' do J F Miller, Goldsboro Mrs. Cuthburt, Newbern J B Hibbon, W C J M Curtis, Pa D C Saydam, Graham J E Berry, Durhain3 R L Pronroset & Lady, SPECIAL NOTICES. Newbern i Mrs. Chapuan, do Misa A Donnell. do Z R Hoyerman, New York O N Brown, Hillsboro ' .1 D Flanrer, Newbern jj U S RaynoMs, Greensbaf o W S Dodge, Boston Mail 8. J O Harris, Va -t. Isaac Haigh, Philadelphia J D Hamilton, do W C B Lemard, Lexington Capt V R Williams, Hali far J S Divan, Greene - J W Hough, Ashe A Gough & Lady, Chatb am R J Neely, Va f P Special Notiet serted under tb Square charged Oljlv .1h r- n !ie. . umn, at the folio villi: One limine, One l)ae TlTO Line.-, Ten LineH, r mnr Line for each insert!" EIWRRaL y , Will be charged :i paid for when ha .id. The above li.itt - u ( we have to pay ea.-h must demand cah. June, l.C". To sfjiscRj - We have tw pa -a- , must b. iv e ni'ii t' oa.-h 1 1 we cannot pay our ear; -, i is Wit little money in e1 ;;! persons who vaut a ntu money to pay tori'.. -r : inast remit the rnouv ..r i' Advertisers must j.-.r. iii n ter, and business men w h , expeeted to pay their bo' - v, Job Printing a.u-: j .0 a I. -i (ho- I . .Oi O.t n le irji m i, -', '.- ipe llj. ft i I I1 :. r.'S. I t -' : k ,t t.' if : ' ;: ail a .1 li .to m a t ( ( To Printers. For sale, a No. 2 Washington Haiid Press, in good order, may be had for about one half the. cost of a new one. A bargain for' any one who wishes to start a paper, or any publisher who requires the usefbf such a press. Apply to J. L. PENNINGTON, JJ i-lm Raleigh, N. ell. EW ADVERTISEMENTS. M ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! ! T I HAVE SEVERAL TONS OF ICE AND PROPOSE sending foui or five hundred pounds per day to the' cit? for.sale. Persons wishing to be supplied, in ouan tities to suit, will please send their orders to L. E. Heartt Monday morning next. 1 will commence delivering at tis store, R. B. SEAWELL.- jyl-lt JUST RECEIVED. f.yom ; ITOR And lor sale WlmJi-sale and Retail at re dut ctl pi S r-. Ii ii vii-:n i:i:i' Second door above l'ror-. -. . b. tween Hai -. ; ' ! o - . 10 Sacks. Coll -... fiO b ies Ch.-. 20 boxes Sod i. . . 2000 lbs Plain and 1 ,o, ' .-. . '25000 'igars. 10 biji.es Lemon-. 50 ljoi-es Kai-i - . -5 boxes Soap an i C o;d;- -5 b iXeS SpiCeS. 5 bbls Sy : up-S :. Wjti-? . Saruin-'S and Sw'L-et ) : Essences for (.'a-;d v . i i . I And a full assoi tn,. ut ., ' , ' . - (. GrQCery line. ,J m,,- - i , The Home InleMunuv itiMix. Over '' It. , ; ' , i" HOMES FOR ONE DOLIAR. E3 IMPOVMEXT SECl'riLD rUu of all trades, b Militaryi. and Citizen's Clothing, uZEWZfi h ' , r Houses taken on sale or t- Li ir U N i 'iv W ('.,! l SUCH AS BLDE FLANXEL SUITS, FINE WHITE DUCK PANTS AND VESTS, LINEN SUITS, LINEN DUSTERS, Ac, i SHOULDER-STRAP, AND ALL KINDS OF MILITARY GOODS at MILLER & CO'S., Kellogg's Store, next old Confederate office, I je 29-lw Fayetteville Streeti H. J. HESSELBACH, COPPER Aisrr) TIN 5INIITU. S RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS re-openad his establishment at his old stand, oppo site the Market House, Raleigh, N. C, and ia now pre pared to mannfacture Turpentine and Brandy Stills, aad all kinds of Tin and Copper Ware. je 3Q-tf secured for i enters or buyers. For full particulars: -end t t Ch ci;ai . 1. V. CAM I'HKL W jJ Sniitn A ) aoiefi .M e K i :u P. -.-u r 7 li. WEST'S iJEWS DEPOT, FayetteTille Street, i ( Opposite the Office, of Southern Express Company.) T ATEST NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AN I j Baltimore Daily Papers received every morning Harper'fl. Atlantic, Godey's and Peterson's Magazines for sale cheap. $ Stationery and School Books ; also, Office Fixtures pf all kinds. je30-lw-' Harrison & Howell, Wil le in.'t.. n, N C : Co, Editors Field vnd KireSid-, Ualeic . mon, Esq, Rale-gh ; S H Vo,.:ii-, ... Ka: mer, Esq, Raleigl ; Ma rti n , i a !i na h i i h ( Va) John White, Kso. W .: . o,, N ('. THE N ATION A L R H A I) I ( . H ( K I V K ! : ' PESCUDS I)1U (. STOIU:. I A -ETTEVILLII STHIUiT. LL' THE VERY LA'l K-'l M.W'i Vi)KK. I'iill.A J. delphia, Baltimore lia! -igii, as.fc .'-r diib--, r ceTed every mornicr. also aii'i..- p.?; : -: .o-v, d -IttStrated and comic weeklies, tre-.1.. u.ki.-iw.-, revi-v t. quarterlies, Ac, Ac. A pleasant place to sr-erd fi f-w C i' n:-..: -. Jnne'26-tf I C. W. 0. HUTCHIWGS OULD UESPECTF 1 friends and tha uub.ie prepared, as heretofore, to do a.i k . IN'KUJiM Hl L.lt 1 - 'i -vi Saddle and Harness Repairing, in best manner aud with Story under Masonic Hall, ited. l'a ar his Shop, r , r 1 i't earne.-tiy Mav 30 t Fayetteville St., R A L E I G H , N MANUFACTURER OF Office JS. ( . Railroad Company,! T Com fan v Si;-- -, - ! "u j HE SIXTEENTH AW M- MK..HM. OF Till. Stockholders ot this C a. iv." wii Le he'd at r uurj on the '2d Thur.-di . i :n .iu , !i"i t J- , "to can not attend in pe-r..n .;.! ; I-- r-i.d pioxi-. . All 8t0Ckhrddem w i ! ' h- i . .ai:-: t-. tak-i th-: laCh it- J EWELER AND ENGRAVER . 1 qmred by the prfc'id;nt Cash Paid for old Gold and Silver, May 31-tf Jr t NOTICE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDER OF THE Provisional Governor of North Carolina, the Annual! Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic and NortS Carolina Railroad Company will be held in the town ft Goldsboro', on Thursday, the 20th day of July, 1865. V All Stockholders, on less belonging to the "exempted classes," who take the amnesty oath required by the Prel ident of the United States, can vote and take part in saidl meung. JUttl JJ. WHITr fcJKD, Pres t. Goldsboro', June 27, 1865. je 29-tdi HORSES AND MULES AT AUCTION, f I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON AC? count of the United States Government, to the highest bidder, at the Market Square, in Raleigh, on Mondays July 3d, 1865, TWENTY-FIVE HORSES and SEVENS TY-FIVE MULES. Te"ms, cash on day of sale Proper vouchers of ibS Quartermaster's Department, properly certified, will bt received as cash. f Each animal will be sold singly. Sale commence at 9 A.. M. A.M. GAROUTTJi, 27-lw' Capt. & A. Q. M. J S r (1 1 . - -. Aiidit-.r. June26 td 1,000 rift leatiii:k LBS. SOLI. LLA 1 nr.! 50'J lbs. Upper do. '200 French C ti: .iw, Also Shoe Th read. Lat, A ' Apply to A. A. VVlLLAiii' V. Janel9-6t -2taw .MAiK" :o. ALLi.N, (7 r-'-ncb i LOT. FULL suitable reivard wi 1 ProTostMarthal's 0c--.. Mayl2-tf WHJP, PEARL. A bv leaving it at the A. U ANTED. WOMAN OF GOOD CHARACTER '10 COOK and Wash for a -mail fa mil v. Apply immediately at jeXT-tf PU'JGKESS office- CALL AT WHITAKER'S FOR CHEESE AND CRACKERS. TOILET SOAP, jNeedles, Pm, Liiy White, Figs, Raisins, Candv; Piaying Card;, Pocket Knives, Blacking, Matches, Ac Smoking aad Chewing Tobacco, Snuf, Pipet, & je30 2t i rlinfc r.ffliaj-j-ii inn,-... jriil"lMiJlJt1Ljtfl 1