J Y J. L. P EN M IS GlftS & C(f. THE STEWS. ' . For Telegraph ceo Fourth Page. I " 4 The salaries of Provisional Governors are three thou sand' dollars, a year, papable mon'.nfy or quarterly by i drafts orf the Department of State at Washington. t- With their nice little fire-crackers some feBtive lads V. burnt up the Congregational church at.Woodstock, Con? necticut. " , August Belmont is sojoortiiag in Euiope. He was II presented to the Queen of England a short time since. ?! The appointment of Judge Marvisr as Provisional V Governor of Florida and the publication of the Presidon- tial roclamaCion in relation to the matter, bastbeen de" i layed by the impossibility of tixing the date of the seces sion of Florida in December, 1860. Stiahge enough, lead- s ins authorities differ nearly or qaite a week. The Postmaster General has notified the. Provisional I Governors that the postal service- will be resumed' on ail th.e line3 of railroad in the South, as soon as thuy respac- Hively certify that t be.. routes are in a proper condition for that purpose. .- . - Point Lookoiitiiaving been vacated by rebel prison ers, is no longer kepi, as a garrisoneefpost. The govern, 'ment property tberje is to be temporarily left in charge of a guard, anjEf the troops composing tbe garrison are or dered to report to Gea. Terry at Richmond. I -r-ln a speech which he-made n Washington last week, Secretary of the Interior, Harlan, hoped that it'might be 3ie will of Godj in the OTder of His providence, thatthe jieat 'American republic should be called upon to main tain against foreign invader tire inviolability of the eoil oil her sister republic of Mexico. I A writer in Georgia describes a Government tannery, grinding bark by no power visible at first, or suspected. The machinery is run by anoinderground creek a great ;uriosity. There are several simiHar streams injthat r; ;ion, soft limestone being favorable to sinks and subma ine channels. Col. Joseph 8. Fullerton, Assistant Adjutant GeBera4 Gen. Howard, ia coming South on business connected ith the Frsedmen's Bureau,. Je intends visiting differ it points alon the Atlantic coast for the purpose of in ' eating more specifically to the Assistant Commissioners e policy ol Gen. Howard, and of obtaining suchinfor fctien as will lead to guide and facilitate tbe operations ' the Bureau Gen. Howard -had himself intended to go it onr this mission, but wa3 prevented by duties of' t be Dst arduous and imperative character. In the ytar 1860 the United States mails between ishington and Richmond were carried by rail for $300 .' mile yearly. For the same service the Post Office partment will hereafter pay but $200 per mil. , The receipts of custom's, from the sales of public lands infernal revenue for tha fiscal year ending Saturday will amount in round numbers about as follows : toms, $76,600,000,- from sales of land, .$340,000 ; in lal revenue$206,000,000. - & r -The Convocation of the: General Grand Chapter of al Masons of the United States is to bje held at-Colum-, Ohio, on 1 uursday, the 7th of September next. N:. O. Risley, Esq., late Special Supervising Agent of freasuary Department, has been appointed Assistant :itor of the Treasury. It is true as reported, that Hon. I. P. Holloway has red his resignation as commissioner of Patents. paper is in the hands of the Secretaiy of the Inte who will lay it bafore the President. Mr. "Hollo ill not retire before the appointment of a sue r. rhere have been filed at the State Department thus ily 1,760 oath?, under the Amnesty Proclamation of dent Johnson. These oaths ara required, to be uid registered at tha- State Depar tment, but ara .bly held back through the ignorance of the officers administer them. The accumulation somewhere be very 'large. " Jyidence is daily being received of the repentance 6f fo( the rebels who resided abroad during the war. "apply to our Ministers and Consuls :for permission ca the oath, which is freely . given. Among the ithus administered, and recently received here for (ration, are those of Mrs; and Miss Hartsteve, for-y-wealthy residents of Reafort District, South -Car-i They do not come within the $20,000 clause now. Glens. E. Kirby Smith, Mag ruder and Price, accom jd by Gov. Allen and Ex-Gov. Moore of Louisiana, eported to have left. San Antonio. Texas, for Mexi scorUd by three hundred well armed man, provis Jt for six months. Gens. Hinaman,iTJee and Gov .h had left several days before. Gen. Smith was tute and . bad to borrow money to; get out of the The Ciacinnati newspapers publish' reports of Iht !er, by-three robbers, of a woman and child in a i near Loudon, Madison county, Ohio. This oc ;d last week. The owner of the premises and another went to the house whila tne robbers were ransacking killed, by shooting them, the three robbers. The ants give neither name nor dates. Ifews from the Santa Fe road is to the effect that In atta eked several points simultaneously between 5 Lamed and Dodge, and that several, persons were rand badly mutilated. The 7th Iowa started on -. the; , and retaliated by killing fifteen of the redskins. Wallace Butler, a member of the, Second Presbyteri arcb at St. Louis, was expelled on Sunday .last be j he refused to acknowledge that he had sinned in 2g the Rebel army. He is a recently returned Con jte soldier. Ira. Brodhead, widow of .the late Hon. Richard head, visited Washington about ten days ago, for urpoee of having an interview with her uncle, Jeffar )avis,but owing to the illness of President Johnson, .as. unable to have ber wish gratified She had an rviewwith Secretai y Stanton, who shdwed her all the atioiii and gave all the information in his power, but A Id donoxhing to further the object of her visit. We have dates from Northern Mexico to July 8. jreintants of Gen. Negrete 'a troops hadrgenerally dis id and gone to Texas to hide. Cortinas is likewise orted to have established hit headquarters on tbe Texan I of the Rio Grande, and to have been ordered to keep hinhishou8e. Gen. Steele and the Imperialist com iderhad an interview on the capture of two steamers Cortinai, but the result was not yet known. A great aber of Confederates are arriving in'Mexico. Chicago must be largely given up to ensation reports 3W dajs ago the story got afloat that President John ; -was dead,- Such canards,-tla Journal tells us, are of Ij occurrence. It must be a pleasant place for ner 18 paople to live in. wo photograpic views of the recent fire in ffaw York re taken. One at tha time of the falling of the first II in Ann street and the other while the "wall next to pita's clothing store was standing. One negative was ten from the Astor House and the second from the front essra. Bangs Brothers' establishment.; No. 231 Broad- Both pictures give a fine conception of the most ions conflagration we have had in New .York for yaare, h faithful chroniolers of a memorable" historical ant, are both valuable and interesting, - ' t-A gentleman who w8 present at a dinnerglven to nt by Several Congressmen, saysthiuhvQenwal :ke but one word during the whole dianer. His eugU VOL. VI RiiLELGUa, THURSDAY. JULY 20, 1865 neer,' in giving an Recount oftae passage of a river spoke of it as thirteen feet wide General Grant lifted his finger, and said, "fourteen." The Canadian Parliament is to meet on the 8th t Au gust, a proclamation to that effect having been issued. It is said that the-government does not design asking (Parliament for any appropriations for fortification pur peses.- . , '. - A correspondent of the Nashville Prean & Time, from Macon' county, Tenn., reports the death of John Brannon, a Revolutionary hero, who reached his -hun-dreth yearon the 4th day of last December. He died on : the 3rd day ofJune-iaet. Ex-Rebel Congressmen Garnet of Virginia, aad Avry and Henry of Tennessee, are in Washington applying for pardons. . All of these gentlemen were fbfmerly in the United States Congress. . - STATE ITEMS Original and Selected. The Fayetteville JVW, referring to a recent article in the Progmea on the regeneration of North Carolina by the re-establishment of our agricultural societies and the like, endorses the recommendations there made. We hope the people of the State will .at once give their at tention to such practi cal matters and less to interrupting Gov. Holden and the President in their efforts Xo restore North Carolina to a full participation in whatever bene fit may follow from the Union. On Saturday night last, at Newbein, the trunks of Mr. John C. Rivers, clown of Nixon'a circus, were rifled of $700 at tbe bouse of Mr. McCollum, on Metcalf street. At Wilmington, with a prudence which cannot be too highly commendedle most rigid quarantine regulations have been established. A letter from the southeastern part of the State gives us assurance that there is a promise of as good crops in the future as the past, and that it will require much less time than we dream of to restore the old order of things. The Newbern Timet of the 17th says: Civil govern ment is again established an the bad and disorderly characters; are fast swept away. They need but the ap pearance before-the. worthy Commissioner, John Ms Davies, 'to make them know that they must obey the lawso . : ' On Sunday morning, at Newbern, Mr. Julius Rice, a Pollock street rerchant, was drowned while bathing in the Neuse River.' His body was recovered . The following named officers havy been chosen for Green county : Special Court, R, H. Best, Chairman; Dr. John Har vey, H. F. Granger, Wm. .Coward, andjese H. Hardy. County Court Clerk, J. M. Patrick; Sheriff, D..A. Spivey ; County Attorney, John R. Williams ; Register, S. D. P6pej County Trustee, G. M. F. Dail ; Constabh?, Wm. L. Oast. " The wreck of the Underwriter, whicb was destroyed on Fort Dutton, in the Neuse river, on the 2d of February, 1861, by J. Taylor Wood, has been raised, and is now lying off the residence of Judge Manly, in the Neuse river. N E V ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, . AT RALEIGH, N. C, ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, ; Jult 26th and' 27th, 1865. IWltL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, TO THE higest bidder, at tbe place and times above named, the tbllowing property, viz : Horses, Mules, Army Wagons, Spring Wagons, Horse and Mule Harness, -Ac, Ac, the property of the Uniteji States. Sale will take place at the Baptist Grove, and will commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., each day. Each animal and article will be sold separately. Terms cash on day of sale. Quartermaster's Vouchers will-be received as cash. Parties desiring to make pay ment in Vouchers should present them to the undersigned for examination beTore bidding for property. By order of Col. Boyd, Chief Q. M. Dep't N. C. -, A. M. GAROUTTE, jy 20-6t Captain & A. Q. M. For New York Direct! MURRAY'S NORTH CAROLINA STEAMSHIP LUSTE. The .Fait Sailing Steamship "CAROLINA," SALTER, - - - - Commander, 7-ILL SAIL FROM MOKEHEAD CITY, FOR THif above port on SATURDAY, July 22th, on the arrival of the train from Raleigh. For Freight or Passage, having good accommodations, apply to G. W. DILL, jy 20 td Opposite Gaston House, Newbern. I0R NEW YORK DIRECT. MURRAY'S NORTH CAROLINA STEAMSHIP LINE. The Fast Sailing Sde-Wheel Steamship "ANNIE','.' CLARKE, - - - Commander, --f ILL SAIL FROM NEWBERN FOR THE ABOVE port on FRIDAY,- July 21st, 4 p. m;, on arrival of the Train from Raleigh. . For Freight or Passage, having good accommodations, apply to ' G. W. DILL, jy 28-td V Opposite the Gaston Hosue. R & G. R. R. STOCK, STATE BONDS AND BANK BILLS - FOR SALE. 100 SHARES OF STOCK OF THE Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company. WANTED TO BUY. N. C. BONDS AND Cou pons, payable at tbe Bank of the Republic, N. Y. $10,000 N. C, Bank Bills. Apply to W. B. GULICK, jy 20-lt - at the N. C. Bookstore. THE CITY. fractional Currency. It may be interesting to our readers to know that all fractional currency, not ina tilated, when presented for redemption to an assistant treasurer or designated depositary of the United Stales, or a national bank designated aa, a depositary of thejov ernment, must have been assorted by tbe helder, accord ing l denominations, with the faces and upper Bidet- in corresponding order in the packages. There are three different kinds of fractional currency in circulation -t :-ud they should be assorted by holders, each kind by itself, when prsentd for redemption. , When. presented in sufficient numbers, each package should Contain one hundred pieces of the same denomina tion ; it must be secureiy pinned, with a paper Btrap at least one inch wide, and on the strap must be writtei., in ink, the. number of pieces, denomination, and name of the owner. ' ... The entire deposit must be securely done np in on pt-k-age, and upon theTWrapper. endoreed with" the'd'lte of the deposit, the amount contained, nd the name and residence of the owner. No less sum than three dollars will be redeemed, and packages win he paid for in lawful money of the United States, in the order as to time in which they shall have' been received, as soon as the currency can be counted and pajed upon. r ' The Action of the Commissioners with re' epect to the xbcbssitt of garrisoning. Baleigh and fls vi" cinity with U. S troops appears to have universal en dorsement from the citizens. "The impression that North OkroHnjftAas given her allegiance to the Union with sin cerity oAurpo8e, does not require demonstration. The fact is f o'o palpable to demand jllustration other than that which the public meetings of her citizens afford. There is no danger from the absence of the army of any difficul ty between citizens and the free dmen they will move In their different spheres without any connection and we undertake to predict that justice would be done quitp as fully as at present. .As eome of the soldiers appear to be in high dudgeon at the result of the local deliberations, we ifnght as well as sure them that there was and is no purpose to reflect on them as a body. A large number of both officers and privates have made many and warm friends here, while others, vicious and criminal, aie a disgrace to the profes sion of-arms. The authorities show this by the stringen cy of-'their orders. The records of the provost marshal's office attest a superabundance of wrong and outrage in our midst, and the viewB of the ity commissioners are . undeniably those of nine-tenths of 3ur people: that, the withdrawal of the Entire army would not detract from the . cause of law and order. ThVse are the views of this community the govern ment understands them and we will defer to the policy which the President may esteem best, whether it be the' withdrawal or retention of th soldiers. Night PrOWleri. There is a criminal habit, eve'i if the purpose is not of that character, which some per sons indulge, of visiting the yar.di and gardens of citizens without invitation and at hours which .reputable people deem unseasonable. Such wpre the visitants to the prem ises of Mr. Wm. Aekewast Monday night, between II and 12 o'clock. The pair may have been noctambuhflts, but for strangers their inspectiom of the grounds, houses and especially their fleetnesa of foot when they were made aware of discovery, infallibly point to the conclusion that the enchroachers were "wide-awakes." At all events, a haaty retreat was accomplished until the nocturnals gain ed the street, where they mounted their horses and rode off. . Mr. A. was withiitfa few feet of his uninvited guests, well armed, and could easily have? dispatched the duet, but f ailed to- fire . Notroften will they meet with anch for bearance. We presume, there is not a citizen" who is al together without balls, powder and the instruments which give wings to leaden missives, aad they should use them against piowlera and depredators. Such proceed ing has been authorized by official military authority and honorable soldiers in the army will be rejoiced at every signal punishment of the dishonest among them. Runaway.. A horse, attached to a buggy took fright from some unknown cause yesterday evening, on the cross street near the gubernatorial mansion, and plunged off at fearful speed. Fortunately the owner, Mr. John McAl pine, quitted his seat a few moment prior to the occur rence. The shafts of the vehicle were broken, hut other respects no damage was done. In the present noisome season it is a bad habit to leave horses attached to conveyances without some one to at tend to them. Besides, there is a disease prevalent here which makes it very hazardons to quit the equine species even for a face from right to left. A fractional part of our population have a remarkable antipathy to walking and dibplay equal readiness "to jump into th wagon and take a little ride", but in the absence of vehicular accommo dations are not fastidious enough to take a horse if well illy saddled. In fa6t, they will take him any how. 1 i White Labor rsi Black. A gentleman at Nor folk writes us that various portions of North Carolina will soon be supplied with white labor. Parties who have been fanyliarjWith field labor and other branches of in dustry in the Nertb, are forming to ome.Somth. They are induced to this course upon the hypothesis that the blacks will not work systematically. .We regret to say that in a degree this is true; they are unreliant because constantly and unneeessarily changing homes; ana unless they establish steadier habits, will soon establish a con dition Of things to bring them want and misery. We ad vise them to practise politeness, industry .constancy, hon esty and economy they will make by such a line'of con duct. Last Day. ly announcement from headquarters, yesterday was the last day "allotteH to Confederates for voluntarily removing all offensive lace and buttons from their appfffel. Confederate officers, as a class, had leag since dispensed with stars, bars and other 4asignia of for mer rank, and even in the small matter of butUas, only a few persons have been effected'by the late order. We have not seen a man with either on Bince the wishes ef the military authorities were announced. This is as it should be ; but we are entirely confident that in a large majority of cases the forbidden trimming would have long since disappeared, but for the fact that' southern soldiers are generally bankrupt in all save hon or and courage . Horses, Males, Ac There is to be a large sale of government horses, mules, wagons,, tec, at the Baptist Grove in Raleigh, next week. It will offer to those who need such things an opportunity to supply themselves at cheap rates. 4 . - , - " Gone Home. The 76th Pennsylvania infantry, Col. Little, left here yesterday morning for their homes in the Keystone state- . NO. 210. Provost's Sanctum The regular rush was made for the sanc tum yesterday morning and as usual a large majority vf the cases were dismissed for one 'ot iw& rea sons : no case or no jurisdiction." A soldierfrom 169th New York, found guilty of stenling four loaves of bread frum a baker, was hung up by his thumb at the lamp pot rear JTumer' corner, Fayette ville street. It seems as if all the Iiorees, mules and other "critters" in the country have changed jiands. Evry day some per-, son gue. up ud rnaks an application to the assistant' -provot to get a korse r some animal) that Mr. What jam call him got from "your people" when they parsed through, which was taken from th plaintiff. Such cases are very vexatious, aa the parties generally bring no wit nesses and generally live from 10 to 3o miles from Raleigh. They receive as much justice" as lieth within frail human nature to administer. Two. hi e m ber of the 1 2th New York cavalry" were up, charged with fighiiug and threatening to use their revol vers The parties proving to be friends and the language to have ben ued iu.jsst, they were discharged with a reprimand. . ' ' Decided -at Last. The post office matter has been decided at last and unless our citizens move in the matter they "vrill have no menus of receiving lett fsin future. It has been removed to the headquarters of this post, from which point the army will be furnished letters and papers. If the people here arrange for some one to attend to their mails. Gen Ruger will still have them forwftrded and re ceived. If proper spirit had been shown in obtaining a decent room for the military, we should have beenLccom-. modated as heretofore. We know those in charge of pos tal matters labored zealously to perpetuate the old ar- j rangement. The remedy new iaf.o get a roet, nppointa proper per son to go to poat headquarters for the mails, open and dis tribute them, and then to pack and deliver at the same point these whinh are to be forwarded. ' A Difficulty we understand or misunderstanding, ocurrpd yesterday afternoon, between the provost guard and a citizen, Mr. Jacob Mordecai, when Hon. Sioh H. Rogers, formerly Attorney General of th,e State, is said to have interposed ia a friendly spirit. We hear that he was served roughly, but as- there, are conflicting reports we J await the official investigation for particulars. . Steamers Annie and Carolina. Thepe steam ers sail for New York the first from Xewbern and the last fiom Morehead city next Saturday. Seg advertise ments. Bth have good freight and passenger acoomnio-' drttlons. New Advertisements. Wedirect attention to the new advertisements scattered all through this morning's Progress. They tell their own stories. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A meeting of the members,of the North Carolina Mutual Life Inftu-; ranee company was held-Rihis city some days since and the folkrwiftg gentlemen lointed' directors for the ensu-. ing year : Charles . Johnson, W. H. McKee, C. B. Root, P. F. Pescud, W. H. Jones, H. W. Husted, John G. Williams, K. P. Battle; Edward Hall, W. S. Masen, Albert Johnson, QuintenBusbee, R. H. Battle. The directory then selected Dr. Charles E. Johnson for the presidency and R. H. Battle for the secretaryship. - Colonel Coan. We hear that Col. Coan.of the 48th New York regiment, now commanding the 2nd brigade, 10th arm y.cor pa, is in command of all the troops in. and around Raleigh. He is represented to be a rigid discipli narian and such a man is greatly needed for the suppres sion of the rowdy element. ... For New York. The fine steamer El-C'id, of the Qoodspeed line, is' now freighting at Newbern and will leave for New York on Saturday next. Her accommoda tions for passengers are excellent. . . Off To Day. The 169th New York, Lieut. Colonel C vlvin, left here this morning for the Empire state. The members of the regiment made numerous friends in this city and many will be glad to hear of their safe arrival at home. ' - The "Giraffe." We understand that Mr. Whitaker, the original "Giraffe" man, contemplates reviving his An imal in this' city soon..loyal in sentiment and strictly neu tral. As such, we shall welcome it to the field of journal ism in the "phunny" world. Theatre. TbeTobdlesi' and " Bui u. l Cox" were presented by thedramatio troupe at City Ha'il, last even-. ing. In spite of their defective appliances land a small room, they appear to attract full houtes. The Domestic Market yesterday, was better supplied than we have it during the present) season and prices are coming down. Watermelons are much reduced in price and increased in size. Vegetables ditto and no on to the end of the ohapter. At Blumenthal's Soda Fountain, on Fayette ville etreCt, Wednesday, the thermometer ranged as be low : 9 a 10 " 11 " 12 " in. 80 8( 82 84 J p. m. 2 " 'i 4 " 84K 85 86 86 RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, REVISED DAlLY.BT B. F. ORADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13, Fayetterille Street. Buying Hates. b Gold fl.a; Silver $1.30; North Carolina Bank Notes 10 25 cents on the dollar ; other Southern Bank Notes 8 20 cents on the dollar: North Carolina Bond, old sixes, - coupons attached, $65.00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STEAMEE EL CID, - This 3ne Steamer will sail for ir B3 "w: -r o r k , at 5 o'clock, P. M., on Her capacity for freight" and. accommodations for pas sengers, are unequaled m this port. For passage or 'reight, with insurance, if detired, ap ply at agent's otct, in Oliver's Brick store, foot of Cra ven street, Newbern, N. C. C. P. OOODSPEED, jy 20-3t geU WLTCHES. k LARK IMPORTING HOUSE, CLOSING THEIR business, offer a fine assortment of Gold, Silver and Composition Caed Watches at cost. Te returned soldiers wishing employment, speculating men, traders, regular dealers wishing to replenish their stock, or te any one desiring a single or a thousand Watches this presents a great opportunity. For circulars, prices and fufl particulars, address V K HENBY I LOOM, jy 20-lm 118 Broadway, New York. TERM S . UATES OF SUBSCiUt'TlOX I I 1 tar;. $io 00 " 6 Months 5 00 . " . 3 Months 3 00 IjHily, I Wu,.... Weekly. 1 Year i t)U 1 -50 ' i Months . muti o.paia m advance m all cases or tb parr not be sent; and the paper will bestopped wh, the thii paid for eipires, unless renewed. me i l ... NE WSBOTS AND NE WS DEALERS TIT:M V. - . ... mue iuroisnea at tne rate .f $5 per hundrni rc. a,Mnuc" oe accompanied by tne money. ADVERTISING HATES. Ordinary advertisements, occupying not more than ten lines solid minion, oFone inch space Ie" 1 insertion....... ...... .$1 00 2 ' f 50 2 Weeks..,..: 1 Month 2 Months.... 3 ' .... 6 " .... 1 YearT... t; oo ll ou 15 00 20 On 00 3 4 2 00 2 50 a 00 3 50 5 " 1 Wrek.T 50- 00 Larger advertisem-nU, where no contract is mad-, be charged m exact proportion. . ' ill 5 YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made in accordance with the fonowinsr8rhf.Hi 1-4 col. 6 Months... lilfin on 1-2 1-4 1 2 G 6 1 Year. 1 " . 1 " . 14l) (H 150 00 175 00 200 00 400 (lit .4 . yiy loot wuo ctmtract tor one-fourth, one-half t,r , column, ftr ne, thre, six,or twelve nx-nths, wilt receive the benebt ot these terms. Contract adTertisers must pay bv the month, and nil others in advance. ' .' All advertisements" must be marked a specibed tiintr and no advertisement will be inserted till foi bid ' Advertisements inserted once, twice or three t'iues at week will be charged One Dollar a.sqtiare fur V very iu sertion. " . OUR CIRCULATION 1b larger in the city and .throughout the State ihau nv other paper in North Carolina. The Progres, is u.atl in the camp and among the people by a much lart-r number ot persons than-any other paptr, and hence it lmportajice as.an advertising medium should not be over looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notites will be set in uiiniou, leaded, and m serted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar a Square charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only snort notices will be admitted to the Local Col umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Uay $1 00 I Three4.in(?8,0ne Dav S'i Two Lines, oo 1 50 Five Lines, 2 to len Lines, or more, at tbe rate ul Line for each insertion. Twenty-live Crnts h FUNE lAL NO Tl CES, MA R R I A U ES, de. Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when haadadin, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all wises, and we have. to pay-cash for everything in our business wi must demand cash. ' June, 26, 1865. J. ,. PEiVMNGTOV CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS We have te pa? cash for paer, ink and labor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we worker we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money incircniation, but there are butler persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare thc money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paper marked must remit the money 6r it will be stopped. ' Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularlv will be expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. : J. L. P. A 00. 'extraordinary ATTRACTION GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAN AT NEWBERN OR ANY POINT SOUTH OF BA L, T I M O li E . jyR. L. H. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OF to. H. Young, on Kayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, respectfully announces to the public that he has JTXJST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, La dies' Furnishing Gooda, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac. This stock was purchased in New York since the recent decline in prices, and is now offered at terms lower than goods of the same description can be purchased in Newbern of any point south of Baltimore. Country Merchants and others supplied at wholesale, jy 15-lm : " AND Agricultural Implements. PLOCTGHS, CULTIVATORS, CORN PLANTERS, Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes and Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Spades, Shovels, (long and short handle, Axes and Handles, Carpenter's Tools, Hatchets and Hammers, Scythe Sharpners and Stones, Frying Pans, Coffee Mills; Porcelain lettles, Nails, (al! siaes,) Cuny Combs, Ac, Ac, For sale, cheap for cash, by MILLER A CO., Store forreerly occupied by S H. Young, jy7 eod2w ' Fayetteville Strett. IMPOBTANT TO MILL OWNERS ! CELEBRATED IMPROVED SMUT . & - -SCREENING MACHINE ! fTlHE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PREPARED TO X furnish this indisponsible article, highly itoprovd with fluted teeths, sand and cockle screens, and will ship them from Durham's Depot t any point in the Cni'ed States at the-shortest notice. Price 2h. Will take in payment Bacon, Lard, Cotton Yarn, Leather, Iron, Salt, or Fisb, at market price, or money. Old machine of my nmke taken if the casting- ii not broken, for which $2&will be,allowet!. All articft-s in exchanges be wel! put up, in good order, and delivered at tbe point of de tination of new Machine, each party paying their own freight. , ' All letters directed to meat Durham's, N.C.,careor W. Cheek, Railroad Agent. Cut this out and pasteit up in the mill. jj7.2w JOHN A. McMANNEN. ATTENTION! COTTON OWNERS. TtTE CAN SELL 00 BALES -COTTON. PAR W ties wishing to dispose of any will end good samples. j 29-tf RICHARDSON A MILLER. ROOMS WANTED. TT7ANTED, TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH YY out board, for a. gentleman "and his wife. Apjply at Progress effice imatdiately. jj w 1 4 column, 1 Month.$30 00 1-2 " 1 ' 4S 00 1 I 44 60 00 1-4 .3 50 00 1-2 . " 3 75 00 1 " 3 " 100 00 m

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