rc'TjWHH Till Wtt n ,l ii 't J. L. PKMIrfETOff- & CO. TERMS THE NEWS. ?ot Telegraph fcee Fourlh Page. Our Fonrth Page this morning is filled with a record le important events of the day, obtained by telegraph, ress and'otherwise. ' . -John H. Gibbon is the new Asssfver. of the Mint at I'rlotte. North Carolina. TbS sum subscribed to build the " Lincoln National moment at Sprin field, 11L, now. amounts to thirty-five asand eight hundred dollars. , -The heirs of President Lincoln own 160 acres of land Iowa, conferred upon him for services rendered in the ck Hawk war. t, H. Wallr.ce. of Idaho, has betn appoinu-d (Jov or of that T rritory, vir Caleb Lyon, of Lronedale, gned. , , -Preparations are being made at Heart's Content, S. , to receive the Aid' icah end of the Atlantic cable. SeVen-Thirties were sold on Saturday to the amount 310,331,200. ' Another delegation from Florida arrived in Wab ton to oppose the appointment of Judge Marvin as ) visional Goverr of of that State ; but the appointment I already -been made. VThe total number of National banks is 1,440 39 of ob were, established fast week witha capital of nearly 00,0(0, and nearly $1,00,000 of currency issued. -jjeverdy Johnson has gone to Richmond, having been ioyed aa.c uneel (or a number of citizeps whose pro--Ijvhas been libeled for confiscation. , -The legal limit of three hundred millions of National k circulation is nearly reached and the creation of Comparatively few a'dditional institution under that ?m will be authorized. The Exchange National Bank of Richmond, Virginia; Dnal Bank of the Comtnonv alth, New York, and the in Bank, New Yoik, have been created national t'e tories. The Amt?keng National Bank of New Hamp- .'. ' has been discontinued as a depository. - V correspondent of the Richmond Bulletin writes that imin, late Fecetary of State o" the Confederacy, his bed Paris. Kx-Quai termaMer General Myers has'abo .ed that city. ' - Tajor General Hooker has promulgated his firtt olQ '. trder, in which he announces that he has assumed ;r:afid of th D partment of the East, relieving Major : rsl Dir. The order specifies the territory included V department, and designates the members of theDe antal Staff. -jfernor Pierpont of Virginia has issued a proclama jpointing a special election to be held in the city of .ond: on the 25th inst., to choose a Mayoj, Alder Oouncilmtn, and various othef municipal officers, byernor Pierpont, in his letter to President John stimated the number of Viiginianywho acquired the of pardon under President Lincoln's proclamation, to the 29th of May last, at ten thousand. 1 Tirt?day last General Forrest, of Fort Pillow no y, bad both of his shoulder-bones' broken by an ac , on the railroad near Senatobia, Miss. The car in . Forrest was seated was thrown down an embank -: )r a considerable distance. sr are now atv Johnson's Island, Late Erie, only loners, all above the rank of Major j and as all of iir made application to be released, it ia expected 3j will soon be discharged. It is presumed that twill be abandoned. - 9 story that Jeff. Davis is to be tried immediately fary commission has again been revived and is iby many It is only necessary to repeat that nothing to confirm this report, and that those who e likely Jo be informed in regard to it assert it yet Seen decided how or when his trial shall take TTl,i.ir O . , . - -1- denouncing the arrest of Emerson Etheridge, sr outrages, by ore'er of Brownlow, as revolution ' lawless. art Pike has been in New York city several days. 37 grey, but.is as stout and strong as in the days the Hoosier said to him, "Stranger, I reckon it take as much-beef and brandy to run yoovas a steam- j Commissioner of Internal Revenue has decided re a person keeps a horse, the use of which is ry to'the prosecution of his business, the expense Ing the horse, including food, Ac, may be deduc . ra his income. When the horseis partly used for ZS8 for producing income and partly for. pleasure, i of the expense for keeping him as i? clearly ref io productive labor may be deducted. itt are but tour revolutionary prisoners living : I Cook, born in Connecticutt, Sept: 10, 1769 ; Sam vning,, born in New York, Nov. 21, 1761; James i, birthplace unknown, May, 1764; William ?gt, born in Maine, 1764. Abram Day, a revolu- ' "pensioner, one,hundred and ten years old, died :isb, Maine, June 14. Sew Orleans Picayune has this paragraph : " Gen. . Thompson is desirous of forming . a business -tion with an experienced or. established cotton or commission house in the city of N. O. He will re emmunicatons through the Post-bHice We pre there are few men who could add bore business to t oks of any house in this city than this gentleman. If." Edward Atkinson s'ated to' a meeting of teach ffreedmen, which was held In Boston on Thursday, j'o.ne of the merchants of that city were taking ires to bring a case before the Supreme Court of the i States, in order to gt a decision of the question Ver the clause of the constitution authorizing the to fix the qualification of voters gavepowwr to make I a qualification. It was a-question with many tv it was constitutional to prescribe a qualification l every citizen confd not acquire. 5 Quebec Newt f Saturday says : "The hotels in :ity are beginning to be crowded with American its. Most of these visitors will do the Saguenay re they return westward, taking passage on the aer Magnet, qt on the Arctic, which, leaves to-mor-aiorning for Tadousac, returning on Monday fore- long talktd of Internationol bridge at Buffalo 38 to be realized. Two mil lien Ave hundred thou l dollars has been pledeed for the work, which will 1st of a durable and elegant iron bridge to span the 1 jam at that point. asVell as for the construction of I andunion depot building, and the seven miles lilwaarouad the ciry to connect the eastern lines 1 thfe bridge. The contract has been let. -General Howard is organizing a general intelligence :e in Washington for freedmen seeking employment i for employers. Trains run regularly to .Richmond via Alexandria. s.ms Express will be put on the road when the Rap anncck bridge is finished, probably nxt Friday. Wlth reference to Emerson Etheridge, the Louitvill jmot states that he was arrested in "Gibson county, an.-, several days ago, by Lt. Cot. Debozey, and taken. Columbus, Ky.. where Lt. Col. Debozey is in com ind. Hr. Etheridge bad been delivering speeches' to people of an exceedingly exasperating character, de- VOL VI RALEIGH, SATURDAY. JULY 22. 1865 mo. 2f2. ti-Fi-rr' am notrncing the President pei soaally and abusing the Gov ernment generallv. A direct line of steamships between Baltimore' and Eu rope is soon to be established. At a recent sale of gov ernment vessels in New York, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company purchased three screw - steamers and . intend to put them, without delay, in operation, as a line of ocean steamer. . IVGoveiiio! Bi own, ot Georgia, b-as issued an add res I to the people of that State. He urges them to supports not only the Government of, the United States, .but the administration of the present Chief Magistrate. Heap! peals to tb.em for their own sakes. in order that they may receive the benefits to result, to fake the oath of ainnes'y, and to -observe it in good faith. To those who have con scientiously adhered to slavery, and have on nrinciple op posed its abolition, be advances the argument , that that questiSn is now settled forever, and should not be Iqnger contidered. To those who cannot support the Constitu tion of this, Government he jsuggests emigration from the eountry. . " , The pardon bureau of the Attorney General's oQ5c under. Mr. Pleasants, ia still overwhelmed with appjica tionsfor Executive clemency. Among the applications received on Saturday and Monday were Gustavus A Henry, rebel Senatof ii om Tennessee ; H. W. Willard formerly member, of the United States Congress from Alabama, but noan active participator in the rebellion. J. D. Baliburton, formerly United States District Judge for Virginia ; G. N. Hollins, formerly ef the United States Navy, notorious for having bombarded Greytown, Nica rauga, and for having commanded the ram fleet dispersed by Farragut before New Orleans ; A. J. Hartsteine, formerly of the United States Navy and prominent in Arctic explorations ; Jas. H. Lane, Brigadier General in the rebel army from North Carolina. The rebel Govern era A. G. Magrath,pf South Carolina, and A. B. Moore of Alabama, are the most prominent applicants to-day! The raw horse "Legal Tender," ran a mile in lm. 44s. at the Cincianati races. This is the fastest mile ever ran in Amjrica, th at is authenticated. Mamnaora ran a mile in lm.lUK'i and Idlewild in lm. 44s. -rFJectiobs will take place as follows : Kentucky, Mem bers of Cojgress and State Treasurer, first Monday in August ; Vermont, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and State Treajurer, first Tuesday in September ; Maine, Gov. ernor and Legislature, second Monday in September. It is eitimated that there still remain in Texas from one bundled thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand bales of tie -old crop of cotton, while, owing to various unfavorable circumstance, it is thought that this year 's crop will not exceed fifty thousand bales. It is also cal culated that there are with in the State, accumulated du. ring the. war, five million pounds of wol. At the races at Pouf Iktepsie, between a steam wagon, a pedusterian, and a bjorse, the wagon won in eaoh race. The wagon made the mile in two minutes twenty seconds, the mad ran it in five minutes twenty seconds, and the horse's time was two minutes thirty seven and a half seconds. A man named Brophy having pubblished a state ment derogatory to the character of Lew's A. Welch man, an important witness for the prosecution in the trial of the Washington assassination conspirators, and designed to impeach his testimony, Mr. Welcb.jnan has p2?-e 5!?..v-Stwrgfi8",lffa pjtit Bis statement was submitted to the President once, and to Judge Advocate General Holt twice, befori the execu tion, without having any effect on these gentlemen. The Secretary of the Interior, in a communication of instructions to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, states that in' future dealings with hostile Indians the Interior Department will subordinate its action to the policy and operations of the War Oeepartment, and the Commissioner is requested to instruct the superinten dents and agents to make no deliveries of money or goods to any tribes or bands in hostility to the govern men, and to suspend all futercourse with them, except- j in g so far as may be sanctioned by the officers of the I War Department. i Isaao M. Veitch, Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge I.O. Odd Fellows, has issued his proclamation inviting and ex horting all Grand Lodges and Grand jEncampments throughout the United States to send representatives to the Grand Lodge of the United States, to assemble at Baltimore on the third Monday of September next. For four yeara the Southern Grand Lodge and Grand En campments have not been represented, and the Most Worthy Grand Sire expresses the hope that the brother hood roey renew its fraternal intercourse, and that "its great heart may ever vibrate in unison with the teach ings of charity."- STATE ITEMS-Original and Selected. The country around Charlotte has recently been blessed with good rains,' and the prospect for an abundant cropa was never better. Cotton has recently taken an upward tendency, and SL-Tis readily in the Charlotte pi irkpt at 25 to 30 ecu's per pound (currency) according to quality and condition. The corn crop in thv ru ighhor Ik d of Salisbury has a very promising appearance. It at present looks very fine. It would appear that th provost guard to Wil mington is vpry effiefrnt. The Herald says that fbey closed up five aloor.g ytsteiday that ere selling in violation of the order issued on last Friday. There nave been some recent' changes in the offi cers at the post of Charlofte. -Col. J. C. McQaiston of the 128d Indiana Regiment, commands the Brig ade on duty iu that section office at tbe Mint. The 180tb Ohio rras been relieved, and the 128d Indiana is present Post garrison. r, 'Oil. Dewitt fj. Walters is Post CorDmaoiUot; Lieut. A.. G. Wood. Post Adjutant office at the N. C. Bank ; and Capt. June E. Cravetufc, Provost Marshal office' at Charlotte Bank. Tbe Wilmington Herald says that the Wil., Char. & Ruth, Railroad has beeo fully repaired . aDd opened for traffic from Wilmington to its wes'ern ter nii us Glad to' hear it At Charlotte, Dr. WmTSioso has beeu appointed agent nf tbe United States Treasury Department. The Democrat is grat'fied at Dr. Sloan's appii it men t, because we think it much better fqr all concerned to have our fwn citizens fill governmeqt offices in. our rnidst than strangers, , mtvi THE CITY. Meeting of Stockholders It. J G. R. Ri-'e have delayed mention of the meetingof the Stockholders of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, which took place Thursday afternoon, in the expectation that the official report of their deliberations would Te handed in yester day evening. But, as the probability is that the Secretary has nt completed the work, we have to say that vir tually nothing was accomplished. It was found upon ex amination that the charter made it requisite for a "majority of the stock to be represented, .and that under ruling of the Provisional Governor, Mr. Holden, only those stockholders could act who could range them selves under one or another of the heads of the 14 ex cepted, classes of Johnson's proclamation. This defeated the real object of the convocation, we presume, though such a deoislon was actually required. An adjournment, at all events, was effected to the4th of August next We learn that no change were made in the old officers of the road. , In Monday's paper we hope to print the proceedings at ength. 4The Liquor Traffic-In a Good Humor. It is surprising to note the different effects produced by the ardent when freely imbibed. Yesterday we saw onr jocund soldier, that "As simpMrfg o'er the flowery hills he strayed'O sang, in spite of his blue jacket, with perfect gusto, "the bonnie blue flag," evidently feeling that real not papee peace had been established between the North and the South. Another, much less like a gentleman in appear- ance, swung irom one siae oi toe street to tne otner ; ; another was s"o bellicose as to th eaten vengeance to his best friend8,-while other's eould only tocomote when sus tained on either flank by sober companions. These sights are not unfamiliar to people who promen ade Fayetteville or indeed any other street. And yet we are gratified to believe tbajtf?hlkey is not dispensed here in unlicensed quantities as a month since. Its to tal suppression is esteemed an impossibility indeed, un less as a matter of volition, we are opposed to compulso ry measures .against the appetite except in so far as its freedom jeopards public peace and order. It will be quite enough for the thanks of tie community if the mil itary succeed in confining its use so that decency and individual rights may not be violated. Enterprise and Business. Raleigh begins to show some signs of vitality in a business point of view Improvements in the capacity of her stores is not the only feature in which we see the evidence of advancement ; it appears to be at last recognized that there is such a science as taste and internal beauty, and accordingly many of the foremest men in the community in mercantile pursuits are giving attention to such ornamentation. But the expansion of business is not less promising. We know of one firm who, in a few weeks, will open in this city a stock of goods of $10,000 value, and the probability is strong that there are others here who, not willing to be outstripped, may determine upon like increase of their fa cilities for trade. , At all events, the future is bright in promise, and it may be that our place will have in the to-come a higher prosperity ihan heretofore. It will be so if we are only tree to our loca interests. x.xn,r.eiMT Tne tide of Immigraon uqu. country to city was perhaps never so general as at this moment. Yesterday not only was the regular market space occupied by the carts and other vehicles ot our "country cousins," but a pourpretture was made on Fayetteville street, north and south. It is one of the "straws" which show how the political winds blow and unmistakably indicate that the people, weary of politics, have acquiesced in the new order of things, and are turn ing from inclination as well as necessity their attention to the practical affairs of life. Prices are still coming down. Yesterday beef was of fered at 10 cents, and heavy at that price ; Irish potatoes sold at 75 cents per bushel; Eggs 25 cents per dozen; b'utter 25 cents per pound ; Shoat 15 cents peT pound ; and so on ad infinitum. Watermelons, peaches, apples and the like, were abund ant and at such prices as not to forbid any class of our people fronTpurchasing. Bank Meeting. The annual meeting of the.stock holders of the Bank of North Carolina is to be held in -this city on the 26th inst., next Tuesday, and in referring to the fact, the Charlotte Democrat remarks that there " ought to be a full attendance' of the stockholders in person, and that some conclusion should be arrived at speedily as to what the Bank shall do. If it cannot com mence business, let it go into liquidation without incur ring further expense. The stockholders are pecuniarily interested, and if possible- should attend the meeting Q Raleigh n Tuesday next," We do not object to the suggestions made, but merely wish to say that there is every prospect of a full atten dance of the stockholders, who will no doubt-show both wisdom and pruden?e in the course they may deem it best to adopt. Provost's Sanctum. Although the office was crowded during nearly the whole day, nothing of much importance to the publio generally was acted upon. A negro boy drew a revolver, one of the ancient pepper box order, on two boys who were imposing on him, and in consequence Was committed to the barracks. - , Allen Johnson, first cousin of a man by the name of An drew Johnson, subscribed to the oath yesterday, or rather made his aaark, as he was unable to write. A negro man had his knife and tobacco stolen, but could not find the criminals when furnished with a guard. Tne heat of the weather not only depressed the officials, but repressed many visitors whose complaints were not of sufficient import to induce them to encounter the melting rays of old Sol. Break Down. Mr. Benj. Sherwood, of Augusta, Ga., wht has been sojourning here for a month past, met with an accident last .evening on the Hillsboro' road, which nearly cost him his iife. Driving in a buggy at rather . rapid .pMd, - Tib. wh.l. . .IT, throw mg aim uu flUBsueuuie xx. road, Tbe young lady, who is a t irginian, w coneiue rably brnied about the sbgulder and face, but no limbs were broken. Mr. S. had the skin rasped of! his hands and face, and considers himself fortunate Qt-to have had his limbs broken or suffered a worse fate The gentleness of he animal driven alene, perhaps, saved the party. The Dippers. The Philadelpeia Prtn says there are five hundred barrels of yellow snuff stored at Greens bor' for the feminines South. We simplj wisti to say that but a small portion of the lot will find consumers in Rileicrh. Not oae of ten of oar ladies are accustomed to indulge in the elegant practice of mop and tin-box . ! Attack and Retreat John Rhodes, a colored boy, and employed in this city, was attacked by two soldiers -about noon last Thursday, in the vicinity of Onion's old hoM. They were drunk and only adminis tered to John few blows before, recognizing tlmt dis cretion is the better part of valor, he retreated in good -rder and thus v-d hi Vac.n. There U n perfect an tipathy to the black? m. the pan of many of the soldiers, and they not unfrequently dbplny it by physical demon strations wim fist ftml ftiek. Others, however triTMn-in ryi equally off. nivo manner. lionize Raleigh stiU Behind- The neglect of returning Confederate soldiers by the citizens of Raleigh is pro voking unpleasant commentary evenVrom parties con nected with the Federal Government, and fixing a stig ma upon us in th? estimation of every body and every where. At Salisbury and elsewhere in the State the cit izens at? end the depots and provide for the needy ones in all respects It ought to be so here. Is there not enough city and Si ate pride in our midst to wipe out the stain of past neglect. Postponed The meeting ot the stockholders of the Wilmington and Wtldon Railroad has been postponed to Tuesday, the lstday of August next. . 1 Prsoual- We are glad to see that Col. Tod. R. Caldwell, Gov. Holden's Private Secretary, is on duty at the Cap'tol Gone Home. Cert. David Colevaa, of the 39(h N. C. Regiment, passed through this city a few days since from Texas, and is now at home in Buncombe county. Broke Down. The down freight train ihrYlrMchn- j ro, yesterday, broke down at some point on the road and j 8 a consequence no mail reached here from the South last jj evening, the obstructions preventing the passing of the S up oassenger coaches. j At Bluineuthal'8 Soda Fountain, on Fayette b ville street, Thersday, the thermometer ranged as be JOW : 9 a m., 88 10 " 89 11 " . 89W 12 " : 90 A hot day this, in the shade. 1 p. m. 91 2 92 3 " 92W 4 " 92 RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, RBVI8ED DAILY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13. Fayetterille Street. Buying Rates.- Gold fl.aO; Silver $1:30; North Carolina Bank Netes 1025 cents on the dollar; other Southern Bank Notes 8 20 cents on the dollar; North Carolina Bonds, old six.es, coupons attached, $65.W). MARKET REPORT CORRBOTED nILY BY K. -V . W H1TAKER. Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $1 50 per bushel, " Green, $i per bushel, small, Bacon Firm, sales at 20c per lb. i Beef 15c per lb. Butter -25 to 30c per lb. Cheese 4050c per lb. 1 Chickens 2025c a' piece. ' Ergs-;30cper dozen. Flour Superfine $910 per bbi. ; Honey in comb, 25 to 36c per lb. Lamb 1215c per lb. Lard 20c per lb. Meal $1 per bushel. Mullets $20 per bbl. Mackerel $5 per kit. Onions $1 per bushel. Peaches dried 10 to 25c per lb. Peas White $100 to 1,25 ; Stock 90 to $1 ; Garden 40c per peek. Potatoes Irish $1 and sweet $1 per bushel. Sogar Crushed 50c per lb ; Brown 2530c Syrup 6570c per gallon by the barrel Soda Cooking,' 40c per pound. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LEWIS OX-iID, COUNSELLOR AT L.AW Raleigh, N.- C. -(At Mr: H. W. .V.'Ker't. ) JgyB Special attention to war matters, jy 22-2t FRESH SUPPLIES OP THE PUKE ST Medicines, Chemicals, Wine, Brandy, Porter, (Choicest Brands,) Cigars, Tobacco, Win dow Giass, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Dye Stuffs, and the Latest and most Fashionable and Splendid Toi let Articles, Soaps, Per fumery, &c, fcc.,fec, at Pesoud's Drug1- Store. (Established January, 1844.) THROUGH THE KINDNESS OF FRIENDS I HAVE been enabled to resume business, and have just re turned frm the Northern cities, and am now receiving a well selected and mpst desirable stock of all tbe articles usually found in a Drug Store, to which I ask the atten tion of old and new friends. Having to buy exclusively lor CASH, and relying alone upon tbe proceeds of sales to keep my stock renewed, I shall expect the cash, and hope no one will ask for credit, as I am not able to give it. St Ia special caset satisfac tory arrangements will be made. 1 have also accepted an agency from one of the largest Tmnnrtinor and Jobbinz'Hotises in the Union, and am pre- nared to issue to dealers, at the lowest Northern prices of all tnat tney neea ia i,ao vrug uusmecs, du win wrwru their orders, receive and forward their iuvoices for a small commission. CASH must invariably" accompany the orderr Thus all Druireists, Physicians and Dealers in i'rugs, or anything in the Drug fine, need not go North, but can - .Jw . tjjgy may Know wnac amount so rem 11. ill unaer 9201 1 can inrn.isa as nereioiure, t i.uc K a a w w r . 1 1 x. M A 9 n usual pront, a.i my u rug o tore. 1 nope w reee"lfuu merit a liberal patronage. FV r. r buuy. jy 10 tf WATCHES. a LARGE IMPORTING HOUSE, CLOSING THEIR J business, offer a fine assortment of Gold, Silver and Composition Caed Watches at cost. To returned soldiers wishing employment, speculating men, traders, regular dealers wishing. to replenish their stock, or to any one desiring a single or a thousand Watches this presents a great opportunity. For circulars, prices and full particulars, address -, HXNRT BLOOM, jy 20-lm 116 Broadway, New Tork. HA TES oJ-' SU&iiUHlrTlOiS. Daily I i ar $10 u 6 Months i- ft no Usih, 1 J..n:..... Weekly, lYeai ..,. 3 Months ... 3 00 6 Months "Mast be paid 1 50 Mstbe paid in advance in ages cr the raper wi;i t be sent; and the paper.will be stopped whenX th, id for eipires, unless renewed. "" not paid NEWSBOYS AND NEWS DLALEHS Mbe furnifhwed at the rale of $5 pr hundred c All orders mast be accompanied by the aonev. . fa. AD VEJi TISING It A TE. Ordinary advertisements, occupying nrt more than t, lines solid minion, ni-nno wiciuani, 1 insertion 2 o $ 00 2 Weeks 1 Month 2 Months ... 3 6 1 Year....' 1 50 r. ., I .' (I' I -'(,' (JM :;w hi M (M 3 4 5 1 Wrek. . 2 00 . 2 50 . 3 00 . 3 50 Larger adrtisouj-nts, where uo coBtf be charged hi t-xact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACTS VN ill be made in acco dance with the t'olloin.. 1 4 column, 1 Month. $30 00 1-2 " . 1 " 45 00 1 " 1 - t( 00 1- " 3 " 50 00 1-2 " 3- 00 1 " 3 " f4tu0 tlU'Uuir 100 )M. . 140 H . ! .iO (Mi .. ITT. M- 1-4 cil. ; v, i.n.s 1-2 1-4 1 ' ii 1 1 1 ear. '1W lit; 4(0 do one-half. .i ll,jse woo coutiact tor one fourti 7UU1". tnree, .sit, or twelve u tne beuehtol thee teruiii. Itlts, will ivceii Contract -advertisers others in advauce must pay bv the ioutl anu mH All advertwemeuU i,1UBt ma-ked : -pt-ciiied tiiu, and no advertisement wiirbe ia.ud tili lo.bid auiiiHKiucttis inser'ea one-, twice a- t u t ee I uiu wees win oe cnarged Ui Uoli tar a sqmu r- fur everv in sertion. OUR CIRCULATION It lorrvnr in fK.. i . V iLci iu iu c Libv h 1 1 1 1 T.ii mil o-nnut k - . . . y.uci H.Fer inpncrin uaronna. the iv7,, j, ,. ,;. in the camn and amoug the i..pie bv ,,iru. l, ' number of pt, thanany .ihef pu . XXtlVSZ importance as an advertising medium sh.ju-d nut h- ,,v,r; looked bv business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion, lLaoV,i serted unoer the Special Notice head, and Oi. I,U, ' square charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only suort notices will be admitted to tL. umn, at tbe following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 1 Three Lines.One Dav $ o.. Two Lines, " 1 50 Five Lines, ' 2 51- Ten Lines, or more, at the rate ot Twentv-ri vn , iAne for each insertion. i I FUNERAL NO TWES, MARRIAGES, ac Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must b- PL for .when handed in, or they will not appear The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and webaye to pay cash for everything in our business, must demand cash. June, 2.6, 1865. J. 1,. PENNINGTO N 4 CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS We have te pay cash for paper, imk and labor, and we must have inore cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, but there are but few persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly will be expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. A J. L. P. & CO. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAN AT NEWBERN rOlN"!' SOUTH OF BALTIIORK. J"R. L. H. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OF S. H. Young, on Fayetteville Street, Haleigh, N. C, respectfully announces to the public that he has JUST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Goodc, I-n-dies' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cap?, Ac. This stock was purchased in New Yok since tbe recent decline in prices, and is now offered at term lower than goods of the same description can be purchased in Newbern or any point south of Baltimore. Country Merchants and,otbers supplied at wholesale. jy'15-lm AND . Agricultural Implements. PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, CORN PLANTERS, Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes and Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Spades, Shovels, (long and short bandit, , Axes and Handles, Carpenter's Tools, Hatchets and Hammers, Scythe Sharpners and Stones, ' - Frying Pana, Coffee Mills, Porcelain Kettle, Nails, (all sizes,) Cuny Combs, &c , Ac.. For sale, cheap for cash, by MILLER t CO., Store formerly occupied by S. H. Young, jy7 eod2w Fayetteville Street. IMPORTANT TO MILL OWNERS ! McMannen's CELEBRATED IMPROVED H1NE THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PRiJl'ARED TO furnish this iudispensible article, highly improved, with fluted teeths,8and and cockle screens, 1 rid will ship them from Durham's Depnt t any point in the United States at the shortest notice. Price $126. Wiiltakein payment Bacon, Lard, Cotton Yarn, Leatbe-, Iron, Salt, or Fish, at market price, or mbney. O'd inachin of mvinake taken if tbe casting is not broken, fur wbicU $25 will be allowed. All articles in exchaopc t. be well put up, in good order, and delivered at the point ot de tination of new Machine, each party paying their own freight. All letters directed't'o meat Durham's, N.C.careoi W. Cheek, Railroad Agent. Cut this out and paste it up in the mill. jy7-2w JOHN A. MclJANNEN. ATTENTION! COTTON OWNERS. Ttte CAN SELL 100 BALES COTTON. PAR W ties wishing to dispose of any will send pood samples. je 29-tf RICHARDSON & MILLKR. ROOMS WANTED XTTANTED, TWO "FURNJSHED ROOMS WITH ww oat ooaru, ior jfeaiieman ana ui wue. ixyvj at Progress ofEft immediately. jylS-lw- SMUT SCREENING MAC 0

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