J. L. PEMIlVGTOr & CO. T E It M S . VTHENEW8. For Telegraph see Fou i th Page. The Railroad between Washington and Rich ad is 'now fully opened. Ihe btldge over. the ppahanoock is finished. Two trains run daily veen the two cities. The post-office at Danvjlb, Va.fwas opened last k, and mail commuolcatiorT will hereafter be reg jy had between Washington and that point. ins run regularly now on the road between -Rich-id and Danville. There is- no trouble from gu las or other sources. The President has almost wholly !: v r .1 Lis lb. Mrs. Johnson is quittf ill, bat ht;r physicians sbelid no serious results. , Col. Hamilton, the Private Secretary of J. ff. 3; rt baa beeu sent to Furt McHcnry ; Prof. l!c- agh, the alleged projector of the incendiary in New York, to Fort, Delaware, and Gov. Hat fLiMy Prison.- - -The Jam8 river canal is now open for passa- rA froiorht- a far aa T.p-rir. orf-nn auv .i.,Uv .... . -J. B. Hargrove, a prominent citizen of Lynch t.Yirginia, committed suicide a few days since. Major-Gen. Thomas has been "adopted" aa a . rail of Tennessee, by the Legislature of that State. , "; -The President has changed the place of impris c :at of Dr. Mudd, O'Loughlic, Arnold and Spang 1 conjicted bt complicity with the assassins of 1; 'ient Lincoln. They have been sent to the Dry T'C-lJgfts instead of the Albany Penitentiary. 1- -The army of the SheDandoah is virtually discoor V:l" :J; The Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry took their i : j : zvr no troops left in the valley but one year men. guerrillas are represented as having totally dis- tziredt and the people are diligently employed in -ti!;Ir:T Crops, &c. In a few days more there will V. LC UU WO 11,1 V 1U V JO T ttllOJT y 1C V Ck V tVTirc.:ster. ; continued disregard or tne national autnon ' ty 1 7 th'a Mormons, will compel. It is Bald. sDeedv "d c: prebensive measures at the hands of the Ex 'tzzzi7i: Now that there is a strong force on the f : there will be no long delay about enforcing obe- .3 " , iL ll I . 1 1 -1 u, . . w ioo laws oi me iana. ' Uimi. . t J j v r tt .. j uuo uuuurou ana miy appiicatiOBs ior a were received by the Attorney General on the 1,1., smong them tbe petitions of Lieutenant Gen. 1. ll. Forrest, of tne. rebel cavalry and Fort Pillow r J ' t ; W. B. Brooks, ex-rebel Senator from Mis ' i ',?and member of the convention which. passed V .... Jnance of secession, and M.-H. Bloodgood, of " : if England. The only pardons granted were t : , '277ob8cure individuals. . -C: nfiral T!wp11 a nrlsnnpr nf war Viavmcf fnVon . . , r - I . thq cith of allegiance and given bouds that he will r: ; :;t it, has befia permitted by the President tore turn Id bis home in Virginia on paroie, to report once c. by letter to the Secretary of War. ; President Tilnrnln hv?n rlirpotfid unHcr rlot rf tho 9.Rr1 nf o , -.-vw vy. T'Tr1! --." t.li at. llfra TT.wpII ohnnlH haro tVi henefit cf i : r,rsnesty proclamation, and she haviBg taken 11 : .'.red oath," President Johuson to-day permit t ' 3 return to Nashville, her former residence. -: ) possession of the property, as decreed by tne t r' i ml '. ' : j trial of Mary Harris fr killing Burroughs, V :oxy Department clerk, was concluded in ton on the 19th. The court room was dense- I7 c .'3d, the attendance of ladies being very large. u : i : conclusion 01 tne arguments 01 couqswi, hjo J. la a few remarks submitted the case to the jury, .b3 rf.-r an 'absence of about ten minutes returned T?Itb a I crdict of not guilty. On this announcement thr2 great excitement. The men threw up tneir . r.-t: end burst into loud applause, women waved ti::ir -'naEorcDiers ano. wept wun joy, ana numoers r::: I towards Miss Harris to congratulate her. The lz.zi zl.t Itady fainted, and wag taken from tbecourt " -rc:'-i in an insensible condition. . x t i xinderf-tooa tnat ueneral cutler tenaerea L::-r: 1 ,a3iion lately, ana it was aecunea. xne ai c::: r. Jrii Journal says it is rumoured throughout I : .county, Virginia, that General Butler and I Lave entered into a partnership in the law ' 3 in the city of New York. ' -II. D. Shermau, of the famous Sherman oil rrsll, who five years ago was a pa r man, is now re ported to be worth over five - million'f -dollars. He ct3 sooq to bt- rich ! . la Newberii, three hundred and five colored men . ; - -income tax... Of thc : Frr m $600 to ; 1, 'ncome was 10; upwards of $1,000 income : 1 , Upwards of wards' of $2,000 ipcome was - ' " i.t I-. i i 3 mi a 1 ' .1 ; irds $8,000 income was 2. Ihe largest in 1 . ' - r-ported S3. 150. was derived from the tux. ', I ' :"businees. ' " ' - rnum had just rebuilt his Caliope (steam or . t in expense cf $5,000. Most of the live an 'i " 3 had been rtmored on account of the hot r.? He proposes to open a menagerir on Broad- Lr r - 3W Mnstum. ha devim nf t.h Sfafo nf Virginia has been oy tne new ate gov.ernmeni. iuc uiu uc : retained, but -the words "Liberty and Union" . iDt .the God.ici-s of Liberty, trampling ob tl e tyraut, instra-1 ff tbn)U "Sic Semper Ty- .3: a, large number of negroes have accumula t Memphis as to com tel Gen. Tillotson, Sti .. 1 srxlent of Freedmen, to issue orders fdr them irn to their masters under pain of being ar as vagabonds, but assuring them that he rtainly protect ,tbem in all contracts made ir labor. ' GL Gillet, who is retained by some friends of Davis, as the Matter's counsel, arrived in Wsl 3 Several days ago. He has had no interview His client, nor does he know what course tbe nment intends o pursue relative to the tripl. : PrfM i . t B i 'iia-.an'.-i new literary' work is in intia oi liu: rtnter?. l ... r-.. . a. m 1 J J . VOL. VI The political canvass in Kentucky is said to be waxing warm, aud much interest is felt in the re sult. The Democracy are sanguine of the success of all their Congressional candidatesand the repub licans are afraid to accept any wager upon a single candidate. The size of our army in Texas has been exagger ated. It consists of only fourteen thousand men, ail told. It is not intended tojae an army of obser vation, as the Government does not feel itself qual ified, in the present condition of our finances, in indulging in such expensive luxury . General Butkner--How He Lost a Million of Dollars. At the beginning of our unhappy civil war, the most prominent of all" the military men of the West ! was oiraon a. JtJucKcer, then Inspector General of I Kentucky State troops. A graduate of Wtl 1 uiui, bciviug. wun uisunguisneu gallantry in tbe Mexican war, and possessed of very fine intellect,-a caretT of fame and glory was. predicted (or him by his admirers and friends. It is not our purpose, however, to notice hia military career, further than to remark that he surrendered the first and last armies In the war, and each time he was the subordinate of the command. The first iime was to GtDtrai Gra it at Fort Donelson, when Generals John B. Floyd and Pillow, hia superiors in rank, decliued on the pi that if they were captured they would certainly le hung, and the last time was when he surrendered the army of General Kirby Smith to General Canby. This was done in the absence and against the ordt rs Kirby Smith. But there is something more connected with Buck ner which isot without Interest, and probably has no parallel in the war. When he was a Captain in the regular army, Buck nur married Miss Kingsbury, an heiress, who owned an immense landed estate in Chicago, valued at more than a million of dollars. It was unimproved," how ever, and did not yiold an income.- Backnar finally placed it under the supervision q General Barnside, who, with judicioas mangement, sooq caused it to pay handsomely. When tbe war lroke out, it was uncertain on which side Backner would serve. e was offered a high position by Mr. Lincoln, and also by Jtfferson Davis, and finally ehose to cast his for tunes with the South. But before doing bo, to pre serve this great estate to his wife and children, it was made over to tbe brother of Mrs. Buckner, iu whom they had full confidence. A little later, and Kingsbury, the brother, entered the Federal army and was wounded in the battle of Fredericksburg. While lying on the field he spoke of his property and his desire to arrange it so that his sister would have no ;r.u le aLuUt it, but delayed too long, and died without making his wishes furtner known. . He had been but a short time married, and ome months after his death his wife give birth to a ehild. The child n'ecessati'y inherits that princely estate, nor can Buckner or his wife receive a dollar from it, excepting what the widow of Mr. Kingsbury shall choose to give them. It is proper to say, to her honor, that she has been most liberal in that re spect Buckner's property was long since confiscated, aad thus the close of the war finds-him, like most of the rebels, in a beggared conditioB. Hurba ros Cbinoline!- The Queen of Madagas car, on the 15tb of April, held a religious ceremony to inaugurate her Majesty's assumption of the dress call ed crinoline, which is henceforth a form of raiment reserved for members of the royal family only. The only exception made was in favor of her Prime Min ister's wite, Madame RaiDillairy vony. If her august Majesty and Koyal Highness would only coudescend to favor Raleigh with a visit, and witness the num ber of her dusky sisters who wear skirts of amplitu dinuous dimensions, she would not be so exacting in her restrictions nor so proud of,the style which she has appropriated exclusively to the royal house of Madagascar Isle. . A man was robbed of $15,000 in a railway depot at Cleveland. m m 'Ti8Not.a Fable. Tbe immense and universal demand for the Fragrant Szodoht, is a marvel in the Annals of Dentistry ? It exceeds that of all other dentitrices combined. Neither acid, from the' stomach, nor auy other corresponding element gen erated by indigestion, can effect a set of teeth regular ly purified by this Fragrant Vegetable, antiseptic antl preservative. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. rpHE EXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL I be resumed on Friday, July 2l8t, 1865. "Instructioa will be given in all branches usually taught in male Colleges. A catalogue of studies may be obtain ed on application to any member of-the Faculty Ar rangements have been made to ooeh an Academic De partment in which boys may acquire a thorough business education. The com se in this department will be emi nently practical. Pupils will be specially prepared tor any pursuit in which they may purpose to engaged A regular course of Lectures, illustrated with ample ap paratus, will be delivered on Natural Philosophy, Chem istry, and Agricultural Chemistry. Occasional Lecbures will also be given on Geology, Botany, Minrealogy, Ac. Extensive Libraries, comprising several thousand vol umes, will be accessible to all students. Tuition, per Session of 20 weeks, in College Dep't, $30 " 30 Academic " 20 Board, per session, (exclusive of lights), ,65 No extras. . Board and Tuition are due in advance, but efforts will be made to indulge patrons in special cases. , Provisions will be received in payment at current -prices. r or further particulars address Maj. JAMES n foote, je 23-lm Forestville. Treasury Department, ) 6th Special Aqbnct, I Newbern, N. C, July I7th. 1865. J IN CONSEQUENCE OF THK ILLNESS OF CHAS. H. Woods, Esq., H. . Claik, Esq , is fully authorized to act in his atead in the collections securing and forward ing of capturtd and abandoned property at Kaleigh, North Carolina. The military authorities are respeotfully requested to give such rssistance as niay be in their power." D. HEATON, jy 21-lw - Supprvising Special Ag't Treas. Dep't. notice! ' a LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE FIRM OF J W. R. Richardson & Co., or to W. R. Richardson individually, prior to the suppression' of the rebellion, are requestedto come forward and tettl according to rntesof gold at the timeof the transactions. Those unable to pay cash will confer a favor by givin" their notes according to the ratio above stated. 0 je 2y-tt W. R. RICHARDSON. ATTENTION! COTTON OWNERS "TTE fAN SELL 100 BALES COTTON. PAR , ties wishing to dispose of anv will send good eamples. , RIQHARDSON & MILLER. 8 je 29 t f RALEIGH, TUESDAY, JULY THE CITY. Value Of Bank Notes. It u a matter of general interest to know the relative value, of Southern Bank money at this moment, and we ansexTthe following state ment as exhibiting it. It will be seen that the average is not more than 2u cents on the dollar, though the paper of some few of them command higher figures : North Carolina. The notes of ail the Banks in this State are worth 25, except the Bank of Commerce, which is bringing 20, and the notes of the State Bank, Bank of Cape Fear and Bank of Charlotte, which command 3U. South Carolina. All Banks in the State 18. Georgia. Georgia , Railroad aTid Central Railroad Banks. 50 ; Bank of Savannah and Marine Bank of Georgia 35, Bank of the Stata 20; Bank of Middle Heorgia 20 ; all others 10 to' 18. Bank of the Empire State, Northwestern-Bank, Me chanics Bank, Timber Cutters Hank, Planter's Bank at Dalton, and Afanufacturer'i Bank unsaleable. Alabama. Bank oj Mobile and Southern Bank, 40. Other Banks average 18. Louisimna. Citiaen'saBk, Canal Bank, Bank of America, Southern Bank 80 to 90 ; Bank of Louisiana, State Banks, Union Bank, Bank of New Orleans, and Crescen'i City Bank 30 to 40. Tennessee. Bank of Chattanooga, Bank of Wefet Ten nessee, and Ococee Bank 15; BaDk of Tennessee 25 ; Union and Planter's Bank 45. Virginia. Wheeling Bankt and Exchange Bank of Virginia at Weston 85 to 90 ; Fairmont Bank 60 ; Ex change Bank of Virginia at Alexandria 40; Corporation of Alexandria 40 ; Bank of the Valley 30 ; Bank of Vir ginia 2?) ; Mei chants' Bank of Virginia 25 ; ibank of the Old Dominion 25 ; Bank of Commerce 25; Southwestern Bank of Virginia 2a-; Farmer's Bank of Virginia 23 ; Tra der'8Band25; Bank of Richmond, 20 ; Exchauge Bank of Virginia 23. No sale for Bank of Commonwealth and Bank of Phil lippi. ' Independent Banks 20, except the Monticello Bank and Bank of Howardaville, which range from 10 to 15; Dan ville Bank 20 ; Bank of Pittsylvania 15;. Bank ot Win chester 25. . A . Tbe Heated Term. -The present summer has con fessedly been the moit oppressive known to that inevita ble personage, "the oldest inhabitant." Our daily state ment of tht condition of the thermoneter here for the past two months, with August still in the front demonstrates a degree of heat heretofore almost unknown in North Carolina This year we have the mercury up in the j nineties and unless eld Boreas does some thin ar for us in th- way of breezes, we shall soon find mankind raeltiHg away to dreamy shadows. As interesting to our readers, we transfer to th Pro gress from the colsmas of a cotemperary the following tbermometncal diary, kept in thit State during the year 1855, which is a fair representation of the annual general heat and cold to which we are exposed. It exhi At the salubrity of our Ste in a very fair light : Aggregate fr January ;...39 deg. 34 min. February.. 36 "33 " r March ...42 " 36 " " April. ...60 ' " 14 " " May v 59 . " 10 " " . June...., 66 " 30 " J:.::::::utll " " September 65 00 October 49 " 30 " " November 48 " 30 " " December 42 46 " , Quite a difference between 71 and 93.. Is the world about to parch mntil ignition follows as a logical conse quence ? Provost's Sanctum. The Provost Marshal's office was comparatively thin yesterday morning. No cases ef theftB,-breaking in or disorderly conduct were before the Assistant, and we trust it is indicative of a good time coming in thet"orm of peace, order and good will. Another bar room h&e been closed by order of thefmil itary, making the third one since Sunday. The war of extermination goes bravely forward, and soon we hope to hear that toddies can no longer be indulged to an extent that jeopards the peace and dignity of the city. The freedmen came as usual with numerous wrongs, &c , which were administered upon as far as the juris diction of Capt. Barrett extended. Missing. Some blanks and tickets that had been printed for G. Crain, and placed in a pigeon hole behind tbe counter in thePaoQaiss counting room, on S&tarday evening, were removed before Monday morning by some one not connected with the office, and could not be found when called for. As they can be of bo use to any one but the gentleman for whom they were printed, we hope that whoever has them will bring them back at once. And we will thank alf persons, not connected with the establishment, to keep from behind the counter andjOut of the press room hereafter. And no one will be allowed up stairs unless they have business to transact. . n Baptized and Ordained. Last Sunday at the Baptist Church in this city, Rev. T. B. Kingsbury, for many years in the ministry of the M. E. Church, was bap . tized. At night he" was ordained in his new : connection, and thereafter a young lady immersed. Superintendent of Charlotte Mint. We see it announced that Maj. W. H. Bagley, former State Senator from Pasquotank, has been appointed' Superintendent of U. S. Mint at Charlotte. It is thought he will' decline the position, though nothing definite has been heard from h im . National Banks. Few more National Banks will be authorized. The limit of circulation $300,000,000 has bien nearly reached. If Raleigh wishes to have one L of these money machines, her people especially the capi talist? muft hurry in their efforts No one disputes that vhere i? the requisite capital in our midst fr bus-nes purposes. Fisticuff. --TeiUrday afternoon a fist fight occurred between two negroes, ib the aliey iu the rear of the Ex change Hotel. The fight had hardly commenced before the cry of po'ioe was raised and th crowd suddenly dis persed, the pugilistic negroes ran r.ff and the scene closed with the usual "exeunt ow." r-' "Wake Forrest College" We hve omitted through inadvertence allusmn to iho opening of thii col lege, hich nccuiiedon the 21i f Julj ; and though no Tntoi mation ot its pi aspects have been furnished, we pi e fcuine from its ptmt repute that, the scholarship u large. For particulars as to coarse ot instruction, tuition tees, etc, we refer the reader to the advertisement of Maj. J. H. Foot, elsewhere ia this morning's papir. 25, 1865 NO. 214 Domestics. As showing age and body of the times, domestically, we supply house keepers with data as to tbe price of cotton goods, 4c. , in New Yo. k Sales were made there 00 the 20th at these figures : Sheetings (4-4) 32 ; do. 7-825 ; do. 3-4 21 . Osnaburgs 8 ounces 28. Cotton arns 65. fr Cotton raw mateiial 47. , . Spirits turpem in- 1,50 and declining. - Bank Of North Carolina The public anxiety as to tK.e future operations ot thus Bank fcili be ieX-vcd in part at least afte to-day. The stockholders are to assem ble here tai morning, and if an organization i accom plished, will probablv adopt measures to satisfy the popu lar curioity . ... . Personal. We are gratified the announcement can be made that the Provisional Governor, Mr. Holden, has so far recovered fr m his recent indisposition as to bej,ble to resume in part the duties of his position. He wag ia his office at the capitol yesterday. ' ' .. Government Sales. We invite special attention to the sales on government account which appear this morning under the authorization of Col. Boyd, chief quartermaster department of North Carolina. It will be seen that they occur in different parts of the State. i . Old Pap eri for 3al at thw Progress office. Price 50 cents for one hundred. At Blumentlial's Soda Fountain, on Fayette- ville street, Monday, the thermometer ranged as be low " 0 9 a in.. 87 10 ' 8i) 1 p. m. 91 2 " 90 4 " 90 11 " 891 1-.' " ox. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, REVISED DAILY BY B. F. tffeADY, EXCHANGE BBOKEB, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Rdtes. . Gold 1.35; Silver $1.30; North Carolina Bank Notes 10 25 cents on the dollar; other Southern Bank Notes 8 '20 cents on the dollar; North Carolina Bonds, old sixes, coupons attached, $65.00, MARKET REPORT coaaaoTKD daily by E. A. . W II I T A K E R Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $1 50 per bushel, ' Green, $1 per bushel, small, Bacon Firm, sales at 20c per lb. Beef 15c per lb. Butter 25 to 30c per lb. Cheese 4050c per lb. Chickens 2025c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn $1 per bushel. 'Eggs 30c per dozen. Flour Superfine $910 per bbl. ; Honey in comb, 25 to 30c per lb. JLamb 12X15c per lb. ' Lard 20c per lb. Meal $1 per bushel. muiiets $20 per bbl. Mackerel 55 per kit. Onions $1 pr bushel. Peaches dried 10 to 25c per lb. PeasWiJ- - . stck 90 to $1 : Garden Potatoes-Irish $1 and sweet $1 per busfiel. Sugar Crushed 50c per lb ; Brown 2530c Syrup 6570c per gallon by the barrel Soda Cooking, 40c per pound. SP0TSW0OD HOTE TILT CORNER OF 8th AND MAIN STS., Richmond, V"a. rpHE PROPRIETORS TAKE PLEASURE IN I making known to the public, through the press, that all military restriction in regard JLo persons belong : ing to the Confederate service, from stopping at this Hotel has been removed. The Proprietors will be pleased to welcome all their old friends and patrons, and having renovated and re furnished the entire house, assure the public that tbe ac commodations are second to none found in any First Class House, North or South. CORKEUY& MILL WARD, jy 26-2 w Proprietors. m Wilmington Herald, Salisbury Ear. nor, Charlotte Democrat, Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel, Columbia Phoenix, Savannah Republican and Macon Telegraph copy two weeks and send bill to Proprietors, Richmond. BEMOYAL ! Peace and Liberty Eating Saloon REMOVED "TO THE OLD POST OFFICE, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. BOSS & McGOWAN, Proprietors, THIS WELL KttOWN AND POPULAR ESTAB lishment has been removed to the old Post Office stand, Fayetteville Street, next to the market, where Meals are furnished from 6 o'clock in ihe morning until 9 o'clock at night. There being a fine attached, customers will be able to get the best Wines and Liquors to bs found in tbe City. Ice Cream, Fruits, Melons, Stc.h ia abundance at al Wines. Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction, jyii-lw ROSS A McGOWAN. FOR NEW YORK DIRECT. Murray's North Carolina Steamship Line. T II K H T K A l I ( CHARLES SALTER, Matter, yTlLL SAIL FROM NKWBfiRN FOR THE A BO v L pert on FRIDAY, July 2sih, 4 . in., ,. arrival of the Tr.i": fi.iui tiib-igh Y Kn-iht ni l'.tssd, having good accommoditiiona, HUuHfcS A DILL, Opposite th Gafton House. i" tr! MACHINERY REPAIRED. TE. TH LJNUERSIGNKL), PROPOSE TO RK- t nut s'-itin MiMa f!ttfnn Vnnfnrv M ffh inr v . ftnd Machinerv fi ail kinds, and do anything in the Ifill- r rip tit line. a JAiaou. RxrKt to A. Johnson, and Shay, Williamson k Co. jy 26-lw BENTON HA TS OF $ UBSCBIP Ti OA ' ih , 1 Mm.ih Wtkiy I V , '.'. 4 6 Months.. 5 00 " 3 Months 3 011 a 1 6 M ,-Ls pa,u In aavance id all ca-8 .,, ihe not be snt; and the paper will be.toppeu when the tin, paid for eapires, unless renewed. M1B" A-EWSBOYS AND A'EWS J'fiALEJii? Will I be furnished at Che rate of $5 per hundred c,p -c All orders must be accompanied by the u ti -v . ADVERTISING II ATK Ordinary advertisements, occupying nut more iban tc.j lines solid minion, or one inch space I insertion. $L 00 1-2 Week.. 2 3 4 5 I Wrek. 1 50 -A....... 16 00 li dO 15 0U' 2f ou 00 50 00 ct is made, will 1 Month. 2 00 2 50 3 50 2 Months., i Year ... Larg-.r adrertisem-ius, where no cont' be charged in exact proportion. YEARLY COS 7 R ACTS WUl be madeiuacco-dance with the fo;:,.wiDg schedule 1 4 column, 1 Month. $30 00 1-4 col. 6 Montos.-.t 110 tt) 1 -' 14 1 2 1 1-4 1-2 1 " 0 I 3 3 3 140 00 1 ,vi 00 I To .U 200 00 Hu 00 50 00 75 00 100 00 I 1 40() On Oaly those who contract tor r. . column,for ne. three, six, or twelve in. at he. will re'et m the benefit of these terms. 1 Contract advertisers must pay bvW month, and i ! others in advance. ' All advertisement must b- marked . oeind tiim and no advertisement will be inserted in, 'turbid Advertisements inserted once, twice or three tiuiti a week will be charged One Dollar a sqaare for everv in sertion, f - OUR CIRCULATION Is larger inthe city and throughout the Suu ihauauv pther paper in .North Carolina. The Progress u read in the caniT and among the people by a jnuch Ui trPr number of persons than any other paper, and beue its importance as an advertising medium should ru.t bo vi looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notice's" will be set in minion, leaded, aud itl serted under the Special Notice head, and O a Dollar i Square charged for every Insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to th. Local LYi umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Dav $1 00 I Three Linos, One Day $J ou Two Lines, " 1 50 j Five.Lines, " ' 2 6; Ten Lines, or more, at the rate of Twenty tive OeLt . Line for each insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, do. Will be charged aamc as Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and . we have to pay cash for evervthing in our business, we must demand cash. . June, 26, 1865. .J. 1,. PENN1NGTO A CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have to pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there ia but little money ia circulation, but there are but few persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. - Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularlv will be expected to pay their bills monthly. 7 Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. J. L. P. & CO. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAW AT VVBEBN SOUTH OF BALTIMORE. JR. L. fl. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OF S. H. Young, on Fayetteville Street, Kalciph, .V. C, respectfully announces to the public that he ha ..'' JUST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Good?, La dies' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c. This stock was purchased in New York since the m recent decline in prices, and is now offered at terms lower than goods of the same description can be purchased in Newbern or any point south of Baltimore. Country Merchants and others supplied at wholesale, jy 15-lm HARDWARE AND - Agricultural Implements. PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, CORN PLANTERS, Hay and Maxrure Forks, Hoes and Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Spades, Sbovefs, (long and short handle, Axes and Handles, Carpenter's Tools, Hatchets and Hammers, 8cythe Sharpners and Stones, Frying Pans, Coffee Mills,' Porcelain KettU, Naiis, (all sizes,) Cuny Combs, tc, 4c, For sale, cheap for cash, by MILLER & COJ, Store formerly occupied by S. H. Young, jy 7-eod4w Fayetteville Street. NEWS ! NEWS! ! NEWS ! ! NEW YORK DAILIES RECEIVED EVERY DAY BY I) X PRESS also AND All the Popular PerjoflioI Litei siture f tin the it :mn auws Amm DEPOT FAYETTEVILL: STr:i,7 i . s50,ofo r .i: ' , . of North Carolina B i d- i-i-.-j - x- 1 highest marift ra f- -nut- !.. : 1 up . B-ndt eli. wfiui'! i 1 i tt c'i mi.i. Will pa Mi;;i fc iiarlt -t i at ill" : "' --j''i- " " ' r.it-x.. for .North Carolina Bank .Votes IV r . GKaDV, jp 24 3t Etobanf Bri-kt-r, Fa vetff St. " THE VERY PLACE. OEND VOL" . KJ.-JCR a.M i iL. f' 1 V.Sl) field, HaUfax county, '. t 1 G;.0 -W. HKPTl STALL wi( .-t!i thern for ou on cotauTiesion. RsFEBEW.ciis. Branson A Fa.inr and Ss H. Vuu;, Raleigh, N. C. ,y 'ii. lw ROOMS WANTED fTTANTED, TWO FUUN1SUJLD ROOMS WlTfT yy outboard, for a rntlm an and his wife Apply at Frog rest ofBw imataUUly. jy 18-ljv