77 i... L. PfiMINGTOX & CO. TERMS. -V 7 .. .AIM frc X-y- THE NEWS. ra lastv uigbt no w.legraph for gar read rs jing.. We are cousbkd by the fact, howavor, atterprisirjrg agents hava furnished ua with reliable nowa by express. Besides the corn ' : rdpn Brokers" are doiDg a rushiog businysij agton.v ;or hath it that Governor Perry, of South is in Washington, not with his own constat, usa "And" wanted to have a talk with tisni Speech at Greeeville, on the 3d inst., in is taid to l ave apologized lor trie k-be. Hon. jent. dcts not believe in the old maxim of :b with the Turks, as the "turkeys" do. Jerjt Ji hnson has received such information i Teonesfcee, as to cause hiru fully to indorse of Emerson Etheridge.. .: ... . -yife of the Rebel Gen. Ewell proceeded to TeiV7. aeo on Wednesday, morning with an order ' U:zj T. . 'dent Johnson for the release of her husband. - Cz t:.-i; z the oath of allegiance he was liberated, i,nd b;tL 1:."; for the South the same evening. V t ' Ti'2 Befrel General Roddy has arrived at dairo, JL;; v plitd to President Johnson .for pardon. , lis cz; ::-2es. a determination to be a good citizen, to ?t - , r 3 laws, and to use all his influence to sustain A tt 3 G:, eminent. ; '11 ; trial of Champ Ferguson, the Tennessee gucrfii iiprogressiDg rapidly at Nashville. The A'cbirt3 riin'at him, include several specifications of I Ci:fd:r csdfcobbery. He will urdoubtedly be haag- cd .3 L2 1, c 11. deserves it. '. Pain rsfon, although far advanced in years, is . cn "It 2 iturap," AalkiDg to the people about the'eom- , Th: r.Lbmond Whig ia afloat again, published ' fey Hz ::. T.lUott & Shields. . ,--1- - prev::i. ' rc - orts4o the effect that the artillery and . tj sold by Texas rebels to the Mexican after Kirby Smith's surrender has been ia.pur military authorities by order of ..'The report of the departure to MexN Is Kirby Smith; Price, Magruder, Shel- v - other 1 . tgiven" rp : co cfG: by, Dec s and Jackson, with a number of their follower;:, r.ndt Governors Moore and Allen, of Lou- ; isiaca and Clark and Murray, of Texas, is also con .firmed. Gsn:ril Cahby is now in command of th Stats 3 cf Lc r 'siana and Texas. " .. - --f- . H 2 I-rjr Harris, the heroine of the late re. ; r! ill- trial; lias left Washington for her home in L-:. n, Iowa, where her parents reside. The 111: ' .:z Devlin go to Baltimore, where they vill r.c r:n tha'tiiillenery basiness. r : In t'. 3 north westerp part of South Carolina, ;t7h;re;Unii; .1 States . troops have not been during . the reVtll'ori, tne.people, it is said, still prefer "Con- . federate currccj" to the United States greenbacks. ,Thej T7i:l n J plenty of their fellow citizens in -rill:::' : f.rtunate parts of the State willing to c:' '- tyem in their preferences. :x. - ' Hampshire Superior Court has deci- C-lli 1 press com par y delivering a parGel r : .iJ " W. cabalistic "CO. D." -collect on allow a person to whom it is con -: 'Je. time to open the package and de 1 :r he will receive it or not. The rule ;: - 1 z !;Sen that no examination could take ! - 2 lit rer must take the package and de i .'.z T. r It contained what he had ordered .5 L"ciion of the court id both legal' and hi:1: letter cannot be said of all legal de- -A r'": a'.who has. recently made a trip from ,ia, t Montgomery, Alabama, says aeraliy, haviDg recovered from their tl.: fret:. evtr toe acquisition (if their liberty, have guttled, dsr-si t j work on plantat ions ;. but many of thin 1:7. ; t3 be taught that freedom and idle csi.xra net onomous. , -r, IbaPoet, Novefist, and Statesman, has b c :j 1 : C f he has concluded to abandon society " 1 ; : . 3 to raris to live, in obscurity, under the P ' ' .1 c::3 pf an cmiueut aurist. - - rA. B. lullett, Asst. Supervising,. Architect of 4 : Treacury Department, started from' Washington t1 rth for Norfolk on a' tour of observ ition and l'-3t to be: extended hereafter thn ughout the ' theWiew of alteiji.g the custom-house erecting others where needed. ''igan, the pestilent little gambler and 1 After a lorjg career of infamy in Iy, ne ventured oack to California, fr m I teen driveu by the celebrated Vigi :2Cqf 1850. He has been there sever - Zartly 'daring auy one to arrest him. L '.ant, in a fit of dehrium tremens, he wo men, and was aiming at another : r put a bullet through his head. c. cl r C.t: r'- . v , Crinoline--L.ucky Escape. ' ufg Expr es says : ! lyfof rare personal and mewtal ac iSjlresiding in West Ward, attempted !ieF"xistence. yesterday by leaping .. vFof tunatelj a strong current of ;ng up the excavation at the oppor V inflated hr crinoline and buoyed her ,tir assistance offered and rescued her ileus position. She is supposed to oring under a temporary fit of insan vunrequited aad misplaced affection. made heoiletfDr a visit down town, 4tcation of menta.1 aberration, as up ajdwelling, she rUshed to her aunt 1 upon her heek one of her sweetest jnarked, "you need not expect me :rV' The inmates of the house were -as thati two minutes by the screams 1 Cook, who witnessed the unsuccess tD jump down the well, and.thus' extin tal spark. Tile lady had entirely re bw moody and desponding state of ening, and sang a popular air with a f toru, science of trill, and perfection of !,er,r: ptured the family circle, and be ' ! c ivil that "reason had resumed its. " try 4 " ti:. . cn '1. i ki::- VOL. VI RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 186S. MO 215. The Loss to 'the Sootb tut the Dkath of Mb. Lincoln. Speaking of the execution of the assastiag, tke RichmonoT Republic says : Tliere was but oae evil that could add aggravation to our 'case, and that was the murder of the very man upon whose faith and kindly nature our whole reliance for the mitiga tion of our misfortunes reposed. The roaj who struck down the late President -blow against the South, between whom and those woes wnicn befall the vanquished, Mr. Lincoln stood. It was not for usrto desire a mitigation of the, fate of. tbev conspirators, or to question the manner of their taking off. We were the chief sufferers by the assas sination, and we should have continued to suffer if ; they had escaped conviction and punishment. We are not in a condition to shoulder a vicarious criaie As the crime is at last punished, the blood of the criminals has expiated the blood of the innocent, we may now be relieved of the odium of an unjust im putation, and spared the insult of a perpetual crimi nation. Two gentlemen from Georgia made an appeal to Mr. Seward', the Secretary of State, to the effect, that some privilege promotive of his comfoft and.- health should be bestowed .upon the Hon. A. H. Stephens then and now a prisoner, as our readers know, in Fort Warren. The Secretary kiDdly augured them that he would institute proper enquiries and it it could, the privilege solicited would not be withheld from the distinguished prisoner "But, gentlemen," said the Secretary, eyeing them keenly, "have you not a word to say for Mr. Davis ? no petition to present for him ?" Surprised and confounded our. Georgia friends hesi tated when the Secretary quickly, remarked "since his (Mr. D's arrest, -eave from Mrs. Davis, not one appeal has come from the South in his behalf." Upon this incident we have no comment to offer. Atlanta Inicttigcncir. A Cow Drinks Eighteen Gallows of Whis key. The Troy Times, of Eridvy, gives a most re markable case of "beastly" intoxicatioo : It seems that on the upper part of Green Island an nucit wnisKy stilt ex'st.-d, until yesterday, when Marshal Kipp, Collector Woodwu-.l, ;md Inspector illicit whisky still ex'st.-d, until y Fales made a raid on the premises, nu iOCKea up - J I 1 1 both the owner and che door. A mouth ago the dis tillery was in fu'l blast. It wad a "still" night, and the man running the machine, who had ma le eih teen gallons of whisky, put it out in tho open sir to cool. Along came a c jw. She wag thirsty, and the beverage looked inviting. She swallowed every dron eighteen gallons of no rectified whisky, warranted to kill at forty rods; That cow has been drunk ever since. She staggered home, and ia in the fou th week of a grand old Vender "The cow eats n 'thiug ; falls down whenever; they try t jrai;e her up, and has become as lean as a crow instead of a cow. Whether the cow will ever get. a .ber, or end iter life in a fit of delirium tjeruens, h a qiu-siion we sh ill look anxiously to see the solution of. It' is really a remarkable case, aud we s'.onld scircely relieve it, if our informant was not counecied with the -telegraph, and of course, perfectly reliable. HCamp Mebting Anecuv'TE. At a camu meeting airuuiuer oj laoies conriuuea standing on me oencnes notwithetandiog the frequent hints from the minis ter to sit down. A reverend old gentlemen noted for good humor, arose and suH. " I think if those ladies standing on the benches knew they "tad holes in their stockings, thee would sit down." This address had the desired effect there was an immediate sinking into the seats. A young minister standing behind him, and blush ing to the temples said : " O, brother, how could you say that ?" " Say that ?"said the old gentleman,' it's a fact if they badn't holes in their stockings, I'd like to knaw how they could get them ob. A Wife Dies on Her Husband's Grave. A sin gular event occured in the German Reformed Cem etary in Middletown, Frederick county about sun set on the 4th of July. MrS. Hannah Keller, a widow lady, well advanced in years, residing in Middletown, m company with her daughter, visited the grave of her deceased husband, on the even ing above stated, and whilst trimming: the flowers upon his tomb, was suddenly stricken by apoplexy and died in a few moments. On the following af ternoon her rerflains were deposited in the very spot where she died, by the side of those of her husband. The theatrical wardrobe of J. Wiikes Booth, the assassin, winch was picked up from the wreck of the schooner Marie Victoria, has been sold by auction in Canada. Though most of the articles were greatly damaged by the salt wrvter, they realized high prices. A dressing case, nearly in pieces, brought fitteon dol lars, and spoiled costumes were knocked down at twenty -five dollars each. DIED, In this city, on the morning of the 25th, Edwin Moa gan, infant and only son of T. D. and M. h- Sledge, aged 19 months and 4 davs. Tbe funeral will take place from the residence of T. D. Sledge, Hargett Street. The friends of the family, and the public generally, are in vited to attend this ( We Jnegday). morning, at 9 a.m. On yesterday morning, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Harriet D. Crowi, wife of W. H. Crowe, Esq., of this city. 'Her funeral will be at thu Presbyterian Churcii, this morn ing at 9 o'clock. The frienda.of the family, and citizens generally, are invited to attend, without further notifi cation. . WANTED, FIFTY (50) HOGSHEADS OF GOOD LEAF TO bacco. Send samples per Express. je29-tf 1UCHAKDSON &. MILLER. " WANTED, SEAMSTRESSES, COOKS, A URSES, WASHERS and Ironers, Laborers of enty description ; also, consignments of Cotton and Tobacco. Town Besidences and Lots, Farms ; alsf, Produce of every kind je 30 tf RICMARDSON & MILLER. FOR SALE, A GOOD FARM AND WATER-POWER. APPLY to RJCHARDSON & MlLLER. je24-tf IMPORTANT NOTICE. Ihave Trefully prepared and hare for sale circulars oontaiuing the prices of gold every day from May 1G1 to May 1S65 Pries 25ctpreopy. Apply to W. R. RICHARDSON, jy 11-tf. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED, TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH out board, for a gentleman and his wife Apply at Progress othe immediately. jy 18-1 w THE CITY. The Lait Drinking Establishment Closed . Yesterday upon the authority of Gen. Ames, the provost guard was busy in closing all those places where , spirits of vini godlici as we apothecaries say had been Tended. It is understood that the order included every .saloon in the city, and the principle of no future tales ap plies &s well to grocers and other stores. It ia related that a soldier recently on trial for habitual drunkenness, was addressed by the President : "Prisoner you have heard the prosecution for habitual drunkenness , what hare you to say in defence?" "Nothing, please, your honor, but habitual thirst." This would bo the plea of many ia or midst, we presume, bnt evep. that class will readily admit the propriety of the new order. It is well said that when Sir Thomae Moore wrote his Utopia, and Harrington his Ooeana, they were both at liberty to exercise "their fancies in constructing model conditions of society, without any constraint from the actual facts, necessities or circumstances then existing. Their uushackledf imaginations were al lowed "to body forth the forma of things unseen," and bestow on the airiest of nothings "a local habitation and a name." Those authors were building Utopias, and such architects are beyond and above all the prosaic criticism of the every day world which is nevertheless performing soberly and conscientiously the actual work of which the fanciful builder is only dreaming. These are truisms which no one will attempt to dispute ; and while the spirit of intemperance which pervades Raleigh may be by some regarded aa of little conse. quence, it is important to remember that the chief draw, backs to harmony in the country at present have their source ia bad or good whiskey. Tbe fierce tides of the ocean have their origin from small streams, and so im morality's turbulent strength ia acquired from the lesser reservoirs of corruption which eiist all over the land." We have but to commend the new oVder with an w pression of hope that it may not be modified in the least until the civil authority has been completely restored to its ordinary aHd appropriate functions. Neither soldier, sutler, citizen or freedman should form an exception U the.rulin until all are alike permitted to engiga in th traffic. Dinner to Returnrd Soldiers. We hear that the proposition in Monday's Prognia, io behalf of a din- . ner to returned and returning Confederate soldiers, ha met with tbe hearty endorsement of citizens of this city as well as county. In a few days a number of gentlemen will adopt measures looking to some definite arrangements, uch as fixing the time, place, and method of obtaining that substantial aid without which su6h entertainment cannot be given. It is pleasant to announce that parti anry has been altogether "excluded from the proposal, and that men conspicuous for unwavering and uninter rupted devotion to the Union are as active in the qcheme as any who, chose a different line of conduct. Such a spirit may not be too highly commended, for the welcome from the eitizens of Raleigh and Wake county is to old neighbors and friends, who, whatever may have been thci? political differences, have never workeda forfeiture ot social regard. Let the dinner be prepared and sftch a a reunion ef hearts and hands distinguish it as shall bring baok again tho halnynn Past. ProTOSt Sanctum. Yesterday there was the usual rush to the f 'Sanctum" of the initiated and uninitiated; but we are again pleased to report that the amount of crime seems to be rapidly diminishing. The record of that establishment is a perfect barometer of morals, and the few cases which now come before tbat tribunal of an important character, is a fitting commentary on the faith ful discharge of military duty under the new regime. Henry, a negro, convicted ef stealing a hog and slaugh tering the same, was dismissed wth a scorching repri mand from the Provost Marshal, Capt. Barrett, as said darkey "bristled" up and paid the owner for his hog. We must invite attention to the fact tbat in spite of the dignity of the court room, a great deal of swearing i dai ly heard within its precincts of course we mean of a le gal kind. A number of the citizens of Harnett, Orange and Burke, yesterday subscribed the oath. Another Watch Gone. It seems tkat the rogues in the city have a partiality for watohes especially fine time pieces. It was only a day or two since that we chronicled the spiriting away of a wafcirii in the market. Yesterday there was an operation nearly identical in character . The word ''bummer" no longer applies to such actions, because it originated in what is styled a military necessity but thief is the proper designation of persons who practice such games. In the case in which we now speak there was not even the eeremony of asking the time of day, but merely grab and run. We again warn the uninitiited of the dangers which envirom them in Raleigh unlesB they are prudent. North Carolinians in Neir York.. It will be gratifying to tbe denixens of the city to read of the suc cess of schemes of prospective benefit to the old North State. Among other North Carolinians in New York are Col. J. M. Heck and Kemp P. Battle, of our place, and in speaking of them, tbe Times newspaper says: v "North Ca-olina is making active exertions to secure emigration t) her territory. Col. J. M. Heck and Kemp P. Battle are at the St. Nicholas Hotel, for the purpose of opening offices in tbe North to furnish information and encourage emigration. They say the people of North Carolina are anxious to have the State filled with North ern settlers, and desire to have their resources fully devel oped. The feeling is very strong in favor ef the new sys tem of labor, and a large majority express gladness at the abolition of slavery. They ofter for sale or lease large quantities of land, geld, iron and lead mines, and water power, and offer liberal inducements to emigration. This is the first step of the kind taken by any State." . -- Lively Race. At an early hour on yesterday morn ing a soldier came rushing down Martin street, hotly pur sued by another shouting thieves, watch, robbery, stop that man, be has robbed me. Feminine heads were crammed out of the windows ,'lttle dogs yelped, big ones barked, while men stood staring stupidly until the fugi tive had passed, then joined in the hue and cry. The refugee wtruok up street at.a rapid pace, but his pursuers were gaining on him, and we suppose he was overhauled. Board of Health. If there is power in thei corpo rate authorities to appoint a Board of Health, we trust it will e done, aud that the very best men in point of censcience snd energy - in tbe community will be ehosen for the position, it is true now as erer that "an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure," nd U is especial ly a fact that both In this country and Europe as much visnlsne?.! rcq - st as at any moment since Adxm was S boy. New Advertisement's We invite attention to tbe following new advertisements : B. Oneil Jewelry at wholesale, Brooklyn, N. Y . Baggy Wanted apply at counting room. A Forlorn Chance. It is suggested that those rich men and womejr who are now waxing morose over the loss of their fortunes, may relieve themselves of their surplus beyond twenty-thousand by donations to poor re lations. This is a patriotic and christian method of ex tricating themselves from embarrassment. Besides, we feel morallycertain that Gov. Holden and President John son would regard such conduct as incomtestible demon stration of penitence and future loyalty. Call up your poor kinsfolk at once. Impromptu Race A match race between Mr. Miligat PhiUips' saddle horse and the young colt belong ing to Mr. Colvin Ferguson took place yesterday afternoon on tne road leading to Carey. The bet was two hundred dollars each side, the latter horse winning by the length of his nck. The distance run was one mile, and the time of the heat 1 minute and 40 seconds. Money Market. We printed in our last paper a itatement of the prices ot Southern bank paper, which was designed aa a table for the convenience of our readers, in estimating values in different States. But as to Ral eigh financial matters, we always keep our own report by Grady as the true criterion. Peterson for July West; th great newspape rialist imperialist, too, in the marts of magazinedom has sent us Peterson's National Magazine for July. The ladies have always manifested a partiality ter this mon arch of faihion and thoroughly literary monthly, and we suspect wiU exhaust the supply at once. For New York.. The steamer, Charles Benton, Salter, master, will sail from Newbern for New York on Friday next. She has good accommodation for freight and passengers. m ThankS. We are under obligations to Mr. E. D. Rus sell, of Jarratt' hotel, for appreciable favors. We are glad to know that he has lost none of his cleverness and is engaged in the famed house mentioned above. Visitors to teterbnrg will find him a trump card. i Read It. The new order from Lieut. Col. McDonald it not only suspends the sale of liquor, but brings billiard saloons and ten-pin alleys up to the mark. ; It ,M . At Blufhenthal's Soda Fountain, on Fayette ville street, Tuesday, the thermometer ranged as be low : 9 a m 86 1 p. m. 92 It) " 88K 2 " 93 11 " 89 3 " 92W i:i 92 4 " 91Vi RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, BKVISED DAIIY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHA.NE BROKER, 13, Fayette ville Street. Buying Bates. Gold $1.40; Silver $1.35;. Nortji Carolina Bank Notes 1025 cents on the dollar; other Southern Bank Notes 18 SO cents on )he dollar. Northern States Bank notes T6 80 centB ob the dollar. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, coupons, $70. MARKET REPORT CORRBCTKD DAILY BT E. . W HIT AKER. Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $1 50 per bushel, " Green, $i per bushel, small, Bacon Firm, sales at 15c per lb. Beef 15c per lb. Butter 25c per lb. - Cheese OQSOc'per lb. Chickens 2025e a pieceA C, Coffee 50c per lb. wJ' Corn $1 per bushel. Eegs 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $910 per bbl. ; Honey in comb, 25 to 30c per lb. Lamb- 12J15c per lb. Lard 15c per lb. Meal 51 per bushel. Mullets- $20 per bbl. Mackerel $22 per bbl. Onions $1 per bushel. Peaches dried 10 to 25c per lb. Peas White $100 ; Stock 90 to $1; GardemiOcper peok. Potatoes Irish $1 and sweet $1 per bushel. Sugar Crushed 50c per lb ; Brown 25c Syrup 50c per gallon. Soda Cooking, 40c per pound. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUGGY WANTED. WANTED TO PURCHASE, A SECOND-HAND Buggy one with top preferred, any one having one to sell will please make it known at jy 26 3t ' PROGRESS OFFICE. A WHOLESALE JEWELLER, WISHING TO .RETIRE FROM BUSINESS AND having a large quantity of Gold and Silver Watches on hand, and desiring to get rid of them, will sell them off at the following low prices : Hunting Composition Cased .....$ 6 to $ 10 Silver Hunting Duplex 10 to 12a Gold 40 to 350 . To Traders, wishing to replentish thir stock, or these out of employment wishing to act as "agents, or those wishing to buy a single on", we cannot be surpass ed for cheapness and durability. Those buying a "Watch for over $20, upon receipt of $5- as an evidence of good faith, we will forward by Ex press, C. O. D., for .remainder. Under that amount must be. paid in advance. Address, R. ONELLL, jy 26-lw Box 142, Brooklyn, N. Y. Headquarters Post of Raleif h, Jaly 25th 1865. . General Order, ) No. 20 . ; T MERCHANTS, SUTLERS, AAD OTHERS ARE I 9 hereby strictly prohibited from selling any Spirituous Liquors to any person whether officer, soldier or civilian. IT. All persons having any such Liquors in their posses sion will immediately close their Bar Rooms. IIJ. Those who now have Intoxicating Liqu'-r in their Sossession will immediately report tbe fact to tbe Provost larshal, who will enter on his books their names and places of business. IV. The proprietors of billiard rooms 'and ten-pin al leys are cautioned against allowiag enlisted men to lounge a&out their premises. No enlssted man will be allowed to remain in any ploceof tits kind after dark. V. There will be no place of business allowed to be kept open on Sunday, except drug stores Any one violating this order will be at rested 4nd uied by Military Court. By erder of Lt. Col. J.ll. MeDonald Comd'g Post. GEO. E. AVENT, july 26 lw Capt. Zdji. Y. & Post Adj't. PARTN ER WANTED. Interest in "Goutherri Field and Fireside " and "Key-Stone" For Sije. fl 'M k KDiTOKS Wit j'K'Ji'K! lOUS OF TH USE Afli v;o .,vd j i -ii Liiis, cun'-'-tiip allium ;iti cxunsi u of their business, wis" to eil i au acuyc a.ud cuterpri iug man a purtiuu o' ih-;ir ' .-t'luti ukui, and to admit him to an eqna'uv with theuiselreg. Such an opportunity for a profitable investment of Talent and Capital in the South can setcNin be found. None bat a tirat class man, well recommended need ap ply f WM. B. SMITH k CO., je 16-ti . .. Editors and Proprietors. JtATES vF SUBSCRIPTION. laiiy, 1 ur jgio UU 4 6 Months 5 00 i-iilv, 1 ij-tl, $i , u V kiy. 1 . Yt-ar J uo 6 .Moiith i ... 3 Mouths 3 oo Must be vaid in advunre in all c u. not be sent; and ih nDfr will hi,.,,,. , i . A'U.M 1 ' if r I vvbiu.p ;;U n ' Hie lin;i' paid for espiresless renewed. " NEWSBOYS AND NEWS DEALERS Will be furnished at the rat .f.i .. i ill . . " K UUUUI (II to llf Ail orders must be accottpanid by the u.onev. ADVERTISING HATES. liBlSS rti8ement?' 0tCCQPyiDg ire an ten nnes soud minum, or one inch space 1 insertion oo 2 ........ ........ 1 50 3 " 2 00 2 Weeks 1 Month. 2 Months....... 3' .. 1 Year..""' $6 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 3 00 4 " 9. so 5 " 3 00 1 Week 3 50 50 00 Larger advertisements, where no contract is made, will be charged in exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRahts: Will be made in accordance with the following schedule I A AlnM. 1 IS A 1 AAA nA .... 1 4 column, 1 Month.$3Q 00 1-4 col. 6 Months. ..$100 on " 1 " 45 00 " 1 " 60 00 1-4 3 50 00 1-2 " 3 75 00 1 " 3 100 00 1-2 " 1-4 " 12 " 6 " ... 140 00 " .. 150 00 1 Ytar 175 00 1 " 200 00 1 " ion on UalV thOSe Whn mntraM fV f i 1 - -v. ,ui uuc-iour n, one-Halt or & SfKto1' or twelve mon othrdvce" Mt hvth. .oath. ana..-. adertisemeBts must be marked a specified time and no advertisement will be inserted till forbid " Advertisements inserted once, twice or three time a wekwill be charged One Dollar a ,qa, e lor eve in OUR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throughout tbe State than any Other paper in North Carolina. The ProarelsW in the camn and among tbe people by a much larle number of persons than any other paper, and hen"" &stata p-fo,a not hen:;:i- SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion, leaded and in oquare charged for every insertion. , LOCAL COLUMN. umn It'SflV n0ti-ea WU1 be admitt to the Local Col umn, at the following rates : Two tt 0ne(D 00 I Three Linea.One Day $t on Two Lines, 1 50 J Five Lines, ' V- & I !nfoLiDe8l-r more' atthe r&te ot Twentv-five Cents k Line for each insertion. - . FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or thev will not appear. The above Rates will be adher'ed to in all cases, and sjs we have to pay cash for everything in our business, we must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. J .. PENNINGTO V Jfc CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS We have te pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must have more cash frem those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, but there are but tewr persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be flopped. Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly will be expected to pay their bills monthly. Y Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. J. L. P. & CO. NEWS! NEWS!! NEWS!! NEW YORK DAILIES RECEIVED EVERY DAY BY EXPRESS ; ALSO AND All the Popular Periodical Literature of the DaY at THE RALEIGH HEWS AGENTS DEPOT FAYETTEVILIE street, 1. EDWIN IVEST. 15-M Agent- THE VERY PLACE. QEND YOUR FLOOR AND TOBACCO TO END iO field, Halifax county, N. C. GEO. W. HEPT1N STALL will sell them for you on commission. References. Branson & Farrar and S. H. Youm' Raleigh, N. C. , jy 24 lot" MACHINERY REPAIRED-: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, PROPOSE TO HE pan hteam Mills, Cotton Factory Machinery, and Machinery of all kinds, and do anything in the Mill wrighthne. J NUTaLL 4 JACKSON. of, T-" A' Johns0D Shay, Williamson & Co. jy 2o-lw EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAN AT NEWBERN OR ANY POINT SOUTH OF BALTIMORE. JR. L. H. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OF tt. tl. Young, on Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, respectfully announces to the public that be haa JUST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Uoodg, La dies' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hct Hnd Caps, Ac. This stock was purchased in New York since lht recent decline in prices, and is now oflered at terms lower than goods of the same description can bo purchased in, Newbern or any point south of Baltimore. Country Merchants and others supplied at wbolgal. jy 15-lm REM OVA I. ! Peace and Libert) Eating Siihuii itEMOVI-l; TO Tifi. -OX-iXD POST' OFFICE, SAYETTEVILI-K T It K Si '' . ROSS & McGOWAN, Proprietors. rpHIS WELL KVOW-.V AND POPULAIi Ka'i'AR lishment baa ben. r-m-ived ' rfn t.' t f .f (1jci stand, r ayetterillu- Sfr.,-. t c xt t-. !i-r-Meals Jtfe luiu s1"- 'it 'cluck n 1!. 9 o'clock nt night. 1'bcTe beinj: tj ti attached, customers will be able to get the best W ine? aud Liquorstobe found'intbe City. Ice Cream, Fruits, Melon, Ac, in abundance at all times. Give us a call and we will guarantee satiilaction.