h. PEHHIHGTO-N & CO. r ' 1 T E li. M THE NEWS.: i Fourth Page for latest news By Telegraph :ees. ' . Surratt's last words were 'fTake care oi Je," meaning her daughter. ; -. 3 Mprrieey, the pugulist, pajs tax od an in 350,700. ;ware and Kentucky are the only States ia iverj is recognized as a legal institution. . JV contains only a tew slaves and may be c; 1 practcaily free ; and Kentucky will ua- : .ratify, the constitutional amendment in her re- ;:slatuie riter.lu t!.- New Orleans Tivies styling h.im- .'r.'.f : . : ired planter," urges the introduction of ' CIc 5 bor for cotton plantations. f rti i.,nn:iu iMa flhrmiirle. has re-JD- - cum lutuiTiiiq 1 " w-. - - - i riT... . it is eviueuujr-iu uo uuu y - TT.. ? - - was a reutfi, ior uu roum uuuiu pu c--:.-t toriala as fill its columns. Z'. - New Hampshire Statesman says : "JJever :.i:co 1" r Hampshire became a Statej was its soil l;.J: i '..imore luxurianc crops.- The horn of pJea ty V. '.- .'-Icto gush out wich fatness." In the lun ri f A. Ward, let it gush. Secretary of War has issued an order crea t:.. ,7 military district in Virginia, to be called t! ' :Ict of Southwestern Virginia. The District .. i i r . u . t .-. 1 -J on.K cT I v .hburg "is discontinued, and that city is desig-. t " the headquarters of Geii. Curtis. r 2 consumption of ber is rapidly increatiog Ja tl ) Ucited States. Iq 1860, the amount sold was cl.i " lion of barrels. In 1864 the quantity used . -b;'''Ii-:cased to 24 mil lions of barrels. otA about an 6vc;;33 cf a barrel apiece for everybody. -Th:r3 is hope for New Jersey. A committee of . War Democrats call for a meeting and union of all viho zro yjtting tci sustain the present Administra- " ticD.jr all' who think alike can be Induced te act together in Ne.w Jersey, that State may be carried . Egalct its present masters. As th3name8 of the conspirators who have just . fsuLbrcd for their crimes will be preserved in unenvia ;. b!5 pcic:lziy, it is but fair that no injustice should ba ilcna tha poor wretjehes, even in so small a matter . 3 th3 incorrect spelling of their names.. Two of -then Lave from -the firtt been mis-spelled. Dafvld ; E, HaroU should be Herold, and Atzerbth should be 'AJz:rcdt ; usually pronounced Azerot, but more cor- rectly Aticrot. , - .Tf. It t-rA1 that. t.hpr has bflpn nnltfi a dlfWMiR- - gios over V i irewand offered for the capture of Booth, . Yr t' a matter la rmrianirieri Cr TKrer in bcii'f cT himself and party, claims the prise, but S::rctrj Stanton, for some reason or other, wlth 1 "'-3 his consent, aod the payment btbe reward, t. rrefors rcsaaiDs in abeyance. A tala concerning Kirby Smith is floating about tho streets cf Richmond A Captain Selden, of his ; tizi. r;::a tnrougn the city a dev or. two ago, ana says ttz ";:r the surrender of the Trans-Mississippi ; Rebsl amy," the great cotton speculator, just on the eve of hjs departure for Mexico, swore upon a Bible that ha vrculd never return to the United States. i TLi lzvf York Triune, states; " on authori 17." tL:t t3 families of Jefferson Davis and of C. C. , C -r;! .zzd eminent and well known loyal advisers r t . t "til i -mr 1 l tz c::., tne miaa.e oi may lasi lo appear wnen--e;cr i' " ' jvernment shall think proper to order the - trl;'; . . za state prisoners. The senior counsel is a . cf.whose preeminence at the bar there will la no .Ion when it is thought proper to announce V.i r , Any reports therefore, which 3appear T : ; :Li3 to time in different newspapers as to efforts m V-Vsalf of the Drisoners bv oeraons reDresen- - tb:rr Ires as their counsel, or engaged in their 1 :rvlc: thay be safely regarded as unauthorized' ij tha rrt'es cbitny concerned. 1 .J; IT. D.wis, we are told is "'dejected." So are" Vzz Izrs ' !, ' of ten thousand households, desolated by tha I': . '7ar which he initiated. The " dejection " . c .!tninal may excite pity, but it caanot I crimes. :; yard's bay horse the one he rode at Shi - ore thatfhe would water in the Tennessee -1, before night is now in Wisconsin. ' ca their by Major Ewen, of the 28d Regl Dadgers." The horse, if he stays way up 1.3 cold, may not water in the Tennessee, but ;bly what say you friend Calkins? r Gen. C. C. Washburn is in 'the field as a for nomination (by the Union party forGov Isconsiq. Ex-Brig.. Gen. Fairchllds, now i State, Isalsd mentioned. Gen. F. has an jye consents buried at Gettysburg, and is 3 favorite.' Gen. Hobart, whom many of remember, is talked of for Attorney Gen- f- I: - J- VHOLESAIiE JEWELLER; TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS AND 3g a large quantity of Gold and Silver Watches id desiring to get rid of them, will sell them blowing low prices': Composition Cased .. to .'anting Duplex.. 10 t0 if .......,7. 0 to 250 iTrsj" wishing '" to replentish thsir stock, or, of employment wishiug to act as agents, or ing to buy a single on, we cannot be surpass ipness and durability. . iving a Watch for over $20, upon receipt of vldence of good faith, we will forward by hx K D., for remainder. Dnder that amount must advance. Address, R. ONEILL, Box 142, Brooklyn, N. Y. - Headquarters Post of Raleigh,) Okdkr, . ' IGHANTsi SUTLERS, AND OTHEftS ARE iy strictly prohibited from selling any Spirituous i any persjpn whether officer, soldier or civilian., persons having any such Liquorsin their posses immdiately close their Bar Rooms. .... fse who now. have Intoxicating Liquor in their will immediately report the fact to the Provost "o wll ecttr on, his books their names and bf proprietors of billia d rooms and ten-. pin ai cautioned against allowiag enlisted men to loaue eir premises. No enlsited man will be allowed la in any ploce of this kind, alter dark, ere will be no place of busWBs allowed to b kept Sunday, ex capt drug fit orelJ me violating this order will bs arrested and tried kTv Court. ier uf Lt, Col. J. M. McDonald Comd'g; Post. GEO. E. AYENT, 6 lw Capt. id N. Y. Post Adj't. t .: i - ! '- . , ! I VOL. VI. STATE ITEMS Original iud Selected. Adventubb with a Beae. Jklr. Tippet, a gen tleman living somewhere beyond 1043 Treut, had quite an interesting adventure with a large bear, a few miles fiom Newbera on Thursday last. His lord ship was walking quietly along, airing himself near the margin of a swamp, when Mr. T. spied him at a range of some sixty or seventy yards, and levelling his single-barreled shot gun at him, succeeded in throwing a load of buek-shot through the body near the regiojn of the heart ; but he immediately ttrrued and came bounding forward af the height of iiis speed, displaying all the venom of a ferocloub beast. Mr. T. took his hat in one hand and his gun in the other, and shaking them at the beast lustily, vociferat ed at the top of his voice: "Don't you come here, don'tjrou ceme here." The"t3ar, however, regard Jess of the threatening attitude of his antagonist, rushed forward apparently with vicious intents, until within a few yards of his opponent, when he turned abruptly to one side, and, being overhauled by the dogs, laid himself down and died. The oath of amnesty and allegiance, and the oath of office, has been administered to. the following Jus tices, in Lenior county : ' W Dunn, Jr, Jesse L&siter, P Hardee, Jesse Ja k son, John Tull, John A Parrott, B F Sutton', Jan L Canady, B F Parrott, Saml H Rovtntree, William A Croom, L J Mewborn, Moses "W ate rs, L A Aldrid e, D A Murphey, W VV Dunn, Jesse W Kiney, Anthony Davis, Joun S- W Pearce, W H West , Stephen Mil ler, S B Turnage, W B Reid, Joshua Rouse, R F Bright, J A Hartsfield, F A Brothers, James Waters, John H Coward, Wm Q Pope, and James M Parrott. The Justices then proceeded to elect a special Court, as follows: P Hardee, R F Bright, Jesse Lassiter, L H Aldridge, and R Y King ; the latter as chairman ; County Court Clerk, John H CowaTd ; Public Regis ter for the County, Reuben Barrow ; Toos A Heath, elected Coroner ; R H Rountree, County Trustee. The officers elected by the Court came forward and entered into bonds, with securities approved by the Conrt, according to. law, took the oath ofc office, and entrred upon the duties of their office. Gov. bolden has appointed the following Magis trates for Union county : F L Wiatt, Jno P Hous ton, C M T McCaulay, Jua S M ush, Ellis L Gaddy, B F Houston, Jos R Hudson, Amos F Stephens, Henry Morgan, Richard Tarleton, James M Rodgers, Jacob C Mullis, Wm Jones Saml B Howard, Tbog L Marsh, Jonathan Troll; J C Griffin, Wm McCain. Samuel H. Walkup has been appointed Commis sioner to swear tHese Magistrates i to office. ' A Mr. Case, an engineer on the road between Wil mington and Goldsboro' was badly injured fehe other day by the breaking of 5n ax e. He was struck on the head, having a portion of the scalp removed from left side, aod receiving a kfv-ji wound on the right eye. Mr Case is represented as being in a critical condition. Among a batch of nearly one hundred repenting rebels, who have found favor with the good old man, Uncle Sam, and received hie pardon, is Mr. P. K. Dickinson of Wilmington. We are informed that a negro man has been disco v' ered as the incendiary who jgurut Mr. Chas. J. Har ris' house, in Cabarrus county, week before last. He says he was instigated by others to the deed. Moses A. Smith, Esq., of Salisbury, is recom mended for the postmaster8bip of that town. Chief Justice Pearson has been nominated for the State Convention by a pHblla meeting in Yadkin county, and has signified his willingness to accept. That's right let the people send their most intelli gent men to the Convention. Cotton sold in tbe Crlotte market last Saturday at 33 cents in currency. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .A. KAKE Oj&LlSrOE Far any one Wishing to Build a Fine House. THE ADVERTISER OFFERS FOR SALE THE frame work, all morticed and ready to put together, of a LARG-E HOUSE, 46 X 56 feet, cottage syle, 8 rooms with basement ; to gethei with 16 pair Blinds primed srfc 17 Door Shutters and Frwes ; 14 Large Window Frames, wjth Rollers ; 7 Window Frames withoutvRollers ; 14 Sett Sash Glazed Glass 10 X 18 ; 6 Frontispieces for fire-places. This work was done and the material prepared for a large, fins building, and nothing but flooring, weather boarding, shingles and athes and lime are wanting to finish it all the rest being on the ground. The property may be seen, with a drawing of the build ing, and terms asceitained by calling on or addressing Jy 26-lm EDITOR PROGRESS. BY B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., 7 Auctioneers and Commistion Merchants, WE WILL SELL BY AUCTION, IN FRONT OF eur store, on Fay etteville street, (late Harding's,) Raleigh, on Friday next, the 28th instant, FIFTY BARRELS DAMAGED BLOUR. Samples can be seen at our store. B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., jy 27-2t ' Auctioneers, etc. PARTNER WANTED. Interest in "Southern Field and Fireside" and "Key-Stone" For Sale. rpHE EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS OF THESE I well known journals, contemplating an extension, of their business, wish to sell to an active and enterprising man a portion of their establishment, and to admit him to-an equality with themselves. Such an opportunity for a profitable investment of Talents and Capital in the South can seldom be fouud. None but a first class man, well recommended need ap ply WM. B. SMITH & CO., je 16-tl . Editors and Propjietors. JAMES R. HERBERT, i PRODUCE AND General Commission Merchant, 158 West Pratt St., Baltimore, Md. ELLS ALL AND EVERYTHING. QUICK RE turnsmade. Ctfstom desired all through the South. s K If Sit TO Mr. John B. feathery, Mai. W. W. Fierce, and others in .Raleigh, N. C. J7 18-lna . . H. J. HESSEIiBACH, COPPER A.2VD TIN SMITHi EESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS rc;Opened his establishment at his old stand, oppo site the Market House, Raleigh, N. C, and is now pre nared to manufacture Turpentine and Brandy Stills, and all kinds of Th and Copper Ware. je 30-tf RALEIGH, THURSDAY; JULY 27, 1865 NO. 216 THE CITY. Pro vost's Sanctum. The hope had possessed us that a little couiinou sense, ii. fused by -experience, would lessen the burdens of the Provost and Assis tant Marshal, but yesterday's demonstration on the pnrt of the sovereigns white and black spiritB dis appoint tbe fond anticipUi5n. Intelligence was brought to the provost marshal of an attempted burglary upon the premises of Mrs. Branch. Th3 thief unfortunately escaped unhurt. A deserter, brought in frpm the country, was sjt)t to Capt. Adams, provost marshal of the 10th army corps . A citizen from the county, in relating a long ac count of the manner in which a mule came into his possession, inadvertently admitted that it was a U. S animal and legally belonged to the federal govern ment. The assistant provost marshal immediately ordered him to be turned over to Capt. Garoutte, A. Q M. Cises coming up before tho tribunal of Capt. Bar rett, do not require tbe possession of as much legal knowledge as his predecessors of the supreme court bench had, but we defy the reports to produce any fuller of iut icacy and perplexity. . r "Sensible." Referring to the late action of the Bo rd of Commissionelrs of Raleigh, respecting the withdrawal of the military from this point, the j Charlotte democrat tersely says they are sensible j.men. We wish, to assure our cotemporary that that the bulk of the soldiers have been or are grad ually being sent home and that the government in tends to maintain only a small garrison in our midst for necessary purposes. The present authorities are doing yoeman service in behalf of good xrder and we hope will not relax their efforts until every species of criminality is almost unknown in the citx at least to the extent of rendering life, limb and property perfectly safe. : m : Fight. Last night about 9 o'clock, two pugna cious Celts "locked horns" near ihe corner of Fay etteville and Davy streets, and everything bid fair for a knock down, but an officer of the army inter posed his good offices and parted them. One of them vowed that Patrick drank-an overshare from their common stock of whiskey, arguing that an equal partition of drams was morethan usually im portant as the provost Had shut off theeservoirs of supply. He promised, too, unless restitution was made by the defaulter that when they met again they would renew k-the "argument wid sticks," in accordance with the time-honored code of "auld Ireland." A New Tile. Some of the "young bloods" who have recently made their exodus from New York ap pear on our streets in such modern fashion of tile as to defy their most intimate acquaintance in recog nising them. It is a dove-colored stove-pipe, witk a crown approximating the conical shape. Instead, however, of inspiring the impression that the wearers are from Gotham the great centre of much that is ridiculous as well as fashionable, the conclusion Is irnsistible, that they are "young men from the rural district's out for pasturage. Thanks. We are under obligation to some of the attaches of the Southern and the Adams Express Companies for late papers in advance of the mail. The embarrassment which the newspaper, business and reading worlds experience for want of proper mail facilities is forcibly Illustrated by the fact that we are two days in advance of the post office department by these attentions. - Th e Two Power Presses of the Progress estab lishment are capable of turning out an immense amottnt of work, and as we believe in low prices and constant employment merchants, manufacturers, Ptessional men and others having printing to do will find it to their advantage to call on us. We promise promptness, dispatch and accuracy. Any Business that 'will not justify advertising will soon close Its own doors. Make liberal invest ments In advertising if you would prosper, and re member that without malls the Progress circulates by thousands. A few dollars invested in Its coliynns will bring a rich return. Trit. Tempestuous, very. Old Boreas, as if respond ing to our appeal, was on a rampage night before last, and contributed a heavy instalment of wind and water towards lessening the .oppressive heat from which we have been suffering for two months. Yesterday, however, the god of day was out in all wonted strength, and we are again in CJJetroleum state. Sfottswood Hotel. invite attention to the card of the proprietors of the Spotswood Hotel, at Richmond. It is one of the largest establishmen ts of the kind in the South, and no doubt Messrs. Corkei-y & Millward will maintain its olde'n celeb ity in all particulars. City Subscribers who are in arrears for the Progress, and can pay, will confer a favtr d us by doing so. We have been furnishing the paper to most of our subscribers, since tbe occupation of the State by the Union forces, without money, but as we have to pay cash for stock and labor we must collect some money. We trust thit those who can pay their subscription will do so avonce. We need the monev or we. would not remind them of it. Old Papers For wrapping purpose can be had froa 1 ur counting room at 6) centi per hun dred . Billiards. As a great many people don't know ho.v to play billiards we make room for a descrip tion of the game, from the pen of Doesticks, in or der that they may remain, in ignorance no longer. He says : A game of billiards consists of punching ivory balls about 6n a table covered with green cloth that looks like a half an acre of meadow land with an india rubber fence about it The balls are punched with long wooden ramrods, with wax on the little end to save the wood and leather from wearing out. You take your ramrod and rub some chalk on the table end ; then you lean over the ta ble ; then you squint ; then you lift your leg ; then 6ddle a little on.your left hand with your ramrod ; then you punch your ball. If your ball hits tire other man's ball and some other ball, you've done a a big thing, and you poke up a lot of buttons jjt are strung on a wire. This is all there is in a game of billiards. Anybody can punch billiards, I can, and may be you can. , , '. In Session. We presume, the stockholders of the Bank of North Carolina are in session here, but if anything has been accomplished, the press is without knowledge as to what has been done. The task before them is not light or irresponsible, and at the proper moment whatever is reached will probably be fully" spread before the public. Coming Down. A gentleman cites as one of the evidences of the purpose and spirit of our people, the fact that cotton is daily reaching this city by rail and otherwise, for shipment North on private account. He well says we are not dead only crippled. Appointed. Mr. D. W. Bain, for many years con nected with the State Comptroller's office, has been appointed chief clerk of the present Treasurer's office. He is a modest man and brimful of merit, and having entered upon the discharge of his new duties, we wish him abundant success. Government Sale. Those of our people who desire to supply themselves with horses, mules, army or spring wagons, harness, fcc. should not neglect the sale at the Baptist Grove in this city, at 9 o'clock this morning. It is a rare opportunity tur supplying their wants at fair prices. Personal -Hon. Wm. A. Graham, Ex -Governor Dald L. Swain, president University of North Ca rolina, Hon. P. C. Cameron, of Orange, and many others, once or now prominent in public affairs iri North Carolina, are in the city. . . Another Steamer tor New York. As will be seen from notice elsewhere the steamer E. S. Terry, of the Goodspeed line, will leave Newbern for New York next Saturday. Good accommodations for passengers and freight. Business men who do not advertise by the year will understand that all bills for advertising are due as soon a s the advertisement appears. Those who contract to advertise by the year will be expected to pay by the month or quarter, as we may desire. . . , Meal. Tuesday meal was offered in tljis city at 80 cents per bushel yesterday the same artiole was offered at $100, with no purchasers. The fact is, things generally must decline in price until they reach a natural standard of valuation. At Blumenthal's Soda Fountain, on Fayetteville street, Monday, the thermometer ranged rfs below : 9 a. m. 88 - 1 p. to. 92J 10 a. m. 89J - 2 p. m. 92f 11 a. m. 91 3 p.m.; 92 12 a. m. 92 4 p.m. 92 RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, REVISED DAILY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE IBOKEB, 13, Payetterille Street. Buying Bates. Gold $1.40 ; Silver $1.35 ; North U&roliin Bank Notes 10 a 26 gents on the dollar other Southern Bank Notes 10 a 30 cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes 75 a 80 cents on the dollar. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, coupons,' $70. MARKET REPORT CORRECTED DAILY BY B2. A. WHITAKER. Orocer and Dealer in Provisions, i Apples Dried, $1 50 per bushel, Green, $1 per bushel, small, Bacon Firm, sales at 17c per lb. Beef 15c per lb. Butter 25c per lb. Cheese 4ft 50c per lb. Chickens 20(25c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Com 80c90c per bushel. EcgS 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $910 per bbl. ; Honey in comb, 25 to 30c per lb. Lamb 12K15c per lb. Lard 15c per lb. t Meal $1 per bushel. Mullets-$20 per bbl. Mackerel $22 per bbl. Onions $1 per bushel. , Peaches dried 10 to 25c per lb. Peas White $100 ; Stock 90 to $1 ; Garde 40c per peck. Potatoes Irish $1 and sweet $1 per bushel. Suar Crushed 50c per lb ; Brown 25c Syrup 50c per gallon. Soda Cooking, 40c. per pound. FOR NEW YORK DIRECT. THE FINE STEAMER S . TERRY, WILL BAIL FROM NBWBEBH FOB the above port on SATURDAY, 29th inst , at 6 o'clock, P. M. For freighter passage apply V C. P. GOODSPEED, jy 27-td Office at Oliver's brick store. BUGGY WANTED. W 'ANTED TO PURCHASE, A SECOND-HANn Buggy one with top preferred. Any one having one to tell will please make it known at jy 28 3t PROGRESS OFFICE. RATES OF S UBSCR IP Tl 0 N. Daily, 1 Year $10 00 Dilly, 1 Month $1 (O W-ekly, 1 Year 00 ' 6 Months ... l r.n o juonins 6 00 " 3 Month?;.,... 3 00 Must be Dftid in H vamsa in all nano it.. . .. . --- ui me paper win not be sent; and the paper will bestopped when the tW I y ., huivoo icucnCUi - XEJV&BOYS AND 2fWS DEALERS Will be furnished at thVrate of $5 pr hundred copie All orders must be accompanied by the money. ADVERTISING RATES Ordinary advertisement, occupying not more than ten lines solid minion, or one inch space i insertion $1 00 1 2 Weeks 1 50 2 00 2 50 1 Month 10 0U 1:5 00 20 00 :sw oo 2 Months. 3 . 6 . 1 Year.... 3 00 1 Week M 3 50 50 00 Larger advertisements, where no contract is made, will be charH in exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACT Will be made in accordance with the following schedule ii i . . . ..... 1-4 column. l'Mnni.h an nn 1-2 " 1 " " 45 00 1-4 cul. Months. ..$100 Oo 1-2 " " ... 140 00 " .. 150 00 Vear.i 175 00 " 200 00 " nn in. 1 " 60 00 1 1-4 1-2 a " 50 00 I 1-4 3 " 75 00 1 a i t 100 00 I 1 9 f r nnlKnL. ....... -K V J OhIv thnso ujVih Knntr.At c c i ... 1 V u vu j iui uue-iuunu, one-nait, or a column, for ne, three, six, or twelve months, will receive the benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers must pay bvthe month, and all others in advance. v All advertisements mustbe marked a specified time and no advertisement will be.inserted " till torbid ' ' Advertisements inserted once, twice or three time? a week will be charged One Dollar a square lor every in, sertion. - OUR CIRCULATION la larger in the city and throughout the State than anv other paper in North Carolina. The Proyree, U read in the camr and among the people by a much larger number of persons than any other paper, and hencAt importance as an advertising medium should not be over looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion, leaded, and "in serted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar a Square charged for every insertion. . LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to th Local Col umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 Three Lines, One Day $2 00 Two Lines, 1 5Q J Five Lines, " . 2 50 Ten Lines, or more, at the rate of Twenty-nve Centa a Line for each insertion. - FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, do. Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in a'll cases, and as we have to pay cash for everything in ourbusiness, we mast demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. 1,. PENNINGTO v & CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND AD VERTISERS. We have t pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circniation, but there are but few persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who. advertise regularly will b expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. J. L. P. & CO. NEWS! NEWS!! NEWS" NEW YORK DAILIES RECEIVED EVERY DAY QY EXPRESS ; AtSO- AND All the Popular Periodical Literature of the Day at THE RALElflH NEWS AGENTS DEPOT FAYETTEVILLE STHEET, I. EDWIN WEST. jy 15-tf Agent' THE VERY PLACE. QEND YOUK FLOUR AND TOBACCO TO ENi Clfield, Halifax county, N. C. GEO. W. UEPTJN STALL will sell them for you on commission. Rfirif krk n oes. Bransofi" & Farrar and S. H. Youne Raleigh, N. C. jy 24-lOt MACHINERY REPAIRED-! WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, PROPOSE TO KK paii Steam Mills, Cotton Factory Machinery, and Machinery of all kinds, and do anything in the Mill wright line. NUTALL & JACKSON. Rhfer to A. Johnson, and Shay, Williamson & Co. jy 25-1 w EXTRAORDINARY ATTRAGTlOftL GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAN AT NEWBERN - OR ANY POINT S O U X II OF BALTIMO It K . "VTR. L. II. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OF 8 H. Young, on Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, X. C, respectfully announces to the public that be trae JTJST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, La dies' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and'Caps, Ac. Thisstockwas purchased in New York since the recent decline in prices, and isnow oSered at terms lower .than goods of the same description can be purchased in Newbern or any point south of Baltimore. Country -Merchants and others supplied at wholesale jy 15-1 m REMOVAL ! Peace and Liberty Eating Saloon REMOVED TO THE OLID POST OFFICE, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. ROSS & McGOWAN, Proprietors. THIS WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR E3TAB lisbment has been remoTed. to tbe old Post Office stand, Fayetteville Street next to tbe market, where Meals are furnished from 6 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock at night. There being a fine attached; customerr will be able to get the best Wines and Liquors to be found is he City. lee Cream, Fruits, Melons, &c, ia abundance at all times. Gire us a eall and we will guarantee satisfaction. jy24-lw ROSS A McGOWAN.

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