V -l '' U"uiii,.J. j " "" '- n J "" Ilium iimiiinijiimiijiii mil t, wi -lh. .1 .11 uno.i , (, 1 V Tr C: n & ft Y J. L. PENMINGTOM CO. i THE NEWS. " .. . L-For Telegraph see Fourth Page. ---General Grant will shortly take a summer trip the White Mountains. A .rein of silrer is reported to have been discov 1 at Bayfie1lj Wisconsin, and promises 'a rich d. , "0 A telegratu from Nashville staU that Emerton erldge is to be tried by court-martial for uttering lions language. -The Connecticut LegiaJature, after a sessioD of 3 weeks, adjourned sine die on tho 2lsi. On July 4th, the Mayor of G i vfton, Texas, vaa jd under arrest by the military authorities for lory conduct. The election for municipal officers came off at rfeksburg, Va., last week. Montgomery Slaugh 3 reelected Mayor. There was scarcely a change Council., "resident Johnson has declined thg invitation to Joston. -The Rennsylvaoia Uripo State Convention Is to . 1 Hariisburg, August 17th. I officially announced that the port ot Tnx-,..-:IXsxico, is open to foreign trade. . I lfty prisoners are to be sent to the New . "hire State prison. X JihnTJ. Gough, the temperance lecturer, reports i Accme of $9,000 a year. 7fS8els with cargoes ot cotton have sailed from Orleans fpr St. Petersburg. rifty thousand widows are receiving United iltzizz pensions. k IA." Jayne, of. Philadelphia, returns an income . t 7: . r Of $127,149. . 11 2 wheat crop Of Louisiaoa ia immense. The cujir c:;p Is less than it was last year. ', 11 3 receipts of internal revenue from the 1st to t! .2 'IT . j. instant, inclusive, amount to $12,239,000 ' 11:rehas been' insubordination among the color c Hr.: j at Savannah, but it was soon suppressed by "A measures. A -.an io New-York jumped twelve feet and one A: fty dollars. A Knewed effort is being made to induce the '. .t to relax the confiscation laws in Richmond. . Roes, the wife of the Hon. John Rosa, Chief v. :rpkee Nation, died at her residence in Phila- cutThursday. - i :3 is reason to believe that the Governmsnt i short time, make known its policy'in regard Aroe doctjine and the French occupation of reinforcements of troops to the number .78. thousand are said to have been put : I to-Sherldan within a few days lGrant is reported to have said, in a con X ! the Mexican Minister a few days ago i will have to leave M exico.". y. General Speed has rendered an opinion ; McCullcch upon claims for cotton cap :rman in Savannah: He decides that all 1 by military forces in insurrectionary dis lafed property within the meaning of the 388, wh ether owBed by loyal men or not. cf t. cn t:. A": . li that recourse must be had In disputed c . . j A3 Cotirt of Claims, and that jartediction can r Alo conf :re$ upon a- commiasioiPappolnted either 1 7 tl3 Pr: llent or Secretary of the Treasury io ex tnAsa tba claims in questioa and to make restoration cf ths prc;::diof so much of the cotton as may belong to Iojil c' In auts. A f Aiilty occurred at a pic-nic at Rock Sprirj, Tc-a'iijori the 18kh inst., between returned Union end Rsbel soldiers, which resulted in the death cf t!:r 2 and tfie seriously 'wounding of seven othcr3. " jA la l;!!':nce from Robinson county, Tenn., re : Alhi IAbe officials granting certificates of reg .! '.. " : t; U jwho apply, In disregard of the pro $ ' c f ; 1 i franchise law. J 3A II 6d, the anti-State Government candl dita fcr LArresa from the Chattanooga District, Tccncrcc3t h.; s beeii removed from the Postmastershlp cf Ch-.ttaccojs, and E. James, the Radical Clerk of t!.sT-n::::3, House of Representatives, appointed ia I A A::-. -1 : ;pbrt, R. I., sea-bathiDg commences t land the streets are alive with car ;iig to the beach. From this hour until lining dresses are worn. At 1 o'clock ! eared of l idies, and masculines "go of-nature till three o'clock, when, at . ; f ;a flag, the bathers resume their clo . seed homeward. : jfeing is the number of troops furnished VA A the war by several different States: ' d l Vermont, 34,40 : Conoecticat, 54, NUland, 26,356 ; Vest Virginia, 29,012; 358, 706 : New Hampshire, 33,258 ; 18j-; PtiinsvlvHni, 360,000; and Iowa, A nation occurred bet weou a Union soldier d rbel, hear Miller Station, Mo., on vil, list Sunday, when th i-ter shot th Ihiui iiiiCtot y. The citiasens caught the iwit.h little ccrem 1 uy, hung him. m as has ordered that the Hon. Emei 1 ba leKl at Col nmbus, Ky.p until fur id not be allowed to converse on politi in.nf close confinement. He is now I . . ; A , Jtich il!Ki Magili, two emfuent Catho ihttSouth, are sojourning in New York. Shaker of the ex -rebel House of Virginia, is jD Washington, urging his t pardon. Xteen hundred male clerks, messengers ployed i prent in the Treasury De- bUDdro.l w d 'sailed officers and sol- V A A . HuHlre.i lady ctcrks are chiefly re f '.-! 1 I relatives of disabled and VOL. VI STATE ITEMS Original and Selected . Speaking of the illness of Gov'. Holden, the Salis bury Banner says "this is unfortunate at the pres ent time. The process of reconstructing the State was progressing in hfs hands so rapidly to a happy solution that we deplore any interuption or delay. We sincerely hope the illness will be but a temporary one, a"hd that evennow Gov. Holden may with his rapid and energetic mind be engaged in th"e task' wisely intrusted to him by the President." We are glad tp believe that the Governor will not be detained a great while from the important duties of his position. The first traiu over the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad, since the occupation of the State by the federal troops, arrived Monday from above, and left on an upward trip the next morn ing. aw" In accordance with the findings and sentence of a military commission recently convened in Salisbu ry in thisState, a nsgro, named Alfred Locke, of Rowan county, is to b hanged on Friday, the 11th of August. Locke is convicted of committing a rape upon a white woman namd Mary Sloan, and righteously deserves the punishment that awaits him. Turpentine in large quantities is reaching the poast towns of the State by raft and therwise. Advices from the interior of the State give glowing descriptions of the corn crop. " A cotenrporary says that on every hand the fields abound with promise. The breadth oT laud planted this year was somewhat restricted owing to military operations, but the ciop is in a most gladdoing condition. Salishury is evidently looking up and the people appear determiBed to catch ' the spirit ot improve ment in all its fresh i-eM. We Itan: from a notice in the columns Of the Union Banner "that the work on the Western N. C. R. Road burnt by uur rough visitor Stt.neman is being temporarily fixed up to answer the immediate purposes of the company. Dr. Halj ia busy making brick for the purpose of bnilding, on the burnt square right in the heart ot the city. New stores have been opened. An .omnibus visits daily the cars from Howerton'a Hutel. the gas works are again in operation, the Exprtss wagon runs rapidly along the streets delivering and receiving packages, the trains from all points go and come rtularly and in all we present a bustling and trnsy appearance which is most pleasing to observe and which presents a bright contrast to the apathy that scented to have seized our people the past few years. The Mayor of Wilmiugton assumed the fanctions of his office on the 24th inst., and was very busy with the regulation of different affairs during the entire day. The board of commissioners met early in the morning, and were in session for some houis. There was nothing, very unusual, says the Herald, to denote the change. T!e sun did not stand still, as it did 00 one occasion for Joshua, neither were the other heavenly bolies guilty of rudeness or misbe havior. It thundered, lightened and rained, but it did the same' on Sunday. There , was no change no ticed in the conduct of men. Every one seemed quiet, and disposed tb look mainly to their own af fairs and let the law do the same. In the afternoon the police met nt'tho mayor's of fice to receive their instructions before going on duty. The first of these guard were put on the streets at seven o'clock Tuesday evening, and hereafter it is in tended that at no time will the city be without a force on duty sufficient to meet any and all requirements.- - The work has commenced and it is earnestly hoped and expected that not only will a new broom sweep clean, but that it will, like old cognac, improve with age, and that under this administration there will be "safety for the citizen and prosperity for the commu nity." NEW ADVERTISE 31 ENTS. BY B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., Auctioneers and Cpmmisrion Herohants, WE WILL SELL BY AUCTION, IN FRONT OF our store, on Fayetteville streetflat Harding's,) Raleigh, this day, (Friday) at 11 o'dock, a. m FIFTY BARRELS DAMAGED PLODR. Samples can be see at tur etore. B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., jy 28-lt Auctioneers, etc. .A. RAEE CHANCE For any one Wishing to Build a Fine House. THE ADVERTISER OFFERS FOR SALE THE frame work,; all morticed and ready to put together, TuJ-RGrtt HOUSE, 46X56 feet, cottage syle 8 rooms with ba3ement ; to getnei with 16 pairJDiiaas pnmea ; 17 Door Shutters and Frames ; 14 Large Window Frames, with Rollers ; 7 Window Frames without Rollers ; 4 Sett Sash Glazed Glass 10 X 18 ; 6 Frontispieces for fire p'acea. Thia work was done anil the material prepared for a large, fine building, and nothing but flooring, weather boarding, shingled and lathes and lime are wantiDg to finish it all the rest bsing on the ground. TheTroperty may be seen, with a drawing of the build ing, and terms asceitained by calling on or addressing Jy26-lm j EDITOR PROGRESS. H. J. HESSELBACH, dOPPER AND TIN SMITH, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS re-opeued his establishment at his old stand, oppo site the Market House, Raieigh, N. C, and is now pre pared to manufacture Turpentine andBrandy Stills, and all kinds of Tin and Copper Ware. je 3Mf ' POSTPONEMENT. rriHE MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS " OF 1 the Wilmiagton A Widon Railroad Company, d V?ftid to be held in this place oa.the 25th instant, is postponed until Tuesday, 1st of Auzust F v S. D. WALLACE, President. Wilmiugton, July 24. 1865.-.rtd RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JULY THE CITY. Impositions upon Govebnment. A geLtleman whose position no lefs than his vtracity entitles him to the utmost credence, informs ns that the kindly spirit of the government towards freedmen is much abased , especially in the matter of transportation. It 6j.pt ars that under the present system every worth less negro iD the country can secure transportation at will and without any avouchment of their necessities. It is nly required that they shali state they live in Wilmington, and immediately they are ticketecVfot that city. At "Wilmington, if they grow weary of the tasks which necessarily appertain to freedom, another transportation office can be visited, and upon mere asst-rtion oi" Wicg residents of August, Qa., or any other point, the label requisite to forward them to tbat point is furnished, aod so on without limit or authentication. We wish to fay that the government has leen niUMficen t in its arrangements looking to the. promo te n of the negrce's interest) the army officers arn far too generc us towards them and the people fet 1 entirely willing toeupply employment; but all there njay find it imperative with them to adopt for safety b very different rule. The practice.of furnishing in discriminate transportation as frequantly as there is 3 demand for it, is contributing perhaps more than all else to foster and develop not only discontent and idleness, but actual hatred of industry. It will" be vain to seek to organize thislcment of industry as loDg as it can rove without expense to the individuals composing it from one city to another, and from Virgiuia and -Nortk Carolina to Georgia and Louis iana. If the government is sincere in its desire to im prove the African's condition and we believe it is we suggest some arrangement for imbuing him with principles oi stability rather a development of migra tory habits. Silks to"be More Costly. The homespun idea of Southern ladies having been shown to be either -mania or paroxysm rather than a principle, it will interest them in a regretful sense to hear that silks are doomed to sell at a much higher figure in a short time than 'heretofore. The silk breeders of France are in a position of the greatest distress. A strange disease, which has reappeared among the worms from time to time notably in 1858 and 1710 has since 1860, recommenced its ravages, till the price of seed has risen ten fold and the mul berry leaves have so fallen ofif that the planters threaten to cut down the trees and use the land for some more profitable cultivation. The disease shows itself according to a petition analyzed in the China Telegraph, just as.the worm is about to begin the cocoon so that the breeder has the trou ble of rearing for nothing, and has to purchase seed, as it were, in the dark. In view of this distress, the loom may still find its votaries and homespun keep up its significance. Provost's Sanctum. The muleteers and muske teers are classes who more frequently pace the pro vost's sanctum than any others in the community. Yesterday, a dozen or more cases on the same old subject, viz : a mule or horse, claimed by two or more different parties, were decided by Capt. Barnett. A email boy from Philadelphia was brought up, charged with theft. "The evidence was insufficient to prove his guilt, but strong enough to justify his confinement until his innocence could be established or the offonce proved. Two women complained of an attack on themselves aod sister, Wednesday night, and gave a highly wrought account of the Injuries and InBults. Thier spirits were soon recovered and although two men, who were participants, were placed in confinement, they will probably be released to-day. The evidence was rather insufficient and very amusing. Besides Ihese there were no other cases at all inte resting. A list of complaints, however, if given to the public, would surprise everybody by their trivial and yet numerically vast character. - Putrageous. It is stated to us that while the ISth Pennsylvania Cavalry were lying in the vicin ity of the city, and just before going home, some of their number caught an old negro woman and for a long time amused themselves by tossing her .up and down in a blanket. . On one of these occa sions alter throwing her some feet in the air, they withdrew the blanket, let her fall to the ground, and caused serious injury to-her limbs. Not satis fied, however, with their diabolical sport, they then filled her eyes, nose and ears with mud very much after the manner of charging piece of ordnance. We understand the poor negro died from the ef fects of this maltreatmnt?- Such a shameful proceeding will be held as truly reprehensible by every christian man north and south, and the perpetrators of the outrage deserve the severest punishment. , i - Queer Bill of Fare. An army official who has served acceptably in one of the apartments here since the occupation of the city by the forces of the United States, was recently transferred to another point. A number of gentlemen employed in his of fice sent a very complimentary letter, inviting him to join them in a day of festivity. With a faste which is relieved of all vulgarity, he declined the "feast of re .son and floveof.soul," by sending them a letter of which the following is the conclusion : I am forced to forbear writing mor suffice it to ay that we should be pleased to see you at Head Quarters as your convenience will allow, where my fellow "officers" will receive- you kindly, and place at your disposal the following refreshments: . Saw dirst, any quantity ; Mucilage, one half gill ; extra black iiik, 2 small viah, and flies in propar-tion. 28, 1865 NO. 217 . W. & W. Railroad Stocshldrr'$ Meetikg. We have been requested to state that a special train will be tun for the accommodation of the stockholders ef the Wilmington & Weldon Rail road who desire to attend the meetingof the stock holders in Wilmington, on Tuesday the 1st of Au gust. Tbeyrain will leave Goldsborof on Monday on the arffval of the regular train from Raleigh (about 1 o'clock, p ra.,) and run through in about five hours. Scarce. A walk yesterday over all the territory embraced within, the corporate limits of Raleigh, failed to generate a solitary item. We saw much that was ludicrous, some things ridiqulous, others worthy the painter's brush but nothing of tragic, criminal or social import. It was qua te gratifying to witness the stivrdy industry and cheerful faces of the people, and to feel that an era ispbeing" reached in which something like, security of person and property will exist. f Gonf. The combustibles ahell imd its like- which ffcDiained for ro lofig a time aM.be ctntral rail road depot, exp wd b a?t uluntl ignition, have been removed to a place where there is but jsmall prospect of harm from its storage. The suggestion of the danger was made in the Progress, abd before night the transfer had been effected. 1 Attempt to Escape. A soldier confined in the City Jail for some nffenoe to us unknown, jnmped from one of the room windows f the prison and then over the high palling into the street, last . Wednesday, evening, thus attempting to escape! The guard, however, gathered him up and. returned the would be fugitive to durauce vile. I Aj Fortress Monroe. The 9th Mafne Regt. of in fantry, recently on duty at Raleigh, arrived at For' tress Menroe on the 20th inst. from forehead City, commanded by Lieut. Col. Noble. Tjhey numbered 343 muskets and we are glad to se from North ern correspondence that they speak of our State and in people in very complimentary terms. 13-evtt Maj. Gen. Kilpatrick, commanding the cav: iy cl the military division ol Mississippi, was expected here last night at the Exchjauge lotel. Brevet Col. Estes preceded him. In New York. Among the ariva s at the New Jeut. E. Heb- York Hotel, we notice the names of bard and lady of North Carolina. Old Papers. For wrapping purpose can be had from cur counting room at 60 jcents per hun dred. I At Blumesthal's Soda Fountain, pn Fayetteville street,Thursday,the thermometer ragged as bolow : 9-a. m. 89 J 1 pj. m. 92 10 a. m. 90 "' 2 p.' m. 93 11 a. m. 90 3 p. m. 93f 12 a. m. 91 4 p. m. 93 RALEIGH MONEY MARKET; REVISED DAILY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Bates. Gold $1.40 ; Silver $1.35 ; North Carolina Bank Notes 10 a 25 cents on the dollar; oither Southern Bank Notes 10 a 30 cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes 75 a 80 cents on the dollar. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, coupons, $70. MARKET REPORT CORRECTED DAILY BY Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $1 50 per bushel, " Green, $1 per bushel, small, Bacon Firm, sales at 17c per lb. Beef 15c per lb. Butter 25c per lb. Cheese te50c per lb. Chickens 2025c a piece. Coflfee 50c per lb. Corn 80c90c per bushel. Eggs 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $910 per bbl. ; Honey in'comb, 25 to 30c per lb. Lamb 12l5c per lb. Lard 15c per lb. Meal $1 per bushel. Mullets-$20 per bbl. Mackerel $22 per bbl. Onions $1 per bushel. Peaches dried 10 to 25c per lb. Peas White $100 ; Stock 90 to $1; Gardes 40c per peck. Potatoes Irish $1 and sweet $1 per bushel. Sugar Crushed 50c per lb ; Brown 25c Syrup 50c per gallon. Soda Cooking, 40c per pound. Headquarters Post of Raleigh, V - Jaly 26th 1865; General Ohdeb, No. 20 J T MERCHANTS, SUTLERS, AND OTHERS ARE I hereby strictly prohibited from selling any Spirituous Liquors to any person whether officer, soldier or crrilian. II. All persons having any such Liquors in their posses sion will immediately close their Bar Roomg. III. Those who now hare Intoxicating Liquor in their Sossession will immediately report the fact to the Provost larshal, who will enter on his books their names and places of business, IV. The proprietors of billiard rooms and ten-pin al leys are cautioned against allowiag enlisted men to loange about their premises. No enlssted man will be allowed to remain in any ploceofthis kind after dark, V. There will bs no place of business allowed to be kept open on Sunday, except drug stores. - Any one violating this order wilt be arrested and tried by Military Court. By erder- of Lt. Col. J. If. McDonald Comd'g Post. GEO. E. A VENT, july.26 lw Capt. 3d N. T. A Post Adj't. PTEW SCHEDULE. FROM RALEIGH TO PETERSBURG. THROUGH 1 5V ONE EY. ON AND AFTER THURSDAT NEXT, THE RAL eigh and Gaston train will leave Raleigh at 5 a. m., and reach Gaston at 12 in. Petersburg train wtil leave at 1 p in., and reach the terminus of the I'eUreburg Road at 5 p. ra. A surticientnumberof ownibuaesand wa 'en havebeen secureotake al: the pasdeagers and baggage from the Leave Petersburg at 4 a. m., reach Gaston at 11 a-a. Leave Gaston at 12 a. m. and reach Raleigh at 7 p. m. P. A. DUNN, Sup't R. k G. B. R. RM. DUNLOP, 8p't Petersburg R. RaWiga, June 21, 1865 je 22-tf TERMS , SATES OF SUBSi'ftlPTlu.S Daily, 1 lear.. $10 ou iaih, 1 ., W-Akly. 1 Year $1 o ' -.6 Months son 3 Months... 3 00 b A'onthis. , 1.50 Muit be paid in advance in ail op nr tho ..; not be sent; and the paper will be stopped when the time Hm lur Mpires, uniees renew eo. NEWSBOYS AND NEWS DEALERS Will be furnished at th rt nf K& n nn.o - : All orders mujst be accompanied bj the money. ADVERTISING RATES. Ordinary advertisements. OCCUri v? n cr nnt. mnra ikon lines solid minion, or one inch space 1 insertion.. ..$1 00 2 Weeks $6 00 1 Month..' 10 ou 2 Montbi 15 00 3 " 20 00 6 " 3tt 00 3 4 ..w 2 00 .... 2 50 .... 3 00 5 " I Week. 3 50 1 lear... 50 OO t : . ... i . . . , . ..w.v Mv u 1.1 lltu UIKUC. Will De charged 10 exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made in accordance with the following schedule 1-4 column, 1 Month. $30 00 1-2 " 1 45 00 1-4 col. 6 Months... $ 100 00 1-2 " 6 " ... U0 GO 1 " 6 " .. 150 00 1-4 " 1 Yiar 175 00 12" 1 200 00 1 " 1 v ....... 100 on 1 " 1 " GQ 00 1-4 . " 3 " 50 00 1-2 " 3 " 75 00 1 . " . 3 " 100 00 wuiyittoeewno contract lor one-tourih. on.iiiH' column, for ene, three, six, or twelve months, will receive ure oenent 01 tnese terms. Contract advertisers must Dav bv th mnn'ii, !! others in advance. ' All advertisements must be marked niK and no advertisement will be inserted " tili forbid " ' Advrtreements inserted once, twice or three titties a week will be charged One Dollar a square for every in sertion. OUR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throughout the Stat than an other paper in North Carolina. The Progress i read in the camp and among the people by a much larger number of persons, than any other paper, and henc its importance as an advertising medium should not be over looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion, leaded, and in sorted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar a Sqare charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to the Local Col umn, at the following rates: One Line, One Dav $1 00 I Three Lines, One Day $2 00 Two Lines, " 1 50 Five Lines, " ' 2 50 Ten Lines, or more, at the rate of Twenty-live Cent a Line for each insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, fc Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and as we have to pay cash for every thing in our business, we must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. K PENN1NGTO V 4 CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND AD VERTJSERS. We have t pay cash for papr, ink and labor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we ' work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, but there are but few persons who want a newspaper that canDot spare the money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularlv will be expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paicLfor when delivered. J. L. iv cn. NEWS! NEWS!! NEWS!! NEW YORK DAILIES RECEIVED EVERY DAY BY i.XPKESS ; ALSO AND All the Popular Periodical Literature or the Day at THE RALEIGH NEWS AGETN DEPOT FAYETTEVILLE STREET, I. EDWIN H'EST. jy 15-tl Agent- THE VERY PLACE YOUR FLOUR AND TOBACCO TO END- HaKfax countv. N. C. GEO. VV. HEPTi.N- STALL will sell them for you on com miss i()n. References. Branson Je Farrar and tS. H. Young, RaJeigbN. C. jy 24 Kit MACHLNKRY REPAIRED. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, PROPOSE TO HE paii Steam Mills, Cotton Factory Machin. ry. and Machinery of all kinds, and do anv'bing in the Win -wright line. 3 NUTALL & JACKSON. Refe to A. Johnson, and. Shay, Williamson A Co. Jy 25-1 w EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAN AT NEWBERN ' OR ANY POINT SOUTH O F BALTI 1 O It I -3 . jyj"R. It. H. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OP tt. H. Young, on FajeUeville Street, Raleigh, N. C, respectfullj announces to the public that he ha- JUST 3R, IE CEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Di y Gnoii!?, La dies' Furnishing. Goods, Boots and Shoes, UatJ nd Caps, 4c. This stock was purchased in Xevv York unce th-j recent decline in prices, and is now oflered at terms lower than goodsf the same description can b purchased iu Newbern or arijr point south of Baltimore . . Country Merchants and others supplied at wholosal. jy 15-lm ' EEMOArAL ! Peace and Liberty Ealing Saloon REMOVED TO THE OLD POST- OFFICE, FAYETTEVILLK MTHKF'I . BOSS & McGOWAH, Proprietors. rpHIrf WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR ESTAP, I ligbment has been removed to the .M Po?.t 'Jtlict stand, Fetteviile Street, next to the marketf whrrr Meals are futished trno C 'cV-ck in the m i r.iisir ui.t .i 9 o'clock at night. There being a fine attached, customers will be able to get the best Wines . aad Liquors to be found ie the City. lee Cream, Fruits, Melons, Ac, in abandonee at, atl times. Give us a c ill and we will guarantee satisfaction. jy24-lw ROSS A McGOWAX 1