if 15 I I J. I. P.fiKJVIXGTOK & CiO. ! THE NEWS. V 5L-e Foui ib .Vgv Jot Latest News. , I V writ- of habeas corpus waa applied for an 1 -r in the caaeof Emeraon Etberidge. . )de case of cholera h.vs occurred iu Washington, Lite female help b is beja introduced into Ri:h j and the capitol square is thr mgi every evii -Ytraus plan tod Biddies, f D. Hawley, formerly in command at Wil li is now serving as Chief of Staff with Gk 1. ; Bicbmond. - j rsM. Mason', Jff Davis, C mmUafouer io ,;U residing it St Oitheriaes, Caaaja, wit I more of the five cent fractional cirreuc 7 tioris are to-b? isnad. Bach ia the onjer of 7 HcCailoch, "nickels" and three cent pfec s Issued in sufficient quantity to swpplj il'.e 'V ' I - 5 President has ordered the release ofall'r ?- j rebel prisoners of war, Including the Ggr , pon taking thi oath of allegiance and givjr; I .. role. Under this order the rebel Major Gfu. irlJFohnsoa was on Saturday released from the .CUpttol. . , I " " V.Baker has been appointed to the rank! of r General, fbr his meritorious services as Pro-, . I.", rshal during the war, &od especially for dili ! 4 suppression ot frauds against the goverb ,s in recruiting, and in the pursuit of the mpr :rcf President Lincoln. H -turns of tbe elections in Virginia represent th- t in cihr portions of the State aa well as RioV . .:vzozl the" regal ar secession candidates have been ""..rilly sriccessful. E ncouraged by these result, it i.i r:Ut:it the guerilla chief Mosby designs being a . c:r.ull A3 for Congress. j " tansaud freed mjn and their families re . f ::. 1 j .r themselves in.the rHg hborhood of Vicks T Ith excellent rssults, doing much better tL n tl,:3 who worked by tbe month for wages; Tl . d rDTcrament is furnishing them seed and .other z ca credit, to be paid from the proceeds of the crcj:. This system Is considered the most suitable th3 f.::imen, as it teaches them to rely on their now ertrt: Auk. - ' I ; ' - . -;rr . . Durlr the past week there was another ont- . r?3 16 Ve? be county, Ten n. Six guerrillas went - ii th.3 I.:u"3 6f Lytle Choate, at night, draped Wm r f.cm t!.2 phzza and shot him seven times. Attorney C:aral Ja-iea Dougherty oi the Twelfth Judicial V District's. Let and wounded one of the marau J-rs apd .. prverstcd their ingress into the house. Tney tode ' I V It escape. There is a band of 40 men roam- T er r Perry, Hickman and Wayne counties, ' and murdering, under the leadership! of ric-ias George Grimes. . ; i ' i nring the progress recently in the United States QoUrt in New Orleans of proceedings for the ?Ov of the rebel emissary Siidell's estate ! In 1 claim on it of two hundred and ninety i mcs was put in by the Paris baukipg acnard & Co., and one of one hundred lines by the Citizens' Bank of New dr rnoney advanced to the traitor on mortegage rait dec' ded that as Slidall was a notorious 1 3 tba-Unlted Stater, his property in the coan !;cw:dnnder the confiscation act, to the gof "nt, r,"d that theso claims could not be allowed, It, i!i Jd that John Michel wrote some of the letters to the London Times. ' Gcc:rucryMurrah, of Texas, wa3 robbed of two thcu:-" Cellars Svn Antonio en route to Mexico. Tl'.3 I :';ness men of Richmond are remonstfa , tic z b exorbitant taxes levied upon them v- by th3 ryl A public meeting ras been heldj 27 fro f ,'.3raige was voted down in the New Jpr- f... C.aveion, recently in session, by a vast iderstood that Mr. John T. Ford, pfo :rd's Theatre, in Washington, has in it against the United States Govefn damage claimed by him has not as tcr c stituteu tncnt. ' yet bosn mada public. The counsel engaged are ;7n to'vb Hon. Winter Davis, Gen. Ewing, and hley, Esq.', of Baltimore. data Anna is now living at St. Thomas, 13 said to be in excellent health and at. irs of age walks erect, andv manages iiis ith skill. rovost Marshal of Lynchburg, Virginia, utchers to bring the hides and horns of j they kill for market and expose them 'Is along with the meat. This is done -t cattle or sheep which -have been sto 3, rightful owners, and sold to them, itified and the thief traced. j t reparations fir the great National Hrse h taks place it SpringBeld, Illinois, from the 26th if August next, are progressing The building Intended to accommodate pie. It will probably be the means flcol a all par5 of the "United States the ripest horp"-tLs!! ever seen- at a-single point. ranging l -yi $25 to $300 are offeredin-riouHji-f of. horses. flowing extract from an ofSoial couynuni the M.-xionu Diario appears to settle the ito GwiuVd ikedom : "We, the Imperial t, never,-at auy time, hav? entered jinto .1 c. wiHi Dr (t&i. S we never contem- A ios W,a Dak nor Governor of Soupra, t t any o.lt?r Province.! Moreover, th MjfDr. G win' Is not known by any ofj t e i)d v,, I , !je ir uf ,iny having the desire :aititKi wirfi nim." f ll Sherman says: "I always travi lied vith he census hi my saJ Ikbgs I couM tell Inhabitant, how many cultivated ape hnjd of caH ie -i;vl h how many bush " .--t-v p'jrKsod .U that tlm-jahl ,! ;uv mauy there a' .hi 'd o b''-v, VOL, VI. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, JTTJLY Tb-re is no eud of tnc'j 'k-aud parodies tlieited by th New York Tribune reporter's fanciful adconnt of tbe scenes at the burning of Barium's Museum. The Sun eupplies an omission in the Tribune's account as follows: "Tbe whale did not burn up; it w l8 swallowed by the enormous alligator; the anaconda then swallowed the alligator; the 'Dying Brigand' sw-jlbwed tht auacoada; the Tribune reporter s-va!-low.fd the brigand ; aad tnen the reporter perished miserably in attempting 4o describe his after-dinner emotions." Ttiis may bedeemrd improbable by some persons; ngt so!; stranger things are recorded : a man in Philadelphia ;s wallowed the Tribune's report. Deapatche8;by the Ocean Queen,trom Asplnwal!, are important abd interesting. In the republic -f Pern the rev olution against the government was meeting with great success. Iusurgent armies wer marching on the capital from both tbe north and tbe. south, whil e through a mutiny In the national fleet the insurrectionists, after the commission of great atrocities, had become possessed of the most impor tant vessels of the navy, and everything indicated that they would soon have the entire country nadir their control. In Ecuador the revolution had be;;i suppressed, and a number of the rebels had been shot. Gen. Barrios, the exiled ex-President of Sao Salvador, bad rt turned to that, republic and been placed in custody by the authorities. Another revo lution in Bolivia was reported. Chile, tha m .,t pros perous of the Spanish-American republics, in viola tion of the fashion prevailing among them, still con tinned to enjoy; peace and quiet, though even here the minds ot the people were somewhat agitated by the revival of. rumors of prospective difficulty with Spain. Mexican uews uf date to the 14th instant from Vera Cruz was receive') by the -gte-areship Liberty. It would seem that previous reports in the imperial in terest of the republican forces under- Negrete having been completely routed and scattered, were ut quite in accordance with the facts, since we are now in formed tbat three separate colu'mrs oi imperialists., uader Generals -Brincourt, Jeaumingios aad Mejia, had been sent-against him, each on a different route ; nut although it is stated that one of these commands skirmished with his rearguard, it its nut claimed that Negret , who. is said to have beeu retreating, was se riously interfered with. In h.ct, the trip'e expedition is admitted to be a failure, and an effort is made to saive it over by announcing the occupation by Maxi milian troops of Saltillo, Camargo, Monterey and Piedras Negrnip-placf-s which are known to have beeu previously in t h t i r possession. . At Havana, on the 19th inst1., the people, for. want of something more important', were exciting them selves over a letter to trie Queen of Spain, signed by some of the wealthy Cuhans, to the c-nesent General Serrano, thanking him for his motion fer reforms and political suffrage; for Cuba. It is expected that Gen. Dales will, continue for some time yet to be Captain General of Cuba, Within the week ending on the 16th six additional steamers, conveying Spanish troops, officers and war paraphernalia from St. Do mingo, had arrived at Havana ; and still the evacuation,-which has: now been many months in progress, was not completed. By the stearbship Z diac we have our Savannah despatches to tha 20th inst. In contradiction of re ports that the yellow fever was prevailing at that plaoe, it is stated that not a single case of this disease has yet made its lappeara ice thnre or at any other place in Georgia this season. The health ot the State generally is represented to be very good. Business at' Savannah was improving,, and things were gradually approaching a condition of prosperity. 1 DIED, In Wilmington, N. C, on Tmsclay, the 25 th instant, of consumption, Jesse B. Moors, lormerly f Newbern, N. C, in the 37th year f his age. ; At Company Shopg, (N. O. R. R.,) Alamance county, N. C, on Wednesday, July, 2uth, of consumption, Ar nold Chilson, aged 27 years, of Woonsocket Falls, Rhode Island.. New England papers please copy. Headquarters Post of Raleigh, July 25th 1865. Geneeal Order, V No. 20. I I MERCHANTS, STJTLER3, AND OTHERS ARE i hereby strictly prohibited from selling any Spirituous Liquors to any person whether officer, soldier or civilian. II. All peraons having any such Liquors in their posses sion will immediately Close their Bar Rooms. HI. Those who now have Intoxicating Liquor in their possession will immediately report the fact to the Provost Marshal, who wifl enter on his books their names and places of business IV. The proprietors of billiard rooms and ten-pin al leys are cautioned; against alio wiag enlisted men to loange about their premises. No enlsated man will be allowed to remain in any ploceofthis kind after dark. V. There will be no place ot business allowed to be Kept open on Sunday, Except drug stores. Any one violating tnis order will be arrested and tried by Military Court. . By rder of Lt;-Col. J. M. McDonald Comd'g Post. 3 GEO. E. AVENT, july 26 lw Capt. 3d N. T. & Post Adj't. CARD-LAND AGENCY. rpHE UxVDERSlONED HAVING HERETOFORE I announced a "General Intelligence and Land Afirencv." in the citv of Raleiffh, to commence operations on the 1st inst . have since determined to confine their business to tbe counties of Wake, Granville and "Frank lin, in connection with the " N. C. Land Agency " of Messrs. .Battle, Heck & ,Co. We and tnat we will be un able to give our personal attention to a more extended business of this particular character. We have a general knowledge of the Lands in the above mentioned counties, and a personal acquaintance with most of the desirable tracts. Landowners, 4c, in either of the aforesaid coies. desiring to sell on to gain further information as. to the nhWts of the Agency, will please address us at Raleieb. Meanwhile, attention is -directedto the prospectus of Rattle Heck & Co., published in the various p.apers of ho State. RICHARDSON & MILLER. y 7-tf ' BUGGY WANTED. I VV Buv one with top preferred. Lny one having j"?" P FROGRESS OFFICE. ; THE CITY. Ocr Public Mokals. Without wishing to be ig against any 'of those understood as discriminating against any officer who have been previously connected with the immediate military rule in Raleigh, it is only just to say that the present authorities hate suc ceeded in giving us more quiet than any cf their predecessors, or else the people and soldiers, sat isfied with evil and unlawfulness, have embraced a more correct system of morals. But we are dis posed to place the credit to the management of the affairs of this post, and as a logical sequence to the officersfand soldiers attached. Four years experi ence in military life has furnished the writer of this unmistakable proof that where there is proper firm ness and resolution evinced, it is a matter of the easiest attainment under military rule to enforce law and order. Besides, where there are consider able bodies of troops, a relaxation of proper discip line never fails of promoting collisions between citizens and soldiers. It is equally true that such a condition of affairs can readily be avoided by the simple use of. the means provided in army regula tions. We believe that there is n'ow a disposition here to do this in the full. The orders so far issued at. test this spirit, and we refer to it that the govern ment at Washington may see who are now faithful as in the past. It is now the province of army of ficers and their garrisons to inaugurate good mor als ; to promote good feeling ; to stimulate harmo ny ; and to found a wholesome sentiment of devo tion to the Union. They can only do so by enforc ing high respect for law and illustrating it in their own conduct, and by impartial administration of justice. Nothing is to be gained by irritating ap plications and we believe there is a purpose in this military district to have dne code : equal and exactjustice to all. Certain it is, drunkeness has been "greatly dimin ished ; disturbances are less frequent; and even belligerent displays in action and word are rarely seen. They are all the resultants of firm local pol icy, and we sincerely trust that there will be no retrograde movement in favor of the olden disor ders. v Provost's Sanctum There was. the usual dis play and parade at the capitol yesterday, mostly of a civic character, the military not making a heavy demonstration. Indeed, if the people would only present proper complaints, the provost, assistan; pro vost; and the other attaches might yet hope, for a day' exemption from so much of vexation. Two members of the county police brought in a negro charged with stealing a lot of bacon. The offense was committed in broad ckylight, while the family were at dinner. The criminal was placed in coufinement for this cool deed in suoh warm weather. Mrs. Sal. Vandergriff, from the vicinity of Rhamkatte," brought a up complaint against her husband for alteged unfaithfulness, but was informed that it did not belong to the province of the Provost Marshal's Department to consider such cases. She left instanter. . A soldier from the 47th N. Y. Volunteers, was under examination, suspected of itealing a buggy. but no conclusion was arrived at in his case- At Work Again. Gov. Hold en was in bis office yesterday and at work again. Unless, in bis anxiety to forward the work of reconstruction, he overtasks himseli in the outset, we may expect in a short time to meet him in his wonted strength. By-the-by, the mayor and commissioners of the town of Bmithfield were appointed last evening, as follows ; Mayor P. T. Massey. Commissioners A. Holland, C. Beasley, L. Eld- rkige and Jamea M. Carter. And the following also for Bdenton : Mayor Henry A. Bond. . Commissioners T. J. Bland, Alex. H.Bond, Chas. E. Robinson, James C. Johnston and Saml. T. Bond. Pretty Good. We saw In a store in this city yesterday r a . gentleman named Cheeseman, from Qb'erokee county, in the south-western part of this State, who was 90 years old, and he stated that he was the father of 42 children. He has 80 grand chil dren, 18 of whom are girls, and 24 great grand-children. He has had 6 wives, the last one now living, and boasted that his fa ily was so intensely. Union as not to have furnished a solitary rebel. We should think he was in favor of uuion with a vengeance, but in spite of his ag, be was hale, hearty and pleas ing. . - Hot, Hotter, Hottest. If the Almanao makers are not at fault, the superlatives wiU be in vogue next month. With them, there is a theory that when the moon runs lew there is very warm weather. During the past, month, the queen of night ranged pretty high in the heavens, and of the aualitv of -the heat we. have no occasion to speak. In August, Luna is to sail low through the fields of blue, and as a consequence the hotest weather of tbe year may be anticipated if the Almanac makers are veracious. Just think of August thermome ter 190 and not aHreath of air. There will be a lare amount of scorcning or meiung. GoscEALEr, Weapons. We hear that the prac tice of carrying concealed weapons is eliciting at tention from the authorities. It is among the for,: bidden things contemplated in civil as well as mil itary regulation, and it is more than probable that we shall soen have an ukase against tne practice. " i ' ''' ' ' ' 29. 1865 NO. 218. I Another Watesfall Gone Up Mis Jemima j Sraphiaua Cualbiack, ol this city a bax.Qi negro ' m liden of fifty,Jear8 two months, oce week, foor j dJ. two hours, four minutes and eight seconds made her appearance at the funeral of an ebony yts-tc-d iy, with a huge waterfall sugpendtd from tfcase of her cranium. Wheu rcturuiug iip Hargelt street from the s-i u.niiies, a vicious and ungallant dog, mist-akii-'v; it f V "k sheep's tail, made a leap and V r: ;t. p?-;. der-l 1 k c- fruui the bead of the blushing mitts to iier ii.fi .it ciiagnu and tbe delight of ru.iy locktrs 'in. Railb ad Time Table The North Carolina Cvi.iral 11 .i I road publishes .this morning a tim table kr the beutfit ot passcugeis and shippers over thtir improvement. By simply referring to it, travellers and all others vvfii k: ow tx-ictly how to govern them selves iujeaching or leaving any given poiut. Tho ids ia an admirable one and every railroad corporation in N..-rth C;ru!i ia miy imitate. rhe exam ple with credit. " . Mocking Birds. Many of the soldiers carry with thtm mocking birds. Last evening one had a cage containing a whole family. We believe the feathery warblers are somewhat of " a peculiar institution " and are not foundjn the North. t We suggest that our lady acquaintance should purchase the captives that they may still pour out their unpremeditated songs from the windows or bowers of native-land. Gratuitous Rations The gratuitous .issue of rations has fina'Jy ceased, except on an order direct -from the D-putm. nt or a District commander. The frauJs practiced by dishoLest persons drawing ar.d afterwards stling th3 foodgiven them by the gov ernment, have induced Gene ral Rugr to issue this order. We hope that It will .prvean incentive to industry. The Dogs yesterday in the absence of difficulty between more civilized animals, . made Rome howl by their ferocious contentions. Thre were some thing less than five hundred in and about the market, and it ia high time the man with the not was har vesting thtm home. Gone Home. All the troops in this department. .that were ordered t be mustered out having .been put through the process, Maj. Letcher, chief commis sioner of musters, nd bis MsisantF left thu ruorniDg for their homes. Thanks. We are under obligations to Mr. Par hanj, of the Southern Express line, for lae New York papers in advance of the mail. The agents of the Adams' Express, too, frequent ly oblige us with such favors, which we duly ap predate. At Blumenthal's Soda Fountain, on Fayetteville street, Friday, the. thermometer ranged as below : 9 a. m. 89$ 1 p. m. 92 10 a.m. 90 2 p. m. 53 11 a. 12 a. m. m. 90 91 " o p. m. 4 p. m. 93 92 RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, -REVISED DAILY BY B. F. OBADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Rates. Gold$1.40 ; Silver $1,35 ; Nbrth Carolina Bank Notes 10 a 30 cents on the dollar: other Southern Bank Notes 10 a 30 cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes 75 a 80 cents -on the dollar. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, coupons, $70. MARKET REPORT COREHCTED DAILY BY K. . WH I rV A li K R Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $1 per bushel, ' Green, $1 per bushel, small, Bacon Firm, sales at 17 to 20c. per lb. Beef 10c per lb. V Butter 25c per lb. Cheese 4050c per lb. Chickens 2025c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn 80c90c per bushel. Eggs 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $910. per bbl. : Hides Green 10c. Dry 15c. Honey in comb, 25 to 30c per lb. Liamb 12315c per lb. Lard 15c per lb. Meal $1 per bushel. Mullets-$20 per bbl. Mackerel $22 per bbl. Onions $1 per baflljel. i Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White $100 ; Stock 90 to $1; Garden 40c per peck. Potatoes Irish 75c per bash. Sweet $1 per bushel. Sugar Crushed 50c per lb ; Brown 25c Syrup 50c per gallon. Soda Cooking, 40c per jjound. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL Ot 1RAINS. Mail 1 rain leaves RaUlgh Arrives at Greqsboro' " Salisba-y " " Charlotte Freight Train leaves Raleigh Arrives at Shops Freight Train lays over at the Shops Mail Train leaves Charlotte Arrives at Salisbury " " Greensboro' " Raleigh Freight Train leaves Charlotte Arrive at Salisbury a tt Greensboro' Kaleigh 12 Q'clkatmght. 8,40 " A. M. 1,52 " P. M. ,20 " " 1.10 o'clk P. M. 7 tt it 7 o'clk A. M. 10,50 " " 3,40 P M. 11,55 " " o'clk P. M. 9,55 " 2.45 A. M. 11 ' E. WILKES, Engineer and Sup't. j, 29 tf NOTICE. EARMERS, OR ANY OTHER PARTIES, HATING Cotton for sale ape invited to call on the subscriber re disposing of the same. It might result for their intemtbv so doing. W. H. CROW, jy 29-2w Office Halifax street, Raleigh, N. C. T E U M S . RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION.- Daily, 1 Year $10 Go " 6 Months 5 00 " 3 Mouth...... 3 u0 iMilj, 1 Moi.iL $1 OO W-eklv, 1 Y-ar W 6 M cthg.... 1 50 Must be paid -in airanc in a!t cast 8 or tbf ( aper will not oe sent; ana tno paper w ul be stopped when the time paia tor eipires, unless renewed. NE WSBO YS AND NE WS 1) KALE IIS VWill be furnished at the rate ot $5 per hundrtM? copies. All orders must be acer iapsnied by the monev. ' ADVERTISING RATES. " Ordinary advertisements, occupying not more than ten lines solid minion, or one inch space 1 insertion.... $1 00 2 1 50 3 2 00 4 J5v. 2 50 5 V 3 0(y 1 Week 3 50 2 Weeks.,...., r, qo 1 Month ju 00 2 Months 15 00 3 ' 2o 00 6 " , 3W 00 1 Year & ' 50 00 ' Larger advertisements, where no contract is made, will be charged in exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made in accordance with the following schedule 1-4 column, 1 Month.$30 00 1-2 " 1 tt 45 00 1 ' 1 fit nn 1-4 col. Months. ..$100 00 1-2 6 ... 140 0 1 " 6 ' I., i,n 1-4 1-2 " 1 ' 3 3 3 tt tt tt 50 00 I 1-4 1 Year.. ..." 17F, uni 75 00 1 2 " l nn nnl 100 00 1 "1 , 3(ll) ,0 Oalv those whn Contract for Ano fnnK u . ? w- .u, uiid-u I, or Hr column, for ene, three, sir, or twelve months, will retti the benefit of these terms. j Contract advertisers must pay by the month, and all! others in advance. 5 All advertisements must be marked a gpecihed time I and no advertisement will be inserted " till forbid." Advertisements inserted once, twice or three times as week will be charged One Dollar a square for everv in-l aertion. . OUR CIRCULATION J Is larger in the city and throughout the State than any; other paper in North Carolina. The Progress is readS in the camn and among the people by a much larger! number of persons than any other paper, and heno its ; importance as an advertising medium should not be over- i looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion, leaded, and in-i serted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar a; Square charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to the Local Col umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 I Three Lines,One Day $2 00 Two Lines, " 1 50 j Five Lines, ' 2 50 Ten Lines, or more, at the rate ot Twenty-five Cents a Line for each insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, dec Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when haadedin, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and ac .we have to pay cash for everything in onr business, we must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. 1 PENNJNGTOV i rjO. - TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have te pay cash for paper, ink and lahor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we work or we cann.otpay oar current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, but there are but few persons who want a newsoaner that rnnnnt snot-a money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paper marked .unu t-u UJUUCJ Ul lb Will UC BlUppcy. Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularlv will be expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. ' J. L. P. & CO. NEWS ! NEWS!! NEWS!! NEW YORK DAILIES RECEIVED EVERY DAY BY.LXPRESS ; ALSO- AND All the Popular Periodical Liteiature of the Day at THE 1ULEIGH KEWS AGESTS DEPOT FAYETTEVILLE STREET, I. EDWIN WEST. jy 15-tt - Agent- THE VERY PLACE. SEND YOUR FLOUR AND TOBACCO TO END field, Halifax county, N. C. GEO. W. 11 EFT IN STALL will sell them for you on commission. RefkiwEscks. Branson & Farrar and S. H. Young, Raleigh, N. C. jy 24-Kit' MACHINERY REPAIRED. WE. THE UNDERSIGNED, PROPOSE TO RE paii Steam Mills, Cotton Factory Macinpry, and Machinery ot all kinds, and do anv'hing in the Mill wright line. sj NUT ALL & JACKSON. Refe i to A. Johnson, and Shav, Williamson i Co. jy 25-lw EXTRAORDINARV ATTRAGT10N. GOODS AT WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL CHEAPEItTHAN AT NEWBERN OR ANY POINT SOUTH OF BALTIMORE. M R. L." H. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STANJJ OF a. H. Vonng,' on Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, respectfully announces to the public that be ha. JUST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Good?, La dies' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, llat? and Caps, Ac. Thi86tockwa8 purchased in New York since the recent decline in prices, and is now offered at terms l?wer ' than goods of the same description can be purchased in Newbern or any point south of Baltimore. Country Merchants and other supplied at wholesale, jy 15-lm EEMOVAL ! Peace and Liberty Eating Saloon HEMOVED TO THE OLD POST OFFICE, FAYETTEVILLE STREET'. ROSS & McGOWAN, Proprietors, THIS WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR ESTAB lishuient has been removed to the old Toft Otfcc1 stand, i avetteville Street, nfxt to the market. whor Mea'sare'f i -hed trm 6 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock a' night. There being a fine Mtachedj customer a will be able to get the b.-st Wine? aad Liquors to be found in the City. lee Cream, Fruits, Melons, Ac, in abnn.innc ah times. Gire ub a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. jl24-lw ROSS A McGOWAN. f I it sut)tiLt oay army. F f.