' .' , : -i - ' - . i - - J. - -I ' . v . - - - . ' . -j'- v - - . 1 . '-"' ' . : ... - . BY J. L. P..Ii K X I KG TO Ji & GO, THE CITY. Fashiv?" Gossip- Interesting to' the Ladies.- Ilacfi season might almost sajf each month witnesses marked and important Changes in the yorld of fashjon. Amongst the most; important news, (to the ladies) received each week from Europe from Paris especially is the news of the fash ions. Paris is the great centre jof fashion, and the civilized world revolves arouad iU It rules and rules-with an irresistible rod. Among the la test fashions introduced there, and one which ue-. ' votees of. the art will be sorry to see, is a, very d ! cided attempt to abolish train skirts and introduce in their places short - peasant SKiris, reacning to some inches abpve the ankle. " This announce merit will strike dismay -lo the heart of every lady who: does not rejoice in such pedal extremU ties as "raised Cinderella to a throne ; while those fair daW ahdmaidens blessed with a pair of twin, well turned ankles will bail with delight a fashion calculated to display them to" the best advantage. But how many of the spirituelle beauties, beautiful in-feature, exquisite in form, and graceful in gait can boast Cinderella's feet and ank!es. . -JXhe old-time fashion of silkjskirts opening over I white muslin or satin petticoats is again coming ? in vogue. The following will serve as a model : I A pale, mauve silk skirt, opened at each breadth. from the bottom to about a quarter of a yjird up I the skirt; straps of white or other contrasting silk I are used toho'd them together over the underskirt, I ahda tissel corresponding in color- is sewn t each end of the strap. The bodice is made of the I game material as the underskirt, with a corselet of I silk to match the dress skirt worn over it, and I laoed with cord -corresponding in cblor with the straps on the skirt. " , We learn that the newest thing in that everva--Tying covering for the head is known as the lo zenge bonnet. It is made either of rice or Belgian fstraw, and describes a lozenge on the head, con Ifining five smaller ones, which are made of either f pink or lilac ribbons. Ribbon lozenges arranged all around the front of the bonnet have a curious fund remarkable effect ; others have tiny, flowers, instead of ribbon, similarly arranged. Bonnets en f tirely covered with flowers are in high favbr, and I that style has already been adopted here. For in -starue, the following unique, and pretty bonnet I which we saw this week has been greatly admired : The shape covered with a light, puffing of white f silk tulle, and completely overlaid with lilac-col" lored harebells and sprigs of sharp, spear-like grass Jes.; at the back a mass of harebells and grasses tare arranged in such a manner as to fall over the Jhair and serve the purpose of a hair ornament. 'Long tulle veils should be worn with these bonnets land have a very'pretty effect floating downward 'over lace, and curls, and flowers. I 1 The Late Government ' Sale. At the sale" of property last Wednesday, and Thursday, by Capt. Garoutte, A. Q. M.,. at the Baptist Grove in this City, the bidding was active and the sale footed up a handsome sum. Below we print a list of the ar- tiOpcjlierkrkcal nf and. thp SLOrcrvMrH-tA nrir.Afi.r- -J -81 Horses, 4949.00 112 Mules,,... '. 8143.50 10 Two-Horse wagons.. 664;0d f 4 Army Wagons, 360.00 f.:. 4 Wajfen covers, 36.00 I 4 Feed Boxes, . 4.00 " 44 setts Wheel Harness,..: v.. --543.00 Tl6 setts Lead Harness, ; 178.00 15 Pair Check lines,. 34 00 1 24 Wagon Saddles,..., 108.00 v4 Riding Saddles,. .-. 16.56 t 2 Blind Bridles,...., 5.00 f;l Lead Band................ 5.00 3 2 Horse Collars, :- 5.00 f 8 Head Halters...... 12.C0 Total,' $16,399.00 Rascals toe Country. The subterfuges of crime are almost endless. We hear that one of the d dges hereabout is that of a party of men who are viiiting the surrounding country, representing ( themselves as agents of the United States, and up- cr. the plea that the government need them are ; taking back the horses and mules heretofore lent t them. We are authorized to say that there are no sgch. agents, that the animals and the dupli cate 7 receipts in the hands of the borrowers arenot 3 -) be given to such swindlers and that the prop authorities are already j,fter the pretended offi ' ;lS with a sharp stick. Capt. Barrett, the Pro stlklarshal at this point, is on the qui vive and ifdisplay his usual energy to ferret out the vil 33 and bring them to punishment. Let the antry people in th? meantime beware of these !f-constituted custodians of the interests of the aited States. Restore the Benches; A gentleman who is not sBcie.nl of judgment in matters ?bf taste and com M wishes us to suggest that the military, city or tte authorities restore the benches fn the capitol imare, immediately in front of the -state House, on Kh side of the ttatue. We chime in wjth the sug- testion. Until ruthless war swept over the face of Lhe Und t.heyli id been th-re for years and as a rery respectable loafer says formed most pleasant -eaU for quiet loungers during the afternoon and svenhigV The class to which loafer belongs ars most eager for the improvement and the hotel keep- ers will probably endorse the request as their chairs are kept in constant use by the aforesaid race. ::-. Still Buksixo It will be esteemed rather fishy . we . presume, when we say that the fire kin . died by Vheelcr's Cavalry on the evacuation of Ral feigU and by which the Central Railroad depot was h burned, wa&discovered last Saturday to be still burn ing beneath theurface of the earth. It is neverthe less a verity and the mass was so! hot at that time fas to make it impossible for barefooted ' men to f walk over it without experiencing pain. If any , . ' ' . ' f one q::es:i m Hie truth of this representation, we f refer tlain in inilemen oonjricted with the trans : portatioH otlice at that point. i VOIi Quaktebm aster y in Ralkiqh; There are snh thing? in every coronsunity as constitutional croakers and we have them here in superabundance. Th y mnraier at & things and under all circumstances. But there is one department against- the management of which even fault-finder can scsrcelv compla'rfi. We refer td that of Capt: Guoutte, chief quarter master of this post. In our look aroumi t he eit v vts-. terday, we mado it b specialty to inspect -the corral. shops, etc., etc, which are under his control aod the examination satisfied us as to the, arge -indebtedness of this community to the government and its ageufs tor the per centage o health vouchsafed to its inhab itants. But e refer particularly to the quartermaa tery of Capt Garoutte and as far as relates to matters sanitary, we; hope tbeitizens will take lessons fr m him, Tb police regulations are so thorough as to forbid even from the Btableries -any of those offensive odnr which oca so frequently eoconuters from pri vate premises in the very heart - of the city. With thousands of horses, wagons, mules and a large hody of men under his control, and occupanying mar y acres of land; we found at every point where he had authority the most scrupulous cleauiihV. We defy the oldest and mst viruknt croakers Vh se men who scent contagion in the roso atd'se ojiinmily in sun shine to show about any brauch of his department-, as now located, any feature iu the v?.at obuuxious to health. SomV points of occupancy, a .tl we instate the Baptist drrove, are in better a!i:ary condition than we have ever known them, and the comparison will probably hold good throughout. But the system he has inspired among his subordi nates and wbich"i8 enforced by pets. ma! supervision, is as admirable as possi le. The government prop erty is stored according lf article iu the most perfect order- keptin a style which pr;?v.'uts -waste -and in all aspects, issures the inf Mst of hi government. It is bigtily complimentary' .t- the s.igaeity f Maj r Gen. Ruger that he should have svhct"d Cpt Ga rut.t for the responsibilities of the poat ha ccupieK, and the work he pcrf .!ms wt-11 deni nistrates that tie has energy and cipacity t the first waar. We say this much iu the hope that the government at Washiogtbn may have knowledge of his fidelity to it3 interests, and the departmental and post com mandants of the full appreciation he enjoys in the es timation of otir citiz - We h-.v-a In view, too, the crushiogoat !pf miserAhie fauft-puders a venerable but dyspeptic clan whos-i o.ily ment is their discon tent with everything and f wry ;dy but themselves. We think the best w,y to "throttle the 'o i c fjttuts is to I at thjm alone arid - y u-i a'tcr.tioii to their com plaints. We insist tii itTespectful a .d just complaints shall be heard by thj military as well as L-Wil author ity and we be'ieve it will be doue; but it hs equa'ly The Dinner to oukHetukned Bots. We learn the foljpwing gentlemen have been suggested as the committee to make -arrangements for the con templated dinner and welcome home of the brave boys from this county : For the City W. H. High, J. J. Ferrell, Jas. A. Moore, P. ;Pescud, J. Q. DeCarteret, C. H. Thompson, John W. Harrison and Wm. Simpson. For the County Willie D. Jones, Fab. J. Perry, G. W. Crockett, .Ilufus Jon.es. Many of our worthy citizens In the country have signified a cheerful willingness to give liberally, and we doutt not that the dinner will be one that will reflect honor on the country at large. The committee are respectfully requested to meet this afternoon, at the .courthouse, at 6 o'clock. The.Tbial. The trial of a Mr. Markham, upon the Charge of klfling a negro, has been progressing tn the city for some days past. The military comrjQte sion have succeeded, we understand, in receiving all the testimony aud the arguments will probably be heard to-day. The defence is in the hauds of Kffftp Battle, E?q and we may be able to present the par ticbla s lufodr next. rr . r Closed TJli. It is stated to us that the store in thehcu8e fdrmerlv. .ccenpied as the "tftate Journal" ofSce, was closed by the provost marshal, Saturday, upon the charge c vending ihdardcjut. So tbo good work progresses kuep the ball in motion. Seb uew advertisements in this morning's paper, among them t;hat of G?n. O. O". Howard. CARD-LAND AGENCY. THE UNpERSlGNED H-ATIITO HERETOFORE announced a " General ihtelligetice and Land Agency," in the city of Raleigh, o commence operations on the 1st init., have since determined to confine their business to the counties of Wake Granville and Frank lin, in connection with the " C. Land Agency" of Messrs. Battjie, Heck & Co. We ifind that we will beun Able to give our personal attention t -a more extended business of this particular character.. We hare aigeneral knowledge of the Lands in the above mentioned counties, and a persohal acquaintance with most of the desirable tracts. Landowners,: 4a,io either of the afrssaid. counties, desiring to sell or to gain further information as to the objects of the Agency, will please address us at Raleigh. Meanwhile, lattention is directed to the prospctus of Battle, Hecs & Co., published in the various papers of the State. KlUUAKUbUiX 6 MILLER. 7 7-tf ; BOGGY WANTED. WANTED TO PURCHASE, A SECOND-HAND liuggy one with top preferred: Any one having one to sell Will please make it known at jy 26 St PROGRESS OFFICE. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE FIRM OP W. R. Uichardon A.Co., or ti W: R. Richardson individnally, prior to. tb appresfeion of the rebellion, are requested to cbrae forward aod settle accoiyling to rates6f gold at the timeof the transactions. Those unable to pay cash will confer a favor by givijsg theirnotes accoramg w ne niiwriiuwa. je 29-if W. R. RICHARD RON. 7 RAJLEIGH, MONDAY; JULY NEWBERN ADVERT1SEMEHTS. J"i SSl AMYETT, ' SOUTH FRONT S T R E E T rz NKWBE&N, K. 0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, HATS, SHOES, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, LIQUORS, &c. 1 am receiving the above articles fresh by Steamers from New York and Baltimore. JEST GIVE jy 14-3m ME A CALL. MIDDLE STREET, (BET WEEN P OLL OCK AND BR.OAD,) Keeps constantly on hand one of the largest stocks of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, - GROCERIES, Ac, at WHOXE- LE AND RETAIL, to nd in North Carolina. lie has just moved to his large and commodious NEW STORE, where his immense stock can be displayed to advanWee ; and he invites his old customers and the public to give him a calL jy 14-3m H. & B. EMANUEL, MJDDLE STREET, (BETWEEN POLLOCK AND BROAD,) . "NEWBEHT, 1ST. O., HAVE IN STORE AND KEEP CONSTANTLY ON hand, at wholesale and retail, a large and well- selected stock 01 DRY GOODS, , BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, LADIES HATS and BONNETS, ' , GROCERIES, Ac, Ac, which they offer to the citizens of Newbern, and of North Carolina at the lowest cash prices. They offer to country merchants superior advantages, to any house in Newbern, and they invite all who wish to purchase to jfive their stock a careful examination. jy 14 2tawlm O. W. ROSE &o OO., , WHOLESALE DEALERS JEN WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, CQKFEE, SUGAR, AS SORTED GROCERIES," JjISH AND PROVISIONS, CRAVEN STREET, (BETWEEN SOUTH FRONT AND POLLOCK,) Newbern, N. C. JSS" Merchants and Traders sending orders. to be shipped by express, will have them promptly filled at a sliftht advance on New York prices. jy- lT-3m (Late W. C. Hamilton & Co.,) Corner South Front and Middle Streets, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, FUR- NITURE AND HARDWARE. jy 14 -6 m Leland, Biglow & Co., COMMISSION AND F0RWA8DMG. MERCHANTS, AND AND DEALERS IN BAGGING, ROPE; TWINE , AND OTHER GOODS SUITABLE FOR COTTON PLANTERS, POLLOCK STREET, (Near Eatt Front St.,) NEWBERN, 1ST. C. jy 14-tl5au XOTICE TO COTTOx PLANTERS. NEWBERN STEAM 00TT0N GIN COMPANY. THIS COMPANY HAVING MADE LARGE AD-. ditionsto their works and erectedlarge Warehouses, &p& prepared to Gin, Press. Bale and Store Cotton on ry favorable terms the coming Beason, and would callt&'e at tention of cotton growers to the fact that in conuence of the low price of cotton, our prices will be pVeatly re-' duced from those of last season, and they w: Li find it for. their interest to give us a call. We would respectfully solicit their patronage. . LELAND, BIGLOW & CO., , . Corner Pollock and East Front Sts., jy 14-tl5au Newbern, N. C. WILLIAM OLIVER1 & GO , COMilSSION, ficceiving &f orwarding Merchants, NEWBERN, N. C. HAVING RESUMED BUSINESS AT THEIR OLD etand. will vive strict, personal attention to the sale or Bhtpront of Cotton, Naval .Stores, cotton Tarns and Sheetings Flbnr, Dried Fruits, &c. ALSOTO RECEIVING AND FORWARDING GOODS Regular lines of Steamers and. sailing vessels are now rumning between 8 ewbern, New - York,, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. " Tjy8-lm m. I 31, 1865 NO. 219. NEWBERN ADVERTISEMENTS. H. J. WENNINGER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, CORNER OF POLLOCK AND MIDDLE STS., NEWBERN, N. C. (The old stand of J. Goodiag and I Disosway.) jy H-3m " D. T. CARRAWAY, WITH Manufacturers and Dealers in TIN AND SHEET IRONT WARE, HARDWARE, - Holloware, Crockery" and Glassware, Table and Pocket Cuttlery, 'Cooking Steves, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Ac. Fayetteville Street. Raleigh, N. C je 24-3m DELotX DESjS-tffte Agency NEWBERN, N. C. U lLLIAtI II. OL.IVKK & CO. 1ER8ONS WISHING TO PURCHASE OR LEASE FariniDg orTurpentine Lands, Coalneldor Oil Lands, ineral or Ore Lands, City ot Town Property, in any portion of North Carolina, will find it to their interest to correspond with us. t jy 8-lm HUGHES Sc 3DIX-.I-,, Newbern, N. C. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NAVAL STOKES and Tobacco, will have our prompt attention. Agents for Murray's line of Steamships to New York, and sailing vessels for Baltimore and Philadelphia. T. J. Hughes, Newbern. G. W. D I'll, Moaehead City. jyg-tf i . REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Newbern, N. C. a WILLIAM H. OLIVER & GO. TT7ILL GIVE STRICT ATTENTION TO THE 8FLL- T Y or leasing of every discription of Real Estate. Persons in any portion of North Carolina having'Farming or Turpentine Lands, Coal Field or Oil Lands, Mineral or Ure Lands, Town or city rroperty, wnicn mey wisu w dispose of, will find it to their interest to correspond with jy e-im jar Borland, Biglow & Co,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS IMPOBTEUS AD DEALERS IX BAGS & BAGGING, . NO. 7 BEAVER STREET, :o:- Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on consignments of COTTON, NAVAL STOttES and other MERCHAN DISE to the above House, by LELAND, BIGLOW & CO., POLLOCK ST., NEAR EAST FRONT ST., NEWBERN, N a. jy U-tl5an AUCTION SALES GOVERNMENT PROPERTY IN THE ' ' STATE OF NORTE CAROLINA. AUCTION SALES OF HORSES, MULES, ARMY Wagons, Spring Wagonj, Harness and other gov ernment property will take place from time cb time at the principal cities-and towns in the State. These sales will afford farmers excellent opportunities to stock their farms with any class of animals -they desire to purchase. Each sale -will embrace a yariety of stock, including riding and draught Worses and Mules of every class. A few very large Muifes, thorughly broken t harness, and in fiwe condhiont will be Eered at each sale. The attention capitat"t3 and dealers in stock is par ticularly called to the opportunities here presented for profitable investment. Stock purchased for cash at these sales may be sold on credit, with ample security, at a large advance, to farmers who are depending, on their growing v-rops for means to purchase or may be retain ed, and Bold for cash at a large profit after the crops have matured.. Terms CASH on dayoi sale. Sales will continue during the month ef August, and will be advertised in this Column as soon as dates are fixed 4 SALES of property named above wil- be held at the times and places named below, viz : . At CHARLOTTE, on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 1st and 2d, under the.direction of Capt. D.W. fl. Day, Ch. Q M. 23d Army Corps. At LEXINGTON, oi Friday, August 4th, under the direction of Uapt. D. W. H. DAY, Ch. Q. M. 23d Army Corps. - At FAYETTEVILLfc., on Friday, August 4th, under the direction of Capt. A. M. GAROUTThi. A. Q. M. At MOREHEAD CITY, on Monday, July 31st, 1865, nn ler the direction of Capt. W. H. BARLOW, A. Q. M Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. J. F. BOYD, iy 24 tt. Col. & Chief Q. M., Dep'tof N. C. AND Agricultural Implements. PLOUGHS. CULTIVATORS, CORN PLANTERS, Hay and Manure Fork?, . Hoes and Rakes. .Scythes and Snathes, -Spades, Shov-ls Ion? and bbort handle, ) Axesawd Handles, Carpenter's Tools, Hatchets and H teeners, Scythe Sharpners aud Stones, Frying Pana, Coffee Mills, Porcelain Kettles, Nai.e, (all sixes,) Cuny Combs, &c , Ac. For sale, cheap. 'for cash, by . MILLER & CO., Store formerly occupied by S. H. Young, jy7-eod4w FajettTUI8treet. TERMS:- RATES 6 F SUBSCRIPTION, Dailj, 1 Year $10 00 ft Months..... 5 00 t. 3 Months-.... 3 00 IKilv, 1 Mouth $1 fO Weekly,-1 Year 3 00 41 6 Months ... 1 50 Must be paid in advance in all cages or the j-aper will not be sent ; and the paper will be stopped when th,e time paid for eipires, unless renewed. NE WSBOXS AND NE WS DEALERS Will be furnished at the rate of $5 per hundred copies . All orders mast be accompanied by the money. ADVERTISING RATES. Ordinary advertisements, occupying not more than ten lines solid minion, or one inch space ' " I insertion .tl 00 2 Weeks.. J 6 00 .. 1 50 1 Month lo CO 2 tt J 5 2 00 I 2 Months... IS 00 2 50 I 3 , 20 00 3 00 G a OO 1 Week 3 50 1 Year- 50 tH Larger advertisements, where no contract is made, wiil be charged in exact proportion. - YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made in accordance with the following schedule 1 4 column,! Month.f30 0O1-4 col. 6 Months...$100 00 1-2 1-4 1-2 1 45 00 1-2 " - 6 1 " G 1-4 1 Year. 12 "1 " . 1 "1 44 . 140 00 150 00 175 00 200 00 300 00 t 3 3 3 60 00 50 00 75 00 100 00 41 tt Oaly those who contract for one-fourth, one-half, or a column, for ne, three,'six, or twelve months, will receive the benefit of these terms. . Contract advertisers must pay by the month, and all others in advance. All advertisements must be marked a specified time, and 110 advertisement will be inserted till forbid." Advertisements inserted once, twice or three times a week will be charged One Dollar a square for every in sertion. OUR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throughout the State than any. other paper in North Carolina. The Progress i read in the camD and among the people by a much larger number of persons than any other paper, and hence its importance as An advertising medium shuld not fc over looked by business men. special Notices. Special Notices will be set in minion, leaded, and in serted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar a oquare cnargea tor every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Ony saort notices will be admitted to the Local Col umn, at the following rates: Oimj Line, OneDav $1 00 I Three Lines.One Day $2 00 Two Lines, 1 60 J Five Lines, " 2 50 Ten Lines, or more? at the rate ol Twenty-five Cents a Line for each insertion. . FUNERAL NOTICES, MARR1A QES, &c Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when haadedin, or they will not appear. The abnvevKates will be adhered to in all cases, and as we have to pay cash for everything jn our business, we TO SUBSCRIBERS AND AD VERTISERS. We have t pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, but therr a' but few persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Persons seeing their paer marked must remit, me money or it will be stopped. Advertisers mast pay in advancefor all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly will be expeeted to pay their bills monthly . Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. J. L. P. & CO,. NEWS! NEWS!! NEWS!! NEW YORK DAILIES RECEIVED EVERY DAY BY 1 : XPRESS ; ALSO ;-w am AND All the Popular Periodical Literature of the Day at FAYETTEVILLE STREET, 1. EDH'JA wWl. J 15-lt Ag,Df THE VEY PLACE SESD YOUR FLOUR AND TOBACVO To KND "n fi'?' aiifax county, N. C. OhO. V. HEPTiN Oi ALL will sell them for vou on coLamissinn References. -Branson & Farrar and S. H. Yung, jy 24 k.f Raleigh, N. C. MACHINERY REPAIRED f W'.T1JE 'UWDERSIONJJD, PK0r08T0 RE ' V-pau team Mi.IJSr Cotton Factory Machinery , and ovuiucijr vi an .mu3, ana ao anyffiing: in the Mill wright line, j NUTALL & JACKSON. Kefb to A. Johnson, and Shay, Wiliiams&n & Co. jy25-lw EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION. GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 - CHEAPJBR THAN AT NEWBERN OR ANY POINT SOUTH OF BALTIMORE. jyR.' L. H. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OF . tl. Young, on Fayetteville Street, Rahigh, X. C, respectfully announces to the public thaY he has JUST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, La dies' Furnishin Gooda, Boots and Shoes, Hat and Caps, Ac. This stock was purchased in New York since the recent decline in prices, and is now offered at terms lower than goods of the same description can be purchased in Newbern or any point south of Baltimore. Country Merchants and others supplied at wholesale, jy 15-lm REMOVAL ! Peace and Liberty Eating Saloon tiEMOVLD TO Ttfr. OLD , POST 1 OFFICE. FAYETTEVILLE NTHEET. BOSS & McGOWAN, Proprietors, Till.'. WLLL KNOWN AND . 1'Ul'ULA !- KSTAB lisbment has ben rumored tti the'olt p..Vt iftcp stand, y a vpttevi'le Street, d; x t- n.-r k . . l,t r Meala are furnieiied, Jr rn 6 u'liock in tLe morning uctii 9 o'clock at night. There being a line attached, customers will be able to ett the betst Wines j 1 - . 1 r 1 s . 1 . and Liquors to be-found in the Citv. nuudu ut toe jny. its, Melons, &'c, in abundance at all Ice Cream, Frt times. Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. jy24-lw BOSS A ilcGOWA.