BY J. I,. PBS X III OT Off & CO.! t t t I I a t 1 C THE NEWS'. For Telegraph see Fourth Page General Grant has frequently expressed the opinion that the French will soon be obliged ta leaye Mexico. A -e88el saile.d from New Orleans to St. Peters- y r borgiirecf with a cargo of cotton belonging to New Orleans merchants. ; r p A oadbrama retiresentitig Mr. Lincoln's assassi- i - ailUU 10 CAUluillUg iu x uiioucijiuibi A mkn in Cincinnatt! who slept on the roof f bis house, rolled off one night and killed himself. A brfage to span the Niagara atBuffalpe is about . ... i j i .0 be built. Two millions and a hall are pieugeu t the work. That amount ought to build a brigade J size. I The burning of Baroum'a Museum brought the ioor whale to such grief that he blubbered. I A national bank has been established at Cnar- ,tteville, V., N. H. Massie,' President. I -The dold Hill (Nevada), News tells that a boy "... . ! e a j rt . i .ii .i idown a pair or &air, ou j street, jue oilier uay, d rolled out on the floor of a third story on D feet. The altitude ot tne domiciles in msuntain fwns is very uncertain. LA St. Louis despatch gives the news from For t iavenworth" that on Monday last the 6th Western irglnla Cavalry and other troops, when ordered loss the plains, mutinied and refused to march. iey had got it Into their heads that they were en led to be mustered out and did not want to go y farther. Gen. S'tolberg, commanding at Fort avenworth, had the mutineers dismounted and dis qaed, and placed them under guards. i-Jay Cooke, the loan-ly man, Is soundly abused "many Northern Editors, on account of his doc ie that " a national debt is a national blessing." -A singular disease has been attacking cattle, sea and hogs in the lowlands of Mississippi and kansas. The animals died in from twenty-four- to ty-eight hours. Black gnats are supposed to have used poison into the animals. The loss -of stock I been large. Menwbo doctored the cattle were acked by the disease. It has now abated. -Accordinto ourjnfbrmatlon, General Sheridan tndr' his command an army of seventy or Ity thousand men In Texas, and it is understood their station is to be on or very -near the Mexi I border. This army is called an "army of obser ton," but the presence of such a force in such a ility at such a time seems to have a good deal of )ortant significance. Surely a force of nearly a idred thousand cannot be supposed to be needed purpose of observation, Not one in a thousand Item will do anything in the way of observing. -A private letter from Marsbfield Massachusetts, h . We have now (July 19,) in full sight from the 8, a number of whales live, veritable. whales ring, rolling about and lashing the sea white. old Cape Cod whaleman says they are fin back Irs, sixty or seventy feet in length,, and that one em is a sperm whale, one hundred feet long. Mh'y the codfish aristocracy on the south" shore r ttiLg up a party to appropriately celebrate the g of the Atlantic cable; otherwise, the whales, jig that the South is now op.'D for Northern im ation, are on their way to promulgate Northern imentB. They are tremendous spouters." Major General 0. 0. Howard, Superintendent of I 3reedmen s Bureau, has received a communica from Hon. B. F, Perry, Provisional Governor of h Carolina, in which he asks for instructions in ence tothe working of the freedmen system In h Carolina, promising his hearty co-operation In uring for the freedmen fair compensation, and in jing the enterprise to a successfuMssue. -Major General Thomas, commanding the Mlli Division of the Tennessee, after refraining for a derable time from interfering with the disloyal lustrations an3 exh'bitioas of petty spite towards j)vernment and its officers of some of the incor le rebels of Tennessee, has, it appears, concluded forbearance has ceased to be longer a virtue, and ced down upon some of tha leading secession laColumbia in a manner as .surprising as disa . able to them. He has suspended the Mayor and ;tice of the peace of that place from the exercise of r functions, and ordered the imprisonment of a "sr named Friersou and another citizen named "1 3 way, all of whom are charged with manifesting t! .r disloyalty to the national government ou every c::iion when they thought they could safely do so, tid wlth- gross and continued persecution of the emafacfpated black v G:ieral Sheridan on the 17th iust., Issued from i . ' -a4 in a l-t va lo Vaw Oilpans his official order on i ling his new position of commander of the Mil 1 " Division of the Gulf, one of the five grand mll- 1 diviBt)d8 into which tbb Htitir j country is now tinned off Gei.eral Sheridan's command is eub led Into tbiee military departments, and em 33 the States of Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana Texas General Canby is commander of one of departments, kno vn as the Department of Lou a aud Texas, and.consistingof those two States, he same day be issued his order on assuming tnand thereof. The Department of the Gulf, as I oi whi. h' General Canby was previously com- der. no lonjir '-xist9. fEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - AN ELEGANT I HT OCTAVE, ROSEWOOD CASE, IN PERFECT ORD ER, AND AS GOOD AS NEW, I sale at the Field and Fireside Bookstore, i No. 58 Fayetteville street. ig3tf Standard copy. I $25 REWARD. TTbhEN, in the oity of Raleigh, between 9 and 10 p. i , on the 1st inst., a dark bay horse, 15 hands high ; Khind feet, white spot on forehead; mane about halt Jjff. Had on McCleltan saddle, and U. S. bridle with Jffl9 bit. Stolen, at same time and place, a silver Rated bridle, breast-strap and martingale, the breast ;? and martingale trimmed with yellow. f'j; asore rcwaid witl .be paid at mce ot rrovosi lUh&l P,i i- ii i i. ,, tha-stolen VOL. VI THE CITY. U. S. Direct Tax.Wo are informed by Mr. E. H. Sears, United States Tax Commissioner for the collection of direct taxes in charge of this section of the State, that since he opeaed his office hre on the 20th of June last, be hse made colWioi us follows : June I $ 1,366 94 Ju'y ; 6,368 77 Tota, , 6,734 71 This tax is collected under the provisions of an act nf Hnnm-iiaB crn, it,. 1 it r 7 . vvu6n,OT IV1 ,ua uuuuuiiuu 01 tiireci taxes in j ."ouncuuonary districts, . ficc., approved June 7tb, 186?, and several acts amendatory thereto, and amounts to eighty cents on one hundred dollars; ex empting1 to every property holder who lives on his or her own estate property amounting to $500, and is made: a special lean above every, other claim on the land ; consequently no sale can be made and a clear title given until it is paid. The tax of eight tenths" of one per cent abeve mentioned, continues only for sixty days from the 'date of the advertisement of tha Commissioners, which was on the 20th of June, and consequently expires on the 19th Inst. At that time the law authorizes the Commissioners to advert'sa the lands for sale for a period of four weeks, and in case of sales to issue "tax-certificates" to the pur chaser, and a writ on the United States Marshal of the State to obtain possession of the property. During the first sixty days after the sale, all property may be j redeemed by the payment of fifty per cent penalty, g in addition to ten per cent on the tax, which-accrues from the date of advertising for sale. At the safe of t lands, the Commissioners are empowered to bid np S the property to anmount not-exceeding two-thirds of its value for the United State?, and in case such bids are accepted, they are also authorized' to sell or lease such lands in parcels ur s a whole to freedmen or others. The ten per cent on the tax will be ad ded from the 19th lust , whether the Commissioners advertise or not. Mr. S. informs us that the people in this vicinity seem willing to pay this trivial demand, and with, -I one or two exceptions they have liquidated their obli gations cheerfully and withou' grumbling. The people of the country seem more anxious than those of the city in tha premises, and he is particularly gratified with the rei leuts of Wake and Forrest district, who have most all paid up. Important from the War Department. We have already published the main points of the follow ing order, but think it of sufficient importance to givo it in full : War Department, Adjutant General s Office, Washington, July 25, 1865 Qeneral Orders No. 129. To secure equal justice and the same personal lib erty to the freedmen as to other oUIbods and inhabi tants, all orders Issued by post, district, or other com manders, adopting any system of passes for. them or subjecting them to any restraints or punisbminta not imposed on other classes, are declared y,oid. Neither whites nor blacks will be restrained from seeking employment elsewhere when they cannot ob tain it at a just compensation at their homes, and when not bound by voluntary agreement ; nor will they be hindered from travelling from place to placo on proper and legitimate business. ry order or tne oecreiary ui war; E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official Orders. We are under obligations to Maj. Clinton A. Cilly, Assistant Adjutant Gen eral at Department Headquarters, for copies of va rious orders and findings of courts martial. We" annex the following as of)interest : . Raleigh, North Carolina, July 20th, 1864, General Orders, No. 116. - The District ef West North Carolina will hereaf ter be knawn as the Sub-District of Morganton, and the District of Greensboro' will hereafter be known as the Sub-Distriet of Greensboro'. The two Sub-Districts will constitute the District of West North Carolina, and will be commanded by Major-General KilpatriGk, headquarters at Salisbu ry, North Carolina. By command of Brevet Major General Kuger : Clinton A. Cilley, m Major and Assistant Adjutant Qenqral. Sentence Appboted. The 'military commission which tried Alfred Locke, a negro, upon the charge of rape upon one Mary Sloan, a white woman, resi dent in Rowan county, having found him guilty of the specification and charge in the indictment, and sentenced him to be hung, Maj. Gen. Ruger, Of this city, and in command of the North Carolina depart ment, has approved the sentence in an official order, from which the following is an extract ; " The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case of Alfred Locke, a colored man, are ap proved and confirmed. The sentence will be execu ted at Salisbury, North Carolina, between the hours of lO o'clock a. M. and 3 o'clock p. M., on Friday, the. 11th day of August, 1865, under direction of the Commanding officer at that place." . Bust of President Lincoln. A bust known as Jones' of ihe late President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, will be placed in the African Church this eveniug, with appropriate dedication ceremonies. Whether the colored folks have pur chased this memento, and intend it to remain in their edifice, we do not knoiv, but of course they will turD out en masse to Inaugurate the event, and hear and see what is to be done. --- The Place. Our friends, ilulbert & McLjuu.vLo are transacting business in Newbern, and whose ad vertisement may be .ound iu to-day's Progress, are eafdtohave iu store one' of the largest ani hest Se lected stocks of goods in the South. Daaler visiting Newbern should put them down on the list of places to be visited. mttf RALEIGH, THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1865 NO. 222 Pbovobt's SANCTUM--Yesterday business ws quite brisk at the provost marshal, who, with las worthy assistant, was employed actively in dispensing justice to those who submitted their affairs for adjudit cation . A man named Howard, a white citizen of Rafelgh, was arrested for selling liquor and sent to the city jail as a penalty. .A colored individual, boasting the euphonius narce of Henry Claggett, who had been taken up oa the same charge and jailed, had his final examination. The probability that said son of Ham did it in lgm rance of the order made and provided in the prem fe es, saved his bacon, and he was discharged, but not without a reminder that his future appearanoe at the bar upon a similar charge would lead to severe puu ishment. Jim Green, another darkey, .was up upon the complaint of appropriating without lawful title a pitcher belonging to a lady of Raleigh. Jim's eyes were the color of his name, and as the proof of theft was too strong to admit of rebutting evidence, he was sent to the guard house, preparatory to a season of labor on the streets as an atonement for the offence and to vitalize his honesty. Two soldiers belonging to the 48th N. Y. Volun teers were arrested for being in the-city without pass es and sent to their commanding officer for treatment. He is -aid to be a fine disciplinarian and the physic he administers will probably prevent like contagion frofii effecting others. . Maj. Britt, of the 48tb New York Infantry, had his horse stolen last night, but we anticipate that Capt. Barrett will adopt measures to detect the thief and restore the horse. His agents-are on the track. At all events, the occurrence is enough to stimulate care iu the matter of horse flesh. Bank of North Carolina. We are glad to print below, in relief of all speculation, the official minutes of the meeting of the Stockholder of this institution : - Raleigh, July 25, 1865. At a meeting of the Stockholders of Ihe B.ank of North Carolina, held iu the city of Raleigh on Tues day, the 26th day of July, 1865, on motion of Hon '1. Jas. H. Bryan, Mr. J. H. Wilson was appointed Chairman, and .T. McGee, Secretary. " On motion of G. W. Mordecal, Esq., a committee of three, consisting of Hon'l. Thos. Bragg, W. R. Pool and Rufus S. Tucker, Esq'rs., were appointed to ascertain the number of shares of stock represent ed, and the number of votes to which such shares were entl.led. The committee reported twenty seven hundred and fifty six (2756) shares represented In person, en titled to cast four hundred and seventy five (475) votes, and forty eight hundred and seventy seveu (4877) shares, entitled to cast one thousand and seventy seven votes, and five thousand and twenty seven (5027) shares belonging to the Literary Board, represented by the Public Treasurer, making the total number of shares represented twelve thousand six hundred and sixty (12,660). The report of the comnqlttee being concurred In, the meeting was de clared duly organized, and proceeded to the election of eight Directors on the part of the individual Stock holders, and the following gentlemen were elected by ballot ; (J VV. Mordecal, B. F. Moore, Cha's. Stanley, K. P. Battle, John H Bryan, Jordan Womble,Sr., W. H. Holleman and John O'Rorke. On motion, the meeting adjourned sine die. (Signed.) Jos. H. Wilson, Chairman. T. MGee, Secretary. , Mend your Ways. A short time since this ap peal might have been made with great apposltenees In a moral point of view ; indeed, it is not now alto gether inappropriate in such a sense ; but .we refer this morning to the .pavements. At many points, even on Fayetteville street, there Is room for a few bricks to fill up ugly holes, which constantly threaten to sprain pretty ankles. Keep the bricks out of4 your hats, and the amount thus "economized will re pair every defect in the side-walks all over the city. The Right Step. We are glad to announce that i ) a week or ten days the Raleigh and Gaston trains will make their stoppages at the upper, instead of the lower depot, that Is, thej will connect imme diately with the cars of the North Carolina road, so that passengers will not have the expense of a ride or the fatigue of walking in going either east or west. , ' 5 New Advertisements. L. P. Olds & Co., Pioneer Land Office, and a' number of other adver tisements. Hulbert & McLean Wholesale Dry Goods-Establishment at Newbern. WS1ztt V TTiorolna A card fn his friends. - "-"fee" Hughes & Dill Direc steam line to New York. Bernard & Barry Wilmington Dispatch. Dr. I. G. Fogg Surgeon Dentist, Newbern. Provost Marshal $25 Reward. . 0 9 m Thb Pioneer Land Office. We do sellers and buyers a favor when "Inviting .their attention to the advertisements which appear this nrornlug from the Pioneer Land office, under the management of L. P Olds & Co., who are thoroughly conversant with the business 'io which they have engaged. Their success is a warranty that, those who confide purchased or sales to their care will be well served. West, who Is the Incarnation of enterprise, is in receipt of a large number of fresh novels aod other thiug's literary, at his newspaperial depot and mu seum of magazinedom, o"n Fayetteville street. All the favorite authors ald bri'luuey tD.his shelves and you may buy any 6iven celebrity for a Uire sot g In the tune of green backs. Go and see him. Fink Piano Partly H t of a fine puo are referred to the ttdvertlsemt ,1 th "Fwld and Fir. sidc" establishment. We know it to be a tine, m strumrnt as to quality and tone. NEv- ADTERTfSEME NT S . PIONEER LAND OFFICE. L. P OLDS & CO. Principal Office .... RALEIGH, N. C. SPECIAL AGENCIES: WlLMINGTO!, GEIKNSBOR0, New Bernk, Salisbury, Goi.DSBORO, CHARLOTTR. ' 335 Atlantic St., New York, and 123 South St., Philadelphia. AGRNTS IN ALL COUNTIES SHERIFFS ARE AC1" ING NO SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS. Our Agents all receive like compensation, viz : one (1) per cent commission on all sales through their Descriptive Listj or Applications. BEGINNING immediately lifter the- war collapsed, we continue to receive applications from, buyers and sellers of Real Estate, and invite a still more extended use of this cheap, convenient, liberal, and satisfactory PLAN. OF BUSINESS. Parties can communicate through agents, or direct. Rules in the hands of ail Agents. Titles gaaranteed according to oar rules. (No. 14.) OR SALE. iCotUn, Tobacce, Turpentine, Corn, Mining and other Lands, Mills, Town Property, &c. All enquiries promptly answered with Maps, Fiagrams and Sketches, if required. ,Owing to accumulating business of other kinds, I lid beg to transfer the management tho r.H nm wou to ,my son, Mr. G. E. OLDS, for whose skill, tact and ergy 1 can vouch. L P' 0LDS. energy h n hS SwLW,,? ceat 8&me Place (for the Pres ent) Hon. H. W. Miller's office, east of tbe capitol aug3-lm r WANTED QUICKLY. 7( ) Of )0 ACRES Tar and Turpentine Land, I yjxjyjyj not over five miles lrom transportation. Apply to PIONEER LAND OFFICE aug3-lt FOUNDRY FOR SALE, SOMETHING desirable, located at a depot on the Cen tral Railroad, and has 300 acres of wood-land attached. Also, a new -Cottage Dwelling, well situated on a half acre lot. A bargain for $4,500, if closed out early. Apply to PIONEER LAND OFFICE. &ug3-lt AN ENO RIVER MILL FOR SALE. ORANGE COUNTY, well located on this permanent stream, with power tor other manufacturing if de sired. It is five miles from a depot, and in a thickly set tled country. $2,500 cash, which seems low, the owner having other matters to attend to . Apply to aug3-lt PIONEER LAND OFFICE. MOREHEAD CITY LOTS. 8 OF THE BEST for sale immediately, and if sold with in ten days, at a low figure. They lie on the Railroad and water, and are Tery desirable. Apply at once to augS-lt ; PIONEER LAND OFFICE. Hulbert & McLean, Have removed to the well known EMMET CUTHBERT STORE, Corner of Pollock and Middle Sts., NEW BEPLlSr, 3S3T, C, And have opened a very large and fresh stock of CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Which they will sell at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at REASONABLE PRICES! WE also are prepared t receive Consignments of COTTON and OTHER PRODUCTS, Make liberal advancements upon the same and ship to the New York market. S&The highest market price and prompt returns guaranteed in. all cases. REMEMBER THE PLACL: : Hultoert eft? McLean, At the large Brick Store, Corner of Pollock and Middle Streets. ;, New Bern, Aug. 3, l,865-3m WILEY F. HIGGINS, Having resumed his old business of 4he 3Dry Goods Trade, Would be pleased fo see his friends at HULBERT & MeLEANS, at the Emmet Cuthbert Store, Cor. Pollock and Middle St., NEW BERN. aug3 3m - Y g DENTISTRY. Qjjjl f f Dr. I. S. FOGG, Dentist, New Berne, N. C, is prepared to perform all operations pertaining to DENTISTRY. Artificial Teeth inserted on gold, platina, rnbber or silver, from one to an entire set, TO DENTISTS he would respecMully ay that he is prepared to supply them with Teeth (both Plate and Rub ber frtm the Dental Depot of Rubencome, Stockton k McCurdy, No. 825 Arch St., Philadelphia, at reasonable rates. Office corner Pollock and Middle sts. augS-lm PROSPECTUS OK THE i WILMINGTON DISPATCH- rpHE undersigned will commence the publication of a 1 Daily Newspaper, under tne abova title, in Wilming ton, N. C., on or about the 15th day of September next. They do not deem it necessary to issue an extended pros pectus ; and will only promise, that no pains or expens will be spared in making the DISPATCH a FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER. The Commercial department will receive the especial attbntien of gentlemen well qualified. for tho business and will contain faithfal and correct reports of both the Northern and Southern markets. TERMS: For nno year , ' -$10 00 " six months .Tf 6 00 44 three - S 00 A Weekly Edition ill bts published &3 soon as a saiheient number of mail routes are re-opened to justify it. aJTA1dres8 us at Wilmington, N. C, care Alfred -Martin, Esq. BERNARD & BARRY, Wm. H. Bk&hakd, ) Editors and Proprietors. Jens D. Ba&by. ) aug2 lm TERMS tf TES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, 1 Year. $10 00 " 6 Months 5 00 " 3 Months 3 00 Diily, I Month 1 00 Weekly, 1 Year 3 00 6 Months.... 1 j0 Must be paid in advance in all cases or the paper will not be sent; and the paper will be stopped when the time paid foreipires, unless renewed. NEWSBOYS AND NEWS DEALERS Will be furnished at the rate of $5 per hundred copies. All orders must be accompanied by the money. A D VER TISING RA TES. Ordinary advertisements, occupying not more than tpv, lines solid minion, or one inch space 1 insertion .....$1 00 Weeks jc, oo 1 Month io ou '2 Months...... 5 oo 3 20 0U 6 44 3w 00 1 Year.... r.n no 1 60 2 00 2 50 3 00 1 Week.. 3 50 "iKer aurerusements, where no contract is mad-, will De charged in exact proportion. YEARL Y' CONTRACTS TO : 1 1 u . 1 . . ... ue maaein accordance with the following scheduu 1 4 column,! Month.$30 00 1-4 col. C Months. 1-2 44 6 " . 1 44 6 " 1-4 " 1 Year... 1-2 44 1 " 1 44 i .... $100 00 , 140 00 15U 00 175 0(1 ' 200 00 -1 44 45 00 1 " 60 00 3 " 50 00 3 4 4 7 5 00 3 . " 100 00 1 1-4 " 1-2 " 1 " 300 00 Oslv thoBA whn liAntrinl t.r. j- . u . .. column, for ene, three, six, or twelve months, will receire the benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers must pay bv the montn, and all others in advance. ' U adeftisments must be marked a specified time and no advertisement will be inserted " till forbid." ' Advertisements inserted once, twice or three times a wees, -win ue cnargea une Dollar a sauare ior e OUR CIRCULATION Is larirer in the eitv and thrniiorhnnt tha m other paper in North Carolina. The Progrtt is rt a'd in the camp and among the people by a much larger number of Dersons than anv nthr ranr nrH uni.Qii. importance as an advertising medium chnnld nnt ha nr-. . looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. SDecial Notices will h Upt in mininn laarlH anrl in. serted under tha Special Notice head, and One Dollar a 04111110 vu&rgeu ior every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will hn4 d mit.tftri t.ft th I. neat t'nl. umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 I Three Lines,One Day $2 00 Two Lines, 44 . 1 50 J Five Lines, 2 60 Ten Lines, or more, at the rate of Twenty-five Ceu'ts a Line for each insertion. JUNE UAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, drc Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and a we have to pay cash for everything in our business, we must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. 1.. PENNINGTON' & CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have te pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must have more cash frem those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, but there are but few personsiwho want a, newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Personsseeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly will b expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paid for when delivered. J. L. P. & CO. NEWS! NEWS!! NEWS!! NEW YORK DAILIES RECEIVED EVERY DAY BY EXPRESS ; ALSO AND All the Popular Periodical Literature or the ' Day at THE R4LEIGH SEWS AGEJTS DEPOT FAYETTEVILLE STKEET, 1. EDWIN WEST. jj 15tl ' A gtTit - THE VERY PLACE. . CESD YOUR FLOUR AND TOBACCO TO END IO field, Halifax county, N. C. GEO. W. HEPTI.N STALL will eeH them for you on commission; 1 References. Branson & Farrar and S. H. Young, Raleigh, N. C. jy24 lnt Machinery repaired we, the undersigned, propose to uk pair Steam Mills, Cotton Factory Machinery , and Machinery of all kinds, and do anything in the Mill wright line. NUTALL & JACKSON. Refb to A. Johnson, and Shay, Williamson Co. jy 25-1 w EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION; GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAN AT NEWBERN OR ANY POINT SOUTH OFg BALTIMOItE. MR. L. II . KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OK .-Young, on Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, respectfully announces to the public that he has JUST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Goodf, l.a dies' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats tnd Cap, &c. This stock was purchased in New Ymk t-ince thf recent decline in prices, and is now offered at terms lower than goods of th, eame description can be purchased in Newbern or any point south of Baltimore. Country Merchants and others supplied atwhoUeaiv. JJ 15-1 m . REMOVAL ! Peace and Liberty Eating Saloon REMOVED TO THE OLD POST OFFICE. FAYBTTEVIIiLK S'fUtEI. ROSS & McGOWAN, Proprietors. rpULS WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR ESTAU I lishment has been removed to the old Post Office stand, l! ayetteville Street, next to the market, where Meals are" furnished trm 6 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock at night. There being a tine IFLOOM attached, customers will be able to grt he best Wines and Liquors to be found iB the City. Ice Cream, Fruits, Melons, kc, in abundance at a 1 1 times. Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. j24-lw ROBS McOOWAX. j I

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