IJ ! V-' BY J. L. PfiM.ISGTOff & CO. THE1 NEWS. !' . For latest news see Fourth Page. w B. H. Epperson ia announced s a candidate for Governor In Texas. . ' r Santa Anna has unexpectedly : declared In favor of the Republic and in opposition to Napoleon's little boy, "Max. Moaby iff In Richmond. The latest subterfuge connected with the Mexi- I can Emigration scheme la the announcement that a" large number of Mis&ouri'anR are eu route for the do- minions of Maxnnuuan. - f ' The extra three months pay of: officers must be t taxed, " . Qen. Banks will reside permanently in . New Ch ileans to practise law. . I-Guerilla depredations are frequent in Middle I Tennessee. . I -Capt. Wlrz, of Anderson ville notoriety , is said to I be Jhe only, prisoner of war remaining at Washlng- !ton. His trial will not take place under two weeks. It is rumored at Washington that the President I has made Gov. Wells, of Louisiana a Provisional I Governor, so that the control of the State may.be obtained and Rebels prevented from holding office. I Some of the more popular ballads of the war i 1 I J ' -Jill Al utTTL . t II n ' nave ooiu iluiububq euuioua. ui - wno wiu uarajor I Mother now," 491,000 copies have been disposed of, f and of "Mother would Comfort 'Me 227,600 copies. J Governor Brownlow, in a letter to the imprison ed Mayor of Columbia; strongly condemns the action for whieh be was arrested, endorses Q-eneral Thomas' action and declares that the rebellious people of Ten nessee tjave not yet given sufficient assurances of re turning loyalty to warrant the withdrawal of the military power. j The Jackson Missitsippian b&jb: "We learn that unbleached domestics in this city have fallen .rom seventy-five to forty-five cents per yard." Oq vhich the Vicksburg Herald sagely observes : TJn Sleached domestics' have fallen here from eighteen 'inndred dollars to zero per head."J f. Colonel Wood, formerly editor of the Vicksburg Whig, is in New York, arranging for a rebel expedi Ion to Brazil. He goes out on behalf of some five or !x hundred Mississippi families, to see if he cannot urchase a tract of country twelve miles square on ie Amazon, for the purpose of a permanent settle ment. Tfie capital subicribedMs said to be one mil Dn of dollars. Wood is commissioned to procure Emperor's consent. - ' -Tfae mission to France of M. Eloin, the private cretary of the Emperor Maximilian, appears to have rulted in obtaining very little material aid from tpoleon III. It even asserted, that he had no ier diplomatic mission than the honorary one of llvering despatches to the King of the Belgians. J Eloin was have left Liverpool in the Scotia, New ToikJ accompanied by an eminent Collector 3tate, who goes out to Mexico as a Finance Minis- -It is probable that an exception will be made in it of General Johnston, and his pardon granted nee, instead oX putting him on indefinite proba ,'as in the cases of other rebel generals. Among grounds suggested for making this exception is fact, said to be well authenicated- before the At 3y General, that Johnston did all in his power to the rebellion to a close long before it became ably evident that the thing was in a collapsed lition. Since June 1 of this year more than three thous nasses have been issued at Fortress Monroe to prisoners returning borne. This does not in tBose who have been sent away in -large num t::3 tX a time in steamers. AXraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were born ' in tha r:.me Congressional district ef Kentucky, and ' vrilLla tbe same twelvemonth. "H The Indian troubles in Colorado Territory con tinue;, JL party of emigrants were attacked by them near Julesburg, and another party near Valley Sta- ? n Saturday last. War parties of the Indians 5 nade their appearance at various points on tne Z J?iatt0 river, and mow troops have had to be : :i to the assistance of the settlers. large and importaot council of the Indian t:L , Is'to be held next month at Fort Gibson, to : i upon their future relations, to the government . thirty tribes, numbering about seventy thoua odlans, will bo present. ' . - Jrophy, who assaited the testimony of Welch ;the principle witness against Mrs. Snrratt, has 3hed a card reiterating his statements, and chai ns WelchmXnn to bring him (Brophy) as a de- ;nt in a vVashington court of justice, In order to -he truth. - ' ' The Chicago Republican says Mrs. Lincoln is llv- i perfect seclusion at the Hyde Park Hotel on tnr of the lake. seven or eight miles from that city, , her sons reside with her. Capt. Rober t Lincoln -udylng law in the office of Uesirs. Soammpn, gg & Fuller, In Chlcago, and goes there daily oy . Iilisois Central Railroad, to attend to his du- A letter in the Macon Journal states that Mor- - warehouse in Georgetown, opposite Eufaula, a . was burned on Saturday. July 16, inTplfing the structlon of fifteen hundred bales of cotton- Much ( the cotton is reported to have beionBd to parties Savannah; and the Eastern Bank of Alabama was jo a heavy! loser. The fi re originated in An attempt fa silly negro to buro a nest of yellow jackets, and :he flames spread so rapidly that not a bale of the potton stored was saved. ' ; :' j It is said that eighty plantations in Louisianla f bave recently been confiscated. These embrace many of the. finest sigar estates of the. Southern country. Mr. Conway, the government agent, la making ar- jrangements to divide up these esUtes info forty-acre low for freedmen and poor whites. st . A man named John Hll 1. in custody of the Sher iff of Benton County, JIo., for being concerned, with VOL. VI. twenty-ve others, in thfl mr.- i-t tt,,. ' 'uw w odyci ui union men, was forcibly taken from the Sheriffs hands July Mr carried Across the Osoge River, and shot dead without ceremony. ; A Western . r i - " " uioaivu irum juempuis reporting the seizure city and the discovery of a defalcation in the Custom HntlSA T la nr. w. - J it.i ,1 . f uFFWea mac ine money which should have been in the Custom House had been used by the bank. .A curious excitement is at nresent Philadelphia. The excitement arose from the dis covery of five fires within tweritv-fonr block of houses on Reckless street, which runs iromront to Otsego, North of Washington ave nue, Southwark. An, investigation by fire Mar, shal Blackburn discovered the fact that the fir; hadbeen lufldledby a small child, but for what purpose ia tiQ.t known. The child ia probably af by ae calIed hJ sorae medical men pyromara. The shoddy aristocracy at Saratoga have ereat difiBculty in wearing their unusual advancements. Some of them make most ridiculous work of it re minding beholders of premium cattle bedecked for agricultural fairs. One unfortunate dunce of oleagi nous aeveiopement actually went through the mar- tyrdom ot- dj-essing fifteen times before supper. A young damsel at the table in one of the big ho tels " astonished the crowd " by exclaimine, "Lar! mar ; I've dropped my diamond into the eravv A vigorous search for the lost jewel-a stomacher pin was made in the kitchen refuse, but unsuc- -cessfully. It is only worth $1,200, and " papa" comes within Toodles definition of. being a gentle man. He " don't care a darn." There is a great er crowd at Saratoga now than ever before at this time in the season ; but less of real refined gentil ity. . A correspondent of the Dunkirk Journal says that the celebrated Indian warrior; Bloody Hand, of the Seneca nation of Indians, died on the Cattaraugus Reservation on the 10th hst., neirly one hundred years old. ' He is represented to have been terrible with the tomahawk and scalping-knife. The Philadelphia Press gays that Gen. Grant's log-house, which formed his headquarterglurlng the long siege of Petersburg, is now being purinto posi tion at Fairmount Park. It is quite a commodious and stylish affair, and cost nearly $3,000. k is to be surrounded by an inclpsure, and probably a fee of ad mittance will be charged, the proceeds to be applied to a patriotic or humanitarian purpose. It is said that Elder Brigham Young intimated to Speaker Colfax, in a recent interview At Salt Lake City, that he expected a revelation from the Lord that ' polygamy should be stopped," and said he was pre pared to enforce the divine uijuuettoo. Captain Jackson, about forty-five years of age, said to be a brother of Stonewall Jackson, fell , over board from the steamer Lundia, on her last trip from Mobile to New Orleans, and was drowned. Ha has been wounded three times while in the service, and at the time of his death was en route for Galveston. Captain Jackson was formerly a merchant of Augus ta, Ga. In a letter written from Lexington, Va., by John Lktchbr, who signs himself "Ex-Governor of Virginia," he begs Secretory Seward to furnish, hira a copy of the laws passed by United States Congress since 1860, as not a copy can be found in the county In which he resides.' The request was referred by Secretary Sewabd to Secretary Harlan, of the Inte rior Department who has directed that copies of the laws be forwarded 'to Letcheb, as requested. He is not entitled to rthem' as a right, being simply a pri vate citizen, but under the peculiar circumstances of .the case, and being desirous to enlighten the citizens of the rebellious States as to what laws have been possed by our Congress daring the period these States were under the control of the Jeff. Davis usurpation, Secretary Hablan has exercised the discretionary power vested in him In such cases, and sent t he books. The Florida Vhin says that the afflicted father ot Patne," the would-be murderer of Secretary Sewabd, has beea making a visit to Jacksonville In that'State. The Univn says : "The father of Payne called on us one day this week. He resides on a plantation three miles from Live Oak Station, on the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad. He lost one son at the battle of Murfreesboro ; another returned home maimed for life. "Lewis" was his only hope in his old age. The afflicted father was a Baptist minister, as has been stated. We must necessarily pronounce just the terrible punishment to the son, but we can not withhold bur deepest sympathy for the heart -stricken parent, or esteem him less as a worthy man and citixen." So many partial and incorrect statements have been made respecting the distributing of the rewards offered for the capture of Boeth and his associates, that it becomes proper to say that no money has yet been paid to';any one, either by the 'general or city authorities. The Secretary of War being unable to ffive the .matter his personal attention, designated Judge Holt , Adjt-Gen, Townsend and Assistant Sec retary Eckert as board to hear ana aeciae ine claims of the multitude of persons who demand a fihar of the government Award. These officers have had the matter in progress for two months, but have not yet found time to heir ail the applicants, ana oi course have not made any divisions, among them. It ls probable that the city authorities will- accept the same basis as agreed upon by th board, though there are proposals to do otherwise. The board will t..fi h able to make their award before September, there being over one hundred and fifty claims to ex amine. - RALEIGH, SATURDAY, AUG. 5 1865 THE CITY. ; The Fbeedmen's Bureau Cu. E Wl.itiU-se; l the Assistant Commissioner "f Frppdcfin f .rtli State, and-whose office is iu RiLigU, an!iouocs that j the following named officers, duly assigned by orders, ' are on duty in his tmreau : ; Assistant Adjutant Ge'i-rral Braat Mtj C!iw. J. Wlckersham. Acting Assistant Adjutant General Lieut. FreJ- : H. Beecher. Assistant Quartermaster Capt. Thos. P. JoW ston. - - Commissary of Subsistence Capt. Geo. C. Almy Medical Officer-rSurgeon Lewis D. Harlan- As a matter of public interest, we append a list of the district superintendents : Central district, headquarters at Raleigh Lt, Col. Dexter E. Clapp, 38th TJ. S. C. T. Eastern district, headquarters at "Newborn Capt. Horace- James, A. Q. M. and Financial Agent. Southern District, headquarters at Wilmington Capt. Ro. Bi Beatt, 6th U. S. C. T . Western District, headquarters at Greensboro' Maj. E. C. Ford 107th U. S. C. T. Col. Whittlesey has. perhaps, confided to him the most delicate administrative duties entrusted to any officer in North Carolina, and we expect,in a few days to possess a copy' of the instructions to the dif ferent subordinates in his department as to the scope and sphere of their duties. He is represented to be a christian gentleman, and judging the future by bis past coDfiuct wo may predict for him such a pru dential course as will advance'tbe substantial Inter, ests of the freedmen without any manifestation of radical extravagance. He is much "esteemed by our people. - Call Accepted. The Rev. Thomas H. Pritchard, who had been for some time past temporarily in charge of the Baptist (Rev. Mr. Skinner's) church in this place, has accepted a call to the First Bap tist church in Petersburg and left yesterday morn ing, with his family for the new field of labqr. It will be remembered that the church edifice of that congregation was struck by lightning and consumed during the storm of last Tuesday, but it appears that the membership are determined to have him and a place for his efforts until rebuilding can be accomplished. He bears with him the best wishes not only of the denomination to which he belongs, but of this community. - n " How Important. It is of the first importance to business men to understand that their true in terests and success depends in a particular sense upon keeping themselves before the public. Those men, north and south, and the world over, who have displayed the most, liberality in judicious advertising and the like, are distinguished by wealth and reputation and we remind tradesmen that either through .the Progress paper, or by handbills, or circulars and other job work, they may win enviable fame and independence in bus iness. ' An Excellent Obdeb. The following order,from headquarters department of North Carolina, Army of the Ohio, dated Raleigh, North Carolina, August 1st, f865, is of Interest to property owners : "District Commanders will ascertain by inspection, consultation with their Chief Quartermasters, or other wise, what buildings now occupied for military pur poses are absolutely necessary for the public service, and will thereupon cause all buildings now occupied or held for military purposes, and not nece3sary therefor, to be turned over to the Freedmen's Bureau, in cases where existing orders so require, and in other cases to the owners of such buildings. "A report will be made of action hereou, contain ing a list of buddings turned over, and to whom." n The Right Spirit. During a visit to the depo of the "North Carolina tailroad, last evening, we noticed at that point a large amount of cotton, to bacco, etc., which had been : brought forward for shipment to the North. The same thing, we are informed, is to be sn on, the arrival ofalmost ev ery train and even hefcfier supplies will be forth coming as the transportation ability of the differ ent improvements is enlarged. We are pleased to -see the people hurrying their products to market it is the best way to relieve . the stringency of the money market. Nbgbo Minstrelsy. We saw a negro of th is city yesterday, whose mimicry of various birds, especial ly the mocking bird, was so natural that the moat perfectly attuned ear would not , have supposed the concord of sounds to have emanated from a human throat had he been out of sight. He readers with great accuracy and almost miraculous sweetness the most difficut operas, marches, waltzes, and an thorns, as well as the simple but touching ballad pieces which are always popular. ;He Is quite. a 'musical wonder and eclipses any performance we have ever heard from the most eminent flutist. Will Donm. The foot bridge at the intersection of Martin street with the gas-house, heretofore a man-trap of the most dangerous kind, has been sub stantially repaired we presume by military author ity and labor. It is well done and will prove of much convenience to pedestrians in that vicinity. Received. We are glad to state that Maj. Butts, of the 47th N. Y, Volunteers, has received the horse stolen a few nights since and advertised in the Pro gress lasi Thursday. The equipments are yet mis sing, but a'g the thief has been detected they may be forthcoming.! t Anotheb Fink Showeb yesterday kept the mercury down to an endurable point. NO 224. Ppovqst Marshal's Sanctum. linleigh, Aug. 47, 1865. This has been an exceedingly quiet day in the bffice -of the provost marshal. Through the strict discipline oLt. Col. McDonald and all the officers attached to our city government, improve i' ent can be plainly seen throughout every part of the city. Numerous were the complaints made to the as sistant provost by parties from the country. Those that come under his jurisdiction were promptly attended to the remainder he respect fully referred to Capt. Adims, assistant provost marshal 10th army corps. 4 . New Advertisements. The readers eyes should "not (ail of glancing over the advertising columns especially the new candidates tot patrona' among them John Kermode Ladies Raad This. C. M. Delamar & Co., 174 Front street, New York General Shipping and Commission Merchants. . Stephen Seamans Information Wanted. t : Advanced. By reference to the money market reported by Grady, of this city, it will be seen that there has been an advance in the value of some bank notes, while others previously net quoted have become saleable. Ordered. -Brevet Brig. Gen. Thos. T. Heatb, late Colonel ui the 6th Ohio Cavalry, left here Thurs day evening for Morganton, the theatre of,$ls future command. Until the return of Maj. Gen. Kilpatrlck he had his headquarters in Ralefgh, and was In chief authorlljy as cavalry division commander. i Gone Home. Thirty-three men were discharged from the Construction Corps Thursday, and . this morning proceeded home. i Releived. We understand that certain citizens of Johnston county, lately placed under arrest upon re presentations, it is said, of a Mr. Reed, have been re lieved from that condition at the solicitation of Col. .Whittlesey, commissioner for freedmen. Boys are wanted at this office to take charge of three or four routes on the different railroad traiDS. The work will pay them handsomely. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, REVISED DAILY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13, Fayetteville Street. v Buying Rates. Gold $1.40; Silver $1.35. Bank Notes Bank of North Carolina and Roxboro', 30 cents on the dol lar ; Cape Fear, Charlotte, Farmers, Merchants, Min ers and Planters, 25 cents on the.dollar ; Wadesbo- ro , Lexington and Thomasville, 20 cents on the dol lar ; Commercial, Wilmington, Commerce, Fayette ville and Greensboro' Mutual, 15 cents on the dollar; Washington, Clarendon and Yanceyville, 10 cents on the dollar. Notes of the Banks of other Southern States, 10 a 30 cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 85 a 90 cents on the dollar. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, coupons on, $70. De tached coupons, 33 cents onthe dollar. N E vV ADVERTISEMENTS. C. M. Delamar & Co., (Formerly of Baltimore,) GENERAL COMMISSION AND Shipping Merchants, 174 Front Street, NEW YORK, Solicit consignments ef COTTON, TOBACCO, RICE, natal storesAc,, Ac, On which we will make liberal cash advances and prempt tetuxns. " aug5-3m LADIES, READ THIS! 2 Dp ZEN spools Green & Daniel SPOOL white and black, at 65, - j 6 dozen yard shoe lace, 1 " 2 yard corset lace, 1 Box, 6 cards, hooks and eyes, 6 Slips black and drab thread, 12 dozen China shirt buttons, COTTON, $1 30 28 15 14 42 8 6 Papers good pins, 14 row-s, 6 " Bnyth'B Sewing Needles, 3 Hanks darning cotton, 12 spools black sewing silk, 2 Boxes suspender buttons. 1 Gross good black vest buttons, 3 Pieces Dlack shirt braid, 2 Quires note paper, 1 pack fine envelopes, i dozen good lead pencils, " pen holders, 1 " " pens, 6 Pieces white tape, 25 25 18 26 25 30 27 25 10 i 18 5 10 25 . $5 05 The above goods packed nicely in Paper Box and forwarded to any address on receipt of a $5 greenback by JOHN K RHODE, 91 North Eutaw street, aug5- Baltimore, Md. INFORMATION WANTED OF DANIEL H. SEAMANS, who was last heard from at Wilmington, N. C, in 1860, where he was con nected with a foundry or machine shop. He is a native of Oswego county, N. Y. Anv information regarding him will be thankfully received by his father, Stephen Sea mans, at Sandbank, N. T. aug5-2t STRAYED OFF ! A NO-HORNED RED BRIDLE HEIFER, Marked 1 slope off the right ear, crop off the left and half moon over it, about 16 months old; strayed trom my Jot some five weeks ago. She is supposed to be with a white-spotted heifer some larger every way as they went off to gether. o I will give $10 rewardTor both of them, or $5 for eith er. I wi'l give a liberal reward for any Information that will enable ine to get both or either of them. -aug 4-2t. JOHN N. BUNTING. NEW SCHEDULE. FROM RALEIGH TO PETERSBURG. THROUGH IN ONE H-AY. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY NEXT, THE RAL eigh and Gaston train will leave Raleigh at 5 .a. m., and reach Gasten at 12 m. . Petersburg train will leave at 1 p . m. , and reach the terminus of the Petersburg Road at5 p. m. A lujficientnumberof omnibusesand wagens have been secaredjtotake all the passengers and baggage from the terminus of the f eterabarg Road to Petersburg. Leave Petersburg at 4 a. m., reach Gaston at 11 a-m. Leave Gaston at 12 a. m. and reach Raleigh at 7 p . m. P. A. DUNN, Sup'tR. A G'.R. R. B.M.DUNL0P,8up'tPeterfburgRR.; Raleigh, June 21, Itib. je22-3m TEJIBIS HA TEi OF d CJHjtUtlP TJ i .V Daily, I lNil Momb $i i () 1 Year 3 0 o aiontaj...:.; 5 oo 3 Mont his 3 00 it 6 Months'.-... 1 51) Mast be Cald in ari va n r in all .... . :n not be sent ; and ihe paper will betopped when the time paid for eapirer, unless renewed. NE WSBOYS AA'Z) iVfi WS D EA L 12 S Will be furnished at th All orders must be accompanied by the mnncv. ADVERTISING RATES! OrdinarV ftdrfrtlsiTiTif-fl noon nn'ntt . .1 : . lines solid minion, or one inch pace 1 insertion...... $1 00T 2 Weeks. 2 . 3 S6 00 10 OU 16.00 2c tu 3 OO 1 60 I Month. 2 00 2 50 3 00 3.50 2 Months.... 3 - 6 . .... 1 Year 4 ' 5 1 Week 50 00 Larffer aiHertis(m..na x-hnyn, . . :l 1 11 K , c nm.iv uu UJUIIHI'I I! iiiitie, will De Charged in exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made in accordance with the following schedule v J 1 -. " 1 4 column. 1 MEth3fl 00 1-4 col. 6 .Months... $100 m 1-2 1 i 45-00 1-2 6 ... 140 00 1 " t; " . . 160 00 1-4 ' 1 Year 175 OU 1 'I I' ' 200 00 1 , 1 ' 300 00 1 " 1 60 00 1-4 " 3 " ,50 00 1-2 " 3 " 75 00 1 " 3 f 10O OO Oalv thtSe who contract for nna.fnnrlh k.lf column, ib ene, three, sir, or twelvemonths, will receive ttfe henefit of these terms. . Contract advertisers mnst nnv hr th mnnth" a ii . ' . , J J .UUIU,UUU others m advance. All advertisements r- 1181 b TTIftrlCAd a annifi tin,. and no adrrtisem.ent will be inserted' till loi u'.d." ' Advertisements, inserted once, twice or thre" times a week will be charged One Dollar a square for every in sertion. J (HJR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throughout the State than M Other. DaDer in North f!arnlin Th Prnnr.. ;a in the camo and among the people by a much larrer ui pursuos man any oiner paper, and hence iti importance as an advertising medium should not be over- Avva.cu uj UU&1I1C33 men, . SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notice will be set in minion, leaded, and in serted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar a Square charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. ' Only.short notices will be admitted to the Local Col umn, at the following rates : ' One Line, One Day $1 00 1 Three Lines,One Day $2 00 Two Lines, ' 1 50 j Five Lines, " 2 60 Ten Lines, or more, at the rte ol Twenty-five Cents a Line for each. insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, dc. Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and as we have to pay cash for everything in our business, we must demand cash. ' June, 26, 1865. J. L. PENN1SGTO v & CO. : TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have te pay cash for paper, ink and lab r. afiri we must have more cash from those for whom we vrrk or we cannot pay our current expenses We know there is but little money in circnlation, but 1 her ar. bui tew persons who want a newspaper that cannot span the money to pay for it. Persons seeing their Maper mai ked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers most pay in advance for alltransient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly will be expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paid tor when delivered. J. L. P. & CO. Hulbert & McLean Have removed to the well known EMMET CUTHBERT STORE, Corner 0 Pollock and Middle Sts., NEW BERN, 1ST, C, And have opened a very large and fresh stock of CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Which they-will sell at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at REASONABLE PRICES! WE also are prepared to receive Consignments of COTTON and OTHER PRODUCTS, Make liberal advancements upon the same and ship . to the New York market. aT"The highest market price and prompt returns guaranteed in all cases. REMEMBER THE PLACE : 33CuLll30Xt c3 MoHiean, At the large Brick Store, Corner of Pollock and Middle Streets. New Bern, Aug. 3, 1865-3m Wiley f. h icq ins, Having resumed his old business of th Ix3r G-oods Trad.o, Would be pleased fo see his friends at HULBERT & MoLEAN'S, at the Emmet Cuthbert Store, Cot. Pollock and Middle Sts., NEW BERN. aug3 3m THE VERY PLACE. SEND YOUR FLOUR AND TOBACCO TO ESD field, Halifax county, N. C. GEO. W. UEPTIN STALL will sell them for you on commission. Refkbbnces. Branson & Farrar and S. H., Young, Raleigh, N. C. , jy 24 Hit EXTRAOBOtMARV ATfRAGTlON. GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEAPER THAN AT NEWBERN - OR ANY POINT OUTII O F 3ALTIMORF. R. L. H. KELLOGG, AT THE OLD STAND OF b. H. Young, on Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, X. C., respectfuHy announces to the public that he has . JTTJST RECEIVED a large and well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, La dies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps, Ac. J This stock was purchased in New York since the recent decline indices, and inow offered at terms lower than goods of the same description can be-pui chased in NewWn or any point south of Baltimore Country Merchant and others supplied at wholesale. jy 15-lm s il II ' 1

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